#she also follows me around the house and LOVES bedtime
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kilopascals · 7 months ago
i fucking LOVE having a cat. ive never had a pet that every night, without fail, stands guard in front of the bathroom door while i shower. she does this every night, even if she’s feeling standoffish that night and waits at the end of the hallway instead. she watches and waits and usually trills at me when i come out
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Ludos Imperiales III
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Summary: Saving your mates may cost more than you bargain for, but how far are you willing to go to save them?
Content Warnings: Branding; Mentions of Slavery/Abuse; Vomiting
Pt 1 / Pt 2
Fables had largely been forbidden in the Empire, starting in the early reign of my Great Grandfather Hybern II. Fables and fairytales had no use in the practicality of his Empire. Stories and fables gave people ideas, it made them hope and dream of better worlds than this one. The Empire could not thrive on the backs of dreamers. And so books burned in the streets, and the oral traditions of many people died in the following years. Schools taught with books written by Imperial Scholars, all edited and fact checked by the Emperor himself. The world became what he saw fit to shape it as. 
To him, the fairytale idea of mates was a weakness. He declared all mated pairs cursed by the Mother. A bond was a manifestation of a weak will. If you could not thrive on your own without needing another to carry you, then you were not fit to be in the Empire. He removed all mated pairs from service, both within the palace walls and in military service. Mated pairs were not allowed to own land within the Empire, Temples were not legally allowed to recognize or perform a marriage ceremony. They were shunned as lepers and regarded as subpar beings. The bond made them loyal to each other first and foremost, and that was an allegiance torn in his mind. He made sure everyone else saw it that way too.
Father would not have such an obvious weakness. In his earlier years, he’d scoured the Empire, searching every village he ravaged and town he conquered for signs of that supposed weakness. He’d felt a pull, to a small ocean village in Elfhaven, and that pull had led him to a healer’s cottage, tucked into the ocean cliffs. He’d stood on the threshold of her doorway, cursing the Mother, cursing whatever weak will he had managed to leave unchecked, and then, he’d tossed her into the sea. His father had thrown a city wide celebration in his honor. Finally, a son who could master himself and his weaknesses. He used to tell me that story at bedtime, when my Mother tucked me in. Love was for children. Mates were for lesser beings. Mother had never argued with him about it either, this was simply a fact in their marriage. Theirs was of convenience, a mutually beneficial contract, and I often wondered if that story was also a means to remind her that she too could be disposed of if a weakness revealed itself. 
But, I had been a lonely, and curious child and would often sit with the Nymphs that lived in the bubbling brooks and streams around the River House, and would ask them all the questions I was afraid to ask my Father. They whispered their own tales of mates between the bubbling rocks and rolling waves and I’d latched onto their ideas of a bond so strong it could bridge a soul together. Perhaps it was my loneliness, my need for affection I couldn’t easily find at home, but I clung to that little piece of what everyone else swore was fiction like my life depended on it. It became my lifeline. I’d pray to the Goddess every night for something like that; for someone who could love me beyond reason.
A dream that slips through my fingers as I step into that cell.
Cassian, chained against the wall with a gorsian collar around his throat, spits at my feet as I enter. I’ve seen hatred enough in my lifetime to understand the fire that blazes in those hazel eyes.
All the air in my lungs leaves in a rush, as if he’d thrown a fist directly into my stomach. He hates me. Hates me for what I’ve done to him; hates me for what I allowed to happen in that arena. Hel, judging by the way he sizes me up next to Father, he hates me purely because I look like him in the eyes.
My chest aches like it just might crack open and spill my heart out onto the floor.
For the slight, one of the guards slams the butt of his spear directly into Cassian’s gut, knocking him to the floor.
Despite the obvious malice, I have to physically lock my knees to keep myself from moving towards him; have to bite the inside of my cheek to not tell them to leave him alone. Maybe it’s not his fault he hates me. Maybe I deserve it.
“Charming as ever, Cassian,” Father says.
Cassian glares through the locks of sweat slicked hair falling over his forehead, “Fuck you!”
The butt of the spear slams into his temple and it takes every ounce of training not to let the dark, obsidian power trying to unfurl from my clenched fists turn the guard to ash. It would be so easy, a mere flick of the wrist and the only evidence that he’d ever lived a bit of dust left to mingle in the dirt coating the floor. I want to. Damn me, I want to splatter all of them across the dingy walls; hear the last, sharp intake of breath gurgle out of their chests for putting their hands on my mate. There’s a possessive, ugly thing that rises in my chest, threatening to choke the life out of me if I don’t move, act, on this base instinct. The bond rattles against my rib cage, a beast in its own right. It demands action, swift and immediate. It demands blood.
“You sure you can handle this beast, daughter?” Father sneers.
Cassian regards me with the disdain of someone who stepped in shit while wearing new boots. 
“I’m sure,” I say with more confidence than I feel, but I’m too much of a coward to look him in the eyes when I say it. My gaze flicks to the others instead, hoping against reason that I will not see the same hatred on their features. 
Azriel remains tucked in the corner, where he can use his body to shelter his broken wings. There isn’t the same malice in his own hazel eyes, but there is a cold indifference that cracks me open just the same. His earlier appraisal must have told him enough, because there is no lingering curiosity, only apathy. I am not asking him to throw himself into my arms; hell, I don’t even need him to smile, I just need something, any hint that my name alone hasn’t ruined this before it even starts! But there is nothing.
I try to keep my shoulders back, try to stop my body from curling in on itself. I want to curl up on the floor and wait until the old stones absorb me.
“I am curious,” Rhysand says, the s slurred like he bit his tongue when he hit the wall. “Why keep us alive?”
“Why let you be a martyr?” Father counters.
Rhysand studies me, violet eyes--glassy from what’s certainly a head injury, especially with the blood still flowing freely from an inch wide gash across his temple--rove over me slowly, starting at my hairline and working down. His head tilts quizzically when his gaze reaches my cheek. He shouldn’t be able to see anything in this light, but I find myself shifting my stance just enough to block the view all the same.
He frowns as his study goes lower, to the singe across my skirts, and the dirt stains from my stumble down the stairs. 
“I’d rather be dead than dragged around like a dog!” Cassian spits.
Rhysand won’t stop looking me over, like he’s calculating something. Not exactly the acknowledgment I want, but I will take the intrigue of his study over apathy and hatred as if it is. Curiosity is better than nothing. 
“You will honor your word, and send aid to my people?” He asks.
“If anyone is stupid enough to bet on you,” Father counters. “And if it makes it past the highwaymen and looters that have been waylaying my caravans. Your people might have more food if they weren’t attacking supply lines.”
My stomach twists. So Rhysand hadn’t been lying then, things have truly become that bad? Or have they always been that bad, and the sheltered nature of my upbringing had kept me from truly seeing it?
“Do you have supply lines that run through Illyria?” Rhys counters, not rising to the bait. “I can’t recall.”
“You will be branded,” Father says, jaw ticking as he doesn’t get the results he wants. “You will remain in chains and fight when called to fight. Any attempts at escape, and I will drag your people into the arena in droves. They can’t all be as adept at fighting wargs and Giants as you.”
Azriel’s gaze darkens at the threat.
Cassian’s lips pull back in a sneer, teeth flashing.
But Rhysand nods, gaze still on me, like he’s deciding something. I can’t, for the life of me, figure out what.
“Keep your end of the bargain, Highness, and we will keep ours.” He says.
“Rhys!” Cassian seethes. 
“Quiet,” Rhysand returns. Briefly, his gaze leaves me to go to Azriel, and the other male nods, just barely. 
“How noble,” Father sneers.
“We will do what we must to save our people.”
Father waves the guard at the door in. Another follows, holding a glowing hot branding iron in his gloved hands.
“On your knees!” The doorman barks.
The contents of my stomach rise in my throat. I can’t let this happen! I can’t let them do this to them!
Rhysand kneels first, well technically, Cassian’s still down from the blow to the stomach; Azriel follows, grimacing against the pressure it puts on his wings.
I cannot beg for them. I will give myself away. I will doom all of us.
I can’t let this happen either. I can’t stand here uselessly!
“You’ll do it,” Father says to me and my panicked train of thought slams to a screeching halt. What?!
The guard holding the iron snorts out a chuckle. “Doubt she can hold the damn thing.”
Father turns to fully look at me and I do my best to keep my chin up. I have to keep the mask up; I cannot let him see. 
“You wanted this. You’ll do it.” He doesn’t think I have it in me; that much is obvious. He thinks me weak and spineless and meek, unable to do what is necessary. I have always known it, but I have never felt it so clearly as I do now.
And maybe he is right. How can I do this, even for the sake of protecting them? How can I raise a hand to my mates?
I swallow the lump in my throat. If I reach out to take that iron, my hands will shake and give me away. If I stand here and refuse, I give myself away. There is no winning; how did I think I could play a game like this? He wins; he always wins.
Not today, a voice whispers in the back of my mind. My body moves without my consent, as if I’m a puppet on a set of strings, being moved by an invisible hand. When I reach out for the iron, my hand doesn’t shake, even though it feels like every part of my body is trembling. The iron is heavy and warm in my hands, I have to use both to lift it, and though I should struggle to keep a grip on it, the invisible grip on me holds it steady.
Two guards move to grip Rhysand by the shoulders, pinning him in place, even though he offers his right arm willingly. His right arm that’s shredded from elbow to wrist from the wargs, blood still trickling onto the floor. The wound is deepest on the outside of his forearm, with enough space above the inside of his wrist to mark. This is cruel enough as is, but to add further to the injury…
One of the guards grabs the torch to reheat the rapidly cooling metal and my stomach is once again back in my throat. I can’t do this to him!
Don’t let him win, the voice whispers again.
My body is still not my own, still moving despite my best efforts to not. It feels like I’m watching myself from outside my body as the iron is pressed to his skin. I can’t even gag against the horrible smell of burning flesh, like someone locked the ability to react behind a wall of adamant. 
Rhysand, to his credit, doesn’t even wince, just draws a sharp breath in through his nose. He holds eye contact with my Father the whole time in another silent challenge and I cannot decide if he is the bravest or stupidest male I’ve ever met. 
The guards reheat the iron as my body moves away from him, and I’m sure they make some sort of snide comment, but it sounds like I’m hearing it from underwater as I take in what I’ve done to him. The blistering skin forms a perfect circle, with the Imperial emblem stamped in the center. It will be a crude scar and hard to hide. My heart clenches painfully in my chest. What have I done? 
The guards move to hold Azriel next, and if I was unsettled before, I’m downright ready to throw myself on a blade now. The apathy has left his eyes, replaced now with barely concealed panic. He pinches his lips together, trying not to make a sound as I approach, but his chest rises and falls rapidly, scarred hands clenching and unclenching in front of him. Shit those are burns on his hands and I’ve got something on fire held out to him.
“What’s the matter?” One of the guards leans down to hiss in his ear. “Scared of a little fire?”
“You motherfucker!” Cassian shouts, trying to stand to get to Azriel. He’s quickly knocked back to the floor with the butt of a spear again. 
“Do it!” Azriel hisses at me.
My body is still not my own as it moves to comply. The whole cell reeks of burnt flesh and it is by the sheer force of whatever will moves my limbs that I haven’t heaved up the contents of my stomach on the floor. What kind of mate am I?
Gods I am as bad as my Father! Cassian knows it too; when it’s finally his turn, the look he gives me is one I’ve seen thrown at the Emperor a thousand times. There is nothing but venom and hatred there and the bond in my chest feels raw and thin, like it has been scraped and worn down to a single, solitary thread. And yet my legs still move and my hands still hold the iron steady.
He won’t ever forgive me for this. Even if I can get them out of the Empire, even if I can save them from dying in the arena, it will never be enough. I’ve ruined my chance before it even had a chance to start.
Cassian growls when the brand touches his skin, but he doesn’t scream. None of them did. This displeases my Father, who frowns, even when it’s done. At least he is not proud of me; that would be the final nail in the coffin. 
The invisible hand still won’t let go of me, I feel it holding me upright, like it knows, given the chance I’ll crumple to the floor and never get up again. How could I have done this?
Father turns to the guard closest to the door, “Go ahead of her to the River House, make sure the place is secure. Post extra guards.”
The elven male bows with an exaggerated flourish and disappears. I suppose I should feel relieved that we are almost out of this godsdamned arena, but dread settles in my stomach. It is not like my Father to make this quick, not for a convicted rebel, and not for anything I’ve shown an interest in. Taking them home now feels too good to be true and I am not inclined to believe luck or mercy have ever been on my side. 
“The arena will have to be fixed before we can proceed with the Games,” Father muses. “I expect you to bring your new toys with you to entertain our guests at Amarantha’s celebration tomorrow.”
They’re throwing her a whole parade for her exports over Illyria, of course she’d want them there to see it. I doubt they’ll be the only Illyrians in attendance.
Cassian growls at that. I’m inclined to share the sentiment. 
“As you wish,” I say instead. Hopefully, if I can manage to not let the guilt clawing its way up my insides to consume me, I can remain upright long enough to find us all passage out of here by the morning. This will all be a terrible dream. Even if we have to part--the bond roars in my ears at the thought--at least I will have saved them. It might be the only thing I have to give them.
Father leaves first. I don’t let myself look at my mates as I follow. The guards untether them from the wall and push them out after me, keeping a guard in between us, just in case they attempt to attack while my back is turned. I wouldn’t blame them if they tried; I’d attack me too.
I can’t get the smell of their burnt flesh out of my nose. Every time I blink I can see their blistered skin behind my eyelids. I branded my mates. 
The way out of the tunnels beneath the arena is a blur, it doesn’t even register that we’re out until the sudden flash of harsh summer light sears my eyes. 
There are horses waiting, and a wagon. At least he’s not forcing them to walk behind my horse, as some of the lords and councilmen make their sponsored champions do. 
I don’t remember swinging into the saddle. I don’t remember urging the horse forward, or when my caravan of guards split off from my Father’s. We rode together until we didn’t. Starlight, my childhood horse, does all the directing, taking me home on instinct. The house I grew up in, the house I sequestered myself in with the curtains drawn for months and months looks foreign. The staff coming out to greet us swim in and out of my vision. I must answer their questions, because they move things around for our new guests, instructing the guards to take the wagon around to the back of the house, where there’s a guest wing turned into a cell for them. All this sounds like it happens under water. 
I hear the wagon roll that direction, and even though I feel eyes on my back, I don’t allow myself to turn. I cannot bear what I will see.
Someone helps me to my rooms, holding me by the elbow, telling me I look pale and sick. I feel like I’ve stepped outside my skin. The tether in my chest feels raw. What have I done?
The sizzle of the iron on skin echoes in my ears. I can’t stop seeing the smoke. Can’t stop thinking about the panic in Azriel’s eyes. I hurt my mates.
I hurt my mates.
Whatever invisible force had been holding me together in the cell gradually releases me. Inch by inch I become aware of my body again. And I make it to the toilet just in time to hurl the contents of my stomach up. It’s the wine first. Then breakfast. And the acidic burn of bile out my throat and nose. 
After Mother’s execution I hadn’t been able to stop crying for days. I’d laid in my bed with the covers over me, hiding in the dark where no one could hear the ugly sounds of my wrenching sobs. I’d thought I’d never weep that hard again. I was wrong. This is far worse.
When I no longer have the strength to hold myself up over the edge of the toilet, I curl into a ball on the floor, the tile cool and smooth against my flushed cheeks. The tears won’t stop flowing and the thing in my chest coils and tightens until it feels like a rock. What have I done?
Eventually the tears run out. The thin slit of a window in the wall bathes the room in varying shades of orange, then pink, then purple as time passes by, uncaring to my turmoil. I still can’t bring myself to get up, even as the heat of the day turns to a cool, evening chill. No amount of cold could move me now, a little suffering is what I deserve. 
Someone knocks on the bedroom door. I don’t remember closing it behind me.
I shut my eyes against the noise. All this crying has given me a headache, the echo of the door against the tile makes my head throb. Good. I deserve that too.
Another knock, more insistent this time.
Why should I answer it? I should just lay here until the earth swallows me. 
Another knock, followed by a muffled, “Highness?” Anise, my maid. Anise had come with my Mother, a gift from her father as she travelled here for the wedding. Mother had freed her from her servitude and Anise had asked to stay as part of the staff. She loved my Mother like she was her own; I have always thought of her like an Aunt.
“Don’t make me kick the door in!” A grumpy Aunt, granted, but her temper is always warranted. 
Shakily, I manage to maneuver myself onto my knees. She really will kick the door in and her joints are old and worn, she’ll likely break an ankle, or a hip, trying. It’s for her health that I manage to get up and get to the door, not because I feel well enough to get up.
She pushes her way in as soon as I turn the handle. “You look awful!”
I feel awful. “Thanks.”
“What the hell is all of this?” She demands, waving a hand towards the hallway. She’s half Dryad, her skin like tree bark, her graying hair made of vines and leaves. Though she is old and weathered, her emerald eyes are still bright and shining. “And why are you so distraught over it?”
She paces as she speaks, not letting me get a word in as she wrings her gnarled hands together. “What’s with all the guards? And those… winged males? They are strange and gruff and I don’t like the looks of them. Which reminds me, why the Hels are they asking for you?”
My heart skips a beat in my chest. “What do you mean, Anise?”
She stops her pacing to come take one of my hands, a gesture for a Dryad that is closer to a hug. Her other hand pushes some hair off my cheek to see the yellow tint of a blooming bruise. “Did they hurt you?”
I’m going to be sick again. “No, Anise, they didn’t.”
“You promise?”
“Trust me, if anyone did any damage, it was me.” And I’ll never forgive myself for it. 
She nods. “Ok, then, I will tell you.” Dryads, like Ents, are known for their long winded conversations. They never know when to get to the point. I am used to her extra long pauses and rambling tangents. 
I am not, however, prepared for her to say, “Well they were brought food and a medic, as the guards ordered, but they refused it.”
Why the hell would they do that?! Was this some kind of hunger strike? By the Mother did they think I was trying to poison them?
“They said they wouldn’t touch it until they’d spoken to you.”
I think the heat has gotten to me. Did she just say they asked to speak to me?
“It’s very strange,” she continues. “Males in that bad of shape usually fight for a chance to see a medic, but they said they wouldn’t let anyone touch them until they’d talked to you alone.”
Alone? They wanted to talk to me alone?
“Are you sure that’s what they said, Anise?”
“They were very adamant about needing to see you. Rude if you ask me. Who demands to see the head of a household like that? They’re trouble, I’m telling you now.”
“They didn’t say why?” I ask.
“No. They wouldn’t say it around the guards either. I don’t like this, Highness. It’s a bad omen if you ask me. The winds have been whispering all day. Bad, very bad things will come of this, mark my words.”
Bad things had already come, couldn’t she see that? They were not the issue; I was the issue. This whole damn Empire was the issue. We ruin everything we touch. They knew that better than anyone, so why ask for me? What did they want? It certainly can't be the bond.
I absently rub my knuckle against my breast bone. The bond feels like a bruise. No, they can’t be asking about the bond. If they know it’s there, they’re not tugging on it. There is no curiosity, only pain. I’ve ruined the chance for anything more, of that I am certain. 
This has to be something else, but how can I face them? There is only so much I can bear.
“You’ll make them wait, won’t you?” Anise continues. “You certainly should. It’s improper for a host to be asked for this late into the evening.”
They need medical attention. Their wounds have to heal. And they need to eat. They have to be starving, I doubt they were given a last meal before being thrown into the arena. Raw and damaged as it is, the bond still prompts me to move, even if I’d rather hide from it for the rest of my life.
“No,” I might as well rip the bandaid off. Maybe they need to tell me to my face that they hate me and never want to see me again. It can be arranged for us not to interact, even with me sponsoring them. 
If that is their wish, I will honor it. Whatever it is they need, I’ll find a way to make it happen. I owe them that. “I’ll go see them.”
Taglist: @sirenpearldust, @saltedcoffeescotch, @littlemissfix-itfic, @waka-babe, @raisam
@anainkandpaper, @rafeecameronsbitch, @whothehelliskayleigh, @lifetobeareader, @blimpintime
@hjgdhghoe, @krowiathemythologynerd
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russo-woso · 3 months ago
First days || Matilda’s x reader
Request | Masterlist | Prompt list
Warning Teen pregnancy, throwing up
Summary Your first few days as a mother were harder than you expected but you have the best people around you to help.
It had been a stressful few days at the hospital.
You were navigating through the idea of having a son whilst trying to keep up with reality.
Krew had been the best thing to ever happen to you but boy could he scream his little lungs off.
He’d start with a small cry, one barely loud enough to hear, but it was always followed by a wail.
Caitlin had stayed by your side most of the time, only going home last night because you forced her to, but she’d gotten Steph to come instead.
She had come bright and early this morning though.
It was also agreed that you and krew would go home today, both of you being perfect.
Kyra and Charli had made their way to the hospital too, wanting to see their new nephew again.
Kyra held krew in her arms, watching him sleep, as Charli help you pick out his going home outfit.
Caitlin and Steph were also helping you pack your bags at the same time, not wanting you to over do anything.
“I think we’re all ready.” You say as you finish buckling Krew in his car seat.
“Come on then, bug.” Caitlin smiled, wrapping her arm around your shoulder as she took your bag.
You walked out of the hospital with krew in your arm.
You were so happy, so happy that a smile didn’t leave your face the entire day.
That changed as soon as it reached night time though.
You’d fed Krew and put him in his cot, managing to transfer him over without waking him.
You settled into bed yourself, hoping to catch up on at least an hour or twos sleep before he woke up for a feed but as soon as you fell asleep, that small cry you knew all too well was heard.
Just like all the other times, a piercing cry filled the room, Krew small legs kicking away as his little face scrunched up.
“Hi, bubba. What’s wrong, huh? Are you just being difficult?” You cooed, resting him on your chest as you rubbed his back.
His cries quietened down and he fell back to sleep, the room being peaceful and silent once again.
“You okay?” Caitlin said after peeping her head round the door.
“He’s just being difficult. He’s fast asleep now.” You whispered, leaning over to put him back in his cot.
“You try get some sleep. I’m only next door. If you need anything, wake me, okay?” Caitlin said and you nodded.
She placed a kiss on your head before leaving.
In what felt like weeks, you finally got a few hours sleep.
Krew slept decently well, only waking up four times for feeds.
Maybe this whole motherhood thing wouldn’t be that bad.
You were so so wrong when you thought that.
You loved being a mother, you loved Krew with your whole heart, but you missed the nights where you slept for more than three hours. You missed the being able to go out whenever you wanted. You missed the times where there was actually silence in the house.
Krew was fussy. He had to be touching someone at all times.
The only way you got him to sleep was if he was on you, or if you were patting his tummy which made bedtime hell.
You were so stressed when trying to out him to sleep because as soon as you took your hand away, he could start crying.
When Caitlin heard you sobbing one night, she knew she had to do something.
So, she rang the person who’d understand exactly what you were going through.
Mini came round the following morning, enveloping you in a hug, noticing the rings round your eyes straight away.
“Hey, bug. How you coping?”
“It’s hard.” You revealed, sighing as you sat down with Krew in your arms.
“I know it is. What’s bothering you though? I can tell something’s wrong.”
“He just wants to be with me all the time. I spends good half an hour every night patting his tummy to get him to sleep and then even when he’s asleep, it’s like he knows my hands not there and the starts screaming the house down.” You explained, close to tears.
“Caitlin mentioned that over the phone last night, and I had the exact same thing with harper. I found something though and it was a god send. I brought it with today so you can try it. It’s a teddy that feels like a hand patting his tummy. You just rest it on him.” Mini explained, pulling the teddy from her bag.
“Mini, you’re the best.”
“Listen, bug. Motherhoods hard, but it’s the most rewarding thing in the world. Just remember you’ve got all of us here to help you. You’re not alone.” Mini said, your hormones getting to you as you sat there sobbing.
“Thank you.”
“Don’t thank us, bug. Just remover its true.”
You really did have the best teammates.
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gavisfanta · 10 months ago
gavi with a breeding kink aftet seeing you playing with his nieces and nephews (for the sake of this just pretend like he has some) 😮‍💨
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summary: gavi and you are babysitting and after you put the kids to bed gavi tells you about his desire
a/n: changed it a bit, hope you dont mind anon
warning: smut, not proofread
"I think it's slowly time to go to bed." You mumbled while you stared at the small boy infront of you.
You and Gavi had to babysit some family friend's kids. Because they didn't want you to be alone and lonely while the kids sleep they asked you to invite Gavi too.
So now you were done playing with them and it had turned 8pm.
"Okay." The younger boy nodded his head. He was around the age of 5, but the girl who was 8 and very distracted by the tv didn't wanna go.
"Can I stay here?" She asked and looked at you.
"No, come on it's time for bed." You stood up while Gavi remained sitting on the sofa. She looked at the spanish midfielder and then stood up.
"Can you come with me?" Maria asked and then Gavi flashed you a quick smile.
"I'll put them both to sleep, don't worry." Gavi winked at you and you still followed him upstairs. The younger boy whose name was Ale ran to his room which was right next to Marias, the girls.
Maria was obsessed with Gavi the second she saw him. She literally played with him all day and when the two of you sat down outside in the garden she even kissed his cheek.
You knew that she had that one little girl crush on your boyfriend like the one you always had on the lifeguards at the beach.
Trying to impress them when you had no chance due to them being 3 times your age. But you rather considered it cute, you also thought about it that a long time ago, you used to be like that too.
Ale also loved Gavi, but he liked you a bit more, however when it came to playing football he of course chose Gavi.
And after Gavi managed to put the kids to sleep he made his way downstairs again.
So sitting on the couch, complete silence in the house, Gavi turned to you.
"That was awesome of you, I didn't know you were that good with kids." Gavi smiled at you and your cheeks started to color themselves red.
"I don't know" You shrugged your shoulders, Gavi then got closer to you and leaned to your neck.
"Imagine if those were our children. Imagine you with a baby inside your belly," He paused for a second." my baby." Gavi whispered against your neck. His hot breath sent shivers down your spine and his hands started roaming your body.
"Fuck." You muttered under your breath as you threw back your head and Gavi started planting sloppy kisses along your vein on your neck.
He then pulled away after some time snd you two made eye contact. Without a thought your lips collided into eachother and started moving at a fast pace.
Eventually you sat into his lap, feeling the tent in his joggers. Then he pulled away.
"You really wanna do it in here?" Gavi raised his brows while he pushed a strand of hair behind your ear.
"You turn me on, I can't wait for them to get home with my dick hard." Gavi whispered aggressively and you shook your head while smiling a little.
"You're an idiot." You stood up for a second so that he could take off his boxers and sweatpants.
"Take off your pants, if so, we won't have much time to get changed." Gavi nudged his head towards you and you also took off your pants, leaving you only in your red thong and him with nothing covering his lower body.
"You wanna have my babies amor?" Gavi teased. You felt your arousal getting hotter when he looked up at you, walking over to him and sitting down on his lap, a thin and wet piece of fabric separating you two.
However, you didn't wait long until you lifted up your hips and then Gavi pulled down his shorts to his knees. His hard dick basically jumping out of his boxers, standing tall below your core. Gavi then grabbed it and with his other hand he rubbed his fingers along your folds. You whimpered at the touch and you slowly slid down his dick, Gavi holding it at the bottom to stabilize it.
"I'm gonna give you so many children, you'd look so hot pregnant." Gavi whispered into your ear. You whimpered quietly as he then grabbed your hips and moved you up and down carefully, slow at first and then his pace speeding up.
A light and silent sound of skin clapping against eachother lingered around in the room. The only thing you prayed for was that the children wouldn't wake up.
You accidentally moaned loudly to which Gavi responded with sticking two of his fingers into your mouth. Your tongue swirled around them, wetting them in your Salvia. His hand then slipped down to your clit and started rubbing it in figures of eight.
You moaned against his skin as you lowered your head into the crook of his shoulder.
He kept thrusting up into you until your legs began to shake and the warm knot in your abdominal kept growing. Gavi noticed the way you clenched around him and only fastened his pace.
Eventually you both came, his dick shooting ropes of his cum into your pussy as you sunk down on him, moaning and whining.
Hs threw his head back as he tried to catch his breath. "You gonna have my children hm?" He asked, he was so drunk from the orgasm that he forgot that you're on birth control. But maybe he just ignored it.
"Now let's get you cleaned up without waking up the children." Gavi said after a few minutes.
As you two cleaned up a bit and got dressed you sat down on the couch again and only 15 minutes later your family's friends came home.
"Thank you so much for paying attention to the kids." The mother thanked you two as you stood at the door.
"Oh no worries at all." You smiled and the both of you then went to the car.
"I just hope the kids wont tell her about the noise the monster under her bed made." Gavi joked and you gave him a weird look.
"What noise?" You knitted your eyebrows together and the next second Gavi started to intimidate you moaning. You immediately smaked his chest with your hand and looked the other way while he kept laughing.
"You're my favorite monster, if that makes you feel better."
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gyeomsweetgyeom · 7 months ago
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[8:25 pm]
(cw: f!reader, a child, written on my phone)
(this is kind of a part 2 for this, but also a standalone)
Dad!Jungwoo felt like he’d never truly taken a second to appreciate being able to breathe clearly, to be awake with no body aches, to not cough with every other breath he took, he’d taken advantage of being in good health. Having a cold take him down for just over a week was a wake up call for him. He had hated sleeping alone, hated being away from you and your daughter, he got tired of not seeing the outside of his room, and watching bad tv.
But here he was, fully healed, breathing clearly, wide awake, and on the couch in the living room with you in his arms for the first time in a while. He was more than happy to help with the chores all day, make the bed with you, help you make meals, he just wanted to be around you. He had missed you!
You had missed him too, that much was clear given how you let him cling to you and how you clung to him. You had even peppered his cheeks with kisses on more than one occasion which made him preen. His daughter though, well she couldn’t care less. She continued on with her routine, greeting him with an uninterested wave while she continued with her drawing.
All day she’d been kind of a pain in Jungwoo’s side… clinging to your legs, holding your hand, crawling into your lap, begging for your attention. Jungwoo was a little jealous of you at first, of course, but he knew better than to bother his daughter and risk her attitude. He didn’t much like sharing your attention since he had been sick for a while. He married you because he was infatuated and wanted to spend his whole life with you.
As soon as the two of you would start a task together, here would come the four year old asking for attention. Oh you’re cooking? She can help! Making the bed! There she was fluffing the pillows! Watching a movie! There she was working her way onto your lap! Jungwoo loved his daughter, loved her with his whole entire heart and being, but could she lay off!? He wanted time with his wife! Time alone with his wife.
Now it was his daughter’s bedtime, she was bathed and dressed in her pajamas, laid up in her little bed. Sorry, her big girl bed.
“The end,” Jungwoo ended as he read as before closing the picture book.
Your daughter’s eyes were getting heavier, both her small hands holding onto yours. Jungwoo leaned in to press a kiss to her forehead and tuck her in. He admired her adorable face as you leaned in to do the same.
“G’night Appa,” she mumbled tiredly, not loosening her grasp on your hand.
Jungwoo felt his heart melt as he pressed another kiss to her forehead. “Good night, my love,” he whispered, “let’s go to bed.”
You stood up, ready to follow him out, but the 4 year old sat up, confusion written across her face. “Are you telling Appa goodnight? Tucking him in?” She asked you.
“Me and Appa are going to bed my love, you get your bed to yourself again,” you explained.
“That’s Appa’s bed. We share now, Mama,” she countered with confidence.
“Baby, you and Mama shared because I was sick, remember? But now I’m better, so Mama can come back to her bed,” Jungwoo replied, keeping his voice soft so as to not energize her more.
“No, me and Mama share. You sleep alone,” she huffed, crossing her arms across her chest with a withering glare in his direction.
You smiled to cover up a tired sigh, “you’re right baby, I’m going to go get ready for bed. I’m going to do some chores and tuck Appa in and I’ll be back. Okay?”
She nodded with a happy smile, scooting to the left side of her bed so you had room. “Be fast, Mama,” she instructed as she relaxed into the bed.
You both closed her door and began to straighten up the house before returning to your room. It felt different now that you were in the room with him. It felt more lively and cozy. He laid beneath the covers, watching as you brushed your teeth. He was so in love with you. “You’re not actually going to make me sleep alone, right?” Jungwoo asked, not ready to admit that he was actually nervous you’d say yes.
You spit out your tooth paste and cleaned your mouth, “no, my love. I just know when to pick my battles with her attitude.”
He pulled you into his hold, allowing you to relax in his arms. He sighed happily, his body finally fully at peace. “I missed you,” he murmured tiredly, his hand rubbing up and down your back.
“I missed you too,” you reply, pressing a kiss to his chest, “I feel bad that I lied to her though.”
“I lie to her all the time! I told her a few weeks ago that Santa was watching her through the light on the internet modem.”
You laugh in surprise, “don’t say that!”
“I’m just saying, that it won’t hurt her in the long run to sleep alone. I can have my wife all to myself after a week of being away from you,” he huffed.
You both fall asleep easily after that and Jungwoo would be the first to admit it was some of the best sleep he’d gotten since he was sick. Your warmth, you cuddled up to him, your scent, the fresh sheets. However, waking up to a small foot in his ribs and the sight of your daughter clinging to you wasn’t something he was expecting. He still loved it though.
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runnning-outof-time · 1 year ago
The first of a few :)
Tommy- (3 word sentence prompt) “Happy or Sad?”
Thanks for sending this in Liz! I’m sorry it took me a bit to get to writing it. This is a COMPLETE flip from the fic I shared earlier haha. Also I have to say that the bit at the end was inspired by the lovely Bri @there-goes-thefighter ‘s latest Tommy fic ‘Your Shadow Side’…it’s a bit different here, but the idea was stuck in the back of my mind nonetheless. Enjoy! :)
Part of my 3.5k Celebration - find other stories here!
Bedtime Stories
Tommy Shelby x Reader & Daughter
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Warnings: none
Word Count: 797
Summary: Tommy gets asked a question that leaves him speechless while he’s telling his daughter a bedtime story.
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“I want daddy to tell me a story tonight!” Isabella Shelby exclaimed, stamping her foot on the ground as she looked up at her mother. Her little hands were balled up into fists, and the glare on her face was one that could even rival her father’s. Wonder who she got it from?
(Y/N) sighed and looked away from her four year old daughter, at her wits end now. It had been a long day. Isabella woke up in a grumpy mood, so everything had been a fight with her. On top of that, Matthew, her two year old son, had just figured out how to get into things, so she’d been following him around the house to make sure he didn’t hurt himself or break anything.
“Dad’s busy with his work at the moment, darling,” she tried to reason with the child.
Isabella did not listen. “I’m going to go ask him,” she insisted, turning on her heel then so that she could make her way down the hall to the door of her father’s office.
(Y/N) stayed in the hallway, her arms crossed over her chest as she heard the muffled exchange between her husband and child. A look of surprise formed on her face when Isabella emerged triumphant from the office moments later with Tommy following behind her. She’s wrapped around his finger, (Y/N) thought to herself with soft laugh.
“Time for bed?” Tommy questioned as he approached (Y/N), chuckling at the fact that Isabella had walked right passed her without a word.
“It is,” (Y/N) responded with a nod, her eyes wide as she conveyed her exasperation to him. Tommy sent her a soft grin before he continued to follow his daughter to her room.
Once Isabella was settled, Tommy got into telling an elaborate story about a princess who had to go and save her darling dog from the grasps of an evil king — they’d just taken in Cyril and the little girl was obsessed with all things related to dogs. Isabella listened intently to the story, reacting to all of the twists and turns that it had. That was the thing she loved most about her dad’s bedtime stories: no one was the same. (Y/N) swore that he could have made a career in writing them…if he hadn’t went down other paths that is.
“We’re reaching the ending now, love,” Tommy warned his daughter as he took a moment’s pause. A pout formed on Isabella’s face; she didn’t want the story to be over yet. “I need to ask you about the ending…”
“What about it?” Isabella interrupted before he could get to the question, her eyebrows furrowing as she titled her head slightly.
“Happy or sad?” he asked, his brows raised as he waited for her answer.
“Happy,” the little girl answered without second thought. Tommy nodded and prepared to end the story. Isabella spoke again before he could get a word out, “who would ever choose sad?” she asked, her question one of the most genuine ones Tommy had ever heard.
“I…” he began to answer, but his words died in his throat as he really thought about the question she asked. He shook his head and ran his hand along his jaw, trying to think of a response that was worthy of such a question. “Someone who isn’t quite sure what happy is, I’d guess,” he finally responded, not sure if what he decided on was even good enough.
Isabella thought about it for a second, her pondering starkly present in her facial expression. “Well that isn’t us, right, daddy?” she then sweetly asked, her doe eyes finding his again.
In that moment, all the bad that Tommy Shelby had done was washed away. All the struggle and strife, the bad blood and the tunnels were the furthest thing from his mind. Now all that was present was the world that his darling daughter was imagining. One that only held good, one where everything ended happy. He was so thankful for her innocence, for the light that she brought into his life.
The slightest smile graced his lips as he shook his head ever so slightly. “No, love…that isn’t us,” he answered her as he sat a loving hand on her blanket covered knee. His smile grew with each second their eyes stayed connected, and he thanked whoever was mainf decisions in the sky for giving him this beautiful little girl.
“Are you gonna finish the story, dad?” Isabella asked, cutting through Tommy’s thoughts and bringing him back to reality.
Her expectant look made him laugh as he nodded his head. “Yeah, I’m gonna finish the story,” he answered her before going on with the happy ending she’d asked for.
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Tagged: @mystcldydrms @the-anxious-youth @cloudofdisney @look-at-the-soul @elenavampire21 @mrsalwayswrite @julkaamazing @evita-shelby @lilyrachelcassidy @notyour-valentine @shelbydelrey @theshelbyslimited @peakyswritings @just-a-blackhole @watercolorskyy @strayrockette @peakyduchesss @alexxavicry @captivatedbycillianmurphy @yummycastiel @dark-academia-slut @tommystargirl @emotionalcadaver @stevie75 @lyarr24 @signorellisantichrist @zablife @anotherblinder @cillmequick @dandelionprints @letal-y-poetica @gypsy-girl-08 @insanitybyanothername @depxiety @raincoffeeandfandoms @dragons-are-my-favorite @acewritesfics @forgottenpeakywriter @cljordan-imperium @brummiereader @areyenotfondofmelobster @everythingelseisextra @little-diable @thomashelbyswife @shaddixlife
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badasmuse · 1 year ago
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Bada Lee x Reader
Warnings: 18+ (MDNI), lowercase intended, language, cheater!bada, bottom!bada, bada is married to h*wl, bada has a daughter, top!reader, lonely bada, she also cries, appearance from itzy’s yuna
Summary: bada is lonely, you fix that.
Part 2 Here
you absolutely loved children. ever since you were fifteen when you started babysitting for your neighbor that’s when you knew. you actually wanted to start your own daycare but you wanted a degree so you decided to take a few online classes in early childhood education. but, going to college meant you need money for books and such so you never stopped babysitting. but your usual child’s father came back into her life making you jobless once again, so when you received a text from an unknown number stating she got your number from her friend you jumped with joy. and that’s how you started working for bada lee and her husband.
on your first day, you pull up to the extremely big house, you’re nervous. you keep thinking, what if i lose this kid in this big ass house.
there’s a tall woman and a slightly shorter male standing in the doorway holding a little girl. she looks about seven. you step out of the uber and approach the little family. “hi i’m y/n. i’m looking for ms. lee?”
“that’s me.” she steps out shaking your hand. “you can call me bada. this is my husband howl, not his real name but as a dancer it’s just what he goes by, and our daughter chaeyoung. come in.”
you follow the woman in and dude when i tell you this house is huge. you could probably fit three semi trailers stacked on top of each other in here. with the wheels still on and everything. you’re too busy admiring the house to hear what bada is saying.
“got that y/n?” is all you hear.
“huh? oh i’m… im sorry i was admiring your house i didn’t hear a thing. could you… repeat that?” you say shyly.
“oh no problem. this is a list of people you can call if you can’t get in touch with either of us. always try lusher first she’s my best friend she’ll always be able to get ahold of me. i’ll be out at the studio a lot this month because i’m choreographing a few comebacks and howl is getting ready to go to japan to teach some classes. i will be back around nine tonight. here’s chae’s bedtime routine. she’ll try to stay up past eight thirty, if she fights let her because she’ll fall asleep in the next five minutes. you can just lay a blanket over her on the couch and i’ll carry her to the room when i come back. is that too much at one time?” bada asks after literally vomiting a shit ton of information.
“no no i think i got it all. also, if you’re gonna be dancing, i don’t mind carrying her to her room. you’ll be tired and probably want to shower, i can handle it.” you say smiling.
“if you can i’d appreciate it. oh we have to go. chae you be good for y/n okay? i mean it.” bada says crouching in front of the girl who just nods in response before hugging her mother tight and hugging her father’s leg.
soon, it’s just you and her. boy did she give you a run for your money. you did lose her in the house while playing hide n seek. she made you play dress up with her. she took your phone and hid it, spilled apple juice everywhere, and even went into her parent’s room and took one of her mom’s lipsticks.
by now it’s eight thirty and she surprisingly went to bed without an issue, which you were grateful for because now you have to clean the mess in the kitchen and living room.
“hi i’m home.. y/n?” you hear bada say.
“kitchen!” you respond.
“what.. happened?”
“oh she spilled apple juice. this- here. she took this from your room. um, do you mind calling my phone?” you mumble.
bada sighs and goes into a room before coming out with your phone in hand. “i’m sorry she did this to the last babysitter, and the one before. if you don’t want to continue just let me know okay?” she says helping you clean the apple juice.
you look up at her and see the sweat dripping down her face, the tired look in her eyes. she’s obviously struggling. “what time should i be here tomorrow?”
her eyes light up and she smiles brightly. “um, same time okay? it’ll just be me and her, my husband will be gone early.”
“i’ll be here. go shower. i’ll finish up and make my way out of here.” you pick up the used paper towel, throwing it in the garbage.
thirty minutes later she emerges from the bathroom dressed in a new pair of sweats and a tank with her wet hair flowing down her back.
“i’ll get your uber home. can you put your address in here?”
now it’s been four months and man, the feelings you feel towards this woman are crazy.
“she’s just so.. fine, yuna.” you say to your best friend. “when she comes home from the studio and she’s dripping with sweat. you know how hard it is to not jump on her?”
yuna laughs, “isn’t she married?”
“yes but… come on. her husband is never really there. she’s always tired and probably sexually frustrated. i could fix that for her for real.” you say taking the drink from her.
“that’s mine.” she sighs, “well are you gonna go for it?”
“i don’t know, should i? what if i get fired?” you say.
“then you get fired. come on i’ll drop you off. it’s almost time.”
once you arrive at the house, you knock and wait, watching yuna pull off. bada opens the door and looks at you surprised. “y/n? what are you doing here?”
you blink, “it’s.. saturday?”
“oh! oh i’m so sorry. first come in.” she steps to the side, “i’m sorry, chaeyoung is with her grandmother for today. i thought i told you. probably forgot i was doing so much this morning. i feel so bad you probably ubered here, let me pay you for that and i’ll get you one back.”
“my friend dropped me off. i can ask her to come get me.” you say sending a quick text to yuna.
“well have you eaten? let me get you something.” she says.
“i’m okay i’m not hungry.” at least, not for food.
“well.. here’s a water bottle. i’m so sorry.”
“it’s okay bada. my schedule is open.” you look at the reply from yuna and sigh. “actually could you get the uber? my friend is busy, she won’t be able to come get me for at least an hour or so.. unless you don’t mind me waiting?”
“i don’t mind. i actually wanted to talk to you about chaeyoung.” she says sitting next to you.
“what is it?”
“i’m not too sure what you’re doing but.. she used to be terrible in school, behavior wise, and ever since you came along it’s changed. what are you doing with her? what can i do to make sure she doesn’t act that way once you get your degree and stop working for me?” bada sighs, leaning back on the couch.
“bada,” you turn your body to face her, “the issue with chae is you don’t give her enough attention. i know both you and howl work a lot. it happens. but she tells me all the time how she wishes at least you were here more often. she’s lonely. it’s only her and you stick her with a bunch of strangers. she told me she feels happy when i’m here because even tho i’m leaving, i still make her happy because i’m giving her the attention she craves.”
bada wipes a tear from her cheek, “i try. it’s just hard. i want to be here. then howl took that stupid job traveling to different countries like he doesn’t have a wife and child at home. i feel like i’ve been snapping at her which is why i sent her with her grandmother. i wanted to.. be with my husband and he’s not even here he went to america. i wanted to talk to him about this.”
you pull bada in for a hug and rub her back as she cries into your shoulder. “you’re doing the best you can, bada. you can’t be too hard on yourself. howl should’ve thought about that before he left. he needs to understand you need help.” you say softly.
bada pulls back and looks at you, “you really think i’m doing my best?”
“i do.”
there’s a tension filled silence as you look at each other. you don’t know what fueled you but you lean in and kiss her on her lips before pulling back quickly. “oh shit i’m sorry you’re married-“
she cuts you off with another kiss gripping your shirt. this one is a lot more desperate. “please…” she mumbles against your lips. “i need this please.. please don’t go.” she whines.
“your room.” you say and she stands up pulling you into the bedroom she shared with howl.
she pushes you on the bed and climbs on top of you finding your lips again as your hands trail under her shirt. you pull it off her and she whines.
“relax baby, i’ll make you feel good, just be patient.” you turn her on her back kissing her neck and down to her chest. lifting up her bra you attach to her nipple, sucking gently and she moans. you pinch the other one with your fingers and her hips buck up against you, looking for friction.
“keep your hips down.” you whisper, kissing down her stomach. you leave marks on her hip bones and she moans your name.
“y/n please… please i want you so bad!” she writhes on the bed.
you pull her shorts off and she’s not wearing anything under them. “made this easy for me huh? oh you’re so wet for me bada.” you run a finger over her clit and her leg jerks. you put her leg on your shoulder and make eye contact with her. “can i?”
“please y/n please do- OH!” she moans out when your tongue makes contact with her clit. her hands clutch the sheets as you suck on her clit, sticking two fingers in her.
her breath hitches and she lets out loud moans, “oh my god s-so good! please more!”
you insert another finger curling them up into her spot. she lets out a squeal. “why are you so good at this?” she moans, hands going to your hair as she fucks herself onto your fingers. “i’m cumming!”
you speed up your fingers, flicking your tongue skillfully and she cums with a scream, your name falling off her lips.
you pull your hand out giving her a minute to breathe. “you okay?” you run her lower stomach gently.
“i need… more. please? i have.. have toys in my sock drawer.” she pants.
you walk over to where she points and find a different array of toys. “oh you’re kinky.”
“please use whatever you want. make me your slut. please.” she whines.
you bite your lip, grabbing the dildo, a vibrator, and some handcuffs. “you mind?”
“oh please!” she moves her hands to the headboard, letting you cuff her to it. “i-i can eat you out while you fuck me. you can sit on my face.”
you shiver at the thought before stripping and doing what she wants. her tongue skillfully explores you and you question how she let a man trap her with a tongue like that? you lean forward and put the dildo in her, immediately thrusting it in and out of her while putting the vibrator on her swollen clit. she moans into you and pulls at the cuffs. you’re worried she might be uncomfortable so you lift up but she whines loudly. “i’m not finished!”
you sit back down, thrusting the toy faster and turning up the speed on the vibrator. you let out a moan trying not to grind on her face. you move when she starts to mumble something.
“what did you say baby?”
“use me. use me to get yourself off. make me your personal tuck toy.” she moans out.
you moan as you move back onto her face doing as she asks all while you fuck into her tight count with the dildo. you’re close and you know she’s close from the way her moans get higher. she latches onto your clit sucking roughly as you pound the dildo into her gspot and you’re both cumming with loud moans. you remove the toys and she squirts all over her bed. you get off her and rub her clit, helping her ride out her high.
“okay! okay i’m done i can't…i’m done please!” she moans pulling the cuffs.
“give me one more. let me make sure you’re 100% satisfied. you might not get it this good for a while.” you whisper.
she whimpers and cums one last time, her juices flow out of her and you caress her thigh gently.
“so good for me bada. did such a good job.” you uncuff her and she pulls you in for a kiss. you can taste yourself on her tongue.
“thank you.” she whispers. “i needed that. god i needed that.. tell your friend nevermind. stay with me.”
“what about your husband? and chae?” you ask.
“he’s gone for a week, chae will be back tomorrow night. after i take a nap i want to go again.” she groans, turning on her side.
grabbing your phone, you tell yuna to just bring your backpack that has your strap instead and you lay down next to bada. she immediately moves her head onto your chest and sighs, falling asleep.
that was a lot easier than you thought it would be.
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pepperwebsblog · 4 days ago
I absolutely love your fic A Patchwork Family!!!
I keep re-reading the fic from the beginning whenever you post a new chapter (which takes quite a lot of time at this point, i probably won't be able to do that for much longer)
At the notes of chapter 1, you mention that you made a timetable of birthdays and a floorplan of the house. Is there any way you ever will want post this?
I want to know everything!!!
(Obviously only if it doesn't interfere with your writing and developing of the story)
Hello lovely! thank you so much for your kind words. I love the fic so much too it is very dear to me. Oh my gosh, yeah it's getting quite long you wont be able to keep re-reading it (or well, maybe not if you want a decent bedtime lol!)
aha! yes, I did make spreadsheet and floorplan... and I'm so embarrassed at how rubbish they were -especially the floorplan omg, you'll see below it was a scribble on my phone! So I have spent the past day making cleaner versions that can be shared!!
Ages, Dates and Events
So, with the spreadsheet of ages and dates.... I have a version here which can be viewed and it doesn't give any spoilers of the fic cos there are characters and events I have plotted out who haven't appeared in the fic yet. So it's up to date as of chapter 8 of Patchwork Family and I'll try and update it every couple of chapters from my master doc. (please remind me if I don't!)
Some things to note:
I may tweak birthdays around, for example Maedhros' birthday was supposed to be 2nd September but that's when Elwing passes away so I moved it later in the month. This might happen with other characters.
I really wanted Caranthir and Curufin to be born close together so yes I did work out conception dates and Nerdanel was hardly out of the fourth trimester before getting pregnant again. I can imagine she was very sick of being pregnant the following summer.
Yes Elrond and Elros are born on Valentine's day, I thought it was cute!
Nerdanel's birthday is 1st December I can imagine her being excited each year as it's beginning of advent.
Maglor and Celegorm's birthday's are a day apart and I can imagine they HATED this growing up because it often meant joint birthday parties and joint presents which sucks!
House and Floor Plan
Regarding Maedhros and Maglor's house, I found these really nice pics on pinterest which is how I imagine the front of their house looking. A smush of the two basically.
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I actually really enjoyed doing the entire floorplan of Maedhros and Maglor's house, it's HUGE, oh my god, and it was fiddly to get the rooms where I wanted cos I really had the visual in my mind that the grand piano is on the left when you come into the house. And Maglor's studio was in the annex on the side. But after puzzling it all out like a jigsaw I got it!
Ground floor:
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You can see here the two pianos, one in the living room, one in the kitchen. The library is where Maedhros likes to spend time and read to decompress and chill. It also functions as another sitting room if a person doesn't want to watch tv with the rest of the family.
Maglor has his studio off to the side. I've not covered this much in the fic but since retiring as a concert pianist Maglor now writes and records music, either releasing it on his spotify or selling it for jingles in ads or tv shows, he makes a decent income from it and it's very flexible working. It's crammed full of instruments. Also please imagine instruments all over the house. Maedhros does a round up once a month and puts them all back in the studio, but they inevitably wander all over the house again.
The kitchen is the main room, it's light and airy and faces onto the garden. So Maedhros will be able to be in the kitchen having tea and watching the kiddos.
There's the dining room where the brothers had their family meeting, but apart from that it's not used much at all.
First Floor:
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this was the hardest floorplan to work out to make sure every bedroom had a window and the space was used. Maedhros' office faces out onto the front because I think he'd want to see who was approaching the house and also he can watch for Maglor coming back with the kiddos after picking them up from school. It can also be an extra bedroom if needed.
There's a window at the front of the house with a window seat which makes the hallway lovely and light.
Maglor's bedroom is at the front it's got huge windows and he's got a walk-in closet (of course) and an ensuite bathroom (with bathtub because he's a tub girly) Also instruments and sheet music everywhere. His room is a mess, Maedhros doesnt touch it.
There's three spare bedrooms on this level, basically enough (plus the one upstairs) that all the brothers and Nerdanel can stay over if they want (or there was until Maglor commandeered two attic rooms for Elros and Elrond, but we'll get to that)
There's a big family bathroom with a tub and shower. Maedhros and Maglor will do bathtime with the kiddos here.
Maedhros' room is at the back of the house and it means he can hear all the lovely birds chirp in the morning as he wakes up early. He's got an ensuite too.
Second Floor/ Attic:
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Lot's of storage up here in the eaves of the house.
This is where Maglor is currently busy turning one of the bedrooms into Elrond and Elros' and then he decided they also needed a playroom too next door. The twins do have a big bathroom up here but they dont use it too much.
There's a spare bedroom up here with an ensuite, I imagine Nerdanel would stay in this room if she came, it's probably the most peaceful one. Or it was before Elros and Elrond!
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Down here is where you can come in from the garden and dump muddy football boots (Elros) and the laundry/utility room and extra storage.
There's garden storage for bikes and tools.
And there's the gym as well which can be access independently from the outside along with a washroom. Maedhros spends time here running on the treadmill and doing his strengthening exercises. Maglor also uses it time to time but he prefers to swim so goes to the local pool down the road or when it's sunny, the lido in town.
and this was the first scribble
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Hope this was helpful and useful!! Any questions let me know!
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thetinyblossom · 8 months ago
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🦮🌹Caregiver! Rosa Diaz (Brooklin 99) Headcanons🌹🦮
-> For: @timeangel
-> Warnings: Violence n injury mention
-> At first she was confused at why you saw her in a motherly/caregiver-like role
-> But the moment she saw you scared while being regressed she immediately took upon her to protect you
-> Just like dogs, at first she didn’t understand the appeal, then she immediately feel in love with your cute antics
-> “Don’t you dare touch my kid” energy
-> Calls you “kid” “bud” “buddy” “little bugger” “tiny menace” “little thing” “rockstar” and more silly stuff
-> An aunt or sister like caregiver, can be motherly but in a more rough-housing way
-> “It’s naptime for little bugger, so is also naptime for me, obviously”
-> Reads you bedtime stories but usually doesn’t follow the book as it was written
-> She definitely takes you out for motorcycle rides (you have your own decorated helmet)
-> “That’s sick, why don’t we add flames to it? Wouldn’t it be cool? What you think?”
-> If you get hurt around you she will stop EVERYTHING or take care of you, no if’s or but’s, you are getting taken care of!
-> She helps you prank the others squad members
-> And definitely encourages you to glue stickers on their paperwork
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nyxyxx · 7 months ago
The Garden - I (part a)
technically this is sagau stuff, but it's also more focused around my daydreams so here's a bit of that. The actual sagau content comes into play a lot later.
"Cecilia? Where are we going?"
"Shh! Ask questions later! I wanna show you something cool!"
The two young children scurried off through the forest, a forest that they'd come to know so well, and eventually stumbled out of the other side. "You see that hill over there?" The young girl said, pointing to the distant mound. "Yeah...what's so special about it?" The boy asked, still full of confusion. "-And don't you think we're out a little too far? Mother will start to worry if we aren't back soon." He wrapped his arms around himself, hoping it would ease some of his uncertainty. The girl scoffed, and simply dismissed his comment.
"Just follow me." She grabbed his hand, and dragged him off towards the hill. When they finally got there, the young boy was out of breath. "Ahh seriously. How are you *pant* so fast..."
Standing on top of the hill, the two of them could just barely see past the horizon, and could just barely catch a glimpse of the world that they once were a part of. "See... over there... I think? It looks like it could be a town."
"Yeah. It does kinda look like that. Well, can we go home now?"
"Fine, fine. Geez, I thought you'd be more excited." She crossed her arms and ran down the hill, nearly falling over in the process. When the boy ran down, she caught his hand before he could tumble over, and instead managed to keep him upright.
"I don't get what's so interesting about the rest of the world. As far as I know, it's way better here anyways." He said, brushing off his clothes.
"No, maybe you wouldn't get it. That's fine though. We should head back now though, otherwise Mother might get worried." She said, facing away from the intense glare she was receiving.
"That is literally what I said."
The two made their way back through the forest, navigating through the well-hidden traps that had been placed there. The forest was oddly quiet today. There was hardly any noticeable creatures roaming around, and the birds felt like they were more distant than usual. It was an eerie atmosphere.
However, despite the strange feeling that permeated through the air, they made it back home safely. Waiting on the porch of the cottage for them was their mother, who waved to them as they walked up. "Ah! I'm glad you two are back home safe, I was really worried!" She fretted. The two were embraced gently, and then hurried inside. However all was not right, the house was dead quiet, a stark contrast to how the house usually was. Had everyone still been out? Where was everyone else?
The two noticed something was wrong almost instantly. Had the two come back together ordinarily, there'd be a very upset sister waiting at the door, ready to start another brawl. She rarely left the house at all, and especially not on her own.
"Mother, I'm feeling kinda tired, so I'm gonna go to bed early if that's okay?" The young girl blurted, trying to sound as natural as possible. Clearly she had a bad feeling about this as well.
"Me too...we went pretty far today... so I'm extra sleepy."
Mother simply smiled, and said "Alright, please sleep well, love you both."
They both met in the girl's room. Something wasn't right here. "Did you see the way she said that? It didn't feel right at all." She launched herself onto her bed, and lay there for a while.
"Usually she'd have more of a reaction? Not to mention the fact that Xin is nowhere in sight." He sat down next to her bed, and rested his head against the mattress.
"Right? Like...she'd totally be waiting for us to be all like "How dare you two go without me?" and "You made me stay here all by myself!" but she just... wasn't there."
"Something's wrong here...but I don't know what to do. Or even how we can prove that."
"Simple, we can just wait until actual bedtime, and if even still nobody shows up, then we'll know somethings wrong." The young girl sat up from her bed, and started to undo her hair. "Until then we just have to buy time."
"Yeah...but even then, what'll we do after that?" He began, climbing on top of the bed to assist his sister. "Like, if nobody shows up, then what? What will we do from there?" He undid the braids of her hair, careful not to tug too harshly, and then proceeded to work on undoing his own.
"Hm... we should probably talk to Mother then. See if she knows what's wrong."
"I think Mother is what's wrong here," he sighed. "Something's not right about her, but I don't want to be rude and ask. Let's do that then, we'll wait till the time everyone would normally be home, and then we can confront her."
"Alright. I'm gonna take a nap in the meantime. I wasn't lying about being tired. You can...keep watch or something." The girl said, promptly collapsing back down onto her bed, and quickly falling asleep.
"Seriously, why are you making me do this..." He crossed his arms and sat next to her, keeping his eyes focused on the door.
I - Part A - END
this isnt edited sighh im too sleepy atm. Maybe another time. Making up for those notification I see in my inbox and then I feel guilty that I haven't written anything in a while. So here's my slop. Or something.
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rottenroyalebooks · 1 year ago
Love Drunk - 0.1
Pairing: Eddie Munson x older sister!Harrington reader
Also includes: Steve Harrington x sister!reader (siblings)
Genre: Angst, Fluff
Summary: Y/N Harrington left Hawkins as soon as she turned eighteen with her boyfriend to follow her dreams of being a Rockstar. Three years later, she returns to Hawkins alone and scarred. Now, she has to repair her broken relationship with her younger brother, all while trying to prevent herself from falling for a cute metal head who plays at the Hideout, where she works.
Warnings: None.
Next ->
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Driving back to Hawkins, Indiana, was the last thing I thought I would do.
I wouldn't say I liked this hellhole and got away as soon as possible. I never wanted to see the all-too-familiar roads and trees filled with bad memories.
Why did I come back here if I hated this place so much? My life fell apart underneath my feet, and I had no choice.
The drive was long and taxing, but I had a caravan from the 60s that still worked beautifully, so I didn't have to stay in any motels. I left California with a few boxes of my possessions and my black and white Saint Bernard Baxter, and we hit the open road together. It was a long trip, but eventually, I pulled into the driveway of my family home, which was pitch black.
Being late into the night, I was not surprised that the house was dark. I pulled my van into the backyard so it wouldn't be seen by anyone who drove by. I turned my van off and climbed into the back of my caravan, grabbing my travel bag and waking Baxter up so he wouldn't be sleeping outside in the cold.
I tried the back door, but it was locked, so I had to grab the spare key that was always kept underneath my mother's favorite garden gnome. I scoffed, showing the key to Baxter, who tilted his head. "See? They're predictable."
Once I unlocked the door and returned the key to its hiding place, I crept into the kitchen slowly, with Baxter trailing behind me and lazily trudging around. I poked my head into the garage, seeing it bare of any cars, and scoffed, "Nobody's home? They're probably away on business again." I pulled myself back into the house and closed the door.
I started thinking about my little brother Steve. He must have been nineteen, probably off at some fancy university far away from this town. Good for him.
I found my way to my old bedroom, letting Baxter in with promises of bedtime, and closed the door behind me. The room had barely been touched, though my parents were never home enough to care about what had happened. My bed was a mess, my posters were still on the walls, my desk was nearly covered in junk, my old makeup lay on the dresser, and my records were still in a box I had put together.
Sighing happily, I put my backpack on a chair and watched as Baxter jumped onto my bed, making himself as comfortable as possible. I sat on the bed next to my nightstand, which held the phone I had begged my parents to put in for me. I picked it up, hearing the dial tone and beeping as I pressed one of the few numbers I had memorized.
I pressed the phone to my ear, listening to the ringing. Finally, after a few rings, there's a male voice coming from the receiver, "I swear to god, somebody better be dead if you have the bright idea of calling me at three in the fucking morning."
I held back a laugh, "Jim! Hey, it's Y/N,"
I could almost feel his mood lighten, "Y/N? I never thought I'd hear your voice again! How've you been, kid?"
"Could be better. it could be worse. I'm back in town wondering if the pub needs a bartender."
He hummed lightly, "Luckily for you, Paul retired two weeks ago, and I've been having trouble finding decent help. You got any experience bartending?"
I smiled, thankful that he didn't push my return further, "I was a bartender for three years. I kept my nights busy."
"Perfect, you're hired. Can I go back to bed now?"
Giggling, I nodded, knowing he couldn't see me, "Yes, yes, sorry for calling so late. Goodnight, Jim." I placed the phone in the receiver and began stretching, getting myself ready to sleep.
My peace didn't last very long as my door swung open, revealing none other than my little brother, who wasn't so little anymore, welding a baseball bat in his hands. I jumped slightly and held my hands up in surrender, "Whoa, whoa! Steve?"
He stared at me, his features melting into a look of surprise, "Y/N?" He kept the bat high up in the air.
The two of us spoke in unison, "What are you doing here?"
"I asked you first, twerp."
He looked at me with an exasperated expression, "I'm literally the one with the bat."
I scoffed, crossing my arms over my chest as the adrenaline died down, "I have an attack dog. Don't make me sick him on you."
He glanced behind me, looking at Baxter; smirking, he just looked back at me as he lowered the bat, "Oh yeah, he's an attack dog alright."
I looked over my shoulder and turned to look at Baxter, who laid there unbothered; passed out nearly dead to the world. If it weren't for the slow rise and fall of his upper body, I would have thought he was dead.
"I could be facing an actual murder right now, and you would just be blissfully aware until you woke up to see my dead body."
Steve sighed, "N/N, what happened?"
I turned back to him, "I'm back in Hawkins. Mom and Dad don't need to know. Hopefully, I'll find a place of my own soon. Trust me, you'll barely know I'm here."
He just stared at me, his expression unreadable as he contiplated my words. He grew a lot since I last saw him. His hair was shorter back then. He was shorter. He's no longer the scrawney kid I had to protect in my senior year, when he was merely a freshman.
I probably looked different, too, but in other ways.
"I should probably get some rest, I have an early shift." He awkwardly ran a hand through his hair. I nodded in agreement.
"Yeah, kid. We'll talk later,  I want to know everything I've missed." I smirked, grabbing the covers and pulling them over my legs, "Hit the lights on the way out?"
He chuckled lightly, nodding, "Yeah, goodnight, Melody." He baked out of the doorframe, flipping the lights off for me before closing the door, leaving me to stare up at the ceiling; which still had the glow in the dark stars on it.
Baxter rolled over a bit, cuddling into my side as we got comfortable in my bed.
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spideronthesun · 3 months ago
Writemas Challenge
Day Fifteen
Well, hello everyone! Thank you for tagging me @melpomene-grey I invite everyone to check her beautiful story — it's truly worth it, you are going to love it! And I also have been tagged by @satohqbanana whose writing I am in love with and you are definitely up for some great storytelling!
I've been incredibly busy with this round of edits. I have been working on them nonstop, and I don't think that I am catching a break any time soon. However, once I saw these prompts written by @agirlandherquill, I knew that I had to do one of those myself!
I wanted to write something very sweet and wholesome. And also with a little bit of romantic yearning on the side to tickle your fluff bone!
"Trust me. Trust me. Trust. Me. That's all I ask of you."
Danielius stared at Medeina. It's not like he did not trust her. He always trusted her completely, as though his life depended on her. It was as if he couldn’t make decisions without her, as if she were his oxygen. There was an undeniable pull towards her from the very first moment they met. Have you ever experienced that feeling when you meet someone, that they’re destined to play an important role in your life? Well, this is what happened to Danielius.
At the summer fair, they bumped into each other, and the kite slipped out from her fingers. He caught it, the camera swinging around his neck. He was taking photographs of people that day; everyone seemed to be so happy, overjoyed when dancing in front of the stage, interacting with their friends and loved ones, and sharing a meal with one another. But he was missing something from his life, his own blue eyes empty, and bereft of hope. College made him unhappy, and he felt lost, without a meaning in life.
Medeina thanked him so silently that in order to catch her words he had to lean in closer, but it was her smile that he remembered the most from that day. How beautiful it was, lighting him up from the inside. His heart skipped a beat. He pressed the button on his camera to capture that moment, but his battery ran out, and he just ended up dropping it back into his backpack. It felt as if, at times, the memories were a powerful thing, etched into your very soul core. Shyly, she hid her face behind her hands, and that same night, Danielius learned Medeina had just moved to the new town and hardly knew anyone. Making sure she didn’t get lost amongst the strangers, he followed her around. Danielius held her hand in his to keep her close.
One night, as he looked out the window, he saw a couple of stars up in the sky. It brought back memories of how, since childhood, Danielius had always been told that the deceased eventually went on to become stars. Thinking it was his mother up there, staring at him behind the neighbor’s roof, he prayed with his hands clasped, and hoped that she could help him figure everything out. She sent Medeina to him.
He often found himself flipping through old photo albums, smiling at the pictures of his mother holding him, while wishing for a day when he would hear from her again. Though he could never remember her voice. But she always smelled of garlic and horseradish. And how she used to stroke his blonde hair as Danielius drifted off to sleep. Mom would tell him bedtime stories, and sometimes, when she thought he wasn’t listening, she would confide in him that he, alongside his brothers, were her most treasured possessions.
Danielius was so terrified that one day, he would wake up and not find Medeina by his side. He won’t have these days anymore where they spent rolling in the fields, with his head resting against her side, nestled under arm, as she was dressed in her blue linen dress that perfectly accented the beauty of her eye color. As she gently caressed his shoulder, they would both close their eyes, and they dreamed of their future together. At least he did. How he was going to build them a house where they could live together and dance in their living room to sixties music.
While some might argue that if he had lived eighteen years without her, then surely he could continue living without her now. No. Danielius had only truly begun to live when Medeina came into his life. He felt like he couldn’t imagine life without another thunderstorm, nor could he live without counting his blessings whenever she smiled at him, especially that little dimple on the left corner of her mouth. Sitting on the bench outside the local store, enjoying ice cream, and stealing bites from each other’s cones. Sometimes, he found himself wondering what it would be like to kiss her. Just as if she could somehow read his thoughts, she would smear some ice cream on the tip of his nose and then run away. And later laughing, like never before, feeling lighter and happier than he ever thought possible, at 2 am.
God, please, don’t let him lose her. Please, God, please. He will do anything.
“I do trust you,” Danielius finally said. “I’m just going to miss you.”
Medeina plopped down on the bed next to him and wrapped her arms tightly around him. It felt as if the sunset was taking the sun away along with her. No wonder the weather forecasts predicted two weeks of rain. “I will write you letters, and I will ask the dandelions to carry them all the way to you.”
“Everyday." Medeina nodded and laughed.
“And I want you to be careful out there,” Danielius said. “I don’t want anything bad happening to you.”
“I’m just going to visit my uncle!”
“Still,” Danielius said. “It doesn’t mean that I’m not going to worry about you.”
“I will be back before you know it. Promise me you won’t get into trouble.”
“Pfft, you know me,” Danielius said.
“Yes, I do,” Medeina said and bopped him on the nose. “Remember, only two spoons of sugar, not three!”
Danielius hugged her once more. These next two weeks would be hard. Each morning, he would wake up and peek under the window, hoping the dandelions had delivered a letter for him. Perhaps he could sweet talk the dandelions into eavesdropping on conversations. They’d inform him of when Medeina was coming back. Danielius planned to wait for her at the train station, holding a red rose in his hand. Just a flower for his most beautiful flower of them all.
He had it all figured out. Except, one thing.
He was unable to confess his feelings to her.
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nobodysdaydreams · 10 months ago
Crack/Crangst idea you want to share?
Once again, a perfect anon, because in anticipation of Star Wars Day, my brain came up with a crack Star Wars AU and now I have an excuse to share it (it’s more crack than Crangst, but I hope you like it!)
This crack au features Anakin and Palpatine as semi-problematic grandparents in an au where Anakin never turns, but Palpatine is never discovered and keeps evilly plotting and cloning himself a son while Anakin and Padme raise their family together. Eventually, Anakin and Padme become grandparents to Ben and Palpatine becomes Rey’s problematic boomer grandpa who shows up at his son’s house on Jakku holidays in order to try to bribe is granddaughter with presents to get her to join the darkside.
Details of this AU include the following in no particular order:
Palpatine cloning himself a son and asking everyone not to question who the boy is or where he came from
Anakin and Padme congratulate Palpatine on his son. Even though Palpatine is fuming because his son is powerless but of course Anakin’s children are some of the most powerful in the galaxy, he has to pretend to be a good father, for the sake of public appearances. He’s really bad at it.
Palpatine initially plans on naming his son “clone attempt 53” or something until his advisors tell him it will look bad if he doesn’t give his son an actual name. Palpatine lazily picks the first name he thinks of and then forgets it and continuously calls his son by the wrong name.
Palpatine’s adult son has to give his dad multiple talks about boundaries and why he shouldn’t be telling his ten-year-old granddaughter Sith legends as bedtime stories
Palpatine (reading a bedtime story to five year old Rey): “Tell me child, have you ever heard of the tragedy of Darth Plageuis the wise? It’s not a story your weak and powerless father would tell you.”
Rey’s Father (yelling from the hallway): “Dad, you know I can hear you, right?”
When it comes to Rey, Palpatine is thrilled that his creepy evil Sith experiments FINALLY created a grandchild with the power he desires, only to discover that power comes with a force bond to, you guessed it, another Skywalker. (Palpatine’s hatred for the Skywalker family grows with every passing generation he fails to turn to the dark side).
Han would for sure make a comment about Sheev being old and say something like “isn’t it weird this guy never seems to die even though he was like super old when Anakin was a kid? And how does he randomly have a son? Where did that guy even come from?” These comments drive Palpatine crazy, but Han is Leia Organa (or Leia Skywalker in this AU)’s husband so he gets away with it. (Also Han regularly almost exposes Palpatine’s plans by making casual jokes. This is not on purpose, Han has no clue what’s going on, and he just sort of roams around the senate building while his wife is in meetings causing trouble and speaking out of turn without a care in the world, but Palpatine grows weary of him and constantly has to change his plans because he thinks Han must be onto him but really Han is just snooping around cause he’s bored).
To Palpatine’s utter disappointment, Rey loves the Jedi. An elderly Anakin specifically takes her under his wing, as she reminds him of a young Ashoka. Plus they both grew up in poverty on a desert planet (because Rey’s dad moved out as soon as he could) so I think they’d have a lot to talk about. I can see Anakin showing up to Luke’s Jedi school specifically to take the kids on fun and dangerous missions and Luke can’t say anything against it because it’s his own dad doing this. I like to imagine Anakin and Rey, impulsive little sand orphans that they are, running around on Jedi missions getting messy and ruining their clothes while Padme and Ben (who would bond over their love of fashion and dramatically stylish capes) always look like they’re trying to be on the cover of a fashion magazine. Also you can’t tell me Padme wouldn’t dress her little grandson, baby Benny, up in the cutest little outfits.
Little Ben, Finn, and Rey go to Jedi training together and Palpatine tries his best to get Rey to spill secrets on Luke and his other students to figure out how to turn them. He teaches her to use force lightening and tries to get her to use it against her classmates but instead Rey teaches her new trick to her friends, who accidentally zap Palpatine in the face. He is not amused. Han accidentally makes jokes about his appearance at a senate meeting in front of a microphone that was left on.
In a last ditch desperate effort to get his apprentice, Palpatine invites himself to Luke’s Jedi school, and when Luke is distracted, he tries to bribe Ben, Rey, and Finn into joining the dark side using the promise of things kids like, including toys and candy. He tried the same thing with Luke and Leia when they were young and it fails both times
There is a point where everyone (eventually) figures out Palpatine is evil, but by then, Palpatine is so old and out of it, it doesn’t really matter. There’s one time where he dramatically tries to stand up and take the energy from Rey and Ben’s force bond at a family party, but then his old man knees give out and he topples over and falls asleep in his chair. I’m not much of a Reylo shipper, but I do think it would be funny if he tried this during the objections portion of their wedding and Poe and Finn have to awkwardly and uncomfortably escort him out like wedding bouncers. I also think it would be funny if during this he yelled something like “Fools! I am all the Sith!” or “You will find that it is YOU who are mistaken!” or “Stand together… die together!” with zero context and shoots forth the teeniest weakest little flash of force lightening he can muster and everyone just writes him off as being an old person who’s starting to lose it.
Might add more later but I hope this finds its target audience.
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kakusu-shipping · 1 year ago
Sorry to say that I am once again coming to bug you about the Swatchlings specifically jgufhgjgk
The mental image of them parading you around is just sooooo cute to me and I must know more about your dynamic!! Whatever you’ve got on them!!
Also you should share about Watanuki and Doumeki, if that’s not too much!!
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First of all I just found this term yesterday but it's perfect so; All the Swatchlings are Butler Caregivers.
They like to take care of a little like they're nobility. Bring them fancy desserts and finger clean foods and teas on silver platters. Button their shirts and tie their shoes just so. Follow them around exactly two paces behind, hands off unless absolutely necessary or directly asked for.
They like to use names like "Young Master/Mistress" or royal variations if requested, and play up the act of the cool collected butler who diligently watches over the house's perfect little bundle of joy.
They do tend to be. Pretty excitable though.
If their young master is looking particularly cute that day they can't help but squee over them. Cooing the sleepiest babies, or repeatedly pouring compliments over a little's hand chosen outfit that they put on all by themselves.
They're also all big Commit to the Bit types. Give them a role in playing pretend and they will play it as straight as Shakespeare, as serious as the most committed stage hand. This is their life now. Should they be the biggest bad in all the seven kingdoms or just a humble guest to a tea party, they are committed, and they are dramatic.
Their favorite activity is painting with their little, though will have a moment of panic if the baby, or surrounding area, gets too filthy. Their least favorite is Hide-and-Seek, just because they're all very quick to assume they've lost the child forever and will never find them again. Also if one of them looks in a hiding spot and sees a Maus then everything goes to chaos.
Each Swatchling is a little different of course, and I just tend to break them into the 6 colors to talk about so for specifics
Red is overly romantic, they love a story to read bedtime stories about princes who save princesses from dragons, or better to act at the princess being saved by their heroic knight. They're the best cook of the six but get depressed if they're missing baby time because they're in the kitchen making all the tiny food, so they tend to shove their responsibilities off on the other Swatchlings. They get lonely easy and tend to be just a bit clingy compared to the other 6, they need more hugs, kisses, and gifts than the others by quiet a bit.
Orange is a perfectionist who loves to pick out his little's perfect outfit, button their shirt, and tie their shoes just so every morning. He'll also brush and style their hair with little ribbons and bows if he's allowed. They're the first to go hands off when a little gets too messy for them, opting to go find a change of clothes for someone else to put them in to, that they'll then adjust as needed after they're all cleaned up. The most he'll do is gently wipe his little's face with a napkin while they're eating, but even that they may have to change gloves afterwards
Yellow is a lot more about the stuffie parties, especially ones he made. Serving over tea parties with all his little's stuffies, setting up movies and placing every guest so they can see the screen. He enjoys a good pillow fort with soft blankets and hot tea and quiet sleepy nights. What she hates is being the one who has to clean it up because she's the Caretaker so it's up to her to put everything back where it goes when blue eventually comes in and carries the baby back to their big plush bed. He just wants to go to bed but he's gotta take all these pillows back to their original rooms...
Green loves to be outside with a little. She wants to set up an easle and a canvas and watch her young master sit peacefully in the rose garden weaving flowers together to make wreaths and bracelets and crowns. She enjoys the babble of the brook and the rustle of leaves in the wind and the warmth of the sun. All idealized versions of the outside she adores. Heavy forbid though her little prefer to dig in the dirt, or stomp in puddles, or run and be loud and messy. She's more of a nice calm picnic in the sun outside type, not so much tag and red light green light red rover play outside type.
Blue's a music lover, they love to sing to their little or play the piano for them, write them little songs about how great they are or how fun it is to do basic chores like brush your teeth or eat breakfast. They're more of a bedtime caregiver, they love a sleepy little to listen to their lullabies, to rock gently and tuck comfortably into bed. They're the shortest of the six Swatchlings and just a little touchy about it, so little things like not being the first choice for carrying the little or struggling to place dangerous things out of a baby's reach would get to them. They're also the only Swatchling to place and uphold rules like Bedtime, Clean up, and Time Outs (if need be). They're the leader when Swatch isn't around.
Purple is the odd one out of the Swatchlings. She LOVES a chaotic baby, she loves a mess, splatter paint and mud and food fights. She loves bath time with an entire bottle of sudsy soap and lavender lotion. She loves toys all over the floor and snacks on every surface and open but not yet finished juice boxes. She comes across a lot more like an older sibling CG than a butler. She tends to get scolded a lot by Blue and is usually more on clean up than play supervision, however she's the only Swatchling willing to deal with a messy baby meaning she eventually has to be the one to step in and change her little's clothes, help them wipe up a spill, or get them ready for bathtime. She's the oldest of the six and the most mellow (but she still can't handle Maus)
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elizacinnamon · 5 months ago
please write a one shot/short fic centered around barchie as parents having their 'intentional mom and dad time' and trying to spend time alone together while having a house full of kids
Betty and Archie could honestly say they never lost their “spark.” While their love settled into the safe, slow, quiet understanding that naturally unfolded between a couple after a decade of marriage, their passion and desire for each other only grew over their years together.
But that “spark” became a flame that rarely got fanned. With four kids (Freddie, AJ, Carla, and Eliza Joy), their lives became chaotic between everything from the kid’s school to little league games and ballet lessons. After work, Betty and Archie ran in different directions to be as present as possible for their kids and then often crashed at night and fell right asleep once the lights were out. Even if they had ample energy for bedtime activities, their baby girl Eliza Joy always found herself in their bed within an hour of going down in her own bed of pink sheets. The four-year-old girl always seemed to have a bad dream and knew she had a daddy wrapped around her finger who would never say no to her demands and a mommy who had a soft spot for comforting her babies after nightmares.
While she loved her daughter more than life, Betty missed her husband and the hours they spent skin to skin under the sheets in their early marriage. She knew, without him even saying, Archie felt the same way and decided it was time to take things into her own hands.
One Saturday morning, Archie woke up early and drove the three older kids to little league. Betty came to the field later, after throwing overalls, a worn out t-shirt, and a team ball cap on top of her laciest underwear—she had a mission to accomplish. She drove to the game with Eliza Joy, wearing a Frozen t-shirt over a pink tulle skirt, who sang loudly in the back seat the entire car ride.
Once they arrived, Betty found a space in the bleachers beside Tabitha who had drug her two young kids to watch the game and socialize with the other moms. Cheryl and Toni, both in decked out in team gear, sat with them since their son Dale played on the same team as AJ. Betty felt happy to chat with other moms and watched her kids round the bases in their little ball caps but mostly kept her eyes on her husband, who wore his own ball cap as he did his best up coach the team of wobbly little players. His white shirt stuck against his sweaty skin, his muscles visible through the fabric. Betty knew her husband was ridiculously hot and also knew that many moms came to every single practice and game in order to respectfully watch. While she didn’t get jealous (she knew her husband’s eyes were unswayed), the thought reminded her of the plan she had come up with earlier that morning.
At half-time—after faking an emergency work call and asking Tabitha to watch Eliza Joy—Betty ran off to the family bathroom by the concession stand. Once inside, she texted Archie and told him that she needed him and he needed to meet her there immediately. Soon enough, the door swung open and Archie walked inside with a look of panic.
“What’s up? I thought something was wrong with Joy-Joy!” Archie looked at Betty, standing there alone, perplexed.
“Everything’s fine,” Betty said, walking close. She reached behind him and locked the door before going for the pounce by jumping onto him and wrapping her legs around his waist. “Arch, I said I needed you. How more clear can I be?”
“Oh,” Archie whimpered, realizing what she meant. He put two firm hands on her hips. “Betty, should we really do this here?”
“Shut up and fuck me before I change my mind,” Betty whispered in his ear, not wasting any time. She slipped off the straps of her overalls and the entire thing fell to the floor moments later. Her shirt followed, alongside Archie’s. He held her against the wall of the stall, pushing against her with full force to hold her in place. Nothing about what unfolded next could be described as tender: no forplay, little kissing, and both of them finished by the time the whistle blew signaling only five more minutes of half-time.
“Baby, you’re good,” Archie said, breathing heavy and trying to recover to return to the field. He fumbled as he tried to put his clothes on, swearing under his breath. Betty looked up at him with sparkling eyes as she sat on the closed toilet seat, her clothes still mostly off, feeling alive again.
“I’m not complaining but why this morning?” Archie asked, putting his cap securely on his head. “I mean, I guess it’s been a while.”
“It’s been a month, a week, and four days,” Betty said bluntly. “Archie, I couldn’t wait another moment or I was gonna explode. I miss you. I need more than what we’ve been doing.”
“I need more, too,” Archie said, leaning down to kiss her lips softly. “And I’m sorry for not making effort sooner. Let’s give Eliza Joy the official boot from our bed from tonight forward.”
“Or we let her sleep in there some nights but cave out intentional ‘mom and dad time’ other ones.’” Betty stood up, one strap of her overalls still hanging down. “We tell the kids that we sometimes need some alone time together to be a better mom and dad. On those nights, the door stays close and they can only knock if it’s an emergency.”
“Deal.” Archie kissed her again, his lips stuck on hers till the second whistle sounded that signaled half-time had officially ended.
After that, the Andrews kids learned to knock when their mom and dad’s door appeared closed shut (which ended up being many nights). While still aiming to be the best parents, Archie and Betty knew their marriage came first and prioritized their “spark” through intentional time (though hook-ups at birthday parties and parents night at school were still in their future).
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daily-crowley · 1 year ago
TELL ME ABT YOUR OTHER HYPERFIXATIONS!! Mine are currently Loki, ofmd, good omens, and Hozier :D
There’s a few hyperfixations of mine I’m always talking about but right now there’s 3 main ones.
1. The Boys
2. Invincible
3. Peacemaker
The Boys is the main one; I loved it since it came out back in 2019. I moved on sometime after S3 ended and I found another hyperfixation but now new content is coming out with S4 so I’m back on my The Boys bullshit. I’m a Butchlander shipper, BILLY BUTCHER AND HOMELANDER CONSUME MY THOUGHTS. I AM BEYOND OBSESSED WITH THOSE TWO! I need them to kiss…. And-and more. Anthony Starr and Karl Urban are my current celebrity crushes that I’m only able to think about. If you follow me in insta it’s just been The Boys 24/7 that I’ve talked about since new content started dropping thanks to S4. HOMELANDER IS MY BABYGIRL I WILL DEFEND HIM I DON’T CARE FOR HIS CRIMES I DON’T CARE IF I’M SUPPOSE TO HATE HIM, I LOVE HIM. BILLY BUTCHER MY GOTH BOYFRIEND I WILL DIE IF YOU DIE. HE CANT DIE, HE JUST CAN’T. S4 teaser was insane, so much was going on, Black Noir is back?! And Jeffrey Dean Morgan is joining the cast! AND TEAMING UP WITH BUTCHER?! They said that trailer was just a scratch on the surface of what happens, wasn’t even a trailer just a teaser but it had so much going on WHAT DO YOU MEAN THAT’T JUST A SMALL TASTE OF S4?! I’m scared but excited. I’m nervous but excited (Billy if you fucking die on me- that’s what I’m most worried about)
Invincible is my other current hyperfixation, S1 was so good and I can’t wait for S2 to continue. They should’ve dropped all the episodes at once that way I don’t have to wait but whatever. Vigilante is my little meow meow from Peacemaker. I love Adrian so much, hate that I gotta wait till like 2025-2026 for S2 possibly.
My other interests that I talk about all the time (not currently much though thanks to The Boys) are:
• NATM/JedTavius
• Venom/SymBrock
• SamBucky/Marvel in general
• Who Framed Roger Rabbit
• Maleficent
• The Simpsons
Night at The Museum came out when I was 7, I’m 24 now, I haven’t moved on. It was my first hyperfixation and ship before I even knew what that all meant. I’ve written like 30 JedTavius fics. I’m a Venom fan first and a Spider-Man hater second. I will defend Venom at all times and Eddie and him are definitely in love. When the FNAF film came out it brought me back to my FNAF phase, Foxy’s my favourite with Bonnie being second. I watched the film about 20 times. Then in November I started a personal rewatch challenge on Insta where I watched it all month long. Meaning I’ve probably watched it at least 50 times and I still haven’t gotten sick of it (also I love the Josh Hutcherson whistle meme. I don’t care how much people hate it I think it’s funny.) I’m a huge Marvel fan, I literally grew up with the comics, I’m not kidding those were read to me as my bedtime stories. My favourite characters are Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes as a result I ship them. I never shipped Stucky, that never made sense to me whilst Sam and Bucky have so much chemistry. Sam Wilson is everything to me, I adore SamCap he’s MY Captain America (still love Steve though!) Roger Rabbit is my favourite fictional character of all time, my biggest comfort character. Growing up I really tried to base my personality off of him, the world might be obsessed with Jessica Rabbit but I’m obsessed with Roger. People need to draw, edit, and cosplay him as much as they do Jessica. I’ve been a huge Simpsons fan since I was like 10 and my mother dropped me off at my aunts house and she left leaving me alone with my cousin who was watching The Simpsons and it took off from there. Nelson Muntz is my funky little son and they need to make Nelisa canon. Maleficent is my favourite Disney character (actually like quite a bit of Disney, second favourite character being Donald Duck) I based a lot of my style around her, and I have a lot of Maleficent collectibles. I absolutely love the Angelina Jolie’s Maleficent films (totally ship her with Diaval).
There’s a few other things that I really, really love. I’m also a huge horror fan my favourite being Chucky/Child’s Play as well as Killer Klowns from Outer Space, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (not 3D), Friday the 13th, Nightmare on Elm Street, etc. Sanrio, Kuromi is my favourite second is Pochacco, I really love animated films and cartoons. IT, Monster High, and more. I’m also a collector of all these things.
So there you have it. Those are all my hyperfixation and fandom’s that I’m in. Right now especially those first 3 that I talked about (seriously can you tell I really like The Boys? Lol)
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