#she DIDNT know aang had survived
fishandshesmygills · 2 years
less posts about Did Azula Abuse Zuko and more posts about how ozai pitted them against each other and created this dynamic where they stopped being able to have a healthy sibling relationship... azula did everything she could to avoid punishment from her abusive father, ozai’s favor made her the way she was because she HAD to be what he wanted (look at what happened to her brother). the traits she displays are things she picked up from that environment. it wasn’t azula’s fault that she WAS ozai’s favorite and that came with harm too even though it was different than his treatment of zuko. at least zuko had iroh, afterwards, and he was able to be out of the directly abusive household. it wasn’t zuko’s fault that iroh helped him and it wasn’t his fault that ursa seemed to favor him over azula! but azula didn’t have that support network and i like when fanworks make iroh regret that and reckon with the fact that he failed her. the adults failed them more than the abused teens failed each other.
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ungirthed · 5 months
1. Atla does not know the history or realities of imperialism and settler colonialism and i guess fascism but all these things NEED REASONS FOR ORDER. One of an economic and expansionist fashion seen through decimation of cultures and building complex intricate social relations to maintain that order for material reasons. This show doesn’t know or do that bc the writers have never read books pertaining to this. I GUARANTEE YOU they didn’t read fanon or like someone mentioned in a (not rly well researched) video breaking down the live action cedric j robinson who wrote black marxism
2. Aang is 12. This is a kids show. Nothing and i mean NOTHING that was written in this show indicated that aang would be ok with direct murder. The show flirts with death and people killing others but never explicitly shows it or people survive. They have killed multiple ppl just u know. Not the way we think. Anyway at no point in time would Aang have done that and it works bc it is a kids show. Pretty sure turtle duck wasnt a deus ex machina but i am also an adult
3. Pertaining to 2, bc the fandom has been lured into this false sense of the show being anti colonial this means that the solution Aang came up with isnt good enough. Not sure why because it seems most of these ppl dont know what they’re talking about so: why did he need to die? But otoh wtf is “breaking a cycle of violence” fuck that. But yea a 12 yr old buddhist monk wouldnt do that. Hes not a 20 yr old freedom fighter in Algeria. The writers probably didnt even think of algeria. Lmao
4. It is a kids show and since the above are not understood why are u arguing abt a 12 yr old. A sweet well written vegetarian angry bb
I refuse to believe Aang would be a bad dad but this is what the internet is telling me and therefore it must be true. Like with all the headcanons i am learning:
Aang is an asshole ? As seen by being a pre teen. I think
Azula has to be a lesbian or u murdered ur family. Also apparently she had friends (she didnt). You should feel bad for her if u think abt it (no)
Iroh is a bad uncle (???????????????)
Aang SINGLE HANDEDLY ruined everything he touched
Aang fucking sucks
Aang didnt kill someone and it isnt explained why one thinks that isnt a good end it just is bad bc aang is bad and even tho hes 12 hes actually 24
What is true that i am also learning: this show has nooooooooooooooo grasp of the true nature of imperialism and colonialism and neither do the fans whose only understanding of those things is via a tv show
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zutarawasrobbed · 4 years
So Zutara happens. Then what? War over, everyone else returns to their homes and loved ones while Aang wanders the world alone burying what's left of his culture before dying of depression next to Monk Gyatso's skeleton? Kataang's narrative purpose is to show that Aang can have belonging, bring back his people, have a life beyond being the Avatar. Without it, there's no happy ending. This could be avoided if they set up another romance for Aang after letting Katara go but they didnt.
Okay, so there is a lot to address here, and honestly, I had a hard time knowing where to begin because wow...
First of all, all I see here is how Aang feels. Why is it that whenever anyone discusses Kataang, it's all about Aang and his feelings? Even in the show, it's only ever really shown from his side and what he wants, not Katara. Does Katara have a say? Is Katara’s only purpose in life to be an airbending baby maker? Does Katara's very existence hinge on her being Aang's girlfriend? What about how she feels? What about what she wants? What about her happiness? Or is Aang's happiness all that matters, and Katara should just deal with it?
Now for the culture argument. I want to point out that no genocide is ever really successful in wiping out an entire group of people. Air nomads are literally nomads meaning they move around a lot. It's in the name. This means that there are most definitely other airbenders out there hiding too afraid to come out until after the war is over. But, let's say we go with all the airbenders are dead narrative, then it makes even less sense for Kataang to happen because that means the entirety of the future of one nation depends on how many airbending babies Katara pops out. So this plan is stupid. But Aang is 12, so this plan might make sense in his brain. However, as he grows up, he would come to the obvious realization that if he wants to bring back the airbenders he needs to make a lot of babies with a lot of different women, so monogamy makes no sense and Katara would likely not be down for her boyfriend/husband "planting his seed" in every willing woman given that she's from the water tribes where family units are central to her culture.
Another thing Aang is 12, he'll survive not getting his first crush to date him. We all have at some point or another experienced heartbreak over someone who didn't like us back. We get sad for a bit and then move on. That's life. I also speak from experience as someone who was in a relatioship at 12 that no one should date at that age, and it is extremely unlikely you will end up together in the end. My relationship lasted a grand total of three months, and it is by far the dumbest decision I ever made. I was an idiot, he was an idiot, we were both idiots not ready for a relationship like all 12-year-olds are. So the idea that Aang and Katara would even last beyond a few months is ridiculous and unrealistic. In fact, the idea of me still being with that same person makes me visibly cringe because it was very unhealthy for a multitude of reasons I am still recovering from emotionally. If I was still with him, I would not be in the amazing relationship I am in now. Every relationship contains lessons that help us grow, and we keep with us when entering another relatioship. Sometimes we grow in relationships, and we realize we aren't right for each other, and that's okay. That's life. It goes on. That said, I know some people do get together at that young age and end up happily married. I know two people from my high school personally who got together at 14, got married a year after high school, and just had their first baby. But, the likelihood of that happening is extremely slim. On that note, relationships are hard work and require a certain amount of maturity. The maturity gap between Katara and Aang is vast, with Katara having the mental age of at least 25 and Aang still having the mental age of 12. It's unbalanced. 
Furthermore, the idea that Aang's happiness depends on Katara being with him means that his other relationships pale in comparison to his crush. It also makes him kind of pathetic if he's gonna end up "dying of depression next to Monk Gyatso's skeleton" as you so eloquently put it if he doesn't get with Katara. Also, it makes the connections he has with the others in the gaang worthless, especially his friendship with Katara. Because that means Aang doesn't really care about being in Katara's life if it isn't in the way, he wants it. It makes their friendship conditional, with no value because there was always an ulterior motive, and in his mind, it was always just a means to an end. That just makes him a selfish dick.
The argument that Aang is alone without Katara is dumb. He has Toph, Sokka, Suki, Katara, and Zuko. Plus, I don't know if you know this, but you can make more friends than the ones you made in your teens. You don't just stop making friends after a certain age. You continue to meet people and form connections. And given how charismatic Aang is, he's gonna make a ton of more friends and have the opportunity to form new bonds, including romantic ones as well. Furthermore, as a 12-year-old, Aang should be allowed to expand his circle around the world because he is the Avatar, and he is going to need to make new friends because his main ones aren't always gonna be available. Moreover, the idea of Aang being alone without Katara implies that Aang will only ever have katara at his side and cut ties with everyone else and expect her to do the same.
The idea that to have a happy ending Aang must get into a romantic relationship makes no sense. What about Toph? She didn't have a romantic relationship in the end, and she was perfectly happy. Because she's 12 and knows life doesn't depend on being in a romantic relationship all of the time. Furthermore, on the topic of Toph, I would like to bring up another argument you made about Aang not developing other potential love interests because he does. Toph is one of them. In season 2, we are introduced to Toph by way of a vision that is pretty romantic and used as a common trope in both modern and ancient literature. We also see their compatibility in the way they are naturally with each other. Aang wants to be a kid and have fun. With Toph, he can do that. But, he also has someone who won't let him shirk his responsibilities when they matter most. They match and balance each other in their personalities, and we see some possible romantic development in both seasons 2 and 3. Another potential love interest we are introduced to is On Ji in season 3, episode 2, "The Headband," where we see her have an obvious crush on "Kuzon" (Aang.) But what's appealing about this pairing is that she doesn't know he's the Avatar, meaning she genuinely likes him for who he is without the glitz and glamour. Which I personally find adorable. Side note, I am aware that "the headband" is supposed to be a hallmark "kataang" episode. However, I would be remiss if I did not point out that this episode actually proves the "Katara doesn't treat/see Aang as a son" argument wrong. Because in that same episode, before the dance scene, Katara literally pretends to be Aang's pregnant mother.
Moreover, Aang is not without purpose outside of being the Avatar. The very notion is ridiculous. Yes, he has to rebuild his nation, he's a symbol of peace, but he is also a person who wants friends and a family, which he has found in the gaang. He also has the purpose of being a kid, which now he can be contingent on him meeting his obligations as the Avatar.
Lastly, I would like to reiterate that not only is Aang 12 and a child, the rest of the gaang are too. Granted, Aang is by far the least mature as he grew up in a time without war and has not had to a childhood with the effects of war the other members of the gaang have throughout their lives. But, in regards to Zutara, I personally do not see them getting together immediately after the war, they both have responsibilities to their respective nations. Katara, in rebuilding her tribe and Zuko in redefining the Fire Nation. Therefore, it would take years just to find some stability. But that doesn't mean they don't keep in touch. We know out of everyone in the gang, Zuko and Katara are closest to each other. They both share a bond with each other no one can match. You might be tempted to argue that Aang is closest to Katara and her best friend, but that is pretty debatable because both Aang and Katara have more positive interactions with other gaang members than they do with each other. For instance, if I had to choose out of everyone in the Gaang who Katara's best friend was, aside from Zuko, I would be tied between Toph and Suki. But, given Suki is not part of the gaang long enough to really expand on her relationships with the others beside Sokka, Toph would be my answer. That said, after the war, everyone would keep in touch with each other. They are all friends for life regardless of romantic relationships. Therefore, the gaang would most definitely be keeping in touch with each other, not just Zuko and Katara. But over the years as they grow, I can see Zuko and Katara growing closer and building on that strong foundation to form a strong and healthy romantic relationship.
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sporksaber · 3 years
Ok, I love the role swap concept with zuko and azula, but I feel like they switch their abilities and personalities a bit too and I think itd be more fun without that. Where Azula is an antisocial and unstable genius who wants to gain power and zuko still struggles with being the less powerful and extremely empathetic sibling. So here's how I'd do it.
(Note, this is just for fun. I'm not saying anyone else's version is bad. But I've though about this so much and need it out of my head before I go off cuz make a whole comic and I do not have the time, i need to work.)
First off, Azula wouldn't call out in concern for the men like how zuko did. In my version she's allowed into the meeting because of the aptitude for strategy shes shown. She speaks up because it's an inefficient plan that uses up too many resources when there are other options. This enrages her father and leads to the agni kai. Azula is terrified and feels betrayed but has no idea how to handle any of it. She fights back during the agni kai, but in her panic she sets off a bolt of lightning. Ozai finishes the match and severely burns on her lower back. Azula is banished for her use of lightning on the fire lord (bc ozai fears she will no longer be easy to manipulate and might plot his death) and is forced to leave the next morning.
Some things to note: azula is eleven at this point. I changed the placement of the scar bc I think zuko's is very symbolic in a way that doesnt suit azula. Zuko's scar being over his eye and close to the light chakra shows the way his view of the fire nation and honour obscures his vision and how he is unaware of the truth of the world under fire nation rule. I set azula's over her spine because that chakra is based on survival and blocked by fear. It also represents trust which will fit into her arc with the gaang. Finally, she doesnt have Iroh to guide her. One of the things that bothered me was Iroh writing her off as evil despite her being a mentally unstable child. She did have to be defeated, but the way he talked about it was too dismissive. (Personally I think he was projecting his views of his brother and his perceived failures with him onto her.) Azula isnt sent to capture the avatar so she isnt given soldiers. She's completely alone without an advisor to look to or keep her calm.
Azula is given a manned ship with a disgraced soldier and an attendant when she leaves. The way I see it the soldiers zuko had were probably more irohs than his. The soldier is relieved to not be executed but hates being demoted to playing babysitter to a child at sea. The attendant views it as a punishment and hates Azula for it. Eventually the attendant will betray her and be killed for it. Azula never trusted the soldier and he eventually leaves to start a family in an earth kingdom colony. Azula doesnt miss him, he was no longer useful. The loneliness does get to her though.
Azula is obsessed with getting the underhand, so she had been successfully building connections and planting spies where needed.
(Zuko has been acting as a respectable crowned prince. He holds a zealous loyalty to his nation and father. He still faulters as Iroh tries to steer him from tyranny, but his sights are set on his father's approval and that alone. Afterall, if his prodigy could be discarded who's to say what would happen to him if he failed?)
This brings us to the start of the series. Like Zuko Azula witnesses the trap on the old fire nation battle ship go off. She investigates and finds that an air bending avatar is living at the south pole village. She decides she wants to speak with him.
Azula didn't believe the avatar existed before this point. Hiding didnt add up to her knowledge of the morality of airbenders, so she assumed the air nation avatar from the start of the war would be dead. She would know if one had appeared in the water tribe, as the south had all its benders killed and the north was compacted so close together it would be impossible to hide. Earth would be harder, but they were most likely to fight back and out act. And if in ba sing se they'd be used as a weapon or gotten rid of to preserve the peace of the city. Once the culcle progressed to the fire nation it would either be used to take over the other nations or enf the cycle for good. After all, there hasn't been an air bender for a hundred years even if the rumors of some acolytes surviving were truthful.
Azula kidnaps aang with far more ease than she should of been able to. Once he stops struggling she calmly offers him tea and promises to release him once their discussion is finished. He takes the tea and drinks it without question and besides a wary glare shows no more hostility. She thought him a fool, the tea could have easily been poisoned and promised are nothing but words. His naivete makes her job easier though.
She finds out that he was suspended frozen in the avatar state the last 100 years. And so, Azula informs him of the war and the fire nations crimes, advising him to master the elements if he wants to prevent all his new friends and the avatar cycle from certain destruction. Aang is conflicted, he never asked for any of this. Azula just gives a bitter smile. "The hands of fate were never designed to take requests, they move without regard to any life dependent on it. Dont waste your breath when there is nothing you can do."
Azula wants to see Ozai fail. If helping the avatar is what it takes then so be it. When his friends appear to save him she let's them leave without a fight. Theyll be useful in the future.
As the gaang's travels kick off she sets out to find out if the rumours about the acolytes are true. In this she finds a traveling circus. The youngest daughter and an old friend of hers was eager to escape and found Azula's life exciting. She didn't hesitate after being invited along, insisting that traveling would be easy for her and that she'd pull her own weight.
She encounters the gaang a few times as time goes by. The relationship is reluctant on the water tribe siblings part, they dont trust her and hold a decent amount of fear towards her. Her cold and calculating demeanor was unsettling, but the unhinged way she fought was terrifying. Her form was perfect and her attacks were precise, but the bigger the fight the more lost she became as she laughed and shrieked and occasionally snapped at someone who didnt seem to be there. The only worse reaction was when she zeroed in on one opponent, picking them apart both mentally and physically as she drove them to the ground. )
Things that'll happen as I move through an episode list:
Azula doesn't have her ship attacked do she diesnt run into zhao while doing repairs, instead going straight to ty lee.
Azula learns that the gaang is on kyoshi island and heads ther after them. She has been keeping track of the avatar as they move. Ty lee gets along well with the kyoshi warriors while azula buts heads with them. They dont want her there and azula hates it when people get in the way. Zhao appears to try to capture aang and Azula dips at the same time as the gaang. She tells ty lee she can stay but she insists on sticking with azula. This puts her on edge.
Ty lee gets captured by earth benders, when she escapes on her own she cements her usefulness to Azula.
They run into zhao trying to capture the avatar and azula tells him she'll capture him first. They both attack aang during the solstice, though azula's attacks are all purposefully set to miss and trip up zhao as much as possible. Aang is the best way to prove her father wrong and she's not going to lose that.
They rob the pirates that try to capture the avatar. Azula needs the resources and it gives her leverage over the gaang.
After almost killing ty lee for scaring her by popping up behind her Azula tells her why she was banished. (In more of a "my own mother thought I was a monster" way than an opening up about trauma way.)
Azula learns that zhao has captured aang and frees him. She then sets to reworking her information network as not all of them are scared enough of her to not fail her. She remedies it quickly.
Azula learns that zhao is plotting her assassination and decides it's the perfect moment to fake her death.
Azula enters the north pole to defeat zhao and gain any information she can. Ty lee rades a library during the confrontation. Zhao is surprised and infuriated to see her alive, Azula smiles as she sends him to his death knowing that she is not only helping the avatar but also that he gave her a perfect way to hide from the fire nation. (When news of his sisters death reaches hum, Zuko doesnt know what to think. She was always cruel to him, but she was still his little sister.)
The crown prince of the fire nation is sent to capture the avatar. Azula follows him as he begins his search. (Zuko begins to think he's going insane as he keeps catching glimpses of his recently deceased sister out of the corner of his eye.)
Ty lee keeps running into a girl she slowly befriends. She's gloomy and sarcastic and ty lee thinks Azula would like her. (Zuko's fiance Mai tells him that she thinks his sister is still alive.)
As Azula notices ty lee become more and more distracted as she absorbed herself into the cultures that surround them she decides it's best for them to split up. Ty lee diesnt agree, but Azula leaves anyway. She has work to do.
While traveling alone Azula cant escape the thoughts of her mother. Of her fathers betrayal. Of the life she lost because the idiot elders had no grip on proper strategy that even a child could create. She meets a boy that reminds her far too much of zuko with a mother far to similar to theirs. When she sends the bandits controlling the town running she knows it's more than just controlling a territory that compelled her. But at the same time she doubts not following through on the whim would have bothered her.
Ty lee meets toph and chat for a bit. Ty lee tells her about azula and how she left. When toph tells her she should forget her she insists that azula didnt really ditch her and that they're still friends. They talk about their friends and childhood.
Ty lee finds Azula and immidiently jumps at her, which she does not enjoy. Ty lee insists that she still wants to travel with her and Axula sighs as she let's her tag along to the next location, ba sing se.
Azula slips through guards and protocols as she tries to gain any information she can to help her once they reach the city. Ty lee befriends a guy named jet and his group, the freedom fighters. When he tries to get more than friendship she turns him down and it becomes much more awkward.
Ty lee becomes a street performer and chames everyone she meets as Azula researches the dai lee and how they keep control. After lashing out in frustration ty lee drags her out to enjoy the city's night life.
Azula learns of the presence of the avatar and location of appa. She frees him and sets to work taking control of the dai lee. She let's herself be briefly captured but her plan shifts when katara is thrown in with her. Katara is pissed just being around her and azula plays up a cool kind of annoyance. Katara briefly catches sight of the burns on Azula's back and offers to heal her, only for Azula to freak out and yell at her to stay away, backing against a far wall in a fighting stance. They are saved by the rest if the gaang and ty lee shortly after.
Azula goes back to try and salvage her plan only to be caught off guard by the appearance of her brother and his offer to return to the fire nation. Not willing to lose all possible advantages, she agrees. They battle the gaang, and when they are almost captured azula sends a bolt of lightning at aang, causing them to retreat. Katara can heal him more easily than she can maneuver them out of an execution.
Azula returns to the fire nation with her brother, mai and ty lee, starting the beginning of a large power play between her and her father. They are sent to lo and li beach house. The relationship between the siblings is tense, zuko has always been the child born with nothing who gained everything when his blessed at birth sister lost it all. Azula has always been cruel, but he cant help but let his heart catch on the moments when she's not. ("My own mother thought I was a monster, My father thought i was too difficult to keep around" "Don't let their words blind you, you need to be more careful, zuzu." "I learned the hard way to never turn your back to anyone, and the scars will always be there as a reminder if I need it." )
Azula runs into iroh, who is very disapproving of her presence. He warns her to stay away from zuko and to watch herself while at the palace. Later, zuko comes to her asking about their great grandfather. Upon being pressed he admits that he was sent a mysterious letter. He thought she was going to burn it when he handed it to her but instead the heat from the fire revealed a hidden ink. "Honestly brother, did you ever pay attention at all during lessons?" They find a autobiographical scroll of their great grandfathers life and the secret that their other great grandfather was roku. Azula scoffed at the idea of bloodlines deciding fate and quickly left. But Zuko remained conflicted.
During the day of the black sun Azula confronts Ozai. As iroh and Zuko fight the avatar. She learns that her mother left for zuko's sake and that she was never going to be fire lord. Azula tells him she'll be somthing even better and leaves the palace.
Azula and ty lee follow the gaang to the western air temple. Katara immidprntly attacks but is quickly rendered unable to bend by ty lee. Azula tells them that the only way for them to of gotten out was for Aang to be incapacitated, and she knew katara could heal him. Aang decides they can stay but have to stay distanced from everyone else.
Azula tries to teach aang fire bending but is slowly growing sick while aang is barely able to produce a puff of smoke. Unable to sleep and constantly on edge, it soon affects her bending, sending her spiraling as she loses control on the only consistent power she's ever had. Her and aang journey to find the true source of fire bending to try to help their conditions.
Still sick, Azula is itching to do anything away from the temple. Finding sokka trying to reach the boiling rock to find his father, she decides to go with him as she knows the prison well. Sokka declines but she goes anyway. They dont find his father, but they do find suki. Azula formulates a plan but they postpone when sokka's father arrives.
Azula comes up with a new plan, now reluctant to include sokka. He tells her to trust him but she insists she has no reason to. Her sickness has been getting worse and he tells her she needs to trust him, making her angry. Only when he catches her while they're escaping dies she finally begin to accept trusting him, if only slightly.
(While they're away ty lee tries to convince
Azula goes with Katara to find the man who killed her mother. Azula has no concept of why katara is so upset, which causes her to get angry. But azula tracks the man anyway.
Ember island players- azulas character has the scar across her chest. She's absolutely insane and "not entirely inaccurate, but I'd never come up with such a dumb plan." Shes also heavily implied to be more than close to ty lee, which azula has no reaction to even as the others freak out.
I havent decided the ending, zuko will probably turn to the gaang's side. I'll add more later and maybe write or illustrate a bit.
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zukkacore · 4 years
It sucks that mako and bolin are underdeveloped, bolin especially (& even Mako is “developed” in ways that are kinda unsatisfactory, mostly via love triangle bullshit or him becoming a cop) bc like the fact that they’re homeless orphans from a potentially multicultural background like automatically makes them more interesting than 90% of these annoying corrupted political figures the show spends so much time with, & it’s like never rly explored?
Like republic city is former earth kingdom territory turned fire nation colony, the whole reason aang & Zuko Did A Colonialism was bc they didnt want to displace the mixed Fire nation/earth kingdom families that were living there for potentially generations, so it might’ve been interesting to explore characters from a mixed background? Especially bc the way they handle Kataang’s family is honestly kinda bad, the show treats tenzin like he’s culturally an airbender, kya like she’s culturally a waterbender, and bumi like he’s neither. They’re a MIXED INDIGENOUS FAMILY. Plus Mako & Bolin’s multicultural background is different from Kataang’s family. The SWT & the Air Nomads we’re both victims of the fire nation’s imperialism. A family where one side is from the fire nation (we just don’t know how far back) is a completely different dynamic.
Like the s3 stuff where Mako & Bolin find their family in ba sing se is good for what it is! I’m glad they have family! It’s good material for them and they deserve it after being alone for so long but it’s almost like being in republic city or being orphans or both was almost an excuse to just divorce them from their multicultural background which to me is rly missed potential. The effects of Japanese imperialism are SO prevalent across Asia, it’s fricking weird that none of that imperial influence is apparent in any of the colonized territory in Atla. Bc they don’t spend hardly any time in former colonies! And it’s not until s4! & we see the separate earth kindom territories are struggling do to a power vacuum, but really? After 100 years, no fire nation influence on any of this territory?
And like it’s a real missed opportunity bc like it would’ve been rly interesting to address Bolin’s background during his lavabender arc! But the show treats it almost like a level-up or a cool new gimmick. Alternatively/Additionally, the fact that they’re disconnected from their background could be like a Thing bc Mako and Bolin use bending purely for like. Survival & competitive sport. Reconnecting w Earth Kingdom & Fire Nation culture could’ve been really interesting directions for them, especially in terms of like. Them finding a sense of belonging. Blood relatives are good but found family? That could’ve been so powerful.
Bending as like a cultural practice honestly goes kinda unaddressed and forgotten in LoK? Or, it’s addressed, but it’s rly inconsistent. The contrast between bending as competitive fighting sport vs. bending as a big component of a pacifist culture like the Air nation is a rly interesting idea, but bending as an aspect of the other nations is just kinda forgotten about. I mean, Amon made some points but also Amon ur really gonna tell me that airbenders have privilege? During s1 there 5 of them in the world, total, including korra, because they were nearly wiped out via genocide 100 years ago. And yes, he’s the villain, but this aspect of his anti-bender ideology is never critized, they just rely on him and his goons using extremist tactics that are easy to dispute, or scary displays of his power unsettling and disturbing Korra.
Anyways I got kinda sidetracked from my point bc I think the treatment of Mako and Bolin is also a larger issue that kinda bleeds into the world of LoK as a whole & shows some of the problems w the worldbuilding, but just. Ah. I wish those two had been given some real material instead of getting wrapped up in love triangle drama and playing bodyguard and actor for so much of the show
Edit: I elaborated on my thoughts a bit if you wanna check the notes it’s a long read tho so w/e if ppl prefer this short version for brevity it’s fine
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zukka soulmate au opinions/headcanons?
I apologize Anon for how long this has sat in my inbox, but soulmate AU’s are really not my forte, so i had to think long and hard. (no sexy pun intended)
Background information
- Soulmate marks sit on the same place on both parties
- They are there their whole life
- I believe in multiple soulmates, so if one soulmate dies, i think another exists (aka, Hakoda and Kya, and then Hakoda and Bato; Kanna and unnamed Grandpa, and the Kanna and Pakku)
- Zuko DREADS the notion of soulmates, only because Zuko believes it is also the universe’s divine order to make his life as sucky as possible. So in Zuko’s mind, he’s like the perfect way for the Universe to punish him further would be one of 3 ways:
1. His soulmate would be the Avatar, because of course he’d be on an impossible quest to literally find and surrender his soulmate for death at Ozai’s hands (also a betrayal to his nation) 
2. His soulmate would be a woman, (because I truly canonically believe that Zuko is a gay)
3. He wouldn’t have a soulmate
Of course none of these guesses are correct, he should’ve looked behind door number 4: His soulmate is from another nation and has had the Fire Nation ferociously take everything they’ve loved (aka Sokka)
Fire Nation tradition also dictates that Soulmates are for common people, not for Prince’s, so his soulmate mark (a glistening black sword), is to be covered at all times anyway. He is thankful that his Soulmate mark is non-nation identifiable, which saves him from Ozai’s wrath if it was obviously Water Tribe or Earth Kingdom. Also sucks, because Zuko isnt even sure where to start looking (not that he would), so he just traces the mark with his fingers as bathes sometimes, wondering if his soulmate is doing the same. 
When Zuko first meets Sokka, he doesnt realize it, he just sorta is like “no point in brutally hurting this person, let me just shift him out my way”, which in my opinion is more restraint than most people get from Zuko at that time. 
Zuko doesnt even know Sokka is his Soulmate until he sees the sword after training Aang at the Western Air Temple, and it all just clicks and Zuko wants to throw himself into the Sun because Sokka has Suki and Zuko just wants him to be happy. 
So really, he was right, he will be alone. 
Meanwhile on Sokka’s side
Sokka’s family have always been very supportive of him and soulmates. Katara’s mark is something that looks like a kite (it’s Aang’s staff but they didnt know that before meeting him) and Katara is wishful for her soulmate. She spends nights dreaming up what it could possibly be or mean.
And tbh, Sokka is against the idea because he’s devoted to the idea of being a warrior, of doing what’s right by his people. And his soulmate mark of a what looks like an exploded burn (the lightning strike Zuko takes protecting Katara) doesnt convince him, because only another selfless person/warrior would understand him in his opinion and he knows those are hard to come by. He doesnt care if his soulmate identifies as a guy or girl or in between. 
Then there was Aang, Katara’s necklace wrapped around his ankle as his mark. And Suddenly, Sokka was confronted with the realization that Aang and helping him become the Avatar was apart of Katara’s fulfillment and that his little sister was growing up and Sokka could see the way Aang and Katara looked at each other. He knew they say lifetimes when they looked into each other’s eyes. 
And then Zuko chases them around the world and Sokka totally acknowledges that Zuko is mental and a dick, but he also gets why Zuko does it. In their travels they heard the story of the banished Fire Nation Prince and his impossible assignment to return home and Sokka understands. He knows what it is to have to feel like you have to prove yourself to your father (Sokka thinks he has to prove himself to Hakoda; Zuko literally has to prove himself to Ozai, per Ozai’s words), what it means to be fighting for your nation as something greater than yourself, and Sokka would never admit to Katara but he empathized with Zuko. 
Sokka wonders if it’s Suki, but Suki tells him honestly that her mark is the mark of the Kyoshi Warriors, because she’s dedicated to this, this is what fulfills her. She loves Sokka and loves romance with him, but she knows Sokka is destined for greater love. And she tells Sokka that companionship is something that he shouldnt miss out, just because he thinks its not the ways of the warrior. Wearing a dress and fighting in fans and makeup wasnt his idea of the ways of a warrior either and he learned how that turned out. 
He thinks it may be Yue, but her mark was always the moon.
And then Zuko abandons Ozai and tries to offer himself up to the Gaang. He’s turnt away, and even burns Toph’s feet before coming back again and tries sacrificing himself to stop combustion man. Sokka is at least a little bit impressed that he would continue to offer himself up to berating judgement of their group because he’s decided what’s right. Then Zuko becomes Aang’s firebending teacher and everyone gets hang out with him and Sokka likes the guy even more, although he’s weird around the sword (he blushes everytime he sees it) 
They never really talk about soulmates, and Sokka’s soulmate mark sits on his thigh, so it’s not exactly easy to see unless he’s undressed. 
Then Zuko takes the bolt for Katara and survives and suddenly Zuko has hung the Sun in Sokka’s sky, because he was so selfless, he was willing to die for Katara. He knows the shape sitting on Zuko’s chest anywhere. Zuko is his soulmate. And then Sokka realizes maybe he was late to this party and that was why Zuko was weird.
When he first sees Firelord Zuko alone afterwards, he asks Zuko how long he knew. And Zuko lets him know that it was long enough that Chit Sang, Hakoda AND Suki knew (which meant by then Toph had probably figured it out too). Basically everyone but Sokka, Katara and Aang had been privy to the information. 
Then they unpack some of that pesky childhood trauma they’d been carting around and talk about how they both thought the soulmate thing wasnt for them, but then again both of them were completely unusual and extraordinary people, so maybe they just had a more unusual extraordinary soulmate story to live out. Sokka promises Zuko a lifetime and Zuko promises Sokka everyday in between now and when the Sun goes out. They can see it in each other’s eyes. 
Sokka says that Zuko’s scars are beautiful, something Zuko has felt made him a monster all this time. Sokka is the first person to acknowledge them truly and he tells him how enthralled he is by the stories they depict of Zuko. How he was selfless and did not fear the burn of flames because it was more important to do the right thing. 
 And Zuko says Sokka would have the world in the palm of his hand with his intelligence and that spirits knew giving him bending too would basically just make him the avatar anyway. Sokka has always felt inadequate and Zuko makes him feel like he could win a hundred battles blindfolded. 
Zuko sends a search for Sokka’s sword (and recovers it) and Sokka uses it to ask Zuko to marry him.  
They get married at Sunrise, because Zuko sets the Sun in Sokka’s sky and they celebrate until Sunset/moonrise, because their union blessed by the moon herself. It casts an iridescent glow over the Fire Nation. 
It’s love. 
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ice-emperor-zane · 4 years
ninjago atla au update: Fire Lord Garmadon, Azula!Harumi, and Misako’s evil plan™️, and then more about Zane and Cole from the picrews:
Okay so, we start off with Misako’s role in Garmadon and Harumi’s plan (cuz in this au we’re not going to pretend shes a nice person). You know how in ninjago, up until season 2, she was doing research on ninjago’s history and that island the overlord lived on? Well here, she’s been researching on the history of the avatars all her life, and has learnt of how Avatar Aang was able to spiritbend Fire Lord Ozai’s Firebending away, and how Avatar Korra nearly had her bending taken away by the bloodbender known as Amon, how in the days of avatar Won, bending was given/taken away from people constantly. Misako wanted to utilise the power of giving/taking bending away to the fullest, to have spiritbender/bloodbender governments and law enforcements who could take away the bending of those who step out of line and to give bending to those who are loyal.
In the age of the Avatar prior to Lloyd (Avatar Zavier) Misako befriended Zavier and convinced him to learn spiritbending so he could give Misako waterbending and give Misako’s daughter, the Fire Lord’s child, Harumi, firebending. Misako’s excuse was that they were both born non-benders and it wasn’t really acceptable in the royal family for them to be anything other than benders, especially the heir, and the public weren’t aware Harumi wasn’t born a bender, Zavier made them both benders. He died an early death not long after this, so he never learnt of Misako’s plan to make bending a privilege and to use it as a rewards/punishment system. Avatar Lloyd was born shortly after, though of course, he was far too young to understand what was going on. Fire Lord Garmadon was of course 200% supportive of Misako’s ideas, and he no doubt planned to use the spiritbending/bloodbending method of giving/taking away bending for evil reasons™️ like removing the bending from entire other nations unless they pledge allegiance to him.
Harumi didn’t take too much convincing to think that it was a great idea, not only was she like 9 at the time, but because she had been gotten her firebending abilities later than everyone else, training-wise she was behind all the other kids her age, she could never be as perfect as she should be and she hated that more than anything else. Her hatred for her lack of natural skill and her want to wipe the smiles off all the other kid’s faces made her an extreme perfectionist who never ever stopped practicing. She became a firebending master at age 14, with the blue flames Azula had in atla (caused by extremely strong hatred for something or someone).
Now we get onto some more info about Zane and Cole based on the picrews.
You know the avatar before Lloyd? Avatar Zavier? That was Dr Julien’s son, Zane was created as a replacement to help Dr Julien cope with his grief, and also in the hopes that Zane could acomplish what Zavier always wanted to as an avatar but couldn’t (to protect those who cannot protect themselves). Zane, Jay, and Cole grew up together, but to Zane, it always felt as though Cole and Jay were best friends and he was a third wheel, so he jumped at the chance to go go the northern water tribe after discovering he was a waterbender. He’s spent the past 3 years or so of his life mastering waterbending, and honestly, he’s been a lot happier there than he ever was in Zaofu. He’s found that waterbending came naturally to him and he’s already one of the best in the tribe, hes best friends with the princess of the northern water tribe, Princess Pixl. Things are going great for him. But he can’t help but feel as though he’s not doing what he’s meant to be doing, because he’s meant to be protecting people, thats his purpose, and he’s finding it really difficult to accept that he deserves happiness too.
And now, Cole. Growing up, Zaofu had been hell, its the city made of metal and he cant metalbend, it made him feel so useless. Combine that with his airbender father, who despised that his son couldn’t airbend because it made Cole a far worse dancer (Lou is still part of the royal blacksmiths, they’re a group of Airbenders who use their bending and the extra agility/gracefulness it gives them to do dancemoves that would be impossible to a non-airbender). Of course, Cole, an earthbender, is Lou’s complete opposite, but that didnt stop Lou from forcing Cole to try to learn to dance. The standards were just so high and he hated it. Albeit Cole became quite a good dancer, but the amount of extra training he’d been forced to take, the amount of ridicule he got from others for not being able to do what they could, the extent at which it made him hate himself and how he’d been born, it wasn’t worth it. He didn’t fit in with anyone arround him, except Jay, Zane, and his mom. He doesn’t know how he would’ve survived without those guys. This all comes off in his fighting style, most earthbenders use a strong wise stance and face things head-on, Cole is more prone to airbending techniques, he only actually uses earthbending to create last-minute walls/shields, he usually uses evasive manoeuvres until the opponent tires themself out. This makes him exceptionally powerful, and I don’t think anyone at Zaofu ever took notice of that (even Jay and Zane thought he was kinda weak, fighting-wise, considering he couldn’t metalbend nor was he as agile as his father hoped), but as Bumi said, earthbending is based on neutral-jing, and Cole’s techniques feel a lot more neutral than just punching stuff. And Iroh said to draw strength from many places, and considering that earthbending and airbending are opposites, it seems like a good place to look. When Cole left Zaofu to go to republic city, he was looking for people who appreciate him more, and, I’d like to think he found that in the Smith Siblings.
Oki heres some more picrews, here we have Avatar Zavier, Harumi, and Pixl (you’re gonna hear a lot more about Pixl)
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tophsbiggestfan · 4 years
for the kids thing: taang!
oooh hahahahaa!!! 
ok so first born is Kuzon (First of all the gaang kids in this au actually... no one really gave toph or aang an in-depth sex talk since they lost their parental figures at 12 and its not like toph would listen to her parents if they tried that with her... and the gaang didnt talk to her about it until she was complaining about this ‘flu’ she had for a while... (they’re like 19/20 though, not like 14) anyway lmao) 
ok anyway, Kuzon is first born. Aang talked about him so much in the series I couldn’t imagine him NOT naming his kid after one of his best pals in the fire nation. Aang and Toph also have a friendly competition on whether the kids will be earthbenders or airbenders and whichever one it is, they get to name it that. SO, Kuzon turned out to be an Airbender and Aang got to name him. Toph’s name for him (which is her own name) becomes his middle name. Kuzon Toph Bei Fong- first airbender born since the genocide (well, first-known to be born, i also headcanon that some survived in the earth kingdom)
He’s super fun and goofy; he has a hard time taking things seriously and it’s definitely a coping mechanism for all the pressure he feels as the first airbender of the next generation. Most of the time he doesn’t known when to stop goofing and it gets him into trouble a lot. He gets along well with the Sukka twins if you read that post. He’s also gay and that comes with a LOT more guilt on his shoulders because he feels like he’s supposed to continue the airbender lineage. Of course, Aang and Toph wholeheartedly accept him when that day comes to tell them (before, only his sister and his best friend, Zutara’s son, knows). While he’s happy about that, that guilt isn’t really lifted entirely until airbenders are discovered in the earth kingdom. Later in his life, Kuzon takens on a similar role to Tenzin in the Korra series (though i haven’t actually watched the series through, just read about it and watched some clips) but I imagine that includes helping to preserve airbender culture and act as a representative for it. He’s pretty passionate about peace-keeping once he matures enough to handle that sort of job and, even though he’s not the avatar, tries to travel around the world to help with diplomatic issues. 
Second born is Lin Yangchen Bei Fong, only a year or so apart from Kuzon. (also, i didn’t mention this before but since aang doesn’t have a last name, they use Bei Fong on any official documents). She’s an earthbender. Fun fact: To learn seismic sense as a kid, she couldn’t really get it unless she closed her eyes and as a result, can’t really earthbend well at all without closing her eyes as she grows older. She’s very hotheaded and strong-willed. She often feels like she has to prove herself since she feels like she lives in such a male-dominated world. Not gonna lie, Toph kind of pressured her to be very self-reliant from her own trauma of her parents making her feel useless; she did the exact opposite and forced Lin to learn to be completely independent and now she kind of has a hard time trusting people. Later in life, I imagine they both have a good talk where Toph actually apologizes for not being kinder to her (THAT BEING SAID; she’s not a completely withdrawn mother- they had lots of good moments as she grew up, but you can’t pretend Toph wouldn’t fuck up in some way from her own background and Aang tried really hard balancing it out that it’s not as extreme as Lin in the Korra series). Anyway, Lin’s best friend is her brother, Kuzon, though they also fight a lot as siblings do. In my notes, I wrote “she has a light humor, not one you will often see though.” I love her dearly. 
Third born is Tenzin Shi Bei Fong. This time, there’s a good six years before they have another kid. (So they just battled two toddlers while peace-keeping the world at age 20... honestly, it sounds just like them lmfao. Aunt Katara and Uncle Sokka were always happy to babysit when needed, but they tried their best to not just yeet the kids away unless they absolutely had to). Tenzin is an airbender and he’s actually very similar to Tenzin from the Korra series. I have notes that he was a “cute little boy who is an adorable muffin. Very happy and playful.” His middle name, Shi, means Stone... I think Toph would feel rather uncreative after two kids, plus she says she can actually always tell what they’re gonna be based off whether they have dancing feet or not to which both Tenzin and Kuzon did. I don’t have a lot on him, because he’s, you know, the original Tenzin... except he doesn’t date Lin because they’re siblings now (also... my Lin is not the same one from the series). 
The final baby is born seven years after Tenzin (an accident, though not the last accident of the gaang... that’s actually Sokka and Suki with Senna). It’s a girl and I haven’t quite decided whether she’s a an airbender or an earthbender because in my AU she’s just a baby, but I’m leaning heavily towards an airbender. Aang’s name for her is Buma and Toph’s is Suyin. Everyone hates Aang’s name for her and begs her not to name her Buma but even though it takes two years before Buma shows signs of any bending (to which, Katara asked them, “what will you name her if she’s a nonbender” and Toph says “we’ll deal with it when we get there”). Eventually, when she starts airbending, the family calls her Buyin as a combination of the two names so they don’t have to call her Buma. Aang eventually starts calling her Buyin too since everyone else is, but treasures the name Buma since it’s after a dear friend of his. She’s very adventurous and as the youngest, she had a lot more freedom than her siblings (though, really, Aang and Toph gave their kids a lot of freedom to begin with). Buyin’s really close to her parents as she grows up since her siblings stop traveling with them before she’s even close having the option to. Her parents are really her best friends and she visits the most following her actually growing up and moving away to do her own thing. I think Buyin’s that sweet person that everyone kind of loves, taking after Aang a lot in her excitement to make friends.
And those are the Taang kids!! I have a lot of headcanons and I’m sorry it’s such a long post. Thank you for the ask and if anyone else wants, feel free to send any atla ship and I’ll give you my kids headcanons!!
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Zukka Soulmate AU part 11
"Kurt? Kurt I thought I'd never find you! And here of all places!" Jen called out as the pair turned to him "and... with an.. earth girl... Kurt, we've talked about this"
Kurt pushed Lily behind him "no, you burned me, there was no talking dad."
"Wait, this is your dad? Your dad was one of them?" Lily asked in a terrified voice "does that mean the other two are alive?"
"Uh... who are you exactly?" Jen asked with a bored tone
"Amber village the Soyin family you burned before being taken down by earthbenders? I fell out of the cupboard afterwards" Lily said while holding her side holstered blades.
"Oh yes! I remember you! The nonbender who was playing hide and seek with her big sister Yana right? Pity she didn't last long, her heart must have been struggling for a while, such a shame. Really it is. But its too late for you to save her now little Lily petal"
"YAAAAH" Lily pulled out her blades and threw them at Jen managing to pin him against the wall behind him without damaging anything else "How dare you speak her name! How dare you pretend to care! How dare you show yourself in a sacred library of all places!" Lily grabbed Kurt "I. Hope. You. ROT." Running off they quickly lost sight of him and closed in on where they knew the rest of the group was.
"I had no idea my dad was one of the men who... Im so sorry, I would have to-" Lily pulled Kurt into a kiss right as the reached the group
"Im not angry with you Kurt, now please stop talking so much... just, wait until we're out of here okay?"
"A-hem! Hello earth to love birds what's going on?" Sokka snipped out "come on we have a clue we need to figure out"
"Lily, He will get out of that, we have to get everyone out of here before he tries to kill us again" Kurt murmured when the others walked off
"Till that man who just left tries to kill you?" The researcher said from behind the pair making them turn to see a glimpse of Jen before he managed to get out.
"Yeah... that man..." Kurt said with a sigh of relief
"Well, I think you two are good now, go catch up with your friends"
Meanwhile outside the library Zuko was throwing flame after flame while landing kicks on the sandbenders to no avail, he was quickly caught in... well... sand, forced to sink in completely before Tarren could get to him. He held his breath knowing if he took a breath he would likely inhale sand and practically drown.
With his world dark and most of his senses practically shut off his mind spun around like an infinite top. In this moment he finally had the ability to think, and that was never good. Thinking to the band on his wrist he remembered Sokka being gentle with him that morning and tying it around his neck, and then his harshness when he told him how angry it made him to see it there. What did he want? All Zuko wanted was for Sokka to at least give him a chance. He just wanted that gentle feeling from that morning back. He didnt understand what was going on. But he wanted to, maybe he could fix it.
Suddenly he was being forced back up and his world was light again and Tarren ran over to him while he was gasping for air and choking "the sandbenders!" He wheezed out "where are they"
"Tarren said they ran off with Appa" that wasn't Tarren... Zuko looked up to see Sokka and flinched back "woah, what's gotten into you?"
"I... it's nothing," when Sokka went to help him up he pushed his hands away and stood up by himself seeing the disappointed look cross Sokka's face when he did.
With Aang flying off to find Appa and Katara leading the group around with an intoxicated Sokka, their odds of surviving were thin, but... eventually they made it out with the help of a sand sailor, a returned Aang, and the Sandbemders who took Appa in the first place.
After they made it out they stopped to recuperate at a town a good while away from the desert and oasis. They took up two rooms in the towns inn, the rooms being given for free on the account of Aang being the avatar. There were five cots in each room, Aang, Katara, Sokka, Toph and Zuko took one while Tarren, Lily, Kurt, Iroh and Jee took the other.
"Ah! Cozy bed, not a hard ground with the possibility of pricklesnakes getting into Sokka's sleeping bag and him waking the rest of us up!" Toph exclaimed making everyone except Sokka laugh
"Oh will you guys shut up! It happened twice! And the first time it was Aang messing with me!" Sokka turned to see Zuko still laughing a bit, covering his mouth that was clearly formed into a smile as soon as Sokka turned. That smile that Sokka saw so rarely that it pissed him off. "Why are you laughing? You haven't even been in the group that long" Sokka snapped harshly at Zuko
Zuko looked surprised for a second before glaring at him hard "what is your problem with me!? Ive done anything and everything I can to help all of you since I joined, I just almost suffocated in sand trying to save your bison!"
"That doesn't matter! I mean yeah, it matters! But-!"
"But what?! But what Sokka!? I dont know what you want from me! I mean fuck! I was wearing this band on my wrist to be respectful to you because I know it looks similar to betrothal necklaces, but you were the one who tied it on my neck that morning! And then all of a sudden it makes you mad!? Whats that about huh!?" Zuko's voice cracked "do you really hate the fact that we're soulmates that much? Do you hate me that much?"
"I mean... of course you hate me! Why wouldnt you!? I'm a terrible person thats pretty clear right!? But I'm trying to do better and it just.. it just seems you don't even want me to.. to be here? To be alive? Fuck sokka why did you run to me when I was pulled out of the sand!?" Zuko let out a laugh through his spilling tears "I mean it's not like you care right? You don't even want me in the group!"
"Shut up! Of course I want you in the group! I don't hate you Zuko! I tied the band around your neck because I love you okay!? And thats why I'm so mad! I'm mad because people like you took my mom and now you're my soulmate, but I wouldn't change you out for anyone in the world and it makes me so mad how much thats true okay! Now can we all just go to sleep!?" Sokka blurted out while backing Zuko into a corner
"You... you love me?" Zuko breathed out in a near silent whisper
Sokka sighed "Zuko, shut up. Just go to sleep"
And with that Sokka turned and got into his own bed quickly dozing off as if he didnt just confess everything to Zuko infront of everyone. Zuko on the otherhand was frozen in place with red tear stained cheeks looking at everyone before Katara moved to help him to his cot "sorry" he mumbled to her only receiving a 'youre fine in return
Meanwhile in the other room the group was staring at the wall they shared before clearing their throats and turning back to eachother "well, Im glad nephew figured it out" Iroh said
"Yeah, hes been suppressing that outburst for a while, I was surprised he didn't snap before we got here" Jee shrugged before the two old men rolled over to sleep.
Tarren and Lily hand pushed their cots against either side of Kurts with Tarren bending some rock around the legs to keep them in place through the night. Kurt just laid stick straight, awkwardly laying there before Lily and Tarren wrapped their arms around him and he relaxed into the affection with a sigh. "Is this alright?" Tarren asked in a whisper
"Yeah, yeah, its okay" Kurt said with a small sigh when Lily ran her fingers through his hair and he absolutely melted into the feeling.
Soon enough the entire group had fallen asleep, though they would soon wake up and have to prepare for a journey to Ba Sing Se on foot.
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5) Bolin is cuter than Mako. PeriodT.
8) Idk how I feel about Asami. I knew her dad was up to something from the get-go but I can’t tell what the writers are trying to do with Asami besides pitting her against Korra for fucking Mako’s attention which is DUMB
9) Tenzin and Lin dating in the past is hilarious omg can you imagine Aang, Katara, and Toph when they found out I bet Toph pissed herself laughing so hard at her daughter dating Twinkle Toes Jr
okay that’s all for now
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laufie · 5 years
im trying to slowly solidify yue's story within the actual setting of ffxiv. her most staple trait i want her to carry with her across any game/universe is her familiar/spirit black dragon. it was a heavy part of her story in the original game shes from so id like to keep it. its tough to mold it to fit a different universe though.
having a spirit of the dragon within her always gave her otherwise cold demeanor a fiery core. she's very cold, calculating, neutral, and not a woman of many words. but this spirit comes out in battle through a very uncharacteristic rage/bloodlust. inspiration for it is something akin to the avatar state Aang entered when he saw someone he loved get hurt - it's incredibly powerful and wreaks destruction but he can't control it and isn't even entirely conscious as himself within it.
i'm not sure yet how i want to incorporate that in terms of ffxiv story. i dont know what i can use within the lore to create that. my 2 go-tos so far have been, either her lineage consumed (?) a primal or the power of a primal who was in the form of a dragon, and the rage has been passed down through generations. the other is some sort of power from nidhogg, for whatever reason. not entirely sure yet. the first one is much more aligned with the way i want it because its actually a spirit living inside her lineage. but i'm not well-versed enough in the lore intricacies to explain it in detail.
i want to give her a story vast and flexible enough to be able to play various classes. she was born in nagxia in a town heavily occupied by garleans, one of her outbursts put her in danger of execution so she fled to doma, where she was sheltered by a samurai who taught her how to use a sword. he saw he power, but told her she lacks discipline to wield the blade properly because the longer a fight goes the weaker she becomes to her own bloodlust. she learns how to fight with a katana, but not as a disciplined esteemed warrior, but rather a bloodthirsty beheaded maniac.
she travels to ishgard to consult with the dragons about what can be done about her weakness. she seeks out the help of dragoons - dragon tamers themselves, in hopes of taming a spirit of one, with a brief patronage of estinien. fruitlessly, she learns drk as a polar opposite to discipline, nearly giving up sanity to succumb to whatever thirst her power desires of her. at this point she's merely surviving on the streets with a broken will and a lick of sanity left - since she didnt hold a decent job or had any savings, the drk discipline was her last reckless attempt at controlling this weakness. she is picked up and taken in by one of the astrologians and allowed to stay and recover at the guild. despite the massive bloodied sword, through divination the elezen lady is able to see a broken soul crying for help. during her stay at the guild she repays through doing errands and all the grunt work - she is a muscular and strong person after all, so she helps the scholars. she studies astrology and attempts healing - inspired by the healing power used on her and the kindness it symbolized in her direst moments.
upon her full recovery, the elezen astrologian has learned much of her condition and tells her of the dancing discipline of Thavnair. she speaks of a martial style that requires a fiery spirit and channels it into precise and disciplined movements. a dance of ice and fire. deadly and graceful, capable of healing and drawing blood. a perfect balance of bloodthirst and discipline to tame yue's internal turmoil. and thus, upon returning to othard for a short stay to give thanks to her samurai caretaker, she takes up a mask on her face, an alias to cover her identity, finds a band of pirates and travels to thavnair, where she seeks out the discipline that not only works perfectly to tame her spirit, but also refines all her previous schools.
as such her class arsenal includes sam, ast, drk, drg and dnc aka all the classes i wanted ^^
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dittolicous · 7 years
know im just gunna talk more reboot!shinzo ideas cuz i feel self indulgent
(also wow this got long soooo under a cut you go!)
world building wise, its more like atla than like canon shinzo. the enterrans/matrixers aren’t all scummy, they’ve just been told lies for 300+ years. they truly believe humans to be evil demons for one reason or another. and while humans arent/werent that, there was a lot of morally gray activities going on, with humans experimenting on enterrans and constantly thinking of them as less sentient. of course there were humans who cared as well, but that didnt stop the bigotry. scuffles turned into fights turned into battles turned into wars. not helped by an actually evil mushrambo.
there were humans and enterrans who wanted peace and worked together, but they were generally looked down on and forced out of their communities. yakumo comes from such humans, who had joined together with enterrans who shared they’re ideals. (notably tho peaceful does not = humans did nothing wrong). it was only thru the two species working together that yakumo is able to be safely hidden away... for the most part.
and of course human/enterran hybrids existed from those same communities, but where of course looked down on. however, you could be a pure blood enterran and end up looking humanoid for one reason or another as well. once humans are thought to be extinct, negative focus is put on the more human looking enterrans. they’re generally seen as pretty demonic and unlucky, as propaganda makes them believe they’re the second coming of humans (they’re not necessarily wrong but...). many dont survive their childhood thanks to parental abandonment, being killed by their communities, etc. both mushra and sago find themselves in this category. 
the only humanoid enterrans to gain followings are those that 1) are extremely powerful and 2) have beast forms. but there are still many who view them negatively.
not ALL enterrans view humanoids are bad, but they’re in the minority, mostly thanks to above propaganda. generally, those enterrans come from hybrids or the past peaceful enterran lineage. all the same, its dangerous to be more human-like.
speaking of humanoid enterrans, this goes back to mushrambo. he’s truly evil because he saw humans as lesser, imperfect version of enterrans. he sought to kill them because of that and also because even in death, they were useless to enterrans (no cards to be absorbed). and as for enterrans who saw worth in humans, he believed them as weak willed, too reliant on humans, and as betraying enterran kind. he wasn’t... necessarily BORN/created evil, but thanks to torment by humans and enterrans alike, he grew into it. ...this needs more tweeking, but all the same, he’s bad to the bone.
but when yakumo’s magic attacks and ‘kills’ him, both his soul and power is split in three pieces. his power, into three gems, his soul, three new enterrans. those three are mushra, kutal, and sago. now it can be said that mushra is the core of mushrambo’s soul. mostly meaning he takes most after mushrambo as he was and thus, if he absorbs sago and kutal, he creates a near mirror image of the old mushrambo. if either sago or kutal mains and absorbs the other two, they would create a mushrambo who takes a bit more after them.
this leads to many, later in their journeys, trying to corrupt mushra and get him to kill and absorb his friends, so as to get the old mushrambo back.
and as for the gems with his power, each soul is draw to one gem in particular, which later gives them the ability to hyper form. there’s also a draw to the other souls and gem, but its much weaker and more subtle. however, it does still lead them feeling drawn to the same locations, even if they dont know or understand it. and because it was yakumo’s magic that split them, they do feel a natural draw to her, but its kinda a... neutral draw? it doesnt make them like or hate her, it just make her stick out to them.
also, they’re not as so straight good. for sago and mushra, there’s a lot of self hate in their humanoid forms/self and in humans, so being around an actual human leave them conflicted. for kutal, he still at first wants to eat yakumo, but as he spends time wit her and the other two, he becomes curious about humans and about the powers they supposedly hold. sago doesnt really trust yakumo and only sticks around because of mushra, in case yakumo turns on him. mushra was, as in canon, saved by her but thanks to a lot of internalized anger and hatred for humans and his humanoid appearance (which ostracized him), the only reason he doesnt attack her is because she saved him and he found it too... scummy and ‘human’ to kill her unprovoked. yakumo being a good person as she is implores about his hatred for humans and such. i havent worked out the details, but shenanigans ensue and they bond a bit, ending with mushra agreeing to help her find shinzo. they’re all a bit more morally grey, and only become better enterrans through they’re friendship with each other and yakumo, and from learning the true history of humans and enterrans.
later when they’re finally all together, they boys always find it easy to find each other, with just a gut feeling and generally get a long pretty well. over time their bonds only get stronger. really i just want them to have an incredibly strong bond not just with yakumo, but each other. they’re basically platonical/familial soul mates. 
yakumo is also less... perfect, must never fight back, type of gal and more... aang like. she prefers non-violence and HATES killing, but she knows things can get... bad. but it eats her up inside when she cant find a way to resolve things peacefully.
aaaand for now thats all i got! yeehaw this got long lol
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