#shay d.
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shaisuki · 5 months ago
📌 day thirteen: hand kink + trafalgar law
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law's hands are god's work.
his long digits are thick with the reasonable amount of calluses. rough to touch but there's the smoothness of it despite the sword he wields and the medical apparatus tiny to his hold, even a needle is a stray of hair. it amazes you how skilled those fingers are and you can't seem to tear your gaze away from them. the tattoos also added to the appeal of his sculpted hands.
the thought of the things his hands can do runs through your head. similar to a clock running after a cog is placed and if only.....
���(y/n)-ya.” the former shichibukai snaps at you. breaking your trance that were not so innocent and there's his hands again. so inviting and you can only bite your lip in wanting those fingers to be inside you. you didn't even hide your attraction towards his hands.
the surgeon of death chuckles at your action, amused at how you find his hands distracting — attractive. blatantly following every movement that even in the smallest of ministration like how he holds his books leaves you bothered.
“you like my hands this much, (y/n)-ya.” his tone low and gravelly sending shivers down your spine. he cups your soft jaw with his hand and a familiar heat settling in the pit of your stomach engulfs you. it doesn't sound a question when he asks you that, more like it's confirming this unnatural attraction towards a certain body part of his.
your face burns in embarrassment from how he casually said that. swallowing, you slowly nod. confirming your attraction towards his hands and he's smirking. you might be as well attracted to his smile but screw that, you like all of him. you like your captain that much that you were getting bold from the attention he was giving you.
he leans down to face you, his breath hot. tickling your face and then his pointer finger brushes to your lips before holding your chin with his thumb and index finger. “why don't you sit down, (y/n)-ya. as a doctor we need to check up on you.” his tone suggestive and his smirk grew wider.
he might as well be damned at this. your expression leaves nothing to his imagination. your round face was devoid of anything that suggests that you're uncomfortable, you were at ease. might as well be hazy while soft moans leaves your mouth while he traces your voluptuous body with his hands. making sure it grazes, a featherlight touch that sends you in pure ecstacy.
“i thought you were one of the good ones, (y/n)-ya. spending time with me did revealed your desires, eh.” he comments. caressing your round cheeks with the back of his finger. marvelling at the softness and bounciness of it in his touch and it brushes to your lower lip. his thumb pressing gently to watch your lips flatten against his touch.
“suck.” he orders and you did it without hesitation. opening your mouth before engulfing his finger with your lips. softly moaning as your tongue swirls around his thick digit. law sharply inhales. he slowly take out his finger. a wet pop can be heard from how your lips pursed into an o manner.
his hands slowly descends cupping your chest and then to your round belly before it stops to your fat mound. his grin teasing and you buck your hips in anticipation.
“patience, (y/n)-ya, i'm not done with you.”
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superiorsturgeon · 8 days ago
Inspired by something @agentfinder suggested a while back!
Raven: Who the hell are you?
Pyrrha: *stomps up to Raven’s tent* I am Pyrrha Nikos, Combat Champion and professional huntress, the Invincible Girl, and I hereby challenge you for leadership of this tribe!
Raven: *slowly unsheathes Omen* Are you sure about this, little girl? Back down now and I’ll let you off with a light beating! 👿
Pyrrha: *lifts her spear and charges* 😠
One furious battle later…
Raven: *aura broken, ribs cracked, disarmed, and bleeding in a crater* …I…yield…! 🤕
Pyrrha: *wipes her forehead and straightens up* Branwen tribe, I have defeated your chief! Starting now, we embark on a new mission…
Branwens: *gather around in anticipation* 😲
Pyrrha: *holds up a photo of Jaune* Help me ask out my crush on a date…! 😖
Vernal: Oh, HELL yeah! I always wanted to be a romance coach instead of a bandit! Time for a makeover! 😃
Shay D Man: *already breaking out a makeup kit*
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brokentrafficknight · 8 months ago
A Man's Dream...
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Ruby D. Rose, meet Shay D. Mann!
I felt like this cowardly fraud would make the perfect Teach substitute and the perfect opposite number to Ruby's Luffy
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oldschoolfrp · 2 years ago
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Frogs and princes (Susan Shay, The Art of Dragon Magazine, TSR, 1988; originally appeared without credit on the cover of Dragon 73, May 1983)
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lavilicious · 8 months ago
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The Piper for @cadaverkeys and a bunch of rats from different artist over on Artfight definitely having fun and not meeting terrible fates :)
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murmursdraconic · 2 days ago
Mom time?
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Mom time :D
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howlingday · 1 year ago
Nora Finds Fear
Based on OSP's retelling of "The Boy Who Found Fear At Last"
Mama Valkyrie: (Screams)
Nora: Mommy? Why are you screaming?
Mama Valkyrie: The wind blew the door open, and it scared me!
Nora: It... scared you? What's scared?
Mama Valkyrie: Well, um, it's like a really bad feeling you get when you think something bad is going to happen to you.
Nora: Like what?
Mama Valkyrie: It's worse if you don't know.
Nora: That's dumb.
Nora: (Leaves without saying good-bye)
Mama Valkyrie: (No longer in this story)
Nora: (Sees mountain in the distance) Ooh~!
Nora: (Hears laughter, Squeezes between bandits)
Raven: And that's when I stabbed him! (Bandits laugh)
Nora: What are you guys talking about? (Bandits scream)
Raven: If you're looking for fear, then I'm afraid you've found it! (Draws Omen)
Nora: Really? Where?
Raven: ...
Raven: (Sulks)
Shay: There, there, boss. You're still very terrifying.
Vernal: Uh, there's a graveyard nearby you could try. Here, bake this cake while you're down there.
Nora: Thanks~!
Nora: (Baking cake in a cemetery)
Pyrrha: (Reaches out) IS... THAT... FOR... ME?
Nora: Nope! (Whacks hand with spoon) Dead people can't eat cake.
Nora: (Takes cake, Leaves)
Raven: (Still sulking)
Shay: Look, boss. The weird girl brought cake. You should try it.
Vernal: Uh... There's a spooky pool of water on the other side of the mountain.
Nora: Ooh! I like the sound of that!
Jaune: (Crying on a swing set over pool)
Nora: Huh...
Saphron: Please! You have to help my baby brother!
Nora: I do?
Saphron: Here, let me get on your shoulders so I can reach him!
Nora: Okay. (Saphron stands on shoulders) Just let me know when you got him. (Saphron pushes down) OOGH! S-Stop it! (Throws her) Alright, I'm done! Hm? Ooh! Shiny white bracelet!
Nora: (Takes bracelet from the ground, Jaune and Saphron disappear) Hey, problem solved~!
Nora: (Wanders into town)
Blake: Hey. I'm an unexpected reminder of the casual occurrence of faunism in historical literature. That's my one personality trait, and also that bracelet is mine.
Nora: Tell it to the judge!
Ironwood: You claim you "won it from a ghost". And your claim is...
Blake: I'm a sneaky and conniving trickster and boy do I hate humans.
Ironwood: Uh huh... Well, seeing as both claims are so far-fetched, despite being an old fairy tale of dated historical relevance, I have no choice but to hold onto this bracelet until I can be provided with a bracelet just like this one to prove ownership.
Nora: (Unfazed by complex legal system, Still no fear) Stupid judge...
Nora: (Sees ship sinking with people screaming) Ooh~!
Nora: (Swims over) What's the matter? Are you guys stuck? (Screamed at) Uh... Okay, I'll take a look!
Nora: (Dives, Sees Weiss dragging boat down)
Nora: (Punches woman, Ties her up)
Weiss: What just happened?!
Nora: (Gurgles, Blurgles)
Nora: (Swims up) Okay! Try her again!
Nora: (In an enchanted forest)
Nora: (Experiencing whimsy) Is this existential dread?
Nora: Huh? (Sees three birds flying nearby, Watches birds transform)
Saphron: You will not believe the night I had!
Pyrrha: Try me, sister.
Weiss: So, there was this bird~.
Pyrrha: (Pours drink) A toast to the brave girl who smacked my hand away when I was coming out of my grave!
Saphron: (Raises drink) A toast to the fearless girl who threw me off of her shoulders when I tried to drown her!
Weiss: (Swigs drink) And a toast to the weird girl who swam to the bottom of the ocean to fight me IRL.
Nora: DO YOU- Stop screaming- Do you have another bracelet?
Saphron: (Leads to enchanted treasure hall) Are you sure you don't want anything else?
Nora: (Walking away with bracelet) Nah, I'm good!
Ironwood: I will do no such thing.
Nora: (Walking away happily with bracelets, Sees crowd) What's going on?
Oscar: We're about to have a new king!
Nora: Does that happen a lot?
Oscar: ...No. Anyway, since the king died with no heirs, we have a foolproof plan to determine who our next king will be! See, a pigeon will be released from the top of the castle wall, and whoever it lands on will become our new king!
Nora: Wow! That's so much better than a democratically elected system! Huh? (Pigeon lands on her) Oh. Would you look at that?
Oscar: ALL HAIL THE KING! (Crowd cheers)
Suddenly, Nora feels something. Sees something. She peers into a window of the future, one most uncomfortable. She was bound to a throne, tied by a sense of obligation and responsibility, and forced to spend the rest of her life trying and failing to make the poor richer, the hungry satiated, and the bad better. Never again would she have her freedom to wander and do as she pleased. Nora's chest became tighter, and her breathing shallower. Her vision began to blur as tears filled her eyes and spilled over from her cheeks. Her heart began to ache so much, she brought a hand to where it tried to rest, and found her arm, her fingers shaking with this strange new emotion! Was... Was this the fear she sought?
Robyn: Huh... She doesn't look to happy.
Nora: My carefree lifestyle! My free time! My vibes!
Qrow: We gotta reassure her! RELEASE MORE PIGEONS!
Nora: (Sobbing, Covered in pigeons) Thanks, you guys... I'm good now... (Crowd cheers)
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fromashesweriseuphiddenones · 7 months ago
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I am playing them both in a D&D campaign and dam was Shay carrying the team last session. Both of them are great to play as.
Hey D&D players looking to do assassins Creed, let me know, I have homebrewed the bleeding Effect and eagle vision.
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iceicewifey · 11 months ago
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pluviance · 13 days ago
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Shay, my halfling blood cleric, and her raven companion, Lord Pepper Grimly.
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oddlyhale · 7 months ago
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I just wanted to share this joke floating around in the political sphere. JD Vance is a crooked, misogynistic and weird man, and the Democratic Party has taken to nicknaming him "Shady Vance."
Or as I'd like to spell it: Shay D Vance.
Anyways, vote blue. 💙
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superiorsturgeon · 1 year ago
Adam: *tosses tied-up Jaune on the ground*
Jaune: Oof! What do you assholes want?!
Cinder: *crouches down in front of Jaune* Don’t worry, blondie, we’re not going to hurt you. You’re just bait for your girlfriend, Pyrrha!
Jaune: My girlfriend is dead!
Cinder: Yeah…see, that’s what I thought! But she just keeps coming back!
Pyrrha: *at the laundromat, trying to scrub bloodstains from her suit*
Maria Calavera: *doing her laundry beside Pyrrha* Use lemon juice and baking soda to clean blood out of clothes.
Pyrrha: 😲
Maria: …idiot…
Garbage Truck: *pulls up beside shady hideout building*
Pyrrha: *half climbs, half falls out the back*
Pyrrha: Thanks for the ride! Sorry for bleeding all over your garbage!
Pyrrha: *tearing through a hideout of bandits*
Vernal/Shay D Man: *run to safe room and slam the door behind them*
Pyrrha: *trying to break into safe room* Come on! It’s my anniversary today and I’m running late! 😫
Neo: *behind the bar* So you’re back from the dead, huh? Have you told your boyfriend?
Pyrrha: No…! I’m terrified of what he’ll say when he sees my face…😭
Neo: Oh, come on, how bad can it-
Pyrrha: *pulls back her hood, revealing her scars*
Neo: WHOA!! Your face looks like an avocado face-fucked a topographic map! 😨
Pyrrha: Thank you…😑
Neo: It must’ve been serious hate-fucking…there was something wrong in the relationship…😰
Pyrrha: Thank you…😓
Neo: I’m sorry, but you look…haunting…!
Pyrrha: *face on the table*…thank you…😭
Pyrrha: *smashes phone down* AAAARGH!!!
Neo: Shit, they’ve got Jaune?!
Pyrrha: …I need guns!
Neo: Which guns?
Pyrrha: ALL OF THE GUNS!!! 🤬
Pyrrha: Okay…I need your help…! They’ve got Jaune! 😓
Nora/Ren: 🤨
Ren: All right, but in return we’d like you to consider joining us!
Pyrrha: Okay…FINE…
Pyrrha: *muttering as she turns away* …it’s funny…all the other teams have four members, but I only ever see two of you…
Pyrrha: …it’s almost like the writer was too lazy to add more characters…
Pyrrha: *standing on Cinder’s body*
Cinder: 😵
Pyrrha: …I’m just a girl…standing in front of a boy…
Pyrrha: …Oh my gods, what the hell am I going to say to him?!?!
Ren: *turning away* Well, you’d better think of something quick…!
Nora: 🤭
Pyrrha: What…? *turns around*
Jaune: 😡
Pyrrha: 😱
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brokentrafficknight · 3 months ago
Does Jaume have mad beatboxing skillz?
Would he win a match with Neptune about it?
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Who even beatboxes anymore?
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cow-dyke · 11 months ago
The Lesbian Paradox
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Lesbian. Homosexual. Gay. Queer. Dyke. Femme. 4Butch.
These are some words I describe my sexuality as. But I am not sure that any word will fully be able to illustrate what I really feel inside.
Yes, I am a lesbian. I am a female homosexual. A woman who is exclusively attracted to other women. Yet, because of my exclusive attraction, my "womenness" is hard to reconcile with.
Girls are often taught to like boys and girls are taught that boys like us. Moreover, girls are taught to respect boys who are mean to them because of said likeness. Heterosexual women are tormented for not tolerating such behavior but can ultimately have their womanhood left alone as long as they like men enough to have a defined affection for them. Lesbians, on the other hand, are harassed for turning down the attraction all together while society tries to paint a picture of what version the lesbian makes them comfortable. It is hard for me to call myself a woman for many reasons, and this is one of them.
Of course, this isn’t to say that women who are attracted to other women cannot identify as such but rather to explain why some lesbians like myself don’t do so. From this, I often find myself being more attracted to women loving women who are not women (confused yet?).
Something about the queerness of gender in a lesbian context is just so, safe. I think many things that I don't say out loud in fear that straight people (and even some queer people) will see me as odd or a threat to our binary norms. But I feel like the non-binary lesbians give me a sense of understanding without having to say any of those words. We don't base our sexuality off of the orthodox traditions of the heterosexist, cisnormative world we are in. We don't copy and paste our rules off of the way straight society has formed there's and just switch around some of the wording. Instead, we make our own rules, which are none. We use labels but there is not much more to them as what feels right from our own experiences.
Transgender lesbianism is beautiful. Non-binary lesbianism is beautiful. Butch/Femme lesbianism is beautiful. Even if one word can't truly be defined to describe me, all I know is that being a Genderqueer Lesbian is complex, mystifying, but also simply beautiful.
I am beautiful. We are beautiful.
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marcmarcmomarc · 22 hours ago
RWBY (Behind the Voice Actors): Volume 5 Minor Characters
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murmursdraconic · 6 months ago
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Fog was beginning to mask the hilly mountainside as afternoon approached. It was not an ideal time to look for stones for camp, but night wasn't going to wait. Distant cries of Spearow and the occasional Hoothoot broke the silence when the sound of the river grew too boring to listen to.
There was a blue and red blur under the water, growing more or less clear as he descended to the river bottom and rose back to the surface. The clattering of stones onto the bank with moving water helped Shay keep track of where her Feraligatr was. Her eyes were busy inspecting whatever stones he was bringing up.
Careful not to heat those too much, lest they explode in the fire.
The suitable ones went in her bag, others tossed back into the river. Shay wasn't listening to the sudden quiet until Riptide gives off a cautious low bellow. A sound she familiarized herself with to be a greeting at strangers.
She turns and... a familiar sight of blue and red from the other side of the river gets her attention first. Odd, Feraligatr weren't native to this area, and there was a second one.
"Hey, you lost?" She asks the other gator, unknowing but wary if anyone else was around.
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