#sharing helps too
nobleclover · 7 months
Sharing this GFM here again since things have been quiet. It was set up by a mutual who's in a bad living situation. Any help is much appreciated.
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taegularities · 2 months
My family is still staying in half of the church that wasn’t affected by the bombing because there is nowhere else to stay other than tents. They are limited to one small meal a day and one shower a week. They are sleeping on the floors, but no one can sleep since there is bombing everywhere around them. Even when there is no bombing, they can still hear the loud buzzing sound of the military planes above them, which would keep anyone who hears it awake. Along with everything, My grandma has diabetes and osteoporosis, so she can’t walk. She has to take her insulin medication along with many others; however, she has run out of many of her medications.” Am on my knees requesting for donation. Target $450
hey, love. saying this won't be enough and i wish i could do so much more, but i am so sorry this is happening to you. i keep hoping for better times, safety and peace every day. i'm more than happy to support you. here's the link to their post and paypal, for anyone who'd care to help and can donate 🤍
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6marzipanology6 · 5 months
Hello sorry for tagging. I am very sick, my asthma is at its maximum level, my nose freezes, I have no medicine or food. I am in bad shape financially, I am a black disabled, who uses multiple medications, I pay for my food and lodging
Unfortunately I do not have all the resources to keep me safe, that is why I need your help, whatever you can contribute to me will be of great help.
Hello, no need to apologize. Posting your PayPal link again so more people can view it
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tasia-reader · 5 months
If someone sent me $20 so i could buy milk, oatmeal, and sugar that would be so helpful! 🥺❤️
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baronessblixen · 24 days
Hello dear.. Please don't skip my message My name is Mohammed, from the afflicted and destroyed Gaza Strip, where life has become impossible and tragic, and where we see death and pain every moment and every day. Our children suffer from hunger, pain, deprivation and lack of medicine. The war deprived them of playing, school, and their most basic rights. They are now suffering from woes and tragedies. 😭😭 During the war, my wife gave birth to a child and I could not find any milk for him Our conditions are tragic, and we live in a shelter that lacks the minimum requirements for life and is plagued by diseases and epidemics Please help me save my children from the hell of the Gaza Strip and provide them with a decent life 😔 Your assistance, no matter how simple, is enough to ease the burden on us and help us overcome our crisis. Please sympathize with me and donate to me or contribute to sharing the campaign and spreading it widely
Here you go!
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 4 months
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I have a short fuse when it comes to things like this. They’ll be too loud or something and I’d snap and tell them to stop…
Neurodivergent Girl
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lesbiandardevil · 4 months
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this is a verified and vetted fundraiser sponsored by gazafunds (twitter) + i spoke to feras myself
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i will literally draw you any character of your choosing if you donate either 5$ or 10$ or more to his fundraiser (just dm me the receipt!) and if you can't donate please share 🙏
currently at 15,332/19,999$
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andoutofharm · 8 months
If anyone wants to purchase an esim to provide internet access to Palestinians but haven't yet, you can use my Nomad referral code LYDI79TR for $3 off your first purchase! With this code esims are as low as $6, and this is a way you can immediately help someone in Gaza who might otherwise not be able to make contact with their loved ones.
More detailed information on esims is available here, and a tutorial walking through how to purchase and send an esim through Nomad is available here.
edit to add: if this code isn’t working for you, try codes NOMADCNG or BACKPACKNOMAD !
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lucidmagic · 1 year
Repeat after me:
The first draft just needs to exist
The second draft needs to be functional
The third draft needs to be effective
The first draft just needs to exist
The second draft needs to be functional
The third draft needs to be effective
The first draft just needs to exist
The second draft needs to be functional
The third draft needs to be effective
Remember, the second and third can't happen if you don't have something to work with. Your first draft will always be shit compared to your third, but at least it exists. The worst first draft is an unfinished one. The best first draft is a just completed one.
You read books/stories not in their first draft form-- only in their finished form (third, fourth, sometimes fifteenth draft). So stop comparing your first draft with a final one.
So, just write--you can make it better later. Perfectionism is the greatest weight a creator can carry.
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razberrybones · 1 month
GAAAH the therian/nonhuman community never ceases to amaze me. There's literally the coolest fucking people, creatures, characters, gods, angels, items- you name it. ITS JUST SO COOL!
Sitting over here kicking my feet bc a deity followed me back. scrolling my following and seeing what my dinosaur friend is up to. i just- GAAH
not to mention just how welcoming everybody is, it's wonderful. in all this adversity in such a cruel world we live in, we have a (semi)safe space. I wanna see this community grow and seeing people talk about how it used to be EVEN BETTER?? GODD we need to get some of that back.
keep being wild and unpredictable :pointing at viewer: share your stories and write some, do crafts, take up coding, whatever. just do it. you wanna know who's really good at learning crafts and hobbies? YOU!! get got nerd >:) go be a creature rn
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ruporas · 2 years
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good mornings throughout the travel
[ID: Two comics of Vash and Wolfwood from Trigun Maximum. The second is underneath the read more.
The first is in four panels and follows Vash and Wolfwood through hotel rooms. First, Vash and Wolfwood exit adjacent rooms, and Wolfwood has sparkles floating around him as he exclaims, “Rise and shine! Ready to go?” Vash frowns, displeased, and says, Urk— Good morning to you too.”
Next, they’re in a room with two beds. Wolfwood is awake and fully dressed. He’s sitting on the bed and smoking, back turned away from the viewer and he says, “Wake up already, sleepyhead.” Vash sits up with his eyes still closed and yawns before saying good morning. After that, they’re sharing a bed, and Wolfwood gets up and says, “Morning, sunshine. Time to get up.” His body shadows Vash from the sunlight. Vash is still lying down with a blanket draped over him as he mumbles good morning.
Finally, they’re embracing in bed, both shirtless. Sunlight shines on them, but their contact allows their shadows to drape over their faces. Vash smiles, kisses the top of Wolfwood’s head, and says, “Good morning, Wolfwood.” Wolfwood sleepily says, “Mph, g’morning, needle-noggin’,” snuggling into on Vash’s shoulder. End ID] ID CREDIT
TRIMAX Vol. 10 Spoilers under read more // bonus comic
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[ID: The bonus comic starts with Vash asleep in bed, fully clothed with his hair half-black. Someone says “Good morning,” and Vash says, “Morning, Wolf—w...” He trails off as Livio, holding a plate of food, stares with abject shock.
Livio says, “I’m sorry.” Vash, smiling but sweating, says, “No, it’s my bad...” Livio repeats, “I’m sorry.” Vash says, “Geez, stop apologizing,” and cuts off Livio’s “I—” with a “Good morning, Livio.” Livio quietly mumbles, “... Good morning...”
Vash sits up from the couch he was sleeping on and looks down, thinking, “... That’s right. I won’t wake up to you anymore... I have to get used to that...” End ID]
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coloredcompulsion · 2 months
Mithrun being a mostly autonomous disabled person with caretakers is incredibly important to me, building up routine habits in order to "fully function" while also still requiring help is so real tbh
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cyberpunk-deadboy · 5 months
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sisaloofafump · 8 months
The Superman style studies had also culminated in a video! Very fun to showcase my favourite artists
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cowardlykrow · 7 months
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Despite herself, the Emma is wooed
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 4 months
The Autism Urge to be Helpful
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The Autistic Teacher
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