#shanhai pass
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odinsblog · 3 months ago
Thread on alternative views of iconic landmarks you (probably) haven’t seen before 🧵
1. Mount Fuji from a plane window.
2. Arc de Triomphe, Paris
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3. Aerial view of Kaaba, Mecca
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4. A view of the Taj Mahal that you do not usually see, highlighting the stark contrast between opulence and poverty divided by a single wall.
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5. Top down view of the Statue of Liberty
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6. The backside of Tutankhamun's burial mask
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7. The dome of St. Peter’s Basilica seen through Rome's most famous keyhole.
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8. The worn steps of the Tower of Pisa
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9. Photographer Alexander Ladanivskyy, in collaboration with the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism, captured an extraordinary drone shot of the Great Pyramid of Giza from an unusual perspective.
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10. The Shanhai Pass, where the Great Wall of China meets the ocean.
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for images 11 - 25, please see the source, here
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tilbageidanmark · 30 days ago
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One end of the Great Wall of China.
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mockva · 2 months ago
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The Shanhai Pass, where the Great Wall of China meets the ocean.
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postcard-from-the-past · 4 months ago
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Japanese barrack at the Shanhai Pass, China
Japanese vintage postcard, mailed in 1920
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artful-browniebites · 3 months ago
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Okay okay okay I can’t NOT put Reeve in a Nine Sols Au.
The Sols would probably be replaced by the Shinra Directors (plus some?) Reeve is probably still head of various architectural stuff, and maybe also involved with how the root is integrated.
The part he dreads the most about the plan is the whole sleeping thing, and he devises a way to both stay awake and sleep - enter Cait Sith. Made to look like Shanhai 9000, the internals are actually comprised of some of Reeve’s own flesh and dna, giving Reeve a mental link and control over the unit even when his original body sleeps. That being said, Cait Sith is still his own mind as well and Reeve isn’t always mentally present.
(Haven’t finished Nine Sols yet but it was just too perfect to pass up :D)
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sins-of-the-sea · 1 year ago
-Promise of the Peach Tree-
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"Hey, look Guy! The Gavle Goat!!"
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"What? Where?!"
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"Ohh, goodness! How delightful!! It's not fire or violence taking down the Goat, it's birds!!~"
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"And it seems like no one is contesting this! Everyone is loving this! Birds eat the straw or the bugs nesting in them, and life goes on! It's so great!"
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"...Phoebus??!! Phoebus!! Guy, I saw him widen eyes!!"
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"....That's not funny, Ruixiong."
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"I wasn't being funny! I saw Phoebus open his eyes wide! He wanted to see the birds!"
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"Stop it! Stop it right now! You saw nothing! He probably widened his eyes because it was getting dark, or something fell in his eye or--I don't care!"
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"You don't care about Phi?"
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"...Do you want me to burn all your hair off your head, Rui?"
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"I saw nothing! I saw nothing!! You're right! You're right!"
The other members of the Crew call the three over to finish their holiday evening, though Ruixiong lingers a bit longer to gaze upon the birds at the Gavle Goat.
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"....Birds eat.... birds fly... and life goes on. The people were willing to let the birds do as they do instead of the usual wanton violence... reminds me.... reminds me of the time I watched some birds at Shanhai Pass while some fights were going on....
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"Though this... watching birds nest on wooden frames and pecking at human-curated plant material.... makes me think of something... also familiar..."
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digital-arts-etc · 7 months ago
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Eye-Opening Historical Snapshots No One Was Shown In Class
Sarah Schuman
History class was often a bunch of boring facts and dates, not to mention names without faces. But maybe the subject never was boring at all. We've tracked down some of the most fascinating snapshots from the olden days as well as more recent times, and they are truly remarkable. Take a look at these pictures and get some insight into the folks that lived before us. They probably failed to mention these historical events in class, but they're absolutely fascinating.
Ever Wondered Where the Great Wall of China Ends?
We bet you thought the Great Wall of China was one long barrier. But no! It is actually series of fortifications. Several walls were built over centuries and united under Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of China, around 200 BC. Why? Well, a variety of reasons, like protection against invading groups, border controls, and a way to stop and tax goods transported on the Silk Road. It's an impressive brick project, but eventually, it does end. Where exactly does that happen?
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3,889 miles of actual wall end right here, at the edge of the Bohai Gulf. This spot is called Shanhai Pass, also nicknamed "Old Dragon's Head". Unsurprisingly, it is a popular tourist destination.
This Is What A Test of a Super Conductor Looked Like in 1901
Nikola Tesla might sound like a familiar guy: He's the man that inspired Elon Musk's car brand name. A pioneer in electrical tech, his place in science history is secure: The man had 3304 patents in his lifetime! Here he sits, reading in his Colorado Springs laboratory testing his latest contraption. It looks totally futuristic. But sometimes, his ideas remained a theory. One of his more outlandish concepts included the Thought Camera. But what was that all about?
Dickenson V. Alley / Wellcome Images / Wikimedia Commons
Tesla explained: “I became convinced that a definite image formed in thought must, by reflex action, produce a corresponding image on the retina, which might possibly be read by suitable apparatus.” So far, no one has managed the task. But some say social media is getting close in its own way.
A WWI Bulgarian Soldier Giving His Best Battle Cry in 1916
WWI was a long time ago, and few of us really remember the stakes and grudges. Ever wondered what Bulgaria was up to during the great fight of this time? When the conflict began in July 1914, Bulgaria was still recovering from the effects of the Balkan Wars. For this reason, they initially declared neutrality. But as their allies got more deeply involved, they did throw in their hat just a year later. How could they not?
Here, a Bulgarian soldier screams at the camera, presumably practicing his battle cry. He would fight in the trench with machine guns and grenades. These new, modern weapons produced such gruesome effects that plastic surgery became a new field of medicine.
We Are Touched by These 2,800 Year-Old Lovers
The "Hasanlu lovers" are a famous archeological find that amazed professionals in the field. It was determined that the pair died around 800 B.C. in Iran when a hostile force invaded their town. In their last moments, they appear to be hugging or kissing. For millennia, they stayed that way until their discovery in 1972. But despite the way things look, modern analysis shows they may not have been a couple.
The University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeologyand Anthropology
Dating the skeletons showed that one is around 20, and one is around 30. Both are male and seem to have no diseases. Just two healthy guys in their prime, and possibly related. We don't know for sure. But it is interesting to imagine their story!
This Underwater Detonation of a Nuclear Bomb Looks Out Of This World
Once upon a time, the U.S.government just wanted to see what could happen to submarines, should a nuclear war break out. The Baker Test was the first underwater nuclear explosion ever conducted. The massive explosion resulted in a cloud that rose up like a mushroom in the sky. The base surge created a 500-foot high wall of radioactive spray and mist, which wasn't exactly refreshing. What happened to life in the area?
United States Department of Defense / Victorrocha / Wikimedia Commons
According to the official military report at the time: "All of the pigs and most of the rats on the ships died either from the blast or from radiation exposure. Of the 57 target vessels, eight either sunk or capsized as a direct result of the explosion...Most of the surviving vessels had to be subsequently sunk as too hot to handle."
This Is How They Cut Down a Giant Redwood by Hand
Today, it is illegal to cut down a redwood tree. These giant plants in Californiaare an unbelievable sight in person, and regularly attract tourists just to witness their size. But people during frontier times had other sensibilities. They needed a constant supply of wood to build houses and keep fires burning. When they saw these gigantic trees, it must have seemed like a dream come true! Redwoods can grow up to 240 feet high with a 15-foot diameter.
Mendocino Model Railroad and Historical Society
In this picture, an old-time logger poses next to a massive Redwood that's being cut down. Today, most are gone: Only 5% are still standing. Seriously, 95% were cut down since the 1850s. What a sad fact!
The First American Robot, Steam Man
Some people fear that killer robots may come to get us all one day. But what about their ancient ancestors? Way back in the 1860s, Zadoc Dederick was a young machinist with curiosity and free time. Along with his buddy Isaac Grass, he invented the first American robot. Combining a steam carriage with a metal man figure, the pair exhibited the invention and inspired crowds around the country in Boston, Chicago, New Orleans, and St. Louis.
Zadoc P. Dederick / New YorkPublic Library / Wikimedia Commons
In 1868, Zadoc and Isaac got a patent for their robot. Still, the concept led to more walking machines over the coming years. It even inspired dime novels, like The Steam Man of the Prairies by Edward S. Ellis.
These Gentlemen Are Testing a Bulletproof Vest in 1923
For police and soldiers in the line of duty, the bulletproof vest was a critical invention. It's fairly new, as a product of the 1920s. Thanks to the Protective Garment Corporation of New York, service members were able to wear a revolutionary lightweight vest. The idea probably sounded too good to be true, which is why they did this demo in the middle of DC. These salesmen are going to an extreme!
National Photo Company/Library of Congress / Wikimedia Commons
The men happened to be the inventors, and they clearly trusted their own product. It all came just in time, too: With the onset of the great depression and prohibition, police had to deal with all kinds of armed gangsters. Finally, they had a little protection!
That Time Boston Had a Deadly Explosion of Two Million Gallons of Molasses in 1919
It sounds like something straight out of Willy Wonka, but it really happened: In one cold Boston winter in 1919, two million gallons of molasses exploded from a tank at the port. It resulted in 15 ft-high waves that raced through the city at 35 miles per hour. The sweet syrup destroyed everything in its path, killing 21 people and injuring 150 others. It almost swept a train off the tracks and toppled electric poles. Live wires hissed everywhere. It knocked buildings down, too!
Boston Public Library / Wikimedia Commons
Why was there so much molasses oozing around? Apparently, it was the main sweetener at the time. Not only that but it could be made into a type of alcohol used for manufacturing munitions. A sticky situation, indeed!
Rwanda Had Pretty Hip Hairstyles 100 Years Ago
We often think that the style of yesteryear was old-fashioned. But sometimes, it can be downright futuristic! Take this traditional hairdo from Rwanda. It's called the Amasunzu, popular 100 years ago. This was the way that tribe members explained their social status. Those who didn't have this ultra-shaped style were looked on with suspicion. But at some point, it went out of fashion. Today there is a bit of nostalgia, and some are trying to being it back.
At its peak, Rwandans wore around 30 different styles. It could communicate that you were a warrior or a virgin, for example. Married women had their own look, too. Overall, it seems to have been an important language through hair.
This Is the Big Moment When They Opened King Tut’s Tomb
In 1333 BC, King Tutankhamun was just nine years old when he became both a ruler and god for ancient Egypt. He died young, and no one really knew what became of his body. The discovery of his burial place was super exciting in 1922 when British Egyptologist Howard Carter and his team excavated the Valley of the Kings. There was a constant problem in Egyptology: Thieves kept robbing mummies of their gold and jewels. Would they find a stripped tomb here, too?
Harry Burton / Wikimedia Commons
King Tut was mummified and buried with artwork and treasures. But since his tomb was in the desert, the sand shifted around and buried the site over time. Hidden for 3,000 years untouched, Carter's team found it all!
Imagine Keeping This Giant Squid in Your Bathtub in 1873
Man was sure there were sea monsters for hundreds of years. Sailors told tales too bold to believe, but science would validate them one day. Here was one such moment: In 1873, Candian naturalist Moses Harvey collected the first intact specimen of a giant squid. Fishermen found it in Portugal Cove, Newfoundland. When Mo heard about their novel catch, he knew he needed to get his hands on its tentacles.
Unknown Author / Wikimedia Commons
He paid them $10, which is the equivalent of about $200 today. What did he do with the 27-foot creature? Why, he used his bathtub for safekeeping. At the time, there was no other option at short notice.
Al Capone Opened a Free Soup Kitchen During the Great Depression
Legendary gangster Al Capone made a fortune during prohibition by bootlegging liquor and bringing it to the black market. The people viewed him as a bit of a hero, in a way. Sure, he murdered, extorted, and intimidated his way to riches. But there was a lot of demand for the freedom to drink, and he helped tremendously. Some of the admiration for Capone is also due to his generosity during the great depression.
National Archives at College Park/ Wikimedia Commons
Al Capone’s soup kitchen served breakfast, lunch, and dinner. On a given day, 5,000 men, women, and children might eat free of charge at this charity. Undoubtedly, it was great street cred for the gangster.
The Bomb Known as 'Fat Man' Killed Millions in an Instant
WWII was the first time atomic weapons were used to kill thousands of human beings. In an instant, whole cities in Japan were destroyed. But the bomb itself doesn't look so intimidating. Here, we see 'Fat Man'. This was the second bomb of the series, detonated over Nagasakiin 1945. The specs are pretty technical, but it's worth noting that this deadly device weighed a whopping 10,800 pounds. Very fat, indeed!
U.S.Department of Defense / Wikimedia Commons
The debate over the morality of such weapons continues to this day. Some say it saved lives, in the long run. Others say it was evil on a mass scale. Truthfully, even many physicists involved in the project felt guilt over the war technology. To this very day, no one has used it since.
This is How George Washington Was Carved Into Mount Rushmore
At present, tourism is South Dakota's second-largest industry. The biggest attraction in the state has got to be Mount Rushmore, with more than 2 million visitors a year. Americans love the majestic sight of four major presidents carved into a mountain. It's a tech and art marvel, and we wonder how they got it done in the old days. Perhaps this picture of George Washington's half-finished face will give us a clue!
Rise Studio, Rapid City, S. Dak./Library of Congress / Wikimedia Commons
The 60-foot memorial took 14 years to complete. Real people carved it by hand from 1927 to 1941, blasting stone away and shaping it into the faces of Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln alongside George.
Little Samuel Reshevsky Defeated These Adult Chess Masters
Samuel Reshevsky is still in the history books as one of the greatest American chess players. He was a seven-time U.S. champion and made it to the top of world challenges. In his prime, he defeated seven other world champions, including Bobby Fischer. And it all started very early for this genius: Check out little Samuel at age 8, right here. Without breaking a sweat, he is beating several chess masters at an event in France in 1920.
Kadel & Herbert / Wikimedia Commons
We may not all be interested in chess, but it's impossible to deny that it is a tough game. Out of 7 billion people in the world today, around 1500 rank as grandmasters. It's pretty impressive that Sam qualified in elementary school!
The Original Mickey Mouse Was Pretty Horrifying
Walt Disney was a clever man, and his empire lives on well beyond his lifetime. His classic character Mickey Mouse is one of the most lovable characters around in the cartoon world. His cute little face has provided entertainment for generations of children. But a hundred years ago, the prototype was actually kind of disgusting. Look at this early Mickey, and be honest: Would you allow this scary thing around youngsters?
ScaryPictures / Reddit
Once his ears got rounder and his base was made shorter, Walt had the modern Mickey. We think the original had a disturbing design. But the kids in this old photo seem to be enjoying him, anyway!
How Did This Mormon Girl Get This Distinctive Tattoo?
Back on the frontier, there were constant conflicts between settlers and Indians. Competing for resources and lacking a common language, this is not terribly surprising. But some may not know that there were occasional kidnappings during raids. Olive Oatman here was a young Mormon girl when she was taken away from her family and made into a slave. Her entire family was killed, except for her sister who joined her in slavery.
Benjamin F. Powelson / Wikimedia Commons
Olive was later traded to another tribe that wore these tattoos. As she became part of the group, it appears they gave her one, too. Despite having chances to escape, Olive stayed with them for years. When she was finally rescued, she claimed the tattoo marked her as a slave. Historians are not sure that was true, however.
The Eiffel Tower Construction Happened in Stages
The Eiffel Toweris an iron monument on the Champ de Mars in Paris, France. Engineer Gustave Eiffel commissioned his company to design the tower for the 1889 World's Fair. It was intended to be a grand entrance for guests. We say he succeeded! After the fair, it was too iconic to take down. To this very day, it's synonymous with Parisitself: Every year, nearly 7 million people visit.
Unknown Author / Wikimedia Commons
The Eiffel Toweris 1,063 feet tall, and it took more than two years to construct. Here it is, halfway through the building process. Even half of it is pretty elegant!
The First American Spacewalk Took Place in 1965
By the 1960s, Americans had shot many things into space. But a human had not yet dangled in those harsh conditions, and NASA wanted to give that a try. In 1965, Ed White impressed the world as the first American to walk in space. He went outside the safety of the Gemini capsule and met the cosmos firsthand. This was historic, and Ed truly went where no man had gone before. What were his observations up there?
NASA / James McDivitt / Wikimedia Commons
Ed reported: "This is the greatest experience, it's just tremendous. Right now I'm standing on my head and I'm looking right down, and it looks like we're coming up on the coast of California. There is absolutely no disorientation associated with it."
The Aftermath of Bonnie and Clyde’s Death Was Grim
Times were tough during the great depression, to be sure. Some people ate potato soup. Others decided to embark on a life of crime. We've all heard of lovers Bonnie and Clyde. Their real names were Bonnie Elizabeth Parker and Clyde Chestnut Barrow. And they're not just a legend: The pair was responsible for at least 13 murders and numerous bank, shop, and funeral home robberies. That spree didn't end well, as seen here.
​Unknown Author / Wikimedia Commons
Bonnie was eating a bologna sandwich while her boyfriend drove on a rural road. He cruised right into a trap where Texas rangers were waiting for them. 167 bullets were fired into their vehicle in less than 20 seconds, killing them both. Behold, the aftermath!
The HooverDam Construction Was a Magnificent Sight to See
The Hoover Dam was one of the most important construction achievements of its time. At its completion in 1935, FDR marveled: "We are here to celebrate the completion of the greatest dam in the world, rising 726 feet above the bedrock of the river and altering the geography of a whole region: we are here to see the creation of the largest artificial lake in the world-115 miles long, holding enough water, for example, to cover the whole State of Connecticut to a depth of ten feet."
Bureau of Reclamation Photographer / Wikimedia Commons
He continued: "We are here to see nearing completion a powerhouse which will contain the largest generators and turbines yet installed in this country, machinery that can continuously supply nearly two million horsepower of electric energy." An impressive feat indeed.
This Rotor Ride at Coney IslandWas the Wildest Thing to Do in the 1950s
Amusement parks are full of rollercoasters and water rides, these days. But one of the quirkiest rides around used to be the Rotor Ride, a carrousel that created a centrifugal force that caused you to stick to the wall. During the '50s and '60s, it was exhibited at European fairs and made it to Coney Island in New York. People couldn't get enough of it: The floor would disappear, and you would be suspended. How novel!
Today, this ride does still exist. You may have tried the updated version, the Gravitron. But just imagine the thrill back in the day. It was the definition of futuristic, surely.
NASA Prepped for the Apollo Moon Landing With This Low-Tech Simulator
How can you prepare to go to the moon if you've never been there before? NASA was faced with this challenge when it decided technology was ready to send a man to the chunk of cheese in the sky. But they had some concerns that astronauts would be unprepared. Obviously, they needed a simulator. Here it is! Did you expect it to be a little more advanced? Well, too bad. NASA
Various screens were set up to show how light would reflect off the surface of the moon at different altitudes. The machine looked just like the cockpit users would ride in with colleagues. Scientists anticipated harsh light and glare in the weird conditions of space. Looking back, this was perfectly effective prep.
This Man Poured Acid in the Pool When Black People Tried to Swim in the ‘60s
Believe it or not, there was a time in Americawhen blacks and whites were not allowed to go to the same schools or use the same drinking fountains. And swimming pools? Well, that was totally out of the question. Eventually, people rebelled. It was too insulting to continue, and protestors of both colors jumped into this motel pool in Florida. The whites who had paid for rooms invited the blacks as their formal guests. But the manager poured acid into the water!
This swim-in was actually planned by Martin Luther King Jr. himself. And the acid stunt didn't really work. There was way too much water diluting it. Perhaps he just wanted to scare everyone. But the photo went viral, and really didn't help his cause.
Don’t Be Scared of the 1920s Electric Permanent Wave Machine
In the early part of the 20th century, a revolutionary hair machine was brought to market by Nestle, before they just became the chocolate people. In only 12 hours, you could be a brand new lady! They advertised it as follows, in 1908: “Nestle’s Improved Permanent Hair Wave means the imparting to the straightest and lankest hair & wave, which in texture, character, desirability, and appearance cannot be distinguished from the natural grown wavy hair.”
The hot device combined with chemicals produced some cool coiffes if you were willing to wait it out. Occasionally though, there were burn victims. Regardless, Mr. Nestle made the equivalent of around $44 million today with this beauty device. Thankfully, it has been replaced with plain old perms!
Elvis Being Sworn Into the Army
Sure, he could have gotten out of serious service. The army said he could just play concerts for the troops. But American singer Elvis Presley was a patriot, and he decided to enlist like all the other guys his age during the time when the Vietnam war began. In 1958, he became a regular soldier despite being the most popular entertainer on the planet. According to the king: "The army teaches boys to think like men."
Elvis received both basic and advanced military training and ended up at a base in Germany. Back home, he had both fans and critics. Some thought his entertainment was too vulgar. But when he came back as a veteran, Elvis had new respect from all sides!
British Anthropologists Found The Happiest Man in Chinain 1901
When photography was first invented, people were not sure exactly how to pose. Westerners decided that being serious was the best kind o portrait, and old photos rarely show a smile. But when a British traveler brought a camera to China for the first time, such notions didn't exist yet. The Chinese didn't know it was such a serious affair. Look at this man happily eating his noodles! He's a real goofball, we will say that.
American Museum of Natural History / Wikimedia Commons
At this point, the identity of this subject has been lost. But it's interesting to see the real emotions of the people from the past, in a rare situation where they didn't know smiling was forbidden.
Arnold Schwarzenegger Was Already Bodybuilding at Age 16
According to legendary bodybuilder Arnold Schwarzenegger: “Not many people understand what a pump is. It must be experienced to be understood. It is the greatest feeling that I get. I search for this pump because it means that that my muscles will grow when I get it. I get a pump when the blood is running into my muscles. They become really tight with blood. Like the skin is going to explode any minute. It’s like someone putting air in my muscles. It blows up. It feels fantastic.”
That's all pretty intense, we must admit. But Arnoldwas into the sport since he was a teen. One day he would become Mr. Universe himself. Look at him posing as a 16-year-old, here!
Say Hello to the Head of the Statue of Liberty in 1885
Sure, The Statue of Liberty is an enormous neoclassical sculpture. She sits on Liberty Island at the New York Harbor. And she has lots of fans, too. But what did she look like, at the beginning? Here, we can see her before she was fully assembled. This face hasn't been attached yet, and a few ladies are admitting her in copper. She wasn't always green, of course. That's just what happens to the metal over time. Just like a penny!
Unknown Author / Wikimedia Commons
France gifted her to new ally America in 1886. She was designed by sculptor Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi and became an icon of freedom that generations of immigrants have seen upon arrival. Merci, Fred!
The Is First Known Photo of Abraham Lincoln
This is a man who once said: “My father taught me to work, but not to love it. I never did like to work, and I don't deny it. I'd rather read, tell stories, crack jokes, talk, laugh — anything but work.” But do we believe it? First of all, he looks quite serious. Second of all, this is honest Abe Lincoln, 16th president of the United States.
Nicholas H. Shepherd/Library of Congress / Wikimedia Commons
The president who taught himself law out of a book he found in the trash, who freed the slaves, and kept the union united is quite young here. It's fascinating to see what he looked like before that bushy beard. We like what we see!
Mister Rogers Did This Outrageous Thing for a Reason
François Clemmons was the actor who played Officer Clemmons on Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood. He had one of the first recurring black roles on kids' TV, but Fred Rogers was not content to keep things the way they were. In 1968, he invited his pal to sit with him at a kiddie pool. They took off their shoes and dipped their feet in the water. Then, they shared a towel. Why was this significant?
John Beale / Focus Features
Well, it was illegal to do this in a real public pool at the time. Mister Rogers wanted to make a statement to his young viewers about the issue. The episode stands out as one of the most notable ways the color barrier was broken on TV at the time.
Margaret Gorman Was the First Miss America in 1921
In 1921, an American icon was born on the boardwalk in Atlantic City. Margaret Gorman was crowned the First Miss America and started a tradition we still enjoy today. According to the organization: "Miss America is more than a title, it’s a movement of empowering young women everywhere to dream big, to insist that their voices be heard and to inspire change in the world around them. Of course, Miss America wears a crown—she rules."
After answering all kinds of tricky questions, Margaret proved she had both inner and outer beauty. She won a 3-foot golden mermaid trophy as the grand prize. Today, the prize has improved a lot. The winner gets a $50,000 scholarship!
The First Underwater Photograph Was Taken in 1899
The first underwater portrait is a little blurry, we must admit. But it's still interesting to see what people were able to produce in 1899. The man in the picture is Emil Racoviță, a Romanian biologist and oceanographer. It took the photographer about 30 minutes to capture the image because he had to wait for the right amount of light down there. We certainly see how that might be a challenge with a vintage camera!
Since that first, underwater photography has improved considerably. Vibrant images of fish and coral have probably been your screensaver, at some point. No big deal! Even if we can't make it out to a reef ourselves, it is now pretty easy to feel like we are there.
These Are Blind British WWI Veterans in Their First Ever Walk Event
After WWI, there were plenty of funerals. But the surviving soldiers were often terribly maimed, and sometimes blind. Blind Veterans UK still holds an annual walk for soldiers who are blind, which started after the first world war in 1922. The organization explains: "For our early blind veterans learning to walk independently was a crucial stage in their rehabilitation after losing their sight. In addition to the obvious value of not needing a sighted person to accompany them everywhere, confidence in walking on their own also helped maintain their fitness."
Blind Veterans UK
Here, we can see British vets on their first walk, which took place from London to Brighton. This was an impressive distance of 52 miles. Eight men finished the race alongside sighted partners, starting an important patriotic tradition.
This 1890 Photo Might Be the First-Ever Image of a Surfer
We might think of surfing as a modern water sport, but that is certainly not true. As it turns out, surfing has been a part of Hawaiian culture for at least 1,000 years. During ancient times, leaders and royals were given the best surfing spots and used boards made of local Koa wood. Their boards were 24 feet long. The common people would surf too, on 12-foot boards.
It's fascinating stuff. But since that all took place long ago, people don't know the rich history. Starting in 1890, we do have this photo. All we can say is this guy is ripped!
Danish Arctic Explorer Peter Freuchen and His Wife Are a Spectacle
Giant Danish Arctic explorer Peter Freuchen led a remarkable life exploring the most northern places on our planet. On his expedition to Greenland, he discovered the Inuit culture and ended up living there for 15 years. 800 miles from the North Pole, he traded and married an Inuit woman. He hunted polar bears. He experienced three months of darkness and encountered native cannibalism. And he documented all of this for Western audiences to study.
Sadly, his Inuit wife died. But he got married again, which wasn't hard. Ladies love tall, adventurous men and 6-foot-7-inch Peter found a wife named Dagmar, seen here in 1947. After all his travels, the two settled in NYC. Their size difference is remarkable, isn't it?
1920s Gals Worked Out on This Early Treadmill
Fitness is a big deal, these days, Some of us like to go jogging. Others like to lift weights. For those who want something in between, there is always the treadmill. The earliest version is actually quite old, with U.S. records showing a patent was issued in 1913. Back then, it was called a training machine, but the rotating belt and moving flor were all recognizable as a concept. Look at these vintage ladies go!
Today, these machines have become much more advanced. Most have fancy settings to choose different programs to vary the speed. Medical facilities and gyms alike use treadmills. Even Olympic training centers and NASA use them!
The Real Models Once Posed in Front of Their Iconic Portrait
We all recognize “American Gothic” when we see it. The Grant Wood painting is surely the most iconic portrait ever done of a farmer and his wife. It's quintessential Americanafor sure. The suit jacket, the pitchfork, the overalls: It's all there. The question is, were these people real? If you ever had doubts, we're here to put those questions to rest. Here, the real subjects pose in front of the art so a photographer can snap the double image.
In real life, they look less rural. Maybe that's because the woman is the painter's sister, Nan. The man is his family's dentist, Dr. Byron McKeeby. Why, they're just a bunch of city slickers, after all!
Young Winston Churchill Looks Totally Dapper
This fellow once said: “You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.” Was this young man really that wise? Maybe not yet. But one day, he would become an inspirational figure with plenty of saying just like that one. This is a photograph of a very young Winston Churchill, dressed in his army uniform. The wartime prime minister had his handsome years, it turns out!
Imperial War Museums/ Wikimedia Commons
Here in 1895, his destiny has not yet been realized. He is merely 2nd Lieutenant Winston Churchill, serving the queen. Decades later, he would help change the course of the world.
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georgebuckettwo · 8 months ago
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The Shanhai Pass, where the Great Wall of China meets the ocean.
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brookstonalmanac · 10 months ago
Events 5.27 (before 1960)
1096 – Count Emicho enters Mainz, where his followers massacre Jewish citizens. At least 600 Jews are killed. 1120 – Richard III of Capua is anointed as Prince two weeks before his untimely death. 1153 – Malcolm IV becomes King of Scotland. 1199 – John is crowned King of England. 1257 – Richard of Cornwall, and his wife, Sanchia of Provence, are crowned King and Queen of the Germans at Aachen Cathedral. 1644 – Manchu regent Dorgon defeats rebel leader Li Zicheng of the Shun dynasty at the Battle of Shanhai Pass, allowing the Manchus to enter and conquer the capital city of Beijing. 1703 – Tsar Peter the Great founds the city of Saint Petersburg. 1798 – The Battle of Oulart Hill takes place in Wexford, Ireland; Irish rebel leaders defeat and kill a detachment of militia. 1799 – War of the Second Coalition: Austrian forces defeat the French at Winterthur, Switzerland. 1813 – War of 1812: In Canada, American forces capture Fort George. 1860 – Giuseppe Garibaldi begins the Siege of Palermo, part of the wars of Italian unification. 1863 – American Civil War: The first Union infantry assault of the Siege of Port Hudson occurs. 1874 – The first group of Dorsland trekkers under the leadership of Gert Alberts leaves Pretoria. 1883 – Alexander III is crowned Tsar of Russia. 1896 – The F4-strength St. Louis–East St. Louis tornado hits in St. Louis, Missouri, and East St. Louis, Illinois, killing at least 255 people and causing over $10 million in damage. 1905 – Russo-Japanese War: The Battle of Tsushima begins. 1915 – HMS Princess Irene explodes and sinks off Sheerness, Kent, with the loss of 352 lives. 1917 – Pope Benedict XV promulgates the 1917 Code of Canon Law, the first comprehensive codification of Catholic canon law in the legal history of the Catholic Church. 1919 – The NC-4 aircraft arrives in Lisbon after completing the first transatlantic flight. 1927 – The Ford Motor Company ceases manufacture of the Ford Model T and begins to retool plants to make the Ford Model A. 1930 – The 1,046 feet (319 m) Chrysler Building in New York City, the tallest man-made structure at the time, opens to the public. 1933 – New Deal: The U.S. Federal Securities Act is signed into law requiring the registration of securities with the Federal Trade Commission. 1935 – New Deal: The Supreme Court of the United States declares the National Industrial Recovery Act to be unconstitutional in A.L.A. Schechter Poultry Corp. v. United States, (295 U.S. 495). 1937 – In California, the Golden Gate Bridge opens to pedestrian traffic, creating a vital link between San Francisco and Marin County, California. 1940 – World War II: In the Le Paradis massacre, 99 soldiers from a Royal Norfolk Regiment unit are shot after surrendering to German troops; two survive. 1941 – World War II: U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt proclaims an "unlimited national emergency". 1941 – World War II: The German battleship Bismarck is sunk in the North Atlantic, killing almost 2,100 men. 1942 – World War II: In Operation Anthropoid, Reinhard Heydrich is fatally wounded in Prague; he dies of his injuries eight days later. 1950 – The Linnanmäki amusement park is opened for the first time in Helsinki. 1958 – First flight of the McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom II.
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goodgarbs · 3 years ago
Fashion| Bottega Veneta Does A Fashionable Takeover Of The Great Wall Of China
Fashion| Bottega Veneta Does A Fashionable Takeover Of The Great Wall Of China
The renown Italian fashion house, Bottega Veneta has a tendency to showcase their brand in epic-form no matter the event. Simple examples of their roll-out routine stem from their takeover of Berlin’s Berghain nightclub for a unique presentation, to the launch of its $2,100 USD roller skates. Long story short, Bottega puts in the best of effort when showcasing their brand. This tradition…
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yuexuan · 2 years ago
Title: 山海高中 Shanhai High School
Author: 语笑阑珊
Length: 103 chapters + 9 extras 
Rating: G
Tag: Urban fantasy/mythology, slice of life, comedy
Summary [taken from novel updates]:
Lin Jing was pretty much your average good student, as he was serious, diligent, and polite.
After his second-grade high school transferred, he was forcibly recruited to become a minion of the troubled student, who had ranked first from last in the grade.
In this regard, Lin Jing had confusedly raised a question, “Why?”
Ji XingLing, who hung a school uniform over his shoulders, sloppily leaned against the wall, as the golden sunlight fell on the tip of his hair. “Can’t help it; blame yourself for being a careless little monster.”
Lin Jing, “?”
It’s over; this boy must have a loose screw.
On the day of his eighteenth birthday, Young Master Ji who had styled all over his hair with pomade, was blocking people at the door, and while felt himself as a domineering President, “Are you free tomorrow?”
Lin Jing was panicky, “Ji XingLing! Ji XingLing! Your Qilin tail is showing again!”
It is a casual school life fantasy and Qilin’s attack.
Novel| Novel [translated]| Manhua
Comments **contains spoilers**:
I don’t have much to say about this novel other than this is a light read, filled with fluffy interactions between the main CP and the people around them. Some highlights of the novel:
The MC (Lin Jing) is extremely studious and refuses to date ML (Xing Ling) until he scores above 500 in exams lol. A large part of the novel is just the ML working hard to catch up on his scores and negotiating with the MC about the threshold of his ‘passing score’ for dating.
Unlike a lot of slice-of-life stories with mythological creatures, the characters didn’t know each other’s mythological identity. Cue cute scenes where the characters are surprised to learn each other’s identity: e.g. MC’s mom doesn’t know how her kid is a rare plant-based mythological creature since she isn’t one. It’s only later that they found out the dad, who doesn’t believe in supernatural/fantasy stories, is actually a plant mythological creature himself.
The ML’s family is wholesome: his father is a kylin who likes to show-off his son by turning Xing Ling into his kylin form and carrying him up into the skies to show off in front of other mythological creatures. His mother is a 9-tailed fox who encourages the MC and ML’s relationship because she wants her son’s grades to improve lol.
Overall, the writing style is funny and full of ‘tucao’ (i.e. roasting; to make fun of something)
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iamdunn · 4 years ago
Miraculous Flash Forward part 3: Laoshi Mao
A Miraculous Fan-Fic
Written by 
AJ Dunn
It had been two years now since Adrien moved to Shanghai. At first, time seemed to go by so slowly as he was waisted his days at home and went out at night to train. However, after the first few months, he began going insane. He decided to sit and watch Chao Sifu as he taught the younger kids the same exercises he was mastering at night. He held several classes throughout the day, some for the smaller children, and others for the more advanced kids. However, he never saw groups of adults. 
“You might as well change your clothes young Adrien, and join me.” Chao Sifu said without missing a single movement. They were practicing outside under the blossoms of the over-hanging trees. Adrien nodded and jogged off to change his clothes, he left them here so he didn’t have to carry a bag around town. He returned to the group and Sifu motioned for him to take the lead in front of the kids. He knew the exercises well and began right where Sifu left off. He watched the kids’ faces and they moved in sync with him. He never realized how much fun it would be to participate in a group activity like this. He once gave his Chinese class lessons in fencing and vise versa, but this was something else. They looked to him as if he were the Sifu. His heart was thrilled. 
Sifu walked around the group inspecting the movements of the children and corrected the ones who were out of step. Adrien began showing up every day at the same time and spending almost the entire day either leading the class or walking around helping the kids who had more trouble. He especially loved working with the smallest of the children. One of which, a little girl, reminded him a lot of a younger Marinette. She was even just as clumsy. Sifu didn’t have patience for her so Adrien would have her step out of the group and he would practice solo with her several feet away from the rest of the group so that if she did fall, he would be the only one she’d trip on. 
The days began to go by faster as Adrien took up more chores at the temple including cleaning. After two years, Sifu allowed him to take on more chores and even lead a couple of classes on his own. Sifu seemed to be tiring of the physical labor as his body began to give out. Adrien was still a silent partner in the Graham de Vanily company and even insisted that he receives reports regarding new designs before they were approved. Many new talented designers were beginning to blossom under the new brand of the company, but he wondered why Felix never offered Marinette a position despite her many successful designs that were sponsored by the company. 
“She keeps refusing,” Felix answered as they spoke on the phone. “I even went personally to her apartment to offer her a full position.”
“You went to her apartment?” Adrien felt prickles in his skin. “Where does she live, who does she live with?” 
“Wo wo slow down lover boy. If you want those details call her yourself.” Felix was irritated with Adrien’s jealousy but he went out of his way to antagonize it knowing how much it affected him. “Look, I understand why you can’t be here, but she can’t.” 
“I know I know.” Adrien sighed
“You don’t get it,” Felix’s frustrations could be clearly heard. “You’re the reason she keeps turning me down.” 
“Turning you down?” Adrien began to fume.
“For the job offer,” Felix wasn’t playing now. “It’s not like I brought her roses and offered her my hand. Get control of your emotions.”
“You’re right cousin.” Adrien sighed dropping heavily onto the couch. “I have been keeping my mind occupied with things here so I don’t think about everyone there.” 
“How’s that working out for you?” Felix sounded concerned. “Are you accomplishing what you went there to do?” 
“Yeah, I think I am. I am teaching children martial arts now and, I can cook pretty much any Chinese dish you could order at a restaurant.” He laughed. 
“So… are you thinking about teaching children when you return?” Felix asked skeptically.
“Why not, I used to be the best fencer in my class and even gave lessons to some of the least talented students I met.” He remembered the time Marinette tried out. He laughed again. She wasn’t bad for being such a klutz. “I have to go now though, it’s time to meet up with the Sifu for dinner. He clicked the phone off and was about to stand when his phone rang. It was Cheng Sifu. 
“I don’t need that nightly order you always deliver each night,” he said swiftly. A nervous tone in his voice.
“Is everything alright Sifu?” Adrien wondered if he should use Plagg to get there quickly despite the sun still being up. 
“No no, don’t come everything is okay, I just have family in from out of town.” Adrien’s breath froze in his lungs. He could hear laughter coming from the other end of the line. He knew there would always be a chance of Marinette and her parents visiting, Cheng was her great uncle. Adrien sulked as he set the phone back down. He stood up as if his body moved him. His thoughts weren’t his own as he stormed out of the apartment. Plagg zipped quickly so he wound’t be left behind. Even on the metro, he couldn’t sort his thoughts. What was he doing. He was going to see her. What if she saw him? How could he explain, he had been gone for 4 years now, with no contact with any of them. What would she say? How could he face her after what his father did to her, to all of them. Marinette had been the only one out of their entire class, and well school to not have been akumatized. 
He couldn’t stop his thought process even as he got off the bus by the market. He lifted his hoodie over his head wondering if it would be better to dawn his ‘other’ hoodie. So far Cat Noir, had not been seen in Shanghai, not since his first night here. Even Hei Mao was a blur in the night. Despite the fact his new costume was an exact replica of hers, he could always pass it off as someone playing dress up. But an adult? In Shanghai, in broad daylight with no festival or events taking place? Adrien stopped outside the restaurant. He spied the very back table, the one Cheng Sifu reserved for his family and special guests. He could see her laughing along with his mother and father. Her long midnight hair hung loose below her shoulders, her smile radiated as her eyes gleamed from the joy. 
Adrien couldn’t move as he stood frozen. He saw her look up as if she could sense someone watching him. He dropped to the ground. Toying with his shoe laces so as to not look suspicious to the passerbys. Was it safe to stand up? Did she see him? He slowly stood not looking into the window, but just as his eyes rose over the window sill he could see what she had been looking at. It was Fie, a friend they had made here when she had by chance visited her uncle for the first time and gotten lost. 
Adrien sighed and took his leave. What had he been thinking? Toying with disaster. He couldn’t bare to feel the shame his father placed upon him. He was glad that at least Marinette had escaped the fate of becoming evil, she was far too good for that. But the horror of watching everyone you care about wreak havok on Paris, not to mention on the various places they had traveled abroad. Even here in Shanhai. 
Adrien had made his way back to the temple. He couldn’t find Chao Sifu anywhere. He slipped his sneakers off and slipped through the living areas searching for him. Finally he sat on the floor outside his masters bedroom and knocked on the door. He could hear a low muffled voice.
“Come in Adrien.” the voice was raspy and harsh. He slid the door open and crawled inside closing the door behind him. Chao layed on his futon. He was pale and weak. A woman came from the bathroom placing a cold rag on his head. “You won’t be trained by me any longer young Adrien.” He coughed into his napkin. Adrien could see the red. 
“He won’t make it through the night.” the woman said then left the room. 
“I am far too old for this world.” Chao said. “I am over 300 years old now.” the shock wore on his shoulders. He was even older than Master Fu.
“How long do guardians live?” Adrien asked quietly “Master Fu was nearly 200 before he surrendered the miracle box.” they hadn’t ever talked about the miracle box or who had it. All Adrien knew was that Ladybug had it and he didnt know who she was. 
“Fu?” Chao said. “He was but a child when the temple disappeared,” he coughed again. “Being bound to a Kwami box preserves our life span, but we slowly fade after we relinquish it.” He hadn’t seen Master Fu since he had been akumatized, which came after he had handed over the miracle box and lost his memory of it. 
“Chao Sifu? how do you have memory of these things if you relinquished your box”
“I was a grand master, I governed them all!” he hacked and turned on his side away from Adrien. “When the temple was restored, I sent the guardians out to find the missing boxes and any holders who may have passed along their miraculous’” more hacking.
Adrien wanted to know more about the order of the miraculous but he knew, now was not the right time for that. He would sit with Chao through the night. 
The dawn came as Adrien saw cross legged on the floor beside the futon. He had been meditating all night. He felt the fatigue as his eyes slid open welcoming the sun. He saw the Sifu looking up at him. A haze growing over his eyes. 
“There is nothing more I can teach you.” the voice was small but understood. “You came to me a Xuesheng, and now I leave you, Laishi Mao.” His eyes drifted closed as his body went limp. Adrien swallowed hard in his throat as he continued to sit there unable to move. The woman came in a few minutes later. 
“He is gone.” Adrien whispered barely able to breath, his heart heavy with hurt. He wanted to cry, he wanted to be held tightly as he cried. He suddenly missed his partner. Despite her lack of reciprocated feelings, he missed her the most right now. Her arms were always available to him when he needed her the most. But he knew, he had abandoned her. Tears began to well up in his eyes as the woman covered his face with the blanket. Adrien stood up and left the room. 
Back at his apartment Adrien was silent as he moved about the apartment. Classes would be canceled today. He went to the bathroom and took a shower. Marinette was in town, and his Sifu was gone. He dialed up Cheng Sifu.
“I uh, I need to see you.” he choked. Standing in the seating area, a towel wrapped around his waist. “Today.” 
“I will come see you.” Chao said. Her voice could be heard in the background. A voice he would never forget. Especially after she confessed her love for him on the day of graduation. He had just showed up at the school, she crashed into him at the top of the stairs, a common occurrence. Standing there for the longest moment before she spoke. His mind couldn’t process what she had told him. His heart stalled in his chest and he could’t say a word. Not that he didn’t have feelings for her, just that she had always said she didn’t like him like that. He swore her love was for Luka, and maybe part of it was. 
“Thank you Sifu.” He said hanging up the phone. There was a knock at the door. Adrien peered through the door. It was a bell boy. He slid the chain and oppended the door. 
“This was sent for you.” the man handed him a suit bag, like one from the dry cleaners only this was fancier. 
“Thank you.” Adrien said closing the door. He carried the hung garment to his bedroom and tossed it on the bed. Pacing back and forth as his heart skipped a beat. 
“Well what is it?” Plagg asked flying out from where ever he had been hiding. The logo on the bag was clearly from the temple. His heart throttled like the engine of a sports car in his chest as he unzipped the garment bag. It was a simple garment. The shirt was long and black with dark red trim. The pants matched. Adrien pulled it out and slipped the pants on first. The cuffs came up slightly above his ankles as is the design. He performed a couple high kicks, Side to side and front. He kicked back knocking the lamp off his night stand. 
“Carefull where you kick you almost hit me.” Plagg said. Adrien laughed.
“We’ve been hit by our own cataclysm, I think you can take a kick.” Plagg scowled at him. He picked up the top. It opened in the the front and wore like a robe. He slipped his arms into the sleeves pulling it closed around his waist. He slid the sash off the rung of the hanger and tied it around his waist holding the top closed. Sifu had taught him how to wear it. He slipped on the matching shoes that lay in the bottom of the garment bag. He went into the bathroom to inspect his appearance. The top had slits up the sides for movement freedom. It didn’t move at all as he kicked and punched moving his arms around infront of the mirror. 
“It’s not as good as your OTHER suit.” Plagg said jealous of the new look. “Even your Marinette style is better than this one.”
“No argument there.” Adrien smiled. “I’ve never had a civilian uniform before.” Another knock at the door came. Adrien greeted the bell boy who was escorting several well dressed men. Adrien held the door open for them. He waited for one to offer his hand before shaking it, as was customary. He motioned for them to sit in the seating area and they did. 
“We have come to deliver you news of Chao.” One spoke. “As you may already know he passed on this morning.” he pulled a manila envelope from his satchel and held it in both hands. “He had these prepared for you awhile ago.” he handed the packet to Adrien with both hands, so Adrien accepted it with both hands. “Please open it now.” the men waited as Adrien pulled the stack of papers from the envelope. 
“Last will & testament?” Adrien frowned and looked up at them. 
“You shall become the soul heir to the temple grounds, the school and all it’s contents.” one began to read from his copy of the forms. You will take up his place as Laoshi to the children and carry on his teachings.” It was a great honor to have bestowed on a person. Adrien couldn’t speak as he watched the man read through the forms. “There shall be no classes until the end of mourning.” with that the men stood up. Adrien stood up and escorted them to the door. A call came in on his phone. It was Cheng Sifu.
“I am downstairs, I can not stay long.” he sounded rushed. Adrien hurried down stairs. Plagg tucking himself into the sash. A secret pocket had been crafted into it. 
“Perfect.” Adriem smiled as he made his way to the elevator. Downstairs he found Cheng Sifu sitting on a bench under a tree. He took a seat next to him. 
“You look great.” Cheng said indicating the suit.
“Chao Sifu passed away this morning.” Adrien started. “I was with him went he went.” His tears threatened to appear but he swallowed back scanning the scene for signs of Marinette.
“They are over there.” he motioned to a temple turned museum across the street. She would not be able to see him where he sat. “I am sorry to hear about your Sifu. Adrien, you have done well here.” 
“He gave me the kwoon.” Adrien said flatly. “I am to take over as Laoshi.” 
“Congratulations Adrien.” Cheng beamed with joy for his young student. “You have come along way even in the kitchen. Will you tell me why you came here? Why you avoid the one you love?” Cheng always seemed to know that which even Adrien hadn’t. Adrien knew now that he loved her, but he had always been blinded by his love for Ladybug. Well, he still loved her too, he just thought more maturely about it and having a life with a woman who you didn’t know her real identity made things more difficult. It’s not like they could get married. 
“It’s...comlicated.” Adrien said. “After my father was arrested, I didn’t know who I was. I came here to find that out.” He could have gone anywhere, but why here? “Maybe, here, i still had a connection to her.” he mused. 
“I will call you, when they leave.” Cheng said standing up. “Unless you change your mind then join us for dinner tonight.” His sheepish smile swelled in Adrien’s heart. He was such a wonderful man so caring, and attuitive. 
“You know I won’t. But.” Adrien stood up. “Does she talk about me?”
“I asked her about you last night, and…” he looked across the street. “It made her sad.” it hurt Adrien to think that the thought of him would make such a cheerful girl sad. 
“I will see you soon.” Adrien said. He could see her and her family walking out of the building across the street so he slipped deeper into the shadows as he watched Cheng rejoin his family. He went back to his apartment.  His phone rang. 
“Wow, your popular today.” Plagg said escaping from the sash once the door was secure.
“I need you to meet me in London,” Felix announced in a rush. “Your mother woke up!”
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sarakuper · 5 years ago
New York, New York
Stop #28, Sept 28-Oct 6
We arrived in Connecticut to meet my dad and Denise, his parter, who graciously offered to keep our truck and trailer on her property while we spent time in NYC. My dad gave us a ride into the upper east side of Manhattan to stay with my mom for the night. She came downstairs with my childhood dog, Rocky, so we could introduce him to Jaxon and get them comfortable with one another. While walking them together up and down the block Mikey and Laura arrived and the 5 of us had dinner together. It been so long since we were all together for something as casual as dinner. It was so nice to all be together! Mikey and Laura slept in Inwood (upper Manhattan) that night at my Aunt Frema’s while me Sean and Jaxon got comfortable at my moms place.
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Sunday morning we slept in, ate breakfast together, then my dad picked me Sean and Jaxon up to head to my Bubby’s in Queens for the first night of Rosh Hashana. Aunt Frema was preparing chicken soup and side dishes while also panicking about the caterers who had yet to arrive with the food they ordered for our meal. We helped set the table and get organized, meanwhile everyone else started to arrive. Denise and her son, Mikolo, Michael and Laura, and then Aunt Alane, Uncle Lew, and my cousins Aaron and Jack (who are like brothers to me). We were a total of 14 in my Bubby’s apartment and she couldn’t have been happier to have everyone there, although we missed Shelly who flying back to the states from Israel. By 6:30pm the food had finally arrived only 6 hours later than they originally called for. 
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Rosh Hashana was always one of my favorite Jewish holidays growing up. It celebrates the new year and we get to dip apples and challah in honey to represent a sweet year ahead. Not to mention, the main food is always delish! To our surprise, even though we catered this year, everything still tasted home made. There were FOUR types of kuggel, which is not surprising considering this is a Kuper gathering. But seriously, four!? My dad made the classic potato kuggel in addition to the cauliflower, broccoli, and noodle kuggels. There was also chicken soup with matzo balls, chopped liver (which sounds totally gross but is SOO delish), brisket, chicken cutlets, and way more dishes that I couldn’t begin to name. 
I haven’t been with my family for this holiday since I moved to Colorado, and quite honestly it was so great to be together again for a happy occasion. We drank lots of wine, yelled conversationally across the table, and ate until we were stuffed. We could have had a second seating with the amount of food that was left, but again, this is typical for our family. We have major portion control issues! 
As the night came to a close Bubby handed out goodie bags to all the “kids”. She usually bakes for everyone, but with her current health and age she decided it was time to buy the cookies to give out. Everyone left one at a time leaving me, Sean, Jaxon, and Aunt Frema; we all slept at Bubby’s. 
On Monday morning I woke up to join my Bubby and Frema relaxing on the couch. My Bubby has the most comfortable couch in the world and I take a shloof (aka nap) on it almost every time I’m here. So, as per usual, I made myself comfortable with them. 
An hour or so later my Dad arrived to go to shul (aka synagogue) at Young Israel, my Bubby’s local soul. After he gets back we  have a “lighter” Rosh Hashana lunch with the many leftovers from the previous night, but before we that Aunt Frema and I went for a long walk in the neighborhood with Jaxon. My dad got back and we had a late lunch that ended around 4pm. We were so full, and I couldn’t believe that Sean and I were going over to Lew and Alane’s for yet anther Rosh Hashana meal with Alane’s side of the family. We were having ANOTHER massive meal only 2 hours later. I found Sean laying down on the couch in the room we slept in and he stared at me as he said “I… can’t… do this… again” referring to the large amounts of food we’ve eaten in the last 20 hours. Well, we did!
By the time we got to Alane’s, also on the upper east side, Sean and I decided to go very slow. Eventually we were able to eat another full meal of chicken soup with matzah balls, brisket, and lots of side dishes leaving our bellies stuffed once again. Most of the Jewish holidays are like a marathon of eating, and Sean certainly got to experience it first hand. 
We slept in the next morning, still totally full, and hung out with my 13 year old cousins Aaron and Jack who actually look 16. We brought over pizza and then walked to the park to play basketball. I love these boys so much, they are like my brothers! They are also my favorite people to hang out with when I come to NYC. 
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Our dinner plans with friends got canceled, and so Sean and I decided to have a night downtown to ourselves. Sean also wanted to stop by Soho Ink, a tattoo shop not far from Chinatown where we planned to eat dinner, and at the last minute decided to get the tattoo right then and there! He has lots of gaps between his current tattoos that he “needs to fill” and so this time he got an axe. It turns out the artist who was available to tattoo him was a finalist on the most recent season of Ink Master, a TV show.
After the tat Sean and I walked through Little Italy and Chinatown to get our “must eat while in NYC” soup dumplings. Usually we eat at Joe Shanghai for soup dumplings, but we wanted to try something new. We headed to Tiny Shanghai and ordered 2 rounds of soup dumplings, cold sesame noodles, scallion pancake with sliced beef, and chicken broccoli with white rice. Overall the food was delish but way less authentic than Joe’s. Since we were in the neighborhood we went to some of my old stomping grounds like Whiskey Tavern and Ryan’s daughter. At both places, to my surprise, someone who worked there when I still lived here still remembered me and welcomed us with free drinks and a good time. It was a fun date night for me and Sean! I kind of got the feeling Sean would like to live here for a little bit, maybe just a year or two. I would never do that again! But, I really do enjoy visiting. 
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Wednesday morning was a lazy morning until my mom got out of work early to spend the rest of the day with me, Sean, and Jaxon. We walked around the upper east side en route to a nearby park, but it was so hot walking on the streets we decided to sit in the shade at an outdoor table for coffee and ice cream. The rest of the late afternoon was spent prepping my favorite dish that my mom makes, fried pork cutlets with sweet cabbage and potatoes. Sam came over to join us for dinner before heading out to meet her friends. Theres nothing like a home cooked meal from my mamma <3
Thursday was meant to be spent hiking with Sam somewhere upstate but because of the cold rain we decided to skip it. Instead Sean and I met her downtown and went straight to Joe Shanhai’s for a soup dumpling lunch! Yes, soup dumplings again… we could never eat too many of those. We ordered 5 rounds between 3 of us for a total of 40 dumplings. Sean only had about 8 and the rest were split between Sam and I…. yeah…  :) We continued to walk around downtown heading to the lower west side and got ice-cream at a Japanese style ice-cream spot called Tayaki on the way. Sean and I had a war of throwing shredded coconut at each other. 
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^^ This is what the entrance to Joe Shanghai’s looks like ^^
We walked to a place in the west village called Uncommon which had coffee, drinks, and snacks but offered endless games! I immediately thought how much the Elser’s would love it here! We paid for an “all day” pass which was $10 each or $5 if you have a student ID which Sam does. Sitting for almost 2 hours we played Ticket to Ride and Phase 10. Eventually Sam had to leave to head to class and Sean and I went uptown to take care of the puppers at my moms place. Almost immediately we all went back downtown to Uncommon to spend the rest of the night gaming. This time Tomo, Sam’s partner, met us and we started a new game of Phase 10, which really is so similar to Kaluche. For the first time in what feels like forever I won!!!! :) AND I whooped everyones butt. FINALLY! It was killing Sean, which gave me so much joy. He was trying so hard to get everyone to come after me so I would win, but Sam has been reading my posts and while she didn’t help me win, she definitely wasn’t going out of her way to try to make me lose. What a friend! 
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Friday morning I had brunch catching up with my friend Sarah, whose getting married just before Thanksgiving! In the evening Sean and I went to Hoboken to go to visit my life long bestie Toni and her husband of 1 year, Ross. They have a lovely apartment and welcomed us with a beautiful Shabbat dinner. After dinner me and Tone spent the rest of the night watching youtube tutorials of how to do the shuffle (dance moves) and were sad by the realization that we don’t have the same dance skills we once did. Ross and Sean were watching sports but were totally amused by our efforts to nail these dance moves. Sweaty and tired, we did not reach our goal, but we did laugh our butts off. After saying goodbye and being sent off with a bunch of goodies we headed back to my mom’s apartment for a short night of sleep; we were waking up at 4:30AM to go on a fishing trip with my pop and two cousins.
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4:40AM quickly came and me and Sean got ready for a long morning on a boat. We walked to my cousins place only 15 blocks south where my dad picked us all out to head to Sheepshead Bay. We fished from 7-12pm and had such a blast! After I took a quick nap on the boat I woke up with enough energy to fish and caught 5! At one point I caught 2 at once, and in total only 2 of them were keepers. Sean caught more than 10 fish, 1 being blowfish which was so fun to see!!! My dad and cousins caught a few too, and the ones we kept were filleted on the boat and packaged to take back for my aunt and uncle to cook for dinner. On our way back to the city we stopped for lunch at Roll and Rooster, an old school place thats been around for a long time! On the drive back in me and my cousins all fell asleep in the back seat, and of course Sean snapped a picture. 
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The rest of the day was spent napping before one final dinner out with my dad and Denise. Being exhausted from the long day we didn’t stay out long and went to bed shortly after. Both Rocky and Jaxon put us to bed that night. I think they had the best time together! And Jaxon certainly loves his grandma Annette (my mom) because maaaaan did she give him a lot of food and treats!
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Sunday morning my dad gave us a ride back to Denise’s house in CT where we packed up our stuff, prepared the trailer, and hit the road to head back to Colorado for Taylor and Ej’s wedding! It will take us 4 days to get back to Colorado, but we couldn’t be more excited to celebrate the love and marriage of two of our best friends!!!! 
Thanks for reading fam, love you all! 
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secretlywritingstories · 6 years ago
Sometimes I almost reblog something but change my mind with the mouse hovering over the button. It’s not an aesthetic thing since my main blog is a huge amalgamation of all my varying interests at any given time. Often it’s representative of whatever content I’m immersed in, some long-living interests and some fleeting. I reblog without shame, though I try to space it out so I’m not suddenly bombarding people with a lot of just one thing that I’m suddenly hyperfixated on.
But the most recurring thing about the posts I reblog is that they make me smile or laugh or make me relate. It’s that last one that usually makes me almost reblog to only then change my mind. I relate to a lot of things. I’m an empathic person but more so I’ve often found solance in knowing I’m not alone in my experience of a thing and I want to be able to pass that onto others or just have the post as a memory to myself.
Now, I can get a bit self-deprecating at times. I think most of us can and for some it’s almost the default setting. So I see something that’s tragic, something that zero in on a bad habit of mine or a way of thinking that I know is not healthy. My impulse is to reblog the post, because I relate. But then again, my brain kicks in, stopping me and I have to wonder if I want to essentially promote this bad way of thinking.
If the posts mentions something sad but has a positive or hopeful end, I’ll choose to reblog it but sometimes they’re short, miserable and it hurts me to know others have felt that way, especially if it’s a place I’ve been myself. I want to show my solidarity in a way but I don’t want to have hopelessness on my blog.
This place, from the very beginning when I got into it because of a fandom, has always been a safe haven for me. It’s been a place for me to feel accepted in a virtual world of strangers, some of whom become online friends because of our shared interests. I reblog what I want, I curate the space to fit me but I still feel like I have to look out for myself and others that might come here too.
I don’t want to have too much negativity on my blog and I don’t want the lingering hopeless sense to taint my space. It’s mine and I want to fill it with images of things I enjoy, things that make me laugh and smile, words that get a reaction out of me. Most things I reblog without a second thought, carefully typing out my exsessive tagging system so I can ideally find any of the 20,000 posts I now have on my main blog.
I’m going to do my best not to feel guilty for skipping over a post even though I related and wanted to promote solidarity. Sometimes I debate trying to say some heartfelt words, in an attempt to remind people of the light at the end of the tunnel. I often down as I don’t feel like I have the rights to shanhai a post or accidentially cause offense to the op or the person I reblog it from. 
So I’m going to close the open post, agree to disregard it and continue scrolling.
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eastmyst · 2 years ago
Missing in Endless
One mountain route,  another water way, troops marching forward, outside of Shanhai Pass, deep night thousands camp lights.
Winds in blasting, snows in drifting, disturbing homesick minds, couldn't make in dreams, at homeland no such voices.
(A Chinese poem by Nalan Xingde, translation by EastMyst)
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sins-of-the-sea · 3 years ago
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Ruixiong is probably the only one of the Seven I am very willing to provide an AU that is still historically based, and that's on the conceit that Ruixiong never meets Rashid, and thus, he never joins him in finding the Master and then sell his soul for power and immortality. Why Ruixiong? Simply put, his motivations on meeting the Master are the shallowest of the Seven. And he's also the youngest (21) when he sold his soul. It's a genuine act of stupidity. If it weren't for Frascona's involvement regarding new thralls--with constant warning and compassion--Ruixiong would have been one of the hundreds if not thousands of other thralls that give away their souls willy nilly, only to be taken to Hell willy nilly as well.
And because Ruixiong was so young and stupid, he has so much room to grow in the "what-if" scenario if he never sold his soul, even if he is to eventually die at the Battle of Shanhai Pass at age 44. I am just curious of how he'd grow up, on his very own, witnessing the violent changes of a land he called home. Would he have found love? A new family? A local bandit gang or crew who'd finally accept him and take him in? It's just something to ponder and think about.
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