#shamless plus
yezzyyae · 8 months
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Omggg I called this last year! I said Jeremy Allen White is the next star of this generation, he is the Al Pacino of this generation! I am soo happy people are appreciating his work & seeing how much he love the craft of acting! Jeremy Allen White deserves every award that comes his way, him playing Carmen Berzatto helped me start healing wounds that I thought were healed.
JAW have every quality of a superstar & a plus is that he is very humble & warming in his everyday life. I see him doing so much more and blowing us all away as ALWAYS 👏🏾👏🏾
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bitchin-beskar · 2 years
Sorry shamless asking for another one. Only if you wanna answer.
Either 141 boys or Paz ( or all ) not quite thot.
Their proposal style.
Happy weekend!
do I wanna answer????
you bet ur ass i do goddamn
I'll do a little proposal style for college!athlete!roommate!paz if ya'll want, but I'll answer this ask specifically for our 141 boys (plus alejandro and rudy bc ofc)
Task Force 141 + Alejandro Vargas & Rodolfo Parra and Proposal Style
Captain John Price
I hc that Price has a love of old things. I think he loves antiques, history, collectibles, etc. I think his flat is filled with memorabilia shit from WWI and WWII, classic novels he finds at garage sales and thrift book shops that are well worn and well loved, things with history and a past, things that mean something.
So, I think when he's going to propose, he's got the ring picked out, something he found in a pawn shop or thrift store, something that's old and beautiful, full of meaning and history. Of course, if it needs repairing, or new setting, he'll do what he needs to, make sure that it's clean and polished and that it suits you. He just likes sharing these little bits of history that have fascinated him for his entire life with you, and to put one of those little bits of history on your finger and swearing to love you for eternity? He loves it.
For reference, I imagine the ring Price finds looks something like this:
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For the actual proposal, he's not going to make a big, public spectacle. He's always a little more uncomfortable in crowded places, due to his years as active military, he's a paranoid bastard by nature, and besides, this is supposed to be a happy, special occasion and something he wants to be fully engaged in, not distracted trying to analyze potential threats to your safety.
You're probably at home, in the flat you share with him. He'll make dinner, nothing super fancy, but a comfort meal that both of you love. It's not overly fancy or romantic, but it's thoughtful and sweet and everything that you love about him. He'd wanted to wait until after you'd both eaten, and were maybe cuddled up on the couch in front of the fire, but as he's putting the leftovers away, and you're elbow deep in sudsy water, rinsing the dishes, he finds he physically cannot wait a second longer.
He drops to a knee, the quiet utterance of your name barely heard over the rushing sink water, but you throw a "Yes, John?" over your shoulder. When he doesn't say anything, you turn to look and realise what's happening.
Of course, the two of you have talked about it before, after you'd been settled in a relationship for a few years, talking about the future and what you both wanted, but you'd had no idea when he was planning to propose, so the act itself is shock. You don't even shut off the water, falling to your own knees in front of him, hands fisting in the front of his shirt as you whisper "yes" against his mouth before you kiss him.
He reluctantly pulls away from your kiss, only to slide the ring onto your finger, before he pulls the both of you to your feet. Shutting off the water is the extent of the cleaning that you finish, deciding as you stumble to the bedroom that the rest of the dishes can wait until after the two of you have had some time to celebrate.
Lieutenant Simon 'Ghost' Riley
I think that for the longest time, Ghost truly believed he'd never marry. At first, it was just a matter of not having met anyone he'd want to spend the rest of his life with, but over time and missions, scars and torments, blood and secrets, Ghost decided that he'd never find someone who'd be able to love all of him, that he was only good for the harsh things in life, never the soft.
So, it's a huge surprise when he meets you and realises months into knowing you that he's fallen, and he's fallen hard. He meets you in the most mundane of places, like a coffee shop, an interaction that should just be a one off, but one that repeats with enough regularity that the cold, stone muscle that functions as his heart begins to beat faster with excitement at the anticipation of seeing you.
You remember him, greet him with a soft smile whenever you see him, never seeming to be put off by the fact that he never removes his balaclava. You'll ask him how he's doing, but you don't seem to mind that his answers are usually a fraction of the syllables. He's used to his size intimidating others, but you never seem to mind that he's roughly the size of a tank.
I think it's like pulling teeth to get him to admit his feelings, but when he finally does, the two of you fall into a relationship like you were built for each other. It's easy, far easier than the rest of his life, and for the first time, he finds himself dreading longer missions, because he's actually got someone to come home to.
That being said, I think when he proposes, it's not something planned. Maybe something happens at home, where you are, the danger not being something he'd thought to worry about. Maybe there was a robbery, maybe someone attacked your workplace with a gun, and when Ghost sees it on the news, because Johnny's there saying "Dinnae ya say somethin' 'bout ya girl workin' there, Ghost?", he panics.
Price gets him on the first flight home, and Ghost is bursting into your flat with an urgency he's not felt outside the battlefield, even though it's the dead of night and you're fast asleep in your bed. He doesn't miss a beat, shedding the worst of his tac gear and crawling onto the bed, wrapping his arms and legs around you even as you stir awake, burying his face in your neck as his heartbeat finally begins to slow.
You seem to know why he's here, why he's like this, because you don't say anything, just simply wrap your own arms around him, tugging off his mask and running your fingers through his sweaty, tousled hair. Your other hand presses in between his shoulder blades, dwarfed by the massive size of his torso, but still a grounding touch.
It takes him a long time to speak, longer than usual, and when he finally does, it's to whisper against your skin that he wants to marry you, like a sinner at confessional, begging absolution from the Priest of God.
You still underneath him, definitely not expecting that to be what he says, but it's like the dam has burst, and he can't seem to stop. He tells you about how scared he was when he'd heard, a fear he hasn't felt since he was young, unscarred and unknowing of the horrors of humanity. He'd known that you meant a lot to him, but the thought of losing you had shaken him more than he'd thought possible. He whispers that he can't give you much, he knows that, but he wants to give you his name, and a promise that he'll love you as best he can, for as long as he's got on this earth.
Your body is shaking under him, and he starts to pull back, worried he's crossed a line, but you're sobbing, silent and desperate, even as you tug him up and seal your lips against his. He sinks into your kiss, tears he's been holding back finally falling too. You whisper back that yes, yes dammit you want to marry him, and you don't care about him giving you anything other than his love.
In the morning, the two of you go to a jewelry store, and pick out matching bands, simple silver rings with no gemstones or embellishments. You get them engraved, on the inside where the metal rests against your skin, his name on yours and your name on his, to carry each other when you're apart.
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Sergeant John 'Soap' MacTavish
For Soap, I think he buys the ring within the first month of dating. Some (most) might call him eager, maybe childish in his hope, but Soap is an excellent judge of character. He's never once been wrong, his gut instinct always telling him the measure of those he meets, and so when he starts dating you, he knows very quickly that you're the one he's gonna spend the rest of his life with.
People tend to assume he's a fuckboy, likely due to his flirtatious tendencies. He knows what others think of him, and for the most part, it doesn't bother him. However, it takes him far longer than he'd like to convince you that he's actually interested, because of how flirtatious he can be, you think he's just like that with everyone.
Honestly, Price has to pull you aside and tell you to put the poor boy outta his misery by either going out with him, or not. You're very stunned, because it's honestly been torture for you to be around him because you're very into him, but were convinced that he just saw you as a friend. Price just shakes his head and calls you both muppets.
When you're together, it's the happiest the both of you have ever been. Your sense of humour compliments each others, you always have so much fun together, it's honestly the time of your life. You miss him terribly when he's gone, but Soap has a habit of leaving little slips of paper with jokes and puns written on them around the apartment, a little surprise for you to find and to remind you that he's always thinking of you when he's gone.
Soap's proposal happens somewhat spontaneously. He's come home from a long op, and the two of you haven't left the bed in damn near twenty-four hours. He's lounging on the pillows, with you tucked under his arm, ear over his heart and left hand resting on his bare chest. His own hand covers yours, his thumb stroking over the skin of your fourth finger, a habit he's picked up lately.
Finally, he pipes up, voice thick with his Scottish accent, and asks what you'd think about marryin' him.
At first, you think he's joking, because as much as you love him, you'd never really thought he might be the marrying type. He carries the air of a free spirit, one who operates best not tied to anything or anyone. You joke a bit about how he needs a ring at least before he thinks about proposing, only for him to reach over and open the drawer on his nightstand, pulling out a small velvet box and popping it open before your wide and startled eyes.
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"Whaddya think, bonnie?" He husks, voice clear and nonchalant even as his eyes betray his nerves. "Think you'd be willin' ta tie yourself ta me for the rest 'o our lives?"
You pluck the gold band from the crushed velvet, slipping it onto your finger even as tears fill your eyes. You stare at it on your hand for a long moment, before you look up to see Soap still watching you, hope blooming desperately in his gaze, even as he tries to reign it in.
"You damn foolish scot," you mutter, cupping his face and bringing him down to kiss him. "There'll never been anyone else."
Sergeant Kyle 'Gaz' Garrick
Ok so maybe this is a hot take but I chose to believe that Gaz is actually already married by the time of COD: MWII. No one knows. Not even Price. He marries his childhood best friend the minute they're both 18, and they've been together even longer.
Like I said, childhood best friends, so they were always together, all throughout school, hanging out in the afternoons, sleepovers on weekends, the whole shebang. Your parents and his called it early on that the two of you would end up together, but even they were a little surprised at the speed of which you got married. But, to none of their surprise, your marriage was one of the strongest they'd ever seen.
You knew each other's faults, your likes and dislikes, your pet peeves and your favorite things about each other, it only made sense for you to trip over the line between friendship and relationship sometime around when you were maybe 12 years old.
Even before then, when the two of you were maybe 7 or 8, you made a pact that you'd get married as soon as you could. As a promise, Gaz gets you a ring like this, from a cheap coin vending machine in the local grocery store:
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It's a running joke in the family, that he decided when he first saw you that he was gonna marry you, although they don't really realize just how true that is.
On the night of graduation, after you've finished celebrating with your families, you and Gaz are holed up in your childhood bedroom. Your 18th birthday is in a week, Gaz's was a month ago. Your wearing the ring he'd given you damn near a decade ago on a chain around your neck, and his eyes fall to where it lays nestled between your breasts, even as he draws a small box from his pocket.
"Figured it was time to upgrade, eh, love?"
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The rose gold band sparkles in the lamplight, and there's a huge grin on your face as you take the band from him. There's a large diamond in the center, but not too large as to be gaudy or flashy. Just enough to make a statement, a declaration.
"In a week," Gaz says, voice hush with anticipation. "Lets go to the courthouse, and I'll give you the matching one. What'cha say?"
"The same thing I said when we were eight, Kyle," you murmur, eyes unable to leave the pretty ring on your finger. "Yes."
Colonel Alejandro Vargas
Alejandro is really damn hesitant to propose, mostly because of how at risk any of his family is with his history of fighting the cartel. Anyone with a connection to him is another way to hurt him, and to ask you to go into hiding, cut off most all contact with any outside friends? He's afraid, he doesn't want you to begin to regret being with him, he's seen the toll being in hiding has taken of the marriages of some of his Vaqueros, and it would kill him to lose you.
It takes you a long time to convince him that even if you don't get married, you're not going anywhere. You love him, and damn anyone who tries to come between that, cartel or otherwise.
The final push for Alejandro to propose is similar to Ghost's. He's working when he gets the news that the cartel has attacked the area you live in, and that there are multiple reported civilian deaths, although names aren't confirmed. He's terrified, and Rudy has to physically push him out of the compound to go, to try and get to you.
When he gets there, no one has seen you, and Alejandro can feel his stomach churning, his heart is in his throat. He was such a damn fool, he waited too long, and now he's never going to get to marry you, to call you his wife, to know what it feels like to wear a symbol of your love and devotion every day until he dies.
He hears your voice calling his name, and the pure relief he feels makes him dizzy with it, his knees going weak. He hoarsely calls your name, and your body slams into his, your arms wrapping tightly around him as if you could hold him together by pure will alone.
The rush of police and other Vaqueros around him fade into the background as he sinks into your embrace, whispering prayers and thanks and words of love in Spanish in your ear, kissing the top of your head repeatedly from where you've tucked your face against the base of his neck.
The next day, the two of you go to a small local jewelers, and pick out matching rings. Your next stop is the courthouse, with Rudy as your witness.
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Sergeant Major Rodolfo 'Rudy' Parra
Like Gaz, Rudy gets married young. He marries you shortly before he and Alejandro enlist in the army, because you'd pinned him with a glare one day and said if he died and you were going to mourn as his widow, you damn well were going to be his wife first.
Alejandro is thrilled when he hears, because he'd been telling Rudy to marry you for weeks, ever since he'd aired his concerns. (Rudy retaliates viciously when Alejandro is hesitating to propose to his wife).
He proposes to you with the ring his mamá had been given by his father, which she'd given to him when he told her he was going to propose to you. She'd given it to her son with tears in her eyes and very softly told him that if he got married without her there, no one would find his body.
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You laughed yourself silly when Rudy told you what his mamá said, although that laughter cut off when you realised which ring he was giving you. You broke down in his mother's arms later, swearing to her that you'd treasure her ring and love Rudy the same way his father had lover her, and she simply cupped your cheek and told you that was all she'd ever ask.
It wasn't a necessarily memorable proposal, Rudy just coming home one day after visiting his mamá and bending the knee, but you'd prefer it to anything else, because it was so quintessentially Rodolfo.
Interestingly, because Rudy is married through his time in the military, he doesn't know at first that it'd be wiser to keep it a secret. When they find out Valería is El Sin Nombre, he's not quite sure what to think, because she definitely knew about you, and who you were to Rudy, but she never acted on it. It's probably just another facet of the twisted mind games she plays, but he's not sure. He tries not to think about it.
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sorcerous-caress · 10 months
I just know karlach acts like the strap is her dick. and her as a sub top? I know she’s touch starved but i kiiiinda want to keep her hands behind her back when i ride the strap, teaching her how i like it while pressing myself into her. Because how will she learn if she gets too carried away? keeping her still is the way to get her to pay attention. sitting in her lap, pressing my nose into her neck, squeezing her body to me I swear I can feel her heartbeat on my skin. she can feel the warmth of my touch and the bite of my nails, telling her sweet things in her ear as I guide her through it. you like like having your cock in me huh? that’s it baby, keep this pace, okay? you make me feel so good- doing so well for me. keep being good and you can cum inside, don’t you want that? and her horns would make great leverage to keep her where i want or to get her attention.
Karlach would act like the strap is her cock so much that she almost accidentally gaslights you into believing it too.
The way she'd constantly wear her strap under her clothes and armour 24/7. Wherever you sit on her lap or pass by her, you feel her big cock fully hard and pressing against you. It's always so full and stiff and completely ready to fill you up whenever and whenever, it never goes soft too that's the plus part of using a strap.
And the way she moans with her head thrown back when you bounce on her cock, the way she begs for more, it almost has you believing that the strap magically grew nerves and connected to her body. Karlach is shamless when she describes how good you feel around her strap, how tight your walls are squeezing her, how much she wants to fuck herself into you and creampie you.
You didn't give her permission to touch you yet, made her hold her hands in place above her head as you kept riding her cock. Her breasts bouncing up and down as her body moves to meet your thrusts, her strong thighs burning underneath you as slap against your skin.
You keep telling her how much of a good girl she's being, how good her cock feels inside you, how she can't cum yet. Good girls beg to cum, good girls need to use their words to be allowed to fill you with their cum and breed you. Karlach frantically nodding with drool dripping down the corner of her lips, her eyes are glazed over with lust as she desperately cries her throat out and begs you for release.
Her wet cunt an absolute mess underneath the strap, staining the sheets underneath as her clit gets rubbed with the inside of the strap each time you fuck yourself down on it. Swollen from the friction and your brutal pace.
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obsessive-ego · 1 year
If I am allowed to request this, could I request a Beej x reader fic or headcanon list, where reader's usual body temperature is almost unnaturally hot at all times - to the point there it gives the illusion of a constant fever?
I'm basically a walking heater, so I am curious if it'd be comforting to him or worrying. (I wouldn't mind hugging a cold Beej either, because he might stay cold longer than my pillow - plus I just wanna hug him everyday in general)
I totally get it
I'm in the same boat, I give off heat like crazy, especially after playing sports. lol after baseball games, not only did I stink, I was walking furnace, as my mother would say lol
He'd love it, he's cold, you're hot, in more ways than one lol
Beej is like a cat he'd totally be attracted to warm things
Beetlejuice is naturally a touchy Feely guy, but it soon becomes apart he has a preference of being touchy with you, and not just in a depraved way
He'd lean against you, pull you into his side, slide his ice cold, hands up your shirt, and rest on the hot skin of your stomach, and of course cuddle into you while you sleep
He'll always hit you with the whole "you're so hot babes, how could I not feel ya up♡" every time you brush him off, always masking his found comfort in your warmth as shamless flirting
Your warmth is just so comforting to him. It's a lovely reminder that you're alive, something he's never got to experience. He adores it, the ghoul is fascinated by the living right? It's to be expected, the demon also has a thing for listening to your heat beat especially when you're asleep♡
As annoying as his icy, cold hands can be at times, he does have his uses. In the summer, you welcome his cold touch, especially during the humid season
If you're naturally hot, imagine when you're sick? The ghoul is holding onto you with everything he's got
"Oh babes, and here I thought you couldn't get hotter♡"
"Bj, please, I need to rest"
In short, he loves a hot breather lol
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valeriele3 · 1 year
☆彡 Fic Recommendations
Please keep in mind that these are mostly authors/blogs that are imo underrated. That’s why I didn’t include other “well known” authors
List will get longer with time
Extra: Mostly Enstars blogs
@marinereverie - Enstars - They’re still a new writer so any kind of support helps!
@honeybeewhereartthee - Enstars - I read almost all of the series/stories and it’s all good! Definitely think more people should read it. (plus points if you like ARG’s. The series CHAU is an arg)
@midknightwritings - Enstars - He’s currently inactive but please do check out his works as everything is just amazing!
@s4kasaki - Enstars - This king makes wonderful works!!
@herri-writes - Enstars - I recommend reading Frozen in Time!
@nazukisser - Enstars - If you like Nazuna content then..This blog is for you Nazu lovers! (I also recommend reading the “Stamped with Flowers” series it’s so good hoensisla)
@kunikame - YOU’RE TELLING ME I NEVER PUT THIS AMAZING PERSON HERE??? I SWEAR I ALREADY DID BUT IG NOT ANYWAYS PLEASE READ THEIR STUFF ESPECIALLY AHEM AHEM REDAMANCY (If you like Natsume). They also write for other fandoms which you can find at the Masterlist <3
@ritsusakumawife — Genshin, Enstars, & TWST — Shamless promo fr
Paradox Live
@paixarina - Paradox Live - If you like Paralive then this blog is for you!
@paraliveimaginesblog - Paradox Live - Another writer I just found! Their works are underrated and imo deserves a lot more attention <3
@hebimoonlightwrites - Paradox Live - They write for different fandoms too! I suggest giving their works a read
@lambtail-tales - Paradox Live - They also write for different fandoms. Do note that they post content for 18+
@moonstruck-writing - Paradox Live - She’s a underrated writer. Please consider reading her works <3
BLLK & Haikyu!!
@vashine - BLLK & Haikyu!! - Do watch out for some NSFW if you don’t like that. Other than that everything else is good!
@alaboadoa - They aren’t exactly “underrated” underrated but I couldn’t resist not adding them to the list I’ve only read their BLLK fics so far and all I can say is, I LOVE THEM. (They also write for multiple fandoms and not just BLLK)
@ritsusakumawife — Genshin, Enstars, & TWST — Shamless promo fr
@karmic-toast - Genshin - Has a lot of fics you can read and it’s all entertaining!
@heedmywarnings - Genshin - Another one with an ARG! Sooo..If you like ARG’s please try and give this one a try
Weak Hero
@whchenlvr - WEAK HERO READERS ARISEEEE!! I really love like, everything— please I’m begging you, read her works if you have the time <33 (Also, this author has some NSFW fics so do watch out for that if you don’t like them or aren’t in the age rage for them yet)
@satankilledmyghost - Weak Hero content? Yum yum good food rahaheyshsbkaan. If this does not convince you to read her works then idk what will (Please forgive me dhksbsk I don’t know what else to say but just..GOBBLES YOUR FICS)
@rubyredjelly - If you love replaced au’s then I recommend their series’s! I’m absolutely obsessed with them (I honestly thought I already put them here but apparently not?)
@kunikame - One of the fandoms they also write for! Please try reading Purple Lilacs if you have the time and love the gremlin that puts the “A” in ADuece
@ritsusakumawife — Genshin, Enstars, & TWST — Shamless promo fr
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falllpoutboy · 18 days
I hate to be one to defend a nepo baby but if M knew there were potential feelings for J on A's part, I doubt she'd get with him. If not for the sake of friendship, then pure optics. Now, if J is really into A, how'd he expect from her to give him a chance after hooking up with one of her bffs even if we're talking years down the line lol this seems like a dumb thing to expect from her. Plus, people would talk how he hooked up with 2 of his co-stars from the same show.. the only way I can see this being true is if A friendzoned him firmly.
how'd he expect from her to give him a chance after hooking up with one of her bffs
i dont think he necessarily expects anything from A, he probably puts his expectations on the back burner every time he gets into a relationship.. in fact i would go so far as to say that he hasn’t even *fully* realized his feelings for A
one of her bffs? am i the only one who thinks that this friendship is one-sided as hell??! they weren’t even spotted out once together during filming except for that baseball game J didn’t attend 🥴 if its not one-sided then its probably not as peachy as it seems!
and he’s hooked up with co-stars before 🥴 emma greenwell from shamless says hi. and yeah i can see that A friendzoned him if he does know his feelings and came to her about it, as i said before it would be foolish to hop into a relationship with him rn
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ao3feed-thor · 2 years
Wedding Night
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/ICyKj8T
by MischievousHiddleston
It's Y/N's wedding night and she's nervous because she's still a virgin and afraid Loki won't like what he sees, but he proves her wrong.
Words: 1081, Chapters: 1/1, Language: Deutsch
Fandoms: Loki (TV 2021), Thor (Movies)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Loki (Marvel), Reader
Relationships: Loki (Marvel)/Reader
Additional Tags: Smut, shamless smut, Sex, Vaginal Sex, First Time, virgin, Loss of Virginity, Plus-Size
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/ICyKj8T
0 notes
ladymdc · 6 years
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@machatnoir / @chatnoir-art sketched a scene from my Noir fic, Wandering in the Dark, in which Cullen wears Ev’s girly sunglasses for my Patreon reward this month ❤️ And I am just... ;LAKSJFADKJFA SO IN LOVE WITH IT.
Relevant excerpt from CH.2 below the cut:
He had the cigarette in his mouth, and he drew on it so hard he nearly choked. “You have elfroot?” Smoke burst out between them.
“Yes, and a pair of sunglasses, in my suitcase.” She held her hand out, fingers beckoning, and without a second thought he handed over the cigarette.
With both hands free, Rutherford shifted in the seat to lean over it as best he could with his size and retrieve her little, brown suitcase. He set it in his lap and pressed on the latches to open it. Right on top was the pair of sunglasses in question. Lifting them up, he gave her a wry look.
“You can’t be serious.”
She shrugged. ”Just trying to help. The elfroot is buried in there somewhere.”
Making a face, he unfolded the cat eye sunglasses. Despite being quite practiced at ignoring the headache, it was something done indoors with drawn blinds. Not midday surrounded by endless amounts of pristine white snow. He heaved a sigh, then crammed them on his face.
Trevelyan gave him a sidelong glance. That small smile pulled at the corner of her mouth again.
“You look cute.”
“Dammit, I’m not —“ and then Rutherford saw a hint of his reflection in the window. He huffed a breath and couldn’t stop himself from smiling.
When he looked over at her, he felt his heart skip one too many beats, then beat faster, all because she started laughing. It was genuine and warm; a glimpse behind the walls built up around her and what he saw was beautiful.
“I guess I’ve been called worse things,” he allowed amicably.
“Haven’t we all.”
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natalielbeauty · 6 years
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Self love is the greatest middle finger of all time✨
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suckmybigtoeoikawa · 2 years
Hello, I saw your request page. Hopefully, requests are still open. If they are, can I please request some headcanons sfw or nsfw for Keigo(Hawks), Taishiro (Fat Gum), Toshinori (All Might), and Enji (Yes, Endeavor.) With a curvy bbw, beautiful black woman, big beautiful woman. (We thicc girls need love too) I can never find any good ones. They're all so lame. If Enji isn't someone you can't do, maybe you can do (Hizashi) Present Mic. I know a lot of people hate Endeavor, for good reason but I like the direction he's heading. And honestly, the idea of him being put into his place by a tiny sassy black woman, I live for it.😌
dawg i’ve been on break for the longest but i gotchu 🤝
n since i literally haven’t wrote in like an eternity imma do endeavor ans present mic, yk gotta spoil my bby😩
i went over board with hawks…
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aint no way this man not gonna date a black girl
on top of that i imagine her being thick/plus size so like 👀
Keigo is a ass man for sure ain’t not way this man ain’t about the ass
you’ll catch him staring at you ass or always wanting to feel it
he just wanted to touch you all the time
there’s a photo of you guys in public and s his hand is right on your ass while he’s grinning at the camera.. stg that got some news going
he’s the type to like hold onto your stomach, or like play with your stomach fat
and it’s lowkey annoying but he just can’t help himself
everyday there is constant praise for your body, like literally he’s always saying something slick but ofc in an endearing way stuff like
“hey do a 360 for me… now just do a 180.. gah dayum”
“but like wouldn’t it be funny if you just like.. say on my face.. hahaha.. i’m being serious.”
SPEAKING OF SITTING ON FACES, he’s like the type to threaten to throw himself off a building just so u can sit on his face, you think i’m playin he don did it before he will not hesitate to strike again…
whenever you do sit on his face he’s always pressing your cunt down deeper into his face, he wants to taste every part of you
he’s the type to grip your ass when your riding him, he fr act like he can’t handle it but chileeeee
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he will have you everywhere
he’s also the type to show u off, like seriously people are sick of him
“look at my baby” this nigga squealin
but yeah he’s so sweet, his heart beat faster when he’s with you and so does his cock 🤭
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literally will carry you, like stop bro he’d carry you all over the place
he’s so sweet towards his s/o he thinks you could fr do no wrong cause you just so cute to him omfg
and i cannot stress this enough .. he’s obsessed with you like your literally the first thought on his mind :((
another tummy grabber
he’ll hug you from behind and grab your stomach and just continue have small talk with you like he’s not using you as a personal stress ball
he would kiss your stomach too like dawg whattttt so fucking cute
he’s all about body positivity so he loves when your feeling yourself in a nice outfit
especially when all your assets look good, shooooot he gonna be like “come here girl”
he’s also the type to squeeze your cheeks, on your face or the other ones
also kiss your cheeks :(((
he also wouldn’t care if your big spoon or little spoon but he prefers to be big spoon
when he hugs you he lifts you up bro omfg
yea overall he’s so sweet towards you and everytime he sees you he calls you precious cause to him your so precious :((
Enji 🙄
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idk he’s giving sugar daddy vibes
he’s the type to buy you nice little silk nightgowns
and pay for everything dawg
but he’s the type to lay on your chest, like your suffocating but it’s a nice way to go out
he treats you really nicely and is in love with you thighs, he will buy you certain outfits that try to make your thighs stand out
during more sensual times he’s the type to kiss you thighs, or if he’s feeling more frisky he’d leave bite marks or hickeys
there was a moment when you and Enji had sex the day before you went to the beach and the press was there
you had to lie to them and tell them that a dog bit your thigh.. and enji wasn’t looking any better with the red scratches on his back
i think he prefers to see your natural hair out and doing it as well, because of the difference in hair types, it’s new to him
before you guys started dating you fr had to put his big ass in check, cause who tf does he think he catching an attitude with 😐
you would grab his by his tie and make his ass get on your level and tell him that you wasn’t there for none of that bullshit dawg
ans he listened 😋
but yeah he’s pretty good
he’s fr the thigh destroyer, will take your thighs off with a knife and fork
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i swear if you say anything bad about yourself he’s gonna start fighting the air
his goal is to just make you laugh cause he loves your smile, he loves the way you laugh
but aside from that he lives the way your body moves, like omfg
you don’t think your doing anything, but to him your doing everything
he’ll try to get you to dance with him, cause yk he likes to see you move
and he has a bad (/good) habit of always having his hands on you, but it becomes bad because his hands will go to low… or to high..
like one time you were dancing with him and his hands went from your hips down to your ass
like oh.. we’re in public
or you’ll be cookin something and his hands travel up toooooo far, ans it gets you flustered
i feel like he loves your natural hair because he loves to do hair together at the same times
but i feel like he loves it when you get braids
another bad problem he has his whenever you get braids, especially long ones, he wants to pull on them
fight him. like actually
cause he will do it during random ass times
he lays on your chest dawg, and between your thighs
shoot even on your ass
be thinks the stomach gurgling sounds nice
like oh…
but he’s so funny during your whole relationship, and he’s so accepting of learning and adapting to new things 10/10 partner
i’m so sorry this came out so late, but after a whole lot of life events imma try to post a lot more :))
I hope you enjoyed it 🤍 Please Like, comment what you think and follow 🤍 have a great day 🤍
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Wash Off the Day (Pietro Maximoff x Reader)
Author’s Note: I’m procrastinating from anxiety right now so I’m posting this instead! I had like a dialogue prompt (see if you can spot it, lol) and the basic premise of this fic written in a word doc from years ago and never wrote it, and Wandavision has me in my feels, so I wrote this. And yes, I know the gif is of Meredith and Derek from Grey’s Anatomy, but it gives off the right vibe for the fic, so sue me. Enjoy, guys! :)
Summary: After a long day—well, a long week, really—you want nothing more than to cuddle up to your husband and fall asleep, but he has other things in mind to help you unwind.
Warnings: Fluff/shamless flirtation, swearing, and ~smut~ (fingering, hand job, oral sex, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it, kiddos))
Other Characters: Wanda Maximoff and Vision (told you I’m in my feels)
Word Count: 1,350
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“Babe?” you call as you enter the living room. Pietro had promised a special date night after the week you’ve had. All your deadlines were quickly approaching, you had been worked down to the bone. Plus, after an impromptu but globally important mission with Steve and Tony, all you wanted to do was snuggle your husband. “Wanda, where’s you brother?”
“I’m not sure, actually,” she says as she cuddles next to Vision, the both of them reading the same book. What adorable dorks they are. 
“Last I knew, he was out and about running errands,” Vision adds.
“Is everything alright?” Wanda asks you.
“It’s fine, don’t worry about it,” you sigh. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to sleep for three years.”
“Sleep tight,” she laughs. “I heard what happened today. If anybody deserves a good nights sleep, it’s you.” Shuffling up to your room, you dramatically open the door before closing it behind you. It takes you a few seconds to register the soothing feel of the room and your favorite person in the world laying in wait on the mattress, rose petals strategically covering himself. 
“Is there a reason you’re naked in my bed?” you chuckle.
“I’m your husband. It’s my job,” Pietro winks before propping himself up on his elbow.
Tossing your bag to the ground, you kick off your shoes and sit on the mattress, leaning forward and embracing him in a tender kiss.
“You’re such a dork,” you tell him with a smile. “Rose petals on the crotch?”
“I’ll have you know, it took a lot of roses for me to get the coverage right,” he says, his eyebrows raised in his traditional sassy fashion.
You laugh and kiss him again. “I am fully aware of how much coverage you need,” you smile as he leans in for another kiss. “But I’m so exhausted. I don’t think I’d have the stamina for what you have planned.”
“It was that rough of a day?” he says, his eyes full of sympathy.
“Yeah. The presentations, meetings . . . I’m lucky I had the energy to take the elevator.”
Pietro wraps his arms around you and presses a kiss to your forehead. “How about I draw you a bath, hm? That would help you.”
“Thank you.”
Pietro gets up, his carefully arranged pile of rose petals falling to the ground as he strides to the bathroom.
“You’re all set,” he tells you after a few minutes, casually leaning against the doorframe.
“And is there reason why you’re still naked?” you grin.
“I guess a few, maybe,” he teases, playfully shaking his head. “First, it’s to show you what you are missing out on. Second, we’re married and it’s not like you haven’t seen it before. Third, I’m joining you.”
“Mm, joining me, huh?”
“Yes I am,” he clarifies, walking over to help you stand, his hands carefully roaming your body. “We can unwind together, talk about our days . . .”
“You can feel me up in the tub,” you finish.
“Let the record show that you said it, not me,” he says, his lips pressing into yours. “Come, before the water gets cold.”
You follow his commands, peeling off both your clothes and the day and letting it all hit the tile floor. The hot water is amazing, and your husband’s comforting form behind you relaxes you in a way that hot water and bath salts never could.
“Do you want to talk about it?” he asks, breaking the long silence as his fingers intertwine with yours, knowing you have a lot on your mind.
“Not really,” you say. “It’s just the pressure of presentations and actually getting these projects greenlit. It’s exhausting.”
“I’m sorry it takes so much out of you,” he says kissing your temple. “I wish I could help.”
“I know you do,” you breathe. “How was your day?”
“The same as it is everyday: I train, I eat, I train some more, and then I wait for you to get back,” he sighs.
“I think we’ve turned into an old married couple.”
Pietro kisses your neck, resting his chin on your shoulder.
“I can’t wait until we actually are an old married couple,” he says.
You smile at the thought of Pietro with naturally white hair and the lines of age gracing his face, zooming from room to room. Time may make him old, but his spirit will always stay young.
“You’re gonna be a hot old guy,” you tell him, voicing your musings.
“And you’re gonna be a hot old lady,” he respond, wrapping his arms around your middle and holding you tight, peppering kisses on whatever skin he can.
“Stop!” you laugh wildly.
“Can’t,” he says. “Skin.” Kiss. “Too.” Kiss. “Soft.”
You adjust in the large tub so your fronts face each other, his lips moving from your neck to your lips, hungrily kissing you. You kiss him just a fervently, your fingers tangling in his wet hair as your movements cause the water to splash over the edge of the tub. The water and soap makes everything slicker, and as you try to position yourselves in a way that advances your movements, you constantly slide under the waterline. 
Pietro curses under his breath and picks you up, taking you out of the now lukewarm water and pressing your back against the cool tile of the walk-in shower, his lips never once leaving your body. Your hand slides between your bodies as you gently grab his length, your gentle stroking quickly making it hard. As you pleasure Pietro, his fingers tease your inner thigh, carefully pushing them apart to feel your slick folds. He carefully pumps one, then two fingers into you as his thumb rubs your throbbing clit. You gasp at the sensation, your hand coming off of his cock to hold him close as you kiss.
“Are you ready for me, princesa?” he hums as he marks your neck with his teeth.
“Oh, Pietro,” you moan.
“Tell me you’re ready for me,” he commands.
“I’m ready for you to fuck me,” you tell him.
He licks a line up to your ear, biting on the lobe before moving down your body, readily eating you out. You moan in pleasure, pulling at his hair as he moves his lips and tongue between your legs. It feels as if he is down there forever when he comes back up, his pupils blown with lust.
“Now you’re ready for me to fuck you,” he growls. 
His lips attack yours like an animal, and you can taste your arousal on his lips. Pietro swiftly picks you up before effortlessly sliding into you and fucking you senseless. His thrusts are deep, the grip of his hands intoxicating, his mouth magic. You can barely process what is happening when you come fast and hard around his cock. You hold on to Pietro for dear life, letting him continue his thrusts until he finds release himself. As your heart rates decline, he carefully lowers you and pulls out. He takes your face in his hands and kisses you deeply, brushing the hair out of your eyes.
“Are you feeling better?” he smirks.
“Much,” you tell him, your expression matching his.
“And you said you didn’t think you had the energy in you.”
“To be fair, you did all the work . . . and we usually do a little more than that.”
Pietro smiles brightly, nothing but the sparkle of love in his eyes.
“I hope that relaxed you enough for a good night’s sleep,” he tells you.
“Believe me, it did,” you assure him, your eyes starting to feel heavy.
He kisses your forehead and embraces you lovingly. He grabs a nearby towel and wipes you down, placing kisses here and there as he goes. When he’s done, Pietro picks you up bridal style and carries you to the bed, tucking you under the covers and kissing you softly.
“Sleep well, (Y/N),” he whispers.
“I love you,” you say through your yawn.
Pietro brushes some damp strands of hair away from your face, his fingers gingerly placing them behind your ear. “I love you more.”
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Permanent Taglist: @majesticavenger​​​​​​​​ @steampowerednightvaler​​​​​​​​​ @themusingsofmany​​​​​​​​​ @just-the-hiddles​​​​​​​​​ @toozmanykids​​​​​​ @dangertoozmanykids101​​​​​
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hishoukoku · 3 years
I've seen many complaints about the donghua plot line being rushed (?) or too different than the novel.
And my go to answer is yeah that's the point. It ain't a bad thing!
One of the coolest things about the donghua is exactly how it subtly alters the way the story is presented but it always keeps important, staple story lines and character development elements intact!
In an animated environment it makes perfect sense for this to happen. Showcasing the plot in a faster, more dynamic, action oriented way is almost mandatory. It has to keep you hooked!
Plus, the plot order, locations and plot element reveal alterations make for a new angle from which the story can be observed.
It also makes perfect sense for a newcomer, without having to have read the novel in order to understand and it makes novel readers experience the story from a new perspective!
Going back to the characters, it's crucial to mention that Wei Wuxian's character is identical and easily identifiable with his novel counterpart.
His motivations, goals, personality and morality are the same, which is the most important aspect in my opinion and I'm sure it wasn't an easy feat to accomplish, yet they did it!
Moreover, the extra donghua additions (small scenes + dialogues that weren't in the novel) still make perfect sense and play on his character as we already know it. None of them feel out of place, or break any patterns. It's something novel!WWX would say or do given the circumstance presented itself.
Lastly, I wanted to mention that the donghua handles WangXian's relationship extremely well and close to the novel portrayal:
- the constant focus on side glances that spell yearning! (especially on Lan Wangji's side)
- the shamless way Wei Wuxian behaves around him + the constant teasing (both subconsciously and actively)
- Wei Wuxian's mannerisms clearly indicating flirting ("you can't do anything without me around", ths languid touches and looks he gives him, the clear proof he finds him handsome, the tiddies scene + being flustered and so on)
- the cave scene!
- the overprotectiveness + their mutual trust
- the actual use of "my type is lan zhan" , "I love being around him" type of confession-y lines from the novel
All the above in a still "censored" piece of media, which you aren't even able to tell.
They took a loot of liberties and went to great lengths to show not tell where their relationship stands, so when people claim it's "not gay enough" I'm wildly confused.
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A Different Path AU
This is basically the bulk of what's going on in this AU. Please keep in mind I am weak for soft and domestic stuff so this is basically me playing with the idea of what if everyone got to live somewhat normal lives and it will have it's own tag where I'll put other headcanons n such! But if you want the TL;DR here it is:
Everyone made different choices in their early lives and as a result they've been able to lead somewhat normalish lives (no murder n such basically) and they all meet in someway or another through our favorite boy Zack and become one big weird but happy family.
Side Note: This is also a shamless and Self indulgent Danny x Zack AU
- Zack instead of murdering the couple who took him in he decided he was going to run while the two were distracted inside. He quite literally ran into a cop and after a moment of thinking he grabs the cop hand and drags them back to the "orphanage" and showed the cop what was going on. Needless to say that night the pair was arrested and Zack was quickly put into a legit orphanage. That night was also the night he promised himself he would never tell a lie.
- He didn't stay long there though due to both the kids and some of the caretakers being scared of him,plus the other kids also called him a monster. So one day in the dead of night he slips out and makes a run for it then after a few days of being on the run he bumps in Reverend Gray. Gray after a little bit of questioning decides to take Zack in and brings him back to his church and raise him but that proves to be a bit of a challenge for Gray.
- Later on Zack meets a certain kind old man who visits the church almost daily. Zack mostly trying to avoid his chores often sits with the old man and listens to his stories,make small talk or just sit there quietly enjoying the peace and quiet of the church. One day however Zack notices that the old man is visiting less and less and after a while he asks Gray what happened to the old man. When Gray tells him that old man is sadly deathly ill Zack becomes one of the old man's other visitors the others being of course Gray and one other family member. The last time Zack ever sees the old man he gives him a very simple request. "Be good won't you? And help out wherever you can you've always have been a big help to me and your father so do your best and live happily". Zack nods and tells him he will mentally adding it onto his own self promise to never tell a lie.
- After the old man's death and brief time of mourning Zack did become a lot more helpful around the church, stopped avoiding his chores and while he still is a bit stubborn with his home schooling he still did his best to honor the old man's memory.
-Later on Zack is now in his 20s has left the church where the Reverend raised him and for now lives alone in the cheapest apartment he could fine. He works for a delivery service loading and unloading boxes. He also sometimes has to tag along with the drivers as thanks to his crazy strength he's able to lift heavier boxes with ease.
- He still has a lot of difficulty reading but he can do it somewhat in this AU, he's much better with numbers but his handwriting either way is absolutely terrible. He doesn't really get the passion to improve until he meets and eventually takes in Rachel and adopts her as his little sister.
- Her origin stays pretty much the same up until the point she meets the puppy. When she decides she wants to take it in and goes back home to ask her parents about it, it goes the same way until she's sent to her room. While she's there she decides to sneak out which is easy due to the fighting constantly going on and goes to check up on the puppy which was sadly already gone seemingly to have disappeared. ( Another person found it and brought it to a vet but she won't find that out).
- She goes home disappointed but her mood becomes worse as she came back to her parents still fighting but it escalated and long story short Rachel witnesses her father murder her mother and in his rage starts chasing after her and in a panic runs for her life.
- With her father in hot pursuit Rachel is quickly using her wits to temporarily ditch her father and as she kept running until she literally runs into a certain bandaged man. Before said man can even get a word out of his mouth she covers it and quietly asks for his help.
- As soon as Zack heard her plea and heard her father calling out for her, he quickly ushered Rachel up to his apartment and kept an eye on the man from his window as Rachel called for help with Zack's phone.
- Once her father was arrested and everything else was taken care of and with nowhere else to go Zack takes in Rachel. It takes them both a bit of time to get used to each other but after a few weeks any outsider would think that they were flesh and blood siblings. Rachel even though she's still fairly expressionless and dead-eyed she is happy and loves her big,weird family very much.
- Danny's path diverges after his mother's death and a little after she's been buried. One rainy day young Danny decided to go visit his mother's grave after school as well as ditch his therapy session but in his rush to get there he forgets his umbrella. He ends up soaked but he doesn't care as he just wants to visit his mom's grave.
- Meanwhile Zack who was inside of the church at the time notices Danny out of the window and cursing under he breath about what a dumbass this guy was he grabbed an umbrella and headed outside. At first Zack doesn't say anything as he's coming up to Danny but then he sighs and puts the umbrella over Danny once he's close enough which catches Danny off guard. Confused at first at the lack of rain hitting him, he turns and sees Zack and of course Danny being Danny notices his eyes first and he's fascinated by them. He's never seen someone with eyes like Zack's, he's so captivated by them infact that Zack has to call out to him to snap him out out of his thoughts and that's when he notices the other things about the other boy.
- As Danny is contemplating Zack,Zack gets annoyed and grabs Danny by the wrist which surprised him. While it was a firm,strong grasp it was also surprising gentle almost as if Zack was afraid he would hurt the other boy if his grip was tighter so after a gentle tug from Zack Danny followed him inside so they could warm up and dry off.
- That day Danny made a new friend one who he often visited whenever he could and would spend hours upon hours hanging out with Zack, who even helped convince Danny continue his therapy sessions and they even went together sometimes to support each other. Until one fateful day Danny had to move away due his father getting a job offer he couldn't refuse and Danny made a promise that he wouldn't forget Zack and that they would meet again someday. Zack held him to that promise by saying his famous words of hating liars and the ass kicking he would get if he did forget which both boys laughed about before their bittersweet fairwell.
- Years later Danny does become a psychiatrist and helps all that he can. However he was starting to miss his home town so once he had enough saved up he bought himself a bigger home than he needed (he got it cheap and it's a bit of a fixer upper which Zack eventually helps him out with) and settled in. Then one particularly cold morning Danny quiet literally bumps into Zack as they headed into a coffee shop and the second it clicks as to who this is they decided to sit down and catch up over a cup of coffee and hot chocolate.
- That coffee shop is now one of Danny's favorite places and he along with Zack,Rachel and Eddie visit often.
- Eddie's path diverges once his eldest brother starts his abusive tendencies.
- Scared of his big brother Eddie starts to avoid going back home after school. He often tires to hang out with other kids but it's an uphill battle for him to make friends until he met Rachel. Of course it was love at first sight but he also wanted to be friends with her so that was his first goal.
- It takes him a while but he does eventually befriend her and he starts coming over often to Zack's apartment so that he and Rachel can do homework and hang out for a while before he eventually has to leave which always saddens him.
- Zack however starts catching on by the way Eddie acts when it's time for him to go. So he decides to try and talk to Eddie, it takes a while but Eddie eventually opens up about what's going on at home and much to Eddie's surprise Zack sympathizes with him and offers to let him stay over whenever he needed it which Eddie happily accepted.
Gray is just a normal Reverend in this AU and he doesn't use his drug mist unless it's absolutely necessary and/or for self defense. He was however a scientist before he became a Reverend.
He wears glasses sometimes depending on what he's doing.
Gray was a bit to lenient with Zack when he first adopted him but thanks to help from his coworkers he was able to raise Zack as best as he could.
Home schooling Zack was a nightmare for Gray but he persisted and did his best to teach Zack all he could, though it was extremely hard Gray was so proud of Zack throughout school and his eventual graduation (Zack was cutting it very close to be able to graduate). On Zack's graduation day he couldn't stop smiling as he was so happy and proud.
‐ Gray eventually just became the group's dad and if they ever need "fatherly" advice or just someone to talk to he's usually the one everyone goes to, he also taught Zack and is now teaching Rachel and Eddie how to drive.
Cathy and Lucy:
Cathy and Lucy's paths diverged in college where they got degrees in fashion.
They eventually opened their own shop where they make all sorts of outfits and the two run it together as a happily married couple.
The two met Zack through Rachel who was curious about the shop and eventually got a part time job with them when she was old enough to do so. Zack often came by to either drop off or take her to lunch as well as drop her off and pick her up as well. Through a few conversations as well as impromptu lunch breaks they all became close friends.
Lucy and Cathy are basically the fun aunts and on their days off they sometimes take Rachel and sometimes Eddie out on shopping trips,park visits, etc.
When the girls are alone and working they'll have light conversations but mostly they just enjoy each other's company.
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kogameh · 2 years
Hi, this just came to my mind, how many mangakas are there with Skeb accounts? Is there any chance even Matsumoto san could be there?
"Mangakas" is a little too broad, imo. Like what kind of mangakas do you seek for? Any specific genre, publication/magazine or even artstyle? Does it has to be mangakas that worked with series you like? Does that count doujinshi-kas that may have done professional manga works off-screen? Because Skeb on its own is a bottomless rabbit hole LOL
But to answer your question, I only know:
Kuratani Tomoya (Crash B-Daman, Duel Masters: Gekioden Gett)
Inuki Eiji (Battle B-Daman, Bikkuriman)
Ihara Shigekatsu (Duel Jack and a lot of Pokemon spinoff mangas)
Gomi Machito (Pokemon Journeys manga)
Furumoto Yuuya (Counterattack Spy x Caliber)
Fukaho Ryuuki (They don’t have any flagship/long-running series yet, but they did Hack King on MiraCoro)
Kimura Hiroki (Kaiketsu Zorori manga)
Moricha (ZOIDS WILD 2+, Duel Masters G)
....and shamless plug to Kitougo Masaki who’s a longtime Duema and Corocoro fanartist who just debuted as a professional as well.
Plus probably a LOT more I missed but...yeah. Of course this is based off my own tunnel vision so they're mostly Coro/kodomo manga artists haha.
Needless to say its more likely that newer or smaller mangakas have better chance of doing Skeb commissions instead of those mainstream big names like JUMP artists. Not only the latter probably have constant revenue elsewhere, they also likely don't have the time to take commissions. Or they could be, I just don’t know any lmao.
I think its probably easier just look up the Twitter account of which mangakas you like, and see if they open Skeb using this extension! Because Skeb does require you to sign in with your Twitter acc.
(Note that its probably much easier to commission your own OCs to a lot of these mangakas though, since their stance on drawing "copyrighted works" [i.e existing anime/manga characters, sometimes even the ones they own or designed] can vary a lot because of laws and licensing shenanigans for professional artists, they essentially want to avoid making profits off “fanarts” without permissions.)
And to answer you question for Matsumoto-sensei, honestly we won’t know until he does it himself but I feel like the answer would be no for now :( He doesn’t really have any sort of social medias and is busy with Duema rn (esp bc he’s involved with it way more than just the manga). I would 100% jump on the chance if he does open Skeb comms, though.
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bsd-elle · 3 years
How helpful Reki truly is
After re-watching the show for the billionth time, because I’m simply put it; not over this show. (Pleasseee.. let there be a season 2)
I noticed just how helpful my baby, Reki is: (aka a simple and stupid way to show my absolute love and adoration for this human bean)
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Gooddd!! I lovvee him!! (Also this moment, *chef’s kiss*. Langa trust me, he’s not only your happiness)
Anyway, back to the point
Obviously, he’s really kind and helpful in general (helping Langa to skate, building an impressive as heck board, helping Miya understand the beauty of skating and friendship, single-handedly caused Langa and Kaoru to burst out in laughter, bringing the group together and sooo much more)
But I’m specifically talking about every single beef Langa had and how he helped in simple ways:
Langa vs Shadow: Here it isn’t that blatant, but Reki forgetting the board inevitably caused Langa to skate for the first time (also the board he used was made by Reki)
Langa vs MIYA: Building that insane board literally from his own merit, but not only that, during the warehouse portion of the race, we see Langa who has no idea on how to do a trick since he doesn’t have an entrance length, then it shows Reki who says something to Langa, after which he slides on the railing
Langa vs ADAM (1): Convincing Cherry and in-turn JOE to help figure out the LOVE HUG (at the cost of his own skating skills. I mean Kaoru, I love you, but why you gotta bring my baby down)
Langa vs JOE: Just this
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Head empty, Renga canon
Langa vs ADAM (2): Duudee, he was literally falling to his death and saw the skateboard, remembered how cute Reki is and decided, “Nope, not ready to die yet, I have to go on a date with him”
Anywayss, the reason I made this is because I just love him so much, and honestly if you’ve read my post on my opinions on episode 12 (shamless plus), you know I didn’t like the way they treated Reki, so I’m just trying to show him some love in small ways..
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ao3feed-thor · 2 years
Wedding Night
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/hmLjVJx
by MischievousHiddleston
Es ist Y/Ns Hochzeitsnacht und sie ist nervös, da sie immer noch Jungfrau ist und Angst hat, dass Loki nicht gefällt war er sieht, aber er beweist ihr das Gegenteil.
Words: 1130, Chapters: 1/1, Language: Deutsch
Fandoms: Loki (TV 2021), Thor (Movies)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Loki (Marvel), Reader
Relationships: Loki (Marvel)/Reader
Additional Tags: Smut, shamless smut, Sex, First Time, Virginity, Plus-Size
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/hmLjVJx
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