#shalini boland
bookishlyvintage · 1 year
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The Silent Bride, Shalini Boland [thoughts]
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weirdesplinder · 6 months
Uscite vampiresche in libreria
Un breve post per segnalarvi alcune uscite recenti in libreria che reputo interessanti se siete amanti dei romanzi con vampiri. Purtroppo sono quasi tutti romanzi YOUNG ADULT (YA) o NEW ADULT (NA), quindi con protagonisti massimo ventenni se non adolescenti. Questo mi riempe un tantino di tristezza, sembra quasi che il genere paranormal o fantasy venga considerato in Italia roba da giovani e non si pubblichino opere del genere per adulti perchè non venderebbero. Idea a mio avviso sbagliatissima.
Comunque ecco cosa potete trovare in libreria:
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Bride, Ali Hazelwood (NA)
Link: https://amzn.to/3PklcAt
Trama: Misery Lark, l'unica figlia del più potente Consigliere dei Vampiri del Sud-ovest, è ancora una volta un'emarginata. I suoi giorni nell'anonimato tra gli Umani sono finiti: è stata chiamata a sostenere una storica alleanza per mantenere la pace tra i Vampiri e i loro più acerrimi nemici, i Lupi, e non vede altra scelta che arrendersi allo scambio. I Lupi sono spietati e imprevedibili e il loro capo, Lowe Moreland, non fa eccezione. Governa il suo branco con severa autorità, ma non senza giustizia. E, a differenza del Consiglio dei Vampiri, non senza sentimento. È chiaro, dal modo in cui segue ogni movimento di Misery, che non si fida di lei. Se solo sapesse quanto ha ragione… Perché Misery ha i suoi motivi per accettare questo matrimonio di convenienza, motivi che non hanno nulla a che vedere con la politica o le alleanze, e tutto a che fare con l'unica cosa che le sia mai importata. Ed è disposta a qualsiasi cosa pur di riavere ciò che le appartiene, anche se questo significa una vita nel territorio nemico… da sola con il lupo.
La mia opinione: la trama è trita e ritrita, esistono innumerevoli romanzi americani dove lei vampiro deve sposare lui licantropo, sul serio (o lui vampiro lei licantropa ma più raramente) e con piglio più d'azione, o più sexy, non dico questa non sia carina come versione, ma è semplicemente per niente rivoluzionaria e molto semplice.
Cuori, vampiri, e altre promesse infrante, di Margie Furston (YA)
Link: https://amzn.to/3TzpEOg
Trama: Victoria e suo padre condividono la passione per i vampiri dal giorno in cui uno di loro si è dichiarato in diretta TV. A oltre dieci anni da quella rivelazione, le creature della notte sono tornate a vivere nell'ombra e molti mettono in dubbio la loro esistenza. Non Victoria e suo padre, che continuano a sognare di poterne incontrare uno. Quando però al padre viene diagnosticata una malattia terminale, il viaggio che avrebbero dovuto fare insieme alla caccia di vampiri si trasforma in una missione disperata, in cui l'unico obiettivo di Victoria è quello di diventare un immortale per poterlo salvare. Armata delle informazioni raccolte in anni di lettura dei blog di appassionati e accompagnata dal suo ex-migliore amico Henry, va a New Orleans, il luogo dell'ultimo avvistamento di un vampiro. Lì incontra Nicholas, un giovane misterioso che potrebbe darle ciò che desidera, a condizione che lei gli dimostri di amare la vita abbastanza da voler vivere per sempre. Ma vivere davvero, mentre il padre sta morendo, sembra il più grande dei tradimenti e Victoria può solo sperare che Nicholas mantenga la sua promessa… perché l'alternativa è davvero impossibile da immaginare.
La mia opinione: young adult per lettori molto giovani siete avvertiti e che verte sul lutto.
Shanghai immortal, di A. Y. Chao
(credo questo abbia protagonisti adulti, ma non ho trovato notizie certe, aggiornerò il post dopo averlo letto)
Link: https://amzn.to/3v8OevO
Trama: Venduta dalla madre al Re dell'Inferno quando era bambina, Lady Jing è mezza vampira, mezza spirito-volpe hulijing. Come protetta del Re, ha passato gli ultimi novanta anni a svolgere commissioni, evitare le frecciatine dei maliziosi cortigiani hulijing e cercare di controllare la sua esplosiva irascibilità, con risultati altalenanti. Ma quando Jing scopre che alcuni cortigiani tramano per rubare una preziosa perla di drago al Re, coglie l'occasione per smascherarli, una volta per tutte. Con l'aiuto di Mr Lee, un mortale incaricato di creare la Banca Centrale dell'Inferno, Jing intraprende una folle corsa alla ricerca di informazioni, prima nell'Inferno e poi nella Shanghai mortale. Ma quando le sue bravate mettono in pericolo Mr Lee, deve decidere cosa è più importante: vendicare la sua perdita di prestigio o abbandonare il suo approccio cinico alla vita per avere la possibilità di provare tenerezza e trovare anche l'amore.
La mia opinione: gli autori asiatici hanno uno stile tutto loro che può piacere o meno, ma certamente hanno una visione dell'universo paranormal molto diversa da noi occidentali che perciò può risultare molto interessante perciò questo libro è già finito nella mia lista di romanzi da leggere. Nel 2025 uscirà un suo sequel Paris Celestial. Quindi diverrà una serie.
Hidden. I vampiri di Marchwood, di Shalini Boland
Primo libro della trilogia Vampires of Marchwood, di cui è già disponibile in italiano anche il secondo libro Taken
Link: https://amzn.to/3T7moIo
Trama: Ribelle e tenace, Madison Greene ha sempre dovuto lottare per sé e per il fratello Ben, dopo che sono rimasti soli al mondo. Ma il giorno del suo diciassettesimo compleanno tutto cambia: qualcuno ha lasciato in eredità a lei e a Ben una fortuna, che comprende una quantità di denaro inimmaginabile e Marchwood House, una grande dimora piena di fascino e mistero. La condizione per ottenere tutto quanto? Madison e Ben dovranno trasferirsi nella nuova casa e viverci stabilmente. Basta poco perché si rendano conto che Marchwood House nasconde mille segreti. Esplorando la tenuta tentacolare, Madison trova alcune casse polverose e, incuriosita, decide di dare una sbirciata al contenuto. All'interno ci sono delle statue e una di queste ritrae il ragazzo più bello che abbia mai visto. Quando lui all'improvviso apre gli occhi e le svela la sua vera identità, Madison capisce di essere perduta. Potrà davvero donare il suo cuore a qualcuno che è tanto sexy quanto letale?
La mia opinione: questa è una trilogia conclusa già dall'autrice nel lontano 2016, ha una sua età il primo libro è del 2011, non so perché arrivi solo ora in Italia. Ma questo non è un male, erano anni buoni per i paranormal e la trama mi sembra interessante, purtroppo è uno young adult siete avvertiti e ad un certo punto tutto si complica con viaggi nel tempo.
The scarlet veil. La cacciatrice e il vampiro, di Shelby Mahurin
Primo libro di una nuova serie, spin off della serie Serpent&Dove la strega e il cacciatore, della stessa autrice
Link: https://amzn.to/3IwnF70
Trama: Sono passati sei mesi da quando Célie ha sfidato la tradizione e, lasciando tutti a bocca aperta, ha preso i sacri voti per unirsi agli chasseur, prima cacciatrice in una confraternita di soli uomini. Con il suo fidanzato Jean Luc al comando, è decisa a portare avanti la propria missione e a proteggere Belterra, ma il passato non le dà tregua: misteriosi sussurri la perseguitano e un nuovo male risorge dall’oscurità, lasciando dietro di sé una scia di cadaveri con due punture gemelle nel collo. Ora Célie ha un nuovo motivo per temere il buio, perché qualcosa – qualcuno – la sta cercando. E nonostante i confratelli e Jean Luc cerchino di proteggerla, non c’è magia né spada che possa tenerla al sicuro da un mostro che si nasconde dietro belle parole e sorrisi taglienti. Se non vuole cadere preda delle tenebre, Célie deve trovare il modo di fermare la minaccia che avanza, ma più quel mostro si avvicina, più rischia di cedere ai suoi inquietanti desideri… e ai propri.
La mia opinione: non ho letto questo libro e non intendo leggere questa serie perché non è adulta come piacciono a me, io lo catalogherei al massimo come new adult sinceramente. Inoltre non avendo apprezzato la serie precedente dell'autrice abbandonata da me al primo libro, già so che non mi piace il suo stile. La consiglio solo a chi ha amato le serie di Sarah J. Maas come genere e stile.
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Agenzia per appuntamenti, di Andie M. Long
Unico volume che raccoglie ben 6 romanzi (la serie completa) brevi paranormal romance ironici e per adulti con protagonisti adulti:
Il vampiro cerca moglie Appuntamento con il diavolo Appuntamento con il lupo Il nostro futuro Appuntamento con il re Guerra e pace
Link: https://amzn.to/3TmO7VA
Trama: Gestire un’agenzia di incontri può essere mortale… Shelley Linley è stufa di avere a che fare con clienti squilibrati. Un altro burlone ha fatto domanda alla sua agenzia di incontri, dicendo di essere un vampiro e vuole l’aiuto di Shelley per trovare una moglie. Malgrado tutto, quando decide di incontrarlo per una seconda intervista, Shelley scopre che lui non ha idea di quello che vogliono le donne. Peccato perché è super sexy, divertente e ha molti amici single a cui potrebbe consigliare la sua attività, anche se dice che sono lupi mannari e demoni. Se solo riuscisse ad ignorare le sue allucinazioni, potrebbe sicuramente aiutarlo ad incontrare qualcuno. Tutto precipita quando l’algoritmo del programma di incontri afferma che è proprio lei la sua compagna ideale e questo la mette davanti a due possibilità, dare una possibilità a quel vampiro affascinante o scappare a gambe levate.
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thisbibliophiile · 1 year
Books of 2023 #39
The Silent Bride by Shalini Boland
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The Silent Bride by Shalini Boland
“I’ll probably post it on Instagram later with a retro filer and a well-thought-out caption,” Continue reading Untitled
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jxrm · 12 days
book log - 2020
the circle by stephen j. galgon
let them eat pancakes by craig carlson
trophy life by lea gellar
the little cafe in copenhagen by julie caplin
serial killers volume 1 by ryan becker
time out by emma murray
love in the capitol by b. ivy woods
the fear hunter by elise sax
please like me by mindy kaling
i'm fine and neither are you by camille pagan
a secondhand life by pamela crane
the move by whitney dineen
dog day wedding by rich amooi
friends list by rob watson
sticky fingers by j.t. lawrence
the lonely heath attack club by j.c. williams
when she returned by lucinda berry
no judgements by meg cabot
big sexy love by kristy greenwood
the friday night date dress by talena winters
zenith man by jenniger haigh
woman last seen in her thirties by camille pagan
everything my mother taught me by alice hoffman
kiss me not by emma hart
the end of temperance dare by wendy webb
all this i will give to you by dolores redondo
the broken girls by simone st. james
kiss me tonight by emma hart
her by britney king
the wedding date by zara stoneley
felix ever after by kaceen callender
kiss me again by emma hart
the perfect wife by blake pierce
as kismet would have it by sandhya menon
next year in havana by chanel cleeton
love in the time of contracts by jethro collins
hot mess by emma hart
the survivor's guide to family happiness by maddie dawson
open book by jessica simpson
beach read by emily henry
the prettiest one by james hankins
big summer by jennifer weiner
digging in by loretta nyhan
the other family by loretta nyhan
palm beach bedlam by tom turner
untouchable by sibel hodge
the virgin romance novelist by meghan quinn
hogwarts: an incomplete and unreliable guide by j.k. rowling
the rumour by lesley kara
jackie four by phil chard
such a fun age by kiley reid
the family next door by sally hepworth
kissing games of the world by sandi kahn shelton
every single secret by emily carpenter
the poet x by elizabeth acevedo
harry potter: a journey through charms and defense against the dark arts by pottermore publishing
the birthday mystery by joyce cato
the wedding war by liz talley
kulti by mariana zapata
black friday by michael hodges
the other daughter by alex dahl
meet cute by helena hunting
the female of the species by mindy mcginnis
the devil's storybooks by natalie babbitt
you owe me a murder by eileen cook
my favorite half-night stand by christine lauren
tidelands by philippa gregory
gracefully you by jenna dewan
the void by christine bernard
tweet cute by emma lord
dear girls by ali wong
the woman inside by e.g. scott
risking it all by nina darnton
lying next to me by gregg olsen
the lost by natasha preston
roomies by christina lauren
i am not your perfect mexican daughter by erika l. sanchez
twice in a blue moon by christina lauren
the right swipe by alisha rai
i found you by lisa jewell
the secrets of married women by carol mason
a piece of normal by maddie dawson
my lovely wife by samantha downing
the bookish life of nina hill by abbi waxman
when we believed in mermaids by barbara o'neal
the nurse by amy cross
i'll never tell by catherine mckenzie
the weight of lies by emily carpenter
the bromance book club by lyssa kay adams
the wives by tarryn fisher
the marriage lie by kimberley belle
best friends & other liars by heather balog
get a life, chloe brown by talia hibbert
the child next door by shalini boland
the queen and the cure by amy harrison
the overdue life of amy byler by kelly harms
short stories from hogwarts of heroism, hardship, and dangerous hobbies by j.k. rowling
a friend in need by hannah ellis
the starter wife by nina lauren
the girl before by j.p. delaney
men without women by haruki murakami
the unhoneymooners by christina lauren
the other mrs. miller by allison m. dickson
the sun down motel by simone st. james
short stories from hogwarts of power, politics, and pesky poltergeists by j.k. rowling
the woman in our house by andrew hart
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readingforsanity · 3 months
The School Reunion | Shalini Boland | Published 2024
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From the bestselign author of the Secret Mother, a chilling tale about revisiting the past - and digging up secrets you'd rather forget. The invitation to her school reunion couldn't have come at a better time for Chloe Flynn. Divorced, broke and bored at work, she's living a life her teenage self would hate. Turning the clock back fifteen years might be just what she needs to wipe the slate clean and start again. And then there's the chance she'll bump into Nathan Blake, the oen she still regrets letting get away...Back at her elite private school, Chloe sparkles as she reunites with old friends and long forgotten love interests. And then, just as she'd hoped, there's Nathan, more handsome than ever before. Even better, he's single too, and seems to be just as keen to make up for lost time...But as the evening progresses, Chloe can't help feeling that something's not quite right - that she's not the only one who's come here for more than just a party. When the secrets of the past start to emerge and the reunion takes a sinister turn, it's clear that nothing is what it seems - and nothing will be the same again.
Chloe Flynn is bored...with her life, with her job...and she thinks her school reunion is going to change that. Now divorced, she was previously married to a man named Ben, but their divorce had been finalized two years ago. Despite having a decent job as a cashier at a bank, she wants something more from her life.
Chloe left Bournemouth after school ended after some terrible tragedy forced her to leave, and now she is going to be dredging up all those old memories again by returning to the very scene of the crime. But, she feels more confident in returning after reuniting with her former friends, Harriet and Jas, after having lost touch after she moved away.
She also has high hopes of reuniting with an old school crush, Nathan Blake, who appears to also be returning from New Zealand for the reunion, though he left in Year 10 with his family.
The night of the reunion is here, and Chloe is hellbent on having a good time. However, her good time is thwarted by that of her former boyfriend, Chris Tamber. As he is newly separated, he has his sights set on Chloe, but the feelings are not reciprocated. Chloe wants nothing to do with her former love, and does everything she can to avoid him.
She is able to to reunite with Nathan, and things begin to look up. But, after a former rival, Abigail also has her sights set on Nathan, the two get into an altercation in the bathroom, where Abigail locks her inside. Nathan does eventually come to her rescue, and the two of them head to the pool, where Chloe spent a lot of her time in school having been at the prestigious school on a swimming scholarship.
When they attempt to return to the reunion, they run into Chris in between the two buildings. Nathan is determined to be a fraud, and is instead a man named Dean Bradley.
Dean is a single dad, who formerly worked for himself as a type of general contractor. Chris had hired Dean to build him a mulimillin dollar lodge to be used as a type of hotel, but Chris claimed that Dean's work wasn't up to par and had begun refusing to pay him for the completed work. Dean then became unable to pay his employees for several months and he was in fear of losing everything that he had worked very hard for.
Dean concocted a plan to pose as Nathan Blake, whom nobody had seen in years, and despite not intending to do so, he caught feelings for Chloe but his intention was to go to the reunion to get revenge on Chris...for more reasons than being unable to pay for the work.
Chris's younger sister, Laura, had attended the prestigious private school, and after being outed at her Year 11 prom as lesbian, her father had told her to leave, and Laura thought the girl, who has remained unidentified, had betrayed her despite Laura being wildly in love with her. She drowned in the swimming pool on the school grounds after she had gotten drunk and was unable to pull herself to safety.
Chloe and Chris attempt to get Dean to put the knife away, and eventually it works.
Four months later, Dean and Chloe are together, engaged and getting ready to move in together. Dean's son isn't thrilled with Chloe, but she is determined to make things work out in the end. Chloe visits Chris, sure that the anonymous emails that she had been receiving since before the reunion even began were being sent from him.
Instead, they were being sent by Chloe's friend, Harriet. When the two of them meet up, Harriet admits to sending the emails, and also states that she was the unidentified girl in the video that outed Laura. The two of them had been in love, and then everything went to shit. Chris admitted to Harriet that Chloe was the person behind the entire thing - that she was the reason that Laura had been outed, and effectively left Harriet to wonder what might have been for the last 15 years.
Because of this, Harriet has decided that Chloe must pay, and she does so by hitting her over the head with a brick and then burying her body in the pit where an extension would have eventually been built for the bustling family.
The book ends without knowing any of the remaining outcomes.
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quirkycatsfatstacks · 3 months
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alemicheli76 · 6 months
"I vampiri di Marchwood-Hunted" di Shalini Boland, Newton Compton. A cura di Sissy
Shalini Boland è stata una vera rivelazione.Parlare di vampiri non è mai così facile eppure lei ci è riuscita alla grande. Dopo I vampiri di Marchwood-Hidden eccola qui con un secondo volume ricco di colpi di scena e di misteri: I vampiri di Marchwood- Hunted.Madison e Alexander sembrano aver finalmente trovato la pace e soprattutto il loro amore sembra più forte di qualsiasi altra cosa avendo…
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babamb · 7 months
Review: The School Reunion by Shalini Boland
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The School Reunion by Shalini Boland @ShaliniBoland @AmazonPub
Book Description: From the bestselling author of The Secret Mother, a chilling tale about revisiting the past—and digging up secrets you’d rather forget. The invitation to her school reunion couldn’t have come at a better time for Chloe Flynn. Divorced, broke and bored at work, she’s living a life her teenage self would hate. Turning the clock back fifteen years might be just what she needs to…
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THE SILENT BRIDE By Shalini Boland @AmazonPub @ShaliniBoland @FMcMAssociates #TheSilentBride #Blogtour
Available now / paperback / ebook / audiobook / SYNOPSIS It’s the wedding day of Alice’s dreams. Until it becomes a nightmare… Alice and Seth are a perfect love story: the handsome doctor and his beautiful fiancée. They’re wealthy, well liked and made for each other—the envy of all their friends. Alice can’t wait for the day of their dream wedding. But when she arrives at the altar, she…
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joyffree · 1 year
I present to you this week's bag of mixed delights
Until next week -
May your journey be magical 🔮
Hannah: Clean Contemporary Western Romance by Chris Keniston Abby Kane FBI Thrillers: Books 1–6 by Ty Hutchinson Unraveled A Friends-to-Lovers Small Town Romance by Amy Knupp Lady Odelia’s Secret Historical Mystery by Jane Steen Developing Minds: American Ghost Story(Satire)by Jonathan LaPoma Throwing Shade: Humorous Paranormal Women's Fiction by Deborah Wilde The Solid-State Shuffle: Post-Apocalyptic Sci-Fi by Jeffrey A. Ballard Timber: Erotic Romantic Suspense by Frankie Love Secrets Under the Covers: Women’s Fiction by Brenda Margriet Hidden: vampire romance novel by Shalini Boland Devil's Deal: YA Urban Fantasy by Tessa Hastjarjanto
⇒These were free AT the TIME OF DRAFTING They are subject to change at ANY TIME ⇒I do NOT use personal associate links
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curlygirl79 · 2 years
Hidden - Shalini Boland
Today's review is for YA vampire tale Hidden by @ShaliniBoland #TheVampiresOfMarchwood @secondskybooks #FictionCafeBookClub #BookBlogger #YAFantasy #BlogTour #BookReview #SecondSkyBooks #ShaliniBoland
When I read that Bookouture were starting a publishing imprint for SFF books, I couldn’t have been happier – until that it is I saw the link to sign up to be a part of the blogger team for that imprint, Second Sky Books. Today marks the first of what I hope will be many blog tours to come for me with Second Sky, as I join the tour for Hidden, book one in the Vampires of Marchwood series by…
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annarellix · 2 years
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Hidden/Taken/Hunted (Vampires of Marchwood Book 1,2,3) by Shalini Boland
My Review: This is review for a blog tour of an entire series and my review, even if details my opinion for each book, will be on the entire series. I wanted to read these books as I am a sucker to everything vampire since I read Dracula ages ago. I think that the modern vampire was recreated by Anne Rice and there was an explosion at the beginning of the XXI century (Twilight anyone?) When I started this series, I was very happy to discover that, even if the MCs are teens, they were not similar to the characters of Twilight or Vampire Diaries as they’re considered a sort of archetype for this type of books. Ms Boland created two original characters and I loved Madison and Alexander as they’re well rounded and strong character. I felt for Madison as she’s a girl who lost a lot and her only family is her brother Ben. She’s lucky and inherits a big mansion, the start of an incredible adventure. Her relationship with Ben is strong and sweet. Alexander is a well rounded and energetic boy, he is the one who will drive Madison into a fantastic adventure and I liked hime. Hidden is the first book in this series and, I think, the slowest one as it introduces the characters and there’s a lot of word building. It kept me turning pages and I enjoyed it. Taken is the second book in this series and it didn’t suffer from the book-in-the-middle syndrome. There’s a lot of developments, new characters and more world building. It’s fast paced and I appreciated how the author developed a fast-paced plot that kept me turning pages and on the edge. The storytelling is excellent and I liked the world building and how the plot flow. Hunted is the grand finale, the switches between timeline but kept me hooked and inhaling this story as I wanted to know what was going to happen. Action packed, full of twists and a firework of end that left me satisfied. I thoroughly enjoyed this series and hope there will be other stories set in this universe. I thank Second Sky for this ARC, all opinions are mine
HIDDEN: Falling in love has never been so dangerous…
My name is Madison Greene. On my seventeenth birthday, I inherited an old mansion and wealth beyond my wildest dreams. I thought it was a joke, but as I step through the creaking door of the sprawling building, I realise my life in foster care is in the past. I’ve been chosen and my world has changed forever. But I wasn’t told that Marchwood House hides a secret. As I explore every inch of the crumbling property, I stumble upon a set of large, dusty boxes in the basement. When I pull back the lid and look down, I find myself staring at the most handsome face I’ve ever seen. High cheekbones, porcelain skin… And when he wakes up and locks eyes with me, I realise my heart already belongs to him, even though my head is screaming at me to get as far away from Marchwood as possible. Because I know what he really is.
I never planned to fall in love – but it’s too late now. Alexandre has a dark and dangerous past. He needs me and I have to help him. But can a human really save a vampire?
TAKEN: Falling in love has never been so deadly…
My name is Madison Greene and I was an ordinary teenager until I fell in love… with a vampire. Alexandre is tall, with a sexy French accent and mesmerizing eyes. He makes me feel protected, and he’s completely captured my heart. At Marchwood House, our sprawling mansion nestled in the English countryside, we’re in our own perfect bubble together. But, in the blink of an eye, everything changes when an old enemy of Alexandre’s sets a trap and rips me away from my boyfriend’s arms. The ancient demon takes me to his underground city, deep beneath the windswept desert. In the twisting tunnels and enormous vaulted caverns, there’s a bloodthirsty vampire around every corner. I’ve never been so terrified… It seems like there’s no way out from this underground maze. My life is hanging by a thread, and every second I’m here is a step closer to death. I can’t just sit here and hope that Alexandre will rescue me.
Can I outsmart a city of vampires to escape from this hellish place? And will I ever see Alexandre again?
HUNTED: Falling in love has never been so complicated…
My name is Madison Greene and my boyfriend is a vampire. And not just any vampire, one with brooding good looks and a smile that makes my heart skip a beat. As I curl up against Alexandre’s side, our hands entwined, I feel like the luckiest girl in the world. Although our relationship hasn’t been easy. I’m human, so there were always going to be complications. But I thought we’d banished the demons from his previous life. I couldn’t have been more wrong… Because there’s a new threat in the form of Nadia – a blue-eyed beauty who seems determined to do everything she can to break us apart. I trust Alexandre but I don’t trust her. As I start digging into the truth to find out who Nadia really is, centuries-old secrets begin to unravel. And in order to set Alexandre free from the chains of his past, we must return to the ancient underground city of vampires to defeat Alexandre’s archnemesis once and for all.
Can I finally save Alexandre? Or will loving a vampire be the death of me?
Buy Link(s): Hidden: https://geni.us/B0BTJ9PJ3Jsocial Taken: https://geni.us/B0BVNYQFDPsocial Hunted: https://geni.us/B0BVNZ3DPCsocial
The Author: Shalini Boland is the USA-Today bestselling author of seventeen psychological thrillers. With over two million copies sold, her titles are published by Amazon Publishing, Audible, Bookouture, Second Sky and Grand Central Publishing. Shalini lives by the sea in Dorset, England with her husband, two teens and their increasingly demanding dog, Queen Jess. Before kids, she was signed to Universal Music Publishing as a singer/songwriter, but now she spends her days writing (in between re-stocking the fridge and dealing with endless baskets of laundry). She is also the author of two bestselling Sci Fi and Fantasy series as well as a WWII evacuee novel with a time-travel twist.
For all news and updates: Website:  http://someonewotwrites.blogspot.com/ Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/ShaliniBolandAuthor Twitter:  https://twitter.com/ShaliniBoland Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/shaboland/ Second Sky Email Sign Up: www.secondskybooks.com/shalini-boland
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hayl3ywd · 2 years
Hidden by Shalini Boland
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⭐⭐⭐⭐ out of 5 stars.
Big thanks to NetGalley for the free Arc <3
Hidden brings you to two very different eras: the late 1800s where you follow Frenchman Alexandre and his family during an archeological expedition, and the 2020s where you’ll follow a rebellious 17 y.o. Madison, who lives with her brother at her foster parents’ house. As you can imagine, they will meet under the strangest circumstances  🧛‍♂️
This book surprised me! The characters may not be anything out of the ordinary, but they are realistic and come with enough layers to make them interesting. The same goes for how the story unfolds. As it is centered on a pretty girl encountering a handsome vampire in a teenager’s body, you’ll be right to think that you’ll get romance… BUT in Hidden case, what S. Boland proposes goes beyond what you’d typically expect, with some hilarious scenes and quite a bit of action :)
The tale ends with a huge cliffhanger that definitely made me want more! I look forward to reading #2.
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crimetimepodcast · 4 years
6.1 | Mary Elizabeth Braddon, Shalini Boland, & Quarantine Time
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We’re coming at you from the non-physical space of the Internet! Lee & Eddie get down to business and discuss Shalini Boland’s psychological thriller The Marriage Betrayal, Eddie electrifies with Mary Elizabeth Braddon’s Lady Audley’s Secret, and a whole bunch of other good things happens on today’s episode of Crime Time Podcast.
If you like what you hear, we’d…
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