#andie m. long
weirdesplinder · 6 months
Uscite vampiresche in libreria
Un breve post per segnalarvi alcune uscite recenti in libreria che reputo interessanti se siete amanti dei romanzi con vampiri. Purtroppo sono quasi tutti romanzi YOUNG ADULT (YA) o NEW ADULT (NA), quindi con protagonisti massimo ventenni se non adolescenti. Questo mi riempe un tantino di tristezza, sembra quasi che il genere paranormal o fantasy venga considerato in Italia roba da giovani e non si pubblichino opere del genere per adulti perchè non venderebbero. Idea a mio avviso sbagliatissima.
Comunque ecco cosa potete trovare in libreria:
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Bride, Ali Hazelwood (NA)
Link: https://amzn.to/3PklcAt
Trama: Misery Lark, l'unica figlia del più potente Consigliere dei Vampiri del Sud-ovest, è ancora una volta un'emarginata. I suoi giorni nell'anonimato tra gli Umani sono finiti: è stata chiamata a sostenere una storica alleanza per mantenere la pace tra i Vampiri e i loro più acerrimi nemici, i Lupi, e non vede altra scelta che arrendersi allo scambio. I Lupi sono spietati e imprevedibili e il loro capo, Lowe Moreland, non fa eccezione. Governa il suo branco con severa autorità, ma non senza giustizia. E, a differenza del Consiglio dei Vampiri, non senza sentimento. È chiaro, dal modo in cui segue ogni movimento di Misery, che non si fida di lei. Se solo sapesse quanto ha ragione… Perché Misery ha i suoi motivi per accettare questo matrimonio di convenienza, motivi che non hanno nulla a che vedere con la politica o le alleanze, e tutto a che fare con l'unica cosa che le sia mai importata. Ed è disposta a qualsiasi cosa pur di riavere ciò che le appartiene, anche se questo significa una vita nel territorio nemico… da sola con il lupo.
La mia opinione: la trama è trita e ritrita, esistono innumerevoli romanzi americani dove lei vampiro deve sposare lui licantropo, sul serio (o lui vampiro lei licantropa ma più raramente) e con piglio più d'azione, o più sexy, non dico questa non sia carina come versione, ma è semplicemente per niente rivoluzionaria e molto semplice.
Cuori, vampiri, e altre promesse infrante, di Margie Furston (YA)
Link: https://amzn.to/3TzpEOg
Trama: Victoria e suo padre condividono la passione per i vampiri dal giorno in cui uno di loro si è dichiarato in diretta TV. A oltre dieci anni da quella rivelazione, le creature della notte sono tornate a vivere nell'ombra e molti mettono in dubbio la loro esistenza. Non Victoria e suo padre, che continuano a sognare di poterne incontrare uno. Quando però al padre viene diagnosticata una malattia terminale, il viaggio che avrebbero dovuto fare insieme alla caccia di vampiri si trasforma in una missione disperata, in cui l'unico obiettivo di Victoria è quello di diventare un immortale per poterlo salvare. Armata delle informazioni raccolte in anni di lettura dei blog di appassionati e accompagnata dal suo ex-migliore amico Henry, va a New Orleans, il luogo dell'ultimo avvistamento di un vampiro. Lì incontra Nicholas, un giovane misterioso che potrebbe darle ciò che desidera, a condizione che lei gli dimostri di amare la vita abbastanza da voler vivere per sempre. Ma vivere davvero, mentre il padre sta morendo, sembra il più grande dei tradimenti e Victoria può solo sperare che Nicholas mantenga la sua promessa… perché l'alternativa è davvero impossibile da immaginare.
La mia opinione: young adult per lettori molto giovani siete avvertiti e che verte sul lutto.
Shanghai immortal, di A. Y. Chao
(credo questo abbia protagonisti adulti, ma non ho trovato notizie certe, aggiornerò il post dopo averlo letto)
Link: https://amzn.to/3v8OevO
Trama: Venduta dalla madre al Re dell'Inferno quando era bambina, Lady Jing è mezza vampira, mezza spirito-volpe hulijing. Come protetta del Re, ha passato gli ultimi novanta anni a svolgere commissioni, evitare le frecciatine dei maliziosi cortigiani hulijing e cercare di controllare la sua esplosiva irascibilità, con risultati altalenanti. Ma quando Jing scopre che alcuni cortigiani tramano per rubare una preziosa perla di drago al Re, coglie l'occasione per smascherarli, una volta per tutte. Con l'aiuto di Mr Lee, un mortale incaricato di creare la Banca Centrale dell'Inferno, Jing intraprende una folle corsa alla ricerca di informazioni, prima nell'Inferno e poi nella Shanghai mortale. Ma quando le sue bravate mettono in pericolo Mr Lee, deve decidere cosa è più importante: vendicare la sua perdita di prestigio o abbandonare il suo approccio cinico alla vita per avere la possibilità di provare tenerezza e trovare anche l'amore.
La mia opinione: gli autori asiatici hanno uno stile tutto loro che può piacere o meno, ma certamente hanno una visione dell'universo paranormal molto diversa da noi occidentali che perciò può risultare molto interessante perciò questo libro è già finito nella mia lista di romanzi da leggere. Nel 2025 uscirà un suo sequel Paris Celestial. Quindi diverrà una serie.
Hidden. I vampiri di Marchwood, di Shalini Boland
Primo libro della trilogia Vampires of Marchwood, di cui è già disponibile in italiano anche il secondo libro Taken
Link: https://amzn.to/3T7moIo
Trama: Ribelle e tenace, Madison Greene ha sempre dovuto lottare per sé e per il fratello Ben, dopo che sono rimasti soli al mondo. Ma il giorno del suo diciassettesimo compleanno tutto cambia: qualcuno ha lasciato in eredità a lei e a Ben una fortuna, che comprende una quantità di denaro inimmaginabile e Marchwood House, una grande dimora piena di fascino e mistero. La condizione per ottenere tutto quanto? Madison e Ben dovranno trasferirsi nella nuova casa e viverci stabilmente. Basta poco perché si rendano conto che Marchwood House nasconde mille segreti. Esplorando la tenuta tentacolare, Madison trova alcune casse polverose e, incuriosita, decide di dare una sbirciata al contenuto. All'interno ci sono delle statue e una di queste ritrae il ragazzo più bello che abbia mai visto. Quando lui all'improvviso apre gli occhi e le svela la sua vera identità, Madison capisce di essere perduta. Potrà davvero donare il suo cuore a qualcuno che è tanto sexy quanto letale?
La mia opinione: questa è una trilogia conclusa già dall'autrice nel lontano 2016, ha una sua età il primo libro è del 2011, non so perché arrivi solo ora in Italia. Ma questo non è un male, erano anni buoni per i paranormal e la trama mi sembra interessante, purtroppo è uno young adult siete avvertiti e ad un certo punto tutto si complica con viaggi nel tempo.
The scarlet veil. La cacciatrice e il vampiro, di Shelby Mahurin
Primo libro di una nuova serie, spin off della serie Serpent&Dove la strega e il cacciatore, della stessa autrice
Link: https://amzn.to/3IwnF70
Trama: Sono passati sei mesi da quando Célie ha sfidato la tradizione e, lasciando tutti a bocca aperta, ha preso i sacri voti per unirsi agli chasseur, prima cacciatrice in una confraternita di soli uomini. Con il suo fidanzato Jean Luc al comando, è decisa a portare avanti la propria missione e a proteggere Belterra, ma il passato non le dà tregua: misteriosi sussurri la perseguitano e un nuovo male risorge dall’oscurità, lasciando dietro di sé una scia di cadaveri con due punture gemelle nel collo. Ora Célie ha un nuovo motivo per temere il buio, perché qualcosa – qualcuno – la sta cercando. E nonostante i confratelli e Jean Luc cerchino di proteggerla, non c’è magia né spada che possa tenerla al sicuro da un mostro che si nasconde dietro belle parole e sorrisi taglienti. Se non vuole cadere preda delle tenebre, Célie deve trovare il modo di fermare la minaccia che avanza, ma più quel mostro si avvicina, più rischia di cedere ai suoi inquietanti desideri… e ai propri.
La mia opinione: non ho letto questo libro e non intendo leggere questa serie perché non è adulta come piacciono a me, io lo catalogherei al massimo come new adult sinceramente. Inoltre non avendo apprezzato la serie precedente dell'autrice abbandonata da me al primo libro, già so che non mi piace il suo stile. La consiglio solo a chi ha amato le serie di Sarah J. Maas come genere e stile.
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Agenzia per appuntamenti, di Andie M. Long
Unico volume che raccoglie ben 6 romanzi (la serie completa) brevi paranormal romance ironici e per adulti con protagonisti adulti:
Il vampiro cerca moglie Appuntamento con il diavolo Appuntamento con il lupo Il nostro futuro Appuntamento con il re Guerra e pace
Link: https://amzn.to/3TmO7VA
Trama: Gestire un’agenzia di incontri può essere mortale… Shelley Linley è stufa di avere a che fare con clienti squilibrati. Un altro burlone ha fatto domanda alla sua agenzia di incontri, dicendo di essere un vampiro e vuole l’aiuto di Shelley per trovare una moglie. Malgrado tutto, quando decide di incontrarlo per una seconda intervista, Shelley scopre che lui non ha idea di quello che vogliono le donne. Peccato perché è super sexy, divertente e ha molti amici single a cui potrebbe consigliare la sua attività, anche se dice che sono lupi mannari e demoni. Se solo riuscisse ad ignorare le sue allucinazioni, potrebbe sicuramente aiutarlo ad incontrare qualcuno. Tutto precipita quando l’algoritmo del programma di incontri afferma che è proprio lei la sua compagna ideale e questo la mette davanti a due possibilità, dare una possibilità a quel vampiro affascinante o scappare a gambe levate.
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sognareleggiesogna · 11 months
REVIEW PARTY: My Vampire Boyfriends Sucks di Andie M. Long
Cari Sognatori, Michy ha letto il secondo volume della serie “Sucking Dead”  scritta da Andie M. Long! SERIE Sucking Dead vol 2 GENERE Paranormal fantasy/ Chick lit DATA DI USCITA 2 ottobre 2023 Link d’acquisto Ebook/Cartaceo Trama Callie Un attimo prima sto gestendo un cupcake café e quello dopo qualcuno cerca di uccidermi! Vi presento l’attraente, quanto iper-presuntuoso vampiro con il quale…
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saintsinthecity · 1 year
where the freaks all come around
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non-un-topo · 1 year
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More clothing studies, this time from my fic Axis. I was aiming for authenticity while also trying to have each of their personalities show a little bit in their clothing choices. Two for Nicky, to show his layers.
#tog#the old guard#for reference the fic takes place in 1625 in iceland. i still don't think they're bundled enough though lol.#nicolo di genova#yusuf al kaysani#andromache of scythia#no quynh :(#these were a n i g t m a r e to crop correctly. tumblr why are you like this.#hence the cropping might look a little weird#siggy draws#i think these sketches took a month and a half lol. now i will be quiet about this fic and focus on writing something else.#what do we think about this style? the differently coloured lineart and the slight lighting? and the rough colours?#also i forgot my siggynature on ALL of these but that's ok. you know who i am sdfghf#my new obsession is clothing details i guess!! could always make it more detailed though! with lots of practice i can try.#no real director's commentary on these drawings like i usually write for my sketches asdsfgfd#just that this is mostly what they wear in the fic. add a coat for andy maybe and some mitts for joe.#and more weapons and bags and stuff#can't really see nicky's braids but he's got one big french braid and a few tiny ones on the sides of his head connecting to it.#his hair is like shoulder-blade length. it's about the symbolism!! of not making a change for a long time!! until he does cut it!!#and andy is wearing quynh's necklace under her shirt of course </3#joe rolls his pantaloons above the knee for maximum movement (horseriding) and fashion (gay)#i have a crush on the first nicky sketch like he's so cunty for no reason#well. he's possibly supposed to be having a serious conversation/argument with andy#kudos to the ref picture i used of luca just standing Like That
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nerdierholler · 9 months
Also I gotta know - with their friendship banter, do they banter each other into a kiss, or is it flirty friendship/primarily just friendship? When is their first kiss? (I'm a sap okay) is it just a kiss/a kiss at all, or more?
FINALLY I think I can answer this and I'm glad I waited because my first guesses didn't end up being the choices I made. I thought it would be a kiss at the end of book 2 in the haunted house but that didn't feel right. Then I thought about waiting until after the auction but gave in before. Purely going by book canon, the first kiss (other than a couple on the cheek before) is back at the warehouse after having Mason's crystal cleansed.
They joke and they flirt and there's plenty of steamy looks and flustered encounters but Andie knows there's no going back from a kiss. It might mean too much for her and not enough for him and then they're out of sync where he wants more and she wants more but it different ways and that could be a disaster and ruin everything and and and...
But after that afternoon when he asks, there's no words, only gestures and maybe they're finally on the same page and she isn't risking a friend just because of a racing pulse and promise of some excitement. Definitely has the "I love you" realization and it catches her off guard but she didn't think her feelings for him were that deep. She was totally friendzoning herself mentally.
After the kiss though, her brain is going a mile a minute. Did it mean what she thought it meant? Was it just the vulnerability of both of them after a difficult afternoon? Had she given in during a moment of weakness? It felt right, it felt really really right, but after all of Mason's hot and cold she can't help but worry it was the wrong thing or it's going to have disastrous consequences.
Then things move quickly for the auction and she doesn't have as much time to think about the kiss. Kiss or no kiss, she's trying to focus on the task ahead and honestly is just about emotionally shot with guilt over the kidnappings and everything else. When Mason comes to her after and asks to have that night, there's no question or hesitation. She in too deep now, she needs him and is tired of fighting herself and over thinking and after everything else that night, this seems like a small risk to take, one she's more likely to regret not taking.
He curls around her smelling of smoke and sandalwood and she's so tired and ragged and spent emotionally that when she sighs against him she worries that tears might burst out from the sheer relief and comfort. Luckily she's physically to tired for that and the relief wins out and she falls asleep.
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caribeandthebooks · 6 months
Caribe's Science Fiction TBR - Part 2
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captainreecejames · 20 days
Down Bad || My Ex is a Footballer OP81 Edition
links [masterlist][my ex series masterlist]
summary it's time you date someone actually your age
pairings ex!andy robertson x reader, oscar piastri x reader
warnings not a good relationship with robertson, cursing
notes guys I'm not a liverpool fan so this was hard for me [kidding]. this took so long because I had trouble getting the dynamic right also I got a new job and working two places has not been easy but I gotta make money in this world.
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yn's message august 2022 ---------
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ynusername posted august 2022 --------
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liked by estebanocon, andyrobertson94 and others
ynusername it's race week again yay!!! But I can't be with my boyfriend booooo
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username1 girl drop him!!!
username2 no boooo actually yayyy!!!
username3 shame she can't be with andy for the start of the season ↳ username4 girl be serious, season started almost a month ago and she was at every home game ↳ username5 yn is a diehard liverpool fan don't worry she was supporting her man
andyrobertson94 gonna miss you babe! ↳ ynusername miss you more!
alo_oficial excited !! 🩷
username6 yn I mean this in the nicest way possible, he's too old for you and he's not good
ynusername posted december 2022 -----
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liked by oscarpiastri, alpinef1team and others
ynusername 22 season recap! Thank you so much to Alpine for bringing me into the world of f1 and introducing me to some amazing people, I will always be grateful for the chance you took on me and have love in my heart for you! Now on to being at anfield 24/7 to support my man!!!
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username11 ahhhhh oscar!! I' m fine everything is fine
oscarpiastri have a good break yn! ↳ ynusername you too ossie!
username12 ossie??! i'm screaming i love it already. alpine why did you have to break up my bestfriends that i didn't know were best friends?
estebanocon gonna miss having you around yn! ↳ ynusername oh estie! i'll see you around don't worry.
username13 why the fuck is Andy not commenting? ↳ username14 cause he's a little bitch 👍🏼 ↳ username13 oop
alpinef1team we love you yn! �� ynusername gonna miss you babe
username15 damn Andy finally got what he wanted and won't even congratulate her on doing this job ↳ username16 I'm new here, what did Andy want? ↳ username15 he has publicly wanted yn to not work and basically be a housewife, also he's like almost 10 years older than her so it's like weird he wants her to be a kept woman
liverpoolfc we're ready for you! ♥️ by ynusername
yn's messages --------
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twitter february 2023 --------
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ynusername posted august 2023 -----
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liked by landonorris, lance_stroll and others
ynusername first half of the season done with my boss featuring ossie when he sees me sneak into the mclaren garage
oscarpiastri that's literally a lie I don't look like that when you come in ↳ ynusername then why do I have a picture of you looking like that??? ↳ landonorris gonna back him up on this one he does NOT look like this when he sees you ↳ username21 WHAT DO YOU KNW LANDO AHARE WITH THE CLASS
username22 guys not to be dramatic but there's been no Liverpool mention in months, I think she broke up with andy ↳ username23 DONR GET ME EXCITED
ynusername posted december 2023 --------
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liked by carmenmmundt, georgerussell63 and others
ynusername sad that the season is over but happy I get a short break from being a full time Alonso Wrangler and part time student. Also lance is sad he hasn't been in a season photo dump so here have this
carmenmmundt 🩶🩶
lance_stroll wtf? ↳ ynusername 🫶🏼 ↳ lance_stroll I sent that to mari ↳ ynusername and she sent it to me ��� mariloublg_ and I'd do it again ↳ lance_stroll DONT GANG UP ON ME
username34 TWO(2) OSCAR PICTURES? we're winning oscaryn truthers ↳ username35 we need him in the first picture now, no swiping is the next goal
username36 wait, yn are you in classes right now? ↳ ynusername I'm taking 2 classes right now remotely for my masters! ↳ username36 OMG you go girl! ↳ ynusername thanks babe
february 2024
landonorris posted on his story
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replies to your story
oscarpiastri delete this
landonorris HAHAHAH
alo_oficial working on getting her to realize
landonorris they are both so dumb
mclaren get a picture together
landonorris you got it boss 🫡
ynusername posted march 2024
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liked by astonmartinf1, oscarpiastri and others
ynusername and we're back!!! Starting off with some helmet swaps and getting papa stroll a debut on the page
landonorris damn papa stroll gets a pic before me?? ↳ lance_stroll it took me a year to get a debut and even then it was a shit one so shut up ↳ georgerussell63 haha you guys suck ↳ ynusername it's cause Carmen bribed me ↳ lance_stroll and mari didn't? ↳ ynusername she did, that picture is what she wanted ↳ landonorris so what youre saying is I need a gf to bribe you ↳ oscarpiastri damn guess youre never getting your debut on this page ↳ landonorris and how the fuck did you get here???
username41 where's that girl that wanted oscar on the first slide? ↳ username35 RIGHT HERE AND I'M THRIVING
lance_stroll also landonorris that's mr. stroll to you ↳ landonorris okay...
ynusername posted july 2024
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liked by landonorris, alo_oficial and others
ynusername oscar i don't have the words to describe how proud i am of you right now but just know that I always believed in you and always will
username51 ughhhh, when will it be my turn
username53 username35 aRE YOU OKAY GIRL? ↳ username35 NO I'M NOT
username54 the way oscar was looking for her >>>
alo_oficial congratulations oscar! ↳ oscarpiastri thank you nando
oscarpiastri thank you yn, you're support means everything to me
username55 no offense but I was kinda expecting more from you here ↳ username35 you want her to confess her undying love for oscar here on a social media post? you want her to do it on the internet instead of just to him privately so you can consume media and be in the presence of a relationship that you clearly have no respect for nor no need to be apart of because they don't know you?? that's what you want? be fucking for real ♥️ by mariloublg_ ↳ username55 first of all you also have a parasocial relationship with them, second of all, it's not weird for me to want her to express more about this when his team was shit to him ↳ username35 i can be excited about her posting him and still fucking respect their privacy. they don't need to post anything for us and it is a PRIVILEDGE that we get to see this. if you make it weird for them and ruin their PRIVATE relationship because you personally think she should be more vocal on social media then maybe you need to do some reflection on how you interact with people
ynusername posted august 2024
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liked by oscarpiastri, landonorris and others
ynusername summer break is over, now I go back to being a student
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landonorris yay i can have my osc back ↳ ynusername uhhh... no, you can borrow MY ossie ↳ landonorris agree to disagree ↳ oscarpiastri don't I get a say in this? ↳ ynusername depends ↳ oscarpiastri well i pick you yn ↳ ynusername then yes you get a say
lance_stroll it's about damn time ↳ estebanocon SAYS YOU ↳ alo_oficial none of you have spent as much time with her as I have! I'm the only one that get's to complain ↳ ynusername I was not that bad ↳ alo_oficial yes you were ↳ estebanocon yes you were ↳ lance_stroll yes you were ↳ pierregasly yes you were
oscarpiastri haha babe you have a crush on me? ↳ charles_leclerc you were just as bad ↳ landonorris what he said ↳ oscarpistri damn okay
username35 ahhhh!!! congrats yn and oscar ↳ ynusername thank you! and we both appreciate you being so supportive
username63 see everyone, it pays to be a decent human being! ^^
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myspacebrat · 1 year
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virgin eddie munson x experienced fem reader
summary: you go into the boys locker room with a plan to steal the polaroids your now ex boyfriend took of you to show off to his friends, but the last thing you suspected was to be met with Eddie ‘the freak’ Munson and his very big friend.
warnings: smut ahead, 18+ minors dni, no use of y/n (use of pet names), non consensual sharing of nudes, reader technically cheats, big dick eddie, slight fingering, oral (m receiving) unprotected p in v, cream pie, fluffff.
authors note: I feel like I haven’t written a one shot in awhile, so…hope you like. As always thank you to my lovely beta’s @take-everything-you-can & @xxhellfiregirlxx <3
wc: 3.4k
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You are fuming, absolutely seething with rage.
You couldn't believe your boyfriend, scratch that ex boyfriend would do this to you. How could someone swear to be ‘so in love’ with you but turn around and do this? It just didn’t make sense, but you only have yourself to blame.
All of your friends warned you about Andy, said he was a pig and would just use you as another notch for his belt, but you wanted to believe you were different or that maybe you could’ve changed him. Instead you allowed him to take very x-rated polaroids of you, that he in turn showed to all of his basketball buddies, who told their cheerleader girlfriends, who then told you he’d spent all of gym bragging and showing them off in the locker room.
So…you’d devised a very impulsive and hell bent plan; while they were all outside running the annual mile, you decided you would sneak into the locker room, find Andy's locker, then you would break into it and steal the polaroids back. It was a fool proof plan… or so it seemed in your frenzy of rage.
But as you walk into the quiet, cold, sterile room filled with green lockers. You quickly realize you're not alone.
“Oh my god!”
“Oh fuck!”
Was said in unison as you and Eddie ‘the freak’ Munson locked eyes, but they didn't stay connected for long as yours roamed his body, all the way down to the biggest cock you had ever seen in your life. Not that you’ve seen so many, but you’ve had your fair share of hook ups and I mean c’mon you're not a prude, you do watch porn.
But, even so… his cock was still bigger than anything you’ve come in contact with, albeit on screen and off.
“I’m so sorr–”
“What are you do-”
You both say again, voices overlapping as Eddie catches the wide eyed stare you're giving his flaccid manhood.
He quickly covers himself with his hands, his cheeks pinkening in embarrassment.
Eddie was rather dense when it came to his size, considering he was a virgin and he’s been using the locker room while it was empty since he started at Hawkins High, not wanting to give the jocks anymore fuel for their relentless fire. He didn’t have much to compare it to, nor did he want to participate in any dick measuring contests. The only porn he had hidden under his bed were his dirty fantasy magazines but all the dicks in there were monster cocks, literally.
“What are you doing in here?” Eddie huffed in annoyance as your eyes continued to burn a hole into his now covered groin.
“I um, I–” You couldn't even find the words to explain why you were in the boy’s locker room, not one that would make any sense to him, anyway.
“You what, huh? Spit it out.” Eddie didn’t mean to snap at you, but he was already in a foul mood. He had been present when Andy was showing off your goods to his ogling friends, who all agreed he was a ‘lucky guy’.
Eddie patiently waited for them all to retreat out and onto the track so he could finally shower and get dressed back into his all black attire. Eddie, oh lovesick Eddie had been nursing a mammoth sized crush on you since your freshman year. So, to say he couldn't help but roll his eyes and clench his fists at not only the thought of all these other dudes getting to see you, but also the fact that you even picked a shit stain like Andy Clayton to give an ounce of your time to, really pissed him off.
“I came to try and get something back from my ex.” You bashfully murmur as your eyes once again find the metalheads.
A remorseful look passes over Eddie's face at your revelation, as you both continue to stare at each other you quickly notice his wet hair has been dripping down onto his tattooed chest, the scene makes your breath hitch and you want so badly to clench your thighs from the heat that's been ignited in your center.
Eddie’s confidence begins to grow as he notices the flush of your cheeks and the way your breathing went ragged as your eyes wandered.
“Ya’ know, if i didn't know any better i'd say you’re checking me out?” He declares with a cocky smirk.
“What? I-I’m not-” You stutter before shutting your eyes tight, as if it’d shield you of your utter humiliation. You quickly exhale in an attempt to rid yourself of the mix of arousal and embarrassment that has simultaneously filled your body.
“Okay, I was… but I didn’t mean to, I'm sorry.” You whisper as your eyes meander the tiles under your black loafers and white slouch socks.
“You didn't mean to check out my dick?” Eddie says in bewilderment as his brows raise, disappearing behind his shaggy, wet bangs.
He’s surprised he has the confidence to stand so close to you with his dick literally in his hand, but watching you stutter and squirm has got to be the highlight of his whole high school career.
Well this and that time he, Gareth and Jeff left that flaming bag of shit on Mr. Higgins doorstep. Yeah, watching that old fuck struggle to put out a burning bag filled with dog shit was definitely up there.
“I mean, I did mean to, it’s just– nevermind, I'm sorry. I’ll leave.” Your words fly out of your mouth before you begin to turn and leave, back out the way you came without fulfilling the mission you were on just five minutes ago.
You didn’t even make it two steps before Eddie was gently grabbing your bicep, his hands no longer covering his cock that now grows hard between his scrawny thighs.
“It’s just what?…Color me curious sweetheart.” He says as his calloused fingers slowly run down your arm and back to his side.
Sweetheart, you liked hearing him call you that. Jesus, what is happening?
“Well um, your dicks like really big.” You say as your eyes fall back to his package, you lick your lips at the sight of it twitching at your words.
“Really?” The way he questions you is confusing because there is absolutely no way he doesn’t know he’s hung like a goddamn horse.
“You’re joking right? You’re gonna act like you don’t know your cock is massive?” You say with a tilt of your head.
His eyebrows shoot back up in amusement, the cocky smile on his face a complete rival to his rapidly beating heart.
You move closer into his space, looking up into his innocent looking doe eyes.
Eddie Munson is anything but innocent, right? I mean he sells drugs for fuck sake! You’ve even heard about him grabbing a cheerleader's tit during a drug deal, of course she was trying to get him to lower the price, but still…well now that you come to think of it, that's really the only sexual thing you’ve heard about him. There’s no way he could be a… yeah right.
“Can I ask you a question?” You whisper as you move in even closer, moving a now damp, stray strand of hair behind his reddening ear.
“S-sure.” He whimpers when your long nails lightly scratch down his jaw, which he quickly covers with a cough.
You bit at your lips trying to hold back a giggle at the noise that went straight between your legs.
Okay, fuck those pictures! What better way to get over a guy than to get under a new one…right? Especially one your ex hates…who has a huge cock…I mean this shits a no brainer… you’re gonna fuck Eddie Munson.
“Are you a virgin?” You question sweetly as you ‘innocently’ play with the hem of your plaid dress, the white turtleneck underneath making your already hot and bothered body, burn more with the intense electricity radiating between the both of you.
“I uh, how’d you know?” He sighs as his shoulders drop in exasperation, not at you but at himself for being so fucking obvious.
“Well, with that third leg I never would’ve guessed…but you have this innocence in your eyes that’s kinda telling.” You giggle as your eyes meet his still hard cock, and all you wanna do now is wrap your hand around it and watch him lose his mind.
Eddie throws his head back and laughs into the open air of the now humid locker room. He whispers third leg to himself, nodding his head as if he was hearing that term for the first time. He was.
“Do you wanna stay a virgin, Eddie?” You whisper as the tips of your fingers gently trail over the patch of hair on his lower stomach, just above the spot your hand is aching to touch, that he’s aching for you to touch.
Two things in this moment make the metalhead equally lose his mind, he might actually cum untouched if he’s being honest. Your hand is so close to his throbbing cock, just a few centimeters down and you’d be brushing against his pink, sensitive tip. And hearing you say his name. Wait, you know his name.
That alone is an aphrodisiac for him.
“No, I-I don’t.” He admits before swallowing hard, his damp Adam's apple bobbing at the motion.
“Can I kiss you?” He surprises himself as the question leaves his mouth.
“Please.” you whine with desperation, making Eddie groan as his lips find yours in a frenzy.
Your fingers slowly trail down, finally wrapping your dainty hand around the sheer girth and length that is Eddie’s cock.
Another whimper falls from between his pretty lips, but this time it's unashamed and without a cough to cover it up. No, he wants you to hear what you’re doing to him.
“That feel good, baby?” You murmur into his mouth between the smacks that echo off the barren walls.
“Fuck, yeah mhm, it does.” He rushes out awkwardly, making you giggle into the kiss.
He wraps his arms around you, in an air of confidence and pulls you in closer, chests now flush as your hand continues to softly tug at his cock.
“Do you wanna fuck me, Eddie?” You whisper as you lean your forehead against his, wet bangs be damned.
“I’ve wanted to fuck you for a very long time, princess.” He admits without much thought.
You break away from him, eyes boring into his as you take in his confession. You step back and Eddie’s heart shatters as he curses himself for opening his big, stupid mouth and scaring you off. But before he could get down on his knees and grovel for you to just ignore him and stay, keep paying attention to him. You take his hand and lead him to the wooden bench towards the back of the locker room.
He follows you like a lost puppy before you’re gently pushing at his chest, a silent instruction for him to sit down. He quickly takes the hint, clumsily plopping down onto the stiff wooden bench.
He looks to you for direction, those innocent eyes blinking up at you and goddammit if it doesn't chip away at the walls your now ex boyfriend has helped you build. But, that's a thought for another day.
You fall to your knees, cold tiles digging into your skin as you wrap your hand back around his cock in a wildness that you’d never felt for any of your previous partners.
“Holy shit.” Eddie spits out in disbelief. This has to be a wet dream, there's absolutely now way this is happening to him…he’s never this lucky, and in typical eddie cynicism, he looks around to make sure no one is filming or waiting to pop out and laugh at him or better yet, to tell him this was all some elaborate prank, get the freak all riled up just to leave him high and dry.
The thought is quickly extinguished when you wrap your lips around the head of his cock, gently sucking before you're removing your soft, pillowy muscles that are now coated in his precum, you alluringly flick your tongue across them gathering it all, just to get a good taste of him. His soul just about leaves his body and you've barely even started.
You take him back into your mouth, but this time without mercy as you relax your throat, slowly moving down inch by delicious inch as you try not to gag, his tip now bullying your uvula like his own personal punching bag.
“Oh, oh fuck, please. I-I…” He stammers as his hands flex and clench beside him, too afraid to run his fingers through your hair like he so badly wants to.
You fuck his aching cock into your throat, bobbing your head up and down, over and over before you’re popping off of him, placing a sweet kiss to his tip then standing back up onto your feet, your knees burning from the pressure that was placed on them, red indents now take their place leaving very little mystery as to what you’ve just done.
“I need your cock so bad Eddie.” You moan into his mouth before kissing him, it’s deep and needy and you never want to kiss anyone else like this for as long as you live.
“Use me, please. J-just fuck, just use me pretty girl.” Eddie whimpers, before he begins attacking your neck, sucking hard before soothing the skin with his tongue. You couldn’t care less if he leaves marks, in fact you want him to mark you up, make you his.
You thread your hand into his still damp hair, pushing him closer as he begins to suck at a particularly sensitive spot, just below your ear.
Eddie places one last tender kiss there, before he removes his face from your neck. He confidently lifts the hem of your dress up and over the tops of your thighs, exposing your slick soaked, red panties. The metalhead swipes a finger over the thin, lace fabric that clings to your hips.
“Can I take these off?” He asks as his eyes continue to bore into the growing wet patch in the center of your covered slit.
“Mhm.” A high pitch whine escapes from the depths of your throat at how harshly he tore them off from between your legs. Needy boy.
“Fuckin’ aye.” Eddie murmurs to himself at the sight of your glistening cunt right in front of him, so pretty and wet just for him. He wanted to run his fingers through the damp, trimmed coils on your mound but quickly decided against it, he didn’t want you thinking that was weird.
“H-have you ever seen a pussy before?” You chirp up, bashful as you grab his hand and move it towards your soaked slit.
He clears his throat before answering- “just in magazines.” He admits as his cheeks tinge a pretty shade of pink.
He’s embarrassed by his revelation, but you can’t help but think that’s the hottest thing you’ve ever heard.
You work his fingers through your slit, rubbing at your own clit with his hand and it all just fuels that fire growing deep in your belly.
“Oh!” You moan as your eyes gently roll back, you swipe his finger through your wetness again, “you feel that? Feel how wet you make me Ed’s?” You whisper as your eyes now hold his.
“Fuck, you’re so beautiful! I-I need to fuck you or im gonna cum. You can’t just talk to me like that, princess.” He mutters as he loses all resolve, not that he had much to begin with.
“Yes, sir.” You whisper into his ear before you’re placing a gentle kiss there. You turn around, hand grabbing onto his still hard cock, you lower yourself into his lap, pink tip already prodding at your hole as your back becomes flush with his chest, you lay your head back against his shoulder and burrow it into his neck, both of you moaning in unison as you sink onto him, slowly.
He’s so big it’s like he's ripping you in half, but you welcome the burn. The pleasure and pain of it all makes your cunt drip even more, further creating less pain and a whole lot more pleasure.
“Mmf.” Eddie moans into the side of your face, as you’re finally seated flush in his lap, cock buried deep inside your aching pussy, you clench around the intrusion, making Eddie gasp and whine.
You smile back at him before you’re doing it again.
“Fuck, do you want this to be over before it starts? Huh?” He says threw his teeth, as he grabs your chin to reprimand you. And you want nothing more than to play further into that dynamic.
Andy was a shit lay compared to this, Eddie Munson a virgin is fucking you better than your ex, and if that doesn’t speak volumes as to how the relationship was. The thought makes you feel stupid.
Before you can fester anymore on your dumb mistake, Eddie begins to fuck up into you, all his patience seeping through the air vents that you now realize are on and blowing, creating a chill throughout the room and goosebumps to trickle over your body.
His big hands grab at your waist, roughly bouncing you up and down on his cock as he follows the same rhythm. You’re both moaning into each other's mouths as you bring your hand to the nape of his neck and holding on, as you get absolutely railed in the boys locker room.
Not only is the location turning you on but the thought of being caught by anyone, especially Andy, has got your cunt dripping and making a mess of the metalheads balls.
“Shit, you’re so wet and warm and so fucking tight, baby.” Eddie huffs as his words begin to spill out with no filter, theres no fucking way he can think about what he’s saying before he says it with you clenching around him like that.
“I remember the first time I fucked my fist thinking about you; you wore that little jean skirt with those fucking red cowboy boots a-and the tightest little white shirt, I could see your nipples perfectly. Didn't even bother to wear a bra, just wanted everyone to see, didnt you? Mmm, bad girl.” He starts his confession out whiney and whimpering until he gets to the bad girl with a growl and an extra hard snap of his hips that make your eyes cross in complete carnal delight.
“That’s so fu-ucking hot that you think about me when you jack off, fuck.” You stutter as your body continues to be used as Eddie’s personal little fuck toy.
“Yeah? But I don’t have to do that anymore do I? You’re gonna let me fuck this tight little cunt whenever I want, aren’t you baby?” The confident rasp in his voice is a complete 360 to the awkward, innocent boy he was just seconds ago. But, the way your pussy tightens around him tells him you fucking love it, so he files that information away for next time.
“Yes, yes whenever you want Eddie!” You wail as your legs begin to shake, your cunt clenching around him as your nails dig into his thighs that continue to slap up into the backs of yours. The sounds were filthy, but they egged you both on as your highs so quickly approached.
“Ed- I’m cumming, oh my god!” You sob, fully convinced someone has had to have heard you both by now. But you don’t care, how could you when the most intense pleasure was coursing through your body, turning you into a twitching mess.
“Fuck, me too baby, wher-” He doesnt even get to finish, before you’re begging him to cum inside you. Of course he obliges, eyes rolling back into his head and cock throbbing as his heavy load shoots deep inside you.
“Goddammit.” He whispers into your neck after you've both come down from your panting highs. The breath he exhales tickles you, making you giggle. His arms wrap around your front, holding you tightly before burrowing his head deeper into the skin between your jaw and clavicle, he blows a raspberry and you can't help the shriek that leaves your mouth as he continues to tease you.
“So, you want help getting those pictures back?”
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sognareleggiesogna · 1 year
REVIEW TOU: Suck my life di Andie M. Long
Cari Sognatori, Michy, la nostra Blogger, per la nostra tappa del Review Tour ha letto il primo volume serie Sucking Dead, scritto da Andie M. Long!!! Serie: Sucking Dead vol 1 Genere: Commedia Fantasy Data d’uscita: 15 Maggio 2023 Link d’acquisto Ebook / Cartaceo Trama Mya Un attimo prima sto lavorando in libreria, e quello dopo un vampiro decide di uccidermi. Vi presento lo straniero alto,…
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saintsinthecity · 6 months
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apt502-if · 11 days
I think I have the ultimate™️ angst ask for the ros minus rainn (also kinda of nsfw warning, ignore this if it makes you uncomfortable pls!!)
If mc and ro were being intimate, how would the ros react if MC said rainn's name in that moment?
A: This would be their worst nightmare. This is their worst nightmare. A would immediately stop and probably leave the room. I think the relationship would be over after that tbqh It would ruin them! After their past and then that they'd most likely give up romance and relationships for good. They would leave the room and cry in the bathroom for an hour before distancing themself and rebuilding all of the walls MC managed to break down :<
L: L would make a joke at first out of reflex ("Usually people are mistakenly saying my name not the other way around lol") and then stop. If it's just FWB then they wouldn't care that much. They would, as a friend, delicately tell MC to handle their issues though. In a relationship, they'd insist on having a conversation. L is a lot more understanding when it comes to relationships and messy feelings and moments like that because they've dealt with a lot of people in their days of hooking up. They'd tell MC that they should take a break and give MC time to figure out how they truly feel about their ex before getting back together. Just very understanding! Much more than most :P In a deeper relationship, L will say that but internalize it as "I'm not enough for them I knew I should've never gotten into a relationship this is why."
Cal: Cal would try to ignore it for MC's sake. They'd make an excuse as to why they have to stop and probably run out of the room. Cal's gut reaction would be to push it down and pretend it doesn't bother them because they don't want a confrontation or to embarrass MC. People pleaser ways :P Eventually Cal would give in and have a sit down with them. It would really hurt them though. And would take a long time to get over it.
M: Get mad. :P M would definitely ask MC if they're just a distraction from Rainn. They'd be insecure and question themself. M would go home and need a day or two to process what just happened. Then they'd outright ask, "Do you want to breakup with me?" and MC is like wow don't be dramatic LOL but all of the characters are dramatic so. M would give MC time to figure it out but I think the relationship would be over for a while. Not forever but for a while.
G: Find out who Rainn is to decide whether Rainn is better than them. If they are, G would make it their mission to be better and to make sure MC realizes that Rainn is the downgrade, not them. G is competitive.
Andi: Suppperrr awkward and super hurt. Wouldn't be able to look MC in the eye for a while. Like A, I think the relationship would be permanently done. If it was someone else they'd prob be able to move on from it but it's Rainn. Just bad all around. Andi would also be in too deep to be able to breakup and be just friends with MC. It would probably be bye bye Andi in general for MC for good.
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imyourbratzdoll · 2 years
What about a request where After the divorce, Andy barber meets Jacob's childhood friend, reader who they reunited in college and hasn't seen her since middle school. Andy can't stop thinking about her and having wet dreams. Then the wet dreams became a reality
hello, sorry it took so long. I hope you like it.
warning - smut, swearing and fluff.
18+ only, please. the gif I use isn't mine, divider by @newlips
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“Y/n, what are you doing in here? Shouldn’t you be with Jacob?” The older man asks, gulping as the young female spreads her bare legs, exposing her glistening folds. He grunts, feeling his pants tighten.
“You didn’t wish me goodnight, Mr Barber. I was sad.” Her hand slides down her nude form, softly grazing her plump breasts before reaching her soaked honey pot. Her eyes are locked with his dark blue ones, and a soft whimper falls from her lips when her fingers glide through her folds. “Don’t you want to wish me goodnight? I’ve been a good girl, I swear.”
Andy strides forward, his cock throbbing from the sight before him. Not expecting the goddess on his bed to want him. Andy stands at the end of his bed, having a complete view of your pretty little cunt. “You’ve been a good girl? Are you sure?” Y/n nods, half-lidded eyes focused on him. “I don’t think so, sweetheart, because, from my view, you look like a naughty little slut.” His eyes snap down, watching your juices leak out at being called a slut. “You like being called a slut, sweetheart?” Andy groans when you nod.
“Play with me, daddy?” Everything seemed to have moved fast once those words were uttered from her lips. Andy lies on top, his mouth covering hers, tongues tangling together as he rubs his bulge against her bare cunt. Andy quickly reaches down to release the throbbing member before lining it up with Y/n’s entrance and pushing in. Their groans and moans fill the room as he begins to thrust. He plants kisses on her neck, loving the feeling of her clenching and pulsating around him.
When Andy feels his end approaching, he suddenly wakes. His eyes open with a snap, and he looks around, trying to find you, but when he comes short, a groan of disappointment leaves his lips. Andy looks down and notices his cock is straining against his pyjama pants, the member throbbing wildly and his chest covered in sweat. “Fuck sake.” He slowly sits up, wiping his hand down his face before his hand moves to his pants. A soft groan falls from his lips at the slight relief before it disappears and an image of you pops into his head. “Jesus fucking Christ.”
Andy stands, tucking his member into the waistband of his pyjama pants before walking out of his room and heading to the kitchen to get a glass of water. Andy is too busy wiping his eyes to anticipate the sight before him. The sound of a small gasp causes him to put his hand down and look toward the noise. 
“M-Mr Barber... I’m sorry if I woke you. I was trying to get some water….” The sight of your wide doll eyes and the oversized shirt covering your form causes his already rigid member to twitch, pre-cum leaking from the throbbing red tip.
“It’s okay. So am I.” He gulps, moving closer to your tiny body. His eyes flicker down to where your thighs not-so-subtly rub together as you take in his bare chest. Andy grabs a glass and fills it with water, not taking his eyes off you as he takes a sip. Once he swallows, he places the glass on the counter and crosses his arms against his chest. “What are you doing up so late?”
“I– uh. I couldn’t sleep” Y/n’s lip goes between her teeth as she stares at the older man’s bulging muscles, itching to know how the hair covering his chest would feel against her. She feels herself clench around nothing at the forbidden thought of her friend’s dad bending her over the counter and pounding into her. Just like in her dream…
Andy strides forward until he’s so close to her that he can feel her breath on his skin, Andy’s hand comes up, and he uses his thumb to untuck Y/n’s bottom lip from her teeth. “Why are you lying, sweetheart? Don’t you know only bad girls lie?” He grunts when he hears a soft moan fall from her lips. 
Y/n slowly nods, feeling her thighs slick with her juices. Suddenly realising there was nothing underneath her shirt, and she was close to her crush, which made her dizzy. “S–sorry, Mr Barber, I just don’t think it’s appropriate to tell you….” She casts her eyes down at the confession.
Andy’s eyes darken, his hand gripping her chin as he tilts her head to look at him. “Tell me, sweetheart. You want to be a good girl, right?” Andy’s eyes move down to Y/n’s chest, noticing her nipples poking through and how her breathing quickens. “C’mon, be a good girl for me.” 
“I had a dream… “ Andy raises a brow, waiting for her to continue. “I–I was bent over a kitchen counter whilst getting pounded into.” 
Andy growls at the thought of someone else fucking your tight little cunt, not caring that it’s a dream. “You going to tell me who it was, sweetheart?” He leans forward, staring deep into her eyes.
Y/n’s cheeks turn a rosy pink, trying to look away from Andy, not wanting to confess that she dreams of him fucking her until she can’t walk. The sound of a slap and the feel of sharp pain caused her to gasp and look at Andy bewildered. 
“I’m asking you a question, and I expect an answer, sweetheart.” Y/n gulps as she feels herself clench and drip, her cunt throbbing like crazy at how dominant he is. 
“I–it was you, Mr Barber….” Andy groans before smashing his lips into hers. Moaning as their lips move in sync, his hands grip her hips while maneuvering her to the kitchen counter. Andy pulls away as he turns her around and bends Y/n over the counter. His cock begging to be free and buried deep inside her tight cunt as she whines. “M–Mr Barber.”
Andy pushes you down, pressing your cheek into the marble. “It’s daddy to you, whore. Now stay still. I'm making both our dreams come true.” Andy quickly pulls his pants down, his cock springs free, and he wraps his hand around the thick base, tugging on it as he lifts your shirt and groans at the sight before him. “You dirty little slut, wearing nothing underneath? Were you expecting this?” He tuts, shaking his head. “What a whore you are.”
Y/n moans when she feels Andy rub his tip through her folds, the head catching her swollen bundle. “D–Daddy, please.” A choked gasp forces its way out when he begins to push through her entrance, the girth stretching her small walls, causing a pleasurable pain to shoot through her. “Oh– Fuck, daddy too big.” Andy’s hand comes around and covers her mouth, his thrusts getting deeper and harder.
“Shut up, you little slut. You don’t want Jacob to walk in and see you being a whore for his dad, do you?” He grunts when you clench around him, the thought of getting caught exciting you more. “Oh, you like that idea.” Andy leans forward, pressing his front closer against your back before delivering deep strokes. “You’re doing so good for me, sweetheart. Just relax while I use you.” Andy’s thrusts become brutal, a slapping sound filling the room. 
“A–ah, please. S–so close.” Y/n’s eyes roll to the back of her head as she feels herself clench down, her walls pulsating around the thick member piercing her tiny cunt. Soft moans fall from her lips, still blocked by Andy’s hand as she cums. 
“Fucking hell, you feel so fucking good.” Andy leans back, his gaze focusing on where they connect, watching as his cock thrusts in and out, her cream coating the base causing it to be easier for him to pound in. “I’m going to cum, sweetheart, and you'll take it.” His pace picks up, eyes locked on her tight cunt, his balls tightening and hips stuttering as his end approaches rapidly. Andy leans down and plants soft kisses on the back of her head and neck as he finishes inside, streams of thick cum shooting out of his cockhead and deep into her womb.
The two stay like that as they catch their breath, Andy’s hands squeeze her hips gently before he slowly pulls out, walking over to get a clean cloth and wetting it before he comes to clean the young woman up. “How are you feeling?” The softness in his voice shocks Y/n out of her blissful daze before she slowly stands and hums.
“I’m okay, thank you.” Andy’s eyes connect with hers as they share a soft smile. Y/n leans forward while resting her hands on his chest, finally feeling the hairs that sit there. She places a soft kiss against his lips before pulling away. “Goodnight, daddy.”
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thank you for reading!
feedback and reblogs are greatly appreciated.
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nfwmybaby · 6 months
to be alone (with you)
_↷pairing: andrew x reader (tried my best to make reader as gender neutral as possible) ˎˊ˗
_↷word count: 1.3k ˎˊ˗
_↷warnings: cigarettes, making out ? ˎˊ˗
♡┊͙thinking about sharing a cigarette with him!! first fic pls go easy on me 😭
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“I love you too, Andrew. And I love being alone with you as well.” You take a hit of the cigarette you stole from Andy’s right hand. You don’t know how long you stayed in that position for. How long the soft shake of the trees and the quiet of your heart beating played a soundtrack fond to Andrew. He could die, then and there, and he would not care if heaven and hell existed afterwards, because he’d already experienced something greater than heaven— you.
The sound of music and conversations surrounded the house. It carried itself through every hall, every room, only to be let out by the opened windows, and even then you could hear it from a mile away. Thank goodness Andrew’s house was miles away from the rest of civilization.
“Y/N!” A person calls for you, snapping you out of your thoughts, “Andy went to hide away in one of the rooms again!”
Christ sake.
Why had you even accepted the invitation to the outing knowing you would just be put on Andy-watch? As the constant chatter of people were starting to make your skin crawl, you were albeit a little thankful to be given the perfect chance to crawl away. You understood why he would leave his own party, some people started getting way too much. Still, couldn’t he have told you as to where he was going?
“Alright I’ll go find him.”
“Thank you! And tell him Alex is one minute away from leaving if he’s unattached from Andrew any more.”
You joke, “Fucking boyfriends” And with that you walk away, grabbing a plate of brownies before pulling out your phone to open Andrew’s contact up.
The people are looking for you
Are they sending you to look for me again?
I come alone.
Baring peace and some brownies, if you let me
Is it the brownies I like best?
If you mean the ones I make, yes!
Peace offer accepted.
I’m technically outside.
Have fun trying to find me <3
Oh my god you hate to see me
Quite the contrary, I love to see you, especially when you’re all annoyed
I hate you, Andrew John Hozier-Byrne.
Yeah, Y/N M/N L/N, sure you do.
*message disliked by Y/N*
Good god. You were going crazy looking for him with only his vague ass hint. With the opening of his bedroom you were instantly greeted by the smell of cigarettes and a glass slide door revealing the balcony. There sat the person you had just been looking for, his back facing you. As he turned his face to meet you, a sly smirk grew, bringing the cigarette that rested on his left hand to his mouth,
“15 minutes! You had me waiting for you for 15 agonizing minutes.” He pats the empty chair to the right of him, gesturing for you to sit. You oblige, making your way towards him,
“It’s not my fault you didn’t tell me where you were. ‘I’m technically outside’ had me lost and confused.” You rested your brownies next of the ashtray on the table in front of you both,
“Where’s the fun in that? Plus. I am technically outside. And this is, quite literally, my bedroom. Why would I be anywhere else?” He teases.
You scrunch your face, getting more annoyed with him with every breath he takes, “You know, maybe downstairs, at the party you decided to host? You’re so lucky you’re pretty”
“Aw. You think I’m pretty.” He tried to cover it up, but he couldn't, the paleness of his skin was immediately greeted with a soft blush when the words left your mouth.
“Shush now, Andrew. May I please have a hit of your cigarette?”
He thought for a minute, his eyes darting between the cigarette and the soft pleads of your eyes, “You ask so kindly, but I don’t want to share till you confirm you think I’m pretty, you pure feek.” He takes another hit off his cigarette, but before he can exhale away from you, your body finds itself moving without much thought. Your hand softly guides his head back towards you, a shaky exhale being forced out of him as you lean in close enough to practically feel him exhale. The smoke fills the distance between you two, and without breaking eye contact with him (despite his eyes being glued to your lips at this point) you inhale the smoke he exhaled from his last hit.
“I think you’re a total ride.” You say as you guide the hand with the cigarette to your lips.
“Y/N.” The desperation seeped out of the call of your name like a plea. His hand takes back its control despite it unknowingly still on eachother.
You blow out the smoke, “Andrew.”
He watches you closely as you inhale and exhale, “Christ. You’re going to be the death of me.”
“I know, quite romantic, isn't it?”
He laughs, that intoxicating sound that could have fooled you for a siren, “Death by your hand. Put it on my gravestone.”
You two laugh at the thought for a minute, but when the laughter subsided, you’ve come back to the realization his hand still held yours. It felt nice, right, even, like that's where it should always belong. Or maybe it was just the prior drinks you took a short while ago finally catching up and making you crazy. Either way. His hands were soft, a stark difference to the vast amount of guitarists you’ve met with rougher hands. They were also long and slender, cuppings yours with no problem. He must’ve noticed you staring as he switched the hand that held the cigarette to the other. With his now open left hand, it found its way to your waist, tugging you only soft enough to get the message to you. You happily oblige to his unspoken ask. You stood up slowly, taking a step or two before reaching Andrew's chair and then straddling him beneath you, his hand hadn’t left your waist for a second. Even sitting down he was still taller than you.
“You look divine like this, my love. As close to me as can be. Away from the rest of the folks.” He grins that stupid smile you fell in love with long ago. You shake your head at that, leaning in to kiss him. He happily leans towards to meet you halfway. “I love being alone with you. I love you.” He pulls away and buries himself in the crook of your neck.
“I love you too Andrew. And I love being alone with you as well.” You take a hit of the cigarette you stole from Andy’s right hand. You don’t know how long you stayed in that position for. How long the soft shake of the trees and the quiet of your heart beating played a soundtrack fond to Andrew. He could die, then and there, and he would not care if heaven and hell existed afterwards, because he’d already experienced something greater than heaven— you. The sound of your voice had pulled him out of his thoughts like new music to his worn ears, “Andrew. Your stomach was rumbling.” Oh. When had it done that? He wonders. “Here. The brownies I made for you.”
He smiles and thanks you before immediately eating the plate full. Had he been this hungry and hadn’t known it? Oops. Guess he was too distracted by you. You took the last hits of the cigarette as it reached its end, putting it down on the ashtray, returning back to watch Andrew finish the brownies. You place your hand against his cheek and rub the crumbs off the corners of his mouth. His eyes turn soft with a small pleading look on them as your thumb stayed still on his lip. Placing a delicate kiss on your thumb, "Kiss me, please baby?"
You giggle, happily agreeing and leaning in to kiss him. The grip he had on you tightened. Even more when you went to pull away, “As much as I love being alone with you, Alex threatened to leave if he wasn't reattached to you.” You place a small pecks on the corners of his lips. He smiles at what you had said and done, loosening his grip just a bit,
“Can you promise me I have you the rest of the night?” He burrows his head back into your neck.
“I promise you I won’t leave your side.” You reassure him as your hands play with the curls of his hair.
You hadn't thought it was possible, but he had melted more into you, "Thank you for everything you do for me, Y/N" He murmurs softly into the skin of where your neck and collarbone met.
"You know you don't have to thank me for anything, Andy." He starts to slowly rock you both from the left to right, his arms around your waist, tight to make sure you don't loose balance and fall. And because he wanted to be in the comfort of your arms for longer, milking the feeling as much as possible.
"No. I'll spend the rest of our lives thanking you for everything you do. I'll love you for anything and everything." He finally leaves the comfort of your neck, pulling you in to kiss you again. You could feel him pour every emotion out to you in that minute.
You understood him. He understood you. That’s how well you two worked, words left unspoken could be heard, and words that were let out were messages received, no matter the phrasing. He wasn’t too happy about rejoining the crowd, but that didn’t matter, not when you kissed him so softly as a promise to what you had said earlier, and especially not when his hand was holding yours. He couldn’t care less as to where he was as long as it was next to you. Though he much preferred being alone with you.
Hope you guys enjoyed !! Please lmk what you think ☻
Also inspired by this version of To Be Alone ^^
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604to647 · 2 months
3.9K / Detective Tim Rockford x fem!reader
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Summary: Tim thinks you’re mad at him.
Warnings: 18+ Content (MDNI please). Established relationship, soft!Tim, nicknames as usual (Shutterbug, baby, gorgeous), fluff and smut, oral (m receiving), titty fucking (don't look at me), unprotected PiV.
A/N: Another instalment of The Rockford Portfolio and this one is just silly, silly (until the smut😂); as always, can be read standalone. You guys know that TikTok couples trend where the user films their significant other's reaction when they try to leave the house without a kiss goodbye/saying "I love you"?  Ok, Shutterbug tries it on Tim (and Tim does not have the TikTok) 🤭🤭.
Photography inspired dividers by @saradika-graphics / Series Masterlist
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You’re chuckling to yourself as you send goodnight messages to your friends.  While Tim’s been getting ready for bed in the bathroom, you’ve been catching up on the memes and TikToks that have been sent since you last opened the chat.  The latest ones all a variation of the same couples trend.
Hubby’s reaction when I try to leave without kissing him goodbye!
Pranking my boyfriend by not saying “I Love You” back.
Watch me confuse my golden retriever s/o.
The trend is mainly silly, the humour laying in the adorable confusion of partners who are clearly in love with their significant others.  Even if most of these videos are likely staged, you find yourself smiling at them.  Looking up to see Tim turning off the bathroom light, your heart skips a beat at how delicious your handsome boyfriend looks in his nighttime wifebeater and boxers combo; he’s giving you that lopsided, adoring smile that always makes your stomach flutter.  Damn you love him.
[10:49 pm] Good night babes!  Thanks for the laughs!  I think I’m going to try this on Tim tomorrow.
[10:50 pm] Hahaha! Oh my god, tell us how it goes!
[10:50 pm] Good night!  Yes, report back!
[10:51 pm] Oh yes please, I tried it on Andy and he was just like, ‘Did you hit your head?’ Hahaha!  Good night!
[10:51 pm] Good night!! Love you, bbs!
“What are you smiling about, Shutterbug?” Tim grins up at you after he slides into bed and snuggles his head into your pillow, ignoring the perfectly matching and fluffy ones on his side of the bed. 
Giggling, you set your alarm and put your phone away, “Just watched some funny TikToks that the girls sent.”
“I swear it’s like a secret language.  Sometimes those chats of yours are just videos and pictures - no actual words,” chuckles Tim as you turn off your bedside lamp and slip down under your shared covers.
“It is!  Like a friendship love language.  You should get TikTok, Detective – then we could speak it too,” you give Tim a playful smile because you already know what his answer is going to be.
“Don’t need to, Shutterbug.  You show me all the good ones anyways, and explain them to me if I don’t understand,” Tim presses a long and soft kiss to your lips, coaxing your mouth open so he can slowly lick in.  An invitation.
It’s a given that you’ll accept.  You gently roll the detective’s massive frame onto his back with your hand, the gentlest of nudges, before climbing on top of him. “It’s hard work, you know? Staying on top of all these memes and video trends,” you murmur, lips ghosting over Tim’s as your hips start to lightly grind down over his growing bulge, “Hard work should be rewarded.”
“Is that what you want, gorgeous?  To be rewarded?” Tim smirks into your neck as he trails kisses down the column of your throat.  You whimper in assent as his rough hands start to claw up your waist, thumbs drawing sweet circles on the underside of your breasts.
“Gotta use your words, Shutterbug,” teases Tim.
“Yes, please, Detective!  Reward me,” you manage to breathe out before letting out a joyous squeal at the lightning speed with which Tim flips you over.  Pinning you to the bed under his massive weight and kissing you hungrily, Detective Tim Rockford growls against your plush and pouty lips, “Going to reward you and then ruin you, baby,” turning your sweet giggles into moans.
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The next morning, you have an early meeting that has you leaving for work earlier than usual.  Tim is just getting out of the shower when you slip on your work shoes and call out, “Bye!  Have a good day, Detective!”
Grabbing your jingling keys from the key bowl, you have to bite your lip to keep from laughing when you hear the hurried strides of your boyfriend rushing out of the bathroom.
“Have a good day, Shutterbug.  I love you,” Tim exhales as slows down and reaches the front foyer, glad to have caught you before you left.
You immediately regret turning around – this is going to be a lot harder than you thought; Tim is fresh from the shower with only a towel hung low on his hips, steam still rising off his hot body and residual drops of water dot his hard chest like diamonds.  His wet hair is slicked back, making him look distinguished even in his nearly nude state.  Forget not kissing him - how the hell are you supposed to keep from pouncing on him like a wildcat in heat?
Your best option has to be a quick escape; hand on the door handle you practically yell, “Okay, bye!”
“Wait!” Tim looks confused that you didn’t meet him halfway for a goodbye kiss as you normally would, but he smiles indulgently at your slightly frazzled behaviour.  It’s early and you didn’t get much sleep last night, “Aren’t you forgetting something?”
Avoiding eye contact, you feign patting your pockets and looking in your purse, “No, I’m good!  Thanks, babe!”  You’ve almost got the handle pressed all the way down when you hear Tim’s voice closing in behind you, “Are you sure?”
You turn and put on a tight smile, trying not to look into the eyes of your stupidly dreamy boyfriend, but where can you look?  Where can you look?  Not that solid wall of muscle that’s close to caging you in, that’s for sure.  You can’t even look at Tim’s jaw because that adorable patchy spot in the scruff on his left side always melts you into a puddle of goo.  You say to his forehead, “Yeah, I’m sure, why?”
“Just seems like you might be forgetting a thing or two, gorgeous,” Tim smirks, but if you would meet them, you’d see that his eyes are starting to worry.
“I really should go, Tim,” you say with a sympathetic tilt of your head, “I can’t be late for this meeting.”
He has you trapped, your back pressed against the door, but Tim isn’t leaning in; he’s sure by now that you’re not kissing him on purpose, but he has no idea why.  Not wanting to force anything upon you, he just waits – giving you some time in case you change your mind.
After about twenty seconds of silence, you nearly squeak, “Tim?  I have to go to work.”
With a furrowed brow, Tim steps back to allow you to open the door for your getaway, “Okay, love you, Shutterbug.”
You nod as you slip out, “Okay!  Talk to you later.”
Now Tim is straight up flabbergasted – he catches the front door before it closes and calls after your retreating figure, “Baby, I love you!”
You turn around and actually give him a thumbs up?!  He’s about to leave the apartment half naked to come after you and ask what’s wrong when he sees you slide into the elevator right before the doors close.
What the hell was that?
In the elevator you exhale the ridiculously loud breath you’ve been holding and slump against the wall.
[7:38 am] Total fail, girls.  That was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do and Tim had no reaction at all!
Tap, tap, tap, tap, tap.
Tim absentmindedly taps his pencil against the edge of his desk, the repetitive noise echoing off his office walls and into the bullpen.  It was a habit he picked up a long time ago, and everyone at the precinct knew that if they heard that sound coming out of Detective Rockford’s office, it meant something had him stumped.
Your odd behaviour this morning has been on Tim’s mind all day.  He can’t for the life of him figure out why you didn’t want to kiss him goodbye.  Other than being a little harried, nothing seemed out of the ordinary with your exit this morning – your words were sweet and cheerful, you didn’t seem stressed about your meeting.  Was it his morning breath?  No, he had just brushed his teeth.  And even if it was your breath that prevented you from kissing him, it didn’t explain why you wouldn’t say “I love you.”  Normally so generous with your adulation and words of affection, he’s finding the change in your manner this morning to so off putting he can barely concentrate on police work.
Tap, tap, tap, tap, tap.
Had he done something?  Surely you would have said; it wasn’t like you to play mind games.  And even if he had, when would he have done it?  The two of you had gone to sleep the night before perfectly content; Tim didn’t want to toot his own horn but you seemed more than sated after your three orgasms.  To add to his confusion, you’ve been texting him all day long like you always do, like nothing was wrong at all.
Cheerful texts announce when you got out of your meetings, then a sad picture of the muffin you accidentally dropped on the ground, followed by one of the much better cookie you got to replace it.  You send suggestions and ask him what he wants to have for dinner.  The funny comic panel from Instagram that you screenshot for him makes him laugh out loud.  Your messages say that you miss him and look forward to seeing him at home.  Tim answers them all as normally as he can without showing his growing skepticism.
Tap, tap, tap, tap, tap.
Detective Rockford’s impressive solve rate is no match for this particular mystery.  What the hell was going on?  Tim suddenly recalls something his former captain and mentor had said to him once:  When you have conflicting pieces of intel, try to separate out the irrefutable.
Okay.  The only reason that you would refuse to kiss him or say ‘I love you’ would be if you didn’t want to.  And if you didn’t want to, it must be because you were unhappy with him.  For something.  It didn’t matter if you acted like nothing was wrong all day or he couldn’t figure out what he had done, it was irrefutable that he had made you unhappy.
Tap, tap, tap, tap, tap.
You get home a few hours before Tim and have most of dinner prepped before he’s due to arrive, so you decide to take a quick shower to wash off your work day.  Wrapped in the fluffy hotel-grade bathrobe that Tim had in fact purchased for you from the hotel the two of you stayed at on your trip to New York, you pad back into the kitchen humming to yourself.  You’re just thinking you’ll pop dinner in the oven when you’re surprised by your sweet boyfriend only just returned, gun holster still snug against his tight shoulders, waiting for you behind the kitchen island; big hands holding open the lid to a box of scrumptious looking macarons.
“Tim!” you exclaim, surprise and delighted, “You’re home early, baby!  What’s this?”
He looks sheepishly at you, “They’re ‘I’m sorry’ macarons.”
You look at him confused, “What are you sorry for?”
“I DON’T KNOW,” he practically howls, looking like he’s at the end of his rope.
You rush over and throw your arms around your hulk of a man and pull him close, running your hands over his broad back in what you hope is a soothing enough manner, “Tim, baby, tell me what’s going on.”
Tim’s face remains buried in your neck, inhaling the soft smell of your body wash as he sinks every part of himself that he can, his face, his hands, his chest into your soft cotton clad body, “I’m sorry, Shutterbug.  I’m sorry for what I did to make you mad, and I’m sorry I couldn’t figure out what it was.”
Running a hand up to cradle Tim’s head, you’re so confused, but wait until his expansive body relaxes a bit against yours before pulling away a little so you can look at Tim’s distraught face, “Baby, I’m not mad at you.”
He studies the bewildered but sincere expression on your face and believes your confusion to be genuine, but that only adds to his own, “But you didn’t want to kiss me goodbye this morning, and you refused to say ‘I love you’ back.”
The sharp gasping sound you make is so startling it causes Tim to step back from you and he watches as your eyes widen in shock and your hands fly to cover your mouth in disbelief.  Then just as quickly, you launch yourself at him and press a flurry of soft kisses all over his face, his mouth, his neck, “Baby!  I’m the one who needs to be sorry!! It was just a silly TikTok trend!  You didn’t do anything wrong and I’m not mad at you!!  I’m so, so sorry you thought that!”
Tim comforts you with a gentle squeeze of your waist - you look beside yourself and ready to cry, but he still doesn’t understand, “TikTok trend?”
Grabbing your phone from the counter, you scroll to the videos in the chat you were watching last night and show them to him.  When Tim’s done watching the fourth video, he looks back at you chewing your lip adorably, worried, “So you’re not mad at me?  You just wanted to see what my reaction would be if you didn’t kiss me goodbye or say ‘I love you’ before you left?”
You look so small nodding up at him, “I’m sorry, Tim.  I didn’t know you would take it so seriously.  I actually thought it barely registered.  I never dreamed it would bother you.”
Now it’s Tim’s turn to be reassuring; stroking your cheek with two of his thick fingers, he tilts his head and smiles, “The woman I love more than anything suddenly won’t say she loves me or kiss me and it’s not supposed to bother me?”
“Oh Tim!” You fly into his open arms, lips crashing into Tim’s with a force that nearly sends him tumbling backwards.  Tim devours you with hunger and relief, so elated that rift he had imagined all day between the two of you turned out to be nonexistent.  You chase your deep and passionate kisses with light butterfly ones that map the entirety of his jaw and neck, fingers unbuttoning his dress shirt franticly to clear the path to his chest for your worshipping mouth.
“I love you, I love you, I love you,” you murmur against his skin, making up for the times you held back these same words this morning.
“I love you too, Shutterbug,” Tim hums, hands roaming down your back; dipping low to grab and knead the plush globes of your ass.
Breaking away, you slip your hands under the firm leather straps of Tim’s holster and walk backwards, pulling him along with a shy smile, “Come, Detective.  Let me make things up to you.”  Tim would follow you anywhere, so happy to have you back, even though he never really lost you at all.  He moves in a daze as you lead him over to the living room couch, directing him to sit before you sink down to your knees like a dream between his wide spread legs. 
Quickly undoing Tim’s belt and pants, you look up at your handsome boyfriend with big doe eyes, pleading with him to give you what you want; unable to ever deny you even if he ever wanted to (which he never did), Tim lifts his hips slightly and helps you slide his pants and boxes down his thick thighs, his already semi-hard cock bouncing out and slapping against the buttons of his dress shirt.
You lick your lips at the sight of Tim’s beautiful, girthy cock, head already swollen and weeping for you.  Reaching out to give him a few tentative strokes with your hand, you angle the tip towards your mouth and kitten lick Tim’s slit until his whole chest rumbles above you. 
Smiling to yourself when you see Tim’s eyes close at your efforts, you lick several long fat stripes from balls to tip, following the ridges of the thick vein that run along the underside of Tim’s length before happily taking him in your warm mouth.  At Tim’s low throaty moans, you slowly sink your face closer and closer to the grey peppered hair at his base, taking in more and more of Tim’s throbbing cock while stretching your lips as wide as they can in order to accommodate his impressive girth.  Hands covering what still remains after your mouth is stuffed full, you start to bob your head rhythmically; spit leaks out of your overstuffed mouth and drips down Tim’s dick, making it shiny and easier for your small hands to pump.  The slick, wet sounds of your mouth and hands working in tandem have you dripping in your robe, desperate pussy clenching around nothing.
“Baby,” Tim’s hands cup the side of your face and gently guide you so you come off of him with a pop.  Not sure how it’s even possible, he gets even harder at the sight of your blow out eyes and messy mouth, hands still working him lazily as you gaze at him, already cock drunk.  Tim’s other hand reaches forward to pull at the lapel of your robe, “Want to see them.”
Knowing what he wants, you gladly shrug open your bathrobe, letting the fabric loll off your shoulders and pull open the front so that your bare breasts spill out for Tim to ogle.  Tim groans as he watches you wipe the drool from you face and spread it over your chest, rubbing your mess into your supple skin as you grope and play with your seductive curves.
“Do you want to fuck my tits, Detective Rockford?” you coo.  Tim’s eyes snap open at your dirty offer, nodding eagerly, mouth agape.
Shuffling closer until you’re pressed up right against the couch, you reach for Tim’s cock, already standing at attention, practically saluting and ready to nestle in between your pillowy soft breasts.  Dribbling a little more spit onto his dick, you use your hands to lube him up before gently placing him in the valley of your breasts.  Once you have him where you want him, you flash Tim a sultry smile and use your hands to press your boobs together, squishing them so closely that the bulbous head of Tim’s cock nearly disappears.
“Oh baby, your tits are so pretty,” moans Tim, unable to peel his eyes away from your chest.
“Thank you, Tim,” you purr politely, starting to move yourself up and down, stroking him with every bounce.  Keeping up a comfortable pace, you keep your eyes down, mesmerized by how hot Tim’s gorgeous dick looks sliding through the snug fitting opening between your tits – the very sight has you gushing.
“Fuckkkkk, that feels so good, baby,” he chokes out. Tim worships your breasts; normally unable to keep his hands off of them, he loves groping and manhandling your plush curves with his big, rough hands, and rolling and playing with your nipples until they’re hard and pointy.  But watching you use your delicate hands to press and hold your tits together, up and out so that the tight and deep valley in between hugs his cock oh so perfectly is unlocking something new and feral within him. 
“Let me fuck ‘em, please, gorgeous,” he practically growls; when your response is to stop your movements and slobber more spit down onto his cock before smiling back at him with a wide-eyed look of innocence, Tim’s hips start moving of their own accord, bucking wild and furious.
“Oh yes, Tim, fuck my tits just like that,” you whine; Tim is driving his cock up between your breasts with such vigor that your whole body is being jostled despite your best attempts to hold still for him.  The top of your robe has long since fallen off your body, but the sash remains tied tight around your waist so that the lower hem remains floating over your thighs; the opening at the bottom starts to open of its own volition from all the movement and the luxurious piping in the hem catches on your clit so deliciously that you scream.  You start to meet Tim’s every upwards thrust with a little downwards bounce so that you can rub against your robe, chasing after that mind-numbing friction; with your added efforts, Tim’s cock nearly hits your lips with every pass between your tits.  Smiling to yourself, you tilt your head down so that the next time Tim pushes up, you press down and give his tip a little kiss.
Tim’s body shudders and he nearly loses his rhythm.  You do this over and over, kissing his swollen head with the gentlest of pecks every time Tim’s cock breaches the tight cavern between your breasts and pokes out to meet your affectionate mouth.
Tim’s low baritone groans and huffs are getting huskier and faster, “Fuck baby, wanna finish inside you.” 
“Yes, please, baby, need you in me,” you cry as you scramble off your knees and climb onto Tim’s lap.  The debauched feeling of having Tim fuck your tits plus the heady sensation of rubbing your robe’s hem against your pussy has you so close already - you’re sopping wet and needy.
You sink down on Tim’s angry cock and slip your fingers under the shoulder straps of Tim’s gun holster as Tim immediately starts to punch up into you; holding on to the supple leather for dear life as he fucks you like his personal fuck doll, you throw you head back and wail how good he makes you feel.  Your tits bounce in Tim’s face and he thinks about how they looked minutes ago wrapped around his cock and he’s ready to explode, “Gonna come, Shutterbug.  Fuck, come with me, baby.”
Tim reaches down between your bodies and applies the perfect pressure against your slippery clit, barely completing one rotation of his rough thumb before you seize and clench down on him.  Your loud cries of his name taper to a soft, desperate mewling as he fucks you through it, chasing his own high.
“Give me your cum, Detective,” you plead as you continue to pull against the leather straps that border his broad frame, “Fill me up, Tim.”
He shoots his load deep in your cunt at these words, willingly obeying your filthy command.  Not only would Tim never deny you anything, he would readily do anything, give you anything your heart desired.  Your happiness and well being are all that matter to him – he comes hard and with the assuredness of a man that knows his earlier concerns of having made you unhappy were completely unfounded.  All is as it should be once again.
Coming down from your high, you release your death grip on Tim’s holster straps and wrap your arms loosely around his neck, smiling at him affectionately, “Am I forgiven, Detective?”
Even if he wasn’t still inside your warm cunt or your perfect tits weren’t sitting right below his chin close enough to lick, Tim’s answer would be the same, “There’s nothing to forgive, Shutterbug.”  
Eyes soft and full of love, you hold Tim’s gaze as you affirm for him again, “I love you, I love you, I love you.”  Each declaration of your feelings is accompanied by a corresponding press of your lips to his.  “I promise I’ll never do that to you again, Tim.  I’m going to kiss you and tell you I love you until you’re sick of it.”
“Never going to happen, Shutterbug.”
Afterwards, when the two are you are enjoying the ‘I’m sorry’ macarons that you giddily photographed, swapping cookies between bites so you can each try every flavour, you chew thoughtfully, “You know, this whole thing could have been avoided if you’d just get TikTok.”
You’re only joking of course, but your jaw drops when Tim holds his phone out to you, “Okay, Shutterbug.”
Eyes widening, you’re in disbelief, “Really?”
Tim grins devilishly and retracts his hand, “No, not really.  I don’t want to send you TikToks, baby.  I rather like the love language we have already.”  And with that he snatches the last bite of the lavender macaron from your fingers with his mouth and presses his lips to yours for the sweetest kiss you could ever ask for.
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msgexymunson · 2 years
Dom!Eddie x Sub!Fem!Reader
Description: A game of Truth or Dare takes a spicy turn when you're dared to flash Eddie Munson
Warnings: NSFW, minors DNI or you'll be struck by lightning, boob/nipple play, f!fingering, m!masturbation, I think that's it? Reader uses she/her pronouns
A/N: this is from this ask, sorry it took so long, I had to wait for inspiration to strike! Comments and reblogs are the highlight of my day, please and thank you.
2.2k words
The sound of giggles dominated the room, along with distant bass from speakers a few rooms away. Sitting with your red solo cup in hand, you're in a circle with a few of your closest friends. The party was starting to feel lame, so someone had suggested Truth or Dare, and now everyone was laughing at you.
"Seriously? Out of all the boys at school you pick Eddie Munson? Why?" Your best friend Tiffany was laughing the most, which irked you a bit to be honest.
"I dunno, he's just, different, and kinda hot! Anyway that's not part of the game." You huff, feeling a little exposed. Taking a sip of your cheap beer you shudder. It was warm, you had been nursing the same cup for half an hour.
"I heard he was a Satanist, part of some weird cult thingy." Jennifer said, nodding sagely.
"Bullshit, he's just a nerdy freak!"
"Nah it's TRUE, Jason told me!"
"Anyway, back to the game dummies!" You desperately try to change the conversation. It's not like you knew him, you didn't at all really. He was intimidating, but it was in a way that made your thighs clench.
You dared Melissa to do a shot, not the most original but you know she's terrible at them and it might serve as a distraction. Luckily she coughed at the wrong time and vodka came out of her nose. Shrill giggles filled the room again and you started to relax. Melissa then chose Tiffany, who regaled them in how she lost her virginity to Andy on the basketball team.
She then turned to you with a deviant grin.
"Truth or Dare?" She smirked. Not a good sign. You didn't want to divulge any further about Eddie, it was way too embarrassing.
"Fine, Tiff. Dare."
She clapped her hands, pointing at you dramatically.
"I dare you, to flash Eddie Munson."
There was a collective gasp and the room fell silent, all eyes on you.
"Nice try dingus, but he's not here." Feeling triumphant, Tiffany says something that wipes the smile right off your face.
"He's right outside, dealing to the party."
Your stomach drops to your feet, mouth hanging open. Pressing your lips into a tight line, knowing you'll never hear the end of this regardless of if you do it or not, you take a deep breath.
"Fine." You roll your eyes and stand up.
Pretty soon you were picked up by a whirlwind of giggles; girly hands leading you outside, whispering and snickering at your predicament.
You see him now, casually leaning against the side of his van 30 feet away. There was a cigarette dangling from his lips, his large hands busy counting out notes, you assume the evenings takings. God, he really was hot.
Tiffany hollered at him, hands cupped around her mouth for emphasis. You were seriously going to get her back for this.
"Hey! Munson!"
He tilted his head up, eyes on you.
Well, here goes nothing.
You lift your top up, already braless, exposing your bare chest to him. The reaction around you is visceral. The girls are shrieking, jumping up and down. You can only hear it, your eyes are fixed on Eddie.
He's frozen, like he's in shock. The cigarette he was smoking has dropped to the floor. A pink blush is crawling over his cheeks.
Suddenly he's taking huge strides towards you. Quickly covering up, you look around to see your friends are already running full pelt back into the party, shrill laughter disappearing into the noise of the house.
Turning back, like a deer in headlights, he's already on you. You wince, getting ready for whatever awful thing he was about to say.
To your amazement, he grabs you by the chin, holding it between his strong thumb and forefinger. You stare into dark eyes.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing? You want someone to take advantage of you or something?"
He almost looks angry, those deep dark eyes glowering at you. Frozen in place, you make no move to answer. As suddenly as he grabbed you, he releases you, shaking his head and turning to leave.
Having no idea where that came from, you can only stand and stare at his now halted frame.
Turning back to face you, he crosses his arms, faint traces of amusement written over his features. 
"Please? Please what? You got the hots for the freak?" He scoffs at you in disbelief.
Fully humiliated, you feel your cheeks glow and tears sting the corners of your eyes. Eddie pauses, seeing your raw reaction to his words.
Grabbing your wrist he almost whispers, "are you drunk?"
"No, I've only had-"
"No I've never-"
Wordlessly he pulls you bodily until you're pressed against him. You've never been this close to him before, the shock of being yanked towards him quickly being taken over by the need between your legs.
Breathlessly meeting his gaze, he searches your eyes for some unknown sign. Captivated by his forcefulness you gape at him in response, heat radiating from your core. Your nerves sing at the contact. It's almost painful, your need for him in that moment. One look into your eyes and he seems to find the answer to his question. Without further examination he's pulling you towards his van.
Opening the back doors he nods at you to enter. You crawl into the space gingerly, creeping over the pile of blankets and cushions, finding a comfortable place to sit, your stomach tying itself in knots.
Eddie closes the door behind him, soft lighting illuminating his features. The roughness of his fingertips meets your cheek again as he stretches out towards you.
"Are you sure about this?"
"Yeah" you manage to mumble, eyes unable to meet his.
His fingers fumble at the hem of your top, rolling it higher up your abdomen.
"Show me those pretty tits again then sweetheart."
You gasp at the words, clumsy fingers reaching towards his, pulling the soft fabric over your head. You feel so much more exposed than before, his calculated gaze so much closer. There's nowhere to hide.
Eddie's hands rub gently up your sides, eyes transfixed on your bare chest.
"You've got really pretty tits."
Your pussy clenches at the praise, thighs rubbing together. He grasps your jaw and pulls you in for a hesitant kiss. Melting into him, your tongue presses delicately to his. Eddie moves his hand down to cup your bare chest. Arching your back you meet his wandering hand.
Eddie groans into your mouth, squeezing your breast, stroking at the soft skin. Nipples pebbling at the contact, you whine and wriggle.
His movements get more confident with each noise you make; pretty soon he's pushing your legs apart to slot between them, narrow hips at your pushed up knees.
Eddie plants firm kisses and tender licks down your jaw, across your collarbone, edging towards your chest. He takes your nipple in his teeth and pulls softly.
"Fuck, Eddie!" It hurts, but you weren't expecting it to be so pleasurable. Eddie smirks, running his tongue around in circles, his hand rubbing your other breast, using his knuckles to rub back and forth over the hardened nub.
You'd never had someone pay this amount of attention to you before. Most guys you had been with simply wanted to fuck, but Eddie seemed to be enjoying playing with you immensely. Not that you were complaining, quite the opposite. The hot, tight feeling already building in your abdomen was proof of that.
He moved his mouth over to the other nipple, letting a hand trail up your skirt. All of a sudden his fingers rub against your clothed clit and you moan, tipping your head back.
"Yeah? That good sweetheart?"
You don't know if he even wants a response and you don't feel capable of giving one, too focused on his ministrations to form sentences.
Then he's hooking your underwear out of the way, running rough fingertips up and down your slit collecting your slick before he pushes two fingers deep into you. You cry out at the welcome intrusion, eyes closing in ecstasy. His fingers felt so good, rough and warm. Opening your eyes you lock glances with him, your hand coming to rest on his shoulder. Eddie's staring at you, dark eyes glittering, taking in every sound, every move you make.
"Oh Eddie."
"Yeah? You like that? Shit, you like me?"
Considering he's knuckle deep in your cunt it seems an odd question. You manage a quiet "yeah."
He slows his movements, fingers dragging across your velvety walls, cunt trying to suck them back in. The pace is languid but his fingers reach deep inside you to a spot that has you panting.
In between pressed kisses to your collarbone he asks "why didn't you say anything?"
"I was, fuck, I was kinda, hmmm, scared of you, a bit."
Eddie stops moving for a second. You think that maybe you had upset him, maybe you shouldn't have opened your big mouth.
Managing to meet his gaze you stare into the dark pits of his eyes, pupils blown, facial features overrun with lust.
Without warning he grabs your throat with his free hand, face leaning onto yours.
"Do I frighten you?"
"A bit," you nod.
"Do you want me to?"
You stare at him, meeting his predatory gaze. The heat from your flushed cheeks spills out, as well as the heat between your legs. You feel your pussy clench around him at his words.
Eddie lets out a dark chuckle and starts curling his fingers into you at a ruthless pace. His other hand remains around your throat, holding you in place. You squirm at the sudden change in him, unsure if you are trying to get away or get closer to him.
Eddie nips at your lower lip making you whimper. His strong hands are pumping relentlessly into your heat. Moaning and panting you grip onto him for dear life, feeling the pressure of your arousal nearing its breaking point.
You can hear the lewd, squelching sound of your juices echoing through the van. Eddie mouths at your tits, dropping the hand that was wrapped around your throat, like he was unable to stop himself touching them for so long. He twists your nipple, mouth sucking bruises onto your breasts.
His name fills your mouth, unable to think, only feel. This moment, stretching on forever, burned into your brain, the blinding heat in your gut, the incessant pounding of Eddie's fingers into you, it's all too much. Finally, you let go, cumming with a fragmented cry of his name, clenching so hard around him it's a miracle that he can keep working you through your orgasm.
Finally, you relax, and he manages to free his digits from your tightened heat.
"Fuck, princess, are you gonna let me cum on those pretty tits of yours."
Nodding wordlessly at him, incapable of speech from the orgasm that he just ripped from you, you watch as he straddles you unzipping his jeans. You see the angry leaking head, large looking even in his hands, as he strokes furiously, eyes not leaving your chest. He comes with a high pitched hum, his release spurting out, pebble dashing your breasts and abdomen.
He tucks himself away panting softly, and climbs off you. He stares at your frame for a moment, which must only be a few seconds, but to you it feels like an age, thoroughly stripped of dignity.
"That's the most beautiful thing I've seen." He smirks, biting his lip, then reaches for an old t shirt, passing it to you.
You take it gratefully, wiping up his release and putting your own top on.
Staring at each other, you really don't know what to say. It's not like you know him, you still feel like a stranger. Maybe that's that? Maybe you've made it into the spank bank and you should go on your way?
Awkwardly, you smile at him, and go to get up.
"Well I guess I'll see you around." Feeling slightly ashamed.
He grabs you by the wrist before you can get out of the van.
"Do you maybe wanna go grab a coffee?" He looks different, nervous almost. It's a complete contrast to how he just acted, so much so it makes you giggle.
"What, now? I don't really drink coffee."
"Neither do I, I just wanna have a conversation or something, I dunno." He laughs, hand rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.
"Sounds good. But I better let my friends know where I am before they send a search party."
You open the back doors of the van and step out. He perches on the back, hand moving to your waist, and pulls you in for a delicate kiss.
"Sorry if that was a bit, er-"
"Eddie, that was hot. I'm glad I flashed you."
He belly laughs at that, eyes creasing at the corners. "So am I!" 
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hansensgirl · 9 months
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summary. | Your dad’s best friend makes an attempt at being a little nicer to you.
prompts. | Andy Barber + Dad’s best friend + “Can’t you see I’m trying?” + Cum-marking, requested by Anonymous.
pairing. | dark!dad’s best friend!Andy Barber x fem!reader.
warnings. | NON/DUBCON, smut, male masturbation, facial, cum-marking, dirty talk, age gap, implied mean!andy, Daddy kink, pet names, alluded oral (m receiving), and more. 18+ MINORS DNI!
author’s note. | this is a part of my Dark Concepts (2023) request form. thank you for taking part in this event! please enjoy and don’t forget to reblog. MINORS DNI, 18+ ONLY! taglist: @hansensfics.
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You knew you should’ve just kept your mouth shut. But you couldn’t handle Andy’s rude behaviour anymore—not when he’d come over so often and intrude into your personal space. Every comment pushed you to the edge, and you couldn’t take it any longer, so you told your dad about it.
Of course, he was hesitant to believe his best friend would be so unkind to his daughter. But when you insisted and threatened to move out, your father acceded and mentioned it to Andy.
But now, you regret ever saying anything.
One of Andy’s hands is wrapped around your throat as he keeps you in place, forcing you to watch the dirty act he puts on. The older man strokes his dick in front of your face, making a real show of it. You balk at his size, and he notices this, chuckling.
“Aw, are you worried if it’ll fit in that tiny cunt, baby? Don’t worry, Daddy’ll stretch you out,” Andy chuckles, and though you claim you hate him for this, you can feel your pussy getting wet from his filthy words. 
You don’t dare move, afraid Andy will hurt you. But you also find yourself tantalized by his actions, roped in and unable to escape the trance he keeps you under.
“You’re so mean, you know that right?” you spit out, and he tightens his grip on your throat to threaten you. “I’m being nice. Can’t you see I’m trying?” Andy asks, and his tone almost seems genuine. 
You decide to keep quiet, worried your attitude will dig a bigger hole for yourself. 
You instead focus on Andy’s hand moving up and down his long, thick cock. Pre-cum leaks in beads from the tip, and you can feel your mouth watering. You have the urge to lick each drop up, but you fight it back.
“Fuck—you don’t know how many times I’ve done this while thinking about you,” he grunts, squeezing his base just a bit. The confession makes your thighs squeeze together—why are you so turned on? You know you should be screaming and crying, but you don’t want to.
“Do you think about Daddy, baby?” Andy questions, picking up the pace on his cock. He fucks himself expertly, and you find your panties ruined with your wetness. Your clit throbs, and you just want him to fuck you, the desire becoming too much to bear.
You don’t answer him—afraid you’ll give away the truth under his undeniable dominance. Andy Barber has you wrapped around his finger. 
“I know you do—fuck, I bet you dream about Daddy splitting you open on his dick,” Andy groans, and you can tell he’s close with how his tone gives way and his cock twitches. 
Andy stares at your beautiful face and moans when you start to give him those doe eyes. He’s yearned for something like this forever, wondering just when will be the day he could strike. And then you just had to go and run your little mouth—the mouth he’ll eventually teach to take his dick the way he likes it, nice and deep.
The older man’s moans grow louder and louder as he reaches his climax. Andy’s balls clench while spurts of his cum shoot from the tip of his cock, landing on your face. He paints and marks you with his seed, knowing he’ll have to take a photo of the sight to properly remember it. 
“Shit– fuck, yeah,” he pants, continuing to jerk himself off until he becomes too sensitive. Andy remains hard, though, and you marvel at the feat once you open your eyes. 
You can feel the streaks of cum on your face, especially your lips. “Y’know, you look so much better like this,” your father’s best friend tells you, and you know from his tone that he’s far from finished with you.
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