#shadowhunters season 3 episode 8
I think @kennyomegasweave tagged me in this OTP meme like...months ago? And I just found it half-finished in my drafts and decided to actually get it done.
1. What ship were you completely obsessed with when you were a teenager, but now you don't care anymore? 20s, not my teens, but I used to be utterly obsessed with Jack/Kent from Check Please and now, IDEK what happened. I still love them, but I have old fic I saved and never read and can't bring myself to care anymore. IDK it makes me sad.
2. Which ship would you consider your first one? Hmm probably Betsy/Joe from the Betsy Tacy series or Anne/Gilbert from Anne of Green Gables? My first ships when I actually got into fandom were Sawyer/Kate and Sara/Grissom from CSI.
3. Your first fanfic belonged to which couple? Magnus/Alec!!! I never thought I would write fic and then I watched season 1 of Shadowhunters and banged out (lol) 7 fics and almost 30k of porn in less than 2 months in 2016. They all have an insane number of hits (like. the highest has 54,878 hits and the lowest has 15,836 hits.........) and I still get kudos on them almost every day, it's wild.
4. Do you remember the first couple you saw a fanart over? Genuinely no idea, but the first one in my fan art tag is Katniss/Peeta from 2012 <3
5. Did you ever get into ship discourse? My first instinct whenever I see someone talk about something I don't like is to mute/block, so perhaps not actively, but I'm sure I have at some point.
6. Did you used to have any no-otp or have it currently? LOL. Yes. I still fucking HATE Jack/Kate from Lost and always will. Also Dan/Blair from Gossip Girl. Lately...I'm such a multi-shipper but I gotta say Kate/Anthony from Bridgerton bc I've genuinely had to restrain myself from bitching about how much I hate them SO many times since s3 came out lol.
7. Who were the couple in the last fanfic you read? I finished a rewatch of Beyond Evil last night so I've been rereading some of my old bookmarks bc I've read almost everything that's out there 😔. Shout out to the masterpiece simple & clean by whir.
8. Currently, do you have any OTPs? So many!!! Taemin/Kai is still my #1, but also Juwon/Dongsik from Beyond Evil, PatPran from Bad Buddy (it took me several episodes to actually get into the show but once I did I cried...so much over them and how much they love each other LOL), KunTen from WayV, Louis/Lestat...I feel kinda bad that I don't have a major current f/f OTP but I'm literally checking my kpop tags multiple times a week for rule 63 fic and most of my current WIPs are rule 63 f/f so there's that. (Two KunTen including what hopefully is gonna be a long one, plus a Jigyu I started yesterday for a fest that I'm hoping I'll be able to get done - not because of the length, but because I've never written Seventeen before)
9. Is there any couple that, to this day, you are extremely mad about not getting together? So many??? I feel like I have to say Dean/Cas.......Lee/Kara never really got together so them for sure. Sawyer/Kate from Lost even though I 100% choose to believe they got together post-canon pre-flash-sideways. Oh my god I'm looking through my "forever bitter" tag and it's a lot of Cooper/Audrey from Twin Peaks as I expected, but I forgot about Mini/Franky from Skins. and ABSOLUTELY THEM. Everything about series 5 was terrible but that especially.
10. Is there any ship you used to dislike but now you think they are kind of interesting? IDK I feel like I don't usually change my mind like that. I wouldn't go as far as saying "kind of interesting" but I guess I don't hate Bree/Roger from Outlander AS much on the show as I did in the books lol.
11. Do you have any ship that, in the past, was considered normal but now you would be cancelled over? Hmm...Cesare/Lucrezia maybe? If not them almost definitely Norma/Dylan from Bates Motel LOL.
12. What was your favorite crack ship? I was gonna say I couldn't remember any that truly fit this definition, but then I remembered the Kent Parson/Claude Giroux series #dirtbags and that was great. Actually no my real answer is Syd/Richie from The Bear. Now *I* don't think it's a crackship but they have that vibe.
13. Who is the couple you read more fanfics of? Here's a side by side view of my most bookmarked ships vs the tags I have saved rn on my front page. Unfortunately you can only have 20 but I think it's a pretty good representation. (Other than the ENHA ship, where I legit don't know anything about them or frankly even what they look like, but that tag produces so much incredible unhinged porn that I read canon-blind.)
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14. What most of your ships usually have in common? I feel like I have several different ~types, but: friends to lovers, I LOVE bicker-y couples, age gap relationships, especially when one of them is a mentor-ish figure, and power dynamics in general.
15. What do you absolutely hate in a ship? Nice Guy characters, whether they're a guy or a girl. The OG example is Xander (duh) and Chloe from Smallville but you also see it with characters like Sol on My Stand In...there's def more things I hate but that's one of most major ones for me.
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nellie-elizabeth · 11 months
tagged by @awildwickedslip, thank you!!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 wordcount?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
magicians and roswell, new mexico primarily! Also wrote a good omens fic recently but that might be a one and done for now.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
tales from a bookshop (good omens post season 2, fairly sure I'll never write anything this popular ever again because holy shit)
Lover's Touch - Queliot fic!
Promises - Queliot fic!
Maybe This Time - Queliot fic!
Fragments - Queliot fic!
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do! I didn't used to in my earlier fandom days but now I'm pretty consistent about it.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I once wrote a major character death fic for Queer as Folk where Justin died. Not really my style anymore. Back in my ff.net days I also wrote Merthur major character death fic, I'm just remembering.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I always try and do happily ever afters! A lot of my stories end with a sense of "and then they continue on their adventures, and life isn't always simple or easy", so in terms of the most pure, joyful ending? I guess I'll go living proof, which is the end of my episode series for Roswell, NM, which is just a "now they're married and happy forever" fic.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I have before, but not as a rule. Once got called an abuse apologist & incest support (oh the horror /s) for exploring the canonical close friendship (not even a romantic relationship!) between two dudes from Shadowhunters lmao. And there's a troll in the Roswell fandom who writes hilarious and idiotic unhinged rants and I've been hit by her before, but she's got a scatter-shot approach and attacks a lot of people, so, at least I know it's nothing personal.
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Yep! What is meant by "what kind" here? lol. I'm pretty vanilla. Mostly m/m, but I usually don't pass over the chance for m/m/f. I actually recently wrote my very first m/f full-on sex scene ever for a little Magicians snippet, Kady/Penny lol.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
No, I don't wrote crossovers in the sense that characters from various worlds don't meet each other in my fics. HOWEVER, two of my favorite things I've ever written have been Magicians AUs that crossed over the characters from that show with the full plot from other films. One is The Old Guard (A Comet Pulled From Orbit), and one is When Harry Met Sally (When Quentin Met Eliot).
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yeah, a few times! Used to happen a lot back with old ff.net stuff, and I recently had my good omens fic translated.
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
I'm co-writing a series right now! First time I've ever done it and it's a blast.
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
uhhhhh don't make me choose? lmao. In terms of fandom engagement and longevity I guess Queliot at this point. But in terms of... the ships that made me discover and appreciate and explore fandom in the first place? Kirk/Spock and Brian/Justin. Classics.
16. What are your writing strengths?
dialogue and tone setting, I think?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
plot details (I get bored and distracted mapping things out)
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
tbh I usually wince when I see it in fic? I'm not a fan. It always feels a little silly. Maybe very very sparingly if there's like a singular phrase or term of endearment or something but I'd rather just indicate that someone is speaking another language rather than write it out. I feel like it can often be tokenizing if you just have one character who's bilingual and you give them little one-liners in a different language. Idk. If the author is bilingual and doing a thing, then that's awesome. But I can usually tell when someone's just using google translate for stuff lol.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Gilmore Girls!
20. Favourite fic you’ve ever written?
I'm gonna cheat and name one each for my two big fandoms. Also idk if these are my favorites but they're two I really love that aren't my most popular:
Regrets, or the Absence Thereof (Magicians)
all the roads that lead you there (Roswell)
tagging @portraitofemmy @spiders-hth-is-an-outlier @orchardsinsnow @r-dtoblack and YOU if you're reading this and want to play!
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skayafair · 4 months
I've been thinking back to Shadowhunters TV for about a week every now and then because while DBD reminds me of DGHDA by its vibes the most, there was only one other show that had such a healing effect on me as DBD, and it's Shadowhunters.
There was a queer romance as one of the VERY main plotlines, and malec were THE healthy couple while others had their issues. (Not that malec didn't but theirs were of a very different kind.) There was unrecruited love, attempted best friends to lovers (I can't stand this trope for personal reasons and SH only backed up the way I felt - funny how this doesn't make DBD any worse for me though), gay coming out, TONS of serious questions like xenophobia being addressed, idk I can't list it all, there are just too many. But the fact is, it was just as honest and heartfelt and kind and I kept coming back to it to reflect on my life, just like with DBD now. I watched it in spring, just as the last episodes were airing, and it was a very difficult time for me - I was recovering from yet another burntout and Shadowhunters gave me hope and the feeling of a new beginning. I still remember it vividly and love the characters. It was a magical experience.
Shadowhunters had s4 planned but it wasn't greenlit, so the scriptwriters had to wrap the plot up in a about 2 episodes and I think they did a fantastic job. But the point is, I was able go enjoy this story in full - yes it was 1 season shorter but it didn't feel lacking. There are still 3 full seasons, they aren't short, aren't dragged-out, it's as close to being perfect for me as it can get.
I sincerely hope DBD gets this treatment, too. It's spring again, I'm recovering again, and it gave me much comfort. However, during those years I've taken to listening to podcasts and got used to the idea that whatever I like may not come back for more episodes. So I've learnt to enjoy what is already there. The Bridge podcast I'm looking at you, you don't even have the 1st season finished and you're so brilliant and unique 😭 I'm grateful that the season ended the way it did - if we get more, great, we have all the leads, if we don't - it's just as good as s standalone season. I'm very grateful that these 8 episodes exist.
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Lockwood & Co
these are my works for the lockwood & co fandom so far :)
When the Lights Go Out (And Leave You Standing in the Dark) (5+1 Locklyle)
Renegades (The Darkest Minds AU)
Oh Son, Are You A Danger To Yourself? (TDM AU/Renegades Oneshot)
Tethered By Our Starry Eyes (Locklyle Week 2023 Day 1: Firsts)
Someone Throw A Lifeline (I Don’t Wanna Drown) (Pre cot3 or just platonic oneshot)
You Pull Me In (And I’m A Little More Brave) (Locklyle Oneshot feat. dancing in the rain)
this is how you fall in love (Pre cot3 4+1+1, George-centric)
Just Before The Walls Come Down (Pre cot3 or platonic look at physical touch love language)
We’ll Take It Slow (post THB, pre TCS, George visiting Lucy’s flat for the first time oneshot)
Sink or Swim (Cot3 Mermaid/H2O AU)
You Came Out Of Nowhere (H2O AU/Sink or Swim Prequel Oneshot)
Fibromyalgia!Lockwood Series (Parts 1, 2 & 3 are up)
From Shore to Shore (George sees the sea for the first time oneshot, pre cot3 or platonic)
What We Could Be (3+1 Locklyle to Cot3 with semi-oblivious George)
We Were Just Satellites (Cot3 Soulmate AU with Sun/Moon/Star identifying marks)
It’s Time To Begin, Isn’t It? (Cot3 Fencing Competitions AU Slowburn, First in Series)
Where You Are (Is Where I Always Want To Be) (Cot3 Endgame feat. Georcy Fake Dating for a Cover)
Like Ferris Wheels, The Seasons Reel (Pre cot3 or just platonic oneshot)
Only The Strong Survive (Big Bang 2023/24)
you could call me a fool (georgewood secret kissing lessons 5+1 with eventual cot3)
The Truth Is That You’re Loved (angsty canon-divergent episode 8 oneshot, pre cot3 or platonic)
Paws For Concern (Portland Row adopts a cat post episode 8, Cot3)
half windsor (Lockwood-centric pre-canon oneshot)
may you know the meaning of the word happiness (iron trio first pride, Cot3)
Falling (Without Caution) (Cot3 theme park meet cute with established Georcy first)
lines of a living blueprint (Cot3 Soulmate AU)
promise you don’t have to be scared (i’m not going anywhere) (Pre-Cot3/Platonic Trio Post-Ep 8 Oneshot)
Can I Jump? (Georgewood Shadowhunters AU Oneshot)
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I posted 7,459 times in 2022
That's 5,270 more posts than 2021!
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7,445 posts reblogged (100%)
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I tagged 613 of my posts in 2022
#goncharov - 108 posts
#art - 80 posts
#unreality - 50 posts
#young royals - 37 posts
#andor - 30 posts
#malec - 28 posts
#yr s2 spoilers - 27 posts
#andor spoilers - 25 posts
#severance - 21 posts
#stranger things - 19 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#and yes your comments in the tags abt wilhelm respecting simon’s boundaries (even in a petty way) and marcus acted like they didn’t exist
My Top Posts in 2022:
I bought… so many Shadowhunters/the mortal instruments books today !!!! I’m so excited to read them all ahHHh
8 notes - Posted January 12, 2022
severance…. I cannot WAIT for season two but also oh my god they’re all going to live in my head until then - this finale was everything I could have asked for
9 notes - Posted April 8, 2022
so it was rumoured Omar and Edvin would be on Jimmy Fallon and now Omar retweeted this and I’m supposed to be normal at work ?2!)2$:$ I cannot WAIT to hear their thoughts on Young Royals season 2 and just see them have fun and ahjjjj
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10 notes - Posted December 8, 2022
the more I watch of severance and the more I think about it, the more I am convinced it is pure art like there is so much within its episodes that is heartbreaking and so much that is hopeful and ahhhh I can’t wait to see how the season plays out
10 notes - Posted April 5, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
finally got around to watching young royals and pleased to announce it has taken residence in the entirety of my brain!! just watched the season 1 finale and sobbed !!!!! my loves
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31 notes - Posted October 11, 2022
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I posted 6,242 times in 2022
That's 896 more posts than 2021!
221 posts created (4%)
6,021 posts reblogged (96%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 5,141 of my posts in 2022
Only 18% of my posts had no tags
#supernatural - 3,446 posts
#destiel - 2,716 posts
#deancas - 2,712 posts
#dean winchester - 587 posts
#castiel - 288 posts
#fate the winx saga - 260 posts
#shadowhunters - 177 posts
#tvd - 170 posts
#ftws - 143 posts
#teen wolf - 134 posts
Longest Tag: 132 characters
#the moment when you're supposed to be the responsible employer and see something like this and try to hold back screaming and crying
My Top Posts in 2022:
Riven and Musa | Cake By The Ocean (S2) (SPOILERS ABOUT SEASON 2) Lilac Edits was really fast with this wonderful Rivusa-edit. Great job! *returns to rewatch it multiple times*
60 notes - Posted September 17, 2022
When you have rewatched Merlin six or seven times but want to go through all that emotional rollercoaster to introduce it to your friend, are nervous about her reactions...and these are her comments during episode two: 
“It seems like the show is developing the thing between Morgana and Arthur, but I would much rather want to see Morgana with Gwen and Merlin with Arthur. There is so much chemistry there already.”
“Gwen and Morgana have such bi-energy!”
[I made a mistake of accidentally telling her that Morgana is going to turn “evil” at some point, and now she has wild speculations of what would lead such a just cinnamon roll into that...and I’m sitting there like I’m constipated to avoid spoiling anything.]
[when Merlin and Arthur are fighting] “Oh, come on, just kiss and make up already!”
Also, she is such a ray of sunshine every time Kilgharrah appears and she has already so many crossover-ideas. 
And let me tell you, the big mix of relief, nostalgic pain and amusement that I felt was like no other. 
My inner voice: “Oh, honey, you’ve got a big storm coming!”
82 notes - Posted May 21, 2022
I’m all too used to having “Yes, they are finally happy! Wait... Oh no, they are too happy right now... something bad is gonna happen any minute!”-moments, but it still sucks every time. 
134 notes - Posted May 8, 2022
The last year and a half has been challenging enough already, and now Merlin is leaving Netflix too? Seriously? Dammit and other curses. 
158 notes - Posted November 24, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
My opinions about “Fate the Winx Saga” season 2 (MANY SPOILERS!)
If you haven’t seen it yet and want to experience it fully by yourselves, don’t read any further!
- Without any doubt, this season is even better than the first one. Such an emotional rollercoaster with many surprises and great villains. I loved all of the old and new characters and how these episodes deepened their bonds. It took some time for me to get used to the new actors of Rosalind and Ben - the original ones will always have a special place in my heart, but they did a good job with recasting, I think. 
- I have loved Abigail as Bloom since the first episode, but I’m glad she got so many opportunities to shine here.
- I didn’t especially like Skloom in the original animation, but they have stolen my heart in Fate, specifically during this season (episodes two and seven, my beloved). 
- I was both anxious and excited about seeing Flora, but I was pleasantly surprised. She is a badass, fits into group so well, and I like how her and Terra got closer and kind of sorted out their disagreements. 
- Everyone’s storylines and struggles were good and relatable (especially Bloom’s, Sky’s and Musa’s), but Terra’s took the first place for me for multiple reasons. 
- Stella’s and Riven’s character-developments are definitely also worth mentioning.
- My emotions about Dane have been conflicted this season, but I’m happy where we left with him, that the situation with Riven and him seems to be somewhat okay now and he has a chance to real happiness.
- I love Sam as a character, feel really bad for him and want him to find happiness, but Samusa never really was “it” for me (and it’s not just because I have had a soft spot for Rivusa since my childhood).
- When it comes to Rivusa, I really enjoyed their scenes together and can’t wait to see more of them. 
- Musa is still my favorite Winx altogether, even though I adore all of them.
- Aisha deserves everything beautiful and good in this world, dammit!
- I’m thrilled how much Silva-content we got this season. 
- Transformations and magic in general were done great.
- A good nod to Trix, I must say.
- That ending scene got me so emotional it was almost ridiculous. 
Aaand the downsides...
- Farah will always be the headmistress of Alfea to me and many, many others. The scenes we got with her, and her one last valuable lesson, were touching and I’m thankful for them, but she deserved so much more. There was an amazing build up of Golden Trio in season 1, and it was all thrown to waste. My Silrah-heart had so much hope and now it’s broken. And yes... I cried my eyes out. But when it’s all said and done... I just wanna thank Eve Best for portraying Farah so marvelously (and read loads of Silrah/Golden Trio-fanfics).
- Even though Andreas was very... questionable, I’m sad that there were so few scenes between him, Sky and Silva. 
- Stellatrix belongs to my “had so much hope”-department and well ... </3 
Such a great season, and a heartbreaking cliffhanger. We gotta get season 3, as soon as possible.
268 notes - Posted September 17, 2022
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queerstuffonscreen · 9 months
Shadowhunters (2016-2019)
Episode length: 39-60 min.
Country: USA
Genre: Supernatural, Fantasy, Action, Adventure
Language: English
When Clary Fray's mother has disappeared, Clary joins a band of Shadowhunters; demon killing hunters, and gets caught up in a plan to save the world.
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Season 1
Episode 1: The Mortal Cup
Episode 2: The Descent Into Hell Isn't Easy
Episode 3: Dead Man's Party
Episode 4: Raising Hell
Episode 5: Moo Shu to Go
Episode 6: Of Men and Angels
Episode 7: Major Arcana
Episode 8: Bad Blood
Episode 9: Rise Up
Episode 10: This World Inverted
Episode 11: Blood Calls to Blood
Episode 12: Malec
Episode 13: Morning Star
Season 2
Part 1
Episode 1: This Guilty Blood
Episode 2: A Door Into the Dark
Episode 3: Parabatai Lost
Episode 4: Day of Wrath
Episode 5: Dust, and Shadows
Episode 6: Iron Sisters
Episode 7: How Are Thou Fallen
Episode 8: Love is a Devil
Episode 9: Bound by Blood
Episode 10: By the Light of Dawn
Part 2
Episode 11: Mea Maxima Culpa
Episode 12: You Are Not Your Own
Episode 13: Those of Demon Blood
Episode 14: The Fair Folk
Episode 15: A Problem of Memory
Episode 16: Day of Atonement
Episode 17: A Dark Reflection
Episode 18: Awake, Arise, or Be Forever Fallen
Episode 19: Hail and Farewell
Episode 20: Beside Still Water
Season 3
Part 1
Episode 1: On Infernal Ground
Episode 2: The Powers That Be
Episode 3: What Lies Beneath
Episode 4: Thy Soul Instructed
Episode 5: Stronger Than Heaven
Episode 6: A Window Into an Empty Room
Episode 7: Salt in the Wound
Episode 8: A Walk in Darkness
Episode 9: Familia Ante Omnia
Episode 10: Erchomai
Part 2: The Final Hunt
Episode 11: Lost Souls
Episode 12: Original Sin
Episode 13: Beati Bellicosi
Episode 14: A Kiss from a Rose
Episode 15: To the Night Children
Episode 16: Stay With Me
Episode 17: Heavenly Fire
Episode 18: The Beast Within
Episode 19: Aku Cinta Kamu
Episode 20: City of Glass
Episode 21: Alliance
Episode 22: All Good Things...
Watch on Netflix
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Shadowhunters Season 3 Episode 8, A Heart of Darkness Review
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Welcome to another Shadowhunters review. Because I love to torture myself with ridiculous and illogical writing. But actually this week's episode, whereas it was ridiculous and illogical, I didn't hate this episode. It wasn't great but for an hour of television, I could tolerate it. So here we are with Season 3 Episode 8, A Heart of Darkness.
I would like to preface this review with saying that I am NOT a huge supporter of this show. I do enjoy certain elements of it but I'm not what would be classified as a devoted fan. For me, Shadowhunters is not a good show and I do get very critical of the show in my reviews. Honestly, for me, I watch the show because 1) I'm too curious not to and 2) I find that this show can be so bad its funny and that's how I reap enjoyment out of it. I am not at all invested in this show or its characters anymore. I'm just watching to see what happens. If you're a die hard fan and you lash out at everyone who has a different opinion than you, you might want to skip these. I'm just saying. My reviews may not be for you. If you do decide to be a total troll, well then pay attention to the below disclaimer. 
This is going to be an honest review of my thoughts and feelings regarding this episode. If you're the kind of Shadowhunters fan where you only want to hear positive things about the show, this is not the place for you. If you decide to stick around and get offended by what is said, then that's on you. I warned you. Just know that if you send me any rude comments or messages, I will 100% ignore you. I find that's the best way to deal with bullies. I work 14 hour days. Do you really think I want to waste my incredibly valuable free time dealing with derogatory comments? Hell no. This review will consist of my honest opinions. Opinions are never right or wrong. I'm not telling YOU how to think and feel. I'm telling you what I, quirky and socially awkward me, think and feel. So please, lets discuss with dignity and respect. If I'm critical about this show, it's only because I want it to get better. There is, in fact, a difference between hating a show and being critical of it. I do not hate Shadowhunters, I am being critical and analyzing the flaws as I would with any other show. There are positives but there are also negatives. It's great if you want to promote positivity with this show (and I encourage you to do so) but that doesn't mean I'm not going to point out the things that are legitimately wrong with it. Also, keep in mind that despite the fact that I do like the books, me being critical of this show has nothing to do with my fondness for the books. I don't really care if the show deviates from the source material as long as the changes are good, it makes sense, and it doesn't create plot holes within the confines of the world the show has created. My problems with this show are problems I would have with any show or book for that matter. I think it's perfectly reasonable to take issue with a show that has plot holes, shoddy world building, and inconsistent characters. There will be spoilers for the books and movie. 
This episode could actually have been very enjoyable if the show had bothered to take its time with previous character arcs. There were quite a few character moments that made me legitimately feel things in this episode. Not enough to cry or anything like that but if the show had bothered to learn that you don't have to cover two books a season and slow down in which case they would've had time to properly explore and flesh out some of these character dynamics, it would've resulted in me probably being moved to tears in this episode. But unfortunately, the show did not do that so what could've been very emotional moments just continues to fall flat. And I realize I just contradicted myself a little there so let me explain. I did feel things in this episode for the characters but the characters and their relationship dynamics have been so shakily developed that it was more me feeling for these characters as if they were their book counterparts. I'll delve more into this explanation as I go through this review. 
The Episode Where Shadowhunters Got All Teen Wolf On Us
You know, I'm not even mad that Shadowhunters pretty much stole an entire plot point from another supernatural teen drama. Shadowhunters does love its tropes even though when they do it, their version is somehow much more boring than the original plot point it was inspired from but that's beside the point. And honestly, if you're going to take a plot point from another supernatural teem drama, you can do a lot worse than Teen Wolf. Not to mention, the specific plot arc they used from Teen Wolf is one of my favorites with the plot highlighted by the amazing character relationships of the Sciles (Scott/Stiles) bromance and the slowest of slow burns, Stydia (Stiles/Lydia). Both were amazing character dynamics within the show that I greatly enjoyed. R.I.P. Teen Wolf. I still miss you.
Shadowhunters didn't do quite as well with this plot as Teen Wolf did simply because Shadowhunters does very little to actively develop their characters in general but nonetheless, I did quite enjoy this plot point, flaws and all. 
This segment was probably my favorite of the entire episode. Alec and Izzy going to help bring Jace's soul back to the surface was really interesting. The show has spent so much time on these character's love lives that a lot of times we forget that these three have spent most of their childhood together. That they do have real bonds with each other. From what we've been told, they were a moderately successful team before they met Clary and it was really great to see that dynamic again. In the book, it's actually Clary who's able to break through Jace's possession and it works there. But for the show, it's definitely something that makes more sense if Alec and Izzy were the ones to do it. Show Clace just doesn’t have the relationship foundation to make that plot point not cheesy. I suppose the show could still go back and make Clary be the one to do it and just like earlier this season, it'll still be cheesy and I'll still hate it. So I'm really hoping the show doesn't go for that. That it'll be Alec and Izzy that will motivate Jace to push past the possession. But at the same time, I’m not holding my breath for that one. This is Shadowhunters after all; I’m not sure it knows how to not be cheesy and cliché.
I really enjoyed how we got to see Alec, Izzy, and Jace sparring with each other as kids. The dialogue was cringey as hell but the actual idea behind the scene I really enjoyed. I liked the song that Izzy sang to Jace. I thought that it was a really nice touch and I certainly never expected the show to use that song. It's not in the context of how it was used in the books but I felt like it was very effectively used in this scene. And Emeraude's pronunciation of french wasn't half bad, either, so I'll give her that. I like how the first part of their journey starts with "Three go in, three come out." And the journey ends with the same "Three go in, three come out." If you haven't stuck with me through my Supernatural re-watch you wouldn't know this, but I'm a huge sap for episodic symmetry. I absolutely love it when that sort of thing happens. Shadowhunters needs to do more of that instead of having these one-off scenes that have no bearing for the rest of the episode and the rest of the season for that matter. And then the plot point ends with Alec and Izzy in total despair after Lillith gets Jace again when they promised it wouldn't happen. Which I also really enjoyed. Obviously, not the part where they're in deep emotional pain but, you know, plot symmetry. 
Of course, not everything with this plot was great. For starters, the insinuation that Alec's parabatai bond is the strongest connection there is has me a little iffy. The show's version of a parabatai bond's strength goes up and down. It has no consistency so I have a really hard time believing that one. Then Magnus also talks about how what he's doing is super dangerous and it could be the end for Alec and I'm just like, "As opposed to when?" Whenever Alec does stuff like this, he always ends up in the worst possible shape. Seriously, if we're to look at the parabatai bond through the eyes of the show, why would anyone ever want a parabatai? Other than to receive an abundance of tracking abilities, that is. I wish the show would stop focusing on the dramatic elements of parabatai-ness and start showing the positives of having a parabatai. Because at this point, I see none. 
I also wish we got an explanation just in general of how this process of going into Jace's mind works. It feels really convenient that for starters, Magnus has the ability to project Alec into Jace's mind using the parabatai bond and then he also has the ability to bring Izzy along for the ride as well. How? Who knows. I guess it's a spell that Magnus just happens to know even though it doesn't really make sense that Magnus would have any ability to influence runic magic. This sounds more like something a Silent Brother would be able to do as opposed to a warlock. Warlocks have power to manipulate demon magic. The runes stem from angelic magic. His magic shouldn't have any power over angelic magic. But I should stop this. The apocalypse will hit before this show ever explains its magic system or its world-building. And I'm talking fire and brim stone apocalypse not that whole Walking Dead/zombie apocalypse thing society is currently obsessed with. The zombie fad is dumb and I hate The Walking Dead with a blood searing passion.
And again, kind of an issue with the plot is how little we have to go on with Jace, Alec, and Izzy's relationship. This is what I meant when I felt emotional about scenes but it was more on the behalf of the book characters than the show characters. We haven't really been given a lot on the show about how Jace, Alec, and Izzy functioned together so it was easier for me to use the book counterparts as surrogates in this scene and that's what got me emotional. Thinking about how the book characters would react in this kind of situation is what illicited an emotional response with me. Whereas the show characters aren’t too terribly written, I don’t have much of a connection with any of them and we have this show’s dialogue and poorly executed plots to blame for that.
I'm also going to be nitpicky here. Why was Lillith having Jace stab Clary over and over in his head? In order to make sure Clary couldn't reach him anymore, Lillith had to take away his love for Clary with an anti-love potion. He supposedly doesn't love her anymore so why would him continuously stabbing Clary in his head be an effective means for torture? He doesn't love her so he shouldn't be affected by it. I feel like I’m missing something here.
Also, not sure why Asmodeus would care if LIllith killed Magnus. Why would he care about some half-human whelp that resides in one of many hundreds of dimensions out there? It makes sense why Lillith cares about Jonathon because her ability to have children was taken from her so she clings to Jonathon. However, Asmodeus is hardly in that same boat. He can have any number of children in the hundreds of dimensions he can visit. Why would he care about Magnus? I guess we'll see whenever he gets introduced. I’m honestly not excited for that.
Like with Lillith, anything Owl Jace had to say was super bland and uninteresting. And nothing he had to say was all that ground-breaking or hurtful. It's like insulting someone while you're tired. You're literally too tired to put any bite behind your insults. You're just insulting for the sake of insulting. It was super obvious that he was talking and no one really cared what he had to say. I certainly didn't. And I'm not entirely certain why Simon thought yelling at Owl Jace was somehow going to make Jace feel bad. Was he not told that Jace is being possessed? It was really weird and I didn't care about it. It was cheaply manufactured drama and that’s the worst kind. Owl Jace also made a comment about Alec being with Magnus but at the same time truly wanting to be with Jace instead and I'm just like, "Where the hell did this come from?" Alec being in love with Jace hasn't been talked about since Season 1. I didn't even realize this was still an issue within their character dynamics. The show definitely should've re-introduced this particular character dynamic before mentioning it in this episode. But they probably didn’t have any time what with the million and one side characters they have in this show.
Clary's Interrogation
This entire episode, we have Clary being interrogated by the Mortal Sword and in what it accomplishes, it works. But what it does with her character, I dislike. So initially last episode, I had this head canon that the reason Clary decided to stay behind unnecessarily was because she's dealing with a lot of guilt regarding the consequences that have arisen from her using the wish on Jace. This is her way of making amends for what's happened. I'm all for this character arc obviously because Clary never being held accountable for her actions is something I despise about this show's writing. I really want Clary to "grow-up" (even though she's 18 and she should already have been taught that decisions have consequences a long time ago) and learn that there are consequences. That just because you break the law for the right reasons doesn't absolve you of guilt. You do a bad thing for the right reasons? That doesn't make the bad thing a good thing. You should still be willing to hold yourself accountable for the bad things that happen as a result. In this way, Clary is very similar to her father. Valentine did a whole mess of terrible things and he attached a bunch of justifications to those bad things in order to make them good things in his eyes and refused to hold himself accountable for the lives he destroyed. Looking at it through this, can you really say Clary is much better despite all of her protests? If she goes unchecked, Clary is surprisingly a lot like her father. So I was really hoping that Clary was having a bit of an epiphany and I was super excited to see this play out. 
But no. Apparently, the only reason she's doing this is to buy time for everyone else. And this makes absolutely no sense. When the Clave apprehended her, they didn't know who dug up the grave. They literally only know the story BECAUSE she stayed behind. Because they had someone to use the Mortal Sword on to tell them who dug up the grave. If she had went with everyone else, the Clave still wouldn't have had any idea what's going on. My head canon makes sense but what the show did instead makes absolutely no sense. It just makes our heroine look dumb and not in a "this makes sense for her character" dumb because I respect that sometimes characters make dumb decisions based on their character arcs. This is just dumb story-telling that wasn't properly thought out at its conception and no one bothered to tweek it. Seriously, who edits these scripts? Does no one in the Shadowhunters writing room care that their show makes no sense? That their characters are dumb simply because the plot demands them to be but yet they still expect the audience to view the characters as these legitimate, hyper-intelligent adults? Shouldn't you as a writer care about something like that? Why do the writers have zero respect for their audience's intelligence? Because I've got to believe that these writers realize how dumb their characters are and they're just hoping the audience will go with it. And the truly depressing part is that I wish I could say that this is only a problem Shadowhunters has. But I've seen other Freeform shows and they also display the same level of lazy writing. If Freeform wants to get on the level with CW, it's not going to be enough for them to be more "edgy" (and they’re barely edgy as it is), they also need to work out the kinks in their story-telling. That's where their real problem lies.
And Clary, for whatever reason, can resist the Mortal Sword which, eww. Mary Sue attacks again. I get that this episode was attempting to exposit information to the Clave so our characters are on a time crunch. But it was completely unnecessary for Clary to have this ability to be able to resist the sword and just further pushes her into the Mary Sue archetype. At this point, we get it. Clary is strong and amazing. The show's really laying this theme on thick. You would have to have an IQ of -900 not to have picked up on that Clary is supposed to be strong. Seriously, what does this show have against allowing Clary to be vulnerable? Even in her emotional moments, she lacks vulnerability. Because even when she cries, she's still perceived as better than everyone else because she has the audacity to show how she's feeling. That her feelings is what makes her better than everyone else. Clary eventually, in probably her biggest Mary Sue moment ever, is able to push the sword away from her and tells the Clave she's happy she used the wish. Because it stops anyone else from being able to use it to destroy the downworlders. And I can't help but feel she's making a lot of assumptions about the Clave here. That if they were to ever use the wish, she believes that they'll use it to rid everyone of demon blood. The only one who's guilty of that is Valentine. She has no idea if the Clave made a wish, it would include downworlders. It might but it might not. It's all in how you word the wish. 
But at the end of the episode, Jia Penhallow (Aline's mother) asks Clary if she has any final words before she places punishment and Clary asks Jia to think if it were Aline, and Jia was in the same situation, wouldn't she have done it for Aline? And Jia just verbally bitch smacks Clary by stating no, she wouldn't have. Because she understands that there's things in this world bigger than her and her daughter. That being a shadowhunter is about sacrifice. I'm not too fond of the overarching theme that shadowhunters aren't allowed to feel which seems to be what's driving this scene (honestly that particular theme can curl up and die in Season 1) but I do like the idea that despite Jia loving her daughter, she would let her daughter go if she had to weigh her daughter against the fate of the entire world. And Clary has always kind of scoffed at the idea of shadowhunters "being dead inside" as she so blatantly stated once in Season 1. She views it as a flaw within their society and in certain aspects, it is a flaw. Love can make you stronger and them shutting emotion out completely is a bad thing that I hate that the show decided to implement but when it comes to doing what's right and helping the most amount of people which is what shadowhunters exist for, you have to accept that sometimes sacrifices are necessary. And shadowhunters live a life where dying young is something that's expected and they come to terms with it at a very young age. They respect that in order to save the world, they may have to give everything up. That's the cost for the power they received. So in that respect, I do like what Jia is saying here and it's definitely something Clary needs to hear. Hopefully, this will spur some much necessary character development Clary’s way.
Then Jia sentences Clary to death and of course the show chooses the most dramatic punishment possible. Honestly, I feel like death is the wrong punishment to give here. It's kind of giving Clary the easy way out (not that I believe for a second that Clary is actually going to die) but if it were me, I would want Clary to survive to watch the repercussions of her actions. For her to see the world be seeped into hopeless despair. That's the kind of punishment I would give Clary. For her to see just how much her actions could have destroyed the world. But like I said, this whole death sentence scene is completely moot because we all know she's gong to escape. 
I know this section turned into a bit of a rant but to be clear, I do appreciate what this plot accomplishes i.e. the Clave finding out about Jace and Clary being put in a tight situation however I do not appreciate what it does for Clary as a character. I was hoping for some character growth but it doesn't look like we're going to get it. 
Simon/Maia/Jordan Love Triangle in Full Swing
Now that I've finished with my rant lets get on to another thing I liked. I really enjoyed how the Simon/Maia/Jordan love triangle played out. It was awkward when it needed to be, it was dramatic when it needed to be. Really the only thing I wish the show had done more of was develop Simon and Jordan's bromance a little more. Because it really feels like they've known each other for at most a week. If we take the Maia drama out of the mix, it feels a little contrived that Simon feels this betrayed over a guy he barely knows. Also, I’m sad that it looks like the Jace/Jordan/Simon bromance isn't actually going to play out. Damn you, writers. You had a chance to actually make your show fun and interesting and you blew it because you insist on covering two books a season when it isn't necessary. Just slow down and have fun with the characters. Why are the writers in such a rush to get through the books? They don't have the rights to The Dark Artifices/Shadowhunter Academy/Bane Chronicles. They only have The Infernal Devices and I find it highly unlikely Freeform is willing to produce a period drama. And if the show's attempt at original characters is anything to go by, I really don't have a lot of faith that they can pull off their own original story arcs. At least not in the interesting way Vampre Diaries and The 100 manage. 
I really liked how Maia's drama with Jordan unfolded. It's true. It would be so much easier for Maia to hate Jordan if he was still the same person that left her bleeding out in the woods. But he isn't and she's having a lot of problems dealing with this. And I do enjoy seeing this sort of complexity with these characters. It's not something this show is very good with. So when it does happen, it's always a real treat. Hopefully, the show won’t drop the ball on this.
Time To Talk About Lillith
It's that time again. I guess I have to summon up a section to talk about Lillith, the blandest of the bland. Her blandness even rivals Show Valentine's. Also it would be nice if Lillith would stop sucking as a villain. She keeps on failing in her plans and it’s really difficult for me to take her seriously. She's basically the Rita Repulsa of Shadowhunters.
So first off, what is going on with Ollie? Is she possessed or is her blood tainted? I really can't tell. If she was possessed, why would she be surprised by the power Lillith has? But I suppose the real question is when will Ollie die already? Seriously, just have her fall off a building or something at this point. I don't care. Just get rid of her. She's a boring character and stop wasting screen time on her and give that screen time to characters I actually care about. I don't even care that she's an LGBT character. She does nothing I care about. And honestly, I really hate it when LGBT characters are put into a book or show just to make a statement about how progressive they are. I love having LGBT characters but I only want them to be in the story if they contribute to the narrative. If they have little to no place within the story, I want them gone. All I care about is them as characters. If you're not going to do anything with them, then what's the point? And I feel the same way in regards to hetero characters. If you don't add anything to the story, I want you gone.
Let's talk about this business with the seelie queen. So Lillith attackes the seelie queen's knights because she wants the seelie queen to take the mark off Simon. And I actually like the idea that the seelie queen's reasoning for marking Simon was to protect him because the seelies believe in protecting those who are unique. It makes sense. They're immortal so they need unique creatures to pass the time. But I really don't like how weak the seelie queen was protrayed here. I don't think it's in character for her at all. Even if she's beaten, she's still 5 steps ahead of everyone. She's immortal, basically ageless, she knows she'll get her revenge. She's patient. I couldn't get behind this moment because it didn't feel like the seelie queen. It just felt very convenient and didn't align at all with the character we’ve seen previously.
And the episode ends with Lillith escaping with Jace. Nice to know my prediction this weekend was corrcet. Owl Jace did escape and it was for dumb and contrived reasons. I'm very disappointed in you, show. Quit being so predictable.
Overall, even though it felt like I ranted about a few things, I did enjoy this episode in a way I haven't enjoyed the show in a while. It wasn't good, it wasn't bad, but I could tolerate it. It had some nice character moments which I lived for and bits of the plot weren't half bad. Truthfully, if the show spent a little more time building up their character dynamics, this episode might've been able to move me to tears. I'd probably give this episode a B- to B. Like an 84%. Not bad at all. Next week is the two hour finale so those episodes better be good. I can barely focus on this show for 42 minutes. These episodes better be something special to warrant airing the episodes 9 and 10 back to back.
As always, I'm open to discuss this episode with anyone. Did you agree? Did you disagree? Just remember these are my thoughts and opinions. I'm not telling you how to think and feel. I'm telling you what I think and feel. I don't police anyone on fandom so I expect that you don't police me and we'll get along fine.
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autisticsimonlewis · 6 years
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televisionpromos · 6 years
Shadowhunters 3x08 "A Walk Into Darkness" All Sneak Peeks - Magnus, Alec and Isabelle try to reach Jace inside The Owl, but even as powerful as Magnus is, can he help the Lightwoods retrieve their brother from his demon prison? Maia and Jordan join Simon on the hunt for Lilith, while Luke tries to find a way to get to Clary..
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“Magnus is quite magical.”
SH 01x08
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nerdsneedlovetoo18 · 6 years
So much sadness and angst.
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kajaono · 2 years
Because some people have asking me when I think OFMD will be renewed or picked up by another streaming service. That is actually hard to tell so I want to give a few examples
1. I do not know if HBO gives away their shows to other networks. I made a quick google check but couldn’t find one. So I would be happy about a Feedback if you know one
2. sense8 was cancelled and picked up one month later. But this show had the advantage that it was around for already three years, so it had a dedicated fanbase which knew eachother in person and was really well organized. Also it was the first time Netflix was confronted with such a major protest. We had letters, videos which even one of the actors took part in, mailing, we phoned Netflix etc.
2. B99 was picked up by NBC after one day. But this was an expectation. Just ignore that
3. ODAAT was picked up after three or four months by Pop Tv. That was one of the rare examples where Netflix gave away one of their shows. But that was understandable because it was sitcom. (Considering that OFMD is a cheap produced mostly improvised costume play it can also be produced „everywhere“ and „easily“ gave away… if HBO wants)
4. Sandition was cancelled by Prime. The fanbase was really dedicated and well organized even though they also where only around for one season. They managed to get a second and third season… after TWO Years
5. Veronica Mars was cancelled after three seasons in 2007. the fans eventually managed to get a movie… after SEVEN years
6. Dirk gently was cancelled after season 2. the show was never picked up by anyone. The creator is appearently working on an animated show but we haven’t got any news in a long time
7. MFMM was finished in three seasons in 2015. the ending was kinda open for the main romantic couple. With a kickstarter they managed to collect 600.000 Australien dollar and where able to make a movie in 2020. so a FIVE years wait
8. Shadowhunters was cancelled after three Season and got two extra episodes from Netflix to close the story. The show was never picked up even though the fans were really REALLY dedicated and did everything possible. We got a podcast and a BTS book by the headwriter eventually
So OFMD has a higher chance to get renewed because it is not closed yet. How long it will take and by whom is hard to say. Also because of the merge.
Right now it is important that we keep on streaming and keep on being loud and tagging HBO max
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beanarie · 3 years
scifi shows with lgbtq characters in the main cast
add names if you know them!
a letter for the king
another life+
arcane: league of legends^+
babylon 5
black lightning+
dark angel
dark matter^
dead boy detectives+
doom patrol+
ghosts (bbc)
ghosts (cbs)
gotham knights
half bad: the bastard son and the devil himself^+
harley quinn: the animated series^+
i am not okay with this^
interview with the vampire^+
kipo and the age of wonderbeasts
kung fu (2021)
legends of tomorrow^+
lost girl^+
motherland fort salem+
october faction
orphan black+
paper girls
roswell, new mexico+
shadow and bone
star trek: discovery+
station eleven^+
steven universe+
teen wolf
the 100^
the expanse
the hollow^
the last of us^
the legend of korra^+
the magicians^+
the order
the owl house^+
the power
the society
the umbrella academy^+
the wheel of time
the witcher
true blood
utopia falls+
warrior nun^+
wellington paranormal^
what we do in the shadows^+
wynonna earp+
young justice
+ (multiple mains)
^ (lead character)
inclusion on the list does not equal recommendation. the level of quality here varies wildly. just personally i prefer media featuring folks in the family, and i'm a big-ass geek. in some of these cases, there are multiple prominent lgbtq characters, but they're not given explicit development in a majority of the episodes.
2021-9-9: added harley quinn, hex, kipo
2021-9-18: added watchmen, runaways
2021-9-21: added i am not ok with this, october faction
2021-9-26: added lost girl
2021-10-27: added locke & key, 4400
2021-11-2: added orphan black, the 100
2021-12-21: added wheel of time
2022-1-9: added the magicians, a letter for the king
2022-1-19: added shadow and bone
2022-2-13: added peacemaker
2022-4-3: added kung fu
2022-4-20: added naomi
2022-6-8: added arcane
2022-7-27: added young justice
2022-10-2: removed locke & key because the gay character had significantly less screentime in season 3, and it shook out to more of a guest starring role than part of the main cast
2022-10-21: added interview with the vampire
2023-2-28: added half bad, bbc ghosts, warrior nun, willow, and paper girls, changed doom patrol to having multiple gays bc jane is officially OUT babey
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a-lil-bi-furious · 4 years
Top 10 Ships Involving POC from 10 Different Fandoms
(Round Two!) Thanks for tagging me @welldressedllama
1) Nia Nal x Querl Dox (Brainia) - Supergirl
These two swiftly climbed my list of favorite ships. I think their dynamic is so sweet. They’re both such dorks but in different ways, and I love watching headstrong, outspoken Nia alongside brilliant, somewhat social-novice Brainy. I think they complement each other well.
Also, I think all the time about that scene in season 4 where Brainy is watching Nia’s interview and asks Lena, teary eyed, “What does love feel like?” Because it was Nia sharing herself with the world that cemented for him that he loved her. Their relationship is built on the both of them seeing one another for everything that they are and loving each other for it. And that’s beautiful.
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2) Sweet Pea x Fangs Fogarty (Swangs) - Riverdale
I’m hopeless. Anyway Toni/Sweet Pea/Fangs is the only main friend group I want from this awful show. Core Four is OUT, the Three Serpents are IN (and let Swangs officially date k thx). I just love the dynamic of the short sweeter one named after a sharp object and the tall violent one with “sweet” in his name.
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3) Maia Roberts x Simon Lewis (Saia) - Shadowhunters
They were really good for each other, and 100% they should have ended up together. (Though Jimon and that fucking “boop boop” get me every time...)
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4) Mason Hewitt x Corey Bryant (Morey) - Teen Wolf
They’re just so soft !! It was a hard choice between these two and Malira (or Scalira 👀). So many good options! But they win this round.
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5) Ximena Sinfuego x Calli Adams Foster (Calmena) - The Fosters
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 (couldn’t find a gif of them together, but...what a very non-platonic thing to say)
6) Victor Salazar x Benji Campbell (Venji) - Love, Victor
They had their impromptu dance party and I was a goner.
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7) Ellie Chu x Aster Flores (Ellster?) - The Half of It
This movie! This! Movie! We didn’t actually see a whole lot of Ellie and Aster interacting, but I love that their relationship is built on depth and mutual understanding and how this whole journey resulted in the two of them helping each other come to terms with who they are without actively trying to. (Aster didn’t even know she was writing Ellie until the end. And yet...)
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8) Octavia Blake x Lincoln Kom Trikru - The 100
A relationship built on valuing one another’s differences and learning to love by learning about one another and the cultural in-betweens? In a world where their people are planning to kill each other based on these differences? Yes, please. 
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9) Spencer James x Olivia Baker (Spelivia) - All American 
This one’s a new love for me. I was more for platonic Spelivia through my first watch, but now I dunno. 👀 And this whole dance sequence was hella cute!
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10) Claire Novak x Kaia Nieves (Dreamhunter) - Supernatural
Kaia (not dark!kaia) was in one (1) episode, and because Supernatural is allergic to anything but white men Claire isn’t in it a whole lot either. (The CW took one look at Wayward Sisters and said “nope. only toxic masculinity allowed in spn-verse”) BUT I loved every second they interacted on my screen. I fall too easily for the wlw.
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Bonus: Yusuf al-Kaysani (Joe) x Nicolò di Genova (Nicky) - The Old Guard
Here’s the deal....I really want to include them , but I must confess I still haven’t actually watched the movie. They’ve been high on my list of ships anyway for a while based on this quote alone: 
“He’s not my boyfriend. This man is more to me than you can dream. He’s the moon when I’m lost in darkness, and warmth when I shiver in cold. And his kiss still thrills me even after a millennium. His heart overflows with a kindness of which this world is not worthy. I love this man beyond measure and reason. He’s not my boyfriend. He is all, and he is more.”
Tagging: @daughterofluthien , @sillyteecup , @spikeface​ , @19ninetyfive​ , @rhyslahey​ & @lightfiretomypaperwings​ to participate (if you want! No pressure at all, I just think these are fun!) 
For anyone else who wants to participate, I have good news: this is me tagging you. Go for it! (And please tag me, I would love to see :)
Round 1
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tanktop-lou · 3 years
Tag 9 people to learn more about their interests!
Thanks for the tag @counttoinfinityy @iicflicker @farawaytatmybeloved @whaleharry I know it took too long but here I am🌷
fav genre? almost every kind of rock (punk/heavily/indie/pop ecc) so yeah rock in general
fav artist? louis right now
fav song? that's impossible, I can't choose I love a lot of songs and my fave always changes
most listened song recently? the outside by twenty one pilots
song currently stuck in your head? revolution by elias (yeah that's the song of young royals and it plays 24/7 in my head)
5 fav lyrics? This is tough, I'll try (some are pretty old but they still mean a lot to me)
I don't want to die/I sometimes wish I'd never been born at all (Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen)
Do you ever wanna run away?/Do you lock yourself in your room/With the radio on turned up so loud/That no one hears you're screaming? (Welcome to my life by Simple Plan)
Put a price on emotion/I'm looking for something to buy (Fine line by Harry Styles)
It's been a minute since I called you/Just to hear the answerphone/Yeah, I know that you won't get this/But I'll leave a message so I'm not alone/This morning I woke up still dreaming/With memories playing through my head/You'll never know how much I miss you/The day that they took you, I wish it was me instead (Two of us by Louis Tomlinson)
'Cause sometimes to stay alive you gotta kill your mind (Migraine by Twenty one pilots)
radio or your own playlist | solo artists or bands | pop or indie | loud or silent volume I slow or fast songs | music video or lyrics video | speakers or headset | riding a bus in silence or while listening to music | driving in silence or with radio on (I don't ever drive in silence, I drive to silent to music basically)
BOOKS (and fanfictions because I read them a lot more then books)
fav book genre? mystery, thriller, fiction, romance
fav writer? Dan Brown
fav book? Can't choose, so 'The Nonexistent Knight' by Italo Calvino, 'Pride and Prejudice' by Jane Austen, 'The Lost Symbol' by Dan Brown
fav book series? percy jackson of course <3
comfort book? all fanfictions, they are my comfort
perfect book to read on a rainy day? 'Inferno' by Dan Brown
fav characters? Annabeth Chase (such a badass)
5 quotes from your fav book that you know by heart? don't know any, I wish I was like a lot of people who remember these things
hardcover or paperback | buy or rent | standalone novels or book series | ebook or physical copy | reading at night or during the day | reading at home or in nature | listening to music while reading or reading in silence | reading in order or reading the ending first | reliable or unreliable narrator  | realism or fantasy (both sorry) | one or multiple POVS | judging by the covers or by the summary | rereading or reading just once
fav tv/movie genre? romance, fantasy
fav movie? I have too many... Mulan is a fave
comfort movie? 13 going on 30
movie you watch every year? the holiday (it's tradition every Christmas)
fav tv show? young royals (new fave i'm in love with it), brooklyn 99, money heist, friends, the good place, shadowhunters, doctor who, black mirror, sherlock
comfort tv show? brooklyn 99 or friends
most rewatched tv show? teen wolf and pretty little liars
ultimate otp? Jake and Amy (brooklyn 99), Magnus and Alec (Shadowhunters), Simon and Wilhelm (Young Royals)
5 fav characters?
Simon (young royals)
Holt (brooklyn 99)
Sherlock (sherlock)
Stiles (teen wolf)
Tahani (the good place)
tv shows or movies | short seasons (8-13 episodes) or full seasons(22 episodes or more) | one episode a week or binging (lol I wish I had the patience for one episode a week) |one season or multiple seasons | one part or saga | half hour or one hour long episodes | subtitles on or off (because I always watch it in the original language) | rewatching or watching just once | downloads or watches online
Tagging (if you haven't already and you want to) @holyshit @sunsmile-lou @gettingdizzyoh @thosefookinavacados @hearyouhowling @kiwikiwiandkiwi @princess-lou @longhairlouis-mybeloved @avocadolouis28
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