the-monstermash · 14 days
Aemond Targaryen x Reader
Synopsis: After running away from an unwanted proposal, you find yourself working in a brothel as a cook. When a certain guest takes an odd liking to you, secrets are revealed and betrothals unbroken
Warnings: Angst, Brothels, Mature, Mentions of Sex, Eventual Smut, Explicit Language, Time-Appropriate Sexism, 
Word Count: 3,226
> A/N: I did a crazy amount of time jumping, and also I had to cut the last part into two more parts SO SORRY
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Aemond had taken much longer than a week, and things had certainly not been peaceful in the house ever since. The girls had lost their mind upon learning that not only had you finally accepted Aemond, but you were to marry. Of course, you’d explained the past betrothal and the reason behind his insistence, and they’d swooned at the idea of a prince searching for his long lost love, to which you reminded them you had never met when this first proposal happened.
That didn’t deter them one bit, and when he sent word of when he’d come to get you, they’d passed the letter around to read it and gushed.
According to witnesses, Sylvi broke a goblet upon hearing the news, and locked herself in her room to avoid others ever since. She was not the type to cause a scene, but she would not play nice to keep the peace, either.
When that day finally did arrive, the girls had  insisted on trying to  make you look presentable. Brushing the knots from your hair, applying a light rouge and smelling oils. They’d each given you something of theirs. Necklaces, trinkets, things to remember them by.
“As if I could ever forget you girls.” You’d said when Maria insisted on you having her favorite hair pin. “Thank you so much.” She pulled you into a deep hug, squeezing as if to commit the feel to memory.
“You know you’ll never see us again, when you marry?” Zora’s flat voice made the girls shoot her annoyed looks. “It won’t do for a princess to visit a whorehouse, and we can’t exactly go to the castle at leisure.”
“My situation is unlike other Ladies, I’m sure they would make an exception for me. I’ll come back, even if I have to sneak away.” They smiled, but they didn’t reach their eyes. There was something very final about this goodbye, even with the promises made.
“Sylvi made sure to be busy today, didn’t she?” Maria joked with a dry chuckle, likely an attempt to change the subject. “She’s probably in some back alley, crying herself to death.”
“Have compassion, she’s losing her two favorite people in one day.” Lauryn’s sarcastic jab at you made you sigh and look away.
“I’m sure I won’t be missed in that regard. Besides, it’s probably for the best that we leave things as they were. Before all this.” You gestured to your packed bags.
Sounds of hoofs on the cobblestone brought everyone’s attention outside, where a carriage was pulling up to the entrance. The girls crowded the entryway, looking on to see if someone would step out of the carriage. When only a footman appeared in front of you, you had to swallow down the disappointment you felt at Aemond not being present to take you to the castle.
“My Lady, the Prince sends his deepest apologies that he could not be here himself to retrieve you. Urgent matters have kept him at the castle, but be assured, he is there awaiting your arrival. If I could grab your things.” The girls began lugging out your trunk. You’d not accumulated much over the years, and what you had, you couldn’t use in the keep. Most of what you were bringing were gifts from the other girls.
You’d thanked the footman for loading your luggage for you, and turned to say your final goodbyes to everyone before he helped you into the carriage.
“It won’t be long, ma’am.” He’d reassured you, and you’d nodded and smiled before settling into the seat as he closed the door and set off.
The ride hadn’t been long, though it had felt like an eternity. When you stopped to let the gates open, you’d considered jumping out and making a run for it, but you knew that was just jitters.
The carriage pulled in to the gates, and made its’ final stop, the footman stepping down and opening the door to let you out.
You immediately began searching for Aemond, but to your dismay he wasn’t there, only who you’d assumed to be Dowager Queen Alicent, and Queen Helaena. You walked to greet them, bowing as well as you’d remembered.
“It’s a shame your parents couldn’t be here with you. Aemond sent for them days ago, so they should arrive within the next few days.” Alicent’s voice was stressed, as if she carried the weight of the seven kingdoms on her shoulders, and you could tell she was not happy to be the one sent to greet you. “I’ll have a maid show you to your chambers, I’m sure you’ll want to prepare yourself for dinner.” You spoke before she could turn away.
“I had hoped to see Aemond.”
“Yes, well the prince is kept very busy around here, his brother, the king, keeps him close. Especially with the war coming, as you know Aemond is invaluable in our efforts.”
Something in her words told you she meant to say you’re here to keep Aemond happy. You nodded, showing the disappointment clearly on your face.
“He’ll find you before dinner, I’m sure.” She turned to walk away, stopping to order a maid, which you followed to your chambers.
The chambers were grand, as expected, but you were not overwhelmed by them. You were more concerned with your betrothed and his presence. Or absence, moreso. You’d been left to your devices, choosing to sit on a settee and twiddle your fingers, sigh, and huff in frustration. In reality, it had only been about half an hour before your door opened, revealing the one person you had been waiting to see.
“Aemond!” You jumped up from your seat, meeting him halfway and pulling him into a tight embrace. “You did not come to retrieve me this morning. You did not even greet me.”
“My apologies, my lady wife. The King has kept me very busy, I would’ve  put off your retrieval again so I could get you myself, but I could not wait to have you here.” He kissed your scalp, inhaling the scent curiously. “You smell nice, I’ve missed it. I’ve missed you.” He pulled away to hold your hands in his before leaning in for a kiss, which you happily reciprocated.
Aemond’s hands met your waist, pulling you against him and wrapping his arms around you to hold you close to him. You wrapped your arms around his neck, hands tangling with his snowy hair, and pulling him to deepen the kiss. Your lips moved in sync with one another, a display of passion and desire so strong it could stop the world. Your tongue reached out to meet his, rough and unlike his smooth lips, and you would’ve heard him groan if not for the sound of your heart thumping in your ears.
He pulled away to catch his breath, resting his forehead against yours and panting.
“I’ve missed you, too.” You smiled up at him, pulling away to sit on the soft bed. You patted the spot beside you, and he quickly joined at your side.
“The wedding is in two weeks, I’ve made the necessary arrangements, I hope you find it to your liking.”
“I don’t care what the wedding looks like, only the groom.” His lips turned up at that. “Your mother said my parents will be here soon, I can’t wait to see them again. Will there be many other guests?”
“Likely our allied houses, but they shouldn’t arrive for at least a week’s time. I’ve tried my best to clear my schedule after the wedding, but it seems the war is coming faster than any of us had anticipated. I had even thought to steal my bride away on Vhagar, even for a short while.”
“I understand, Aemond. You’re needed here.” Your words were meant to be reassuring, but the lilt in your voice betrayed you. “I had only hoped we’d have more time to know each other, and…to make up for the lost time.”
“We’ll do plenty of making up, don’t you worry.” His sly smirk sent a shiver down your spine, both of fear and desire. “My mother had requested to have you checked to see if you were still pure, but I assured her of your innocence. She did not believe me, of course, but she had dropped the matter. I think she is just happy for me.” He leaned in to place a soft kiss on your jawline, his large hand going to the nape of your neck, to massage the tight muscle, earning a grown from you. “I like that noise.” His kisses traveled down to your collarbone, and his hands began massaging your waist.
You were nervous to explore Aemond more than you already had. To explore anyone, really. You’d never even thought about what would happen on your wedding night, because you’d never considered you’d have a wedding night. Years of rejecting any sense of affection had left you uneducated in the personal ways of lovemaking. Of course you’d heard things, and even seen things, but that was just sex. You and Aemond were meant to make love, and sire heirs. How different was that from what you’d seen in the whorehouse? Did he expect you to have much experience because of where you’d been? He knew you were a virgin, but perhaps he thought they’d taught you things.
Your thoughts were beginning to blur as you felt him begin to push you back on the bed. You pulled away from him in a panic and stood, pacing away from the bed.
“Are you alright?” He was breathless and obviously a little taken aback by your sudden retreat, combing through his hair and rubbing his lips together.
“Yes! Yes, I am fine. I just think…” You scanned your brain for some reason that wouldn’t seem like rejection, finding none. “I am afraid, Aemond.”
“Of me.” He nodded in understanding.
“No! Gods, no. Of…well, yes, of you. But, not of you, of…you know…you.” You gestured towards his groin, unable to force the words out of your mouth. It was embarrassing to have lived among whores and not even be able to say the word sex, and even more embarrassing to have to explain your situation to Aemond, of all people, who you had met in a whorehouse. His chuckle only served to further your mortification. “Well, do not laugh! I am a lady, after all. I should not know of these things, or how to speak of them.”
“I mean no offense, my lady. Only that I had not expected such bashful demeanor from you. Especially after our night in your rooms.”
“That was just kissing. And I was…swept away, in your passionate words and gestures. This would be different, it would mean…well, I could get pregnant.”
“Yes.” He nodded. “Now, or in two weeks' time, when we consummate our marriage. Either way, I’m happy to wait, lady wife. But you must not be so alluring in these coming weeks. You can hardly expect a man to resist you.” He stood from your bed, and stepped over to the settee in front of the fireplace. “Perhaps we should avoid the bed as well.”
“I was not being alluring, I was simply being myself. A woman should do that in front of her betrothed, so he knows she is a match.”
“Yourself is the most alluring thing you could be in my presence.” That struck you speechless, and you elected to just walk over to where he was sitting, too awkward to sit with him normally. “Perhaps a tour of the keep.” He sighed, standing up to guide you out of the room.
The next two days had passed rather dully, with Aemond holding you at an arm's length, and preferring to meet you in public. You’d been on walks, dined together, and made a few last minute wedding decisions for the upcoming nuptials.
You were sitting in the garden with Aemond when you heard the gates to the red keep begin opening. You could only assume it was your parents, as no other guests were set to arrive any day soon. You quickly rushed to welcome them, leaving the flowers you had been weaving on the ground along with Aemond, who rose to follow you.
Reuniting with your parents had been a dream, they had taken you into their arms and sobbed, as had you. Your mother had a few choice words about your disappearance, but understood the reasoning of a scared young girl. Besides, things had seemed to work themself out in the end.
You’d stayed with your parents all the way up until after dinner, when they both  showed signs of fatigue, at which point Aemond had elected to walk you to your chambers, taking deliberate slow steps to prolong the moment alone.
“Are you happy with your reunification?”
“Oh, Aemond, I don’t know how I could ever thank you. They’re just as I remember them, but so much more. I can tell how my leaving hurt them, and I don’t think we can ever get that time back. But now, thanks to you, they know I am well and safe. I am truly in your debt.”
“Consider it a wedding gift.” He had shrugged as you reached your doors. The guards immediately opened the door for you, and you stepped in slowly before turning back to him. “Might I come in? Just for a moment, there’s something I wanted to discuss about our wedding.”
He came in at your nod, the doors closing behind the two of you. You had began undoing your hair from the tight wound updo. Aemond had watched in silence for a while, until you reminded him of his needed discussion.
“I had been giving thought to our wedding night.” You swallowed the lump in your throat.
“What of it?”
“Will you not find it difficult to bear a bedding ceremony?”
“Are those not outdated?”
“They’re tradition. My mother has been rather insistent on it.”
“But it is not your mother’s wedding, it is your wedding. Do you want a bedding ceremony?” As my hair was finally let down, I began brushing out the knots. Aemond had hummed in response to your question, causing you to sigh. “I do not wish to be subjected to the eyes of strangers on what is supposed to be our night together. I want to be alone with you, we so rarely are anymore.”
“That is because I find it hard to be near you and not want you.” You rolled your eyes. “My mother will put up a fight over the ceremony, she wants to know that you are still a maiden. If it’s not a bedding ceremony, it could be the maesters. I do not know which one you’d find more unpleasant.”
“I will not do either, Aemond. I have lived a very difficult life off the premise of my own autonomy, and I will not turn my back to it now. Your mother will have to see reason. Or perhaps you should tell her you’ve already had me.” He looked stunned at this.
“Why would you say that?”
“If she thinks you’ve already…defiled me, there’ll be no question of my maidenhood, and no way to know if I’ve only had you, or others, so checking will be fruitless.” I set my brush down and turned towards him from my vanity chair.
“You would have me dishonor your already sullied name?” He seemed offended even at the thought, his voice shaking.
“As you said, my name is already sullied, what difference will it make? They think I’m a whore, Aemond!” I stood from my vanity and walked to stand before him. “They wish to make a mockery of me with these invasions. They don’t want to reassure themselves, they want to confirm what they already believe. I am not good enough for them, and they want a reason to reject this union.” His jaw ticked and his head shook slightly at the thought.
“I won’t let them reject it.”
“And how would you stop them?” I asked sarcastically.
“We simply do the ceremony! It is a woman’s expectation to be pure for her husband, and you are marrying a prince. It’s sound reasoning to expect this.”
“Well, perhaps that is another reason I ran away in the first place!” I turned from him, but he grabbed my arm and forced me to turn back around.
“I do not want to fight with you about this.” He sighed. “If you truly will not have it, we’ll just have to figure something else out.”
“They won’t let us marry, Aemond, I told you this. It was a fool’s dream to think you would have your way in this.”
“I’ll marry you now. Tonight. We’ll sneak to the Godswood and get married in the old way. They’ll have to recognize it, especially if we consummate.”
“You really want to fuck me, don’t you?” The joke was ill-timed, and a sad attempt to break the tension.
“I want to marry you. And I shall. Let’s go.”
“Right now?”
“They’ll not expect it. By the time anyone notices we’ve left, it’ll be too late.”
“But who will marry us? Do the old ways not call for the head of your house to consent?”
“Aegon?” He snorted. “That piss-soaked sack is probably deep in his cups tonight. It will be nothing to convince him. I’ll get him, and meet you in the Godswood. Wait a bit after I leave, and pretend as though you’re on a walk to clear your head. I’ll be there under the heart tree, waiting.”
You did as Aemond bid, sitting in the settee for a short while, finishing brushing through your hair and electing to wear it down. Finally, you decided to head towards the Godswood.
The walk there was relatively short, so you paused outside the entrance to the Godswood and took a few deep breaths.
“It is quite cold tonight for King’s Landing, no?” The voice of your mother made you turn around quickly, eyes wide and mouth agape.
“Mother! What are you doing out here?” The panic in your voice obviously raised suspicion.
“What are you doing out here? Unchaperoned, standing outside the Godswood?”
“I needed some air. Aemond and I had a fight, I needed to clear my head.” It wasn’t necessarily a lie, so saying it only made you feel half as bad.
“Is everything alright?”
“Oh, yes. His mother wants to force a bedding ceremony, but I don’t want one. Aemond says if I don’t do it, she’ll likely want a maester to confirm my maidenhood.”
“She questions your integrity?” She was obviously irked. “And what did Aemond say?” Her eyebrow quirked, and you could tell she already knew the answer, glancing into the Godswood before sighing.
“Mother…” You whispered.
“It’s not my place to tell you what you cannot do. If your Father knew…” She shook her head. “You are a woman grown now, and I can’t stop you if this is what you truly want to do.”
“It is. And I’m going to marry him anyways, this is just…a way for us to do it on our terms.”
“And will you forbid your mother from witnessing the union of her daughter?” You smiled, shaking your head and pulling her into a deep embrace.
@mamawiggers1980 @dahlias-and-marigolds @staarflowerr @aemondwhoresworld @uhnanix
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the-monstermash · 14 days
I'm having SO much trouble with this last chapter UGHHHH!!!!! I keep writing and deleting and starting over, there are just so many ways to tie everything up.
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the-monstermash · 23 days
I absolutely adores unbroken betrothals part 2. Can't wait for part 3. It's a beautiful series
Thank you so much! Y'all have no idea how much it means to have my work validated in these ways, it is so fulfilling and I'm so thankful. That said, part 3 is up now!
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the-monstermash · 23 days
Aemond Targaryen x Reader
Synopsis: After running away from an unwanted proposal, you find yourself working in a brothel as a cook. When a certain guest takes an odd liking to you, secrets are revealed and betrothals unbroken
Warnings: Angst, Brothels, Mature, 18+, Eventual Smut, Explicit Language
Word Count: 2, 031
> A/N: Catch the corny tie-in at the end of the chapter. I think maybe one more chapter will wrap up this story.
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You were in a bout of disbelief. You'd not left your room in days, taking your meals and guests in the rooms. Sylvi was obviously angry with you, because she’d said nothing about you not cooking. She likely had already hired a new cook to replace you, no doubt planning to kick you out the moment you stepped outside again. Where would you go? Back to the Riverlands was always an option, but you were afraid of what you might find if you returned.
How could you not be? Your entire life you had thought of your parents as betrayers. You'd thought they'd wished to sell you off to some disgusting man, to rid themselves of the burden of you. In reality, what choice had they truly had? To reject the king would be dishonorable, not to mention impossible. They would’ve had to respond immediately, to agree in your stead.
How could you ever think so lowly of them? They'd given you so much love in your youth, how would they ever do something so cruel if they'd had the choice not to? Were they heartbroken at the loss of a daughter? Did they think you dead? Or did they accept that you just didn't want to be with them anymore, and you'd left for a better life. Were they still looking for you? You didn't know which was worse.
And then there was Aemond.
Why had he cared so much? You were of no great house, and your marriage would be of no benefit to him. Your running away should've been to his relief, not his anger. Then, for him to track you down, and push his intentions on you. What was the purpose?
The knock on the door did not make you rise from the bed as it would've a week ago, and you did not call to the visitor like you would've a week ago. Instead, you waited for whoever it was to either let themselves in, or go away. You'd be happy with either one.
The creak of the solid door told you they'd chosen the former.
"Are you awake?" Lauryn's voice pulled a sigh from you. 
She'd come with more questions, or to gossip about what was happening outside of your room.
"If I was not before, your presence has brought me a sense of invigoration." You smiled sadly, patting the bed for her to enter.
She stepped inside the room, but did not cross the distance. Her absence in the door frame was filled with another. A much taller, blonder, guest, that put much more dread in you than she had.
"Lauryn, what is this?" You sat up, crossing your arms and pulling the blankets up to cover your nightclothes. He stepped into the center of the room, hands behind his back, looking around to take in the sight.
"He's demanded to see you." We can not deny him, is what she said with her eyes. You nodded at her and she quickly fled the room, closing the door behind her.
The silence was not comfortable, nor was it unwelcome. You knew if he spoke, it would be about the betrothal, and that would make you think of your family, and you would be back to worrying for your dear family and how they were fairing. You felt so vulnerable, wrapped up in your blankets and nightclothes before him, all alone.
"My prince, you wanted to see me?" You propped your knees to your chest, sure you looked like a big pile of sheets with a head on top to him.
"I wanted to see you were well." He finally took his eyes off your meager decorations, and looked at you. "Have you had any more spells?" You shook your head.
"I'm quite well."
"And have you thought any more of my words?" You sighed, exasperated, but relenting to the fact that he simply would not let this go.
"Of course I have. It's all I've thought about, holed up in this room. That, and where I'll go once Sylvi casts me from my home. Because of you." You wanted to yell, but you just did not have the energy.
"If you'd just accepted my answer, she would have gotten past it. But you pursued, and chased, and you would not relent."
"I'd relented the first time you rejected me, how many rejections did you expect I would take?"
"Relenting would've been leaving me be, not seeking me out here when you knew I was content."
"I did not come here for you, you happened to be here." You rolled your eyes.
"I *happened* to be in a kitchen, hidden away from everyone where *you* found me in search of 'wine’? There was wine everywhere up front, it is a whore house! You knew I was here, and you found me, because you could not accept the rejection. You sought me out, you said so yourself." He blanched at you repeating his words to him. Perhaps he thought you did not remember your last conversation.
"So I sought you out. What is the crime in it? You were my betrothed, and I would not have you running about the world any longer. I demand to know why you rejected me so long ago, and why you reject me now. I am more than suitable for you, and you should have been proud to serv-"
"I did not know it was you!" You silenced him with your yell. "I did not run away from marrying you, I ran away...because I thought my parents were to send me off to some gray man I did not know, and force me to wed him, and I would spend my whole life with some old Lord who did not love me, and I would never live! I was a child, and I was afraid, Aemond."
He was silent for a moment, before sighing and coming to sit at the edge of your bed.
"And why do you refuse me now?"
"I guess I thought if I married you, then I might as well have married the first man. It would've saved me a lot of trouble, and made my family proud, at the very least." He nodded at that and looked away. "Why do you want me so badly?"
He tilted his head, thinking for a second before shrugging his shoulders. You scoffed at that and stretched your legs to leave room for your crossed arms, not believing that he was just pointlessly pursuing you.
"I've had enough rejection for one lifetime. I'll not have any more." It was a simple answer, and given the past you knew of him, you supposed it made sense. He'd been refused a dragon, friends, a father, a crown. You could see how when you, a simple girl from nowhere, rejected him, it might have confounded him, and tipped him over the edge. He seemed deep in thought, or perhaps deep in memory, and before your eyes you saw him regress into the young boy he'd been, when all he knew was hurt and rejection.
In a way, you pitied Aemond. He had led a sad life, but he'd also led a privileged life. and that privileged life often made people overlook the hurt he'd faced as a child. He was a prince, and that made him revered and respected in many aspects, but he was also a scared, hurt little boy, with no respect from his peers and no one to truly turn to.
"I suppose I can understand that." He turned to you, his lips turning up in acknowledgement before he gently laid his head in your lap.
It surprised you, though it shouldn't have. He was desperate for appreciation and affection. That was why he was here, after all, begging you to reconsider marriage to him.
You had reconsidered it over these past few days. You'd thought it over in a hundred different ways, and truthfully, without the added angst of your parental situation, you really had no reason to say no to his proposal. He was a perfectly respectable husband, and with his doting nature, you'd thought he'd treat you quite well. You could see yourself content with him, if not happy.
"I suppose marriage wouldn't be so bad if my husband were agreeable." You gently found yourself petting his hair, making him close his eye.
"Hm." Was his simple answer, a hum of content, yet it prompted you to elaborate.
"He would have to be kind, of course. And perhaps handsome, though not superficial. I would like him to be strong, and brave. Though, not to the point of recklessness. Perhaps a Stark." You looked down at him with a playful smile, and he responded with a chortle. "You're right, I do hate the cold." You scratched at his scalp.
"You'll make an exceptional wife, and I'll make you happy." He turned onto his back so he was looking up at you, his soft eyes gazing up at you.
He truly was beautiful. His features were in total opposition, his long, soft hair, sharp jaw, and sweet eyes all combined to make a statuesque deity laid before you. His hair was almost pearlescent in the way the fire flickered across him, changing the hues in a second, and blending in oranges and reds and magnificent  yellows.
You could not think of a way to tell him you were conceding, and he'd finally won. You just smiled down at him and nodded.
"I need to see my parents." Your voice broke at the mere idea, and he nodded immediately, sitting up and turning to hold your face.
"I'll see it's done. We'll call them to King's Landing."
"Thank you, Aemond.”
He tilted himself just slightly, enough for you to understand what he was asking for. You leaned in enough to meet your lips to his in a soft and gentle kiss. You rest your hand on his jaw, and the other on his chest. He pushed himself against you more to deepen the kiss, pushing you back onto your hands.
His kiss was desperate, and held an air of pure satisfaction. It was not overly rushed, but deep and passionate. You could feel him pour his soul into it, like a beautiful piece of poetry. Every suckle was a sonnet, every sigh a sestina. He pulled your body to his, and it was a haiku, consisting of syllables only spoken in physical language. And you hung onto every single word.
You pulled away for air, but he didn't let you get far, holding his hand to the back of your head, your forehead pressed against his. Your bodies still moved in sync, rising and falling with breath, slowly calming yourselves back down.
"We'll marry as soon as your parents arrive. The very same day."
"Shouldn't you ask the king? I’m sure your family won’t relish  the thought of a prince marrying a common cook. You could marry at a much higher advantage for the war."
"There is nothing common about you. And besides, my father already approved the marriage all those years ago. My brother won't deny me." You nodded.
"I'll see you again? Before the wedding? Promise you'll come see me." He raised his eyebrow at that, clearly confused about something you'd said.
"You're coming to the castle with me, are you not, my Lady?" The title made you chew your lip, you had not heard it in a very long time. “I’ll not have my wife sleep in a brothel any longer, I’ve suffered it long enough.”
“This brothel is my home, and you’ve had no trouble turning in a night or two if I remember correctly. Besides, I wouldn’t want to offend your family by assuming I was welcome. You should confirm the betrothal first with the king.” He sighed and turned away, but came up with no argument.
“I’ll be back for you, in a week’s time-at most. Say your goodbyes, pack your things. Prepare to be a princess of the seven kingdoms.” He stood and leaned for one last kiss.
“I’ll be waiting, my prince.”
And with one more lasting stroke of your cheek, he left to unbreak the betrothal you’d abandoned so long ago.
@mamawiggers1980 @dahlias-and-marigolds @starrflowerr @aemondwhoresworld
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the-monstermash · 24 days
I had planned to post tonight Tumblr is not letting me post part 3 for some reason, so we'll try again tomorrow!! So sorry to everyone but I'll try to have it up tomorrow evening!!
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the-monstermash · 28 days
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Blessed by the Gods
fancast!Benjicot Blackwood x Bracken!fem!reader
Summary: You, the only daughter of Amos Bracken, had just been offered away in marriage to a man much older than you, and in the hopes of having some peace and quiet for you to express your anguish towards the Gods that allowed this, you go to a place you found a couple months ago - a beautiful clearing with flowers scattered around and a weirwood tree in the middle. You knew it was risky, as you'd seen him there before, but in a moment of distraction Benjicot Blackwood found you and now you must suffer the consequences.
Warnings: 18+, enemies to lovers, a little fluf (veeery little), kinda dom x sub, swearing, hunting (it's basicaly it but I don't know if there's another term for it, when you read you'll know), smut, porn with (very) little plot, fingering, p in v, unprotected sex, rough sex, breeding kink, praising kink.
Authors note: Heyy, so this is my very first time posting something I wrote (I do write a lot but mostly I get stuck and end up not finishing it) because I'm OBCESSED with Kieran Burton since I saw him in the goddamn teaser, plus I've been reading plenty of fanfics of him and two of them particularly inspired me for this (I'm sorry, I don't remember the names or the authors to tag them). Last but not least, English isn't my first language, so I'm sorry for any mistakes.
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You should hate him. You should’ve never been in that place, for you knew it was Blackwood territory, and should’ve heard him getting closer before. But you didn’t. You knew he went there frequently and if he saw you in the golden dress you wore in that particular place, he would definitely tell you to go back to your lands, but not without some provocation first. But that weirwood tree was so beautiful even if hidden in the middle of the woods, the flowers that bloom around it were so unique that you had to go there and admire them in a way to flee from the confinements of Stone Hedge. Or you told yourself that this was the reason you went there.
You found it the first time by accident. You had got lost in the woods, no track of a clearing nearby for you to situate yourself, when you saw the red leaves and decided to get near, for you knew that the weirwood roots extended long through the floor – making itself exclusive for a few yards in its radium – and you would be able to see the sky without the treetops being on your way. When you got there, though, the place was so gorgeous you could not leave right away.
After that, you tried to memorize as much of the path you could and return to that same place for moments of peace. That was until one day you heard footsteps – of one person it seemed – and you hushed to hide away. Moments later, hidden behind some bushes, you saw when no other than Benjicot Blackwood appeared through another end of the clearing where, you didn’t notice before, had a small trail that probably led straight to Raventree Hall.
Bloody Ben. Lord Blackwood. Lord of the house you were supposed to hate, and yet you found him so extremely gorgeous. You’d saw him only a few times. On Riverrun where your families sometimes were called by their Paramount Lord or near the stream that divided their lands, often arguing with your cousin in the company of a few others of his House and a few times you ended up being the victim, getting back home after slapping him across his face with his obscene remarks or just leaving after outsmarting the man – for the second you took much pride in.
On some of the times you’d been on the clearing you ended up having to hide when hearing his footsteps and waiting for him to leave before you could move. He’d mostly sit in one of the roots of the old tree and do whatever he felt like doing at the moment. You’d seen him reading, cleaning his sword, crafting some arrows and doing nothing at all, but he always stayed for about two hours before finally leaving.
Today however, probably because you were stressed with the news of your arranged marriage, you didn’t hear him getting close. When he saw your dress, the colour of your house shining through the rays of sunshine, a smirk crept in his face with the ideas he had in mind.
He knew it was wrong, hideous, the idea of wanting anything that came with the red stallion in a golden shield, your House’s coat of arms. He knew that from any woman he could want, you should not be a possibility. But with your hair that finished around your hips and a face that looked like a gift from the Gods, allied with your wits and challenging manner, he could not lie to himself that more than once he woke up in the middle of the night hot and bothered after a much-detailed dream about you – and eventually would handle his hardness with the thought of defiling you and making you his.
What he didn’t know, and you tried to deny it as much as you could, was that you also had conflicting thoughts about him. Since the first time you’d saw him in Riverrun, his face showing a mischievous glow with a smirk on his lips as your family entered the room, you fought with your own body as your heart raced and your cheeks burned in his presence. You hated the way he mocked your cousin and told you the lousiest of things, his lascivious expression making you hot and bothered as well, and you hated that every time you saw him, you knew that at the end of the day you would toss and turn for hours trying to erase his face from your mind.
You told yourself it was just because he was the only one who didn't walk on eggshells when talking to you – or anyone for that matter – and because you liked the challenge, but deep down you knew that your feelings for him were far from hatred, and the idea of trying to find out the true meaning of them scared you.
“Gods, have I done anything to anger you so that I’m faded to marry Forrester Frey? I would do anything, please!” You asked to the faced weirwood tree, knowing you’d have no answer but desperate enough to look like a crazy woman who talks to a tree by yourself. What you did not know was that someone did hear you.
Benjicot took his blade from his waist, taking extra care to not be heard, and when he got close enough to you, he acted quickly, one arm holding your body – your arms entrapped – and the one with the blade stopping on your neck.
“My, my, look what we have in here, a lost Bracken broodmare, far away from home” Her breath got caught up on her throat with the feeling of the cold blade on her skin and her heart jumped on her chest with his body pressed against her back and his voice so close to her ear “Good thing that I found you before any other predator did, huh?”
“Let me go, please!!” You pleaded, pure panic spilling from your voice, and Benji almost moaned – he had no idea that having you pressed against his body in panic would arouse him that much “Oh no, my darling, I could not do such a thing. You just committed a crime, you see, for you are far away from your father’s lands and what fair lord would I be if I do not punish criminals like you?”
“Please, I’ll vanish from your sight in less than a minute and no one will know about this, okay? Just please, let me go!!” Your eyes were burning with unshed tears with the thought of the possible punishment he had in mind, and you didn’t stay still, moving your body in an attempt to free yourself from him even if useless, as he was taller and way stronger.
“No, no, no, my darling, I could not possibly do that, your Bracken lord can play blind on your actions, but I am a serious ruler and punish all criminals as their crimes demand” He tightened his grip on your body, his fingers pressing harder against the clothed skin of your waist, and as he continually pressed on you, a warm feeling cursed through you until it reached in between your thighs “But what punishment would be enough? Thieves, who take things that don't belong to them, have their hands cut off. Murderers, who take lives that do not belong to them, pay with their own lives. Now you, who committed invasion of lands that don’t belong to you, what could I possibly do to punish you correctly?”
Once again you pleaded, ‘please’ sounding like a repeated prayer on your lips as he inhaled the sweet smell of your hair “I could not invade your father’s lands, or I would be committing a crime of my own” He stated as if he did not listen to your pleads and when he spoke again, his voice was huskier and low like a whisper “But I could invade your territory myself”
You hated yourself for how your body reacted to his words, your thighs squeezing together when you felt the heat on your lower belly grow, and hated even more that a side of you wanted him to go ahead with his threat full of mischievous intentions. Him, on the other hand, was more than pleased to hold you that way, his front fully in contact against your behind and his groin pressed against your back.
“Please, Benjicot, lord Blackwood, please” You repeated and started struggling even more when you felt his hard cock pressed against your back, trying to move away “Please, please! What, my lady, do you want me to do?” He mocked, repeating what you said in a higher pitch, as his hand with the knife left your throat and went to your hip “You want me to be gentle?”
Another wave of heat made you close your eyes for a second, a hard sigh leaving your lips and you didn’t answer. He laughed when he heard you “This is supposed to be a punishment, but I’ll make an exception if you behave” He said, his breath hot against your ear as the hand on your hip went further down and grabbed the skirt of your dress, pulling it up.
Your neck now free from the threat of his blade, an idea came to your mind. You were not sure if it would work, but it was your only hope, so you took it. Bending your head forward to gain some impulse, you took a deep breath – bracing yourself for the upcoming pain – and shook your head back with all your strength, hitting his head on the side.
Benjicot, surprised with what had just happened and with his head pulsating, faltered his grip on you long enough for you to get rid of his arm around you and start running, your head spinning and your vision still blurry from the blow. You felt and heard when the skirt of your dress ripped, before the other man’s hand lost its grip on the fabric, but you didn’t turn around to check the damage.
With your vision still recovering and the pulsing pain in your head, you headed to the woods, still not sure if you followed the right path, only caring about getting as far of him as possible. Benjicot, on the other hand, quickly recovered from the dizziness, the pain easily subsiding, and he growled before following you, euphoric and feeling his blood rush through his body straight to his cock with the expectation of hunting you down.
You ran as fast as you could, your breathing burning in your lungs and your legs aching, and tried to dodge the trees and bushes in your way. Even with all your efforts, you heard his steps and breathing not that far away, and fear crept inside you, being the one thing that prevented you from collapsing in that moment.
He knew those woods like his own chambers – losing track of how many times he went there to hunt, explore, have a moment of peace or take out his anger on the trees – and he had the advantage of being taller than you, his muscles trained for endurance in the battlefields, so even if you ran with all your strength, it would still be easy enough for him to reach you.
“Bracken!! Do not think you can run away from your punishment, you’re still on my lands” Your step became unsteady when his voice seemed closer than you imagined and after tripping over a tree root, you couldn't keep your balance, ending up falling with your body and arms protecting you from ending face first into the grass.
As you were turning to place your hands on the ground and help you stand, you heard a twig cracking right behind you and soon enough his voice made you turn your head “Poor mare, doesn’t know her way home, but don’t worry, I’ll show you when I finish your punishment if you want”
You tried to turn yourself so you could stand back up, but before you could do anything, he caught your ankle and pulled you closer, turning you to face him “No, no my darling, you’re not escaping me again, now come here, the quicker it starts, the quicker it finishes, if you want... or you could just enjoy it”
“No, no, no!!” You repeated like a prayer and when he positioned himself between your legs, you started to punch and scratch at his chest, face and arms “Calm down, I think I was mistaken, for you are not a mare but a kitten, but no need to show your claws. I know I said that I would be gentle if you behaved and you didn’t, but I do have a soft spot for beautiful girls like you”
Quickly enough, as if your efforts meant nothing, Benjicot grabbed both your wrists and held them above your head, leaning his body closer to yours – his groin pressing against the middle of your thighs and his mouth just a few inches away, his breath hitting your face.
“You know what surprised me about your behaviour just now?” He asked, looking at your eyes, before he kissed your jaw and a hand went to your ankle “Because every time I see you, be in the Tully’s assize or the boundary, you are always looking at me so needy that makes me want to fuck you right there”
He left open-mouthed kisses through your neck as you felt the hairs on your nape stand and his hand began to move up your leg through the fabric of your dress “So why now are you pretending you do not want this?” He moved his hips forward, his hardness pressing against your clothed folds, and you didn’t have the strength to hold a moan.
“Be-because I don’t! You Blackwoods are just so ugly that I’m surprised to see something like that in the middle of a crowd” You spat, trying to regain some of your pride, but he chuckled, lifting his head with a smirk.
“Act all you can, kitten, but that moan just annulled everything you said, you know” His hand now was in your inner thigh and as he stopped talking, his calloused fingers went straight to your folds. You bit the inside of your cheeks to hold your voice and furrowed your brows, but he still looked almost amused at your efforts.
“Fuck you” You twisted in his grip but could not move enough to escape his touch and he took the chance to move his index finger through your folds, watching as you closed your eyes and your hips grounded into his touch “Oh, my lady, deny it as much as you want, but your body will remain true to its desires”
His smirk grew wider, his tongue sliding through his teeth, as his thumb found your clit and he watched in pleasure as you clenched your jaw and your legs opened wider for him. He circled your bundle of nerves with his thumb while his middle finger slid down your folds, reaching your entrance, and didn’t waste the opportunity to shove his finger inside you to the point where only his last knuckle was visible outside.
You moaned loudly, having been caught off guard, and your walls tightened around his finger “Fuck, you’re so tight, it’ll feel delicious around my cock” Benjicot started moving his finger, almost completely withdrawing before plunging it back inside, while still rubbing his thumb through your clit, and soon enough you were a mess, your thoughts fogged with the pleasure his hand was giving you.
You didn’t even notice when his hand let go of your wrists, too caught up on the feeling of his finger inside you and his pace growing faster by the second, as you fought against the undeniable pleasure you were feeling, and when he curled up his digit inside you, the thin string of pride you hung yourself by collapsed, giving in to the urge of your feelings and enjoy as he claimed you.
“M-more, please” You whispered, completely giving in to the ache of your heart. That was why you could not stray your eyes from him at every assize, that was why you would walk too close to the boundary and why you would come all the way from Stone Hedge to that specific clearing with that specific weirwood tree.
Your heart wanted him and there was no denying it, not anymore, not when his middle finger curled inside you so deliciously that made you see stars through your eyelids and not when you caught a glimpse of him and he looked at you like a starved man “Say again, kitten? I didn’t hear you” He teased, thinking you had yet again tried to deny your wishes.
“More, please, Benjicot” You said before you moaned again, your eyes fully opening now with your brows furrowed in pleasure, and for a second he wished he had a portrait painted of you like this. He pushed another finger inside, his pace now relentless with his cock throbbing through his breeches, and with his free hand he grasped the front of your dress, tearing the fabric to expose your full breasts.
“Stopped putting up a fight now, kitten? But this is not a treat, this is a punishment” He said as he curled both his fingers inside you once again before completely withdrawing from your wet cunt. He lifted the fingers that were on you seconds ago and looked at them, making a disapproving sound with his tongue “Just look at that, look at the mess you made on my fingers, huh?”
He tapped at your lower lip with his wet fingers, the smell of yourself arousing you even more “Now be a good girl and open up” And you did as he said. You closed your lips around his fingers as you felt them press at your tongue and moaned as you tasted yourself “Clean them”
You ignored the smug smirk on his lips, knowing he was enjoying bossing you around more than anything, and hollowed your cheeks sucking on his calloused digits. Now it was his turn to let out a pleased groan and when you looked at his eyes his pupils were blown, his irises darker, what almost made you moan on his fingers again.
“I’ve heard you back there by the weirwood tree, your cunt of a father wants to sell you to that old Frey?” Benjicot retreated his fingers from your mouth and ran them down your chin, your saliva running through your skin as he slowly traced a way through your neck and collarbones until he reached one of your breasts, both his digits circling your already pointy nipple as he watched your velvety skin under his touch, his smirk had gone away from his face “That old dog deserves not even a piece of you”
You felt your heart skip a beat with his words, trying not to conclude anything for he had not confirmed yet “But soon enough he won’t be a problem, don’t worry kitten” He twisted your nipple between his index and thumb, trying to calm down his anger with the thought of Forrester Frey being anywhere near you, before you asked “How?”
“Because after I finish with your punishment, no man will take you as their wife” He pinched your nipple and you moaned again, the threat mixed with his ministrations and the dark expression in his face being almost too much.
The Blackwood lord moved his other hand to the laces of his breeches, undoing them while still stimulating your breast, and your breath hitched on your throat as you looked down, fixed on his slender fingers dealing with the strings, seeing as it became loose around his hips before he had to let go of your breast to get rid of the fabric that covered his lower part.
As he took off his breeches he came back to his position between your legs, your thighs on top of his, and his smirk placed itself back on his face as he watched your eyes widen with the sight of his bare hard cock.
“You’re- this is-, you are so big” You let out, shock and want on your face as he pushed your dress up, revealing your glistening cunt to him “I know, kitten, but do not worry, it will fit” You lifted your gaze from his hips to his eyes, finding him already staring back at you, and all you could think was that you wanted him more than anything in the world.
He placed both hands on your hips, bringing you closer, and grabbed him in his hand to slide through your folds, collecting as much of your juices as he could. He wanted you, desperately, he wanted to completely fill you with his length and fuck you mercilessly until all he heard was your screams of pleasure, he wanted to ruin you to any other man and to have only you for the rest of his fucking life.
And so, with the promise of punishing you in his head, he shoved his cock all the way inside you in one thrust, leaving you gasping, your mouth opened and your eyes closed, the stretch and pain of your first time almost bringing you to tears. He had never experienced something like this before – as his previous experiences had been with whores – and didn’t even dare to move, your cunt gripping him so tightly he thought that if he moved at that moment he would cum on the spot.
As he noticed your eyes closed, he pinched your nipple “Open your eyes, kitten, I want to look at your beautiful eyes” You sighed before opening them and when you did, he noticed the tears you tried not to spill. That made something snap inside him, breaking all the will he had to hurt and punish you, and he bended down to meet your face, his breath on your face and his eyes on your lips.
“As soon as I saw you there, next to the weirwood tree, all I wanted to do was to hurt you, make you regret stepping on Blackwood territory on that golden dress of yours, but it’s rather difficult to focus with that pretty face” One of his forearms was keeping him steady as his free hand came to your breasts, the feeling of your soft skin on his calloused fingers almost making him moan “Go on, tell me how you hate me, fight me, tell me how you are disgusted by me, so I can focus on punishing you”
A moan. You opened your mouth to say something, anything, but all you could do was moan and it went straight to his cock, throbbing inside your warm and tight walls, still not moving. As he glanced up, he met your teary eyes and opened mouth in an erotic portrait, he growled as he let go of the rest of his resistance and crashed his lips against yours in a desperate kiss. As your mouth was already agape when he did it, his tongue easily slipped inside and found yours, and you reached for the back of his head, your fingers curling on his black hair.
As he kissed you hungrily, he started moving, his cock almost leaving you entirely before pushing himself back inside, and the sensation of being full of him was so good that you could not control your moans. As he felt the vibrations coming from your mouth, Benjicot squeezed your breast hard and you were sure that would leave a mark – but you couldn’t care less.
As his pace grew a little faster, the pure pleasure replacing the pain of the stretch each time his hips met yours, he let go of your lips, glaring at your face with the squirms and sighs you let out. Even if his dreams were vivid, nothing would compare to having you like this – a mess of fabric, hair and red bruised lips – at the moment, the feeling of your walls always so tight around him and your soft skin on his hand made him grunt.
Your eyes went to his on that exact moment and you could swear that your walls squeezed around him at the sound. He placed his face on the crook of your neck as he started biting and placing kisses to the skin as a way to mark you, and started going down through your collarbone to the front of your chest before placing his lips to the nipple that wasn’t being stimulated.
The wet noises of skin slapping against skin and the feeling of both your nipples being teased made your eyes roll back in pleasure and now you didn’t even try to muffle your sounds anymore “Such a noisy kitten, taking me so well” He praised, lifting his head from your chest, and held your hips with both his hands, so strong that you now worried that you’d get bruises all over your body “You should be mine and not that Frey cunt”
With his firm grip on your hips, he pressed deeper into you, your back arching from the ground and trying to keep up with his movements “Please... Benji” Two of the only three words that you could pronounce at the moment – the third one being more – too caught up with pleasure to form a coherent phrase, and Benji laughed at that, full of pride for making the so beautiful and correct daughter of Amos Bracken look like a common whore “Do you want to be mine, kitten? Mine to fuck and use as I please?”
His words aroused you even more, his hoarse voice sending waves of heat straight to your cunt, and you tried to nod your head in affirmation, because that seemed like the only thing you could do at the moment “Use your words, kitten, I know you can do it” He moved one of his hands so he could brush past your clit and that made you gasp.
“Y-yes please, I want you, I want you Benji” As she nearly screamed, the man felt satisfied, his hunger for you only getting bigger with the way you moved your hips in time with his, your face making the most erotic expressions as your moans and repeated words sounded like an exclusive prayer for him.
“I’m going to fuck a baby in you, fill you with my seed so much you’ll be leaking for days, so your bloody father won’t have an excuse but to marry you to me” He grunted in between his words, moving faster and deeper as he assaulted your clit, and you started feeling a knot form inside of you, the pleasure becoming almost too much “Please, please” You didn’t even know what you were begging for, but only wanting this to never end.
“Yeah? Do you want to be my wife? To have your Bracken womb filled with Blackwood children? Your cunt to be used by a Blackwood cock? Is that what you want?” He leaned in, one of his hand still giving you pleasure, his head once again going to the crook of your neck as he grasped at your thigh, squeezing the flesh as he moved you so you could wrap your leg around his waist, and he heard you when you weakly repeated “Yesyesyes”
“So I’ll make sure you get until the last drop of my seed to, soon enough, you be swelling with my babe” He whispered into your ear as he pressed further to your clit and his pace soon enough was so fast you thought he would break you. Your moans got louder as you wrapped both your legs around his waist, the knot on your lower abdomen about to snap, and he looked at you before whispering “Go on, cum for me, kitten”
And that’s when it happened. The knot snapped within you as you flooded with pleasure, your whole body spasming as your walls grew impossibly tighter around him, milking him, and with just a few more thrusts he shoved himself as deep as he could inside you before he shot his load straight to your core, coating your womb. As he started coming down from his high, he captured your lips in a sloppy kiss and let most of his weight on top of you, which you didn’t care as his warmth and his skin on yours was all you wanted at the moment.
You let out a dissatisfied grunt as he removed his softening cock from your cunt, some of his seed spilling from you, and lied to your side, pulling you to his embrace “Did you really mean it? Marrying me?”
“Yes” You said, the warmth spreading across your face “Well, you filled me with your seed and the possibility of me getting pregnant is almost certain now. Marrying you is the right thing to do” You tried to be cautious with your words, but for the love of the Gods, he had just fucked you in the middle of the woods, caution was one thing you had abandoned long ago “Okay, I admit that since I first saw you in the assize I haven’t been able to remove you from my thoughts and I dreaded the day that the news of your possible engagement would come.”
You took a breath before finishing “We have nothing to do with each other, our families fucking hate one another, but every time I got inside Riverrun fortress, I hoped you’d be there” You said, absently moving your fingers through the skin of his chest, but did not dare to meet his gaze, for you were now as embarrassed as you could be.
“I am glad to hear that, for I have almost the exact same feelings as you. I ached for being able to get closer to you at the assize and to kiss you when I saw you standing next to the boundary. I almost went to Kermit Tully to ask him to propose a betrothal between us” He answered, his hand on the back of your head caressing through your hair. You lifted your head from his chest, his words making your heart flutter, and he leaned his head to capture your lips in a soft kiss, both your and his feelings pouring down into each other.
“But I must stop you from going straight to my father, for he would kill you before you would be able to ask to see him” One of your hands went to his cheek as you parted to breathe, only now noticing you left nail marks there, and stroke his skin.
“Oh, I do know that, for I would never take you back to Stone Hedge with your dress like this” He laughed when he saw your eyes widen at his words, remembering now of the tore skirt and bust of your dress, and quickly added “I’ll give you my cloak and we’ll go to Raventree Hall for you to change, after that we’ll go straight to Riverrun and ask Lord Tully to bless our union, for your father would never go against an order of his Lord Paramount”
“That sounds like a solid plan, not that bad for a Blackwood” You teased and he smirked “And you were not that bad for a Bracken” You gasped in false shock at his words, lightly slapping his shoulder, and he laughed “It will surely be good to have you as my wife, a good way to keep things interesting”
“I hope so, you Blackwoods are not usually that fun though” You bit your lower lip as you’d seen him arch his brows “Well, it depends on what fun you’re talking about, because at least in one kind of ‘fun’ I exceed expectations and you just proved it right”
"Shut up!" You exclaimed and he turned you again before kissing you.
“Don’t need to ask twice, my lady” He said and you kissed him again.
It could have not been the way you expected it to go, but one thing you could say: the Gods did grant you a way to free yourself from a marriage with someone twice your age, still uniting two people together, in hopes of a prosperous – and maybe more peaceful – future ahead.
So that's it! As I wrote it mainly for the smut part (oh god, what a good first impression) the plot part may be a little off, I'm sorry. Please, feel free to leave a note if you guys liked it and maybe soon I post another, a series this time.
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the-monstermash · 1 month
Unbroken betrothals is soooo good. I was wondering if you would do a part 2.
Part 2 up now! It's a little long, I wanted to make it two parts, but I couldn't find a good spot to break the story up so enjoy the long post!
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the-monstermash · 1 month
Aemond Targaryen x Reader
Synopsis: After running away from an unwanted proposal, you find yourself working in a brothel as a cook. When a certain guest takes an odd liking to you, secrets are revealed and betrothals unbroken
Warnings: Angst, Brothels, Mature, 18+, Eventual Smut, Explicit Language
Word Count: 3,754
A/N: I’ve been contemplating cutting this into two parts all day, but fuck it we die like men
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The next moons were spent silently. Perhaps the entire situation had blown over, with Aemond taking the refusal as it was, and moving on to the next, or perhaps staying with Sylvi. Maybe that was for the best, as it would keep all the other girls housed.
The brothel had been closed for the day, the recent event had been enough for many businesses to close their doors. A war had been declared with the murder or Jehaerys, and with the dragons looming in the sky, it promised to be bloody. Of course, special allowances were made for soldiers and high-born, a back alley entrance just as suiting as a grand one when desperation calls.
Today was particularly slow, many lords stuck in meetings and soldiers in training yards. The girls took to mostly laying around, sipping wine and eating cheeses while they joked and told old stories.
"Where would you be, if not here in this brothel? If you'd taken a different path, made a different decision, what would you be doing right now?" Someone had asked, and after a contemplative silence, finally people began to speak up.
"In another brothel, perhaps." Earned many laughs.
"I'd be married to some disgusting old man, I'm sure of it. Fucked full of halfwit babes and barely surviving." You'd spoken up. "I heard my parent arguing in the night about a proposal they'd received from King's Landing. I knew it must've been some old Lord, looking to perverse himself on a young girl. That was the night I'd left."
"You ran to King's Landing to escape a life in King's Landing?" Maria questioned flatly.
"It was the last place I thought they'd look. And if they did look, they'd never find me, hidden in a whore house." The girls laughed and shared their own answers before moving on to a new topic.
The conversation was cut briefly to a halt when the door was heard slamming shut. All heads turned in time to see the curtain move and reveal none other than Prince Aemond himself. His eye scanned the room silently, lingering a moment more when he found me. I turned away and sighed, looking to the ground. Another girl jumped up and quickly ran to fetch Sylvi.
"Your highness, we did not expect your patronage this evening." Lauryn spoke up, laid on her side on one of the sofas we all surrounded. Mischief twinkled in her eyes as she met your gaze for a second before looking back to him. "Have you come for Sylvi? Or have you come for something...fresh." The other girls giggled. "New, perhaps? I would be more than happy to make a suggestion."
"Girls, do not tease our prince. It's very rude." A girl sighed and shook her head. "Will you please show Prince Aemond to Sylvi's rooms?"
The room fell silent as everyone looked to me. To refuse in front of him could be seen as disrespectful, and in a time of such uncertainty with the royal family, it would not do to test his standing. Especially with the almost forgotten history between you, that you would much rather pretend doesn't exist. If you were the one to guide him to Sylvi's room, however, it would not bode well with her.
"I think Lina had gone to fetch her, she should be here any moment." Maria spoke up, sensing your discomfort.
"I require her now, I do not have much time." Aemond finally spoke, hands clipped behind his back, and eyes unwavering. "Take me to her."
You sighed and moved to stand, dusting your hands off on your thighs and giving the girls a lasting glare that had them avoiding eye contact.
"Your highness." You mumbled as you passed him and headed towards the hallway. You did not hear him follow you, but you felt his presence, and gaze, burning into your back. You were quick to make your way to Sylvi's room, knocking and announcing your visitor.
"Surely she is here, I do not remember her mentioning any errands." You turned at her knob, to find it locked, a sure sign that she was out at the moment.
You were alone with him much to your chagrin, and his pleasure, you were sure. It had almost seemed like a setup, if not for the impossibility that Sylvi would ever agree to it. You had to admit, it was all rather flattering, the feeling of his eyes trailing your body in desire, but you could not entertain him.
"She is not in, your grace. I can leave a message for you, or I can see to her whereabouts, if the matter is urgent." You turned around to him, but did not look him in the eye, not wanting him to see anything more in your gaze than there was.
He was silent, looking at the door as if expecting Sylvi to manifest at any moment. Your eyes began darting about the hallway, looking for an out so you could get away from him and go about your business, particularly somewhere with witnesses.
"Your highness." You murmured the words to remind him of where you were, standing in a hallway in complete silence with no task at hand, and no end in sight. He still did not respond, only not he stared at your face, his eyes soft, but unnerving all the same.
"If you'll excuse me." you moved to pass him, but he grabbed your arm and placed himself in front of the exit, blocking you from leaving. 
The action stirred something in you, though you weren't sure if it was fear or desire. Aemond was handsome, you had to admit, but knowing who he was and what desiring him would mean for you was enough to swallow and pull away from him.
"I require refreshment."
"I'll have wine brought to you, would you like a room?"
"I'll take it in the kitchen, thank you."
A chill ran down your back at the thought of him, gracing your kitchen once again with his daunting presence, looming over your home and your peace. You swallowed the lump in your throat and nodded, moving to pass him again, this time he allowed and followed you. When we passed the girls again, Maria watched with a hawk's eye, and sensing the tension, rose to follow us to the kitchen, the savior she is. You fetched the wine for him, and some bread and cheeses, dressing a small tray for him to enjoy and setting it at the table. 
He drank and pecked at the food, slowly savoring each bite, his eyes flickering to Maria every now and then, before returning in your direction. You could tell her presence bothered him, even if he did not say it. He could've ordered her out of the room, if he'd wished to. In truth, he could've ordered you to sleep with him if he'd wished to, but he didn't. Instead, he ate, and looked at the two of you, one with longing, and the other distaste.
"I was sad to hear about your nephew, Prince Aemond." Maria addressed him politely, likely attempting to lighten the tension in the room. She did not take on her same even, monotonous tone that she used with the girls. Instead, she purposefully lightened her voice and spoke with grace and propriety.
"Yes, as was I."
"They were there looking for me. I feel an immense guilt for it, knowing if they'd found me first, he would still be here."
The admission was surprising to the both of you. How did one respond to such a personal statement. Maria was better versed with loss, having mourned her mother and been separated from her siblings when her father sold her to Sylvi. But still, she did not respond, only looking at him with a pitying look before chewing her cheek and looking away. He looked sad, and that look did not suit him. You wanted to comfort him, to reach out and pet his snowy hair, but instead you refrained.
"I attended his funeral march. He was a beautiful boy, and he looked very sweet."
He reached out to grab my hand, and pressed a light kiss on the back of it, rendering me speechless.
"What will we have for dinner tonight?" Maria broke the silence, addressing only you.
"Likely bread and broth, we are low on meat with the war. I'm sure Sylvi will want to save it for working nights." You took your hand lightly from the prince to turn more fully towards Maria.
"Are you not well rationed for the war?" Aemond spoke up, if you could call it that. His voice was low, as seemed to be the standard for him.
"With the soldiers coming in, all the meat is sent to the castle, and what little we get is three times what it's worth. Those who can afford it are hoarding it away."
"I can have pigs sent from the castle."  He spoke with finality, as if there was no discussion about it.
"I'm sure Sylvi is managing it. She likely is out now, fetching more food for us." Maria answered for me, but he waited for me to answer, acting as if he hadn't heard Maria speak. "Times are hard us smallfolk."
"We are well, my prince. Sylvi takes care of us." You agreed, and turned away from him, busying yourself with small meaningless tasks that were obviously a ruse to get out of the conversation with him. He moved to speak, but was interrupted by one of the girls bursting into the kitchen
"Sylvi has returned, your highness. You wished to see her?"
"I'll find her myself, thank you." He stood to leave, and left us in silence.
Aemond did return on the morrow, with men in tow with meat and fresh ingredients. They loaded up the kitchen to your specifications, Aemond overseeing the entire thing, standing as close as you would allow and stealing glances to watch for your reaction.
"We've not had food so fresh for many moons, my prince, I cannot thank you enough." You curtseyed to him, imagining all the possible meals for the girls. A few girls lingered in the kitchen as well, clearly pleased with the food, but especially with the men who delivered it, who they ogled and catcalled openly. The men were obviously intrigued by the girls, many not having the chance to visit in a while. The tensions were clearly rising in the small kitchen, and it was quickly overwhelming your space.
"Please, put the flour bags on the floor, so I can scoop it out without lifting." You attempted to break the heat in the room, Aemond's eye shooting to you at the sound of your voice.
Aemond seemed to sense your anxiety, because he spoke up and dismissed the men, with confirmation that you could manage the rest. The men quickly left, and the girls followed in pursuit. 
"I truly cannot express my gratitude." You turned away from him to begin putting away the last few boxes of food.
"If the whores are well fed, they work better for the men. It keeps morale high." He explained, stepping with you around the kitchen. "And it made you happy, so I am happy to do it."
That rendered you silent, and you resigned to swallow and nod.
"I'm sure you know by now that I spoke to Sylvi about you." You winced at the prospect of the turn this would take, now that you were all alone with him and no Maria to mediate. "She said you do not..." He let the sentence die. "Are you a maiden?"
You shot around to look at him, surprised by his boldness. He was a prince, however, and the blood of the dragon. Boldness was his very being, so it should only have surprised you that it took so long for him to make his intentions more public. Turning back to the food, you gave a timid nod, knowing that he would not let the question go unanswered.
"And you are resigned to cook for the rest of your life? For whores?" You scoffed, turning back to your tasks and refusing to meet his eyes again.
"These girls are my family. Sylvi..." Your heart stuttered just at her name. The though of her knowing you were there, alone with the man who'd announced his desire to her so plainly. "Sylvi gave me a home when I needed one, she took me in when I was lost in a foreign place. I owe her my life, and she only asks that I earn my own way. I am lucky that I can provide food, and not what so many have to sacrifice."
"My family have forsaken me in many ways as well."
"Your family put you in a castle, on a dragon, feared by any man you come across. It is not the same, my prince." He was silent at that. "And my family did not forsake me, I left them."
"Why would you do that? Did they mistreat you?"
"Not particularly, no. I just didn't find happiness in the Riverlands, and I didn't want to spend my life there."
"You're from the Riverlands." He nodded, as if committing the information to memory. "Sylvi doesn't have to know." His unrelenting bargaining was quickly running sour with you.
"So that's what this is about? You've brought food to win my favor?" You turned around to find him much closer than you had anticipated, looming over you and trapping you against the table. You pressed your hands to the edge to brace yourself, and his eyes flickered to the motion before looking into your eyes.
"I do not like the thought of you unsatisfied. Hungry with no way to satiate your needs." The double meaning was not lost on you, and the words admittedly did something to your body that you did *not* expect.
"I have always managed."
"I can give you more. And I'll ask you for so little." He ducked his head down towards your face now, his voice lowering into a husky drawl that made your mouth fall open.
The desire was there, you could not deny. But there was too much hanging in the balance, too much at stake. Your home, your pride, the only semblance of family you'd ever had. And this was one of the few things you had left that was truly yours. You had your maidenhood, and you had control over who would have it. What good could it possible do to throw it all away just to fill the whims of some spoiled prince? No matter how handsome that prince may be.
"You ask for everything." You closed your eyes and turned your face away from him, unable to breath in his scent any longer. "And I cannot give you what you want at the risk of all I have-" His lips were on yours before you could turn away from him, and his hands were on your hips, pulling you to him.
You tried your best to pull away, whimpering into his mouth and pushing against him. Your hands found his chest and you pushed your upper body away, which only served to push your hips further into his, against the hardness he now sported and gladly rubbed against you. When he seemed satisfied with your kiss, he pulled away, moving to kiss at your jaw and neck.
"Stop." You were breathless and still pulling from him, but he was not hearing. "My prince, someone could hear!" He finally relented, ceasing his kisses but still holding you to him.
"I'm not here as your prince. Call me Aemond."
"I cannot, your highness. You must leave now, please." Your pleas went ignored. "You will ruin everything!"
"I will give you anything. Name it and it's yours, I swear." You sighed, shaking your head.
"I don't understand why you can't choose another. There are women here in excess. Exotic, talented beauties that will do anything you ask for."
"Have you not been listening to me? I am not some cunt-drunken fool, I want you." His declaration struck you dumb, and you jerked back at his admission.
This was somehow worse than if it'd just been some lust-driven obsession, the thought of him imagining a life with you or all people. You, the lover of a prince. Would you move to the castle? Become a mistress? A wife? Impossible, the crown would never allow it. Sylvi would have your head for it. If the thought of you fucking him had her so bristled, the thought of him loving you would raise her hackles. It was what finally gave you the strength to squeeze past him, still awestruck by what he'd just said, and in desperate need of distance.
"And what would that be like? I'd be a mistress to you? Would we have little half blood babies, with half a claim to the iron throne, and I spend my life worrying for their safety?"
"I would bring you to the Keep, and plead my case to my brother. I am his blood, he would not deny me a wife of my choosing." You scoff in disbelief and put your hand over your chest, sitting against the table again for support.
"You've lost your mind." You shook your head.
"Let me ask my brother. If he says yes, will you come with me?" His voice was desperate and low. A certain vulnerability hid in his eye, and he pressed himself to you once more, though this time in search of comfort instead of relief.
In truth, it would be a better life then you could ever have here. You would dine on food you did not prepare, and drink wine from foreign countries and wear dresses of the finest material, instead of the itchy rags you tolerated now. And more importantly, Aemond seamed sure in his love for you. It was quick, to be sure, and without much to sustain, but you could always relish in the idea of a man's devotions. Especially someone as powerful as Aemond. Not all marriages were born of love. Most were convenient, and you could always grow to love, if you both nurtured the relationship and allowed it to grow.
But wasn't that the very thing you'd ran away from? To dishonor your family as you'd done, and then turn around and do the very thing they'd asked of you? How could you justify it? Marrying a prince would certainly put you back on their radar. If they found you again, what could you say for yourself? That it was different, because it wasn't their decision? It would break their heart, and likely yours as well.
"It would not matter, I'm afraid. I cannot marry you for my own reasons, and there's simply nothing that can change the circumstances." Distancing yourself from him was hard, and seeing the downtrodden look quickly pass his face was harder.
He collected himself, cleared his throat and returned to the same look he'd first given you. Looking down his nose, hands clasped behind his back, eye staring through you.
"You are a foolish girl." His statement shot a look of surprise to your face. "You do not know what is best for you. You ran from the Riverlands at the idea of a proposal that would have given you stability and a title, because you were too stubborn to accept a marriage you did not choose, and you do the same now."
"How dare you? You know nothing of my situation-"
"I know well enough about you to know that you are incapable of making beneficial decisions. I've allowed your adventures and you've lived your life, it is time for you to grow up and be my wife as you were meant to be."
The silence was disastrous. You could only look at him with wide eyes, though you could not see him. You were back to that night, the last time you'd seen your family. Listening from outside their rooms as they spoke so gleefully about your proposal, and how they could not accept it fast enough. How honored they were to be considered, and how well suited you were for this man.
Could it have been Aemond's proposal? Surely you would've known. Your mother would not have waited to share this news with you. A prince asking for your hand? It would've been a triumphant win for your family. You were no great prize, the daughter of a decently wealthy house in Saltpans. A prince would raise your station farther than you could every dream, not that it was ever something you worried about. More importantly, though, Aemond was not some old Lord wanting to steal a girl away from her joys. Aemond could have made you...happy. Or at least, content.
"You sent the proposal? All those years ago?" You questioned him, but the answer seemed plain to you.
"My father sent it. I was unaware of the plans until the message returned with news of your disappearance. A girl who would spurn the chance to marry a prince, it was unspeakable. Humiliating. But I could not fault you. You were confused, and scared. You did not know me, so I sought you out. Then to find you here, pretending you do not know me. I gave you another chance, why do you not want me?"
"I didn't...I didn't know." You felt as if you could not speak, your whole life had been laid out based off this very important event. To know you'd gotten it wrong was earth shattering.
"What didn't you know?"
The room melted in the corner of your eyes, distorting your view. You held your stomach to quell the nausea riding, and went to step away from Aemond, only to trip and fall down, sitting on your calves.
Aemond knelt immediately to hold you up, calling to someone for aid. Black patched clouded your vision, but you squeezed your eyes, hoping to eradicate them.
"What's happened?" Sylvi's urgent voice snapped you back to consciousness, at least enough to push away from Aemond. "Aemond, what have you done to the poor girl?"
"I am okay, I just...want to lie down. I need to leave here, I need my rooms."
"Some water for the poor girl." Sylvi ordered someone, and you were helped up and ushered away to your room, where the girls doted on you, whilst questioning what caused such an episode.
@mamawiggers1980 @dahlias-and-marigolds @staarflowerr
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the-monstermash · 1 month
I'm planning to post a part 2 to my Aemond fic today, just have some last minute editing to do. Thanks everyone SO much for the notes and reblogs. I'll try my best to add everyone to the tag list that requested, but if I miss you just send me a message!
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the-monstermash · 1 month
Aemond Targaryen x Reader
Synopsis: After running away from an unwanted proposal, you find yourself working in a brothel as a cook. When a certain guest takes an odd liking to you, secrets are revealed and betrothals unbroken
Warnings: Angst, Brothels, Mature, 18+, Eventual Smut, Explicit Language
Word Count: 2,187
> **A/N:** AHHHHHH this is my first character fic, and only the second one I've ever been brave enough to post! I also had to post this on mobile because my browser was being wild so sorry for any formatting issues!
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The sound of senseless fucking had never seemed to bother you. Easy to filter out, truthfully, and not as traveling as one would think it to be. No, there are many things worse, like for instance the smell. One never takes into account the smell of sex, much less the smell of alcohol fueled, desperate, old haggard men driving the last of their life-force into some disinterested cunny eager to make a coin. Eager to spend a coin, as well.
That's where you came in. Whores work up quite an appetite, one you are all too happy to satisfy, no pun intended. You'd been with Sylvi for years, after you'd run from your family in the dead of night, afraid of the life they'd planned for you.
"Everybody must eat," Sylvi sighed the night she met you, disinterested. "If you will not fuck, you will feed. We earn our keep around these parts, you'll do well to learn quickly."
That was the start of a very standoffish, albeit maternal, relationship. Sylvi had never truly cared for your company, but she cared for you, and that was more than many could say, and more than you could say of any kin. She had taken you in, given you shelter among her girls, and had asked very little of you, knowing your past. She'd seen you into young womanhood, and taught you all you wished to know about life. She was not coddling, nor cruel. She was just what you needed, and it seemed many shared the sentiment.
You were in a daydream as you went about your nightly tasks. The brothel would be closing in a few hours, the girls would need food, and you had really set into it, working quick and messily, spinning and turning about in an attempt to do too many things at once.
Just as you'd turned from the broth and made way to the oven, a wall had manifested itself and blocked your passage. No, not really a wall. Moreso a tree, in it's slender and sharp way. The branches had reached out to hold you, wrapping around your waist and breaking you from your reverie. Suddenly before you was a bare chest, pale in color and smooth like silk. He was taught with muscle, cut like marble. The kind of statue kings pay fortunes for, just to place in their hallway and walk past every morning.
"Sir, no one is meant in the kitchens." You had spoken before you'd had the chance to understand what you were saying, turning from him and back towards your oven to retrieve the loaves. "You'll need to return back to the brothel, Sylvi will not have men in her kitchen."
"'Twas Sylvi that sent me. I've come for wine." The voice was quiet, but in a way that made the ears strain to hear him, instead of drown him out.
Wine? Why would he not stop at the many*tables he'd have to pass to get here?You'd thought. This man must have ill intentions.
Slowly grabbing your bread knife, you turned your head to the side to face the intruder.
Prince Aemond Targaryen.
"My Prince! " The sound of metal rang through the room as you dropped the blade unto the table to turn fully towards him. "My sincerest apologies, my prince! Please forgive me, I had no idea!" You did your best curtsy, and prayed to the Seven that he wouldn't find me impertinent, and would be in a forgiving mood. What you'd just done could be viewed as treason, an attempt on the prince's life.
In the state he was in, which you had noticed, you surmised he just might be in a forgiving mood. He was nude from head to toe, his brow beaded from heat and, hopefully, exertion. The hook of his nose looked sharper as his purple eye followed it to look down at you. He was beautiful, almost overly so. It could only have been Prince Aemond, the eye patch gave him away, even though you'd never seen him before, you'd be a fool not to know the stories of the one-eyed prince. And you'd known him to be a rather fond client of Sylvi's, as she boasted often to the other girls at dinner.
His presence there in your safe haven was unnerving, and once again the sounds of debauchery were drowned out, but now it was as if he'd sucked the noise from the room. He was too tall for the room, it was not made for him. What would a kitchen made for a God even look like? The very notion to build such a thing seemed almost blasphemous to you. He was looking at you like you didn't even exist, almost through you. His stare was too deep for that of a stranger, but perhaps he had to look so intensely because his lack of an eye.
He finally cleared his throat, as if it would've pained him to repeat himself.
"The wine, yes. We are a humble establishment, so you will have to be forgiving with our selection. I'll have our best sent to you at once!" And with that, he let out a low hum and left you to your duties.
You'd quickly managed a carafe and two goblets, and sent it through with a boy, with strict instructions to deliver it to the prince. You'd have delivered it yourself, but as you did not know where he was, and did not have the time searching the brothel for him, you'd relented to send it through a lord's boy, and hope he was competent enough to manage it.
As the sounds died out from the front of the house, you'd began shuffling out with bowls of broth and loaves for the girl. They took it gratefully, each dropping two coins in your hands and sitting to eat, sharing small talk and whatever gossip they had learned from their clients.
"Ser Lannister had quite a bit to share tonight. He speaks of war. Do you know what war means?" Lauryn spoke excitedly.
"Rapers." Another girl, Cate called from farther away, monotone. "Foreign men coming into the city in siege, taking over the villages."
"It means more clients, Cate." Sylvi's voice quickly silenced the small talk, as she walked to the table and sat, ready to be served her complimentary meal. Her place at the table, as always, was already set, and she reached for her wine immediately. "War means the king calls for more men. They leave their wives, and with no one to warm their bed, they come to us."
"Precisely." Lauryn agreed readily. "If war comes, I welcome it. I don't give a shit who sits the throne, as long as the crown prospers enough to put gold in my pocket." She lifted her goblet, a smirk on her face at her own clever musing.
"I'll drink to that." Another girl called from the back, which caused an rupture of quiet laughter through the room.
As you passed to fill an empty cup, Sylvi grabbed you arm, and pulled you in close enough to whisper.
"I require a moment with you." At your confirming nod, she raised from her seat and left to her room. You were quick to follow, leaving the carafe with the girls, who took it readily and saluted your departure.
Once in her lavish rooms, Sylvi sat at her vanity and peered at you through the mirror, an air of drama filled the room and caused you to rock on your toes in an attempt to soothe yourself.
"I see you've met the Prince."
Oh. You'd thought surely this would be a serious conversation, but as you had spoken so few words to the man, you could not see how possibly she could have taken issue with your conversation. Unless the prince had told her about your grabbing the knife, in which you were in deep shit.
"Yes, ma'am." You sat in an armchair and folded your hands in your lap. "He came to ask for wine, and I had some sent with a squire, I believe."
"He seemed to take a liking to you." She brushed off your words just as she now did her hair, her lips pressed into a tight line that betrayed her nonchalant tone. "He asked for you, the next time he graced us with his patronage."
Your throat tightened and your stomach lurched. This can't be. Your conversations were short, and you had nearly insulted him, and then only half obeyed his order by sending someone in your stead with the wine. Perhaps he hoped for a moment alone so he could punish you for your insolence. Perhaps he was just playing at a joke, and Sylvi had taken it for more than he had meant it. Though he did not seem to you a joking type, and Sylvi seemed sure in her words.
Would she sell you to the prince? It hardly seemed as though you would be in a position to refuse, should he insist on a private meeting with you. But perhaps Sylvi had a sway with the prince that others did not.
"I...don't understand, ma'am. I do not-"
"Of course, I told him you were not that type of girl." She reassured. "He listens to me, you know. I'm one of the only he bears his heart to." Her voice took on a dreamier tone. "I'm the only woman he's known."
"I had no idea." I spoke distantly, still reeling at the idea of being asked for personally, and by a man of such high standing.
"What did you say to him? When he came to the kitchens. I sent him for wine, and he comes back without wine, and with a sudden interest in you" She turns around now, her eyes appraising and scrutinizing.
"I did not say anything, ma'am. I had mistaken him for a mere lord at first, I told him to leave. And then he ordered the wine, and I told him it would be done! I promise, there was nothing untoward, and no advances."
You spoke at a mile a minute to plead your case. It was clear this woman had an attachment to the prince, and you would not give the impression that you were there to threaten it. Sylvi was a kind woman, but a burn so scalding might just scorch her heart enough to cast you out.
"I swear it to you, ma'am. I've no interest in the prince, and he none in me. If anything, he only wishes to punish me privately for the way I behaved before I knew he was the prince." She nodded at your words.
"Nonetheless, I let him know you were not available. He did not take the refusal well, but such is his way. Dragons are not used to the word 'no'." She readjusted and smiled at you. "It's nothing to worry at, my dear. Just go about your duties, and do not speak to the prince again. He'll forget you in time." You nodded and stood to leave.
"Thank you. You've done such a kindness for me, and I owe you my life. I would never make such a slight against you, please know that." Her dismissing nod and small tired smile was enough for you to turn and take your leave.
The women had filled their bellies of wine and broth, and some began to make way to their beds, others staying around to gossip. You approached the lingering girls, grabbing a loaf from the table and sitting on a chair to eat.
"So, will you?" Lauryn, who still remained, asked you, as if the incomplete question was all you needed to know. When you only responded with a questioning look, she rolled her eyes and scoffed. "Will you fuck him? Everyone here heard the prince and Sylvi's clash. He wanted you. He begged for you!" The other girls began giggling and wiggling their eyebrows at you. "It drove her mad! He doesn't want her anymore."
"Not wanting Sylvi is one thing, but wanting you is another." Another girl, Maria, a Dornish delicacy, played with her hair as she spoke with a natural coolness. "If you don't want to, of course you shouldn't, but you should consider it. A prince would pay handsomely, perhaps even enough for you to move on."
"I would not do that to Sylvi, I would not do it at all. I wouldn't even know how, I'm not versed in the...fetishes of men."
"She told him such, but he would not hear it. He asked for an exception to be made, perhaps a private arrangement. If anything, it seemed to appeal to him more, knowing you were still untouched." Lauryn jumped back in, eager to return back to her teasing.
"I would only lay with a man I chose. I did not have the option before I left home, but I do now, and I will choose myself who I bed." And with that, you stood to leave, retiring to your room for the night.
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the-monstermash · 1 month
Credit to the creator for the targaryen-dynasty dividers!
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Please like or reblog if you use.
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the-monstermash · 6 months
hot artists don't gatekeep
I've been resource gathering for YEARS so now I am going to share my dragons hoard
Floorplanner. Design and furnish a house for you to use for having a consistent background in your comic or anything! Free, you need an account, easy to use, and you can save multiple houses.
Comparing Heights. Input the heights of characters to see what the different is between them. Great for keeping consistency. Free.
Magma. Draw online with friends in real time. Great for practice or hanging out. Free, paid plan available, account preferred.
Smithsonian Open Access. Loads of free images. Free.
SketchDaily. Lots of pose references, massive library, is set on a timer so you can practice quick figure drawing. Free.
SculptGL. A sculpting tool which I am yet to master, but you should be able to make whatever 3d object you like with it. free.
Pexels. Free stock images. And the search engine is actually pretty good at pulling up what you want.
Figurosity. Great pose references, diverse body types, lots of "how to draw" videos directly on the site, the models are 3d and you can rotate the angle, but you can't make custom poses or edit body proportions. Free, account option, paid plans available.
Line of Action. More drawing references, this one also has a focus on expressions, hands/feet, animals, landscapes. Free.
Animal Photo. You pose a 3d skull model and select an animal species, and they give you a bunch of photo references for that animal at that angle. Super handy. Free.
Height Weight Chart. You ever see an OC listed as having a certain weight but then they look Wildly different than the number suggests? Well here's a site to avoid that! It shows real people at different weights and heights to give you a better idea of what these abstract numbers all look like. Free to use.
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the-monstermash · 8 months
Jaxson the Orc
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I know the holidays are past now, but hey, I think this will be a really nice late gift to unwrap. Two coworkers who know next to nothing about one another aside from one is sunshine and the other is grumpy receive one another for a gift exchange. You know how this goes. Female Reader x Male Monster
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Damn! That was all that came to mind when you pulled for Secret Santa. Everyone seemed quite pleased with their selections, even giggling and teasing others about who possibly they got. The office was a small one and there really weren’t that many people there when you got down to it. The small photography studio had grown over the past year, but everyone was friendly with one another.
    That was, except for Jaxson. Which was the name on the slip of paper you pulled.
    Jaxson was a videographer and the head editor on the team. His work was literal perfection, but that came at a price. He was often holed up in the editor suite, barely making eye contact with anyone. And when he did, well, let’s just say Jaxson didn’t look like the friendly lot. Adding to his large size, broad shoulders, and gruff expressions, the orc didn’t make friends around the office exactly. The editing team sang his praises, but outside them, no one really knew him.
    “Shit,” you mumbled at your desk. You stared down the small slip of paper with a furrowed brow. What do you get for the orc who won’t let anyone know him? “Maybe an Oscar the grouch doll,” you grumbled to yourself.
    “Who’d you get?”
    The sudden question came from your cubicle neighbor who popped her head over the wall. She was so sudden, so abrupt, you had to hold yourself up to keep from toppling over.
    “Lita!” You snapped.
    Her eyes lit up. How she, a  tiny goblin, managed to climb the cubicle walls every time amazed you. “So, who did you pull?”
    “Aren’t we supposed to keep it all a secret?”
    Lita sat atop the wall. “I got Rosemary.”
    You glared up at her and then sighed. Well, maybe having more hands on deck would help you figure Jaxson out. “I got Jaxson.”
    Her ears raised up and she gasped. “You got the Editing Demon?” She slid down off the wall and landed gracefully inside your cubicle. “What are you going to do?”
    “I literally do not know,” you pouted. “Do you have any ideas?”
    “Why not get him something off the goofy gift list?” She asked.
    “That’s not how I operate. I want it to be special. Personal! I don’t want to just chuck something at him. That’s so cold, and this is the holidays.”
    “You take these things way too seriously,” Lita chuckled.
    “How did you enjoy that stuffed animal of your childhood cat?” You tossed at her.
    Her look shifted to apologetic.  “I mean, you can always talk to the video team. I’m sure they know something about Jaxson.”
    “I don’t know why that makes me so nervous though.” You sat up more in your seat and tucked the slip of paper under your desk calendar. “I feel like getting to know Jaxson is like meeting a unicorn for the first time. It’s either going to hate you or-”
    “Excuse me,” another sudden intrusion popped up behind you. “I’m sorry to bother you, but Mr. Cagan wants to speak with you.”
    Yours and Lita’s eyes both widened. “Me?” You asked.
    “That’s right.”
    “What the-” Lita whispered under your breath as you got up.
    It was a strange nervous walk that took you to Jaxson Cagan’s editing chambers. The editing and videographer room wasn’t much different than your photography section in the front. There were just more computers, more noise, and there were just tables lined up as desks rather than a bunch of cubicles.
    In the back you saw him, glaring over his laptop. Jaxson's darker green complexion always made him seem like he was in shadows, adding to his mysterious ways. You walked as quietly as possible back towards him, noticing the elf on the shelf poised above his head, hanging on a coat hook.
    “You wanted to see me?” You asked.
    Jaxson barely glanced up from his computer. In the reflection on his glasses, you could almost make out what he was working on. But then he turned his laptop around. “I need some advice on a job. I was told you might be the best to help me.”
    You saw on the page was a website advertising a lolita convention and tea party. It was not what you expected.
    “What do you need help with?” You cautiously took a seat.
    “You’re…feminine, right?” Jaxson seemed hung up on his own words.
    Your eyes shifted, unsure of what was happening. “I mean…I consider myself a woman if that’s what you’re asking.”
    Jaxson huffed. “I mean you like…girlie things more than most.” He looked irritated, but maybe it was because he was trying not to sound offensive.
    “Oh, well, I suppose.” You smoothed your hand down your skirt that had Strawberry shortcake all over it. “So, you need help with the Lolita event.”
    He grunted and nodded. “They want it…cute. The website, the videos, the photography. The convention is in April and I’m not sure what I can do for them when I have to start taking promotional footage.”
    You’ve never worked with Jaxson before. He usually worked on his own or with a regular collaborator. “So you need my help making the shots girlie.”
    “Pretty. Fancy. Not uhm-” He waved his hand up and down himself. He was wearing a long-sleeved, black compression shirt with a red checkered flannel over top. “Well, if I wasn’t doing this as a favor for a friend, I wouldn’t usually take on this job. I’d offer it to Rosemary.”
    I smiled. “I’ll help as best I can. Email me the itinerary and whatever else you have about this job and I’ll start putting together some ideas and references for locations.”
    “Locations?” he grumbled. “We can’t do the photoshoot in the studio?” He sounded irked by this idea.
    “Well, considering the specialty here, I would assume those participating in the lolita event will want specialized settings and the like. It’s a fashion trend after all.”
    He grimaced. “Fashion?”
    “You’ve never heard of Lolita?” You asked.
    He shook his head. “I thought it had something to do with the book.”
    You were flabbergasted. “You think these people are celebrating that book? No! Lolita is about fashion and empowerment through it. It’s not about a book about a pedophile.”
    Jaxson’s eyes widened and he looked taken aback.
    “Have you even read the book?” You asked a little calmer, shyer.
    “Only know about it through like…word of mouth.” He leaned forward. “Is it really about that?”
    You nodded. “Afraid so. It’s supposed to be a commentary on such people. But people like it make it about Olita herself.” You laughed trying to brush it off. “The book and fashion movement are two different things.”
    “So you like books?” Jaxson asked.
    That seemed like such an odd question to ask. “I mean, sure. I often take trips to the bookstore to linger around and enjoy life.”
    Jaxson nodded, turning his computer back around. “So, location shooting.” he typed something into his computer.
    “Yes! I know a couple of restaurants and venues that allow us to use their premises for photoshoots. I have personal contacts with some. There’s a new tea house downtown that would love the publicity. Have you been to Red Velvet confections?”
    “Isn’t that a vampire place?” Jaxson grumbled.
    “Sure, but they offer so many good treats and baked goods for everyone. Oh! And down the road from it is the Full Moon Cat’s used bookstore! It would also be a good place for a photo shoot.”
    “Books and desserts?” Jaxson mumbled under his breath. “So, you go to both those places a lot?”
    “Uh…yeah. I do. I like supporting local businesses. I’ve built up a repertoire with most. I did the photography for Red Velvet’s website and menu.”
    He was typing slowly at his computer again.
    Maybe this was a chance to peek behind the curtain and see the wizard behind the scary illusion. “What about you? Do you like books or any sort of sweets?”
    Jaxson’s lips pressed together in a firm line. “Not really a book person. I like the radio more than reading.”
    Shit, you thought. You can’t gift a radio.
    “And I have to watch out for my blood sugar these days.” He scratched at his chin. “So I’ve broken my sweet habit.”
    What the fuck, you continued to curse inside your head.
    “I see.” You said to be polite.
    Jaxson nodded. “I’ll send you everything I have. Whatever you can do to help on this I would greatly appreciate.”
    You decided to act chipper about this. “Thank you for including me! With the holidays and everything I could use the extra income.” You stood up from your seat. “Gift-giving is super important in my family.”
    There was a look on his face you couldn’t read. Was it confusion? Fear? “Really?”
    “Yeah, it’s a big event! We all try to be really personal and sentimental with our gifts. It’s pretty amazing.”
    Was he growing pale? You couldn’t tell.
    He looked down at his laptop, adjusting his glasses so they became filled with the light on the screen. “Interesting, suppose that’s better than knick-knacks and trinkets.”
    “Well, I'll start getting to work on that! Thanks again for including me. I’m actually pretty flattered.” You walked away, miffed you barely learned anything about him, but excited you had more opportunities to try.
    A few days later, after having a rather sour conversation with a Bridezilla over the phone, you decided to treat yourself to a run to the bookstore and then the bakery. They were close to work and were often a regular trip for you.
    As you walked into the bookstore you were shocked by the wall of a back before you. You were stunned even further when you saw it was Jaxson. He turned around, shocked to see you as well.
    Lucien came out from around the corner with some books in hand. “I have the list compiled here if you-” he saw you and stopped in his tracks. “Well hello there. Come back for that copy of ‘Lady Silver’ after all?” he gave a smirking look to Jaxson.
    Jaxson stood stiff. “I was coming to scope out the place. Since you like it so much.”
    “That’s good,” you said, peeling away your scarf and matching hat. “What do you think of it?”
    “It has potential.” He stepped aside just enough that you saw a rather worn copy of Lolita on the counter. He saw you staring and he picked it up. “I uh, well, I wanted to check this out for myself. See what’s going on first hand.”
    “I told him it’s uncomfortable for some,” Lucien said with a knowing smile.
    “Well, I’ve apparently been fed a lot of wrong info about it.” He sniffed then looked you over. “Why are you here?”
    “I told you, she’s one of my regulars,” Lucien replied.
    Jaxson turned back to him.
    “Oh, because of the photoshoot? Yeah, I come here a lot. I like to see the cats and the rows of books. It’s homey. Then I’ll go and get something at the bakery.” You said.
    “You should go with her.” Even to you, it sounded like Lucien was playing with fire.
    This would be a good chance to get to know Jaxson more too. “If you don’t mind me lingering around here for a while!” You said brightly. “I had a bad call today and just wanted to melt that off me before I went home.”
    Jaxson pouted. “I suppose. Couldn’t hurt.”
    “Great! I’m gonna look around for a bit, but Lucien has a sitting area if you want to start reading.” You waved as you started walking, but to your surprise, he was following.
    You stared in the children’s section, which seemed to really surprise him. “I’m looking for a certain book for my sister for Christmas,” you said.
    “Oh,” that seemed to be a relief. “What is it?”
    “How the Grinch Stole Christmas,” you replied. “It was our favorite as kids.” You scanned the shelf for it. “But this time of year it’s hard to find.”
    “Why not order?”
    “The new editions aren’t as cool,” you said. “Besides, having one that looks like the one we wore out is kind of nice.” You picked out another Seuss book. “This will do in case I can’t find it in time.” You wandered off again, heading to the fantasy section.
    “Do you like fantasy?” He asked, picking up a book.
    “Sure, who doesn’t?” You scanned a few new books on the shelf. “I loved things like The Last Unicorn, Lord of the Rings, and Howl’s Moving Castle growing up. Used to tap my shoes together and hope to be taken to Narnia or Oz or something.”
    “Hm,” Jaxson set a book down. “I watched Wizard of Oz as a kid.”
    There was something! You thought excitedly.
    “I liked the lion.”
    Bingo! You got something. “Really? The Cowardly Lion was your favorite?”
    He shrugged. “I guess. I had a stuffed lion since I was a baby, so I pretended like it was my lion.” Jaxson glanced at you, an almost pensive look on his face. “Don’t go around telling people that.”
    “Who would believe me?” You said with a smirk.
    He scoffed. “I don’t come across as the soft and cuddly type, do I?”
    You picked up a book to buy. “Our secret. Promise.” You waved him along. “Now we’re off to the romance section.”
    “Fine.” He set a book aside. “Hey, question, is it true they call me the Editing Demon?”
    You froze in place, giving him a cautious look.
    He glared. “It’s true isn’t it.”
    “It’s not because of anything bad! It’s because you’re so unearthly good.” You didn’t want him thinking the photography section was spreading horror stories about him.
    “Nah I get it,” he growled. “I mean, I’m not soft and cuddly after all. I’m barely approachable. My sister said I had RBF.”
    Ah ha! So he had family out there. “RBF? Ruth Bader face?”
    Jaxson laughed, it was the first time you’d ever heard him laugh. “No! Resting bitch face.”
    “Oh!” You gasped. “Oh,” you murmured apologetically. You continued your short stroll to the romance section.
    “Yeah, I spent a lot of time with Grandpa, so my sister and mom teased me I caught his grump.”
    That was shockingly cute. “Aww.”
    He scoffed. “Maybe I did pick up a habit or two from him.”
    This is great! You thought.
    After the bookstore, you took him to the bakery. You got yourself some cake and a hot cocoa. Meanwhile, Jaxson got black coffee and a croissant. You were both silent at first, sitting there enjoying your treats while you stared outside.
    Cowardly lion, loves his grandpa, you told yourself, hoping that info wouldn’t slide out of your mind.
    “These places should work,” Jaxson said. “If we can squeeze in a shoot after the holidays, we might get snow too.”
    “That would be great,” you said with a smile.
    “Won’t be so bad,” he murmured and took a drink.
    You found you were both walking the same way after leaving, so you both kept pace with one another. Quiet yet again.
    “It’s nice with all the lights out,” you offered as an icebreaker. “The painted windows. The twinkle.”
    “Yeah,” he mumbled.
    “Did you have big Christmases growing up?”
    He sighed. “Kind of. My dad was old fashioned so we tended to have Beast Feast rather than the usual Christmas.”
    You’d heard of Beast Feast, but you didn't know much about it. “I’ve never had one before,” you chuckled.
    “They’re pretty. Think Thanksgiving but on steroids.” He glanced up at the sky. “We’d just eat and lounge all day. Chatting, napping, sitting around the fire.” He breathed out slowly. “Well, I live here.” he motioned to the street where small apartments were lined.
    “Oh, sure. Thanks for joining me,” you said with a smile.
    He nodded. “We should scope them out again, discuss one one-on-one in person what to do. You know, there and stuff.”
    Why did that sound so exciting?
    You decided to wait before you ordered anything concrete for Jaxson’s Secret Santa gift. You wanted to wait a few more times before you pulled the trigger, although an idea was already blooming.
    In the next two weeks, the two of you met up more frequently to discuss the photoshoot and several ideas for the website. You both enjoyed the bakery, often meeting up there for breakfast, even after work.
    “You know,” he said one evening while you were walking away with hot chocolates in hand, “we’ve been spending a lot of time together.”
    “Yeah.” You were pretty happy holding that hot chocolate. It was covered in whipped cream and pretty holiday-colored sprinkles.
    “Feels like we’ve gotten to know each other pretty well.” he sounded a little unsure, not exactly lacking confidence, maybe he was more uncertain of you.
    “I think so too.” You smiled up brightly at him.
    Jaxson cleared his throat. “So I uh-” Now he was lacking confidence. He stopped just before the street leading to his apartments. “Why don’t I walk you home?”
    Your breath came out in a huge cloud. Your heart began picking up speed like a roller coaster going up the tracks to the drop-off. “Are you sure? It’s pretty far and it’s really cold out.” You motioned to his street.
    “You can come to my place if you’d like so you can finish your hot chocolate. I just thought the walk might be nice. With you, I mean.”
    The roller coaster of your heart was at the tipping point.
    “It’s not too far from work,” you murmured shyly. “Just beyond the park.”
    Jaxson nodded his head decisively and tightened his scarf more around his neck. “Okay, let's go. If you don't mind, that is.”
    You shook your head. “Not at all.” The roller coaster was tipping, but it wasn’t letting go yet. You walked beside him, both of you now struck silent. Snow began to fall, the flurries fluttered freely about you and you smiled.
    “Almost perfect, huh?” Jaxson broke the silence.
    “Almost, yeah.” You peeked up at him, your smile hidden behind your scarf. “My place might be a little messy,” you replied.
    “I don’t care,” he chuckled. “I’m pretty sparse with my things. I was afraid you’d think I was a weirdo.”
    “How?” You laughed.
    “I don’t decorate,” you grumbled. “I’m not, gifted like that. At least, not with my own things. I have furniture sure, but I’ve been told I don’t do those personal touches that make a house inviting.”
    “I see,” you smirked. “Well, I’ve been told I’mw word for the decorating I do as well. So maybe we’re even there.”
    You caught a smile on his handsome face, and you were satisfied.
    By the time you reached your place, you were freezing. You shuffled in, heading towards a heater and turning it all the way up.
    “Cold?” Jaxson asked, shedding his coat.
    “Very.” Your eyes focused on the flex of his arms as he took the coat off. You then spied the strain of his shirt, the buttons pulled, opening around his belly. His belly was probably very warm, you thought. That thought made the roller coaster tip over.
    You gulped. “Uhm, since the hot chocolate is gone, I can put on some coffee? Maybe some tea!”
    “Tea sounds good.” Jaxson was rubbing down his glasses which had fogged over from coming out of the cold.
    “Okay, I’ll get the kettle on. I have lots of different flavors and some fun stuff so uh-” You waddled into the kitchen, afraid to say much else. You were very aware of your movements now. Why was that? He invited me to only walk you home, right?
    “I knew your place would be cute,” Jaxson murmured as he stood in the doorway to the kitchen. “All pink appliances. Pretty curtains.”
    You smiled shyly. “Well, I always vowed to have a home that made me happy.” You turned away from the kettle on the stove. “Anything else I can do?”
    Jaxson stepped into the kitchen, coming close to you. That roller coaster of a heart was going around loop de loops, crossing upside down, speeding faster, faster, faster! He dipped down, kissing you, touching your cold cheek with remarkably warm hands.
    There wasn’t much time to think. The kiss swept you off your feet, off the ground. You kissed him back, touching his chest to feel the vibrations of his own roller coaster.
    His hand was on your lower back, and your fingers touched between the straining buttons. A small breath was captured between the two of you. You both looked at one another and the fate of that night was written in an instant.
    It was only when Jaxson was taking off your underwear you suddenly remembered where you were. You looked around your room, the soft glow of the twinkle lights hanging over your bed cast everything in a softer, more romantic light. Jaxson had your panties in his strong fist, and his tongue glided along the side of his tusk.
    “Uhm-” You instantly regretted speaking.
    “Everything alright?” Jaxson murmured.
    You nodded. “I’m just…a little in shock I guess,” you laughed. “I mean, I didn’t expect this when I first started talking to you.”
    Jaxson was crawling closer, leaning down. His long hair splayed out around his face, adding to the whole romantic vibe.
    “I was excited to get to know you! I swear I just-” His tongue was there! It was on you! There! “Oh!” You whimpered out before biting your lip and closing your eyes. “Oh my!”
    Jaxson was licking, suckling. Soft, wet sounds came up from between your thighs as he gladly tasted you. His tongue was warm and firm, pressing against you, inside you. His lips were a soft, little vacuum.
    “Oh wow-” your voice fluttered. You reached down, first petting his hair. It was so soft! Then you held a fistful of it. You were close, another typing point.
    Then Jaxson rose, a dark look on his face. “Not yet,” he said with a serious tone. “I want you cumming on my cock like a good girl.”
    Fucking hell! Your roller coaster of a heart shot through your chest in a tragic accident. When did he talk like that?
    He pulled you closer to him, laying his throbbing cock upon your belly. “This deep,” he growled.
    What could you say? What could you do? If he was going to continue talking like that you didn’t need to say anything.
    His dark eyes fell upon you. “Are you gonna be a good girl for me and take my cock?”
    You were dizzy. “Yeah-” you whimpered.
    “I can’t hear you.”
    “Yes!” You blurted out.
    Jaxson smirked. “Good.” His tip pressed at you. Gently he slid inside. The way his cock moved inside, he didn’t need to talk really. His cock must have been sculpted by the most talented of angels.
    “Very good,” Jaxson growled. “Fuck. You’re taking my cock so well.”
    He was going to kill you if he kept up that dirty talk.
    “You’re so fucking wet. Did I make you feel good?”
    You nodded.
    “Do you want me to make you cum?”
    You nodded more furiously.
    Jaxson’s wicked little smirk turned into a villainous grin. “I will then. Good girls deserve to cum on big orc cocks.”
    How dare he? But you didn’t have time to linger on how hot it was because he started moving, pumping his hips in such a way he found the sweet spot instantly. You’d never slept with someone who actually knew what the fuck they were doing. You weren’t ready. You lost your breath, maybe even consciousness for a second.
    “Fuck, your body makes me go crazy,” he snarled. “I’ve wanted to eat you up since I saw you. Soft…beautiful-” He growled between his teeth.
    He could have you anytime, anywhere, you’d just have to wait and try to gather to courage to say that later when you weren’t being fucked stupid.
    “Cum on my dick,” he commanded. “Cum for me like a good girl.”
    How did he control that? How did your body respond to his tone so instantly? Then again, he seemed very well-trained in how to treat good girls. You came for him, on him, harder than even you had on your own. The grin on his face grew then morphed into a dark, hungered expression. He was still going, still thrusting as deeply into you as he said.
    “Cum in me-” the words slipped so easily from your lips. “Please. Cum in me!”
    There was a look on his face, not pained, not dark, but it was soft and overwhelmed. He snarled, going harder still until there was a warmth, a rush. Inside his cock throbbed. He threw his head back, his long hair cascading off his shoulders. He shuddered, thrusting in the shallow.
    All Jaxson did was breathe for a moment. He looked down at you, his hair curtains round his glorious face. He leaned down, kissing you softly as overflow swept over your body. You touched him, taking in the shape and hardness of his body.
    “Wow,” you whispered.
    He nodded, agreeing with a breathless sigh.
    Later, you were both in the kitchen sitting in your underwear as you enjoyed tea and post-coital snacks. You were both quiet, but smiling like idiots.
    “I have to confess, I didn’t intend that when I first offered to walk you home.” Jaxson chuckled.
    “Oh? What did you intend to do then?” You smirked over your tea cup.
    You breathed out through his nose. “Well, a kiss really. And to scope you out.”
    “Scope me out?” You asked with a furrowed brow.
    You got a sudden look like he let the cat out of the bag. “Oh uh…yeah. For uh…for Christmas.” He swallowed and rubbed at his chest. “I uh…I pulled you for Secret Santa and I wanted to make sure I got you a really good gift. Well, at first a gift you’d at least like. But now…” His smile turned shy, he was no longer that sexy god of dirty talk he was in the bedroom.
    You weren’t going to let your secret slip. “You could have just asked me.”
    “Yeah well…” His face was turning a darker shade of green. “I also have harbored a crush for some time so…maybe I was being a little greedy there.”
    You smirked. “I think it worked out in the end.”
    His shy smile softened upon you. “It did?”
    You set your cup aside and moved into his lap, kissing him deeply. You were greeted by a  gentle prod on your rear end.
    Jaxson growled. “Fuck, I’m gonna be useless at work tomorrow.”
    “How come?” You teased.
    That sexy, confident smirk returned. “Because I was making my girlfriend cum.” He then scooped you up, carrying you giggling and squealing back to the bedroom.
    By the time the office was having the Christmas party, you and Jaxson had more nights together, and more actual dates. You were giddy and happier than you had been in a long time. Not only that, you had found the perfect Secret Santa gift for him.
    “Well, you know it was me,” Jaxson said as he handed you the wrapped gift box. “Hopefully you don’t know what I got you.”
    “Thank you!” You took the box, surprised he had found a pink wrapping paper. You set the gift down, then pulled out the big gift bag you had for him.  “Well, I have a surprise for you too.”
    Jaxson’s face went blank then his eyes went very wide. “Wait, what?” He laughed.
    “I was your Santa,” you said with a smug smirk. “I didn’t spill the beans.”
    He scoffed, almost glaring at the bag before smiling at you. He quickly scanned the room before delivering you a gift. “I thought I caught you snooping at my place the other day.” He found a pair of scissors to snap away tape at the top of the bag.
    You carefully unwrapped your gift as well. “I had to snoop!” You watched him closely as he reached inside the bag and then pulled out the big lion plushy from inside. His eyes were watery, and his jaw hung open a bit.
    “This was my lion,” he whispered.
    “I saw pictures at your place,” you giggled in triumph. “I managed to find the exact plush online!”
    Jaxson held the plush between his big hands, gazing down at it like a lost friend. “I can’t believe it.” he touched the small felt crown you had sewn on yourself. “He’s the Cowardly Lion too!”
    You continued opening your gift. The box was a little heavy, so you kept it on the table. Inside was a whole tea set. A cute pink and gold china with small strawberries. “Oh!” You flapped your hands in excitement. “It’s the special edition Strawberry Shortcake one!” You were almost in tears, this had been a dream item for your kitchen for years. You took out one of the surprisingly delicate teacups and stared at it in awe.
    Jaxson smirked. “I went a little over the budget.”
    You threw your arms around him, nearly jumping up to hug his neck. “I love it so much! Thank you!”
    He hugged you tight, his plush lion still gripped in his hand. “I love mine too. This was my favorite toy in the entire world. But I lost it.” He murmured.
    “Oh wow, what’s going on over here?” Lita laughed as she came towards you.
    “Good gifts,” Jaxson’s tone went a little stiffer and he held his lion a little behind himself. He looked away shyly. “We both got one another.”
    “Amazing how those things work out.” Lita sounded a little too knowing. You began wondering if she had something to do with this.
    “Yeah. it was.” You showed Lita the tea set excitedly. “Remember how badly I’ve wanted this?”
    “It’s so cute!” Lita gasped. “Who knew, Jaxson?” She laughed at him.
    You smiled at him. “I knew.”
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the-monstermash · 9 months
Just to be abundantly clear,
This Account Stands With Palestine.
9K notes · View notes
the-monstermash · 1 year
I love the reddit refugees but my Husband is a Redditor and if he comes here and sees all my thirst posts for women and little twinks I might die.
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welcome reddit refugees
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the-monstermash · 2 years
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I had to turn my damn phone off after this one
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Summary: You have often wondered how it feels to pleasure a man, so you take it up with Aemond.
Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x fem!reader
Warnings: NSFW. Inexperienced reader. Friends to lovers (if you squint). Handjob. Masturbation.
Word count: 2k
“You’re doing it again.”
Aemond’s velvety voice snapped you from your intrusive thoughts state at once.
Inwardly scolding yourself, you shifted your attention back to the embroidery in your hands.
You weren’t being exceptionally subtle when it came to staring at him.
And Aemond’s observational skills were far too perfected for your own good.
“I apologise,” you said quietly.
Even from the corner of your eye you could see an intriguing smile on his lips as he lifted his eye from the book. “As you wish, my lady.”
You felt a rush of heat pool in your face. Even after years of growing up with Prince Aemond and tearing down any walls that were built from the unavoidable hierarchical imbalance, he would always know how to get under your skin.
The two of you would spend long hours in the fireplace room after supper, enjoying the calmness and silence. You’d be entertained with your embroideries while Aemond took his time diving into history and philosophy books.
A very intriguing young man he was.
In fact, he was just as intriguing as he was perceptive, which was why it didn’t surprise you that he had caught on to you occasionally glaring at him.
Not just him.
His body.
Quite frankly, the burning curiosity inside you begged you to just ask. It could be considered improper, but your mind kept wondering how.
How did he do it?
How did it feel like?
What was the worst that could happen should you ask these questions?
The matter of intimacy was all but known to both of you. He’d often invade your dreams with kisses and moans, but you didn’t dare reveal any of that to him. Sometimes, when about to doze off, you’d wonder whether it was reciprocal.
Not that it mattered. Your father would one day marry you off to some lord in some decaying castle never to cross paths with Aemond Targaryen ever again.
So you might as well ask and it was apparent that your body language betrayed your forced calm demeanour as it was enough to get his attention.
“Why are you so tense?”
You jolted in your seat, nearly jabbing the needle in your finger. “I am not tense at all,” you offered a smile.
“Lying is very unbecoming of you,” he said, flipping through a couple of pages. “Whatever is on your mind, you can share with me.”
You straightened in your seat, lowering your faze to the flowers you were carefully threading with your needle. Given the current circumstances, embroidery seemed far more inviting in comparison with having to deal with a suspicious Aemond.
“Take your time,” he said, not tearing his eye from the book and drumming his fingers on the padded armrest.
“I… it is nothing, Aemond.”
If you thought that was enough to shake him off, you were dead wrong. Instead, Aemond heaved a deep sigh and closed the book on his lap, staring intensely at you.
You tried your best to ignore his penetrating glare, but all to no avail.
“Do you take me for a fool?” he asked, but there no hint of annoyance in his voice.
If anything, he seemed deeply amused.
“What do you—”
Aemond interrupted you at once. “I’ve noticed the way you’ve been staring at me as of late.”
You looked at him wide-eyed. “Staring?”
“Subtlety isn’t your strongest suit.”
His eye was studying your every move and you had to be the inside of your cheek in frustration. More at yourself than at him, if you were being honest. You knew he wasn’t who was easily fooled, but you had also not expected that all the glaring had become that noticeable.
“It is nothing,” you said, feeling droplets of sweat coating the pads of your fingers, staining the coloured thread.
“You keep staring at my hands. Why?”
He had beautiful hands, indeed.
“For no reason.”
“Lie to me one more time and I will not have you riding Vhagar with me again.”
You narrowed your eyes at him. “You wouldn’t dare.”
He clicked his tongue. “Do not try me.”
Your heart clenched as your felt trapped. “It’s nothing much,” you lowered your voice and glanced around to make sure no unwanted visitors were present. I was just wondering how it feels when you... uh... when you... do it.”
Aemond’s eyebrow arched. “Do... what?”
You weren’t sure if he was genuinely unaware of the implication, or if he was just pretending in order to get you riled up. However, were willing to bet on the latter.
“Hmm... you know...” you said, feeling your face burn hot from embarrassment. “How does it feel when you… hmm… pleasure yourself,” you finally managed to get the words out but quickly added, “Just curious… because… hmmm… just curious and—”
You cut yourself off, realising you were now rambling.
Tense moments ticked by and you noticed Aemond Targaryen was visibly amused. “Is this your subtle way of asking me to touch myself in front of you?”
Panic immediately hit you hard. “Of course not! Why would I want to see that? How — how is that—what? — I was merely wondering.”
He placed the heavy book on the table by his side, as his lips curled into a smile. “I wouldn’t mind it.”
You shot him a death glare. “If you don’t want to tell me just say that.”
“I do not indulge in such depravities.”
“Lies,” you threw at him in disbelief. “I do not believe you.”
“Lies? Well, it does take one to know one, I reckon.”
You bit the inside of your cheek once at the remark regarding your earlier failed attempt at deception.
“There is no need to get tense,” Aemond said, standing up to take a seat in the nearby velvet-padded settee.
“I’m really not.”
“We all have urges, I suppose,” he then shrugged, staring at his own hands. “I have never done this with someone else. It could be… interesting.”
“You could simply tell me how it feels or how you do it,” you said, mouth turning dry. “Besides, we would not be doing anything here.”
“Why tell you when I can show you?”
He could not be serious…
“The doors are closed,” he said, extending one hand to you. “No one comes here this late at nigh. Come here.”
Your feet brought you to him before you could even process what was happening. “I was having a serious conversation and you’re now talking about your… your…” you pointed at his crotch as you say by his side.
This time he arched an eyebrow at you. “I’m afraid I don’t follow. Weren’t you the one who wanted to know how it feels like?”
Point taken. “Yes, but—”
“So what do you want me to talk about?” Aemond asked, lips turning into a devious grin.
“You are being vulgar.”
“You started this conversation, my lady,” he pointed out. “You’re the one who’s being vulgar.”
There was no way around it. You were definitely making things worse for yourself. This had started off innocently enough, but he was easily bending the conversation to his will.
You decided to ignore his remark and had your eyes on the lit fireplace in front of you, determined to enjoy the way the flames danced around and burned through the wood.
But Aemond was relentless.
“I can show you.”
Your heart skipped a beat. You awaited for him to quickly take that back as a joke, but that moment never came.
He was dead serious.
“No, thank you,” you breathed, still not daring to look at him.
In all honesty, you wouldn’t mind taking a peak, but you couldn’t just admit to that. What if it made things awkward between you? What if you had crossed a line you weren’t sure you could go back from?
You kept your eyes firmly locked on cackling fire, but you could feel him shift beside you. It was probably a bad idea to dart your eyes to the side to watch as his legs lazily sprawled out from the settee, with and one hand resting on his belt.
You jolted when you saw him extend his hand to you. “You may touch it.”
This was definitely not what you had in mind. “Uh...”
He chuckled briefly. “It is my hand, not my cock.”
Your chin nearly dropped at his crass words and you frowned. “It’s simply genuine curiosity.”
He chuckled. “And I’m here willing to satisfy that curiosity. We have shared a friendship for many years,” he said, voiced coated in tones of warm honey. “If you are to learn about such things, I’d rather be the one enlightening you.”
It was such an unexpected and truthful statement, you felt your heart soar.
But as satisfying as it was to hear such words from him, you still had a shred of dignity left. “What if someone comes in?” you hissed in a low voice, eyes roaming across the room.
“We can be discreet,” he said. “Have you forgotten the many times we hid under beds after raiding the kitchen? No one would ever find us and those apples tasted ten times better.”
The memories of your shared youth tugged gently at your heartstrings.
“But we’re not hiding.”
Aemond brought a finger to trace the back of your hand. “We don’t have to. Not anymore.”
You swallowed hard hand watched as he offered you his hand at first. Without failt, your heartbeat sped up instantly, but you did your best to ignore it as you inspected his hand. His palm was turned upwards, giving you access to his warm skin.
“Can I...?”
Aemond had his head on the backrest, half-hooded eye still on you. “Yes.”
Holding the back of his hand in yours, you let your index finger slowly drag across it.
You could have sworn you heard the faintest sound come from him.
His skin felt really warm to the touch, nearly
“Is this alright?” you asked, halting briefly and studying his face.
“Carry on.”
But then something else in your field of vision caught your attention.
The hand he had resting on his belt drew you to look a bit further down and—
“Aemond?” your sudden gasp had him staring at you. “How are you...”
He bent his neck to stare down at the bulge in his pants. “I have no control over it.”
You wanted to be outraged, but this made you feel empowered and did wonders to your ego. You wanted to let go of his hand and be done with... whatever this was.
But you didn’t dare break contact with him.
If anything, the grip on his hand only intensified.
“Keep going… I can get harder than this.”
Gods. His hoarse voice immediately caused your thumb to resume the soft strokes along the palm of his hand.
The tension in the room was palpable, and you were no longer bothered in concealing how much your body craved more of him.
And just like Aemond had promised, you were able to see his cock growing harder and even twitching slightly each time you applied a certain amount of pressure on his skin.
Your breath was coming out in shallow pants.
You wanted more.
You needed more.
Apparently, the feeling was mutual as he had his fingers on the buckle of his belt, tugging on it. The sight had your mouth watering. The not so subtle bulge was clearly making him uncomfortable in a way and in eye you detected undeniable lust.
You couldn’t help but shift closer to him, and the motion triggered him into undoing his belt. Once he got it out of the way, he unbuttoned his pants.
He heaved a deep sigh of relief at sudden relief of tension.
“Maybe we should stop?”
“Do you want to?” he asked, gently fiddling with the waistband of his pants.
No. “It’s just... what if someone—”
“You keep sabotaging yourself,” he groaned in exasperation.
“But... if someone comes in...”
He growled. “I will behead them.”
Your eyes widened in sudden horror.
“I am not being serious,” he finally added, offering you a grin. “Just enjoy this.”
In one switft motion, he pulled the fabric down, freeing his hard cock.
You had never seen one before. It looked intimidating and you tried to do something other than just glare, but you couldn’t quite believe in what was happening just yet.
“Such a pretty mouth...” he observed as his eye dropped to your lips and wrapping his fingers around himself.
Your clit was pulsing as your walls clenched and pushed out more and more wetness to coat your folds.
Aemond started pumping his cock in a lazy rhythm, eye fully locked with yours. You saw a few beads of a clear liquid pooling around the tip.
“Keep touching me…”
“I... I...” you sounded like a fish out of water.
He tightened the grip on his cock, forcing more of the liquid to come out. That’s when it started sliding down and onto his knuckles.
“Keep going…”
It was clear he was getting impatient and the strain in his voice hit your brain, causing you to straighten before bringing the palm of his hand to your lips.
You made sure he kept his eye on you when you started pressing soft kisses to each finger.
“Good...” he praised and encouraged, bringing the palm of his other hand to rub on the tip of his cock.
He had his wetness smeared across his skin and you kept on kissing him until he dragged his hand down to pump his cock once again.
“Let me feel you,” he panted, squeezing himself tighter. “I want to feel you.”
You presse one last kiss to the palm of his hand. “What?”
It was his turn to grip your hand. “Let me fuck your hand.”
Oh… Gods…
You felt a load of wetness leak from you it’d be a miracle if you managed to somehow finish this without having your own dress completely soaked.
He guided you down to his crotch, letting go of his cock only to have your own hand wrapping around him, drawing a beautiful hiss from him.
The sudden urge to kiss him took over your senses, and just as the thought flooded your mind your body promptly acted in it, and you crashed your lips onto his.
He was definitely caught by surprised, but had no problem reciprocating the same hunger and lust you felt for him by having his tongue against yours.
You allowed him to guide your hand up and down his cock with his own, feeling his grip increase. He set up a very slow rhythm as if making the most out of this moment.
“Tighter...” he moaned in between a sloppy kiss.
Your fingers promptly squeezed around him. He had been leaking so much that it didn’t take long before your own hand was drenched in his wetness.
It was hard to focus on his cock when he was completely robbing you of air, refusing to break the kiss.
When he finally let go of your lips, you saw him staring down at his cock fucking your hand. You could feel his breath come out in pants when he started lifting his hips to set a new tempo.
“Is… is this how you do it?” you said innocently.
Aemond’s eye closed shut and that was the best reply he could have given you.
You absentmindedly brought your free hand to roam under your dress and to your undergarments. Your wetness was sipping through the fabric, your pussy clenching at the thought of one day having him take your maidenhead.
You didn’t even notice that he had undone his coat and lifted his shirt, exposing his abdomen as it flexed with each snap of his hips, a sheer coat of sweat forming as he sped up.
“Are you tighter than this?” he groaned.
How could someone be this… alluring?
He kissed you again, his hand gripping yours tighter once again.
But you needed more of him.
You pushed him away for a moment so you could swing one leg over his waist, effectively sitting on his crotch. Lifting your dress, you revealed your soaked undergarments. Aemond was shamelessly glaring at the stain that was spreading across the fabric.
“Be quiet,” you told him, squeezing his cock as a warning.
“I said nothing,” he said with a knowing smile.
You needed the friction on your clit and this new position would grant you that. With each thrust from him, your clit was being pressed gently, and you couldn’t help the deep moan that slipled through your mouth.
Aemond finally let go of his grip in you and brought both hands to frame your face, once again draining your lungs from air as he pulled you into a scorching kiss.
You never thought you’d be this close to release, but that was the least of your concerns. You wanted to watch that beautiful man unravel before your eyes.
He kept on thrusting into your hand, and when he pulled away you knew he was close. You took some time to admire how his beautiful face twisted in pleasure, mouth parted into laboured gasps.
“Faster...” he urged you and you were more to glad to oblige.
You were now familiar with what made him groan deeper, gasp louder, and roll his hips higher. It took him only a few more moments before his thrusts started faltering, and he had to bite the back of his hand to keep himself from groaning out loud as hot spurts of cum started shooting against your undergarments. You shuddered as the head of his cock pressed into your clit and his warm released sipped into the fabric.
You tumbled forward to rest your head against his shoulder, not even concerned about the mess.
“That was…” he let out, chest heaving rapidly.
“Can we do this again?”
You felt his chest rumble into yours. “Give me some time to recover… you just emptied me…”
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the-monstermash · 2 years
sitting in her room and getting bored all day is the bravest thing a girl can do on a sunday
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