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claire-starsword · 2 years ago
Shining Force World Book translation - part 6
Previous part here
This is it for this book for now, there’s an interview with the developers as well but that kind of stuff is always harder for me to translate, and I have other things I want to be doing, so I don’t know when I’ll be getting to it. There are also sections on items and magic but they don’t really say anything interesting.
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Full Guide to the Continent of Rune
A huge continent where many countries big and small prosper together
There are nine countries in the continent of Rune, where the adventure takes place. Most countries are in the western side where civilization has developed more, creating a huge disparity between it and the eastern side.
Compared to the western side, which has grown for a long time centered around Guardiana, the eastern side has many undeveloped regions. Among them, only Runefaust has for some reason began to suddenly increase their military power in an intense way.
Ancient History of Rune
It was around a thousand years ago...
The continent of Rune was controlled by people of a highly advanced civilization. However, none of them realized how, in the shadow of that prosperity, darkness also began to grow in power once more.
And one day, in order to release its power, this darkness became Dark Dragon and came to the surface. With its enormous destructive power, the land was engulfed in flames in the blink of an eye.
The survivors mustered all of their strength to oppose Dark Dragon. After a long battle, finally they achieved victory, and placed a strong seal on Dark Dragon, so that it wouldn't ever return to this world. "I shall revive upon a thousand years...", those were its last words...
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A country of long history which respects the military arts, and has a duty to protect a secret treasure of the Ancients
The "Legacy of the Gods" is said to be a frightening beast and a superweapon. Guardiana has for a long time inherited the duty of protecting this legacy built by the Ancients. Perhaps because of this noble sense of duty, they don't place much value in idle amusement, and maintain a warrior-like disposition. To be a role model for the citizens, the royal family also keeps a modest way of living.
The 18th King of Guardiana Since he keeps good politics, the people of the country adore him.
A small castle town that still has everything the country needs
It you peruse the town's shops, you'll find medical herbs, swords, bows and many other indispensable items for adventurers. Since green is the national color, the knights can definitely be seen sporting it, and the townspeople favor it in their clothes as well.
A tranquil country, with the huge ocean spreading across its sight
With the ocean right ahead and plenty of wilderness around it, it could expand its territory at any time. However, because of their duty to protect the Legacy of the Gods, they have not invaded other countries or such. They protect an ancient castle to the east.
-The neighboring country to the north is Alterone. Since there's a road through the whole way, traveling to it is not very difficult.
Population: 2602 inhabitants Area: 3259 km² Climate: Warm and humid Main industry: Agriculture
[The other guide says 3000 inhabitants, which is close enough i suppose. enjoy this coherence while it lasts.]
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A country that seeks nothing but wealth, living off rare metals
A country allied to Guardiana. Due to having recently discovered rare metals in their mines, they've acquired enough wealth to be flooded with paintings and sculptures and other works of art, and boast some of the best military equipment in all of Rune. However, the people's hearts have been corrupted, and the soldiers especially lack dedication, so it's not a country that can be relied upon right now.
The 4th King of Alterone
He's obsessed with gold and high class things, but the citizens also have plenty, so he doesn't seem to be a bad person.
The goods are plentiful, but on the other side the people's hearts have become poor
Since their own country is wealthy, they look down on people from other countries. Because of that, the products on shops geared towards travelers are not too good. The national color tends to be blue.
The prosperity of the country is tied to the prosperity of the mine
Since the country's wealth is closely tied to the mines, they don't reveal their location. Thanks to the road built with their money, and huge river nearby, they carry on as a plentiful kingdom.
-To the south is their allied country, Guardiana, and to the north is Rindo. There are no enemies nearby, so they're very used to peace.
Population: 2942 inhabitants Area: 5056 km² Climate: Continental Main industry: Manufacturing
[The coherence lasts no longer, the other guide book says 5000 inhabitants. They must have expanded a lot between the two census.]
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The center of business in Rune, a country built by traveling merchants of different countries
Long ago, merchants from different countries gathered there to start business. Eventually they made a guild, and now Rindo has become a whole country. The town has a bunch of shops in a row, and they work with no care as to when it's day or night. Also, they have a great harbor, so they can sell goods and strong weapons to other countries.
The mayor of Rindo
He is more of a merchant leader than a king. A strict man who doesn't tolerate unfair business practices.
The citizens all have business spirit, impartial in their deals
As the scales in the country's crest show, they're fair in their business. They'll deal with anyone as long as they have the money. The national color is gold, as expected of merchants.
The center of Rune in geography and more, maintaining the harbor
The place used to be nothing, yet through the merchants' hard work and the harbor, a great urban area was born. Built by immigrants, the building are either rectangular or like tents. It has a unique atmosphere than other countries.
-The countries close by are Alterone and Manarina. Anyone can visit from anywhere else through the harbor.
Population: 2130 inhabitants Area: 1934 km² Climate: Mediterranean Main industry: Commerce
[The other guide says 3000 inhabitants.]
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A small country ruled by magicians perfecting secret arts deep in the mountains
A country deep in the mountains built inconspicuously by powerful mages who disliked to be used by others, even kings. Though called a country, it is as small as a fortress. With the research facilities provided in the castle, the mages can continue with their studies day and night. It is heaven to them.
He works hard so that each citizen can continue on their beloved studies.
A kingdom of ambitious people trying to discover new magic
There are those doing useless research as well. However, many there are extremely passionate about magic. Their crest, using their theme purple color and a snake symbolizing wisdom, tells everything one has to know about the citizens' values.
[Yes the crest looks very much dark green and not purple to me too, don't ask me what happened here]
With a deep history, this is the holy land of mages
The country has a deep history, as it seems mages have been doing research on this land since quite long in the past. So despite looking like nothing special, it is possible that this land holds some sort of secret.
-Rindo is their main neighbor, but the mountainous path makes travel difficult. They don't communicate much with other countries.
Population: 238 inhabitants Area: 15 km² Climate: Continental Main industry: Commerce
[The other guide says 200 inhabitants, which is pretty much just rounding.]
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The only homeland in this world for those of mixed beast blood
A kingdom in the huge forest regions of northern Rune. The country's activities are centered around forestry, and lumber is their main exported good. The citizens enjoy a simple lifestyle, and their activities makes them almost entirely self sustained. Being a country built by half beasts, they don't interact much with humans from outside. They apparently aren't allied to any other nation.
King of the people with werewolf blood. His wolf heritage is greater than anyone else's.
A beautiful country living in harmony with nature, using their plentiful lumber
The country's economy is centering around the exportation of building materials obtained through forestry and mining at the quarry. The town is built utilizing well the natural resources, with buildings made of wood without any stone. It's an environment that puts your heart at ease.
A natural fortress surrounded by stone and forest
Thanks to the dense forests, it is hard for a big army to cross the region, and thus the country is easily protected. The plentiful forests also provide riches in the form of lumber. You can call it the biggest treasure of the people with werewolf blood.
-If you go east, you'll reach the huge plains of Pao. Going around Shade Abbey is shorter, though.
Population: 453 inhabitants Area: 1189 km² Climate: Siberian Main industry: Manufacturing
[contradiction time let's goooo i'm putting these guide books to fight in a pit, there's not a single thing they agreed on with this one. According to the other, it is forbidden to cut lumber from Bustoke's forests, which is why they build their houses in the mountain walls, something that is weirdly not mentioned at all here?? We do see a couple of regular buildings in game though.
The other guide also mentions a joint business venture between Bustoke and Rindo, meaning it's not as isolated as this one says it is
This one also seems to be treating everyone in the country as a wolfling which is just, wrong.
Population in the other book is 800 inhabitants.]
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The unique grounds of the free people who run through a massive land
A nation of nomadic people who move freely, camping across all the wide territory of Pao plains. The people of Pao are raised as resolute warriors since childhood. That's how they've survived conflicts with other countries while moving through the plains all their lives. Hunting is their main activity, but they also raise grazing livestock.
Queen Koron of Pao
She lives freely, with her own tent. You could call her the symbol of Pao.
A fighting force quietly managing their pastures, while having strong troops
They live a tranquil life, letting their paopigs, animals similar to sheep, graze in their camps. When peace is disturbed, they can endure due to their past as a warrior tribe, and their strong troops.
The nation's capital moves, following its people
In order to move as they please through the plains along with their leader, their capital has no fixed location. The country's symbol colors are green, white and blue, representing the plains, the sun and the wind. It is clear that they deeply love the plains.
-A wide plain region that doesn't fully fit in the screen. To the west are Bustoke and Shade.
Population: 562 inhabitants Area: 26985 km² Climate: Continental Main industry: Agriculture
[Population in the other book is 130 inhabitants.]
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The unique pirate country, started from a bunch of thieves
As seen from the use of waves in their crest, their connection to the ocean is deep. These people gathered to build a country in a small island because in the distant past, they were a group of pirates. Since then they've quit the pirate business, and live mostly off fishing. The harbor is filled with shops selling marine products, and the town is bustling with life.
The 5th King of Waral
It is said the ancestor of the royal family was the chief of pirates that constantly assaulted various continents.
A town full of life wisdom, and the birthplace of fishermen
The buildings have small windows to cope with the harsh sunlight. The castle is proudly decorated with spoils of battles from their time as pirates, and the history of the country's foundation comes across from every corner.
An archipelago of big and small islands
The territory is formed by islands of all sizes, and there are plenty of small ones, save for the one with the castle. The country's economy relies on fishing, yet the boats they use are generally small. But there are many of them, so extracting marine resources is still no trouble.
-There's always some danger in traveling by boat, but access to the country is still easy due to facing the ocean in all directions.
Population: 1536 inhabitants Area: 429 km² Climate: Temperate Main industry: Fishing
[round two of the pit fighting! the other guide book claims Waral was founded by fishermen from Rindo. Also its population there is only 300 inhabitants.
I also find it very weird that this one does not bring up the mermaids in the country at all.]
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The mysterious country that suffers in poverty, yet is inhabited by descendants of the Ancients
The buildings are of poor quality, and it cannot in any way be called a lively town. It's only saving grace is that the townspeople are still somehow happy and friendly. Rumor has it that the descendants of the legendary Ancient people live there, and the citizens are all sages, hence why it is also called "the country of sages". There might be clues about the Ancients somewhere in town.
King Kusko
A sage who treats visitors from outside harshly, so as to protect his historical country.
The sad country of the descendants of Ancients, having survived many disasters
The choice of the owl as national crest and platinum as national color are also both tied to their relation to the Ancients. Both represent the deep wisdom they've inherited from that civilization.
Complex nature protects this historical country
Runefaust is a neighboring country with massive military power, yet they have not been attacked. Perhaps they've been looked down at as "unworthy of being enemies", or maybe the real reason is that they're surrounded by steep mountains and deep forests.
-Runefaust is close by to the south, but they're protected by the surrounding terrain.
[Note: this is the only screenshot map that points out places not named in game as far as i recall. To the north is Sirius Mountain, previously mentioned as Gong's place of origin. To the east is Conga Basin, which i don't recall being mentioned anywhere, but is probably the space between mountains where the Tower of the Ancients stands.]
Population: 952 inhabitants Area: 2351 km² Climate: Continental Main industry: Agriculture
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East Rune's leading power, boasting great military might over good policies
Ever since the current emperor ascended to the throne, he has relocated the castle, increased military power, and imposed harsh policies. With that, it turned into a military superpower incredibly fast, and has made unsettling moves such as aiming for the Castle of the Ancients. It has annexed the undeveloped areas near it as allies, and as it keeps improving its superior force, the citizens have been putting up with many struggles.
Emperor Ramladu
He enjoys demon-like decorations like monster statues and eerie paintings.
As it builds up superior military might, the citizens suffer with heavy taxes
Having to pay for the country's huge expenses, the people have been suffering a lot. With that, the streets also look plain and without much embellishment. The national colors are red and black, representing chaos and power.
A country in East Rune whose real power is still unknown
Civilization in East Rune hasn't developed as much as in the western side. There's no much communication between the two sides. Because of that, they have a history of being treated as "savages" until recent years.
-To the north is Prompt, and beyond the ocean is Guardiana, which protects the Castle of the Ancients.
Population: 2950 inhabitants Area: 3289 km² Climate: Temperate Main industry: Commerce
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Other Cities and Villages
Fort Uranbatol
A fort to serve as base for Runefaust's invasion of the western side of the continent. Despite being still under construction, it already has considerable forces stationed in it. Commander Balbazak is the one responsible for it.
Village of Rudo
A small village at the foot of the holy mountain Dragonia. Despite its size it still has establishments such as a church. They're of a minor religion that worships the Sacred Dragons who live in Dragonia. They have some knowledge on the Ancients.
[Note: I assumed there was a typo on this one. It is the only place I've seen referring to Bleu's race as "真竜" (real dragons) instead of "神竜" (sacred dragons). Both are read as "shinryuu" which would explain the mistake.]
A village between Rindo and Bustoke. Being close to Rindo, the people there make a living out of guiding travelers to Bustoke through the twisting mountain paths.
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claire-starsword · 2 years ago
Shining Force Country Guide Translation - Part 5/Final
I’ve been reminded that today (March 20th) is the anniversary of Shining Force’s original release! What a sweet time to be wrapping up this guide book, huh? this was in no way intended lmao i suck at remembering dates
say your final goodbyes to the species pie chart:
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Population: 1000 inhabitants GNP: unknown
Species Ratio:
Prompt is the country of direct descendants of the Ancients. Therefore the population is mostly human. The other species are impossible to identify, as there's no data on them.  They are said to carry the blood of the previous civilization in their veins.
The cradle of civilization that passes on the blood of heroes
A large country in the center-south of East Rune, in the so-called Old World. It is said to have been founded around 1000 years. The founders were the few survivors of the fall of the previous civilization, but the objective of this founding according to the Book of Genesis was "the succession line of the heroes entrusted with a duty to Dark Dragon's seal". It is unknown if this is true fact or not. Historians are stuck in a dead end on this research.
It is currently an extinct volcano, but Mt. Siglas has previously caused many disasters in this land. The reason Prompt's castle also got buried underground when close to its completion was also due to a huge earthquake. Going on a bit of tangent here, the Conga basin was also formed due to a caldera from an eruption of around 7000 years ago.
Metapha, floating at the southwestern coast, has been a prosperous place of religious cultural exchange, however due to Darksol's looming threat in recent years, relations with other countries have been forbidden. Many ancient writings relating to the previous civilization have survived in Metapha. Prompt historians are the ones most infuriated at the series of incidents with Darksol.
As the Ancients were a civilization of advanced scientific knowledge, their descendants are incredibly cultured as well, but live frugal lives in order to hide it. Once a theory became established that the fall of the previous civilization was due to their scientific advancements going rogue, this tendency became stronger, and their lifestyle has fallen to what could be called primitive. The sumptuary laws proclaimed by the current king, Grando Zussa XII, are likely another reason for this.
Their main activities are farming and hunting. Of course, because the land is bad, harvest isn't plentiful. Not much of their food comes from the agriculture.
-The country is within the jungle, and not even Runefaust can pinpoint its exact location. Had Darksol been able to find it, Prompt wouldn’t be able to exist as it is. He is perhaps more trouble than any volcano...
-The people of Prompt are said to keep a stylish appearance. The way you see them in town (with unshaved faces and naked chests) is somehow disguising their suits! ...or that's the rumor that goes around. No one has confirmed its authenticity. But, it's tough to picture a stylish image from that. Sorry.
i forgot to bring this up last time but it fits better here anyway. The event section for Rudo and Dragonia has something that stood out to me:
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The destined duo, Cain and the protagonist, and Darksol’s scheme
Cain has been the great archenemy to the protagonist through the first half of the game, and finally the Shining Force fights the decisive battle against him in Dragonia. When Cain is defeated, his real face behind the mask is revealed... The truth is, Cain and the protagonist were both swordsmen sent to this world with the same mission. They were meant to join forces in fighting Darksol...
“Sent to this world” is some weird phrasing that is only used here from what i’ve seen, and reminds me a lot of their different backstory in the GBA version. Everywhere else they’re just treated as descendants of a family meant to tend to Dark Dragon’s seal, which is vague enough for either interpretation. So perhaps some idea of them being from the past was already kicking in the writer’s head.
Arthur is no longer helpful at this point, but thankfully, Torasu is, and brings up a lot of Prompt's lore in his HQ dialogue, including the romanization for the volcano's name.
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He does not mention the king's name though, but here's the thing. The king's name is said even in the original game, and it's Kusko. The guide might have forgotten about it here.
A basin, geography wise, seems to be a dip or depression in the earth's surface. A caldera is a hollow formed by a magma chamber emptying after an eruption. I learned more geography through this guide than through all of high school.
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Population: 2000 inhabitants GNP: 3450 gold
Species Ratio:
The huge amount of centaurs is because, much like Guardiana, the country was created mostly by knights from the previous civilization. The population used to be 2000 inhabitants but, since Darksol arrived the army has expanded. 8000 have joined in for military affairs. ___
The rampaging nation causing international distress
The country was founded around 800 years ago, to watch over the Gate of the Ancients to the south of East Rune, just like Guardiana. The founders were mainly knights from Prompt but, this region used to have many small countries and barbarians (people whose cultures had been completely ravaged by Dark Dragon), so establishing the country was extremely rough. After called their homeland for reinforcements countless times, they finally managed to take control of the many countries in the area.
Their political system is a constitutional monarchy, but the knights are extremely influential, and thus the royals' authority weakened little by little. The current king as well, Arc Rei Ramladu VI, just lends his approval to the authoritarianism of his chancellor Darksol. In recent years the army has expanded at a remarkable rate, conquering one after another the small countries surrounding it and taking over their land. Its territory is already three times larger than it was during the previous king's rule, and it quickly became a huge military power.
On the other hand, the agricultural economy it sustained before has collapsed, and it diverged extremely from Guardiana, though they once held the same goals. All that sustains its economy now is the exploitation of conquered lands, and the tyranny of Runefaust's army as it continues to raid country after country now shows even to the west part of the continent, beyond the Lunatic Ocean.
It once had the respect of other countries as a leading power of chivalrous spirit that valued the military arts, but as mercenaries continued to come in, it became a crude belligerent nation. It seems that the knights of the past were executed. There's nothing within the country itself that can curb its military expansionism now.
-Until not long ago there were many small neighboring countries. However, they were all destroyed and annexed into Runefaust. The menacing power of a military empire can be felt from the great wall surrounding it. One can't help but be impressed as well.
-In the peaceful time before Darksol arrived, the greatest entertainment were fighting tournaments from the knights, much like in its sister country, Guardiana. Since the country was more stoic than Guardiana, there were no other forms of entertainment to note.
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The stage for the final battle, the Castle of the Ancients is like this
A castle of devils, or a holy land?
The place where Dark Dragon is sealed. It was originally a facility for extracting resources from the seafloor, made by the Ancients. Being a giant building with over 10 kilometers in diameter, it took 20 years for it to be completed even with the Ancients' scientific prowess. Created with the assumption that it would be staying underwater for long periods of time, it was designed to withstand over 1000atm of pressure, and its exterior is made of a special alloy with a ceramic coating.
As the Ancients saw their civilization fall, their repurposed this facility into becoming Dark Dragon's seal, adding the defense system led by Colossus, and then sinking it to the ocean's depths. After that, they wrote a manual for the control of the facility into a single flat metal piece called "the Book of Secrets". This is final stage of "Shining Force".
-The Gate of the Ancients. There was one to the west of the Guardiana Kingdom as well, but the one pictured here is the one west of Runefaust. Within them lies a mechanism leading to the castle.
-The place you arrive at upon warping from the Gate. Lots of machines can be seen in use. It shows the power of the ancient civilization.
-The interior of the castle has a plain design. But castles bring to mind the idea of defending from foreign intruders, and it does resemble the usual buildings in that sense. Within its depths will be the final battle...
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claire-starsword · 1 year ago
so, was anyone gonna tell me that ram laddu is an indian snack, or was I supposed to find that out on a whim myself?
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claire-starsword · 6 months ago
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Someone on Neocities told me yesterday he's playing Shining Force for the first time following my translations, and you can kinda imagine the impact this had on my ego, so i rushed to finish a few more scenes that I consider important:
The intro (prologue and meeting Simone)
Darksol's jerkass moment above from Chapter 8 (this one had mistranslations last time I posted it, do check it out again, I'm a stronger person now)
The epilogue with Simone
With this, I'm fairly sure I've done all the important story beats, we're just missing a lot of NPC dialogue of course, and a few less relevant battle moments. At the very least, I don't remember any emotional moments left out by now, so my main goal is done. Not sure I'd ever commit to a complete translation one day because it's daunting, so we'll see.
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claire-starsword · 2 years ago
Shining Force World Book translation - part 5
Previous part here
Villain time. I’m getting deja vu.
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Runefaust - Structure
The evil group clashing against the Shining Force
The Runefaust army planning to take over the world, led by Emperor Ramladu, is organized as seen in the diagram below. They have brought suffering to peaceful countries and also to the force standing against them. The five subordinates of Ramladu listed below are also all cruel and strong opponents!
Emperor Ramladu - Emperor of Runefaust [the diagram shows Darksol and Elliot under his direct command]
Darksol - Runefaust's advisor [the diagram shows Balbazak, Mishaela and Cain under his direct command]
Balbazak - General of the Runefaust Army
Commander of the Magic Beast Corps - {Priests, Hellhounds, Brass Loaders, Skeletons, Sea Bats}
Mishaela - General of the Runefaust Army
Commander of the Monster Corps - {Dullahans, Manarina Mages, High Priests, Horsemen, Belials}
Cain - Runefaust Army
Commander of the Silver Knight Squadron - {High Priests, Dullahans, Manarina Mages, Gargoyles, Golems}
Elliot - Runefaust Army
Commander of the Cavalry Corps - {Brass Loaders, Priests, Skeletons, Pegasus Knights, Lizardmen}
[Note: the Brass Loader was localized into Artillery in the english, and Priest into Dark Priest. The change in this last one is kind of interesting and happened with other enemies so i decided to not use the localized names and point it out.
Also, there's no enemy called Manarina Mage in any version. It's either a mistake or an implication that every mage you fight in the game is from Manarina, which feels kinda nonsense.]
A being completely shrouded in mystery!
Darksol Occupation: Runefaust Army's advisor Species: Unknown Gender: Male Age: Unknown Height: 236 cm Weight: Unknown Place of Origin: Unknown Starting Level: Unknown Starting Weapon: Unknown
The emissary of darkness who obtained Ramladu's favor and authority
One year ago, he suddenly appeared in the country of Runefaust, ruled by Emperor Ramladu, and became the real authority behind its politics and military affairs. There is pretty much no information on him, all that is known is that he is researching how to resurrect the incarnation of evil, Dark Dragon. While his whole identity is shrouded in mystery, there are rumors that he is capable of using the dark magic "Demon Breath".
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The swordsman with a tragic past
Cain Occupation: Commander of the Silver Knight Squadron Species: Human Gender: Male Age: Unknown Height: 181 cm Weight: 83 kg Place of Origin: Unknown Starting Level: Unknown Starting Weapon: Unknown
The rumored strongest swordsman among Runefaust's knights
An amazing swordsman who hinders the force in their way, challenging them to battle. He hides a power representing darkness that is necessary to stop the awakened "Legacy of the Gods". He is caught up in Darksol's plan, being controlled through the power of a cursed mask, but in reality he is someone with a huge connection to the protagonist.
He has the Sword of Darkness, and ordinary swordsmen have no chance to put up a fight against him. Remarkable skill will be needed to defeat him.
Dark mage of bewitching charm
Mishaela Occupation: Commander of the Monster Corps Species: Dark Elf Gender: Female Age: 198 years old Height: 180 cm Weight: 55 kg Place of Origin: Dold Forest Starting Level: Unknown Starting Weapon: Unknown
She attacks the force with high class techniques!
The Commander of the Monster Corps, she set off from Guardiana to monitor the movements of the Shining Force, by orders of her direct superior, Darksol. However, angered by the defeat of her "Marionette" built with a piece of her own soul, she went to face the force herself.
She's the only woman in the Runefaust army, but her magical power is among the greatest there!
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A real soldier who stick to his principles of justice
Elliot Occupation: Commander of the Cavalry Corps Species: Dragonewt Gender: Male Age: 231 years old Height: 255 cm Weight: 324 kg Place of Origin: Garth Starting Level: Unknown Starting Weapon: Unknown
A brave commander who acts thinking of his country and people!
The highest ranking swordsman in Runefaust. Tales of his deeds as a soldier have reached all the way to the distant Guardiana. While he knows of Darksol's ambitions, he worries for the people in his country, and thus challenges the Shining Force to battle.
He is not a man of many words, but is a genius when it comes to battles.
A bio-magical beast of unknown species!
Balbazak Occupation: Commander of the Magical Beast Corps Species: Unknown Gender: Male Age: 79 years old Height: 193 cm Weight: 206 kg Place of Origin: Surgo Starting Level: Unknown Starting Weapon: Unknown
Frenzied and merciless! A challenging powerful fighter!!
The Commander of the Magical Beast Corps, who fights with an artificial body, made several times stronger than a normal one by Darksol's magic. He came to Uranbatol, north of Guardiana, to support the invasion of West Rune building a fort. He is the strongest warrior among the Runefaust army's commanders, his fierceness in battle knows no bounds. Even his allies don't know how to deal with him.
[The other guide had no qualms claiming Balbazak was a human. But perhaps that doesn’t matter much anymore when you’ve become a bioweapon of the unholy sciences.]
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Muscular warriors who attack with huge axes. Their distinctive beards grow independent of gender, and they strike with superior strength.
Masters of the bow who shoot down their prey with surefire accuracy. Their precise, calculated attacks leave opponents at a loss.
Dead warriors brought back to life through magical arts. They attack with fast, hard to follow movements.
Huge Bats
Their strength lies in their fast movements and sharp fangs. They intimidate opponents with their huge wings, creating openings for attacks. Their area of action is very wide.
Dark Mages
Dark mages skilled with magic. Can cast high level spells with the staves in their hands. They have no physical strength, and thus only attack with magic, but since they can strike in a wide area it's tough to approach them.
Armed Skeletons
Skeletons of giants upgraded with machines. They've been remodeled for field battles. The strongest enemy soldiers, built by Darksol with technology of the Ancients.
[This is the only enemy here where I stuck with the localized name, because I can't make sense of their japanese name, ブローバー(buroobaa), and I've yet to see someone who does. As you can see the romanization given here is "biouber" which, ??????]
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claire-starsword · 2 years ago
Villain time
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Cain [Human]
The face hidden under the mask is...?
Commander of Runefaust's elite group, the "Silver Knight Squadron". By Darksol's orders, he led a squad to the Gate of the Ancients and one to raid Guardiana, and overthrew Guardiana's castle.
His weapon, the demon sword "Sword of Darkness" carries the magical power of "Desoul", and along with Cain's own ability can also spread the scorching flames known as "Flames of Hell". The protagonist's greatest rival.
Mishaela [Dark Elf]
The dark elf witch followed by monsters
The "Dollmaster". A Runefaust witch whose weapon is the "Magic of Cursed Manipulation", which lets her control cursed dolls and magical beasts.
Following Darksol's orders, she shows up against the force to gather information. Resenting the defeat of her clone, the Mishaela Doll, she goes after the protagonist.
Mishaela Doll [?]
Cursed living doll
A doll that has possessed a soul for hundreds of years, and became a monster by receiving part of Mishaela's own cells from her. Mishaela is fond of it for being a clone of herself. It can use high level cold spells.
Elliot [Dragonewt]
The dragonman general who fight for his own justice
The supreme commander for the forces conquering the west side of the continent. Head of a family of dragonmen (dragonewts) that answers to Runefaust since ancient times.
Though he knows the current Runefaust is immoral, the people of his territory were taken as hostages by Darksol, so he has no choice but to fight. He believes the protagonist is a legendary hero, and to test his power, challenges the Shining Force to battle at Pao Plains.
Balbazak [Human]
The steel general who commands the great fort
A general sent alongside Elliot to conquer the western side of the continent. He commands the base of operations for this conquest, Uranbatol.
He used to be a nameless soldier, but became a subject for Darksol's human experiments and gained a strengthened body.
Contrasting with Elliot, he's a cunning and cowardly man. As soon as he heard the Shining Force had broken into the fort, he began planning his escape.
Ramladu [Human]
The superhuman emperor of Runefaust's army
Arc Rei Ramladu VI. Runefaust's emperor. The greatest authority there.
He was once known as a wise king who ruled fairly, but the tactician Darksol appeared one year ago inspiring ambitions of conquering the continent on him, and thus he began running down a dark path.
In his youth he would also head into battle himself, and was known as a dauntless warrior. That power hasn't faded at all in present times.
Chaos [Robot]
Crazed killing machine
A mechanical soldier created by the Ancients' science. He was originally a robot created to help the heroes that would seal Dark Dragon but, by Darksol's magic, turned into a devilish machine to fight the protagonist. He is something of a big brother to Adam, but his battle skills are far greater.
Colossus [?]
Guardian of the Castle of the Ancients
The defense system of the Castle of the Ancients where Dark Dragon is sealed. Created by the ancients.
They eliminate those who break into the castle without following the right procedures.
Darksol [?]
The demon king from a world of darkness
The tactician holding the real power over Runefaust's army. Even Emperor Ramladu is dancing at the palm of his hand.
His real identity is entirely a mystery. It seems he dreams of reviving Dark Dragon and conquering this world.
Dark Dragon [?]
Will it awaken from its 1000 year slumber?
The ultimate living weapon that is said to be behind the collapse of the past civilization. It was sealed in the Castle of the Ancients by the ancient people, but is waking up from its long sleep. The Shining Force's final enemy.
Notes on Cain:
The Flames of Hell are mentioned in the japanese version (and GBA), since he uses them to kill Varios.
Notes on Mishaela & Mishaela Doll:
Mishaela Doll was called Marionette in the localization, but the info here really makes it sound like a unique creature so I kept the more specific japanese name. Despite that, several of it show up in Final Conflict later on. The strategy guide for that game even mentions that they are mass produced.
Also, while this guide only talks about cells, the japanese manual says the doll was made with Mishaela's own soul.
Notes on Balbazak:
blah blah blah the english localization cut some dialogue etc etc you know the drill by now don't you
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"I rebuilt your body, gave you the blood of a dragon master, and you still betrayed me..."
The GBA version even elaborated upon this dragon master thing by giving Balbazak a Blue Dragon, which makes sense since Balbazak apparently leads the Magical Beast division of the army. However, "dragon master" is also the japanese name for Bleu's promoted class, so it's possible that the original game meant he received dragon blood.
Notes on Chaos:
The big brother comment plus Adam's original HQ quote make me very emo:
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"Darksol... I cannot forgive him. Even Chaos was used by him... I won't ever forgive him..."
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claire-starsword · 3 years ago
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Shining Force “family squabble” doodles by Yoshitaka Tamaki, the character designer. From a backup of the Shining World website.
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claire-starsword · 3 years ago
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hmm this is a lot of dialogue that shouldn’t be locked by defeating Ramladu with Narsha specifically, the game only hints that she has to be on the team and she isn’t a fighting class. The card collecting is a cool challenge but an entire character arc behind a messed up requirement? bad
am glad to see the dude acknowledging why he got possessed though
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claire-starsword · 3 years ago
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on one hand i’m pleasantly surprised that they’re leaving this dude’s morality kinda open to interpretation instead of being all boo hoo i was possessed, like yeah everyone says he was a good guy before but the main person saying that is his daughter which is biased as heck, who knows what made him fall to the darkness, it might have been an actual weakness of his character and i like when the game lets me think that instead of forcing too much pity in the guy
at the same time, is this it for Narsha? the game built her up as pretty much a deuteragonist at this point and i thought Ramladu would be the peak of her character arc, but nope, she’s largely just here now. Don’t get me wrong i love her but what was the point of her plotwise? probably none as this game has zero clue what is doing in terms of narrative theme, it’s kinda like SF2 but with at least leagues better character writing
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