#sfrodd narsha
claire-starsword · 11 months
The Guardiana Magic School Run - Part 11.5
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Here we are indeed. This is Narsha's final interlude before she catches up with our force.
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The first time I played this game, I moved Narsha a bit and was rushed by four ghost, dying in one turn. Perhaps because of that I have a warped perspective of the difficulty here. Of course, this time I have a much beefier Narsha here, so things might not be as bad. Depends on how much damage these ghosts do.
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Staying where we start, the two first ghosts can rush Narsha anyway, so I'm moving a bit without getting in range of the other ones. Obviously I'm also casting Attack on Narsha as usual, that's the only strat in these interludes.
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Look at how easily these things swarm you, I might have messed up. Perhaps casting Step would be better to try and avoid some of these guys. Especially since I already have absurd attack due to getting the Heavy Mace. Uh oh. Only one strat in the interludes huh, shut up me.
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Most spots get me swarmed by four ghosts as I predicted, this gets me swarmed by only three. yay.
I guess I'm casting Step now anyway in case its useful later.
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never mind my worries then let's have fun.
also you can see now why I said in my rules that it would be hard to keep Zuika and Mawlock fully uninvolved in this challenge, there's way too many ghosts swarming in too quickly, and I can't stop Zuika from countering.
What I didn't expect when writing the rules was that this would actually be a downside, he's literally just taking exp away from Narsha, I love you man, but she doesn't need the help today.
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Oh well. That issue didn't last long.
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Unfortunately, Narsha does not have Max's epic counterattacks, so she has to dispatch one ghost per turn, and even 1 damages pile up after so many turns. I have already used up Aura to heal once, and will have to use the Healing Seed as well since I have no herbs, thanks Kraken. If I need healing later on it will have to be the Shower Cures, which are a big waste on a single character. I do wanna see her solo this though, so let's go.
Except for the boss, the remaining enemies are spellcasters, which is not a big deal for Narsha's godly magic resistance, but should still be more than 1 damage. So that sucks as well.
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Thankfully they don't seem to come all at once, so I can try driving them away while getting to the chests in this area as well. I think both contain Shower Cures.
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oof that's damage. also I was not supposed to put myself in range, mistake.
Thankfully, these guys only have MP for a single spell, so as long as I oneshot the one that didn't attack I should be fine.
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I do that, and the remaining one's physical attack is as impressive as you can expect of a spectre. Unfortunately more of their friends came forward. And unlike these things, Wizari has plenty of MP.
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Let's see if they give up or something I guess.
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They in fact do not, and things are getting quite stupid. I'm feeling that casting Step earlier on is gonna save me here, but it will require some brains. They all have bad movement so I should manage to get out of some of their ranges at some point.
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I head to the top right corner and the enemies give up, but don't return to their previous position, so that's not helpful.
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This sweet spot however gets only Wizari on range to attack me, so that's nice. She has 20 HP, so I'm not sure Narsha can oneshot, but I'm not underestimating the queen either.
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Now I should be in range of a single Wisp.
And that's it baby! With these smart gaming moments I get to wipe out the Wisps taking only one more spell. Narsha is still pretty battered so I'll have to waste a Shower Cure anyway, but that's fine. I might wait a bit for it though since I don't think the remaining Wizari can do all this damage at once
(also i've already said this before i bet but it's so weird that they brought a character from Soul 2 as a generic enemy like, I guess she could do projections of herself but. Still weird. The other enemies are a fun reference but this is just weird)
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Anyway. I grab the last chest and projection or not, Wizari is dumb enough to come forth despite me not being in range. So waiting to heal was not even necessary. I'm gonna heal anyway for safety since I don't know how much the Soul Eater does, and then get very sad if that turns out to be unnecessary as well.
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Also let me say, I love the effect for Shower Cure/Aura 4 in this game, it's very cool.
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yeah it was unnecessary. Alas.
We get the kill (is this thing even alive??), get 1000, a level up, and Step level 2 for our troubles. Another excellent job from Narsha, and it was actually challenging in terms of positioning and stuff. Man I'm so happy with how she's going.
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Yes you will!! I can't wait!!
Losses: 0 Deaths: 2 The expected deaths on Narsha interludes: 0/3!!!
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claire-starsword · 1 year
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claire-starsword · 1 year
The Guardiana Magic School Run - Part 8.5
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Look, a proper screenshot of Narsha's stat screen! I have never failed to take one, ever!
Unlike last battle we have little room to prepare at the beginning, I'm hoping her 20 attack will do something without a boost, cause i'd like to not waste a turn spellcasting.
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It is EXACTLY enough. I love this woman.
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Yeah. She's just Max no. 2. There's only one worry left before I declare this battle a cakewalk.
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First it is more of an actual walk cause we can grab these chests without a single enemy around.
Now, the problem. Everyone say hi to Shining Force's most recurring creature!
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The Kraken here isn't as cool as it is anywhere else, but still has some chonky stats as you can see by its HP here. It can get up the bridge and block your path, in which case I'm usually toast, but I've never leveled up Narsha this much before, so maybe we can take it today? We'll see, I'm not sure what triggers it to climb the bridge or not and I don't wanna risk too much upon being able to do these interludes deathless.
But it would be so cool. In preparation, I finally cast Attack. This takes out half her MP and cuts her away from using a second Aura this battle, but she's full of healing items so I'm hoping it won't matter.
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Worth mentioning, besides the Kraken there's like, two more Outlaws waiting to ambush us, so yeah, there's myriads of ways we can get blocked on the bridge. It never happened to me, but I'm wondering if they and the Kraken can work together to surround you on both sides. Sounds bad! I don't know what to do besides advancing though, and I'd rather have the Outlaws in front than the Kraken.
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We're dead.
I can't even try using the Defense Potion she found because it went to the Item Box, it would do wonders for our survivability here. As it is we're just toast, unless I can bait the Outlaws one by one back to the start where the Kraken can't reach.
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They took the bait, there's hope. I'm not touching that Kraken ever.
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Oh that +2 defense is so appreciated.
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I finally heal and attempt to hit this beast. This could be a mistake as I don't know if it can counter, but that's exactly it, I really wanna see its stats.
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That's a valiant effort from our queen, if I could use Zuika I could see us defeating this thing. It's not worth the risk though.
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Apparently it does have a chance to drop a better mace for her, which is peculiar. And I guess it can't counterattack after all. Valuable information.
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More importantly the Outlaws continue to be suckers so let's keep up with the plan.
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Aaaaaaaaah I should have dragged the Outlaw further back, shouldn't I???
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Shoo. Go away. There's nothing in bridge. Out.
…It is not leaving.
Okay. Panic over. We have three healing items so I think we can do this, it's just a massive waste, and will give me a heart attack if this thing gets a critical hit.
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She's trying she's trying so hard go Narsha go!
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Oh this would have been so useful to cross the bridge. Step is another Narsha exclusive spell which raises a character's movement by 2. Will be beyond useful in forest/mountain battles.
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WE'RE SO CLOSE I'm gonna be careful though and heal before finishing it off.
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I WAS TOO HYPED TO SCREENSHOT IT BUT THIS THING GIVES 2000 GOLD. Also dropped the Heavy Mace, I don't know if that's guaranteed.
God this is so incredibly satisfying I always wanted to kill this thing.
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I also thankfully did not have to waste a Healing Seed in this foolishness, and am now much more prepared for murder.
It's a joke to deal with the remaining Outlaws after that. All that's left is Gobgovitch, but I'll heal first with Aura just for paranoia. I doubt he's stronger than a whole Kraken.
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Tumblr is bullying me with the image limit but, he had 20 HP.
Well, Aura gave her some extra exp, that was definitely the best move. I love being good at games intentionally.
We finish the battle only to be again disappointed by naval services, as they're too dangerous here. Next time we, well, we get back to the Shining Force for all of Chapter 3, but then we get to Narsha's greatest challenge yet, and I am very hyped.
With that said, updates to this will slow down if not halt completely in the next months, because Shininginktober is coming! It's, tomorrow actually, I totally thought I had more time, but I expected to be late for most entries so whatever. That's why I'm saying months plural. As you can see I did get some warmup though :) So see you soon for that!
Losses: 0 Deaths: 2 The expected deaths on Narsha interludes: 0/3!!!!!!!!!
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claire-starsword · 1 year
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claire-starsword · 2 years
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absolute dorks love them
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also i continue to lose it at the plot being occasionally interrupted to remind us that Max and Mawlock have their own tcg quest going on the side. Maybe in a more serious story it would be annoying but here it works just fine, it’s just one more fish out of water thing for fish out of water Max to deal with, and it doesn’t interrupt important character moments of plot beats anyway, it was tacked at the very end of the scene.
I’m also just fascinated with Mawlock in a meta sense at this point. Narsha it’s a perfect fit for the plot and some very important humanization of Runefaust’s side of the conflict, Zuika is a rando but fits the universe just fine (half of shining force is just getting randos on your team after all) but Mawlock? He doesn’t fit, and he’s not trying to. He’s really leaning on the card mechanic which does sound interesting and because it’s just a few scenes it’s actually kind of charming? Yes i am a random extra to add features to this remake don’t worry about it sir let’s go buy more booster packs for our deck and move on
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claire-starsword · 2 years
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why does she turn into an orb
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claire-starsword · 2 years
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Shining Force RoDD wallpapers from a backup of the Shining World website.
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claire-starsword · 2 years
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Shining Force “family squabble” doodles by Yoshitaka Tamaki, the character designer. From a backup of the Shining World website.
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claire-starsword · 2 years
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o man i was worried the bikini was gonna be just gross fanservicey stuff (and might be for Tao i haven’t tested it on her) but this is hilarious actually. And better than her stupid “become orb” animation
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claire-starsword · 2 years
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hmm this is a lot of dialogue that shouldn’t be locked by defeating Ramladu with Narsha specifically, the game only hints that she has to be on the team and she isn’t a fighting class. The card collecting is a cool challenge but an entire character arc behind a messed up requirement? bad
am glad to see the dude acknowledging why he got possessed though
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claire-starsword · 2 years
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haha i just said she’s like a deuteragonist and look at that, bolt weapon.
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claire-starsword · 2 years
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on one hand i’m pleasantly surprised that they’re leaving this dude’s morality kinda open to interpretation instead of being all boo hoo i was possessed, like yeah everyone says he was a good guy before but the main person saying that is his daughter which is biased as heck, who knows what made him fall to the darkness, it might have been an actual weakness of his character and i like when the game lets me think that instead of forcing too much pity in the guy
at the same time, is this it for Narsha? the game built her up as pretty much a deuteragonist at this point and i thought Ramladu would be the peak of her character arc, but nope, she’s largely just here now. Don’t get me wrong i love her but what was the point of her plotwise? probably none as this game has zero clue what is doing in terms of narrative theme, it’s kinda like SF2 but with at least leagues better character writing
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claire-starsword · 2 years
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claire-starsword · 2 years
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boy if there’s some way to win that i’ll be impressed
This continues to be fascinating in a meta way, in that Mawlock seems to be an overpowered dude who wants Narsha to be in the story no matter what. Kinda getting really sad imagining that if there was a Narsha in the og shining force universe, she likely died
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claire-starsword · 2 years
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claire-starsword · 2 years
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raw line tbh
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idk where this plot is going but it does seem to be a fun meta jab at the fact this is a remake lmao, i like it
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i do not like that it seems to have thrown me in a solo battle though, there’s likely a catch but hmmm, mean
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