#severus sides
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crleonis · 4 months ago
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Dumb wolf
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lilithofpenandbook · 1 month ago
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Snape, witnessing a student he frequently complains about kicking Lockhart's arse in a duel: :]
Snape, realising he's being witnessed: :[
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maxdibert · 4 months ago
Severus Snape literally fits with the entire discography of The Smiths. There’s no way that, if he ever discovered the band, he didn’t listen to it on repeat during his sleepless, death-wishing nights, thinking every song was about him. I mean, “Back to the Old House,” “Heaven Knows I’m Miserable Now,” ��How Soon is Now,” “Please, Please, Please, Let Me Get What I Want,” “Unlovable,” “Half a Person,” “Asleep,” “The Boy with the Thorn in His Side,” and of course, “There is a Light That Never Goes Out.” Listen to all those songs and tell me they aren’t literally Severus Snape. Morrissey is to him what Taylor Swift is to white girls with dreams.
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superfallingstars · 5 months ago
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Snapetober Day 7: Flame
There is a light that never goes out...!
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inkyarcturus · 1 month ago
One of the headcanons that bounces around in my head alot is one where, in a very ironic reality, Harry becomes the potions professor and Draco becomes the defense Professor.
Everyone expects Harry to become the defense professor. He was the one to show original interest in becoming an auror, teaching the defense association and he had the expectations of general “boy-who-lived”ness. Yet, he ends up finding potions so intriguing after getting his hands on the half blood prince’s book. For once, he finally understands all the ins and outs of brewing while also having the chance to grow confidence in his abilities. It’s in the back of his mind for a couple of years, but with Voldemort defeated he decides to bite the bullet and make it his full time job.
On the other hand, everyone expects Draco to become a potions professor because of his skills and his relation to one (being the godson of Severus). He thinks he will become one too for the first, oh I don’t know, 5 years at Hogwarts? Then he gets exposed to the dark arts through Voldemort. Then he’s forced to fight a war he was unprepared for. He learns about the horrors that his family and other purebloods have subjugated muggleborns to. He gets out of that war being saved by the “hero of the light” with a new goal, “be better”. So he seeks out a defense against the dark arts mastery and tries to prove to himself along with others, that he can change.
I don’t know, just one of those little plot bunnies in my head that comes back around.
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thatlittlefangirl · 6 months ago
Omg... Am I getting pulled into the dark (short Snape) side?
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mrs-snape5984 · 7 months ago
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“There is a light and it never goes out…”
“Take me out tonight. Oh, take me anywhere, I don't care, I don’t care, I don’t care…” (“There’s a light that never goes out” by The Smiths)
Overstimulation. Disorientation. Light sensitivity. Chronic pain. Fatigue. These are only a few of those symptoms, which are torturing me day in and day out for the past two years, already. Due to them, caused by a disease, that is called “Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome” (ME/CFS), I’m currently forced to live a life within the strict confines of my dark and silent room, mostly enduring my daily existence in solitude.
I miss being a part of this world….and fuck, I miss being a part of other people’s lives! Living like this makes me feel like an old piece of furniture, which has been stored away in a hidden chamber…not worthy enough to be used or seen by anyone, and yet still not bad enough to be discarded.
Some months ago, two wonderful people started taking me out to see their worlds by sending me pictures and videos of the places, they’re heading to. Thanks to them, I’m allowed to get a glimpse of places, I’ve always dreamed of being able to explore them on my own.
Furthermore, something else became apparent whenever one of these precious gems of human nature took me with them: I wasn’t just carried around in their phones, but they carried me in their hearts. This realisation blew my mind! It’s not only me, who’s clinging to them as if they’re my lifelines…no, this little German mess, that I am, became important to these people, too! Words can’t express how grateful I am for our connections…and that I was also lucky enough to find true love in this bond (I love you, R. 🖤).
One of those amazing people is my beloved sister in Christ @vulnus-sanare, who will soon come to visit me in my small world. Finally, I’ll be the one, who can show her the beauty of the tiniest things in my environment…always surrounded by the securing gloominess of the nights. Magda, my heart, I’m going to introduce you to the stars above my town, to the soothing sounds of the Moselle River right next to my house and I hope, we will manage to experience the mesmerising dance of the bats in the vineyards, if we take my wheelchair with us. I can’t wait to have you here and pull you into the tightest of all embraces, sweetie!
I’ve commissioned my dear friend @snake-queen7 to create this breathtaking piece of art of Severus and my undeniably self-inserted OC Jules on a nocturnal walk through the vineyards behind my house. Before I caught ME/CFS, I used to enjoy these nightly strolls in order to watch the bats with my children, so I sent her a photo of the exact spot, I want to share with Magda. Since it was Severus and Snapedom, which brought us together, it’s only fair to bring our beloved dungeon bat to this special place as well.
My friend, I’m more than happy with the outcome of your artwork and it’s a pleasure to share it with all those lovely people of our Snapedom. Please take my apologies for taking so long to write this post, but I wanted to honour your work the way, it deserves to be honoured. For this reason, I had to wait patiently for a moment, when my brain wouldn’t refuse me to do its job (brain fog is such a pain in the ass!). Thank you for everything, Natalia! 🥹
🖤Severus & Julia🖤
🖤Sevy & Jules🖤
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momo-t-daye · 11 months ago
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Part One
Co-(god)parenting a teenager with your (maybe?) ex can be quite the adventure
(O.W.L.s might be easier if you'd had the examiners as tutors since you were old enough to talk, Sirius)
So, for the mirror pattern, I'd been goofing around with attempting marbling with India ink and water, I made an awful mess but I had fun and the swirly pattern looks interesting
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liberac0rpvs · 1 month ago
lookism in fandoms is indeed a thing because when a character’s presumably (and sometimes narratively) got such an asshole morality and personality but looks conventionally attractive everyone simps for them and when a character appears to have a personality dominated by negative traits and on top of that they don’t have perfect facial simetry, an athletic body build and an overall objectively “unpleasing” physical appearance they’re super super hated and excluded out of fan content, or portrayed in fanart in a way that erases all the “ugly” characteristics and gives them that handsome face, or they’re all of a sudden the ugliest and morally worst person to walk Earth and tbh, i wouldn’t mind so much if those people wouldn’t have these standards IRL too :P
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hbpseverus · 6 months ago
okay, one thing about james. he is the only marauder (casting peter aside) who i just can't forgive. i like remus, and while i dislike sirius i can at least appreciate his strenghts and his good sides. but i can't forgive james for the swm incident and many people seem to have trouble understanding why this isolated event ruins his entire character. because i am willing to believe that he worked on himself and became a better person after hogwarts (mainly because i don't think lily would have ever married him otherwise). i completely believe that even at hogwarts, he was considered a likable person by many. that he was fun to be around and friendly to most. that he wasn't all bad or only a bully.
but here's the thing. there are things you only have to do once to be irredeemable, and what happened in snapes worst memory, to me, is one of those things. i do not care if james was an amazing person outside of this one incident. and i understand that everyone has different morals and that other people can forgive james - or not forgive severus. unlike james, severus got a chance to redeem himself and he took it. he was still a bully, but here's where my personal perception comes into play again. i had many awful teachers who were bullies and i know how much it sucks (in my country, teachers are insanely hard to get fired, meaning they truly can get away with almost anything including obvious discrimination). i can't justify his mistreatment of students, but to me his good sides outweigh it, so i can forgive and like him despite this flaw while others can not which is valid too. but sexual harassment is not something i can forgive no matter the circumstances or the person who did it. i would feel the same way if the roles had been reversed and james had been the victim - i wouldn't be a snape stan. ultimately we all have our own individual morals that play into how we perceive these complex characters.
tldr: it doesn't matter to me if james was a balanced character and a good person outside of swm because committing sexual harassment 'just once' is still one time too many and makes anyone permanently irredeemable in my eyes
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anti-marauders · 6 months ago
Its funny remembering that in a way Mulciber and Avery are more respectful than The Marauders.
Cause The Marauders bully Lily's ex best friend Severus, despite James being in love with Lily and them claiming to be the good guys. Like bro if you want the girl befriend her best friend, damn.
And Mulciber and Avery, who are friends or acquaintances with Severus which is said by Lily, apparently don't do shit to Lily cause when she tries to get Severus to see how bad they are she only brings up the shit Mulciber did to Mary, someone Severus doesn't even know. Avery & Mulciber are clearly blood purists so they would obviously talk shit and I really think they'd talk shit about Lily wether they were friends with Severus or not cause she's a muggleborn and a gryffindor.
Yet Severus still hangs out with them and has no other issues with them especially cause he'd throw a fit if they talked shit about Lily. And if he did they'd clearly hex him cause they won't take shit from a half blood. Like wether they left Lily alone in an effort to keep Severus on their side to recruit him or not, they seemed smarter then the marauders. Cause while they didn't try to befriend her obviously, they knew if they wanted Severus on their side they didn't target the one person he truly cares about.
Now wether Mulciber and Avery were really close to Severus or not they still didn't target Lily or say shit cause I feel like they would considering how much James goes after her so they'd hear a lot about her. I feel like they'd attack her out of annoyance or berate her incase they thought she believed she was all that but apparently not cause Lily doesn't bring anything up and I know damn well she would have. Severus probably would have left them if they did.
#like even after their friendship ended#they'd have a reason to teach her a lesson after the incident wether they cared about severus or not#cause while they don't go after the marauders possibly because they used the bullying to their advantage to get Severus on their side#I feel they would have gone after her afterwards or atleast say cruel things about her while Severus was more vulnerable#but I feel like they didn't since Severus still joins them without hesitation Mulciber and Avery are probably the ones that talked severus#into thinking that if he joined the DEs that Lily would come back to him#like they knew how to get severus and the marauders specifically james didn't know how to get lily from the beginning#cause mul and avery had severus from the beginning cause he didn't think badly about them at all but lily thought badly about the marauders#while they still ended up with who they wanted at the end. I say Mulciber and Avery were better#they were dicks clearly but they achieved what they wanted first before the marauders did#their friendship ending help both parties more but if sev was actually in love with lily mul & avery would have convinced him#that joining the DEs would make him more desirable to lily if their friendship hadn't falled apart or they did it from the beginning#cause its said thats what Severus thought and I feel it was Mulciber and Avery who made him think that#severus snape#mulciber#avery#lily evans#hp#random#random shit#anti marauders#I keep adding tags afterwards so I'm done now#no more tags#this is all my opinion its what I think
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hptrash-lookaway · 6 months ago
Favorite Sirry scenario that I haven’t seen anywhere yet is a time travel one where Harry decides to hang out with his mom (because honestly he’s heard a lot about his dad, but not really about his mom, and he’d like to know more about her)
But hanging around her means hanging around Snape too
Which means that now, Sirius hates Snape even more, cause he’d already quickly gained a crush on this new mysterious transfer student
And it’s just Sirius and James glaring over at their little trio and talking about Snape as if he’s some evil casanova stealing away all the cute gryffindors, while Snape is just. like. sitting there.
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maxdibert · 4 months ago
I’ll never understand why the ship of Sirius and Remus is so popular when Sirius’s world literally revolved around James. I mean, if Sirius liked men, he was in love with James and probably wasn’t even fully aware of it. In fact, I’ve always seen quite a parallel between Sirius/James and Snape/Lily because in both cases, the first ones seemed to feel (platonically or romantically, however you want to see it) much more for the others. I’ve always seen it as pretty clear, but maybe it’s just me, idk.
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tremendouszinelovermug · 8 months ago
"Snape only changed side because of Lily"
Man, I'm no less than severus Snape, I would turn the world upside down for lily.
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poitionsprince · 8 months ago
I really need a Snupin coffee-shop AU fics.
Severus needs his coffee to function during the day, Remus being the new batista.
Either memorizing Severus' order easily, or screwing it up many times in the beginning (as we know that he is awful at potions).
Severus drinking it yet hating it but not saying a word, or drinking it and telling him to his face how awful that was and how to fix it (man knows his coffee) - either way he continues to come there every day, the same hour, just to be greeted by a smiling Remus.
Severus as the batista would just be him judging everyone for their taste of coffee, but making the orders to perfection.
Remus being a regular and Severus already knowing his order, Remus smiles as he says it but hears how he judges his taste - so he asks Severus what he would recommend instead.
And it goes like that for days and change of seasons - Remus taking his suggestions and getting to hear a bit more scolding and gossip over other customers since Severus had been there for a long time now.
I need this for my sanity-
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albus severus is the human embodiment of be gay do crime, in this essay I will-
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