#seven of nine x samantha wildman
voyagerafod · 2 years
Seven and Samantha are in the running in the 13th match in the thread. SO far they’re ahead of Cornwell/Georgiou but there’s only three votes and 5 days left on the poll.
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catgirljaneway · 10 months
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Voy + Textposts 8 (Reductress Headlines Version 2)
(Voy + Textposts 7) - (Voy + Textposts 9)
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hauntedmoonchaos · 2 years
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isagrimorie · 1 year
Because it's not gonna happen anytime soon I'm going to try to guess the plots and arcs Star Trek Legacy might touch on:
Romulans since Seven spent the better part of 20 years patrolling what was once the Romulan Neutral Zone. Raffi was an expert on Romulan affairs, and if Elnor returns he could add more of Romulan Qowat Milat flair.
Jurati Borg Collective and the xBs on Coppelius. The implications of the Borgs joining the Federation. Especially after Federation Day.
Enterprise-G exploring what's beyond the new Transwerp the Jurati Borg are guarding.
More episodic to serial arc, 3-episode arc type of thing ala Andor, even a bit like SNW. Two Enterprise shows for the price of one!
Crossover episodes! Holodeck episodes! Shenanigans! Character-centric episodes so we learn more about the Bridge crew. Time loop episodes! 2 episode Time Travel episodes.
MOAR SHIP PORN. Yes, I have come to accept I am that kind of Trek fan.
Day in the Life of the Enterprise XO. Or Raffi's no good, very bad day. Time Loop. Aka, like that one episode where Buffy had to repeat a day. And like that X-Files episode.
Delving mOAR about the complexities of Seven of Nine, Human and Borg. Seven reviving her love of science and engineering. The internal life of Seven of Nine and how she sees herself. Her love of Raffi. And as one fanfic posited, Seven of Nine asking Raffi to be her First Officer is the closest way Seven can ask for a committed relationship.
Voyager crew guest star!
Sidney LaForge also has an 'I! Fly! The! Ship!' moment. The Cook-Pilot reports to Sidney!
Dr. Ohk's Horrible No Good Terrible Bad Day redux.
Seven getting a Dutch from Killjoys moment where someone takes over the ship and threatens Seven's crew, triggering a: "The monster isn't out there with the crew. I'm the monster." And kicks bad guy's ass.
A HEIST EPISODE. Raffi is the lead because she's a goddamned spy.
More than 10 episode seasons, please!
A Seven/Raffi-centric episode.
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thehumanarkle · 5 years
With today being the 25th anniversary of Star Trek Voyager, this seems like as good an excuse as any to push this silly little thing I wrote as a thought experiment that has gone on to be possibly the most well-received thing I’ve ever written; fiction or non-fiction, original or fan work, this is the one that seemed to click with people.
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Snow Day for the Voyager Crew!
My entry for @25daysofvoyager.
Some of the crew members get a little extra homesick around this time of year, so it’s the holodeck to the rescue!
Tom came up with the idea, and is very pleased with himself. B’Elanna was a bit less thrilled, but is starting to wam up to it. Tom promises her their next holodeck trip will be to Tahiti.
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Our favorite command team seems to be enjoying some quality time off duty...
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Tuvok does not understand the human tendency to romantacize frigid temperatures.
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Neither does Seven.
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Harry’s just happy to be there.
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The Doctor is very proud of his stylish (holographic) winter wear.
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Samantha is telling Naomi all about the glaciers of Earth and Kitaris, which she hopes she will see one day.
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Neelix soon manages to wrangle the entire crew into a snowball fight, which he’s very happy about.
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Now it’s back to the mess hall for some hot cocoa!
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sapphicstartrek · 6 years
My biggest regret in my Seven of Nine/Samantha Wildman fic was that I totally botched the "how does the rest of the crew find out" moment. I couldn't decide on cutesy (something like one of them accidentally calling the other one "honey" on the bridge) or dramatic, so I settled on anti-climactic, but frankly, I blew even that because anti-climactic can be funny when done right,. So I'd love to hear other people's ideas on that. #talkingtuesday
I always find fics with ‘how the crew finds out ‘ difficult to tie up nicely so if anyone does have any ideas let’s here it!
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gaymalcolmreed-blog · 6 years
kira x jadzia and tom x b'elanna (also?? rarepair: seven of nine x samantha wildman)
Kira x Jadz
I love them so much omg. Like honestly I feel so bad about never having written or drawn anything for them they’re my DS9 OTP (well, non-crossover, since my crossover OTP is kimshir and I always seem to get way more invested in rarepairs than is possibly healthy…) It’s possible that I may have stumbled across them on tumblr before watching DS9… but I’m pretty sure I first heard of it, as it were, while I was watching the show and I liked their dynamic and their chemistry and I decided that they were definitely space girlfriends
Tom x B’Elanna
Okay so I haven’t… actually… finished Voyager. Oops. I ended up getting distracted from it very soon after they got together, and… I remember thinking it was sudden and out of nowhere? Like, I remember Tom saying something about watching her or something, and I was like ???? No??? You haven’t?? Have you???? I mean, it’s all too possible I might have missed it. I’m so used to shipping gay pairings out of nothing or practically nothing because that’s all writers give us that I guess my expectations for m/f pairings are higher like they’ve gotta very obviously have chemistry for me to consider it, but also… I miss the obvious so many times, so uh. Yeah. Anyway, since I haven’t had the chance (yet) to actually see their relationship, see it develop, see their dynamic, etc., I can’t really say if I ship it or not. I don’t not ship it, but rn I don’t particularly ship it either. I’m ambivalent
Seven of Nine x Samantha Wildman
Honestly, I don’t remember who Samantha is, I’m sorry. But it’s femslash and a rarepair, so the prospects of me ending up shipping it once I find my way back to Voyager are looking pretty good tbh
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pixiedane · 7 years
Wednesday is for WIPs
Fic | I am the soft stars that shine at night (Janeway/Lorca temporal anomaly)
Essay | Lorcan’t Believe It (”What’s Past is Prologue” reaction)
2/14 Women at Warp Post*
2/16 Disco Exchange*
2/26 OUAT Femslash Exchange
Geek Mom Disco Mythology Post
Geek Mom Grad School Post
Pixie Ships:
Nyota Uhura x Christine Chapel x Janice Rand*
Katrina Cornwell x L’Rell
Gabriel Lorca x Ellen Landry
Katrina Cornwell x Kathryn Janeway
Icheb x Naomi Wildman
Samantha Wildman x Seven of Nine
Jedi Dance Academy Part 7*
Voyager AU Prime Directive Part 3
Star Wars AU Legacy Part 4
Ever Expanding Admiral Kat Plot Bunny List
DS9 5.10 Rapture *
Enterprise 1.2 Fight or Flight
Voyager 3.11 The Q and the Grey
Star Wars: HanLeia for Subscriber*
FandomLovesPuertoRico Win (Dark Matter)
FandomLovesPuertoRico Win (Discovery) - Post S1
Other Discovery Vids - Post S1
Donation (Leia) - Post TLJ Digital Release
*in progress
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voyagerafod · 2 years
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voyagerafod · 2 years
Holy [bleep]! Seven/Samantha is going to be in the Final Round! What?!
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voyagerafod · 2 years
Round 4, and amazingly, Sam x Seven is still in it!
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voyagerafod · 2 years
Round 3 started yesterday. Sam/Seven is currently holding a lead up against Garak/SIsko.
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voyagerafod · 2 years
Round 2 is off to the races, and Seven/Samantha are still in the fight after crushing the runoff. With all of 2 votes, but still ;)
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hauntedmoonchaos · 1 year
Rare Trek April Pairing Prompts
So these prompts were created using a bot on Rare Trek Discord . They are rare and random, and some are weird and some make sense. These prompts are for everyone to use in or out of the server. Write as many you'd like.
There is a Anon Rare Trek Collection for those who wish to write them but would rather be anonymous or Rare Trek Collection for those who don't.
You can write these as serious, crack, platonic or romantic
1. Khan/Lorca
2. Deanna/Ro
3. Reginald Barclay/Erin Hansen
4. Hugh x Jal Culluh x Matt Decker
5. Raffi x Tallinn x Kat Cornwell
6. Harry x Tom x Leeta
7. Ezri x Janeway
8. Jadzia x Kira xSeven
9. Shaw x Seven
10. Seven x Tasha
11. Beverly x Liana x Ro
12. Raffi x BQ
13. Christine Chapel x Kes or Ogawa/Chapel/Kes trans-temporal nursing convention hijinks
14. Ro/Shaw
15. Tallinn/Ro Laren
16. Deanna/Janeway
17. Saru/Kira
18. Will Decker/Adreek-hu
19. Tallinn/Liana
20.Ro Laren/Jadzia Dax/Laris
21. Kira Nerys/Raffi Musiker
22.Ezri Dax/Seven Of Nine, Leeta
23. Lenara Kahn/Vadic
24. Liam Shaw/Kira Nerys
25. Sylvia Tilly/Seven of Nine
26. Sela/Laris
27. Oh/Sela
28. Data/Seven
29. Saavik/Tasha Yar
30. O'Brien/Samantha Wildman
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voyagerafod · 4 years
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100 posts of good Sam/Seven (Sevmantha?) content.
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