#rarepair tournament
hazbinrarepairs · 2 months
Hellaverse Rarepair Tournament!
Hi! I'm bored, so I decided to start a tournament for this summer. Suggest a rarepair you like and it will likely appear in the tournament, it can be either HH only, HB only or Hazbin/Helluva crossover. I will accept at least 16-32 ships. Hope you enjoy it!
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geekcat · 5 months
Gaz/Tenn Propaganda
With the Invader Zim Rarepair Tournament coming up, this seems like the perfect time to put out some propaganda for one ship that speaks to me: Gaz/Tann (or GaTR/alt GATR)! ( @iz-rarepair-tournament)
Now, normally this is only seen as part of the Gaz/Tak/Tenn throuple (as far as I can tell, at least), which, don't get me wrong, is a great underrated ship. But right now, we're focusing on just pairs, so I'd like to focus on why the Gaz/Tenn pairing could work, even if these characters haven't interacted before!
Cue the raw rambling:
According to one line of "The Dookie Loop Horror", Tenn holds the high score in an alien DDR game. This implies she, like Gaz, enjoys gaming and gives them something in common.
Of course, maybe the exact genres of games they enjoy most don't perfectly intersect, but that just makes it more interesting! The two of them can explore exactly what games they both like, and both get to expand their usual game libraries by trying what the other favors.
Picture: the two of them tearing through levels of a shooter together, cackling as they carve paths of destruction in their wake.
Now picture: them cuddling up to each other on the couch, quietly playing something more relaxed like Animal Crossing.
(Side note: imagine them working to create their own game that mixes the sorts of games they like most. Some mix of fighting game, rhythm game, and roguelike, perhaps...)
After the...incident on Meekrob, I imagine Tenn has a little bit of trauma surrounding SIR units, or even robots in general. Just imagine her initial nervousness around Gaz's security robots...only to feel reassured when Gaz programs them to not respond to her, a sign of trust...Tenn slowly getting exposure therapy due to Gaz's hobbies...maybe she won't feel completely safe around SIRs, but she can reach a point where being near them doesn't turn her into a shaking mess.
Also, based on her panicking reaction and trying to get help during said incident, that might be her default reaction if something goes wrong. Gaz, on the other hand—would totally be willing to get mad on her behalf if something happens. Tenn thinks it's sweet when Gaz promises brutal revenge on those who wronged her. It's so terrifyingly beautiful.
Of course, we can't forget Tenn is still a trained Invader. She could give Gaz tips on how to fight using her unnatural strength as efficiently as possible, they could spar without too much fear of injuring the other (they're both pretty durable), they can use Tenn's advanced technology and Gaz's skills to build things to strike fear into others...
One scenario that works if Gaz dates any Irken: Dib freaking out that his sister is dating an "alien menace" and trying to be a protective older brother.
But, with Gaz dating Tenn specifically, there's another element to it. Tenn looking similar to Zim (Dib's greatest (possibly ex)-enemy) would be even more likely to cause Dib to freak out over her dating his sister. Maybe enough to give him an aneurysm.
Anyway. A lot of Tenn's character is up to interpretation (due to her few appearances), but that just means there's a lot of potential ideas/stories there! And I think her being with Gaz opens up a few interesting ideas.
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mysterypond · 2 years
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And here’s the ship lineups!!!!!!!!!!! Voting ends on the 26th!!!
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voyagerafod · 2 years
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xerxestexastoast · 11 months
Forgive me Voidzero Nation (me and my friends) but I don't have the strength to produce propaganda before the poll concludes
may we win this first battle so I can justify doing it anyway
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/!\ The symbol "&" is used for platonic ships, there are therofore no romantic ties between the characters in said ship!
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*The MCYT polls admins polycule | MCYT-rarepair-tournament & transmcytshowdown & MCYT-crackships-brackets
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web-novel-polls · 3 months
Web Novel Rarepair Preliminary #13
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Please only vote on whether the ship is rare enough to qualify for the tournament, not on whether you like the ship or not. You can vote for your favorite ship in the tournament itself. 
Submissions are still open! Submit another WN rarepair here
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rarepair-competition · 4 months
Submit rarepairs
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hazbinrarepairs · 20 days
Hellaverse Rarepair 2nd Tournament!
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If you didn't know, the last tournament ended with Applemedia winning...
So I decided to make a 2nd one! it will be open for at least 1 week and I will accept at least 16 ships (unless it reach much more). It can be either HH only, HB only or HH/HB crossover. Hope you enjoy it!
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geekcat · 4 months
Zibdib propaganda
@iz-rarepair-tournament Put together some Dib/Zib propaganda (really just me rambling a lot).
Like a lot of selfcest ships, this ship has the element of seeing yourself literally in another version of yourself...but with Zibdib, Dib gets to see some of his worst aspects.
He's determined to stop Zim and protect Earth, no matter what it takes. Zib is an extreme of that—he took over his Earth and sacrificed a whole universe in order to stop the Irken Empire, and he plans to keep sacrificing universes until he succeeds at it. It could make Dib question just what sacrifices he'd be willing to make, what lines he'd cross, to win. Would he want to go as far as Zib?
Plus, Zib has some of Zim and Dib's shared flaws, so it can even make Dib start to realize the similarities between himself and his greatest enemy, shaking up that dynamic, too.
And from Zib's perspective...Dib is the first sign of humanity he's seen in a long time. After all, with the PAK, he isn't completely human anymore (though he would never admit that). Seeing a version of himself still so human...would he feel jealousy? Longing? Anyway, I just think there would be moments with the two where Zib just kind of...stares at Dib. Watching.
I would also imagine Zib craves approval and companionship. He has both a Dib and Zim's desire for that, on top of being completely alone for an unknown length of time...if someone (say, Dib) decided to stay with him, he'd just melt.
Worth noting that at first, Zib likes Dib. Or at least, enough to
Let down his facade and tell him his whole plan
Tells him about how successful he was in just the way Dib wants to hear (lying)
Lets Dib join in on the plan (even if he gives him insultingly simple tasks—he's still treating Dib as an ally and not a tool the way he does the Zims)
And after Dib's betrayal...there's a very good plotline for a friends(?) to enemies (to allies to friends again) to lovers story here if we continue off the events of the comics.
Finally, so many good potential date ideas! Hunting paranormal creatures together—something they would both enjoy, and something Zib likely hasn't done in forever, giving him a chance to actually relax. Exploring space together, with Zib taking advantage of his now built-in translator and perhaps even some maps within the PAK. And so on.
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both @mcyt-rarepair-tournament and @the-mcyt-crackships-brackets were inspired by the trans mcyt showdown and i couldn't be more proud of how popular they've gotten- much love to them!
@mcyt-rarepair-tournament and @the-mcyt-crackships-brackets !!!
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mysterypond · 2 years
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The results are out!!!!!
Final vote tallies under the cut
*Re: my earlier rule for seeding, alphabetic order will break ties. I am keeping this consistent
Bracket 1
Amane / Canary - 102
Pariston / Shaiapouf - 26
Bracket 2
Cheadle / Pariston - 63
Beans / Ging - 65
Beacket 3
Pokkle / Ponzu - 85
Milluki / Neon - 43
Bracket 4
Kurapika / Melody - 62
Morena / Theta - 66
Bracket 5
Ging / Kite - 89
Bisky / Hisoka - 39
Bracket 6
Hisoka / Kurapika - 69
Kite / Neferpitou - 59
Bracket 7
Machi / Shizuku - 87
Pakunoda / Shizuku - 71
Bracket 8
Knov / Morel - 89
Beans / Netero - 39
Bracket 9
Knuckle / Shoot - 98
Kurapika / Oito - 30
Bracket 10
Nobunaga / Uvogin - 86
Cheadle / Mizaistom - 42
Bracket 11
Cheadle / Ging - 78
Chrollo / Silva - 50
Bracket 12
Alluka / Zushi - 82
Alluka / Gon - 46
Bracket 13
Machi / Pakunoda - 91
Cheadle / Leorio - 37
Bracket 14
Dwun / List - 76
Hisoka / Leorio - 52
Bracket 15
Ging / Razor - 71
Mizai / Pariston - 57
Bracket 16
Shalnark / Uvogin - 95
Cluck / Gel - 33
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