#sesshomaru x inuyasha
helenawrites23 · 4 months
Beneath Winter's Veil
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1.1k, walks in the woods, banter, mild hurt/comfort, tooth-rooting fluff, warm and fuzzy feelings, gen or pre-slash, enemies to friends, ambiguos relationships. AO3 link
Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru share a tentative bond. When the cold threatens Inuyasha, Sesshoumaru's concern shines through. Perhaps, there's still hope for them.
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In the heart of an ancient forest, where whispers of old spirits danced through the trees, Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru walked side by side. Their footsteps whispered through the frost-laden undergrowth, the only sound in the serene landscape. Inuyasha, with his wild mane of hair and a glint of mischief in his eyes, kicked up snow with every step. Beside him, Sesshoumaru moved with the silent grace of a winter breeze, his expression cold as the ice that adorned the branches above.
Sunlight filtered through the leaves, dappling the ground with patches of gold as they walked. Their past was littered with the echoes of battles fought, a history of animosity that had once burned like wildfire between them. Now, however, as they traversed the winding paths of the forest, there was a tentative peace that hung between them, still fragile.
They exchanged few words as they walked, their silence punctuated only by the rustle of leaves and the occasional chirp of a hidden bird. Despite the lack of conversation, there was a sense of comfort. Though Sesshoumaru remained as impassive as ever, there was a softness in his eyes that belied the mask of indifference he wore. Inuyasha refused to acknowledge the warmth that bloomed in his chest whenever his brother’s gaze lingered on him, instead choosing to focus on the mundane details of the forest around them.
Inuyasha cursed at a particularly stubborn thorn bush that snagged his sleeve. Sesshoumaru didn't quite laugh, but there was a hint of amusement in the curve of his mouth. The tension that had once simmered between them had dissipated, replaced by a quiet camaraderie. Inuyasha would never admit it aloud, but there was a part of him that couldn’t help but wonder if maybe, their walks through the forest were something more than just chance meetings.
He pushed the thought aside, content to bask in the faint sunlight that filtered through the trees and the quiet companionship of the one he had once called his enemy. 
The air was sharp with winter’s chill, but while Sesshoumaru remained untouched by its bite, Inuyasha’s breath came out in visible puffs, his cheeks flushed with the cold. He stubbornly refused to acknowledge his discomfort, though, his pride as stubborn as the frost clinging to the forest floor. Sesshoumaru took notice and made a fleeting jab, but Inuyasha took it in good humor. Their banter was as familiar as the winding paths they trod.
He struggled to keep pace with Sesshoumaru’s steady strides, though. Cursing under his breath, Inuyasha kept going, refusing to admit defeat even as the cold gnawed at him relentlessly. Soon, it became clear that he was losing the battle against the elements. His steps grew slower, his movements sluggish as the cold sapped his strength. Though he tried to hide it, he couldn’t mask the shivers that wracked his frame or the way his teeth chattered with every breath.
Sesshoumaru could noticed the subtle signs of his struggle. His keen eyes caught every flicker of discomfort, every telltale sign. With a silent nod, he halted in his tracks, his intense gaze fixed on Inuyasha. There was a strange weight to the silence that hung between them. Inuyasha waited, his breath coming out in shallow puffs as he looked back with a mixture of defiance and resignation.
He braced himself for the inevitable rebuke, for the sharp words that he knew would come, but to his surprise, Sesshoumaru remained silent, his expression unreadable. Then, with a grace that belied his imposing presence, he reached out a hand and brushed a lock of hair from Inuyasha’s face. His touch was surprisingly gentle, a stark contrast to the cold that seemed to seep into Inuyasha’s bones.
Without a word, Sesshoumaru pressed the back of his hand to Inuyasha’s forehead, his touch cool against the feverish skin. He bristled at the contact, his instinct to push his brother away warring with the longing that stirred within him, yet to be spoken. He remained where he was, allowing Sesshoumaru to inspect him. There was something comforting about his touch, a warmth that radiated from him even in the midst of winter’s chill.
For a long moment, they simply stood there, locked in a silent exchange. An understanding passed between them, a silent acknowledgment of the bond that had formed between former enemies.
“You’re freezing,” Sesshoumaru stated, his voice as cool and controlled as the winter air.
Inuyasha flinched at the implication of weakness, unable to accept Sesshoumaru’s concern. Beneath the layers of defiance, there was a need that he couldn’t deny, a longing for the warmth of his brother’s touch that he had long tried to suppress.
“Yeah, well, what’s it to you?” Inuyasha shot back; his words laced with a bitterness he couldn’t quite mask.
Sesshoumaru simply shook his head, his expression softening ever so slightly as he reached out to take Inuyasha’s hands in his own. His touch was searing hot against Inuyasha’s cold skin, sending a jolt racing through his veins. Sesshoumaru’s hands enveloped Inuyasha’s, their warmth a stark contrast to the icy grip of winter. With a tenderness that took Inuyasha by surprise, Sesshoumaru rubbed at his hands, his touch gentle yet firm as he worked to banish the cold from his chilled skin.
His breath caught in his throat as Sesshoumaru’s hot breath brushed against his hands, sending a shiver down his spine. Inuyasha couldn’t help the rush of blood that flooded his cheeks, the blush betraying the calm façade he tried desperately to maintain.
“It's everything to me,” Sesshoumaru replied, his voice barely above a whisper.
In that moment, as the winter wind whispered through the trees and the snow fell softly around them, Inuyasha felt something shift between them. It was a subtle change, imperceptible to the outside world, but to Inuyasha, it felt like the beginning of something new.
“Let us go, you will become ill,” Sesshoumaru’s voice cut through the crisp air, his words a soft command that Inuyasha found himself unable to disobey.
Despite the cold that gnawed at him relentlessly, Inuyasha took comfort in his brother’s concern. It was an offer he hadn’t expected, a flicker of hope amidst the darkness.
"Yeah, okay," Inuyasha replied.
With a reluctant nod, he allowed himself to be led. Sesshoumaru put an arm around him, but even then, he had no complaints. As they walked, the distance between them seemed to shrink, until their shoulders brushed with every step and their breaths mingled in the frosty air. Though they may have started as enemies, there was a bond forming between them that even the chill of winter couldn't extinguish. Inuyasha wondered if maybe, their journey was only just beginning.
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darianaestrada · 2 years
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istehlurvz · 6 months
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sesskag, the OG enemies to lovers otp
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higurashiz · 4 months
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Original Color Panels - InuYasha (1996-1999)
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kay-i · 6 months
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This is my contribution to the SessRinEternity / 320生而爱铃96小时 96Hour Relay Race!
✨🌙Always Mine🎐✨ (Part II)
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tojiluv · 6 months
Hello new follower here hope you’re having a great day/evening/night💜 could I request any inuyasha characters reaction to accidentally touching their s/o’s cold feet/hands while they’re sleeping at night ? You can ignore this if it makes you feel uncomfortable.
COLD NIGHT — inuyasha characters reaction ft. inuyasha, sesshomaru, koga [headcanon]
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context: amidst the camp set up for the night, you spread your blanket on the ground while your partner opts to lie beside you. despite the warmth emanating from the large fire, your body retains a chill, though it doesn't trouble you greatly. however, someone else appears more affected, expressing their discomfort unlike you.
warnings: fluff. slight ooc? lowercase intended. gn! reader
notes: ty for the request anon! if you can't tell, i prefer sesshomaru more lol. also why doesn't Inuyasha and koga have good alias names ugh
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➜ inuyasha would sit up against the rough bark of a nearby tree, his hand resting on the hilt of his sword, ready for any potential intruders. you settle down beside him, seeking warmth and solace in his presence. your hand reaches out to him, seeking comfort and reassurance that he's beside you.
➜ as your hand makes contact with his, his serene expression swiftly transforms into one of alarm, his eyes snapping open wide. he jerks his hand away from yours, swiftly moving it towards the fire to regain warmth.
➜ “the hell is wrong with your hands!? they’re colder than the damn snow right now!”
➜ you scoff at his words, turning away from him in response. inuyasha grumbled at your reaction before firmly gripping your shoulders and pulling you closer to him, snuggling you into his warm embrace.
➜ “since you wanna be stubborn and not get near the fire, i guess i’ll just stay next to you for the night.”
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➜ unlike inuyasha’s outburst, sesshomaru is more the silent-but-glaring type of partner in this situation. 
➜ when your hand accidentally brushes against his face while adjusting a few strands of his hair, his golden eyes widen briefly at the contact before narrowing into a silent, intense glare.
➜ you pull your hand back quickly, shooting him an apologetic smile as he continues to glare, the sensation of your cold hands disrupting his slumber. it was rare for sesshomaru to join you and the group, let alone to sleep as well, but now, you've ruined it with your never-ending coldness.
➜ you turn around on the blanket, keeping your hands to yourself as you quietly sigh, feeling regretful for ruining the moment.
➜ after a few seconds, you feel something heavy and warm drape across your freezing body. it takes a moment to realize it's sesshomaru's mokomoko, which he has placed on you, providing the extra warmth you need that the fire couldn’t.
➜ even though you knew sesshomaru wasn’t one to talk about his feelings, you appreciated how he expressed his love more through actions than words.
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➜ as the leader of the wolf-demon tribe, koga had numerous responsibilities to ensure the survival of his pack, with one of his main priorities being the protection of you, a human. despite being vastly different from your wolf-demon boyfriend, koga fell in love with you at first sight and would do anything to ensure your safety.
➜ as night fell, you settled around the campfire with the tribe, aiming to get some rest. however, the cool breeze that kept blowing made it difficult, causing your hands to grow numb from the biting cold.
➜ you shivered from the intense cold, despite being wrapped in a blanket. koga could feel your shaking body against his own, which startled him awake. quickly, he turned to face you with a scowl as he realized what was going on.
➜ “why the hell didn’t ya say anything? you’re freezing! here, take my hands.”
➜ you hesitated at first before settling your numbed hands against his warmed, rough ones. his touch sent a comforting warmth through your chilled fingers, and you graced him with a grateful smile for his kindness.
➜ koga would then move your sleeping bag closer to the fire and wrap his arms around your body, pulling you so close to his chest that you could hardly breathe, enveloping you in his warmth. he cared deeply for your comfort and always made sure you were satisfied.
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© 𝐭𝐨𝐣𝐢𝐥𝐮𝐯 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒
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Passionate Morning
Husband! Sesshomaru x Wife! Reader
Rated: M
The sun has just begun to rise over the mountains on the horizon. The clouds were a beautiful painting of orange, pink, and purple. You were in a delightful daze, just staring at the beautiful sight that you were greeted with every morning. You shifted slightly and you sighed in contentment. You never would've imagined having a demon lover as beautiful as he was, let alone a crowned prince turned king.
Just as you thought about him, he moved just barely behind you, making you look over your shoulder at him. Honestly, you were shocked that he was even in the bed, he'd usually be moving around the castle, or he'd be wandering across the lands on the quest for power. You stared at him for a moment over your shoulder. He was laying on his back, his Mokomoko laying under his head. Not a hair was out of place, he looked like a true sleeping prince. He wore a simple, yet elegant resting kimono.
You could've stared at him all day, but you were basking in the aftermath of waking up from a good night's sleep, so you laid back down, and you got comfortable, shifting yourself until you were laying on your side, and you sighed once more as you closed your eyes, the edges of sleep creeping in to take you back under. But the feeling of a large, powerful hand could be felt gently ghosting over your curves. It started at your hip, and it trailed up your waist, ever so slowly. You gently chuckled at the feeling. You felt him shift closer to you, the bed dipping in under you as he sat up on his elbow and leaned over you.
He trailed his nose up the side over your neck, and you raised your head up, allowing him to do as he pleased. "Good morning, my love. I assume you sleep well?" He asked, his deep voice made your insides tingle and you slightly shivered. You hummed at his words before you answered. "Yes, I did. I'm surprised you're here this morning." You said as you continued to lay on your side. He hummed in acknowledgment at your words. "This Sesshomaru, decided to stay the night with you. For I fear that I haven't been doing that enough with you." He admitted as he placed a gentle kiss on your neck.
You smiled sweetly at his words. "Thank you." You said sincerely. The fact that he decided to stay with you because he felt that way, made your heart flutter. He lightly growled in response as he began laying gentle kisses along your neck, his hand running up and down your waist. The tips of his nails brushed the underside of your breast gently, but the slight prickly feeling of them made you moan. His gentle kisses on your neck trailed up to your jaw and you turned your head towards him in response. You both stared at each other. Yours clashing with his honey golden ones. They were always so pretty in the glow of the sunrise.
"You're ever so beautiful, for This Sesshomaru is a lucky demon." He said, his eyes tracing your face. You smiled softly at his words, he always made you fall back in love with him all over again. You shifted onto your back, and you gently caressed his face. Not a blemish in sight on his ageless face. It almost made you sad to know that you only had about 70-80 years with this man. But if you could come back, then you'd always love him in every lifetime. The hand that was on your waist grabbed your hand that was on his cheek, and he closed his eyes and he turned his head to gently kiss your hand.
Your heart never ceased to never not flutter by his small yet meaningful actions. He held your hand a little longer, before he let it go and he adjusted himself to lean over you. His hair gently slid off his shoulders, making a curtain of beautiful silky white locks. He stared down at you for a moment before he leaned down and he claimed your lips. You moaned gently into the kiss, it nearly took your breath away every time he kissed you. Your hands slowly wrapped around his neck, pulling him down closer to you.
Your lips molded together perfectly, your tongues twirled and curled around each other's, the tips of his fangs presses slightly into your lips, it always seemed to remind you that you were waltzing at death's door, but his tender stares and touches always made you crave for that danger. One of his hands moved down without your knowledge, but the large palming of his hand on your breast made you moan slightly louder and you pressed up into his palm. His mouth detached from yours, and a string of saliva connected you together for a moment before it broke.
He gazed down at you, watching as you slightly huffed from the lack of oxygen, your lips plush and full from the kiss, your eyes hazy with lust and want as you stared up at him. His inner beast growled in success at the sight of you. He looked down at where your resting kimono crossed over your chest. Through your sleep, the fabric separated itself, and he could see the valley between your breasts. His hand moved from your breast and up to the fold. He gently parted it with his claws, before he slipped his hand into your clothes.
With a firm pull, he revealed your soft body to his piercing gaze. You looked away from him in embarrassment, and you took your arms from around his neck, but you didn't cover yourself from him, as he didn't like it when you did that. Instead, you lay your arms down next to your head. He looked up at you, his eyes reading your very being down to your soul. "Don't shy away from me. For This Sesshomaru, wishes to see you in your glory." He said. Your cheeks warmed at his words before you timidly looked over at him. You've both laid in bed together for a few years now, but you always wanted to hide from him, your silent insecurities always making you second-guess your beauty. But he always reassured you, that you were just simply too beautiful for even him to put into words.
His gaze softened when you looked up at him. He kept his gaze locked with yours as he leaned down to your breast. "Keep your eyes on me, for This Sesshomaru is possessive of your beautiful gaze." He said, before he latched onto one of your nipples. You jumped at the stimulating feeling of his warm mouth enveloping your nipple. The tips of his fangs scrapped over your nipple and his tongue lapped at it, the attention made you whine and moan as your breathing picked up. Your gaze was squinted but you kept your eyes on him as your head turned to the side. One of your hands slipped up his shoulder while the other slipped into his hair. He stayed on that breast for a moment longer before he dragged his lips to your other breast.
The attention he gave you every time you both had sex, was always so intoxicating. He'd treat you like the finest piece of China, making you lose all your modesty, turning you into a crude woman. Your moans bounced off the white walls of your bedroom, his low growls making your chest tremble with excitement. When he finally pulled back, you were a painting mess, your kimono practically open, the only thing keeping it together was the thin tie around your waist, hiding your most precious part from him. He stared down at your moist chest, his saliva coated you, mixing his scent with yours, as it should be.
He looked down at the tie around your waist, and he nearly growled in irritation as he realize that your precious body was hidden from him. "Lord Sesshomaru.." Came your voice. He looked up at you, waiting for you to continue. "Please, My Lord. Please take me, pull me under your spell and never let me go." You pleaded. He stared at you for a moment before he traced your cheek gently. "You never need to beg me, for I shall always come to your becking call." He said. Your dazed eyes softened at him and you held his hand to your cheek as you nuzzled into his palm. His stare softened and he lightly growled. You smiled, it was so light, till it almost sounded like he was purring. He pulled his hand from your face, as he sat up straight. Your arms pulled from him as you rested them on either side of your head.
He looked down at the tie and he moved to loosen it. With a few tugs, the tie loosened and he pulled it from your body, dropping it on the ground. His hands laid on your waist and he rubbed his hands up and down gently. You hummed at the light massage. His firm yet gentle hold was comforting. He picked at the fabric and he pulled your clothes open, revealing you completely to him. Your legs pressed together, as you hid from him and he frowned. "What have I told you." He said, his voice slightly crossed as he grabbed each thigh in his hand.
You tensed up and you presses your thighs closer together. "Don't hide from me. Your everything belongs to This Sesshomaru." He said in a possessive tone as he pulled your legs apart effortlessly. You yelped in slight surprise as he pulled your legs wide apart, revealing your moistness to him. You whined in embarrassment but the heat pulsed through you as you watched his hungry gaze linger on you. You watched as he licked his lips like a beast who was about to feast.
Your core clenched and his eyes sharpened at the sight of it. His hands moved down your thighs and under your hips. You yelped when he pulled you down towards him, your back practically laying on his lap, as your hips were angled up to his mouth. He leaned down close to your core, and took in a deep breath and he exhaled with a deep shaking sigh. You whined from the embarrassment as you covered your face.
"Don't smell me there, I haven't bathed yet." You whined out. "This Sesshomaru prefers this scent, it's your most natural state." He growled out. You whined in response, but you moaned out loud when his tongue flattened out over your core and he licked up to your clit. Your core clenched and unclenched as he continued his long strokes. Your hands gripped the fabric of his pants and the sheets as your hips jutted up in humps against his mouth. He kept a firm grip on your hips as his tongue dug deep into your core and his nose brushed over your clit.
You felt the pressure building, and you knew what was coming. Your moaning grew in pitch and your hips began to roll more frantically. The clenching of your core around his tongue made his cock twitch as he gave a low hum. He pulled his tongue out and he latched onto your clit, he sucked and flicked his tongue over it. Your body tensed up and your eyes widen as your vision faded to white and your moan poured out uncontrollably as you thrust in time with your climax. His eyes rolled some before he closed his eyes. Your orgasm lasted a little longer before you slacked against him.
Your breathing was heavy as you rested on his lap. You whined in sensitivity as he continued to lap at your clit, drunk off the overwhelming scent of your release. He pulled off with a pleased sigh as he sniffed the air. "This scent is intoxicating. I can't ever seem to get enough of it. " he said as he pulled back, he laid your hips back down. You were once more on the bed, your legs wide as they lay around his hips. He stared down at you for a moment before he pulled open his kimono. His strength could be seen in his lean and toned muscles that lay upon his perfect body. The magenta markings on his cheeks lay upon his waist and his forearms.
You could never get tired of seeing his beautiful body. No scarring, no marks, just a plain field of unmarked skin. He leaned back over you, his hands on either side of your head, his hair all fell to one side of his body, forming another thick curtain of silky white locks. He dropped down onto his elbows and he leaned down to press a kiss against your neck. You lifted your head up, giving him access and he growled in appreciation. He kissed your pulse before he licked heavily up the collum of your neck.
It was a ritual at this point, he always had to remark you after a few months once the scarring healed from his bite. It always hurts, but the aftermath was always forgiving. You felt his fangs rub against your skin and you relaxed, you learned that tensing up made the pain worsen. But you were pleasantly surprised when you felt the head of his cock rubbing against the opening of your core. You looked down in question, but he suddenly bit down while also trusting into you and your back arched and you painfully yet also pleasuringly gasped out. Your hands tangled into his hair as he thrust into you at an even yet rough pace, your hands tangled tighter into his hair and his fangs gently pulled out from your wound.
He licked the wound, pouring some of his salivae into it to heal it faster, while his thrusts slightly picked up speed. You moaned and gasped as you held onto him tightly. Your legs locked around his waist and he groaned at the position change. He slipped in deeper and he was able to hold you closer. Tears pricked in your eyes as you threw your head back into the mattress, the slapping of your hips connecting echoed out through the room. One of his hands slipped under your body, while the other stayed on its elbow, he presses your chest up into his chest. The thumping of your heart could be felt and he groaned at the feeling of it.
The thumbing of your heart, matched the clenching of your core around his cock. He always felt more connected to you when he had you like this. Writhing under his mercy, lost in your own world of pleasure, the pleasure that he was causing. He felt empowered, yet he also felt vulnerable, he felt like you knew what he was feeling. The way his breathing was slowly becoming erratic, the way his heart beats against your chest, the way his cock would twitch in time with your clenching. He felt open, yet it felt good. To be vulnerable around someone without having to worry about you using it against him.
He loved that, and he craved it. More than he could've ever thought that he would. 'Perhaps, this is why father loved Izayoi more than mother.' He thought as he angled his hips up more and you nearly yelled from the strong stroke of his cock against your g-spot. The small patch of meat deep inside of your core was grazed and your breathing picked up, your hips met his halfway as your end was coming closer. His grip on you tighten as his lips latched onto your neck, kissing everywhere he could reach. He gave a shakily groan at the feeling of your core tightening. His thrusts became faster and stronger. Your body bounced from the strength of his thrusts, your head bobbing as you loudly moaned.
"It's... It's coming." You warned him in a shaky voice. He groaned in acknowledgment at your words. "I... I can't hold it... Anymore." You whined as your core began to pulse. "Then let go, I won't let you get far." He responded. Your brows tightened and your mouth went slack as your orgasm hit you hard. Your moans sounded out with each pulse and he slightly slowed his thrusts, he didn't want to hurt you as you tightened up around him. He growled out lowly, as he helped you ride out your orgasm. Your body went slack as your grip on him loosens. Your breathing came out in heavy pants as you huffed. He looked down at you, his stare was wild with lust but the love was mixed in it.
He pulled out from your sensitive core and you whined from the feeling. His cock was still hard, as it glistened in your liquids. He grabbed your arms and firmly pulled you up before he flipped you by your waist onto your front. You immediately got into position. Up on your knees, hips angled up, legs spread. You were used to him needing to go longer, his stamina far surpassed your own, but you never complained. You loved serving him, it was one of the many ways you showed your love to him.
He gently held your waist with one of his hands while his other guided him into your moist caverns. He grunted as he pushed back in while you whined. He bottomed out and he sighed before he grip your hips in his hands and he began his thrusting once more. Your body rocked as you moaned weakly, your hips slightly trusted back, the feeling of another climax already building once more. He grunted at the tightening of your core. "Already so close to another one are we?" He light-heartedly taunted you. You whined in response. "Your body's sensitivity is always so fun to explore." He said as he traced his hand up and down your back, your sweat from your first orgasm made your skin dewy yet beautiful.
"The paleness of my skin against yours is simply divine." He breathed out as he admired your skin tones clashing against one another. You listened to his words, but you couldn't respond as the feeling of his cock seeming to swell within you made your eyes roll back. He grunted and his gaze narrowed. His knot was inflating and he was catching onto your core, he was getting close to his own end. The fuzzy feeling of his orgasm climbing up his cock and through his body made him shiver in anticipation. He usually lasted longer than this, but it's been a while, so he's a little pent-up. He grabbed your hips, and he picked up his speed, chasing his orgasm with hard yet quick thrusts. Your ass jiggled from his powerful thrusts, the softness always reminding him how fragile you were.
Your hand came up next to your head and you gripped the sheets in your fist as you felt another, stronger orgasm coming. You tried to warn him, but you couldn't form words. But the shaking of your hips and the clenching of your core was enough of a warning. He gave a rather loud groan as he released your hip, he leaned over your body, his hands pressing into the mattress as he slammed his hips into you from behind. He clenched his eyes tight as he felt his end coming, but he refused to finish before you did.
But he didn't have to wait long before your shaky moans grew loud and your vision faded out as a powerful orgasm tore through you. You clenched tightly around his cock and his hips studdered as his thrust became sloppy. His knot swelled up and he pressed himself against your back. He grunted with each squirt of cum that went into your waiting body. The clenching of your core was enough stimulation. Once your orgasm ended, your body began to slope down, but he quickly gripped your hips once more, the knot locking you both together. You both painted, yours heavier than his as you both basked in your afterglow.
He fell to his side, taking you with him, holding you close. His knot is going to stay that way for a while, so he might as well get comfortable. You laid upon his Mokomoko, the fluffy fur was always so soft and warm. You felt it wrap around both of your bodies, its fluffiness acting as a blanket as it covered your nakedness. You slowly opened your eyes and you stared out the window. The once orange, pink, and purple sunrise was now a yellow, white, and blue sky. You stared at it a little longer, before you closed your eyes again, and you fell back to sleep. Finally getting that extra morning nap.
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snookienthusi4st · 25 days
softies. (nsfw under the cut)
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men that hold your hand while you’re crossing the street. that make sure you eat enough everyday and gently coax you into eating enough when you feel like you can’t. that drape their jacket or other outerwear* over you when you’re cold and hold you flush against their side as the chill in your body begins to whittle away. you’ve never felt so warm.
men that absolutely worship you, however way they choose to show it. ones that treat you like a doll, so gentle with you physically and emotionally, even if they were rough and overbearing in the beginning of your time together. they grew into you and became a softer partner, and they can’t imagine things any other way.
men that have sex with make love to you. fleeting kisses and coos of how good you’re being, cradling you close as he continues to hit that spot that makes you see stars. gentle hands fixing your hair and wiping away your overstimulated tears, whispering soft words of reassurance about how much he loves you and how well you’re taking him. he cares, and he’ll let you know it, even when you’re coming apart underneath him.
he’s not the absolute embodiment of a gentleman. he has his perks and different mannerisms that are shown time and time again, everyone has them. but somehow even those look beautiful to you, and you feel yourself falling more and more in love every single second you’re near them. you feel completed when you’re with him.
even if he isn’t always a perfect gentleman, he’s always your softie at heart.
inuyasha, sesshomaru*, itachi uchiha, kakashi hatake, kyoya ootori, takashi morinozuka, tomoe, l lawliet, mello keehl, ryota suzui, yukito tsukishiro, fujimoto, howl pendragon, peter b parker + anyone else you see fit!
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justagirl-with-aphone · 5 months
Lovesick Sesshomaru drabble
Sesshomaru x fem!reader (kinda angsty-fluff)
He would become so confused, not knowing why his eyes couldn't help but linger on your figure, why he felt so protective of you, why he was so concerned for your health and felt like he needed to watch over you at night. Why was his heart beating so fast at the thought of you being around? His head is a mess; assuming there was something wrong with him or you, he would distance himself, treating you like the plague; whenever you would come around, it was obvious he was nervous and confused, moving away from you and making things awkward.
Eventually, one morning, you wake up to a note reading, "I'm afraid our adventure has come to an end, and you no longer can journey with us; there is a village up ahead where you can live a long life with your own kind. Farewell -Sesshomaru. You felt the tears roll down your face as you were left alone, wondering what you did wrong...
I don't think you guys understand how much I LOVE this man <3
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artytaeh · 8 months
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don't mind me, i'm just fond of thinking about SESSHOMARU having a human s/o that ends up targeted by other humans, who judge her for being a youkai's wife / partner. i imagine them trying to kill her because of that,
and she ends up dying with an arrow on her forehead, while she tried to run away.
of course, SESSHOMARU didn't hesitate to return her to life with tenseiga. but the image of his s/o dead, dropped on the floor with void eyes, and an arrow stuck on her forehead as their pale face contrasts with the blood dropping from her wound...
... to the point where it becomes a habit of SESSHOMARU, to always kiss his s/o on that spot, where the arrow was. he does it almost to be sure that his s/o is alive, there with him, as if that death never happened and that arrow was never stuck on that forehead.
i like to imagine that despite tenseiga's healing, his s/o might have a tiny scar, or even something very light where the arrow penetrated her head.
this was a totally 4am thought. 💢
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officialinuyasha · 9 months
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Art by Official Animator Hisako Sato
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nissou · 9 months
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© Nissouna
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lexsssu · 1 year
Lactation Kink (Sesshomaru)
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TAGS: Sesshomaru/Dragoness!Reader, lactation kink, smut, drabble Ao3 ver. | Ko-fi | Commissions (OPEN)
"It will be sometime before the pups arrive. This Sesshomaru will relieve you of your burden until then."
Though he stated it as if he were doing you a service out of the goodness of his heart, there is no denying the ravenous appetite he had for your body as the Lord of the West gulped down mouthfuls of your precious milk. Sesshomaru's expression is set in his typical cool facade, seemingly unbothered by the world around him because he is simply above it all and yet, the way his cock poked at your clothed cunt said otherwise.
No matter how much he denies or pretends, your mate is a willing slave to you. Every part of you amazed and enamored him, especially now as your body grew and changed to accommodate the imminent arrival of your first litter of pups.
Sitting on top of the demon's lap, your small hands clutched at his firm and broad shoulders as he partook of the milk straight from your swollen teats almost as if he himself was a hungry pup. By the time he finished one full breast and released your puffy nipple with a pop, his hungry mouth latched on to the other teat to similarly 'relieve it of pressure' due to the amount of milk you were already producing. 
You choose not to poke fun at your mate and his roundabout way of showing his love for you, opting to smile and play with his hair as he did his business. 
You also conveniently try not to squirm too much as you also increasingly became hot and bothered from his ministrations. 
However, considering the fact that Sesshomaru is already standing at full mast from what you were feeling, you won't be left bothered for too long.
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pfpanimes · 2 months
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⌕ inuyasha - sesshomaru.
like or reblog if you save/use.
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ohladyarts · 4 months
¡New Sesskagu art!🌙🪭
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Credits to: moonlichi_ilustrator
The link will take you directly to their Instagram 👀✨.
I asked the illustrator for permission to post his art here, since I see that the Sesskagu community is active here so here it is 🫶💞✨.
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Repost w/ permission
SessRin fanart by Melon (@melon72366610)
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