#seriously tyler??
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so-long-soldier28 · 9 months ago
liam: *is a pre-med student*
liam: coven??
tyler: i tHiNk He MeAnT OVEN
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twixted-spoon · 13 days ago
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a sleepover in rose's room.
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martyryo · 2 months ago
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Love's not enough in itself
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froggayzfartz · 1 month ago
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may have read Another Western Vampire (Different Time, Same Place) by stalksoftly on ao3
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noyzinerd · 1 year ago
Derek teaching unknown werewolf societal/cultural facts to Stiles is cute, and I love that for them, truly, but I want to see the reverse.
We're always hearing about when someone (usually Stiles) asks a naive question about werewolves and Derek going "No, you idiot! It doesn't work like that!" As if it's common knowledge that everyone should know, when in reality there's no possible way Stiles (or any average person, for that matter) could know that.
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And I'm sure in Derek's world, stuff like silver not actually being effective against werewolves is a no-brainer or spotting a Kitsune is laughably easy, but not to the common bystander.
So, instead, I'd love to see the random, human customs and social norms Stiles would find himself needing to explain to Derek when they start living together. Stuff that the human family members of his pack never displayed because they had been raised surrounded by werewolves their entire lives.
From all the small things like how, when you get a canker sore or lose a filling, you always gotta stick your tongue in it. ("No, we don't want to do it. It hurts like hell, actually. It's just something we do. Don't ask me why. I honestly couldn't tell you. It's the same with picking scabs or pressing down on bruises.")
Or like how you're not supposed to eat the weird, little black nub at the bottom of the banana. ("I don't care if it's composed of the exact same stuff as the rest of the banana, that's so fucking gross 🤢")
Or like how you have to walk around ladders instead of under them ("Because otherwise you'll get bad luck, Derek!")
Or how, for a short time in history, a man wearing a singular earring on his left ear meant that he was gay for some reason. Or was it the right ear? ("Hey, listen, man, I didn't make these dumb rules!")
Or how you can't pick up a penny off the ground unless the face side is heads up ("Yes, it's another 'good luck, bad luck' thing. We actually have a lot of those, now that I think about it.")
Or how if someone far away sees you coming and holds the door open for you, you very specifically have to do a customary tiny wave or acknowledging nod before doing a small little half trot-half jog that isn't too slow or too fast all the way to the door. ("Because you don't want to take up their time, but also you don't want them to think they've inconvenienced you. Yeah, no, I get that they already have, but you don't want THEM to know that.")
All the way up to things like the weird history of Coke Zero, even though Diet Coke is essentially the same thing. ("Oh, now see, that's actually pretty interesting. And by interesting, I mean dumb and terrible. See, in the 80's, Coke only ever marketed Diet Coke as a 'woman's drink', so when they finally decided to expand their demographic, they had to spend millions of dollars to undo their own conditioning because their women's only Diet Coke campaign had been so successful, it took decades for men to stop associating drinking diet soda with being gay or effeminate.")
Just so Derek can finally know what it feels like to be on the other end of "common sense."
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marvelmaniac715 · 1 month ago
If you ever find yourself fighting the Doctor, I would suggest telling him “Rose Tyler would be very disappointed in you right now” then ducking to hide from whatever he throws/shoots at you in response. It would buy you a few seconds to run as he has an existential meltdown - though honestly my first bet would be to just wake up from whatever nightmare has you fighting a fictional character.
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osinthewhite · 1 month ago
I remember way back when I was a new whovian I saw this fanart of Rose, Martha and Donna, each with their Doctor. The message was that Rose and Martha were so in love they just lustfully followed the Doctor around, while Donna was the one in control. And I'm bringing this up cause while I LOVE Donna to the point I'd die for her without second thought...
Have you watched the show? None of those women were damsels in distress, hopelessly following a man - they were all badasses who did not take any shit from the Doctor and did what they thought was right, even if he disagreed. They all loved the Doctor (in different ways) and more often than not that love was the very thing that made them rebel against his wishes. They all cared deeply about humanity and justice and were quick to think and do - they were never just following orders or waiting for a man
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unrealisticallyyours · 3 months ago
obligatory TW rewatch scott appreciation post bc he's so interesting and fun as a character
i genuinely adore how the writers gave scott such a loving personality? like his first instinct when he meets allison is to give her a pen because he heard that she needed one. he tags along with stiles ep 1 because stiles wanted to see the body (why would an asthmatic with school in the morning want to go traipsing out into the wilderness to see a dead body??). throughout the series he takes in strays (lol) even if they've ACTIVELY TRIED TO KILL HIM in the past. and the part that i love the most is how the writers gave him room to be a bad person, too. they gave him moments where he was a bad friend, a bad boyfriend. but they didn't make those moments ones that outshone his real personality. they were treated like moments he grew from and made him into an even kinder person.
scott doesn't get the love he deserves imo he's such a well written character and someone i strive to emulate
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supernovabyte · 7 days ago
Idk what possessed me to make this
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scottishaccentsareawesome · 7 months ago
Kate: Do you love me? Tyler(smiles): You ask me that like you think I even had a choice...
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artist-issues · 6 months ago
the truth is, it’s crazy how Christian the lyrics and the concepts in twenty one pilots’ songs are, and how nobody in their group of fans is talking about it. I mean, the fans can decode and find information on basically every little potential meaning behind lyrics or promotional material…and they just blow past the Christian stuff.
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I mean like. Vignette. Vignette is definitely about being addicted to doubt. Doubt in God. That one’s not hard to decode. Tyler literally said “it makes the most sense within the context of addiction” and everybody on Twitter goes “omg what is he addicted to,” then they start virtue-signaling in arguments like, “ya’ll don’t know him, addiction can take many forms, how dare you say you don’t believe he’s addicted to substances,” and it’s like. Guys. He’s only ever used “addiction” to describe one thing, and it’s doubt. Addict With a Pen.
I mean, ya’ll know him. Supposedly. The guy talks in riddles in interviews because he knows fans are watching. You don’t think he would talk in a pretty-obvious but safely-vague riddle about the meaning of a song in the Livestream?
This isn’t the only example. It’s just one of the most recent ones. To try and contextualize or understand any of twenty one pilots’ albums or the concepts inside—and by “understand,” I mean, “understand what it meant to Tyler Joseph/what Tyler Joseph meant”—not what it means to you or the next guy in line—without taking the Christianity that bleeds through into account? That’s an exercise in futility.
but let’s be real, ya’ll are all more obsessed with the skeleton visuals, the romanticization of mental health struggles, and the sexual fantasization than you’re obsessed with what the songs were intended to say
You can focus on whatever you want to in and with their music, that’s the beauty and the ugliness of art. I’m just pointing out; it’s weird that ya’ll will focus on everything but Christianity when decoding and theorizing. The most I never see is “must be about his faith” “it’s abt God” or “awwwe his Christian roots.” Okay, but you’ll dig up the life and history of Simone Weil based on a single word’s (maybe intentional) misspelling, and learn every fact about her life, convinced he was referencing her? Whatever, man.
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crowleyfiles · 5 months ago
for my fellow twenty one pilots peeps <3
today marks my 5 year anniversary of my instagram tøp acc being active <3
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faint-i-wont-be-ignored · 7 months ago
Like genuinely Lovely is such a vibe so i'm vibing and dancing a little while also crying
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sankta-wraith · 3 months ago
The only reason Rose's hair was braided in Love & Monsters is because it was messy from making out with the Doctor but she didn't have time to brush it.
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thenotoriousscuttlecliff · 1 month ago
As much as I love The Parting of The Ways, it is still just odd how it gives the Doctor a moral dilemma where if he use this thing it will kill the Daleks and the Earth, and then just has the Daleks attack and destroy the Earth anyway meaning there is no longer a more dilemma, but still has the Doctor go on as if there's a moral dilemma if he uses the thing to just kill the Daleks.
Also weird that it has the Doctor just decide to give up and let the fascists win (really not a good look from a 2025 perspective), but mainly so it allows Rose to swoop in and save the day by doing the exact same thing the Doctor refused to do.
This is just one of the issues I had with RTD's writing during his first era, it always felt like he contrived a means for the villain to make the Doctor brood and feel bad for trying to destroy them before they destroy everyone else, to make the Doctor capable of genocide, but also not let the Doctor get his hands dirty so always has someone else come in and do the genocidal thing instead which is then just shrugged off. Just a lot of contrived writing to make the Doctor a really tragic, yet dangerous figure.
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joyyystick · 10 months ago
i can't believe i'm watching doctor who in 2024. i should be going to therapy but instead i'm giggling and kicking my feet over a fucking british man.
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