#seriously tho how much more can we be robbed
lemondoddle · 2 years
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Every time I learn something new about this show I get so upset WE COULD'VE HAD EMO OREL??????
[I.D. two photos of pencil drawings of moral orel characters. The first image features orel with dyed bangs, piercings, eyeliner and edgy clothes crossing his arms and looking to the side with an insecure expression. bloberta and clay puppington stand dumbfounded behind him, bloberta's hands up to her mouth and clay's up to the sides and frozen in place. Stephanie stands next to them with her hands clasped together and a tearfully proud look on her face. The second image is reverend putty with his hands on his hips asking Stephanie "and you have 'no idea' where orel got his hands on piercings?" Stephanie pretends to scratch her chin and answers "not a clue (smiley face)". End I.D.]
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themthrfkinprincess · 10 months
Astro observation . . . TWO!!
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Whenever I see someone has a prominent Scorpio or Capricorn placement I always notice and see how sweet and overlay considerate they are. These people I’ve noticed are very helpful and there for people, sometimes they don’t think about themselves that much and contain themselves too much. They also are like nonchalantly funny? It’s not hard for them to make me laugh I’ve noticed.
But yeah strong Capricorn and Scorpio placements remind me of the giving tree idkkk
Like also Capricorn’s and Cancers be goofy as shit im crine😭
WHEW. This is from my experience but when I have seen a fair amount of Virgo or Cancer influences in somebody chart THEY ALWAYS GET ON MY NERVES LIKE GIRL DON'T DO ME LEAVE ME ALONE😭 I swear I have always had little moments with them- they can be quite annoying but guess what. I often spend so much time with them and we are right back on track maybe two seconds later it’s so funny. We switch up so much it funny. And this is funny because well I am a cancer myself and well there are more than three cancers in my family who I adore. You guys are really aggravating though.
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And like also Geminis freaky foreal like YALL LIKE BOOTY FOREAL😭
also its a double whammy if you have eros or venus in gemin lol. I have both 😈👅
so come here . . . .
AND YOOOO Like geminis and Leo’s can be so embarrassing at times? They’re very suspect to be very lollygagging individuals and I can say this because I have a Leo stellium. Sometimes I look back and be like girl no. It sad. ☹️ like girl you 36 how long you gon be doing this😕.
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They remind me of this liam dancing gif. Its not that they are embarrassing over big things- its just small stuff they can do and say which makes you go wtf???😭 Sometimes i feel they try to impress you over small weird things that no one really gives a fuck about like okay right . . . right . . .
Leo, Cancer, Gemini, and Virgo can be really corny at times- it reminds of that gif of drake doing the dougie. They can be corny in a cute way though😭but leos can get genuinely embarrassing as a mentioned beforehand
Also Geminis talk too much 🦧.
They will run their mouth and run it- i have no problem with it though I like to talk a lot lol. They are ( of course!) good listeners too! I had a friend she was so chill- I could talk to her about anything’s like- if i wanted to speak gibberish she would speak gibberish back to me. She was so random too. They are kind of silly whimsical beings at times I will not lie. Like it would not be wild to catch them froliciing in the fields randomly- its kind of expected of them in my own opinion. In my eyes they really be in their own world at times. 💀
And yo!? Tell me why Aries are so cute what the hell!?!?
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CYUTSIE PATOOTSIES!!!! I imagine them trying to rob me at a gas station I own or something. Like I don’t know imagine them pointing a gun at you and trying to rob you LMFAO. I WILL BURST OUT LAUGHING. They might shoot you tho idk😞 they really be standing on business and they intimidate me a lot once they start talking- and they could be totally be happy/polite while they are talking. It’s just their aura feels forceful? Lively? Out there? I don’t know how to explain it but yeah. Also they are so sweet too!!! These people are cheerleaders- people say that Leo’s are cheerleaders but the biggest cheerleaders I see are more often Aries. My cousin is one and she is very VERY sweet. She listens to you deeply and she really pushes you. Sometimes it’s annoying at times cause like GIRL LEAVE ME ALONE I DON'T FEEL LIKE IT 😭 I love aries though 💖😭 You guys are so cute. AND WHY THEY ALWAYS LOOK LIKE CARTOON CHARACTERS 😭
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And of course we know Pedro looks like chicken little
Also Aries women are GORG!! No seriously! Look at Halle!!! Miss Mamas is GORG!! She is STUNNING! It’s like 💥WAPOW!!!💥 getting struck and hit by her beauty😍💖
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Also David tennant so cute he's sort of like kind of my man😍😍 if you have a crush on him your so real I totally get it fren 😋💗🤭😁
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Like dude come on he's so freaking cute. His eyes are so intense it makes him look like a crackhead sometimes but it doesn't even matter HE'S SO CUTE. And his Scottish accent is so 🫦🫦🫦 I don't know what he be saying sometimes though in his TV shows like huh🗿
Cancer Mars are literally the Scarlet Witch idk dude. . . . like people can go completely BONKERS. These hoes kind of crazy. If you been wronging one for quite a while you better sleep with one eye open when you sleeping👀
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Like these people are kind of punks☹️. They retreat often when something is wrong- too much actually. They really do not want to fight or have any problems foreal. They can be very indirect at times when bothered it can get annoying. But when enough is enough its over💀 its like one fart and your dead💀
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Like that Aries and Cancer energy is not mixing well and shit can get REAL unstable there like don't do them patna!!
Uhm i totally had a million more things to say and I really did not get to re-read this. So there may be many typos- and also im kind of lazy and wish i decorated this post better. But that's besides the point- I hope you liked this post or whatever!!! I was totally honestly rambing to myself, if you found these accurate to you then great!
Peace out!!!💖💗
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charmac · 3 months
Do you think with his current (canon) mindset, Mac would hope Dennis to idk, "come out" or turn out to be queer and be in a relationship with him, or would he prefer pining away in gay angst or hoping that it would go away eventually? Asking as a queer person who used to think at least my gay unrequited crush is devastating but familiar and I do not have to find or improve myself to enter uncharted territory and I do sometimes see that in Mac's behaviors, tho idk how much of that is projecting.
Good question! I think it was once the former, ends up (kind of) the latter, and is now something different (or maybe a mix?). As to your two ideas, the Season 15 switch is indicative of this “change” which may or probably does have a lot to do with Glenn rejoining the writers room.
Season 13/14 is as clear cut as it can be with the idea that Mac is hoping he can “convince” (aka harass) Dennis into being with him. He very much thinks he can either force himself on Dennis and eventually Dennis will give in (see: 13) or he can manipulate Dennis (and their relationship) in a way that will make Dennis interested in him (see: 14).
Season 15 is when we see Mac’s offensive come to a rest and his defensive come up. He’s actively trying to resist reacting to Dennis’ physical touch (ty, Rob, for that) and I think this is what you would call “prefer pining away in gay angst,” part of it, but he’s also visibly annoyed by Dennis’ ailments and outbursts, and much more defiant toward him. He seems to have come to terms with the relentless pursuit never going to pay off and, while he’s clearly still into Dennis, he’s actively trying not to be and is maybe even a little annoyed that he is still into him.
By Season 16, this “resignation” of Mac’s relentless pursuit seems to pay off, with he and Dennis being closer than ever (bed sharing and all), but it may have gone too far on Mac’s side. Because I do genuinely believe he convinced himself he’s over Dennis and it fucked him over a little (but probably gave Dennis the security to do what he did).
In my opinion, “the Johnny of it all” was impossible for Mac to grapple with for two reasons (outside of his general stupidity and naïveté lol) 1. By the end of 14 Dennis has convinced him he was never going to wear him down, and 2. By the end of 15 he’s convinced himself that he’s over Dennis. He’s in denial by his and Dennis’ own design.
So now, who the fuck knows? I’ve been wrestling with this in my brain since S16 ended, and I seriously cannot predict where Mac will be in Season 17. Clearly he’s still into Dennis by the way he hangs on him and sucks up to him in Bowling, but I have to imagine he’s still in denial about Dennis being Johnny (while some part of his brain knows it’s true, he can’t accept that Dennis was, literally, fucking him for some number of weeks-months) and, still being defiant, he’s not actively pursing the man through the end of 16.
So currently, in canon, is he still on the defensive side of the relationship? Silently pining while actively pushing against Dennis? Or will he be back on the offensive, since it’s technically “his turn” to get something back from/out of Dennis in their fucked up little relationship?
I think this would be fun to predict, where Mac will be on the MacDennis front this season, maybe once we get more (any) info on Season 17, lmfao
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raindduks · 2 years
earned it
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p a i r i n g :: toji x reader
g e n r e :: smut, pwp, afab reader
w a r n i n g s :: slight primal play, slight dub-con, being robbed, mentions of gun violence, minimal police, toji likes to bite
s u m m a r y :: It was supposed to be a normal day. A normal day, with a normal, boring trip to the bank.
How the hell did you end up in the back of a bank robbers car with his head between your thighs?
w o r d  c o u n t :: 5.2k
a / n :: cross posted on ao3, ive never written smut before so please go easy on me. if you've seen a fic similar to this, a friend and i used the same idea to create two fics (tho i think hers is only on ao3).
m i n o r s d n i
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Today wasn’t supposed to go like this. 
You were just supposed to grab some money from the bank to pay a couple bills, head home, maybe grab yourself an iced coffee on the way back. Work a bit. Shower? Hell, maybe you’d finally open that nice bottle of Pinot Noir you got for your birthday. 
“Don’t look so scared, sweetheart.” 
The cold tip of a gun presses harder against your ribcage, its owner leaning over you in such a fashion to hide it. His arm drapes over your shoulder, whispers falling in hot breaths on your ear. The pair of you take a step forward. The teller is focused on another customer currently; you don’t think she’s noticed your predicament quite yet.  
“You gotta look at least somewhat happy about this, or else the teller won’t cough up the cash.” He leans in further, squeezing you to his side. “If that happens, well.. You certainly won’t be leaving here alive.”
Deep breaths. Tears sting at the corners of your eyes, threatening to destroy this whole charade in an instant. You don’t doubt the credibility of his threat. This man is clearly confident that this ridiculous idea for a robbery would work to begin with - seriously, in broad daylight, no mask, in a skin-tight black t-shirt and baggy jacket - why wouldn’t he be willing to cut down a few people in his way? No need to ponder it further as your ‘companion’ wipes at your eye. A surprisingly tender gesture, all things considered. 
“Awh, am I really that bad?”
Does he want an actual answer? 
It doesn’t matter now, it’s your turn at the desk. 
“Hi, how can I help you today?”
You force on the best smile you can manage, trying to keep your voice light and gentle. 
“I’d like to make a withdrawal, please.” The teller doesn’t make any indication that anything is awry. 
“Certainly. I’ll need your card and ID please. Which account did you want to withdraw from?”
Your companion steps in as you pull out your ID and card to hand over. “Savings please. We’re headed out on our honeymoon and wanted to make sure we had everything for the trip.” You nod, sliding the cards across the countertop.
The teller’s smile falters just a bit, but you’re hoping he sees it as some sort of surprise at being addressed by someone else, rather than the obvious. She continues with a small huff, “Well, I will need confirmation from the account holder after I make a copy of the ID. It seems the ID we have on file has expired, so I’ll have to make a new one for our system. It shouldn’t take more than a moment. ” Before either of you can protest, she’s turned away and headed for the scanner behind her. 
Toji - you think that’s his name, he mentioned it briefly when he cornered you outside and threatened you - leans in. The gun presses almost under your rib cage at this angle. “You’re gonna have to ask about the unmarked bills. I don’t think she’s buying this whole honeymoon bit.” The teller still has her back to you, working on scanning your ID. You can’t see her hands at all. 
She’s all smiles when she returns to the counter. She hands you your ID and card, but keeps her hands on the countertop. She makes eye-contact with Toji. 
“Alright, how much would you like to withdraw?”
He answers before you can. “All of it.”
“Please.” You chime in - “And can we, uh, can we get that in unmarked bills? The vacation is…international.”
You hesitated in your lie. The smile falters - both hers and yours. 
“Of course. I’ll get right on that.”
The teller leaves again, this time to grab the cash presumably. She’s gone off to another part of the bank. You want to relax, but you aren’t alone here. Toji keeps the gun pressed against your ribs - he must be practiced at this, considering how long he’s kept it up - and lets his lips ghost the outer shell of your ear. 
“Be more confident next time. We gotta look like a normal, happy couple here.”
You don’t tell him that most normal people don’t ask for unmarked bills in any situation. It’s practically the biggest red flag you could give at a bank besides actually pointing a gun at the teller.
 “Ya know, I don’t really like one-sided conversations doll. Why don’t you tell me what’s going on in that pretty little head of yours?” His voice is light as ever, casual even.  Conversing with the person robbing you of all you have isn’t exactly what most normal people do either. Maybe you aren’t destined to have a normal day. Who are you kidding, any chance of that disappeared when you decided to go to the bank. 
“There’s not… a lot going on in my head right now. Besides the obvious.”
“The obvious?”
“Not dying.” You don’t know what gave you the gall to say some stupid shit like that until he chuckles. It’s not loud, but it sits deep enough in his chest to make him ease up on the pressure of the gun against you.
“‘Course. The obvious. Anything else? I’m looking forward to our ‘honeymoon’.”
This time you turn to actually look at him. You hadn’t gotten a good look at him when you first encountered him, a little too preoccupied by the gun pointed in your face. He’s quite attractive, with green eyes and shaggy black hair. The scar over his lip is still somehow eye-catching, and you aren’t sure you want to know where he got it from. 
You ask anyway. 
“Where’d you get that scar from?”
He seems almost surprised, which is fair. You aren’t sure you have any sense of self-preservation left. He considers your question for a second before just smirking and responding  - “It’s a long story.”
The teller re-enters your line of sight.
“Looks like our friend is back.” He whispers, continuing much louder when the teller returns to the counter. It’s only been a couple of minutes, but still you feel like she’s been gone much longer. “All done? We’re in a bit of a rush.”
She hands you at least four envelopes filled to the brim with bills. “Of course sir. I hope the two of you have a lovely honeymoon.” You are actually kinda impressed your savings managed to fill up such space. Simultaneously, it hurts knowing all that work will be gone as soon as you walk out of the building. Toji grabs the money from you, stuffing it in the pockets in his oversized pants. 
“Thanks, you’ve been a big help doll.”
You can’t tell who he’s addressing. 
The pair of you walk out of the bank, and towards the parked cars. 
“You did good back there sweetheart. Now you know the rules, you can’t tell anyone about what happened here tonight, clear?”
It’s almost over. This nightmare can end. 
And then you hear the sirens. 
They’re far enough off to not be an immediate threat, but you’re working ona very limited time frame now. Toji doesn’t hesitate as he practically throws you into the backseat of his car.  “Guess you and I are goin’ for a little ride.”
“Wait-!” The doors are closed before you can get a word in edgewise. He’s inserted himself in the front seat and started reversing out as you right yourself in the backseat. The sirens sound closer and he speeds off towards the highway as a couple of cop cars round the corner. 
The chase is on. Toji doesn’t seem phased, weaving in and out of traffic with practiced ease. You, on the other hand, are being tossed around in the backseat as he swerves, struggling to get your seatbelt on. The two of you make it to the service road unscathed, four cars hot on your tail. The sirens have made traffic practically grind to a halt, drastically slowing your progress. Groups of cars block your path, and road spikes make entering the highway nearly impossible. 
“Hold on princess, we’re taking a shortcut.”
You frantically grab the door handle, trying to keep yourself stationary as he jumps the curb to get around a roadblock. A car comes barrelling straight at you as you finally manage to secure your seatbelt. It’s not a direct collision - barely knicks the back bumper - but it’s enough to smack your head against the window. 
By the time you come to, it’s dark outside and you’re far, far out of town. 
“What the hell… Hey, where are we? Weren’t we being chased by cops?”
Toji looks at you in the rearview mirror, a smirk pulling at the edges of his scar. 
“Have a nice nap sweetheart?” He immediately pulls off onto the side of the road. You suppose you’re lucky he didn’t dump you sooner. He opens the driver door and hauls himself out of the front seat. 
“Stellar, thanks for... asking. Hey. Hey! Where the hell are we? What’s going on?” Unfastening your seatbelt, you try to scramble away as he walks around the car to the far door - the one facing away from the street. A hand closes around your ankle, and with a hard yank, you are flat on your back staring up at the man now blocking your best route for escape. 
“Does it really matter? I have no more use of you. So your time is up.” He’s planted one forearm on the top of the doorframe. Moonlight spills in behind him, highlighting the outer corners of his face. Radiant light from the tail lights leaves his left side illuminated in red.
“You’re just going to leave me here?!” You pull yourself onto your elbows, slightly ashamed of the heat that spiked in your gut from being manhandled.
“What’d you expect, doll?” He holds onto the edge of the frame as he leans in, planting an arm right next to your head. “Didja think you’d that I’d just drop ya off somewhere you’d be sure to get back safely? Leave a witness behind?” His eyes are wide open, opposed to the somewhat droopy look they’ve had up until this point. You can’t bring yourself to look away.
“I-I-No-I just -” Your face flushes at his proximity. If he wanted to kill you he would’ve done it a long time ago. He’s had ample chances - shooting you after he got the money or throwing you out of the car while possibly concussed, just to name a couple. If he truly wanted to kill you, and he waited until you thought you were safe to do so - then he would be truly evil. The idea of accidentally smartass-ing your way into an early grave has you tongue-tied.
Toji laughs. It’s not a pleasant sound, full of malice and mockery. He leans back a bit, eyes returning to their normal, aloof state as he takes a slow, considering look down your body. Your skin burns wherever his gaze passes over. You’re acutely aware of how this position makes your chest more prominent, how your legs are spread on either side of his on the outside of the car, how the heat from before never really went away but has instead continued to grow throughout this interaction. 
“Well, since you’ve been so good this far, I’ll be nice. Leave you a little somethin’ to remember me by.”
He lets go of the hood, wrapping an arm around your waist as he pulls you upright into a brutal kiss. He bites at your lower lip, and you gasp. His tongue is long and presses into your mouth at the opportunity. He tastes like mint gum - he must’ve had some while you were out. Your arms find purchase on his shoulders, digging your fingers into his hair. Toji’s hand is warm on your lower back, pressing you up against his chest. 
Toji pulls away from the kiss, a string of spit connecting the two of you for a second before he dives towards the crook of your neck. His lips press against your pulse, teeth briefly nicking the skin there, a spark of electricity settling just beneath the area. His tongue flattens against your cheek as he licks one broad stripe from your jaw down to your collarbone. Again, he nips at you before retreating just enough to blow on the wet skin. The sudden chill sends a shiver down your spine, amplifying the heat pooling at your core. 
You instinctively attempt to clench your thighs together, desperate for any kind of friction or relief, only to be stopped by his legs between yours. He bites at the base of your throat, sucking a dark bruise into the skin. Nothing about Toji is gentle, and despite the alarm bells sounding in your head at this whole situation - you can’t help the strangled yelp that escapes you. 
You feel his devilish grin before you see it, the air sucked out of the car as he pulls away from his position marking up your neck. You can’t even pretend to ignore the flash of heat running through you at the dangerous spark in his eyes. Fuck the wine at home, you think you could get drunk off the feeling of him looking at you like a predator closing in on their poor, helpless prey. Maybe that wasn’t too far from the truth. 
He runs those hungry eyes over every inch of you, moving his hands to your waist. In one swift motion, Toji yanks you to the edge of the backseat - your lower half almost entirely out of the car. He wastes no time hauling your legs over his shoulders and begins to leave wet, open mouthed kisses up towards your aching cunt, heat from his breath doing nothing to cool down the fire burning in your gut. He mouths over your clothed core a couple of times, piercing eyes not leaving yours for an instant. Running his fingers along the waistline of your pants, he hooks his fingers under just enough to find purchase on both your pants and panties and practically rips them down your legs. 
Toji hovers over you for just a second. The cool night air settling over your exposed sex makes you squirm in his hold, his eyes more chilling than the night itself. In the soft red glow of the tail lights, he makes one more command. 
“Be as loud as you can. There’s no one out here to hear you but me. I don’t want you to hold back.”
He settles further between your legs, elbows on the seat and forearms thrown across your thighs as he positions himself in front of your cunt. Rather than give you what he knows you want just yet, he turns his head and sinks his teeth into the plush skin of your thigh. It hurts - the bite, the chill, the sensation of him sucking at your skin - and you arch up instinctively. Slamming your hands into the seat, you just about scream. Eyes shut, trying and failing to hold back tears. After the initial bite you fall back onto the seat, panting and whining at the continued sensation. You frantically try to tug at his hair, to pull him off of you, while attempting to move out of his iron grip. Truly, those muscles aren’t just for show. He seems almost emboldened by your attempts. 
Satisfied with the dark, defined bite mark on your thigh and the tear trails adorning your cheeks - he turns his attention to your forgotten cunt and buries his face in your pussy, the bridge of his nose nudging at your sensitive bud. It’s sloppy, it’s rough, it’s messy in a sort of perfected, practiced way. Every minute movement sends jolts of arousal up your spine that bury themselves in your stomach. You rock your hips against him as best you can with his arms still pinning you down. He licks a long hot stripe up your cunt, flicking his tongue at the top of the motion. Always one step away from truly sending you over that cliff. 
You think he’s trying to drive you crazy.
A pathetic whine. You don’t even know what you’re pleading for - more? For him to stop playing around with you? For him to touch you? To play with your empty, empty cunt? More, more, always more. It might be the headache, it might be the man between your thighs, either way you can’t think straight anymore. You need something more. There’s a deep ache twisting inside you - and you’re pretty sure only the dark haired man in front of you can unwind it. 
“Please what? You know how I feel about one-sided conversations sweetheart.”
The words are muffled as he speaks them against your clit. He punctuates by wrapping his lips around the small bud and sucking on it for a brief moment. Your body jolts with each one, hips bucking.
“I need -  I need more… Please…” 
“More? Like…” One arm lays across your lower stomach, elbow under one hip and fingers splayed out across the other. He maintains his iron grip as he runs a single finger down your slit - collecting the juices before dipping one finger into your heat. He pushes up to the third knuckle, taking just a moment before retreating and slowly circling your clit. 
“Like that?”
You nod furiously, propping yourself up on your arms again. “Yes, yes, please more…” You can’t even bother with shame anymore.
He huffs out a chuckle, “Greedy little thing.” Toji returns his mouth to your clit, roughly plunging his finger back into your cunt. Pleasure blossoms through your body, unfurling its flaming tendrils into your muscles. Moans, whines, breathy half-sounds tumble out of your mouth,  your cunt clenching around his finger as he works you open with one finger, and then another that  presses upwards to find that small spongy spot that would bring the stars into the backseat with you.
Toji fucks his fingers into you as he suctions his lips around your sensitive bud. The heat building in your stomach is on the verge of bursting. 
“A-ah, I’m s’close…” You struggle against his hold again, aching to ride his face and fingers to completion. 
But it seems Toji has other plans. 
Almost as soon as those words leave your lips, the black-haired man quickly removes his fingers from your core. The night air hits your sopping cunt, clenching around nothing. You whine - what the hell?! You start to complain about your denied orgasm, but one look at Toji has any frustrated words dying on your lips. 
He looks positively feral. 
The scar over his lips glistens with the combination of spit and your juices. Teeth bared in a manic grin, his canines catching the light ever so slightly before a long, pointed tongue slips out to gather all remnants of you from his lips and fingers. His pupils are blown wide, hair mussed on the sides where it pressed against your thighs. Toji rises back up to his full height, towering over you in the car. You’d forgotten for a moment you should be scared of him. He doesn’t break eye contact. 
Your heart rate picks up significantly, the adrenaline that should’ve been present since he first grabbed you outside the bank finally making its debut. It must show on your face because the crazed look on his face only seems to intensify. What the hell were you doing? This was ridiculous! This man just robbed you of your life savings and here you are letting him eat you out! He could kill you - he still might after he’s finished with you! 
None of these revelations have remotely tempered the sheer arousal coursing through you.
You start to move away from him. Prey realizing too late that they’re already trapped in the predator's jaws. 
“Oh no ya don’t.” He yanks you back towards him by your ankle. “Can’t back out now, doll. That wouldn’t be fun for either of us.” He grabs your arm, hauling you out of the vehicle into the night. You stumble a little as your feet hit the ground. You spot your pants laying a few feet away, acutely aware of your current state of undress compared to his. Toji hardly gives you time to find your footing before pressing his lips against yours once more. You’re more prepared for this kiss this time- pushing your chest against his and winding your arm around his waist. Teeth clashing, lips bruising at the intensity. Before was messy, full of spit and the slightest gentleness. This? This was no less than Toji claiming you as his own. Another treasure to be had, rich lands to be conquered. He towers over you, placing one hand up under your jaw to tilt your head upwards for ease of access. 
He puppets you in the kiss, pushing and pulling as he moves you away from the open door towards the side of the trunk. You chase his lips, trying to keep an idea of where the car is with a hand following the frame. He pulls away once he’s got you up against a more solid section, and with a hand on either hip he spins you to face the car. You don’t have much time to process the sudden move before he presses himself against your back, warmth radiating through the fabric of your top a stark contrast to the cold metal beneath you.
One thick, calloused hand runs up under your shirt towards your chest - the other slowly moving over your hip towards your slick pussy. Toji presses his face against the crook of your neck, breathing over the exposed skin. You feel fully encased in him, a thought both comforting and terrifying. As with everything else, he doesn’t wait. One finger runs up and down your slit, playing once more with your clit while the hand under your shirt pinches your nipples through your bra. It doesn’t take long for small pants and whimpers to fall from your lips again as he works you back up towards that high. 
He presses two fingers back into your velvet cunt, surprisingly gentle as he works you open once more. His other hand unclasps your bra, allowing it to fall forward enough to comfortably take your breast into his hand. His teeth graze your neck and he rolls your nipple between his thumb and forefinger. You whine, rolling your hips forward against his palm. 
The superheated knot in your core hardly has time to redevelop before he again leaves you empty and aching. You throw your head back, resting the side of your face against his hair. You try to press back against him, whining at the loss of his fingers. 
“Please what? Do you know how to say anything else?” He nips at your jaw, his voice positively dripping with the amusement plastered over his features. 
“Please stop playing and just fuck me already!”
This may not count as smart-assing your way to an early grave but it is certainly close.
Toji grins against your skin - “Greedy.” - and bites at your ear. His hands disappear from your body, but his mouth remains glued to the side of your neck. He sucks a small mark in the skin under your ear. You hear the rustle of fabric as his tongue traces over the bruise and down the curve of your jaw. The next moment he’s pressed back against you, obvious bulge pressed squarely against your ass. You try to reach behind, return just a bit of what he’s given you tonight - but Toji’s hands are already pressing your front down into the side of the trunk. One hooks under your thigh just slightly, spreading your feet apart just so. The cold air brushes like hot fire against your skin as he moves away.
You turn your head to the side, not wanting to take your eyes off of him.
One hand lazily strokes his cock, tall and proud, precum catching the light from the tail lights. He’s immersed in their red glow, raven hair mussed against the night sky. 
“This is what you wanted, right doll?”
You wet your lips ever so slightly. You nod. He tuts. 
“We talked about this.”
“Yes! Yes I-ah-I want this.”
He smirks and presses himself back against you. You feel the head of his cock nudging at your folds, dragging through your slit to gather some of the wetness there. His left hand grips your hip, fingers digging into the plush skin. The head catches ever so slightly on your seeping hole on each drag. Toji continues for only a moment more before positioning himself right against your entrance. 
With a small kiss to the nape of your neck, he pushes in. 
You feel like you’re being split open. He’s much longer than you realized - pressing against your cervix before he’s even bottomed out. The girth is just enough to stretch, filling you so deliciously. You hardly get a moment to adjust before he snaps his hips up into you. He presses his length fully into you with each thrust, pushing you forward with the sheer force behind them. As with everything tonight, his thrusts are rough and calculated. Bruising. Even when he’s mostly out of you, the throbbing sensation of your cervix being battered remains. It takes everything in you to remain upright. You cry out with each thrust, hands frantically trying to keep you steady on the smooth metal. You rock back against him as best you can, further amplifying his already bruising speed. 
The pace steals the air from your lungs, tightening around your core and leaving you panting against the car frame. Every inch of you burns with a passion and intensity you could hardly even fantasize before. The feeling of him stretching you open, the stars faintly twinkling in the distance, the mild ache from your now neglected clit, all burns their way into your muscles, taking up home in your memories. You want to close your eyes. You don’t want to miss the slight contortions of his face as he thrusts up into your slick heat. You need to focus on what you’re feeling. You want to lick at the sweat building at his brow, to inhale him into you. 
God, you are one depraved individual. 
A baser side of you takes over, finally letting your head fall to rest against the metal. A litany of incoherent, half-baked thoughts cross your mind and tumble out of your mouth. The knot in your stomach returns. He repeatedly snaps you back against him, the iron grip on your hips guaranteeing a new set of finger-shaped bruises in the morning. Toji readjusts his angle just slightly - enough to find that spot deep inside that steals your vision from you with each thrust. You choke out a garbled moan, and you miss the unsettling grin of a hunter that’s found its mark. 
He pushes you fully against the car, front resting nearly on top of the trunk with his body pressed firmly against your back. One hand snakes down towards your clit, while the other hooks up under your thigh to allow him full access to your poor abused pussy. He rests his head on your back, right at the curve of your shoulder blade. 
“Come on sweetheart, you’ve been so good for me this far.”
A calloused finger rubs circles on your clit. He nails your g-spot with nearly perfect precision. Your cunt flutters around his cock, the knot building and tightening with his attention.
“Give this to me. Remember this - ” a particularly rough thrust draws a cry from you “ - and who it was that made you feel like this.” He bites down onto the skin at the back of your neck, and combined with the finger on your clit and the thrusts against your cervix you can’t find it in yourself to hold on any longer. You’ve already given so much to him - your money, your body, your self-respect - you might as well give him a permanent home in your mind and fantasies. You think you’d probably give him anything if he asked for it. The tension building in your core finally bursts, flooding your senses with its white hot pleasure. You scream, shaking and clenching around him as he continues to fuck you through your orgasm. You lean into the overstimulation, tears streaming down your face as the pleasure wracks through you in bursts. At the top of one of those bursts, Toji groans and snaps your hips back one last time to fully seat himself within you. Hot spurts of cum fill you, so much that it begins to leak out around the base of his cock. 
The two of you don’t move for a moment, allowing the heat to settle and dissipate. Toji rests against you, one hand idly rubbing your side. If you weren’t almost entirely on the trunk you probably would’ve fallen to the ground by now. Every inch of you feels light and unreal. You start to focus on bringing yourself back down to reality; Toji pulls out and moves away from you. The night air on your back is refreshing, giving you something real to grab onto. Once you start thinking too hard about what just happened, you’re flooded with abject shame. 
This man just robbed you of your life savings and… you had (mind-blowing) sex with him?! 
You roll onto your back, groaning at the realization. You are quite possibly the stupidest person to ever exist. Or at least the stupidest one at this exact moment. How the hell were you going to get home? He already said he wasn’t just going to drop you off! Fuck - 
Toji pulls you out of your shame spiral, pressing a bundle of cloth - your pants probably - into your arms. 
“Ah, t-thanks.”
He’s fully dressed already, though it wasn’t like he took off much of his clothing to begin with. There’s a small piece of fabric hanging from his pocket, and you realize with increasing shame that it’s your panties. He notices you eyeing it and only smirks before fully hiding it in his pocket. 
“A souvenir. From our little… honeymoon.” You aren’t willing to focus on that any longer, instead electing to get your own pants on - sans proper undergarments. “Well doll. It was nice knowin’ ya.” 
Oh shit. 
Oh fuck oh shit oh fuck - he’s actually going to kill you now. Your heart races and you brace yourself against the car. You open your mouth, fully prepared to plead your case - I won’t say a word, this never happened, please just let me go - as Toji reaches into his other pocket. You want to cry. This has all been too much. He pulls out an envelope - one of the ones the teller at the bank gave you with your savings inside - and takes out a couple of bills. 
Toji wrenches your hand away from the car, and presses the bills firmly into your palm. He even makes sure to close your fingers around them. 
“Get a cab or somethin’. Don’t want ya wandering around too late. ”
Your mouth opens and shuts a few times, staring dumbly after his figure as he walks around to the driver’s side. You try to process the absolute rollercoaster of emotions that was the past couple of minutes, but by the time you realize what’s happening Toji is already starting the car. You frantically feel your pockets - 
“Hey! W-Wait!”
He doesn’t.
“Wait, jackass! My phone’s in there!”
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readingwiththestars · 4 months
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["whatever our souls are made of hers and mine are the same"]
| ✮ 3.5 stars |
THOUGHTS ° ᡣ𐭩 . ° . [spoilers for ihhbwm + some spoliers for ioihth]
ok so lemme tell you i had the BIGGEST reading slump ever just as i started to read this. so this review may be a little choppy at some points because i've just pointblank forgotten some parts and don't wanna go back and re-read finny's pov just yet.
i was so on the fence about reading this because on one hand i really wanted to read finny's pov and on the other, complete and utter heartbreak.... yeah....... so anyway i read it.
when i tell you that this book had me ugly crying in the middle of the night. like seriously finny's pov?? fucking broke me. are you kidding me? the way he speaks about autumn? ugh when am i gonna find a guy like finny fr? but seriously this book had me on a rollercoaster of emotions just from the heartbreak knowing whats already gonna happen to finny as he describes how happy he is and how he can't believe autumn loves him back, to the smile i had on my face reading about 'the moms' bickering over baby stuff for autumn.
i will say this now i did expect a little more (hence the rating). i wanted idk more closure at the end there. idk rlly know how to describe it better since its 10 o'clock at night and ive had zero sleep for the past four nights in a row. but yeah i wanted something more. (bitch u wanted finny to be alive)
CHARACTERS ° ᡣ𐭩 . ° .
finny -
*sobbing noises* i could go on a damn rant abt this boy. holy shit. he's just perfect. if i see one person ONE PERSON coming after him istg- he was such a caring sweet person like the pencil??? and always going to the sketchy gas station (i nearly called it a servo then lmao) to get the candy autumn likes?? and always making sure people were safe when he drives?? *cough* apparently not you though sylvie *cough* just ahhh laura when i get you. cause like why'd you have to make him get out of the car, hmmm? lets just compromise and you give me an alternate universe where finny misses the puddle or better yet where sylvie kept her damn seatbelt on.
jack -
tbh i wasn't all that excited to read about jack. (also to be fair i was still sobbing from finny's pov so that probably didn't help) like i seriously just thought it'd be some jock trying to process finny's death by hooking up with alexis (who by the way can go jump up her own ass and die) but we got the whole other side of him where he was genuinely affected by finny's death and really was his best friend. but the way he didn't like autumn way just- yeah. also i saw him and sylvie coming from a mile away like seriously it wasn't very subtle.
autumn -
*sobbing noises increase* autumn my baby girl. i just wanted to jump through the pages and give her a hug. seriously i feel robbed that we didn't get to see a happy autumn. angie and her's friend ship was so precious tho. and i love love LOVE that they bonded over being moms/soon-to-be-moms. im also just gonna say the way we didn't see an ounce of jamie or sasha this entire book made me so happy! i also lowkey wanted to see more of when she was an actual mom? like what would she name the baby? i wanted to see domestic autumn a little more. but i still love her so much and it was so lovely to see her heal <3
QUOTES ° ᡣ𐭩 . ° . [spoilers]
"my love for her is the closest thing i have to religion. but it's okay that she doesn't feel the same. i'm fine. i can handle it" - finny
"my devotion to autumn is engraved on my very being. i am in awe of her. i will sit in the stands and cheer her on in life as her most ardent admirer. i know i'll always love her in the same way i know i'll always need oxygen" - finny
"it's all done. finn's story is over. his whole life. that was it. not even nineteen years, and he'll never, ever do anything else ever again. finn won't go off to college or celebrate his birthday. he won't get another hair cut or get the oiled changed in his car. he won't bite a hangnail on his thumb or buy another CD. finn smith has done everything he will ever do. he won't get to be with autumn." - jack
“this baby isn't what's left over from our love story. this baby is our story's continuation.” - autumn
"if only i'd told her that i loved her years ago, i wouldn't be here now." - finny
all in all laura you can pay for my therapy mkay?
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halfetirosie · 2 months
▼✧♦ "Enter this contest!" they said. "It'll be fun!" they said. ♦✧▼
(Exercise 21 - 24 React-os!)
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Yes, I know I already made this joke, but I don't care. (˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶)
Funny coincidence tho; Cast Away was actually playing on T.V a few days ago! I of course had to watch it---I realized I haven't actually watched it in probably over 8 years---and it's a good-ass movie, ya'll!!! If you ever get the chance to watch it, you should!!!!
I also think it's neat that Eiden has canonically seen Cast Away...Or at least, he's aware of its existence through memes.
2) Fuckin hell bro, Quincy is so endearing, I can't handle it!!!!
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It's so Dad Energy™ to zonk out at the beach and get buried in the sand, tbh. ♡
And Eiden's really living up to his Little Devil nickname! 😈
3) Premium Sooley + 🐾 Cat Dad Dante 🐾 content!!!
⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡♡♡♡♡♡
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Dante: "Ha, look at you guys playing around! Pathetic!"
Dante: *Is literally playing with his cat*
Now watch, Dante's gonna claim this isn't "playing" but is just training Sooley to get used to the water---
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PFFFT!!!! (≧∇≦) Called it!!!!
I mean, you do know it can be both playing and training, right, bub? 😅
He's such a prideful little stinker!!!! ♡♡♡♡♡
🚨🚨🚨DANTE LAUGHS!!!!!!🚨🚨🚨
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*Obnoxious squealing*
*Swoons so hard I fall down the fucking stairs*
🎶 We are experiencing technical difficulties. Please wait for us to fix the problem. Thank you for your patience. 🎶
Dante is seriously having so much this event, and it's such a joy to see!!! This dude might have been borderline forced into participating, and he might be using "research" as an excuse, but this is the happiest we've seen him in, like, a long time!!!
No, seriously, think about it! The previous 3 event he featured in (Sunburst Fever, Blood Secret, and Desert of Dusk), Dante was busy with official business. They were pretty damn stressful for him.
But my mans has finally caught a break!!!
(⸝⸝o̴̶̷᷄ ◡ o̴̶̷̥᷅⸝⸝)
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I know that the lil' symbol is probably supposed to actually represent Dante's tattoos, but I'mma just pretend that they're his sharp-chin head on a Dorito body:
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6) This can be interpreted in two ways---
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Extremely horny
Extremely threatening
(⊙ ㅁ ⊙)
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Sometimes I kind of forget that Quincy has the potential to be really fuckin scary... He's so likable, but he could crush somebody's skull without even breaking a sweat...
8) I also kind of forget how excellent all of the clan members are in combat scenarios...
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These dudes are literally sending lethal attacks back and forth, dealing with them all seamless.
On the one hand, it makes me proud of our bois, being so talented and all. But also, seeing them go all-out against each other is kind of a harsh reminder of how, at least in this respect, Eiden really is the odd one out...
9) Wait, did he have his tail out during this event????
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10) Oh, come on! Really??? (◔_◔)
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Did they really need to turn this into an "everybody wins" scenario???
Look, I love a happy ending as much as the next guy, and I know that the stakes of this event weren't exactly high. But this ain't a kids show that needs a squeaky-clean non-controversial ending. I want someone to win! Give us a clear winner!!!
Fuck it, I'll say it;
I mean, COME ON!!! He absolutely crushed it this event!!! And he wanted to win more than anyone else, too!!!!
My dude finally had a mini-vacation for the first time in ages---LET HIM HAVE THIS!!!!!
11) Damn, poor Eiden! :(
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Our boi was so close!!! I was really rooting for him!!! (I know I said Dante should've won, and I still think so; but if anyone else were to be the winner, it should've been Eiden. He really put a fuck-ton of effort into this event; gotta love an underdog!)
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😂 Eiden really is being a great sport about this!
(And that was probably the funniest way of congratulating those three on their great performance in the competition.)
But idk, man...
Maybe it's because I get way too immersed/empathetic when reading, but I feel way more sad about Eiden's loss than I probably should be.
Like, obviously, losing doesn't feel good. Nobody likes failure. And since Eiden is the protag, we're all sorta on his side by default.
I guess I boils down to what I said earlier; in comparison to the clan members, Eiden really is the odd one out. He doesn't even come close to their power; and even when he was trying his hardest in this competition, the odds were so insurmountable, there was no way he could ever win.
🤷 It just pokes at an inferiority complex that feels shitty.
🌸 End of report! 🌸
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blueiight · 1 year
The biggest WTF for me is when book fans are like well Louis is a liar in the books about why xyz didn't happen in the show and I'm like well if he's lying about everything then why am I watching this show?? are you gonna retell the entire first season with what really happened? cause I feel like the show is wasting my time then.
Any and all Lestat propaganda is lost on me. Anytime someones like well in the books he's not like this, I'm like I dont care that's not what he's like on the show so stfu.
Also I have no fucking clue what ppl are talking about with daniel + armand most of the time like I don't understand how the fuck s1 hints at anything other than an adversarial relationship at the moment.
im assuming ur the same anon as here..
and its like yeah its obvious some things didnt happen the way they did cuz its louis’s point of view & we will get another look at certain scenes but if the whole season is a total lie thats a waste of tv lol. granted the book iwtv narrative is more straightforwardly dark. theres no two interviews theres just one interview in the 70s (which was contemporary. iwtv published in 1976) .and the most that’s ‘contradicted’ in that imo is.. of course getting lestat’s point of view and all but also. ok. so you know how in the show lestat kills the tenor and clicks out on louis saying embrace what you are? in the book, lestat did the same thing but it was w/ these sex workers/prostitutes instead. in tvl lestat is like well actually these women were robbing the seamen so i wasnt the bad guy. this is actually why i think show lestat is nicer than book lestat! not rly cuz he did the same shit to lily. seriously tho book and show les were twins separated at birth and sent off to different universes imo. & in the book louis links w/ lestat whos bog body down bad holding a child and turning his back on him its irony its melodrama and we’re never sure if that scene actually happened. according to les well it didnt and louis was just a drama queen embellishing. thats what louis is, a drama queen embellishing things LOL. & the suspicion around armand is warranted like hes a powerful vampire with an adeptness in the mind gift, but he also loves lestat + his form of showing that is yandere crazy af aka torturing the people lestat cares about if not beating and tormenting lestat himself and its like..armand would do some shit like that hes crazy but itd be a bit boring if all of s1 was a big lie ?. let all the yaoi be problematic! i def think that theres some freaky shit going on between armandxlouis… the 1x07 reveal was like heyy danny ik i just checked out 5 seconds ago but i went from a bad bf to worse :3 the snake sheds his skin as ive dubbed it. i thought armand was rashid tvc until i seen the marius painting and the reveal had me sooo hype. the finale is the biggest divergence in the book besides the obvious changes (race, era, certain scenes etc etc) the fact that theres 2 interviews and that armand x louis are together in the modern day. in the book armand broke up with louis just before the interview, tried to mack on bog body struggle bus lestat and when all that failed he went to fuck w/ daniel. daniel was named in the third book finally and he was revealed to be w/ armand to have this crazy psychosexual bdsm worldwide cruising (well. armand watching danny fuck) blood airtagging romance rigmarole for a few yrs post interview cuz armand wanted someone to teach him what being human was like again and daniel wanted a demonic satanic zaddy. i am the devil’s minion (title chap drop!) armand’s put in a situation where he has to turn a dying 32 year old (book) daniel into a vampire. in the show clearly, daniel is old now but hes dying still. s1 doesnt show much so i can get why ur confused but in later seasons the nature of all their relationships between show armandxlouis , daniel & what happened and how theyll adapt the axd dynamic will be clearer to us all. i just think ppl r too committed to particular fan theories or takes rn. the ennui of being into an ongoing adaptation
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oceanwithinsblog · 1 year
ok nobody asked for this but let me present you
✨my personal evaluation of each eurovision 2023 entry✨
where should i begin? i've decided to quickly comment this year's participating songs !! these are all personal opinions so don't take them too seriously ! hope you enjoy this sh!tpost of mine and, most importantly, happy eurovision grand finale day to all those who celebrate !! 💙💛
a quick legend: ❌ = song i don't like | ✅ = song i enjoy | ♾️ = song i have on loop (and is therefore among my faves)
as for the order of the songs, i'm using the eurovision 2023 playlist on spotify ^^
tell me more (turalturanx) ✅
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this song is very simple and cute imo, still i'm not surprised it didn't make it to the final
aijā (sudden lights) ✅
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this song is soooo good once you listen to it a couple times !! they were robbed, i really wished for them to qualify :((
we are one (wild youth) ❌
honestly? no. this doesn't quite do it for me. plus their staging was pretty awful during the 1st semi so yeah ... hopefully ireland will do better next year !
dance (our own party) (the busker) ✅
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can i be totally honest ???? I DO NOT UDNERSTAND HOW IN THE EUROVISION THEY DIDN'T GET THROUGH THE FIRST SEMI I WAS AND STILL AM IN AWE WTH i have to admit the song didn't really catch my attention the first time i listened to it on spotify, but the performance they did on tuesday night left me speechless. so much fun ! so much color ! so much dinamicity ! plus those references to michael jackson the king of pop ! not my fave entry but they deserved to take part to the finale imo :(<3
burning daylight (mia nicolai, dion cooper) ✅
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this song is actually pretty good to hear on earphones (on spotify), the chorus got stuck into my mind for days lol but after watching their performance i do agree with the televote - the live singing wasn't really nice. unrelated but the netherlands should try singing in their native language more often at eurovision !!!
like an animal (piqued jacks) ❌
i'm sorry fellow italian compatriots but i don't vibe with this song ... you tried and did your best on the thursday night tho !! kudos to you and good luck for your future ^^
d.g.t. (off and on) (theodor andrei) ❌
romania ... what happened to you ... don't tell me that hola mi bebebe was your peak at eurovision .... i don't wanna believe it .... but this whole song and performance really isn't it ... deeply unsettling for me
what they say (victor vernicos) ❌
greece ! i don't really know what to say about this, the guy has a nice voice but the song just doesn't work for me. i'm sad he didn't qualify 'cause he was very excited (and you could easily see it during his performance) but i think it didn't qualify for the best..
breaking my heart (riley) ✅
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might come off as a surprise but i do enjoy listening to this song from time to time (on spotify) ! this boy is a personification of tiktok and that scares me ngl but i think the song itself is catchy. surely not suited for eurovision tho. the live version of breaking my heart loses all its catchiness but it's ok he tried
echo (iru) ✅
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WHAT ! A ! VOICE ! iru's tone is so powerful and beautiful to listen to !! too bad i can't understand a word she is singing :// i was actually rooting for her to qualify on thursday but apparently european are deaf lol
power (diljá) ✅
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i genuinely like the song and i think she has a great voice ! the performance at the second semi wasn't even close to one worth of qualification tho :( she was left alone on the stage and it felt pretty empty imo :( she's the cutest tho <3
mama šč! (let 3) ✅
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ps. i wrote that i enjoy the song - which i do - but i never listen to it on spotify honestly
blood & glitter (lord of the lost) ✅
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germany has finally submitted a good entry !! love the alt rock vibes !! still no idea what the live performance looks like but i feel pretty good knowing these guys have a lot of fun on stage ^^
bridges (alika) ✅ ♾️
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she's like a goddess ... vocals are super on point !! i'm kinda rooting for her, the staging is very nice, simple and neat. love the details !! go estonia !!
because of you (gustaph) ✅ ♾️
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OMG PLEASE I'M LOVING THIS !! the live performance is even better than the studio version imo; the stage presence, the '90s vibes, the VOGUEING, the back up vocals, the dancer EVERYTHING IS SO ON POINT I LOVE IT I LOVE IT I LOVE IT totally my cup of tea <3 GO BELGIUM !!!
eaea (blanca paloma) ✅
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it took me a few listens to really get the vibes and the lyrics, but i have to say i love this entry ! most importantly i love that spain is always doing spain ! vamos blanca ! love the union of traditional and modern elements into this, i hope it does well in the final ^^
break a broken heart (andrew lambrou) ❌
big no for me. any straight man singing about heartbreak is a big no for me. we don't care. ok, yk, you have a nice voice mr. lambrou, i'll give you that, but you shouldn't have gotten to the final imo. no hard feelings. plus wearing a tuxedo and singing on stage shoeless ??? ugh.
promise (voyager) ✅ ♾️
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hell yeah !! aussies doing rock'n'roll and showing up on stage in a random car are also my thing !! they understood the assignment and i'm glad they did. can't wait to watch their performance again tonight !! kinda rooting for them ^^
ai coração (mimicat) ✅
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again, kudos to portugal for always being portugal and bringing such gems to eurovision. i like this one. i don't listen to it often, but i for sure enjoy it when i do ! wishing her the best for tonight's finale !!
samo mi se spava (luke black) ✅
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it took me a while to appreciate this song ngl ... luke gives an incredible performance on stage tbh, i'm happy he qualified for the final. plus singing in your native language and naming yourself after the dead serbian music panorama are big reasons to give you bonus points. slay king !!
due vite (marco mengoni) ✅ ♾️
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i might be biased (i'm italian after all) but i love this song. i relate to this song. a lot. marco's voice is sublime imo, i'm so very glad he is representing our country in liverpool. <3 tbh i actually can't wait to see what he prepared for the finale !!!! i have really high expectations but i know he's gonna leave me awestruck <3 vai marchettooooo <3
stay (monika linkyte) ✅ ♾️
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my lithuanian queen !!!!!!! love the song ! love the live vocals ! love the lyrics ! love the orange themed performance ! love the interactions with the back up singers ! totally 10/10 for me. sending her a big hug !
duje (albina and kelmendi familja) ❌
i don't know how to feel about this song. i personally don't get the hype. it's very albanian and very traditional and i appreciate it a lot, but i can't quite come to like the final product :(
watergun (remo forrer) ❌
sort of the same scenario 've already described for greece, he's got a nice voice but the song isn't right. plus it's a bit funny to hear a swiss guy saying he doesn't want to be a soldier ....
solo (blanka) ❌
poland is another big no, rigged. rigged. rigged. if anybody asks me, poland didn't participate to eurovision in 2023. shoutout to jann, i hope you're having a wonderful day <3
carpe diem (joker out) ❌
very much appreciating their outfit and vitality and sort of silly joyous queer vibes, but i personally can't come to like the song. still, i'm glad they made it to the final ^^
soarele si luna (pasha parfeni) ✅ ♾️
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moldova has me clapping and singing and dancing and trying to learn how to play the flute. 10/10 chef's kiss. constantly on loop. great job pasha and friends, i'm partially rooting for you tonight !!
future lover (brunette) ✅
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very interesting song, from the lyrics to the musical structure, from the outfit to the staging. brunette's voice is lovely. i wish she had sung the entire song in armenian, but still - it's good!
unicorn (noa kirel) ❌
a total ... skip for me ! shouldn't have qualified for the final ! and as i keep saying for years, israel shouldn't be allowed to participate to eurovision anymore ! good bye.
my sister's crown (vesna) ✅
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the song is great, the message is nice (if i understood it correctly) but the whole pink outfits don't match any element of the performance. still, a nice entry for czechia !
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kpophubb · 2 years
YES EXACTLY LIKE THEY WERE SO PERFECT TOGETHER 💔💔💔💔💔💔💔 it is so sad honestly, I understand u to the fullest🫶🏻poor Seojun☹️ JUNGWON IS JUST SO- I love him so much he caught my eye in I-land (when I first got into enha it was summer of 2021 and after watching the dd and fever mvs I instantly started I-land as to know them a bit better) AND SINCE THEN HE IS NOT LETTING ME GO, tmi that actually the first ones whom I “liked” when watching the mv were Jay and Jake! they stood out the most for me😩
I WANNA OWN A POLAROID CAMERA SO BADLYYY one of my best friends has one and we always take pics with his camera when on travelling together:( it is seriously so so good, I do have a canon tho (but i am definitely not a pro photographer i do this as a fun little hobby😅), I saved up for it for literal years, the only disadvantage it has is that i really have to like be cautious and on alert so muggers won’t take it (on one of my trips last year someone actually robbed us but we were lucky and no valuables disappeared)
Ima show you some pics then if you are interested! (next ask)
Aahh, I remember watching iland clips and border:day one clips the most when I became an engene during the border:carnival time. 😍🤍🫶🏻 the first person who caught my eye and I was a die hard fan of was sunoo, sunghoon, heeseung & jake!! With time, I started loving jungwon a lot but the one I love the most was is and will always be jakey🥺🖤
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I have 2 polaroid cameras lmao, one is silver white and another one is lilac. Ikr Polaroids are the cutest thing ever and I have a thing for physical photographs! Oml ik how hard it can be carrying around an expensive camera, I hope your hard own money that you saved and owned never goes to waste and you can keep capturing more and more beautiful moments 💖
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wikiangela · 2 years
911 lone star 4x02
spoilers ahead
aw I missed Grace so much 😍
loving Marjan getting a moment, I hope we'll see more of her this season, maybe she'll get an actual storyline 🤞
also, lmao this is so funny, why is this woman so difficult 😂 istg ls is a drama only sometimes, mostly it's a fucking comedy 😂
unpopular opinion but: I actually enjoyed Owen in s3, and I'm still enjoying him haha, tbh he was only really insufferable in s2, now I kinda like him, and his scenes are hilarious, and I'm kinda interested in his storyline this season 😂 (more interesting than tarlos that's for sure, and that's still so weird to even think lmao)
Grace and Tommy have the best friendship in this show 💯 lmao I love them
"just my wife" lmao okay that was funny - it's still not the best plot ngl, it's just so... low stakes, so low basically nonexistent - I already said that in a post before, but like, so what if they can't get married in a few weeks? 😂 like, this is just such a dumb reason jfc, we know they're gonna stay together, this is just drama for the sake of drama - I'm still gonna try to enjoy it tho, maybe they'll make it fun 💁🏻‍♀️😂
I was about to say this convo is annoying, but them recalling TK's accidents and the "how many comas have you been in" 😂 😂 lmao this is so funny
oh wow... she didn't sign the papers, who could've seen it coming..... just about everyone but okay 🙄 it's just such a boring storyline I'm sorry but like, it might've been a funny convo, but the overall plotline is just so boring, and making Iris just annoying tbh
OH MY GOD WHO CARES ABOUT THE VENUE 🙄🙄🙄 like, seriously, I can't express how boring I find this, they can literally find another place or wait a little longer
why is tarlos' storyline the most boring this season, please can this be over and can they get something more interesting?
Tommy being awkward with the pastor oh my god I love her so much, but someone shut her up pls 😂😂😂
okay, that leather jacket and hair kinda ruffled by the helmet - it's working for me, why is Rob Lowe so hot, I wasn't prepared to be (this) attracted to Owen this season 😭
thank god that was just Tommy's dream, because the dialogue was really making me cringe lol
I'm loving Tommy and Owen's friendship too 😂
I'm sorry, I guess I'm happy they're getting an annulment, and we're adding some drama now, but like.... I really don't fucking care, what is happening, tarlos were my fave part of this show and now I just wait for their scenes to be over, what have you done writers 🙄
okay, that tarlos scene was adorable and I love them - im still already over that whole marriage and Iris thing tho
oh, now Iris disappeared? okay, now it's getting interesting
that was a good episode, it flew by so fast tbh haha
loved Tommy and I'm lowkey here for the pastor storyline, but it seems to be going well, and we're only on episode 2, so I wonder what's gonna get fucked up
pls tell me Grace and Judd will get some story of their own because so far they're kinda to the side
same with Mateo, Marjan and Paul and Nancy - like, please give them something, they each had like an episode about them (aside from Nancy I think) and we're in s4, give them some longer storylines pls
(also, can we get begins episodes for them? that'd be so cool pls)
I kinda like Owen's story, it's interesting, and it's taking surprisingly little screen time for Owen 😂 (also, Rob Lowe has always been hot, but this season it's like, really standing out, almost as much as the beginning of s3 with the beard 🥵 wtf)
and finally, tarlos.... I was kinda over their whole story, but Iris disappearing makes it interesting tbh, so far it's been boring - hope it'll get even better!
so, tbh I liked this one more than 4x01 and I hope that now it'll get better and better haha
(tho was there literally like only one emergency this episode?)
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asoulofatlantis · 2 years
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The fact that Agate knew she was fine and especially since he was aware of the teasing to expect from Fie and Toval, he could have easily dodged seeing Tita, knowing there was no need for concern, given that she was save. Would have likely been possible to just say he had too much to do to visit her, even tho he was around, however, here he is, making sure with his very own eyes that she is alright and feeling happy as a student of the branch campus. You���ve seriously gotta respect that despite his usual defensive reactions to the teasing, that never stops him from actually seeing and interacting with Tita.
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The fact that Agate is absolutely “hands off” with Tita, but headpats are a regular thing and that is likely because it makes her so happy. Even Agate can not avoid loving the cuteness of that smile XD
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Randy robbing off an Juna who has decided to give cute people cute nicknames and actually gets away with it ^^’
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Agate reminding us of that moment of utter panic, when for the very first time, there was a small moment with reasons to actually doubt Prince Oliverts loyalty to our Liberl-Team back in the Sky-Saga. (That was a moment one will not so easily forget. I mean, even I, who knew Olivert from the Cold Steel Saga already and thus was aware of his background und stuff had a small moment off doubt, when he acted like he was a bad buy reading to help Zechs to attack Liber at its weakest moment ^^’)
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Agate using excuse number one on old class 7, because they backed him into a corner, asking about his relationship with Tita. Always fun to see him struggle XD (One might say he is far too defensive for his own good. Laura asked if Tita is dear to him and he immediately jumped to the conclusion she suggest he is in love with her, while “dear to him” might very well be easily explain with “Yeah, I love her like a sister”, but he had to go all out and make sure its not anything romantic at all. Tjo one might have to forgive him, given how Erica is treating him because SHE KNOWS that Tita is in love with him ^^’)
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The fact that Agate was trying so hard to make sure Class7 knew there is no such thing as the fact that Tita might be “dear to him” and fucked it up anyway XD
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I found it so important that the story of Hamel got told to our Heroes from Erebonia and that the game makes sure we understand how cruel and gruesome that attack had been. The sadness of that place for you as a player is always palpable, but even more so if you have finished Trails in the Sky before. So one of the many reason to replay this game is also, to get reminded of how long the curse had been taking peoples darkness and weakness and used them to do terrible thing to innocent people and thus how important it was that we would finally end this spiral of death, hate and destruction at the end of the cold steel saga. Not just for Erebonia, or the neighboring countries who were in danger because of this. But also because of all the people in Hamel who died a cruel death. And for Loewe, who now watches over them.
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Seeing how both Duvalie AND Shirley pay their respect to the dead of Hamel. It gives them a heart and a soul and brings them a sort of respect and sympathy from us as the player.
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The game confirming what we already knew since the Crossbell-Saga: Shirleys father has spoiled her rotten and that doesn’t make dealing with her any easier.
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The fact that we get a chance to agree with this XD
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I am fully aware that I sound like Musse when I say this... but Rean IS hot when he is strict like that XD Totally worth playing this game again for swooning over his angry voice *lol*
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inannasdream · 2 months
just finished watching the off broadway musical adaptation of anastasia and im so sorry to any fans of it but i could not take this musical seriously omg
things i liked: the costuming was really cool, and the dresses were awesome to see. i watched it with a bootleg in 360p but they looked very high quality and well done from what i could tell. the sets were immersive! the cast and their singing were obvs good too. of the songs, once upon a december was the biggest standout.
lastly, i liked the change of main antagonist from evil sorcerer rasputin (???????) to the soviet officer gleb (in theory). honestly i haven't watched the 1997 movie since i was like, baby, so i have no attachment to that movie's main villain, and a plot that's more sensical for the specific locations and characters it's supposed to be based around are welcome imo.
things i disliked/didn't care for: everything else lmao. every five minutes i swear i was rolling my eyes (mostly for its royalty/bourgeois ass-kissing but lots of other smaller things too).
right off the bat smth i thought was rly funny was how in one (only one but still) of the songs they consistently pronounce paris the native way, but with anastasia they just use the english pronunciation the whole time. anastasia, dammit, not ann uh stay ja >:/
more seriously, i could not stand the pretentious sucking up to aristocracy and monarchy throughout literally every line in this musical omfg. no lily i can not give less of a fuck abt you missing being part of the monarchy in russia when you are lamenting this in your expensive ass dress surrounded by french aristocrats. the way they vaguely mention russian people disliking the tsarist rule and completely brush that off, with every other portrayal of the common people being abt how much they obsess over the romanovs and how poor they are (bc they were.... less poor during the monarchy????? ??? ????) was funny in a "wow these writers are NOT self aware" way. maria in particular is so much less sympathetic to me when she also has to spend her on-stage time waxing poetry about how lame the ussr is lol. fitting i guess tho considering broadway's monetary gatekeeping
other big thing is the amnesia just being a very obvious plot device, with her remembering events from her past seemingly at random. i guess i don't have a big criticism for this but it was another thing i really couldn't take as seriously as the musical probably wanted me to.
the ending is probably the only part where i have actually constructive criticism -- it felt like they were going back and forth on whether anya cared about being royalty or not. the ending speech about anastasia being a fairy tale would suggest that she's been able to move on from her whole quest and that anastasia (the royal princess who was purported to have died with her family) could rest for good while anya could marry dmitri... but that monologue is narrated over her marrying him in her aristocratic red dress, like a few minutes after she asserted herself as grand duchess anastasia romanov to him, sooo?????
i think they were going for a "anastasia is reclaiming the childhood she was robbed of her memories of by cOmMuNiSm and now she can live out her prestige in paris" theme but then why include that ending monologue other than to be an obvious "this story is fictional" disclaimer that no one needed in the first place? idk, i would've preferred if she just let that title and name rest with the music box left to maria, and married him as is or smth. probably would've gone better with her amnesia that's basically almost totally forgotten about after act 1, having a new identity as anya that she can actually realistically live out now that the tsar has been abolished in the ussr. but then i guess she'd have to go back to the ussr to complete that theme, which we can't have bc cOmMuNiSm or smth, so she just has to stay in paris.
i'd be more fine w the above stuff if the music was like, showstopping, but idk it was fine i guess. besides once upon a december, they all felt like very standard songs to have in a musical to move the plot forward. i know there are some songs they added in the broadway version, but mehhhh i don't rly care enough to check them out. im sure they're ok. anddd afternoon spent ✅
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maychild · 10 months
mini-reviews of bl dramas watched (part 8)
adfjkldsajfkdslfj i loved this. was it cliche with predictable twists? yeah, but i enjoyed it nonetheless. the angst was sooo good, the chemistry between all the characters was phenomenal. i absolutely loved hotae and donghee and geonhee and his wife. i did not like vice manager jung but i didn't dislike him as much as i usually do unscrupulous people in dramas so...i did love wonyoung standing up for himself there at the end with manager jung so i don't mind the narrative redeeming him. wonyoung still has to work with this dude but maybe manager jung won't think he's such a pushover any more. i didn't like that for the majority of the episodes wonyoung was getting close to taejoon for the wrong reasons, but i did like that the latter half of the series focused on his deceit and the fallout. (a lesser drama would've resolved the whole thing in one ep but, unpopular opinion, i loved that they gave the major falling out and the getting back together the room that they did. i honestly did not feel like the series lost any momentum in that regard. taejoon's whole issue with trust and having it broken already in his life should not be brushed off so easily just so we can have romance and lovey-dovey moments, but again, i gather this is an unpopular opinion in this fandom.) 
of course i want a s2, especially with a focus on donghee and hotae. like they were definitely gearing up to be something there by the end, and we were robbed of them going on double dates with taejoon and wonyoung. (also! no reaction at all from anybody about the wedding rings??!! SO ROBBEDDD. i also wanted scenes with taejoon and his father.). 9.5/10
where to even fucking start on how good this second season was??? this season picks up with hira in his final year of college, still anxious in his relationship with kiyoi, still needing to learn how to be an equal partner in this relationship (it doesn't help that hira has such low self-esteem that he still treats kiyoi like a god, and himself as a lowly pebble not even deserving of kiyoi's gaze). the things i didn't like the most in s1 (the miscommunication and the abuse) was fixed this time around--kiyoi has matured wonderfully, he doesn't take hira for granted or treat him like his slave (even tho that would make hira the most happy--someone on viki mentioned he might have a degradation kink and i'm inclined to agree). 
koyama, the second male lead/love interest is still around (obviously), and while i'm not wild about him appearing, he was a good friend overall, and he respected hira rejecting him.
hira is still his oddball, stalkery self, and the drama ended with him very much still a work in progress, but i do like how they emphasized that any meaningful change had to be slow, as it's hard to overcome 20+ years of people not lifting you up emotionally.
i also loved the introduction of more characters like anna, kiyoi's actress friend/mentor, and noguchi hiromi, the famous photographer/future mentor to hira. the story ends with hira and kiyoi still together, but very much both still a work in progress with each other and in their relationship.
(the movie looks trippy as fuck, and i hope we interfans get it soon-ish.) 10/10
this was so disappointing. both leads lacked chemistry with each other, there was a lack of intimacy, and it was slow/boring af. (honestly, i was shipping jinhwan and hanjoon more than the actual couple, and they only had interactions in one ep!)
the dead fish kisses also did not help matters--yes, there were a couple of kisses, but i did not buy that these two were in love with each other at all. i get that it was because there was an idol playing one half of the leads, but that didn't stop semantic error! the drama didn't exactly spend any time building up the romance in a believable way. there was a montage! seriously, a montage when u could've just chosen to show and expand on the relationship organically instead of shooing in everything at the last minute. speaking of last minute--the show felt very rushed, wanting to cram in a lot of things in the last two episodes. 
sadly, this had a lot of potential, but, at the end of the day, there's nothing to set it apart from other bland kbls that also didn't have the best chemistry or good story telling. 6.5/10
this was so dull and boring and nothing really happened. i don't need a ton of angst or plot but ATL essentially had nothing.
some people will say the two leads had okay chemistry but, for me, it was nonexistent. everything felt way worse than an indie film. at least in indie film/shows with low-budget u can tell the show had a lot of passion and heart and drive for the story, but this show felt like it was just checking off boxes on what they thought made a good BL without diving into what the aspects of what made a BL good. (i can tell you it's not teasing an interesting backstory on a character who avoids alcohol as if his life depended on it, and a character who is a borderline alcoholic--i say borderline bc while he tends to drink a lot, so far, it doesn't interfere that much with his life.)
the drama might've had some potential if it delved into the intriguing plot line that ep 1 promised, mainly that of alcoholism and rehabilitation. (the drama might not have been bland if it had something to say about two recovering alcoholics falling in love, but alas, it remains totally unambitious, and the few dead fish kisses we got in the final episode felt like it came a little too late in the game.)
weak storytelling, weak acting, weak chemistry, basically all around weak everything. 4/10
love tractor is a wonderful mix of comedy, romance, and drama. i loved most everything about this drama (except for how short it was): the pacing, the story, and all the characters (there were a couple of ajummas but i needed more, and i needed the back story on village head ma because i definitely think there's a Story there). 
tho i will say, this is on the lower end in terms of heat and romance and passion--there were only a couple of kisses at most, but thankfully no dead kisses, and considering it's the first relationship they've ever been in for one of the younger characters, i can excuse that there isn't a whole lot of eroticism. the characters are developing slowly and if we had more episodes, maybe there would be a lot more passion, but, again, the story is majorly wonderful on its own that i'm not totally bothered by the lack of lust, it's just something i'm always on the look out for, but the lack of it in this drama certainly doesn't detract from how good and almost perfect this drama is.
anyway, loved it to bits and i want more seasons, tho i'm unlikely to get them (or the two main leads to star in another BL). 10/10
PART 1/???, PART 2/???, PART 3/???, PART 4/???, PART 5/???, PART 6/???, PART 7/???
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justjacob19 · 1 year
Im replaying the mainline halo games for the first time in awhile and I seriously wonder, does Chief have any regrets about the war or about how he was robbed of his youth and turned into a killing machine to help the UNSC. I feel like this is something the novels expand upon and halo 4 and 5 touch upon this a bit I think? (never played that much of infinite tho so don't know what goes on there) mainly with the death of Cortana and the whole "remember who is the machine and who is human" line. But I don't recall MC ever once going "hey isn't this whole thing kinda fucked up?" or "I have free will, right?"
He clearly shows more "human" elements in the 343 games with him going against the UNSC but from what I have read the most we get is MC saying he has some regrets about mistakes he made in the past. Not the inherent tragedy of the war he was brought in to fight for nor the loss of his humanity. Sure you can argue that is the tragedy of MC, how so many people respect and idolize him when he himself views himself as nothing more than a product of warfare, but I never got that this was the intention with any of the games besides "WOOO FUCK YEAH WE HAVE A WARHOG ROCKET LAUNCHER GET FUCKED NERDS". I just wish we got more commentary on how years of literal abuse and military indoctrination has effected him and how yeah, if he never became the Master Chief the world might have ended, but isn't it fucked up that the spartan program still exist??
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What We’re Given (Series)
Fandom: Avatar the Last Airbender
Author: Haicrescendo, @sword-and-stars​
Rating: Teen
Warnings: Violence, Strong Language, Child Abuse, Major Injury, Imprisonment
Word Count:  39,995
Characters: Zuko, Iroh, Sokka, Aang, Katara, Zuko's Crew, Zhao, Song, Toph Beifong, Azula
Tags: Team Avatar, The Gaang, tiny zuko is in TERRIBLE PAIN, acting as a one man representative of the endangered species act, what’s a little rebellion between friends?, iroh just wants to protect his kid okay, there are wild sky bison and they are PRECIOUS, zuko will just straight up try to murder anybody who tries to mess with them, rebellion kickstarted by genocidal horror, rejection of papa-ganda, Ozai is a terrible father, honestly possibly the WORST father, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, things are similar but also very different, War Crimes, hand waving canon, zuko is tiny and full of SADNESS, and so much self loathing, what is self esteem?, we don’t know, uncle thought he’d have longer to work before we got to full treason but here we are, casually beautiful zuko, oops it’s definitely child abuse, zuko is Not Fucking Around, appa is consistently dirty and zuko is salty as hell about it, HOW COULD YOU LET HIM GET LIKE THIS???a rage-filled manifesto as written by zuko, real talk tho appa is like the dirty harriet of sky bison, the crew is ride or die, abide by the rules of hospitality or perish, oops the author can’t help adding fiber arts to everything, zuko is bigger and SO IS HIS PAIN, so is his voice, uncle takes looking after his kid SUPER SERIOUSLY, childhood nightmare fuel, zuko can never remember that his alias is li, and consequently never answers to it, its a beautiful day on the jasmine dragon and you are a horrible son, uncle just wants his precious child to MAKE SOME GODDAMN FRIENDS, hand waving canon because fuck it, zuko has no chill, and is fully prepared to throw hands, baby zuko is full of angst, and very loud noise, mentions of abuse by authority figures, like this fucking kid has literally had his education sabotaged, and he doesn’t realize that that shit is Not Acceptable, zuko doesn’t realize that uncle has handpicked his crew for sass and loyalty, he’ll understand one day but that day is not today, inescapable fiber arts, zuko stress felts EVERYTHING, And Worries, second thoughts on treason but no regrets, zuko’s crew has Feelings, their commander is a casually endearing little monster and they will fight you over him, zuko is everyone who’s ever had to be polite to dickheads in a service job, he doesn’t get paid enough to put up with this bullshit, zhao is a fuckhead, showing love through endless complaining, not much happens but it’s still important, local uncle surprised to find kid needs more therapy than expected, Zuko is trying his best, his best is a little special, bison lite, sorry y’all, Discussions of Past Abuse, zuko is trying really really hard to be good at existence, he’s just not sure it’s working, reasons to not do crime: zuko will definitely steal your ostrich horse, Zuko is doing his best, coincidentally min is also doing his best, they’re handling it very differently, zukoichi the traveling masseuse, even lost I’ll throw hands, this is a fuckboy psa, as written by zuko, song gives Zuko the business, not the sexy business, the ‘hey you’re being pretty judgey and should probably stop that’ business, Canon has been taken out back and shot, the ba sing shitshow, like seriously this shit is a mess, and Zuko is a mess, be gay do crimes, but only if your names are toph and zuko, we loot because we love, if you didn’t wanna be robbed you shouldn’t have been a dick, nothing like vibing instantly with a child-sized lie detector, thank agni for toph, roof crawling for dummies, field trip to the sewer!, just a little casual attempted fratricide between friends, zuko’s sudden realization that he is a massive tea snob, how the fuck did this happen?, aang and his clue-by-four, Zuko’s no good very bad field trip to the fire nation, Ozai’s A+ Parenting, we stan one (1) uncle, Zuko may not know what’s happening but he’s definitely gonna go murder his dad, hallucinations are gr8or they would be if Zuko was actually hallucinating, the entire shits, how that is the eclipse, Zuko is having a Really Bad Day, the crew of the jasmine dragon is ride or die, in which zuko hurts everyone’s feelings just by being himself, the comfort that comes after the hurt, soft death by sky bison, descriptions of trauma, zuko’s crew is ride or die, feelings? in MY fanfic?, this is soft garbage, rip to the western air temple but I’m different, tags are hard today okay?, Unintentional Self Harm
Started out as a “What would happen if Zuko happened to rediscover sky bison while searching for the Avatar?” and turned into something more than that.
This is a series of one-shots. Please subscribe to the series for updates! <3
To Take Care
Zuko finds them at the Western Air Temple, the first that they visit after his banishment. He doesn’t mean to, and he sure as hell doesn’t go looking for them, but he finds them anyway. He bolts out of the temple, past his uncle, past their camp, and runs until he reaches a forested meadow, where he drops to his knees and throws up everything he’d eaten that day.
Or, alternately:
Zuko discovers the truth about what happened to the Air Nomads, and also rediscovers an endangered species.
To Take Pride
It’s a beautiful day on the Jasmine Dragon, the sun is shining, and Zuko has a Bad Feeling about it.
Zuko’s casual treason is interrupted by the Avatar, who is a child and a Pain In The Ass.
To Take A Break
Zuko’s fire is broken: is it the treason or is it the anxiety? Uncle takes steps to rectify this.
The Knitterlude nobody asked for
To Take Heed
[“Snap your fingers at me one more time, and I’m taking them off,” Zuko snarls at him after being snapped at once too often. Zhao rubs a hand over his sideburns and eyes him.
“Your uncle hasn’t taught you manners yet?”
“Sorry,” he replies, not sorry at all, “Snap your fingers at me one more time and I’m taking them off, Admiral.” He sees Uncle’s warning stare and shuffles a pace backwards. He hates Zhao and Zhao hates him, and they both hate the stupid game they have to play of feigned politeness when really, they each want the other to drop dead where they stand.]
Zuko is tired of Zhao’s nonsense, an important talk about surrender is a long time coming, and the Siege of the North is an absolute mess.
To Take Advantage
[Zuko doesn’t tell Uncle goodbye.
He doesn’t think that he would try and stop him, but Zuko thinks that if he has to talk about it, he’ll manage to talk himself out of it. Better to go now before he can change his mind.
Zuko packs light: a change of clothes, some nonperishables, and a few knives go into a wax-lined satchel. He’s about to leave the room when he stops to eye the swords mounted on his wall, and, well.
It’s not like he can go around firebending all over the place, he reasons, and straps them to his back.]
Zuko’s super fun, solo adventure in the Earth Kingdom.
To Take Cover
[“So,” she says, “The question is: what do we need from each other?”
“I need to warn the Avatar. Someone’s coming for him and he needs to get out of this city.”
“Yeah, that’s not going to happen,” Toph replies with the frustration of somebody who’s tried really spirits-damned hard, “Not til he finds Appa.”
“Then I have to find the bison, and then get the Aang out of here. He’s not...he’s not prepared,” And Zuko can’t hold back the note of tightly controlled hysteria from his voice, “She’s going to come for him and he’s going to underestimate her, and she’s going to let him.”]
In which Zuko goes to a family reunion, commits some casual felonies, and drinks some really bad tea, not necessarily in that order.
To Take Heart
[Iroh looks awful.
He’s definitely been crying and his face looks like it’s never known how to smile, and his whole posture is slumped over like he’s suddenly aged several decades. His eyes (gold, just like Zuko’s) are sharp, though, and filled with something hard and furious.
“How could you have left him behind?” He drags out, voice rough and heavy and mad.]
What happens afterwards.
To Take Comfort
[Zuko is rocking.
That’s the first sensation he feels upon awakening. It’s a familiar feeling, as is the texture of the knit blanket he’s curled up in, as is the quiet but constant hum of machinery, deep in the belly of the Jasmine Dragon.
Zuko bolts upright and flails, once, and falls out of bed with a hard clatter. It’s his bed that he’s been sleeping in for years, and definitely not the cell that he’s been rotting in for the last...he doesn’t know how long. He doesn’t know how he got here. He doesn’t remember.]
Zuko is not okay. But he can get better.
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keytaryourheart · 2 years
Brett Thoughts
I am keytaryourheart so it is time for some key talk. Not Tim Key.. the keyTAR.
I haven’t been blogging about BD lately even tho this technically started as a BD blog. Also my latest hyperfixations have been absolutely bonkers so BD as been put on the back burner so to speak.
So I’m gonna start by recapping the releases of late last year and maybe a little bit of the TikToks.
I’m a Werewolf (Unfortunately)
Solid. I haven’t listened to it much because ehhhhhh. Unfinished business will always be my #1 for halloween and Spook Me Up has the “Please feast on me” line which is CRAZY plus it had the keytar solo. I’m a Werewolf was a little too Tom Cardy for my liking and I do like Tom Cardy but this just didn’t really do it for me unfortunately. UNFORTUNATELY!
Everybody Needs to Know it’s Christmas
This was a revamp, remake, remix, rendition whatever whatever of the how to make a hit christmas song or something and I don’t know the exact name because I believe he’s PRIVATED IT! Goodness gracious. Anyway, the new version is really good so I get if he wants this to be the Final.Version.mp3. Although the original Pinocchio still very much holds up even with the 2020 version out. Oh well. The only thing I didn’t like about this 2022 version was the child choir. One of my biggest musical pet peeves. I just don’t get it. The figgy pudding line makes up for it though.
The Right Side of History
I like this. Like it’s good you know? Yeah.
TikTok has been interesting. He’s having fun, he’s getting views. Good for him.
NOW we can get onto the mother flipping Patreon.
Around 73 people expressed interest in subscribing to a Rob J Madin Patreon and apparently not all have followed through. I know there was a BDT Patreon a while back but that’s defunct.
So the Patreon will give you 1 new single everything month and this month it’s Lola (4-Letter-Word-Song) the sequel kinda to Bin Guy. It’s good. I like it a lot. I never thought I’d hear Brett say the phrase “hits diff” ever in my life. It’s a lot of fun and I got into it immediately. It go me really excited for all the BD stuff to come this year. I’m on the highest tier (I believe) but the first one is still really good and definitely worth it. I’m just a crazy fan which is why I’m forking out.
For the middle and high tier you get stuff from the archives. Which is pretty exciting given how much has been fucking archived LMAO. There are also some sick as discounts for Bandcamp and Vinyl. I’ve already bought mostly everything I want from Bandcamp so that’s not really useful to me. I also normally buy stuff for more than the minimum pay what you want anyway. I also already have the Keytar Your Heart Vinyl. Maybe I get one for playing and one for displaying. I’m only joshing that would be unwise.
The highest tier is the T-Shirt tier because guess what, you get a T-Shirt! Keep in mind you need to be in that tier for 3 months in order to be eligible to get the shirt. It’s got the Steamroller pineapple but with ROB J MADIN on the pineapple spikes. It looks like the pineapple is going to be the Patreon symbol which I totally dig I think it’s really nice.
I’ve just realised that the Bandcamp discount also extends to the merch. I highly highly highly recommend the Home Studio tote it is fucking massive, fits all of my shit and just looks so cool. I’m from Melbourne where we take totes very seriously and my god I secretly think I have the best one in the major metropolitan area.
So that’s it! That’s my spiel. I’m beyond estatic about this direction. I hope RJM gets what he was looking for out of this Patreon (lots of money) and we get some amazing lovely tunes spanning from Brett Domino all the way to Ironwood. Cheers RJM! Here’s to 2023 🍻
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