#seriously the woman is gorgeous
theflagscene · 9 months
I really wanna know what Mayris’ deal is, with the headphones and classical music constantly playing. Is she supposed to be neurodivergent, having to keep sounds down to due sensory issues. Given how brilliant she is and her ability to read lips and remember things on cue, they could be leaning into the whole ASD thing that media likes to do, making anyone on the spectrum like Sheldon.
But given the mystical side of the series, I wonder if there’s something more to her that’s a bit less human 🤔🤔 Like she can hear thoughts or something, so she’s constantly trying to block it out with music. She’s a rather interesting character, I hope they show more of her and explore a bit more about her. I know it’s unlikely though since we are on episode 6, meaning we only have 6 more episodes to go and there’s still a lot of other players to add to the board and backstory to explore. Makes me wish this was a cdrama, hello 36 episodes! Lol.
Also, who wants to put money now on the fact that Inspector Tam and Inspector Akk were lovers? 🤚
Just me?
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the-pit-of-fandoms · 2 months
Your honor, I am in love with a gorgeous woman
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@ilonamaher on insta
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markthexenaaddicted · 10 months
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Lucy Lawless is the living proof that ambrosia in Xena Warrior Princess was real.
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Purchased a book for $23 only to open it and find that the main character says things like “you look chef’s kiss.” Should I commit a crime
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revserrayyu · 14 days
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One HSR Character a Day Extra 3 (Day 54): Feixiao
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pinkcrittertomb · 8 months
I, no joke, often dream about a scenario where Sanji realizes he can fight women without disrespecting them. Something happen or someone open his eyes, saying that he "respect" women so much by not fighting them that he is straight up disrespecting women by not seeing them as worth fighters, that may exist women who will take advantage of it (like we see zillions of times in the anime) but there is nothing more humiliating than someone not seeing you as worth to a fight and refusing to fight you as equal
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lesbiangummybearmafia · 6 months
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seariii · 7 months
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I'm ascending
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emiarainewrites · 2 years
Sherilyn Fenn is a Goddess
Pass it on
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the-rad-menace · 2 years
There are plenty of things to take issue with on the historical dress/costuming side of YouTube, but there are a lot of very attractive women in that community.
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fever-project · 3 months
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This how I now hc Hilda to look (somewhat)
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Yeah, I can see the inspo! Love the hair
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Hi sincere question! What are careers in which I can specifically work with and help trans people?
I'm looking into becoming a gender therapist, but I'd love to know about any other careers to help trans people? Like I love doing hair specifically for trans women because they always get so happy about it, and I love when young trans people who are figuring themselves out talk to me about it and ask advice pertaining to transitioning or similar things. And once a young nonbinary kid hugged me because they had never met an adult they/them before. And that's the shit I love. Can I do that as a career?
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zvdvdlvr · 3 months
imagine ur bd being out of the picture and your little girl running up to si ☹️🤍
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   Simon looked down, eyes wide at the little girl wrapped around his right leg. Johnny eyed him carefully. He was thankful none of the other café patrons paid any mind. “I’m not your daddy, love,” Simon said. He tugged his leg away gently but the strength of a child is hard to match.
     “Annalise, get off that man,” a woman cried. In the blink of an eye, she knelt near Simon’s leg and tugged the child away.
     “Dada!” She shrieked. Annalise’s chubby hands reached out for Simon’s. “Is dada, mama!”
     You shook your head. “I- I’m so sorry, sir. Her dad was in the military. Anna thinks everyone in fatigues is dada… Do you want me to get either of you a coffee to pay you back? I’m truly sorry.”
     Soap discreetly elbowed Simon harshly in the side. “‘M quite alrigh’ lass. Simon, here, would take a coffee if your serious. If you’ll excuse me, I got to go. Bye, little lassie,” the Scot rushed, face lightinf up at the way Annalise giggled as his parting.
     Annalise was still cooing and reaching for Simon. You just shifted her on your hip and rubbed her back. “Simon, yeah?”
     “That’s me, ma’am,” Simon nodded, feeling suddenly extremely exposed without the balaclava he had decided not to wear for one single occasion. “You don’t have to pay me back-“
     “Nonsense. I would feel like a bad person if I just let my kid latch herself onto your left and call you dad and then just swoop her up and leave,” you said, reaching for your wallet before walking over to the ordering counter. “What can I get you?”
     Simon ordered a small of his usual, watching you pull the money from your wallet without glancing at how much it costed. He observed you in that split second- a beautiful baby girl on your hip who thought any man in camo was her dad. So he had been in the service… Simon watched you smile kindly at the teen behind the counter who fumbled for your change. You murmured a quiet, “It’s quite alright, take your time.” A well-mannered, well put-together individual who was also very attractive. Simon knew what Johnny was doing when he left and Simon would be lying if he said he hadn’t thought you were a catch.
     “I seriously appreciate the coffee, ma’am, but it was unnecessary,” Simon said as you tucked your change back and waited for the drink. “As long as the kid’s alrigh’, I don’t need anything in return.”
     You smiled. You smiled at Simon and he swore his cold heart jumped in his chest. Clearly your bright smile disarmed Annalise as much as Simon because she let out a bubbly laugh and put her hands on your cheek. “What if I said I wanted to?” You asked coyly.
     Simon watched Annalise play with a baby hair near your face. “Then I’d say it’d be a cruel thing to tell a gorgeous woman no.”
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My mom and I just want to know women Trans women to be exact HOW ARE YOU SO PRETTY TELL ME YOUR SECRETS WHAT MAGIC ELIXIR ARE YOU CONSUMING
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lesbiangummybearmafia · 5 months
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Well Hello...
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speakercrab666 · 1 year
after watching ✨Barbie✨
bestie: ok so who was everyone’s favourite Barbie??? mine was-
me: yeah, we know
bestie: what?
me: we KNOW who your favourite Barbie is girl, you have a Type
bestie: i- what?? you do fucking not-
me: the black Barbie with the curly hair who wore the purple dress in that one scene and was with Doctor Barbie in that Ken clip. you have. a TYPE.
bestie: i- what the fuck????? i didn’t even- how did you-??? what????????
me: ohhhhh mygoddd bc i’ve met you at all shut up you wanna kiss her so bad
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