#seriously if you vote for yan
better-off-crazy · 1 year
I like that were more divided on the ladys and its not just a steamroll. Lol.
So whos ready to vote for Townsfolk!
Most All the familys are together cuze otherwise there not enoguh room for em all.
Try to be impartial for this one! Or dont you do you.
I feel like putting Yan up here is just gonna end up with troll votes. But im still curious. If it turns out that way ill just do it again sans Yan.
If you do vote for him i want your justification for that.
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jopetkasi · 4 months
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work week was pretty hectic, like i barely had decent sleep since I am juggling between my usual work and side hustle plus i had post-grad studies. no complaints. I am taking it all in while I can still.
the new siblings are doing just fine. they are attending some sort of a pre-kinder schooling which by tsinoy standards is getting your child to practice math as early as possible.
today, before leaving for work, i kissed both of the kids on the forehead that which caught my parents by surprise. i guess, even without blood relations, love grows. admittedly i am getting fond of the kids and is behaving like the protective kuya that i should be.
work and school done, i went for a round of tennis. more of a practice actually as I am getting rusty. the coach whom we are training with was kind of masungit, like he was expecting me to be at par with him which I cannot as I am just a recreational player. but then, he could be having a bad day for all we know.?
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dinner was at my kuya's house and surprise of all surprises, he treated us for dinner as in walang pot luck! i mean it was take out food but then he paid? wow. good character development, kuya.
and speaking of kuya, he was mentioned in passing that our uncle who is a mayor of this certain town in a not so distant province was egging him to run as his vice mayor and kuya was seriously thinking about it since he has a propert there and votes in that place as well.
me: pero kuya you have just been appointed judge? that's a lifetime career unlike elected officials running every 3 years?
kuya: stepping stone ko daw kasi last term nya and he will run for congress after
me: kaya ba madalas ka sa lugar nya? you know you are not supposed to be seen with politicians diba?
kuya: (buntong hininga)
dad: wag kana pumasok sa politika. magulo yan.
kuya: pero naka 9 years kang congressman
dad: kaya nga, believe me, mas okay ka na sa judiciary. hayaan mo ng tahimik buhay naten.....umaayos na buhay mo eh.
me: besides, saan ka kukuha ng pera for the campaign?
kuya: (looks at dad....)
dad: hoy walang ganyanan. gurang kana. kaya mo na yan.
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amenomiko · 4 years
Linguist MC Gets Angry
Nobunaga - East Malaysia (Borneo)
It was that moment when he lift her chin during their argument with "You have become very bold in lecturing me, aren't you, fireball?" And he expect for her to pout, or maybe sulk, just like she always do, but..
"OI. Ko pikir ko siapa oh??" (Translated: Oi. Who do you think you are??)
He blinked. Thrice. "..What-"
"Lucky charm la, bebola api la. Sa sumbat nasi lemak dalam pantat kau biar ko jadi api naga sana nah baru ko tau apa maciam jadi fireball. BUDUH la ko sana!" (Translated: Lucky charm, fireball. I will shove nasi lemak in your asshole and let you become a fire dragon so you know how a fireball is! IDIOT!)
Then she roll her eyes, flipping her hair before stomping off angrily, leaving bewildered Nobunaga alone in his Tenshu. "As expected of my lucky charm.. She is very unique indeed. Hmph."
Somehow he is happy. Not knowing what he is called just now.
Hideyoshi - Indonesian
"MC! Stop running in the hallway!"
"MC! Don't carry those stuffs! What if you fall and scrap your knees??"
God..! Another day, another nagging. What is he? Disciplinary teacher??
She fumed, turning to him with a gritted teeth, "Iya udahlah. Brisik, lebay banget sih. Cerewet betul orangnya. Anjir." (Translated : Yes, enough already. So noisy-- you are overreacting. Such a naggy person. You dog.) then earn a very confused Hideyoshi.
He literally froze, even when she look at him, up and down, shaking her head and continue with her task in hand.
It took him few minutes to realize that she is somehow cursing him, ...in a weird language.
Masamune - Korean
MC is a lucky woman. She got a handsome lover, the most good looking warlord (as voted by the women of Azuchi town), which is Date Masamune.
She would always be happy and giddy around him. If this is an animated world, she could see flying hearts all around her when he is nearby. But today..
Is not the best day. EVER.
Everything pisses her off. Ah yes, it's just what you think. That damn time of the month. Oh gosh she is angry, she was so, so angry thanks to her mood swings, and was trying her best not to show it away. Which she failed miserably.
Masamune had brought her to the tea house, not knowing she was cursing the whole time when she was walking. "Let's get an anmitsu, shall we? They say it was good as they imported those 'ice cream' thing." She smiled (not reaching her eyes) and nodded.
He had realized this; it could be those time of the month again, he thought. But maybe with some sweets and kisses, she would be better. Ah..! Good timing. The dessert has arrived and he instantly let her have a taste first. And another perfect timing. There was a stain of vanilla near her lips.
His lips pressed against hers, aiming for the vanilla, yet also a sweet gesture that makes the people around them gasped. However..
"....YA!!" (Translated : HEY!!)
"OPPA MICHYEOSS-EO?? AISH- JINJJA!" (Translated : Oppa (A way to call a lover other than brother) are you crazy?? Aish- really!!"
His only eye widen like plate, taken aback and rub his painful cheek that were smacked by her. "K-Kitten- I didn't mean to--" What language is that anyway??
"Wait..! Lass!"
She already walk away, back to the castle before he realized it.
Note taken. No affection should be given when she is in a bad mood. "Ahh.. That time of the month is horrifying indeed.."
Mitsuhide - West Malaysian (Semenanjung)
If Mitsuhide could choose one thing that he like about MC, it would be (obviously) her interesting reactions to his teasings. Her angry face, her pouting face, and her frowning is his favorite, yet there's one thing he always be curious about.
She never get angry. As in really, really angry. Especially towards him. Sometimes he think she is too pure for him, loving him to the point she won't do such thing no matter how hurt she is.
"AMBOI." (Translated : Interjection word used to express angry/admiration/wonder feelings. But in this case, it's for feeling angry)
'Amboi' what now? For as long as he live, such word is new to him. He read her gesture-- furious expression, hands on hips,.. Ah, it could be an angry word? "I believe I require for you to explain what does that mean. Is it a new language other than Japanese back in your time--""Hang diam." (Translated : You be quiet.)
Miraculously he stopped, somehow feeling uncharacteristically nervous to her unknown language. She huffed, shaking her head, "Hang ni memang dah takda keja ka hah? Dok asyik nak cuba buat aku marah. HAH tahniah pada hang la aku dah marah ni. Perangai poyo. Nasib hang hensem kalau tak dah lama aku hantaq hang ni pi kahwin ngan Hideyoshi. Hisshhhh!" (Translated : Don't you have any other work to do, huh? Do nothing but keep on trying to make me angry. HAH. Congratulations to you, I AM angry. You act like a damn show-off. Thankfully you are handsome or else I would've sent you to get married with Hideyoshi. Hisshhhh!)
"....." He watched her turn around with a groan, and couldn't bring himself to call out for her. Trying to understand what she's trying to say (which obviously NOTHING), all he can understand is the word 'Hideyoshi'. "Somehow I don't think it's a good thing."
Ieyasu - Chinese
"How many times do I have to tell you to NOT overdo it?"
He takes the bow and arrow from her, despite the adorable way she pouted; which is very hard for him.
...Not knowing she was not pouting, but being angry. Seriously angry.
"I know you are worried about me, but just give me chance to learn more about this..! Bow and arrow is way better than a sword itself don't you agree?"
"It is not for the purpose of killing, obviously. It's for me to protect myself! I'm determined to do it! H-hey wait..!"
He already walk away from her, giving the weapon to a nearby vassal before continuing with a grunt, "No means no. I've told you that there's no such need to do so as I will be the one to protect you, have you forgotten that?"
"Of course I didn't! But let me just--"
"No buts."
"Stop right there!"
He ignored her, and continue to walk yet about to give another answer when she suddenly shout on top of her lungs;
"Ni zhè wángù de háozū. Ni yiwéi ni shì shéi? Ni bixū ganxié wo méiyou zài ni yan li sāi jièmò!" (Translated : You stubborn porcupine. Who do you think you are? You have to thank me for not stuffing mustard in your eyes!")
...in a weird language.
Making the nearby vassal goes ( ☉д⊙)?? until the bow and arrow in his hands loosen its grip.
"Hmf! Fine!"
Ieyasu swallowed the lump in his throat, he didn't know why but he got a feeling he will be sleeping in a different bedchamber tonight. Obviously.
Mitsunari - Romanian
Being a chatelaine; particularly appointed to be the tactician's assistant, is NOT easy.
Yeah, okay. He is the less complaining type. The one who is easy to discuss with, and the one who won't make your eyes roll. Haha. Ha. Ha. Nope.
Mitsunari as a whole is easy. But to ask him to eat is NOT easy. There were time when he mistook MC's hair as ramen, and her fingers as crab stick, to MC's misery. It will take half of her life to successfully feed him completely, making the bowl empty until there's no rice grain left.
Eyes glaring at the book in his hands, MC tried for another method. "Mitsunari. Look at me."
She take the book away from him. "Mitsunari. Look. Here."
"....Hm? Oh- oh..! Hello princess I didn't see you there-"
His cheeks were then cupped tightly with her hands as she said with a gritted teeth; "Hei! Vrei să-ți dau una peste față cu un dicționar sau cu un morcov. Alege!" (Translated : Hey! Do you want me to smack your face with a 1000 pages of dictionary or a carrot? Choose!) ...while squeezing her cheeks inwards until his face literally goes like this ( O)3(O ).
"Mmh- mmmh- mmm." He nodded, silently gulped to the flare of glare in her eyes.
"(눈‸눈)....(❁´◡`❁) Good!" And she hopped away happily, placing his meal in front of him before tossing away such book from his room (which got a handful of nagging session because the book accidentally knocked on passing Hideyoshi).
Kenshin - East Malaysia (Kadazan)
He is strucked with nightmare again. Nightmare of MC leaving him, but it was.......
"I saw an animal, similar to Motonari's pet. But bigger. We were about to get married, and it came. Placing you in its pouch, jumping away no matter how I've tried to reach to you. Even with my fastest horse-- I- I couldn't--"
MC watched as he cupped his face, being emotionally emotional, secretly pursed her lips to hold back her anger. Yes. Anger. It was not of pity but anger.
First, she had a rough day lately. Lack of sleep, that's for sure.
Second, when she FINALLY get some rest, certain good looking dragon shakes her in the middle of the night, telling a story about a kangaroo kidnapping her during their wedding.
Problem is--
They are already married for fu- fish sake.
"I see now. There there. It's just a silly nightmare. You will be fine."
"It's not MC..! You were kidnapped..! Just like those days when you were attacked and I wasn't there-- and--"
"Yes, yes, I understand. Now let's forget about it slowly and once you get some sleep those dream is nothing more than a dream itsel-"
"I can't forgive myself..! MC-- I--"
"Kada agagau, Avantang tanak laja do kusai! Siodop noh ku tih!" (Translated : Shut up handsome prince! I want to sleep!) She said under one breath, and with a grumpy huff, she takes all the blanket and sleep facing the other side.
Meanwhile, Kenshin: ( ゚д゚).... (He was dumbfounded until sunrise)
Shingen - Tagalog
She had found herself being kabedon-ed again.
In any other normal days, this is how he start their daily routine - flirting session. Her eyes stared at those openly broad chest in front of her, ah that is so nice. That will be a very nice feeling if she could feel it with her palms now but--
Ah, she is tired. Her body feels like a log-- heavy and tired, and slumpy. It is as if all, ALL the fatigue in the world just slapped her-- no, just KICKED her on her lower belly area; yes, that time of the month is coming soon. There comes the usual pre-menstrual syndromes, she feels fatigued, clumsy, and most importantly,.... irritation. Irritated to the point his handsome voice couldn't reach her ears.
He then let out a chuckle, lifting her chin to kiss it, when her already bored eyes changed into menacing ones as she grunted, "Hoy! Dyan ka lang, poging oso na to. Subukan mo kong halikan, pagtatatadyakan ko kalamnan mo hanggang walang matira!" (Translated : Hey! Stop right there you charming bear, if you dare to kiss me I will kick your guts until there's nothing left.).
It instantly send jolt of cold shivers all over him, hands automatically back away from her and legs took a step back cautiously. "I- I'm.. sorry..?"
"Hmn (눈‸눈). You are lucky. For now."
Shingen gulped, lips pressed tight as he watch her go with the same scowl on her face all the way. "Somehow I... Escaped a death warning.. Maybe? Heheh. Heh. Uhm--" Feigning a cough, he pats his chest to calm his rapid heart beat of fear.
Yukimura - English (Just assume all this while they were speaking Japanese and suddenly she let out this language)
"H-hey wait-- MC..!!" He chased after her, who have been stomping her way off from another of their short arguments of the week. Yukimura realizes this, it's good for relationship bond they say, but he can't help but to be afraid of it. Usually it will be him to start it, but this time,...it came from her.
With "Get away from me, damn it!" As a morning greeting. All of sudden. Making him confused, thinking if he had offended her a day before, of which he just came back from long mission that took him a week. And to assume he will be greeted with a hug, or a kiss, or maybe a word of "I miss you" plus a cute smile of hers, is indeed wrong.
"MC please..! Just tell me what's going on?? Did I make you wait for too long? But I have informed you that I will be in a long missio-- hey MC did you hear me?? Just stop stomping off like a REAL wild boar will you--"
Ah. She stopped. That is definitely an ultimate magic word.
"Inform-- informed you say--" He stared at her trembling fists, but before he could hold her shoulders, he was startled to her change in language--
"(English) Informed MY FOOT! There's no single letter coming, NONE! I don't see any damn birds nor eagle or those pelican whatever bird that is assigned to send your letter! I've been worried sick, and you came back yesterday to just casually slipped into the bed to sleep?? To. Just. Sleep?? Even without KISSING or HUGGING ME?? YOU- YOU- *sniffs* EEEHHHEEEE ˚‧º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥A˂̣̣̥ )‧º·˚!!"
Too late. Shingen and the others has appeared to separate him away from her, and Sasuke has made him feel EXTRA guilty after translating it.
Sasuke - Nepali
Sasuke blinked at his wife, who is currently glaring at him. "MC, you look like those meme with a bald man with hands on hips." He said casually, earning a loud sigh from her as reaction.
"I believe you are still injured from your previous trap check in the ceiling, and I believe I've told you to have a meal and rest, so why are you still here, sitting on your futon, and clean your weapons?"
"...MC, you will be a good inspector because you have a very detailed report (´・_・`)👌."
"..Honey. I am NOT in the MOOD to be playing around now ʕʘ̅͜ʘ̅ʔ."
Pressing his lips shut in instant, he nodded at her while placing his weapon away. "I apologize, MC. I will eat my lunch now, as you wished. I wouldn't want to make my wife worried."
She huffed through her nose, pursing her lips before narrowing his eyes at him. "Really? You promise."
"Yes. ..But may I have the permission to clean another set of my shuriken and kunai, I will be rest assured if I do so--"
"...SARUTOBI SASUKE! TYO FERI GARA ANI MA TIMRO SISA SANO THUKRAMA FUTAERA TIMRO CHAMAL SANGA MISAUCHU ( ☉д⊙)!" (Translated : Do that again and I will break your glasses into small pieces and mix it with your rice!)
"....." The box of weapon in his hands fell, despite having expressionless emotion on his face.
"EAT. NOW." She groaned before stomping away angrily, continuing to curse in any other languages.
Meanwhile, Sasuke who turned to his phone after MC stomped away be like
"...If only my phone is alive. I want to translate that (´◦_◦`)."
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mangospams · 3 years
may i propose,, a yan mango fic instead? 🥺🥺😩 /j
but seriously my votes going towards haikyuu!!
I do have a yandere mango fic planned for the 3k follower event- however I don’t think I’m mentally prepared to write it 😔😔
But thank you for your vote 💖💕
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yibuo · 4 years
UMMM I would love to know what exactly happened with xnine too if you know??
i didn’t know how to answer this without hating on long danni but... that’s not possible when you’re talking about xnine
tldr ceo addicted to producing survival shows realizes boy group is incapable of feeding her fat rabbit because of her OWN mismanagement and throws them away (literally? probably not, maybe, idk)
long danni= wjjw company ceo
wjjw=company that xnine, xz, r1se, etc are under
huo mala: fat company rabbit that WILL give u nightmares goodness gracious thinking about him sends chills down my spine
alright so long danni (ldn i will refer to her) & ee media along w/ tencent and sm made the survival show x-fire... the premise of xfire was that 16 contestants split into two different teams (white and red) and then at the end it would boil down to each team having 4 members and the winning team would debut as a group called xfire...but wait...the group’s name is xnine? so out of red team (peng chuyue, baishu, xiao zhan, xia zhiguang) and white team(wu jiacheng, gu jiacheng, zhao lei, and guo zifan) white team won...and they unofficially debuted as xfire..went abroad to train yadda yadda yadda and then a few months later, TELL ME WHY LONG DANNI DECIDES TO RELEASE POLLS TO LET FANS VOTE IN 5 MEMBERS INTO XFIRE TO CREATE XNINE! ldn PLEASE if u wanted to rig the show you should’ve decided in the beginning what was the point of making the teams and the fans fight against each other...
so yeah xz and crew weren’t actually supposed to debut according to show rules...i mean i’m glad they debuted obviously bc x9 is x9 but ee media and frickin ldn couldve handled this better...like every member except chen molerat is amazing and great but....WHY DIDNT MaNAGEMENT NOT BLATANTLY RIG THEM INTO THE GROUP
but also thank u ldn for also letting us get to know the 4 guys who were added n not chen molerat <3 but like DO UR JOB PROPERLY
anyway the polls were RIGGED obviously thanks ldn what did u expect out of making POLLS, and xiao zhan, peng chuyue, xia zhiguang, yan xujia, and chen z*** were added to the group to create xnine...talk about rigged when chen z*** the molerat lookin turdface misogynist was added... anyway at the time he wasnt known to be problematic but ya the whole rigging thing caused a whole rift esp when x9 debuted bc there were fanwars and death threats initially but xfire did well because it was one of the (if not only) survival shows at that time and x9 debuted w/ a good response etc
then they got moved to wjjw (still owned by ldn thanks ldn) and wjjw is known for hoarding artists and not promoting them (THEY HAVE LIKE 45 ARTISTS BUT WERE FORMED 3 YEARS AGO MAKE IT MAKE SENSE) and not being promoted properly was EXACTLY what happened to xnine. as idols what they needed was music promotions, variety shows, etc stuff to get them as people out there but this genius ldn decided to promote them through stupid zodiac dramas like super star academy (to promote xfire finalists) and oh my emperor (which was an xnine drama). now i haven’t watched OME, but SSA gave me enough brain rot and gunk for me to not watch OME. (the only person who could act was baishu), and the story was SO BAD. nevermind the acting, because the boys weren’t initially slated to be actors, but the story was horrible, girl without superpowers suddenly becomes white cult goddess at the end??? WHAT???????? why didn’t ldn just promote them normally !!!!!! are they an actor group or an idol group???? I LOVE XNINE, THEY ARE TALENTED ARTISTS !!!! and eventually some went into acting (xz, guo zifan, gu jiacheng) BUT WAS THAT THE TIME DLFNJNF and then they just kept getting sent into random dramas and movies as random side characters instead of being able to make music and promote????? i’m sorry i’ve been stuck on using dramas to promote x9 for a while because that’s such a SILLY IDEA *vigorously shakes head* 
ldn knows how to do survival shows but she doesn’t know how to promote her artists thanks ldn. xnine has so much talented, we know xiao zhan is a great singer, but other main vocalists like wu jiacheng, zhao lei, and peng chuyue are amazing as welll, here’s me plugging this video of zl and pcy performing their self-written song on produce camp because it’s the most beautiful thing ever
-oh yeah somewhere in here insert chen molerat getting outed as a pedo misogynist cheater by his gf who still has the audacity to have xnine in his weibo name because xnine starting to get popular gtfo rat lookin ass i WILL barf, when we say ot8 xnine we mean xnine w/o chen toadratass but sometimes ppl think it’s xnine minus xz which is untrue-
they also have talented rappers (gu jiacheng yan xujia) and dancers (xia zhiguang guo zifan) like xia zhiguang can end me with his spinning flying kick thing and i WILL let him 
so YEAH !! TALENT that went to waste because wjjw gave them weird random hiatuses and kept pushing them as actors??? seriously what is with this actor stuff...so that’s why they debuted in 2016 and have very little discography to their name because wjjw just gave up...trying to promote them GOD thank u so much ldn for ur incomptency <3333 xnine had members in diff stages of life (ranging from xz who was born in 91, to yan xujia born in 2001, they were all close tho soo cute) and wjjw really was like nope we’re not gonna try to promote yall’s dreams of becoming singers on the stage because they couldn’t add 34783473 pounds to fat huo mala’s weight
so ya a lot of people are like omg wjjw hates xiao zhan!!! ya no they hate all of xnine but now xz is bringing enough money to make huo mala even fatter so good for huo mala i guess /s
also rumors and any bad media? lol wjjw doesn’t care they do a shit job at handling bad things too WHAT A WELLROUNDED COMPANY
anyway to summarize my rants above wjjw did  a SHIT job of promoting xnine as idols when the boys worked so hard and wjjw kept tryna push them to acting bye (some of them can’t act and literally don’t WANT TO ACT HHHSFLNF), wjjw is also horrible at letting all of the xnine members shine when as i mentioned before, they’re ALL TALENTED!!!! and then they just gave up on xnine somewhere in 2017-2018... ok anyway so is xnine disbanded? no although some may say their last concert in dec 2018 was their last concert ever they’re not disbanded
xiao zhan , gu jiacheng, and guo zifan went into acting
wu jiachang is focusing on his music etc (he was actually the first member of xnine i came across when i watched the collaboration/cyzj in 2018...yes carats this is That wu jiacheng!!!) MAN CAN SING
peng chuyue, zhao lei, xia zhiguang, yan xujia all went on produce camp 2019 (aNOTHER SURVIVAL SHOW BC THEY WANTED TO BE ON THE MF STAGE BC THATS WHY THEYRE HERE IN THE FIRST PLACE WJJW) along w/ fellow labelmates zhou zhennan and zhai xiao wen ... and everyone but peng chuyue made it to the final 11 spots and got to debut in the group r1se...UNFORTUNATELY ALSO UNDER WJJW HELP SEND HELP
if they’re in r1se does that mean they quit xnine? no! they’re in both that’s just how survival shows work it’s kind of weird
peng chuyue recently released a song and it’s really good and you can’t not tell me that it’s gay here it is
anyway xnine hasn’t disbanded!! the X玖少年团 (xnine) in the non-r1se members’ weibo names say that loud n clear!!! and when the r1se members from xnine won produce camp 2019, they all made xnine signs SO XNINE IS ALIVE and they do keep in contact!!
why haven’t we seen blatant public interactions btwen xiao zhan and the xnine members? because some frickin annoying xz solo stans/xfx claim that the other members use xz for popularity (HELLO??????? IN WHAT WORLD DOES THAT MAKE SENSE HALF OF THEM R LITERALLY HIS KIDS BUT OK) 
anyway in conclusion wjjw doesn’t know how to promote any of their artists, thus screwing over xnine members and making them go on a group hiatus where they focus on acting/singing/r1se for r1se members but they are very much xnine as of now !!!
here’s some REALLY GOOD RESOURCES to follow xnine bc as an ifan it’s mf hard
-xnine slideshow
-xnine faq
-xnine eng sub channel by yuer
-all of that content i listed above was made/subbed by one person and she is the queen of uhh...xnine international fandom outreach (????) how do i word it but she’s been subbing and spreading xnine long before xiao zhan’s popularity skyrocketed so go follow her for updates and memes here
-xnine intl fanbase twt and tumblr
-and here’s this twt account with dumb pics of xnine because why not
also i’m pretty sure there’s a wip video explaining x9′s history being created (by yuer because queen) so when that’s posted i’ll rb this and post it here
also here’s this video dragging wjjw
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trsureaus · 4 years
Feli's POV
Pagkapasok ko ng bahay, Hyunjin and mom were talking seriously. What could it be?
"Rei" Hyunjin said as soon as he saw me. He opened his arms for a hug and I hugged my twin brother thight. It has been 4 years since he moved to America to fix our business and ngayon lang siya nakauwi
"What’s happening?" tanong ko. Naupo narin ako sa tabi ni Hyunjin. Mom was beside us while the TV is open. "May papanoorin ba tayo? News?"
"Ma answer the phone" sabi ni Hyunjin kay Mom dahil hindi napansin ni mama yung tumutunog niyang cellphone.
"Kay" sagot ni mom sa cellphone. Kay as in mom ni Jihoon? Anong meron? "She’s here." sabi ni mama sabay tingin sa'kin.
I raised a bow and tumingin ako kay Hyunjin. "What?"
Tumingin si Hyunjin sa TV at nanatiling tahimik.
"Yes. I’ll tell her. She’ll leave" sabi ni mom. "Is he okay with this?... Oh I see.... Sige kay.... Okay lang.... Sana maayos niyo yan...." Sabi ni mom sabay baba ng phone.
"What was that? Anong nangyayari mom?" tanong ko.
"Jihoon called the engagement off" sabi ni mom.
"What?" sagot ko. No he didn’t. "Why?"
"Dahil diyan" sagot ni Hyunjin sabay turo sa TV.
Jihoon’s dad. Wait what? Drug dealer? Buying votes? Tangina? Ano 'to?
There was a part na palabas sila ng prisinto. It is Jihoon was holding Tita Kay’s hands while his dad was infront them. Andaming camera na nagpipicture pati mga nagiinterview.
"Park Jihoon anong masasabi mo sa ginawang kaso ng tatay mo?"
"Park Jihoon is your mom involved in this case too?"
"Park Jihoon, do you think you'll be a successful Engineer in the future?"
"Anong masasabi mo na pera ng taong bayan ang ginamit ng tatay mo pra mapag-aral ka sa eskwelahan?"
"People are always seeing you in the bar. Inutusan ka ba ng tatay mong magbenta ng pinagbabawal na gamot doon?"
The words that the interviewers were saying stabbed my heart. I know Jihoon doesn’t know about this and this may be the reason why he looks so tired yesterday.
Pinatay ni Hyunjin yung TV pagkasakay nila Jihoon sa kotse.
"We're also calling the engagement off" sagot ni mom. "For now walang nakaalam na magfiancé kayo. Which is good kasi mas madali ang pagaalis niyo ng bansa ni Hyunjin. Our company is safe"
"Mom! You never asked me if I’m okay with this! I'll fix this. I'll help Jihoon! He needs me" sigaw ko.
I’m frustrated. Jihoon needs me now. Hindi ako pwedeng umalis ng ganto.
Kinuha ko yung cellphone ko para tawagan si Jihoon. Paulit ulit ito pero hindi sinasagot. What the hell? He actually agreed to this?
"We’ll leave on Tuesday. After na after ng graduation mo. Aalis na tayo" sagot ni Hyunjin.
"Jin" sabi ko sakanya while tears are falling on my face.
Humarap siya sakin at hinawakan ang balikat ko.
"Jihoon called me kanina habang papunta ka dito." sabi ni Hyunjin habang nakatingin sa mata ko. "He wants you to leave and have a peaceful life. Away from him. He loves you so much, Rei. And we both know that this is the best for you."
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wonggu · 5 years
Heeeyyyaaa :) I wasn't aware there's 'discourse' on Yuto's lines either. I think he definitely gets a fair amount of lines. But, since I Iove love love his rapping, I have noticed that he does in fact usually get fewer lines than Wooseok. And with Wooseok for example also having that project with Lai Kuanlin, maybe that's what makes it feel unfair to people.
hey hey heey i wasn’t either until i saw a poll on twitter (its deleted now) that had 100 votes saying yuto needs more lines and im like??? you guys do remember yuto is a LEAD rapper not a MAIN rapper wooseok is bound to get more lines bc he’s the main rapper (and ik they’re only two people it shouldn’t be hard to distribute the lines but that’s up to hui and cube) and yuto’s not. if we’re seriously talking about unfair lines, shinwon, yeo one, yan an and hongseok should be the real conversation. 
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sunsienieeee · 2 years
"What's your name?"
My name? Do I have one?
"I-I'm...n-name-rghh..." nameless.
"Nemi? Nice name. You were adopted by the doctor so I assume you took your surname after her."
Nemi? I'm nameless. But thanks to you I guess, I no longer am. Yeh, I like the sound of it. Nemi, your namelez buddy.
Just then, the door flew open. The cute and curly haired guy came into view.
"May sinabi na ba siya sa'yo?" He beamed at us excitedly.
"Her name is Nemi Hart! That's her name. Nemi Hart!"
She doesn't know who she really is. She has no idea where she came from or how she happened to be there, in the middle of nowhere. But despite of being a nameless non-human entity, she found herself fighting against all the ever odds. She found herself in a battle together with her soldiers.
"You don't need a name. I can offer you mine."
by: Seekerbell
This story is a work of fiction. Any resemblance of the characters, places or events and similarities of name is purely coincidental. Some name similarities are not intentional. Not all places are non-existent but based on real ones. No part of this book may be copied.
Before you proceed to my story proper, I would like to give some important reminders. Kindly read this first.
♥ I am not a fan of Tragic and sad endings. Lol. Masakit na nga ang reality, idadamay ko pa ba naman ang fiction?
♥ Personally, I'm not the kind of author who writes reality-inclined characters. Stories, I supposed, were the escape of readers. I don't intend to keep you on the edge. I won't limit my characters and ploys to realism since I want to explore the imaginative world. I don't care if it's too unrealistic and exaggerated. Ang mahalaga, naexpress ko ang fictious ideas ko. If you don't like it, that's fine.
♥ I'm a writer, not an entertainer. Not satisfied with my work? Drop my book. I'm not writing to please anybody. Don't demand like you own my story. I prefer to work base on my ideas. I don't think highly of myself but I won't degrade me either.
♥ I say no to comparisons. Kahit pa characters, events or plots pa yan, don't you ever compare. Every story has its own uniqueness. At isa pa, reader kayo, hindi critique. Just read. Wag nang magpakatoxic.
♥ I seriously don't appreciate comments. You can vote if you like it but it's okay if you don't. Just please spare me with your negative thoughts. But if it's technical and trivial corrections, oh sure you can leave it down. I'll be glad.
♥ Most of my ideas were movies/series/stories/music inspired. Kung may maencounter man kayong familiarity, then that must be it.
♥ Don't expect Bed scenes here. I won't corrupt you that way. I prefer the kind of story where you can feel the love even without sexual touches and intimacy like that. Let's keep it that way.
♥ if you don't like my story or if you think it's boring or cliché, you can remove it like you haven't open it. Shut it. Okie?
"A reader cannot read without a writer unless he become one but a writer can write even without a reader."
All rights reserved
Science Fiction
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phgq · 4 years
Keep me out of election talks: Go
#PHnews: Keep me out of election talks: Go
MANILA – The Duterte administration is focused on public service to ensure that no Filipinos will be left behind towards the recovery from the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic.
The 2022 elections?
Count me out of those talks, Senator Christopher “Bong” Go said on Sunday.
“Serbisyo, serbisyo, serbisyo ang iniisip ko. Ang focus ko, mula noon hanggang ngayon, ay ang magserbisyo sa kapwa kong Pilipino (Service, service, service are on my mind. That’s where I’m focused until now, to be of service to my fellow Filipinos). Please count me out sa usaping pulitika (of talks about politics,” he reiterated in interviews.
In a recent interview, Go also set aside talks that he would consider running for the presidency if President Rodrigo Duterte eye the Vice President position.
It was the President himself who announced that his former Special Assistant wants to succeed him during the inauguration of a port building in Dumaguete on March 11.
The President, Go cautioned, was joking as usual.
“Wala pa ho sa isip ko ‘yan. Alam niyo naman, laging nagbibiro po ang Pangulo. Lagi ko pong sinasabi na (It’s farthest from my mind. You know how the President is always joking.) I am not interested to run for higher office. Alam ng Pangulo iyan na hindi ako interesado (The President is aware that I’m not interested),” Go said.
Go narrated that he was bantering with the President when talks about the 2022 elections was brought up.
“Siya kasi, lagi akong binibiro. So, binalik ko lang sa kanya. Kaya sabi ko, Mayor, President, tatakbo ako basta ikaw VP ko. Nasa kanya na po ang decision (He’s always teasing me so I told him, I will run for president if he will be my VP. It’s up to him) if he will take it seriously or as a joke,” he said.
Senate duties
The first-time senator’s term will end in 2025 and he feels he still has a lot to give as a lawmaker.
“Bawat araw po na binigay niyo sa akin na pagkakataon na magserbisyo sa inyo ay hindi ko sasayangin. Ibabalik ko po sa tao ang serbisyong para po sa inyo (Each day you gave me to serve you will not go to waste. I will give back to the people the service they deserve),” he assured.
Go then urged Filipino to cooperate with government and join bayanihan (cooperation) efforts to overcome the health crisis, instead of engaging in partisan talks and political bickering.
“Focus muna tayo, serbisyo muna tayo. Mahalaga po nandiyan po ang ating recovery measures at importante po walang maiwan, importante po dito maka-recover muna ang buong bansa (Let’s focus on what services we can deliver. Recovery measures should be implemented first to help the nation),” he said.
Go said whether the public likes it or not, time will come when candidates will be revealed and the people will choose their next leaders in May next year.
“So, hintayin na lang po natin ang mga panahong ‘yun. Sa ngayon, dapat lahat ng atensyon natin ay nasa bayanihan para malampasan ang mga pagsubok na hinaharap ng bansa (Let’s wait for the proper time to vote. For now, let’s focus on helping our country recover from the crisis),” he added.
Go also urged political leaders and supporters from all sides to prioritize the welfare of the Filipino people rather than their own interests.
He said he welcomes the trust and support being given to the current administration, especially those who are calling for continuity, and assured the government is fulfilling its mandate and delivering its commitment to provide a more comfortable life for all. (PR)
* Philippine News Agency. "Keep me out of election talks: Go." Philippine News Agency. https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1133574 (accessed March 15, 2021 at 03:56AM UTC+14).
* Philippine News Agency. "Keep me out of election talks: Go." Archive Today. https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1133574 (archived).
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mingi-bubu · 4 years
Watch “Youth With You” with Me!
Episode 8 Part 2
- yo okay here we are for part 2 and i didn’t realize that it’s almost a full hour long
- i think i got too used to part 2 of the episodes being no longer than 30 minutes
- but anyway we definitely are going to be seeing the theme song performance this episode
- oh i wonder who’s gonna leave class a??
- only 3 of the class a group are staying from the prererating
- babymonster stays, ofc right??
- yan yu also stays and kun complimented her on her confidence
- please let zoe stayyy
- awww they embarrased kunkunnie!!
- kun seriously stop yixing pd-ing
- kun stop fukcing
- lmao they block the apple on the back of lisa’s macbook but then don’t cover up the fact that it says macbook air on the other side im screaming
- i just realized that she goes by shaking bc her name literally sounds like it i am bobo the fool
- laksjdf;laksdjf kun is sick of shaking i love one man
- oh thank god we’ve finished the ratings
- class a has the opportunity to appear in elle magazine i’m dead
- my jaw literally dropped
- im not even ten minutes into this episode and i am over it all
- kun please im so weak “can’t you pretend you don’t know”
- kun is having so much fun watching this video and the reactions of the audience
- i am so proud of naho thanks for listenting to my tedtalk
- kun’s side profile is straight up disrespectful
- this video is very cute i love how supportive all the trainees are of each other
- ok im a bit emo now
- "im a strict mentor” kun you are a baby
- i love one (1) man honestly like he’s tearing up and i might cry too oooooof
- what is he doing
- oh.  oh no i might cry
- i am tearing up tho fr fr
- i feel like he’s definitely feeling some of the old feelings from his run on that stage
- sort out your emotions bitch you too tf?
- i keep flashbacking to kun as the center for the theme adkfja;ldjf
- everyone not in class a: hell yeah babey we get to watch performances
- shaking looked like she was about to go “huih bitch???” and then remembered that they’re being filmed
- ok wow that product placement was not subtle in the slightest
- jesus chritst
- is this what it means to be in class a
- episode 8 aka jae is horney over cai xukun for almost 3 hours
- aksjkfd;alkdsjflkads kun looking at shaking bc she deadass asked that question right next to him
- shaking’s rap was fun ngl
- snoop dogg and then immediately trips that’s such a mood
- that high note sure was uhhhhh something
- kun looks like a mix between an elderly man and the guy in your philosophy course who you kinda hate but are also really attracted to and if you saw him at a party you wouldn’t say no
- hahahahahahahahaa put kun in the center im so weak
- have him do it again i love one man
- so by a difference of four votes, xin liu won center position
- i really am sick of this song guys i;m so sorry
- xl is wearing shorts instead of a skirt which i respect
- kun keeps serving look after look after look this episode what the fuck were his stylists on and how can we keep giving it to them
- kun is getting too sentimental what the fuck
- and then he tries to be funny.  sweetie we’ve talked about this
- oh shit whaddup they just promoted people to class d real quick
- kun is literally so supportive what the heck
- not to be like im in l*ve with him but if he ever needed an*thing i would dr*p everything to h*lp him
- he literally looks so good @ his stylists thank you so much for doing the lord’s work
- ok here we go for the performance!
- oh shit is the stages moving??  the theatre kid in me is screaming
- i do like the costumes for this stage a lot but that might just be the catholic school kid in me
- i don’t care for the flashing lights but i never liked flashing lights in the first place mainly bc i’m worried for those who have epilepsy and also bc it gives me a headache
- essentially kpop and cpop performances and videos are not geared to that audience and it’s you know,  a thing that exists
- so yeah the stages do in fact move
- god i would love to talk to the set designer about them and how they did it
- also i feel like watching kun’s center stage performance for his run after this bc that song really did pop off
- i wonder though who’s going to get cut but i think that’s next episode
- oh wow do we get to see them model waht the heck these outfits are so fun
- ok and that looks like the end of the episode y’all
- im sorry that like a solid 30% of my commentary was just about kun and how good he looked
- next episode i will try to temper that response in me alkdjfa;dlkjf
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mastcomm · 5 years
‘Birds of Prey’ Review: Nihilism for Fun and Profit
A lot of shocking stuff comes out of Harley Quinn’s mouth — maniacal giggles, streams of obscenity, big words to remind you that she has a Ph.D. in psychology, a splash of greenish vomit — but what caught my attention was the line “I voted for Bernie.”
This admission is offered up as part of a string of reasons for people in Gotham City to hate Harley, best known locally as the Joker’s (now ex-) girlfriend, and even though it’s a throwaway joke I can’t seem to let it go. Less because I’m distracted from my solemn movie-critic duties by electoral politics (though of course I am) than because the Bernie name-check is close to the only topical reference in all of “Birds of Prey (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn).”
That title works very hard to achieve a puzzling effect — what is a “fantabulous emancipation”? why just “one” Harley Quinn? — and the rest of the movie, directed by Cathy Yan from a script by Christina Hodson, does the same. Including the scrap of dialogue I’m hung up on. What if instead of Bernie, Harley said she voted for Trump, or Hillary, or Jill Stein? Not as funny, for some reason. Are we meant to infer that she’s a socialist? Or (as she and others like to insist) that she’s crazy?
There isn’t really an answer. The answer is anything you want it to be. The senator from Vermont, whatever else he may achieve in 2020, has risen to the level of empty, vaguely humorous pop-cultural signifier. Whatever the name-check might mean, it’s a safe and easy reference.
Like “Joker,” “Birds of Prey (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn)” is sincere in its commitment to nihilism, but coy about the implications of that commitment. Unlike “Joker,” this exercise in R-rated fan-flattery allows itself, and the audience, to have some fun with its noisy, hectic, self-conscious riffing on the conventions of comic-book-based entertainment.
Harley is played, as she was in “Suicide Squad,” by Margot Robbie, with strenuous attitude and abundant confidence in her own charm. This time, fortunately, she has a new squad. Her erstwhile beau the Joker, though he is frequently invoked, is never seen. Supervillain duties are taken up by the Gotham billionaire Roman Sionis (a gleeful Ewan McGregor). He and his chief minion (a glum Chris Messina) are venal, volatile sadists who like to slice off the faces of anyone who makes them mad. Harley has joined that group, and now that she no longer has the immunity of being Joker’s moll, Roman can dispose of her at will.
It’s more complicated than that, of course, as you might expect from a movie called “Birds of Prey (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn).” (The more you say it, the less sense it makes.) The plot, driven by Harley’s hyperactive narration, zigzags and hopscotches across time and space to fill in the back stories of her frenemies, the as-yet-unhatched predatory birds who get top billing.
These include Cassandra Cain (Ella Jay Basco), a young pickpocket; Helena Bertinelli (Mary Elizabeth Winstead), a vengeful Mafia princess who wants to be known as the Huntress but who is usually called the Crossbow Killer for obvious reasons; and Dinah Lance (Jurnee Smollett-Bell), a singer in Sionis’s nightclub who is recruited for nastier work. On the other side of the law is Renee Montoya (Rosie Perez), a hard-as-nails Gotham detective who has grown bitter watching mediocre male colleagues receive credit and promotions for her work.
If Perez were to star in a stand-alone Renee Montoya movie (or an old-fashioned network-television cop series) I wouldn’t be mad. But this is Harley’s show, and it runs on a strange brew of righteousness and aggression, at once embracing and neutralizing the tropes of female anger and semi-feminist solidarity that are quickly becoming movie clichés. (The secondhand feeling is affirmed by the musical cues, which include “Black Betty,” “Barracuda” and other staples.) At times, a fed-up, cleareyed critique of male entitlement (and worse) snaps into focus — Sionis’s cruelty has a decidedly misogynist edge — only to dissolve into jokey irreverence.
The one thing “Birds of Prey” fears is being taken seriously, which makes it, again, something of an antidote to “Joker” and to the doomy solemnity of other DC products, going all the way back to “Batman Begins.” The mood of antic, playful obnoxiousness feels forced rather than liberated, the result of careful note-taking during repeated viewings of “Deadpool.” The rapid-fire repartee is less than sparkling, as if the goal were to sound smart while still appealing to the dumbest or most distracted person in the audience.
The fight scenes, on the other had, have snap and surprise — a hand-to-hand, martial-arts classicism that hasn’t been seen much in recent action movies. When Harley and her crew, outnumbered and outgunned, take on legions of muscular bad guys, “Birds of Prey” finds a rhythm and a logic, a sense of gravity and self-assurance, that is otherwise lacking.
It isn’t enough. Like other big-studio exercises in pseudo-subversion (very much including “Deadpool”), “Birds of Prey” is happy to play at provocation with swear words and violence while carefully declining to provoke anything like a thought. It’s really not that interesting that Harley Quinn voted for Bernie, though it might be very interesting to know why, or if she’s backing a different candidate this time around.
Birds of Prey (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn)
Rated R. Sadistic violence, all in fun. Running time: 1 hour 49 minutes.
from WordPress https://mastcomm.com/birds-of-prey-review-nihilism-for-fun-and-profit/
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nothingman · 8 years
The first meeting between U.S. President Donald Trump and Chinese President Xi Jinping will reportedly take place in April in Florida. Observers have already begun to guess what issues will be put on the agenda at this two-day summit. North Korea, territorial disputes in the South China Sea, and trade imbalance between the world’s two biggest economies are all thorny issues to deal with at any time, let alone during the great uncertainty created by the Trump administration.
It’s not easy to forget the strong criticism Trump had for China during his campaign. He accused China of manipulating its currency and stealing American jobs, and threatened to impose a 45 percent tariff on Chinese goods. Moreover, since the election, his policies toward China have developed in unpredictable directions. Trump’s unexpected phone call with Taiwan’s president broke with diplomatic norms, sent mixed messages, and triggered tons of speculation. It also sparked an official complaint from the Chinese government. Then Trump eased the tensions by promising to abide by the long-standing “One China” policy in another phone call with President Xi Jinping.
Against this background, it’s intriguing to see that Trump is still curiously welcomed among Chinese netizens on social media. In both America and China, Trump has received much attention because of his unorthodox behavior since he announced his run for the presidency. However, when media in the United States bashed him or dismissed him as a joke, discussions on Chinese social media took him much more seriously.
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Before the election, on Zhihu, a popular Chinese question-and-answer site that encourages opinion-sharing, users asked and debated questions like “how likely is Donald Trump to be elected as president of the United States?” After he became the president-elect, netizens kept discussing questions such as “how far do you think Trump will be marching forward?” and “what can we learn from Trump?” The number of followers of topics centered on Trump is huge – nearly seven times as many as the number of followers of topics on Hillary Clinton, Trump’s opponent in the election.
Of course, attention does not necessarily mean support. But there are also a great number of Chinese netizens who openly express their appreciation and respect for Trump. On Baidu Tieba, or Baidu Post Bar, one of the hottest online communities in China, supporters built a Trump Tieba with an explicit line of approval on the top of its first page – “Here is the place for Trump supporters.” As of this writing, there are 653,524 posts on Trump Tieba. By contrast, posts on Hillary Tieba are approximately one-third of that number.
It’s unusual to see the incredible generosity that Chinese netizens have shown toward Trump. Consider Trump’s swing on the “One China” policy as an example. The “One China” policy has not only long been regarded as the cornerstone of the U.S.-China relationship, but it is also a sensitive issue that easily drives the emotion of the Chinese public. For China’s authoritarian government, nationalism is a source of legitimacy. When the government spreads propaganda to manage public opinion, maintaining territorial integrity by preventing Taiwan from gaining independence is an emphasis. As a result, Taiwan separatists’ speeches always spark nationalist responses and angry boycotts among Chinese netizens.
However, netizens didn’t react angrily when Trump threw out some anti-China rhetoric, or when he spoke on the phone with Taiwan’s president. The reasons behind Trump’s moves are arguable: is he simply an inexperienced politician, or is each move a calculated part of a wily businessman’s bargaining strategy? Chinese Trump fans greatly prefer the second perspective. Moreover, when someone raised a question on Zhihu, asking whether Trump supporters regretted supporting him after seeing his tough policies on China, one of the answers was telling: “What he has done is exactly what I expected he would do as the president of the United States.” In the minds of his Chinese fans, Trump is a loyal defender of U.S. national interests, which is worth respect, even if it goes against China.
Why does Trump still have so much support among Chinese netizens? After taking a close look at the posts on Trump Tieba, three explanations appear.
First, unlike Americans’ fear of Trump’s authoritarian, strongman style, Chinese netizens appreciate it, or at least do not hate it. Thomas Jefferson once said, “People get the government they deserve.” It is not very fair to apply this quote to the Chinese case, because Chinese people do not select their government, and because public opinion in China is censored, manipulated, or even fabricated. But even recognizing those factors, it still can be observed that authoritarian figures have a certain attraction in China. Xi Jinping consolidated his power partially by cultivating a cult of personality. Songs in praise of “Xi Papa” and “Peng Mama” (Peng Liyuan, Xi’s wife) have gone viral online. Similarly, Trump has two popular nicknames on Baidu Tieba. One is “Trump Dad”; another – even more explicit – is “Emperor Trump.”
The second reason for Trump’s popularity is some Chinese netizens’ conservative preferences on certain issues and their aversion to political correctness. In some parts of China, for example, homosexuality is still regarded as an illness. Electric shocks are applied to gays and lesbians as an “effective therapy.” On LGBT issues, some Chinese Trump supporters go to extremes, such as arguing that “the U.S. should ban the spread of homosexual culture” because it is not “normal” and “misleading to teenagers.” Others hold more neutral views. They agree that LGBT groups have the same rights as “ordinary citizens,” but think they should not claim privileges under the slogan of “anti-discrimination.” These people agree with Trump that liberals and political correctness have gone too far.
Interestingly, China has well-known Internet censorship, but there’s no “thought police” to prevent people from expressing opinions that are not “politically correct.” On Trump Tieba, people never even try to conceal their anti-Muslim and anti-black racism. The terms “extreme Muslims” and “terrorists” are interchangeable, and Barack Obama is often referred to as “O-Black” or “Oba-Donkey.” In a country where over 90 percent of the population is part of the Han ethnic group, Chinese netizens are never as sensitive or aware of their tongues as Americans are. They possibly don’t even have a clear sense as to what opinions or behaviors are identified as racism. Because of different social and political norms, they don’t understand the bright side of political correctness, but simply think it is ridiculous. Therefore, Trump is adored because he is outspoken and blatant.
Finally, the image of Trump as a billionaire and pragmatist has certainly won him a lot of Chinese fans. To quote former leader Deng Xiaoping, “It doesn’t matter if a cat is black or white. As long as it catches mice, it is a good cat.” China’s economic miracle has been guided by Deng’s famous pragmatism, and economic development has been China’s first priority for over three decades. To some degree, Trump’s slogan “Make America Great Again” echoes “the Chinese Dream,” that is, “the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.” For Chinese people who are so inspired by and obsessed with economic success, something like an “All-Gender” restroom bill almost makes no sense. It does not save America; even debating it is seen as a waste of public resources. In this sense, Trump is regarded as a brave person who “faces the real crisis of the United States.”
All in all, Trump’s popularity among Chinese Internet users is more than just a curiosity. It might open another window for those Americans who are still confused as to why Trump won to understand why their own compatriots voted for him.
Yan Gu is a Ph.D. candidate at Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies at the University of Washington. Her research interests lie in authoritarian politics, political communication, and automatic text analysis, with a focus in China. She was a journalist and commentator at state-owned media in China, as well as a news editor of Tencent, a leading Chinese Internet company.
via The Diplomat
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