#seriously ;;
miki-lei · 3 days
Sometimes i wonder if im asexual or is it just my autism.
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rainbowsuitcase · 2 days
I have this idea in my head for an IceMav AU where they had a thing years before Top Gun, some halfway serious relationship that was mostly about fucking and absolutely did not end on a good note. And now they're meeting again years later, both of them just giant balls of angst who miss each other so much but are also convinced the other hates them now.
But I don't really do feelings driven stuff well and I fear I wouldn't do the concept justice, so I'll just throw it out here for anyone to pick up if you want to (or to send me a link to the fic if something like this already exists!)
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dannyriccloverrr · 3 days
U can all bang on about Lawson not deserving this hate or that blah blah blah but the only victim in this situation and the only one truly not deserving of what has happened to him is Daniel. Period. This is about Daniel. Not about anyone else. Just Daniel Ricciardo and the horrible way he has been shunned out.
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kinning-sammy · 14 hours
'wincest is so bad! they're BROTHERS!' God forbid I take advantage of an unhealthy, co-dependant relationship where incest is already involved (because who the fuck watches their brother have sex and really, the emotional incest is insane). If you watch this show and think to yourself, "oh, they're just brothers." You're frankly lying to yourself. You don't have to like it, you can hate it all you want. But stop pushing your self-righteous morals onto fiction where morals aren't important. Fiction is whatever the fuck you want it to be. I'm not here for the incest, I'm here for two characters who are so fucked up for each other that nobody else is remotely important. Even if they weren't brothers, I still would've been interested in their relationship. Incest is not the main appeal here! It's the DY-NA-MIC. So get that stick out of your ass, respectfully, and scroll away if you don't like it. Just because I indulge in fucked up fiction doesn't mean I endorse the acts in reality.
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djarinvettel · 3 days
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bringiton · 3 months
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FAVORITE CHAPPELL ROAN BRIDGE/OUTRO → CASUAL “I wrote this song bc I am legitimately so tired of love turning into situationships and I know my friends are so tired about hearing about the sh*t show of my love life.”
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kyriathanatos · 7 months
hey, you guys wanna see something completely fucked up?
why the FUCK do these match so well. i didnt edit SHIT.
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xxgwenstacyxx · 4 months
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artemisdesari-blog · 30 days
Sometimes being the mum who exists in fandom spaces leads to awkward, even concerning, conversations. Such as the one which happened this morning. The mum of my daughter's best mate asked me if one of their mutual friends had sent her a specific message. This message was a link to a fic on ao3, if this had been a G rated fic this conversation would not have happened. It was not G rated. It was an E rated fic. Our kids aren't even 12 yet. As it happens, both of our kids have their internet access heavily locked down and monitored. They have phones because of how their school manages homework. The mutual friend, however, is not so monitored. Or she wasn't, given what her mum found she's about to be. This kid had found a fandom, joined it, and found it chock full of antis. The fic had been sent to her by one of them as an example of the sort of terrible people out there who need to be harassed and attacked because they wrote a smutty story.
Someone thought it was appropriate to send written porn to an 11 year old to encourage her to attack the author.
This resulted in a very awkward conversation where I had to explain to multiple horrified parents the anti culture that is becoming so prevalent. The fact that there are adults who use that purity message to groom kids. The way they escalate and how it bleeds into real life. One parent told me she'd wondered why her 14 year old was suddenly concerned about the two year age gap between her parents. The more I explained, the more absolutely ludicrous it sounded and the more baffled these poor mums looked. More than once I was told "but the characters aren't real, it's really weird but it isn't hurting anyone". Which is the point. The fictional situation isn't hurting anyone. The person who sent porn to an 11 year old is.
Was the person who sent it the author? Doubtful, that thing was tagged in the extreme. Was the person who sent it an adult? Almost certainly. The parent who's child received the original message has found more concerning stuff and gone to the police, but from the language the person doing the sending was in the US. We aren't. Did my daughter receive it? No, she isn't interested in that fandom and therefore wouldn't have bothered with it. Is this the fault of the author? No, they didn't send the link, they didn't ask to be harassed, they wrote a story and put it on ao3, the website created in response to rampant censorship and designed to allow for all kinds of fiction. Is this the fault of the parents? Partially, they should have been looking at their daughter's internet use and clocked what was happening sooner. Is this the fault of the child? No, she's 11, she didn't know better.
This has been a difficult day. Multiple parents have had their eyes opened to parts of fandom culture they had no idea existed. And the thing of it is, they aren't concerned about the why of anti rhetoric. They don't care about the adults writing about teens or rape or incest or torture or any of the rest, because they looked at the clearly tagged and rated fics and figured that it worked the same as a warning on any streaming service. They only cared because some utterly vile individual decided to expose their child to something this girl might not have looked at for years.
Proshippers did not cause what I have spent afternoon helping several sets of parents navigate. Antis did. Normally I'm fairly quiet about the whole debate because I just want to get on with my life and share my experiences. Today I got dragged into that mess in my every day life and the adults in the equation didn't react the way Antis like to think they would. They didn't condemn the author. They condemned the anti who shared the work with a preteen.
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prokopetz · 1 year
Historically, the American animation industry has recognised only two types of cartoons aimed at adult audiences:
The animated sitcom
Martial arts action with tits and gore
I'm watching the Fionna and Cake miniseries right now, and I genuinely think we're witnessing the emergence of a third broadly accepted option: whimsical fantasy adventure in the mode of popular children's programming, except everyone is clinically depressed.
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fuckingrecipes · 2 months
Grinding whole spices is WORTH the cost and effort
Just wanted to remind folks that if flavor was color, pre-ground spices are pastels, and freshly-ground spices are vibrant fully-saturated jewel tones with an iridescent rainbow sheen.
I am not shilling, I will not link you to a brand or product.
But please, please put it on your future to-do list to acquire a ultra gritty (not smooth ceramic or glazed) spice grinder. Lava rock if you can. The mexican Molcajete works wonderfully. An electric grinder if you must.
Search for a local asian or latin supermarket for cheap whole spices in bulk. Per-Pound, whole spices in a baggie are almost always cheaper than pre-ground bottles.
I am begging you, knees on the ground and tears in my eyes, to please, just once, go buy a tiny amount of good-quality cinnamon bark.
It should be a lovely medium-brown color with a soft orange tint, not nearly black with age. It should look a little soft and crumbly around the cut edges. Look for the flat pieces, which haven't curled into rolls from dryness.
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Break a little piece off. Less than the size of your thumbnail. Crush or grind it however you can. Smash it with a hammer, make dust with sandpaper, however you want.
And stick it in your mouth.
A tiny amount of freshly ground cinnamon bark is heady, fruity, sweet, floral, and has a warm spice that breathes down your throat. You can chew on bits of the bark like candy, it's so sweet and good.
Pre-ground cinnamon tastes like bitter dust and betrayal by comparison.
The really old, dry as dust cinnamon sticks that look so dark brown they're nearly black... you can grind those up too, it'll improve the flavor, but it's about three steps behind the fresh stuff. Kingdoms fought wars over fresh cinnamon. Kings traded war prisoners for pounds of cinnamon, and I get it. I understand.
If you can afford it, if you want an earth-shaking treat, please consider: Whole Nutmegs, Good Cinnamon, Whole Cloves, and Whole Peppercorns.
And some method of grinding them.
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hkblack · 1 year
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Hi folks. There seems to be a lot of confusion about what we as fans can and can't do with the striking happening. So I made a flowchart.
Let me make this SUPER DUPER EXTRA CLEAR. Unless an AMPTP studio reaches out and says "We would like to give you X (money/swag/whatever) to create content for us" (that would include writing or acting in anyway on your part) you will NOT be crossing a picket line.
Cosplay, fanart, fanfic, going feral, sharing marketing posts, watching your favorite show, getting your friends to watch your favorite show, etc does not count.
It is ONLY scabbing if you are getting REIMBURSED by the STUDIO.
Please take this flowchart, repost it, spread it everywhere!
The studios benefit from us being confused. The studios benefit from us not promoting and not watching and cancelling our subscriptions. The unions, the actors, the writers, they all benefit from us promoting in their absence, they get paid when we watch the shows, we bolster their argument when we boost the shows numbers. If we make the media popular and successful the studios have to meet the writers and actors at the table, and the writers and actors will be in the position of power.
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thetoyboxs · 20 days
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They've got they're work cut out for them
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chrisfleming · 1 month
it is kind of ridiculous and funny how almost everyone on the billford tag on ao3 is writing the same redemption fic that’s just like “Bill is sent back to gravity falls as a human to atone for his mistakes. Ford is gay in love with him. Stan is initially violent but later indifferent. Mabel accepts him immediately and invites him to sleepovers. Dipper wants to kill him the entire time”
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ps1demodisk · 8 months
Sorry I'm not low empathy autistic in the "mysterious loner boy who secretly cares about his friends and talks in a monotone voice" way and I'm actually just completely indifferent to the suffering of people I don't know personally and help strangers out of a sense of "this is the right thing to do" and not "I feel so bad for this person" or guilt.
I sit and listen to my friends even though I don't really care about hearing about their problems because I know they'll be upset if I don't, and despite the fact I honestly can't genuinely care about the issue itself, I care about the impact it's having on my friends and that's enough to make me want to help them through it.
Did you know that's actually an expression of empathy all of its own?
It will absolutely happen again I literally am not even sorry
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liquidtoast · 28 days
“Overwhelm the vote”. That’s the best I’ve heard.
Election Day is important.
Vote. Call out sick to vote. Use a PTO day. Work extra hours to make up the money ahead of time.
If you don’t vote, you can’t complain. You did not even try to make change, you just hoped other people would do it for you.
There are services to help make that happen. Vote.
Also check your registration status often. Make sure you can just show up and vote.
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