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ltlucky · 4 months ago
To the newer Transformers fans out there in search of a great fanfic series - I cannot recommend Signature by Arabis & CarsonLane enough. Between the world building, plot & character developement, as well as a unique perspective on human/TF dynamics, it stands (in my opinion) as one of the best written TF fanfics out there. There is hurt/comfort, romance, angst, politics, a whole freaking spectrum of amazing that blends bayverse (ik ik but it only really references the first 2 movies) and TFP into a well written, thorough thought out fanfic.
A few that are just as good - The Echo Garden by AltraViolet, Glory to the Revolution series by iamgoingtoproposetotheastonmartin, Unintended Consequences by PrismPunkie, Botosphere by Deathishtar & Co., and Tender Morsel by Lustrous_Lamniform.
All fics can be found on Ao3, multichapter OR a massive series. ENJOYYYYY!
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always-arabis · 11 months ago
I curious though in signatureverse you fused bayverse with tf prime cartoon. Now, my question is in bayverse turn out primes are have more power I meant fallen can teleport and telekinesis. So are optimus and Sam can do that?
Great question! In my ‘verse, the Fallen was apart of the original 7 (13?) Primes. In other words, he’s essentially a demi-god, and that’s why he had the powers he had. Sam and OP, by contrast, are mortals. Mortal touched by the Divine, yes, but still mortals.
Hope that helps!
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zhangyulian · 4 years ago
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Arabis’s Signature Verse Map of World Domination 
Now that things have settled down, Sam takes it upon himself to teach the newest generation of bitlets (baby bots) the world of Earth and show them where the Signature Verse fans are. He calls it, “Arabis’s Signature Verse Map of World Domination.” 
This is a dedicated piece inspired by the Signature Support Group and our amazing goddess and carrier/author @always-arabis. 
Signature is more than just a story. It’s a special journey sharing love and pain, angst and comfort, hardships and support in its realest form, vast in its imaginary and love for science fiction and fantasy. It has brought together a community of creators, artists, writers, and so much more to share, laugh, cry and support each other to the moon, all the way to Cybertron, and beyond. From all walks of life and from all over the world. Together, we’ve become a part of the Signature Verse Family—one that we’re so grateful to be a part of and so proud to represent and defend with our lives. Literally. 😂🔥😈 
On a personal note, from the bottom of our hearts thank you Arabis for re-igniting the spark inside us. 
@zhangyulian - Honestly, if it hadn’t been for you and your works, I would have locked the door on my creative self, thrown out the keys and never looked back. I’m beyond grateful I didn’t. Signature reminded me not to forget who I am and to fight for my hopes, dreams and aspirations.
@sparkyspokes - You’ve been unlike any other fanfiction author I’ve come across. From the first shock of receiving a thoughtful reply to a tumblr invite many months later... you’ve built a community of people I’m glad to be apart of. Thank you for taking the time to write your head cannons into an epic series, and sharing them with the world.
From all of us to you, THANK YOU. Wishing you a very Happy Mother’s Day and for many more moments of chaos, support and love from the SSG familia. 
With love and till all are one, 
@zhangyulian & @sparkyspokes ❤️💛🖤💙💚����💜
*Special thanks to @lokiofasgard11 and that SignatureVerse! Canon Google Doc 😉
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lokiofasgard11 · 4 years ago
The Signature Series Canon Doc.
Update In Progress.
New being highlighted in Pink, New table of contents feature, takes you where you wanna go!
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masaa-ma · 8 years ago
jsonsmash - ファイルシステムのような操作ができるJSONビューワー
from http://www.moongift.jp/2017/07/jsonsmash-%e3%83%95%e3%82%a1%e3%82%a4%e3%83%ab%e3%82%b7%e3%82%b9%e3%83%86%e3%83%a0%e3%81%ae%e3%82%88%e3%81%86%e3%81%aa%e6%93%8d%e4%bd%9c%e3%81%8c%e3%81%a7%e3%81%8d%e3%82%8bjson%e3%83%93%e3%83%a5/
Web APIを伴う開発を行う際にはJSONファイルを使うことが増えています。XMLに比べると冗長性がなく、サイズが小さくて済むのですが、改行などもなく見づらいのが難点です。そのため、データのある場所を間違えてしまって、うまく動かないなんてこともよくあります。
jsonsmash コマンドにJSONファイルを渡せばOKです。そしてlsでキーを並べたり、catでデータの表示ができます。
$ jsonsmash http://headers.jsontest.com/ > ls Host X-Cloud-Trace-Context > cat X-Cloud-Trace-Context: 0f8474abd239690f43f5e9c82b07ff7f/540020992686857843 Host: headers.jsontest.com > ls -l 29 string Host 77 string X-Cloud-Trace-Context > exit
> cd metadata > cat apiVersion: '2013-01-10' endpointPrefix: rds protocol: query serviceAbbreviation: Amazon RDS serviceFullName: Amazon Relational Database Service signatureVersion: v4 xmlNamespace: 'http://rds.amazonaws.com/doc/2013-01-10/'
jsonsmashはnode/JavaScript製のオープンソース・ソフトウェア(MIT License)です。
tedivm/jsonsmash: a shell for browsing json files
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nglearn · 7 years ago
What is the format of structured notification messages sent by Amazon SNS?
The notification message sent by Amazon SNS for deliveries over HTTP, HTTPS, Email-JSON and SQS transport protocols will consist of a simple JSON object, which will include the following information:
MessageId: A Universally Unique Identifier, unique for each notification published.
Timestamp: The time (in GMT) at which the notification was published.
TopicArn: The topic to which this message was published
Type: The type of the delivery message, set to “Notification” for notification deliveries.
UnsubscribeURL: A link to unsubscribe the end-point from this topic, and prevent receiving any further notifications.
Message: The payload (body) of the message, as received from the publisher.
Subject: The Subject field – if one was included as an optional parameter to the publish API call along with the message.
Signature: Base64-encoded “SHA1withRSA” signature of the Message, MessageId, Subject (if present), Type, Timestamp, and Topic values.
SignatureVersion: Version of the Amazon SNS signature used.
Notification messages sent over the “Email” transport only contain the payload (message body) as received from the publisher.
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newseveryhourly · 7 years ago
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