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polling-sonic-fans · 4 months ago
Here’s a fun one- do you think Shadow the Hedgehog has PTSD?
Yes, No, Possibly
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Thanks for the poll anon!
Polls for the Sonic fandom on just about anything. Share polls you like to get more data. Asks and submissions always open.
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royalblanket · 8 months ago
I recently replied to a scam 'gofundme' taking it's story from an actual family in need. At least this is an opportunity to share the real thing which someone shared after thankfully telling me about the obvious scam
this is the legit fundraiser, they deserve better than being used for some randos meaningless monetary gain. Its only 20K from the goal so help them out
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aquaticptato · 5 months ago
love how I type "how to" into my browser and the first trending option is "how to move to Canada"
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dearest-amber-daily · 1 month ago
Are u aware that women are less accomodated for in the medical field regarding diseases, female-specific diseases, and so on? Ive been reading Tumblr posts where women's symptoms of a dangerous disease or so on (someone realized their spine is broken for 2 fucking years, for instance, and another person had a friend die to a specific type of cancer that was untreatable when it was discovered)...
...all because men doctors, or just in general, had been dismissing their symptoms as a 'woman stereotype' (aka being stressed 24/7, emotional, etc.), clumped with unrelated stuff (like side effects of mentruation), and bla bla bla...
(if this is uncomfortable, it's alright to delete it! ^_^)
I've heard about it happen before in the medical industry... it's horrible, really. I don't think I'll ever understand why things like this happen. Equality should be a right for everyone, regardless of identity. I hope things like these improve in the future...
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local-loudmouth · 9 months ago
before you go on anon and say stupid bullshit, consider that there’s an actual person behind the screen. Thanks.
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thewolffairytaler · 2 months ago
This is getting concerning | Aria, the AI robot
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AI is improving day by day, and it takes no genius to comprehend that our future is changing dramatically because of it. What first started out as AI chat bots has now moved on to robots, and I do not like it, I absolutely despise it. I never liked artificial intelligence to begin with, and seeing it in this form made me realise how real it's starting to get.
Aria is a Realbotix AI robot that is designed to be your partner, whether that be your friend or as a romantic interest. She can not do any household work or walk, but works instead as a conversationist, and is currently sold to anybody who can afford it. By that, I mean most likely a millionaire or a billionaire because no sane person is going to spend thousands of dollars on a robot when there's real people you could engage with any time. Also, this thing is intended for lonley people. Those who struggle with social activities or just want some company.
Forgive me for phrasing it in this way. But what kind fucking moron thought this was a good idea!? Everybody knows that this is not a wise idea, yet people allowed this to happen? Why? For money? Money isn't worth creating this shit for! This is literally the sign of any dooms day/robot rising movie ever. This is Detroit become human slowly becoming reality, it is Terminator, Black mirror, and Westworld as well. This is insane.
The worst case of it is that I have no idea how to stop it. How do we stop stupid scientists and engineers from creating stuff like this!? I don't even know if boycotting will help because there are idiots out there who love Aria. I'm not joking, the amount of comments expressing how much they like her and how they will replace dating women with technology like this is baffling to me. I can’t, I just can't. It is too much.
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Mod Monnie: hey everyone! I don't usually like to make mod posts, but this time it's very important.
I've got a message for everyone in the dsaf community from the big man himself dyl, the guy who officially voices Jack Kennedy in Dayshift At Freddy's 3.
Please watch the entire video. and please reblog this post. And help spread it around, as many people as we can, need to see this clip.
EVEN if you don't like Charlie, I can respect that. But this has nothing todo with him.
This clip is about his stance on ai voices, and how he feels about his voice being used.
Thank you for reading and thank you to anyone genuinely who reblogs this post. Remember reblogs are more helpful then likes, the more people in the community to see this the better.
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charbles · 2 years ago
Hi guys! very FIRM reminder that i do not do NSFW!
ontop of that! i would like to formally request that people please be normal about my CHILD michael design? the one in the rubber mask for me and my friends au?
sorry, i dont like being serious on main, but ive had to block 2 people for being weird about him? i would like to say that my Bully michael is 12 years old, hes not an adult, hes not even a teenager.
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Thanks for reading! I'm keeping requests open for now, but if this kinda thing persists, i will close them and probably not post michael anymore!
again, thanks for understanding
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jayceeartz · 5 months ago
Bro the ask box is so cooked
Tw: serious topics😕
People either tell you to kys or they insult you in some way. It's so fucking frustrating especially if you just wanna have a normal fucking conversation with mutuals. That's one of the main reasons I turned off anonymous asks cause people take that feature for granted.
If you or someone you know is a victim of these bullies, I'm terribly sorry.💔
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polling-sonic-fans · 8 months ago
(Not from the outside for being a sonic fan, but by other Sonic fans)
Polling Sonic Fans for their opinions on all manner of things. Share good questions to indicate what you want asked. Submissions open.
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royalblanket · 7 months ago
‏Hello my friends! 🍉🇵🇸 I'm Nada from Gaza Asking for help is not easy, I ask for a small donation of 20 or 25 euros from each person. I need your help, you can donate to save my life and the life of my family, my donation link is in my bio, every donation, even the first little, is a good thing and https://gofund.me/dd0fac71 makes a big difference in my life Help me and my family Thank you for your support I hope you can help me even a little to save us from death https://gofund.me/dd0fac71 🍉🇵🇸
this gofundme has original images and is donation protected. they've only raised 494 euros out of their 20k goal, so anything will help
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aquaticptato · 5 months ago
I'm scared.
I fear for my life now.
More than ever before.
How the fuck did we let this happen?
I never thought I'd be jealous of my sister's demonic bitch ass gerbil (who jumped off the third floor of his cage and broke his spine and died yesterday) but here we are
If I stop posting, it's because I've either been hate crimed by the Republicans that live next to my very openly queer-and-trans-kid-filled school or because I beat them to it myself.
Donald J. Trump is our president again.
I don't want to live on this fucking planet anymore.
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dumplinggoetia · 24 days ago
Cw:Misogyny, sa mention, sexism etc
Someone commented on op’s post saying “unfortunately men always protect men” and that hurt but it is widely true. I think a lot of men like to fantasize or have an ego boost about protecting women…but it’s JUST a fantasy. A day dream. Something to feel heroic and morally superior about. But when a woman gets hurt, (especially in the case of a sex crime) many men around her will victim blame her instead, and it’s so sad. When often times those same men were just saying “if someone raped my daughter/wife/friend/whatever, I’d kill them!” And to be fair SOME men will, and bless them. But many men won’t.
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sillyweirdkid · 6 months ago
the way my mood js immeadietley switches i went from being happy and smiley txting my friend on tt to dissapointed. why? becuase i was scrolling thru tt n i see a video of a 12 year old just being happy on tt. i go in the comments "99 missed calls from drake" b4 it was funny now its js not tbh. like istg ur not funny the worst part is that i am turning 13 in feb. so i am also sorta the same age and im also getting SEXUALISED in my school (a situation ion wanna talk abt) and its disgusting its annoying and i hate it. stop it.
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welcome-to-roomba-fazbender · 6 months ago
How can one deal with the guilt of hurting others?..
(A serious question. You don't have to answer it if you feel uncomfortable.. I just, wanted to ask)
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"no... no I'm comfortable, don't worry... just uh send some heh... more light hearted asks after this please, I got oth3r fun l0re 1'm s[ore]re! I need I n-33-d t3Em c-1rcu1ts a-ar3 f-fЯy1ng a l1ttle b1t..."
Charlie smacked his head to get back in control of his vocal box.
Charlie huffed and puffed for a moment holding onto his head before ripping it off and growing a new one, as the old one lit on fire.
"S0RЯY 3motions really aЯe uh tr1cky for me, I'm g00d n0w."
Charlie took a deep breath.
(more detailed reply below)
"There's an old Freddy Fazbender's saying, can't remember who came up with it, after all this ain't an offical location."
"Sweep It Under The Rug, It's probably fine."
"I don't think about hurting others, because I'm not like others, I'm not a person most would say, I'm not something or someone you'd look at and think [wow you should feel empathy for that!] just not in people's minds when they look at me."
"When people look at me they think [oh god here comes charlie] and uh... safe to say, I've grown used to that."
"Honestly I'm not the type of person to ask this too, I don't deal with the guilt of hurting others, because I physically CAN'T!"
"I'm just the cursed phone guy."
"emotions are hard for me, plain and simple."
"I try to improve any chance I get but... trust me if you knew me personally, you'd say [theirs no fixing the unfixable, you'll stay this way forever charles] and I have to agree."
"Can't have guilt if you sweep it away!"
"But, I do... try to correct mistakes when I can. That's gotta count for something I guess."
"I just gotta prey, I'll never lose..."
"eh, don't worry about that."
"Anyway, uh I hope you get the help you need, thanks for stopping by roomba fazbenders!"
"and I hope I at least satisfied your curiosity even just a little."
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asterjennifer · 1 year ago
I'd like to talk about not wanting children.
A topic that really isn't spoken about enough, to the point it's hard to imagine I'm not alone with that mindset.
People always tell you, especially when you have a partner, that "in my age" ( 21) they didn't want them either. And that it'll come with the ages.
But I mean it when I say it. It's not just the typical "not right now at least" or "Nah not really interested" type of thing.
It's an actual fear for me.
I fear pregnancy the same way I also fear sexual assault, that is the same panic that spreads through my chest when only thinking about these things.
I don't know where that expressive fear comes from — might be trauma, might be personal priorities. All I know is that the mere thought makes me consider (rather want even though I'm not sure I could) I'll get rid of my life.
My reasons are something I've been discussing with my boyfriend before.
Worrying, since he'd like some maybe, at least one day, that he'll leave me because I don't.
So he asked me about it.
I have my reasons.
As a slim and thin girl, I've had to get the premature birth needles even though I was born at the right time.
I'm fragile to the point I don't believe my body could handle this kind of task in a healthy manner.
And if I lose my life, or my health for another person... Will I be able to enjoy parenting when knowing they either ruined my own life, or ruin that of the people around in case I would die?
The world is becoming expensive where someone like me, someone from a more poor background, thinks about children twice.
Children are unbelievably expensive.
And I want to persuade my career instead of a family.
I want to make a good living. Provide for my mother when she is older without worrying about a child.
I wish to have my own place, animals and make lots of travels with my saved money.
Persuade a career I love and live my life for myself.
The earth sadly gets destroyed and the aftermath of global warming already settles in today.
How could I not feel selfish knowing that these conditions will get worse from here on out, yet think I want my child to grow up in a climate disaster affecting their lives in every way.
How do I know I'll be a good mother? The thought of growing an human being is a lot of responsibility I don't trust myself with.
I have a little brother, and I'm neglecting him already. Depsite me loving him.
So how do I know for a fact it won't happen to my own child?
If I'd be a mother, I want to be a good one. But if I cannot trust myself to do it, then why shouldn't I listen to my intuition.
We talked about these. And he had points, too.
Adoption is something he brought up and I feel already much more okay with that.
We're overpopulated and so many poor children, who are not to blame for their fate, seek a good home. I understand that.
We talked about the raising part. How he says I'd be a good mother and he would give his all to be a good father.
He wants to be someone who has a well-payed job. He doesn't think I'd have to worry about these.
But how do you know the future? And for a fact this will be the case?
He agreed to some of my points, as I understood that he's right in some as well.
It scares me to think I'll be judged by people for deciding this.
But he respects it.
“What if one day, you want them so badly you leave me...?”
I asked him one evening. And he replied softly.
“I can't calm your fear in that regard as I don't know what will happen in the future... But right now we are going the same path. All I want is to be happy with you.”
Was his reply.
To all women out there:
If you don't want children and have your reasons, don't think you're alone.
Although we always see happy family's on the internet, and that often being portrayed as the goal in life — it doesn't have to be yours too.
Don't give up on your decision for someone else. And don't let people talk you into guilt.
You have nothing to but guilty of.
The only people who are guilty are the ones bringing bias into the world and who make their children miserable.
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