#serious rat is serious
bthebeachboi · 2 years
Aight, at this point it's getting annoying. To the anon that has some wild problem with @emlovesstates and stays writing to people, at least stop being a pussy if you wanna be a troll, mate. C'mon, show us ur acc so we'll know who we can ban. Or, better, fuck off.
Or you're doing it for fun - which is fucked up. - or you're doing it because you believe you're right - which is also fucked up. No matter what, the problem you have with them doesn't even make sense in the first place.
"They rped with a minor" They arent a 50+ y/o pedo who groomed them, dude - they RP with Wttt characters for fun, and (As far as I know) stopped when they were asked to.
Rping with minors have been a thing and is a thing. I understand if it would be porn, but normal rping is,, not a big fucking deal. It's fucking mental to me that it could ever become a big deal in the first place.
It's just stupid to write to people a whole essay about something so meaningless just to hurt a person. What even are you gaining?
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crepusculum-rattus · 30 days
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utilitycaster · 4 months
one more thing (started to put this on the previous post but realized it applies to CR too) but between CR and D20 discourse, why are so many people surprised when US-based actual play shows are coming out with the message of "being angry and resentful and using your pain as an excuse makes you prone to radicalization into a violent cult with little regard for the lives of others, and that is not good of you" and what does it say about them that they keep trying to argue against this.
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dykesevika · 4 months
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​if I see my big beautiful robot arm lesbian girlkissing dyke shipped with a scrawny ass sewer rat of a man one more time, I’m gonna lose it 😭
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stripysockxx · 1 month
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Redraw of this Miku Springtrap collab from last year
I remember displaying my Miku and Springtrap figures together and had the BANGER of an idea to draw them together. Now that I’m fixating on fnaf again I had to redraw it cause the execution was not it…
Original Drawing
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idk why he’s so huge help
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tinycowboyart · 22 days
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More Veos sketches (they are very rough dw about it)!!! I’m getting attached
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loserboyfriendrjl · 27 days
sirius was the first one of the marauders to complete his animagus transformation (about a week or so before james) and they saw he was a big, scary, shaggy black dog. he lounged around in the dorm transformed into a dog, chased his tail, was thrown sticks by his mates and pulled james’ pyjama pants off with his teeth. they all thought that the rest of them (j&p) would be just as cool. only then james turned into a fucking stag and sirius starts calling him bambi and he can barely walk and peter’s laughing at him. (“oh, you’re a deer!”) until he turns into a fucking rat.
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qualityrain · 22 hours
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hyunpic · 3 months
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lyranix1201 · 3 months
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(That's it. I don't have anything else to say.)
(I'm not ignoring the misogynistic comment that he made)
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ratgrinders · 5 months
Literally so bored at work what’s your absolutely most insane take about each ratgrinder
*cracks knuckles* alright here we go >: )
Kipperlilly - In middle school Kipperlilly got into a lot of internet arguments and when someone pissed her off enough she would stalk through their blog for minor terms of service violations and then mass report them using her alt accounts. She's embarrassed of that behavior now, if only because she's got WAY more important things to care about now (1. stalking the bad kids 2. resurrecting a rage god (in that order)).
Ruben - Ruben only recently came into a lot of cash with his band taking off and doesn't know how to manage his money, and recently had to be stopped from purchasing an expensive car with a custom license plate that says "DTHL0VR" (Death Lover). He doesn't know how to drive.
Buddy - Buddy regularly gets "Spooky Helioic Hell Dreams" where terrifying popcorn demons chase after him and condemn him for his sins. His most recent one was about the time he lied about only having one slice of casserole at the family potluck when actually had two. (Has anyone else watched the Book of Mormon).
Mary Ann - Mary Ann did not show up to a single Owlbear practice past tryouts. She only showed up to beat up Gorgug, then peaced out. At least some portion of her saying things that piss off Gorgug are entirely intentional.
Oisin - I think his family enrolled him in secret classes at Aguefort that are basically "Evil 101". "How to steal candy from a baby owlbear". "Evil lairs and you". He gets all As. His family is so proud of him joining the family business. (Aguefort himself knows about these classes of course but he's so zoinked out of his gourd half the time he doesn't give a shit.)
Ivy - Ivy is actually a nickname. It's short for Ivinthariandriel. She actually went by the full name for a very long time and Insisted that people sound out every syllable and would insult their intelligence if they didn't.
Lucy - Lucy loves swimming but, being a frost genasi, is a bit oblivious to how much cold temperature her friends can actually take. She once suggested going swimming in the dead of winter when parts of the lake were frozen over and her friends were like "are you insane???"
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anonniemousefics · 2 years
When I say “Shadow and Bone is my comfort show,” I don’t think you understand what I mean. You see, I work from home. I have access to multiple TVs. And I keep a list of names of the people who have wronged me. And for every name on my list, I let Shadow and Bone Season 2 play in the background from start to finish. You better believe that every time I see a negative review, I will add another name to my list.
You got something to say about my fucking weird little show? Go on. Say it. *Say it.* I won’t stop until we have 12 more years of this insanity. This show ends when I say it ends.
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how some of you think a canonical striker redemption would be:
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prwlnglthr · 1 year
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my boy baby my baby boy. he's my shoop-shoop-da-doop... my little doop-doop-da-doop, if you will.
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bulbabutt · 1 month
tmnt 2003 is so funny cuz its like.... splinters not the best dad in the world (literally no splinter is) he does that classic "because i said so" shit. he comes off very y2k parent where its like "no no, you are in control of your mental illness actually, try harder" but then he also shows up to tell the ninja tribunal theyre a buncha cunts who do nothing but be vague and unhelpful and also let his dad die and you go OHHHH THATS WHY YOURE LIKE THIS!!!!!
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ihatebrainstorm · 7 months
If Optimus were an animal, what animal would he be??
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