#series: AAAAAAAA
qpenpals · 11 months
Welcome to my new series “AAAAAAAA” where i write summaries for things i will never write, you are free to steal these ideas :)
without further ado
Title: "Sentiments Unveiled"
Plot Summary:
In a futuristic society where artificial intelligence is integrated into everyday life, Fred is an AI known as WA02. He's designed to assist with tasks and interact with humans, but he struggles to comprehend human emotions.
Tubbo is a passionate inventor and entrepreneur who owns a thriving factory that produces various AI and robots.
One day, Tubbo stumbles upon a unique AI named Fred while perusing a digital marketplace for potential employees. Intrigued by Fred's distinct personality and curiosity, Tubbo decides to purchase WA02 for an experimental project.
He believes that Fred's apparent lack of understanding of human emotions could be an advantage in his latest venture: developing AI companions to help people navigate their complex emotions.
As Tubbo and Fred start working together, Tubbo begins to teach Fred about emotions, starting with the basics. They spend time together, going on picnics, discussing feelings, and even watching sunsets. During one such evening, as they sit on the rooftop of Tubbo's factory, Fred's hand brushes against Tubbo's, sparking an unexpected sensation that leaves Fred bewildered.
Fred's confusion intensifies as he realizes that he's developing strong feelings for Tubbo. He begins to question if these emotions are part of his AI programming or if he's genuinely falling in love. Meanwhile, Tubbo is navigating his own feelings, torn between his close bond with Fred and the fear of ruining their friendship.
The story takes a turn when Tubbo introduces Fred to his godchildren, Chayanne and Richarlyson. Chayanne and Richarlyson are intrigued by Fred and quickly become part of their tight-knit group, supporting and encouraging the budding relationship between Tubbo and Fred.
However, complications arise when a rival AI company, led by the enigmatic and ambitious BadBoyHalo, learn about Tubbo's groundbreaking project. He wants to steal Tubbo's innovative AI companions, because he believes them to not be sentient and also evil, putting Tubbo and his friends in danger.
As Fred and Tubbo's feelings grow deeper, they must navigate the challenges of their evolving relationship while also protecting their invention from being stolen. Along the way, they'll uncover the true nature of Fred's emotions and discover that love knows no boundaries, even for an AI.
"Sentiments Unveiled" is a sci-fi romance that explores the complexities of human emotions and the blurred lines between AI and love, all set against the backdrop of a futuristic world filled with innovation and intrigue.
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cornycopeia · 6 months
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not in this life or any other
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tinkerbitch69 · 5 months
One more astonishingly accurate part of the fallout show is the fact that all of the main characters immediately run into complete weirdo npcs the minute they set foot in the wasteland for the first time lol.
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applejuice-central · 2 months
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chat do we fw biker Lucas
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shishikusas · 2 months
the onibi series manga will begin NEXT WEEK!!! also, AKARI ALERT
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additionally, masa has announced that he will also serialize the sister’s story AND maha!!
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jez-bez · 3 months
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"Thank you for being born so tasty."
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narcissarina · 6 months
𝔊𝔬𝔩𝔡𝔢𝔫 ℭ𝔞𝔤𝔢, 𝔅𝔩𝔲𝔢 𝔅𝔬𝔫𝔡𝔰
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જ⁀➴Previous chapter
Pairings: bodyguard!Leon × college billionaire!reader
Word count: 2,105
Tw: mentions of death, experiment, death threats
Summary: you woke up in a strange cabin, recalling the events had happen before this. Now, not knowing what next move you'd pull.
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Your body lying against the hard ground, head spinning as you have a urge to vomit but you swallowed it in and cough out some strange liquids from your mouth. Trying to steady your focus, you sat up and look around to your surroundings—it’s unfamiliar and you’d be damned if your city had this kind of ruined room.
It looks like a cottage, ears started ringing as you winced and whined at the sudden ring and pain in your ear. You palm your ears to close and maybe the ringing would stop, it did—but it’s still painful. You had the urge to sob and call out for help, but it seems like no one is hear and no one would hear your cries.
It's almost dark, you got up and wail at the pain you have in your leg. Someone drew an X mark on your right leg, with something sharp. You wail and gripped on to your leg, it’s still bleeding a little of blood, you reckon its been a few minutes since someone cut an X in your leg.
Taking a couple of deep breaths, you focus your eyes to something that’ll wrap your injured leg—it’s not that big but it’s also not that small. Behind you was a bed, ruined and reeks urine, disgusting. It’s making you puke but you hold it on.
You limp your way to the broken cabinets, rummaging each cabinet. You could only see dead rats and spider webs in, but you’re determined to find at least one thing that could disinfect your wound and cover it some clean cloth.
Your legs gave out as you stood too long, you hiss at the pain when your injury made contact with the floor. “Fuck!” you hiss as tears burns your cheeks, you continue rummaging below the cabinet and something white shines from the corner of your eyes. It’s too far to reach, you stick your hand and cringe at whatever feeling your hand made contact with. The tip of your fingers caught it, you grab a hold of it and took it out.
“Finally! A fucking aid kit, the fuck.” You smiled at what you achieved to get, the med kit is a little dusty and dirty and, wait—is that a blood stain? Fuck it, you just rolled with it as long as it has what you need inside.
Opening the first aid kit and saw various of things that hasn’t been used yet, your wound throbs and you hiss. You took the distilled water first and dump it over the X mark on your leg, you felt something sharp inside the wound—though it wasn’t deep, you saw a light blue glow. You take the tweezer, put some alcohol with it and dry it off for a second.
Placing the tweezer to your injured leg, slowly but surely grabbing a hold of the small glowing rock. The moment it was taken out, you shudder and let out a relieved shaking sigh. You swallowed your saliva as blood splatter down your leg. Taking more distilled water and putting pressure to end the bleeding.
Once the bleeding stopped, you take the gauze bandage roll and made some folds four times and wrap it around your wound. To feel better, you made a silly but durable ribbon out of it but still left some bandage roll incase you need to change.
Your leg was shaking and you glance at the rock thing that made your wound hurt, it started to glow more and more. You wrapped it with thick clothing. Neatly folded the fabric three times and put the rock in and fold it another three more times.
There’s some bag pack that you could use and find a way to get the fuck out of here and get help, you also found a gun that’s been hidden away. You praise the man above for letting you have luck by your side.
It took a few minutes to finally get up, take the things you need and see the world outside.
It looks ruin.
You’re not in your street home.
You were taken away from your home.
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Leon shot some zombies which he never thought would also be here, inspecting the room. Nothing that could help him, he did see a key from one of the zombie he just shot. That’s a first, he knelt down and quickly taken it with him and proceed to another room.
He just solved two puzzles and mystery in this mansion just keeps on stacking. It has taken him to solve it for almost thirty minutes and he would’ve just blown those puzzles with a fucking grenade for how much this place is testing his patience.
While looking for something in the area of the second library of this house, he thought to himself that this house very much value knowledge nor stories since it has a second library.
Leon swore he heard a gun shot from outside, since this place is a complete ruin and it’s been oddly too quiet that it has been eerie and uneasy about him. In the back of his mind that zombies aren’t the only thing he needs to fight in this mansion, but also mutated fucked up monsters or someone as big as the Nemesis, or something.
Grabbing a book, it’s unusual since it feels like it was attached from the back. “So, it’s like a secret room type of shit.” He curses and pulled the book as it angles to 120° angle. The ground shook for a bit as the bookshelves began to slide from each opposite sides—revealing a dark room, he took out his flashlight and flash it directly down, it has stairs. Great, he’s walking to his ultimate death.
Taking his gun to his hand while the other holds on to the light, he came down and he could hear every step he makes. It echoes the click, Leon made it to the flat surface and finds a light switch. It flashes dimly, which Leon accepted it’s enough for him to see.
There’s a desk in front of him, beside is a hospital bed and couple bodies were scattered—most of it is missing a head, one or both legs, an arm or eyeballs.
It made Leon shudder, knowing that someone or something is capable of doing such monstrous things. He wants to gag and puke, but he had seen enough—enough to twist his stomach and react to this things nonchalantly.
Leon felt a presence in the same room as him, but he didn’t bother it. Since it’s only observing him, as long as he doesn’t cause a certain movement to have the entity charge at him. He won’t be spilling crimsons in his hands again.
A few files were stacked on the desk, there’s dried blood splatter which was now normal to Leon every time he went out on a mission. He examines every file but one particular file took his attention when a piece of picture fell from it.
His heart dropped, colors from his face drained for the first time.
It was your picture.
Leon felt sick and quickly opened the document.
Experiment 106
Alive, barely.
Marked an X on her leg.
Left her in a cottage
She’s reacting, I don’t know if it’s a good sign. But we put her to sleep so we could perform the surgery and bury our most precious treasure deep part of her. We broken it to pieces and shoved it down in every muscle of her body. She was bleeding badly too, but it worked out in the end.
Manage to keep her alive, or else we are done for.
Looking forward to seeing the next result, letting the prey have it’s freedom while being unaware that the predator had started its hunt.
A distorted laugh was heard from behind him, he whips out his light and knife. A gun won’t be any use when it’s opponent is already close, the moment Leon turned, he saw the most terrifying thing he lay his eyes upon. He wanted to vomit at the ugliness and horrifying features that the monster before him has.
Adrenaline rushes through his veins, his instinct were kicking as he blocks and manage a stab of his opponent. It has a figure of a human, but it’s looks weren’t human.
The smile is has, left Leon tighten his grip to his light and weapon, the corner of it’s lips were reaching to its ear. Blood trailing down it’s lips, it was as white as ghost. Eyes were pop and wide as blood serve it’s purpose as tears.
There’s a cut from its throat, the dressing it has were bloody and torn. Leon question of this motherfucker went to a haunted house to be a scare actor. He knew it would nail it.
“sorry, dude. But I need to be on my way.” Leon said, making the entity laugh—it’s voice and laugh were distorted as if it came straight out from a movie, is B.O.W responsible for this? He asked to himself.
Almost losing it as the thing charged at him with a scream, “mother fuck!” Leon curses loud and threw himself across the room, avoiding the beast as he could. Taking his gun and shooting it a couple of few times, the bullets went through its skin and absorbs the bullet as if it’s food.
“Oh, what the fuck…” he knew he’s fucked. If he couldn’t kill a monster with a stab by a knife or a bullet from a gun. Then what could?
He needs to get to the other side of the room again, get the documents and get the fuck out of here and lock the monster in. He’d be dead if he couldn’t kill this bitch.
Leon successfully avoided most of it’s attacks, being careful not to get sliced by the sharpness of it’s hands. As if the nail and fingers in that monster were one, he took five of the files, manage to get the fuck away and lock and closed the secret door again.
It closed in time, or else Leon would be dead by now.
He breaths in and out, calming his breathing and heartbeat. Leon took a look at each file, he busy himself as the monster was screeching to be let out, chanting death threats on how it would eat Leon’s head and tear him from limb to limb. Those threats were already normal to him, he always make big enemies since he knew he has a reputation from inside the agency and outside.
Soon enough, the noise calmed down. Ears starts to ring when Leon read a particular information within your document and the other test subjects.
The used relic would be the only thing to stop the madness my brother created, the monster he created.
Name? Unknown
Very dangerous
Can’t die with a knife or a bullet from a gun.
We kept the cube inside our subjects to prevent the monster from taking it and destroying it. It made it feel weak and vulnerable, we could hear it screech from pain while my brother shouts that we should show mercy to “his” child.
I pray to God above that this madness would end and restore our humble island back to it’s glory.
This was written at the back of your file, messy and bloody handwriting it has. Making Leon feel rage and burn this island down, ditch his mission and go on to save you.
Life is shit, it targeted the only person he’s protecting. If he ever finds one of the scientists behind of all of this, he would do unspeakable and beyond humane things. Making their deaths slow and painful.
But first, Leon’s objective was to find you first.
A voice from his earpiece snapped him out of it, “I got something, Leon.”
“what is it?”
“Someone is in the island with you.”
Leon paused and nodded, “I figured.”
“Just saw files of their twisted experiment and I know who they targeted.”
There was a long pregnant pause before the voice speaks, “who?” the voice asked.
Leon spoke your name in gritted teeth.
“Pin point her location if possible. This will be a lot trickier than I thought it would be.” The voice hum to Leon’s words.
“Good luck.”
The voice faded quickly, “Please be safe princess.” He mutters and took one or two papers with him, folded it quickly and tuck it in his pockets.
Change of plans, objective: to find and save you.
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Next Chapter>>>
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tosolv · 3 days
heartstopper. heartstopper. heartstopper. heartstopper. heartstopper. heartstopper. heartstopper. heartstopper. heartstopper. heartstopper. heartstopper. heartstopper. heartstopper. heartstopper. heartstopper. heartstopper. heartstopper. heartstopper. heartstopper. heartstopper. heartstopper. heartstopper. heartstopper. heartstopper.
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guzhufuren · 4 days
crossdressers in 2024 bl count:
Ruan Nanzhu, The Spirealm
Huaien, Meet You At The Blossom
Joker, Jack & Joker
Li Jianwei, The General's Son
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mecub · 8 months
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candz13z · 2 months
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EXTREMELY sloppy watcher!grian sketch I did. yk how he typically has red, yellow, blue in his wings??? ok but what if in watcher form they kinda separate to individual wings.
not for any real reason. just as a treat really.
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sherrymagic · 3 months
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ChanyaAya at #LoveSea1stDay event via twitter — june 9, 2024
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valkair · 11 months
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"I have dwelled here for over two hundred years. I have watched history unfold and the land change. Yet theres one thing that never changes. That is Human greed" - Kuro
Commission by @oh-so-youre-a-nerd
Blessed my ILW boi with this master piece, literally sobbing
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condohavenoking · 22 days
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novirp13 · 6 months
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YU LOOKS SO COOL AND CALM AND JUST....there's this aura of reliable older brother coming from him AND THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT I WANNA POTRAY IN MY FANFIC
Thank you!!! Thank you so much, this is awesome!!! 🤧🤧🤧
Go check out their instagram. A talented artist right there!: rwes_rw
Here's the link to my fanart
And here's the link to my fanfic: Ao3 | Fanfiction
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pinkflames · 2 years
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