#just a few minute friends aaaaaaaa
sherrymagic · 3 months
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ChanyaAya at #LoveSea1stDay event via twitter — june 9, 2024
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sugarsnappeases · 9 months
also…. making things lilyrosekiller now (blame saints) but med students lily and evan on their placement year, who’re kinda friends?? maybe?? they’re both sorta outcasts in the med student body bc lily just works SO much and evan is such a fucking freak, so they hang out together sometimes bc no one else wants to
then there’s barty… who’s mum is ill and staying in the hospital and he’s coming to visit and he’s like absurdly hot in a really ‘i shouldn’t find him attractive’ way and lily and evan are just drooooling
like he’s punching walls bc his mum’s not getting better and they’re thinking about licking the blood off his knuckles. he’s fighting w a doctor about the treatment plan, all angry and assertive like, and they’re about ready to start stripping for him. he’s speaking gently to his mum and reading trashy magazines about celebrity sex scandals aloud to her and they’re seconds away from throwing themselves down at his feet in worship
and then lily and evan notice the other’s obsession and it becomes a sort of competition, who can get barty to notice them, and they’re making endless tea and embarrassing attempts at small talk and they’re arguing about who he likes more in one of the hospital broom cupboards
and then ‘i bet i could kiss him far better than you ever could’ and ‘prove it then’ and they’re just full on making out now and…..
barty’s back at the hospital again the next day and evan and lily are just. like every time he looks at them they sneak off to snog and he speaks to lily for a few minutes and five minutes later, she and evan are fucking in the staff toilet like ‘and then he said - oh right there, perfect - he said yeah whatever thanks, oh, oh!-’
and one time barty walks in on them and they’re just immediately ten times more turned on and barty can tell, like he’s raising an eyebrow and taking his shirt off like okay cool, this could be fun
and now he’s coming to the hospital even more, and not just to visit his mum, and they just AAAAAAAA they’re just driving me insane actually and at this point my thoughts just devolve into garbled screams so i’m gonna stop talking now…
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sleepanonymous · 3 months
Tumblr poll for science!! 🧪🎵
Listen to this song and tell me what you think about it. I did this experiment with a few friends when I first heard this song, just to see if they reacted the same way I did 👀 I figured I'd share here with my mutuals and followers 🖤
Rules: 1. Don't spoil it! 😉 2. Listen to the song in its entirety (it's only 3 minutes) 3. Vote for the closest reaction you had 4. Reblog for a larger sample size, if you want (especially if you heard "it.")
YouTube link in case you don't have/use Spotify.
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takamikeiigos · 1 year
Idk if you remember but in the scene before hawks goes under cover he’s like “even if it means corrupting myself” NOW HEAR ME OUT, HEAR ME OUT. What if his s/o takes his place instead, the events don’t have to happen exactly like in the manga, you could probably just make up a whole diff kind of undercover scene thing, but I’m just in for the drama/ emotional turmoil that hawks goes through when his s/o is injured a in a mission he was supposed to take PLUS!! Not being there to save/help his s/o 🙏🏼🙏🏼
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picture: me, poking my head out from around a corner, full of anxiety
i'm so sorry i've neglected you guys life is wild and hit me all at one time and writing seemed so exhausting and aaaaaaaa
but i'm feeling the angst tn so let's talk ab it!!!
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Hawks would be so quick to take on the burden of corrupting himself for the sake of others, but the minute you even breathe the idea of the roles being reversed and you being in that situation, he would be so angry.
He's quick to object during the meeting with the commission - immediately losing his cool and slamming his hands on the table, his chair scraping against the hardwood floor as he abruptly stands. His wings are splayed out to their full span, feathers ruffled and standing on end as anger and vexation betray his normally calm demeanor, all the while Madam President sits there with her stony expression, his name spoken from her lips with disdain and disapproval.
"Keigo -"
"No. Absolutely not." He spits in outrage, his words dripping with venom as he leans across the table minutely as if to intimidate the her. She leans back in her chair, unaffected by his outburst, and instead he directs his attention to you in attempt to get through to someone, anyone.
"You're not going. End of discussion. We're done here."
"We're very far from done, Keigo. Sit down, or you'll be taken off of this mission entirely, following with a suspension." The President follows bluntly, seemingly bored of his tantrum. She gives him a moment to seethe, his eyes boring holes into her with utter distaste and resentment, and it's your calming touch upon his arm that brings him back a couple notches, a shuddering sigh pushing past his lips.
He brushes your touch away and sits back down.
You try not to let the dismissal affect you, bringing your hands to rest in your lap as you maintain your composure.
"It would be an honor to dedicate everything I have to this mission, if it means saving our people."
Hawks keeps silent for the rest of the meeting, being the first to leave once it's over. When you attempt to seek him out after it's all said and done, he's nowhere to be found.
You aren't allowed to talk about any details regarding the mission to anyone besides Madam President, herself. It's high risk, and any potential exposure could cause months of cautious planning and undercover work to fall apart.
You're kept apart from your friends, family, and fellow heros for the sake of their safety, aside from the few meetings regarding steps moving forward in the mission.
The months drag by in a haze of stress, anger, and budding loneliness, but you manage to keep yourself distracted by throwing yourself into your work, delving deep behind enemy lines and forming a budding trust that you'll soon betray.
It gets hard - as you fall into some sense of familiarity and routine with the enemy, coming to recognize and understand their quirks (literally and figuratively) and routines as genuine human beings. It almost makes you feel bad, hearing about small details of their lives and the many chapters they've written for themselves, and you find yourself up one night, sobbing in the quiet darkness of your room, mourning any sense of self you used to have.
Little do these people - the enemy that has begun treating you like family - know that your betrayal inches closer every day. It eats you alive every second.
You're in the thick of it, adrenaline pumping heavy through your veins as the raid begins. You'd given the last of your intel over to the commission over the course of the evening, having been up all night planning a course of action.
The plan, which should have been seamless - meaning no unnecessary deaths - is beginning to fall apart. Where you were supposed to catch the enemy off-guard and ease into a quick arrest, you're suddenly found in a much messier situation. You're the one who ends up being caught blind, held at knife-point by someone you'd grown relatively close to over the past few months.
She's seething with hurt and anger, her long blonde hair framing her face as she bares her weight against you, the sharp edge of her blade pressed firmly against the hollow of your throat.
"Why?" She cries out, desperate for some sort of explanation. For some act of redemption from you.
Your struggle to keep your composure, swallowing thickly against the lump in your throat and the blade against your skin.
"I had no choice, I-"
"We were your family! For months we were your family. We trusted you and you.." she's crying, you notice, crystalline tears against reddened cheeks portraying her newfound distrust. "Was any of it real?"
You choke on a reply and distantly hear commotion coming through the comms. Hawks is yelling, his voice muffled and crackled with interference, and though part of you is relieved to hear his voice after so long, you can't help the sense of panic that begins to overtake you.
The door to the room busts open suddenly and the police force enters with their guns drawn, trained on the woman that stands before you. The one you'd once called, well, a friend.
For a moment you think she's given in to her fate, her blade lowering as she takes in the officers behind her. But in her own blind panic and rage she takes one last moment to size you up, her emotion speaking louder than the task force yelling behind her, and the searing pain of her knife plunging deep between your ribs is enough to drown out the echo of a handgun being fired.
You blink rapidly, trying to come to your senses as you lean heavily against the wall, your hand instinctively coming to rest against the fresh wound between your ribs in attempt to stem the blood flow. You look down to assess the damage done, only to find the crumpled body of your temporary companion on the floor before you, her body unmoving in a slow-building pool of her own blood.
Time stops.
You fall to your knees, reaching a hand out to gently shake her.
It's fine. She's fine. She's.. fine. Right?
"Hey.." You choke out, a garbled sound that bubbles from deep within your chest. "Hey, wake up. It's okay, we're okay."
But she isn't moving, and the panic in your chest begins to turn into despair, and you clutch her prone body close to yours in some sort of attempt to protect what was already lost.
"What did you do?" Your own voice is unrecognizable as you snarl up at the officers, emotion catching in your throat as tears begin to make themselves known. "She wasn't going to hurt anybody, she.. she.."
At that moment Hawks comes running into the room, stopping short in shock at the scene before him. He takes one look at you - a feral, broken little thing as you clutch the body of the enemy in your arms, and his facial expression becomes one of understanding.
"Hey now, songbird-" he tries softly, as if not to escalate the situation at hand, but is cut off by your sudden wailing and screaming.
"What did you do? You killed her! She's dead and you killed her and she didn't deserve it, I.."
You don't realize Hawks is at your side, kneeling down and wrapping his arms around you, gentle but firm all the same. He begins pulling you away from the lifeless body before you and you put up a fight, kicking and screaming and crying and clawing and so desperate to do something, anything, to fix the mistake that cost a life.
"Shh, shh. Hey now," he whispers to you, pulling you close despite every hand and elbow you throw against him. "It's okay. It's gonna be okay."
"How can it possibly be okay?" The words come from you in an anguished sob as you fall back against him, the fight leaving your body, your limbs growing heavy and your eyes growing tired. You watch as the medics enter the room, kneeling down to examine the soulless body that lies before you, confirming that there's no pulse and that she's no longer alive.
"How can it be okay when I killed her?"
Recovery comes to you slowly. Mentally, that is.
Recovery girl was able to do quick patchwork on you, leaving you with a small scar just below your left breast and some sore ribs. But the days continue to pass in a blur, your brain struggling to keep up with the continuous onslaught of questions from the police force and commission.
You hadn't remembered much past the police rushing into the room during the raid, and Hawks decided to take it upon himself to remind you, mindful enough to leave out the gruesome details. But over the course of a few days it comes back to you in bits and pieces, bogging you down with a heavy weight on your chest that leaves you breathless.
Still, you carry on, and despite being on temporary leave you're still called to answer questions at press conferences. You know it's standard procedure, especially in cases where deaths are involved, and your force yourself to switch over to autopilot for the sake of whatever mental stability you have left just to get through the week.
Hawks finds you in your apartment one day, having flown in through the balcony window you always leave unlocked just for him, almost shocked at the sight of you curled up in a ball beneath the spray of your shower. The water has turned cold, soaking your still-clothed form to the bone with a deep chill, and he turns the water off without any hesitation. Through your dissociated reverie you can feel the warmth of a towel being wrapped around your shoulders, strong arms lifting your from the cold porcelain of the tub and guiding you to your room.
He wastes no time in shedding you from your sopping wet clothes, tossing them into the hamper to deal with later before dressing you in something much warmer.
He guides you into bed, wrapping his arms and wings around you in attempt to console your distraught and torn frame, his fingers gently brushing through your hair as he presses soft and promising kisses to the top of your head.
"I'm here," he whispers softly to you, the gentle rasp of his voice dampening the despair that consumes you. "Whatever you need, I'm here."
And for once, in the quiet darkness of your bedroom, you aren't alone while your sobs echo throughout the room.
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Fankid Ask game for the little vampys🩶
💬: what was your child's first word? was it a nickname for you or your f/o or something entirely different?
🪁: does your child enjoy learning about their parents' hobbies, or do they prefer to find their own?
🍼: what's your child's comfort item and where did it come from? is it a hand-me-down?
🧁: what's your child's favorite thing in the world? what's their least favorite thing?
💬: what was your child's first word? was it a nickname for you or your f/o or something entirely different?
David's daughter Anastasia had been super quiet and hadn't made much noise other than a few cooes and squeaks till she was around one or one and a half.
Her first word ever was 'Dav', and she'd crawl or walk around the cave, repeating it until David found her or aided her in what she wanted/needed. Another silly thing is he'd always correct her when she said it, too.
"Dav-id. With 'id' at the end-"
"Don't interrupt me."
Of course, once she got bigger, it developed into Daddy or Dad. When learning Chrysta's name, it was just an easy 'Mama'.
Now Jennifer, Dwayne’s daughter, had a rough time learning the difference between mom and dad. Due to some issues during Jenny's birth, Chrysta was left in some pretty bad shape for a good few months, so Dwayne was around to help more than he was expected to.
So Jennifer had actually started calling Dwayne 'Ma' or 'Mama' when she was becoming vocal. Of course, it didn't bother Chrysta or Dwayne too much, but he'll admit it was kind of embarrassing when he was on the boardwalk and his baby girl had called at him happily 'Mommy!'
"Jenny, it's 'daddy' see? I'm 'daddy.'"
"OK, mama."
"No, Jen -"
Paul tried soooo hard to get Tiffany's first word to be 'Papa' or 'Daddy' the poor guy spoon fed her books about it, making sure to linger and explain the specific pages including daddy animals or point out the parental figure considered the dad.
But it seemed no matter how hard he tried. Her words were always 'Mami!' Which soon followed a 'fuck' under Paul's breath.
... He didn't learn his mistake until one night on the boardwalk Tiffany had run a little too fast and dropped the ice cream cone Paul had just bought for her... And she exclaimed very loudly:
Paul didn't know whether to be laughing or dreading what he had to explain to Chrysta later that night.
"Now Tiff, those are very bad words- and their not nice to use, especially in front of Ma...
But you're aloud to say it one more time for Daddy and his friends."
Katherine learned how to say Mama first due to Marko referring to Chrysta with it 24/7. Marko knows its cause he says it every dawn before they go to sleep, but he likes to think it's just imprinted into her little brain due to him always giving Chrysta's tummy two taps of his fingers, and saying 'hey little mama' while she was pregnant with Kat.
Chrysta also thinks it's the most darling thing whenever Marko goes: "Goooood night mama." Soon to be followed by Kats: "Guuuuuu night mama!"
Christopers first word was actually one David wasn't happy to hear. At all.
David left him with Marko and Paul for five minutes. Five. And the moment he saw the mischevious smirks from his mates as his son was being handed back to him while gumming down on a cherry lollipop, he already knew they'd done something. And the second he opened his mouth to ask, he heard from his darling baby boy's mouth:
Oh, sweet heavens above he was going to murder those two.
"Chrissy. I'm Daddy. I'm not your-"
"Bith! Bith, bith, bith-"
*sounds of muffled devastation and full unadulterated rage into his coat sleeve*
🪁: does your child enjoy learning about their parents' hobbies, or do they prefer to find their own?
All the girls+ Christopher (once he's old enough) collectively enjoy hunting or going on the boardwalk with their dads and mom. But they do each have their own things they like to do with each parent!
Anastasia likes learning to drive David's bike. Spending many late night hours riding around on the beach or through the fog of Hudsons Bluff with David. It's intense and thrilling, but she feels safe on the back or in the front of her dad's bike and has never at all felt like she'd get hurt or be in danger.
It's also nice when he sneaks off to go do it with her and only her - no siblings or mom and dads involved. Just a night between her and her dad for once.
She likes doing her makeup with, for, or getting it done by Chrysta. Since she isn't exactly risking mirror checks by walking into salons or makeup booths, it's nice to be able to keep herself well groomed and spend quality time with Chrysta.
She gets her hair done or nails made pretty, all while telling her mom about a cute boy she saw on the boardwalk she knows if she told David about he'd never get off her case. 🤭
Jennifer likes making jewelry with Dwayne. He always brings back teeth or cool bones he finds and teaches her how to tie or braid them into necklaces or anklets.
He also likes braiding her hair and putting beads in it- (This kids got his thick hair and Chrysta didn't go through 9 months of heartburn for it to not be taken care of.) teaching Jenny the same while being her personal model to test it on. Even if his hair ends up in knots, he praises her for her hard work. 🙏🥺
Jenny likes stories with Chrysta. She always tells the best ones while she's falling asleep or unable to sleep. In all honesty, she just seems to like Chrysta's voice. If she's being honest, her mama has a calm, lulling hum that makes her feel all cozy and safe.
Tiffany loves- and I mean LOVES dancing with her Daddy. Paul's always blasting music on his boom box and it's blasting twice as loud when it's just the two of them left in the cave.
Either their thrashing their heads together or jumping around the water fountain screaming along to the heavy metal, or he even plays a few of Tiffs favorites (a few Disney CD specials he stole once 🤫🤫)
But Tiff adores when Paul holds her on his hip and sway along to some slow dance songs, tiring her down after the few songs involving moshing and swinging. Even humming a little to them while doing some twirls just to get her to giggle. 🥺
Tiffany likes quality time with her mama! Maybe for the fact Chrysta can't say no the the perfect little puppy dog eyes she gives but does this girl no how to get spoiled rotten.
She likes being able to go around the boardwalk and walk through stores or booths looking at things, especially anything that sparkles. Chrysta has had to pat down her own child for jewelry snatches sneakily away from booths before.
Now. We all know Marko’s got to know at least a little handiwork when it comes to sewing or stitching. I mean, have you seen this man's jacket? He's bound to teach his offspring a little bit of his magic.
Katherine enjoys sitting on Marko’s lap as he either works on a new patch in his jacket or fixing up some of her own clothes. It's probably one of the only things she stays completely focused on and stays still,making sure to listen to everything he says.
He let's her take a go a few times- but that only lasts ten seconds before she's crying about poking her fingers or her hands are tangled in thread.
Kat likes dressing up with Chrysta. The two like looking through some old clothes or stolen goodies and putting on their own little fashion shows in the cave.
Since mirrors are a no-go, they like putting on the most flashy or hideous combination you could imagine and trying to make one another laugh.
Christopher likes learning to fly with David. David is probably the most safest option when it comes to difficult or riskier tasks to learn and he knows it.
Chris struggles getting the hand of it, and sometimes David can't fight the smugness when his son just likes to ride on his back or curl up underneath his buttoned up jacket while hovering around.
You know how mama bats hold their young in their wings when their upside down or something? That's how David holds Chris in his coat LMAO if anyone needed visuals.
Watching movies with Chrysta is one of the things Chris holds dear to his heart. Especially in his younger years when he's still not old enough to join hunting, his mom will happily stay behind and binge some cheesy cheap horror movie or soap opera with him.
I mean, they'll watch anything they can get their hands on, especially knowing they can easily get Max to give up a few VHS with the 'Grandpa' card.
🍼: what's your child's comfort item and where did it come from? is it a hand-me-down?
Anastasia's sentimental item is a pocket knife her dad used to have all the way back in 1900 when he was a pick-pocketer. It's not in the best shape, obviously, but it's a piece of him back before his immortality, and Annie is extremely intrigued about her father and his mates past.
Jennifer's comfort item has to be the skirt she seems to wear and never take off. It's sewn with multiple bits and pieces of beaded or detailed fabric her dad can find, and mom can sew. Chrysta could swear that sometimes Jenny purposefully makes tears or holes in the skirt just so Chrysta can add more to it.
Tiffany probably considers anything she owns as a comfort item - she's kind of a hoarder in the making with her collection of trinkets and jewelry Paul has spoiled her to death with. She does love the red lensed sunglasses passed down from Chrysta to her.
Katherine's jacket is probably the second thing she loves most in life. The light pink fuzzy thing couldn't be pried of her very body if one tried. Marko bought it for her after he saw the sparkly rhinestones on the front of it that spelled out 'Princess' in cursive. Ever since Marko told her that she's "Daddy's little princess," this kid has a COMPLEX.
Christopher's a little dude, but he's probably got David's coat promised to him when he's older. If you want to see David turn into a puddle of goo, just watch his son waddle over to him and crawl underneath his coat and snuggle with his dad. Or the times at the boardwalk where he'll play hide and seek with Dwayne and hide underneath it if David's standing around.
🧁: what's your child's favorite thing in the world? what's their least favorite thing?
As dangerous as it is, Anastasia loves the sunlight. The very thing that could kill her in a matter of painful seconds is the thing she's completely fascinated and intrigued by.
She can't help but feel a bit envious of humans who are able to feel the sun on their skin without agonizing pain to follow. Let a sunrise run up their fingertips without having to pull away. She fantasized about the summer days her mom would tell her about whenever she asked Chrysta what sunshine was like when she was human... Sometimes, she thinks she and her mother have a mutual agreement that they both wish to experience sunshine at least once in their immortality.
Now the thing she hates? David's overprotectiveness. If there's anything she can't stand it's when her dad demands or orders her around- sometimes it feels like she can't go seven feet in front of him without him demanding her to come back and never leave his side for the rest of the night.
Jennifer's favorite thing is her Daddy's hair. Like I've said and will stand my it RELIGIOUSLY is that Dwayne’s hair is probably the most cared for and well groomed than most of the boys. And Jennifer LOVES to play with it or snuggle with it.
This man is 100% willing to spend hours sitting perfectly still while his daughter covers his head with bows, clips, flower crowns, and the most ghastly knots considered braids. Maybe a few tears of pain are shed when she runs the cheap plastic come through his hair a little too hard, but he's enjoying the time nonetheless.
Jenny DESPISES social interaction with anyone that isn't her pack. She's the shyest thing anyone in the coven has ever seen. Whenever they're on the boardwalk Jenny is hiding behind Dwayne’s legs or her mom's side.
And when she's allowed to split off and go with her sisters, she's following behind Anastasia like a lost puppy, eyes trained to the floor.
Tiffany's favorite thing is the beach! Paul gives off some very low surfer dude vibes imo,(I mean there's a split shot in the movie where we see some surfboards) but I don't think he does anything extravagant or hardcore- I feel he'd just swim out a a ways with Tiffany on the edge of his board and moonbathe for a little bit, laying on his back with Tiff on top or hanging her legs over the ledge, both taking a little nap.
As much as Tiffany likes the sea and the beach, she hates baths. She's like a feral cat clawing and clinging onto her moms arm to avoid touching the soapy surface of the bath at Max's home.
Now Katherine's favorite thing? Marko. You know how I said the thing she loves second in her life was her jacket? Marko takes first place. (Sorry Chrysta LOL.)
Kat loves her papa and clings to his very being like a koala. She's always making sure she's the star of his attention whenever he's around. If no one can find Kat, just look on Marko’s back, leg, or arm. She's probably latched herself onto there.
And the thing Kat hates is when Marko has to leave. Whether it be hunting or simply just a boys' night out, she's pouting and asking when he's gonna be back. She thinks any second without her dad is gonna end up with him in danger or hurt. She makes some of the cutest excuses as to why she can't go to bed so she can hopefully stay up till Marko gets back. She's definetly attached to this vampires hip but he isn't complaining. 🤷‍♀️
Christophers' favorite thing has got to be the boardwalk! The little guys eyes just get all big and excited at all the sparkling, twinkling lights and colorful stands or rides. He even starts to babble or squeal happily whenever the word affiliated with his favorite place is mentioned.
Christopher hates Daddy's vampire face. Like- when David and all the guys get vamped out, Chris'll start crying. It's similar to those videos with babies' reactions when fathers shave their beards for the first time in their lives.
It's worse when David does it on purpose to get a good laugh too, and he isn't doing anything malicious or cruel to scare his son, he's just holding him and this kid will go into hysteric sobs while hiding in David's coat.
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cloudcountry · 1 year
HDBFGJD YES WE SHALL BEAT UP BEETHOVEN’S DAD TOGETHER 👊💥 And phew, I’m glad I was kinda right about there being kids mncvbmfg-
And yes, Beethoven and MC as friends!! 👏 He would absolutely dedicate a piece to them- He’d probably title it something like “The Beginnings of Friendship: Bagatelle”
I was cackling reading your commentary- I love your enthusiasm!!
Ngl, I was supposed to stop there at the dialogue pieces for Beethoven, but then I accidentally stumbled upon character cards for Ikevamp characters… And you know what I had to do 🧍 Yeah, I made a whole mock character card for him- (Only in text though- I don’t have any editing programs-)
Ludwig van Beethoven
The Fiery Maestro
Intense and emotional, the prodigy began playing in public at seven years old. He usually spends his days in the mansion’s garden or music room, thinking of new melodies. Despite his hot temper and sharp tongue, there’s a sense of loneliness hidden in him.
Birthday: December 16 [Fun fact: We actually don’t know the real Beethoven’s birthday,, he was baptised on December 17, so it’s generally assumed he was born the day before.]
Height: 162 cm
Occupation: Composer, freelance musician 
Hobbies: Hiking through nature, billiards, card games
Dislikes: Dishonesty, lying
Specialty: Musical improvisation
Weaknesses: Cooking, math
Favourite food: Macaroni and Cheese
Hated food: N/A (Food is little more than sustenance to him. He doesn’t really care for it; if something’s meant to be edible, he’ll eat it. Though, he does prefer more simple dishes)
Vampiric Type: Lesser Vampire [I’ll be honest, I’m not sure what’s the deal with vampiric types, so I’m kind of going off of what I’ve read and pure vibes-]
“To tremble in my music is your honour.” 
Ikevamp Beethoven 🤝 This Clavis Ikepri fellow
-Makes the most horrendous soup known to mankind
Jhbdfg But yeah!! Beethoven is straight up a horrible cook,, I actually made a mini scenario based off of this; One time, he was assigned to make dinner for everyone, and uh… The results were less than optimal- Beethoven spent almost two hours in the kitchen, huddled in front of a stove wearing a blue apron, and dinner was served. He made soup, which Doyle later could only describe was “more suited for charitable scraps given to dogs outside taverns.” The beef he did was half done, better suited for an animal. Vegetables floated in the ’soup,’ which was a mixture of water and grease, and the roasted meat looked like it was done in the chimney. 
Of course, no one could say anything about it, because if they did, Beethoven would literally, viciously, mercilessly tear them apart, mostly verbally. (The last time he got really angry, he stormed off to the music room, banged on the piano for like thirty minutes [creating the loudest half hour of everyone’s life], and six piano strings were broken as a result.) So they just kept their heads low and tried to eat. They couldn’t do it. It was barely possible to even choke down a few bites, so they just stuck to the bread and fruit he provided.
He was never assigned to cook dinner ever again.
Vincent, about Beethoven: Whenever I hear such a man march behind me, I can’t help but get nervous. He’s a force to be reckoned with, for sure!
Doyle, about Beethoven: I like his music, no doubt about that. But, it seems like he conducts his music better than his own temper.
Oh, and one more thing about Beethoven!! You know how Beethoven’s speciality in musical improvisation? That’s not an exaggeration- Both the Ikevamp Beethoven and the real figure are actually really good at it-
[Note: Yes, this is based off an actual event]
Beethoven: Daniel Steibelt? …Hah! I haven’t heard that name in a long time. Yes, I remember him quite well. He once challenged me to a piano duel, where we both had to improvise. 
MC: An piano duel?
Beethoven: Yes, though, to be more accurate, they were improvisation contests. These contests were a popular form of entertainment in Vienna’s aristocracy. One nobleman would support one virtuoso pianist, another nobleman would support the other. In the salon of one of the nobles, the two pianists would compete with each other, each setting the other a tune to improvise on, and the playing would go back and forth until a victor was decided.
Beethoven: But I digress. It was agreed that Prince Lobkowitz would sponsor Steibelt and Prince Lichnowsky would sponsor me. The improvisation contest would take place in Lobkowitz's palace.
Beethoven: Steibelt played first. He went to the piano, tossed a piece of his own music on the side and played. Steibelt was renowned for conjuring up a ‘storm’ on the piano, and I must admit, he did this to great effect. He received great applause, and it was my turn to play.
Beethoven: I picked up the music piece Steibelt tossed aside, his own work, and then I turned the paper upside down. I played that piece, sight-reading it backwards and I improvised, imitating and picking apart Steibelt’s so-called ‘storm.’ I played for more than an hour, and I didn’t notice that Steibelt left after only thirty minutes of my playing. 
MC: He left before you finished?
Beethoven: Indeed. After he left, Prince Lobkowitz, the man sponsoring Steibelt, then said to me that he was so humiliated that he would never set foot in Vienna again as long as I lived there. What a foolish thing to promise. 
[And ngl, it was kinda foolish! Beethoven lived in Vienna for the rest of his life, and true to his word, Steibelt never returned. Oh, but Beethoven actually played the first four notes of Steibelt’s piece before varying them… Those four notes would then become the impetus that drove Beethoven’s Third Symphony. That feels like rubbing salt in the wound at that point,,]
Jackdaw Anon 🐦
beethoven's dad is gonna catch my fist in his mputh RAHHHHH
“The Beginnings of Friendship: Bagatelle” SSOUNDS SO FANCY :((( TAHTS SO KIDN OF HIM HELLO!!!!!
HE LIKES HIKING!!! HES SO REAL FOR THAT OMG and his weaknesses being math is so real.
BEETHOVEN KICKED HIS ASS DAMN,..,., MUSICAL DUELS ARE ALSO SO FUNNY TO ME BECAUSE IT SEEMS SO DRAMATIC AND FUN LIKE??? two guys absolutely smashing the keys of a piano to figth each other is hialrious i want to wathc it so bad GAFSDHGASD
why are musicians so petty HEKPLP
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zhongrin · 1 year
Yes. Imagine it like that. Cuz this is what I am about to do 😌💞
Rin slay for teasing Zhongli with the Moray confession 🧘❤️ and I am glad he has that treasure hoard, would be a shame if both of you would've lost these things :(
And heh I just thought of how Zhongli would speak - it's so difficult for me to write for him, I can't speak like he does ifbdkssbhsjsjs but I do it nonetheless to send Zhongli drabbles to my wonderful Zhongli lovers mutuals <3
And yes I can understand why it's hard for both of ya to see ya are in 💥✨ LOVE ✨💥 (istfg if ya won't see it - I'll make ya see it.)
help I can imagine one scene which happens always when the both of us are there
"The view is beautiful."
"Yes.. the stars are shining bright tonight."
".. I meant you, my angel."
"Baizhu, is this the revenge for me saying exactly the same to you yesterday?"
".. Kind of, but it is also the truth."
".." *becoming a blushing mess*
And next day it's swapped 🧘
If I have to, I would carry Baizhu up; but I thought about him summoning tendrils with his vision to pull the both of us up to the mountain *smart brain*
"momentarily forgetting about everything else and just basking in your presence <3" RIN DIDHDJOSBSJSKKS THATS SO CUTE OFMGFNDJSJK
And Changsheng would. Yes. I can also see her receiving some food from Herbalist Gui then, and as Baizhu and me look confused, she says
"Herbalist Gui bet that you won't do it today. I bet that you will do it." (She is so sassy omfg)
AND I ABSOLUTELY ADORE QIQI OFMGMGMFM I would totally braid her hair, remind her of things (basically being her notebook LMAO), go herb picking with her, help her, carry her around if she wants, do stretch exercises with her and EVERYTHING;; SHE HAS MY WHOLE HEART. SHE IS SUCH A CUTIE. 🤸❤️❤️
Next question; what was the first impression from Zhongli and Alhaitham of you? 💞
vi i am so sorry i know the moray is a lil typo but now all i can think is moray eel zhongli helpjflsjdlsjdls eel.. dragons... what's the difference right- 10/10 would still keep him in an aquarium
zhongli's a hoarder, for sure. if i don't control his hoarding tendencies at home i swear he would fill all the empty surfaces with various lil things..
i get you hshdjshdjdh it's both fun and hard writing for him hahahah al haitham is even worse, i will never be able to emulate canon al haitham's speaking pattern orz i really picked the two hardest characters whose speech patterns are the hardest to write as my faves huh lmao
it's the case of 'you have been with me for so long i just can't see you not being in it and oh shit do i love you that way but but but i don't want to risk it yk what this is fine-' 🤦🏻‍♀️
dw you will never pressure me to ship you with a character bc i will wholeheartedly always support it 100% like literally you can tell me tomorrow "hey so i don't like baizhu anymore and i wanna marry zhongli" and i'd be like YES FRIEND YOU MARRY THAT FINE ASS MAN WHEN IS THE WEDDING AND AM I INVITED 👍🏻
crying feral noises sTToooopPP THATS SO HSHDJSJDJSJDJD
truly the epitome of work smarter nor harder. i should tell zhongli to move the soil like a travelator the next time we're strolling around liyue's plains.
changsheng is like the eldest daughter of you two who's your no 1 supporter but also is so very tired of witnessing your romancing saga /j
qiqi is truly the cutest granddaughter material fr??? whenever she does the windy animation i just. i want to scoop her into my arms and carry her around ueueue
me rn: *presses vi's doll to baizhu's doll* NOW KISS
first impression you ask??? hmmmmm.
with zhongli, it's not that special at first because well, i'm just a normal mortal hooman who just so happens to be one of his friend's follower hehe
with al haitham, he probably thought i was a nuisance lol i imagine it's something like "who is this kid and why is she in grandma's house. i'm just trying to read this storybook in peace." bc we first met when my grandma came over for tea. he was pleasantly surprised to see me not bother him and take up a book to read instead tho.
hbu??? i'd imagine baizhu had the scare of his life seeing someone almost fall over right in front of him hskdjskd
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reveriegirlie · 6 months
Oh well.
I'm on a trip. At my aunts house. Feeling a little homesick. Or maybe my social battery is down. Or maybe I'm pmsing. Who knows. I just want this to go away. I feel very useless. Kinda draining.
Otherwise I'm okay. Went to all of these places and it was fun. The views here are amaazingggg. Like so good.
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All of these are different places. I tried to put variety. Also liked my outfits on these days. Nice. Cool. I like it. But idk. Maybe I'm really homesick today. That's why I'm feeling like this. Ahhhhh idk
I did some cycling. I'm learning how to write from my left hand. I forgot about the French I had to do everyday 20 minutes and the research for my book and the daiki fic I have to write. I'll do them one at a time.
Oh also- I turned this age which everyone considers a milestone. Idk about that though. Nothing has changed. Age is indeed just a number. Maybe I'll understand why this is a milestone after 5-10 years. Who knows
Also I became the vp and jt sect of my college's rotaract club. Which is nice. Though I'm having second thoughts. It's just The Jitters I assume. I know I want to do this. And that I'm gonna love it. I'm also gonna have a couple of breakdowns otw. But if I don't do this I'll regret it a lot. Gotta start building my portfolio too. How do I do that. AAAAAAAA why is everything so competitive. Why do I have to do a thousand things. Why can't I focus on one thing at a time. Why do I not hav the permission to do that. Ugh. I wish the world was slower. Or atleast a little more forgiving. Hopeful. Gave people second chances.
This is all so- I don't want to think about it anymore. I want to sleep and not think every night. I want to sleep like the dead. No. Worse. I want to sleep a sleep so deep I won't wake up if thrown underwater. That'd be so so great. With a few days in between to dream. Maybe dream once a week or fortnight. That sounds good. Or maybe have a nice dream sequence. I don't want to be devoid of dreams for sure. It's bad enough that I don't remember dreams anymore. I like dreaming. It's exhausting but fun.
I'm reading Anne of Green gables. I dunno if I'm having fun. My friends bought that and another book for me. I love them. I can't wish for anything better. I hope I don't fuck this up or something/someone else doesn't either. I love them. I love this friendship. It's lovely. And so so lovely. I love it.
Should sleep. Good night
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babufactory · 4 years
Scream gently
I miss draw arcana give me some smooch ideas guys
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quackiseok · 4 years
— strawberry kisses
feral boys x gn! reader || headcanon
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genre : fluff
warnings : swearing
summary : their reaction to you giving them a kiss on the cheek for the first time!
a/n : hi hi! this is my first fic, i hope you like it 🥺 and i'm so sorry if there's any mistake, i'll try fixing them asap!
song to listen to while reading :
this man right here is VERY careful with you
always asking for consent before any physical contact with you (consent is always the key!)
he was so happy when you said that you were fine with cuddles and hugs with him! be ready for tight back hugs from him 'cause he loves putting his head on the crook of your neck >:)
but kisses... you were a bit shy about it since you were new to this type of relationship and you wanted to learn a bit first,
you told him about wanting to take things slowly and get used to it first, and of course he understands! dream will 100% respect your boundaries
he will wait patiently until you're comfortable enough with him because he loves you so much and he wants you to see him as a safe, comfort place :)
then one day when the two of you were baking cookies for valentines day, dream jokingly asked you to kiss him on the cheek as a thank you for helping you with the cookies
i mean, it's almost valentines anyways. a small, innocent kiss wouldn't hurt right? ö
you just giggled and gently leaned your face closer to his cheek, your fingers softly bringing his chin closer to you
you gently placed a kiss on his cheek, then quickly turning away from him with a wide smile
congratulations, you have successfully broke dream
man would be frozen on the place for a full minute, trying to process what just happened and is this real or not (because if it's not real he'd cry on the floor)
expect him to cling on you and not letting you go for the next few hours, calling you with sweet names like baby, hun, etc. for no reason and just be all lovey dovey with you ♡
he would secretly mark the date on his phone's calendar just for this special day where you kissed him for the first time HHAHSJDKSKD
if you were comfortable, he would offer you a kiss on your cheek to return the favor 🥺
and if you said yes, AAAAAAAA he would be so fucking happy, his serotonin level would just go through the roof like 📈📈
and ofc, he would happily give you a sweet kiss on your cheek! ( ˙ᵕ˙ )♡
george is definitely very shy with you at first
he's VERY careful around you and treat you with so much care 🥺
( but once the two of you have gotten pretty used to each other, you guys bully each other 24/7 💀💀 (jokingly ofc!) )
at first, you thought george didn't like physical affections like kisses, hugs, etc.
boy you were wrong
this cat boy secretly LOVES physical affections from you, but he just hides it from you! and of couse, you love giving them to him too :)
but you were a little bit shy about kisses, and same goes to him. two shy cuties !!
if he was being honest : he wants to squish your cheeks and shower you with kisses, but he respects your boundaries and will wait until you're ready to take a step further! (( and he's really shy, he would also need time to get the courage to do it :D ))
then one day george has just finished recording for minecraft manhunt and boy, that block game can actually make you tired
the moment he's done with the recording, he immediately rushed to the bed and plop himself next to you
you would ask him things like how did the recording went, etc. and he'll answer you while letting you play with his soft hair 🥺
george was feeling a little playful, so he joked and asked you to give him a kiss on the cheek to recharge his energy
you looked at him with your cheeks slightly reddened. george has been working hard lately anyways, he deserves a gift, right?
you slowly bought your face closer to his cheek and planted a quick kiss on his cheek before looking away then melt into a puddle
georgenotfound who? i only know georgenotworking
his eyes would be widened, face red, and he would just sit there with his palm on the cheek where you planted the kiss on
it's been 3 minutes and his face is still red, huge grin on his face while hugging you tightly
he won't even try to hide the fact that he loves being affectionate with you anymore
it's the first time george has ever been clingy with you and you're living for it tbh 🥺
he'd ask you if you want a kiss too, in such a shy manner like "i can... give you... a kiss too... if you want... 👉👈"
if you say yes ? MMMMMMMMMM the two of you melt into a puddle together <33
he'll give you a quick but sweet kiss on your cheek with his face redder than before (,,..„ )
man seems like he would fight you no matter what size you are
but in reality? sapnap's the sweetest and the clingiest (in a positive way, ofc!) man you've ever been with and you're so into this
he LOVES being affectionate and clingy with you, in fact he does it all the time. it's just how he is with you :)
he also LOVES giving you affection. he doesn't care about who's giving and who's receiving tbh, he just loves being around you in general 👉👈
you love his affection and giving him affection too, of course!! but you were a bit shy since this was your first romantic relationship with someone and kissing was a new thing to you
sapnap would tease you for being so shy around him, endlessly flirting with you just to see you all flustered, because in his eyes? you're so fucking adorable and that's a fact. ♡
despite him being all playful and flirty with you, he respects your boundaries and will 100% wait until you're ready!
of course he wants kiss you right on the spot but he can wait patiently, just for you <3
then one day, he was playfully flirting with you as usual
and he jokingly said "hey y/n, i think i deserve a kiss on the cheek for being cute!" well, you couldn't disagree with what he just said 👀
so you put on a large grin and placed a kiss on his cheek, immediately turning red afterwards
sapnap's the new pogchamp emote now
he would be so surprised and just turn into a ball of absolute joy
he'd immediately scoop you closer to him, hugging you tightly while giggling and just— shower you with lots of love 🥺
and trust me, he won't let go of you unless it's emergency or if you were uncomfortable
but if you were fine with it? this man will hold you like his life depends on it
he would also give you kisses on your cheek / the top of your head if you were comfortable enough :)
and if you did allowed him to kiss you? he'll immediately shower you with kisses and calling you his in between the kisses, like "you're mine, mine, mine" 👉👈
alex, he's such a flirty mf 😳
endlessly teasing you and flirting with you just to see you being flustered, just like sapnap
he'd call you with sweet spanish nicknames like mi amor, hermosa, etc. and you find them cute, honestly 🥺
he's really clingy with you (in a good way!) and always hugs you whenever he sees you. it's almost like an instinct to him when he sees you :) but you don't mind since you're living for his warm hugs and cuddles ♡
he LOVES the way you melt under his hugs, and honestly? he wants to cover your whole face with kisses but he knew you were new into dating and want to take things slowly, so he respects your boundaries! :))
one day, he was in a discord call with his friends and they were endlessly teasing him; which leads him to fake crying as a joke and asked you to give him a kiss on the cheek to make him stop crying
man, alex is so fucking adorable and you thought that he deserves a reward for being such a cutie
so you giggled and moved closer to him, slightly bending down to get to his level and placed a kiss on his cheek before turning away with a large grin on your face.
you know that one time karl jokingly leaned in to kiss alex? yeah, he has the exact same expression now
this man would stare blankly at you, his cheeks slightly red but then a few seconds later he's screaming in absolute joy
his friends would be so confused, asking him if he was alright but instead of answering them, he mutes the call and immediately clings his arms around your neck
"mi amor, you should do that more often if you're okay with it ;)"
100% endlessly flirting with you while hugging you tightly, melting you into a puddle ( bonus point if you knew spanish, cause he'd say cheesy pick up lines in spanish for you ;) )
and just like sapnap, he'd shower you with sweet kisses on your face if you were fine with it!
and if you were okay with him kissing you? man... you know that one vine where a kid is crying because of how cute her puppy is? yeah that's alex quackity @ your existence
he'd just be so happy and shower you with kisses, praising you, telling you how adorable you are, and telling you that you're his and he loves you so fucking much 🥺
karl jacobs is the definition of wholesome itself
he's literally the sweetest human being you've ever met, you can almost taste cotton candies when you're with him
he's really affectionate and loving towards you, always praising you whenever he's hugging you and holding you close to him! and of course, we can't forget the sweet nicknames he have for you. he just loves giving you so much affection, and you're in for it! 🥺
don't forget his playful side too! he would always joke around with you and maybe be flirty when he's feeling extra playful :) he can go from sending you wholesome memes to weird cursed images, no in between
but you were a little bit shy since you were new in this type of relationship. you told karl that you wanted to learn more first before jumping into more romantic gestures, including kisses.
of course this boy would go "okay! :)" and shower you with gestures you're comfortable with instead (hugs, cuddles, etc.) he wants you to feel comfortable around him, so he respects your boundaries! ♡
then one day when the two of you were cuddling on the couch while watching adventure time, karl jokingly asked what if you gave him a kiss on the cheek like marceline did to bubblegum
and you thought karl has been so sweet with you this whole time. you gotta return the favor to him, right?
so you just displayed a shy smile, leaning closer to him and gave him a small kiss on the cheek before you slowly melt in his arms
his eyes widened and he just wants to scream the way puppycat did
he'd immediately bring you closer to his body and mutter out uncountable i love you's, calling you perfect, sweet, etc. just praising you and being all giggly with you. of course he would be so giggly, you just gave him a kiss!!! 🥺👉👈
he would LOVE to return the favor to you, if you're fine with it!
and if you said yes? places such a sweet kiss on your face and just admire you with his starry eyes 🥺
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kazewhara · 3 years
good morning shizu! sorry for being gone for so long, but i heard you missed me? :3
imagine both you and kazuha going to a friends party- not a big thing mind you, more like a comfy sleepover than any other wild college parties that may come to mind. everyone knows eachother well, so the atmosphere is warm and you all enjoy a fun night of movies and games and snacks and laughs. eventually folks start getting tired and by the time 4 am rolls around, everyone is passed out all over the 2 big comfy couches your mutual friend has in their living room.
its not till a few hours later that you slip awake just a little. through your closed eyelids you can tell its light out, but you dont sense sound or movement in the room, which means everyone else is still asleep, which makes sense given how late you all were up last night. you almost move to just roll over and go back to sleep, but its a good thing you don't because your drowsy brain registers a weight on your chest last minute and you crack open your eyes to discover that its.... kazuha.
from where you are- partially propped up against one of the arms of the couch you fell asleep on- kazuha is curled up in your lap tucked securely against your body and the cushy back of the couch respectively, one of his arms is slung over your shoulder and the other is curled up against his chest. something in you feels warmed like this, beyond the simple sensation of sharing body heat with another. your soft gaze travels up from where your boy is resting against you to where his head is tucked into your shoulder and oh- his sleeping face sets your heart ablaze, beating fast as if to drum a loving pattern into his skin where he lies pressed against your chest.
he looks cherubic like this. kazuha is not one for wearing his worries on his face, yet like this his expression feels a layer more unguarded even than usual, and your eyes trace the line of his mouth set in a slight smile. his cheek is pressed up against your shoulder and it squishes his face a little but to you it only makes him look cuter. your hands brush his hair out of his eyes and you catch sight of his long, pale eyelashes. you almost wish you were gazing into his cherry-red eyes instead, but you wouldn't wake him and ruin this moment for the world. a yawn interrupts your observation and forces your eyes shut for a moment, tired as you are, and you can feel drowsiness reaching out for you again, so you wrap your arms around your love(lightly, so as not to wake him) and drift off again..
later that day you have to deal with teasing friends and a flustered kazuha who was quite affected by waking up to being borderline smushed in a sleeping bridal carry by your arms 🤭
EEEEE PINE, I MISSED YOU 🥺🥺 i hope you're taking good care of yourself, my love !! drink lots of water and be very very kind to yourself okay ?
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d-criss-news · 3 years
DARREN: I mean I put out a holiday album a few months early so why not be a few minutes early to a chat?
DARREN: hi friend!
DARREN: ok i gotta get fired up, let's listen to this madness
DARREN: woah wtf we got visuals??
DARREN: oh ok
DARREN: so this is bts from the photo shoot for the album cover
DARREN: this was all in my actual house
DARREN: that i tried to make look like the house i grew up in in San Francisco
DARREN: or at least the one i spent the most christmases at
DARREN: holy shit i hope we dont gotta watch this the whole goddamn time
DARREN: so that's my actual first guitar
DARREN: i got that when i was in the third grade
DARREN: everything i know on the guitar started on that baby
DARREN: the straight hair look is supposed to be my brother Chuck
DARREN: chuck didnt actually have a mullet, these were last minute wigs, so, what ya gonna do
DARREN: ok back to the song
DARREN: check that modulation out
DARREN: i was super surprised that this song wasn't covered more
DARREN: the horns are fucking smashing it on this
DARREN: also little factoid: this is actually a mashup
DARREN: it's a mashup that andy williams sorta standardized so hard that we think it's ONE song
DARREN: it's actually two songs, Happy Holidays, and The holiday season
DARREN: ok hippo here we go
DARREN: i've wanted to do this version forever
DARREN: this song is so batshit that i wanted to treat it accordingly
DARREN: just make it chillhop and understated but like lowkey kinda hard
DARREN: nobody covers this song cuz they think it's so insnae
DARREN: which made me sad
DARREN: also no dudes ever touch it
DARREN: so if you know me, you know that i like to shine a light on things that don't get done a lot
DARREN: my face part of the song is coming up
DARREN: where the word "massage" hits with the snare
DARREN: hella swung
DARREN: also this is a very divisive song, like half of the world has no fuckin clue what it is
DARREN: while the other half is like yeah duh i love that song
DARREN: yo germany in the house!
DARREN: i also played a lot of the wacky instruments on that track
DARREN: an instrument called the nose flulte
DARREN: that's me
DARREN: wow who's sick of these visuals yet
DARREN: oh shiiiit here comes in GLAMBERT!
DARREN: so lucky to have adam on this
DARREN: this is another song that i was suprised wasn't covered more
DARREN: there are like three that are big, but none are duets
DARREN: and i wanted to do a male-male duet al la bing crosby and bob hope, from their road movies
DARREN: arranging these vocal harmonies was super fun cuz i knew I had adam to do them
DARREN: a lot of chromatic movement that i fucking LIVE for
DARREN: JANETB it is chaotic isn't it
DARREN: and we just getting started
DARREN: god adam sounds so great, getting to vocal produce him was such a joy
DARREN: this is one of the most underrated xmas songs ever in my opinion
DARREN: alright hang on for this high note
DARREN: so sick. adam smashed it. love that song.
DARREN: ok this is some real shit coming up
DARREN: my deal with this album was: i was NOT going to make this album...
DARREN: ... unless i recorded this song
DARREN: this is was always one of my favorite songs ever
DARREN: and i always loved how it was a christmas song that wasn't a christmas song
DARREN: it's about winter and falling in love during the holidays and trying to make it through
DARREN: it's a superbly written song, wish i wrote it
DARREN: i encourage all of you to check out the original
DARREN: a dude by the name of Nir Z played drums on this song, straight outta israel!
DARREN: is israel in the house today! give it up for Nir
DARREN: cuz guess what, Nir also played on the original john mayer record 20 years ago which is mind blowing
DARREN: also hi everyone
DARREN: i'm sorry i cant keep up with all these comments
DARREN: so i'm saying hi to all of you
DARREN: hello hello
DARREN: hope some of you are taking time to listen to the music as well 😬
DARREN: i'm so fucking proud of this song
DARREN: something bout the way blue light on a black night... so beautiful
DARREN: wudup finland!
DARREN: anybody here know this song before this album?
DARREN: yo ireland, oi oi oi wales!
DARREN: i would love it if this became a christmas standard, that was my goal
DARREN: ok let's kick it up a notch
DARREN: so ngl i expect there to be a faction of ppl who hate me for this song ha
DARREN: this is NOT better than the original
DARREN: i have to disagree with anyone that says that
DARREN: however
DARREN: i love this song and had to figure out how i would make this song "me"
DARREN: and thought a 60s motown take would be unique and captivating at the very least
DARREN: also the end of this song should have been a separate track
DARREN: i just forgot to do that ha
DARREN: "streetcorner carolers" is coming up at the end of this song
DARREN: technically another "original" on the album
DARREN: here it comes...
DARREN: i even put a space between this part and the "river" part
DARREN: just forgot to make it a separate track
DARREN: now it's part of the same song forever oh well ha
DARREN: yeah it's a four seasons nod
DARREN: ok guys
DARREN: this song is crazy important to me
DARREN: the first musical i was ever in was a show called fanny
DARREN: by harold rome
DARREN: this is a song from it
DARREN: a song i've always loved
DARREN: it has zero mention of christmas
DARREN: but jingle bells also doesnt mention xmas
DARREN: and what's more holiday-y than coming home and being grateful for what you have
DARREN: so the idea was to make this song sound and feel like vince guraldi
DARREN: aka super christmas-y
DARREN: the arrangement here is so gorgeous, very proud of this song too
DARREN: i hope this song can become a standard too.. that's my lofty dream
DARREN: i wanted people to hear these and feel like theyve known them their whole life
DARREN: but i guarantee youve never heard this song
DARREN: cuz guess what bitches i'm in my thirties
DARREN: which is insane to me
DARREN: when the fuck did that happen
DARREN: point being that this song hits super hard
DARREN: so asked a fellow millennial
DARREN: evan rachel wood
DARREN: i asked her to go full classical singing
DARREN: cuz she can do anything
DARREN: rock jazz musical theater
DARREN: and no one asks her to do this kinda shit very often
DARREN: she also recorded this in her closet at like 2 in the moring
DARREN: i facetimed her for the vocal production of this
DARREN: ha full susan boyle vibes
DARREN: i told her to go for it
DARREN: and she did
DARREN: like full david foster shit
DARREN: not really my usual thing but i wanted a david fosterish moment on this album
DARREN: it's a boy choir song after all so there's only so many places to go with it
DARREN: which is why after we took it to church i took it to the bar
DARREN: the fiddle player on this shit is INSANE
DARREN: give it up for lainey wilson
DARREN: very proud of this one
DARREN: the only full original on this album
DARREN: the fantasy was if dean martin and dolly parton did a country/jazz crossover record in the early 70s
DARREN: stuart duncan on the fiddle ladies and gentlemen
DARREN: was song order important? yeah of course
DARREN: it's all a delicate balance
DARREN: unlike most releases ppl actually listen to xmas albums in order
DARREN: if the artist is lucky that is
DARREN: damn a lotta folks from finland here... kippis!
DARREN: also insider fact, i played the original version of this very differently on guitar
DARREN: i wanted to nod to Cohen's "hallelujia" since i've been hearing that as an xmas song lately...
DARREN: ... which it isn't, but i get it. Christian imagery and all that.
DARREN: but i changed the chord structures so it sounded less like that song
DARREN: give legal team less of a headache ha
DARREN: so ive been singing this one for a long time
DARREN: again, another one thats been done a zillion times
DARREN: but i needed a smaller moment after the madness of drunk on xmas
DARREN: so there it is
DARREN: damn so many birthdays
DARREN: happy birthday to all of you
DARREN: every day is a birthday
DARREN: guys i wish touring wasn't so goddamn expensive
DARREN: srilanka in the house!
DARREN: ha re: ask ryan murphy for a loan
DARREN: ok last song here we go
DARREN: this is up there with St Patricks Day
DARREN: this is not a song you hear
DARREN: i want this to make its way into the rotation of new years songs
DARREN: who here is a regina spektor fan?
DARREN: maddie you're very welcome
DARREN: thanks for listneing to the music
DARREN: and thanks to all of you who actually listen
DARREN: that's the best way to show me love
DARREN: more than anything
DARREN: ciao my italian friends
DARREN: i wish i could hop on santas sleigh and visit all of you in one fell swoop
DARREN: hola mexico!
DARREN: fave part of the song right here
DARREN: punches me in the fuckin guy
DARREN: no mention of the things it took away
DARREN: ... wow.
DARREN: what a powerful sentiment
DARREN: this song isn't about what i'm gonna do, what is my resolution...
DARREN: it's being grateful for what you DO have, what you HAVE done
DARREN: a hopeful sentiment that i try to carry with me everywhere
DARREN: and a real overlapping theme for this whole album
DARREN: so i find it fitting to end it with that
DARREN: thank you all so much for checking out the music
DARREN: this is a huge part of my own life
DARREN: and my own experience of the holidays
DARREN: and i keep a lotta shit close to the chest
DARREN: so this is arguably one of the biggest extention of myself i've ever recorded
DARREN: thank you for sharing all
DARREN: please share with friends
DARREN: and know that this isn't just some random xmas album
DARREN: it's a piece of me
DARREN: please play it during your holiday celebrations, however you choose to do that
DARREN: from start to finish
DARREN: i love yall, and i love that we got all corners of the worls here
DARREN: *world
DARREN: how cool is that
DARREN: so thank you all i love you, happy holidays- and keep an eye out...
DARREN: ... i
DARREN: i've got some goodies coming your way
DARREN: some stocking stuffers
DARREN: happy holidays everyone big hugs and so much gratitude!
DARREN: some additional gifts
DARREN: something for EVERYONE
DARREN: stay positive, stay inspired! love ya!
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redwinterroses · 3 years
so. the other way i mentioned that Actually Intimidating Evil Xisuma might be thwarted. i feel like doing some writing.
EX has been around more. Xisuma has been around less. Several other Hermits have also vanished into the ether, more or less, and it’s hard not to pick up on the rumors. And then Beef goes missing.
...That won't do at all. He's still got business with Beef. So xB sighs, and gets Hypno to hand him the slip of paper that he'd signed for Evil Xisuma, and sends EX a quick message.
<xBCrafted> heyy, ex, stop by Horsehead real quick?
A few minutes. A response.
<EvilXisuma> Sure.
xB smiles, and turns his communicator off, and turns back to his idle work. It takes a while for Evil Xisuma to arrive. Every second digs a pit deeper. Every minute, Hypno taps his sword against his shoulder and checks his watch and says nothing, eyes flicking between his business partner at a makeshift desk and the portal that EX will arrive through.
Arrive he does. Faking bumbling. Hypno raises an eyebrow and gestures for him to go up to xB with his sword. The eyes in his helmet narrow, glowing brightly. xB leans forward at his desk, drumming fingers against his desk. "Hi, Evil Xisuma."
EX raises an eyebrow at him. "What do you want? I was busy."
"I'm sure you were." xB taps a stack of papers on his desk. "I'll cut to the chase for you. I'm cashing in. Give the Hermits you vanished back."
Evil Xisuma's eyes flick from xB -- calm, confident -- to the portal, which Hypno has approached. There’s a smashing sound of glass breaking, and Hypno waves a block of obsidian in the air before vanishing it into his inventory. He draws his sword again and leans against the portal frame.
EX laughs, and it’s deep and angry and very much not like the way he usually laughs. "Aw, you're so sure that contract holds me? You can't interfere with my business. That's not within reason, now is it?"
xB smiles and picks up one of the pieces of paper. Waves it in the air. "I, Evil Xisuma, give permission -- with thy fingers crossed -- for xBCrafted to sign this piece of paper with my name."
"Ohhh," Hypno says, tapping his sword against his shoulder again. His smile is amused, but not necessarily friendly.
EX rolls his eyes. "See? Not legally binding. If you wanna see your friends, you'll just have to-"
"With thy fingers crossed," xB repeats, smiling, sharp and cold. "How nice of you to give me full permission to cheat on this contract, Evil X! Maybe you're not so bad after all."
Something in his stomach falls. A lurching, seasick feeling, like something is being tugged at and he can't break away. Hypno hasn't moved any closer. xB hasn't moved from his desk. Nevertheless, Evil Xisuma is surrounded.
"What’s the saying again?" Hypno says.
"An offer you can't refuse," xB responds. He salutes mockingly with one hand.
His fingers are crossed.
holy. crap.
AAAAAAAA I am jaw-dropped and laughing at the same time I LOVE THIS
trickster characters are THE BEST and when they outwit OTHER clever characters? *chefs kiss*
bless this ficlet, Solar.
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stay-midnight · 4 years
Foolish - The supposed valentine special
Lee Felix x Male Reader
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Word Count: 2.7K Words
a/n: aaaaaaaa, the delay for this is too long 😖 i changed the concept of it from a valentines date to an anniversary date instead, hopefully it’s okay hhshs. I cannot it was supposed to be soft but somehow i made the smut escalate in the end. Tbh, I was expecting balcony sex—
Triggers: Explicit Smut, Fluffy as fuck I guess—, It’s soft.
Kinks/Warnings: Soft Dom Felix, Sub Male Reader, Anal Sex, Safe Sex, Licking, Teasing, Nipple Play, Nipple Biting, A lot of foreplay, Multiple Positions, Mentions of Fisting, Make-Out Sessions, A lot of Praise, Consensual.
Felix’s hands were getting sweaty and how fast he was tapping his thigh, he was getting nervous by the minute as the clock’s hands were moving closer to 8 PM — the time of your arrival. He licked his dry lips every half a minute as his head kept turning towards the door as if it was about to swing open. He brushed his blond hair back, taking a shallow breath.
You see, Felix prepared for one week for this, too make it as special as possible for your anniversary day.
1 year.
He loved, cherished, kissed you a bunch of times, and did a lot more with you in that one year of you and him being together.
Felix would do a lot more in even more years to come. In the future, he’ll propose to you, maybe even adopt children if you ever want. He just want to spend time with you, staring at you lovingly like a fool in love.
In the present now, though. He wants to enjoy this anniversary with you. He got his friends to decorate your shared apartment — the walls are decorated with colored paper and the pictures you collected throughout the years.
Frame by frame, all of them are important to you and him — Holding special memories that can’t be replaced or forgotten.
Felix felt his breath hitch as the door handle started turning. A profound mixture of excitement and nervousness built up in the pit of his stomach.
. . .
You were humming happily as you walked up the stairs of your apartment, the medium-sizedbag dangling from your fingers. You were frantic to spend time with Felix.
Today was your one year anniversary and thus you want to relieve all stress piled up from work and just spend quality time with your man.
Face-to-face with your apartment door, you turned the knob and found it wasn’t locked which made you raise your eyebrow in confusion. You turned the knob and swung it open.
Then petals of red roses fell in the front of your vision as a clear romantic music started playing. “Lixie?” you murmur, still a bit dizzy from the suprise.
After taking a moment to regain your thoughts, you noticed the picture littered across the walls of your apartment it was you and Felix.
Then finally, in all his beauty, Felix standed in the middle with the most warmest and cutest smile that seems to always set your world alight.
You suddenly felt some wetness at your cheeks and your vision suddenly becoming blurred due to the stream of tears just freely flowing down.
Felix saw the way you were crying and walked over to hug you, “Happy Anniversary, babe.” you snuggled your wet face into neck wetting his part of the shirt there.
“F— Fe, hng.... L-Lix. Th— Thankss.. for this..” you hiccuped as he pulled you away from his neck, then kiss the beads of tears falling from your eyes away.
“Shh, don’t cry, Y/N” He comforted, gently combing your hair. You smiled and clung to him like a koala as you felt every feeling of stress leaving your body.
You wrapped your hands around his neck and kissed him and he kissed back immediately, savouring the taste of your lips with passion.
Both of you perfectly molded with each other he finally slipped his tongue in your mouth, exploring your warm cavern.
Then he pulled away which made you whine, “Let’s continue that later~ but for now, let’s celebrate and eat.” he winked at his first statement then pointed at the table which had alot of food.
“Can we finish that much?” you said looking at the overloaded table.
He grinned, “We’ll give it to Changbin and the others as thankd for helping me decorate.”
You pouted and looked at the bag you had, “I only got you some strawberry cake for our anniversary...” you said, frowning.
“I’ll make it up to you...” you mumble wiping your tears away with your wrist, taking a sit down at the table then Felix sat next to you.
“You don’t have too... It still means alot to me that you’re here now.” he smiled sheepishly while you look away shyly.
“Still my gift is inferior than your suprise...”
“Any gift you give is in a high regard. Eat Y/N~ before I eat you~” he joked but there was a slight bit of truth in that. You hit his chest but he could tell how flustered you were.
“Cute....” he praised which in turn cause you to glare at him playfully as he gave you that a grin.
. . .
He reached out for your hand after eating to dance at the sound of the melodic, sweet music playing in the backround.
You look at him with love as both of you swayed along to the tune, Felix even spun you around like how people do during ballroom dances causing you to laugh as he catched you before spinning you back around to his caring embrace.
“I love you so much, Y/N...” he whispered against your ear.
You shivered at the sensation of his hot breath when he spoke, “I love you too, so so much....” you said back, turning your head to meet his caring gaze and his smile. He leaned towards you, connecting your lips as the music creased. You felt literal sparks flying across your body because of that.
You yawn as you pulled away from him, even though this was fun — You did just came back from work so you were tired and Felix now just noticed that.
He smiled before grabbing your hands and dragging you to your shared bedroom.
. . .
He pulled you on the king-sized bed which made you smile goofily as you laid there. You were still on your work clothes but nothing can be more comforting than being near with your loved one.
You liked skinship as much as he do, that’s probably why you fit together so much.
You rarely fought as well, most of it being teasing or playful fighting. Now that you remember, the only time he got mad when you didn't tell him that you were coming home late. He was angry, you were extremely tired. Instead of reasoning with him at that time, you fought fire with fire.
You always see him around the apartment since his work is a comic designer so he’s working at home, he barely leaves unless for jogging or grocery purposes.
You were snapped out of your thoughts as Felix played with your hair. Combing and stroking it. You leaned in to his soft touch, sighing at the calming sensation.
You leaned your head back so you could look up at him and he was showing a cute smile which made you smile back at him as well.
You initiated a kiss suddenly, suprising him. He kissed back before pulling away then leaned back down again as if he couldn’t get enough of your lips.
. . .
It started with small pecks at each other, now turning into a deep make out session with him. As you felt your neck was about to break off any second now due to the uncomfortable position you were kissing him in — You flipped him over and straddled him before leaning back in, biting his bottom lip teasingly as his hands worked their way onto your buttocks, kneading it teasingly.
He groaned at the lip bite before he grabbed your waist and switched positions, with Felix on top of you — staring down at you with a mixture of lust and adoration.
“You’re so pretty and handsome...” he praised, raising your shirt slightly before leaning down and planting kisses down your tummy, slowling pushing it up while also trailing his lips upward to your chest — leaving a line of saliva.
You giggled silently at his praise before gasping at his warm lips making contact with your skin, a tingling and wet sensation was apparent on your torso as Felix was tasting you up.
He removed your shirt completely and slipped his hand down to wrap around your waist. He lifted you slightly before attaching his lips on your nipples, licking and sucking on it.
You sighed as you let your own body be taken over by pleasure, Felix hummed before moving to the other nipple, this time though — he clamped his teeth down on it causing you let out a moan at the numbing pain.
When he pulled away he was content to see your chest, wet from his saliva, and your nipples — hardened and puffy.
He looked down at you, lovingly with a hint of need and lust, you stare back at him with half-lidded eyes because of the pleasure he gives.
“You look so unreal...” You whisper with a smile, the sight of Felix’s face, basking in the moonlight shining from the window at your side, you brought up your hands and caressed his cheek, “What have I done to deserve you...” you added in a soft tone.
He smiles at your compliments, “You don’t have to do anything, because even I don’t deserve someone as loving and caring as you...” he whispered, grabbing your hand on his cheek and kissing the top of it.
You pull him down by the neck, kissing him in the lips, moving with such passion as he sneaked his tongue between your lips — tasting every corner and crevice inside your warm and wet cavern.
His other hand is trailing down to your pants unbuckling your belt skillfully with one hand, pulling it down ever so slowly.
You were being patient with his teasing but at some point your patience were wearing thin, cracks started to form on your small facade as you thrusted your hips up, hitting the bulge in his pants.
He grinned in satisfaction as finally he slowly unraveled you. He removed his shirt, making you stare at his sculptured body, drool forming at the sides of your mouth
Finally, he pulled your boxers down, making you hiss at the feeling of cold air hitting your erect dick. He hummed, giving it a few small strokes to get you more riled up.
“Lix, Lix... Please.. I want— No, I need you inside me already.....” you said with desire, letting out a shaky breath as he pulled his hand away.
“Well of course, what my love wants, he gets~” he said, reaching over the nightstand drawer to grab the blueberry-scented lube and condoms.
He undressed himself, removing his shorts and boxers — throwing it somewhere in the dim room.
You glimpsed at his hard cock with a pretty pink tip, you still wondered how he manage to fit that inside you, you looked away in embarrassment at your own circling thoughts.
He chuckled lowly at that, “You can look, Y/N... I already ruined you so many times with it so what’s the point of looking away, hm?” he teasingly spoke with a husky voice.
You look at him and poked your tongue out at him playfully, causing him to snicker before squirting some lube into his fingers and lifting your legs a bit for easier access to hole.
Felix then finally slowly inserted lubricated finger, watching in awe as your hole clenched around his finger, You let out a shaky sigh, Felix’s fingers weren’t exactly big, but it still feels good. One time, he even fitted his whole fist inside you due to how tiny his hand is.
He added another two fingers, knowing that you can take his short fingers plus, he also has a need to be inside you, to be connected to you.
He pulled his fingers out, then smiled at you breathing heavily at how much he played with your fluttering hole.
Felix placed on a ultra-thin condom after biting the packet open, aligning the tip of his cock against your rim — applying a small pressure but not inserting it just yet.
You let out an impatient whine as your hole tried to suck his dick in, pathetically clenching around the tip. “Please, please Lix~ No more teasing...” you babbled, trying to sink your hips down but failing as he grabbed it with a bruising grip.
He slowly then inserted it inside you with a chuckle, watching as your face relax and your mouth forming an “O” shape. Once he saw your face relax, he thrust up into the hilt, hitting your prostate dead-on — His hips flushed against your ass.
“Ah!” you gasp out, your own neglected cock felt like bursting any moment now on how full you were. You relax yourself for Felix to move more easier.
He then started pulling out, groaning lowly before thrusting back in, “So good, so good...” you breathed out, loving the way his cock drag against your wall everytime he thrusts in.
He started a medium pace, lewd and wet sounds surrounds the room, you close your eyes and wrap your hands around the top's neck.
“You feel so good, Y/N...” he said, breathing heavily as he pursued a faster pace, the sound of skin against skin was audibly clear now — the way his hips smack against your ass was driving you crazy.
He pulls out for a bit and you let out a sound of disappointment before he asked you to flip over and you followed his command, going on all fours.
Felix shoves his cock right back in, you moaning loudly. He hits your prostate multiple times before using his other hand to slide his hand to your chest, pinching the hard bud of your nipple hard, he laughs shakily as you screamed at that.
You felt like your eyes were rolling to the back of your head as his hand roamed your inner thighs, flicking your tip teasingly before finally wrapping his hand around your hard cock, jerking it off messily and out of pace.
You didn’t know anymore, you rocked your hips back and forth — you didn’t know if you wanted to meet his hard and precise thrusts or or to buck against his hand wrapped around your base, you let out wordless whines and unidentified babbles that Felix wanted to coo at.
Felix saw that your knees were quivering, so he decided to change positions again, this time you were speared on his cock as if it was your throne, your back flushed against his sweaty chest.
This was one of your favourite positions as Felix held you close to him, increasing the feeling of sweet intimacy between the both of you as he impaled you up and down his cock.
You moaned as he hit your abused and swollen prostate for the umpteenth time, before you turned your head to meet his, sharing a hungry but a much needed kiss.
Drool dripped down your chin as your aching cock uselessly bobbed up and down in time with his thrusts, you felt lightheaded as you didn’t even realize you came, spilling on your sheets as it dripped down from the tip — your mouth releasing a drawn-out weak moan.
Felix’s thrusts turned sloppily as he saw your red tip spurt out white ropes and the sporadic clenching, he was close too.. After a few more minutes of thrusting into you and overstimulating you, he came inside the condom in a deep groan.
Felix only held you tighter against him, both of your chests heaving up and down at the tiredness. Slowly, he started pulling out of you before laying down on the bed slowly as you seemed too out of it.
He threw the used condom at the small trashbin after tying it at the side of your bed. He went to the bathroom to get some towels momentarily to clean you up.
He also got a small sheet of fabric to cover the cum-stained bed cover.
Once he saw your eyes turned more normal than the dilation it had earlier, he smiled “Good?” he asked in a heart-warming gaze.
You nodded, “Very good...” you smiled as he wiped your lubed rim and around it carefully.
“I really love you...” you said with a giggle at the end.
“I love me too~” he teased.
“Felix~!” you whined, crossing your arms around your chest.
He chuckled before going closer to you and connecting your lips, “I love you..” he mumbles sweetly against your ear.
You hummed in great appreciation, reeling him down to cuddle in his bare chest — to which he complied, combing your hair.
“You are the best thing that ever happened to me, Y/N.” Felix breathed out, smiling as you fell in a tired sleep.
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babykatsu · 4 years
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PAIRING: Katsuki Bakugou x Fem!Reader
STATUS: ongoing
GENRE: smau, crack, lil bit of angst, aged up, fluff
WARNINGS: mentions of romantic relations, kissing, honestly just fluff.
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15: 𝙞 𝙡𝙞𝙠𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙩𝙤𝙤
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AAAAAAAA FINALLY!!! the long awaited moment🥺🥺🥺 UGH i love soft katsu sooo soooo soooo muchh🥰 i hope you guys enjoy this part!
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Unfamiliar faces swarmed you, hustling and bustling to their destinations as you stupidly stood in a corner eyeing the scene unravel. Eyes darting across every individual that passed, nervously hoping to see the all too familiar blonde-haired boy emerge from the crowd. But just as much as you wanted to spot him in the train station filled with strangers, you couldn’t help the anxious feeling that burnt at the pit of your stomach.
You were beyond nervous, heart racing and mouth dry at the mere thought of the meet up with Bakugou. But more so, you were excited at the prospect. You’d been talking to him on a friendly bases for a while, maybe even more than just friends, and because of that, you came to your senses to forgive him.
Maybe you were being just a tad bit dramatic after all, but you needed to let your emotions out when you were hit with the news. The news of the person behind the 'anonymous' boy you were texting day in and day out.
You brushed these thoughts aside however at this moment, eyes still searching for the explosive boy in the body of people. Occasionally glancing at your phone to check the time.
“He should be here by now” you quirky mumbled to yourself, monitoring your phone for the million times in the past few minutes.
You felt a mix of enthusiasm and nervousness seeping through you as you awaited his arrival. Mouth desert, palms somewhat sweaty and body tense as you stood idle.
You finally looked back up again from your phone, taking another gander around the crowd. Eyes grounding on someone with a vibrant orange puffer jacket. And that’s exactly when your heart abruptly dropped at the sight of him. His vermillion eyes beaming through the plain crowd. It wasn’t just his red orbs that stood out, it was his god damn obnoxious jacket.
He looked clueless as his eyes flew around the station and its cluster of people. You had to put all your nerves at ease and approach him yourself. Unlike him, you wore a less vibrant outfit so you doubted he would spot you.
You took eager steps in his direction, getting more excited as you came closer to him. One step, two steps, three steps. Space between you two grew slimmer. With a sudden spin of his head in your direction, your eyes met. Slowing down, you gave him an innocent smile. And when he was finally just a meter away from you, A buzz of emotion shot through as an unexpected urge to leap in for a hug washed over you. So you do just that, wrapping your arms swiftly around his waist and resting your head against his chest.
There was a pause for a moment before he hugged you back. Your actions were slightly shocking to him after all. Not only because you were mad at him just the other day, but there’s no denying it’s rare for a person to be this daring to go in for an embrace with him. Either way, once he snaked his arms around you, he hugged you tightly. He held you as though he would never get this chance again, swaying side to side in each other's embrace. No words said between the two of you as you just bathed in one another's company.
You took this moment to take in his being: the woody cologne that drenched his body, the warmth of his body against yours and the rhythmic beating of his heart. To think this was the boy you once knew and hated in high school was absurd.
Bakugou, on the other hand, was in a state of complete shock. First of all, you looked absolutely gorgeous. The way your clothes fit you so well, the way your hair carefully shaped your face, even the delicate scent that surrounded you had him swooning. But most of all, the way you felt wrapped around him gave him a rare fluttering feeling. He was in perplexed and confused as to how you could make him feel this way. He knew he liked you before but being with you in this very moment only enhanced his feelings.
You held onto each other for a short while before pulling away, Bakugou's face glazed in a soft pinky blush.
"Someone's excited" you giggle, examining every intricate facial feature.
"Speak for yourself, dumbass. I'm not the one jumping onto people"
His response to you was followed by a cocky smirk, his blush fading as his confidence blossomed. This time you were the one slightly flustered, commemorating the actions you took simply seconds ago. Pushing his shoulder gently with the palm of your hand, you wave his comment off with a light giggle. You heard his raspy laugh escape his rosy lips, as you teased him back. It was by far the most unexpected occurrence that day. His laugh was so foreign, it swarmed butterflies in your stomach. If only he laughed more often...
"So, what's the plan?" You question him.
It was a little past 4 pm, and you weren't quite sure what Bakugou was plotting with this last-minute meetup. Maybe he didn't even have a plan, to begin with.
"This is your side of town, not mine" He starts, shoving his hands in his pockets as he began taking gradual steps towards the station's exit. "Want to tell me where I could treat you to something" he gave you a small smile as he turned to look back at you, waiting for you to catch up with him.
His generosity didn't go unnoticed, and you surely were blown away by his offer.
"Katsuki- don't buy me anything!" You protest as you leave the station.
The light gushes of wind blew against your skin softly, the evening air settling in as night leisurely approached.
"Don't be an idiot, I'm buying you something regardless"
You were impressed, to say the least with this offer and certainty when it came to getting you something.
"Hmm, I'm craving lychee bubble tea as well. Don't get too excited" And there he goes again being his usual asshole self trying to hide his soft side for you.
You just laughed at his comment, amused by his childish tendencies when it came to his emotions.
"Whatever you say, you big baby"
There were a handful of places where you could purchase boba tea, so you scanned your surroundings for the nearest cafes. It took you a moment to spot a cafe. But once you did, you leaned against Bakugou and smoothly wrapping your arm around his in excitement.
"Look, over there" You pointed at a small cafe across the road.
As you dropped subtle flirts Bakugou's way, his whole syst5em was gooing off at the contact between you two. It's not like he hadn't been like this with someone before, but you being the one part taking in such actions made him lose composure.
"You like that cafe?" He made sure as you gave him a nod of reassurance before walking towards the cafe.
You spent the next hour in there, giggling and indulging in the drinks he purchased. It was unexpected how well your conversation flowed, how natural it all felt. Not to mention his subtle caring nature towards you. It wasn't entirely obvious at first glance, but well hidden in his mannerism.
Like for example, not even for a moment did he swerve his attention away from you, always engaged in the conversations you shared. Even when you were rambling about the most stupid of things. Or even the way he would fix a crease in your shirt, removing the random lint that clung onto the cotton fabric of your shirt and even wiping a bit of tea that somehow managed to land on the corner of your mouth due to your constant rambling.
All these seemingly meaningless actions gave you goosebumps as he did them without hesitation or comment like it was something natural to do. Keeping in mind you weren't on the best terms during your time in high school.
It was safe to say that he had truly improved as a person and god did you love it. Spending time together in a tiny cafe made you see just how much you liked him after all.
Sadly as much as you wanted to spend more time with him, your time was limited.
You walked hand in hand with blonde, his thumb gently stroked you as your fingers intertwined. You took a diversion back home, walking through an empty park with the perfect view of the sunset ahead of you. The gentle honey-coloured sky painted the trees in its warm hue. In contrast, the wind had picked up and shivers trickled down your spine.
"I had a lot of fun" You smiled his way, glancing at his side profile as you walked down cobbled pathway.
You watched the smirk growing on his face, stopping in his tracks to look over at you. The sunset cast a delicate glow across his face, a gentle orange tint reflecting on his ruby eyes as he locked his eyes with yours.
"Me too. I just want to say sorry once more"
Knitting your brows together, you gave him a confused expression.
"You've apologised for enough, I promise" you shoot him another smile, his arms dropping to hang around your waist, pulling you closer to him.
"If anything, I should say sorry for how I reacted" He snarled at your response.
"Don't be an idiot y/n. You don't need to say sorry or anything" a tight squeeze was given as he held you tighter now.
"But I do!"
"Just shut up" he gave you breathy grin, watching you slightly panic at nothing.
As you were about to resume your chattering, he leaned his face closer, his soft lips landing on yours. His lips felt smooth and plump against yours, not daring to move any more, anticipating for you to reciprocate the kiss. And you did just that, fluttering your eyelids shut. Draping your arms around his shoulders, you kissed him back. Your mouths harmonised as you both melted into the kiss, delicately moving. His hands lingered around your waist, one coming up to your face, cupping your cheek in his palm. You could feel the overabundance of emotions that came from him in this very kiss. He held you tightly yet every move he made was with consideration, his lips danced with yours in passion as he deepened the kiss, but never being rough or forceful. If it was even possible, you were falling for him more and more by the second. His delicious caramel taste caressed you as he explored your mouth and your body quivered under his hand's tracks.
Slowly, you both pulled away. Lips glazed and reddened, the breeze cooling them as wind met the moisture that covered them.
"That shut you up?" you could feel his confidence spike once more, the flirty aroma the surrounded you evident.
"Hmmm, I don't know just yet" you pretened to think. "Try again"
He rolled his eyes at you, giving your lips another gentle peck. Capturing your bottom lips between his teeth, tugging at them as he pulled away with a devious smirk. Heat rushed to your face, hearing him laugh at your shocked expression as you buried your face in his chest.
"You can't deny it now, it definitely worked"
He let out a sigh before resuming.
"But on a serious note y/n" He captured your gaze one more as you looked up at him.
"If I didn't make it obvious already, I really fucking like you" You blushed at his confession. "And I don't want this to be the last time we spend time together"
You grinned at him, responding enthusiastically.
"I like you too, I honestly had so much fun tonight"
"Would it be too early to ask you to be my girlfriend?" His cheeks were turning a faint red colour, flustered with his comment.
"Not at all!" You beamed.
"Then you're all mine" He finished off before clutching you tightly in a bear hug, his chin resting atop your head.
Once again, you resumed your walk together towards the station, conversating about random topics and laughing at nonsense. Before you even knew it, you two were back at the station were it all had started. You were going to miss him, already planning the next time you both could see each other again.
"I don't want you to leave" You pouted, going in for one final hug
"I'll see you next week, dumbass"
You jokingly rolled your eyes at him.
You watched him remove his orange jacket, handing the article of clothing to you.
"Thank you, but that's a bit random" you laugh as you take the jacket from him, putting your hands through the armholes.
As you wrap yourself in his jacket, his cologne instantly surrounds you.
"You can keep it until we see each other next" He pecks you lips promptly with a petite smile on his lips.
You exchange in your last goodbyes and the concluded your day with him, rushing home to shoot him a message.
Anonymous was a really effective app when it came to meeting new people for sure...
@lov4kbg @maya-ngpirit @bestgirlbeth @plutoxxxworld @loxbbg @senbasa1 @hikari-writes @euwhoriaa @yuiicorn @thegalxe @alienatedhooman @icy-hot @kxmilkahara @h0ngdabiin @chidori-mint @bakubabes-hatake @stuck-1n-space @engel-hageshii @call-me-prodigy @mirakeul @sally-wonders @saturnmoon @nerdynstoned @eraserhead-legal-child @roxybefab @heyimsad @wasteofspace288 @ilovepizzaandimhot @raspberrysunshinebby @wondewdrop @atruebaby @jisnuq @stupidbitchtm @heheheh2547 @ladybeautiful18 @pro-crastinator14 @lolitstiana @queenexplosionmurderr13 @redflannel @simple-things @fxturestargirl @yeehaw87 @kageyamasbabygorl @redandgreenflannel @overallweeb @helloshoutohere @httpglxssy @thetrashyfangirlstuff @shycoffeeparadise
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viastro · 4 years
pinky promise | joshua hong
ミ★ synopsis: who knew that your crush of two years also happens to be your friendly neighborhood spiderman? not you! and who thought that you’d find out he’s spiderman through you two being paired for a group project? absolutely neither of you.
ミ★ genre: spiderman!joshua, action, fluff, humor
ミ★ warnings: mentions of almost death, mentions of blood, some ass kicking
ミ★ word count: 5,929
ミ★ pairings: joshua x female reader
ミ★ notes: hi guys! i did not mean to make this such a long oneshot... but alas. that’s how it be. i’m a huge marvel fan so i was like <333 spidey joshua <333 it’s absolutely time. but i also didn’t really incorporate many scenes of him as spiderman... am i stupid ? yes ! maybe in a different life i’ll write another spiderman au </3 anyways, i hope you guys like this one !!
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You watch as your History teacher describes the upcoming group project that will be due in two weeks. Turning towards your best friend, Irene, the two of you flash each other mischievous smiles, already planning on pairing up. You lean back in your chair comfortably, feeling confident now that you don’t have to worry about choosing a partner. 
“I will be choosing your partner.”
oh fuck me in the ass.
“Jaehyun and Jungkook.” Your instructor reads off his clipboard, now sitting up straight in your seat. You look at Irene, anxiousness written across your features, and she gives you a small smile. She mouths, “It’ll be okay!” 
To which you shake your head vigorously and mouth back, “No it absolutely won’t!!”
“Irene and Seulgi.” You pout as Irene waves at Seulgi, knowing that she’s lucky because she got one of her friends. You have a few friends in the class, but they all have partners now. “I hate it here.” You mutter, about to lean back in your seat when your instructor announces:
“Yn and Joshua.” 
You fall out of your seat instead, causing a loud crash in the back of the room. Your classmates turn to glance at the sound, only to see you on the floor instead. Irene lifts a hand to her mouth in an attempt to muffle her laugh, knowing that you only fell because you just got paired with your longtime crush. 
“Yn… are you okay?” Your instructor asks, and you choose to close your eyes instead, refusing to look up and see what Joshua’s facial expression may be. 
maybe if i act like i passed out… then everything will be fine.
okay i’ll pretend i fainted.
“Oh my God, I think she fainted!” 
this was a bad idea. i shouldn’t have done that.
“Someone call the nurse!” Irene coughs into her shoulder to hide her laugh, and stands up from her seat. She puts on her best worried for my best friend expression, hurriedly walking over to you. She kneels beside you and grasps your hand, giving it a squeeze. “Someone help carry her to the infirmary!”
“I can help.” You hear Joshua say, and you immediately open your eyes, looking up at Irene in panic. She reaches up and rests her hand over your eyes, hiding everything from view. She gives Joshua a smile, “Okay, thank you so much!”
“WHA-” Irene clamps her hand over your mouth before you can finish your sentence, practically handing you off to your longtime crush. You feel Joshua’s arm go underneath your knees, and then under your upper back, lifting you up off the floor. You do everything in your power not to let warmth rise to your cheeks, or for your breathing to go crazy but that’s really hard because aaAAAAAA !!!!
Irene giggles quietly as she watches you hang limp in Joshua’s arms. She knows very well that you’re going to scream at her later, but she’s fine with it.  Irene tells herself, as long as I helped her to shoot her shot, then she absolutely owes me !! 
“Make sure to stay with yn until she wakes up Joshua, thank you for offering to help. Irene can update you both on what you missed when you come back.” You hear your instructor say, and you internally curse Irene for letting Joshua help you.
but at the same time i brought this upon myself.
... no i’ll blame irene.
You listen to Joshua’s shuffling footsteps towards the infirmary. You hear him curse to himself, before letting out a small giggle. “Sorry yn, this might be a bit bumpy. I have to take you down the stairs.” 
the way my heart just swooned. 
Joshua glances down at your closed eyes, smiling softly to himself when he sees them slightly twitch. He knows that you’re awake as he can feel your fast heartbeat, but he won’t say anything. He’s just happy to be holding you in his arms right now. 
so what if he’s been too intimidated to talk to you since the bathroom incident !! he thinks you’re really pretty and is afraid to initiate conversation !! let him live !!
Once the two of you make it to the infirmary, he carefully places you onto the bed with the help of the nurse. She slides off your shoes, and places the light blanket over you. Once she’s done, she turns towards Joshua, “Are you going to stay with her until she wakes up?” 
You feel heat rise to your cheeks again, and you pinch your thigh in an attempt to redirect it. Joshua glances down at you, chuckling quietly at the fact that you’re still pretending to be asleep. He nods his head, turning back towards the nurse, “Yeah, I will.” 
“You can just sit there then, I’m sure she’ll wake up soon. It might be dehydration that caused her to pass out, but I’ll only be able to confirm when she wakes up.” Joshua nods his head, telling her thanks before she steps out, closing the curtain around you two. 
“You can open your eyes now yn, I know you’re awake.” Joshua says softly, and you feel your heart stop. You slowly open them, turning your head to glance at him. He’s sitting on the chair beside the bed, looking at you with an amused expression on his face. You let out a quiet giggle as you slowly glance back up at the ceiling, now feeling awkward and embarrassed. “How long did you know I was awake?”
“Since Irene covered your eyes with her hand.”
“Ah, nice.” Joshua chuckles, resting his head on his palm as he watches you blink up at the ceiling. “How long were you planning to keep up that act?”
“Probably like, ten more minutes maybe.” Joshua nods his head, grinning at you. You raise your hands up, covering your face as the feeling of complete embarrassment takes over. You internally curse yourself for even pretending to have fainted, but at the same time…
it would’ve been absolutely horrible if everyone knew i just fell out of my chair.
at least they don’t think i’m clumsy, they just think i passed out.
that is not better in the slightest.
“I’m sorry Joshua.” You tell him, turning your head and looking at him. He smiles, waving his hands to tell you that it’s alright. “It’s okay yn! I wanted a little break from class either way, and you just happened to present a good opportunity for me to do so.”
“Our instructor does drag topics on for too long…” You mutter to yourself, and Joshua nods his head, letting out a sigh. He leans back into his chair, now thinking about the countless times that your guys’ teacher went from teaching about the lesson, to talking about his cat named Myrtle.
“Fucking Myrtle…” Joshua says under his breath, and you happen to catch it, letting out a small giggle. Joshua looks up at you, grinning at the sound. 
“I was kind of nervous to have you as my partner because of the bathroom incident,” You cringe at the memory, and Joshua chuckles at your reaction before continuing. “But I think we’ll get along quite well.” Joshua tells you, and you smile happily. He finds that his heart is warm at the sight of your smile.
“I think we’ll get along too-”
“Oh! You’re awake. You should’ve told me, Joshua.” The nurse interrupts, opening the curtains that were surrounding the bed. Joshua gives her an apologetic smile, scooting back so that the nurse has room to check up on you. “Have you been drinking enough water today? The weather is hot this afternoon.” 
“I only drank a few sips from my water bottle today.” You answer, and she tsks at you. You glance at Joshua to find him smiling at the fact that you’re about to get scolded. You’re about to roll your eyes at him when the nurse begins to speak again.
“You probably fainted from dehydration. You have to drink more water when the weather is hot! If you don’t, then you’ll pass out again. I’m going to get you a cup of water after I check your temperature, okay?” You nod your head, feeling a bit bad now about how worried the nurse seems to be over your overall well being. When in reality, you just pretended to faint to mask your embarrassment for falling out of your chair the moment your instructor announced that you and your crush are going to be partners.
She pulls out the thermometer, telling you to open your mouth. You comply, and she checks your temperature, finding that you don’t have a fever. She turns around and steps out to grab water, and you let out a sigh. 
“How come we always end up meeting over the most unfortunate circumstances?” You ask with a playful smile, and Joshua chuckles. He opens his mouth to respond when his phone dings, and he glances down to check the message. You watch as a stern expression takes over his features, and he stands up from the chair. “I have to go, there’s a family emergency.” 
You nod your head, having been used to Joshua leaving class at random points during the week. You’re more concerned at the fact that he has a family emergency every other week, but alas. He gives you an apologetic smile. “I’m sorry, you’ll have to go back to class on your own. Um, put your number in my phone though.” You raise an eyebrow, and his eyes widen, blush forming on his cheeks.
“T-to talk about our project!” You smile, shaking your head at him and taking his phone. “I know Joshua, I was just teasing.” 
He lets out a breath, grinning as you hand him back his phone with your number in it. He waves to you as he heads out of the room, “I’ll text you later!” 
“Will do!” 
You sigh, about to lay back down when the nurse walks in with a confused expression on her face. She hands you the cup of water, and you immediately try to chug it all down. She glances over at the chair, before looking back at you as you prepare to swallow the water.
“Where’d your boyfriend go?”
aaaaaaaand there goes your water.
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“Wait, so he knew you were awake the whole time?!” Irene asks over the phone, and you glare down at the pavement as you remember her being the cause of this. “Yes! But he was actually really nice about it, he kept smiling at me and I almost went into cardiac arrest.”
“Oh my God. I can’t believe you guys are finally speaking after two years since the bathroom incident, and it’s because of me! I think I deserve some loving for that one!”
“Stop bringing up the bathroom incident! That’s my most unfortunate memory of high school, also you didn’t do shit!!”
“You just said I’m the cause of this like ten minutes ago.”
“This ain’t about you!!” You respond with a laugh. You’re walking on the empty streets close to your neighborhood, on your way home from high school. You smile as Irene begins to argue over the phone, looking at the setting sun as you walk peacefully on the sidewalk. You open your mouth to respond when you feel something hard get pressed to the side of your head, and you freeze. “Yn?” 
“Give me your money.” The man says beside you, nudging your head with the gun. Irene’s mouth drops open at the voice, hearing your breathing turn heavy as you stand still in fear. “Did you hear me? I said give me your fucking money.”
“Sir, please. I don’t have anything on me.” You tell him quietly, and he lets out a sigh. He raises his hand up and strikes you hard with the butt of the gun, causing you to drop your phone and fall onto the ground. You cry out in pain, raising a hand to your now bleeding head. You reach into your pocket, grabbing your pepper spray as you feel the warmth of the blood trail down your neck. 
The man leans down beside you, pressing the gun to your head again as you look up at him with nothing but fear and hatred in your gaze. He gives you a sadistic smile, “Give me your fucking money or else I’ll-” 
You cut him off by spraying him directly in the eyes with pepper spray. He screeches in pain, quickly stumbling away from you. You take the opportunity to stand up and kick him in the face, before grabbing your phone that fell and running away as fast you can. You put the phone to your ear as you run, vision blurring from the blow to your head.
“Yn!” Irene cries into the phone, and it takes everything in you to not let any tears form in order to be able to see. “I need to call the police Irene, if I don’t call you back please check my location. Please.” You tell her hurriedly, hanging up after she immediately says yes. 
You raise a hand to your head as you run, feeling the blood seeping into your uniform as you dial 112. You place the phone back to your ear, only to be yanked back by your hair and falling onto the ground. You look up with wide eyes at the sight of the assailant from earlier, looking at you with pure rage and a bloody nose.
“112 what’s your emergency?” 
“P-please help-” You cry out when he kicks you in the stomach, effectively dropping your phone from your hand. You clutch your stomach in pain, looking at him with pure fear in your eyes. 
“Please, I really don’t have anything.” You beg, tears filling your eyes as he cocks his gun. He points it towards your head, “It won’t matter anyways-” 
His eyes widen when the gun is shot out of his hands, now on the ground covered in a web of sorts. You slowly try to inch backwards when you recognize the substance, knowing who must be here. Your heart still pounds violently against your ears, but you feel a bit safer now. 
“Well, that’s not how you treat a lady, now is it?” A voice says from above, and you watch as the guy looks around in fear. You watch as the red and blue suited figure swings over and kicks the man in the stomach, knocking him to the ground. 
“Spiderman.” The man states, and the superhero places a hand on his hip, letting out a dark chuckle. 
“So you know me? That means you know what I do to bad guys right?” Spiderman asks, leaning down to the guy’s level and shooting a web onto his hand, preventing him from being able to get back up. The assailant panics, before trying to swipe Spideman’s feet out from under him. The superhero chuckles darkly, leaning down to the man’s level. 
“How dare you hurt her like that.” He all but growls, and the assailant glares at the superhero. The man leans his head back, before slamming it onto Spiderman’s forehead, to which he lets out a hiss. You watch as Spiderman jumps up and kicks him in the face, knocking the man out cold. “I’ll deal with you in a second.” 
The superhero then turns around and walks over to you, bending down and checking your injuries. He hears the distant sound of sirens, looking at your phone beside you that’s still on the call with the authorities. 
“I’m so sorry I didn’t get here sooner. I had to get a cat out of a tree.” He apologizes as he lifts some of your hair up, taking notice of the large amount of blood dripping from the wound on your head. You let out a little giggle at the visual of the superhero trying to psspss at a cat, and he raises an eyebrow at you under his mask. He lets out a little chuckle at the fact that you’re still able to smile in this condition, and you tilt your head at the familiarity of his voice, but the soreness of your stomach takes over those questions forming in your head. You begin to feel dizzy due to the loss of blood, and you let out a breath. The sound of sirens draw closer, but they’re starting to sound far away to you.
“I-I tried to get away by using pepper spray. He still somehow… somehow caught up to me.” Your eyes slowly start to close, and Spiderman reaches forward and catches you as you fall backwards. “It’s okay, I’m here.” Your vision slowly turns dark, and the last thing you hear is,
“I’m here yn, it’s okay.”
Joshua clenches his jaw when you close your eyes, lifting you up from the ground once the police and ambulance arrives. He brushes away the strands of hair on your face, pressing on the wound to get it to stop bleeding as he brings you over towards the stretcher. He lays you down on it softly, before turning towards the EMTs.
“Hurry.” Joshua tells the EMT behind his mask, and the guy nods. Him and his team quickly bring you into the ambulance, before driving away. He then turns around and glances at the guy that attacked you, clenching his fist tightly at the sight of him. Before he does anything else to him, he shoots a web towards the building and swings away from the scene. 
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“Oh my God! Yn! We heard what happened!”
“Spiderman SAVED YOU?!”
“Was he cute in person??” 
“You’re so lucky to have been saved by him!!” 
Irene slams her fist down on your desk, shutting up your classmates that were hounding you. You raise a hand to the healing wound on your head, feeling a slight throb coming on. Irene glares at each student that’s surrounding your desk.
“Yn literally almost fucking died, and you’re all asking her about Spiderman?” Irene asks harshly, and your classmates glance at each other. Joshua walks in, placing his backpack by his desk slowly as he watches it all unfold.
“Each and every single one of you needs to get your priorities straight! And fucking back up from yn’s desk, she’s still sensitive to loud noises and you’re all fucking crowding around her like dogs looking for fucking bacon.” Irene states, and your classmates back up from your desk, walking over to their own tables after muttering an apology. You let out a sigh of relief, and Irene rests a hand on your shoulder. 
“Thank you.” You tell her, giving her a small smile. She leans forward and presses a quick kiss to your forehead, before walking over to her desk. Joshua opens his backpack, pulling out the small squishmallow he bought for you, and heads over to your desk. 
He’s been unable to get the sound of you crying out in pain, as well as the visual of you fainting out of his mind since the incident. He somehow feels like it’s his fault for having not gotten to you sooner, and he’s been beating himself up for it for the past week.
hopefully she likes the squishmallow, Joshua thinks to himself as he stands in front of you, plushie being held behind his back.
You look up from your notes, and your eyes immediately widen at Joshua standing before you. He tentatively places the squishmallow onto your desk, and your demeanor softens. “I heard what happened last week, and I wanted to give you something to put a smile on your face. I’m really happy you’re okay.”
You let out a small smile, reaching out and grasping the small duck. You slowly wrap your arms around the tiny plushie, giving it a hug, and Joshua’s heart warms at the sight. You eye a healing bruise on his temple, and you bite the inside of your cheek to prevent yourself from asking what happened. Instead, you grin at him, “Thank you, Joshua. It means a lot to me.” He nods his head, watching as you place the squishmallow beside your pencil pouch. 
“I was wondering if uh, you wanted to come to my house after school? To work on our project?” You look back up at him, and his eyes quickly widen. “Unless you don’t want to, that’s perfectly okay too. I can actually do the whole project myself if you want. I’m sorry for asking, I should’ve been more considerate…” Joshua begins rambling and you raise your hand to your mouth as you begin to giggle at how cute he is. 
“I’ll come, but my dad will have to drive me there. I don’t walk around alone anymore.” You tell him, and he freezes at the fact that you said yes. He nods his head rather aggressively at your terms, and you fight back another giggle. 
“Of course! I’ll text you my address.” You give him a smile, as he pulls out his phone, typing down his address. You watch the way the sun hits his black hair, reflecting a pretty brown. His tongue is poking out of his lips in concentration as he makes sure his address is correct before sending it to you. You let out a content sigh, finally feeling a bit happy.
Ever since the incident, you feel constantly on edge. You knew that if it weren’t for Spiderman, you would’ve died. It’s terrifying to admit, and you’ve been having constant nightmares of what happened that you can’t properly sleep. This is the first time in a week that you’ve felt your heart rate increase, but not out of fear. It’s due to you talking to your crush.
hehe <333 joshua <33333
“Okay, I sent it. Let me know when you’re on your way!” You nod your head and he gives you a thumbs up before walking back towards his desk. You feel a pair of eyes on you, so you turn your head to see Irene wiggling her eyebrows. You glare, sticking out your tongue at her in response. 
“How cute! You’re going on a date with your crush!” She whisper-shouts, and you give her the thumbs down, turning away before your face can turn even more red out of embarrassment rather than being shy. 
All while Joshua watches from his desk, smiling softly at you raising your hands up to your cheeks in an attempt to stop the warmth from rising to your face. He chuckles quietly, shaking his head and turning back towards the front. 
“She’s so cute.” 
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“I’ll text you when I’m done Dad, I love you.” You say as you exit the car, throwing your backpack over your shoulder. “Be safe! If you have a bad feeling just call me and I’ll come!” 
You close the door after nodding, and walk towards Joshua’s front door. You ring the doorbell, and you hear the sound of shuffling for a moment, before the door opens. It’s a lady probably in her early or late 40s, and she’s a spitting image of Joshua. 
“You must be yn! Joshua’s just up in the office room, it’s the first door on your left.” She tells you and you smile, slipping out of your sneakers. “Thank you auntie!” 
“Of course! Just let me know if you’re hungry and I’ll make you some food.” You give her a thumbs up before heading up the stairs. You look around at all the family portraits up on the walls, giggling at the sight of baby Joshua. “How cute!”
You walk into the office, placing your backpack down by the door. You glance around the room, not seeing Joshua anywhere. You raise an eyebrow, pulling out your phone to see if he texted you anything, but there’s nothing. 
“I guess I’ll use the bathroom before he comes back.” You mutter to yourself, walking out of the office and down the hall. You bite your cheek as you try to guess what may be the restroom until you reach the end of the hallway. You reach out and press on the door, only to realize that this is absolutely not the restroom due to the fact that there’s a bed and a guitar resting beside it. You’re about to turn back around when your eyes catch sight of something… large… on the ceiling.
You slowly look up, and you drop your phone onto the floor when you see who it is, catching the attention of Joshua. He lets out a screech and falls from the ceiling, landing on his feet as you stare at him with wide eyes. The two of you stand in silence for a moment, before you finally scream:
“What the FUCK?!?” 
“Oh SHIT!” 
“It’s not what it looks like!” 
“Joshua you were literally on your fucking ceiling wearing the Spiderman suit!” You scream, clutching your face with both your hands in shock. He presses the middle of his suit, causing it to loosen up and fall to his feet. “It is absolutely not what it looks like.”
“Looks like what? That you’re Spiderman!?” Joshua stares at you, raising a hand up and rubbing the back of his neck. He lets out a nervous chuckle, flashing you a grin while you continue to look at him, mouth agape.
“Yes.” You begin to feel lightheaded at the realization that Joshua Hong, the guy you’ve been crushing on for the past two years, is also your friendly neighborhood Spiderman. 
that explains why he always leaves class early!
wait. you glance at the bruise on his forehead, and your eyes widen at the memory of your assailant slamming his head onto Spiderman’s aka Joshua’s.
that means he saved-
“I think I’m going to…” Joshua zooms forward once he sees your eyes roll into the back of your head, wrapping his arms around your waist before you fall backwards and hurt your head again. He lets out a breath, before carrying you over to his bed and laying you down on it.
“Maybe she’ll think it was a weird dream.” He says to himself in an attempt to feel better.
it does not work.
Joshua quickly grabs his clothes, before sprinting into the bathroom to change out of his suit. 
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You wake up with a start, immediately sitting up in the bed. You let out a small groan at the lingering throbbing in your head, raising your hand up and resting it softly on the healing wound. Joshua glances up at the sound of you waking up, and hurriedly prays that you don’t remember anything prior to passing out. 
You look over at Joshua, and you stare at him with a blank expression as he walks over. You point at him, and his eyes widen as you say, “You saved me the other day.” 
“Ah, so you do remember…” 
“That the guy I like is Spiderman? Oh hell yeah I do.” You tell him without a second thought, still in a dazed state from passing out. Only to freeze a moment later once the words you just uttered process in your brain. Joshua lets out a cheeky grin, and you place your head in your hands at how EMBARRASSING YOU ARE !!
“You like me…”
“I’m closing my eyes.” You say, laying back down on the bed and covering your eyes with your hands. You peek through your fingers after a moment to see him smiling happily down at you, to which you frown and sit back up. 
“You know!! This shouldn’t even be the topic of conversation right now because I just found out that you’re fucking Spiderman!! Shouldn’t you be more worried that I know your identity?” You ask in an attempt to change the topic. To which Joshua just shrugs, continuing to give you heart eyes. You squint at him, grabbing his pillow and throwing at his face, and he easily catches it, clutching it to his chest.
“I mean, probably.”
“Probably?!?!” Joshua leans closer to your face, and you lean back slightly from the close proximity. He tilts his head to the side, giving you a dangerous smile that makes your heart flip inside your chest. You wonder how he’s so bold, but what you don’t know is that he’s currently panicking inside.
joshua’s brain: she’s so pretty oh my god i’m going to go into cardiac arrest !! ohmygodohmygodohmygod look at the SPARKLE IN HER EYES hafjkwBGKJBWHGQBVAVNJEKRBGELBGE
“Do you want me to think that you’ll betray me, yn?” He asks in a sweet tone, but you know that he’s serious. You shake your head, and he leans back, standing at his full height once again. “I trust you, you wouldn’t tell anyone.”
“How can you be so sure? We’ve only spoken a few times.” You ask, and he grins. 
“Because I didn’t tell anyone about the time where you accidentally walked into the boys bathroom and only realized it wasn’t the girls restroom when you ran into me on your way out of the stall two years ago.” 
“I’m going to the restroom, I’ll meet you at class!” You tell Irene with a wave of your hand, before hurriedly rushing in the direction of the bathrooms. You feel as if your bladder is about to burst due to the five cups of banana milk you drank. 
Was it a mistake? You can’t tell yet. 
You finally see the doors to the restroom, pushing it and going straight to the stall. After locking the stall behind you, you finally relieve yourself. As you pull up your skirt, you’re now able to decide whether drinking five cups of banana milk was worth it.
10/10 it was absolutely worth it.
You hear the sound of the door opening, and you quickly flush the toilet. Zipping up your skirt, you unlock the stall and step out, only to be face to face with holy shit.
Your classmate, Joshua stares at you with wide eyes, as do you. His mouth slowly drops open, and you finally take a glance around the bathroom to see that there are fucking urinals. You turn back towards Joshua in horror, and he immediately places his hands over his eyes, apologizing right away.
“I’m so fucking sorry.”
“I should be the one sorry! I was in such a rush to pee that I fucking went into the boys restroom without looking at the sign!” You cry out, walking past him to wash your hands before heading out. You continue to ramble out multiple apologies as you dry your hands, and Joshua just repeatedly tells you how he’s sorry and that we all make mistakes. 
You’re about to rush out the restroom when Joshua hears the sound of someone about to pull open the door. He quickly grabs your hand, bringing you into the stall with him. You protest when he places his hands under your arms, lifting you up onto the toilet seat so that it doesn’t show that there’s two people in the stall. Your eyes are wide and you’re about to say something when you hear the door open, and you quickly shut your mouth. 
Joshua just places a finger over his lips, before turning back around and facing the stall door to wait for them to leave. You quickly cover your ears at the sound of the guy peeing in the urinal, and Joshua feels his face warm at the fact that you’re both hiding in a bathroom stall together as a guy relieves himself right outside the door. 
After the guy washes his hands and steps out of the bathroom, the two of you let out a sigh. Joshua unlocks the door, and you both step out. You place a hand over your heart, feeling it beat wildly fast. You glance up at Joshua, to see him let out a chuckle. You feel yourself begin to giggle too at how ridiculous this has been. Once the two of you calm down, you turn to him and give him a smile. 
“Thank you, I’ll make sure to read the signs properly from now on.” Joshua laughs, shaking his head at you. “It’s okay yn, sometimes we just gotta go.” 
You giggle, turning and preparing to walk out of the bathroom, before glancing back at him. “Please don’t tell anyone about this though.”
To which Joshua just smiles at you, holding up his pinky. 
“I pinky promise.”
“Valid point.” You mutter, rubbing the back of your neck at one of your most embarrassing high school memories. It just so happened to also be the start of your raging crush on Joshua, considering how kind he was with the unfortunate occurrence. Still unfortunate nonetheless though. You look up at the handsome man, finding him waiting for your final answer. Letting out a sigh, you say, “Alright. Deal.”
Joshua smiles at you, holding out his pinky. “Pinky promise?” 
You stare at it for a moment, remembering the time he did the same thing in the bathroom two years ago. You wrap your pinky around his after a second of reminiscing, “Pinky promise.”
Joshua unexpectedly wraps his hand around your wrist once the two of you let go, pulling you up off the bed and he stares down into your wide eyes. He watches as you quickly try to avoid eye contact with him due to the close proximity between you two for the second time today, and he lets out a cheeky smile. 
“So… you like me, huh?” You scoff, pushing him away and he lets out a laugh. You step towards the door, before turning around and looking at him. He stares at you with those catlike eyes, always sparkling as he looks at you.
“We’re supposed to work on our project, Spidey.” He rolls his eyes at the term, following after you out the door. 
“I think we can work on the powerpoint as we talk about me taking you out on a date?” You freeze, slowly turning back and looking at Joshua, who is smiling happily at you.
“Did you just?”
“I did just.”
“Bruh moment.”
“Is that a yes?” Joshua asks, reaching out and grasping your wrist, pulling you closer to him. You stare up into his eyes, and you scrunch up your nose. “Perhaps…”
“Perhaps? I think you owe me~” You laugh, reaching your hand up and covering your mouth, to which Joshua chuckles back. He leans forward and rests his forehead on top of yours, and your eyes widen. 
“My God, you’re so bold.” 
“I’m literally about to pee my pants out of nervousness, but let’s pretend I didn’t say that for the sake of you thinking I’m a smooth man.” You giggle at his honesty, and his heart flutters at the endearing sound. You purse your lips, before grinning at him.
“I’ll say yes if we can travel the Spiderman way.” Joshua’s mouth drops open at the terms, leaning back and laughing heartily. He raises a hand to his head, still smiling at the fact that you’re giving him puppy dog eyes in an attempt to make him say yes. 
“Fine, we can travel the Spiderman way, but if you get sick that’s on you.” You nod your head, cupping your face with your hands to try and calm down the oncoming warmth to them, Joshua reaches out with his hands and turns you around, leading you towards the office. 
“You know, you faint a lot. What if you faint when we’re swinging from building to building?”
“I fainted once.” 
“Same thing.”
“It is absolutely not the same thing.”
“Whatever, Spidey.”
“I’m only letting you call me that because of how cute you are.”
little did you know, you quite literally passed out in his arms when Joshua swung you two through the streets of Seoul. 
it made for a lot of teasing once you woke up.
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