#sequel wreck it ralph
mango-slushiezzz · 18 days
Still heartbroken that we never got tsum tsum's of Turbo or King Candy
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100-yardstare · 1 month
I was watching that new King Candy video on YouTube by Randomalistic and it got me thinking a lot about Wreck-It Ralph again, specifically about some background lore of the universe and the entire concept of the code and what it means to be alive in the arcade.
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In this scene specifically, we are literally shown that code equals what is going on in the game. In the entire movie, "the code" is referenced like a god. You follow the code, you will be okay. If not, well... that could mean the end to either yourself or your world.
It's interesting to note that by dying outside your game you don't regenerate, yet manipulating the code itself like King Candy did didn't "delete" Vanellope. She was just made a glitch, which seems like a reasonable consequence of trying to delete her code. Perhaps it could explain why she couldn't leave the game Sugar Rush itself because her code was unstable, so the world's natural instruction to preserve her and itself would be to not allow her to leave.
But going beyond rules of the world of Wreck-It Ralph for a second, this is a cool reference to basic programing, which is essentially designing data into a sequence that a computer can interpret and execute. While the characters in Wreck-It Ralph are very much programs, they are also meant to be alive, and so, as this smart guy named Podolsky once said, "[there is a] counterpart for every element of the physical world." I don't remember where I read this part, but there were scientists talking about subatomic theory and how everything existing or anything that has existed is in some sort of quantum blueprint, parallel and expressing you, me, and that dog pissing on your tree outside into existence.
So my theory is that while a character may die and be unable to regenerate if something happens to them while they are outside their game, this doesn't necessarily mean that their code still doesn't exist.
Vanellope's code was attempted to be destroyed by King Candy, but that plot was a failure. He couldn't even modify existing code, like possibly changing the color of the salmon room or redesign Vanellope's kart because that's just what the code dictates. It's there and its permanent.
King Candy being an invader to Sugar Rush makes him not part of the game, and thus even though he was able to create an insert Sugar Rush character for himself to inhabit or essentially a "skin" to wear if you wanna be creepy about it, at the end of the movie he is gone. Dead as a door nail. He has no original code to refer back to because Turbo Time was unplugged, so he doesn't even have a source code that even remembers him as an individual. It's like a second death.
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tophthedaydreamer · 1 month
just watched one of the BEST analysis videos I've ever seen!!!
the editing goes hard in this one, not just in humor but also genuinely creepy moments highlighting king candy's villainy. please note that it's two hours long, so watch when you have some time to spare. it's great!
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Stupid Little Details I Forgot I Loved About Wreck-it Ralph
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Ralph’s teal undershirt. I don’t know who came up with it, or if it was meant to just symbolize his similarities to Vanellope (outcast, looking for some appreciation, in desperate need of hugs & a decent bed) and Felix (good guy, really sweet when you give him a chance, more of a lover than a fighter) or just to give his design a little something to make it all pop, but by God it was the perfect decision!
Felix is a video game character who absolutely hates conflict. He’ll do anything to avoid direct confrontation, and even his gameplay is about mitigating the damage Ralph causes. Which makes his interactions with Calhoun & his outburst in the Fungeon all the more satisfying, as he stands up for himself & refuses to dance around the issues at hand.
The subtle nods to Ralph & Felix’s canon & meta origins as knockoffs of Donkey Kong & Mario respectively. Ralph went through a LOT of changes in early development, but you can see hints of his relation to Donkey Kong in his expressions as he smashes the jawbreaker & when he pounds his chest with excitement as Vanellope taps into her racing skills for the first time.
Calhoun’s hair serving as a metaphor for her emotional state. There were early plans to give her camouflage powers and have her disappear into the background when she got more distressed, but the crew thought it would be a bit too distracting & decided to use her bangs to represent her emotions instead. A wise decision, especially when her hair subtly comes over her eyes during the wedding flashback as she guns down the Cy Bug that ate (and started transforming into) her husband.
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simpingforcys · 11 days
Follow up to that one post, even if King Candy didn't 'exactly' care for every single one of his candy subjects, he was still protective of his game. He made it his own (granted, just added his own OC), it was his cozy, welcoming home after his own game got taken away and he was essentially homeless for 10~ish years. The residents there looked up to him, respected him, took his word.
I would THINK he would feel just a bit offended to learn Vanellope just up and left her game, her kingdom because "she got bored" and wanted something new.
I would imagine if something even outside the game would threaten it, he would at least be a bit protective of it. It was his image. The image he MADE for it and in it.
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beebfreeb · 13 days
seeing your wir posts is really fun!! it's one of my favorite movies, and the additions you've made to it are really well thought out. there's no pressure to answer this since it's kind of a loaded question, but what would you have preferred the second movie be about? even just like a character you would've liked seeing more of, or a different environment than the internet setting most of the second movie took place in
I don't really know! If a sequel didn't exist already... I wouldn't really want one. I think it's perfectly fine as a standalone movie and I'm kind of just using it as a base to build off of. The kinds of things I want to explore in a setting like that are just... not Disney movie material, I guess?
Honestly, I don't even know if I watched the sequel or not... I feel like I must have, but it is entirely a blank spot in my memory. So, I'm not even sure what I'd try to "fix" about it, LOL.
My answer is competitive speedrunning and glitch-hunting communities. AND a comparison of the lives of characters from arcade games and more story based console/computer games that can be saved and reloaded at any time and the implications that has.
Anyway this is why I should draw my not at all WIR related but video game inspired setting OCs with WIR characters at some point. I think Bartholomew as an edgy JRPG-type villain would be really funny to contrast with the sort of narratively simple bad guys that appear in the movie. Also my speedrunner SRM/ACE wizards.
Do you think Pacman likes the kill screen at level 256 or does it hurt him? Much to consider.
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random-person1000 · 10 days
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I hate captioning stuff but 💥💥💥
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kingabezka · 8 months
Such a shame there never was, and never will be, a Megamind sequel. It just doesn't exist at all, oh well
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bberetd · 8 months
Hi, the story idea to go with your Wreck-It Ralph and Super Mario Bros having ice cream together (or gelato in this case) is realised. It’s finished! I have the link to the post:
The story is called “Of Meaningful Conversations and Gelato” and is also posted on Archive Of Our Own. I hope it meets your expectations and hope you’ll enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.
yall please read this story omg. If you haven’t already!! It has the right amount of SMB and WIR, it’s the perfect balance.
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@vulpixfairy1985 here’s my thanks to you. hope you had an amazing birthday!
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azural83 · 2 years
The sequel could've been about their dynamic and exploring their new lives but nooo we had to get the "look at how many things we own" disguised as a movie
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toaverse · 1 year
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thedisasterracers · 1 year
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Who the fuck took away her melanin
(Don’t tell me they’re the same person cuz LOOOK)
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i-am-trans-gwender · 2 months
Ralph Breaks The Internet is funny but not for the intended reasons. The film is only understandable if you're chronically online and watched it when it came out in 2018. The film is only 6 years old and it's showing its age. Eventually enough time will pass to make the movie incomprehensible.
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You want to know the worst thing about Ralph Breaks the Internet?
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It wasn’t the already-dated Internet jokes & references - we all knew going in that stuff was never going to work.
It wasn’t the new characters - honestly, they’re all fine (except maybe Double Dan - Alfred Molina deserves better!).
It wasn’t the exclusion of Felix & Calhoun (my delusional ass is still waiting for a short film about the two raising the Sugar Rush racers.)
It wasn’t even the thousands of details they ignored, retconned, or forgot from the original Wreck-it Ralph (Fix-it Felix Jr. was THIRTY years old when Ralph met Vanellope, Vanellope ABDICATED HER THRONE in favor of a constitutional democracy so everyone in Sugar Rush would have a say in how the game was run, Sugar Rush was a two-seater racing game, etc.)
No, the absolute, positively, undeniably worst thing Ralph Breaks the Internet did was tarnish & distort Ralph so thoroughly it made us all question if the original movie was even that good to begin with.
Everything else in Ralph Breaks the Internet could be forgiven or overlooked. But what they did to Ralph is just baffling. He was never going to be mistaken for a Rhodes scholar in the first movie, but he WAS smarter than the doofus who couldn’t even name a graduation cap in the sequel.
Wasn’t he?
And he wasn’t a gross slob by choice - he HATED living in the dump (I believe his exact words were “NOT cool! Unhygienic, and lonely! And boring.”) but he was kind of stuck there because the game literally left him nowhere else to stay. That’s why in the epilogue he decided to finally make something of his situation by building himself a proper shack instead of just camping on the bricks.
Wasn’t it?
And Ralph had many flaws in the first film - he had a short temper, he was a little clumsy, he broke things by accident just because he was a little too strong or things weren’t made for someone with his physical abilities in mind, he was stubborn, he had a one-track mind and couldn’t be deterred from his short-term goals no matter the long-term consequences. But the one thing he WASN’T was insecure. He knew his own strengths & weaknesses, and he wasn’t trying to change himself to win anyone’s approval. He was just trying to find VALIDATION, a way to satisfy the small-minded Nicelanders and prove to them (and himself) that he had value as he was.
Wasn’t he?
I’m terrified to rewatch the original movie now because I’m afraid the Wreck-it Ralph in my head is based on lies & fanfics, and the real Wreck-it Ralph was ALWAYS some insecure doofus with no accountability or self reflection.
And you know the absolutely insane part? Disney is doing their absolute darndest to pretend Ralph doesn’t exist. AND HE’S THE TITLE CHARACTER OF HIS OWN IP!!!!! There’s a new chapter book series about Vanellope & some of the Sugar Rush Racers getting stuck in a little girl’s tablet, and Ralph’s ONLY appearance so far is a line-drop in the first book when Vanellope says she left him sleeping in Game Central Station while all the consoles were unplugged for a remodeling of Litwak’s Arcade. WHAT THE FUCK?!?! Remember how EVERYONE in the first movie lost their shit at the possibility of their game being unplugged, treating it like an Apocalypse? Remember how even the sequel did a halfway decent job reminding folks that having a game unplugged was a Big Deal? Now everyone’s just chill axing on vacation in Game Central Station (which is NOT BIG ENOUGH to hold every single game character - it could barely fit the Sugar Rush citizens when they got unplugged) and Ralph is snoozing in a corner while his daughter is accidentally whisked away to some girl’s tablet.
The Wreck-it Ralph from the first movie wouldn’t be asleep in a corner when he could be spending time with Vanellope. And THAT man would go through Hell & high water to find her! While Vanellope & her gang are helping Molly (the kid with the tablet) learn about friendship & camping or whatever, Ralph should be an absolute MENACE online, tearing through every website, personal device, and Cloud account looking for his little girl!
Right? Wrong?
Did we all delude ourselves into thinking Ralph was deeper than he was intended to be? Or does Disney just hate Wreck-it Ralph now? And if it’s the latter, why? WHY do they hate him? Why do they want US to not care about him? Is it because he’s the last of the Lasseter projects? Did John C. Reilly and Bob Iger have some sort of falling-out? Did the FANBASE do something to put Disney staff off from ever wanting to do anything with Wreck-it Ralph ever again?
I think I could move on if I knew for certain whether Disney actively sabotaged Wreck-it Ralph with his sequel & subsequent exclusions from merchandise & multi-IP projects, or if I was just crazy for ever liking this character or his movie to begin with. It’s the not knowing that kills me.
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simpingforcys · 10 months
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Rewatching Once Upon a Studio and just noticed this little line up of WIR characters I hadn’t seen before. Felix where’s your WIFE
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king-crawler · 10 months
Now that I think about it more I guess one of my Very Few Gripes with Wreck-it Ralph is that Felix never properly apologized to Ralph after so many years of mistreatment.
In the Fungeon scene at least Felix starts to understand after going through mistreatment himself. And he and the nicelanders are kind to Ralph by the end- great !! But . MAN. I would’ve died to hear a proper “Ralph, I’m so sorry for everything I put you through for the past 30 years. I had no idea you were hurting that badly and I could have been so much kinder to you” you know. But at least it is very much implied.
Just because you are good guy doesn’t mean you are good guy ? Thanks zangief
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