gameofname · 22 days
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Marius Markowski
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justineportraits · 10 months
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Marius Markowski Sofia
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contentabnormal · 6 months
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Tom Tyler as Kharis in The Mummy's Hand
Watercolors on Paper, 8.5" x 11", 2023
By Josh Ryals
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Jessica Markowski
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heartlandians · 1 year
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Block 1: Day 2 (9/5/2023). Photos by: Megan Tracz and Christopher Markowsky
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theqhreator42 · 1 year
I still lose it at the quote the Breaking Bad Wikia people picked for this guy
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he was in like 3 other scenes in which he interacts with the whole gamut of the legal system and even (temporarily) disorients Steve Gomez, and the quote on his page is THIS
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clamarcap · 1 year
Un innocente amor
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756 - 1791): «Là ci darem la mano», duettino di Don Giovanni e Zerlina, dal I atto, scena 9a, del dramma giocoso Don Giovanni K 527 (1787), libretto di Lorenzo Da Ponte. Bryn Terfel, baritono; Cecilia Bartoli, soprano; Orchestra dell’Accademia nazionale di santa Cecilia, dir. Myung-Whun Chung. Friedrich Dotzauer (1783 - 6 marzo 1860): Andante con Variazioni über ein…
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boomgers · 1 month
En Nueva York, el mercado inmobiliario es despiadado… “Dueños De Manhattan”
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El reality abre las puertas al glamoroso sector inmobiliario de lujo de Nueva York de la mano del célebre CEO y agente de bienes raíces Ryan Serhant, que hace hasta lo imposible para comercializar las propiedades más exclusivas de la ciudad.
Estreno: 28 de junio de 2024 en Netflix.
Ryan Serhant y su equipo conformado por Tricia Lee, Jessica Taylor, Jessica Markowski, Chloe Tucker Caine, Genesis Suero, Jade Shenker, Savannah Gowarty, Nile Lundgren, Jeffrey St. Arromand, Jordan Hurt, Jordan March y Jonathan Frank Nørmølle, trabajan incansablemente para convertirse en el mejor grupo inmobiliario del mundo.
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Los Agentes Inmobiliarios
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djfrancuz · 2 months
Richard Clayderman & Grzegorz Markowski - Nie Moge Ci Wiele Dac #piano...
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szczekaczz · 5 months
this book about literary theories of the 20th century is sooo good i'm having so much fun with it
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oldsardens · 1 year
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Eugeniusz Markowski - Composition
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adria-art · 1 year
Markowska razem z ojcem w trasie “WIlczy pęd!”
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justineportraits · 1 year
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Marius Markowski
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feverdreamjohnny · 1 year
The Epitaph of Anything Goes
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I decided that this morning I would talk about The Museum of Anything Goes and the subject of lost media.
For the uninitiated, The Museum of Anything Goes is an obscure "game" released in 1995 by Wayzata Technologies, a company that is so far under the radar that I was unable to find any useful information about it outside of TMoAG.
All I could uncover is that they published a few multimedia projects (which are essentially lost now) alongside some asset discs (clipart, SFX, etc.). That's it.
The brains behind Wayzata are even more difficult to locate these days: there are only two main names credited inside of TMoAG - Michael Markowski and Maxwell S. Robertson.
The game alleges that Michael and Maxwell are well known in the art world, but any additional information about the duo is scarce beyond the confines of the museum. Attempting to search for either name online turns up plenty of rabbit holes - but none of them have anything to do with the Michael and Maxwell responsible for TMoAG.
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This is particularly fascinating because it essentially means that TMoAG is the only accessible record of their lives. Before we dig any deeper into that statement, let me step back and actually address what this game is.
The Museum of Anything Goes is, by definition, a virtual art museum. Functionally it's a prerendered point-and-click adventure game where you can explore a bunch of multimedia exhibits that give the surface-level impression of a children's edutainment game, but once you start exploring further it reveals a side that firmly plants the game's feet into a haze of substance abuse and surreal humor.
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Many exhibits are essentially just toying around with the astonishing new powers of CD-ROM. Everything has to make noise. Everything has to spin and flitter around. There's an air of genuine excitement for the medium, and I can't help but find it extremely charming.
The game also functions as a scrapbook, filled to the brim with photos of random trips to the zoo and snow-mobile rides with friends. At one point we even get insight into something as specific as Michael's one-year job as a tutor at a Chicago middle school, where he talks about how it opened his eyes to how poorly funded and mismanaged the school system is.
It's simultaneously quaint and chilling to see so much personal history packed into a world doomed to obscurity. As I explore the deeper parts of the museum, I contemplate if the creators are still alive today. It's a bit morbid, but imagine that - you create a single obscure game with your friend and it's all the world can see. TMoAG is currently the only surviving piece that gives any insight into who these two men were.
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While many exhibits are lighthearted or nonsensical, there are occasional moments where the game dips into the eerie.
One exhibit has the player kill a man by dropping him from the sky, and after burying him you open the coffin to a video of a rotting pig carcass being put into an incinerator.
Other exhibits just feature simple 3D renders shifting around a dark screen while haunting groans play in the background.
While I would never refer to the game as "scary," its darker moments combined with the occasional mature subject matter definitely begs the question: Who is this game for?
You have to remember that this game came out long before the concept of "alt-games" had become codified in the digital space. Sure, unconventional digital art had been around before the advent of 256 colors, but TMoAG was being sold on disk as a game! It came out 2 years after DOOM hit shelves!
The trend of using the PC for entertainment was certainly on the upswing around that time, but It's not like TMoAG had a massive audience to find a niche in. With its mature themes it certainly wasn't suited for the kids market either, so who was it for?
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At the end of the day, it's a moot question. We already know the target audience for The Museum of Anything Goes: Nobody. It doesn't have an audience because by its nature, TMoAG wasn't being made FOR someone, it was being made BY someone. It's a raw, unfiltered form of personal expression.
I think games like these are pivotal, because they question why people assume a game has to exist for the sake of being a consumable product. TMoAG certainly has the shape of a product: it features an intro cutscene, it has a tutorial, it features intuitive UX, it even has a map! These are all features that are solely integrated to provide comfort to an end-user. But once you actually wander around the museum for a bit, you realize how bizarrely its packaging fits its contents.
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I think TMoAG is criminally underrated. It's not because its core content contains some earth-shaking truth, it's because the game defied all odds and cheated death.
How many thousands of other personal projects were deemed a little "too exotic" to be archived? How much history was lost these past 40 years as the digital space evolved and ate its old skin?
God knows how many other TMoAGs we'll never learn about because they weren't lucky enough to be preserved.
The Museum of Anything Goes isn't just some nonsensical art piece, it's a grave marker for so much lost media. Its existence is a reminder that some people's lives were fossilized, then macerated into nothing because a construction company built a skyscraper over them. The only evidence we have of those other games existing is this little fossil that somehow slipped out from under the skyscraper unscathed.
Even though so much has been lost, TMoAG survives as an epitaph.
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christinesficrecs · 2 years
What are your favorite festive/Christmas fics? 🥹
Oh goodness! There are so many! Here are a few to start.
A Royal Christmas Engagement by  skoosiepants | 25.6K
Young omega Warden Lord Mieczysław Stilinski, given the royal request of marrying Crown Prince Derek Hale of Triskelion, predictably messes the whole entire thing up.
The flamingo in the yard by  Vendelin | 6.1K
It isn't fair that Stiles needs to work Christmas, when his dad is on the other side of the country. Or that his really hot, next door neighbour is around for the holidays as well. Or that there's a power outage that makes things even worse. Or better.
Deck the Hales with Mistletoe and Holly by tryslora | 32.8K | Mature
The one where Stiles manages to somehow imply that he might be dating his exceedingly hot TA for freshman lit, and ends up inviting him home for the holidays (along with his two crazy sisters) and really hopes that Lydia doesn't find out he was lying and kill him before maybe he can make it so he's not lying after all...
Layover by  dr_girlfriend | 3.6K
Big, serious brown eyes were staring right into his from only a few inches away. The child had clambered half over the arm of Derek’s chair to study him at close range, her little rosebud mouth pursed in concentration.
“Uh.” Derek couldn’t look away as the girl reached out one pudgy hand and patted him gently on the cheek. Her scent was soft and sweet and somehow a bit familiar, just enough to keep Derek from shying away. Derek didn’t know too much about kids but he guessed this one was probably three years old or so, head still oversized in proportion to the short limbs and round little belly.
She seemed fascinated with Derek’s beard, eyes widening further under incredibly thick lashes as she petted Derek’s cheek some more, smoothing down the short stubble. Finally she grinned widely. “Good wuff.”
Derek jerked upright, hands clenching on the edge of his seat. Did she just say?...
“CJ!” The child was suddenly gone, lifted up by a strong, tattooed forearm around her little potbelly. “You scared the he— heck out of me! What have I told you about wandering — Derek?”
nom de plume by  bleep0bleep | 3.9K
There are no more chapters. 22 is the last one. Derek groans in despair. He has to know what happens.
Glad Tidings by stilinskisparkles | 24.1K | Mature
“Eight people are going to be descending on our home in a mere matter of days, Derek.” Stiles grabs the pizza box, uses it to gesture at the pile of books and papers under the table, away and towards Derek’s sneaker collection. “You want them to think we live like this all the time?”
“We do live like this all the time,” Derek huffs, stretching lazily.
Mistletoe Never Lies by CarolineLahey | 19.2K | Explicit
Derek Hale loves his family, he really does. He just wishes they weren't so determined to set him up. When he finally blurts out that he has a boyfriend, and quickly gives his mother the name of the barista at his local coffee shop as his "boyfriend", he figures that buys him a little peace. He probably should have been paying attention to the part of the conversation where he agreed to bring Stiles home for Christmas to meet the family.
My World Is Filled With Cheer And You by bleep0bleep | 10.8K
“It was a last minute decision. Single parents with children draw attention to themselves in this type of neighborhood, and this department didn’t have a big budget to relocate all the werewolf and werewolf sympathizers that were targeted on this list. We’ve combined a lot of our relocation assignments. It ended up working out that another family, Mr. Stilinski and his son, looked like a good fit for you guys, so you’ll be sharing a home with them for the time being.” Markowski grins at him. “Congratulations! You’re married!”
The Christmas Raffle by mikkimouse | 10.3K | Explicit
Every year, the royal Hale family raffles off a Christmas dinner with Prince Derek to raise money for charity. But this year, the winner is the second chance Derek didn't know he was looking for.
With A Little Christmas Magic by Ashabadash | 10.6K
Stiles is jobless this Christmas and as a last resort, is stuck playing one of Santa’s elves at the mall. The job is a bust, and Stiles isn’t really in the Christmas mood, until he finds salvation in the Starbucks at the food court, not only in hiding from kids, but in one very sexy barista named Derek. ((Or: In Wich Stiles in an Elf and Derek is a Christmas Coffee Magician))
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arconinternet · 27 days
The Museum of Anything Goes (Windows/Classic Mac, M. Markowski & M. S. Robinson, 1995)
You can download it here, or download it configured to run on modern versions of Windows here.
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