#what if Wreck it Ralph had a good sequel
biginkyboyo13 · 9 hours
Currently obsessed with the crackpot idea of a Wreck it Ralph sequel where somehow the original Turbo Time game actually was popular enough to get it's own line of games or something, and suddenly one day the arcade is upgraded or something because we've entered the era of Nostalgia and like, one of the new Turbo games is brought in.
It's like, also a Mario Kart clone, like Sugar Rush, and has a Punch out storyline where you play as Turbo obviously, and he has to defeat multiple racers to become the greatest racer ever and I'm kinda obsessed with it, bro is just a little guy in this world and he learns about what the old version of himself did and he's just absolutely mortified, but the others in his game probably vilify him for it.
Actually, this au sequels Vanellope would probably also hate him. Like, yeah, he's a different person, but PTSD is PTSD, Turbo literally tried to kill her and she wouldn't just move on from that immediately.
I'm going feral over this, it's stupid and I love it.
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beebfreeb · 16 days
hiii ive never interacted w you other than rbing sometimes but i just wanted to let you know that theres something ab the wir takeover of your blog ive genuinely loved. like i watched you get into it and then it just slowly took over your blog as you made it your own n like what youre posting now is almost in the territory of unrecognizable from the source material and i just think thats fun :) youre taking the world and characters from the movie and twisting it and adding onto it n idk, its special to me. its your wreck it ralph now. its filling the good sequel shaped space in my heart but way more creative n out there than disney would ever create
I'm glad you're having fun! A lot of people have unfollowed me LOL. I am easily delighted by characters made for a specific purpose and their relationships to that. I like playing toys with the setting and characters because there is a lot of questions that are never explored due to the scope of the movie.
What if the arcade had a GameCube in it for hosting Super Smash Bros. tournaments?
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You want to know the worst thing about Ralph Breaks the Internet?
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It wasn’t the already-dated Internet jokes & references - we all knew going in that stuff was never going to work.
It wasn’t the new characters - honestly, they’re all fine (except maybe Double Dan - Alfred Molina deserves better!).
It wasn’t the exclusion of Felix & Calhoun (my delusional ass is still waiting for a short film about the two raising the Sugar Rush racers.)
It wasn’t even the thousands of details they ignored, retconned, or forgot from the original Wreck-it Ralph (Fix-it Felix Jr. was THIRTY years old when Ralph met Vanellope, Vanellope ABDICATED HER THRONE in favor of a constitutional democracy so everyone in Sugar Rush would have a say in how the game was run, Sugar Rush was a two-seater racing game, etc.)
No, the absolute, positively, undeniably worst thing Ralph Breaks the Internet did was tarnish & distort Ralph so thoroughly it made us all question if the original movie was even that good to begin with.
Everything else in Ralph Breaks the Internet could be forgiven or overlooked. But what they did to Ralph is just baffling. He was never going to be mistaken for a Rhodes scholar in the first movie, but he WAS smarter than the doofus who couldn’t even name a graduation cap in the sequel.
Wasn’t he?
And he wasn’t a gross slob by choice - he HATED living in the dump (I believe his exact words were “NOT cool! Unhygienic, and lonely! And boring.”) but he was kind of stuck there because the game literally left him nowhere else to stay. That’s why in the epilogue he decided to finally make something of his situation by building himself a proper shack instead of just camping on the bricks.
Wasn’t it?
And Ralph had many flaws in the first film - he had a short temper, he was a little clumsy, he broke things by accident just because he was a little too strong or things weren’t made for someone with his physical abilities in mind, he was stubborn, he had a one-track mind and couldn’t be deterred from his short-term goals no matter the long-term consequences. But the one thing he WASN’T was insecure. He knew his own strengths & weaknesses, and he wasn’t trying to change himself to win anyone’s approval. He was just trying to find VALIDATION, a way to satisfy the small-minded Nicelanders and prove to them (and himself) that he had value as he was.
Wasn’t he?
I’m terrified to rewatch the original movie now because I’m afraid the Wreck-it Ralph in my head is based on lies & fanfics, and the real Wreck-it Ralph was ALWAYS some insecure doofus with no accountability or self reflection.
And you know the absolutely insane part? Disney is doing their absolute darndest to pretend Ralph doesn’t exist. AND HE’S THE TITLE CHARACTER OF HIS OWN IP!!!!! There’s a new chapter book series about Vanellope & some of the Sugar Rush Racers getting stuck in a little girl’s tablet, and Ralph’s ONLY appearance so far is a line-drop in the first book when Vanellope says she left him sleeping in Game Central Station while all the consoles were unplugged for a remodeling of Litwak’s Arcade. WHAT THE FUCK?!?! Remember how EVERYONE in the first movie lost their shit at the possibility of their game being unplugged, treating it like an Apocalypse? Remember how even the sequel did a halfway decent job reminding folks that having a game unplugged was a Big Deal? Now everyone’s just chill axing on vacation in Game Central Station (which is NOT BIG ENOUGH to hold every single game character - it could barely fit the Sugar Rush citizens when they got unplugged) and Ralph is snoozing in a corner while his daughter is accidentally whisked away to some girl’s tablet.
The Wreck-it Ralph from the first movie wouldn’t be asleep in a corner when he could be spending time with Vanellope. And THAT man would go through Hell & high water to find her! While Vanellope & her gang are helping Molly (the kid with the tablet) learn about friendship & camping or whatever, Ralph should be an absolute MENACE online, tearing through every website, personal device, and Cloud account looking for his little girl!
Right? Wrong?
Did we all delude ourselves into thinking Ralph was deeper than he was intended to be? Or does Disney just hate Wreck-it Ralph now? And if it’s the latter, why? WHY do they hate him? Why do they want US to not care about him? Is it because he’s the last of the Lasseter projects? Did John C. Reilly and Bob Iger have some sort of falling-out? Did the FANBASE do something to put Disney staff off from ever wanting to do anything with Wreck-it Ralph ever again?
I think I could move on if I knew for certain whether Disney actively sabotaged Wreck-it Ralph with his sequel & subsequent exclusions from merchandise & multi-IP projects, or if I was just crazy for ever liking this character or his movie to begin with. It’s the not knowing that kills me.
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showtoonzfan · 2 years
My thoughts on the upcoming Disney brand sequel movies:
Zootopia 2: Hell yes, this is one of those Disney movies I believed actually DESERVES a sequel, unlike movies like Wreck it Ralph 2, The Incredibles 2, or Toy Story 4, because I actually thought the originals had decent or satisfying conclusions and we didn’t need more. However Zootopia is one of my favorite modern Disney movies, and there’s so much more to explore and expand regarding this world and it’s characters, and since there’s a shitload of issues going on in the world right now, I’m confident this sequel will touch up upon another great lesson and handle it really well because Jared Bush and Bryon Howard are very good directors and writers in my eyes.
Inside Out 2: FUCK yes. This has got to be the one I’m the most excited for. I can see why some people are skeptical because some think it could be another “Turning Red” where they focus on puberty regarding a teenage girl, and yes that seems to be the route Inside Out 2 is making, but I personally have no problem with that, for me it’s all about how good the first one was. I could honestly write a whole essay on how well written this film was and the emotional impact it had on me as a person. The lesson that being sad is okay, not just sad…but embracing your other emotions and allowing yourself to feel those other emotions is SUCH a good moral to teach younger kids, and the way they handled that lesson was just amazing in my opinion. Inside Out has got to be one of my favorite if not THE favorite modern Pixar films I’ve ever seen, and I’m confident that the second film will be just as good. I can’t wait.
Frozen 3: I’m not really passionate about Frozen, I remember being dragged to the theater to see the first movie when it came out, and while the movie was obliviously flawed in many areas, I do think it’s deserves its praise here and there, wether you think it was handled well or not I’ll always applaud the film for at least attempting to write a complicated sister dynamic, and yes…most of the songs are really good. I never saw the sequel but good GOD I heard about the production issues it went through, going through many rewrites and scrapped content (that btw, was better than the end result) and how the team was STILL working on it a mere month or two before the film would release. They made an entire documentary about it and how it was hell for everyone, and I couldn’t help but feel really bad. Despite me not really caring for this franchise, I think Frozen deserves a third movie because with the right amount of time and effort, they can possibly create a better movie.
Toy Story 5: No. Just no. We don’t need any more, while I never saw the 4th movie because even THEN I thought there didn’t need to be any more, in SOME way, from what I’ve seen it did try to pull off a satisfying conclusion, especially for Woody’s character. However I will admit, the audience reactions were always split between saying it was really bad and not needed, to how it was really good and a perfect sendoff. All of that doesn’t matter now however, since they’re making another one and this is a sequel I can clearly tell Disney is just doing for the money. I always hate it when people take a franchise I used to love dearly and then just DRAAG it for way too long, like Despicable Me or Hotel Transylvania. No matter how good the franchise, no movie like these should be going up to 5 freaking sequels and all, that’s just ridiculous. I’d say “wait and see” but I’ve honestly lost passion for this franchise, in my opinion the third movie ended with a really good conclusion for everyone and they should have stopped there.
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randomalistic · 2 months
Inside out 2 was great for a sequel ! Not as impactful as the first movie, but still carries its own messages :) i also love that they kept the same creative and clever comedic spirit as the first movie, especially when they shook up the artstyle teehee
That heartthrob final fantasy guy was honestly my favorite, I love how they made him low resolution on purpose. Glad they’re trying to have fun with video game characters again ever since they fumbled wreck it Ralph’s sequel 😭 ALSO BLOOFY … I LIKED HIM.. those were the funniest parts of the movie. Along with Anxiety’s Intrusive Thoughts Sweatshop. JOOOOOYYY I KNOW YOURE IN THERE
However I will say they were cowards for not having Riley crush on the cool girl… that would’ve been fun. AND WE WERE ALL THINKING IT💔 it’s like a blander version of what Mitchel’s VS The Machines did . I mean like Duh Disney doesn’t exactly take risks anymore. But the artists likely tried their best to make it novel within the constraints they were given I suppose… just wish there weren’t any constraints to begin with :[
I do like how Anxiety was a realistic antagonist while not being actually evil. She just lacked foresight and had a flawed way of thinking, but still wanted to protect Riley like all the other emotions. Not annoying in the slightest. But if there was one part that was supposed to be serious but didn’t really hit was when the panic attack was happening and as she was frozen/trembling she began to cry, I THINK THAT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE A LOT MORE IMPACTFUL but unfortunately to me she just looked so goddamn goofy it was hard to take seriously 😭I’m sorry. I appreciate that they went for that though 🧡 it definitely makes sense for a panic attack to be the climax of the movie but they leaned into it pretty hard. Not a bad thing! It’s just really unfortunate they’re “overdone” now. Especially because this is a movie about Literal Emotions it makes sense to focus on it! But maybe I just prefer subtly when it comes to depictions of them
Anyways the parts that got me were “maybe when you grow up you just don’t feel as much joy anymore” GOD. ??? and of course “Anxiety, it’s not for us to determine who Riley is” I can’t remember the exact quotes. But when all the emotions hugged Riley’s sense of self I teared up ‼️
Anyways good movie 👍
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Here we go again with this... Something something, "It's not my fault Disney is making these sequels! I avoided their latest original movies because they sucked! I shouldn't be to blame for that!"
A) These Disney Animation and Pixar sequels were likely always going to be made regardless of how the recent original movies performed financially. In the biz, if a movie makes a shit-ton of money, it's likely getting a sequel. It ain't 1997 anymore.
B) There is no blame or punishment, per se... The system in the world of mainstream American feature animation is working as intended. It's capitalism 101. It sucks, yes, but that's how it is. The performance of one movie dramatically affects the slate, or even the studio's survival. Must we dredge up what happened to Blue Sky after The Walt Disney Company bought them and their first movie released by them lost money at the box office? Better yet, all the times Disney Animation faced shutdown for many decades.
C) What if... Hear me out... These sequels are all pretty good? Better than the recent original stuff, even? Impossible! Something can be a critically-acclaimed audience favorite, and you'd still have gaggles of people online insisting the thing in question is garbage. Just look at TURNING RED, for example. It's all fuckin' subjective at the end of the day.
D) It's never gonna be good enough anyways, so why bother? I don't think I can name a *single* Disney animated movie where almost everyone was on the same page, praising it... Since THE LION KING? The latter-years Renaissance movies all had their detractors, as did the early 2000s movies, as did all the "Revival" movies (why don't they do 2D anymore? Because a lot of people avoided PRINCESS AND THE FROG and WINNIE THE POOH). I remember there were at least a few people who didn't like TANGLED, WRECK-IT RALPH, etc. etc. Were very vocal about that or didn't think they were "Disney enough" or whatever. Hell, even LION KING used to get flack for the KIMBA similarities. Plenty of the now-beloved films overseen by Walt Disney himself were largely greeted with mixed or negative reviews upon initial release. It'll never be perfect, it's just the nature of the beast. How the movies live on, is the more important part. Not the opinions of self-appointed "experts" on the Internet. Again, it's all personal preference.
The thing is, the movies Disney chooses to make is kind out of our control. No one should be obliged to pay for a product so that you get the next one like it ("vote with your wallet!"), but unfortunately, that's how the biz works. If you're not game on the latest films from the studio, you're also not to blame for what they do next, but they're gonna do what they're gonna do. That's just that about that. Hell, the thing can be a big success... And they'll still do the opposite of what people want! Off the top of my head, not an animated movie, but WORLD WAR Z 2 not moving forward despite how well the first one did. Again, it sucks. But... If WDAS ever got to a point where they were making things that I just did not want to see whatsoever? Then I'd go watch something else. It's ultimately the higher-ups' decisions that are at fault.
Very rarely are financial failures looked at logically, very rarely do executives ever try to pick up the pieces from there. Instead it's "never make this kind of thing again" or "shut this place down". It happened to Blue Sky. It happened at DreamWorks, projects cancelled (B.O.O., MONKEYS OF MUMBAI, etc.), staff laid off, a whole animation unit closed down (Pacific Data Images), etc. Disney Animation threw 2D features out twice, cancelled many movies, laid off tons of people multiple times, they faced complete shutdown multiple times. Animated movies are expensive and require lots of people and resources, they're fragile as is. COVID-19 really cut into their box office, and it doesn't help that going to the movies costs a fortune.
I'm not saying this is all a good, it's not. I've just made peace with it, and can only hope films keep getting made, staff still have work and roofs to keep over their heads, and maybe... Just maybe, I'll like the movies, too?
Anyways, I hope I like MOANA 2. I'm curious to see what the director and writers and artists and musical talents all bring to this world that was created by the first film.
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ithoughtitdbefunny · 11 months
Vanellope Von Schweetz: A Character Rant
[Note: This rant will focus on the presence of Vanellope in Disney Dreamlight Valley, the good and the bad. I make these criticisms in the most respectful way possible, so please keep an open mind. And if you disagree with some of my opinions, I'd love to hear why! I can't shut up about this game lol.]
Wreck It Ralph characters have been anticipated since the furniture and clothing for the series showed up in Dreamlight Valley. But upon Vanellope's entrance, I can't help but feel offset by what feels like a change in personality for her.
Among film critics, it was pretty blatant that Ralph Wrecks the Internet was a synonymously frustrating sequel to the first of the Wreck it Ralph films. The blatant advertising and cash-grabbed inserts had made the characters severely lose their charm. Personally when I think about Vanellope and Ralph, I'm reminded of the amount of heart and creativity written in their initial premiere. The arcade-world and how it was presented, the clash of video game characters, the sympathy it made us feel for antagonists- it was a great movie with well written characters and the first Disney twist-villain I had ever witnessed as a child. All around- great!
My problem with using the sequel-written version of Vanellope is that she no longer comes off as a spunky kid with his ambitions and a mischievous demeanor- she feels like a character that thinks she's too good to be in Dreamlight Valley. Now, let me explain.
[I will use the disclaimer that I have not been on many quests or had many conversations with her. Simply because I don't feel motivated to.]
Sequel-vanellope has already spent time in Slaughter Race, a game she fought hard to get programmed into and play freely, leaving Sugar Rush behind. This new game she's in has very clearly provided everything she'd want. So why is she here?
To help promote the new photo-sharing system. Now I won't offend the writers by saying that was a bad idea, because I actually like it. But rather than having Vanellope STAY,
I think Ralph deserves a chance. Especially after coping with his best friend having moved on. I think it would have been far better to have Ralph stay in Dreamlight Valley to expand his horizons and to really drive home what makes the Valley so special. There's so much potential!! I could list what types of friendships and rivalries I think he would have around the village but I'd be getting off track.
TLDR: It's a little out of character for Vanellope to move from Slaughter Race to Dreamlight Valley. Ralph should have taken her place to make new friends and we would help him cope with her having moved from the arcade
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2dents · 1 year
20 Questions for fic Writers!
Okay so, I was tagged by @outtoshatter and I'm just going to take a swing at this. Here we go.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Currently 22.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I mainly write for Dungeons and Daddies, Nark specifically. But I also have a couple in there for the Teen Wolf Sterek fandom.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
But You Have Heard of Me [ Teen Wolf, M, Wc: 82,014] (my baby!) The Taste of Perfume [DnDads, M, Wc: 58,717] (wip) Sudoku [DnDads, G, Wc: 5,226] Uno Attack [Dndads, G, Wc: 5,717] A Consuming Faith [Dndads, E, Wc: 33,963] (My baby wip! I'm aiming for another 80k with this one.)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Absolutely I do! If someone takes the time out of their day to not only read my silly little stories, but also comment on them, I will absolutely reply! Unless they're mean I guess? I haven't had any mean/rude comments yet so knock on wood. lol
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I love angst. I write it into a lot of things. But as far as endings go... hmm. Well I guess that title would currently go to one of my drabbles, A Done Deal [DnDads, G, Wc: 100] but without giving away spoilers one of my wips is going to take that title as soon as I get around to writting it lol.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Oh, But You Have Heard of Me [ Teen Wolf, M, Wc: 82,014]. My baby~! Happy ending and maybe one day it will have a happy sequel.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I feel like I'm going to jinx myself by saying no. I haven't recieved any rude or hateful comments on any of my fics. Not even when I posted on LJ.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I am not confident when it comes to writing smut. I used to write a lot of it back on LJ. Now I just Fade To Black, but I do have plans to maybe write some for a wip. But idk we will see when we get there.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Nope! I wrote a fusion fic, But You Have Heard of Me [ Teen Wolf, M, Wc: 82,014] but no crossovers.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I am aware of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I had I believe 2 fics translated on LJ, but not on Ao3
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Hahaha, yes! On LJ my irl bestie and I wrote a fic together! It was very cute, we each did a chapter following one half of the ships pov. I'd love to do it again some day it was super fun! What I really wanna do is get a bunch of different writers involved in doing a collaboration where the characters are stuck waking up in different timelines, so each chapter could be a different one-shot by a different author but they all connect. I think it would be fun.
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
Sora/Riku. I don't write for this ship but I will fight god about them. I've been obsessed with them since I was 12 and played Kingdom Hearts. I have fics I've been re-reading for alkjsdflks way too long omg. When I played Kh3 and Riku showed up I screamed so loud it scared my partner. You can pry them from my cold dead fingers okay.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Hahaha, I just recently posted this fic to my Ao3. A Divine Move [Teen Wolf, M, 8,676] Stiles is a horror game character (based off games like Until Dawn and The Blair Witch Project) and Derek is from a dating sim (Based off Hunnypop lol) It was going to get an E rating cause I had some absolutely slasher ideas for Stiles game and the plot was loosely adapted from Wreck-It-Ralph. So, maybe one day I'll get the inspiration back, but as of now it's just not there.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I have been told I have a very clear writing voice and that I'm very good at setting a scene and showing it to the reader. I think my main strength is my humor. lol I find myself very funny.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
A lack of confidence alksdfjalksd. I get so anxious trying to make sure that the movie in my head is being translated into word correctly that I sometimes over do things. Also I have the absolute worst grammar, and spelling omg.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
If I don't speak the language enough to be confident that I'm using the words correctly I just do the "They said in language" kinda thing.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Okay, lmao. Okay okay. It was for the Gorillaz back when Demon Days had just come out.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
My two babies that I'm the most proud of are
But You Have Heard of Me [ Teen Wolf, M, Wc: 82,014]
I spent a year writting it and I made several friends because of it. It is my baby and I love it. I re-read it and still laugh at it.
A Consuming Faith [Dndads, E, Wc: 33,963]
I have been putting so much work into this fic and it's really pushing me as a writer. I have been obsessed with cult and demons since I was young, probably too young lol, so this is just basically 3 of my hyper-fixations coming together in a fun way. I have big plans for this fic and I'm very excited about it. I've been working on it for 7 months now, and I'm really hoping I can finish it before the end of the year.
Thanks for the tag! I'm going to tag some people and maybe they'll play along too, no pressure though and I have no clue what I'm doing so sorry if you didn't want to be tagged. @evanesdust @nottoolateforthegame @siogosho @missanniewhimsy @calamity-unlocked
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100-yardstare · 1 year
I am finally done with Normal 2!! I started the original Normal in 2015 after seeing the movie for the first time, and I loved it so much! Can't believe out of all the fandoms I've ever been in, the POM movie was the one that got me writing a 119k+ fic and an entire sequel. The only other fic I wrote a novel length fic for was for Wreck-it Ralph.
Felt like writing a bit about my process behind the scenes as a way to send it off officially:
I love writing first person, especially self inserts. I can picture myself in situations very easily and my emotions tend to spill out with the perspective.
After reading my fics over a few times and reading some of my reader commentary, I've been told that my insert is "loud" and one time was told I was "obnoxious" and "mean", but tbh viewing the fic by taking a step back and re-reading made me realize this is my loud inner voice and may be attributed to my ADHD!!
Speaking of self discovery, my statements in the fic such as not being able to sweat, fainting, feeling like I might piss myself, etc were supposed to be just funny statements, but in conjunction with my discussion of my inserts "illness" I was actually writing about my dysautonomia before I actually knew what it was! I was diagnosed January 2023, so it's kinda interesting seeing my writing reflect my disability.
I am unashamed of the fact that I wrote Dailey as being a messy relationship that grew and had its ups and downs. I like angst in my ships anyway, so this one was no exception even being a self insert. Dave is a bad guy, and Kailey is, well... me, totally not perfect, weird, working with a bad guy as if she has no choice. They both did really crappy stuff, and THAT'S THE POINT!! I actually wrote a sequel because I knew the ship had a whole lot more to go development wise.
While the first fic generalized a commentary on what it meant to be "normal", when I wrote the sequel I wanted to touch base on different aspects of society, what is normalized, and what it considers beautiful. I write this in outside characters other than my insert, but it manifests in my inserts "turning into a monster" story arc. I am often alienated from being beautiful (how I dress, whether I wear makeup or not), how I behave (my ADHD, my introverted-ness, my emotional disregulation, etc.) my sexuality (I am asexual not interested in sexual relationships), and my physical disability (incapable of keeping up with what is expected of me in jobs, obligations, etc.). In the end the hope is to allow my true self to shine, hence breaking the "curse" of the Medusa Serum in the end.
In extension, my alienation and turning into a monster arc emphasized my negative emotions as being made an outsider or not deemed good enough by society, and how that brings out the worst part of you. I had this resolved by working through this in a relationship because I believe the foundation of mental well being is being part of a community or sharing your burdens with others.
When I decided to make the characters that were turned into monsters with the influence of the QCUs, I was watching Dragon Ball at the same time, and thought the scenes where Goku gets shot and just goes "Oww, that hurts!" without being hurt, was hilarious and ended up putting that trait in my fic.
I probably have a lot more facts in my head that I am not remembering at this moment but here are some of my thought processes for now! I am very thankful for all the support I had writing this fic. Dave and Kailey's story is over from a writing standpoint but I def see there being a lot of open story ideas/extras that I would love to talk about so if anyone is ever interested please shoot me an ask!
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kookies2000 · 1 year
Disney tries to make a sequel, everyone hates it already.
Dreamworks plans a sequel, Shrek 5, Kung Fu Panda 4, and wanting a Puss in Boots 3 and Bad Guys 2, everyone is hyped and dying of waiting!!!
And I fully understand why.
Sequals (Essay because there's a lot of sequels to talk about)
Disney was never the type to serialize their films. Heck, most of their films are stand-alone films because of the fairytales they're based on. You can't exactly make a series out of Cinderella, Snow-white, Beauty and the Beast, etc, without changing a few things from the original. Disney tried and let me just say that Cinderella 3 was most likely their only good sequel. And that's because they retold the story of Cinderella. Even redeeming one of the step sisters. As for the other sequels that Disney has planned or made, 50/50 for me. I'm not looking forward to Frozen 3. Frozen 2 was good until the third act. Elsa just pushed Anna away again, and instead of it being this bad thing, Elsa is rewarded for it. She gets to see her mother and gains an improved version of herself. While Anna struggles by herself. Yes, Elsa did "die," which could've worked as character development if Elsa realized that pushing Anna away was the cause of that death. But no, Anna unites the spirits again, and Elsa comes back to save the kingdom and all it good. There isn't really a punishment for Elsa pushing her loved ones away. Anna was the one with the best development because she had to grieve and push forward without Elsa. And she grew into a better version of herself that way, earning her crown as queen. I can see why people liked the ending, but to me, Elsa really should've reflected on what she did to Anna and Olaf at the end. It's just a little detail that made the film fall flat for me. Toy Story 5.......... what? The first three are masterpieces, really, they are. The 4th was definitely unnecessary, but I liked it as its own stand-alone film. Like a bonus film, a reboot to a possible new chapter for the franchise. But the way they ended it, they separated Woody and Buzz. Bonnie just straight up left Woody behind. I get it. There were hints that Jessie was gonna be her new favorite toy, but Woody should have some value. Yes, I know the film was about Woody accepting that he is no longer in the spot light and must pass down that title to someone else and his new chapter in life doesn't include his old friends. I get it. That happens in real life, too. But a 5th film? How are they exactly gonna do it with the way the 4th film ended. It doesn't seem very possible. Plus, it's not like the 4th film lived up to the first three, I still think they made Buzz a little out of character. And the old toys were underused. Like they could've evened out the roles a little more instead of letting Buzz take the spotlight. The same with Wreck it Ralph. I'm not going into detail about this. The sequel was pretty bad. I get it. Ralph is insecure and doesn't want to lose his only friend. But to put her in a life-threatening situation to get her to stay with you? I'm pretty sure you could've just said you were feeling lonely without her. That was too big of a drastic measure. I know that wasn't his intent, but the writers might want to have rethought about that. Ralph was just a bit too much of a jerk, and the product placement was kinda too much. Cars 2.......... it's a guilty pleasure of mine for a reason. 🤣 Incredibles 2, I thought it was good, but I can see why people have issues with it. The villain didn't make that much sense. The only sequel I am looking forward to is Zootopia 2, and that's because that story has a lot to offer. I'll explain later.
Dreamworks sequals, oh boy, where do I begin!!! Dreamworks serialized their films at the very beginning. Did you know there were at least six El Dorado films planned? If the first film didn't flop, we could've had a whole franchise of the treasure hunting trio. Or the fact that before Shrek was released, they were already working on a Shrek 2. Dreamworks make their films with a franchise in mind. They planned ahead. And each squeal they made only added more and more to their characters.
Shrek 2, Shrek has marriage problems because his in-laws are baiscally racist towards orgers. Shrek 4, he learns to love his life again. I will not mention Shrek the 3rd because that movie should disintegrate and never come back to reality. 😅 And I'm hyped for Shrek 5 because there is still more to write about. The film takes place in a fairytale land. There's hundreds of fairy tales out there that Shrek can make fun of. Hence, more films. The concept itself opens up new stories.
HTTYD. I haven't seen this one, but I know enough. I love the idea of Hiccup growing up and learning something new every film. Finding his mother, dealing with the loss of his father, dealing with being separated from his best friend at the end. Each film gave a new element to his story. A new gain and a new loss. I can't see the film going beyond three films, though. Unless it's gonna be about Hiccups kids, they kinda closed the book, and the concept isn't very open to anything. Unless a new threat comes and Hiccup has to learn to be the new village leader. Which he kinda already did. So I'm glad there isn't a HTTYD 4 planned.
Kung Fu Panda. This franchise has 6 films planned since the very beginning. SIX! And they always add a new element to Po's story. Earning the Dragon Warrior name, finding inner peace and dealing with his PTSD, becoming a teacher and chi master. And there's still more to Chinese culture that can be added to this franchise. The concept opens up the franchise to new ideas. The number of characters they have adds to the story. We got Shifus back story, we got Po's back story, we got Oogways back story, and the fandom is now expecting Tigress's back story soon. The concept and the characters are the reason why this franchise is loved and why we're dying for the 4th film!!!!
Madagascar. Fun fact, Madagascar 3 was, in fact, not the final film. 😅 Yeah, shocking. After the Penguins of Madagascar in 2014, Madagascar 4 was supposed to be released in 2018. So they did plan more films but got delayed with Kung Fu Panda 4 and Puss in Boots 2 because of the reconstruction of the studio. How many more films? I think the 4th one was supposed to create a reboot situation. I have no idea how the story is supposed to continue. I really don't, but at the same time, I do. The first three films had one story. The three wanted to go home to the zoo. Each film took place in a different setting, with each character learning something new about themselves. In the first film, they learned how to be in the wild, just like animals in Madagascar. Second film, they reconnect with their African roots. 3rd film, they realize what they really want is to see the world, so they move in with the circus. In Europe. That's why the sequels worked. Different settings = different discoveries = new story. Yes, their story about getting to the zoo is over, but we can't forget about the situation their in now. They're traveling the world now. The point of Stefanos and Gias character in the 3rd film was that the two were tired of staying in one place. They did the same acts to the point where they lost passion and meaning. They wanted something new and to improve the circus. And now that they have that, new stories can be told. In other words, the new concept opens up a door to a new story. They can travel the world and discover new things and new characters. New culture and even back stories to new characters. As far as I remember, Vitaly has a father like relationship with Gia and Stefano. Why? What's their past? Or we can get new pasts from new characters to come from different parts of the world. The concept of a circus traveling the world is what opens up the door to new stories.
Trolls, I know people don't like this film, and I agree it's for a much younger audience. Like 8 and under. But I can still appreciate the franchise for it's story telling. Poppy has to learn to be queen before becoming queen at the end of the film. She had to learn where happiness comes from and how having others you love in your life can improve on that happiness. Trolls 2, she had to learn about being a good queen. And I do love the metaphors they used in the 2nd film. Using different kinds of music a metaphor of tribes at war with each other. Poppy learned that it was her kingdom that caused the war in the first place. She had to learn that she can't push her own culture onto the other tribes because you can't just think your culture is superior. Like she wanted to make the country trolls happy with her own music simply because she believed the country trolls music was the wrong way. Which makes me love her interactions with Coopers family so much. Learning that her kingdom tried to erase the other tribes culture by replacing it with theirs. That her tribes scrapbooks are just cutouts and glue ons by the winners to rewrite history so they feel comfortable with it. And I love that the king and queen of funk explain it to her. That differences do matter, and no, we are not all the same deep inside. Our culture, our lives, and our experiences are different, and they make us who we are. Harmonizing with different cultures is what makes a good queen. And that's why the sequels work. Why I'm excited for my little sisters to see the franchise. There's so much you can do with a story about a queen trying to do good for her kingdom. And YES, I know Frozen is the same. Like I said, I did enjoy Frozen 2. It's just that the third act fell hard on its face. Like, why is ice the 5th element and not love? There are little details that really made it flop. I can understand Trolls being kiddy and cute because they are made for children and babies. I would much rather have my sisters watch Trolls than Coco Melon any time. I appreciate Frozen for what it is as well. Loved the films, wish it reached its potential and that's why I'm not looking forward to Frozen 3.
Are there any DreamWork films that would work as a franchise? Yes, Megamind can learn how to handle being the towns new hero. Bad Guys, this screams franchise!!! It's like Suicide Squad. Former criminals help to save the world!!! Puss in Boots. Puss, Kitty, and Perrito are three out laws going on adventures. How many new adventures can you write for them to go on? HUNDREDS!!! And this is why I'm excited for Zootopia 2!!! That story DOES have something to look forward to. The concept is great. A cop and a former criminal fighting crime together? HELL YEAH!!! That's why Toy Story worked, too!!! The life of a toy is creative. They watched their owner grow, and each stage of their owners life affected them. When a kid moves houses, they can lose toys on the way. What if a toy gets broken? What if the kid is no longer a kid? What do toys feel about being lost or replaced. The concept is incredible and leaves tons of opportunities to continue the story or create new ones. So I'm a 50/50 on Toy Story 5.
Disney doesn't plan ahead when they make a film. They clearly start to make it up as they go with no plan. DreamWorks does plan ahead. A lot of Disney's concepts don't work for sequals. I can not see a squeal to any of the Disney princesses. Bell? Ariel? Cinderella? Not really much to their story except they lived happily ever after. It's a closed book for good unless they take a Cinderella 3 route and rewrite their stories. Dreamworks do have concepts in their stories that open opportunities. And the #1 reason why we don't get excited about Disney squeals. Reputation. Disney has a horrible reputation when it comes to sequals. Dreamworks have a perfect record. As long as we burn Shrek the 3rd from our minds. Not talking down on Disney. I know they have the ability to create great classic stories. But only stand-alone stories. While DreamWorks has a gift in making franchises and taking risks in their stories.
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monkey-network · 7 months
Good Stuff: Megamind 2
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I remember many moons ago that I reviewed Dreamworks's Megamind in all its brilliance. I remember around that same time spitballing about a sequel. Cut to 2 years ago where they announced one and my optimism was in it. I wasn't expecting much, I had simple expectations of this since Dreamworks never slacked when it came to their sequels, you know? Now we're here... and it's like how am I meant to feel? Should I feel grateful for this sudden monkey's paw, this baboon's dishwater soaked digits for giving us this take on Megamind? [sigh] I don't want to be too sour about this though.
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Still better than what Wreck-it Ralph fans got, I guess
Now I'm not bothered by them making a film that's essentially a backdoor pilot to the TV series, nor that the original cast's been replaced, introducing new characters, and that the series itself isn't theatrical tier animation wise. That has always been an acceptable given with Dreamworks shows vs movies. What bothers me is that the new "film" couldn't have the same quality as before. Like this is unprecedented, where a sequel doesn't get the same stellar animation as before but is basically just episode 0 of the TV show. This never happened before, The Croods, Trolls, and Boss Baby never got downgraded to direct-to-DVD status with their sequels's animation looking worse than the fucking Paw Patrol movies. We JUST got Puss in Boots: The Last Wish couple years ago, so can you imagine how this kinda bothers me? I'm cool with it not having the same great writing and worldbuilding as the OG film, but this felt like the biggest disservice to any Megamind fan, heck any animation fan in general.
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Presentation was the ONE thing this should have had
But I've been sour enough, is the film/show actually worth it story and character wise? Dear lord, it's corny. It makes 60s Batman feel like a Christopher Nolan production. The characters you know are basically the only reason to watch this as none of the new ideas given are compelling enough that makes this feel justified. It's nice getting a series about heroes and villains, and Megamind himself is the most enjoyable part about all this, but it's like even I can't sift out the hidden gem this could have with what I've seen. It's like kids will enjoy this as is like the other Dreamworks shows, but it's hard imagining any older fan of the original movie being ecstatic enough to even bother past the film. I'm sorry, it's overall serviceable but I can't offer any silver lining that can prove this was worth it.
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Again, I can't even be mad. I'm used to this pain.
I don't know what else to say. Do I just lie to you all and say this wasn't a massive disappointment? This hasn't soured my feelings for Dreamworks, I'm still a believer given they aren't exactly the studio I go to for long running streaks of quality compared to others. It's not like Megamind was the biggest thing in my life, that goes to Shrek and Bluey, but I kinda wanted... more from this? This just barely does anything for me. I'm gonna watch a couple more episodes and honestly not look back when this weekend's over. What sucks the most is that this isn't the first time a sequel animation has made me feel this way, but this is a newfound low for me.
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I give Arzette: Jewel of Faramore a 9 out of 10. Just a fantastic blast from the past.
Megamind 2 gets a 2 out of 5. Fucking fiasco.
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julie-su · 4 months
Hypothetical time (yep, it's another one of these)
You've been asked to make a sequel to one of your favourite movies. What movie you following up?
(I'd personally go with 1991's The Little Engine That Could, maybe do like a Christmas or Halloween special or something)
OOOH. See, this one is an extra-toughie, because the last movie I pined for a sequel to, was... Wreck-it Ralph. (Weird, they never made a sequel to that movie? Nono, no, don't correct me.)
Actually.. Could I make my own sequel to Wreck-it Ralph? The original was a 30-something year production and love-letter to the history of videogames; I think that I'd like to continue that trend. I always wanted to have more time to explore the insides of the games, and maybe get some more deep-cut favourites in there. I would LOVE another hour-thirty romp through refference after refference, whilst we explore some new narrative. Half of what made the first one so great, was just the sheer novelty and enjoyment of 'oh my god! It's Q*bert! It's Tapper! They're in Pacman! Sonic is at the party!' -- It's the same reason that, say, the Smash Bros series is so much fun - it's just an excuse to put a bunch of known characters, from semi-obscure to household-name, and let you geek out about that! Maybe discover some new characters.
I don't want to spend a LOT of time talking about why I didn't like Wralph Breaks the Internet... But I will say, it felt like they missed the mark entirely on why the references in the first film were charming - because every reference in WBTI is just... It feels gross. "eBay! Amirite! YouTube! You know what youtube is!" -- What emotion is this supposed to elicit? This isn't the same at all as when King Candy inputs the Konami Code on a NES controller.... You're not pulling from my knowledge base, you're just showing me product placement. This isn't like how they had the concept art Sub-Zero standing in the halls, this is just... Sad. Like, I KNOW Capcom crossovers are dime-a-dozen, but there's still nothing quite as exciting as 'IS THAT CAMMY IN THE BACKGROUND? OF MY BIG-SCREEN CINEMA FLICK?' -- And then you get to explain to your unassuming friends why Cammy is great.
Maybe it's a story about... The cabinets being bought as a lot, and being moved to a large F2P Arcade, with a tonne of other cabinets? A sort of 'moving to the big city' movie, except the 'big city' is a two-floor F2P passion project, and now the Sugar Rush cabinet is neighbour to pop'n music, and they've got Jubeat and MaiMai, and IS THAT REIMU and it's all so very much to take in -- Litwak's hadn't really seen a new cabinet, so now they're also having to comprehend all of these... Like... 2018 cabinets, and, and, and... It's sort of a story about changes and moving on, like... Accepting that the world is changing so rapidly, and finding your place in that world. I think if you gave it 5-10 years, that sort of story would stick well with the people who watched it as a teen or kid in 2012.
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Guess what? It’s Vanellope’s turn
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So, one of the chief complaints that gets tossed around about RBTI is how Vanellope “went Turbo” by abandoning Sugar Rush for Slaughter Race. And while I get some of the criticism, I have to push back on some points.
Folks say that gamers will notice Vanellope’s absence & get the game unplugged for good. First, she’s been missing for at least a decade and no one noticed. Second, her outfit & kart don’t match ANY of her pictures on the game console and no one cared. Third, KING CANDY’S gone and his death didn’t lead to the game being unplugged. That’s the power of the Random Racer Roster - no one notices if an old character disappears or if a new character is added. They think it’s just chance.
Turbo forced himself into Roadblasters & Sugar Rush, completely hijacking the latter’s programming to make himself the guy in charge. Vanellope was INVITED to stay in Slaughter Race.
While the movie clearly meant to make it a stupid joke about “Oh, those Disney princesses, always wanting Something More,” we can’t forget that Vanellope was abused, ostracized, and mistreated during her Glitch decade. If Wreck-it Ralph was a standalone movie, it’d be ok if she took charge in the end but became a benevolent ruler so no one would experience the pain she had to suffer because the movie was 90 minutes long & folks needed to get home for work the next day. But with a sequel, it’s not out of the question for Vanellope to need some time & space away from Sugar Rush to figure things out. MAYBE she’ll come back someday, MAYBE she’ll stay in Slaughter Race forever, but she deserves a break.
So, no, I don’t have a problem with Vanellope wanting to expand her horizons and try some new things.
In RBTI, however, the execution was incredibly flawed. The press leading up to this movie said the story was meant to be akin to friends going their separate ways for school, one friend being ready to move on while the other stayed behind. But the film made it feel like Vanellope was trading up, not moving forward. The whole thing went out of its way to make Ralph the worst possible choice for Vanellope, replacing him in her life with Shank.
And I’m not hating on Shank. She was clearly made to capitalize on Gal Gadot while Gal Gadot was a marketable star, and the character doesn’t do anything to try to one-up Ralph in the Surrogate Parent department. It’s all the narrative’s doing.
Oh, Vanellope said “Cool” to Ralph living in the garbage once and Ralph kind of trauma-dumped about how living in the garbage sucks ass? Well, Shank & her friends live in a super-cool dystopian dumpster fire & they think it’s AWESOME!
What’s that? Ralph & Vanellope spent a long time baking her first kart, which didn’t look anything like the perfect sample kart but Vanellope loved anyway because it was HERS & her love for her imperfect kart gave Ralph a sense of pride for doing something right for the first time in his life as well as recognition that perfection is overrated? Then the two bonded more as Ralph helped Vanellope learn how to drive & unlocked her dormant driving skills? Well, Shank just GAVE Vanellope her own race car during an Alan Menken musical number & they flew through the sky, so same thing really.
And again, Ralph’s character was COMPLETELY ASSASSINATED to make him look worse compared to Shank! They went back to his stupid beta version from the deleted scenes that was super whiny, kind of gross, and impressively stupid so Shank would look smarter, sleeker, and more put-together. They made him throw a temper tantrum outside of eBay when he didn’t understand the rules of bidding & blubber like a baby when he got caught trying to steal Shank’s car so Shank would be the more emotionally stable one. HE PURPOSEFULLY CRASHED SLAUGHTER RACE & ALMOST KILLED VANELLOPE so no one would want to see her stick with his clingy, insecure ass.
And this “Vanellope traded up” vibe continues in other media. Like the “Sugar Rush Racers” books I mentioned before. Vanellope spends MAYBE five off-page minutes with Ralph before he takes a nap & the other Sugar Rush Racers ask Vanellope if they can join her in Slaughter Race for a bit. Then during the story, Vanellope’s always referencing either the Disney Princesses (which she apparently does a LOT according to the other Racers’ reactions) or her new life with the Slaughter Race characters. There’s ONE mention of that time Ralph was WILLING TO DIE TO SAVE HER LIFE, but that’s it. No mention of making her kart together, no talk of their heart-to-heart in Diet Cola Mountain, no acknowledgement of the training montage or the time he trashed her kart because he thought he was saving her life, then his going back later to apologize & really help her get her life back by winning the race. Nothing. Almost like their adventures together meant nothing. And there’s no mention of OTHER adventures they might’ve shared between movies, despite the Sugar Rush Racers casually mentioning the time King Candy banished two of the recolor racers (which opens a WHOLE can of worms about why he didn’t just do that with Vanellope, or kill her outside Sugar Rush before trying to delete her code & reprogram himself into the game, but whatever). And at the end of the second book, when the Racers are told they can go back to the arcade, Vanellope says she wants to spend “a hot minute” with Ralph before going back to Shank & her crew in Slaughter Race. Implying they’re her REAL family.
I truly believe if the authors of the books COULD have left even the mention of Ralph out, they would’ve. He has been thoroughly Scrappy Doo’d by Disney, and it fucking HURTS!!!! HE’S THE REASON VANELLOPE EXISTS!!!!!!! AND THEY ARE TRYING TO KILL HIM!!!!!!!
And still, I need to know why? Why does Disney hate him? Why does Disney want US to hate him? WHY are they trying to bury him?!!!?! WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED DURING PRODUCTION OF THIS STUPID CURSED SEQUEL?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
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tessathegamefreak · 2 years
Headcanon Time...
All Wreck-It Ralph AUs/realities can exist on the same Earth with the right conditions!
Okay, so hear me out...
Now, the vast majority of us Wreck-It Ralph fans were not happy with the results of the sequel we got, AND FOR GOOD REASON!
There was so much wrong with the sequel, from inconsistencies with the original story to the sudden throwback in characters. I was so appalled by what we got that I found ways to consider it non-canon; one of these ways went as far as being a headcanon that this sequel was just a really bad fanfiction Candlehead wrote!
Then, there were many people that said, "well, what if this took place in a different arcade?". Now, they might have something there. There was no mention of Turbo in the new movie, the Sugar Rush game console is different, and doppelgangers are a thing, so maybe Litwak is actually a fully different person or a relative that runs a family business. Plus, the Internet is a wide place, so big that there was no way the sequel could capture and depict every part of it, so everything is possible!
But this goes beyond that... I am here to explain how you can fit your AUs into one world on top of this! I will use a couple of examples to give clearer explanations.
So, I have an OC that is from "Kingdom Hearts Union X", a mobile game that was once online- and once so great. If you are familiar with Kingdom Hearts, you know that they are a big crossover between Final Fantasy and Disney franchises, and Union X was the only KH game that has the Wreck-It Ralph world as a playable location. I have integrated my OC into my WIR roleplays numerous times, despite having lived out the events of the movie through her game. But how can that be possible? Doesn't it get awkward that she thinks she has these memories, but the others have no memory of her? Well, I have 2 reach arounds to combat this...
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"The Simpsons" explanation! The Simpsons is so well known as a show, but not just for its revolutionary comedy, but for its "predictions"! Now, the farfetched explanation for how they could have so many accurate predictions is that "Matt Groening is a time traveler!". For the plausible explanation though, it could be said that "there are numerous possibilities in the world, and if you throw one out on the media, it is possible that it will come true". So if you were to write a story where you interact with the characters, but the movie already exists, you could explain it lore wise that Disney had bought licensing to these games, made a movie, and the events from that movie became a reality.
[KHUx OC] Coalette's character arc is similar to Buzz Lightyear. She is so ingrained into her false memories that she will eventually have to grow apart from them by interacting with the real characters in front of her. You could write something similar to this where AU characters meet their original counterparts and vice-versa!
Now, that could account for the potential plot hole of the events of the movie happening across multiple coordinates in the world, but you may think that there is another plothole when it comes to connecting AUs: Turbo. How could I possibly explain the same character from the same game getting greedy in the same way and manner across numerous arcades?...
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Well, what if I told you my explanation for that was a flaw in Turbo-Time's programming? Think about it, we don't hear much of anything about Turbo in the sequel, not even mentioned or seen as merch or a fan favorite game, or even as a remastered/revival game anywhere on the Internet! You see, Turbo was programmed to be the "#1 racer" ever, and this held true for the first five years in arcade history. When newer, fancier racing games began to come out, Turbo would then feel his programming being challenged, causing him to go berserk and break into other racing games. What if this issue was common amongst ALL Turbo-Time consoles? They would have all been programmed the same way, so the moment arcades took notice to Turbo causing other racing games to crash and become corrupted, a nation-wide recall was issued on the consoles, preventing the game to become known amongst future generations. The surviving Turbos would remain in their arcades, and Turbo-Time would be put away as lost media. His story would only be a tale that those from before 1987 would be able to tell.
And there you have it, my explanation for connecting Wreck-It Ralph AUs and Realities together! Hope you have fun with world lore writing!
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sparklermun · 2 years
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Well everyone, that is it! The end of another Pin Post Month and another year of celebrating the Wreck-it Ralph movie. Ten years now since its been in theaters, isn’t that a crazy thought for how much time has passed since these characters asked when we’d seen them again?
Now here they are, characters from the original film and the sequel together in pin form. One for every day of this little event held for the anniversary of the original movie. I’ll admit, this year’s been a tough one for me with so many changes resulting in my entire life being uprooted from where it had been last year. Hosting Pin Post Month didn’t have quite the same feeling this year as it did in others as a result, though it has still been an absolute delight to share my thoughts and see those of other people who take joy in these pins. 
Now though we’ve reached the end of the month, thus the end of the event as well. I’d like to thank those who left their own thoughts whether it be through replies or tags. They honestly brought me a lot of joy and motivation when I saw them each night. I’m glad that the revisiting of old pins along side the presenting of new appears to have been just as successful this year as it was last year. It’s more then likely there will be more revisits in the following year as the supply of unseen pins has dwindled further. Though each of them certainly deserves some spot light on them to make up for the lack of attention each were given in their original posts. Most of which were only composed of one or two sentences at the time, before I decided to add more information about the pins themselves. 
I’m eager to see what the next year has to hold for us, though for now it is time to wrap up the current year of pins and welcome the final month of 2022. I hope you all have a wonderful holiday season and a happy new year to follow!
Thank you again and have a good night! 
- Sparkler-mun :)
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synergysilhouette · 8 months
The animation style I think renaissance to revival era films should've been in
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(Note: When I say "3D," I'm referring to Disney's modern CGI style as of 2024)
My reasoning:
Post-renaissance 2D seemed to have a dip in quality, so modern 3D animation would've made me more engaged.
Certain 2D films (TLK, Atlantis, L&S, and TP) just felt like the narrative would've been better served in 3D.
3D supports realism, and the colors, clothes, hair/fur, and environments in certain films (Moana, Zootopia, and Encanto) felt wisely used.
"Chicken Little" was full of cliches and nothing to challenge 3D (even modern 3D), and neither did "Meet the Robinsons," while BH6 and Raya's narrative would've been better as 2D films, imo--particularly Raya, since 3D is very western and you can take more SEA influences as a 2D.
Most of the renaissance films could go either way for me; their 2D was great, but I imagine Atlantica, Agrabah, nature, the Olympians, Paris, the Beast, the war on the Huns, nature, etc. would've looked great with modern 3D and wonder what their entire movie would've looked like. Same with "The Princess and the Frog."
The fairy tale films with Disney during the revival era could've been in 2D and have been just as good; while I LOVE 3D, the high points of it in "Tangled" and the "Frozen" films are Rapunzel's hair and Elsa's magic; anything else doesn't wow me enough to say it had to be in 3D. And "Wish" was not the film to do hybrid animation on; do 2D or 3D.
IDK why, but "Wreck It Ralph" and it's sequel felt like the perfect films to do hybrid animation for, and "Strange World" needed to be made in that style to avoid being generic. And "Fantasia" was great as-is.
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