#seo jae hyung
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jaegraph · 4 months ago
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kim hyungseo ( bibi ) (( more ))
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stuff-diary · 7 months ago
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TV Shows/Dramas watched in 2024
Hierarchy (2024, South Korea)
Director: Bae Hyeon Jin
Writer: Chu Hye Mi
Oof, what a disappointment. I feel like this wanted to be one of those transgressive teen shows we get in the West, but then it didn't have the guts to go all the way and ended up being like any other kdrama about the rich and the poor. And even then, it's just not good at that either. The writing leaves a lot to be desired, and it gets more boring with every episode. The acting is also all over the place; some of the actors do a solid job, but most of them are mediocre or downright terrible. Tbh, there are two things that save this drama from disaster: firstly, the director adds a lot of style and flair to the proceedings; secondly, sometimes it's fun to see a bunch of super pretty people all together in one place. But still, there are a lot of shows where you can find those things with much better quality. I wouldn't recommend Hierarchy, unless you really love someone in the cast...
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filthy-mudeoki · 2 years ago
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Hyung - Jae
Vincenzo : Song Joong Ki and Kwak Dong - Yeon
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korelist · 2 years ago
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UYARI : Yazılar genel olarak spoiler içerebilir. İçermeyedebilir.
İmdb puanı: 8 Benim puanım: 9
Drama: Hwarang / Hwarang: The Poet Warrior Youth
Hangul: 화랑(花郞)
Director: Yun Seong-Sik
Writer: Park Eun-Young
Date: 2017
Language: Korean
Country: South Korea
Cast: Park Seo-Joon, Go Ara, Park Hyung-Sik, Do Ji-Han, Seo Yea-Ji, Kim Tae-Hyung, Kim Won-Hae, Yoo Jae-Myung, Minho, Jo Yoon-Woo, Sung Dong-Il
Hayal takımı!!! Şahane ekip! Benim fanatikliğimin çıkış noktası olan dizi. Park Seo-Joon var, yanına Parkk Hyung-Sik koymuşlar, bir de BTS’in göz bebeği Kim Tae-Hyung(V)’yi ikna etmişler. Daha ne olsun. Wooga Squad’ın temelleri atılmış. Çekimler sırasında Seo-Joon ve Hyung-sik o kadar iyi anlaşınca set sonrasında Seo-Joon’un arkadaş ortamına girmek istemiş. Tae-Hyung ise bilmediği bir alanda iyi bir iş çıkartmak için Seo-Joon’dan yardım isteyince ekibe dahil olmuş. Zaten Wooga Squad’ın en küçüğü olarak her biri V’yi el üstünde tutuyor. Hatta bir sohbet sırasında Seo-Joon “onu konserde izlediğimizde ne kadar popüler olduğunu fark ettik, sahnede adeta devleşiyor” şeklinde konuşmuştu. Çünkü onlar için V küçük kardeş gibi.
Konudan çok uzaklaştım. Kırmızı çizgime denk geldi. Dizi, MÖ 1. yüzyılda Koguryo, Baekje ve Silla’dan oluşan 3 krallık döneminde; Silla’da geçiyor. Kraliçe askeri bir yapılanma kurmaya karar veriyor. Soylu ailelerin yüzü güzel olan oğullarına savaş sanatı eğitimi vererek “Hwarang” adını verdiği birliği kuruyor. Bu dizi için bir tarih dizisinden çok tarihi anekdotlar içeren tarihi bir dizi diyebilirim.
Queen Jiso (Kim Ji-Soo), tahtı elinde tutabilmek için genç yaşta tahtın varisi olan oğlu Ji Dwi Rang(Park Hyung-Sik)’ i herkesten saklayarak yönetimi elinde tutmaktadır. Kendini korumak için Hwarang’ı kurmaya karar verir. Prens ise halktan biri gibi yaşayarak tahta geçme sırasının gelmesini beklemektedir. Halk prensin kayıplara karıştığını düşünüyordur. Hiç kimse prensin yüzünü görmemiş, neye benzediğini bilmiyordur. Kraliçenin tek düşmanı diğer krallıklar değil, her dönem dizisinde olduğu gibi Silla içinde de tahta göz diken vekiller vardır. Hwarang aslında vekillerin oğlunu kraliçeye hizmet ettirerek ayaklanmalarını önlemek içinde gizli bir amaç barındırıyor.
Moo Myung (Park Seo-Joon) yakın arkadaşı Mak-Moon(Lee Kwang-Soo) ile onun ailesini bulmaya Silla’ya gelirler. Yolda prens ile karşılaşırlar ve Mak-Moon yanlışlıkla karanlıkta prensi görür. Prensin korumaları bunu fark edince, peşine düşüp “prensin yüzünü gördü” diyerek onu öldürürler. Moo Myung arkadaşını kurtarmak için geç kalır. Bunu ona yapanlardan intikam almak için yemin eder. Bunu yapabilmek içinde Mak-Moon’un kimliğine bürünüp oymuş gibi ailesi ile yaşamaya başlar. Ve tabi ki kendisi başrolümüz olduğundan Hwarang’a katılıp saraya girmenin yollarını arayacaktır.
Dizilerdeki en sevdiğim romantizm, beni en çok etkileyen arkadaşlıklar hep ‘bromans’lar oluyor. Bayılıyorum erkeklerin birbirileri ile olan o güçlü bağlarına, hayranım. Sevdiğim bütün oyuncuları çıkartsak dizinin izleyecek bir yanı kalmayacağını kabul ediyorum. Hwarang’ı izleten şeyin Hwarang cast’ı olması ikonik olmuş. Bir araya gelmek zorunda kalan, başta birbirlerinden çok da hoşlanmasalar da mecbur kalan 6 erkeğin dostluğunu izliyoruz. Park Hyung-Sik’i nasıl da özlemişim. “Strong girl Do Bong Soon” dizisinin Min-Min’iydi benim için. Beğendiğim oyuncuların dizilerini izlerim ama onu hep Min-Min olarak bellemişim ki hiç elim gitmemiş başka bir şey izlemeye. Bu diziyle onu da yıkmış oldum. Şahaneydiler. Seo-Joon ile özellikle parıl parıl parlıyorlardı. BTS’den Kim Tae-Hyung‘un yanı sıra , Shinee grubunun üyesi olan Minho da Hwarang ekibindeydi. Onunla ve sesiyle de burada tanışmış olduk.
Moo Myung (Park Seo-Joon); fakir bir hayat yaşamış arkadaşları için kendini feda edebilecek lider ruhlu bir gençtir. Köpek-Kuş lakabı ile bilinir. Sessiz sakin ama net bir duruşu vardır.
Sam Maek Jong / Ji Dwi Rang (Park Hyung-Sik); kendisi sürgün bir prenstir. Annesinin taht sevdası yüzünden saklanarak yaşamak zorunda kalmıştır. Bir şekilde Hwarang’a katılarak kaleyi içten fethetmeyi amaçlar. Burada biraz yorum katmam gerekirse, çok pasifti. Öyle böyle değil. Ben en azından bir kral duruşuna tavrına sahip olmasını beklerdim. Önünde sonunda annesi çekilmek zorunda kalacak ve tahta çıkacak kişi olacaktı. Ama hiç o ışığı taşımıyordu. Bunun suçlusu senaryoydu muhtemelen. Daha net ve kararlı bir karakter yazmış olmalarını isterdim.
Soo Ho Rang (Minho); Kraliçenin destekçisi olan soylu bir ailenin oğludur. Bütün kızlara mavi boncuk dağıtırken, aslında gönlü kraliçededir. Onun gözünde hiçbir kadın kraliçeye denk değildir.
Ban Ryu Rang (Do Ji-Han); Kraliçenin düşman ailelerinden birinin oğludur. Ho-Rang’ın en büyük rakibidir. Sessiz, sinirli ve en soğuk üyedir. Babalarının düşmanlıklarını devam ettirmeye çalışıyorlardır.
Yeo Wool Rang (Jo Yoon-Woo); grubun en femineni ve en güzel görünenidir. Hikayeye çok bir katkısı olmayan etkisiz eleman olduğunu söyleyebilirim.
Ve Han Sung Rang (Kim Tae-Hyung); sevimli, şımarık ve en çocuksu Hwarang’dı. Aile ismi nedeni ile istemeden Hwarang’a katılmak zorunda kalmıştır. Gerçek hayatta Seo-Joon’a olduğu gibi dizideki karakteri de Moo Myung’a kendini yakın hissettiği için onun etrafında dolaşırken bol bol görüyoruz. Çekimlerde kendi sahnelerinden önce Seo-Joon’a gidip “bu işi ilk kez yapıyorum ve iyi bir şekilde yapmak istiyorum, yardımcı olur musun?” diye sormuş. Seo-Joon ise adeta bir oyuncu koçu gibi her sahnesinden önce onunla ezber yaparak onu sahneye hazırlamış. O zamandan beride çok yakın arkadaş olmuşlar. Hatta bir sohbetlerinde şakayla karışık bütün oyuncuların öyle olmadığını herkese aynı şekilde yaklaşmaması gerektiğini tembihliyordu.
Ve dizideki tek kadın karakter olmasa da ön plandaki tek kadın olan A-Ro(Go Ara) vardı. Dizinin başında ölen Mak-Moon’ın gerçek kız kardeşiydi. Hem sahte abisi Moo Myung hem de gizli prens Maek Jong ile yakınlaşmalar yaşayan bu hanım kızımız, düşük sınıf bir anneden doğmuştur. Babasının soylu olması önemsizdir. Babası o dönemin doktoru olduğu için onun çıraklığını yapar. Ek gelir için ise kadınlara müstehcen hikayeler anlatır.
Özetleyecek olursam, tatlı sert bir arkadaşlık hikayesi izledik diyebiliriz. Dizinin akışındaki aşk hikayesinden çok bromansin ön planda olduğu sıcak bir diziydi. Havasında asla ağırlık yoktu. Çok da ciddi olmayan bir atmosferde çok keyfi bir hikaye anlatılıyordu. Dizi müzikleri içinde ise BTS’den Jin ile V’nin eseri olan bir şarkı yer alıyor.
BTS (V, Jin) - It's Definitely You
Raven Melus
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junkobato · 1 year ago
Upcoming Kdrama January 2024 🌈
1/1: Marry My Husband with Park Min Young, Na In Woo, Lee Yi Kyung. 16 episodes; rom-com, fantasy.
2/1: Love Song for Illusion with Park Ji Hoon, Ji Woo, Hwang Hee. 16 episodes; historical, romance, fantasy.
12/1: Knight Flower with Lee Hanui, Lee Jong Won, Lee Ki Woo. 12 episodes; historical, mystery, comedy.
17/1: A Shop for Killers with Lee Dong Wook, Kim Hye Joon, Seo Hyun Woo. 8 episodes; action, thriller.
19/1: the Bequeathed with Kim Hyun Joo, Park Hee Soon, Park Byung Eun. 6 episodes; thriller, mystery.
19/1: LTNS with Ahn Jae Hong, Esom. 6 episodes; rom-com.
21/1: Captivating the King with Jo Jung Seok, Shin Se Kyung, Lee Shin Young. 16 episodes; historical, melodrama.
26/1: Flex X Cop with Ahn Bo Hyun, Park Ji Hyun, Kwak Si Yang. 16 episodes; action, mystery, rom-com.
27/1: Doctor Slump with Park Shin Hye, Park Hyung Shik, Yoon Park. 16 episodes; medical, rom-com.
31/1: Queen of Divorce with Lee Ji Ah, Kang Ki Young, Oh Min Suk. 12 episodes; law, drama.
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Let's start the year with some good dramas!!
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galacticseonghwa · 2 years ago
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NCT 127
OT8 • matching outfits • nct series
YUTA NAKAMOTO • to you • Yuta Nakamoto bf texts • seeing red • maybe two? ft. mark lee
JEONG JAE HYUN • dangerous
MARK LEE • Mark Lee bf texts • Mark Lee bf texts pt.2 • Mark Lee bf texts pt.3 • maybe two? ft. yuta nakamoto
LEE HAE CHAN • best friend texts • fwb/sneaky link texts
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OT6 • calling them ‘pretty boy’ for the first time • reactions to you accidentally sending nudes • matching outfits • nct series
QIAN KUN • too sweet
• stole my heart
LIU YANG YANG • nothing matters in paris (profiles) • nothing matters in paris (chapter one)
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OT7 • jealous bf texts • asking for ass pic texts • reacting to their full name texts • bare face texts • asking you to call them daddy texts • reacting to you calling them pretty boy for the first time • texts about the twilight movies • “let’s break up” prank texts • matching outfits • nct series • can i tie a bow around it? texts
MARK LEE • Mark Lee bf texts • Mark Lee bf texts pt.2 • Mark Lee bf texts pt.3 • maybe two? ft. yuta nakamoto
HUANG REN JUN • Huang Renjun fwb/sneaky link texts • Huang Renjun fwb/sneaky link texts pt.2
LEE JENO • scream, if you dare • faster n harder • reading and meetings
LEE HAE CHAN • best friend texts • fwb/sneaky link texts • fwb/sneaky link texts pt.2
NA JAE MIN • Na Jaemin lyric prank texts • rain and dances
ZHONG CHEN LE • Zhong Chenle bf texts • Zhong Chenle bf texts pt.2 • Zhong Chenle bf texts pt.3 • Zhong Chenle bf texts pt.4 • water • it’s a shame, truly • sera una noche inolvidable
PARK JI SUNG • Park Jisung lyric prank texts • baby talk • scream, if you dare • Park Jisung bf texts
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OT8 • Stray Kids as different aesthetics • Stray Kids as boyfriends - Hyung Line
BANG CHAN • it’s a shame, truly
LEE MIN HO • true love
SEO CHANG BIN • shotgun
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MOON BIN • last farewell • leave before you love me
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PARK JI HOON • Park Jihoon bf texts
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dear-indies · 3 months ago
Hello, could you please recommend some female fcs that either have short hair and/or hair that isn't blonde or brunette. I would prefer if they are 25 or older, but I am open to suggestions beyond that. Most of the faceclaims I have on my wanted list have the same style hair and I would like some other options. Thank you in advance!
Shaved hair:
Florence Kasumba (1976) Ugandan.
Danai Gurira (1978) Shona Zimbabwean.
T'Nia Miller (1985) Afro Jamaican - is a lesbian.
Jodie Turner-Smith (1986) Afro Jamaican.
Michaela Coal (1987) Ghanaian - is aromantic.
Kota Eberhardt (1989) Lakota Sioux and African American.
Alexis Louder (1991) African-American.
Jordan Alexander (1993) African-American and White - is queer - has spoken up for Palestine!
Short hair:
Alexandra Billings (1962) African-American. Unspecified Indigenous, White - is trans.
Elena Kong (1971) Hongkonger.
Kim Seo-hyung (1973) Korean.
Kim Hee-sun (1977) Korean - had short light pink hair in Tomorrow.
Ha Jae-sook (1979) Korean.
Alba Flores (1986) Romani and White - is a lesbian - has spoken up for Palestine!
Roberta Colindrez (1986) Mexican - is queer - has spoken up for Palestine!
Jillian Mercado (1987) Dominican - has spastic muscular dystrophy - has had short hair and multiple colours!
Anna Diop (1988) Senegalese - had pink hair in Titans.
Ritu Arya (1988) Indian - has had short pinky orange hair in Humans S2 and platinum hair in The Umbrella Academy.
Mary Galloway (1990) Quamichan and White - is queer - had short blue hair in Querencia.
Sarah Kameela Impey (1991) Indo-Guyanese / White - had short hair in We Are Lady Parts - has spoken up for Palestine!
Lee Joo-Young (1992) Korean - has had short green hair in Green Night.
Jessica Henwick (1992) Chinese Singaporean / White - had short blue hair in The Matrix.
Hari Nef (1992) Ashkenazi Jewish - is trans - has short hair and orange hair - has spoken up for Palestine!
Lily Sullivan (1993) - had short hair in Evil Dead Rise.
Emily Rudd (1993) - had short orange hair in One Piece.
Anna Leong Brophy (1993) Irish, Chinese, Kadazan.
Aisha Dee (1993) African Australian / White - had short pink hair in Sissy.
Natasha Liu Bordizzo (1994) Chinese / White - has had short and also long purple hair in Ahsoka.
Jerrie Johnson (1994) African American - short blonde hair.
Blu Hunt (1996) Oglala Lakota, Apache, White - is queer - short hair.
Sierra McCormick (1997) - has had short orange hair.
Brianne Tju (1998) Chinese, Indonesian - has had short black hair in Uglies.
Dyed hair:
Kim Hee-sun (1977) Korean - had short light pink hair in Tomorrow.
Beth Ditto (1981) - is queer - has had orange hair - has spoken up for Palestine!
Alyssa Sutherland (1982) - had red hair in Evil Dead Rise.
Aslıhan Güner (1987) Turkish - had red hair in Kuzey Yıldızı İlk Aşk.
Naomi Watanabe (1987) Japanese and Taiwanese - range of colours.
Jillian Mercado (1987) Dominican - has spastic muscular dystrophy - has had short hair and multiple colours!
Ritu Arya (1988) Indian - has had short pinky orange hair in Humans S2 and platinum hair in The Umbrella Academy.
Mary Galloway (1990) Quamichan and White - is queer - had short blue hair in Querencia.
Michaela Jaé Rodriguez (1991) African-American 1/4 Puerto Rican - had pink hair in Tick Tick… Boom - is a trans woman.
Hari Nef (1992) Ashkenazi Jewish - is trans - has short hair and orange hair - has spoken up for Palestine!
Davika Hoorne (1992) Thai / White - has had red hair.
Lee Joo-Young (1992) Korean - has had short green hair in Green Night.
Jessica Henwick (1992) Chinese Singaporean / White - had short blue hair in The Matrix.
Shotzi Blackheart (1992) Filipino and White - has green hair.
Emily Rudd (1993) - had short orange hair in One Piece.
Aisha Dee (1993) African Australian / White - had short pink hair in Sissy.
Natasha Liu Bordizzo (1994) Chinese / White - has had short and also long purple hair in Ahsoka.
Emma Mackey (1996) - had blonde and pink hair in Sex Education.
Sierra McCormick (1997) - has had short orange hair.
Chloé Hayden (1997) - is orange hair - is autistic, has ADHD and has chronic illness.
Janella Salvador (1998) Bisaya Filipino - has had orange hair - has spoken up for Palestine!
Sab Zada (1999) Chinese, Filipino, and Unspecified Hispanic - has pink hair - has spoken up for Palestine!
Yuna (1986) Perakian Malay - has spoken up for Palestine!
Anjana Vasan (1987) Tamil Singaporean - in We Are Lady Parts.
Aiysha Hart (1990) Saudi / White - in We Are Lady Parts - has spoken up for Palestine!
Faith Omole (1992) Nigerian - in We Are Lady Parts.
Nemahsis (1994) Palestinian.
Please let me know if you'd like more suggestions for any category!
If this has helped you in any way please consider donating to a Palestinian fund me and/or please consider reblogging content about Palestine if you haven’t already!
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boyinatown · 2 years ago
The lookism boys go bowling headcannons pt 1?
I wrote this because I went bowling and I hit someone with the ball.
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First off we have the mc ofc
- he would observe everyone else , after a while he just uses his copying technique.
- definetly hits strikes every time and Zack would be jealous
- would on accident drop it on his foot
- would watch Daniel and cheer him on from the sides and record
- he would have small matches with Daniel and see who gets most points
- i headcannon he hits strikes to
-would try and flex on daniel and impress Mira
-totally fails and hits someone in the face with the bowling ball or throws it towards them
-the shoes would be so big on him he would look like a clown and zoe would bully him
☆ um... yeah!
☆ he would walk on the bowling lane , roll the bowling ball super closely to them and gets excited ( obviously) when he gets the strike.
☆ jace escorted him off
☆ after he got explained how to do it he kept training to become better at it and felt bad he cheated
☆ would go to brekdak for training and brekdak def got dissapointed in vasco
☆ this dudes blind so he would also throw it on someone but on purpose ( towards zack/daniel)
☆ he would give up and say its a waste of his time but come back when zack call him a sore loser
☆ he would hit strikes 5 times and then his eyes start actin up ( sorry)
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☆ this mf would also throw bowling balls but at Gun, its just so him.
☆ he would look so dumb with the bowling shoes
☆ i hc he´s good at bowling since he does EVERYTHING but work and business
☆would rub it in guns face when he gets higher scores
☆ This dude would SUCK at bowling, i love him..but babe stick to fighting or smth..
☆ he would hit a strike ONCE and then try and break the machines.
☆ the bowling shoes fit him well bc damn that mf built so big.
☆ no just no, get that mf off the bowling lane someone
☆ he WOULD 100% throw the fucking bowling ball on purpose towards jake & sinu.
☆ he then tries once but gets to distracted by something else and then leave the two morons and drive away ( he was theyre ride)
☆ sigh, jake well...
☆ he would goof around and just try and throw the ball underneath his legs to get a strike ( i did that)
☆ would get frustrated by the pins not falling and walk towards them his self and knocks them over
☆ definetly got kicked out once
☆ i guess he´d be a 7/10 in bowling
☆ he would not chuck bowling balls at anyone , and actually play the bowling game normally
☆ definetly got bored and mad if he didnt get a strike
☆ he would help jake knock the pins over and samuel called the owners on them
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no-where-new-hero · 1 month ago
Blake Wrapped #1: K-Dramas 2024
'Tis once more Blake Wrapped season. I watched nearly all of these dramas in the first half of the year, so it was fun to revisit them all and my opinions for this wrap-up! Reviews and pictures under the cut.
Cheese in the Trap (2016)
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Would be my favorite drama of all time if it weren’t for the plot/character nosedive around 2/3 of the way in, which destroyed the delicate psychological rendering of the main characters. TBH this drama gives me pain, but in a way that's also kind of enjoyable to tear apart. Aside its faults, it's beautifully filmed, perfectly cast, and did introduce me to Park Hae Jin (belovedest). 8.5/10 for the costuming, music, Kim Go-Eun's curly hair, and the first 10 eps.
Man to Man (2017)
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Saw this one purely because it starred Park Hae Jin, Park Sung Woong, and Chae Jung An, and they were the only good things about it. The plot volleyballed among different genres (action, comedy, thriller, romance) in a way that felt almost like a pastiche, but which never committed to the bit enough to bring it all into a satisfying whole. A star-studded and talented cast let down by poor direction/writing. 6.5/10 for the fun of shipping the wrong people.
Who Are You: School 2015 (2015)
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Yook Seung-jae gave me a SEVERE taste of second lead syndrome and carried the last few episodes. One of the best kdrama performances I’ve ever seen. The whole cast was exceptional and held together the many mini-plots, which nicely dealt with real and relevant themes. Some later scenes felt unnecessarily drawn out to fill 16 eps, but at least every story and character arc felt complete. 8.5/10 for Kim So-hyun’s eyeliner being a paid actor.
The Killing Vote (2023)
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I had my eye on this one ever since I saw that Park Sung Woong won an award for his performance and then after getting to know PHJ, I put it to the top of my watch list. It absolutely delivered in terms of symbolism and suspense and had relatively few plot holes considering all its twists and reveals. The 12 ep structure worked well, though I hated the obvious season 2 setup in place of a proper finale. 8/10 for Seo Young-joon’s character stealing the heart of the show.
My Love from the Star (2013)
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This felt like the K-dramaest kdrama I’ve seen so far in terms of tropes: philosophical dialogue about fate and humanity, (literal) time-stopping romance, murders, chaebol family tensions, a scene-stealing second lead, homoerotic hyung-dongsaeng friendships, non-existent female relationships, turtleneck sweaters, first snows, and hospital/police station scenes galore. Jun Ji Hyun is perfect and adorable and my wife. 8/10 for Kim Soo-hyun and Mr. Jang’s farewell.
Bad Guys (2014)
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It’s clearly become a thing for me to watch a crime show because of my man of the moment and it ends up being underrated cinematic excellence. Gripping pace, sharp cinematography, and great characters are just the tip of the iceberg: everyone talks in poetic metaphor! Rachmaninoff’s “Vocalise” is a central haunting leitmotif! Jo Dong-hyuk (in the middle there) looks personally and lovingly sculpted by God Himself! PHJ plays a tormented emo babygirl! 9/10 for everyone being unhinged.
Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo (2016)
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Satisfyingly lived up to its reputation. Despite the emotional heartache, I did appreciate that the overarching theme was “love pushes you to make tons of bad decisions.” And the ending wasn’t horrible, as I had been led to believe! Biggest gripe was Kang Ha-neul’s lifeless stare, but otherwise the whole supporting cast was fabulous. 9/10 for this iconic scene and the Death Song.
Winter Sonata (2002)
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This drama has been a classic in my family since I was young, though this was the first time I watched it through. Bae Yong-joon and Choi Ji-woo are lovable and brilliant in their leading roles with fantastic chemistry and an absolutely perfect ending scene. I find it hard to review it, because it's basically an emotion in and of itself. 9/10 for the OST to end all OSTs.
Again My Life (2022)
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This one had all the right elements—atmospheric music, aesthetic direction, fascinating premise, good cast—but the delivery just…plodded a bit? I skipped five episodes in the middle and didn’t miss a substantial amount of plot, so this really should have been a 12-episoder. Also had the same downer “efforts toward good are ultimately useless because evil is regenerative and eternal” message from Killing Vote that I didn’t love. 7/10 for a strong start.
From Now On, Showtime! (2022)
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A refreshingly fun and humorous take on magic, past lifetimes and ghosts. Started it for PHJ, finished it for the found family of ghosts and spirits, who captured the heart of the show and gave it necessary energy. Solid chemistry among all the actors, and I enjoyed the Easter eggs for other shows of this type, like TOTNT and Goblin. 8/10 for incredibly funny writing and a fabulous emotional ending.
Forest (2020)
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There’s a great drama in here somewhere, but the writer never exactly finds it. Jo Bo Ah and PHJ are fantastic (and their chemistry is off the charts) with some great set-piece scenes to develop their connection. Unfortunately, no rhythm or satisfying through-line was able to hold it together from a plot (or even a character) perspective, especially with the short-episode structure. 6.5/10 for the hand-touching scene and the kiss-under-the-bridge (that no one has gifed whyyy).
DNF: Death’s Game (2023)
I like to think I’ve gotten pretty chill about violence in shows, but this one had what felt like an undercurrent of glee in its depictions of the series of deaths that was so at odds with the message it was purporting to convey, to the point where I no longer believed in the message at all. Good premise, decent performances, tone just wasn’t for me.
Movies: Snow Is on the Sea/Snow in the Sea Breeze (2015)
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I watched this one for the plot, and the plot really was PHJ being sweet and cuddly and husband material and showing far more skin than I had seen in the 50 or so hours of his drama episodes combined. It makes cleaning a penguin enclosure the height of romance. Corny, tragic, melodramatic mush, 10/10.
The Beauty Inside (2015)
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Unexpectedly poignant with a lovely hook and great performances, grounded by the adorable Han Hyo-joo. I love ensemble cast concepts like this (imagine Doctor Who except for a daily regeneration) and the gender play conferred a sweet queer touch. Love wins, 10/10.
The Great Battle (2018)
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The battles were lifted almost verbatim from LOTR and some of the quieter plot beats were completely predictable but it still delivered a great visual spectacle. I have no idea why I watched this but it compelled me though. Gorgeous cinematography, 7/10.
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dangerousstrawberryshark · 2 years ago
K-pop Boy Bands Stations
Choi Seung-Cheol (S. Coups)
Yoon Jeong- Han (Jeonghan)
Joshua Hong (Joshua)
Wen Jun-Hui (Jun)
Kwon Soon-Yeung (Hoshi)
Jeon Won-Woo (Wonwoo)
Lee Ji-Hoon (Woozi)
Lee Seok-Min (DK)
Kim Ming-Gyu (Mingyu)
Xu Ming Hao (The8)
Boo Seung-Kwan (Seungkwan)
Hansol Vernon Chwe (Vernon)
Lee Chan (Dino)
Choi Soo-Bin (Soobin)
Choi Yeon-Jun (Yeonjun)
Choi Beom-Gyu (Beomgyu)
Kang Tae-Hyun (Taehyun)
Kai Kamal Huenging (Huening Kai)
Monsta X
Sohn Hyun-Woo (Shownu)
Lee Min-Hyuk (Minhyuk)
Yoo Ki-Hyun (Kihyun)
Chae Hyung-Won (Hyung-won)
Lee Joo-Heon (Jooheon)
Im Chang-Kyun (I.M)
Kim Jun-Myeon (Suho)
Kim Min Seok (Xiumin)
Byun Baek-Hyun (Baekhyun)
Kim Jong-Dae (Chen)
Park Chan-Yeol (Chanyeol)
Do Kyung-Soo (D.O)
Kim Jong-In (Kai)
Oh Se-Hun (Sehun)
Zhang Jiashuni (Lay)
Li Jiasheng (Kris)
Lu Han (Luhan)
Huang Zitao (Tao)
Stray Kids
Christopher Chan (Bang Chan)
Lee Min-Ho (Lee Know)
Seo Chang-Bin (Changbin)
Hwang Hyun-Jin (HyunJin)
Han Ji-Sang (Han)
Felix Lee (Felix)
Kim Seung-Min (Seungmin)
Yang Jeong-In (I.N)
Kim Woo-Jin (Woojin)
Lee Tae-Yong (Taeyong)
Moon Tae-Il (Taeil)
Seo Young-Ho (Johnny)
Nakamoto Yuta (Yuta)
Qian Kun (Kun)
Kim Dong-Young (Doyoung)
(Korean Name) Lee Young-Heum (Ten)
Jeong Yoon-Oh (Jaehyun)
Dong Si-Cheng (Winwin)
Kim Jung-Woo (Jungwoo)
Huang Xuxi (Lucas)
Mark Lee (Mark)
Xiao Dejun (Xiaojun)
Wong Kunhang (Hendery)
Huang Ren Jun (Renjun)
Lee Je-No (Jeno)
Lee Dong-Hyuck (Haechan)
Na Jae-Min (Jaemin)
Liu YangYang (Yangyang)
Osaki Shotaro (Shotaro)
Jung Sung-Chan (Sungchan)
Zhong Chen-Le (Chenie)
Park Ji-Sung (Jisung)
Yang Jung-Won (Jungwon)
Lee Hee-Seung (Heeseung)
Jay Park (Jay)
Jake Sim (Jake)
Park Sung-Hoon (Sunghoon)
Kim Seon-Woo (Sunoo)
Kim Nam-Joon
Kim Seok-Jin
Min Yoongi
Jung Ho-Seok
Park Ji-Min
Kim Tae-Hyung
Jeon Jung-kook
Solo Artists
Lee Ho-Seok (Wonho)
Kang Dong-Ho (Baekho.)
Cho Seung-Youn (Woodz.)
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jaegraph · 6 months ago
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kim hyungseo ( bibi ) (( more ))
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stuff-diary · 14 days ago
Family Matters
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TV Shows/Dramas watched in 2024
Family Matters (2024, South Korea)
Directors: Kim Gok & Kim Sun
Writer: Kim Jung Min
Started this because of the cast and... that's basically the main reason why I finished it. The last two episodes were really good but, before that, I spent a lot of time just scratching my head. It felt like the show was simply setting things up for what's to come, so it never gave enough information to properly tie its many plot threads, nor did it follow a clear logic. And it was pretty obvious that a lot of stuff was left on the cutting room floor in order to reduce the initial 8-episode order. Furthermore, its sense of humor was very hit-or-miss; sometimes I laughed out loud and others I was like "wtf". Still, the cast is fantastic, and like I said before, I enjoyed the final episodes a lot, so I would probably come back for a second season of Family Matters.
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olympianrol · 5 months ago
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👻 Song Menor: Choi Beom Gyu (TXT), Song Eun Seok (Riize), Yoon Jae Hyuk (Treasure), Joo Chang Uk (Drippin), Sim Jae Yun (Enhypen).
👻 Kang Primogénita: Kim Ye Rim (Red Velvet), Choi Ye Won (Oh my girl), Kim Jung Eun (ARTMS), Son Chae Young (Twice), Moon Su A (Billie).
👻 Kang Mediana: Oh Hae Won (Nmixx), Yoon Se Eun (Stay C), Shin Ryu Jin (Itzy), Huh Yun Jin (Le Sserafim), Nakamura Kazuha (Le Sserafim).
👻 Choi Primogénito: Han Seung Won (Victon), Moon Tae Il (NCT), Chae Hyung Won (Monsta X), Nam Joo Hyuk, Kang Tae Oh.
👻 Choi Mayor: Choi Mi Yeon ((G)idle), Park Ji Hyo (Twice), Roseanne Park (Blackpink), Jung Eun Bi (Viviz), Kim Se Jeong.
👻 Choi Menor: Hong Eun Chae (Le Sserafim), Lee Won Hee (Illit), Choi Jung Eun (Izna), Lee Hyun Seo (IVE), Kim Chae Won (TripleS).
👻 Wáng mediana: Ning Yi Zhuo (Aespa)
Todos los físicos son sugerecias, excepto el la hija de los Wáng.
Fundadores - Petición
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roadtophantom · 1 year ago
Let your S(e)oul take you where you long to be (v) - Christines, Raouls, and the last of this review
Finally finally fishing my reviews of August 8 and 9 shows (two months later, so embarrassing)
The first Christine I've seen is Song Eun-hye who showed herself to be a young wide-eyed Christine with a powerful belt (she gave an especially hair-standing Wishing). She was already fearful of the Phantom from the start and for most of the performance and it seemed being agape was her main play of the character until eventually becoming sympathetic to the Phantom (Cho Seung-woo) by Final Lair. It's a bit typical for me and I was looking for more variation, but from what I'm reading from her current performances, she's been even more emotive. I think she's still very much a work in progress but actually off to a good start.
Son Ji-soo reminded me of those 1950s/1960s film actresses with her physical features and the way she sang (very classical trained). That kind of presence hooked me in. At first she showed herself to be an excited Christine who was inspired by singing and apparently by her unseen mentor (giving her a joyful Think of Me and even POTO title song). I like how she uses her hands in her acting especially to reach out to her co-stars (from Carlotta in Il Muto, to Raoul in AIAOY/Notes reprise, and to the Phantom (Jeon Dong-seok) when he's commanding her to leave the lair), I like handy Christines in general. Overall, I find myself leaning toward SJS's Christine as having a more unique impression, but I would love to see how SEH is now.
Hwang Gun-ha has...the most unusual Raoul voice I've ever heard. In that it's way too deep. He surprises me each time he sings. Because he looks like this kpop idol but with such a low register, there was somewhat a disconnect. And when he's angry he gets ANGRY. Definitely kept me alert.
Song Won-geun played an ever-reliable Raoul and ticked the boxes of a conventional portrayal. He is the Raoul you'd expect to see, gentlemanly, protective, and heroic, but nothing that really jumps out, it's all by the label.
Kim Ah-sun (Madame Giry) - She looked the role and sang it well. (sorry kdrama geek out moment) she reminded me of Kim Seo-hyung in Sky Castle who was this tutor from hell, and that kind of gothic stern presence made her a very effective Giry.
Park Ha-rim (Piangi) - Loved this guy's enthusiastic portrayal of Piangi and he is always a crowd-favorite because of how he extends his notes. I like how his character fanboys over Carlotta and actually becomes quietly impressed with Christine during the Don Juan Rehearsals. His was such a dynamic portrayal.
Han Bo-ra / Lee Ji-young (Carlotta) - Han Bo-ra was the comedic Carlotta and Lee Ji-young was the elegant one. Both delightful in their own ways and both worked well with Park Ha-rim with LJY even lovingly coaching him during the Don Juan Rehearsals.
Shin Jae-hee (Buquet) - I like how his Buquet is natural and not exaggerated, he actually seems to be spooked out by the Phantom, too, which makes me feel sorry about his death. Also the corpse is such a deadringer of the actor it's legit terrifying.
Yoon Young-seok (Andre) - Last but not the least, our Phantom veteran is now a manager with possibly an anxiety disorder. It's funny knowing he was the terror who haunts the opera house now he gets easily spooked up and he has his hand to his heart. Such a poor guy, but also cute at times.
No doubt their performances are even better two months after I've seen them so definitely take these reviews as dated. I'm glad the show is going to Daegu but sad that not all cast members are going. This time I look forward to all your reviews!! And I sincerely hope everyone can have a chance to see this masterpiece of a production at the Charlotte Theatre to experience it yourselves.
Thank you so much for reading and apologies for how long it's taken!!
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theadusa · 11 months ago
Everything I watch in Jan 2024
I was going to post my annual everything I watched in 2023 post but I feel like I missed my opportunity, so here is my everything I watched in January 2024... (Be Warned there are some spoilers, I do try to mark them throughout the review)
My Lovely Boxer (2023, Kim Min-joo)
Main leads: Lee Sang-yeob, Kim So-hye, Park Ji-hwan, Kim Hyung-mook, Kim Jin-woo, Ha Seung-ri, Chae Won-bin
Country: S. Korea
Run: August 21 to Oct 2, 2023 (KBS2, Monday and Tuesday @21:45 (KST))
Episodes: 12, 70 min
Thoughts: Lee Kwon-sook (Kim So-hye) is a boxer who is forcibly thrown back into the world boxing that she has retired from by a sports agent Kim Tae-young (Lee Sang-yeob). I really liked how they balanced the characters. Lee Kwon-sook is a cheerful girl who is constantly haunted by her past. And she is allowed agency to do what she can do, despite the efforts of others. And the relationship between Lee Kwon-sook and Kim Tae-young, though slightly toxic, works in an odd way. I did have problems with how they reconnected her with her father.I personally wouldn’t have forgiven him. However, I loved the relationship with Han Ah-reum, and just how that story ends. I thought it was done very well. Overall I have really enjoyed this drama. Rating: 
Unlock My Boss (2022-2023, Kim Hyung-min)
Main leads: Chae Jong-hyeop, Seo Eun-soo, Park Sung-woong
Country: S. Korea
Run: Dec 7, 2022 to Jan 12, 2023 (ENA, Wednesday and Thursday @21:00 (KST))
Episodes: 12, 60 min
Thoughts: Oh wow, this is more enjoyable than I imagined. Chase Jong-hyeop as Park In-seong is so fun. He is adorable, down to earth but capable. Jun Se-yeon (Seo Eun-soo) was amazing and I loved her complexities as a character. And the trio of Kim Seon-joo (Park Sung-woong), Park In-seong, and Jun Se-yeon, was so fun and I loved the little family they formed. I literally cried so much during this show for no reason. Like the zoom into the phone literally made me sob each time for no reason. Rating: Who knew electronics can have that much range?
Night Has Come (2023, Kang Min-Ji)
Main leads: Lee Jae-In, Kim Woo-Seok, Choi Ye-Bin, Cha Woo-Min, Ahn Ji-Ho, Jung So-Ri
Country: S. Korea
Run: Dec 4,, 2023 ( U+mobiletv)
Episodes: 12, 35 to 40 min
Thoughts: This started off really good. A class gets thrust into a mafia game to the death. You along with the characters are wondering who is the mafia among the students and who is forcing this game. It is really interesting, but the episodes follow the same pattern. The end you find everything out, and it's kind of stupied. They had a classmate who committed sucide due to a badly edited image of herself on a skimply clad woman’s body. Which is yeah bad. Then her parents take revenge on the whole class. They are placed in this mafia simulator to repeat the game over and over again. It ends with Lee Yoon-seo able to remember everything, but still trapped in the simulator. Like where their parents are. People must be concerned right. Rating: Sisphyus boulder, I guess…
The Story of Park’s Marriage Contract (2023-2024, Go Nam-jeong)
Main leads: Lee Se-young, Bae In-hyuk, Joo Hyun-young, Yoo Seon-ho, Jo Bok-rae
Country: S. Korea
Run: Nov 24, 2023 to Jan 6, 2024 (MBC TV Friday and Saturday @21:50 (KST))
Episodes: 12, 70 min
Thoughts: This was a cute drama. It starts off with a cute romance between a progressive woman in Joseon and a sick scholar. However, it quickly becomes a tragedy and she is sent to the year 2023 with her hand maid Sa-wol (Joo Hyun-young). It quickly becomes a fish out of water for Park Yeon-woo (Lee Se-young), but luckly she meets the recacrante of her late husband Kang Tae-ha (Bae In-hyuk) and they make a deal. It is a cute drama and I loved the cast of characters. Yeon-woo is easy to root for. Sa-wol is adorable, and adapts quickly. Kang Tae-ha is prickly but has a heart of gold. It's dramatic and fun. It's nothing special, but oh is it so good. My favorite part is Yeon-woo and Sa-wol’s relationship. Literally there is a scene with those two that reflects a romantic scene in Perfect Marriage Revenage (2023) which I can’t stop thinking about. Overall I just really enjoyed my time. Rating: butterflies everytime I think about you…
Joseon Attorney: A Morality (2023,Choi Jin-young)
Main leads: Woo Do-hwan, Bona, Cha Hak-yeon
Country: S. Korea
Run: March 31 to May 5, 2023 (MBC TV Friday and Saturday @21:50 (KST))
Episodes: 16, 70 min
Thoughts:  This was a lot like Taxi Driver. In the way you have an episodic feel with a charismatic male lead seeking revenge and helping people. I had a lot of fun with this show, and I don’t use the comparison lightly either. I really had fun with it. The romance was okay, but I liked the different stories, and the main revenge plot was easy to follow along with. Woo Do-hwan is a great actor and meant to be a leading man. It's definitely  not my favorite and there are a few things that needed changing but it was fun overall! Rating: Who do you call?... Joseon Attorney!!!
KBS Drama Special 14 (2023, Choi Ja-won, Yun Tae-woo, Cho Il-yeon, Choi Yi-kyung, Wi Jae-hwa, Kwon Oh-joo,Park Eun-seo, Jo Soo-yeong, Kim Ik-hyun)
Main leads: Lee Jae-won, Choi Seong-won, and Kim Kang-hyeon,  Kim Won-hae, Min Ji-ah, Ahn Se-bin and Park Ji-ah, Lee Min-jae, Kim Hyun-soo, and Kang Na-eon,  Moon Woo-jin, Park Seo-kyung, Park Ha-sun, Kim Joo-heon, Kim Do-hoon, Chae Won-bin, Kim Dong-hwi, Jo A-ram, Shim Yi-young, Joo Seok-tae,  Ren, Park Sang-nam, Hong Seung-hee, Hahm Eun-jung,  Kim Kang-min, Yoon San-ha, Baek Sung-hyun
Country: S. Korea
Run: OCT 14 to Dec 16, 2023 (KBS, Saturday 21:50 to 22:50 (KST))
Episodes: 10, 60 to 80 min
Thoughts: This is a yearly anthogolgy series that follows various characters in various time periods with various goals. I thought a lot of them were really cool and interesting. “Love Attack” was by far one of my favorites, but I also really liked “The True Love of Madam” which was shocking for me.  It was also hard to find any subs for “Overlap, Knife, Knife” so I had to rely on visual cues and the small amount of Korean I know. But I thought this was a fun anthrologie series, and the stories are fun and fresh. Rating: I love getting short and quick stories like this, its the reason I love short films so much.
A Good Day to Be a Dog (2023-2024, Baek In-ah)
Main leads: Park Gyu-young, Cha Eun-woo, Lee Hyun-woo
Country: S. Korea
Run: Oct 11, 2023 to Jan 10, 2024 (MBC, Wednesday 21:00 (KST))
Episodes: 14, 70 min
Thoughts: Apparently it is very different from the webtoon ( which I have never read), but I found it entertaining. It is cute and lighthearted. I always like when its past lives, I think it adds a fun element to romances. Though I do think the schedule of the show hindered my enjoyment, because it would be so long between episodes. They also lost me at the end, I can not lie. Rating/Spoiler: Also I would be so angery if I found out my family curse passed down for generations was over a misunderstanding. I would want an apology, reparations, and revenge. On another note, I would also be so pissed if I killed myself to save my servant's baby; then my boyfriend finished off the dying father, then cursed the child and its offspring. I would be pissed, like my scarfice was for not. Go off mountain spirit I guess…
My 20th Twenty (2023, N/A)
Main leads: Choi Yu Ju , Jung Su Bin
Country: S. Korea
Run: April 21 to may 27, 2023 (Wavve, Friday and Saturday)
Episodes: 12, 15 min
Thoughts: This show was good for what it was. It has the vibe of a college student film with a mix of those youtube series made by middle schoolers back in 2009. And I mean that with the highest praise. The sound mixing was off, they had limited cast (background actors is what you are looking for), no interesting lighting (but very well light- i.e the student film vibes), and the actors new to the scene. I loved every motherfucking moment. It was so cheesy, the script was bad, and nothing made sense. But I knew that it was made with passion. Rating: It would be horrifying being 20 forever
Taxi Driver Season 2 (2023, Oh Sang-ho)
Main leads: Lee Je-hoon, Kim Eui-sung, Pyo Ye-jin, Jang Hyuk-jin, Bae Yoo-ram, Shin Jae-ha
Country: S. Korea
Run: Feb 17 to April 15, 2023 (SBS, TV Friday and Saturday @22:00 (KST))
Episodes: 16, 70 min
Thoughts: Back in action the second season is so much fun and entertaining. I actually like it better than the first. And I said this once and I’ll say it again Lee Je-hoon is made to be an action star. He’s as great as Kim Do-gi. I also liked that Ahn Go-eun (Pyo Ye-jin)  had a larger role this season. I also just love the friendship in the Rainbow Taxi service. Just so fun. Rating: imagine being taken down by a taxi service…
Taxi Driver Special (2023, SBS)
Main leads:  Lee Je-hoon, Kim Eui-sung, Pyo Ye-jin, Jang Hyuk-jin, Bae Yoo-ram, Shin Jae-ha
Country: S. Korea
Run: Feb 16 to March 4, 2023 ( KBS)
Episodes: 2, 60 -120 min
Thoughts: This was fun seeing the cast reflect on the episodes and their characters. Its also cool just seeing a reply of everything that happened. You could tell how much Lee Je-hoon loves playing Kim Do-gi. Rating: I am excited for the 3rd season…
Brain Works (2023, Park Kyung-seon)
Main leads: Jung Yong-hwa, Cha Tae-hyun, Kwak Sun-young, Ye Ji-won
Country: S. Korea
Run: Jan 2 to Fe 28, 2023 (KBS2 Monday and Tuesday @21:50 (KST))
Episodes: 16, 75 min
Thoughts:This show is weird. I think most cop shows are weird but this one especially. I did like the bromance in this, between Shin Ha-ru (Jung Yong-hwa) and Geum Myung-se (Ch Tae-hyun). I did think neuroscience was weird and defies logic. The only good thing about it was when they didn’t completely vilify Pyschopaths, because it tends to be more complicated than the mainstream likes to show. It still left a lot to be desired but it was there. Also when he lowkey kidnapped and torture that kid, oh my god, like he was a little punk and deserved to go to trail but my god. Rating: This is lowkey giving Minority Report tbh…
My Cuteness is about to expire!? (2022,  Tanabe Shigenori)
Main leads: Yamada Ryosuke, Yoshine Kyoko 
Country: Japan 
Run: April 16 to June 11, 2022 (TV Asahi, Saturday 23:30)
Episodes: 9, 23 to 47 min
Thoughts: Maruya is your typical male narcissist who works in sales. He uses his cuteness to stake by in life, to make up for his average skills. One day he is visited by his future self, whom he deems ugly, tells him that his cuteness is going to expire. He decides, after relizing his crush, the only way to prevent this is to date Sanada, a robotic newbie to the sales team. It is cute and Maruya and Sanada are fun as a couple, plus if you have the time you could watch this in a day. Rating: I’m Ichinose calling every single person every 10 seconds sobbing…
My Dearest Pt 1 (2023, Hwang Jin-young)
Main leads: Namkoong Min, Ahn Eun-jin, Lee Hak-joo, Lee Da-in, Kim Yoon-woo, Lee Chung-ah
Country: S. Korea
Run: August 4 to Sept 2, 2023 (MBC TV, Friday and Saturday 21:50 (KST))
Episodes: 10, 60 to 90 min
Thoughts:  I was not expecting to like this more than I did. The angst in every episode is so insane. Episode 10 was actually unbearable. I also want to take a moment and appreciate Yoo Gil-chae (Ahn Eun-jin), she is such a complicated  character. She would do anything for her friends, she is willing to do the things that no other women (noble) are willing to do even during times of war. She will stab the man assualting her friend and cover it up. She would cut the amicable cord, she would stab the mother’s hand. She isn’t pure of heart, she neveer claimed to be. I love her so much. And her relationship with Lee Jang-hyun. The ending of episode 10. I was sobbing. Rating: I am trying to hype myself up to watch the next 11 episodes, people had to wait inbetween…
The Escape of the Seven (2023, Kim Soon-ok)
Main leads: Um Ki-joon, Hwang Jung-eum, Lee Joon, Lee Yu-bi, Shin Eun-kyung, Yoon Jong-hoon, Jo Yoon-hee, Jo Jae-yoon
Country: S. Korea
Run: Sept 15 to Nov 17, 2023 (SBS TV Friday and Saturday 22:00 (KST))
Episodes: 17, 70 to 80 min
Thoughts: This was an insane ride. Literally no one in this likeable except for a few, like I didn’t think Min Do-hyuk (Lee Joon) was as bad as the others but oh lordy. It is so melodramatic, which took me off graud for some reason. Going into it I thought it was going to be a serious thriller, but oh boy was I wrong. It was Makjang. Which is fine, and also coming back in style apparently. I’m sat for season 2, but not with much hope. Rating: I actually don’t know the timeline of any of these events, does it expand years months, idk…
My Demon (2023-2024, Choi Ah-il)
Main leads: Kim Yoo-jung, Song Kang, Lee Sang-yi, Kim Hae-sook
Country: S. Korea
Run: Nov 24, 2023 to Jan 20, 2024 (SBS TV,  Friday and Saturday @22:00 (KST))
Episodes: 16, 70 min
Thoughts: I was excited for this drama. I really liked Doom at Your Service which promised to have a similar vibe. Which it did to an extent. I actually hate Song Kang in romances and only really like him in nonromance shows. However I think he did really well as Jeong Gu-won. I liked the overall Romance in the show. But I did think the revenge plot got uninteresting and confusing after a while. I do like the ending, I was pretty satisfied with where everyone ended up, which has been a long time since I’ve been this satisfied. 
Welcome to Samdal-ri (2023-2024, Kwon Hye-joo)
Main leads: Ji Chang-wook, Shin Hye-sun
Country: S. Korea
Run: Dec 2, 2023 ti Jan 21, 2024 (JTBC, Saturday and Sunday 22:30 (KST))
Episodes: 16, 70 min
Thoughts: This was cute and was far above my expectations. I am always uneasy with Ji Chang Wook, I can’t forgive him for the Melting My Heart drama a few years back, but I would do anything for Shin Hye-sun. So I gave this drama a go, and I liked it. I loved the vibes, and I didn’t mind that revenge wasn’t the main plot. It's like the one line “my enemies will take themselves out before you get a chance to swing.” It was heartwarming and I’m glad that Cho Sam-dal was able to find peace in her hometown. I loved the feel of community. I loved all the Friendships. It was very lovely. And I’m happy at the ending. I will also give my entire heart to Cho Hae-dal and Cha Ha-yul. I loved their mother-daughter relationship. I wanted more screen time for both. Rating: I’m glad there is a little piece of heaven…
 Game of Witches ( 2022-2023, Lee Do-Hyun)
Main leads: Jang Seo-Hee, Kim Kyu-Seon, Lee Hyun-Seok, Oh Chang-Suk. Han Ji-Wan, Ban Hyo-Jung
Country: S. Korea
Run: Oct 11, 2022 to April 14, 2023 (MBC, Monday to Friday 19:15 (KST))
Episodes: 119, 25 to 28 min
Thoughts: *Major Spoilers+ Rant ahead.* This show makes me unneccsarly angery. It is a daily drama and a Makjang to boot, so literally put any and all expectations in the gutter. Everything is nonsensical, and drawn out to reach the 119 mark. Storylines get dropped or move way too fast. It has a strange family tree and for a moment every single person was supposbly related. They have so much evidence agsaint the scheming Kang Ji-ho (Oh Chang-suk) and Joo Se-young (Han Ji-wan) but it goes nowhere. Speaking of Kang Ji-ho, he was just straight up dispicable. I would say more than Se-ypung of Ma Hyun-Deok (Ban Hyo-Jung). He was a terrible partner and father from the start. He literally tossed his entire family out the door for Se-young and eventual power. He only paid attention to his daughter Kang Han-Byeol (Kwon Dan-A) when she was able to benefit him. He was at best neglectful and at worst abusive towards her. Han-byeol was the true victim. Hye-soo (Kim Kyu-Seon) actually had a motive in the beginning. She was just pathetic and weak but once she returned they weirdly sidelined her. Also I don’t know why Kang Ji-ho never got prosecuted for trying to kill Hye-soo. Like I find that to be one of his more egregious crimes. Like that is the mother of your child. You gave your child so much trauma, for what? Power? Like when they tried to redeem him at the end I was just fed up. You can’t make hime out to be the big bad guy for 118 episodes, and then have him do one good thing. He is a bad father, and when Han Byeol grows up she will resent him. Rating: Fuck this show, like actually.
 My Dearest Part 2(2023, Hwang Jin-young)
Main leads: Namkoong Min, Ahn Eun-jin, Lee Hak-joo, Lee Da-in, Kim Yoon-woo, Lee Chung-ah
Country: S. Korea
Run: Oct 13 to Nov 18, 2023 (MBC TV, Friday and Saturday 21:50 (KST))
Episodes: 11, 60 to 90 min
Thoughts: More devastating than the first part. Gil-chae is probably my favorite character I have watched. Her journey in this part is absolutely devastating but she survives. I enjoyed the refutement from blame, that people who experienced the worst horrors known are somehow blamed. Gil Chae pushes back on this sentiment herself. This entire time I just wanted Jang-hyun and Gil Chea together. Which took the entire part for them to finally be happy. I do think the ending was kind of wobbly, and they only really needed 10  episodes not the 11. But who am I to say? Anyways I enjoyed the show overall. Rating: My Dear Husband… 
Kokdu: Season of Diety (2023, Kang Yi-heon, Heo Jun-woo)
Main leads: Kim Jung-hyun, Im Soo-hyang, Kim Da-som, Ahn Woo-yeon, Kim In-kwon, Cha Chung-hwa
Country: S. Korea
Run: Jan 27 to March 24, 2023 (MBC TV Fridays and Saturdays @21:50 (KST))
Episodes: 16, 70 min
Thoughts: You must be wondering why did you watch this? It only has bad reviews- which is a lie, it is actually a polarizing show. And I can understand. If you go into this show with the lowest expectations imaginable and it might be fun. The scenery is pretty and they make decent use of it. Main Romance is actually not good, I felt no chemistry between Kim Jung-Hyun and Im Soo-hyang. I did like the romance between Tae Jeong-won (Kim Da-som) and Han Cheol (Ahn Woo-yeon) other than that The show overall fell flat. I did like the scenery and the setting. I thought it was fun. Also episode 16 was the most enjoyable episode, which is good for an ending. Rating: I would skip…
I am currently watching:
Marry My Husband
Doctor Slump
Because of Love
Do You Like Brahms?
The Real Has Come!
If you have any kdrama recommendations, please let me know!
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mizldrizl · 1 year ago
Funny moments from the The Worst of Evil BTSs 2/2
Im Sung Jae - Choi Jung Bae
Ji Chang Wook - Park Jun Mo
Kim Hyung Seo - Lee Hae Ryun
Han Dong Wook - Director
Im Se Mi - Yoo Eui Jung
Yoon Kyung Ho - Hwang Min Goo
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Staff: You were almost crying earlier in the scene.
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Im Sung Jae: I had a LASEK surgery, so my eyes tend to get teary very easily 😛
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Ji Chang Wook: I know Choi is recently causing you lots of headaches, sir...
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Caption: 'What can I do to make my boss happy?'
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Caption: Hyung Seo should not eat the dalgona piece, but...
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Kim Hyung Seo: I shouldn't have eaten that! 😱
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Kim Hyung Seo: Oh my God... What have I done...
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Staff: We should call an emergency meeting or something!
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Kim Hyung Seo: I'm so sorry 😭
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Caption: The staff members make new pieces again.
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Staff: Done!
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Caption: Applauds 👏
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Kim Hyung Seo: I promise I won't eat it this time...
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Ji Chang Wook: Say the line the way you just did!
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Kim Hyung Seo: You are so H A N D S O M E! 😍
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Han Dong Wook: You must be really drunk, lady...
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Han Dong Wook: Since Hae Ryun is wearing a white blouse--
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Han Dong Wook: --how about you two throwing wine at each other?
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Han Dong Wook: Both will be soaked in red!
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Im Se Mi: That guy must be a celebrity!
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Yoon Kyung Ho: No videos or photos!
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Im Se Mi: What are you filming?
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Yoon Kyung Ho: A soap opera.
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Im Se Mi: It must be something set in a time a few decades ago!
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Im Se Mi: Must be very popular as well!
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Im Se Mi: I would be one of the loyal viewers of the show! 😆
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