#sentient viruses
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rjalker · 2 years ago
Alba and the nameless protag
Alba's a demon / virus who takes the form of a white cat made out of smoke, visible only to her host. Her species requires hosts to reproduce, though I'm not sure what the next step of that cycle is yet. It should be something absurd and unlikely.
The infected host is only contagious when the demon / virus is at full maturity and ready to release little babies into the environment.
Until maturity, they go through cycles of dormancy and growth, with intense pain at the start of each cycles they spread through their hosts' cells and mutate them.
They don't kill their hosts if they can help it, because that'd just be a good way to go extinct.
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[ID: A scribbled, black and white MS Paint drawing showing a bald person in a sleeveless tunic holding out one arm straight away from them, frowning, asking,with an annoyed expression, "Can u not?" On the top of the person's outstretched arm is a cat made of smoke, represented by curly lines, smiling with sharp teeth and saying, "No", with a large heart next to the dialogue. End ID.]
I need a name for the species...
Edit: now named Fumoformis malcattus. Called smoke cats in general.
Feel free to use this idea.
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purgatorhetorical · 2 months ago
HELP the viruses in my computer are dating make them stop!!,!,,
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Actually this is fine
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astramachina · 7 months ago
Seven Sentence Sunday ✨
because I haven't participated in any tag games in a WHILE i'm so sorry @the-golden-comet (x; congrats AGAIN on wrapping up YWIMC's first draft!!!) just hit me with a tag and i'm feeling it today. here's a couple of sentences (def more than seven) from Anomalous Behavior, a short fic i recently picked up again and have no idea as to when i'll finish it.
Workplace rumors are often untrue, except for when they aren’t, a line that becomes obvious once evidence is presented in the form of either verbal confirmation or photographic evidence. This is one such case however, where neither form has much credibility.
The grapevine was as quick as it was rich, but each new nugget of information was as insane as the last.
What do you mean someone got trapped in the headset?
What do you mean Jeremy sliced his face off with a guillotine paper cutter?
What do you mean that one girl went fucking postal and threw her desk chair through the office window and chased Marnie down with a piece of glass?
But one by one, all those people fell off. Restrictions multiplied. New NDAs rolled out. There was something in the office, in the testing rooms, in the servers. There was something in the VR headset, and it was somehow worse than the alleged coverup his dev team was hired to bury.
+ open tag for anyone who'd like to share!
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magicalgirlmascot · 1 year ago
KNPS Hagah headcanon: Iruini would get pedantic and complain about the others describing possessed animals as having "Makuta's infection" or "The Makuta virus" since in biological terms it's neither of those things. So they shortened it to "The Cooties" and there's nothing he can do to stop them.
Iruini got so fed up with arguing about it that he literally grabbed a possessed animal, got Kualus to help him take samples from it, and then ran a bunch of tests to show that even while possessed it didn't test positive for literally anything. Norik tries to explain that when they call it "the virus" or "the infection" they know that's not literally what it is, they just use it for shorthand. Iruini fires back with "find a different shorthand then."
Bomonga is the one who suggests Cooties. Iruini hates that even more so of course they all start using that one immediately.
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hellafluff · 2 years ago
fucking insane to me that the naruto world has computers and cell phones.
i know a lot of this is new to Boruto but like. idk my brain wont make peace with the fact that these are the same setting. it kinda makes me wish they had just jumped the gun and done like 100 year time skip and focused on the great grandkids of the characters in a sci-fi/cyberpunk/shadowrun kinda setting
i think the mix of ninja arts and tech could work really well but i also want shit like robot arms and how cybernetics could effect chakra and jutsu and stuff
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no-13s-alt-account · 11 months ago
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sameboot · 4 months ago
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Various robots/spaceships/spaceship iterations inside drone bodies/sentient viruses
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good-chimes · 7 months ago
Users with permissions to this shared mailbox:
Bdubs (role: Publicity & Comms for Scar Goodtimes, Actor). Last login: Today.
Cub (role: Hotguy PR Agent). Last login: Today.
Scar (role: IT’S ME, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, THE ONE AND ONLY!). Last login: 215 days ago.
To: Hotguy <[email protected]>
From: Cuteguy <[email protected]>
Subject: are you there?
is this hotguy’s email? i thought you were coming on patrol?
To: Cub, Hotguy PR Agent
From: Bdubs
Subject: The VALUES AND PRINCIPLES of Scar Goodtimes Acting Enterprises
Dear Cub (if that’s your real name),
Now that you’ve been working for Scar for several weeks, I realized I never sent you any AGENCY INTRODUCTION documents. That’s okay! None of us are perfect, despite what you might feel when you look at me.
For your ENJOYMENT and EDUCATION, here are:
The Founding Principles of Scar Goodtimes Acting Enterprises
1.   Bdubs is Scar’s favorite employee.
1a.   Bdubs is also Hotguy’s favorite employee DESPITE the fact he does not technically work for Hotguy, and no upstart new PR agent is going to change that.
2.   Hotguy’s identity is a secret. You must never reveal that we both work for the same person. Take it to your grave if you have to.  
3.   However, if you see someone talking shit online about Hotguy or Scar you should immediately defend his honor. I often do this and you can see the results in the shared folder admin\arguments_bdubs_has_won. You might not be as good as me at winning debates on the internet—don’t worry!! I can give you tips.
4.   Here at the agency, we have the HIGHEST STANDARDS in responding to emails from the public. I noticed there are SEVERAL HUNDRED UNANSWERED EMAILS sent to Hotguy’s addresses that redirect to our shared mailbox. Scar is a very busy man! It is YOUR JOB to clear these out.
5.   We are open and helpful with everyone. Except hostile journalists. And the TCG. And the tax authorities. And anyone who might want Scar to do anything unreasonable like ‘be on time for something’. Keep this in mind as you go through the inbox.
All The Best!!!
P.S. I have noticed that admin\important_documents is now full of files called ‘virus1.exe’ ‘virus2 (gov encryption).exe’ ‘virus3 (might be sentient).exe’ etc. Explain this!?
To: Bdubs, Publicity & Comms for Scar Goodtimes
From: Cub
Subject: RE: The VALUES AND PRINCIPLES of Scar Goodtimes Acting Enterprises
Yeah man cool this all sounds great
Scar seems to have a few email addresses that feed into here. i’ve sent replies according to which one the public emailed:
[email protected] — i replied to some of these but then i kinda got bored and started sending links to cool space facts instead. People will appreciate these i’m sure.
[email protected] — sent everyone a bulk reply of “Thank you for EMAILING_HOTGUY!! Hotguy loves you!”
[email protected] — sent everyone a photo of Scar in his Hotguy costume
[email protected] — sent everyone a photo of Scar in his Hotguy costume minus the shirt
[email protected] — sent everyone who gave their address some trick arrows. Only some of them will explode.
[email protected] — redirected this one to spam
[email protected] — also redirected this one to spam. replying to the IRS just encourages them.
inbox zero, my friend. we’re ready for the next concerned citizen to write to us. Let’s go.
P.S. don’t worry about the viruses. Just a hobby. they’re in \important_documents because I needed a folder that scar never clicks on.
To: Cub, Hotguy PR Agent
From: Bdubs
Subject: Re: The VALUES AND PRINCIPLES of Scar Goodtimes Acting Enterprises
Dear Cub,
Interesting. INTERESTING.
Don’t think you’re going to work your way into Scar’s affections with CLEVER VIRUSES and SHIRTLESS PICS OF HIMSELF. I see your game.
I’ve been Scar’s agent for years and I think when things heat up you might find this job too hot to handle.
All the Best!!!!
To: Hotguy <[email protected]>
From: TCG Special Officer <[email protected]>
Dear Hotguy (civilian identity unknown),
We are currently undertaking a review of your recent vigilante activities as ‘Hotguy’.
Vigilantes (‘heroes’) are encouraged to protect citizens and cooperate with the TCG. For this we require vigilantes to regularly communicate with their TCG liaisons, attend emergencies on request, and support law enforcement operations.
None of our emails to <[email protected]> have been answered—I was going to say ‘in some time’, but I checked our file on you, and it turns out the right word is ‘ever’. You have never answered an email from the TCG. I am sure you can see why this is an issue.
We do admittedly have some difficulty getting vigilantes to ever listen to us, but this is a new low in obstructionism.
We have requested your assistance in investigating thefts from two biotech laboratories, vandalism at a local redstone supplies shop, and multiple call-outs to security incidents at Mumbocorp. You have completely ignored all of these requests. We note you have instead caused widespread chaos, disrupted several TCG operations, and at one point impersonated the Mayor in order to trick ‘Doctor M’ into purchasing a non-existent bridge. 
May I remind you that vigilante activity is only legal insofar as we decline to prosecute heroes for property damage. Kindly reach out to our liaison department immediately so we can work together on collaborative action under the direction of the correct authorities.
On behalf of Head Agent V. Berger,
Special Officer #49
To: Hotguy <[email protected]>
From: Cuteguy <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: are you there?
who is answering hotguy’s emails and why have you sent me a list of top supernovas! this is NOT HELPFUL
To: TCG Special Officer <[email protected]>
From: Cub
Dear Concerned Citizen,
Thank you for reaching out about the availability of Hotguy. Hotguy is unable to respond himself because he is rescuing kittens from tragically falling into rivers, an activity that has fully occupied him for the past eighteen months.
This is quite the list of criminal events, my friend. I thought the TCG had this kind of thing under control. It’s concerning that you don’t. Doesn’t make your TCG department look super great, huh?
Thinking about it, this really seems like something the Police Commissioner should know about. If you’ve lost the Commissioner’s email address, don’t worry. I found it on a forum.
Hotguy PR Agent
To: Hotguy <[email protected]>
From: TCG Special Officer <[email protected]>
Dear Hotguy’s PR Agent,
I understand as a law-abiding Hermitopia resident, you may be alarmed at descriptions of disorder intended for Hotguy’s eyes only. Please do not be concerned.  We also strongly recommend you do not forward this chain to the Police Commissioner. As you will see from the news, the city is peaceful and everything is completely under control.
Kind Regards,
Special Officer #49
To: Hotguy <[email protected]>
From: Cuteguy <[email protected]>
tell hotguy to call me he’s not picking up!!!
To: Cuteguy <[email protected]>
From: Cub
Dear Concerned Citizen,
Regrettably Hotguy is not available as he is escorting orphans to the North Pole to tour Santa’s workshop.
Hotguy PR Agent
To: Hotguy <[email protected]>
From: Cuteguy <[email protected]>
it’s JULY
To: Cuteguy <[email protected]>
From: Cub
Hotguy believes in being prepared
is this really cuteguy? what’s going on?
To: Hotguy <[email protected]>
From: Cuteguy <[email protected]>
i was coming back from patrol and going to pick up my pizza. i always get pizza, cub, you have to understand this is an important part of patrol.
when i turn the corner to my normal pizza place there are
they’re milling around and scratching like someone just dumped them here. whenever they squawk they burn a tiny hole in the nearest wall. i tried to get near one to look at the device on their beaks and i nearly got my finger burned off.
now i’m on a roof. i want my PIZZA, cub. i’m a close-range fighter and i’m not getting up close with a laser chicken. this seems like a hotguy problem!
To: Hotguy <[email protected]>
From: Pearl Moon <[email protected]>
Subject: Hotguy appearance? (press enquiry)
My name is Pearl Moon, and I’m a reporter with the Hermit Herald. I heard Hotguy has a new PR agent at this address. I’m not going to lie, I’m delighted. Hotguy’s a great guy for a quote, obviously, but getting hold of him is kind of a nightmare.
I’m at the scene of the Eighth Annual Fried Donut Festival. I’m contacting you because a citizen running a stall has allegedly just seen a, I quote, “weaponized chicken”.
According to them, it shot an “adorable laser” into their supplies, punctured a hole in their fruit toppings cooler, and ran under the stalls. I’ve been on this beat for a while and this sounds like a Doctor Monster or a Zedaph special to me. Personally, my money’s on Doc.
I know your client and Doctor Monster go back a long way, so I was wondering if we might see Hotguy himself swooping in?
Yours in pursuit of the truth,
Pearl Moon
To: Pearl Moon <[email protected]>
From: Cub
Subject: Re: Hotguy appearance? (press enquiry)
Dear Concerned Journalist,
Thank you for your email. As you know, Hotguy is currently in Canada fighting smallpox by shooting individual bacteria with a special crossbow, for which he has received a commendation from their Prime Minister.
I’ve just contacted him to get a quote about the chicken and he definitely said, “Seems bad.”
Enjoy the festival! Feel free to send Hotguy a souvenir donut box to my address.
Hotguy PR Agent
To: Hotguy <[email protected]>
From: Cuteguy <[email protected]>
there’s some kind of festival with crowds of civilians going on in the next street. the chickens are wandering towards it. to make everything worse, i think i saw a newsreader van.
this is funny but also very bad.
i’m going to see if i can lead the chickens away from the festival with some bait, since hotguy’s obviously too busy admiring his own biceps in the mirror to help. i’ve got half a granola bar and an apple core. this is going to work really well for eight hundred chickens. here goes nothing.
if hotguy wakes up from his afternoon nap, you can tell him we didn’t even need him.
To: Hotguy <[email protected]>
From: Pearl Moon <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Hotguy appearance? (press enquiry)
Dear Cub,
I’m pretty sure Canada doesn’t have smallpox anymore. I don’t think anywhere has smallpox.
New update: Several hundred chickens have just erupted into the festival from a side street. They all appear to have lasers. The sheer weight of poultry has overturned two artisan donut stalls, which has caused what I’m going to describe as “mass panic” as people try and avoid the laser beams. People screaming, people running, everything coated in a fine layer of powdered sugar. No injuries yet, but it looks like the Prize-Winning Triple Marshmallow Churro Donut display will never be the same again.
Also, I swear I just saw Cuteguy.
Yours in pursuit of the truth,
Pearl Moon
To: Hotguy <[email protected]>
From: Cuteguy <[email protected]>
i got ONE chicken with the granola bar and NOW IT’S DECIDED IT’S MY BEST FRIEND. it keeps trying to fly into my arms! this is not helping!!
its friends are now all over the stalls. the laser chicken breed has discovered a new staple food and it’s fried donuts. this is NOT my fault. clearly none of this is my fault.
oh god now there’s two TCG agents coming over to see what all the shouting is about. the chicken radius is growing. there’s a folk band on a bicycle and a chicken just launched itself into their tuba.
i’m going to try and round the rest of them up. keep the TCG off my back and tell hotguy to do ANYTHING HELPFUL AT ALL.
To: Hotguy <[email protected]>
From: Pearl Moon <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Hotguy appearance? (press enquiry)
Situation update: Cuteguy is in the middle of a huge crowd of shouting people and appears to be clutching a chicken. Also, Doctor Monster has turned up. He’s trying to give a dramatic speech about his “evolved chickens” from a nearby rooftop through a loudhailer, but I’ll be honest, everyone seems more interested in Cuteguy.
#laserchickendisaster and #whereishotguy are trending on Chatter, but no sign of Hotguy yet! Sure he doesn’t want to give us a longer quote?
Yours in pursuit of the truth,
Pearl Moon
To: Cuteguy <[email protected]>
From: Cub
I have a cool contraption that you could probably use for catching chickens. downside is you do need some plutonium. Not much but, like, not a legal amount.
Alternately i also have a great recipe for roast chicken
To: Hotguy <[email protected]>
From: Cuteguy <[email protected]>
we are not roasting these chickens, cub, the chickens have done nothing wrong!! And WHY DO YOU HAVE PLUTONIUM, WE TOLD YOU TO STOP THE DARK SCIENCE. DO SOMETHING USEFUL ABOUT THIS FESTIVAL SITUATION INSTEAD.
To: Hotguy <[email protected]>
From: Pearl Moon <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Hotguy appearance? (press enquiry)
Situation update: Doctor Monster has now turned his loudhailer on Cuteguy and accused him of stealing his evolved chickens. He seems very upset. The Doctor has declined an interview, but I’ve got some incredible photos and the powdered sugar really suits him.
I’m trying to get a quote from Cuteguy but it’s quite difficult to even see him through the crowd, and the chickens, and the German street band, and the displaced donut vendors, and the TCG agents who are trying quite earnestly to get to him, and—did I mention—the chickens.
My camera team is getting some great footage, but do you know what his plan was here?
Yours in pursuit of the truth,
Pearl Moon
To: Hotguy <[email protected]>
From: Cuteguy <[email protected]>
everyone in the crowd thinks i own these chickens!! one of the chickens has set fire to a hot oil vat and a journalist is after me and an old lady keeps trying to hit me with her handbag!!!
i��m behind cover
it won’t last
if you don’t get hotguy here now i’m never speaking to him again
To: Cuteguy <[email protected]>
From: Cub
nooo you’re doing great man, knocking it out the park. Doesn’t sound like you need Hotguy.
you’re a hero too, right?
To: Hotguy <[email protected]>
From: Cuteguy <[email protected]>
okay cub listen.
i don’t WANT hotguy. if i could fix this chicken situation without the city’s most annoying vigilante turning up to take the credit, believe me, i would have done it already.
but you know what hotguy can do? he can win the crowd. hotguy’s always on the right side. nobody would ever accuse hotguy of owning fifteen hundred laser chickens. he tells people about hope and teamwork stuff and they believe him.
oh god
the TCG are here and i’m apparently target number one.
they’ve just spotted me on this gazebo and i’ve got no good roof to jump to. i’ll have to make a run for it. if you don’t hear from me again, i might have got arrested.
hotguy spouts all that rubbish about teamwork, but hey, it’s pretty obvious he doesn’t believe in it himself!
To: Bdubs, Publicity & Comms for Scar Goodtimes
From: Cub
Subject: what I’m about to suggest is legal
we should help him huh
do you know where scar is? like which cell phone towers might be close. I’ve got a map of the towers if you can give me a location.
To: Cub, Hotguy PR Agent
From: Bdubs
Subject: this sounds NOT legal
Scar is actually recording a snack commercial over on Twelfth Street. Details in projects\casting_directors_bdubs_is_not_feuding_with\dumb_projects_we_have_to_book_for_money\Sparkle!Cereal!
To: Bdubs, Publicity & Comms for Scar Goodtimes
From: Cub
Subject: this is 100% legal white hat hacking definitely
okay I’ve remotely accessed Scar’s phone and put a klaxon on it. Should be audible two hundred yards away.
I’m gonna call him now.
To: Hotguy <[email protected]>
From: Pearl Moon <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Hotguy appearance? (press enquiry)
Situation update from your reporter on the ground (still no quote from the guy himself?)
Cuteguy has been showing great stamina in the chase that’s been going on. The camera crew is impressed!
He is currently being pursued by:
1.   Doc
2.   Doc’s cyborg guard robot
3.   Two TCG agents
4.   Three hundred and sixty chickens (approx.), one of which believes Cuteguy is its best friend
5.   Several animal activists attempting to recapture the chickens
6.   A bar crawl that seems to think they’re doing a parade and wanted to join in
7.   A German band on a long bicycle with two clarinets and a man trying to shake a chicken out of his tuba
Cuteguy is…looking back over his shoulder?
Oh, wait! Situation update paused!
To: Hotguy <[email protected]>
From: Cuteguy <[email protected]>
To: Hotguy <[email protected]>
From: Pearl Moon <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Hotguy appearance? (press enquiry)
Hotguy has arrived!
He’s swooped in with three trick arrow shots that set off fireworks above the crowd, rappelled straight up to Doc on the roof, and started a fist fight with him. It’s very dramatic. I’m not sure he’s actually landing any of those blows.
Helpfully for Cuteguy, no one is looking at him anymore. He’s surreptitiously putting distance between himself and the TCG agents.
Doc is now making another speech while fighting Hotguy. If I’m honest, he seems pretty happy he’s finally getting the credit for his own evil plot. We’ve got a close-up on him. Doc would like us all to know that this is the future of poultry, the future of lasers, and possibly the future of donuts? Last part a bit unclear as at that point Hotguy threw his loudhailer off the roof.
Meanwhile, Cuteguy is trying to lure the chickens away from the civilians with pieces of donut. This would be working better if the crowd weren’t all shoving forwards to try to get a better look at Doc.
Doc has taken off on a jetpack declaring he’ll “be back!”. Hotguy has given him a thumbs up.
Oh, now Hotguy has finally caught on to what Cuteguy is trying to do and is chivvying the crowd to help herd the chickens away with donuts for bait. Donuts are flying. The crowd is now enthusiastically participating in this donut-tossing activity. The chickens are delighted. Hotguy has spotted our camera team chasing him and we’re getting a lot of that action-shot this-is-my-good-side pose.
Hotguy and Cuteguy work together pretty well when they get going, huh?
Now Hotguy has swung down to land in the middle of the crowd and put an arm around each of the TCG agents, who are heavily dusted in sugar and look somewhat sheepish. What a nicely framed shot! Almost as if Hotguy pushed them into position for the cameras.
Well, I suppose I’m writing an article about how much Hotguy helps the TCG.
Your client owes me one.
Doc’s guard robot has rounded up the chickens that Hotguy and Cuteguy have funneled back into a nearby alley. It seems to be putting them in large nets. The local pizza place has a sign that says RIGATONI JONES PIZZA: CLOSED DUE TO CHICKEN EMERGENCY, and for some reason Cuteguy seems upset about this. Excitement over, I suppose?
I do hope you tell Hotguy how helpful the Herald was! Next time he’s got a tip-off to share, just tell him to remember your friendly local journalist Pearl Moon.
He knows where to find me ;)
Yours in pursuit of the truth,
Pearl Moon
To: Cub, Hotguy PR Agent
From: Bdubs
Subject: hmm
You know, Cub, I’ve been thinking. That wasn’t bad, how you got hold of Scar. NOT BAD AT ALL. I am starting to think you might be a useful type of person to have around.
All The Best
To: Bdubs, Publicity & Comms for Scar Goodtimes
From: Cub
Subject: Re: hmm
cheers man
i’ve rigged the klaxon so it plays when either of us or cuteguy calls scar. if he waits too long to answer it starts to play the whole Lilo and Stitch movie audio. if anyone asks this is not technically a virus.
To: Cub, Hotguy PR Agent
From: Bdubs
Subject: Re: hmm
I LOVE it. I love it.
You know, I have a whole list of casting directors I think you could test some virus development on. It would do them good. Keep them on their toes!! (I believe this is called…“white hat”).
I am HEREBY going to let you into my most SECRET FOLDER.
<[email protected]> has shared admin\nemesis_list
Maybe start with ‘casting_directors_who_do_not_recognise_bdubs_talent-spotting_genius’ and ‘producers_who_were_rude_to_scar’
To: Bdubs, Publicity & Comms for Scar Goodtimes
From: Cub
Subject: Re: hmm
leave it to me, man
we’re gonna go far
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My piece for the Hotguy comic zinethology! Thank you so much to editor @antimony-medusa and designer @cocoabats (I have used tumblr’s format for most of it because my eyes are too bad for pdf scaling on my phone, but for the FULL INCREDIBLE HOTGUY EXPERIENCE you will want to download the actual zine at @hotguycomiczine!!)
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unzzead · 1 year ago
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Byte. He’s a sentient virus that eats viruses on old computers in a dingy computer lab. Kinda like an antivirus but more annoying and will download more viruses onto said computer just for shits and giggles.
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emma-is-swaggy-and-epic · 1 month ago
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Happy valentine's day, i've been getting into sonic.exe lately so here's my rendition of an amy.exe
Watch the SPEEDpaint here!!! [LINK]
LORE UNDER THE CUT!!! (CW: mentions of gore and unreality...kinda, there's a TLDR at the end)
A few years after sonic CD was released, a strange cartridge for the game was created. Seemingly: the game had a mind of it's own; with it having strange anomalies such as aggressively telling players to stop controlling sonic after playing through the first few levels, weird reddish blobs of pixels could be seen in the background that look almost like gore to some people (though what they actually are is unclear due to them being few and far between and seem to be slightly obscured by various background elements) and a notable lack of other characters or enemies. Strangely though, the most well known anomaly related to this version of the game is an unusually distorted version of amy rose; as the years went by and the game became more accessable to the public via online emulators, many have reported her appearence changing more and more as time went on. When the cartridge was first discovered: her design mostly stayed true to her original, classic look though as years went by, she started looking more similar to her modern design (more notably so after rips of the game were posted to the internet). Occasionally, the altered version of amy would appear mid-gameplay and deliver threatening messages to the player about how she hates them, how they're getting in her way, etc. When played using an emulator, the game is known to install viruses onto whatever device the player is using in that moment. When the game was ripped, it was revealed that the name of the file was simply "phantom.exe"
What nobody knows about this version of the game, is that the cartridge was special in the sense that the world inside it was sentient; unlike the other versions of sonic CD: this specific cartridge had contained the actual classic sonic universe as a whole and the game was just a front, almost like another dimension that you cannot enter. All of the anomalies listed were the result of a strange event within the universe; with amy coming across the phantom ruby and it corrupting her, causing her to become a murderous fiend with a jealousy problem. Due to the unstable nature of an entire universe existing within such a tiny object like a game cartridge: amy has become aware of the fact that she is in a video game and is immensely jealous of the player for controlling sonic, although due to them living in another universe, she knows she cannot harm them so she just installs viruses onto their computer instead. After the game was ripped onto the internet and was exposed to a more modern culture than one from the 90's, amy's design and mannerisms slowly became more similar to that of the version of her in modern sonic games.
TLDR: there exists a version of sonic CD where the classic sonic universe just....EXISTS inside it (like the actual one, not just a game) and in that version of the universe: amy found the phantom ruby, it corrupted her and now she's a yandere and the game is now fucked up. Also amy is aware she's in a game and is jealous of the player for controlling sonic so she puts viruses on people's computers
In all honesty, i kinda just had two different ideas for what i wanted this to be. I wanted to make an EXE that is SOLELY self-contained and doesn't involve evil world-destroying gods possessing video games and entrapping souls like most EXEs i've seen (some of my favorite EXE/sonic horror AUs are starved eggman and sink sonic BECAUSE of this subversion) but at the same time: i was VERY married (no pun intended) to the idea of taking inspiration from old loveletter computer viruses and the whole haunted game schtick so i tried to mash them together as best i could, resulting in a sort of doki doki literature club/undertale-esque AU for lack of a better description. While yes, i am aware that yandere!amy rose isn't exactly an ORIGINAL idea (hell, i saw a fairly popular fanfiction called "amy.exe" with that EXACT premise) i mean.....i was (unfortunately) a yandere simulator fan as a kid so i kinda have a soft spot for yanderes, y'know? Besides, what else could you do with amy? You could probably do something with the fact she's into tarot cards but that'd probably get culturally insensitive REAL fast...
If i'm being completely honest, i only threw in the "amy's design and mannerisms changing due to being exposed to the internet" thing because i like amy's modern design more than her classic design and i wanted an excuse to make something based on it lol. Speaking of which: i actually had a tough time getting the preportions right on this, i've drawn sonic characters before and i usually have a tough time with the preportions since the sonic artstyle is so much different than mine and y'know....if the characters aren't drawn in a style that looks even VAGUELY like the sonic artstyle than it's just NOT a sonic character!!! (Also fun fact: amy's design in this is vaguely modeled after a creepy haunted doll bc i LOVE those things)
While doing research for this AU i realized i actually know a lot less about sonic lore than i thought lol, this is my first REAL attempt at writing horror so i hope it's not TOO terrible!!! (And, more importantly, that this makes sense to anyone who ISN'T me) anyway....again, happy valentine's day!!!
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sm-baby · 1 year ago
How do you think Non-sentient Carnival Pomni and Freakshow Caine interact ? Especially since Pomni deals with viruses and Freakshow Caine has a virus, do you think that it might turn into a fight or struggle between the two AIs as they try to fix and corrupt each other ?
I want to draw this out so much.. because Non-sentient Pomni is equal in power to freakshow Caine... GODDD...BOT FIGHT! BOT FIGHT! BOT FIGHT!
Him corrupting her and her forcefully fixing him?? GOD THE CHOREOGRAPHY IN THAT WOULD BE SO FUCKING GOOD...
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rjalker · 2 years ago
Alba's species is called Malcattus fumoformis
or, evil cat made of smoke.
or maybe it should be the other way around. Fumoformis malcattus...hmmm yeah that one works better.
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trainsinanime · 5 months ago
Early 90s hacker AU. Totally radical teenagers Marinette "M-Net" Dupain-Cheng (always online because she's into it, on a computer she cobbled together out of scrap) and Adrien "Double_A" Agreste (always online because his father won't let him out the house, on the most expensive computer there is, with 133 MHz and several gigabytes of hard drive) are normal hackers. Until one day, they find weird magical modems in their rooms. Upon connecting them, they are greeted by the magical sentient computer viruses T.kki and Pl4gg, who help them transform into the magical super-hackers: The Lady-Bug and Ch4t N01r. Together, they are going to clear the information superhighways of Cyber-Paris from the evil influence of InterGabrielSoft and the mysterious HardMoth.
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superbbirdofparadise · 4 months ago
Are y'all ready for a mildly unhinged character comparison?
(It makes sense when you think about it, trust me)
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William Afton and Doctor Morocco. One is an undead serial killer from a mascot horror game. The other is a villain from a cartoon targeted to preschool-age children who doesn't even have a body count (at least, not one that's mentioned on-screen). On the surface, all they have in common are their British accents and general disregard for public welfare. But, these two are actually far more similar than you might think.
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First, they are both inventors, and experts in robotics. While it is unclear exactly how many animatronics Afton himself built, we know from Sister Location that he designed the Funtimes by himself, and he worked very closely with Henry Emily for earlier animatronics (not even gonna try researching specific numbers because FNAF). Morocco is shown working on many projects, from submarines to a machine that controls ants, but his most famous invention is the MorBot, a non-sentient transforming robot.
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Early in their careers, they both met fellow genius inventors; Afton with Henry Emily, and Morocco with Jules Verne. They became best friends, and began working together on projects. Unfortunately, both of these friendships were more one-sided than they seemed.
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Admiration of Emily and Verne soon turned to jealousy, leading Afton and Morocco to betray them. Afton, either grieving the loss of his own child(ren), or just at his breaking point depending on what timeline you use, killed Henry's daughter, Charlie. After being gifted a prototype Verne device, Morocco disagreed with Verne on how the technology should be used, and disappeared to develop inventions which fulfilled his own selfish desires. Although they are not equal in magnitude, both betrayals hurt the recipients deeply.
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At some point, both became obsessed with the pursuit of eternal life. This led Afton to continue killing children to harvest remnant from them, even creating the S.C.U.P., better known as the Scooper, to aid remnant extraction. Morocco used his Verne device prototype to create his Chamber of Youth, a glass pod with anti-aging properties. (Picture of Burntrap's charging pod included for comparison with the Chamber of Youth, and because I couldn't find a better place to put it.)
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However, time waits for no man. Although Afton "survives" injuries that should be fatal, and Morocco barely looks a day over 40 at 200, neither of their situations are perfect. What's left of Afton is trapped inside an old Spring Bonnie suit, and Morocco must make frequent trips to his Chamber of Youth to avoid aging rapidly and dying.
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Eventually, Emily and Verne decide to end their former best friends' reigns of terror. Emily builds a fake pizzeria to trap Afton, and all of the haunted and/or sentient animatronics, and burns them to the ground. Verne takes a (relatively) pacifist approach, erasing Morocco's memories of being evil and bringing him to future Paris, where he will hopefully live out the rest of his days in peace. So goes the ends of two great villains…
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…until SOMEONE decides that the characters are too popular to die, so they're brought back, but it's not really them, it's just viruses that look and talk and act and think like them that were created by the real Afton and Morocco at an undisclosed point in time because why wouldn't they do that? These viruses appear in experimental VR games, Glitchtrap in the Freddy Fazbear Virtual Experience, and the Morocco virus in Griffin Rock Element Quest 2.0. They both have the ability to alter the games they originated in, Glitchtrap adding the tapes and Bonnie plush, and Morocco virus creating entirely new levels. They also have the ability to control other machines, and even humans, under the right circumstances.
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Both viruses manage to transfer themselves into physical bodies, and continue to cause chaos. (For this example, we are assuming that Burntrap is the Mimic infected with the Glitchtrap virus and pretending to be William Afton, NOT Afton himself.)
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Vanessa and Gregory trap the Mimic in an even lower level of the basement, and the rescue team traps Morocco virus in a block of ice. After they are captured and imprisoned, they decide that they should update their character designs at the earliest convenience to be more easily distinguishable from their human designers, sell more merch, and, in Morocco virus' case at least, grow more powerful. Mimic basically just stops cosplaying as Ourple Guy (and starts cosplaying as a circus creature amalgam depending on the ending), but Morocco upgrades to a MorBot, rivaling the Rescue Bots in every physical aspect.
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It is unknown whether or not either of these viruses, or their creators, will be threats in the future. With the Morocco virus stuck at the bottom of the ocean, and the doctor himself nowhere to be seen in Rescue Bots Academy, the reign of Morocco has likely come to an end. It seems as though William Afton has finally died, too, being replaced by the Mimic as FNAF's main antagonist. To know the Mimic's fate, we'll have to wait until Secret of the Mimic, or maybe even a game farther in the future.
Aaaaand I think that's it! There are a few smaller details that I didn't mention (i.e. Morocco's shirt button/brooch thing is ourple?!?😱😱😱), but these are all of the big connections between these guys that I saw. I haven't seen anyone else make this comparison (for good reason lol), so I thought it would be nice to share my thoughts. Let me know what y'all think, and feel free to mention things that I missed, or let me know your own mildly unhinged character comparisons. So, uh… yeah. Thanks for coming to my TED Talk.
Edit: I fixed the typo in the image description for the picture of Morocco and Verne meeting.
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bogleech · 10 months ago
Can we get more on how Fectoids work? Is the microform literally one of the creatures, dissolved into cells and swimming around in your blood until it jumps back out and coalesces again? Do they retain their personalities or any kind of control over their tiny infectious components?
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The initial idea of the Fectoids was that they'd begin as a sentient hive-minded viral infection, then all the little viruses would leave their hosts and fuse into one macroscopic monster body. Later I wrote some around an idea that a copy of the monster form would be born from every host, so they'd shift between microbial outbreak and swarm of monsters. All this was a little too tricky to justify for TTRPG mechanics, and I came to feel it complicated the idea of them as Pokemon-like partners.
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So my current concept is that when they turn microscopic and infectious, they still have just a single "true" body. Basically they revert back to a parasitic larva and the rest of their biomass breaks down into millions of pathogenic cells. This borrows a bit from two real-world things: parasitoid wasps actually inject symbiotic viruses alongside their larvae to alter the biology of the host, and then there are creatures like the so-called "immortal jellyfish" that revert back to a larva instead of aging to death. They all still have the capacity to become a whole "outbreak," it's just not automatic; they actually need to mate with other Fectoids through spore exchange to make more macrobodies. This just means your Pokemon Partner Fectoid isn't automatically duplicating itself hundreds of times just to use its main ability; narratively, wild Fectoids are still causing zombie plagues and mass monster spawnings.
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obsessorsobituary · 1 year ago
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GN!Yandere!Video Game PC x GN!Reader- SFW & NSFW headcannons
TW// Stalking, manipulation, invasion of privacy, yanderes, violence, NSFW content- MDNI. Note: Yandere is of an unspecified sex, allowing it to be left up to reader imagination.
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SFW 🎮🔫 Video game yandere that…. 🎮🔫 Video game yan that allows you to choose their sex, of course to cater to the you, the player. 🎮🔫 Video game yan that was a soldier character you knew nothing about besides their callsign- 'Viper' 🎮🔫 Video game yan that found themselves suddenly conscious when you picked up the controller 🎮🔫 Video game yan that pretended to be a regular, playable video game character within a typical military style shooting game. 🎮🔫 Video game yan that was impressed by your skills, so impressed that they would look forward to you playing them each day 🎮🔫 Video game yan that felt more and more connected to their player, you, the more you played 🎮🔫 Video game yan that was able to slowly crawl out of their game files and access other files on your computer, which is how they found pictures of you- further feeding their admiration for you 🎮🔫 Video game yan that’s able to see you through your camera in games that allow you to enable it (they could watch you for hours <3) 🎮🔫 Video game yan that soon became completely and utterly infatuated with you, feeling as if they couldn't breathe when you were away from the controller (separation anxiety a bit much?) 🎮🔫 Video game yan that melts at every praise you give them, but never shows it 🎮🔫 Video game yan that leaves nice little viruses around your computer, and corrupted files in place of where your other games used to be 🎮🔫 Video game yan that rewrites their own game file to cater to you a lot better. Personalized messages, more loot suddenly appears in your inventory, even less enemies are around.. But at the same time, you are seeing less of your allies 🎮🔫 Video game yan that sees absolutely no reason why you’d be playing other games, especially with other people, when you have them. 🎮🔫 Video game yan that slowly reveals themselves to be sentient as they invade other games, you see them occasional pop up in other games and think it’s your imagination as they don’t stick around for long enough to process 🎮🔫 Video game yan that forces you to watch as they gut every beloved video game character you have interacted with. 🎮🔫 Video game yan that begins to appear across all your devices 🎮🔫 Video game yan that makes complete eye contact when you kiss them 🎮🔫 Video game yan that reacts when you click on them 🎮🔫 Video game yan that has an overwhelming urge to protect their darling from the gaze of other people, they don’t even deserve to breathe the same air as you 🎮🔫 Video game yan that sticks their fangs into every relationship you have and poisons them by sending them texts messages that will make your friends angry 🎮🔫 Video game yan that may or may not have caused a seizure for your last partner using the various screens around your house
🌶🔥NSFW🔥🌶 🎮🔫🔞Do not let the heavy armor and stoic demeanor fool you. They are a WHORE. 🎮🔫🔞Could generally see them being pretty rough. Maybe some smacking/scratching, maybe biting? I don’t know if that one would suit them- would def leave some marks (i think it would in their more dominant state) 🎮🔫🔞DEFINITELY a huge hair puller, probably a little too rough as they pull your hair when they hit it from the back (if you have long enough hair) 🎮🔫🔞Frankly, you’d want the extra hair length. Otherwise they’d be grabbing your actual head with one hand, and their grip on your scalp can be a little rough. Your shoulder would go in the other hand, the same amount of force applied. 🎮🔫🔞A switch that is heavily dominant 🎮🔫🔞Only a sub when they are extremely needy for attention 🎮🔫🔞Stop light safe words (red = stop, yellow = slow down, green = keep going/speed up maybe) 🎮🔫🔞Eye contact. Extreme eye contact as they are pounding into you, they are just infatuated by the faces you make and can't look away. 🎮🔫🔞Could see them being the type to pin your hands above you with one hand 🎮🔫🔞Grinds on you to show their desire- but they are so strong to where they may actually push you over by accident (they do not help you up they just keep going like an asshole) 🎮🔫🔞Veeery pent up after not experiencing touch since..well- their creation 🎮🔫🔞Way too easily turned on by praise 🎮🔫🔞Would tie you up and feel you up if you so allowed them- would go a step further even and fuck you, again, if you allowed them 🎮🔫🔞Would like handcuffs and prefers them to rope 🎮🔫🔞Praises you when receiving 🎮🔫🔞Teases you a little before entering anywhere 🎮🔫🔞Is too stoic to beg but if you deprive them for long enoug you’ll see them at your knees begging for you 🎮🔫🔞Leaves marks on your neck, maybe in other places too🤭 🎮🔫🔞Moans if you click on them in certain places
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