#senna spoilers
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leclercari · 4 months ago
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So you are a nice guy? Just not so much to me.
Gabriel Leone as Ayrton Senna and Matt Mella as Alain Prost in SENNA (2024)
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funnyscienceman · 3 months ago
unironic singed hate is so funny to me. you see people being like I HOPE HIS DAUGHTER EXPLODES and his daughter is literally the sweetest girl in all of piltover and zaun
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like literally viktor arcane the prequel:
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nekhcore · 5 months ago
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hydaelyn's champion. vessel for light. banisher of darkness.
in direct continuation of this comic.
damaged so severely. hastily repaired and resurrected. disoriented. barely there. still processing what's happened to him.
pushed forward only by hydaelyn's influence and protection. blocking out the pain. her power surging through his body.
and when the ascian is dead the effect lingers, but for how long? enough to get thancred out. enough to reconnect with the scions. not much longer.
i have. a lot of thoughts about hydaelyn. and the echo. i won't call them theories because i have been Spoiled and i know that my theorizing was spot on. but it has changed how i view a lot of the early stuff. and the scions. and how earnest our cause truly is.
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seigephoenix · 4 months ago
Happy Friday, love. Here's my prompt for you this week! "An accidental brush of lips followed by a pause and going back in for another, on purpose." For Senna and Davrin!
This was a good one! I wrote out the scenario we talked about earlier, with Senna being a good baker. She gets caught red handed. For @dadrunkwriting
Content Warning: wholesome, maybe minor spoilers so going under a cut for those who have not played Length: ~600 words
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Senna was concentrating on the bowl in front of her as she mixed the batter together.  It was close to the wee hours of the morning or even later than that, but she couldn’t sleep.  Sleep was hard these days and she’d been overcome with the craving to taste her mother’s famous cakes.  It was a simple recipe but the simple syrup soaked into the cake itself, giving it a sweet and moist taste.  She’d double checked to see if Lucanis was there, but he was gone.  She’d sent up a small thank you for that.  After going on and on about what an awful cook she was, there was no way in hell she was getting caught actually baking.  She just loved Bellara and Lucanis’ cooking.
Senna didn’t even hear the door opening as she poured the batter into the baking tin.  She set the bowl aside after putting the tin in the oven.  Senna turned around to grab the sugar and slammed right into a sturdy chest.  Panic shot through her as she thought she’d been caught by Lucanis or Taash.  It was the scent that eased her panic.  “Davrin?  What are you still doing up?” Senna asked as she took a careful step back trying to figure out how much he’d seen.
“I’m wondering the same thing, and why is the person who admitted to burning boiling water in the kitchen.  I feared for the safety of the Lighthouse until I saw you knew what you were doing.”  Davrin caged her in the corner and she huffed at him.  She ignored the tug of heat in her belly as he leaned in.  “Why did you lie?”  Senna turned her face away defiantly, letting her cheeks puff out just a bit as she tried to think of a good cover.
“I said I was an awful cook, but I never said anything about being a bad baker.”  Senna turned her head thinking she heard the door open.  Her lips brushed against Davrin’s; she hadn’t realized he was that close.  Senna jerked back the apology already forming on her lips, but the words were drowned out when his lips covered hers.  Her breath hitched in her throat from the searing heat.  Her lips parted beneath his and she found herself drowning in him.  Her fingers curled in the front of his shirt as she let herself sink into the kiss.
They heard a throat clearing behind them and jumped apart.  Senna glanced around Davrin and groaned as she saw Lucanis standing there with his arms crossed.  Taash was next to him with their fists resting on their hips.  “Would you like to explain what that smell is coming from the oven Rook?”
Senna grumbled about getting caught when Davrin straightened.  She stepped around him and grabbed the sugar sitting next to Lucanis on the shelf.  “I said I was a bad cook.  I never said anything about being a bad baker.”
“Well, I guess we’ll have to decide for ourselves now,” Davrin said as he joined the other two.
“Wait!  I always thought those cakes and tarts sitting on the kitchen table were made by Lucanis and Bellara.  They were yours, weren’t they?” Taash demanded as they pointed towards Senna.  She huffed in answer and turned to finish making the simple syrup.
“Ah, I always assumed Bellara made those.  Now it makes a lot more sense.” Lucanis chimed in and the other three settled in at the table patiently waiting.  Senna groaned as she just knew this was going to open a floodgate of requests.
“Hey, we saw the light on.  What’s that smell?  It smells so good!” Bellara poked her head in along with Emmrich and Harding.  Neve brought up the rear and soon the whole group settled in at the table.  Lucanis brewed coffee for those that wanted it and Senna admitted defeat.
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jumpinover · 3 days ago
are you surviving
(guy whos been thinking about sakiko and how this whole situation adds another layer to the sheer scope of the violation and imprisonment her own family has towards her as someone who is normal and just likes narrative analysis this whole time) man i dont even know
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tsunael · 1 year ago
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“… no wounds, nor the presence of any poisonous substances.”
Tsuna stood in the threshold of the sick bay, twirling the rounded gem hanging from her horn’s tip. It was Kan-E-Senna who bid her welcome when she arrived, looking thoroughly out-of-place in Twelveswood furs when surrounded by nothing but heat and sandstone.
The room smelled of death and disinfectant. The siege of Ala Mhigo had left it wanting in supplies, but certainly not in bodies. Tsuna’s expression merely darkened.
“Is he well?” She asked, foregoing the pleasantries of seeing a familiar face.
If Kan-E-Senna was slighted by the lack of manners, she did not show it, instead she merely shook her head on the negative, softly inclining to the prone subject of their musings. “His condition has yet to change,” she said, trailing off as if hesitant to unveil the situation, “... Though, I do not expect it to.”
Meaning: he hadn’t awoken since the collapse. The chirurgeon had advised against moving him so soon until they find the cause, despite the Scion's fervent wish to see him back to The Rising Stones for succor.
Tsuna hinged not on that of which she already knew, but the fact that it would continue.
“Why!?" she barked. "If you know something– tell me! Please.” There would have been a cutting edge to Tsuna’s voice had she not warbled as she said it. The padjal did not deserve her misplaced ire, but she was the only wall she could scream her uncertainty to. “All of these alchemists and chirurgeons– all the testing– what were they all for?”
Kan-e-Senna sighed, soft. “I myself examined Thancred. Reach out as I may, I could not sense in him the spark of life that is his soul.”
Tsuna brought her hands to her chest, curling them in just to hold something as she stared, suddenly breathless. Who could have possibly done such a feat? No mortal of their era held such power-- to pluck a soul from an unwilling body should not be possible. Her mind swam with questions and caveats– what came from her lips instead was denial. “That can't be true.”
The Seedseer’s patience was vast, and her empathy, boundless. “You have inherited A-Towa-Cant’s will. I bid you to seek him out yourself, though I fear you will arrive at the selfsame conclusion.”
Tsuna wanted to protest, to argue she held no such proclivity to aethersight, nor academic knowledge of aetherology, but the moment her thoughts drifted to the padjali man who first gave her the pearlescent stone did it begin to warm her chest. Like a heart’s beat it pulsed strong and true to remind her of what she was.
It moved her to act. She crept to Thancred’s side where he slept, and lowered herself to sit upon the edge of the mattress. The spell began as soon as she lifted her left palm but ilms from his chest. There was a small apology for the intrusion of what she was about to do, and then a familiar warmth began to ripple through her. It reverberated up her spine and spread to her hand, and then she began her search for him.
Aether moved from the earth beneath her boots, out through the tips of her fingers, slowly probing for a sign.
His lungs yet moved with breath, but they filled so shallow that it should not have been enough to sustain him. She closed her eyes to the feeling welling within her, concentrating harder as she rounded his heart. It, too, beat with the rhythm of life, and carried out its biological function of moving the humours as it was designed, but that was all. There was something missing. The spark that Kan-E-Senna spoke of was simply not there.
Before her was a body that was moving on its automated course, nothing more and nothing less. It was a vessel; a husk of a man.
Tsuna’s meditation ended, and she withdrew her aether with a pained gasp. She felt her eyes prick with the emotion settling thickly in her throat. It was just as Kan-E-Senna said, and she hadn't needed a crystal to tell her as much.
“I’m sorry, Seedseer,” Tsuna finally whispered. “I should not have doubted you. Thank you for looking after him.” Tsuna looked first to his folded hands, and then to the padjal at the foot of his sickbed who smiled softly in equal parts brief and rueful.
“I should have come sooner. I’ve been trying to find the time with everything happening when I should have been making time for you-– and for him-–”
“Tsuna, please.” Kan-E-Senna shocked her first with her own name, and then talked her down with all the gentleness reserved for a fretting child. “Although he is stable there is naught else you can do for him now but to carry on. There is still more I need to speak on regarding the nature of his condition, but I believe it is something every Scion that was affected should hear…”
Why the lot of them doubled over with pain, why they heard a voice, and why it was only Thancred succumbed to the call.
The padjal excused herself to make contact with the others, and Tsuna was left with such information and her morbid company. A part of her was glad for it, for the tears and hand wringing were able to begin in earnest without fear of coming apart in front of her esteemed mentor. She took a shivery little breath, cursing the Gods as hot tears escaped her eyes, and carved a wet path down her face. They wetted her lap, and she could do naught to stem the flow.
As much as she hated him, he did not deserve this fate. After all he had done, and more, Nymeia had no reason to spin his thread in such a way. Moreover, the subject he asked to broach with her before the Alliance’s meeting would be left unknown. What had he wanted to speak to her about? She ruminated over a chewed lip. Had he known something?
Thancred looked as if he were asleep– and for all accounts– he was. He was asleep, but he did not dream. Out of three long years of knowing, it was the first time she had seen him vulnerable. It was the first time she was able to look upon him in the way she was meant to.
He looked younger, she noted, when bereft of his customary scowl. The lines on his face had softened, and for once he looked to be his age of thirty and four.
Softly, she sniffled, and reached out her hand again, hesitating on the last ilm. Her fingers curled and retracted in finding the motion improper, for she was not searching for his spark this time but instead to sate her own wonder. Gently, respectfully, she brushed the soft hair from his face, moving to cup the hard line of his jaw.
His skin was as ice– and it was as she feared. She entertained a living corpse. Tsuna took her hand away, burned for her curiosity, to finally leave him to his peace.
She was going to find the thing that was doing this
and she was going to break its heart.
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yzeltia · 3 months ago
Happiest Starlight Ever 2024 Day 12: When You Believe
7.1 Out of Context Spoilers Ahead
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ft. @driftward 's Nyx Blackmoon Typesetting by @just-a-geeky-therapist
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duskmother · 2 years ago
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reminder that g'raha fucking tia is insane actually and should be treated as such.
i see you, g'raha enjoyers. i see you.
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the-mechanicalpuppet · 4 months ago
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Thanks TYBW clearly what I needed today was to start uncontrollably crying.
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swan2swan · 4 months ago
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stars-in-a-jam-jar · 2 years ago
Can't wait 'til the latest LMK special gets localized 'cause like the sub translation made by viradescence has made me FERAL, OH MY GOD
Like I wanna hear my beloved English voice cast and pick out all the details of the localization and cross reference shit so that I might Absorb This Special Into My Soul oh I FORGOT what a hyperfixation felt like oh my gosh aaaAAA--!
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mosthuggableffxiv · 2 years ago
Round 1A: Asahi sas Brutus vs A-Rhun-Senna
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"His haircut. His face. Also all the shit he does to his sister and threats made to the WoL."
"This permanent 12 year old thinks he can tell me how to be a white mage."
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tyresdeg · 1 year ago
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alexander rossi in james hunt’s mclaren m26 | november 2023 | listen to him talk about it here (4:30 - 15:30) or watch here
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seigephoenix · 4 months ago
Happy Friday! From the cute couple prompts, maybe "Person A remembers a random detail about Person B.  “You remembered that?”" for Senna and Davrin?
Happy Friday! I love Senna and Davrin. I'm enjoying Davrin's romance a lot in Veilguard!
Content Warning: wholesome, no major spoilers for story at all Length: ~500 words
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Senna sat on the edge of the courtyard staring out at the Fade around her.  It was massive.  She still found it hard to wrap her head around just how big it was.  She was used to the waking world where there was a finite amount of land to traverse.  The Fade didn’t have that and it made her uneasy at times.  She just felt better having her feet on solid ground.  A lot of things were hard to wrap her mind around since disrupting the ritual that night.
Senna heard the squawking just before Assan rubbed his head against her arm, nudging until he could get under it.  A laugh escaped as she let him and scratched along his neck.  The happy sounds and squawks never grew old for her.  “Hey there Assan.”  Senna felt him drop something in her lap and she glanced down.  “What’s this?”
The breath stuck in her throat as she recognized it.  Her thumb brushed over the curved horns of the halla as her lips turned up in a smile.  She missed seeing the halla.  Assan chirped happily, rubbing his head against her cheek as she laughed.  “Did you do this boy?” Senna grinned as Assan hopped in place, flapping his wings in excitement.
“Hey now, don’t go taking credit for my hard work Assan.”  Senna looked over as Davrin sat next to her on the edge of the courtyard.  “Do you like it?”
“Of course I do,” she answered cradling the figurine against her chest.  “But how did you know?”
“It was one of the first conversations we had when I first joined your team.  I mentioned my clan and you said you missed the halla that would follow yours.  They were the favorite part of your day and you liked helping your mother tend to them.”  Senna felt the heat rising in her face as she remembered that conversation.  She’d been so overwhelmed with everything that she’d thrown herself towards the familiar.  And overshared evidently.  But.  “I hoped this would help remind you of happier times.”
“It does.  Thank you.” Senna smiled at him.  “I’m just surprised you remembered something I said.”  Davrin looked away and Senna worried she’d said something wrong.
“Well, I did.  I wanted to do something special for you, after all the things you’ve done for me.  I mean, for the team.”  Senna looked over but he refused to look at her and she smiled.
“Thank you.”
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wine-dark-soup · 2 years ago
gridania needs further development.txt
give the guy who accompanies us through the tank quests a fucking name
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toomuchsky · 2 years ago
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