#yda hext
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keicordelle · 3 months ago
Just in case anyone thought I was making up Thancred's willingness to prostitute himself out for the sake of his goals, I'm not. It's literally canon.
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[TR: Have you heard the latest news? Moenbryda asked us to bring her a super rare ore, and Thancred found it in no time at all.]
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[TR: At first, I was impressed, but then I discovered that a woman gave it to him in exchange for sexual favors. Isn't that scandalous?]
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[TR: I don't know why Yda's reacting like that. I payed for that ore with my body*, even though that girl wasn't my type at all!]
* "payer de sa personne" is a turn of phrase that can mean more generally just "put in a lot of effort" or even "put your life on the line", but it does carry a very distinct sexual connotation to it, especially in a setup like this
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morika · 2 months ago
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as i lived inside you, you lived inside me.
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ciphox · 6 months ago
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scions ! with a few friends
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mosthuggableffxiv · 1 year ago
Bonus Poll: Most Boopable Scion
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zoruathemageknight · 1 year ago
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Lmao I’m only on Stormblood
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capriccio-ffxiv · 1 year ago
Suddenly very upset that Lyse never got to go visit Old Sharlayan with us.
That's as much her childhood home as Ala Mhigo -- much moreso, even. Yda took her to the Sharlayan Colony and then much like Thancred, they were basically "adopted" by Louisoix and taken to the mainland to study. I figure Lyse probably *did* go to school alongside Yda, but being much younger than Yda never got her Archon Marks. Possibly she was working on it when Yda died, but then in her grief and depression couldn't finish it (extremely relatable; I know so many people who never finished university because of circumstances like that).
And I just.
Lyse is done so dirty by the narrative. The Yda reveal is poorly handled and means nothing to us (and apparently didn't mean much even to 1.0 players, which was baffling to me when I found out.) At the same time, when you actually read the short stories and her backstory, it really is a powerful story about grief, about impostor syndrome... but the game just. Fumbles the ball on that.
I just... can you imagine? Now-adult Lyse, having liberated Ala Mhigo, finally returning to Old Sharlayan. Lyse meeting Papalymo's father. Lyse, meeting Moenbryda's parents (Yda and Moen had been close, iirc, and Moen knew about Lyse's deception just like the rest of the Scions).
I know why the larger fanbase isn't super into her, Stormblood is the black sheep of the expansions (I liked it, but it's followed by freakin Shadowbringers, y'know?), but I just wish the game devs would give her another chance. Maybe during or after Dawntrail (maybe she can show up in the New World at some point initially as an ambassador from Ala Mhigo or whatever)
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totallycorrectffxivquotes · 11 months ago
Minfilia: What are Thancred and Yda arguing about this time?
Y'shtola: They have a bet going about what WoL is like in bed. Yda thinks they're secretly really romantic, but Thancred thinks they're kinky.
Minfilia: Yeah, they're actually both.
Minfilia: I mean... How would I know? I don’t know what WoL's like in bed.
Minfilia: But I would assume they're both.
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of-the-eventide · 6 months ago
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"You know... Even before you joined the Scions, you caught our eye quite quick." "Was it my good looks and pleasant personality?" "...I see what you're doing there... But no, most definitely not."
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hermeswol · 2 years ago
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i made a wol + scion friendship chart! feel free to use with or without credit 💓
6/22/24 edit: an expanded version can be found here!
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anneapocalypse · 1 year ago
On the Scions and Sacrifice
Master Louisoix looms so large over all the Scions, and I feel like it's really given nearly all of them a complex where they feel like they have to be willing to sacrifice themselves should the need arise--and they're all just waiting for that moment that happened to Louisoix, that realization that there is no other choice. It might be death, it might be something else, but they're all so ready to take the bullet, literal or figurative.
We see it with Moenbryda, who says that she finally understands the choice he made seconds before she gives her life to defeat an Ascian. We see it with Yda and Papalymo, Thancred and Y'shtola, and finally Minfilia as one by one they stay behind, urging the others to go on, until only the Warrior of Light is left. We see it again with Papalymo when he gives his life to contain the primal summoned by the Griffon. We see it with Minfilia's willingness not only to hand herself over to Hydaelyn to be her voice, but to travel to a far-off star, maybe never to return, to help save a world she has never seen. We see it in Urianger acting alone to spare his friends the burden he carries for what he believes to be necessary actions. Even Alphinaud basically doesn't allow himself to be just a teenage boy and over and over keeps trying to take the world on his shoulders because he believes it's what he's supposed to do as Louisoix's grandson. Lyse in Stormblood is so ready and eager for revolution but over and over again we see the true cost of war and of resistance to overwhelming imperial power, and we are confronted with the question of what level of sacrifice is fair to ask of people who have already suffered so much and are just trying to survive.
And yes, sacrifice is noble and valiant and all that, but at the end of the day I don't think the effect is a net positive. Louisoix did what he did when there was very definitively, apocalyptically, no other choice. He probably wasn't wrong. But that doesn't mean that it's good or useful for all of his followers to be waiting on a knife's edge for the same. It makes them perhaps too ready to throw themselves to the fire, too quick to assume that a heroic sacrifice is the only choice. Because what if they assume there are other options left, and they're wrong? What if they fail to act at the critical moment? The Calamity scarred Eorzea, scarred everyone in ways both obvious and subtle, and I think this particular scar on the Scions is an ultimately negative impulse that I hope we see them find their way out of. Alisaie, notably, is not about that shit, and I look forward to her seeing what kind of influence she has upon the others.
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nshi-ao3 · 9 months ago
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Okay, maybe beating the shit out of each other right before The War wasn't the smartest move, but in our defence: it made for a really cool trailer shot.
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autumnslance · 11 months ago
This is probably the most complete as well as one of the better quality uploads of the 1.x quest "Futures Perfect" that I've seen.
The Path Companion was a partner for the WoL, someone to make and give commentary during the storyline. They were customizable like a retainer; you chose their race/gender (of the available 1.0 options), class, and personality type. They were also Ala Mhigan originally, with a (variable) relative in the Resistance.
The WoL is defended, and spoken to at the end, by their starter city archon (this is during the Circle of Knowing/Path of the Twelve era, as the Scions were formed by combining the organizations after the Calamity).
This is also the introduction of Gaius van Baelsar as an imperial enemy; going forward there were scenes that include him shooting Cid for being angry and insulting, and also talking to WoL about how Gaius disagrees with Nael van Darnus's plans and the Meteor Project. But here, he crushes the Resistance's operation and gets into a fight with the archons--that only ends when he calls in an airstrike, sending WoL into a brief Echo vision before returning home to get medical aid for their companion.
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nekhcore · 5 months ago
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hydaelyn's champion. vessel for light. banisher of darkness.
in direct continuation of this comic.
damaged so severely. hastily repaired and resurrected. disoriented. barely there. still processing what's happened to him.
pushed forward only by hydaelyn's influence and protection. blocking out the pain. her power surging through his body.
and when the ascian is dead the effect lingers, but for how long? enough to get thancred out. enough to reconnect with the scions. not much longer.
i have. a lot of thoughts about hydaelyn. and the echo. i won't call them theories because i have been Spoiled and i know that my theorizing was spot on. but it has changed how i view a lot of the early stuff. and the scions. and how earnest our cause truly is.
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lowpolygator · 2 years ago
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still my favorite scions
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marlindotzip · 1 year ago
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Those little guys
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alicienacorvin · 4 months ago
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Looking through my ancient poses and found this...one of my very first with the crime tools.
I miss Yda, Tails. I miss her a lot.
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