#senior paper
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moonriase · 23 days ago
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Losing a kid is hard on everybody.
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cuubism · 3 months ago
i feel like dream in human aus is usually characterized as being more stoic and stern while hob is more easygoing, but i think it would be funny to have a university au where hob is the professor who's like "no work is deserving of 100%. find 27 more sources and do it again" while dream is just like "they put their dreams into it, hob 🥺 A+! A+! A+! A+!"
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lsunstreakerl · 1 month ago
more scrapbook paper max. be gentle with him please, he doesn't get enough hugs.
"Max. Maaaaaaax."
Someone is nudging their toe into Max's thigh.
He cracks an eye open, disoriented. There's something thudding against the warm wall behind his back, and he's sitting on cool tile. The room has a greenish hue.
"You better not be dead, I need to interview you for my assignment."
He's in the laundry room. Why is he in the laundry room?
"-We're supposed to interview an upperclassman and ask about their school life balance, and the internship work, and the battleworks stuff-"
Max is in the laundry room because his suit was stained. His suit was stained because he bled all over it. He bled all over it...?
"-So I was like, yeah, I'll just ask Max, that'll be fine. And then I spent half my morning trying to track you down, and everyone said you skipped class, which like- fair, but then you weren't upstairs in our dorm- we should really get a better lock on that door dude-"
Right. Big lizard thing. Mean big lizard thing. Casual evening assignment for him and Daniel that very rapidly turned not casual. Max is forgetting something.
"-And I have been looking everywhere. And now we're here, and I'm pretty sure you might be dead? Also I don't think your right side was purple last time I saw you. Unless it was, in which case I'm very sorry if I've offended you. But it doesn't look natural, cause like- it's just your arm and also your chest a little bit- what is your workout routine- so I'm thinking it's maybe bad."
Oh right. Poisonous big lizard thing.
Max blinks, staring up at Liam.
"Oh! You're not dead!"
Surely Max was not this stupid as a freshman.
Liam looks from Max's face to his arm.
"...do you need the nurse?"
Max also looks down at his arm. It's definitely not supposed to be that color. He's not sure he could move it if he wanted to.
"Are we lost?"
Max feels his teeth grinding, squinting as he looks across the landscape in front of him. They're supposed to have a senior with them, but Kyvat had disappeared almost half an hour ago when he heard a noise- which breaks basically the first rule any of them are taught for Fog trips, to never go alone- and now Max is stuck with a freshman clinging to him.
He's lying. Sort of.
Max has made a few solo Fog trips, but that's because he's perfectly content to go apeshit and destroy everything around him to find a way out- it's how Daniel had met him the first time, before Max got enrolled.
He can't exactly do that with Bearman at his back though- the kid would die. Max can feel him stepping closer, practically pasted alongside Max's back, even though he's nearly as tall as Max is by now.
It's embarrassing, honestly. Max has two years on him- the least Bearman can do is let Max catch up to Daniel before he outgrows them both.
He might be able to try-
The kid perks up behind him.
Max chews at his bottom lip for a moment. He's never tried this before- a tuned down version of what he's done in the past. He's not sure if it might still hurt Bearman, depending on how long they do it. He's not sure if they're going to get Kyvat back.
But they don't all need to die out here.
"Keep holding onto me. I'm going to try and feel a way out- I need you to tell me if you think there's a threat."
Credit where it's due, Ollie is brave. They weren't even supposed to go into the Fog today, not with a freshman- but things had gotten messy up top, and it had been safer to drop into the complete unknown without supplies rather than stay.
Which kind of sums up the year Max has been having.
That it's only January is irrelevant.
He closes his eyes, tries to carefully build up the charge in the area around him, feeling out for where it stops.
It's much easier to just have a full spark and follow that path, but again- tiny freshman. Max does not want to have to explain to the board why he's brought back a barbecued Bearman.
And Ollie's dorm mates would be sad.
Also, begrudgingly, Max kind of likes Bearman.
He sets off tiny little sparks, soft snaps of electricity, and then he's walking.
The Fog is difficult because it's not real. It causes hallucinations, makes you question what you see, what you hear. It obscures your sight, leads you wandering in circles until you die. Or until one of its natural predators comes to eat you.
Max is not interested in either of those things happening today, so he keeps walking, pulling Bearman behind him as he keeps setting off small snaps, carving out his own path.
He's not trying to get to a specific outlet- there's no way, not with the tiny amount of charge he's generating- just needs to get to one.
Oliver sounds nervous, and Max opens his eyes. There's nothing around them.
"You're hallucinating."
The benefit to traveling in groups through Fog is that it can't show the same thing to two people at once- which is why traveling alone is borderline suicide.
Max isn't going to feel bad for Kyvat- it's his own fault.
He closes his eyes again, feels Bearman jolt softly next to him when he accidentally sets a charge too hard, shocking him.
He's not going to feel bad about that either- he's got empathy in limited amounts.
Otherwise Bearman is good about sticking close, doesn't complain about the numerous static shocks he must be experiencing.
Max can feel a headache building at the base of his skull- he's not used to using this much precision for this long. He's been working on it with Lambiase, but it's still difficult.
His fingertips have a slight tingle- they're not numb or charred the way they get when he's really pushing it, just an uncomfortable pinprick sensation.
One of his sparks flares at the edge of his senses- it's snapping in regular oxygen, not Fog.
He doesn't open his eyes, because they're not out yet, but he must be smirking, because Bearman sighs in relief.
"Please tell me you found it."
Max hums, keeps guiding them.
He can feel it when they hit the cool air- Fog is dry and stale, constantly. He blinks his eyes open, and sure enough- they've just stepped out of a dilapidated doorway, into the middle of nowhere.
"How the fuck-"
Bearman is looking at him, and Max shrugs. He's not going to explain it- he'll sound like a maniac anyways, and he has enough of a reputation as is.
He leans forward and hits the emergency button on Bearman's suit, sending off signals back to the academy and their supervisors.
"Stay here."
Oliver's eyes widen, darting between Max and the doorway.
"You're not actually going to- mate."
Max frowns at him. He's not taking judgment from a freshman- Liam is bad enough, and they have to bunk together.
"Stay. Put."
Bearman swallows and nods, and Max turns back around and steps into the Fog.
Stupid senior.
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twicetolivetwicetodie · 4 months ago
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@melaan will this get lots of supernatural fans to watch WoT
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thedungeonbat · 4 months ago
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finished my term paper📑
I did it!! 4623 words, 13 pages in total and 2 Saturday nights spent actually writing the thing. I’m pretty happy with the results and hope my teachers thinks so too.
Gotta talk about the fails of it though- I forgot all human needs and was starving afterwards…had Burek as a midnight snack :) then I wanted to print out my term paper but guess what: my printer died on page 3/13. mid sentence. great. it keeps trying to start printing but then it crashes and tries again and so on…I’ll try to fix it tomorrow morning, for now I sent my teacher a pdf so I at least have it handed in that way.
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greensapphic · 3 months ago
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colorpuzzled · 9 months ago
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nicomoon69 · 10 months ago
thinking abt a stephcass magical girl 90s-00s vibe shoujo manga with all the tropes. them being childhood best friends, Cass pining for Steph while Steph is completely oblivious bc she's crushing on Tim (she's in her comphet era) and keeps bugging Cass abt which boys she likes (she likes none)
also reverse tuxedo mask situation with Tim where Steph 'crushes' on his civilian identity but hates him as a hero (at least in the beginning)
just endless possibilities for shenanigans and cute shit
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mochiwrites · 4 months ago
stumbles out. finals season kills
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helyeahmangocheese · 7 months ago
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Einherjar!Leo Valdez for the @valhallavalgrace AU & askblog that I've been setting up! aka the au that nobody asked for but the moots have been graciously gobbling up. ps if anyone knows best practices for posting on tumblr without users needing to tap on an image for higher res pls let me know... I am hardly ever posting my stuff let alone posting fanart... pls be kind
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thewhimsyturtle · 7 months ago
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It's my birthday! 🥳 Today marks 11 years since I showed up on Mom’s doorstep in a FedEx box! 🎉1️⃣1️⃣🎊
I loved last year's sparkly party hats so much that Mom saved them for my BFF Brunhilda and me to wear again this year! ✨🎩 Even more exciting: Brunhilda helped Mom find a brand new nom for me to try for my birthday this year! I wonder what it could be? 🎂🤔😋🐢🦕
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impulsivedecisionsat3am · 2 months ago
either i can be an icon and make a final research project on trump x biden yaoi, or i can be really petty and make it about executive dysfunction and it’s negative effect on musicianship and then discuss it during band class so my teacher will overhear me talking about it
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cowboys-only · 2 months ago
Watching Cobra Kai like : “Oh yeah this was written for and by Middle Aged White Men…”
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anonymolly · 3 months ago
#one of my silly little goals this year is to talk more about my accomplishments even though they aren’t super recent#I’m tired of resigning myself to being a burnt out former gifted kid. I studied at Oxford for a term.#I taught a college class. I TA’d for two other college classes. and volunteer TA’d for the department’s hardest course offering#because I was already being used as a TA that semester for a different class and the professor still wanted someone to run review sessions#I had professors fighting over me to do work and research for them! I had departments fighting over me! I did summer research!#I was the first person in my department in nearly a decade to ask to do a senior thesis. for fun.#I ran programs and clubs and I was a writing tutor for the writing center AND the resume lab/career center#I was the only person in my writing professor’s tenure to earn a 100 on my research paper for that stupid fucking class#in high school I was second in my class and did it while writing one-act plays for production and doing district choirs and acting#I’m so so so tired of beating myself up and falling to my knees and doing penance for the past 4 years.#I fumbled some stuff at the start of my 20’s. I’m an adult with ADHD that no one clocked while I was growing up.#I was supposed to go to St Andrews for an MLitt and then the pandemic happened and I had to withdraw.#I just need to get over it and stop agonizing over every misstep I’ve made since college#otherwise I’m never going to make it out of my 20’s alive#so yeah. for those of you who don’t know! I am a silly cumdrunk braindead good girl PART-TIME#the rest of the time I’m clawing my way back to the high standards I set for myself from first grade onward#my stuff#ignore me i’m rambling
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thedungeonbat · 5 months ago
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Started working on my term paper ✦
Topic: The effects of competitive sport on mental health using the example of Robert Enke
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magentagalaxies · 4 months ago
just finished my last ever college class what the fuck
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