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fleshadept · 7 months
looking at (vetted) gofundmes for people trying to escape palestine and i don't know how many of you actually click on the gofundme links you reblog but i would like to point out, for what it's worth, just how amazing it is that so many have raised so much money. it may overall feel like a drop in the ocean but the fact that several gofundmes have raised tens of thousands of dollars is amazing. it is so expensive to leave gaza right now, and people still need money after they escape. but regardless of what propaganda the US, UK, canada, and other western nations are trying to pump out, people across the world are doing what they can to help these people survive. many of them are still very far from their goals (like this one and this one and this one) and some of them are very close to high goals (like this one), and some of them have reached almost double their original goal.
and that's not even addressing direct aid or organizations that take continuous donations for distribution of food, menstrual products, etc. the PCRF has raised $16,000,000 of their target goal of $20,000,000 to fund current aid and long-term relief efforts in gaza. ANERA's febuary 13th update discusses the material ways they helped palestinians today:
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(ANERA donate link)
my point is, it often feels like the world is turning a blind eye to palestine. but i would like to point out that there is an important difference between "the world" and "western political leaders and media narratives". a breathtaking amount of real people, the people who make up the world, are trying to help. in the face of israel attempting to commit genocide, the world is saying No. These people deserve to live. and literally sending millions of dollars internationally, through the internet connection that israel has desperately been trying to destroy.
it may not feel like it matters in the grand scheme of things. but to the people who get fresh clothes, or a hot meal, or blankets, or the kids who get new toys, or to the people who are able to bring their families to safety, it matters to them. go make someone's day better. i've linked so many options with ways to do that.
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hanggarae · 11 months
as of 9am today, 8131 palestinians were killed, 20438 are injured and 1.4 million have been displaced. it’s important for all of us to help palestine in as many ways as we can.
i also cannot stress how much just spreading awareness in general can help. staying silent because of your discomfort is not an excuse to sit by while a genocide takes place. when we learn about these events in history we often think “how was this allowed to happen?” but that’s exactly what’s happening now and it’s our responsibility to not sit by and let an entire country be wiped out. i will continue adding more ways to help to this post and i’d really appreciate it if anyone can spread this as much as possible.
it’s important to get educated on everything going on in palestine right now, here are some sources that could help!
decolonize palestine - made by two palestinians, answers a lot of questions regarding everything right now (including debunking a lot of myths from biased news stations) and provides a lot of historical context.
list of documentaries to watch if you want to gain further knowledge
list of accounts to follow on twitter that can also provide information
linktree with information
you can also donate to organisations! even if you can’t donate tons of money, you can help by spreading these links so others can also try to donate!
red crescent
doctors w/o borders
palestinian social fund
palestinian in pain launch good
this website is free and uses ad revenue for donations, all you need to do is click it once daily!
some more places you can donate to and some more
boycotting will also help!! also some of the kpop idols we stan have brand deals with ones that support 🇮🇱 so please let’s not interact with their posts with those brands
list from BDS of companies to boycott
signing petitions!
write to representatives and demand they retract their support of 🇮🇱
ways to contact local governments about helping palestine
if you’re in the uk here’s a link to contact your local MP
change org ceasefire petition
Text "CEASEFIRE" to 51905 if you live in America. The link provided leads you to a page to sign and call for a ceasefire once the goal is met. They are so close to meeting its goal!!
here's a link that lets you send a letter directly to your state representatives
here are some threads that will also give you ways to help.
thread of things we can do to help palestine
HOW TO HELP PALESTINE!! resources and links to other threads on how to donate and spread awareness of what's happening in palestine currently!!! a thread 🧵
here’s what we know, and links to donate to help aid palestinians, a thread:
Here is a list of list of resources and people you can follow to educate yourself on what’s going on in Palestine RIGHT NOW🇵🇸
Ways US, Canada, and UK residents can reach out to their state representatives and MPs to call for ceasefire in Gaza:
if there are any more sources that you would like me to add pls send me an ask or dm me !!
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lesbosisle · 4 months
Gaza donation/aid scam
Hey lovelies, there have been a lot of scams going around of people pretending to be Gazans seeking aid. So this is a reminder that if a person shows up in your tumblr inbox who you don't know asking for money, don't give it to them. Ask further questions. If things don't line up on their account they are probably a scam.
This person who
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Seemed legit enough right? I have now verified is a scam.
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After asking some very simple questions they dodged all of the questions giving answers which didn't make sense.
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Some of the things that didn't add up:
their account seemed to be four hours old, after turning on timestamps the oldest repost on their account (in fact all of their reposts) were four hours old - this is a massive red flag
said name was Tasneem Doreen Rajaab in the ask, email address is a completely different name, paypal is another different name 'Dorine Nanjala.' All three names are of different ethnic backgrounds making it unlikely this person was using a family member's account.
used very fluent english in their donation post but broken english in the ask and dms
+ more
Some of these things could be explained however when I reached out for clarification they dodged my questions and gave me nonsensical answers. A lot of these scams seem to use diabetes as part of their story so watch out for that.
Some scam busting blogs I'd recommend following are mysillypoker, kyra45, mangocheesecakes, and neechees.
When you receive an ask from a blog like this, reporting them for spam or phishing and reporting the PayPal account for fraudulent activity does help get these accounts taken down.
instead of giving your money to random blogs who might be scammers donate to
any of the families on this verified list from @palestineasdiqa on instagram
USPCR's toolkit
Participation and political resources for US, UK and Canada
Medical Aid for Palestinians
Doctors Without Borders (they provide medical care to many impoverished and war torn countries other than Palestine)
guide to buy & send esims to gaza
I will be tagging any of the people who reposted this scam not to call you out or anything but to spread awareness
@blossommagicghost @vendettafrank @lesbian-rlbmut @dylaadywptd @ohnoitsoak @petitommo @squidarts @nervestatic @py-dreamer @shippin-my-sanses @helllonursee2 @mirajanefairytailmage @leafwateraddict @passinhosdetartaruga
fyi they blocked me
99 notes · View notes
So, why do people care so much about Cornish identity? Cornwall’s just a part of England right? Another county with some distinct foods and a funny accent, and they moan about the tourists- when they should be grateful for the money.
Except it’s not.
Whilst the rest of England was forming with a character influenced by Germanic and Norse cultures, Cornwall was holding itself separate as an independent Celtic kingdom, with strong links with Wales, Ireland and Brittany- as well as trading with the wider Mediterranean. For a long time, this kingdom included parts of Devon, but eventually the Celtic people were forced back past the Tamar, and at some point started referring to the land as Kernow, rather than Dumnonia (probably).
Even after the Norman conquest, in part because Cornwall came under the control of the Duke of Brittany, Cornwall retained elements of its unique culture, and certainly its language. There are existing works of literature written in the Cornish language (also called Kernewek) during the medieval period. Due to the active tin mining industry and the Stannary courts, they even had a separate legal system.
All of this continued until the start of the Tudor period, when Henry VII, desperate for money for his wars with Scotland, suspended the operation of the Cornish Stannaries, and imposed greater taxes. This ultimately led to the Cornish Rebellion of 1497. An army of as many as 15000 rebels marched towards Somerset, and ultimately to London, where the rebels met with Henry VII’s armies. Unfortunately, the Cornish lost the ensuing battle, and the rebel leaders were captured, killed and quartered, with their quarters being displayed in Cornwall and Devon. From 1497 to 1508, Cornwall was punished with monetary penalties, impoverishing the people, and land was given to the king’s (English) allies.
However, this wasn’t the death of Cornish culture or dreams of independence from England. Until 1548, Glasney college was still producing literature in Cornish- when it was destroyed in the dissolution of the monasteries, during the English reformation. The following year, 1549, the Cornish rose again- this time to demand a prayer book in their own language, which was still the first (and often only) language of most people in the region. The rebellion was also about the ordinary people vs the landowners, as shown by their slogan “kill all the gentlemen”.
Unfortunately, this rebellion failed too, and this time, it wasn’t just the leaders who were killed, but up to 5,500 Cornishmen- which would have been a significant proportion of the adult male population at the time. These factors combined are widely thought to have contributed to the decline of the Cornish language- although it was still widely in use centuries later.
Despite the failings of these rebellions, the Cornish retained a distinct language and their own culture, folklore and festivals. Mining, farming and fishing meant that the region itself wasn’t economically impoverished, as it was today. Even towards the end of the 1700s, there were still people who spoke Cornish fluently as a first language (including Dolly Pentreath, who definitely wasn’t the last Cornish speaker).
However, over time, the tin mines became less profitable, and Cornwall’s economy started to suffer. Especially in the latter part of the 19th century, many Cornish began to emigrate, especially to places like Australia, New Zealand (or Aotearoa), Canada and South America. Cornish miners were skilled, and were able to send pay back home, and along with the Welsh, influenced culture and sport in many of these places. Many mining terms also have their roots in Cornish language and dialect.
Throughout the 20th Century, Cornwall went through an economic decline- to the point where, when the UK was an EU member, Cornwall was receiving funding intended for only the most deprived regions in Europe. It was one of very few places in the UK to receive this funding- due to the levels of poverty and lack of infrastructure.
Part of the decline was also linked to the decline of historic fish stocks, such as mackerel. In the 70s and 80s, there was a mackerel boom- and large fishing trawlers came from as far away as Scandinavia (as well as Scotland and the north of England) to fish in Cornish waters. The traditional way of fishing in Cornwall used small boats and line fishing. The local fishermen couldn’t compete, and ultimately stocks were decimated by the trawlers. Many more families had to give up their traditional way of life. One could draw parallels here with worldwide indigenous struggles over fishing rights.
Despite this, Cornish communities retained their traditional folklore and festivals, many of which are still celebrated to this day. And throughout the 20th Century, efforts were made to preserve the Cornish language. Although there may not be any first language Cornish speakers left, it is now believed that community knowledge of the language was never truly lost.
Cornwall has since become a popular tourist destination. This brings its own problems- many people want to stay in self-catering accommodation and, more recently, air bnbs. This, alongside second homes, has gutted many Cornish communities. The gap between house prices and average wages is one of the largest in the country. Land has become extremely expensive, which hurts already struggling farmers. Roads can’t cope with the level of traffic. The one (1) major hospital can’t cope with the population in the summer. All of last winter, most Cornish households faced a “hosepipe ban” due to lack of water- yet in the summer, campsites and hotels can fill their swimming pools and hot tubs for the benefit of tourists.
Does this benefit Cornwall? Only about 13% of Cornwall’s GDP comes from tourism. The jobs associated with tourism are often poorly paid and may only offer employment for part of the year. People who stay in Air BnBs may not spend that much money in the community, and the money they pay for accommodation often goes to landlords who live upcountry and aren’t Cornish. Many major hotels and caravan sites are also owned by companies that aren’t Cornish, taking money out of the local economy.
Match this with a housing crisis where it’s increasingly difficult to rent properties long term, and buying a flat or house in Cornwall is out of reach of someone on the average salary and it’s easy to see why people are having to leave communities where their family lived for generations. This damages the local culture, and means centuries-old traditions can come under threat.
All of this feeds into the current situation; it feels like middle class families from London see Cornwall as their playground, and moan about tractors on the road, or the lack of services when they visit. People talk about theme park Cornwall- a place that’s built for entertainment of outsiders, not functionality for those who live here. More widely, a lot of people around the UK have never heard of the Cornish language, or view it as something that’s “extinct” or not worth preserving.
The Cornish are one of Britain’s indigenous cultures, alongside Welsh, Gaelic, Scots, Manx and others. And it’s a culture that’s increasingly under threat economically and culturally. We’ve been clinging on to our homes for a long time, and even now it still feels like we might be forced from them (indeed some of us are). So yes, Cornish people can seem excessively defensive about our identity and our culture- but there’s good reason for it!
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1mnobodywhoareyou · 1 month
Do you want to support fundraising efforts but feel overwhelmed?
As a white auDHD* person engaged in mutual aid efforts, I have some advice. Take what works for you, leave the rest. These strategies have been effective for me, and while not perfect, they can be beneficial. The important part is to *do* something.
See posts at a time that doesn't work for you? Save them somewhere for later and set a dedicated time each day/week/month to work through your list and move funds around.
Overwhelmed because of the sheer volume of asks? Create a system that works for you - give to the next one you see, prioritize the ones that are the closest or furthest from making their goal, etc. The only bad system is one that doesn't get people funds.
Worried that you're sending too little? It all adds up! 100 people sending $5 is $500. Consider finding a match to double your impact! That said, don't sit too comfy with your contributions, especially if you're financially privileged. If $5 is comfortable for you, bump up to $10 and so on.
Worried about sending too much? Set a budget. Stick to it. I will say, from experience, that this is highly unlikely and most of us have more than we think. You may find you can sacrifice some luxuries to help others in need.
Person you want to support is in a different country/currency/use a pay app/website you can't? The easy answer to this is to find someone else to support. But there are ways to work around this. Use your friends and networks to move money around. Paypal from Canada to the US and forward via Venmo. Use Wise to transfer from the UK to Canada and forward via etransfer. Etc etc etc.
Genuinely cannot afford to part with any funds? Share directly with your networks and include a call to action. It can be overwhelming and counteractive to reblog/forward every fundraiser. Instead, create a system with clear and appropriate boundaries.
Concerned about scams? Examine your suspicions of scams - these often arise from biases. Check resources for validity. When in doubt, help someone else. No need to report suspected scammers - just say no and move on.
*IMPORTANT NOTE* always always always send as friends and family. This lessens fees and taxes for the recipient.
Make fund redistribution a core aspect of your life. Incorporate it into your budget. Send funds at regular intervals based on how your income works. Dedicating 5-10% of your income is a really great place to start.
Feel free to add other tips and advice in the tags. Friendly reminders that shame is not an effective motivator and sustainable action is imperative.
*I specify this because a lot of flavours of neurodivergence deal with black and white thinking and/or perfectionism and it impacts our ability to *do* things. These are also tenets of white supremacy and do require us to actively work against them, even when it's uncomfortable/distressing.
massive massive thank you to @bbreaddog for proofing this for me <3
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serendertothesquad · 10 months
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There is...there is so much to discuss. How do I even start this post, honestly? Current stays winnin' with their long-ass articles but stays bitchin' in the worst way with their shitty-ass paywalls. Fuck paywalls, all my homies hate paywalls.
Anyway, look below the break.
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casting calls ended on october 17th they just finished filming
Look, for 12 episodes, that's a hell of a crunch. Proud of 'em, really.
Also, I think we all know what it's gonna be marketed as in the States. If you don't then I'll give you the money to go to college so you can attend my Odd Squad class. It's only fair.
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So I guess this explains why Netflix wasn't part of the deal. Either that or those articles I read were wildly incorrect on Netflix being a contributing helper.
...I mean okay, granted they could still be handed off to Netflix, just not in the US because...well, it's Fred Rogers Productions. They'll be damned if they plop their IPs into the hands of any streaming service that isn't named Prime Video.
This also means that maybe FRP will have a lesser hand in this than I thought, which isn't really all that surprising if one looks through their social media pages. Odd Squad was barely promoted on Twitter even before that account went near-radio-silent.
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Okay, this is actually kinda interesting. Makes me feel like I should move to the UK just to see what, exactly, appeals to the British there. I mean outside of the comedy, of course.
Also, I know the pandemic affected a load of things about the franchise, but for it to birth an entire-ass new series is just downright insane. Not that insane, because that's how Lockdown was born, but yeah, pretty fucking insane!
Wait, Season 4 has 12 episodes? Like an anime? When Odd Squad already has anime elements?
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Oh I'm gonna be an insufferable bitch when this comes out. Y'all have been warned.
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Hey, hey, does anyone remember when Fred Rogers Productions got in trouble for not meeting grant requirements when it came to Odd Squad? Along with failing in accounting when it came to other IPs?
Pepperidge Farm remembers. I remember. No one else in the fandom remembers, but oh do I remember.
(Odd Squad cost $18 million for Season 1. Sit on that for a minute. Really think about how much that shit would be worth now, especially with inflation as bad as it is. It was a lot back then and it still is for some but it seems like mere pennies now, huh?)
I point this out because the fact that they had to seek out funding from outside sources that were not part of the hellshow of circus freaks that is the US government is absolutely hilarious to me.
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You guys are married to TVO too, but you apparently don't like to talk about that. Shit's for people in all of those states that border Canada. Everyone else can go fuck themselves, not my quote.
That aside, though, I do like how PBS airing British media has finally implored them to do a "what if" scenario with their cartoons. It's been, what...decades? That's like swinging the bat long after everyone's left the stadium. Except for the audience, they're sticking around for some reason.
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Look, Tim McKeon said the same thing about Season 3 and we all know how that turned out. I pray derivativeness is a virtue that will be buried deep into the ground by the time Odd Squad UK rolls around because we really can't afford to pick 12/24 episodes at random across 100+ of them to pry and copy plots from. And believe you me, I will know the difference between a simple harmless continuity nod and sheer derivativeness.
To put it simply: Sinking Ship and I have very different takes on "the same but also different".
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Damn, RIP to Mark. I'm glad he's still working on the show, though for him to step down as showrunner for Odd Squad UK is...well, it's probably the best move looking at what we ended up with.
...I'm probably misinterpreting that. And/or it's journalism being journalism. C'est la vie.
I guess them sending over wardrobes is why Orli and Ozzie aren't decked to the nines in...uh...well, British versions of the Investigation agent uniform. Whatever those look like.
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Again, you could say the same thing about Season 3 and we all know how that shit turned out.
I still have optimism, but there's a real damn pessimist side of me waiting to break free.
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I'm choosing to believe "socioeconomic diversity" was how they picked about half to 3/4 of the writers for Season 3, because a majority of them either have very small resumes, have never worked on anything with a kid demo, or both.
The difference between them and the kids in this spinoff/new season, however, is that one group sucks and the other one likely doesn't.
(Yeah yeah, I'm making a lot of Season 3 jabs. But it's easy to make comparisons to that versus Season 1 and Season 2. Bite me.)
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To maintain continuity with the original series' Canadian cast
Or "we need to have at least one Canadian thing to qualify for all those Canadian tax breaks and subsidies, and also uhhhhhh we're no lawbreakers".
There you go. I fixed it. Thank me later.
Also, they don't mention it, and it probably won't be mentioned until some article pops up in 2024 about it, but rest assured they're talking about Orli here. While I dig her backstory, I'm not so sure if I'm so keen on another audience surrogate after how badly they flubbed Osmerelda within 13 episodes. Granted, this is a different kind of audience surrogate -- Orli's not a "haha relatable funy thing for kids and the 'rents" surrogate, she's an "I'm a Canadian idiot who has never been to this country, please teach me" surrogate -- but still, I'm not so hopeful about them being able to write her well. Worst case scenario, we end up with a character who drinks maple syrup by the bottle, loves hockey, and drops an "eh?" every other sentence.
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Oh I'm sensing a load of "tube" puns are gonna be made this season, lemme tell ya.
Okay okay, but real talk, this is actually kinda neat. Gonna be a little weird to see, but neat. The hell needs the lil' kiddie cars when you got trains to ride?!
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Hey, hey, you guys remember when Odd Squad first premiered and PBS Kids put out a whole ton of new stuff for it? They had games at the ready and everything? They were so hyped for this shit they poured everything they had into it?
Pepperidge Farm remembers. I remember. No one else in the fandom remembers, but oh do I remember.
Needless to say, they don't really do that anymore for new shows. It's all the same cookie-cutter pre-release formula. When they did it for Odd Squad it was special. When they did it for Alma's Way and Elinor Wonders Why...not so much.
...Oh yeah, and the math stuff, the math stuff is cool, I like that. Here's hoping they can put new concepts into play instead of rehashing old ones.
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"just 10-year-olds" the show is aimed at a 2-5 demographic
Now, see, this is where the funny irony comes in. Everyone laugh at the funny irony here. Now everyone cry because this seems more like a fitting comment for if GO! still existed and the show was on it.
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Ahhh, now, see, this is where things get interesting.
Those of you keeping up with PBS Kids news might be aware of the network shifting to more short-form content as a way to nab viewers while also cutting costs significantly, hence why we're getting new podcasts and other short-form content in addition to full-length shows. PBS Kids has been in the short-form game since the late 2000s with the WordGirl shorts but they never truly dipped their toes into the short-form format until Elinor Wonders Why's That's So Interesting shorts and the Odd Squadcast came out. Those were the true floodgate-openers right there, paving the way for a host of old IPs being refreshed in addition to new IPs.
I remember when they dropped eight new shorts of two different series and thinking it was an April Fools joke because they were published on April 1st with absolutely no forewarning. I found out the news from someone else who had put the images up on the Wiki and I laughed my ass off at just how ridiculous it was. And then I found out they were real, and I sobbed.
...No wait, not the Meeting. Scratch that. I forgot it's changed dramatically since the days of yore. Moving on!
Whether this comment means we'll be getting Season 2 of the Odd Squadcast (which, y'know, is unlikely now), Season 3 of OddTube (ah, now that seems more likely), or more shorts outside of the two series we already have (Gadget Testers and Book of Games) is unknown at this point. But if anything, news is gonna break during upfronts like the TCA Press Tour and the PBS Annual Meeting.
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It'll air in a year and they're already milking it for all it's worth. Byootiful. Clearly they have not learned from the last time they did a dramatic franchise shift and it paid off. AHEM MOBILE UNIT AHEM.
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If they wanted to, they could grow some balls and go for broke. Do 28 more to be on par with Season 1.
No but seriously, I love how the fate of Odd Squad UK is so contingent on ratings. Let's not forget how Ready Jet Go and Let's Go Luna got unfairly sniped with no reason given (and then they brought back RJG with a movie like they still cared...lol get rekt) and let's not forget that they could easily do the same with Odd Squad at any time in spite of its ratings. They revived Super Why back from the dead, they revived Clifford back from the dead...they did it with Odd Squad and it's only been a wee bit over a year.
I'm not really opposed to Odd Squad being set in other regions -- it probably does better internationally than it does in the States, but we have no way to know that for sure -- but they're acting very sus with this portion specifically. I've got my eye on them.
All in all, this article has me pretty excited for the new spinoff/Season 4/how the fuck am I supposed to market this. Shame it's supposed to air in late 2024 (though maybe it'll air on CBBC in the spring because of that casting call...holy fuck I just thought of that as I was typing this post, real shit, lemme get my poker chips and bet on this RN) but I'm hyped for it either way and will happily lap up any and all press coverage on it until it airs. 2024's gonna be a big year.
If you guys reading this find any news on it, send it to me through an ask or a submission! We've got one more month before we launch into 2024 and if my theory about CBBC airing it earlier is true then we'll have to really be on the lookout for it as soon as January.
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thessalian · 5 months
Thess vs Refugee Issues
So apparently they're going to be rounding up as many of the refugees in this country as they can find, in kind of blitz attacks, in preparation for sending them to Rwanda. Which ... I mean ... it feels like an exaggeration to say "this feels like some Nazi bullshit" in this day and age, but the scary thing is that it's not an exaggeration.
It's getting more complicated and worse, too, because of the whole thing with Ireland being in the EU and Northern Ireland ... not. Because some have taken the risk of trying to get around how shitty the UK is being about refugees in small boats by going a little further and going to Ireland. Ireland is now saying they're going to punt them over the border into Northern Ireland because "they're not our problem", and the UK is going, "Only on the understanding that they're getting sent right back to France; hey, why don't you send them right back to France, since you're both EU?" and ... it's all too fucking complicated but people are playing this massive game of NIMBY with people who just want to live somewhere that they speak the language and won't be persecuted.
Seeing the accommodations for refugees who are sent to Rwanda ... it worries me. On one hand, it sounds pretty sweet, but ... there are a couple of issues I'm having. One - where are they getting the money for this? From us, one would assume, given that it's the UK's stupid project, so why don't they build something similar here? So I don't entirely trust it. I also don't like what I see between the lines of "They can go wherever they like; we're not keeping them incarcerated or anything!" Yes, it sounsd good, but ... like ... I feel like given Rwanda's history? They seem to be setting the stage for refugees just ... disappearing and for them to be able to say, "Well, we haven't been keeping them prisoner or anything; we're not responsible!"
I think the worst part is that the whole set-up gives one of two options for how to proceed: "We will help you live in Rwanda, or we will help you go back to your home country". Neither of those options sounds very good. Rwanda is away from friends and family, and is a strange country where they're only welcome to a point because some other government gave that country money to be rid of them, might have to learn a new language (though English is one of the languages used in Rwanda, along with French, Swahili, and Kinyarwanda, so I guess it depends on how widely English is used). Alternatively ... why the fuck would they want to go back to their home country? They risked their lives to run from it because staying there was worse!
Meanwhile, more and more refugees are being created - Israel vs Pakistan, Iran vs Israel, gods know how many others (there's only so much news I can stomach, I admit) - and nobody seems to care beyond yelling "NOT IN MY BACK YARD!" every time these people who lost everything but their lives need a place to stay.
And this country? They're now talking about cutting down on the number of international students allowed to come here. They just ... really, really hate foreigners right now. And I know they probably don't mean me - not even so much because I'm white, because the Polish population of the UK got so much horrific shit thrown at them in the time around the Brexit referendum, but because I'm North American. People still ask "What part of the States are you from?" because I think they forgot Canada exists. Despite being part of their Commonwealth, which ... kind of grinds my gears, but anyway. Point is that none of that "They probably don't mean me" helps. First, I'm angry as hell that they mean anyone when they're talking about cruelty to people who were not born in this country. But also? When it's everyone who wasn't born here - the families of healthcare workers, university students, anyone who doesn't make enough money? It's hard to avoid the idea that they do mean me. Especially since I'm not cis, I'm not het, and I am not healthy and fully abled.
I try pretty hard to look on the bright side of things, or at least focus on the small joys of my life. The latter works better than the former. The "bright side of things" is getting smaller and smaller every day, and ... yeah.
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allylikethecat · 3 months
I'm always rooting for Matty and George in every fic but honestly I hope Matty doesn't just take George back because George is making this grand gesture by flying to see him. Like their relationship hasn't been that healthy at all really and idk if they're actually good for each other right now? From Matty's perspective this must all be so confusing, George has been all over the place with icing him out at first, then being all over him, then throwing it all away and now he's just going to turn up unexpectedly? And there's all the emotions of losing George and now the prospect of losing Sally (writing that ad had to have been one of the hardest things he's done ph my GOD) I just want to hug him. I'm so excited to see where you take this story, I know whatever ending you go with will be amazing💙
AHHH Thank you so much for reading ATKH and taking the time to send me this ask! I'm so grateful that you're reading and for the continued support. You might be on to something here 👀
Fictional!George is very much into the IDEA of Fictional!Matty rather than fictional!Matty as a person and he's been getting jerked around emotionally as a result. Because Fictional!George was pretty awful to him to start, he was extremely cold and unwelcoming when Fictional!Matty was just looking for a friend (and lets not forget, he gave him bad information about a horse so that he would get bucked off which lead to him getting a concussion ... was it KARMA that that same horse was the one to break Fictional!George's shoulder?)
Then he was obsessed with Fictional!Matty and love bombed the shit out of him and didn't give him a moment to himself or take what he wanted into consideration and THEN instantly turned on him and accused him of stealing drugs.
Poor Fictional!Matty needs a hug, though not from Fictional!George and we will see how he reacts to Fictional!George showing up unexpectedly in CANADA after WEEKS of radio silence at a HORSE SHOW which Fictional!Matty had already expressed was going to be extremely nerve wrecking and stressful for him considering his history with showing- not to mention it's brutal physically (when I had Pop and Red I only brought both of them to one show once I was so tired after trying to show two horses - idk how the pros show MULTIPLE every day often times multiple in the same class! I am strictly a one horse per show girlie) and he was already having issues with his back again before he left...
You're 100% spot on though writing and posting that sale ad was one of the hardest things Fictional!Matty has ever done (it's up there with cutting ties with his mother and checking himself into rehab) and he is absolutely wrecked that he has to sell her, but doesn't have any other options. Despite being paid extra to be traveling this summer after the hauling fees / show fees for bringing Sally with him in the first place he has like four dollars in his bank account. He's borrowing money from his Dad for the plane ticket TO the UK, and he finished his blue raspberry vape ages ago but can't bring himself to throw it away. He is struggling.
Thank you SO MUCH for sending me this ask and for reading and the continued support and just being so all around lovely! I hope you continue to enjoy this fic and that you are having the best Sunday and a wonderful rest of your week!
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lowpolycule · 2 years
wish i had the braincells and energy to make a post about the situation of trans rights in finland but i Dont.... people only ever talk about trans rights in usa or canada or uk etc and i know complaining without spreading information doesnt help but its so tiring going online seeing so many posts about there not being proper trans rights in english speaking or otherwise better known countries while its. usually much worse here but its not noted because finland is so Progressive and Modern and Has A Female Prime Minister and also because they actively spread propaganda about trans people having rights here. like yes we do on paper but in real life? none at all literally only this year they removed sterilization from the requirements of changing your juridical gender. very very few people get hrt the official and legal way because they only hire transphobes (one well known employee is a woman who has internationally spoken against trans rights & spread misinformation & is very strongly christian so go figure). like this is just rambling but it gets so so so so tiring but i just dont have the energy to even post bout it because of how angry it makes me. anyway send me money to fund my sooo evil and illegal transition because the government wont give us rights to healthcare in at least ten years
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scotianostra · 2 years
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On September 25th 1956 the first telephone cable connecting the UK and North America “went live”.
Before 1956 a phone call to Canada, or the United States, would require booking several hours in advance as the various radio links required were established – assuming atmospheric conditions allowed the connection to work at all. But on 25th September, 1956, the first voice call crossed the pond from Newfoundland in Canada to Oban.
The cable carried 35 simultaneous calls, and 22 telegraph lines (squeezed into a 36th voice line), bringing down the cost of calling America to a pound a minute (bought in three-minute chunks) which would equate to over £30 in todays money.
TAT-1, as the cable was known, didn't just carry public phone calls, it was also used to send the Queen's Christmas message to the Commonwealth, live, and was a vital segment of the Moscow-Washington hotline, which is why the 100 or so Post Office workers had to sign the Official Secrets act.
The cables were laid over the summers of 1955 and 1956, with the majority of the work done by the cable ship HMTS Monarch. At the land-end in Gallanach Bay near Oban, Scotland, the cable was connected to coaxial (and then 24-circuit carrier lines) carrying the transatlantic circuits via Glasgow and Inverness to the International Exchange at Faraday Building in London.
On this day in 1956, TAT-1 carried 588 London-US calls and 119 London-Canada calls in the first 24 hours of public service. 
Arguably the most important instance the cable was used was when the world was on the verge of Nuclear war during the Cuban Missile crisis.
TAT-1 carried the Moscow-Washington hotline between the American and Soviet heads of state, although using a teleprinter rather than voice calls as written communications were regarded as less likely to be misinterpreted. The link became operational on 13th July 1963  it took the US, for example, nearly 12 hours to receive and decode the initial settlement message that contained approx. 3,000 words. By the time the message was decoded and interpreted, and an answer had been prepared, another – more aggressive – message had been received.
After the success of TAT-1, a number of other TAT cables were laid and TAT-1 was retired in 1978.
Pics are the cable coming ashore in Scotland and a stripped back piece of cable. 
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pumpumdemsugah · 2 years
I never knew Americans didn’t have money transfer either. I’m in Canada and we have interac e transfer from bank to bank and you get your money in seconds. Now I get the whole cash app/venmo thing Americans peddle they have no other option! Like we don’t have it here but we also don’t really need it.
When I discovered this because of a previous job I was blown away
I really just thought they were being quirky about using Venmo to send shit to each other lol it didn't occur to me
Even US versions of banks have less features. The US version of Barclays Bank app compared to the UK...I hope they updated
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dicentstuff · 2 years
hi, not sure if this is the best place to ask, but I was wondering about the status of an order I made about a month ago. I bought some dice from your moving sale, and I was told through ko-fi that it had been sent, but they didn’t include any tracking information and the dice still have not arrived. I just wanted to ask if you had any information about it.
Hi! Alright I will answer it here for future reference. I always include a tracking number on customer PayPal order! You should receive email with this information from PayPal. Depending on where customer lives the package can take from 2 weeks (Europe takes 1 week, US around two) to maybe a month (for example Australia or Canada always takes the longest time because of the flights and customs, sometimes even 2 months if there are changes in post office organizations). Right now packages to UK also take longer to arrive due to strikes.
I can check your tracking status if you would like :) send me your name on priv so I will see what I can do. if it's lost i will fill out a complaint and return the money to you
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strangemusictriumph · 2 years
IoT Insurance Market - Forecast (2022 - 2027)
The Global market for Iot Insurance is forecast to reach $3,123.3 million by 2026, growing at a CAGR of 18.7% from 2021 to 2026. IoT-Connected insurance uses the data from internet-connected devices and telematics to improve the understanding of risks. It is a new approach that is based on use of sensors and digital technologies to monitor the state of an insured risk transforming rough data in usable and actionable information. Advances in IoT insurance can improve the productivity, overall profitability of the business and the risk profile of the portfolio. Through IoT, insurers can better connect with customers adding important touch points in particularly sensitive phases like acquisitions and claims. It is observed that automation can cut the cost of the claims process by as much as 30% and IoT connected devices have helped some life insurance and health insurance companies lower their premiums by as much as 25%.
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Report Coverage
The report: “Iot Insurance Market– Forecast (2021-2026)”, by IndustryARC covers an in-depth analysis of the following segments of the Iot Insurance market. By Type – Health Insurance, Life Insurance, Property and Casualty Insurance and Others. By Application – Life and Health Insurance, Home and Commercial Buildings, Automotive and Transportation, Business and Enterprise, Consumer Electronics and Industrial Machines, Travel, Agriculture and Others. By Geography - North America (U.S, Canada, Mexico), South America(Brazil, Argentina and others), Europe (Germany, UK, France, Italy, Spain, Russia and Others), APAC(China, Japan India, SK, Aus and Others), and RoW (Middle East and Africa)
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Key Takeaways
Advances in IoT insurance can improve the productivity, overall profitability of the business and the risk profile of the portfolio.
IoT technology presents opportunities for insurers to reduce and mitigate losses, improve underwriting and enhance personalization of products and services.
Automation in insurance can cut the cost of claims process by as much as 30%
North-America is expected to hold a significant share in the IoT Insurance market due to growing awareness and faster adoption of IoT technology.
IoT Insurance Market Segment Analysis - By Type
The most important type of insurances are life insurance and health insurance which accounted for 44% share combined in 2020. Life insurance is something that pays out a sum of money either on the death of the insured person or after a set period. On the other hand health insurance covers the cost of hospitalization, visits to the doctor’s office and prescription medicines. The rising usage of digital technologies in this sector will drive market growth.
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IoT Insurance Market Segment Analysis - By Application
IoT insurance is applicable to almost all industries like automobile, manufacturing, agriculture, healthcare, hospitality, retail, finance, transportation and smart homes and buildings. Automotive industry is one of the industries most benefited after introduction of IoT. IoT devices such as in-car sensors, smartphones, and smart appliances can send insurers data on product usage and driving habits among other behaviours. In turn, this data will be fed into AI algorithms that allow insurers to offer risk based pricing and other popular services.
IoT Insurance Market Segment Analysis – By Geography
North America held the largest market share at 35% in 2020 among regional markets due to increasing awareness and rapid implementation of IoT in various industries in countries in this region. In addition, rising use of smart devices which deliver real-time insights to allow insurance companies in this region develop advanced insurance solutions. And also presence of international players in this region such as Google LLC, Microsoft Corporation, IBM and other drives the market in this region.
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Iot Insurance Market Drivers
Mitigation of risk
In traditional method, insurers have used proxy data to identify the risk of loss for an asset. Internet of things (IoT) gives insurers access to real-time, individual, observable data on an asset’s risk of loss. This data is directly actionable for risk pricing and mitigation. IoT sensors monitor the behavior and actions which are causative of risk so that insurers can create algorithms based on observed behavior directly to pricing models. In this way insurers can similarly leverage this data for risk mitigation by providing timely and specific feedback to customers.
Rising demand for cloud services
The insurance industries dealing with huge volumes of sensitive data and documents are ready to integrate cloud technology in to their digital eco system. It enables insurers to use their IT resources more efficiently, reducing the cost of acquiring and maintaining infrastructure. Cloud based applications change the way of creating and delivering their products and services, managing risks and claims, collaborating with channel members and partners and communicating with customers, agents and brokers. Thus, cloud services in the insurance industry helps drive the market growth.
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Iot Insurance Market Challenges
Data privacy and security
Data privacy and security is utmost important when it comes to technology. IoT comes along with cyber-risks, in fact, much more than any other technology. Meaningful customer engagement would require the insurer to collect and process data at each point, facilitated by IoT. Without establishing the trust it would be difficult to obtain personal data from customers. A significant amount of data is generated from the application of connected devices from wearable devices to connected homes and telematics devices in smart vehicles. Most of the customers are skeptical about their personal data remains secured and how it is utilized by insurers.
Iot Insurance Market Landscape
Product launches, acquisitions, and R&D activities are key strategies adopted by players in the Iot Insurance market. The Iot Insurance market is dominated by major companies such IBM Corporation, SAP SE, Oracle Corporation, Google Inc., Microsoft Corporation, Cisco Systems Inc., Accenture PLC, Verisk Analytics Inc., Concirrus, LexisNexis.
Acquisitions/Technology Launches/Partnerships
In Oct 2020, LexisNexis and Yonomi Smart Home have joined forces to develop an innovative turnkey home insurance internet of things (IoT) solution. It includes a smartphone app that participating policy holders can download the app which uses smartphone and device sensors to find common IoT devices in the home, which creates a data feed to LexisNexis risk sloutions.
In May 2019, Concirrus and willis Re, has entered in to strategic partnership to transform speciality re-insurance products by leveraging data from internet of things (IoT).
For more Electronics related reports, please click here
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mv1543473 · 2 years
Cash App is a mobile payment service developed by Square, Inc. that allows users to transfer money to one another using a mobile phone app. The service is available in the United States and the United Kingdom. Cash App accounts can be used to send or receive payments from other people, or to make online purchases.
Buy Verified Cash App Accounts. You can also use Cash App to buy Bitcoin. If you’re looking for a convenient way to send and receive money, then you should consider getting a Cash App account. With Cash App, there’s no need to carry around cash or write checks – all you need is your phone and the app.
Plus, you can use Cash App to buy Bitcoin, which is a digital currency that has been gaining popularity in recent years.
If you’re looking for a way to send and receive money quickly and easily, then you should definitely consider using Cash App. Cash App is a popular mobile payment service that allows users to send and receive money with just a few taps on their smartphone. Best of all, it’s completely free to use!
One thing to keep in mind, however, is that Cash App accounts are not necessarily verified. This means that if you’re sending or receiving a large amount of money, there’s always a risk that the other party could be scammers. For this reason, we recommend only dealing with verified Cash App accounts.
Buy Verified Cash App Accounts
There are several ways to verify a Cash App account. The easiest way is to simply ask the person you’re dealing with for their verification code. Once you have this code, you can enter it into the app and see if their account is verified.
If it is, then you can rest assured knowing that the person you’re dealing with is legitimate. Another way to verify someone’s Cash App account is by checking their profile picture. If they don’t have one, or if it looks like it might be fake, then there’s a good chance that they’re not legitimate. Buy Verified Cash App Accounts
Finally, you can also check reviews of the person you’re dealing with before deciding whether or not to do business with them. If you take these precautions when using Cash App, then you’ll be sure to stay safe and avoid any scams. So go ahead and start using Cash App today – it’s a great way to send and receive money!
How Do I Get a Verified Cash App Account? To get a verified Cash App account, you will need to provide your full name, date of birth, and the last 4 digits of your Social Security number. You may also be asked to provide additional information, such as a photo ID or bank statement. Once you have provided this information, Cash App will verify your identity and create a verified account for you.
Can You Have 2 Buy Verified Cash App Accounts? Yes, you can have multiple Cash App accounts that are each verified. To do this, you will need to use a different email address and phone number for each account. You can add these accounts by going to the ‘Add Account’ section in the app.
Do People Sell Cash App Accounts? There has been an influx of people selling their Cash App accounts online. While this may be tempting, it is important to know that there are some risks associated with doing this. For one, your account could be suspended or even banned if you are caught selling it.
Additionally, the person who buy your account could use it for fraudulent activity, which would reflect negatively on you. Finally, if you sell your account, you will no longer have access to any funds that are in it. Overall, we recommend against selling your Cash App account. Buy Verified Cash App Accounts
Is It Hard to Get Verified on Cash App? Cash App is a popular peer-to-peer money transfer service that allows users to send and receive money without the need for a bank account or credit card. The service is available in the US, UK, Canada, and Australia. To get started with Cash App, you’ll need to create an account and link it to your bank account or debit card. Buy Verified Cash App Accounts
Once your account is set up, you can start sending and receiving money. If you’re looking to add an extra layer of security to your Cash App account, you may be wondering if there’s a way to get verified on Cash App. While Cash App doesn’t currently offer verification services, there are some steps you can take to help protect your account.
For starters, make sure you’re using a strong password for your Cash App account and enable two-factor authentication (2FA). 2FA adds an extra layer of security by requiring you to enter a code from your mobile device when logging into your Cash App account. This means that even if someone knows your password, they won’t be able to access your account unless they also have access to your phone. Buy Verified Cash App Accounts
You can also add a PIN code to your Cash Card (the physical card associated with your Cash App account) which will require anyone who wants to use it to enter the PIN before being able to complete a transaction. This adds another level of security in cas
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