#send me drabble prompts or head cannons!
fuckyeahdindjarin · 1 year
First of all congrats once again on the milesone bby!!! for the sleepover can I as a micro drabble for jack and pirate AU ?? honestly at first I was going to ask for frankie but jack just felt like a better fit fbfgb love u <333
Sil my love! I had the time of my life sailing the seas with Pirate!Jack. Inevitably, this Captain Jack is partly inspired by the OG Captain Jack Sparrow and POTC. I loved POTC fanfic back in the day, so thank you so much for sending this prompt!
Jack Daniels x pirate AU
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Fuck Yeah 2222 Sleepover micro drabble request | 889 words | warnings: non-graphic mentions of violence, angst, childhood sweethearts, mention of arranged marriage, historical romance
The last time you saw him was seven years ago, when you hurled words dipped in hurt and  teenage venom at him as he held you, his beat-up leather bag at his feet by the water.
‘I need to go and earn my fortune, or your father will never let you marry me. Can’t you understand that?’ he pleaded with you.
‘We can run away!’ you insisted, your cheeks streaked with ugly tears.
He shook his head, kissing you on your forehead. ‘I want you to have a life you deserve, and I can’t give it to you if I don’t do this.’ 
Taking off the only thing he has of value - his mother’s gold ring set on a chain - he slipped it over your head and kissed you one last time.
‘I’ll come back for you. Wait for me, darlin’.’
You stand on that very same dock now. You’ve grown up. You’re taller, sadder, and you wear your melancholy like a shroud. You’re set to sail across the seas to England, a country you’ve never set foot on; and to marry your betrothed, a man you’ve never met.
You’re numb, resigned to your fate. Jack is dead. Or he’s found someone else, married and happy in a distant, exotic land. It doesn’t make a difference either way.
His mother’s ring, the only thing you have left of him, hangs between your breasts, digging into your skin under your corset, the same place it’s been all these years.
Your chambermaid asks gently, ‘Are you ready, my lady?’
You nod.
And you walk the plank.
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The sound of cannon fire jolts you violently out of your sleep, and you bolt up from your uncomfortable little cot. It sounds like hell unleashed up on deck above, the sound of boots and violence right on top of your head.
Your chambermaid bursts into your room with one of your coats in her hands.
‘What’s happening?’ you ask frantically.
‘Pirates!’ she screams.
She throws the coat over your shoulders, and you hastily pull on a pair of boots. Once you’re decent, a lieutenant appears to escort you both to safety.
It’s bedlam above. The bitter tinge of gunpowder stings your eyes and nose, the smell of blood turns your stomach, and then the screams and the clang of swords - the lieutenant presses a hand to the back of your head so you’re looking at your feet as you sprint across deck, or you surely would have fainted.
Your entourage makes it to the back of the ship, where one of the rowing boats is ready to be lowered into the water - when you hear a gun being cocked at the back of your head.
‘Not so fast, darlin’.’
You’d know that voice anywhere.
Your chambermaid shrieks in fright when the lieutenant falls onto the floor from a blunt crack of the butt of a pistol against his head.
Slowly, you turn around.
His eyes are the same. The same brown, but now, there are lines around them and creases at the corners. He’s obviously seen a lot of sun, freckles and marks pepper his face, and curls peek from underneath the wide-brimmed hat he wears. Behind him, you see the looming figure of a ship flying the unmistakable black flag of a skull with two swords underneath it.
Jack grins at you. ‘Hello, darlin’.’
You walk straight up to him and slap him across the face, with everything you got. From the corner of your eye, you see the other bedraggled pirates gasp at your bold action as his head whips to one side at the force.
But he only grins wider and pulls you into him by your wrists. He smells of the sea, musky, with the distinct whiff of ocean salt.
‘Where the hell have you been?’ you spit at him, your traitorous eyes brimming with tears.
He clucks teasingly. ‘What a tongue you’ve got on you now, darlin’.’
You shove at him with your whole body, but he barely budges. ‘Fuck you, Jack. I waited for you, and you never came back for me.’
He cocks his head to one side. ‘I did come back for you, darlin’, I was at our hometown but three days ago - only to be told that you were on your merry way to marry some landed gentry across the sea. And that simply won’t do - I’m a pirate darlin’, and I don’t share what’s mine.’
You scoff. ‘I’m not yours, Jack. You lost me when you left me seven years ago.’
‘It’s Captain Jack to you, thank you very much,’ he retorts playfully, unfazed by your ire. You gasp when he unceremoniously rips open the lapels of your coat, and one rough fingertip trails down your bare neck, curling around the delicate gold chain that you never take off.
His eyes soften at the sight of his mother’s ring. ‘You lie so well, you’ll make an excellent pirate yourself, darlin’.’
Grabbing him by the scruff of his collar, you kiss him hard, his big hands gripping your waist, crushing you into his embrace. Brushing his nose against yours, he pulls back. 
‘I should’ve asked you all those years ago,’ he says, regret colouring his words. ‘Will you marry me?’
You palm his cheek, grinning through tears. ‘Yes, my captain, a thousand times yes.’
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19871997 · 23 days
Culd you do a drabble of connor/leon in the ocean's 11 au?
"Tell me this isn't about him"
send me a drabble prompt to kickstart me into eventually finishing a hrpf wip!
“He’s like a machine,” Holloway says, as they watch Eichel greet high rollers on the casino floor, “comes in at eight every day, does everything the same as he did yesterday, and the day before, and the day before that.” 
“I’ve heard,” Leon tells Dylan, because anyone who had ten dollars worth of business in Vegas knew of Eichel and Eichel’s idiosyncrasies.
Dylan chews his lip for a second - Leon had sworn he’d spoken to Connor about that, and Connor had said something about weeding the tells out the group - before he rakes together the courage to say, “I’ve heard, also, that he’s fucking ruthless, he won’t go after just you, but your sister and your mom and your wife. Everyone you’ve ever met will be worse off just for knowing you.”
He sounds–
Because he and Connor might need to start weeding out something more than just the tells of the group. If Holloway, Holloway who walks and talks like he’s just been shot out of a cannon, who walks and talks like failure isn’t an option, like that just isn’t something that can happen to them, starts building up Eichel the boogeyman, then their slim chances become fucking anorexic.
They watch Eichel charm his way into a smile from a woman draped in Van Cleef and adorned in Cartier, and a handshake from her partner. Holloway turns to him. “Are you and Connor fucking suicidal?”
Leon just grins at him. 
“Now what?”
“Now,” Holloway watches one of the private marked doors. 
“Not you.” Leon tracks the guy who’d come out the door - well dressed, head ducked typing rapidfie on his phone, and slipping around the tables directly to Eichel.
He stands near him, closer than Leon is with Holloway now, lets Eichel rest a hand on the small of his back, lets him drag his eyes from his styled hair down to his Louboutins, and murmurs something to him. Eichel grins, slides his hand around to squeeze his waist, lets go, and turns back to the patrons.
“Tell me this isn’t about him.”
He's in the elevator with Connor.
Connor flushes a dull red, fiddles with his hands. He does a better job of pretending he isn’t a rather unbecoming shade of burgundy, than he would before, and shoves his hands into his pockets faster.  Leon wants to laugh, “You’re a shitty fucking liar,” he reminds him.
“It’s not,” Connor tries to convince him, mullish.
“He went to Eichel, because you weren’t there, and now you want to, what? Tear down his town?”
“He went to Eichel because he stopped–”
The door dings open onto Connor’s floor. He flushes darker.
“Are you following me?”
“He doesn't love you anymore?”
Connor shoves the keycard in the wrong way at first. A young couple stumbles out a door down the hall, giggling. Connor manages to get his door open on the third try and Leon crowds into him, getting intimately familiar with his pale blue shirt, entering the suite, lest he shuts him out. 
“He doesn’t love you?”
“He didn’t divorce me for the fucking– the fun of it, did he?” Connor snaps. He goes to toe off his shoes, thinks better of it, and undoes his laces standing up. “He left before the Met job.” He sheds his tie, takes off his belt and pulls his shirt out his trousers. Leon’s still standing in his suit and his shoes and just watching him litter his room.
“He divorced you in prison.” For going to prison. Love between Connor and Dylan had never been in question. Such a non-issue, so assumed - the sun will set in the west tonight and rise in the east tomorrow morning and Connor and Dylan love each other - that Nuge had once, humiliatingly, when they were younger and ready to eat the world whole in a single bite, taken him aside to tell him that he didn’t have a chance of a chance. 
(“Connor’s a good friend,” Nuge tells him in his kitchen, handing him beer after beer. Leon feels a little like this is a test. Connor is a good friend. Good at what he does. Makes his heart soar when he pulls a grin out of him. Leon agrees with Nuge, mostly because anything else would result in a big, bold F on his report card, follows him out the kitchen and hands Connor and Dylan a beer each. Doesn’t watch them make eyes at each other and the easy way they touch each other, and disappear intermittently to the bathroom all throughout the evening.)
“He asked me to choose.”
“You don’t love him?”
Connor shrugs. He blew the Met job for them. Leon was lucky to leave the state mostly unscathed. Nuge had to disappear to Canada for a few months. Tyson’s still there - though Leon thinks he just likes it there nowadays. 
“What the fuck? Connor?”
Leon’s trying really fucking hard.
“You blew the Met job for fucking what?”
Connor flushes bright red, his eyes harden, and there’s a part of Leon that relaxes for the first time since seeing Connor. There's another part that notches arrows and digs trenches and loads canons. 
“It was three fucking years ago, get over it.” 
Connor would’ve blown shoplifting in Sephora, Leon realises now. “Your husband asked you to choose between him and this and you chose prison.”
“He already knew he was going to leave.”
Nuge was right, all those years ago. It doesn’t stop him from protesting, years too late: “I was still there.”
Connor’s in front of him. Smaller than he’s ever seen him. Leon’s still in his shoes, a scant inch taller than he is barefoot, two-some inches taller than Connor.
“You didn’t write. Or call.” Connor accuses him, quiet, unable to keep the frown off his face. He wears his beard longer now. Leon thinks he can see some greys, but it could be the lighting.
“You went to prison.” And you didn’t have to. You went to prison, rather than eat the world whole with me.
Connor’s mouth is on his, and his ex is within a ten-mile radius, and they’ve bitten off more than they can chew, and in a month they might not have kneecaps - depending on how this all goes. It's a bad fucking idea. Leon’s lived most of his life with his mouth too full. Anything he’s ever done with Connor is drenched in impossibility, chance, luck, and blind faith.
Leon kisses back.
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kivaember · 10 months
ac6 drabble: abort
last one before i go to bed (i was planning on doing more but work wiped me out today sorry...) but i have to do @steelhazeortus a solid and give them the iguazu/volta that they clearly crave (their prompt being "adding to my last unhinged reply: Volta lives but make it gay (I’m obsessed. Sorry)").
here ya go buddy
Iguazu had his hand on the eject lever the moment the first round from that Juggernaut bitch had slammed into the ground less than a 100m away from him, the blastwave powerful enough it made even HEAD BRINGER's frame shudder with the force of it.
He'd looked out across the battlefield, across the hundreds and hundreds of metres of kill zones that lay between him and the Wall. MTs with rocket launchers, at least twenty long-range cannons twitchy enough to shoot a fly out of the sky, the fucking JUGGERNAUT raining hellfire on any poor fuck who was stupid enough to amble into its crosshairs, and the GODDAMN GATLING GUNS SCREAMING ROUNDS DOWN RANGE LIKE IT WAS GOING OUT OF STYLE-
you've gotta be shitting me, he had thought, in a light-headed, near hysterical sort of way, you have to be absolutely shitting me.
The supporting squad of suicidally loyal MTs were already getting shredded into scrap metal, yelling at making Michigan proud even as they died to bullet fire. Volta, the fucking IDIOT, was gunning full steam ahead, clearly trying to build the momentum for an assault boost over the defensive trench - Iguazu could make the tactical leaps to understand what he was aiming for: get behind the gatling guns, past the smaller rocket launchers, use the solid tower blocks as cover-
Iguazu was a survivor through and through. He took one look at that battlefield, realised the futility of it all in a split second, and thought fuck this shit i'm out.
His hand was on the eject lever. He even pulled on it a little, until it felt resistance. One more tug, and he'd be launched out of HEAD BRINGER and be walking back to the emergency rendevouz point. He'd rather take Michigan bawling into his face for being a cowardly little runt than heroically becoming an ashy smear on the floor to gain the Redguns absolutely jackshit.
His hand was on the eject lever.
Later, Iguazu wouldn't really be able to explain why he didn't pull it the second he touched down. It defied common sense and his own selfish nature. But his gaze had been fixed on Volta stupidly charging ahead, as he always did, obnoxiously confident in his AC's manouverability and thick-plated armour to see him through anything. Iguazu had watched him charging forwards, acknowledged his tactical decision, and just thought the moron's gonna die.
That's fine. Volta was free to go to his grave feeling like he'd accomplished something when in fact it was just a pointless death for a bunch of old windbags who didn't give one flying fuck about the Redguns entirely, so long as they achieved their bottom line. Iguazu wasn't going to go the same way, though. He was getting out of Rubicon, one way or another. He wasn't dying here.
His hand...
He let go of the eject lever.
"I must be outta my mind...!" Iguazu hissed under his breath, sending HEAD BRINGER forwards into a charge after Volta, the whistle-whine of overhead tank rounds and missiles making his pulse rate hit the fucking goddamn stratosphere.
YOU'RE GOING TO DIE! his survival instinct screamed at him, WHAT ARE YOU DOING YOU STUPID FUCKING IDIOT?!?!
He ignored it. He just followed Volta - followed him over the trench, narrowly avoiding getting blown out of the sky when the Juggernaut adjusted its aiming slightly to try and pre-empty his leap. He landed heavily, whispering "shit shit shit" under his breath like he was praying to Jesus Christ himself to reach down and pluck him from this situation that was entirely of his own making. He didn't, of course. No god gave a shit about Iguazu.
But it turned out he gave some shit about Volta, because the moron didn't use the apartment blocks as cover - he veered to the left, to try and use the open ground to try and do a suicidal charge. Iguazu finally remembered the button for his comms.
"VOLTA! FUCKING IDIOT- GET BEHIND THIS BUILDING!" he roared at him, even as he shot down some enterprising MT trying to lob a missile at him from atop of said building. "VOLTA!"
"I'M COMING! God, fucking hell, Iguazu, blow out my eardrums why don't you!"
Volta came trundling back behind the building, though, smoke and debris peppering his figurative heels, until they were both huddled behind an apartment block, every Rubiconian dipshit throwing everything they had at the fucking building and making him feel like he was standing in one of those shitty, old war films where a bunch of stupid idiots were sittingin a trench grim-faced and preparing themselves to charge into no man's land.
Like hell. Iguazu was going the opposite way, to- to man's land. Whatever. AWAY FROM THE EXPLOSIONS AND MISSILES.
"This mission's a fucking mess, Volta," Iguazu said. "Let's just get outta here."
"You mean ditch the mission?"
Volta didn't say anything for a long moment.
"Why'd you follow me, then?" he finally asked, sounding genuinely flummoxed.
Iguazu didn't have an answer for him.
"I'm fucking going, and you're coming with me," Iguazu said instead, refusing to let his insane dive into missile hell be for nothing. "C'mon, we're jumping the trench."
For one moment, Iguazu thought Volta was going to say no, and honestly, Iguazu didn't have a plan for that scenario, but fortunately Volta angled his bulky tank body back towards blessed freedom and muttered: "Fine, but I'm blaming you when Michigan asks why we ran away."
"Sure, whatever fine, he was gonna yell at me anyway."
They heroically got the fuck out of there, with the only sign of their toe dipping into hell being chipped paint, a few scratches, and Iguazu deeply confused about his own incomprehensible actions.
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chaestats · 1 year
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ABOUT ME (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ)
Hey! I'm Kia ;) I'm 18yrs old and will be writing fics, reactions, mtls, hcs etc.
(Not new to writing just new to Tumblr)
You can scroll down to see my rules!
RULES (⁠つ⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)⁠つ
Groups I write for:
More will be added soon!
I will write gxg, bxb, bxg as well as neutral reader!
I do all kinds of content: head cannons, mtl, reactions, drabbles, series, insecurity drabbles!
I also do write yandere n omegaverse, as well as g!p so feel free to request those!
There is pretty much no genre I don't do, as requests can vary from angst, to smut, to fluff!
You can also request multiple members at once even if they are from different groups!
Any weird kinks like scat, piss kink, age regression etc.
I don't write dom!reader or any ships inside the groups!
I don't feel exactly comfortable writing for extremely sensitive topics like sh, sa, ed etc. I do try though, just please be patient as I'm not exactly good with it!
MTL- this basically means most to least, or you send me an ask like "mtl in skz to like bondage" and I will reply with a list of who would be most down to do it to the least!
Headcannons- hcs include how would a particular idol act/be in different situations, for example if you request "alpha!Nayeon hcs" I would write an overview of how she would be and act!
Reactions- that's pretty self explanatory, it's just how would a certain group react to a scenario, for example "how would mafia!ateez react to their s/o being in danger" and I will write a separate scenario with each member!
Drabbles- drabbles are like fics, you give me an idea or a prompt along with a member/members and I write! It can be anything written in my DO'S! For example, "can you write yandere!ryujin finding out her s/o tried to escape" and I will write a drabble based on that!
Insecurity drabbles- an insecurity drabble includes an insecurity of yours and an idol/idols of choice. If your ask is like this "insecurity drabble, having stretch marks with Taeyong" I will write an already established relationship drabble where that idol helps w ur insecurity! It doesn't matter what it is!
Requests are made through DM's, or ask box and will be made into he span of two weeks max unless my inbox is flooded!
In your request you should mention the idols, the prompt, the genre and the gender you want it to be written in!
And that's that! Feel free to request and have a great day!!!!
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buckets-and-trees · 1 year
Request Fest
This morning I woke up to a happy milestone here...
Even after rooting out (reporting and blocking) the deluge of pornbots that have come out of the woodwork the past couple of weeks, we've all of a sudden skyrocketed to 300 followers around here! I started this account and only started posting stories last July, and I didn't have any big expectations, I only wanted to start writing again for me and maybe have some fun sharing it.
And you have all made this considerably more fun by jumping on board, sharing, commenting... I literally adore and burst over the things you drop my way whether it be a keysmash, a gif, questions, commentary, declarations, anything and everything!
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So to actually celebrate YOU incredible folk, I thought something really and truly for YOU would be in order...
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Between now and Sunday, April 23, I'll take at least five of your requests and turn them into 300-3k word drabbles, head cannons, imagines, or fics! I'm off this weekend, so we may get more than five out of this, but I figured let's start with an attainable goal, and maybe I'll surprise and exceed expectations rather than fail to hit the goal hahaha...
You can be as vague or as specific as you want - I don't know how many requests this will bring in, and sometimes a very vague prompt or challenge will send me immediately into a lightning bulb moment, and sometimes a request-to-order might tickle my fancy, IDK
But here's a smorgasbord of things you can pick and parcel out to put in a request...
WHO: Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers, Sam Wilson, Wanda Maximoff, Natasha Romanov, Joaquin Torres, Namor the Submariner, Thor, Carol Danvers, Matt Murdock, maybe some Jennifer Walters or Kamala Kahn, Nick Fowler, Hogwarts Founders, Tom Riddle, Lily Evans, James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Regulus Black... you can request other characters but I may be less able/inclined to fulfill the request
WHAT: fluff, smut, dark, AUs, what ifs, missing scene scenarios, MCU between film things, a follow up to something I've already written
WHEN: medieval to now/near future
WHERE...I ALREADY KNOW I WON'T GO: I won't write college AU, DBF, stepcest, DDLG, watersports, underage
HOW: Drop an ask no later than Sunday with the request/challenge/idea/scenario/gif or pic inspo - again, I make no promises, but I am stoked to see what you send my way and I think this could genuinely be a blast
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seradyn · 1 year
Rules for Requests
I’ve had this account for about a year and have just now realized I don’t have any rules for asks/requests, so I decided to make some! 😁
Ground Rules
I’m always happy to write, but please read these before you make a request!
Do not read my writing if you are not 18+. Some of it may include things that are disturbing to some, so please be mindful of TWs.
I’m only willing to write for the fandoms I am interested in. I do not feel I could do justice to those I have no knowledge or experience with. I primarily write F!Reader x Character, but I am also happy to write ships, scenarios, etc. (see below for more details).
I am also happy to answer personal questions, though I will not give you identifying information.
What I will write:
Head cannons
Short stories
Reader x Character/Cannon
Gore and violence
Sexual content, including noncon
Fluff, angst
What I will not write:
Your OCs (….except maybe Cahl. Iykyk 😘)
Love triangles
If your ask features racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, or is in any way built around presenting hate in a positive way, I will block you. I will not tolerate your bigotry.
This is an 18+ blog, meaning I am willing to write NSFW and sensitive topics. However, this is still down to my discretion; I will decide on a case by case basis what I am comfortable writing. You’re always free to ask, but please don’t take it personally if I do not feel comfortable fulfilling your request 😊
This list is of all the fandoms and their characters that I’m willing to write. Please do not ask for things outside of this list, because I probably won’t want to write it. However, the list is subject to change.
The characters are listed in order from most interested to least interested, and any characters not listed I will not write for. Fandoms are in no particular order.
Ardyn, Chocobros, Ravus, Cor, Areana, Lunafreya, Nyx
Sephiroth, First Class SOLDIERS, Zack, Cloud, Turks, Remnants, Rufus, Vincent
The Evil Within
Ruben Victoriano/Ruvik, Sebastian Castellanos, Leslie Withers, Juli Kidman, Joseph Oda
Resident Evil Village
Karl Heisenberg
Baldur’s Gate 3
Astarion Ancunin, Zevlor
I do not accept commissions, or payment for my work. I’m doing this purely for the fun of it. However, this means the turn around for requests may be longer, if I get flooded with them, have irl stuff to deal with, or am working on my own fanfics. Please be patient 💕
Everything I write will be posted to my Masterlist and AO3, unless they’re really sort.
Please do not copy or plagiarize my work.
Thank you for taking the time to read! Feel free to send me an ask/request, or just chat me up 😁😁
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charmsandtealeaves · 2 years
Thank you @theresthesnitch for the tag. I always feel a bit giddy when you tag me in things. I feel you may have tagged me just for one particular WIP 🤣
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
In no particular order:
Jilymicrofics prompts 19-28
Valentines exchange gift fic
Untitled scenes/snippets master doc
Evans Guide to Quidditch (and Seducing James Potter)
Justice Departed - Cold Case
Brown Boots and Breakfast Bagels
Revenge Tastes Sweeter
Head cannons/drabbles
James the pizza maker AU
Lily Evans doesn't believe in I Love Yous
Steam Engine
Right On Track
Rose Tinted Glasses
Untitled marauders canon fic Just tagging a bunch of people because I CBF to count how many WIPs there are: @abihastastybeans @annasghosts @annabtg @uncertainwallflower @merlinsbbeard @kay-elle-cee @startanewdream @practicecourts @blitheringmcgonagall @oneofthesirens
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prismuffin · 2 years
Request Rules / Info!!
Requests are currently: [CLOSED]
( if my requests are closed you can still send in asks! )
Slots open: 0/5
If my slots say 0/5 you cannot request full fics but you can still send in asks
I have 5 request slots! Once those are full I won’t take anymore requests until a new slot opens - this is here so I won’t get burnt out again!
more info on slots!
Reader will be gender neutral unless the gender is specified in the request
Please specify if you want a one-shot, drabble, head cannons or scenarios!!
^For scenarios, address who exactly you want in a scenario, if you do not I’ll just write for everyone that I have listed underneath the fandom that’s been requested
I do in fact write for black/POC, male, and trans readers! So feel free to request those!
I will not write smut/spicy scenarios for underage characters
You can send in requests for characters that are not on my character/fandom list! But if I don’t know the character or fandom well enough then I can not write for them
The more descriptive/long the request, the better the fic! Trust me I adore longer requests it makes things easier for me
I will write about heavy topics but I also have the right to refuse a request if I feel like it's too much or if it's asked to be too specifically graphic.
I’ll write Yandere stuff but no omegaverse! I just wouldn’t know how to start writing that at all and sometimes it can make me a bit uncomfortable so sorry!!
I don’t have a prompt list but if you wanna send in a prompt for me to use that’s completely ok!
I do write character x character however I will only write short stories/drabbles for those requests
Asks Info:
An ask is different from a request to me! An ask is just something short like "How do you think spongebob would react to patrick blowing up the krusty krab" because then I can just quickly write how I think the characters will react to the reader doing something or vice versa! You can always send in asks even if my requests are closed! Just make them pretty short prompts or else I may think it's a request!
More on what an ask is!
Characters/Fandoms I write for (list)
That’s all, Happy Requesting!!
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niccolahiromithomas · 2 years
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@hollywoodcannon​:  ⭐️ + Brian
Send me ⭐️ + a name, and I’ll write a drabble between that person and my muse!
Thanksgiving was an odd holiday for Nikolai. Before Brian, he spent it by himself. Usually took the time to study and catch up on various chores that had been ignored. He would decline invitations out to acquaintances’ homes for the extravagant dinners, introvert nature afraid of embarrassing himself or accidentally insulting the host family by not liking the cooking. 
Once he was with Brian though, the day was spent with his lover’s family. His mother’s cooking a delight and getting to see the family together enjoying each other, most of the time as there would be the occasional fight over politics or football player stats that lead to things thrown and people sent to their corners, was heartwarming. Nevermind the fact that the Irishman really didn’t understand the holiday given it was technically based on a lie and really was more of an excuse to gorge on deliciousness than anything else but who was he to question American traditions? Especially ones that seemed to bring Brian so much joy, even more so when it was so rare he got the time to be home to experience them.
...the understanding of the holiday became a bit more clear when the girls’ became aware of the world around them, could remember it so. It was time to make memories, traditions, just for them. So it was time to tackle the task of trying to cook a feast while trying to keep two very active pre-schoolers happily occupied, which made him have a new respect for Mama Pillman as the amount of times he pulled Eva from opening the oven door or Ena from running off with the sharp carving knife was absolute insanity. She managed to keep children alive and get the feast on the table on time! SHEESH!
And that didn’t even account for the fact that while he had helped her cook several of the dishes, he really had no understanding of how complicated some of the recipes were until he looked them up himself to prepare. How in the hell did she cook everything off the top of her head and schedule everything in and out of the singular oven to still be warm once it hit their plates!?
When the Loose Cannon walked through the door, the kitchen was slightly smoky as Nikolai was trying to console a crying babe on each hip. There was flour and gravy all in his hair and on his clothes, a dazed look in his amethyst eyes to match that changed to absolute relief once he spotted him. “Darling, I wanted to have dinner done by the time you got home but, well, I think the scene speaks for its self. Would you take one of your daughters? They are a bit upset that Mr. Pie died in the oven,” he explains, a look of absolute guilt upon his flour dusted features.
There was a lot of soothing. Brian pulling double duty with drying the tears upon Ena’s cheeks, who had all but jumped into her Daddy’s arms upon seeing him, and then instinctively reassuring the younger man that it was perfectly fine that everything wasn’t ready and set for him. It was one of many reasons why he loved the man. The older gent always knew exactly what Nikolai needed to hear without a single prompt.
Once the girls were settled, a proper trashcan funeral was giving to Mr. Pie before Brian started another one with the little ones’ help while he went about getting the last of their dinner sorted. Of course, there were a few times that he had to remind his lover to get off his bad ankle but the laughs were far greater as samples of food were stolen and the girls’ enjoyed the playful bickering between their Papa and Daddy.
And as they all sat around the table, bellies full and eyes heavy from a long day but smiles bright, Nikolai finally understood the reasoning behind Thanksgiving. Why wouldn’t you just want another day to have your true love home, decadent food warming you, and your beloved family around you to share it all with?
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spoiledleaff · 2 years
I put everything (I literally mean everything) underneath a read more tag, because this silly prompt definitely ran away from me and I’m trying not to flood your dashboard haha. Don’t worry!! Only pure and wholesome thoughts here, promise :)
These are head cannons for the preferred bubble tea flavors of era 4 ghouls, copia, and some personal favorite ghouls of mine as well! <3
Friendly reminder that my drabble prompts are open if you wanna hear more of my rambling! Enjoy!! <33
of course starting off with my home boy Dewdrop! I truly feel as though he would be the tough guy/cute shit persona. But I truly deeply feel deep in my bones and my soul that this man is a strawberry bubble tea drinker, no shame. Also prefers strawberry popping pearls over traditional tapioca. For the flavor.
next is Rain! I just really believe this lad would lean towards flavors like honeydew or even winter melon. They remind me of very refreshing flavors and I think that’s what Rain would look for in a drink!
oooh, Swiss! a bit tough, but I feel like he would kinda gravitate towards more bold flavors? Maybe something like passion fruit or even a mixed fruit tea! Also a popping pearl enjoyer. Maybe rainbow this bastard—
Aether. Banana. Fuck you <3 (jkjk!! But I feel like Aether would also enjoy coconut! Kinda… a tropical flavors man, hehe)
Mountain, my dearest! I just kinda have the gut feeling that Mountain would get kinda overwhelmed with all of the different varieties of flavors, so he would just genuinely stick with the more “basic” or “traditional” flavors, like creamy milk tea! If he’s feeling a little adventurous, I think he’d also like rose milk tea as well! Definitely tried the popping pearls thanks to peer pressure dew and swiss but did not like them at all. Poor guy.
Ghoulette time!! Let’s start with Cirrus <3 Another gut feeling one, I just think that Cirrus wouldn’t have much of a stomach for sweeter drinks like dew might. I think her favorite would be a matcha latte with traditional tapioca! Or maybe just straight black tea as well.
Sunshine!! Ahhhh, not a single doubt in my mind for this one!! Sunshine would definitely enjoy a mango green tea! I think she’d also be the kind of person to eat popping pearls just straight up, even without any tea or drink in general. Definitely orange flavored. She just really likes the warm, bright colors :)
Yeah, Cumulus! I just get such overwhelming sweet tooth vibes from her, ‘cause she’s so sweet!! I think she’d be the kind of person to enjoy the smoothie options over the regular milk/fruit tea? I think she’d really love the oreo cookie smoothie drinks with a little bit of tapioca! But honey tea is always an option too!
Bonus Copia because I said so. I think he’d enjoy a chocolate latte with light boba! The man lives by coffee and caffeination, look at his work load. For emergencies, straight up coffee milk tea please help him—
Speed round guilty pleasure ghouls I’m sORRY—!!
Special ghoul is another coffee milk tea with regular tapioca (send them help). Cowbell ghoul is a secret member of the sweet tooth club with a caramel milk tea with extra caramel, and a light heaping of tapioca pearls! Ifrit ghoul is surprisingly a bit more tame with his choice of drink; I think he’d like thai milk tea with tapioca, but he is definitely a guilty popping pearl enjoyer look at him— Chair ghoul is unsurprisingly very elegant with his choice of drink! Absolutely a jasmine milk tea enjoyer with regular tapioca, although he and Ifrit do enjoy sharing their drinks <3 Alpha and Omega also share drinks! They both enjoy orange coconut milk tea with regular tapioca, best of both worlds! Strangely enough, it’s actually Omega trying to get Alpha to join the “popping pearl” fan club, haha!
Personally, I’m very basic. I enjoy vanilla tea with tapioca, haha!! <3
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moonflvver · 2 years
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꒰ rules for requests ꒱
ʚ you can simply send me a prompt ɞ 
ʚ you can request one of three writing formats ɞ 
-head cannons (pick three characters that you'd like me to write for)
-drabbles (250 - 900 words)
-one shots (1k+ words)
-I'm fine with writing about darker topics but if I feel uncomfortable with a prompt I'm under no obligation to write anything for it
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wkemeup · 5 years
Okay but what was Bucky saying about y/n to Steve and Peggy before they met her 😂
I’m With You - Masterlist
“You need to talk me off a ledge, Steve.”
Bucky stood in line behind a dozen angry passengers boarding a 3am flight to Atlanta, all tapping their toes incessantly and trying to peak up and over the shoulders of those ahead of them in hopes of getting on the plane faster, but Bucky would have much rather his flight have been canceled entirely.
“What’s going on?” Steve replied with a yawn.
Bucky could hear the tiredness in his friend’s voice, the soft rustle of the bed sheets and the click of the lamp. He felt a sharp stab of guilt, just realizing what hour it was, but he was sure he was going to collapse into a heap of himself if he didn’t talk to someone. This night couldn’t have possibly been real and if he didn’t tell Steve, he was sure might find a way to convince himself it was all a dream.
“Is that Bucky?” he heard a quiet voice mumble through the phone; English accent laced with sleep. “Put him on speaker, love.”
“You’ve got both of us now, punk,” Steve said and Peggy whispered a quick ‘hello.’ Bucky gritted his teeth and before he could offer an apology, Steve added, “you better start talking before we fall back asleep.”
A passenger shoved Bucky hard in the shoulder, pushing past him when he didn’t take the two steps ahead of him fast enough to keep up with the line. He let the man go without complaint.
Bucky realized then, he couldn’t talk about his sister; not with the anxiety peaking again and rushing through his veins like rapids. It only seemed to calm when you were with him and he didn’t know how that was possible, to have just met someone hours earlier and for his entire world to be dropped upside down like this.
But it was and it had been. And now, he was in trouble.
“There’s, um, there’s a girl.”
Silence. A pause, then, “a girl?”
“Yeah, Steve, a girl,” Bucky snapped. “Stop making me feel like I’m in middle school.”
“Hey you’re the one calling me at 3am over a girl, Buck!”
“Boys, stop it,” Peggy snipped, a light thump through the speaker as she swatted Steve’s arm before she let out a sigh. “Bucky hasn’t so much as mentioned a girl or anyone in three years, so give him a break, darling.” Then, to Bucky, sweetly, “tell us about her.”
Had it really been three years since he landed stateside again? It felt like longer than that and yesterday all at the same time. 
There were pieces of him could still feel the gravel under his back when he slept at night and he still found himself glancing over his shoulder for threats in shopping malls, sneaking around corners at his office building, constantly vigilant. The other half of him felt like it was a lifetime away, like he’d been this isolated, shell of himself for decades, like he hadn’t used the muscles in his cheeks in a millennium.
He swallowed, shoving a hand into his pocket and letting a family of five behind him cut the line. He wasn’t ready to get on this plane just yet. The bag of skittles in his pocket were heavy as stones.
“You remember the stupid shit I used to do with Bec in Charlotte?”
“Is that why you’re callin’ so late?” Steve asked, his voice considerably softer and Bucky wondered how much Peggy’s silent stare had to do with that. “Your flight get canceled?”
“Yeah,” Bucky sighed, pinching at the bridge of his nose, “but it’s back on. I’m boarding now.”
Another silence took over and Bucky wondered if they could hear his heart pounding through the phone.
He glanced back at the long line of people behind him and resided to simply step to the side. He was letting just about everyone pass him by anyway, might as well be the last one to board. He took a deep breath.
“The girl, Bucky,” Peggy reminded him gently.
“Right.” Bucky scratched at the back of his head, finding that his eyes kept drifting down the terminal in search of you, though he knew it was foolish. You had a flight to catch, too. How could he possibly miss you this much? It ached in his bones. It burned like a fire.
So, he told Steve and Peggy everything.
He told them about how you’d been the only other person in the terminal to smile in relief when the cancellations starting rolling in. He told them about the man in the suit who spilled your coffee all over you and how you’d been so patient and kind to the gate agent who looked to be about seconds away from tears.
He told them about how when he was faced with the possibility that you might just walk right out of his life right then and there, he’d done something he hadn’t done in years and asked to buy you coffee. He told them how adorable you’d looked because you were so surprised, shocked even, and he’d let himself flirt for the first time since he’d been home from the desert.
He told them about sitting in the coffeeshop people-watching past when the café was supposed to close and how he’d dragged you into cartwheels at midnight.
“Cartwheels?” Steve gaped. “Seriously, Buck? She must have thought you were completely insane.”
“She did,” Bucky confirmed, a slight laugh in his voice. He didn’t even realize he was smiling. He didn’t notice the nerves left his body.
“How terrible was it? You hadn’t done one of those since your layovers with Becca when you were sixteen. I bet it was awful,” Steve teased, though it was followed by a short grunt and Bucky was certain Peggy must have shoved him hard in the side for that. Bucky grinned.
“Don’t pay attention to him,” Peggy said. “Then, what happened?”
Then, Bucky told them about how you didn’t give him your name until almost an hour later and while he played it cool, it drove him impossibly insane. He told them how he took you to get snacks at the store Charlie worked at – yes, that old man is still alive, Steve! – and then, about how you’d told him the reason you were going to Atlanta in the first place.
“Oh, that poor girl,” Peggy sighed.
Bucky could still picture the look on your face; the genuine belief that you were somehow not worthy of this jerk of an ex-boyfriend and he couldn’t understand it. You were impossibly kind and funny and so stunningly beautiful; Bucky could hardly keep his heart in check around you.
He told them how he tried to explain his situation with Becca to you, how it came out as a jumbled mess, how easily you changed the subject without hesitation and the relief he felt at that.
Then, he told them about the questions over giant checkers and Steve teased him relentlessly, despite Peggy swatting him again, telling Bucky, ‘well I think it’s sweet and Steve could learn a thing from you.’
It felt like a month’s worth of time sat in the span of a few hours and Bucky found himself leaning up against the wall, watching the grumbling passengers make their way to the plane, a smile aching in his cheeks the longer he talked about you.
By the time he got to the end of the story, about how he’d just barely kissed you before the damn intercom went off, alerting you to your flights that were dangerously close to boarding, there were only a few stragglers left in the line.
“Y/n sounds lovely,” Peggy said after a moment. “So, why the ledge?”
Bucky sighed, slowly making his way to the very back of the line. “I don’t know. Maybe I was too much, you know? I don’t remember how to do this stuff. I feel like I dumped all my baggage on a woman I’ve known for a few hours and I fucked it all up.“
“Come on, man, I don’t think that’s true,” Steve said reassuringly, all tracing of the teasing nature leaving his voice. “It sounds like she likes you. I mean, who else would put up with cartwheels in the middle of the airport?”
Bucky found himself chuckling under his breath despite himself. He handed the gate agent his ticket and they pushed out a tight-lipped smile, nodding for him to continue down the gateway.
“She’s really something, Steve. I don’t know the last time I felt like myself and when I was with her… I don’t know, it was easy again, like all this stuff with Bec never happened and I never enlisted. I was laughing and smiling and telling jokes and—Jesus – I was flirting. Didn’t know I could still do that.”
He could hear their laughter in response through the speaker as he stepped into the plane. Everyone else was seated, most people already trying to close their eyes and find some rest before the plane landed in Atlanta.
“Tell me you got her number,” Steve begged and Bucky clenched his jaw, slumping down into his seat. The silence was enough of an answer. “Bucky!”
“I know, I know! But I gave her mine, at least,” Bucky replied weakly. “Just have to hope she’ll call.”
“She will,” Peggy said and the soft rustle of the sheets came like static through the phone. She yawned. “Y/n will call, Bucky. I’m sure of it.”
It was a problem for another day, he supposed. 
A flight attendant stood over Bucky’s shoulder, eyeing his phone and he muttered a quick apology.
“I gotta go. Plane’s taking off,” Bucky mumbled into the phone, nervously glancing back up at the attendant who was still watching him as he continued walking through the cabin.
“Call us tomorrow when you get settled,” Peggy requested. “I know Sunday won’t be easy but we’re here for you. Just need to keep busy on Saturday. Think you can do that?”
Bucky nodded, letting out a deep breath. “Yeah, I’m sure I’ll find something to keep me occupied.”
“Don’t be so hard on yourself, pal,” Steve said, the click of the bedside lamp turning off. “Anyone who willingly goes along with your ridiculous layover shenanigans has got to really like you. I’m not sure I would even do a cartwheel on that dirty floor for you, buddy.”
Bucky laughed, his cheeks muscles sore and whether it was from the lack of sleep or from smiling more in one night than he had in years, he wasn’t sure.
“You off the ledge now?” Steve asked.
“Yeah. Consider me back on solid ground,” Bucky replied. The flight attendant was making his way back down the aisle to scold him again and Bucky quickly said, “okay I really have to go now before I’m the reason this plane never makes it to Atlanta. Get some rest, guys. Thanks.”
“Always, pal.”
“Fly safe,” Peggy added.
With that, Bucky ended the call and turned off his phone, holding it up for the attendant to see. He narrowed his eyes on Bucky, almost in warning, before he retreated back to his seat for takeoff.
Bucky settled into his seat, folding his arms and letting his eyes drift closed. Despite the lumps in the back of the cushioning and the arm rest to his right completely taken over by the man next to him, Bucky felt a sense of calm, a wave of relief, for the first time in a long while.
His mind drifted back to the beautiful stranger in the airport. The woman with the coffee on her shoes and the laugh of an angel and the kindest eyes he’d ever seen.
He found you again in his dreams.
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iwillbeinmynest · 3 years
I finally have some time to write!!
Send me some asks while I have time to dedicate to just me and writing :)
ill try and find an ask game to post too!!
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and-claudia · 3 years
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Wow!!! It’s happening!! I’m only a couple followers away from having 600 of y’all following me!! I’m so incredibly grateful for y’all!! To celebrate I’m going to be doing a sleepover.
Details below the cut, I hope to see some of y’all pop up in my ask box 🖤
Submissions are open now, but I will not begin posting until I hit the 600 mark, I will update y’all when that happens and give an official end date for submissions 🖤
Send in an emoji (or just what you want)
If it’s a longer one (like head canons or one shots) please send only one at a time. You can send more than one, just do them separately please. For the shorter ones, you can send in more than one, just no more than 3 at a time please.
For the character ones, please keep it within the fandoms in the Masterlist (can be characters not listed, though) and I’ll do my best to do them justice 🖤
🛳- Ask me about a ship and I’ll give you my honest opinion on it
⛴- Send me a little bit about yourself and I’ll ship you with someone, or tell me who you ship me with
🎶- Give me a character and I’ll make a mini playlist for them (if you want a certain vibe for the playlist let me know) 3-5 songs per playlist
🎵- Send me a song and I’ll tell you what character I associate with it
☕️- You got tea? Spill it, (can be anonymous) and I’ll provide commentary
🍷- You got something on your mind? Perhaps an unpopular option in a fandom. Tell me about.
🎹- Give me a song rec and I’ll return the favor and/or rate the song
🎥- Give me a movie rec and I’ll return the favor and/or rate the movie
🌪- Random question! Ask me anything. (Nothing too personal though)
🧩- Let’s play some games!! FMK, Choose Between, Would you Rather, Never Have I Ever (those types of things)
🔞- Send me some spicy head canons or thots about a character
🥵- Give me a character and I’ll give you some spicy thots or head canons about them
⭐️-Send me a character and a small prompt and I’ll write you a mini drabble or head cannon surrounding it.
🤫- Send me an Anonymous opinion of me/my blog. 
🤪- anything else. Wanna send me something that I don’t have listed? Go for it.
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hearts-in-hand · 2 years
If... I sent out a prompt for literally anyone to send me an emoji or either 1 or 2, and I’d make them a prompt/one shot/Drabble or maybe just head cannons or whatever comes to me based on my “loving Connor” playlists (one being for machine Connor and one for deviant Connor), would anyone do it? The 1 and 2 would be random and would decide whether it was machine or deviant Connor.... so you wouldn’t know which one you were getting until I did it...
I’m just saying, I have MAJOR brain rot and it could be fun. It doesn’t have to even be Connor specifically, give me an DBH character I just wanna write stuff for people. I’d even do a specific pairing, or an oc maybe if y’all told me enough about your oc... though it might be messy, no promises there.
Anyway if you did this the emoji would be 🎶 thanks
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hades-supremacy · 2 years
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Hello. My name is Bunny! (0.0) This is technically a multi-fandom blog, but as of right now is mostly dedicated to SnV/RoR and I only take requests for that. (Tmw you hyperfixate on smth so, I hope this blog lasts a long time.)
Do's/Things I am ok with
Reader insert (It is implied, but I forgot to write this. 🙃.)
Nsfw and sfw
Most characters nsfw except for the obvious. (like um Zeus lmao and Göll for example.)
Be nice and respectful and not demanding u know. I am a slow writer and this blog is for funzies and is nothing serious.
1-4 max per request (just until I figure out a good pace and whatnot for this blog.)
Gn, and afab/fem reader.
Drabbles, head cannons, n whatever.
Don't/Things I am not ok with
The obvious gross kinks and "kinks": vore (lmao), scat (kill me), p3d0philia, (others to be included we will see when we get there.)
Pls do not be rude.
Shit, I cannot think of anything else and I will get back when I think of more stuff.
Please state what type of writing you want (head cannon, drabble, or if it is free game 4 me), reader (gn or fem), scenario/prompt, and character(s). If there is anyone/-anything I have not thought of I am not comfortable with writing, I will kindly let you know that! If the type of reader is not specified, I will make it gn and the type of writing is not specified, I will just go for whatever I want so if u do want something specific pls make sure to say that.
Anyways, thank you all for reading this and sending requests, if you do! I am rlly thankful for it and look forward to writing for SnV/RoR.
To add, my dms are open for anything. SnV related and general talk (as well as my asks). so u know 🥰🥰.
Bunny Out!
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