#send flower to Iran
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artemis-howl · 1 month ago
I know this is a couple weeks late but I was fortunate enough to attend the Sundance Film Festival again this year (I live in Utah so that makes it leagues more accessible/affordable) and I loved all of the films that I was able to see. If anyone wants to know about any of them feel free to reblog/comment/send me an ask/dm. I would recommend all of the films/shorts I saw (with a few caveats/trigger warnings/etc which I can elaborate on if anyone is curious).
Sundance 2025 films I saw (bold are directed by women, * featured a q&a with filmmakers):
Cutting Through Rocks*
Deaf President Now!
Rains Over Babel*
The Wedding Banquet
Short films:
Flower Show
Inkwo For When The Starving Return*
Luz Diabla*
Field Recording
Como Si La Tierra Se Las Hubiera Tragado
Paradise Man (ii)*
The Things We Keep
Em & Selma Go Griffin Hunting
Jesus 2
I am going to specifically recommend the documentary "Cutting Through Rocks" as it is very explicitly a feminist story. It follows a woman named Sara who lives in a small village in rural Iran as she runs for her local council/regional government, advocates for better material conditions for the women in her village, encourages women and girls to be bold, pursue education, and not accept child marriage, and generally behaved in a gender non-conforming way. Obviously, this upsets and angers a lot of men and Sara receives a lot of pushback for the change she is trying to make. One of the most impactful moments of the film for me
(spoilers below, idk if they're even spoilers for a documentary bc this is an actual woman's life not a story but anyway)
Someone in town essentially accuses her of being a lesbian, not in those exact terms, but reports that she meets with women alone in her home at night and she has taken in a teen girl whose parents agreed to let her stay with Sara while the girl tries to get a divorce from her 30-something husband (and oh my god watching even 2 minutes of the legal process for a CHILD to get a divorce in Iran is absolutely infuriating).
The documentary does not confirm whether or not Sara is a lesbian and her sexuality is never a topic of discussion for Sara, but the fact that she is an independent unmarried (divorced) midwife in her 40s who will not be silenced by men is an indicator that something is fundamentally wrong with her in the eyes of the patriarchal system. This is made explicit when she is told to appear before a judge (alone, though that seems to be the normal procedure) who explains these accusations to Sara and tells her she may have to get sex reassignment surgery. Essentially, her unwillingness to participate in her own subjugation means she must not be a real woman because to be a woman is to be subordinate to men and if women's inferiority is just their natural role why would a woman feel like she deserves more?
It just put into such stark clarity that gender is not a game, not a quirk, not a fun set of personality traits to mix and match: men created gender to oppress women and then use it to justify their violence and tyranny.
I hope that everyone gets to see this film and especially the women who live in rural Iran whose stories need room to grow and flourish.
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pastorfutureletthembe · 9 months ago
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Link Click and Flowers
> Hyacinth ~ Blooms of Affection
Hyacinths grow from underground bulbs that are planted in the fall. Each spring, the bulbs send up green leaves followed by their colorful flowers. They have spire-like stems with one to three spikes of flowers and narrow, strap-shaped leaves. With the proper care, a single bulb can bloom for multiple years.
The name, from the Arabic zargoun, means vermilion and is associated with Zircon: a gemstone. This stone can wear all colors of the spectrum. Although blue is one of the rarest and because of it, his stone is often confused with sapphires, quartz or topaz. In Revelation 21:20, one of the twelve foundation stones of the New Jerusalem is hyacinth.
The flower is believed to have originated in the Middle East and gained popularity in Europe in the 16th century. Hyacinths are robust blooms that can grow from Mediterranean regions to colder European climates. This adaptability has contributed to their widespread cultivation.
Hyacinths are well-known for their strong, sweet, and slightly earthy fragrance. Each variety actually comes with a unique scent, often described as rich and floral, with a hint of green freshness. It’s a smell that’s associated with the arrival of spring. Despite of their vibrant colors and uplifting fragrance, be aware that the bulbs contain oxalic acid, which is toxic.
Primarly used to welcome spring and celebrate Easter, Hyacinth flower bouquets can be a thoughtful gift for birthdays or anniversaries, symbolizing the constant love between individuals. They are a great way to bring cheer to someone who needs it, making them a good choice for ‘get well soon’ flowers.
Greek mythology: Apollo, the sun god, and Zephyr, the wind god, were both trying to win the affection of a young man, Hyacinthus. The boy tragically died while playing discus with Apollo. Zephyr actually got jealous and blew the discus back to Apollo with a strong gust of wind which backfired and accidentally killed Hyakinthos. Apollo used all sorts of herbs to heal Hyacinthus' wound, but it was futile, for he could not cure the wound inflicted by the Fates. Apollo wept for Hyacinthus' death and expressed his wish to become a mortal to join the Spartan boy in his death, going so far as to ask Hades to kill him. A flower emerged from the boy's blood and Apollo named it in his honor. Hyacinthus was eventually resurrected and attained immortality. The celebrations lasted three days (day1, mourning, day2, rebirth, day 3, "merry midnight festival"). This tale reflects the flower’s enduring symbolism of love, devotion, and the cycle of life and death.
Victorian era: Recreation and lightheartedness in Victorian flower language. These fragrant blooms were a common sight in home gardens, bringing hope for brighter days.
Modern Times: Placed on the graves of loved ones to honor their memory, they are proof of enduring love that transcends mortality. Additionally, potted hyacinth plants are cherished gifts for housewarmings and weddings.
Iran: The hyacinth plays a significant role in the celebration of Nowruz, the Persian New Year. It's one of the seven symbolic items (Haft Seen) displayed during the festivities, representing the coming of spring and rebirth.
Asia: In China, hyacinth flowers are believed to usher in good luck and prosperity during the Chinese New Year. In Japan, the hyacinth is a symbol of friendship and affection.
Religion: In Christianity, hyacinths are used to decorate churches, and they symbolize peace, beauty, and joy. In Islam, hyacinths symbolize death, loss, and mourning. They also embody humility since they grow in small clusters without flashy displays. In Buddhism, the hyacinth is a symbol of detachment from the material world. It serves as a reminder to focus on things that matter, encouraging a spiritual perspective on life. In Hinduism, the hyacinth flower symbolizes wealth, prosperity, and abundance.
They come in a variety of colors, each one carries its own fragrance and unique symbolism, making the hyacinth a versatile flower for expressing a range of sentiments. However, it’s important to take note that the symbolism of these hyacinth colors are quite different from those of many other flowers, there are flowers for every element of the emotional spectrum.
White Hyacinth offers prayers and represents loveliness. Due to its association with the Greek sun god Apollo, it can represent strength and majesty. They can be a good way to let someone know you’re wishing them well during a big life transition or challenging moment.
Sincerity, loyalty, care, blue hyacinth symbolizes constancy most of all, meaning the feelings of love and deep care will remain intact no matter what.
While yellow hyacinths can be tied to a sense of envy, might it be jealousy or as a compliment for their achievements, purple hyacinthes is a sigh that we recognize we’ve made a mistake and want to express remorse. They are a sincere apology and a desire for forgiveness. They could also be reflection and remembrance; expressing feelings of sadness, grief, and apology.
Pink hyacinth represents playfulness often takes part in celebration, all in fun and games in some lightheartedness.
If you look at rose and tulip symbolism you’ll find that red flowers are often symbols of intense, passionate love. But it’s a bit different for red hyacinths. These flowers can be linked to love, yes, but a more playful and light kind. They send the message that you’re looking to enjoy yourself.
Finally, as one of the earliest flowers to bloom in spring, they are often poking through the last remnants of snow. This makes them a symbol of rebirth and renewal. Additionally, it can mean starting anew and enduring tough times. The bulb of a hyacinth sleeps in the winter and blooms in the spring, showing strength, renewal, and the ability to get through challenges.
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There you go! I believe this flower is both perfect for Qiao Ling and is good insight on the show as a whole.
You can read the post about Myotosis and Daisies here.
In conclusion, I would bring your attention on the fact Qiao Ling, Lu Guang and Cheng Xiao's flowers are all about lost love and remembrance but often with one hope, one desperate attempt to reach our love one's heart. They are adaptable and cannot wait for spring to come so they can enjoy life again, despite the challenge it puts on their path.
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1americanconservative · 3 months ago
RAN’S ECONOMY IN FREEFALL AS TRUMP TURNS UP THE HEAT Iran’s economy is a train wreck: the currency plunged 40% in 2024, inflation hit 37%, and over 32M people—one-third of the country—are stuck in poverty.
Meat now costs five times more than in 2021, leaving dinner tables emptier than ever.
Strikes and protests are spreading faster than government excuses.
Factories are limping at 41% capacity due to power shortages, while oil workers and retirees chant for unpaid wages.
Even Tehran’s Grand Bazaar merchants have had enough. Meanwhile, Trump isn’t sending flowers.
He’s readying more sanctions and eyeing airstrikes to block Iran’s nuclear ambitions.
With allies like Hezbollah and Hamas in tatters, Iran’s regime is cornered, unpopular, and running out of cards to play.
Source: Wall Street Journal
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inspofromancientworld · 3 months ago
Flowers of Mythology - Tulip
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Tulips are members of the Tulipa genus and there are about 75 species and are part of the lily family.. They are perennial flowers that are usually brightly colored red, pink, orange, yellow, or white with a different color blotch in the interior center. The plants have few leaves, usually between two and six leaves, though some larger species might have up to twelve. The flowers are usually radially symmetric and are typically at the end of the stem and is cup or star-shaped, though they might come in groups of two or three. The petals can be eaten by humans and are often compared to lettuce.
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They naturally grow in the Middle East and Central Asia as well as Northwest Africa and southern Spain, centering around 40° north latitude and are indigenous to mountainous and steppe areas that are temperate with winter rains, long, cool springs, and dry summers. Their cultivation began approximately a thousand years ago in Persia (modern-day Iran) and were likely spread with the advances of the Ottoman Empire. It wasn't until about six hundred years later that they were introduced into Europe.
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source: https://collections.lacma.org/node/239980
Among the Persians, tulips were a symbol of avowed love. There are many versions of a legend about Farhad, a lowly craftsman, who, in the plying of his craft of stone masonry, meets and falls in love with the princess Shirin. Shirin, though, promised to Khosrow. Khosrow is also forced to be married to another princess, or to not marry while she is alive. Shirin also refuses to marry him until he reclaims his country.
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source: https://www.tesselaar.net.au/resources/the-tulip-as-persian-folklore
Khosrow hates Farhad, so he sends him into exile until he is able to carve stairs into a cliff. Farhad takes on the task in the hopes that Khosrow will eventually allow him to marry Shirin since Khosrow couldn't marry her. Nearing the top of the mountain, Farhad receives a message from Khosrow that Shirin had died. In his despair, he throws himself off the top of the mountain. Hearing of this, Khosrow writes of his regret for Farhad's death to Shirin. Tulips sprouted from where Farhad's blood spilled on the mountainside after his death.
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pearlsoflongago · 1 year ago
March Days
The Newest Season
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Calligraphic Galleon, Ottoman, by Abdul Qadir Hisari
Quinquireme of Nineveh from distant Ophir, Rowing home to haven in sunny Palestine, With a cargo of ivory, And apes and peacocks, Sandalwood, cedarwood, and sweet white wine.
Stately Spanish galleon coming from the Isthmus, Dipping through the Tropics by the palm-green shores, With a cargo of diamonds, Emeralds, amethysts, Topazes, and cinnamon, and gold moidores.
Dirty British coaster with a salt-caked smoke stack, Butting through the Channel in the mad March days, With a cargo of Tyne coal, Road-rails, pig-lead, Firewood, iron-ware, and cheap tin trays.
--John Masefield
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Buttonwood Farm by N. C. Wyeth
A Fairy-Tale Spring
And then she danced….
Where are you, Hyacinth? There is a lover waiting for you somewhere, my dear.
It is the first of Spring. The blackbird opens his yellow beak, and whistles cool and clear. There is blue magic in the morning; the sky, deep-blue above, melts into white where it meets the hills. The wind waits for you up yonder—will you go to meet it? Ah, stay here! The hedges have put on their green coats for you; misty green are the tall elms from which the rooks are chattering. Along the clean white road, between the primrose banks, he comes. Will you be round this corner?——or the next? He is looking for you, Hyacinth.
(She rested, breathless, and then danced again.)
It is summer afternoon. All the village is at rest save one. "Cuck-oo!" comes from the deep dark trees; "Cuck-oo!" he calls again, and flies away to send back the answer. The fields, all green and gold, sleep undisturbed by the full river which creeps along them. The air is heavy with the scent of may. Where are you, Hyacinth? Is not this the trysting-place? I have waited for you so long! . . .
She stopped, and the watcher in the bushes moved silently away, his mind aflame with fancies.
—A. A. Milne, from Once on a Time
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Lovers in a Landscape by Muhammadi
O Eyes, go forth the Spring to view, That smiles upon our Plains anew. A Heavenly Child in cradling Flowers, Sweet Breath from Skies unclouded drew. The Morning Breeze his Nurse, that rocked His Cradle, with soft Lullings due. The Baby feigns to sleep, and blinks, Shutting his little Eyelids two. And when the Lids are oped again, The Eyebrows drip with sparkling Dew. The Bees hum round and busy sip The Nectar, and make Honey new. O come, and let the Baby's smiles And Laughter, pierce thee through and through. O come, and leave your wintry Cell, And let Heaven's Light thy Life renew. And build new Cells with honey'd Wax, Plann'd like the Bees' six-sided, true. And warmed by radiant Fire of Flowers, Old Winter's reign of Death undo. Regret is dead; Love lives again; New Life transforms the Landscape's Hue. Bold enter, then, green Spring's loved Haunts, And drink fresh Wine, nor fear to rue. And drinking full Love's sweetest Draught, The glowing Heart new Love shall woo. Love wakes afresh in Earth and Heaven; The Rose in green, the Sun in blue. O Nightingale, behold thy Rose! O Eagle, thy bright Sun pursue!
—Jeláleddín Rumi, translated by William Hastie, DD
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Woman with a Spray of Flowers from Safavid Iran circa 1575
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itstokkii · 9 months ago
tell us about turkuzbek in the modern day :0!!!
modern day turkuzbek has my SOUL anon ! gonna list all kinds of things off my head lol
- women's day in many post soviet countries are celebrated with guys giving flowers to girls as a token of appreciation(this could be family, friends, etc), anyways turkey hops on this and on march 8th uzbekistan opens her door to see an avalanche of flowers. buried under there is a pink piece of paper that says "you're my favorite woman ❤️🔥"
- as mentioned before, she invites everyone nearby to her house. these include the other central asians, as well as iran and afghanistan! turkey tho...he stays at a hotel. she's way too embarrassed to let him in(until later as shown in my latest fic)
- in those rare moments where she invites him to a family friend's wedding she can't keep her eyes off of him. bro is the life of the party and kills the dancefloor.
mother in laws that come to weddings to gossip and flex on others with their outfits: nargiza is that your man
- people that don't know she's a country assume they're married, so the shopkeeper at the local bazaar goes "oh i haven't seen him before congrats on your marriage!" and then she goes completely red
- whenever they go on dinners/banquets to talk diplomacy turkey always posts the photos and then calls it a "romantic dinner/date." she immediately comments "please remove the caption" to which he makes that the pinned comment
- he sends her pics of himself late at 12am elbow propped up on his bed shirtless. like you know like the fboy pic that says "noo don't kill yourself you're too sexy ahaha" yeah.
- in response she sends back a pic of her sitting at her desk doing paperwork at 4am with the caption "sleep because you're able to"
- they always cook at each other's houses. it's another way they spend quality time together. she always insists on adding less sugar to the baklava or şekerpare syrup("it's too sweet, you could choke!").
- when she goes to istanbul and stays with him for a while you BEST BELIEVE she's taking a thousand pics of the atmosphere and herself. she's not going to waste a single second. she also takes this time to buy a lot of clothes to wear back home(and also flex on those other aunties at weddings).
- she loves the kitties and resists the urge to squeeze them and bite their cute little ears(turkey saw her doing this with her own cat once. needless to say he was absolutely shocked). she does pet them and talks to them in a super high pitched voice. to turkey this is like gap moe
- he gets her to come out of her shell more. she wore a ribbon in her hair once to a meeting. he complimented her one time. now she wears ribbons all the time.
- he tries(and fails) to get her to drink just a shot of rakı. she refuses, both because she takes halal dietary restrictions quite seriously, and because she doesn't do well with drinks.
- when he's in the room with the other central asians and she wants to say something, she's not taking any chances. they're all speaking in russian. not all of them are fluent in tajik, and kazakh and kyrgyz is one of the languages he understands the most alongside turkmen. bro is left attempting to pick up bits and pieces of what they're saying based on his vocabulary stored way back in the ottoman empire 😭
- forced him into bukharan clothing to take a photoshoot when they traveled to bukhara.
- soft launches most of her photos with him lol. NOBODY is looking at her man for longer than a minute 😤
- he calls her petnames in turkish(aşkım, sevgilim, canım) a lot !! and she gets really embarrassed. one time she had to hype herself up for a solid 10 mins before uttering an "asalim" and then everyone and everything in the room just stops.
🇹🇷: what did you just say-
🇺🇿: i need to buy more carrots asap
🇹🇷: you bought them yesterday???
- they already watch turkish dramas together, so she probably also shows him old soviet movies/70s to 2000s uzbek movies! thankfully the soviet movies have a turkish subtitle option otherwise he'd be totally lost lol
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booyegol-ir · 4 months ago
Tehran Flower Shop Your Trusted Destination for Beautiful Blooms
Flowers have a unique way of expressing emotions, celebrating special occasions, and brightening our everyday lives. In Tehran, where culture and traditions embrace the beauty of floral gifts, finding a reliable Tehran flower shop is essential. That’s where Booyegol comes in, redefining the flower shopping experience with exceptional quality, artistic designs, and unmatched customer service.
Why Choose Booyegol for Your Floral Needs? Booyegol stands out as a premier Tehran flower shop because of its dedication to providing fresh, vibrant blooms paired with artistic arrangements. Whether you’re celebrating a birthday, anniversary, or corporate milestone, or simply want to surprise a loved one, Booyegol ensures every arrangement is crafted to perfection. The shop offers a wide variety of flowers, from classic roses to exotic orchids, catering to diverse preferences and occasions.
Shopping at Booyegol is more than just purchasing flowers; it’s an experience that emphasizes quality, creativity, and personal touch. Every bouquet is meticulously arranged to tell a story, reflecting the emotions and intentions behind the gesture. With a focus on customer satisfaction, the team at Booyegol takes pride in turning floral dreams into reality.
A Diverse Selection to Suit Every Occasion Booyegol’s extensive collection ensures there’s something for every event and mood. For romantic occasions, the shop offers elegant arrangements of red roses and lilies, symbolizing love and passion. Weddings are elevated with breathtaking floral decorations, including bridal bouquets and table centerpieces crafted with sophistication and care.
If you’re looking to celebrate friendship or offer congratulations, vibrant arrangements featuring sunflowers, daisies, and mixed seasonal blooms are available. Sympathy and condolence flowers are also thoughtfully designed to convey support and compassion during challenging times. Booyegol understands that every flower has its meaning and ensures each arrangement communicates the right message.
Customization and Personalization What sets Booyegol apart from other Tehran flower shops is its dedication to personalization. The team works closely with customers to create customized bouquets and floral arrangements that align with their preferences. From choosing specific flowers and color palettes to adding special touches like handwritten notes or unique packaging, every detail is tailored to enhance the customer’s experience.
Booyegol also caters to corporate clients, offering bespoke floral arrangements for office spaces, corporate events, and gifts. These designs add elegance to professional settings, leaving lasting impressions on clients and employees alike.
Convenient Flower Delivery Across Tehran In today’s busy world, convenience matters. Booyegol’s flower delivery service ensures your blooms arrive fresh and on time, no matter where you are in Tehran. The shop’s reliable delivery team handles every order with care, guaranteeing that each bouquet maintains its quality and beauty during transit.
Whether you need a same-day delivery for a last-minute surprise or are planning ahead for a special occasion, Booyegol’s seamless ordering process makes it easy to send flowers across the city. With just a few clicks on their user-friendly website, you can select your preferred arrangement, provide delivery details, and leave the rest to the experts.
The Role of Flowers in Tehran’s Culture Flowers hold a significant place in Iranian culture, symbolizing love, respect, and celebration. From traditional Nowruz gatherings adorned with hyacinths and tulips to heartfelt gestures of gratitude, floral gifts are deeply ingrained in the fabric of life in Tehran. Booyegol embraces this cultural heritage by offering arrangements that honor these traditions while incorporating modern design elements.
For those who wish to explore Iran’s rich floral symbolism, Booyegol provides insights and recommendations to ensure your gift resonates with its intended meaning. This thoughtful approach makes the shop a trusted partner for both locals and visitors looking to share the beauty of flowers in a culturally meaningful way.
Sustainability and Eco-Friendly Practices Booyegol is committed to sustainability, recognizing the importance of preserving the environment while spreading floral joy. The shop sources flowers from ethical growers and incorporates eco-friendly practices in its operations. Biodegradable packaging and minimal waste arrangements are just a few ways Booyegol prioritizes environmental responsibility.
By choosing Booyegol as your Tehran flower shop, you’re supporting a business that values both beauty and sustainability, ensuring that your purchase contributes to a greener future.
Experience the Booyegol Difference Booyegol has earned its reputation as a leading Tehran flower shop by consistently exceeding customer expectations. With its exceptional quality, creative designs, and heartfelt service, Booyegol transforms flower shopping into an art form.
Whether you’re celebrating life’s joyful moments, expressing your deepest emotions, or simply adding a touch of beauty to your day, Booyegol is here to help. Visit their shop or explore their online platform to discover a world of floral possibilities that will leave you inspired.
When it comes to flowers in Tehran, Booyegol is more than just a shop—it’s a celebration of nature, tradition, and artistry. Choose Booyegol and let your next floral gift make a lasting impression.
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starseedfxofficial · 4 months ago
Middle East Tensions: Forex Insights Traders Can’t Miss The Geopolitical Chess Game: What's Next for Forex Traders? The Middle East is heating up, and we’re not just talking about the weather. In the latest geopolitical game of chess, moves are being made across the region—and while most traders might simply skim the headlines, you're here to peel back the layers. Let's get into what these developments mean for the Forex market and how you can stay ahead. The Drama of Iran, Israel, and Lebanon: Why Should You Care? Imagine trying to focus on your trading charts while two neighbors are arguing over the fence, threatening to throw more than just words. Well, that’s basically what’s happening between Israel and Hezbollah right now. Add Iran to the mix, and you've got a whole block party of geopolitical tension, with each player making moves that could affect global sentiment and currency stability. Iran’s Supreme Leader’s advisor said they're ready to respond to Israel. Sounds ominous, right? But before we panic-sell or jump into a safe-haven currency, let’s dig deeper. These sorts of threats have been as frequent as “regretful online purchases” during a sale—what matters is the actual action, and how the major currencies react. Ceasefire Talks: The Calm Before the Currency Storm? Now, here’s a twist—while threats are flying, there’s also chatter about ceasefire agreements. Israeli officials are suggesting a truce with Lebanon might be closer than we think. This type of “can we just agree to disagree?” moment could be a signal for the markets to relax, possibly boosting risk sentiment. That means currencies like the JPY (Japanese Yen) might lose some of their recent gains as traders move away from safe havens and back into riskier assets. If you were wondering how to navigate this emotionally charged chessboard, think of it as predicting your friend's reaction when they find out you borrowed their favorite jacket. Will they immediately come for you, or just give you a tired, understanding nod? The Forex market’s the same—timing the “ceasefire nod” is key to reaping profits. The Hidden Forces: What Traders Often Miss About Geopolitical News Let’s get real—most traders just look at a headline and think they’ve got the full picture. If a ceasefire seems near, they might dump all their JPY positions and move into EUR. But here’s where the Forex whisperer in you comes in. One of the smartest plays is to look at interest rate differentials. A ceasefire doesn’t just affect sentiment; it can cause central banks to hold back on rate decisions or even adjust their policies. Knowing how a central bank might react can put you a step ahead. Iran and Nuclear Talks: The Wild Card Nobody Likes to Mention While the spotlight is on Hezbollah and Israel, Iran is set to hold nuclear talks with the UK, France, and Germany. Let’s call this the hidden piece on the board. If these talks go sideways, expect USD to see increased buying pressure as a safe-haven move, especially since investors like security—and nuclear uncertainty is anything but that. Here’s a secret trick: if Iran starts hinting at any kind of compromise, European currencies might benefit. The EUR could see a bump, and that’s your opportunity to act. But if tensions rise? Well, then it’s time to remember our old friend the US dollar and consider increasing your holdings. Hezbollah's Drone Attack and 50 Other “Gifts” In a scene that could have been pulled from an action movie, Hezbollah reportedly launched a drone attack on Israel's Ashdod Naval Base. They also claimed around 50 other attacks—like they were making up for a missed anniversary by sending “all the flowers.” What does this mean for us Forex traders? Well, let’s just say that these kinds of military escalations could keep the demand for JPY and CHF alive and kicking. Remember, when the world’s uncertainty goes up, safe havens get the spotlight. But here’s the pro move—keep an eye on how gold behaves too. An uptick in gold often pairs with stronger CHF and JPY movements, so watch those correlations if you’re in the game to maximize profits. EU’s Financial Support for Lebanon: A Tiny Bandaid for a Big Wound The EU has decided to toss EUR 200 million towards the Lebanese armed forces, along with trying to broker a ceasefire between Hezbollah and Israel. This move could be positive for the Euro—after all, if Lebanon stabilizes, it indirectly boosts the EU’s economic outreach efforts. Just think of it as trying to stop a leak with duct tape while hoping the house doesn’t flood. But don’t get over-excited—the impact on EUR will likely be subtle unless there’s real, tangible progress. If you’re long on EUR, watch for headlines of genuine de-escalation—that’s when the markets will really start to smile. Murder, Allegations, and Ripple Effects on the UAE In a darker twist, an Israeli rabbi was murdered in the UAE, leading Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu to promise consequences. Iran denied any involvement. Events like this can create localized instability, which could affect regional currencies and travel advisories. In fact, Israel has already recommended avoiding non-essential travel to the UAE. How do we translate this to a trading perspective? If tensions rise, expect a slight flight-to-safety move, but only if broader instability seems likely. UAE's dirham, pegged to the dollar, might stay stable, but don’t be surprised to see small ripples in regional equities that eventually touch the Forex market indirectly through risk sentiment. What Can You Do as a Forex Whisperer? Okay, so you've got the insider scoop now. But what do you actually do with it? - Play the Safe-Haven Game: If tensions continue, hold or increase positions in JPY and CHF. You could also look at USD, especially if Iran’s talks don’t progress. - Look for Ceasefire Opportunities: Any genuine ceasefire announcement could be a time to lighten up on JPY/CHF and shift back to more risk-oriented currencies like EUR or even AUD. - Anticipate Central Bank Reactions: This is where most traders fall asleep at the wheel. Watch for central banks adjusting their tones. The BoJ, SNB, or even ECB could react based on how the geopolitical winds shift. So, what's the takeaway? Trading is all about knowing the hidden factors. It's not just about the moves that are made—it's about predicting the next move, seeing where the chess pieces might end up, and understanding what each player’s endgame is. The Middle East is a complex board, but by following the stories behind the headlines, you can maneuver through this maze like the Forex pro you are. Now it's your move. Ready to dive deeper? Join the StarseedFX community for exclusive insights and live trading tactics. Stay ahead of the curve with our smart trading tools and get access to strategies that other traders can only dream about. Learn more here. —————– Image Credits: Cover image at the top is AI-generated   Read the full article
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almaqead · 9 months ago
"The Subjects." From Surah 16, Surah An Nahl, the Bee.
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To bee or not to bee, that is the question here in America after President Biden's most recent debate with Donald Trump failed to meet expectations. We have mistakenly rated President Biden's moment of exhaustion worse than the immoral, unethical, illegal, and repusilve acts of former President Trump.
I have seen this man molest children, I caught him redhanded cheating in the 2016 election, I caught him in the company of terrorists from Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran, North Korea and our very own home grown terrorists, the Mormons and told the world who he really is: a piece of filth. Still nothing, nothing at all has been done to protect us from him.
Donald Trump must be arrested at once, he and his sons and all of his accomplices must be put under lock and key today, now this very hour. I urge every free and free thinking human being on this world to rise up against the Government of the United States of America for its role in the making of this monster and all the harm he has done and insist it put a final end to it.
President Biden must remain in office. We are at war from quarter to quarter, a war President Trump and his allies started. The truth must told, it must be acted upon and it is Joe Biden's duty to do it and he has not done it and seized victory and this is not a misfortune the human race must be forced to endure.
This is why we pray, why we study and contemplate so we know when the time is right to do what is good and appropriate, that we do not hesitate. And we have hesitated for decades. The hesitation has to stop. The Jihad Against America is On.
Jihad represents our power as believers in God to save ourselves and this planet in His Name and it must be waged and it must succeed or this monster, Donald Trump and his assmeat puppets, the Mormons will kill everything on this world.
As the Surah suggests, as bees travel from flower to flower gathering pollen so honey can be made to feed the colony, we garner our strength and wisdom from the scripture God gave to His Prophets, and all of them state the evil brewing in America must not continue.
Donald Trump is legally vulberable; he can be arrested and put to death for all that he has done:
Donald Trump incited a siege from among his friends in the Mormon faith. He can no longer hold office.
Donald Trump admitted to being a part of a conspiracy to ban abortions. People are dead as a result of this. This is a Crime Against Humanity.
Mister Trump is guilty of trafficking in sex with minors and can be declared unfit to hold office as a matter of his mental stability and because he can be blackmailed as a result. He has admitted on the air to having a relationship with a man who traffics in sex with minors and so have his sons and son in law. If you want to offer Donald Trump, his sons, Jerry or antiabortion activist Ralph Reed money for their side of the pedophile story in order to publish it, Donald Trump can no longer hold office. He can be reached at [email protected]. Be sure to copy to the Federal Elections Commission in your message, [email protected].
Write the White House, the International Criminal Court at the Hague, the UN Office of Human Rights, call or write your Congressman and Senators and insist the White House deliver us from the evil of Donald Trump NOW.
The Surah continues.
˹He also created˺ horses, mules, and donkeys for your transportation and adornment. And He creates what you do not know.
It is upon Allah ˹alone˺ to ˹clearly˺ show the Straight Way. Other ways are deviant. Had He willed, He would have easily imposed guidance upon all of you.
He is the One Who sends down rain from the sky, from which you drink and by which plants grow for your cattle to graze.
With it He produces for you ˹various˺ crops, olives, palm trees, grapevines, and every type of fruit. Surely in this is a sign for those who reflect.
And He has subjected for your benefit the day and the night, the sun and the moon. And the stars have been subjected by His command. Surely in this are signs for those who understand.
And ˹He subjected˺ for you whatever He has created on earth of varying colours.1 Surely in this is a sign for those who are mindful.
And He is the One Who has subjected the sea, so from it you may eat tender seafood and extract ornaments to wear. And you see the ships ploughing their way through it, so you may seek His bounty and give thanks ˹to Him˺.
He has placed into the earth firm mountains, so it does not shake with you, as well as rivers, and pathways so you may find your way.
God created horses, mules, and donkeys, which are men of noble characters to teach us the Torah, the Gospels, and the Quran and ride up upon us and rescue us when we are in danger.
The Value in Hebrew Gematria is 6991, ו‎טטא‎ ‎, and tahat:
The noun, adverb and preposition תחת (tahat) occurs about 500 times in the Old Testament. It primarily means "beneath" or "under". It occurs in expressions such as "under the sun" or "under one's feet" or "under the authority of" but note that our word isn't necessarily negative as it may indicate a firm support (of everlasting arms, Deuteronomy 33:27). Our word may indicate an equal exchange (an eye "for" an eye; Exodus 21:24), a successional exchange (to rule "instead of" or "after" one's father; 1 Kings 11:43) or a substitutory exchange (a ram instead of Isaac; Genesis 22:13).
Its derivatives are:
The adjective תחתון (tahton), meaning lower or lowest (Joshua 16:3, Isaiah 22:9, Ezekiel 40:18).
The adjective and substantive תחתי (tahti) or תחתית (tahtit), meaning low, below or lowest (Genesis 6:16, Job 41:16, Isaiah 44:23). Note that this word is spelled the same as the construct of the primary noun: 'instead of' or 'to the lower end of'.
We need to put Donald Trump and the Mormons under our feet. Do the actions of a man who blew up the seas and fucks little kids sound thankful or reverential to God? Do we think a man who organized an attack on Israel's Jews and Muslims on October 7 should be allowed to continue his crusade?
The Quran forbids corruption, it forbids greed, whoremongering, it forbids attacks on Jews, Muslims, it is not at all unclear as to what happens to men who harm children.
The prohibition on causing harm is clearly stated in the Quran: Say: My Lord has forbidden all atrocities, whether overt or disguised, and harm (ithm) (7:33). 
Another verse in the Quran states: Abandon all harm (ithm), whether committed openly or in secret. (6: 120) 
In An Nahl, above, the Quran says we are also to protect the climate and the environment.
We have the will, the need, and the Authority to rid the world of Donald Trump and save mankind. All of you then, use peace as a weapon and gently but firmly force Joe Biden to kill his enemy for the sake of the rest of eternity on this world.
I have hunted this black hearted pervert for long and long and in spite, innocent persons were murdered in large numbers in Israel. The world has grown too complacent. It is time for the righteous to join the process of revenge against Donald Trump and destroy all he stands for.
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friendlilycoach · 2 years ago
VIP Middle Eastern founders with weak business English skills. What can you get from me?
🎯 I can help you:
- Get confident when you talk in English.
- Grow your business worldwide with strong English skills within eight months.
8️⃣ During those eight months, I will send chocolates and flowers to you.
🎂📦 On your birthday, you will get a cake and a birthday package from me.
❓Why do you need all these and more?
You are human.
You deserve more.
💪 All these are not just about improving your business English skills.
⚡ All these are about creating strong connections that can help you improve faster.
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How do you connect with your Middle Eastern clients from Nigeria?
Lots of
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They build connections with my VIP Middle Eastern clients.
All the way from Nigeria to the Middle East.
❓Do you want a private business English teacher who cares about you?
❓ Do you want to enjoy all these?
To build strong business English skills to expand your business worldwide.
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P.S. 🔴 Want to expand your business worldwide with strong business English skills within eight months?
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cwg-highsensitive · 28 days ago
… I add to the Trumpel regime and its violence, hate speech, and chaos—the man called Mr. Vance, the troublemaker, the World War III starter, the destructive shit performer. And Putin—put him out!—along with the regimes of their networkers all around the world (Serbia, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Italia, White Russia, China, etc.).
I also send a big ‘fuck you’ to the regimes of Iran and Afghanistan, Putin’s warlord friends in African lands, and all the sleeping terrorists and extremists, for their rotten brown shit in their hearts instead of hot music, good vibes, and true flower-power life in their souls, veins, feet, and brains.
Yes, clap your hands to the beats of MADNESS! I call it ILLNESS—one big, brown shit illness!
One day, these politicians and all the brainwashed brown assholes who followed them will come and shit all over you and me. But I hope, from our graves, colorful flowers will grow—so a new generation will remember these filthy shit holes who played with the life and future of our Earth.
I'll be somewhat happy again if Donald Trump, Elon Musk and Friedrich Merz choke and die together❤️
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mygoldis · 3 years ago
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یکی از پرطرفدارترین و جذاب ترین انواع مدل گل آرایی که در مناسبت های مختلف کارایی بالایی دارند، انواع باکس گل هستند. باکس گل ها در مناسبت هایی مثل گل تولد، تبریک، سوپرایزهای عاشقانه، مراسم فارغ التحصیلی و یا همدردی با عزیزان در کنارتان هستند تا ناب ترین احساس خود را با زبان زیبای گل ها ابراز کنید
خرید گل فارغ التحصیلی از مای گلدیس بهترین ایده است
وقتی از خدمات مای گلدیس استفاده می کنید، می توانید خرید آنلاین گل داشته باشید و حتی آنها را در همان روز تحویل بگیرید! ما تحویل سریع انواع مختلفی از دسته گل، سبد گل، خرید گیاه آپارتمانی، دیش گاردن و هدایای مناسبتی منتخب را در همان روز ارائه می‌کنیم
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sleepyconfusedpotato · 2 years ago
🌹💀Cold Heart🌹💀
A Ghost x Jade Modern Warfare II story
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Prologue : Hard Time
Inspired by Hard Time by Seinabo
“So… how much for a small bouquet of roses, Miss?” A teenager dressed in high school uniform stood in front of the displayed red colored flower of love, belonging to the Le Jardin floristry in London. His hands were tightly situated inside his trouser’s pockets, clearly shaking.
Jade smiled at the sight. His height was the same as hers, though she probably had a good decade on him. Immaculate hairstyle, not a single fold visible on his clothes, and blushing so hard his face was about to turn as red as her hair. The florist knew that this young boy’s most likely about to declare his love for his crush. 
“A small bouquet would cost 15 quid, but for you, young lad,” she patted the boy’s shoulder softly, “12’s enough.” 
The boy chimed in joy, “That’s great! I’ll take one, please.” 
“I’ll wrap it up in white paper and plastic, tied with a ribbon for finishing. Does that work?” An aggressive nod from him made her smile ear to ear. “One bouquet coming right up!” Walking to the back of the shop to gather her best roses, Jade started to collect and the five roses in her hands, arranging the best flowers for the boy to confess with. 
As she focused the task at hand, a ringtone of her phone interrupted her work. It was a different tune than her regular one, which could only mean one thing. When she fished out her device from her pocket, Jade immediately pressed the green icon upon seeing the name on the screen. 
Putting the phone between her ear and shoulder, she continued her work, “Hi, Kate.” 
“Hey, Jade. Always so cheerful.”
Jade could hear the smile from the CIA’s voice. Laswell had been a friend since her black agent days; a mentor figure of hers, leading her through lots of missions and assignments throughout the globe. Both women admired each other, and learned from each other a lot. If not for their affiliations, they’re sure they’d work together more. 
“Been a long time since I heard your voice, Kate. What's up? Bit busy right now.” She said as her hands arranged the flowers in her palm.
“Sorry to disturb your work, but I need you.”
“Oh? Do you have a funeral? Wedding? Flower for your wife, perhaps? Are you visiting London? The weather sucks this time of year, though.”
“No. I need you, Jade.” Kate’s voice turned serious. 
The emphasis on her codename told her what she needed to know, causing her to sigh on the phone, “…Laswell. Verdansk was my last assignment. You know I don't do this anymore–”
“Major Hassan Zyani of Iran is in possession of an American missile. We don't know where he got it from, or where the target is. What we know is that we eliminated his superior General Ghorbrani six months ago, and we think he wants retaliation.”
Laswell, always to the point. All that information though, caught Jade’s attention while she took out the white papers and transparent plastic around the roses. “…Continue.”
“We tried to apprehend him in Al Mazrah where we found the first missile, but he escaped and is now in Las Almas. We need your help to track him down, find the other missile, and dig up his plans with it.” the CIA continued.
“Las Almas? City of Souls, huh.” Taking the hanging ribbon from the wall, the florist started to wrap it around the base of the bouquet.
“Yes. Once you’re there, you will be united with Colonel Alejandro Vargas from the Mexican Special Forces. He's a local, so you'll get a lot of help from him. Sending the picture and files to you.”
Jade pulled the phone from her shoulder, looking at the images of the said soldier. “Oh, hello there.” Mexican Special Forces sounded cool as heck in her ears. He looked charming, she’d give him that. “Give me a few hours. I need to prepare my gears and contact MI6.”
“No need. I already notified MI6. You're free to go. Your wheels up in 3 hours.”
“And one more thing. Ghost and Soap will join you.”
Jade halted her handiwork at the name drop. “...Ghost and Soap?” 
“Yes. I believe you've acquainted yourselves in Verdansk. They're the ones who found the missile in Al Mazrah. They'll see things through.”
“...Huh.” She couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped her mouth. 
“Any issues?” Laswell questioned from the other side.
“Not at all, Kate.” Jade tied the red ribbon on the front of the bouquet with finality. “Not at all.”
As the Brit finished her work, she took her handiwork into her arms, picking the phone from her shoulders. “Okay. I’ll be there."
“Sorry to disturb you again, Jade, but we could really use your help.” Laswell tried to explain herself, “You know I wouldn’t reach you if this wasn't a matter of emergency.” 
“No problem at all, Kate. How can I ever say no to you, right? Oh Mrs. CIA.” A laugh from the other side made her chuckle. Tapping the red button on the phone, the florist put both of her palms on the table, staring at the roses she prepared.
Twenty years of service - she thought she’s done with this life, move on, live like a regular adult. Have a job, make a friend or two, get some food, have a family–
Well, she’s not lucky on that part yet, living basically all her life doing the dirty assignments and killing everyone MI6 saw as a threat, guilty or innocent. There was never any room for romance. She’s an adopted daughter of a couple MI6 retired black agents, whom she devoted her life to fill their shoes for. Now, all she wanted was a normal life, but of course, Laswell thought that her skills could do more good; keep the world safe, protect the people she loved, and that the world still needed her. 
Jade scoffed before standing back up. She still had a boy in the front of her shop, waiting to confess to his crush. Sometimes she envied the people who come to her shop. They came in with events they want to celebrate, be it birthdays. weddings, anniversaries, funerals...
Love confessions. 
She couldn’t help the smile on her face. “At least I can help the young lad.” And so, Jade walked to the frontside of the shop with the roses, finding the boy sitting on a chair, playing what seemed to be a mobile shooting game as his thumbs rapidly moved across the screen.
“Hey.” Jade called to him, making the boy flinch and close whatever game he’s playing. As he stood up, he saw the red and white bouquet on her hands, his eyes instantly glimmered with awe.
The woman stretched her arms to give her handiwork to him and fished out little colorful plastics containing sweets from the jar on the counter. “Here’s your bag of roses, and here’s some candy. Sugar will raise your confidence to the max. Good luck, Mate.” Jade said as she gave the bouquet and the candies to him.
“Thanks, Miss. I owe you lots.” The boy grinned. 
“You’ll do well. Cease the moment!” Raising her fist in the air in front of her, he responded with a fistbump, before giving her the money and ran out of the florist, ready for his love declaration.
Looking at the clock on the wall, there’s still a few hours left until the shop closes, but considering the situation at hand, she walked to the door and flipped the hanged tag from 'open' to 'closed'.
Now, contacting her parents. Jade sighed as she scrolled her contacts list to find her father's number, because she knew how her parents felt about this. They wouldn't take this news well.
After a few beeps on the line, he picked up the call.
“Pa, Ma.” 
“Hi, Lottie Dear! What’s up? Is the shop going well?” Her father, Eli's gentle yet stern voice rang through the phone.
“We’re just a few hours from London. Is something the matter, Love?” A feminine voice joined, which could only belong to her mother. 
The two had been out of London for the week to pick up flowers from their private fields in Norfolk. Twenty years in business after their retirement – or, rather disappearances – from MI6, they thought having their own fields of flowers would be a great investment. Having their own farmers and land, it helped them with the continuity of their business. 
Hearing their delightful voices, Jade's almost sorry to deliver them the news. “Yeah. Laswell called me again.”
The silence on the line told her that her parents were contemplating between themselves. Their daughter promised them that 2019 was her last mission. Now that the elder couple heard the CIA's name again, Jade needed to tell them what's going on.
"What's the situation?" Her father inquired, heaviness filling his voice.
“This Iranian Major has an American-made missile in his possession. He’s currently hiding in Las Almas. This’ll take probably a month or so.” Jade explained to her parents. “I won’t be alone, though. There are others with me this time. Wheels up in 3 hours.” 
"Who will be with you?" Again, her father asked. This protective side of his had been a major character of his, even though Jade wouldn't complain about it at all.
Jade huffed, "Mexican Special Forces, and two operators of SAS, the ones I met three years ago back in Verdansk. There might be more, but that's all I know so far. Laswell will tell me more once I've packed my bags."
Silence lingered on the line, save for the faint sound of the car they're driving at the moment on the background. Jade knew that her parents were conversing without speaking, a trait she knew all too well.
Her mother, Gracie, clicked her tongue, "Do you really have to go?" Jade could hear reluctance in her voice. "You said you were done, Verdansk was your last assignment - you promised us, remember?"
Jade closed her eyes as she looked down at her arms, peppered with old scars from her days as a black agent, days she wanted to leave behind. However, as she reflected upon her phone call with Laswell earlier, it actually didn't take much for the CIA agent to convince her about joining in on this mission.
"And I'm sure I don't have to remind you about what happened 12 years ago, in Cuba." Eli said to her.
There's that.
One of the worst assignments that Jade had to take, and how it changed her life. A mission that even Laswell have no knowledge about.
"...Does it have to be you, Lottie Dear?"
That sentence from her mother made her stomach churn. She's her mother after all.
Jade couldn't say anything to that, other than the fact that Laswell wouldn't contact her in the first place if she had any other better name in mind. She didn't know too much about the mission yet to determine why Laswell had to call her, and saying the CIA's name once more wouldn't ease her parents' concern at the moment.
"...Yeah." she only mumbled lowly.
Silence still lingered. Either they would allow this, or she's going to have to go against her parents' wishes.
"It's a long time ago, more than a decade, Pa. I'm okay now, and I won't be alone, remember?" Jade said as her last attempt at reasoning with her parents. "I have some very strong and capable people covering my back, so don't be too worried, okay?"
Jade thought she had to do the latter, until her father spoke, “Alright, Love. Have a safe trip." Hearing her father's confirmation, Jade looked up straight in surprise. "Take your gears, it’s in my armory. The key’s in uhh…”
“In your Pa’s study. Lowest drawer. Take everything you need, including the ‘persuasion’ kits too, if you ever find yourself needing it.” Her mother’s voice interrupted. “Sharpen your blades, loosen your muscles, be vigilant, Dear.”
“And don’t worry about the shop. We’ll do fine.” Her father assured. 
Jade scoffed at her parents’ voice. They’re the best parents she could ever ask for. “I know, Pa. Ma.” 
“Good. Be careful, Lottie. We love you.” 
“I love you both, too. See you.” After hanging up the call, Jade huffed in relief. Step one was completed. Now she didn't have to go to the mission carrying a heavy heart with her.
'Ghost and Soap will join you.'
Laswell’s voice lingered in her mind. She knew the latter is the youngest SAS personnel with exceptional abilities and potential, but the former, though? 
He's a handful.
When they first met in Verdansk, the skull-faced SAS lieutenant was the most foul-mouthed man she’s ever met. Cursed like there’s no tomorrow and underestimated her to the point that she got her nickname, Midget. She’s not even that short! Jade’s just average UK woman’s height! Offended to the bone, she got back at him by calling Ghost Beanpole, even though she must admit, his physique was the furthest thing from a beanpole, but she’s nowhere near midget either (again, even though he’s got a good 1 foot on her). 
Anyway, their meeting was unpleasant, as there were divisions and distrust amongst the Armistice in Verdansk. Their rivalries started, going from the fact that they both work alone, specialize in stealth, and seem to have a close personal relationship with their blades. Ghost and her had been an acquaintance and no more, save for the bastard-calling part. 
Don’t get her wrong, Ghost was certainly not someone you’d want as an enemy. He would’ve been a great ally to fight alongside with, if and only if he’s a little bit more agreeable to the people around him. Jade wondered what else Ghost, Soap, and the new Mexican ally had in store for her in this mission.
But that’s for the future to think about. For now, she’s got a flight to catch. 
There's the prologue for "Cold Heart"! This series will be updated kinda irregularly (I will try regularly tho. Probably around once a week/two week).
Hope you enjoyed that and stay tuned!
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theivorybilledwoodpecker · 2 years ago
The family of 16-year-old protester Nika Shakarami claim that her body was stolen by government forces in October. Reza Haghighatnejad, an Iranian dissident journalist, worked in Prague for years for the Iranian branch of the U.S.-funded Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL). He died of cancer in a Berlin hospital in October. When his body was flown home to Iran at his family’s request, his remains were not found at the airport, according to RFE. According to the NGO Iran Human Rights, at least 448 people, including 60 children, have been killed since the protests began, though the true number is believed to be higher because of the difficulty in accessing death certificates. The seizures have been particularly distressing for the families, who have been denied the opportunity to say goodbye to their loved ones. Sarah Haghighatnejad, the late journalist's sister, published a video of her brother's tombstone covered with flowers on her Twitter account. "Those who were even afraid of your lifeless body and did not give my mother and me a chance to say goodbye must pay the price,” she wrote. "They are taking away the chance from the mourning families to say goodbye in peace to have the last word with their loved ones," Mehdi Tajik, a journalist and friend of Haghighatnejad, said. "They seize bodies to force the families to either say they were not killed by the police or to force them to bury them without a funeral." Some families have responded by keeping hold of their dead or scrambling to get to morgues where their loved ones are kept. One protester, Mehran Samak, was shot dead while celebrating Iran's World Cup loss to the U.S. on the streets of Anzali, a port city in the north of the country. His death sparked a rush from his family to recover Samak’s body from the morgue, as they were scared he might be buried elsewhere by the authorities in secret, a friend of the family told ABC News. The family of 10-year-old Kian Piraflak, shot dead in Izeh, Khuzestan Province, earlier this month, reportedly kept his body at home rather than a morgue out of fear he would be taken. Videos on social media have circulated showing women carrying buckets of ice, shouting "Ice! Ice for children" to symbolically protest the pain families go through to protect and preserve the bodies of their killed loved ones. "She was forced to make a mobile morgue for the body of her child," an Iranian journalist with knowledge of the alleged thefts told ABC News. The journalist did not want to be named for security reasons. "The fact that a mother cannot even think about seeking justice for the murder of her son, and instead she has to send people around to borrow ice so she can keep the body of her son cold overnight is pure horror and distress."
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Let me get this straight.
Some overgrown infant holds the world hostage. Promising existential annihilation through nuclear mutually assured destruction, and I'm supposed to not judge his motive or his spiritual councilor because he's Orthodox?
Because I get too much information from "Western Media"?
Because I think I "know" something because I have an internet connection?
Because I'm to stupid to think that I might not have all the facts?
Listen. I don't need to know all the facts or nuances.
I try to read through RT, but everything is fantasy.
The Fuhrer is never wrong. Everything is going great in Ukraine. Everything is sunshine, unicorns, and rainbows.
And then I read any and every other news outlet, even Chinese and Indian ones, and I find out that Russia is sending the flower of their youth into a meat grinder. That they have absolutely zero moral high ground. That they indiscriminately attack civilians, and try to blame it on - who exactly? the "Azov" battalion in one city? Embedded reporters report what they see, and what they see is a united people - not radicals using defenseless civilians.
Ukraine is united against tyranny.
Ukraine is united against Putin, tyranny, and Russia - by extension.
Further, this war has crystallized a problem I've had with Orthodoxy for awhile - they cannot take a stand. They. Simply. Can't. They have a position on Homosexual unions I can embrace. At the local, personal level I appreciate their moral guidance. But when it comes to national atrocities, it's a LOT of hand-wringing, and not much more.
Evil is Evil. When writ large, it’s even more repugnant.
I'm not saying the United States took the moral high ground in Syria, or Iran, or Afghanistan. I wasn't even old enough to have an opinion about Vietnam; and Korea was my dad's war. But I do know one thing, right and wrong are absolutes, and the war in Ukraine is AS absolute as it gets in this fallen world.
Read anything - anything - from St Seraphim of Sarov, and ask yourself if Putin understands what he said.
The meek and humble do not start wars. The belligerent do not cause a "thousand souls around you" to "be saved".
I’m not saying Putin is lost, What I am saying is that right now, this instant, he’s Evil Incarnate.
Prove to me that Orthodoxy can be transformational, and I might believe.
I want to believe.
But I have to see transformation.
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siavash-zs · 3 years ago
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Do you know someone who loves pastry and cake? Or do you think this is the best gift for your friends and family? Now that you want to make them happy and show your love towards them, it is time to find the most appropriate gift boxes for chocolates, cakes, and pastries.
To give cakes and pastries gift boxes to someone whom you love may sometimes be complicated. You have to think about where to find a chocolate gift set or box of candies.  And, finally, if you find the most luxury gift box, how do you want to send it to Iran?
We know all that sending gifts to Iran is not simple to do. So, how do you want to show your thoughtfulness and care from thousands of kilometers far from Iran and be sure that your box is safely delivered?
Send pastry and cake to Iran and be sure about their quality and delivery. Be smart and order your valentine’s chocolate box, Mother’s Day flower cake, marriage anniversary flower cake, birthday box cake, and other kinds of gifts online from Giftex.
But why choosing Giftex is a more efficient way to order and send cakes gifts to Iran?
• You can personalize your pastry cakes design and decoration before delivering it, and ask us to customize the shape, color, text, and style of your cake or pastry.
• Hundreds of different cakes and pastries exist for different tastes and needs, from creamy sweets to chocolate sweet, vanilla pastry cakes, milk chocolates, and fruit pastry tarts. You can choose the one you desire and make your beloved ones happy.
• Order your pastry and cakes for different occasions and based on the event. Send a box of chocolate for Valentine’s Day or a birthday cake for your family and friends’ birthday or a flower cake for Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, or the wedding anniversary of your friend.
• Send pastry gifts to Iran from the US, Canada, Europe and all over the globe quickly, safely, and delightfully.
• The cost of delivering cake and pastry gift boxes to Iran is the most reasonable in Giftex, and you can enjoy the refund guarantee in case any problem happens.
• Ordering your gift box from Giftex has 24-hour free support, and you can get free shipping with orders above 50$.
Various pastry and cakes gift items are available to order in Giftex, see them below and choose the one that is right for you.
Don’t forget that all of the sweets in our pastry products gift bags are made entirely by hand using only the finest ingredients, a pinch of love, and a bowl of happiness. Don’t tell anybody about the secret ingredients that have helped us become the pioneer of delivering pastry and gifts online to Iran.
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