#This is my first series so puh-lease be gentle HNGHHH
🌹💀Cold Heart🌹💀
A Ghost x Jade Modern Warfare II story
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Prologue : Hard Time
Inspired by Hard Time by Seinabo
“So… how much for a small bouquet of roses, Miss?” A teenager dressed in high school uniform stood in front of the displayed red colored flower of love, belonging to the Le Jardin floristry in London. His hands were tightly situated inside his trouser’s pockets, clearly shaking.
Jade smiled at the sight. His height was the same as hers, though she probably had a good decade on him. Immaculate hairstyle, not a single fold visible on his clothes, and blushing so hard his face was about to turn as red as her hair. The florist knew that this young boy’s most likely about to declare his love for his crush. 
“A small bouquet would cost 15 quid, but for you, young lad,” she patted the boy’s shoulder softly, “12’s enough.” 
The boy chimed in joy, “That’s great! I’ll take one, please.” 
“I’ll wrap it up in white paper and plastic, tied with a ribbon for finishing. Does that work?” An aggressive nod from him made her smile ear to ear. “One bouquet coming right up!” Walking to the back of the shop to gather her best roses, Jade started to collect and the five roses in her hands, arranging the best flowers for the boy to confess with. 
As she focused the task at hand, a ringtone of her phone interrupted her work. It was a different tune than her regular one, which could only mean one thing. When she fished out her device from her pocket, Jade immediately pressed the green icon upon seeing the name on the screen. 
Putting the phone between her ear and shoulder, she continued her work, “Hi, Kate.” 
“Hey, Jade. Always so cheerful.”
Jade could hear the smile from the CIA’s voice. Laswell had been a friend since her black agent days; a mentor figure of hers, leading her through lots of missions and assignments throughout the globe. Both women admired each other, and learned from each other a lot. If not for their affiliations, they’re sure they’d work together more. 
“Been a long time since I heard your voice, Kate. What's up? Bit busy right now.” She said as her hands arranged the flowers in her palm.
“Sorry to disturb your work, but I need you.”
“Oh? Do you have a funeral? Wedding? Flower for your wife, perhaps? Are you visiting London? The weather sucks this time of year, though.”
“No. I need you, Jade.” Kate’s voice turned serious. 
The emphasis on her codename told her what she needed to know, causing her to sigh on the phone, “…Laswell. Verdansk was my last assignment. You know I don't do this anymore–”
“Major Hassan Zyani of Iran is in possession of an American missile. We don't know where he got it from, or where the target is. What we know is that we eliminated his superior General Ghorbrani six months ago, and we think he wants retaliation.”
Laswell, always to the point. All that information though, caught Jade’s attention while she took out the white papers and transparent plastic around the roses. “…Continue.”
“We tried to apprehend him in Al Mazrah where we found the first missile, but he escaped and is now in Las Almas. We need your help to track him down, find the other missile, and dig up his plans with it.” the CIA continued.
“Las Almas? City of Souls, huh.” Taking the hanging ribbon from the wall, the florist started to wrap it around the base of the bouquet.
“Yes. Once you’re there, you will be united with Colonel Alejandro Vargas from the Mexican Special Forces. He's a local, so you'll get a lot of help from him. Sending the picture and files to you.”
Jade pulled the phone from her shoulder, looking at the images of the said soldier. “Oh, hello there.” Mexican Special Forces sounded cool as heck in her ears. He looked charming, she’d give him that. “Give me a few hours. I need to prepare my gears and contact MI6.”
“No need. I already notified MI6. You're free to go. Your wheels up in 3 hours.”
“And one more thing. Ghost and Soap will join you.”
Jade halted her handiwork at the name drop. “...Ghost and Soap?” 
“Yes. I believe you've acquainted yourselves in Verdansk. They're the ones who found the missile in Al Mazrah. They'll see things through.”
“...Huh.” She couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped her mouth. 
“Any issues?” Laswell questioned from the other side.
“Not at all, Kate.” Jade tied the red ribbon on the front of the bouquet with finality. “Not at all.”
As the Brit finished her work, she took her handiwork into her arms, picking the phone from her shoulders. “Okay. I’ll be there."
“Sorry to disturb you again, Jade, but we could really use your help.” Laswell tried to explain herself, “You know I wouldn’t reach you if this wasn't a matter of emergency.” 
“No problem at all, Kate. How can I ever say no to you, right? Oh Mrs. CIA.” A laugh from the other side made her chuckle. Tapping the red button on the phone, the florist put both of her palms on the table, staring at the roses she prepared.
Twenty years of service - she thought she’s done with this life, move on, live like a regular adult. Have a job, make a friend or two, get some food, have a family–
Well, she’s not lucky on that part yet, living basically all her life doing the dirty assignments and killing everyone MI6 saw as a threat, guilty or innocent. There was never any room for romance. She’s an adopted daughter of a couple MI6 retired black agents, whom she devoted her life to fill their shoes for. Now, all she wanted was a normal life, but of course, Laswell thought that her skills could do more good; keep the world safe, protect the people she loved, and that the world still needed her. 
Jade scoffed before standing back up. She still had a boy in the front of her shop, waiting to confess to his crush. Sometimes she envied the people who come to her shop. They came in with events they want to celebrate, be it birthdays. weddings, anniversaries, funerals...
Love confessions. 
She couldn’t help the smile on her face. “At least I can help the young lad.” And so, Jade walked to the frontside of the shop with the roses, finding the boy sitting on a chair, playing what seemed to be a mobile shooting game as his thumbs rapidly moved across the screen.
“Hey.” Jade called to him, making the boy flinch and close whatever game he’s playing. As he stood up, he saw the red and white bouquet on her hands, his eyes instantly glimmered with awe.
The woman stretched her arms to give her handiwork to him and fished out little colorful plastics containing sweets from the jar on the counter. “Here’s your bag of roses, and here’s some candy. Sugar will raise your confidence to the max. Good luck, Mate.” Jade said as she gave the bouquet and the candies to him.
“Thanks, Miss. I owe you lots.” The boy grinned. 
“You’ll do well. Cease the moment!” Raising her fist in the air in front of her, he responded with a fistbump, before giving her the money and ran out of the florist, ready for his love declaration.
Looking at the clock on the wall, there’s still a few hours left until the shop closes, but considering the situation at hand, she walked to the door and flipped the hanged tag from 'open' to 'closed'.
Now, contacting her parents. Jade sighed as she scrolled her contacts list to find her father's number, because she knew how her parents felt about this. They wouldn't take this news well.
After a few beeps on the line, he picked up the call.
“Pa, Ma.” 
“Hi, Lottie Dear! What’s up? Is the shop going well?” Her father, Eli's gentle yet stern voice rang through the phone.
“We’re just a few hours from London. Is something the matter, Love?” A feminine voice joined, which could only belong to her mother. 
The two had been out of London for the week to pick up flowers from their private fields in Norfolk. Twenty years in business after their retirement – or, rather disappearances – from MI6, they thought having their own fields of flowers would be a great investment. Having their own farmers and land, it helped them with the continuity of their business. 
Hearing their delightful voices, Jade's almost sorry to deliver them the news. “Yeah. Laswell called me again.”
The silence on the line told her that her parents were contemplating between themselves. Their daughter promised them that 2019 was her last mission. Now that the elder couple heard the CIA's name again, Jade needed to tell them what's going on.
"What's the situation?" Her father inquired, heaviness filling his voice.
“This Iranian Major has an American-made missile in his possession. He’s currently hiding in Las Almas. This’ll take probably a month or so.” Jade explained to her parents. “I won’t be alone, though. There are others with me this time. Wheels up in 3 hours.” 
"Who will be with you?" Again, her father asked. This protective side of his had been a major character of his, even though Jade wouldn't complain about it at all.
Jade huffed, "Mexican Special Forces, and two operators of SAS, the ones I met three years ago back in Verdansk. There might be more, but that's all I know so far. Laswell will tell me more once I've packed my bags."
Silence lingered on the line, save for the faint sound of the car they're driving at the moment on the background. Jade knew that her parents were conversing without speaking, a trait she knew all too well.
Her mother, Gracie, clicked her tongue, "Do you really have to go?" Jade could hear reluctance in her voice. "You said you were done, Verdansk was your last assignment - you promised us, remember?"
Jade closed her eyes as she looked down at her arms, peppered with old scars from her days as a black agent, days she wanted to leave behind. However, as she reflected upon her phone call with Laswell earlier, it actually didn't take much for the CIA agent to convince her about joining in on this mission.
"And I'm sure I don't have to remind you about what happened 12 years ago, in Cuba." Eli said to her.
There's that.
One of the worst assignments that Jade had to take, and how it changed her life. A mission that even Laswell have no knowledge about.
"...Does it have to be you, Lottie Dear?"
That sentence from her mother made her stomach churn. She's her mother after all.
Jade couldn't say anything to that, other than the fact that Laswell wouldn't contact her in the first place if she had any other better name in mind. She didn't know too much about the mission yet to determine why Laswell had to call her, and saying the CIA's name once more wouldn't ease her parents' concern at the moment.
"...Yeah." she only mumbled lowly.
Silence still lingered. Either they would allow this, or she's going to have to go against her parents' wishes.
"It's a long time ago, more than a decade, Pa. I'm okay now, and I won't be alone, remember?" Jade said as her last attempt at reasoning with her parents. "I have some very strong and capable people covering my back, so don't be too worried, okay?"
Jade thought she had to do the latter, until her father spoke, “Alright, Love. Have a safe trip." Hearing her father's confirmation, Jade looked up straight in surprise. "Take your gears, it’s in my armory. The key’s in uhh…”
“In your Pa’s study. Lowest drawer. Take everything you need, including the ‘persuasion’ kits too, if you ever find yourself needing it.” Her mother’s voice interrupted. “Sharpen your blades, loosen your muscles, be vigilant, Dear.”
“And don’t worry about the shop. We’ll do fine.” Her father assured. 
Jade scoffed at her parents’ voice. They’re the best parents she could ever ask for. “I know, Pa. Ma.” 
“Good. Be careful, Lottie. We love you.” 
“I love you both, too. See you.” After hanging up the call, Jade huffed in relief. Step one was completed. Now she didn't have to go to the mission carrying a heavy heart with her.
'Ghost and Soap will join you.'
Laswell’s voice lingered in her mind. She knew the latter is the youngest SAS personnel with exceptional abilities and potential, but the former, though? 
He's a handful.
When they first met in Verdansk, the skull-faced SAS lieutenant was the most foul-mouthed man she’s ever met. Cursed like there’s no tomorrow and underestimated her to the point that she got her nickname, Midget. She’s not even that short! Jade’s just average UK woman’s height! Offended to the bone, she got back at him by calling Ghost Beanpole, even though she must admit, his physique was the furthest thing from a beanpole, but she’s nowhere near midget either (again, even though he’s got a good 1 foot on her). 
Anyway, their meeting was unpleasant, as there were divisions and distrust amongst the Armistice in Verdansk. Their rivalries started, going from the fact that they both work alone, specialize in stealth, and seem to have a close personal relationship with their blades. Ghost and her had been an acquaintance and no more, save for the bastard-calling part. 
Don’t get her wrong, Ghost was certainly not someone you’d want as an enemy. He would’ve been a great ally to fight alongside with, if and only if he’s a little bit more agreeable to the people around him. Jade wondered what else Ghost, Soap, and the new Mexican ally had in store for her in this mission.
But that’s for the future to think about. For now, she’s got a flight to catch. 
There's the prologue for "Cold Heart"! This series will be updated kinda irregularly (I will try regularly tho. Probably around once a week/two week).
Hope you enjoyed that and stay tuned!
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