#semiverbal autistic
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boyswillbedogz · 5 months ago
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wolf themed communication cards i made for myself :)
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spooksforsammy · 5 months ago
Somedays I worry I push the idea that aac is this absolutely amazing thing to use and have, and everyone will benefit from it and it’s super easy. And I pray that’s the not idea pass around, because it’s not true.
Aac can be fun yes, but the harassment, exclusion and struggle from starting and continuing to use aac is hard to deal with. People don’t take you serious, they want verbal communication even if you can’t and they won’t talk to someone that uses a device for a voice.
From personal experience, aac is amazing to have, but it’s hard to start, continue use and understand. And truthfully aac can be just as impaired to use as my verbal speech. I feel like I tell everyone the good and purposely exclude the bad, and I don’t want to anymore. Because it’s wrong to me and so many others.
Aac is hard to use. Some just can’t for whatever reason. Sometimes they don’t have any function language, they don’t understand others exist and can be talked to, they have little interest etc. speech & language impairment go past only verbal speech, they often include of others understand them, they understand others and how they communicate with the world.
Aac takes time. And I mean a lot. It need constant improvement, customization and editing. It can take years to get personalized, and even then, sometimes words are being added in daily or monthly.
It’s frustrating. Thought can’t get out quick enough, conversations change before get words out. Sometimes have thoughts but no idea where words are located (symbol based) or not sure how phrase thoughts. Yes it can help prevent meltdowns, but it can also be the cause of them.
I’ve been off and on aac for a few years (mainly due to not have actual device for it) and sadly aac may never actually work for me. Sometimes it does, other times it’s just as or more frustrating than verbal communication. Sometimes the good outweighs the bad.
But sometimes it doesn’t. Sometimes it just never works. It’s sometime shown as the one that works when nothing else does, but sometimes aac also don’t work. That’s the sad truth behind aac.
(One experience from one aac use. Also part time not use since childhood experience. It’s different for everyone!! If this related with you, great. If it doesn’t that’s good to.)
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pumpkinspicedmochi · 8 months ago
Jus because someone struggles with speaking or typing doesn't mean they aren't worth listening to..
Something I noticed is that a lot of places on the internet is not for disabled people, like on Reddit some communities on there want your grammar and words to be completely correct and perfect otherwise they delete your post , which has happen to me before including being insulted for it. I notice this more probably since I seem to be going through autism regression (?) but its like..they assume everyone they say that to is abled bodied anddd not disabled in anyway that effects their speaking and typing , it has legit made me no feel comfortable posting or talking on the internet because of the weird obsession with 'proper' , 'correct' English. Like I talk on Reddit but i'm super nervous that some gonna say something or not let me post because my English isn't perfect and have it called "badly written post" , "terrible grammar" , "not worth people seeing/reading" ..like ok..my bad that i'm semi verbal , disabled and it affects how I type and text ??..(specifically at the moment mean higher support needs autistic people but could go for others too , jus can't talk on experiences I don't have)
Another weird thing is people making fun of blurry or bad quality pictures..when your hands are shaky ..there is nothing I can really do about it..sorry my hands are shaky??
"this is a scam because the picture is so blurry"
well I was having tremors when I took the picture..disabled people exist ya know?
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autisticabyss · 6 days ago
it’s “listen to autistics” until its lvl 2 or lvl 3 autistics speaking
it’s “listen to autistics” until its msn or hsn autistics speaking
it’s “listen to autistics” until its semiverbal or nonverbal autistics speaking
it’s “listen to autistics” until its autistic people of colour speaking
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nebby-aac-blog · 1 year ago
people more nice me when be good quiet autism when can talk and be in too much overwhelming places stay quiet be good behave like not autism people do. people not nice when they think I bad autism semiverbal use AAC and loud distracting. when stim melt down cry or when understimulated loud have a lot energy run around make noise do lots things to try make brain slow down calm down. is unfair because I still autistic all time and I still person all time not just when mask seem not autistic. and some autistic people only ever second one they should get respect too they people too
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ghxst-system · 1 year ago
uh just cus u experience verbal shutdown does NOT mean u r semiverbal
semiverbality is not:
being unable to speak when anxious , stressed , tired or overwhelmed (this is verbal shutdown)
being unable to use most words or phrases when anxious , stressed , tired or overwhelmed (this is also verbal shutdown)
semiverbality is:
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stop misusing verbality labels
we will not engage with discourse on this topic as we do not have to spoons to do so
-Arson (a semiverbal alter) (it/xe) + Sorine gatekeeper (death/hate/flesh)
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amethysticatboysyndrome · 2 years ago
Found a way to make communication cards a bit easier if you don't want to cut out many pieces of paper: flash cards!! You can buy a thing for flash cards like this one and write on those!! Also the paper is firm!!
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entity56 · 4 months ago
kinda funny thinking about how my main defense mechanism is freeze (shutting down, having verbal crashes and/or going stiff) and how im goat adjacent so i just kinda
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radqueeraac · 7 months ago
[pt: Hi!]
We are the Jumbled Collective! We are LSN-MSN autistic, and a handful of us use AAC.
We noticed a lack of endogenic and radqueer safe AAC blogs, and so we wanted to make this blog to be one!
We wanted to make sure all AAC users, including endogenic and radq, had access to emotes for any words they need.
Feel free to send requests, and we will try our best to fulfill them!
Some boundaries + extra info under cut
- We are ok with anti's interacting with our account, as long as you are respectful and do not cause drama.
- We are proship + profic! If you are uncomfortable with that please leave.
- You are more than welcome to use our emotes in discord servers, just please add credit!
Extra info:
This acc is a sideblog of @radically-soup so all of our likes + follows will show up under that account
Our simply plural is Jumbled_Collective, feel free to add us if you'd like ^_^
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boyswillbedogz · 3 months ago
december aac tour :3
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disclaimer : its perpetually unfinished and is in a constant state of wip. we frequently add buttons based on words we feel the need to say often . we also probably need to add a folder for conversational scripts , like restauraunt orders and faqs . however, its largely finished and usable , though id like to add more to the ' places ' & ' feelings ' folders !!! the blacked out word is our deadname , which we had to include since most people irl know us by it .
i use the app weave chat on an ipad ! not sure which kind but it's a relatively old model .
we're a bit verbally scrambled due to schizophrenia and have frequent verbal shutdowns due to autism . we spend about 50-80% of the time unable to speak , and tire of it very very quickly .
we have a lot of art on here by a lot of wonderful people, mainly including but not limited to : @angelsemotes @tontoemojis @k9emote @meeb-motes @stellas--symbols and @neon-emojiz !!! yall have been very helpful and are wonderful artists ,,,
individual folders !!! in order : general, about me, health, abc & 123, places, items, pronouns, positions, feelings, actions !
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we also sometimes use a google doc on a computer to type and show to people, or google translate tts, communication cards, phantomiming, and very basic sign language !
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spooksforsammy · 3 months ago
My mind racing but also so quiet. Because so fucking much want say but idk why. Idk what say. It stuck but I want it out. It make my brain hurt. I feel physical mental pain with the thoughts stuck in my brain I want it out.
I want to talk to people. I want to get my thoughts out. I want my voice to match my thoughts I want them to actually know what I have to say. It hurts it fucking hurts. Shit I hate it I want a voice I want a voice so fucking bad
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pumpkinspicedmochi · 10 months ago
Hey sorry for the random ask but what does semi speckling mean? /Gen
Hai , its alright I like receiving asks . Anyways , it might be easier to explain it like "unreliable speech" as in semi speaking / semi verbal is a permanent state where you always struggle with speaking for me It also affects my typing which I've seen other people who are semi verbal struggle with the same .
I also have a tag on my blog #mochi semi verbal talk
where I talk more about semi verbal if you're interested in like more indepth than this (or more like..different ways I've talked about it or posts I've reblogged by other semi verbal people?)
I also repeat words a lot when actually using my own voice , I stutter and struggle to get out what I'm trying to say along with speech being broken . Being semi verbal is permanent but my struggle does vary just like how sometimes I write more broken speech than other times.
I also connect it to like , you want to say something but even the words in your brain are jumbling up and its like trying to speck a different language that you only know a few words to or more so ..only a few words will come out and you say the wrong word in place , I also sometimes will use the wrong word when I'm not trying to but that's what wanted to come out and I had no control over it.
hope this helps! 😊
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fishiepup · 1 year ago
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nebby-aac-blog · 8 months ago
want people to know is okay to use AAC. use my app in lots different places. I use it in piercing and tattoo shop. I use it in restaurant and food place. I use it in clothes shop. I use it in any place I need it and want to make use AAC more normal. and that not going happen unless more people who use AAC be seen use it.
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ghxst-system · 10 months ago
A reminder!
You are not "semiverbal" just from experiencing verbal shutdowns.
That isn't what that means.
And you do not "go nonverbal" when you experience them either.
Stop using wildly ableist language that we have all asked you to stop using
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amethysticatboysyndrome · 2 years ago
I'm over here sitting and trying to make communication cards, and got a thought of "why should I make communication cards if I can just buy an AAC later, and they will be useless? I put so much work into them, and they won't even work."
It's a problem I've been having for a long time where I just drop what I want to do because there are "easier" ways to do something, even if they are more expensive. I might never get an AAC, never afford it. And even if I do at some point, communication cards will be useful to me for a few years at least. Also, despite all of that, having multiple options and multiple ways of communication is always good.
Just a note to self because I was about to give up on making communication cards, and I'm not letting myself.
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