lisablack000 · 6 months
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The inner development process, which leads to the realization of this fourth stage, Jung called the individuation process.
It involves the development of what is known as a mature personality, “a well-rounded psychic whole that is capable of resistance and abounding in energy,” which is capable of choosing its own path and self-reliantly remains true to its own inner law.
Especially in times of collective neurosis, the existence of such mature people is of crucial importance.
Also in this stage, according to Jung, only dreams can point the way, for this development follows a purely inner bent or is determined by destiny.
Dreams that are an index of the individuation process have, as we shall see, a strange religious or mythological character, for after all it is really religions that have served humanity in the discovery of inner meaning from time immemorial.
Today, however, there are all too many people for whom the existing religions are no longer capable of providing any meaning and who are also not satisfied by the purely extraverted worldview of contemporary science or by the intellectual word games of modern philosophers.
It is at moments like these that many people are called by an inner voice and find themselves compelled to set forth on an inner quest. -Marie-Louise von Franz, Archetypal Dimensions of the Psyche, Page 200
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stankycowboy · 11 months
meta topic: how does severen feel about connections and/or community? does he need to be around people who are more like him, or does he find value in those who are different? if he prefers to be a lone wolf, what does he think about people who rely primarily on the company of others?
Severen thinks he doesn’t need others, and genuinely does require independence; but after living a century so reliantly bonded to another person he feels an impossible loneliness with the permanent absence. It would be incorrect to say that he desires constant company, however, he does cling to the few relationships he still has to try and fill the void. It is debatable if any fully succeed (even if he thinks it does).
He does not need strangers, nor seeks to make bonds with others flippantly. Community to him is very specific and tight knit. Just because someone/thing may “be like him” guarantees little by means of acceptance. Even those he may be willing to take a chance on will have their work cut out to keep him in their good graces permanently. There needs to be reciprocal trust and a personal motivation behind the bond struck; whether that be Severen’s own emotions toward them, an obligation, a convenience, what have you. Most of the value he sees in others is solely based on “what can they provide me”. Spending the entirety of his life based around survival, this is a notion that is never silenced. Even with Lira, whom he loves, he is not blind to the fact that being in a relationship with an incredibly powerful being has its distinct benefits. Not only has she rescued him from near death, but she herself has sustained him. Or that in the Corinthian he has access to an ally who can at times stave off the worst of what plagues his tormented mind. That does not lessen his earnest desire to keep them close, just an instinctual motivation toward self preservation.
In that regard even mortals, which he has little respect for, may have their uses that he can (and will) exploit. If staying around Constantine was of use, he would be on his best behavior, until the purpose was fulfilled. As good natured and fun loving as Severen comes off, he is a manipulator. His lifestyle requires deception, it is something he excels at, even toward himself to some degree; navigating any hardship with an absurd perseverance only the truly foolhardy can manage.
Severen detests the concept of servitude and/or codependence; that does not mean he does not fall into the pull. Even one that prides himself in being as possibly untethered as he can be, Severen cannot exist separate from others. He needs to feed, he needs protection, and that requires someone on the outside. He frames even the most dependent relationships as reciprocal in his mind; forcing a sort of contractual obligation. In return for providing for him he will act as voluntary protector, a perfect guise for his ingrained nature. This does not make him any less reliant on the other party. Were he able to fully subsist by himself he might attempt to do so. After the canon movie events it would mostly be motivated by wanting to avoid “an inevitable letdown”. If the ones he trusted most could act against his best guidance, his faith has been badly damaged that others will not as well. But as things stand, he can abhor the notion all he wants, Severen benefits substantially from partnership/community. If he did feel constrained by another, he would pushback fiercely. Not a part of him wants to have someone beholden to him, or be tied down to another. Allowing him to come and go as he pleases does not make him any less reliable, if anything it allows him to prove his loyalty, in the fact that he will always return.
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indusviva · 2 years
Illegality of Direct Selling: Myth or Truth - indusviva
A case study based on the recent allegations on IndusViva
 Direct Selling refers to marketing, distribution and sale of goods or providing services through a network of people. The roots of Direct Selling can be trailed back to the United States of America, which is known as the ‘Motherland of Direct Selling’. Unfortunately, the growth and success of this industry led to the development of fraud money circulation schemes in the name of Direct Selling. Since its inception, the industry has started facing several issues. It is often mistaken as a money chain or money circulation because there is a thin line between the two, similar to water and acid. You can’t distinguish if you don’t taste it. The absence of specific laws and norms to regulate direct selling companies was the reason behind this misconception. The ordinary people failed to notice the significant difference between Direct Selling and money circulation; the former compensate the direct sellers based on the sales volume generated, whereas the latter pays merely based on the recruitment. 
In 1979, one of the pioneering companies in the Direct Selling industry, Amway, was identified as a legitimate business organization by the US Federal Trade Commission. Still, it took few decades for this giant to get this clean chit. 
During the mid-1990s, the new model of economic reforms known as LPG, Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization model posed a boon for increasing revenue. In this period, Direct Selling made its way into the country with global companies like Oriflame, Amway, Avon, etc., followed by Indian companies, which became industry giants later. However, it continued to face challenges at every step. Time and again, it became mistaken as fraudulent Pyramid or Ponzi schemes. With the progress in the Direct Selling industry, money chain and money circulation schemes started taking birth just like unwanted weeds in paddy fields. People were lured in the name of quick and easy money, similar to mirages on a summer afternoon. FICCI, in association with KPMG, studied and highlighted the following causes due to this ignorance:
Amendment in the PCMCS Act    
Need to streamline FDI policy
Need for a clear definition
Need for a governing legislation
Need for a nodal ministry
The industry witnessed a revolution by issuing Direct Selling Guidelines 2016 and this new fiscal restructuring by the then Government of India through the Ministry of Consumer Affairs, under the ministry of Late Ram Vilas Paswan. It changed the horoscope of the industry altogether. Consisting of the guiding principles for State Governments to consider Direct Selling as regular businesses and appointing a monitoring mechanism to prevent any fraud in the best interests of the people involved in the business or customers was the main highlight. Following the guidelines, many states involved in this business has appointed a nodal authority for strict supervision.  
Direct Selling is a retailing chain for marketing products and services directly to the consumers or customers, and people involved in this business are called Direct Sellers. According to Consumer Protection Act 2019, it is a legal, economic activity that helps entrepreneurs build a business by working self-reliantly with less overhead costs. The Act also endorses MLM while defining that when a person buys, he becomes a consumer. Multi-Level Marketing is a kind of direct selling in which a direct seller is paid compensation for the sales generated and the sales of their direct selling network who they recruit or sponsor directly or indirectly, referred to as ‘downline’. The term carries a negative image widely, whereas the Act endorsed it and their network of Direct Sellers. This business has gained momentum as the Direct Selling industry provides an alternative employment opportunity. People can enjoy financial freedom by earning a commission from the sale of products or services. It has paved the way for women empowerment and taken up several CSR initiatives. As per an existing report, the Indian Direct Selling Market is around INR 72 billion and is estimated to reach around INR 645 billion by 2025.   
Although there is a guideline and most state governments have appointed monitoring mechanisms, the absence of an exclusive law still led to the discriminatory approach of people or authority, and they are unable to distinguish between legitimate Multi-level Marketing companies and fraudulent money circulation schemes. It is hopeful for the industry that the Ministry of Consumer Affairs (Direct Selling Rules 2021) shall help. According to Direct Selling Guidelines 2016 (Clause 1.7), a Direct Selling entity is not engaged in a pyramid scheme that sells or offers to sell goods or services through a direct seller. In the Guidelines, Clause 1, Sub-clause 11, the first paragraph defines the Pyramid scheme, and the second paragraph clearly explains how Direct Selling is different from Pyramid Scheme by laying down few conditions. Even after the clarity provided in the Guidelines, as mentioned above, misinterpretation by the law enforcement agencies continued. For example, one of India's leading Direct Selling companies, IndusViva HealthSciences Private Limited, situated in Bangalore, fell prey to legal issues despite abiding by all the rules and regulations. After fighting for long, on 26th July 2021, the Hon’ble High Court of Telangana passed an interim order on the writ petition filed by the company, guiding to de-freeze all the bank accounts and resume daily operations. Besides, the court had set away an impugned Preventive Detention order on the prime people of the company on 27th September 2021. Established in 2014, the company complies with the Central Direct Selling Guidelines-2016, Telangana State Direct Selling Guidelines2017 and is registered as per Companies Act-2013. When Kerala Govt. issued their first Multi-level Marketing guidelines on 14th September 2015, regarding Kerala Finance Bill 2015, according to Kerala Value Added Tax (KVAT) Act, 2003, which was the first of its kind. IndusViva got the first registration as per the guidelines mentioned above and the first direct selling company to be legalized by any state government. It is enlisted in the provisional list of direct selling entities published by the Ministry of Consumer Affairs after due scrutiny, hence stands upright as a legal entity. With valid and authorized certifications, IndusViva conforms with the Consumer Protection Act 2019 and the Direct Selling Guidelines 2016. 
How DS Guidelines distinguishes the Money Chain? However, the time taken to prove the legitimacy, many damages already happened to building business and destroyed lakhs of career. IndusViva and other such companies are getting trapped due to which expert opinion is required because expertise is lacking on the part of the police. Let’s analyse- Direct selling guidelines 2016 has differentiated the pyramid scheme based on enrolment and direct selling (Clause 1, sub-clause 11: a-g). 
Provided that the above definition of “Pyramid Scheme” will not apply to a multi-layered network of subscribers to scheme formed by Direct Selling Entity, which consists of subscribers enrolling one or more subscribers to receive the benefit, directly or indirectly, where the benefit is a result of the sale of goods or services by subscribers and the scheme/financial arrangement complies with all of the following:
a) It has no provision that Direct Sellers will receive remuneration or incentives for the recruitment/enrolment of new participants.
b) It does not require the participant to purchase goods or services:
i. for an amount that exceeds the amount for which such goods or services can be expected to be sold or resold to consumers;
ii. for the quantity of goods or services that exceeds an amount which can be expected to be consumed, or sold or resold to consumers;
c) It does not require participants to pay any entry/registration fee, cost of sales demonstration equipment and materials or other fees relating to participation;
d) It provides participants with a written contract describing the “material terms” of participation;
e) It allows or provides for a participant a reasonable cooling-off period to participate or cancel participation in the scheme and receive a refund of any consideration given to participate in the operations;
f) It allows or provides for a buy-back or repurchase policy for “currently marketable” goods or services sold to participants at the request of the participants at reasonable terms;
g) It establishes a grievance redressal mechanism for consumers, more particularly described in Clause 7 herein.
Verification based on these conditions, it can be concluded that whether a company is a legitimate Direct Selling/ Multi-level Marketing company or a Ponzi Scheme. In the same manner, it can be clearly understood that IndusViva HealthSciences Pvt. Ltd. is not a money circulation scheme.
There are nodal authorities appointed in several states to govern, alert, and monitor the entire structure just for the namesake. Still, it’s not functioning the way it is expected to do in specific states like Telangana. Some of the designated departments even refused to accept companies' undertakings as specified in the Direct Selling Guidelines issued by the government of the same state. Therefore, there should be a central monitoring authority with counterparts at the state level, including experts who can distinguish between Direct Selling/ Multi-level Marketing and Ponzi scheme/ Money circulation schemes. For instance, there’s IRDA for insurance companies, SEBI for stock exchange.
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pentooth · 2 years
I feel like regardless of what I do everything around me will inevitably spiral into this swirling sea of chaos. I'm kind of unabombery because of it. Not in the way that I want to send bombs to peoples homes, but in the way that I just don't want to be around anyone, to be isolated from the chaos of other people. I don't think I can impact broader systems in a substantive way. Regardless of how good of a person I am I don't know how I could possibly help. And even if I could, I'm not a god. I don't know right from wrong. So I feel the best thing I can do is live self reliantly, and not bother anyone besides the people who care about me. I don't really hate myself, or other people. I just know that this world is being swept into a chaos. Its more of an intuition, anyways.
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clearlyqueerlyhere · 2 years
I hate that I love technology as much as I do because I would sell my right arm currently to just learn how to live in tandem with the land and live somewhere beautiful out in nature fairly self-reliantly
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satoshi-mochida · 4 years
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Publisher ShiraVN and developer DMM Games will release an international edition of supernatural horror visual novel Iwaihime for PC via Steam and Johren on October 23. It will support English, Japanese, and Chinese (Simplified and Chinese) language options. A demo is available now via Steam.
Written by Ryukishi07, the creator of the When They Cry series, Iwaihime first launched for PC in January 2016 in Japan. An updated version, which was partially rewritten and contained additional scenario and CG images, was released as Iwaihime: Matsuri for PlayStation 4 and PS Vita in July 2017 in Japan. The international edition of Iwaihime includes the scenario adjustments and CG improvements Iwaihime: Matsuri.
Here is an overview of the game, via ShiraVN:
“I envy you the privilege of dying. Curse your powerlessness, and leave us.”
From the pen of hit writer Ryukishi07, the creator of Higurashi and the rest of the When They Cry series, comes a story on the theme of “curses.” Characters brought to life with delicate skill by manga artist and illustrator Kazuharu Kina are set against atmospheric backgrounds from the fantastic mind of environment artist Mocha. This supernatural horror visual novel—a tale of sin, retribution, and penance—will soon be available for the first time outside Japan.
This new international release includes scenario adjustments and CG improvements from the prior console re-releases, bringing to PC the writer’s preferred rendition of the tale.
Each generation, the sons of the Susuhara family strike out on their own when they reach the right age.
Self-reliantly they refine their minds and their bodies, until at last they become men. Suzumu has prepared for this day for a long time, learning the skills that he will need.
Living alone, he attends Susuda Prefectural High School. He should have joined as a freshman, and not as a transfer—but he was delayed.
His days are not only easy but pleasant. In his Class 2-A, everyone is having fun.
But there’s her. Toe Kurokami. She’s… certainly a wonder. How else to describe her?
She never lets go of the Japanese doll that she hugs constantly to her chest. There are whispers that its hair grows when nobody is looking. That it’s cursed. It’s no wonder they whisper. That’s one creepy doll.
That Suzumu’s path crosses hers could be fate…
…could be? Not “could be.” It’s fate.
Suzumu Susuhara (voiced by Makoto Furukawa) – The protagonist. Leaving home to improve himself and learn independence, he moves into an apartment owned by the family of his distant relative Tsubakiko. “…I can’t just pretend that I don’t see you suffering.”
Toe Kurokami (voiced by Chinatsu Akasaki) – The only daughter of Iwaimoto Shrine. Her eyes are often vacant and unfocused, and her teachers and classmates alike treat her with a careful distance. “…Stay back… You’re corrupted… You can’t understand me…”
Tsubakiko Harumiya (voiced by Mariko Honda) – A distant relative and classmate of Suzumu’s. Their last meeting was so long ago—before elementary school—that the two barely remember each other. Her dream for the future is to be a beautiful bride. “Well, I’m a girl, you know. I work hard every day to be cute as a cute little button!”
Kanae Minobe (voiced by Yuka Otsubo) – Technically a year above the others, although she doesn’t give off that impression at all. She’s laid-back, soft-mannered, and not much for hard work, but she’ll invest effort where she expects returns. “I just wanna have an easy life. Oh, boy… Anybody know how to get rich quick?”
Riria Nunokawa (voiced by Sarah Emi Bridcutt) – A year younger than the rest, she moonlights as an active member of the idol unit Flower High School. She can come off as somewhat chilly, but she goes out of her way to give back to her fans. “I wouldn’t be a high school idol if I couldn’t balance school life and work.”
Mayu Hinagata (voiced by Ryoko Tanaka) – The school nurse and health teacher. A kindly elder-sister type—with razor-sharp deductive reasoning skills that make her something of a magician with words. Playing advisor to the LCSC’s club activities, she keeps the proceedings nice and mellow. “Do community service → Wow, the LCSC is amazing! → So who’s their advisor? → I get showered with love!”
Natsuya Atsuta (voiced by Yuki Tai) – Suzumu’s classmate and greatest friend. Since a certain event, he respects Suzumu greatly. A hothead who loves to say “great!” “That’s the great Susuhara for you!”
Watch the opening movie below. View a set of screenshots at the gallery.
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callmedrviper · 4 years
@dragon-coil Okay I just read your new verses and can I just:
Viper and Oro being bros at the height of Oro’s power and then still in the Consequence Verse (because like hell Viper cares about Oro’s status let’s be real (I mean Viper steals most of his equipment/lives self reliantly in a swamp away from most people); plus, Viper can just hook them up with whatever they need to keep sciencing). And that eventually the Village is gonna need to just give up trying to keep Viper out given how many guards they’d lose from Viper siccing his creations on them/flat out shooting them before busting through the doors like “COME ON, BRO! WE’RE COLLECTING SPECIMENS/ EXPLORING THIS NEW UNIVERSE I FOUND TODAY!”
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aqozagreens5 · 3 years
How to Protect Data Centers from Harmful Gasses?
Data centers assist the organization in doing business all through the day and night. Mainly there are two kinds of data centers, corporate data centers and internet data centers. While corporate data centers are for private corporations, internet data centers are for providing outsourced IT services using the internet. Corporate data centers help in data processing along with other web-dependent services.
No matter which type of data center they are, they are always prone to corrosion caused by an unsafe environment generated from infiltration of outside particulates and other gaseous pollutants. When data centers are located near landfill sites, drains, or any process industries, then problems become even more detrimental.
For a data center manager, it is crucial to offer the best protection to electronic equipment. Even a very low level of contaminants in data centers can lead to
●            Reduced productivity
●            Interference of electronic equipment
●            Enhanced downtime
●            Non-compliance with specifications of the electronic warranty
●            Electronic components letdown and circuit failure lead to loss of data along with data center downtime.
Data center contamination is classified into two major categories
●            Particulate contamination
●            Gas-phase contamination
Particulate contaminants whose size is up to 0.1 microns can be easily removed by making use of particulate filters but with gaseous contaminants, it is difficult as they are very small.
Some of the common gases that lead to corrosion of electronic equipment are Sulphur containing gases such as Sulphur dioxide and hydrogen sulphide. Individually these gases may not cause much harm to silver or copper but when a combination of these gases  present are very corrosive.
Recently implemented lead-free regulations have led to enhanced sensitivity of the circuit boards, other storage devices to gas contaminants. Replacement of lead with another kind of substance has made it more susceptible to corrosions.
Let us know more about data center corrosions caused by harmful gases.
In simple terms, it is a type of chemical contamination caused by some of the harmful and corrosive gases. They usually arise from the pollutants that enter the server room, switchgear room, signal switching rooms along control rooms and process control rooms in data centers. This gas hampers the service period of the essential equipment. They also cause micro-electronic corrosion. They also increase the temperature of your facility thereby causing the cooling equipment to go overdrive. Ultimately it leads to failure of equipment and enhanced downtime of the whole facility.
Some of the major electronic components that are affected by corrosion are
●            Film disks
●            Edge connectors
●            Disk drives
Protect your data center from these harmful gases through corrosion control unit for data center
Air filters or purifiers: It has been proved that air filters or purifiers are highly effective in decreasing the gaseous pollutants in a data center. They enhance the quality of the air and increase the life of your data center. Some of the industrial and commercial enterprises that need big data processing units make use of these relevant tools for their daily operations. Many air purifiers also use plasma cluster ion technology based on natural phenomena. This technology removes static electricity and also maintains a good operating atmosphere in data center server rooms.
Common types of air purifiers are
●            Basic and HEPA filters: These work by allowing the air to pass through an HVAC system or self-reliantly through a free-standing model.
●            Ionizers and Ozone producers: This system gives out charged ions or ozone to which adheres the ordinary particles present in the air. Thus they stop floating around.
●            Electrostatic filters: These filters charge the particles present in the atmosphere. They make the particles adhere to the inside of the machine and collect them.
●            Activated carbon filter: These are usually paired with another kind of air purifier. Carbon present in this filter catches odour and gas and removes them from the air.
●            Ultraviolet lights: Ultraviolet lights are germicidal air purifiers that will microbes as well as other viruses. Keep them above the coil where mold and particulates germinate.
Air quality corrosion monitoring units
Because of bad air quality caused by air pollution, many of the data centers present in the urban areas suffer mechanical failure. An efficient air quality monitoring system assists in detecting the levels of gases in the data center to take necessary actions.
Never allow harmful gases to affect your data center and decrease its efficiency. Enable effective measures provided by Aqoza who are the best corrosion control unit manufacturers, to control and monitor those harmful gases and keep your data center safe and running.
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legacyridenow · 3 years
How to choose best affordable wheelchair transportation
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Professional caretakers, medical assistants, and nurses should take their own ease and suitability into account as well as their patient's when comparationchoices in wheelchair transport. Chair options for supporters taking care of people who cannot move themselves in an affordable wheelchair transportation comprise transport wheelchairs of numerouskinds as well as some electric models which can be connected with controls that you can operate.
An affordable wheelchair transportation should be used in cases where the persistent cannot move autonomously by any means. Even if the patient requirements full-time medical assistance, if they are able to ambition a manual wheelchair, it will be much more suitable for them toward have one. If the patient cannot use a physical wheelchair but can use an electric wheelchair, they will be intelligent to move self-reliantly or with your help using a motor-powered wheelchair with a detachable joystick. This option be contingent on suitability and cost; in cases where a patient requirementscontinuous care it may not be worth the expense. It can be a big help for supplementary heavier patients, permitting you to support a person who cannot use a manual wheelchair or control a power wheelchair deprived of having to exert yourself substantially to push them in a transport wheelchair.
Easy to use
Basic affordable wheelchair transportation are light, moveable, and reasonable. These are the chairs used by clinics to transport patients and for patient retrieval. Any patient who is provisionally unable to walk or unable to exert force as of an injury, illness, or as they are recovering from a medical process benefit from a low-cost transport wheelchair.
The lighter a transport wheelchair is, the calmer it will be for you to push a patient, so lightweight, hollow aluminum models are obtainable with complete weights under 20 pounds. These are a little more exclusive, but they are easy to push with an inhabitant, easy to lift, and take up very little loading space.
The weightage power of affordable wheelchair transportation
Heavy duty transport wheelchairs are similarly available for larger patients. While it is harder to push a larger patient, the price of a heavy-duty transport wheelchair is much lower than that of a power wheelchair. Heavy duty transport wheelchairs come with a weight volume of between 350 and 450 pounds.
Patients who spend a lot of time in their wheelchair advantage from using wheelchairs with reclining backs. This is achoice which adds weight to the transport wheelchair, but your patient's ease may be worth the extra exertion on your part. Patients who essential to fully recline as of a cardiovascular condition can do so in their personal wheelchair. Full tilt wheelchairs permit patients to tilt back totally and have their feet lifted above heart level.
Aexpert caretaker should take part in decisions concerning wheelchair transport. Chair shopping affects you as well, as the patient's flexibility depends on your strength.
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medicalhealthylife · 3 years
How Beneficial is It To Opt For Robotic Surgery These Days?
A robotic surgery is a computer controlled and self-powered device which can be encoded to aid in manipulation and arranging of surgical instruments. This permits the best robotic surgeon in Delhi to perform complex errands fairly straightforwardly. However the systems which are presently used have not been designed to act self-reliantly from a human doctor or even not ready to supplant them. Rather, these machines essentially act as remote extensions which are totally administered by surgeons and so they are best named as master slave manipulators. Luckily, two of the master slave systems have already gotten approval from the FDA. These systems come designed with two elementary constituents which are linked together with computer and data cables.
Robotic surgery nowadays efficiently addressed the limitations of old-style thoracoscopic and laparoscopic surgery thus permitting attainment of advanced and complex surgical processes with better accuracy in a simply invasive manner. As contrasting to the uncomfortable positions which are required during laparoscopic surgery, the surgeon in robotic surgery is restfully seated on the robotic console in an impeccable arrangement which specifies which lessens physical encumbrance of the surgeon. Instead of just 2-dimensional or flat image which is attained via the standard laparoscopic camera, surgeon in robotic surgery gets 3-dimensional view which improves depth insight. Furthermore the camera motion is also very stable which is suitably controlled via the operation surgeon through manual or voice stimulated master controls. Also the manipulation of the robotic arm devices also improves the range of motion when equated with standard laparoscopic instruments and thus it lets the surgeon to conduct more complex surgical actions.
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absolutehomecare · 4 years
In Home Care services Victoria comprises of the enthusiastic and sympathetic care professionals to take care of the people whether they need individual home care services or health care services. We have been serving and providing high-quality, private, in-home care services for people living with disability as well. The primer of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) support services has proven to be very meaningful and we want to offer these life-changing amenities to even more people with disabilities so that they can lead their life in a normal mode.
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Living with a disability can mean demanding some additional help around the house, either from time to time or on a continuing basis depending upon the kind of disability. If you or your family member is living with a disability, you can run through disability care services which are now organized through the NDIS. The aim of the NDIS is to sustenance people with an enduring and noteworthy disability that distresses their ability to take part in everyday activities and lead the life in the normal manner. The NDIS programs helps the individual to cope up with the disability in a positive manner and it does this by recognizing what disability support someone desires in order to help accomplish their goals in life. This might include independence, participation in the community, employment and health and comfort.
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If you or your loved one is living with a disability and desires to endure at home, living self-reliantly and relishing the best quality of life conceivable, then our disability services Heidelberg in Home care services can help with a variety of specific, expert care services personalized to suit your detailed needs. Our expert carers will go miles and will sustenance you to remain living life to the fullest and being safe and maintained in your own home.
When you visit Melbourne care, you will see that our care unit give you the most progressive tools to make it safe and easy to find Caregivers with the precise traits and experience you want as to come across your needs in an easy manner. Whether you’re seeking a part-time, live-out Caregiver for children or oldies in your family or perhaps you want a full-time Caregiver, we can help you either way in providing you with the high-quality, reasonable services that are best suited for your needs.
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Our health care services since its incorporation have helped old and young people whether with disability or any other sort of difficulty live self-sufficiently for as long as possible, even with an illness or injury. Our care services cover a wide range depending upon your needs and are often licensed practical carers who are experienced in their fields. Visit us if you are family to someone who is aging and needs backing to live independently or has special needs or a disability.
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indusviva · 3 years
Illegality of Direct Selling: Myth or Truth
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Direct Selling refers to marketing, distribution and sale of goods or providing services through a network of people. The roots of Direct Selling can be trailed back to the United States of America, which is known as the ‘Motherland of Direct Selling’. Unfortunately, the growth and success of this industry led to the development of fraud money circulation schemes in the name of Direct Selling. Since its inception, the industry has started facing several issues. It is often mistaken as a money chain or money circulation because there is a thin line between the two, similar to water and acid. You can’t distinguish if you don’t taste it. The absence of specific laws and norms to regulate direct selling companies was the reason behind this misconception. The ordinary people failed to notice the significant difference between Direct Selling and money circulation; the former compensate the direct sellers based on the sales volume generated, whereas the latter pays merely based on the recruitment.
In 1979, one of the pioneering companies in the Direct Selling industry, Amway, was identified as a legitimate business organization by the US Federal Trade Commission. Still, it took few decades for this giant to get this clean chit.
During the mid-1990s, the new model of economic reforms known as LPG, Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization model posed a boon for increasing revenue. In this period, Direct Selling made its way into the country with global companies like Oriflame, Amway, Avon, etc., followed by Indian companies, which became industry giants later. However, it continued to face challenges at every step. Time and again, it became mistaken as fraudulent Pyramid or Ponzi schemes. With the progress in the Direct Selling industry, money chain and money circulation schemes started taking birth just like unwanted weeds in paddy fields. People were lured in the name of quick and easy money, similar to mirages on a summer afternoon. FICCI, in association with KPMG, studied and highlighted the following causes due to this ignorance:
·       Amendment in the PCMCS Act
·       Need to streamline FDI policy
·       Need for a clear definition
·       Need for a governing legislation
·       Need for a nodal ministry
The industry witnessed a revolution by issuing Direct Selling Guidelines 2016 and this new fiscal restructuring by the then Government of India through the Ministry of Consumer Affairs, under the ministry of Late Ram Vilas Paswan. It changed the horoscope of the industry altogether. Consisting of the guiding principles for State Governments to consider Direct Selling as regular businesses and appointing a monitoring mechanism to prevent any fraud in the best interests of the people involved in the business or customers was the main highlight. Following the guidelines, many states involved in this business has appointed a nodal authority for strict supervision.
Direct Selling is a retailing chain for marketing products and services directly to the consumers or customers, and people involved in this business are called Direct Sellers. According to Consumer Protection Act 2019, it is a legal, economic activity that helps entrepreneurs build a business by working self-reliantly with less overhead costs. The Act also endorses MLM while defining that when a person buys, he becomes a consumer. Multi-Level Marketing is a kind of direct selling in which a direct seller is paid compensation for the sales generated and the sales of their direct selling network who they recruit or sponsor directly or indirectly, referred to as ‘downline’. The term carries a negative image widely, whereas the Act endorsed it and their network of Direct Sellers. This business has gained momentum as the Direct Selling industry provides an alternative employment opportunity. People can enjoy financial freedom by earning a commission from the sale of products or services. It has paved the way for women empowerment and taken up several CSR initiatives. As per an existing report, the Indian Direct Selling Market is around INR 72 billion and is estimated to reach around INR 645 billion by 2025.
Although there is a guideline and most state governments have appointed monitoring mechanisms, the absence of an exclusive law still led to the discriminatory approach of people or authority, and they are unable to distinguish between legitimate Multi-level Marketing companies and fraudulent money circulation schemes. It is hopeful for the industry that the Ministry of Consumer Affairs (Direct Selling Rules 2021) shall help. According to Direct Selling Guidelines 2016 (Clause 1.7), a Direct Selling entity is not engaged in a pyramid scheme that sells or offers to sell goods or services through a direct seller. In the Guidelines, Clause 1, Sub-clause 11, the first paragraph defines the Pyramid scheme, and the second paragraph clearly explains how Direct Selling is different from Pyramid Scheme by laying down few conditions. Even after the clarity provided in the Guidelines, as mentioned above, misinterpretation by the law enforcement agencies continued. For example, one of India’s leading Direct Selling companies, IndusViva Health Sciences Private Limited, situated in Bangalore, fell prey to legal issues despite abiding by all the rules and regulations. Established in 2014, it complies with the Central Direct Selling Guidelines-2016, Telangana State Direct Selling Guidelines2017 and is registered as per Companies Act-2013. When Kerala Govt. issued their first Multi-level Marketing guidelines on 14th September 2015, regarding Kerala Finance Bill 2015, according to Kerala Value Added Tax (KVAT) Act, 2003, which was the first of its kind. IndusViva got the first registration as per the guidelines mentioned above and the first direct selling company to be legalized by any state government. It is enlisted in the provisional list of direct selling entities published by the Ministry of Consumer Affairs after due scrutiny, hence stands upright as a legal entity. With valid and authorized certifications, IndusViva conforms with the Consumer Protection Act 2019 and the Direct Selling Guidelines 2016.
How DS Guidelines distinguishes the Money Chain? However, the time taken to prove the legitimacy, many damages already happened to building business and destroyed lakhs of career. IndusViva and other such companies are getting trapped due to which expert opinion is required because expertise is lacking on the part of the police. Let’s analyse- Direct selling guidelines 2016 has differentiated the pyramid scheme based on enrolment and direct selling (Clause 1, sub-clause 11: a-g).
Provided that the above definition of “Pyramid Scheme” will not apply to a multi-layered network of subscribers to scheme formed by Direct Selling Entity, which consists of subscribers enrolling one or more subscribers to receive the benefit, directly or indirectly, where the benefit is a result of the sale of goods or services by subscribers and the scheme/financial arrangement complies with all of the following:
A) It has no provision that Direct Sellers will receive remuneration or incentives for the recruitment/enrolment of new participants.
B) It does not require the participant to purchase goods or services:
(i)for an amount that exceeds the amount for which such goods or services can be expected to be sold or resold to consumers;
(ii)for the quantity of goods or services that exceeds an amount which can be expected to be consumed, or sold or resold to consumers;
C) It does not require participants to pay any entry/registration fee, cost of sales demonstration equipment and materials or other fees relating to participation;
D) It provides participants with a written contract describing the “material terms” of participation;
E) It allows or provides for a participant a reasonable cooling-off period to participate or cancel participation in the scheme and receive a refund of any consideration given to participate in the operations;
F) It allows or provides for a buy-back or repurchase policy for “currently marketable” goods or services sold to participants at the request of the participants at reasonable terms;
G) It establishes a grievance redressal mechanism for consumers, more particularly described in Clause 7 herein.
Verification based on these conditions, it can be concluded that whether a company is a legitimate Direct Selling/ Multi-level Marketing company or a Ponzi Scheme. In the same manner, it can be clearly understood that IndusViva Health Sciences Pvt. Ltd. is not a money circulation scheme.
There are nodal authorities appointed in several states to govern, alert, and monitor the entire structure just for the namesake. Still, it’s not functioning the way it is expected to do in specific states like Telangana. Some of the designated departments even refused to accept companies’ undertakings as specified in the Direct Selling Guidelines issued by the government of the same state. Therefore, there should be a central monitoring authority with counterparts at the state level, including experts who can distinguish between Direct Selling/ Multi-level Marketing and Ponzi scheme/ Money circulation schemes. For instance, there’s IRDA for insurance companies, SEBI for stock exchange.
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recentanimenews · 4 years
Higurashi Creator's Iwaihime Is Now Available in English
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  While a new season of Higurashi terrorizes us on the airwaves, the When They Cry series creator is spreading more terror globally with another game: Iwaihime, now with an official English localization.
  The game, penned by writer Ryukishi07 of doujin circle 07th Expansion, is described as "a story on the theme of curses." It features character art by Every Day School Girl Project creator Kina Kazuharu, and backgrounds by environment artist mocha.
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    The official summary reads:
  Each generation, the sons of the Susuhara family strike out on their own when they reach the right age.
Self-reliantly they refine their minds and their bodies, until at last they become men. Suzumu has prepared for this day for a long time, learning the skills that he will need.
Living alone, he attends Susuda Prefectural High School. He should have joined as a freshman, and not as a transfer—but he was delayed.
His days are not only easy but pleasant. In his Class 2-A, everyone is having fun.
But there's her. Toé Kurokami. She's... certainly a wonder. How else to describe her?
She never lets go of the Japanese doll that she hugs constantly to her chest. There are whispers that its hair grows when nobody is looking. That it's cursed. It's no wonder they whisper. That's one creepy doll.
That Suzumu's path crosses hers could be fate...
...Could be? Not "could be." It's fate.
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    The game has had a playable demo on Steam for some time, and is now available in full. The international release features Japanese, English, and Simplified and Traditional Chinese language support. 
    Iwaihime retails for $29.99, but for a limited time you can buy it from the Steam store for $26.99. Iwaihime - Extra Chapter: Musubihime is also available at a 10% discount (regularly $7.99), or the two can be bundled together for $30.76.
  The international release of Iwaihime hails from ShiraVN, who have also localized Utawarerumono and the tie-in game for Null & Peta. The game was developed at DMM Games.
  ©2020 EXNOA LLC ©2017 Nippon Ichi Software, Inc.
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oscin · 4 years
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Top 3 #Applications Of #MachineLearning In #Finance https://bit.ly/2TOiPJ6 The potential of computer programs to learn self-reliantly and improve progressively unfolds new opportunities for all industries. The significance of machine learning technology in the financial industry has become seemingly more evident in recent times. Let’s look into applications of ML in finance; why financial companies should apply machine learning technology and the solutions they can implement with it. #Fraud Prevention #ProcessAutomation #RPA #Loans and #Insurance #Fintech #Insurtech #Wealthtech #OpenBanking #API #payment #ML #AI #Cybersecurity #BusinessContinuity (hier: Canton of Zürich) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBYz1VWjiEb/?igshid=noxkw5at6vrz
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optimisticvibeworld · 7 years
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The paradigm calls for Industrial Age thinking be replaced with Einstein’s ‘You can’t use the same thinking that created the problem to solve the problem’. The thinking seen in today’s young people is beyond impressive, way beyond. Today’s young people need little more than one hand up; the resources, platform, and tools to lift their projects to make things better for all of us. Listen to their voices they want, and need, to be heard. They are the generation behind us. We must help them as Elders, using our love, honesty, respect, truth, courage, humility, and wisdom. Young people that I have enjoyed speaking with, from around the world, have generally said they want to work and live within chosen community self-reliantly. Thinking within a chosen community built on self-reliance would foster new thinking. The concept of self-reliance is new to most wrapped in education from the Industrial Age mandatory public education system, however young people see through the audacity of anything that isn’t squeaky clean real transparent, or they walk away respectfully appropriate, the connectivity through witnessed greed and abuse of alleged authority and young people have emerged as the new thinking, in time to enhance their awakening. Elders must deliver a show of support and provide a Yes of action, not words. We must be better, so we can be better. Now more than ever, we did something good together for the seven generations behind us, like our Ancient Elders did. In today’s language we might call it a ‘business incubator’. (at Optimistic Vibe Hawai'i)
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We Salute & Support DPRK and Korean People for Stand Against US Nuclear Threats, Sanctions and Provocations
Issued by the Office of the Chairperson International League of Peoples’ Struggle September 6, 2017
We, the International League of Peoples’ Struggle, admire and salute the Workers’ Party of Korea, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) and the Korean people for asserting national sovereignty, self-reliantly pursuing socialist development and strengthening the capacity for nuclear deterrence and self-defense. US imperialism merely exposes its aggressive character and the futility of its attempts to intimidate the people of Korea and the world with threats of nuclear war, provocative war maneuvers, illegitimate sanctions and malicious disinformation campaign directed against DPRK.
The DPRK’s nuclear weapons development program is part of its deterrence and self-defense strategy against the long running US policy of hostility towards the DPRK. US bombs killed 20 percent of the population and levelled more cities in North Korea between 1950-53 than they had done in Japan and Germany during World War II. Without its development of nuclear weapons and missile delivery systems, the DPRK would have become the easy target of high intensity aggression like Iraq, Libya and Syria.
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