#self-indulge all you need!!!
themeraldee · 3 days
this is super self-indulgent and feel free to ignore this but i just had one of the worst days ever and am feeling every hated by everyone, how would homelander react?
I'm sorry you're having a terrible time sweetheart. Hope things only get better for you! Sending all my love 💗
He'd be immediately worried to see you come home, sensing that you're not yourself. Normally you'd greet him, hug him and tell him how much you miss him but now all you want to do is hide and breakdown into tears.
He'd immediately want to know what's wrong. He hates seeing you upset, especially when you're both just meant to be happy and feel complete in each other's presence. So anytime that doesn't happen....well, someone's gonna have to pay.
Homelander is best at showing affection through his powers. Whenever he gets to menacingly flash those pearly whites along with a tight grip around someone's neck is where he performs the best. So if you point at people that have wronged you, ones that are responsible for your misery, they're not long for this world! Or at the very least due a smackdown.
(I could see him trying to distract you in any way. Taking you for a scenic flight-because wow isn't flying awesome-around the city or enticing you with taking you on a holiday or buying you things he knows you like. Anything to get you thinking more about how he's good to you and less about how terrible you're feeling. It's only when you're still visibly upset and really just want to lick your wounds in peace is when he tries to tackle the issue head on and get you talking. I'm really just thinking about the Ryan scene where he took him to Voughtland just to quickly take him back to the cabin when he got upset.)
I also think it'd be a good bonding time for you two to talk about how you feel disliked or hated by people around you. Which as much as he can relate to, he'd also very much turn it into a '"you don't need anyone else when you've got me."
But actually soothing you and doing damage control I'd say is something he needs a lot more practice in. Although he will more than happily hug you, kiss you and most importantly take you to bed (because in his mind if you're too busy feeling good you won't have time to think about the bad). I still think his soothing words leave much to be desired. He's definitely much more of a getting his hands dirty kinda guy so he would want you to witness him defending you and fighting for you so you could tell him how much better you feel with him around.
(Essentially you'll have to make sure you give your personal attack dog plenty of treats and belly rubs bcs god forbid something isn't about him for one second 😂)
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artilite · 6 months
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have a lion dance for these trying times ♥♥
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800db-cloud · 27 days
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i’m gonna carve you :)
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sysig · 9 months
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Those wacky skeletons ♥ (Patreon)
#Doodles#UT#Sans#Papyrus#Handplates#You can tell because of Sans' gloves lol#Getting-used-to-them-again doodles as well as just expressing Feeling <3 Happy towards them! Want them to be happy too!#It might seem silly for these - how many sets in now? - to still be getting used to drawing them again lol but it's because they're adults!#Their clothes and the way they hold themselves - but also especially Sans lol I dunno why I have such difficulty with him at times#He's got a cute face and I still find myself like ????how your face#Other than that tho it's just silliness hehe ♪ My favourite lads :D#I feel the need to make the distinction: I do actually have different favourites based on the AU lol#Like for example in classic I still love Flowey just a tiiiiiny bit more than Papyrus but it really is constantly neck and neck#Whereas in Handplates it's no competition even a little bit lol - Papyrus is just my Very Favourite#But Gaster is my favourite Handplates-specific character since he's unique to the AU! It gets a bit in the weeds lol#Sans isn't far behind at all of course the trio are very important! The duo even moreso imo#Going back to gloves tho I did carry over one of my quirks from my original UT doodles about Papyrus' gloves lol#I initially envisioned them as combination mitten-gloves with a free index finger and all the rest together#I still rather like the design! But it is admittedly not Handplates accurate lol#The occasional dip into self-indulgence who me? Lol#Sleeping on each other is important to me as well!! It is such a favourite hehe#Honestly I just imagined Papyrus getting so exhausted that he fell asleep in the snow lol poor lad#Sans teleported in but it's also funny to imagine him just walking up like ''you good? yeah he's fine'' *flop* haha#Silly lads <3 Do love 'em ♪
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fishbloc · 9 months
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death stranding au because ds2 trailer made me shameless and forced me to draw this idea i had in my head for months. sorry this won't make sense unless you've played the game...
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starflungwaddledee · 10 months
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some rather strong first impressions were made.
required reading for the magical "voice" headcanon and another for starstruck's signature in particular. asked by @trainerbob23 !
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ibblescribbles · 26 days
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TRASH 🚮 Speedpaint | Alt under cut:
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stiffyck · 10 months
i need more people to be insane over others very specific aus that are very far from the original. its fun i promise
i need to see more very fanon designs i need to see super specific aus please make the most self indulgent aus and self indulgent designs and please people reblog it i wanna see it i wanna see all of it can we REBLOG MORE ART PLEASE
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soullessseraphim · 6 months
For our souls
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mosaickiwi · 3 months
hi i really like this post so i wrote it!!! (my hobbies include robbing sai)
warning: Angel coming down from a panic/anxiety attack while Ren waits in da hallway. Also a little self loathing if u squint?
14 Days With You is an 18+ Yandere Visual Novel. MINORS DNI
The tightness in your chest was finally waning. You took a deep breath—the easiest one you'd had in what seemed like hours. 
It felt cold on the floor now. Or maybe it'd been like that since the moment you locked yourself in. But you were more aware of it, at least. You leaned back against the wall with a sigh, closing your puffy eyes. Though your hand trembled, you gently rapped your knuckles on the marble flooring.
A faint knock on the door to your right came in response.
[REDACTED] had been there the whole time while you cried. They never said a word, but always answered you in some form. I'm here.
Vulnerability was shameful according to the voice in your head. You were making gradual progress to get rid of that voice, to give yourself the grace you gave others to seek comfort when needed. And if he couldn't see you, letting it all out didn't feel so bad. All you needed was to know that they were close by.
You tried to speak and only managed to throw yourself into a coughing fit from how raw your throat was. Hunching over with your head on your knees, you could only wait until it was over. There were hurried footsteps from the other side of the door that you barely heard over the haggard sounds.
This time, they reached out first. It wasn't a knock like usual, but your phone vibrating atop the marble. You felt around on the floor until it was within your grasp. The simple message on screen turned clear as you gently wiped at your eyes, still blurry from earlier.
Despite your exhaustion, you laughed, then silently winced at the slight pain it caused. Any help or care he could offer was always within seconds when it came to you. 
It took you a few measured breaths to gather yourself enough to unlock the door. Along with a thin line of light, a water bottle slid through the small gap, only the tips of his scarred fingers coming into view before they disappeared altogether. You opened the door a little wider and tilted your head to peek out at him.
His dark mess of hair greeted you, rather than his face. [REDACTED] was sitting on the floor, almost the same as you were minutes ago with his back to the wall, knees bent and arms crossed over them. They made sure to keep their head turned away. He knew you didn’t want anyone to see you like this.
You stretched out into the hallway to touch his shoulder. It was the only way you thought to offer some form of a thank you in the moment. Their muscles flexed and shifted under your fingers, but otherwise, they didn’t acknowledge you.
The room seemed stuffy now, so you kept the door open just a crack for a little fresh air. You scooted back to your place beside the door, then slowly drank the water in peaceful silence, the man that sat still as a statue within arms reach at the corner of your vision. Everything still ached in some way from the crying session. But it wasn’t as long as usual. You tapped on the floor and watched him.
Through the space no bigger than your pinky finger, you saw your partner immediately put one hand to the wall, and knock back.
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hikaruchen · 4 months
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I’ll keep the king when you are gone away. I’ll keep him safe from the dark things that wait. — King by The Amazing Devil
Some details for archaeology nerds (Here we go again AHAHAHA)
First of all the costume Alfred wears in this pic is BY NO MEANS historical accurate, but if we really want to be 100% accurate then to my knowledge there’s a high chance that Alfred wouldn’t be wearing dresses gowns at all (whoever decided to make Alfred wear those pretty cough dresses cough in the show I wish your family to prosper for all eternity YOU’RE A HERO), so instead I just chose to design whatever clothes I want and add some Anglo-Saxon elements in it :)
1. Alfred’s earrings
Took inspiration from the 7th century Anglo-Saxon/Frankish crystal ball, now in Ashmolean Museum, Oxford. Here’s the thing, I know English men (and the monarchs) don’t wear earrings until the 16th century and earrings weren’t even popular during the Anglo-Saxon period, but once I saw Charles I wearing pearl earrings in his portrait I just can’t help but put something pretty on Alfred’s ears as well lol…Sadly I can’t find the exact size of this one but the official site says that it was used as a pendant/an amulet! Probably for pagan practices though, but it’s pretty, isn’t it? :D
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2. Patterns on Alfred’s gown
Taken from the patterns on the Bewcastle Cross in Cumbria (which used to belong to Northumbria, built in around the 7th to early 8th century, aka the period Bede lived in.
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3. The woven band
The pattern is taken from the Laceby band found in Laceby, Lincolnshire, dated to early 7th century. It seems both Scandinavians and Anglo-Saxons enjoy wearing tablet-woven bands? Saw this kind of things a lot in viking clothes reconstruction as well.
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4. …Whatever this is
From fol. 34r in Book of Kells, the famous Celtic gospel book completed in Ireland circa 800 AD. As you can see I got lazy during drawing this lol but the illustrations in the original manuscripts are really impressive!
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Now I don’t know if this is a good news or not but I’ve still got like…six wips for alhtred in hand…Good god of arts DELIVER ME
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b1mbodoll · 3 months
um. can i say somethinf
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bendycxmet · 5 months
content: 825 words. fluff, lil suggestive (mostly in another language), spanish speaking wolfwood, cowboy/vaquero wolfwood
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Cowboy!Wolfwood who needs a farmhand for his ranch. He sees the desperation in your eyes as you peruse the shops in town, and offers you the position.
Cowboy!Wolfwood who is smooth in every way possible, all lingering gazes, hot, fleeting touches as he instructs and shows you how to fix the gate fencing in his cattle. The first time he brought you to his ranch miles away from town, he hopped off his horse and immediately helped you down as well, but instead of letting go of your hands, he gripped them tighter, turning them over this way and that, inspecting something you perhaps hadn’t seen. Your heart rate increases, a blush spreading along your body as he rubs his callused hands and fingers against the soft flesh of your own. “Que delicadas…” he muses, and drops your hands, sadly, the warmth of him whisked away with the biting wind.
Cowboy!Wolfwood dresses always in his signature suede sombrero, with a black and silver embroidered poncho constantly hiding the matching black underneath, the only difference being the brown leather chaps just running short from the bottom of his dirtied and muddy boots that stomp down the hallway early in the morning, rousing you from your sleep in your assigned bedroom. It’s an outfit that wouldn’t be flattering if it were on anyone else but Wolfwood. 
Cowboy!Wolfwood and you slowly become used to each other’s company, working in fluidity to keep the ranch running like a well-oiled machine. You discover he has a joking side to him once the ice thaws between the two of you, cracking constant jokes at you with a toothpick lodged between his teeth–a habit he now has as he attempts to kick cigarettes since you mentioned you hate the smell. 
As easygoing as he is, he takes his ranch responsibilities seriously. You watch as he rides his stallion, hands off from the reins as he twirls and lassos a stray calf, muscled thighs hugging his steed, hips following the rhythm of her trotting. Your eyes never leave his form, your body hot from watching his. A loud whistle cuts through your ogling.
“Mind opening the gate?” he shouts, chuckling at your stuttering. You quickly open it for him, watching as he guides the calf inside to join her herd. He stops in front of you, poking fun at your flustered state.
“I just think you ride Angelina so gracefully! I wish I could ride a horse as good as you.” 
He laughs lowly and moves to leave through the gates, but not before you hear him mumble “tengo algo más que puedes montar…”
Cowboy!Wolfwood isn’t just a cowboy living on the outskirts of a town that welcomes him, but he also holds the duty of a priest, going into town for Sunday morning mass, shaking hands with everyone, exchanging easygoing smiles and inquiries into each and every person’s daily life. From your spot across the street, you would think he was a different man from the one who curses when he gets a splinter, but a glance down erases all doubt as you see the same dirty boots that traverse the ranch home’s hallways peeking out from his priestly garments.
“Not very Catholic of you to wear your boots with those robes you know. Why not wear the dress shoes you have shoved in the back of the hallway closet?”
He leans down from behind to whisper in your ear, rosary gracing your shoulder. 
“It’s simply not how I work, mi cielo,” his answer comes quickly, quick enough that he’s conversing with a blonde churchgoer by the time you whip your head around. 
Cowboy!Wolfwood’s lingering gazes no longer linger, the grazing touches turning into caresses even in the midst of your duties. Your bantering and joking only intensify as does your chemistry, but Wolfwood begins to throw in more flattering remarks about your work, and you. Mi alma. Corazón. Tesoro. His nicknames for you begin to flow and ebb seamlessly into your conversations, so smoothly said that you nearly miss them each time. But he never turns his loving words into actions. You begin to get impatient.
Cowboy!Wolfwood’s eyes widen, his toothpick falling from his lips.
 “Come again?” he asks you. 
“Si no me besas en el próximo momento, ya me voy de aquí. Wolfwood, please.” 
He crosses the distance between you in half the time it would usually take him. 
“How long have you known what I have been saying?” he begs you, the embarrassment evident on his tanned cheeks, the callused hands you have been dreaming of holding you like that first day coming up to caress your jaw. 
“Desde el día que te conocí,” you say. Since I met you… I have loved you since the day I met you. 
He brings his face down to you, soft and sun-chapped lips meeting yours, his sombrero tipping to fall to the dirt behind him. 
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a/n: pspsps @ayyydra and @aboveweirdest for all our screaming about cowboy wolfwood, i deliver some HCs xoxo
i tried to keep it gender neutral as possible but damn spanish is a very gender heavy language (that being said, there is many nicknames i wanted wolfwood to call you e.g. precioso/a (precious), hermoso/a (beautiful), querido/a (beloved) but the ones i wrote out are for everyone.
some translations:
“Que delicadas…” = "How delicate..."
"Tengo algo más que puedes montar…"= "I have something else you can ride..."
"Mi cielo. Mi alma. Corazón. Tesoro." = My heaven/sky/darling (idk it can mean many things). My soul. My heart. My treasure.
“Si no me besas en el próximo momento, ya me voy de aquí." = "If you don't kiss me in the next moment, I'm leaving this place."
"Desde el día que te conocí." = "Since the day I met you."
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wikiangela · 8 months
wip wednesday
tagged by @theotherbuckley 💖
I wasn't gonna post any today bc progress slowed down with working mornings again and having to actually sleep at night 🙄😂, but i'm so excited about this fic and I'm loving it and I just wanna share it all lol
prev snippet
“I’m fine.” Buck responds through gritted teeth. He’s okay, he’s fine, he can do this. “I don’t know why I’m crying.” he laughs, wiping his cheeks with one hand. He needs to get a grip. At least while he’s driving. “This is all so stupid, I’m fine, everything is fine.” he takes a deep breath.
“You don’t have to be fine. Not with me.” Eddie says, and he sounds almost desperate. Desperate for Buck to listen, to hear him. He sounds so earnest and gentle, and Buck can imagine those piercing eyes that always feel like Eddie’s looking into his soul, and he can’t handle this. He can’t handle being so cared for, he doesn’t deserve this. He doesn’t deserve someone as wonderful as Eddie. All he does is make him worry. All he does is make everyone worry. (...) Eddie once said Buck's the guy who wants to fix everything, and it’s true. He wants to fix everything for everyone he loves. He’s the only thing that’s unfixable, though. And he hates that people even try, only to get burned in the process.
no pressure tags: @elvensorceress @gaydiaz @diazass @thebravebitch @silentxxsoul @shortsighted-owl @eddiebabygirldiaz @arthursdent @911onabc @housewifebuck @watchyourbuck @underwater-ninja-13 @eowon @loserdiaz @evanbegins @ladydorian05 @wildlife4life @diazpatcher @lover-of-mine @monsterrae1 @thewolvesof1998 @puppyboybuckley @weewootruck @buckaroosheart @spagheddiediaz @steadfastsaturnsrings @rainbow-nerdss @malewifediaz @giddyupbuck @jeeyuns @epicbuddieficrecs @pirrusstuff @spotsandsocks @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove @hoodie-buck @nmcggg @jesuisici33 @exhuastedpigeon @rogerzsteven @honestlydarkprincess @hippolotamus @fortheloveofbuddie @diazsdimples @daffi-990 @disasterbuckdiaz
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poniko-w · 2 months
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look at my zombie adukin doodle
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10000 gela for the first person who can get adukin to admit she has issues & go to therapy. or like any of the numas really
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skibasyndrome · 2 months
wilmon + “hold still, babygirl” 🎀
Martina.................... bless. I absolutely CANNOT thank you enough for sending in that prompt!!! ANYWAYS, some of you know I am newly obsessed with the idea of a gender-questioning or nb or transfem Wille so... hope you guys like transfem Wille as much as I love her
also, cw: kinda nsfw, gender affirmation is one hell of a drug, getting teary-eyed during sex, but in a good way I promise <3
“Hold still, babygirl...,” Simon's voice is muffled against the side of Wille's neck, but clear enough for her to hear it. Wille gasps, tightening the grip of her fingers in Simon's curls, stilling her writhing thighs, letting Simon grab them again. She's barely holding on as is, her hold on the marble countertop Simon just fucking lifted her onto weakening every time Simon digs his fingers into her soft flesh, but the way he says it, the softness, the affection, the let me take care of you hidden between the lines is sending her mind into overdrive. Simon slides his hands up her body, along the outside of her thighs, her hips, her waist, smoothing over the soft fabric of her new sundress so reverently, so intentionally that it sends a pang to her chest. This is it, she thinks, this is fucking it, this feels so right she wants to cry on the spot. "So beautiful," Simon tells her, words breaking out of him like he's not in control, like he like has no choice but to vocalize his adoration. No need, Wille thinks, because she can feel it, has felt it all afternoon, in every casual touch and every single glance. "So, so beautiful," he adds, even breathier now, and Wille bites back a moan when he emphasizes the words by grabbing a handful of her ass. It's a lot, it's almost too much, they're not even naked yet and it's so so much. But Simon isn't done with her, he's not leaving any room for doubt and Wille doesn't thinks she's ever felt so much fucking love at once. Simon mouths down her neck, gives her collarbone a gentle nibble, presses a kiss against the top of her sternum, then stops for a moment, gives Wille the chance to tell him where she wants him and that alone forces another broken gasp out of her. She just nods frantically, pushing Simon's head closer, making sure his lips don't leave her skin. Simon slips the sleeve of her dress, the strap of her bra down her shoulder, mouths further down her chest and Wille is going to die. This shouldn't feel real, she doesn't dare to look down, afraid that she'd wake up from a dream if she's not careful, but she can see it behind in her mind's eye, the visual accompanying the sensation, Simon kissing and licking over her skin, shoving the lace of her bralette out of the way with his face to get to her nipple. Just as she thinks the arm propped up behind her, holding her up, is going to give in, she feels Simon snake his arm around her middle, feels him dig the tips of his fingers into her ribs (a reminder, this is real). Simon uses the other arm around her ass, maneuvers her body further towards the edge and Wille can feel him, fuck, she can feel him. With her skirt slipping up over her thighs, bunching up around her hips, Simon is making space for himself between her legs. She can feel him, pressing against her hot and firm and so, so enticing, and she feels him all over her, so there, and holding her so tightly, with so much fucking care that, despite herself, she feels her eyes starting to burn. She presses them shut more tightly, wraps her legs around Simon's hips, crosses her ankles and pushes him closer, holds him so close she'd be scared of hurting him if it wasn't for him pulling her even closer him with a grunt. "I've got you, sweetheart," he says, and Wille whines when Simon lets go of her nipple, tries to make him stay there for just a little bit longer, she needs him there, doesn't he see? But Simon is unrelenting, squeezes her middle, and, Wille cranes her neck to lean into the touch, brushes his hand through Wille's hair and tucks a strand behind her ear. Fuck. She swallows against the lump in her throat. "I've got you, princess," Simon breathes against her mouth, taking all the air out of her lungs. When their lips finally meet, Wille can taste the salt of her tears and desperately wraps her arms around Simon's back, like he could disappear any second.
....... I'm not going to apologize. Just know I LOVE HER and I love the way Simon loves her and I haven't felt this attached to a version of them in quite a while... pls be kind to her, she's finding herself 😭😭😭 TYSM MARTINA ILY 💜💜💜
Send me "Wilmon" + a sentence and I'll write you 5(+) more
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