#segment edition
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bambambunny · 2 years ago
Fatui Cat (Segment edition!) pt. 1
Warnings: like 1 swear and some fear of dottore from his segments. Oh and one of them drops the cat, dw its fine. This is more focused on the segment’s perspective but ill do cat POV next time.
Relationships: Platonic segments / cat!reader
Summary: The segments meet the cat. g/n pronouns pls lmk if i missed something.
Wc: 659 cries
Part 2
The pursuit of knowledge never ends and thus, neither does the work of the segments. Each one, varying in ages and demeanors, bustles around the expansive lab with their own projects in hand. Of course, all must work to the Tzaritsa’s coup against heaven but such a large goal requires smaller tasks to build it up. 
One of the younger segments, physically he looks to be about 10, is trying to figure out a better healing formula for the hydro skirmishers (Some blond kid keeps causing trouble and their losses have been too great to ignore). That might seem like a rather complicated subject for a 10 year old, but this is a dottore segment we’re talking about, of course he can accomplish this. After all, failure at such a menial task would result in termination and we can't have that. He starts with a flask of hydro, adds some crushed up violet grass, a bit of this chemical, a bit of that, and a dash of –
The young segment yelps and drops the vial and its contents. The other segments look up from their tasks at the sudden noise but the boy doesn’t notice. He looks down at the disturbance at his feet and finds a..cat? What in Her Majesty’s name is a cat doing here? He picks it up to the worried protest of an older segment and raises it up. The little thing does naught but blink at him. It has a belled collar so it must belong to somebody, and oh that somebody is going to be in a lot of trouble when Prime finds out it caused such a disturbance. 
The sound shoots a wretched cold up the segment’s spine as both he and the cat are shadowed by the imposing figure of Prime Dottore. He drops that cat and immediately turns to attention. He doesn’t hear the thing yelp in surprise.
“P-prime!”, shit. He’s not supposed to stutter, “Prime, sir.” Better.
“Care to explain the mess in your station?” Prime asks with a chilly calm.
“I was interrupted, sir, by that,” He points to the cat who is now rubbing itself, almost aggressively, on Dottore’s pant leg. 
“They just wandered in like they owned the place,” a segment pipes up, drawing Prime’s gaze. He is older and confident enough to insert himself into the conversation, most of the other segments wouldn’t dare. The young segment is relieved at the shift of attention away from him.
Prime chuckles. It isn’t with malice, thank god. 
“They might as well,” He picks up the cat with a surprising gentleness. Honestly, a few of the newer segments were surprised Prime didn't kick the poor thing.
“This is Zapolyarny Palace’s new royal cat - by order of Her Majesty.” Prime says with a flourish and barely restrained glee. Every segment in the room just stares at him, then at the cat, him again..is he serious? Since when was that a thing? If it has a title, does it have a job? Why then did it wander in here? Is it looking for pests? Impossible, the labs are kept meticulously – obsessively – clean (aside from the spill from earlier, must clean that up). A segment near the back raises his finger to ask a question but Prime cuts him off.
“As this cat has been blessed by the Tzaritsa, you will all treat them with respect. They may go where they please and none but the other harbingers and I may interact with it as I am now.” He puts the cat down and shoots a pointed look to the young segment, “You may return to your tasks. Oh and #7?”
“Yes, sir?” The little boy answers, slightly fearful of whatever punishment may come from dropping the cat.
“Do clean up this mess.”
And with that Prime Dottore leaves and all 7 segments stare at the now much more important feline sitting in front of the doorway
A/N: hgnghgng sht im so so sorry this took like a month to write. I fell out of genshin and got obsessed with star wars and cries. I know its really short but im working on a part 2, just cant finish it cuz i have to sleep.
@etherisy @franc-1-s @assassinsnek101
(if you wanna be removed or added to the taglist pls comment)
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sopuu · 2 years ago
[audio source]
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bleedingspiral · 6 months ago
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Bug dividers || free to use (credit is appreciated)
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manchesterau · 9 months ago
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freckles and blush
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ellieabbyy · 9 months ago
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ellie + grief.
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longingquiet · 4 months ago
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gonna be honest,, don't think people talk about this enough
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mistchievous · 7 months ago
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Ghost Files: Season 3 Sneak Peek
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rolandkaros · 2 months ago
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altr618157 · 2 months ago
Listen man. It's my 2018 brain screaming, but What is that behind Jack?! Did he buy a demon online??? And it's gone later, along with the sign! The demon stole his Top of the Mornin coffee sign??????
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felassan · 1 year ago
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r/dragonage (Reddit) post titled "Jeff Grubb: Dragon Age: Dreadwolf scheduled to release in late 2024." Post text: "Dreadwolf to be shown this summer and planned release later this year, Bioware is internally confident on the release date. Anything could change of course." Source: [link] Clip: [link] "Credit to: u/IcePopsicleDragon for posting this in r/GamingLeaksAndRumours."
In episode 339 of Game Mess Decides, Jeff Grubb had the following to say on Dragon Age: Dreadwolf's possible/rumored release window [transcript]:
Question from chat: “Hi Jeff and Mike, when will Dragon Age 4 be shown and released?” Jeff: “Yeah, I mean, I expect it will probably pop up this summer. I don’t know when it’ll be shown is the real answer, that’s the, let’s get that out, I don’t know when it will be shown. I assume it will be shown sometime this summer. Could happen at any time though. It will be released this year [2024], last I heard. That is, and they’re pretty confident about that, doesn’t mean it’s a guarantee, could slip, but right now, internally, they expect to release it later this year, which is why I took it in Fantasy Critic”.
[source (timestamp 35 mins 20 secs), clipped version]
(there were no more mentions of Dragon Age or BioWare during the episode)
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flickering-nightfall · 2 years ago
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behold. ARM
(continuation of this)
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bambambunny · 2 years ago
Fatui Cat (Segment Edition!) pt. 2
Once again I am so so sorry it's been a month. I know how annoying it is for chapters to be slow and this one's pretty short. I have no real excuse but pls enjoy.
Warnings: little bit of existential horror, it gets kinda intense pls be advised
Relationships: Platonic segments / gn cat!reader
Summary: you observe the segments and the reality of your situation finally sets in.
Wc: 705
Part 1
Slowly but surely, everyone settles into the rhythm of their projects. What a lovely introduction, well aside from being dropped but you’re a sturdy little thing. You let your gaze wander from one segment to the next, from your spot by the door. They didn't exactly all look like the Dottore you knew, they were all different ages. To someone who didn't know better, they would have looked like brothers.
There was the oldest looking one, judging by the greying hair and beard, he seemed to be pouring over some dusty tomes. You recall how he gave #7 room to compose himself. He probably wouldn't be too adverse to you being here. Perhaps like Pierro if he wasn't such a sourpuss…
There was a slightly younger clone, maybe 50; You were never good at estimating ages. In your professional opinion, this one would be the dilf of the squad. He’s furiously scribbling on some blue prints and he has several coffee mugs around him.
One segment looks almost exactly like Normal Dottore and he’s tinkering with his own biometrics. Gross. You get that they’re robots or whatever but it looks like he has blood. Ok thats enough! On to the next one...
There's one who looks like he’d be in college, shorter hair and kinda lanky and no eye mask. He has a whiteboard in front of him with a maddening amount of equations. Good god, there's more letters than numbers! You look away before you get an aneurysm.
Another segment, like the one before but even younger, is flitting about his desk stacked with various terrariums. You can't see what sort of animal the terrariums hold from your spot on the floor but you catch a glimpse of some tropical looking leaves and a heat light. He gets something from a minifridge nestled in a corner and retrieves something that looks like mice? You walk a bit closer and notice they’re glowing an unnatural purple. Nevermind.
The electric crackle of a welding machine catches your attention. When you turn to look, there is a teenager working on a massive robot. And it's not just massive to a cat, it's massive. Suddenly it powers up! You dash away to a dark quiet corner.
Everything’s so big and loud and you don't like it! You push yourself further into the corner and hide your face in your own fur.
Your breath starts to hasten.
It feels like you can't breathe.
For the first time, since you got here, you feel scared. You'd been so caught up in the wonder of a world you only ever saw on a screen that it hadn't occurred to you that you were stuck.
You were stuck.
In this world, in this nation, in this palace, in this body.
There is no feasible way to gain back any of the control you once had – back when you were behind a screen, with a simple user interface and a few buttons to press, you can't even have the control of just some normal human!
You're scared and alone in a place you don't fully understand. No matter how closely you hold yourself to familiar characters, they won't really understand what you are or what you've lost.
As of now, you are the only person in this entire world who holds the knowledge of Earth, of its customs…
…of your life.
One day you will forget, and the memory of your humanity will be lost forever.
Is this what you wanted?
You are ripped from your thoughts by a gentle but firm hand, it carries you up then presses you to the chest of someone that smells like dust and chemicals. You look up and realise it's the old man.
He pets your head gently, "oh poor thing, did the machines frighten you?
You nudge your head against his hand in conformation. He makes a small hum of consideration then begins to walk to his desk, still holding you.
"I know Prime said not to, but it would not do to leave you like this", he rests you in his lap then continues to mull about his dusty old tomes. He keeps a hand petting your fur until you fall asleep.
@etherisy @franc-1-s @assassinsnek101
(If you wanna be removed or added to the taglist pls comment)
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hayheadd · 5 months ago
This Pathologic teaser is so funny I can't
First of all "violence" here and everything in the video is lowercase. Second... Why is he stabbing the text 😭 Why is it running away. Third there's a real life child sitting there and her only line is "why are you here?" And the lowercase white text on a black background responds "you'll find out.... soon". So am I the text? Is she talking to me or to the text? Is the text talking to her or to me? Who am I talking to?
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dimeadozencows · 17 days ago
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Confirmed gaster cutie pie moments
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beatleswings · 27 days ago
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goldenpinof · 1 year ago
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i'm gonna be lying in bed at 3 am going 🎶come in my ladydoor🎶
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