#seeing an artist who saved my life 🥹
urfav-mirrorball · 3 days
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malenjoyer · 4 months
I know right now may not be the best time to say this, but I'm kind of still processing how fast this all happened. As someone who likes to look over artists' past work esp my fav works daily and just suddenly noticed that they're almost all gone: twitter, instagram, and tumblr. It frustrates me that not only has this situation affected you, but how it really takes one selfish and inconsiderate person to ruin everything for others. I truly hope that you can heal from this and maybe we might see those pictures again, but this is just soo much to process. Just love and support for you <33333 🥹🫶😭🫶🫶🫶🫶
Hi. I’ve privated a lot of my work on tumblr and Instagram, so they’re not gone forever. I still have a lot of positive memories with them so I didn’t want to delete them. I wanted to keep all the nice comments and support I’ve gotten over these past few years.. I might unarchive them sometime in the future when I’m more okay with it being looked at. Twitter, I had no choice but to delete it, especially ones with dick, jason, and Peter Parker. My brain freaked out a little bit from seeing evidence of the person saving my art and making fake clip files with them. Logically, I am aware deleting my old art in response is stupid.
But it wasn’t limited to just comic art, it was other interests I had too which was really uncomfortable that someone would go to the extent of pretending they like other stuff I liked. They would also paraphrase tweets I’ve made about my personal life onto their own twitter. That just isn’t okay.
Every interest I’ve ever fallen in love with meant a lot to me. This is probably not publicly known information since I’m relatively private, as a depressed autistic person, a lot of who I am is what I end up liking. My friends and relatives describe me as dressing up like a cartoon character, because everything I like is so visibly obvious. I become utterly consumed in my favorite things. Suddenly, it feels like all of my control was taken away from me. My interests collected over the years were no longer just mine, it was someone else’s because they decided to lie and it was easier to continue lying. I don’t know how much was saved. There was a screenshot of a message with over 8+ of my art works sent excluding the fake files.
I don’t have control over it. The impersonation of my identity and my life experiences.
But I do have control over who gets to see what I put out in the future. I could probably write this better but I’ve rewritten a lot of things within these two days. Rewritten posts over and over so it sounds less aggressive, less hurt, less like I am trying to call for a witch hunt and more just taking extra precautions. I don’t think I have the energy to rewrite this to seem less vulnerable/pathetic.
I want to apologize to everyone who hoped I’d keep my past art public. I know how it feels. I’ve been fans of artists who just blew up their account one day and never came back. I only privated them on tumblr and Instagram. That’s all I can do. Honestly, I’m hoping a part of my brain just forgets some of this happened since depression does come with memory loss.. This post is now too long.. but I hope it gives some insight for what’s happening on my side of the brain. I appreciate all the support so far.
If you see me acting a little weird on twitter, I’m just trying to regain a sense of control over my identity.
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Ricky Starks Saves The Day
Summary: Ricky refuses to watch his ship fall apart, and makes it his mission to get Y/N and Hook back together.
Warnings: angst, cussing, arguing, drinking, implied smut, fluff, lil bit of spice
A/N: I hope you guys enjoy this imagine!!!!! All the support on my last one has been SO amazing and I cannot express how grateful I am for it!!!!🥹🥰 I love all of you so so so so much!!!!! And once again, a special shoutout to my bestie @99hook !!!!! Ilysm bestie and thank you!!!!🧡🤍 If it wasn’t for you I wouldn’t be posting this🥹🩷
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It was never a good idea to spew words without thinking them through while you're both furious.
Because when the feelings of anger fade, you are left with nothing but sadness and immense regret.
This was something Hook learned a little too late.
All Y/N wanted was for him to spend a little more time with her, and neither of them could even remember why it escalated like it had. But it did.
And then Hook decided to blurt that he thought it might be better for them to break up.
Now both of them were miserable, and everyone could see it.
But Hook was too nervous to approach Y/N, as she had avoided him entirely since that night.
And Y/N had been avoiding him because seeing him made her so sad.
It was just a cycle of sadness, that all of their friends were sick and tired of seeing them be stuck in.
Enter Ricky Starks; who made it his mission to get them back together.
He loved both Hook and Y/N dearly, and just wanted them to be happy. He wasn't gonna sit back and watch true love go to waste.
But at that same time, Y/N had decided enough moping was enough.
And with some encouragement from her best friend Kris Statlander, she found herself considering dating again.
So when Ricky walked into catering and plopped down next to the two women, their conversation almost gave him heart palpitations.
"I'm telling you Y/N, the best way to get over a guy is to get under another" Kris smirks.
Ricky starts choking on his food, making Y/N's eyes widen and she pats his back. "Are you ok Ricky?"
"Y-Yeah" he croaks out, clearing his throat. "You know, personally, I don't really agree with that philosophy"
Kris raises an eyebrow at him. "Oh yeah? And what would you suggest?"
"Um," Ricky falters, unsure of what to say. "I, uh… maybe some ice cream?"
"I like his idea way more" Y/N immediately says.
Ricky feels momentary relief, before Kris scoffs. "Ignore him. Look, just give it a try. Once you go out with another guy, you may realize that you don't miss him as much as you think"
Ricky cringes, as he can tell Y/N is considering it.
"But who would I even go out with?" She asks after a moment.
This makes Kris perk up. "Take your pick hon. I mean, honestly, have you seen yourself?"
"I don't know" Y/N sinks in her chair.
"Hey Y/N" She looks up when she hears her name and sees Darby Allin approaching them.
"Hey Darby, what's up?" She asks with a smile.
"Do you remember that one night you did my face paint when the makeup artist had an emergency and had to leave?" He asks nervously, rubbing the back of his neck.
"Yeah" Y/N answers.
"It's just.. the way you did it was really cool and I wanted to ask if you'd do it again?" He rushes out.
Y/N grins. "Of course I will!"
She sits her plate down and waves goodbye to Ricky and Kris. "I'll see you guys later"
With that, she walks off with Darby.
Ricky scoffs at the pleased look on Kris' face.
This causes Kris to raise an eyebrow. "What?"
Ricky shrugs. "Nothing"
Kris narrows her eyes at him. "Oh hell no! You wanna get her and Hook back together! That’s why you said all that stuff!"
"So what if I do?" Ricky challenges. "Her and Hook are true love! Hook made a stupid mistake, and he wants to fix it"
"Too bad" Kris immediately snaps back. "She is just getting better, and I'll be damned if I let you bring her down again"
"I ain't gonna bring her down!" Ricky defends. "I wanna reunite her with the love of her life!"
Kris scoffs. "I'll believe Hook is sorry when he starts showing it. Until then, expect me to run interference on whatever little plan you have cooked up"
Ricky leans back in his chair with a groan as Kris walks off.
It's then that Hook enters, and raises an eyebrow at the exasperated look on his friend's face. "What's wrong with you?"
Ricky glares at him. "I'm gonna punch you"
"There! All done!" Y/N grins.
Darby opens his eyes and smiles widely when he looks in the mirror. "It looks amazing! Thanks Y/N"
"My pleasure" she smiles back, leaning down to hug him from behind.
He puts his hands on top of her’s and leans back into her. "I have a question"
"Hmm?" Y/N hums.
"Would you like to go out after the show?" Darby asks.
Y/N bites her lip. "Darby.. you’re a really great guy. I just... I don’t think I’m ready to date someone else yet. I’m sorry”
"No!" Darby exclaims. “Oh my gosh, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to say it like that. Not go out like a date. I meant just go out as friends”
Y/N lets out a breath, and they both laugh. "Then I'd love to”
"Yes! You're going on a date!" Kris exclaims obnoxiously loud, making Y/N quickly shush her.
But the damage was done, and Ricky overheard Kris' yells.
Ricky's eyes widen, and he scrambles over to them. "So Y/N, a date, huh?"
"No! It's not-" Y/N tries to explain, but is cut off by Kris.
"It totally is" Kris grins. "Y/N and Darby are getting drinks after the show tonight"
With that, she grabs Y/N's shoulders and guides her away, and looks back to send Ricky a triumphant smirk.
Ricky scoffs and runs off down the halls to find Hook.
He finds him sitting on a crate in the hallway, and Ricky snatches the earbuds out of Hook's ears.
Hook looks up with a glare. "What the hel-"
"No time for pleasantries!" Ricky yells. "You need to get off your ass and apologize to Y/N! I know she still has feelings for you, she's told me! And you still love her! You're just too chicken to tell her that you’re sorry, and she's about to go on a date with Darby so you have officially run out of time! You need to go get your girl and live happily ever after! I'll be damned if Kris will beat me!"
Hook stands up with a scowl on his face. "She's going on a date with that little prick?"
Ricky frantically nods and exasperatedly yells “Yes!"
"Where?" Hook demands, causing a smirk to grow on Ricky's face.
"How do you know they're here?" Hook asks as Ricky pulls into a parking spot at a busy bar.
"I asked her. You know, like talking to her" Ricky deadpans, making Hook shoot him a glare.
"Now get out of my car, and don't come back until you've professed your love to her" Ricky demands.
Hook does get out of the car, and takes a deep breath before entering the building.
Y/N and Darby were tucked away in a booth near the back, talking and laughing without a care in the world.
Hook can feel his face flush when he sees what Y/N is wearing, in both anger and attraction. He knew Kris must have picked it because she always needed to be hyped up a little to wear that damn dress. It was the definition of that little black dress every guy loves. It was a short, fitted bodycon dress, with a bustier top and ruched detail on the skirt that accentuated her curvy waist and hips.
That damn dress made her look both classy and sexy all at once, and Hook wanted to go snatch Y/N away from Darby and take her back to his hotel room and have her all to himself.
It was then that Y/N noticed Darby staring at something over her shoulder.
“What’s wrong? You got quiet” She leans in close to speak in his ear so he can hear, and places her hand on top of his.
Darby hesitates before answering. “Hook just walked in, and he’s coming over here”
Y/N’s head snaps around, and she easily spots Hook making his way through the crowd towards them.
Before she can debate between jumping up and running, or hiding under the table, he’s standing in front of them. “Hey Y/N”
“Why are you here Tyler?” Y/N asks with an annoyed expression.
“Can we talk?” Hook replies, shooting a rude look at Darby which only pisses Y/N off more.
“She obviously doesn’t want to talk to you, man. And we’re busy right now, I’m sure you can talk some other time” Darby says, a clear edge to his tone.
“I wasn’t fucking talking to you Allin” Hook snaps.
“Darby, it’s fine” Y/N cuts in, trying to prevent a fight from breaking out.
But neither one of them listened, and Y/N buries her head in her hands when Darby stands up and gets chest to chest with Hook.
She can’t hear what they’re saying to each other over the music and people, but she scrambles to get between them when Hook’s face hardens after Darby pushes him back.
“Hey! Enough!” Y/N exclaims.
But the two just continue to glare at each other over her head.
She scoffs and rolls her eyes at their childishness before reaching down to snatch up her purse and storm out of the bar.
She walks a little ways down the road, before stopping when she realizes she left her coat as a chill runs through her body.
“You left this” she hears Hook’s nervous voice behind her.
She turns, and the scowl on her face softens when she sees the sad look on his.
She takes the coat he was holding out for her. “Thank you”
“You’re welcome” He answers, shuffling back and forth on his feet.
The two of them stand in awkward silence for a moment before Hook speaks up. “Do you need a ride to the hotel?”
Y/N thinks for a second; while she is mad at Hook for coming here and ruining her fun, she’s also mad at Darby for pushing Hook.
“It won’t just be you and me” He elaborates. “Ricky’s waiting for me in the car”
“Why’d you come here Tyler?” Y/N asks after a short moment of thinking.
“I..” Hook falters, scrambling for an excuse before finally realizing he just needs to tell the truth. “Because Ricky told me you and Darby were going on a date tonight”
“So you came to crash it?!” Y/N snaps.
“Seriously Tyler?! You’re so fucking childish” Y/N rants as she starts speed walking to the parking lot, Hook following close behind. “You broke up with me, but you still think you can control who I go out with?!”
Ricky glances over when he hears yelling, and cringes when he realizes it’s Y/N.
She swings the passenger door open and plops down in the seat, before crossing her arms and leaning her body towards the window.
“Hello Ricky” she grumbles as Hook climbs in the backseat.
“I do not think I have any sort of control over you Y/N” Hook insists. “I just-“
“You just what?!” Y/N interjects, whipping around in her seat to glare back at him.
“I didn’t want you to go out with someone else! But that doesn’t mean I think I have control over you!” Hook yells back.
Ricky lets out an overly dramatic sigh as he starts the car and pulls out of the parking lot.
This was totally not going to plan.
Ricky practically dives out of the car when they get to the hotel, as Y/N and Hook take their time; more concerned about arguing than getting out.
Taz, who was also just arriving at the hotel, stops short of entering when he recognizes the voices of Y/N and Tyler fighting.
He walks over to Ricky. “What the hell’s going on?”
“I heard that Y/N was going on a date with Darby, so I told Hook. Thinking back I wish I hadn’t. And then I found out where they were going and me and Hook went to crash their date so he could tell Y/N that he’s still in love with her. He went inside and the next thing I knew they came out arguing. They’ve been arguing ever since” Ricky rambles out the entire story.
Taz scoffs. “You two are idiots. In what world was crashing her date gonna do anything except piss her off?”
Ricky rubs the back of his neck. “Our world I guess?”
Then Hook gets out of the car, and he goes to open her door but she swiftly opens it herself. “I don’t need you opening my damn door Tyler! I’m more than capable of doing it myself! Just like I’m capable of deciding who I spend my fucking time with!”
“I never fucking said you weren’t!” Hook exclaims.
“Then why even go to the bar?! You still haven’t given me a straight answer!” Y/N fumes.
“Because I’m still fucking in love with you!” He finally exclaims, stopping Y/N in her tracks.
The two stand in silence for a moment, before Hook lets out a shaky breath. “I’m still so in love with you Y/N, ok?” His voice cracks, and tears well up in both of their eyes. “That’s why I went to the bar. Because the thought of you being with someone else makes me feel like someone is trying to rip my heart out of my chest. I know I fucked up that night Y/N. I was mad, and I was just spouting shit, and I caused myself to lose the most important thing in my life. And I know you’ll never fucking forgive me; I know how much I hurt you. And I fucking hate myself for it! And I know you deserve to move on, and I had no right to go there tonight. But- fuck Y/N! I don’t know how to come to terms with losing you! I can’t..”
Y/N stares at him for a moment, and Hook feels like his heart is going to beat out of his chest from the anxiousness coursing through his body.
But Y/N was using that moment to attempt and find the right words to say. “It wasn’t a date..”
Hook furrows his eyebrows in confusion. “What? Ricky said..”
“He just overheard Kris” Y/N elaborates. “She’s been trying to get me to go out again. But I couldn’t do it”
“Why not?” Hook dares to ask as she takes a step towards him.
She puts her hands on his tense arms and makes eye contact before answering. “Because I’m still in love with you. And no matter what mistakes you made, I know that no one else will ever make me feel the way I do for you”
And with that, Hook sweeps her up by her waist and hugs her as tight as he can. She lets out a relieved laugh, and hugs back just as tight.
He places her back on the ground, and their lips collide in a messy, but sweet and passionate kiss.
They only pull away from each other when they hear an obnoxiously loud cheer from Ricky, and they turn to face him and Taz with amused laughter.
“Sorry guys! I didn’t mean to break up your moment. I’m just so excited!” Ricky bounces up and down, and Y/N laughs again when she notices he has his phone out recording them.
“Why were you recording us, Ricky?” She asks with a giggle, as Hook leans down to kiss her head.
“Two reasons. One, I needed footage of my ship getting back together. And two, I gotta show this to Ms.Statlander! True love prevails!” He yells with a victorious grin, before running into the hotel to find Kris.
After Ricky’s gone, Taz approaches them and places a hand on Hook’s shoulder with a delighted smile. “I'm glad you two are working this out. I missed you being around Y/N”
She smiles back. “I missed you too Taz”
With that, Taz bids them goodnight and heads up to his room.
Hook places his hand on the small of her back and guides her inside.
He places one more chaste kiss on her lips. “Now that I can kiss you again I don't ever wanna stop”
“Then don’t” Y/N quips back with a cheeky smirk.
He grins down at her when she pecks his lips once again.
“I gotta get us checked in; but after that, your cute little ass is all mine mamas” he whispers lowly in her ear, and his hand trails down to sneakily grab her ass.
“It’s always been your’s” She giggles and stays tucked into his side as they head over to get checked in.
Hook talks to the desk clerk as she pulls out her phone after it buzzes in her pocket.
She laughs when she sees a message from Ricky.
It was a selfie he took of a rather pissed off Kris, and him grinning like a kid in a candy store.
She shows Hook as they’re walking towards the elevator, and he lets out a hearty laugh. “He better stop messing with her before she knocks him out”
When the elevator door opens, they quickly slip out as Hook’s hands start to trail up and down her body.
They get to the room, but as Hook swipes the key card the two of them look up when a yell echos through the hall.
“I told you to shut up Ricky!” They hear Kris yell, followed by more yells from Ricky.
Y/N goes to walk towards the screams, but Hook snakes his arm around her waist and pulls her into the room.
“Tyler!” Y/N chides, but her protests get caught in her throat when he presses her up against the door.
Their bodies are flush against each other, and Hook immediately dips his head down to start trailing kisses along her neck. “They aren’t our problem right now mamas. All I’m concerned with is reminding you how good it feels when I make you scream my name”
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kingofbodyrolls · 3 years
BTS fic recs: 2021
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I want to thank each and every writer on this list for creating such wonderful stories and art - you are truly amazing ✨ All the fics on this list hold a dear place in my heart 🥹
If you read anything on this list and you like it, please leave a comment to the writer or reblog the original fics post 💜
Also, most of these fics are smutty as hell, so minors dni.
BTS fic rec index 💜
Emoji meaning → angst = 🌩️, smut = 🥵, fluff = 🥰, comedy = 😂, personal favorites = 💯. 
⭐The Landlord 💯 by @ppersonna
// myg x f.reader // landlord!yoongi // 🥵😂
📝 your air conditioner breaks right at the height of a recordbreaking heat wave.  good thing your hot landlord, Yoongi, knows how to attend to any needs you may have.
🗨️ HOT HOT HOT, fucking FIRE 🔥🔥🥵
⭐No Strings [completed series] 💯 by @kpopfanfictrash
// pjm x f.reader // f2l // 🥵
📝 It started off as such a simple question. How to know if you’re bad in bed? Of course when you asked, you didn’t imagine Jimin would actually answer.
⭐Him After All by @mercurygguk
// pjm x f.reader // s2l // 🥵🥰🌩️
📝 A guy you’ve never met before scoops in and saves you from a very embarrassing situation and you can’t help but notice how cute he is.
⭐Cherry Flavored 💯 by @ppersonna
// pjm x f.reader // office!au // 🥵🥰😂
📝 When a secret admirer begins to leave messages and treats on your desk at work, your mind runs wild with 'who-dun-it’s. you’ll stop at nothing to determine the identity.
🗨️ This is just utterly sweet! 🥰
⭐Physical 💯 by @ppersonna
// pjm x f.reader // fitness instructor!jimin // 🥵🥰😂
📝 You can't seem to escape the sexy fitness instructor that seemingly is everywhere you turn. it’s enough to make you irrational.
⭐Unicorn Ride 💯 by @missgeniality
// pjm x f.reader // s2? // 🥵
📝 Hunting men down at a club is inviting disappointment with open arms. But tonight, your body has been twisted, turned and bent on every possible surface, and you might be willing to reconsider. 
🗨️ I need to take a shower now ‘kay byeeeee 🥵 The dialogue, the writing, WORDS, smut – I… I’m slightly speechless. THIS IS FUCKING GOLD! If you don’t read this gem of a fic, I don’t know what you are doing with your life but then you are missing out.
⭐Chem Miss by @kpopfanfictrash
// pjm x f.reader // university!au, TA!jimin // 🥵
📝 “You’re my TA. I’m in your class. I’m sure you don’t want to spend your Saturday night talking to me about biochem.”
⭐Oh My God, They Were (Quarantined) Roommates 💯 by @ot7always
// jjk x f.reader // college!au, roommates!au // 🥰🥵
📝 What do you do when you’re quarantined for months on end with Jeon Jungkook - S tier cuddler, workout robot, and thirst trap extraordinaire? Fuck him, you guess.
⭐Mind in the Gutter by @kpopfanfictrash
// jjk x f.reader // bowling!au, workplace!au, romcom, s2l  // 🥵😂
📝 Starting over is never fun. Especially not when you decide to take the phrase fully to heart; new job, new city, new coworkers and new relationships. When you are dragged to a happy hour by your new co-worker, Taehyung, you end up sitting beside a (very) cute, (very) shy IT worker named Jungkook. Several drinks later, he mentions he is in a professional bowling league with his friends and you rather enthusiastically invite yourself along. As time passes and you begin to grow closer, you still find it impossible to read Jungkook. Working in the same company and seeing each other so often, it is only so long before one of you snaps. But who?
⭐Banana Milk by @kimnjss
// jjk x f.reader // s2l // 🥵
📝 Sent to the grocery store in the middle of the day, you’d never believe who you ran into in the milk aisle. 
⭐A Date with Destiny by @missgeniality
// jjk x f.reader // idol!au, s2l // 🥵🥰😂
📝 You are a boss lady in the tech industry traveling to world for work. He is a chart-topping artist touring the globe to perform in front of millions of fans. In the cosmos of life, you are not likely to cross paths. Luckily, fate has a different plan for you two.
⭐McD*ckin 💯 by @jinned
// jjk x f.reader // slice of life, fast food worker!jk, customer!reader, s2l // 🥵😂
📝 “So, if I’m so predictable,” you tease, running your finger along his clothed chest, “what am I going to do next?”
🗨️ I’d like to order a McChicken please 🙋🏾‍♀️🥵💦 this was funny, and actually made me laugh like a freak at some points 🤣 also the second hand embarrassment 😳🙈 It really cheered me up. I really liked the ordering menu when reader arrived 🙈🤭 also the ending, which was unexpected for me, but I quite liked it because it wasn’t “super happy and lovey dovey” like most of the stories I read, but still open 😊
⭐Caught Me 💯 by @jeongi
// jjk x f.reader // roommate!au, e2l // 🥵😂
📝 You hate your temporary roommate, jungkook and it doesn’t help that he’s been catching you at the most inconvenient of times.
🗨️ This is a fucking MASTERPIECE 💖 I love the banter and comedy, how JK gets on readers nerves 😂 I love absolutely every fucking thing about this and don’t get me started on the smut 🔥🔥 🔥
⭐Anpanman 💯 by @honeymoonjin
// jjk x f.reader // bf2l // 🥵😂🥰
📝 Your best friend jungkook finally convinces you to seek therapy for your failing mental health. the only catch? the one therapist that’s within your price range is an alternative marriage counsellor, jung hoseok, and the only way jungkook managed to get you an appointment was by saying the two of you were married. will couples counselling actually be useful for your wellbeing, or will something that runs much deeper rise to the surface instead?
⭐By its Cover by @gimmesumsuga
// jjk x f.reader // 🥵
AN: I am posting this in august 2023, but dating the post back to some time in 2021 😆
Borahae 💜
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ratsnu · 1 month
Hey I’m the anon that requested the baseball art and it was actually so funny how you mentioned @winterzz7 ‘s baseball AU because I stumbled upon their art at first and was immediately OBSESSED with the baseball idea. I was like “Omg I NEED more of this”, but unfortunately I couldn’t draw a stick figure to save my life HOWEVER I am a writer so I straight up started writing this whole baseball AU enemies to lovers Jamilton fic which led me to asking artists on here if they’d be willing to draw baseball AU’s (it has me feeling like a pathetic sheep. Hello? Literally begging?? How low I’ve fallen.) because baseball rivals Jamilton have taken over my entire life and I’m hooked on it like a drug.
Honestly I’m so intertwined with them as baseball stars who end up falling in love now that I’ll take any scrap offered. If you enjoyed drawing it, I’d KILL to see more. But if not, I’m still very much in LOVE with your art. I think you might be my favorite artist on tumblr actually.
Anyway, thank you for the beautiful masterpiece. AND you made Jefferson so cunty like?? Take my soul.
this is so unbelievably sweet thank you 🥹🫶
PLEEEEEEASEEEEEEEE drop the link to ur fic in my inbox when u publish it i would absolutely die to read a baseball rivals au
also this is a lil funny because i WISH i could write and create that way because its probs my fav way to consume content and its cool to know that the road goes both ways (except those lucky bastards who have been blessed by the universe to be good at writing and art lol)
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here’s jefferson stealing a base from ham for you <333
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worldsfromhoney · 1 year
Greetings, plebeians
This is your resident unknown and attention-depraved author/writer, BEE/bee/beE/🐝
Here’s some stuff about moi:
I like… tea. YES I LIKE TEA 🍵🍵🍵 it’s quite honestly the greatest invention of all time
I also like reading. That’s kinda like a hobby that all writers are mandated to say. Which is reasonable.
I’m a fan of miniatures and piano. Yeah, I did try them out. Yeah, I did fail spectacularly, thank you! ☺️
I also like painting but the therapy one and not just a blank canvas that sucks the soul out of artists lol
What do I write?
I write… stuff. BEAUTIFUL, HEARTBREAKING STUFF, mind you. But it’s still stuff, so lemme elaborate.
Speculative fiction - if you idk this, it’s really just a mix of fantasy and sci-fi; the ‘what if’ genre
Urban fantasy - don’t get me wrong, I love high fantasy, but urban is waaay easier to worldbuild
Steampunk & other punks - PUUUUNK 🤘🤘🤘
Horror and thriller - mostly psychological and body horror, don’t worry! I don’t do jump scares or anything ☺️
Slice of life - mwah my heart and soul mwah
Others - yes, I am capable of doing other genres 😤 I’m a multi-faceted bee, you know?
DISCLAIMER: what I write might only reflect upon my psyche and state of mind but that is not a guarantee
My WiPs
I am proud to say that… I DO NOT HAVE ANY!!
*gasp* what ever do you mean bee? Are you quitting writing? *sobs*
No, my darlings.
i just have no big projects to boast about right now. I feel like big projects aint my thing at the moment and pushing myself only led me to disappear from the internet for a month 😞
What i do have are short works i randomly choose to write and post here on tumblr !!
If you’re interested, please comment on this post or reblog or DM me if you want to be put in the taglist!!
Does that mean you accept… requests?
…………yes. Yes i do. Go and flood my askbox you plebs !
Am I anywhere else?
Please. It’s 2023. Of course I’m… everywhere *cue evil laugh*
Bluesky - if you haven’t heard it yet, tis the new Twitter… cuz it’s literally made by the old creators of that glorious blue bird *cue a moment of silence*
Tiktok or Twitter - do not look for me here
Tumblr - EYYYYYYYYYYY i post ALL my stuff here !! They’re really just bait to hook some writer friends 🥹
Ko-Fi - ehem ehem i know first drafts are considered shite but BUT i have decided to make them available for perusal yes you can burn your eyes to anyone who buys me a cup of tea ~
Patreon - i finally have one!! I’m still setting it up tho and prepping all the content 💛💛💛
I’ll be doing a patreon soon enough actually so look out for that
How I organise myself
Well i wish this is applicable to actual life because i’d very much like to know how 🫡
Jk, here be the tags:
#bee writes some stuff - my micros, my flash fics, my text posts
#bee plays some games - tag games !! which i have never played before till now !!
#bee does some prompts - this will definitely see the light of day… someday
#bee stalking some writers - what it says on the tin
#bee answers some asks - omg i only added this because someone actually sent me one *faints*
#bee saves some stuff - there are way too many resource posts that i’ve scrolled past cuz idk how to tag
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mrs-snape5984 · 6 months
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“It's true that I was made for you…”
“All of these lines across my face tell you the story of who I am. So many stories of where I've been and how I got to where I am. But these stories don't mean anything, when you've got no one to tell them to…” (“The Story” by Sara Ramírez)
“Erised stra ehru oyt ube cafru oyt on wohsi"…these are the words, which are engraved on the Mirror of Erised. Reading it reversed, it becomes "I show not your face but your heart's desire"…and damn, this sentence couldn’t be more true.
I caught myself countless times contemplating about this magical artefact…and I know exactly, what I would perceive in there. My desire would be divided into three different parts.
I would see Sevy and Jules in their last year at Hogwarts. They’re close to their graduation and their whole promising future is still ahead of them. They’ve found their soulmates in each other…with trust as deep as the sea and love as strong as death.
But when my life with Severus would be one of these three parts - and certainly the biggest one of all - what would the other two parts look like? Well, the answer to this question is an easy one: They’re young…and they’re healthy. And yes, this might sound pathetically stupid, but I’m mourning my youth and I’m definitely drowning in grief over a life in health.
Maybe it’s just some random appearance of a midlife crisis, since I’ll turn 40 this year, but I’d do so many things differently if I could turn back time. And as the most important thing, I would advise my younger self to be more gentle, more lovingly with herself. You can’t save everyone around you…so turn your back on those people, whose only purpose is to hurt you by taking advantage of your good heart…and save yourself! Love yourself! Allow yourself the same amount of love, which you’re willing to offer to others. You are worthy of love, respect and happiness! I’d say the same things to Severus, so I guess, this connection is the reason for my special soft spot for his younger self.
For those of you, who know my previous posts, I don’t have to explain my wish for health. To put it briefly: ME/CFS is a cruel bitch! This disease has destroyed my life and made my entire existence a nightmare. I don’t want to go into detail this time….my former posts have been whiny enough and I don’t want to bother anyone with my misery.
For this stunning artwork of my actual self, longing for my deepest desires in front of the Mirror of Erised, I only wanted one particular artist to make my dream come true. @sleepybradipo, you have outdone yourself with this heart wrenching piece of art! When I had this idea in my mind, I just knew, that I wanted to see it in your unique, tender style. Your kindness and your love for details - like the little tattoo on my ring finger - have brought me some soothing warmth and comfort to my troubled heart and soul. Thank you for every message, for every sweet word and for the way, you’ve let me participate in the process of creating this beautiful drawing. You’re a gem of a human soul, my dear. 🫂🥹
Oh, and take a look at my very own Mirror of Erised. Who’s making his appearance in there? 😍 It has always been him…since 21 years, it’s only Severus. Undeniably. Unconditionally. Always. 🖤
🖤Severus & Julia🖤
🖤Sevy & Jules🖤
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hlpd · 9 months
blog entry for the new years
My friend and I like to guess if we can see how mentally ill an artist is from how they draw or from the lyrics of their song. I always wondered if people could see anything through my work 😹
My mental health has never been very good, but I always had enough distractions to keep thoughts at bay (until they weren't)
Kekkai was the last series I was invested in so naturally I found comfort from it in hard times. It didn't save my life entirely but it was definitely on the back-burner watching me attempt, recovery and beyond.
Now whenever i look at this blog's archive its like looking at a time capsule 🥹 its hard to believe its been years. i've met so many cool people over the course of loving this manga, and ofc had to say goodbye to many as well.
When I scroll down this blog it'll say something like last post "from 5 months ago" "1 year ago" "3 years ago" and I'll be like wow has it been that long already? Time flies now. It makes me feel morbid & a bit sad, but looking back reminds me of every moment up until now. And I become very grateful for the journey. Like wow I can't believe i'm still alive, kind of way lol.
I've always felt morbid on new years. But with every year since then, i've learned to be more grateful. The idea that hellsalems lot was born on new years is beautiful to me, and now I understand why.
I'm still getting better, high chance I will be for the rest of my life. Of course one day I may contribute my last fanart , I dont intend for it to be anytime soon. But I'll never forget this series, the one thats Seen It All HAHA. I'm not sure I will ever learn to forget about kekkai on new years.
I'm very thankful for everyone who's found any level of joy in looking at my fanart throughout the years, you all unknowingly helped more than you'll ever know. And OF COURSE THANKS NIGHTOW SENSEI !
Happy 2024!
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mrhowells · 1 year
Smallville 4x14
I love this episode a lot🥹
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"You're gonna be fine. I know you're gonna be fine. Everyone I've ever hit was alright."
Lois -everyone I've ever hit was alright- Lane:
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Clark really sleeps on the couch now that Lois lives there? LMAOOOO
the way he immediately smiles when he sees the dog I can't🥹🥹
"You hit him? With your car?" "No, with my fist🙄🙄"
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"Actually, I think it might be fun to have a dog around."
I'm crying
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"I don't know. It's just kind of hard to be myself with her around."
that's so ironic though because apart from hiding his powers he is VERY himself around her
I need Tom Welling to stop smiling on my screen please and thank you, I'm not strong enough for this😭
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Chloe helping Clark with his excuses, love to see it🥹 He's so bad at them he needs all the help he can get💀
Let me introduce you to my parents who have been married for about 30 years now:
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"Let's see. He's annoying, and I can't get within ten feet of him without getting sick. I think we should call him Clarkie."
have I mentioned how much I love them before?
"I spent all morning on these."
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they're both so cute🥹🥹
LMAOOOOOO he finds her so annoying
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No because if I keep going like this I'll screenshot every single time they say something or even look at each other💀
Lois: You could be Skipper😇
Clark: *fake ass smile* anyway-
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he's about to throw hands💀
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This is so confusing, I thought Jason's mom orchestrated the entire meeting with Lana but now she wants him away from her?
"Paranoia is not a very attractive quality in a woman."
Umm okay, AND? I mean I don't give a shit about Genevieve but this is such a dumb statement, as if she's supposed to give a fuck about what's "attractive" to Lex or others, like what?
Sometimes he sounds like one of those "pick up artists" that the internet makes fun of all the time, I'm sorry💀💀
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That's the way someone talks to their own kid, not their guest and I love that because Lois clearly lacks parental love. Martha & Lois will always be so special to me😭😭
"Remember when Clark did that? He was only... three." LMAOOOO
Lex is clearly losing patience with Clark😬
Can I join this family pls look at themmmm
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Martha is such a badass actually
I'm glad Lana overheard that whole conversation between Jason and his mother, now I'm just hoping they'll give her more agency instead of making her a passive character and her own storyline.
(edit: so she did NOT hear what they were talking about🤡🤡 At least she saw it)
Clark is such a little shit😭
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Still arguing about dog names🤡
"Hold on there Forrest Gump, what are you gonna do, run?" LOL
She's like nuh uh, get in the car dude AND HE LISTENS💀💀💀
How are they acting like they're been married for decades???
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NOT AN ACTUAL QUESTION BC I KNOW HOW AND I'LL TELL YOU: they're comfortable around each other even if they don't realize it
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let's move on
"What is this, another one of your famous hunches or are we just on a little scenic route?"
"Okay, stop here."
"Wha- where??"
"HERE. Stop here."
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they sound like my grandparents💀
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I need to know where Clark gets his clothes bc that stuff withstands literally anything💀
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"He (the dog) saved my life. I'll take my chances on his loyalty." Ooof, is he calling out Lex👀
what is Lionel trying to do?🧐
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Clark is happy = I'm happy, it's really that simple
this episode is premium, top tier chef's kiss EXCELLENT
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uhbasicallyjustmilex · 2 months
For the ask game:
1) What are your favourite QOTSA songs?
2) If you could pick any artist/band for Arctic Monkeys to collaborate with, who would it be?
3) What's the best gig you've ever been to? 🥰
hi 💓 thank you so much for these!
oh god, it's SO hard to narrow down, but i think these would (currently) be my top five:
long slow goodbye
made to parade
if i had a tail
unreborn again
fairweather friends
2. i mean... qotsa would be right up there! i love josh's cameo on knee socks and alex's on if i had a tail, and one of my favourite ever albums (aka humbug) involved them working together. and of course i'd love them to collaborate with miles again - i loved the b-sides they did together with the death ramps stuff and 505 is so special ✨
3. god, it's so hard to choose because i've been lucky enough to go to some incredible gigs over the years!
i'm going to do a top three:
my chemical romance on their reunion tour, because they were (and are) my favourite band in the whole world and, not to sound like a huge cliche, but they really did save my life as a teenager so they'll always have a particularly special place in my heart. getting to see them live was truly like nothing else 💓
ashestoangels back in like. 2015 😭 they were a relatively small punk/goth band who kind of blew up in the local scene (and then sadly split up soon after) and they put on the most INCREDIBLE live shows. truly out of this world, i'll never forget how powerful they were. i came out of them feeling like a whole new person.
miles kane this year 🥹 i was obviously expecting to enjoy seeing him, but i was WILDLY unprepared for how absolutely incredible he is as a live performer. i still don't have the words for how amazing it was, i felt like i was riding the high of it for literal weeks afterwards. really hope he tours again in the not too distant future 🙏🙏
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moonjxsung · 6 months
hi star! how are you?
i’m glad that everything was solved-ish with the wattpad account. i really hope it doesn’t happen again😭 idk if i ever told you but i found this account via one of your long fics so they have a special place in my heart🫶🏻
i love tattoos so much! i maaaaay be actually getting one soon bc a friend that’s a tattoo artist is having a sale but idk yet bc i really should be saving up for lolla *sigh*. i still haven’t paid my credit card bill for the tickets🥲 i love financial irresponsibility. my only tattoo was done by a man (who’s a friend though) but my next ones would def be by women bc women!!! (they’re just better). shinee tattoos sound so cute though!! i really want a skz one someday! or at least something kpop related!
also, minors interacting on these blogs are so frustrating to me. like, i get it you’re curious, but why would you ever want to grow up sooner than necessary :(((
ily bb have a great day and week and life💕
HIIIIII BBY I hope you’re having a good day ily !!!!!!
I’m glad the issue was resolved too ☹️ still sucks to have to have all my blurbs off here for good, but I do feel a weight off my shoulders about it and I’m not planning on leaving or anything so I just want to continue writing stuff I’m proud of and keep this as drama-free as possible 🫶 it seems like a good chunk of my new followers are here from my longer fics and that genuinely warms my heart so much, I hope you guys like the next few just as much and I promise to make them the best quality they can be 🥹
AAAAAA let me know what you get if you do get a tattoo!! That’s so exciting!!!! I have so many little ones planned it feels weird not having a larger piece queued up but I need to wait until inspiration hits otherwise I’ll just end up getting something random and regretting it 😭 I think I have 3 kpop tattoos now and I love them all so much! Def plan on getting more and I totally recommend kpop tattoos it’s sooo much fun explaining them to people 👼🫶
Also agreed about the minor thing 🤕 I get messages like those nearly every week now and I just block them, but it’s always so disheartening to see minors admitting to reading your work or interacting with you. Like there is no role a 25-year old should play in your life!!! Not even as a friend!! Go outside and be a kid, don’t be in such a rush to grow up 😭
ILY BBYYYY I hope your week is going so well 💘💞💕💖💝✨👼
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kedsandtubesocks · 1 year
hiiii it's me, if no one else has asked PLEASE tell me abt guardian angel marcus? 😇
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Hayley you are a shining light and i wish I was joking but this is serious me right now 😭🥹💕
Thank you so much for sending an ask in you didn’t have too and GAH 🥺 so grateful and appreciate you!!
SO!! I can’t take all credit for guardian angel Marcus P because he appeared first in our dear @yeehaw-djarin neck of the woods (thank you eri always) but I am obsessed with him?? I think I wrote a little blurb about him in Eri’s inbox too but now I can’t remember omfg lmaooo 🤡
But I so vividly picture him saving us from an elevator crash accident (thankfully no one else is in the lift!)
He has only been our guardian angel recently after he unfortunately passed away on the job. But, he doesn’t have memory of his past life as a mortal. He knows about human things and understands everything he just can’t remember who he was or what his life was and it makes you sad because okay-
I have this one vivid scene I have to write out of us going to an art musuem because I am just a corny cliché…
You need to get out of the house, take a break and be outside. But with your constant companion tagging along you can’t make a scene just talking to the air so the musuem is the best of both worlds.
You’re thankful no one is around, plus wearing a Bluetooth earphone to play it off that you’re on the phone helps. So you get to enjoy and chat with Marcus about the pieces.
You admire the colors, the techniques, the brushstrokes together. Marcus gazes in awe besides you at the transitions of different pieces through every exhibit.
You eventually stumbled upon a classic Rembrandt, Jacob Wrestling With an Angel. You go to make a joke about it since an actual angel stands besides you looking dashingly handsome in a charcoal blazer.
“Thank you for proving to me that not all angels look like that.” You joking tease but when you turn to Marcus he is staring so intently at you.
“No… guess they don’t.” He answers soft and the tenderness underlying his tone hangs between you and Rembrandt’s work.
You don’t push his words. Instead you happily jump back into the self guided tour.
At one point you wander away from Marcus to go investigate an interesting painting that caught your eye. Then when you turn to find Marcus, you catch him staring up at a beautiful Monet.
His gorgeous charcoal eyes are watery, deep conflicted waves, that have you rushing over to him quick.
“Marcus what’s wrong?” You don’t even care if anyone sees you asking the air beside you a concerned question.
“I…” His voice is choked up, waterlogged and drenched. “I think, I don’t know why but I think I was an artist…in my past life.”
Your throat closes tight and your heart twist, feeling so overwhelmed for this dear man.
You go to hold his hand but then, you stop. Because all you will be grabbing is air. Because as an angel he can touch you, but you cannot touch him.
So instead you stand beside him and stare up at Monet’s work as your eyes feel as if they could spill over as well.
You believe Marcus was probably an artist when he was alive. It fits him. But it also brings in a soft ache that whispers how you wish more than ever you could hold his paint stained hand…
(Ok wow sorry this got away from me WHOOPS)
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flower-swift · 1 year
Words can’t describe the emotions I have lived the past weeks, I know Taylor has played so many shows during her career and I have watched a lot of them on livestreams religiously but never in my life thought I would have the chance to see her perform, i’ve given up on that years ago and i was okay with it. Taylor’s music has been with me throughout the darkest moments in my life like when my dad passed away or I was in a mental hospital where they allowed me to listen to one taylor song a day so I could feel at ease, there is no other artist that has done that for me, I’ve memorized every song, I religiously play one album a day and read the lyrics on the booklet while singing it even though i know them, the experience of doing that is so cathartic to me as someone who struggles with borderline personality disorder and has mood swings all day taylor’s music is my therapy and my safe zone. She has also made me feel special by liking and commenting my tumblr posts and donating me 3,000 dlls during covid which literally saved my life and my mom’s as I was able to buy the medicines her and I need. I feel incredibly blessed to have met taylor’s music and all the friends that have come because of that who have also saved my life by being the best friends i could ever hope for🩵 
Thank you @taylorswift for everything you have done for me with your music and kindness, you have changed my life forever and I will be grateful my entire life.
see you next week for Mexico night 1 and 2, ilysm🥹
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from-izzy · 11 months
about me, myself and i
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call me » izzy or isabelle 💐 she/her
age » 20 🤍 04' liner who shares the same bday with mark tuan and park sungho! 🎂
location » in your hearts 💘 and in australia 🦘
languages » english, bahasa indonesia
favourite trope(s) to read and write » cliche (is this a trope...?), f2e2l, e2l, rivals2lovers, f2l
kpop fan since » ~2009 (we're in 5th gen? 💀 i'm a fossil)
full-time supporter for » nct (gotta go get 'em!) 💚 tbz (solid gold) ❤️ woodz (you like to be mine?) 💙🧡
casual supporter for » ...a lot of artists! feel free to come and talk to me! let's be friends!!
my loves outside of kpop
» anime! 💕 haven't watched it for a while but it's a concrete part of my life. all time favs: ansatsu kyoshitsu 🎓 koe no katachi 👥 durarara 🐱 » music 🎶 classically trained pianist 🎹 was a contemporary singer but switched to opera! ❤️‍🔥 it's such a big change 🥹😭 » languages 💬 all self-learnt (except for english, indonesian and korean!) isn't it interesting how a word has to be changed and can be interpreted differently around the world? 🗺️ next language to learn: australian sign language!
reason for writing!
» creative writing saved my english atar score 🥹 was averaging ~50-60% (a danger zone) 💔 but i didn't want to spend money on tutoring 💸 » soon developed into a hobby! 📝💗 and now i write because i need to physically see my thoughts 💭 also it's fun to share it 🤭
what kind of author do i want to be?
» the one where my readers could think: wait...this is so touching and heartwarming ❤️‍🩹 i want to write stories that could comfort you, make you feel like you're not alone 🫂 » on the other hand, maybe have you kicking your legs and punching the air because it's cute? 💗💕
as an author...
» i want to 'experiment' with certain topics (not sure how to explain it...kind of like mixing real life situations...?) » i guess in a way they heavily relate to me and i'm using writing as a way to vent out my feelings » what kind of topics? well...guess you'll have to find out!
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bts-fic-collection · 2 years
hello! Do you have any completed yoonmin fics that deal with the topics of homelessness at all? Preferably one wherein one is homeless at the start (or in the middle) but with a happy ending, others pairings are okay too but yoonmin is my number 1 right now :p Life got a bit rough for me recently and I think seeing this topic with a happy ending would ease my soul a little bit 🥹 other things like a/b/o or hybrids or whatever other genres mixed in are completely okay too & any rating is fine ,, thank you so much!! 🫶🏼
I do! I hope life gets better for you, anon! ^_^
Mágoa by SirYoongi
Rating: E
Status: Complete
Word count: 10,030
Summary: MÁGOA
Noun. Portuguese.
A heartbreaking feeling that leaves long-lasting traces, visible in gestures and facial expressions.
Or, Jimin is a widowed omega, thrown out onto the streets by his former mate’s family due to not living up to his sub-gender’s societal standards, and Yoongi is smell-blind.
Come In From The Cold by orphan_account
Rating: M
Status: Complete
Word count: 23,009
Summary: When everything falls apart, Jimin finds himself alone in Seoul with nowhere to go. He has a plan though - if he can save enough money to get back into school, everything else will fall into place. The city streets in winter are bleak, but there is warmth and kindness to be found too, even in the darkest moments, if Jimin is willing to ask.
I'll Be Okay by lotusflow
Rating: M
Status: Complete
Word count: 4,797
Summary: “You live around here?” Jimin asks, just making conversation. He’s never met this guy before. He could have sworn he knew all of his housemates’ friends.
Yoongi turns as he chews and points to a bunch of tents and guys milling around just past the freeway entrance.
“You’re homeless?” Jungkook asks.
in which Jimin is too kind for his own good
i'd take my heart clean apart (if it helps yours beat) by waterandsilver
Rating: E
Status: Complete
Word count: 17,205
Summary: Yoongi is a tattoo artist in training who needs someone to practice on, and the homeless kid sleeping behind the studio is a willing volunteer.
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writers-ex · 1 year
spider 2shin?!?! why didn't they save y/n that's so mean 😭😭😭😭i thought at least yuna would've hmp also ryujin stealing a kiss 👀🫣🥵 that's hOT THAT's HOT !!! hgnfjfhdjxhdhsndjdjsjjs excited for the next installment!!!
also yoo!!! YOU DIDN'T TELL ME YOU LIKE PJO!??? i love pjo 😭😭😭😭 i remember waiting for the release of the last book of the series that was a sequel to pjo i read it bc i loved pjo so much skdjdjsjsjdjs
also !!! i like dancing as well we have a lot of stuff in common 💗💗💗 i mean i'm not good at it but i wanna get back to dancing as exercise hnghhh i had itzy's not shy and it'z summer memorized before as well as bp's playing w fire idk if i still do now hnghh hopefully i find the time again but wow i can't imagine dancing and singing in front of an audience i'd be too embarrassed you're so nrave for that😩
ALSO ALSO!! u right frozen 2 slayed!! icb disney deleted the video that they made for THE promotion of disney+ here probably bc the one w inti the unknown got millions of views (3M last i checked if i'm not mistaken??) compared to their other videos to promote their shows hmp!!! there's only one out of three left (https://youtu.be/1tcFWWkjKjc)
thankfully someone recorded the one that got millions of views (a member of my fave grp was there too he sang w one famous actress and another power vocal who won a tv competition) bc i downloaded the hd version of the video but deleted it bc i didn't think disney would delete another video 😭😭😭 (they deleted janella's version of How Far I'll Go that she sang for moana's release years ago bc it got more views than the original/american version so there's only one video left of that performance which is on wish bus😭😭😭)
https://youtu.be/FbeaY3BHXVA wAIT NO IT's BACK?! IN THE OFFICIAL CHANNEL?! i have hope for the disney+ performance then 🥹 but it might take yrs dafuq
https://youtu.be/RbIy7RVM9OQ this one has the third performance which is so cool bc zack performed in a historical site within the capital city (i live in the greater area of the city lmao)
you won't be able to save these performances in the spotify playlist i'm afraid hngh
also last !!! thank you for the well wishes for ppop 🥹 yea you said it right haha it's just my way of contributing to helping ppop rise hngh no pressure at all but if you or anyone else is interested here's a ten min vid of a fan organized event that i didn't get to attend bc it happened on sunday and sunday is family dayy (we passed by the venue event on the way home but i didn't see anything :(( one of my fave gg made a surprise appearance after having just performed somewhere else they appeared last "KAIA" in the interview and all of this was for free no fee for artists they willingly went to perform for fans 🥹🥹🥹)
ahhh!! thank u for listening i'm gonna give y'alls a break from the links and stuff this is my last for a while hahaha
- 😚
i will write the pt 2 of the spider!itzy y/n revenge plot when i have time and if i dont within a month plz remind me T^T anyone actually- im dead serious plz remind me i will forget
I LOVE PJO!! i read his stuff during the pandemic and it began my comfort series, i'm stoked for his next book and the disney show <333333 i am a camphalf blood camper and felt a connection with jason bc glasses buddies unite :)
and dang i just learned twice TT, bts's bapsae, pentagon shine (THATS MY SONG), and skz miroh but i've been forgotten them :,)
i gotchu here are the links to some amazing performances <3 and darn :,) i'll make a youtube playlist for myself then hehe the moana one isn't working btw T_T
link one
link two
link three
and NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO you're welcome to keep spamming ik life gets busy and rough but the ask box and my dms will always be open if you need a pick me up or smol drabble or just to say hey :3 i gotchu boo
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