#see people go around delivering said mail
only-one-brain-cell · 4 months
Sydney: I worked for UPS
Carm using his one brain cell: what’s that???
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deadghosy · 7 months
I was wondering if you could do a miniso penguin reader being a delivery boy for all of hell (mostly hazbin)
prompt: you deliver mail all over hell, but mostly to your favorite place!
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Okay starters off….you definitely get petted by the sinners who walk by you. Like you are so adorable!
I headcannon that you have a magic barrier that activates when you are in danger. Like say for example, a sinner tried to stab and mug but a bubble appears around you as you quack and roll away.
But like…you are the most known person in hell. YOU COULD BE WALKING AND GIVING MAIL AND IMMEDIATELY- “Hey [reader]!”
Yeah you’re quite known🦆🔥
The overlords love you! Carmilla adores you as you help her move her things around with her supplies of angelic metal. And Alastor….he joked about eating you up because of how cute you are..you definitely hide behind carmilla as she glared at him.
Alastor said sorry as he buys you ice cream for scaring you. (Charlie made him do it after carmilla snitched on him)
The most place you love giving mail to is the hazbin hotel! You like it there as you always get greeted by the people there gently. Charlie would pet you as she gushes how cute you are and how you should’ve been an angel.
Husk just pokes at your chubby and cute body as you quack and rub your face in his leg. You are the size of a penguin so guess how small you are 😭💗
You and fat nuggets are best friends, dead ass you both speak animal to each other and just gossip… “quack…” “oink oink..” “QUACK?!” You yelled pointing to Alastor as fat nuggets nodded seriously. Angel tried to record it but he just couldn’t help but laugh
Lucifer loves you! Like at first he would just watch you around hell secretly as he didn’t want to scare you off too easy. But soon he felt over protective at how pure and nice you are to other sinners and hell born
I headcannon every time it’s extermination, you would be forced to be at the hotel as you bake cookies to past the time helping Charlie and the other feel less stress as the angels kill the sinners.  
“So like…do you lay eggs or somethin'?” Angel asked looking at the egg boiz under you as they are sound asleep. You just stay there like a mama penguin as you shrugged.
“[READER] I CHOSE YOU!” Vaggie yells as you waddle to a person and hug them in need. Its funny to imagine you being used a Pokémon who’s only attack is “HUG SURPRISE!”
I headcannon you to use a rolling attack. LIKE FOR EXAMPLE, you are getting chased so you roll like a ball and BOWLING BALL THEY ASS! STRIKEEE‼️‼️
You have a room in the hotel, it’s just you don’t stay there often. But the other would loved if you stayed at the hotel with them as they find you lovely to around. Like imagine how cool it is to be tired from delivering mail all day just to go to the hotel and see your own room.
Immediately passing out in the soft bed😭🦆
I imagine you walking, more like waddling and the egg boiz just copy your waddling as they are still baby chickens in eggs.
Velvette definitely has you go to her section of the vee tower so you can wear those cute sailor boy outfits 😭 like imagine how cute that is….
Sir Pentious and nifty love you also as they find you adorable. The egg boiz love you, and nifty….she just finds you interesting how every sinner knows who you are and wants to be your best friend.
I can see you being sick and not coming to deliver mail to the hotel, and immediately you wake up sniffling as you waddle to your door to see a bunch of gift baskets as you quack surprised at all those candies and get better cards….man you are loved
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rangerbarbz · 2 months
Mail Call
Here is my first Stan fluff because my mans deserves some love. Let me know what y'all think and thank you so much for all the support. I love you forever babes <3 (I didn't look over this so i apologize if there's any grammatical errors or typos)
“Mail Call”
You worked for the Post Office at Gravity Falls, Oregon, and you absolutely loved it. It was a relatively easy gig that had great benefits. Plus, you got to meet some “interesting” people to say the least. One of those people was the owner of the Mystery Shack himself, Stan Pines. 
You delivered mail to the Mystery Shack every day but Sunday, so you saw him quite a bit. The first time you met him, he happened to be outside with a young boy and girl who you assumed were his grandchildren. You parked your mail truck beside the mail box and reached behind you for a package addressed to 618 Gopher Road. 
Your presence caught the attention of the young girl who began running over to you. The older man was right behind her with an unhappy expression on his face. “Good afternoon! Is this for you, sweetie?” you asked the girl. She was beaming at you with a glimmer in her eyes. 
“Yup! Thank you mail lady!” She snatched the package excitedly from you and started to turn around, but was blocked by the older man who now had his arms crossed. 
“What is that and how did you pay for it?” he asked, scrunching his eyebrows together. You were surprised by the depth and raspiness of his voice. It was quite attractive, if you were being honest. 
“It’s pig shaped cookie cutters for my new baking show I’m filming with Waddles, and I paid for it with your credit card. Okay, bye!” she said all in one breath. Before he could even respond, she was bolting around him to get inside the house. The man sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. 
“Is she your granddaughter?” you asked. He looked at you like he had forgotten you had been standing there. 
“Ah no. Mabel’s actually my grand niece” He chuckled. “Good kid when she’s not spending my money.” 
You laughed and glanced up at the broken sign above you two. “I’ve actually never been here before. You work here?” 
He scoffed. “Work here? I own this place, toots. I’m Mister Mystery himself.” He was grinning from ear to ear. You held your hands up in defense.
“Oh, I didn’t realize I was in the presence of a celebrity,” you replied jokingly. He laughed in return.
“Name’s Stan Pines.” He held out his hand towards you. You smiled and reached out towards him. The size difference between you two was made even more obvious when you wrapped your hand around his to shake it. You introduced yourself to him, but he raised an eyebrow and leaned in closer to you. You realized that he had not heard you and repeated yourself. 
“Huh. Pretty name,” Stan said, releasing his gentle grip. You let your hand fall to your side and began to play with a stray thread from the seaming of your work pants. Was he making you nervous?
“Thank you, Stan. Yours too.” He laughed once again and gazed down at his shoes. You suddenly heard a fire alarm blaring from an open window followed by black smoke.
Stan groaned. “I better go see what the hell that kid’s doing. I, uh. I guess I’ll see you tomorrow?” His eyes crinkled as he smiled. “Hopefully with no more packages that is.”
You giggled. “I cannot guarantee any more packages, but I will 100% be seeing you tomorrow.” 
He winked at you. “I’ll be looking forward to it.” You felt your cheeks grow hot as you gave him a little wave goodbye and entered your mail truck. He was giving you a toothy grin and waving back at you. What you didn’t see was him wiping the sweat from his brow and palms. Very few people made Stan Pines nervous, and you had become one of them. 
The next few weeks, you continued flirting back and forth with each other. It became the highlight of your day when you stopped at his mailbox to already see him standing there. He always asked you how your day was before telling you some outrageous story. Some days it was about a kooky visitor at the Mystery Shack while others it was You enjoyed listening to his gravelly voice and watching his borderline theatrical gestures as he spoke. 
He was undeniably sexy for a man his age. His glasses accentuated his strong jaw, and his thick ashy hair was to die for. You also found his blunt personality and his confidence to be alluring. You only ever saw him in his Mr. Mystery suit, but you weren’t complaining. It helped show off those muscles from his boxing days, and he always looked so sophisticated.
One day when you drove your usual route around Gravity Falls and stopped at the shack, he wasn’t there. You frowned and looked around to see if maybe he was walking up to you. Alas, you couldn’t find him. You put his electric bill in his mailbox and left wondering where he could be. 
You eventually returned to the post office after tapping anxiously on your steering wheel the entire time driving back. You stepped out of your mail truck and walked into the office to begin sorting packages. 
The bell above the door jingled meaning someone had walked in. “Hello, welcome to the Gravity Falls Post- Stan?” You had turned around to see him standing sheepishly in a Hawaiian shirt and shorts. He was missing his fez and you got to see his thick gray hair. In his hands, he was holding an envelope decorated with shiny, brightly-colored stickers.
A slight blush started to spread across his face. “Hey, Doll. Sorry I didn’t see ya earlier today. I was working on this letter.” His eyes wouldn’t meet you. This wasn’t the suave man you usually spoke to. 
You grinned. “Stanley, you know you could’ve just put that in the mailbox, and then I would’ve come to get it, right?” He snorted and shook his head.
“Yes, smartass, I am aware.” He approached the counter that you were standing behind. “I came here because this letter is for you.” You could feel your face heat up as he handed you the sparkly envelope still not looking at you. 
“You… You wrote me a letter? Why?” you asked, running your fingers over the pink letters that spelled your name. Stan then turned his head to you and shoved his hands in his pockets. 
“Look, I, uh,” he paused, “I like you. Our talks make me… happy. And… Oh just read the damn letter! That’s why I wrote it anyway. I’m no good at these things.” He crossed arms in frustration. He scoffed. “If you don’t feel the same, that's fine. I mean who would? Especially-”
“Stan!” you interjected. His eyes met yours. You gave him a reassuring smile. “I like you, too. Like a lot. Between the looks and personality, it was impossible not to fall.” You couldn’t believe you just said that last part out loud. Hopefully you didn’t scare him off. 
Stan gave you a toothy smile and rubbed the back of his neck. His face was beet red. Frankly, it was very satisfying to see him so flustered. “Well, thank you, Doll. You’re a babe, too. Inside and out.” 
You giggled at his strange way of complimenting you. “Thank you, Stan. You’re a sweetheart. I can’t wait to read this letter on company time.” 
Stan laughed. “That’s my girl,” he said as he began walking out the door. He opened it and before he left he said, “You should come over after your shift is done. I know Mabel is dying to hear what you thought of her handiwork there.” 
“I’ll be there.” 
“Good. I’ll see you then, Doll.” He gave you a slight wave and shut the door behind him. You could hear the sound of him yelling “YES!” from the other side. As soon as he peeled off in his Diablo, you carefully opened the envelope to reveal a piece of notebook paper with just as many stickers. It said in the same pink ink your name was written:
Dear Y/N,
I hope you don’t think I’m some dork for writing you a letter instead of telling you face to face how I feel about you. I’m a little rusty in the romance department. I wanted to tell you that I always look forward to our talks. I never thought I would crush on someone who delivers me bills and tax forms. What are the odds?
You make me feel young again. I like how you cut up with me and how you don’t treat me like some old man. I like how kind you are to the kids and how you make my pacemaker work extra hard. I really hope you will come around more often. I also wanted to invite you on a date this Saturday night out of town. I’ll pick you up. You do enough driving. Plus, only tools don’t pick up their date. 
Stanley Pines
P.S. I think you’re cute in your work uniform despite what you think. 
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yuriisclumsy · 4 months
I'm so excited that more people started taking cale request!!!✧\(>o<)ノ✧
Anyway hiii! Can I have an enemy to lovers with cale henituse and fem.reader idk something cliche like a dance scene or one gets protective of the other or maybe a cute "oh shit I'm actually in love moment"
Sorry I'm bursting with ideas rn.~
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Love's Dance
Part 1 (You are here) | Part 2 | Part 3
𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚍 𝙲𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝: 2,729
Authors note: You ask, and I shall deliver. PS. why did you give me such a good idea? like, I'm at 5k word for the overall thing, and I am not even done yet... (send help)
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The streets of Roan Kingdom's Capital were bustling like usual. The vendors selling their goods, children running around carelessly, mothers screaming at them to not get dirty, and the usual underground activity Arm did. 
I strolled through these streets, thinking of nothing and relaxing ‘til I get another mission. 
“That reminds me…Arm has been quiet as of late. Sigh…they are up to no good…” I spoke to no one in particular, walking back to the Quiet Isle lodge. 
Quiet Isle is an inn in an area a little off the center of the Capital. I stayed there for the past three weeks after finishing my last mission. The price to stay is cheap, while still being comfortable. It has comfortable rooms, a clear view, free breakfast, and most importantly, it wasn’t noisy at all! Bonus points for the innkeepers, as they have been nothing but sweethearts.  
All-in-all, a good Inn if you’re looking to get your coins worth. 
I went through the inn’s doors, a sweet aroma of lavender hitting my nostrils as I neared the front desk.  
The Innkeepers were an old couple, and the misses genuinely enjoyed the smell of lavender. That is why, as you walk through the inn, you’ll be met with an influx of light purples from the flowers. 
Reaching the desk, I was greeted by a senior woman whose smile could cure all kinds of child injuries. 
“Oh! Why if it is the youth I’m all too familiar with!” The old granny said, delighted to see me. 
 “Greetings, Granny Fes,” I vowed curtly with a small smile. “Have there been any new guests at the inn?” I asked as she extended her hand to give me a piece of candy. 
Receiving the small candy, I offered a small ‘thank you.’ She said a quick ‘You’re welcome!’ before responding to my question. “Yes, yes! I welcomed a few new guests shortly after you left this morning for a stroll!” she excitedly told me. 
“Two of the five I welcomed are a couple expecting a child! Isn't that exciting? Ouu, to be young again…” 
“Oh, please. I say you are still quite young!” I say to get her head out of that cloud. 
“Fufufu, you are too kind [Name].” Granny Fes pinched my cheek as she got a bit flustered. “I believe one day you’ll meet a handsome young man that is suited just for you.” She added. 
I blushed a little, “Oh no, I don’t think that will happen…” I pause for a second. “Do you really think I’ll get lucky enough to have that...?” I asked, not believing I would get someone special to spend my days with. 
“Don’t give me that!” Granny Fes yelled, as if scolding one of her own. “You are beautiful! Which man wouldn't dream of having a wife such as yourself!?” 
All I could do was smile in response. This is how I want things to always go. Living in a peaceful area, sharing memories with people I meet along the way, even starting a family. Arm is nowhere near that picture. And it will never be. 
But alas. Good things always end. 
“Ah! That reminds me. [Name],” she called my name and handed me an envelope, “You received mail from a young lad. He said it was urgent.”  
Looking at the envelope as Granny Fes left to continue her job, I had an ominous feeling, yet I couldn’t pinpoint what it was.  
I turned it around only to see Arm’s seal stamped on it. Arm only sends letters if it is an important mission, and based on the color of the seal, it is of utmost importance.  
I am already not liking this I thought, refusing to open the letter. Maybe if I were to pretend its existence was nothing but a useless paper, it would disappear. But alas, I needed to open the envelope. With worry present in my face I opened it with the seal. Inside was a letter addressing Agent White Gold.  
That code name. It is the thing I despised most in this world. 
To Agent White Gold, 
Play time is up, White Gold. You have been assigned a mission in the Henituse Territory. We have discovered the traces of the leader of the organization known as ‘True Arm.’ Your mission is to go there and find out who the leader of the organization is, dead or alive. It is your choice which one you pick.  
A carriage will come to pick you up at sunrise, so don’t miss it.  
Once you arrive at your destination one of our men will greet you and guide you to your resting location and hand you an envelope. Inside, you will find descriptions of the one we are looking for, alongside a list of individuals that we found to match the description of our target. 
Remember, Agent, we are counting on your success. 
Don’t disappoint us, 
Dammit… The moment I receive some peace after working for them like a slave…! I angrily store the letter to shreds, as if it were them instead of the letter. All I wanted was to disappear from the eyes of those bastards. They took me from my home, changed me to fit in an identity they made…they just can’t leave me alone, can they? 
I wanted to say no. To be able to run away to a far corner of the world so they would never be able to find me. But it is impossible. No one leaves. Rather, they die. Dying was the only way out. 
Yet, I want to live. 
I looked at Granny Fes as she talked with a few guests that were checking out. At that moment I knew that if I tried to escape, they would get everyone I was surrounded by. She doesn't deserve that. Neither does her husband, or her children and grandchildren. 
It is best I comply. 
“Sigh…Once you're in, there is no escaping their grasp…”  
The sky was tainted in hues of blues, purples, and oranges. The sun was rising from the nap it took, and fully ready to greet us. 
A carriage arrived early at the Quiet Isle Inn. Inside stood Granny Fes and Gramps Liy right next to me. Their eyes expressed sadness when looking at me. 
“Why so sad?” I asked the couple. 
“Oh, it’s just…it’s just that we’re both sad you’re leaving so soon.” Granny Fes confessed. Her husband, a bit more stubborn, only scuffed. Granny Fes elbowed him hard with a smile still shooting at me, gaining a small scowl from Gramps Liy. 
“AGHEM,” he raised one hand to fake a cough, “I guess you will be missed.” 
I laugh at his antics. Deep down he cares, he just has an unconventional way of expressing his feelings. 
“I’ll miss the two of you.” I looked at them with a small hinge of sadness but kept a smile to reassure them. I looked outside to see the coachman wave his hand signaling that he was ready for departure. “It seems I must go,” I turned to them, “see you later?” 
“Yes, yes. Goodbye little lady.” Gramps Liy ‘shud’ me to the carriage as he and his wife stared at me opening the door of the carriage. 
“Farewell, sweetheart. Make sure to take good care of yourself. And remember to look out for good lads while you’re traveling!” Granny Fes nagged me like I was about to never come back. Although, she was right about that. I don’t think I will be able to come back if I want to protect them. 
I laughed and said a small ‘I will!’ as I climbed into the carriage. Closing the door the carriage started moving. I waved to the couple one last time before I could not see them anymore. 
Sighting, I took out the map I packed. Looking at my destination, it was a few days from the capital. “This is going to be a loong trip…” I commented, making myself comfortable for the journey ahead. 
I hope I get this mission done quickly, so I can get another vacation from Arm. I looked up at the ceiling. I mean…how hard could it be to find this ‘leader’ anyways? 
An old butler walks dutifully around the state halls. In hand, he holds a tray with a fancy tea set with a steel dome keeping the food inside warm; its aroma could be smelled by the passing housekeepers with wet laundry. 
The butler knocked at a door, he did not have to wait long, as he got an immediate response from the person inside. Opening the door he says his greetings. 
“Good morning, young master. I brought breakfast along with your favorite drink.” He says as he places down the tray on the table close to the window. 
“Ah, thank you, Ron.” A male voice thanked the butler. 
“It is my pleasure, young master Cale.” The butler, Ron, bowed. 
The man, who is now identified as Cale, sat down on the table to enjoy his breakfast. 
“Young master, if I may…” Ron waited for permission to continue speaking. 
“*Sight* Just spit it out.” Cale said in an uninterested voice. This is another one of his tangents. Drinking the lemonade that Ron made as he thinks of Ron’s earlier endeavors. 
Ron smiled, “I have detected Arm activity within the city.” 
“PFF–” spilling all the lemonade on the cup, he looked at Ron with widened eyes.
What is Arm doing here?! They have more pressing issues to deal with! Like, figuring out who Real Arm is! Cale’s thought went haywire.
Ron took his handkerchief out and gave it to Cale to use. 
“What do you mean there is Arm activity in the city? Is it more bombs?” He asked while using the cloth given to him to clean the mess he made. 
He shook his head, “no, at least not yet. I have seen them snoop around the city for information. It would seem we left them a small lead.” 
“Not good…” 
“If you’d prefer, young master, I could go rabbit hunting.” 
Looking at Ron with a drop of sweat evident in his forehead, he reluctantly answered. “...do whatever you want.”  
“Hehe. Then I will take my leave.” He bowed before leaving the room without making a sound. 
Scary old man. He looked outside pouring more lemonade in his cup. It’s not a good sign if Arm is here. I need to prepare in case they strike. 
“Hey, wake up! We’re almost there!” 
“WHAT? HUH–huh?” I got up from my seat at lightning speed, looking around in a daze. As I scoot closer to the window, I see the giant walls looming overhead. On top of one of the towers built in the wall was a flag. It was the Henituse’s family crest imprinted on it.  
I’m already in the Henituse territory! 
Getting closer at the entrance door of the city, the carriage stopped, as they had to do a check before letting anyone in. 
“Execute me, m’lady. May I have your identification paper?” A soldier asked me. 
Security check? When I traveled to other places, they didn’t ask for my identification but the coachman’s. 
I handed him the paper without complaint, receiving it right after he checked that everything was good. The other soldiers gave him a thumbs up after checking the carriage and the coachman. Without further interruption they let us through, wishing us a happy stay. 
“That was…something.” 
The coach man dropped me off at a tavern near the city square. Going upstairs to the second floor of the establishment, I sat down at a table near the edge of the balcony. Waiting for the man that was supposed to give me the information mentioned in the letter I looked out into the streets, I could see the liveliness of the people.  
They were too lively in my opinion. 
Hearing footsteps approaching my table I diverted my attention to them. I was greeted with a man wearing a hat with fancy clothing. 
“Hello, m’lady,” the man greeted by taking his hat off and vowing curtly. 
Didn’t know Arm also had rich allies. I thought, seeing the man's mannerisms. 
“Good evening,” I vowed slightly, “are you the one mentioned in the letter?” 
“Eager now, are we?” He sat down in front of me with a smug smile. He placed his hat down before taking out an envelope. He slid it across the table. As I grabbed it, I took out its content.  
It was a list of suspects. They all had red hair and were male. And that was it. No underground activities, no records, nothing. 
This is the only information they managed to find…seriously? I thought. Was someone able to sneak past Arm’s noses? How is that even possible? 
“Unfortunately, it is.” 
“Ha...!” I laughed at the absurdity of the situation. I looked up at the man after reviewing the list of suspects.  
“This is the only description we managed to find,” the smile on his face dropped into a frown, “only at the low cost of our scouts: a single spy was able to escape long enough to hide a piece of paper in a tree trunk…” he said. 
“....” I looked down at the list.  
To be able to kill all of our scouts…this is no meek foe. Just thinking of how strong they are sends shivers down my spine…  
“I have arranged a small room at an Inn close by here. I have left some equipment at your disposal. The location is on one of the papers in the envelope.” The man stood up and put his hat on, adjusting his suit a little before looking at me.  
“If you need anything else, I left a card at your place with instructions as to how you can contact me. Remember I’m at your service m’lady, Tata! ~” 
“I will keep that in mind.” 
Watching as he disappeared behind the doors of the second floor, I decided to order something to eat before heading to my fixed place. 
“…a festival?” Cale looked at the flier given to him. 
“That’s right,” Count Deruth, Cale’s father, said nonchalantly, “the festival will brighten the people's moods, as well as show that we are financially good.” 
“Wait, here it says the ‘Henituse’s’ are attending…I don’t have to attend…right?” 
Deruth raised an eyebrow in question. “You don’t have to go.” 
I must go. *Sight* My well-deserved rest has been postponed once again… can’t I catch a break for once? 
“On that note, I have reserved a spot on the city square where we will be presiding during the time,” he said as Cale gave him back the paper.  
“You don’t have to talk–or better said–you don’t have to even move. Just sitting there is enough.” 
Cale smiled at this I don’t have to move? Seems perfect to me! 
“I’ll be attending in that case.” 
“The festival will start in a few days. Be ready.” 
Cale exited his father’s study, walking back to his room. 
I need to tell Ron about this. It’ll be no surprise if Arm takes advantage of the festival. There stands a man with black hair waiting outside Cale’s room for him to come. 
“Young master Cale!” The man runs towards him with puppy-like energy. 
“Choi Han, is there something you need?” Cale asked. 
“I heard from Ron that there have been suspicious activities happening in the city. So, I came to ask for permission to investigate.” Hans explained. 
Cale hummed. Strange. Usually, you would do these types of things without letting me know. Perhaps he thinks this is a bit dangerous and if he doesn't return, we know where to look? 
“You can do as you please, no need to ask for my permission.” 
“I see…thank you young master,” Han vowed, “I will report back immediately once I find anything!” As he said that, he began to leave. 
“Oh, and, Choi Han?” Cale spoke before he could fully leave. 
“Yes, Cale?” 
“If you find anything, make sure to report first. Don’t go around making havoc, got it?” Cale instructed. 
“...yes” he responded with a bit of thinking, knowing it was the best decision. 
Let’s see what they have in store for us. Cale entered his room, he’ll laze around until the festival actually begins. What a bother… 
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𝚃𝚊𝚐𝚜: @lureslutes, @cruzerforce4256, @narcise63, @potterhead-whovian-117, @margieee194, @zenix108, @vimenorie, @lunavixia, @potterhead-whovian-117, @alithurism, @matchalyne, @minteaspoon, @dontknowhowtousethis, @valacz29, @rainalovesouya, @vimenorie, @lunavixia, @ru8yx. Re-blog or Comment if you want to get added into the Tag section for Lout of Count's Family updates. Back to Lout Of Count's Family Master-List
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harrysfolklore · 1 year
grammy at wembley - bandmate!yn blurb
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gif by @londonharry <3
Wembley Stadium buzzed with excitement as the crowd eagerly waited for the big night to start. Feather boas, cowboy hats, pride flags and colorful signs were everywhere in sight in typical Love on Tour fashion.
Tonight was one for the history books. Harry was closing out a successful run of 4 sold out nights at Wembley Stadium, and his family, friends, colleagues and all kinds of loved ones came together to support him.
To celebrate said shows, Harry had a lot of surprises in store, including letting each of his bandmates be an opening act for a different show; and even though it took a lot of convincing, his girlfriend agreed to take part for the final night.
"I'm not sure, lovie. I mean people like what I do as your bassist but my own work? I don't know if they would like to hear that." YN said when Harry brought up the proposal.
"They would, because you're insanely talented and everyone deserves to see it."
And with a few more kisses and sweet words, YN accepted to perform and delivered an impeccable set that was loved by everyone in the stadium, specially Harry who greeted her as soon as she was off the stage and held her as he said how proud he felt.
Now, the band was getting ready to hit the stage together one final time, gathering around in a circle as they always did.
"Okay, I'm not trying to get sentimental over here," Harry spoke to his bandmates, "But these past shows wouldn't had been possible without you, so let's do it one last time for London."
"Let's go!" Pauli cheered hyping everyone, and then they were off to perform.
The evening went on filled with music, excitement and love. Harry charmed the crowd as usual and the band gave their best playing their instruments.
"I'd like to take a few second, no, not a quick second, a brief moment to introduce you to my wonderful band." Harry said into the mic and proceeded to introduce each of his bandmates, leaving his girlfriend last as usual.
"And finally, in bass and vocals, YN!" she waved out to the crowd, but surprise filled her face when instead of moving on with the next song, Harry continued speaking about her, "YN, you're not just my bandmate, you're also my girlfriend, my musical soulmate and my partner in crime," Harry said, putting a hand into his heart and making the entire audience become emotional, "Tonight is a very special night, and I want to give you something that is just as special, and celebrate with everyone here."
A trace of confusion flickered across YN's face, not sure about what Harry was about to do, she leaned closer and her voice came out in barely a whisper, "Harry what's going on? Don't tell me you're proposing becau-"
"I'm not proposing, yet," Harry interrupted her with a wink, "Just wait here."
He walked towards the side of the stage where a crew member handed her the a shinny item that YN and the rest of the crowd was yet to identify, it was when she took a proper look at the golden trophy that a wave of realization hit her body.
"No way, Harry. Is that?" YN said off the mic to him when he was next to her.
"It's your Grammy, baby. Came in the mail the other day and I decided this was the best way to give it to you," Harry shrugged, pulling her into his arms in hug, "Congratulations, bandmate."
YN pulled back to look at him, she was aware of the thousands of fans watching them but she still pulled him in for a quick kiss before speaking, "Thank you, this is magical."
Harry only pecked her forehead before speaking to the crowd again, "Give it up for YN! Grammy Award winner for her collaboration as a songwriter and producer in Harry's House!"
The audience broke down in cheers and screams as YN held her award up, and as the crowd continued to celebrate, she thought that the award not only symbolized a musical achievement, but also the strong bond she shared with Harry, one she wishes would last forever.
taglist: @lightsoutstyles @waitingroomharry @willowpains @straightontilmornin @sleutherclaw @gimsaysay @hazzassmirk @platinumbarbie143 @musicforcinemas @celesteblack08 @scntfrhs @eleanordaisy @lomlolivia @iceebabies
tell me if you want to be added to the taglist <3
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starrystormwritings · 6 months
The Water Is Fine
The Water Is Fine
Master List <3 Request List <3 Marauders Master List <3
James Potter x Black! Reader
A/n: This is inspired by the song The Water Is Fine by Chloe Ament and I tried to write proper conflict in this and I don't think it's great lol
Summary: After retuning home for Christmas you end up following in the footsteps of Sirius.
Warnings: Blood, cuts, abuse, swearing, arguing, she/her, reader is a member of the Black family and is the same age as Sirius but isn't called a twin or described in anyway.
Word Count: 2890
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I walked into the great hall with a quicker pace than normal since I'd accidentally slept in a little and still wanted time for breakfast before the train left for Christmas break.
I spotted my brother and our friends sat on the Gryffindor table laughing at something as I approached, causing my speed to pick up even more.
"Morning!" I said whilst wrapping my arms around James's shoulders from behind him before pressing a quick kiss to his head and taking a seat in the spot left empty next to him.
"You're cutting it very close." James said with a laugh, kissing my cheek in response, his arm resting over my shoulders as I began to load my plate with breakfast.
"I know, I slept in and realised I hadn't done my packing."
"Organised as ever." Sirius said with a laugh, shaking his head disapprovingly.
"You're one to talk." Remus laughed from next to him.
James coughed awkwardly and looked down at me with a more serious face, "So, have you made up your mind on where you're spending Christmas?"
James and Sirius had been trying to persuade me to spend Christmas with the Potters for weeks now, Remus was spending New Years there as well and Peter only lived five minutes away so we could all be together.
I shook my head slightly and turned away from the boy, picking at the breakfast in front of me. "I don't know still, I'll decide on the train."
"C'mon love, please? I don't like the idea of you being stuck in that house with those people for two weeks. They won't even let you send me an owl so I know you're okay."
His pleading was cut off by the squawking of the owls delivering the mail from above us.
Two small black envelopes were dropped onto the table in front of us, causing me and Sirius to look at each other with an identical worried look in our eyes.
I picked up the one addressed to me and inspected it for a moment. Looking up and over at the Slytherin table to see Regulus already looking at me nervously, the same black envelope in his hands.
I sighed and slowly opened it, the silence that had now taken over our small group as they watched me and Sirius not helping with the anxiety growing in the back of my throat.
'Dearest Y/n, You are expected for an appearance at the Black home immediately for the Christmas holidays. Alliances must be made immediately and we intrust in you to make the correct decision. Orion and Walburga Black.'
I look up from the paper to see Sirius rolling his eyes and using his want to quickly set his letter aflame.
"They can't be serious." James said from next to me, obviously reading from over my shoulder.
"On what part?" I said with a sigh, folding the letter into a small square and slipping it into my pocket.
"On what part? The allegiances must be made part, obviously!" He said with a raised eyebrow.
"You can't be seriously considering still going? After what they're obviously asking from us?" Sirius said, giving me an unreadable look as he shook his head.
"We don't know exactly what they're asking yet. I mean I don't know how they'll react if neither of us go!" I look over his shoulder to see regulus looking at me again, his hands shaking slightly as he held the letter, his nervousness obvious to anyone.
"It's obvious what their asking Y/n, your not stupid. They want a decree of allegiance to the dark lord what else?" Sirius said, obviously pissed of that my letter wasn't in a pile of ashes next to his.
"Sirius I can't leave Regulus there alone! They probably just want us to attend a meeting or something. I might even get some information that could help Dumbledoor. I have to go Reggie's can't deal with this alone."
He huffed at me, quickly standing from the table angrily "Well I hope you have a very merry fucking Christmas then, I'll see you in the new year if you haven't already been made into a death eater."
He stormed out of the hall before I could respond, Remus running after him with an apologetic look.
I pushed the plate in front of me away, suddenly loosing my appetite.
"You okay?" James asked gently, rubbing my shoulder.
I sighed and nodded, spotting Regulus trying to wave me over in the corner of my eye.
"I will be. I just need to sort this out."
It was obvious that Sirius didn't want me joining their carriage on the way back and since I didn't fancy the idea of sitting with Reggie's friends either I decided to just look for an empty carriage.
After finally finding one at the end of the train I took a seat, pulling the letter out of my pocket and re-reading it again and again.
"Mind if I join you?" My boyfriend's voice said from the doorway.
I looked up with a smile, scrunching the paper back into my pocket as I nodded at him.
"Of course you can."
He smiled back and took the seat next to me, pressing a gentle kiss to my lips before pulling me into his side for a hug.
"What're you thinking?"
I shrugged slightly and sighed again.
"Honestly James I don't know what to do. I don't want Sirius to be mad at me and I'd love to spend the next two weeks with you but I don't think I can bring myself to leave Reggie there alone. I know what that house is like James, I know what they do. I always had Sirius, I wouldn't have gotten through it alone. He needs me there."
James took a deep breath, obviously upset by the conversation.
"Y/n/n I know what you mean, but please. I'll do anything if you followed me off this train and spent the next two weeks in my house, singing carols, opening presents, cuddling by the fire and drinking hot chocolate. That's what Christmas should be, not being in that cold house. I don't know what it's like I know, but from what Sirius has told me I know that you shouldn't be there. Please, I'm begging you."
I looked up at him to be met with desperate eyes. I lent in to press another soft kiss against his lips, letting my fingers caress his cheek even after I pulled away.
He rested his forehead against mine and used his arm to try and pull me even closer.
"I'm sorry James, truly. But I can't spend Christmas happy knowing what they might be doing to him. I'll be okay. I promise."
He didn't respond for a moment before just giving me a small nod and pulling me tight against his chest.
My mother was furious when Sirius followed after James at the station, and she was even more furious when James gave my head a gentle kiss goodbye.
She harshly gripped Regulus's arm and apparated away without looking at me.
I sighed before looking over my shoulder to see James, Sirius and Peter looking at me.
I offered a small wave and apparated away before they could respond and possibly convince me to change my mind.
As I appeared in the living room of my house I was met with my family and a few faces of men I hadn't met before.
"Follow me." My mother's voice said sternly as she swept away from the room and down the corridor.
I glanced over at Reggie who looked terrified and offered him a reassuring smile before following after her into my bedroom.
"So the Potters have sunk their teeth into you as well?" She asked after the door was shut.
Her voice still made my blood run cold, although her intimidating presence no longer held the same effect as it did when I was younger.
"I'm here aren't I?" I tried to sound strong, self assured. Like a Black would.
"Their a family of blood traitors, just like your brother. There will be no more of that from now on."
I didn't respond to that, instead just looking away from her eyes and clearing my throat to try and build my confidence again.
"What was that letter about?"
She straightened up slightly, obviously ready to deliver news that she knew there would be a reaction to.
"As you know things are changing, the Dark Lord is rightfully raising to power and it has become time for everyone to decide what they think is right. As you know your brothers already made his decision and we will have no more embarrassment put on this house. Orders have been put in place to ensure that."
"You and Regulus are lucky to hold the Black family name and we expect you to wear that privilege with pride. That means no more messing about with the Potters it's time to make your family proud. Your allegiances will be cemented today and you my dear, will be Married off to the Rosier boy to continue this noble bloodline and ensure that you don't follow in your good for nothing brother's footsteps."
I looked at her dumbfounded for a second. "Evan? You can't be serious-"
Before I had a chance to argue my point I was cut off by the sound of Regulus's screams from the other side of the door.
"What was that? What're they doing to him!" I rushed towards the door but she had caught my wrist before I could move.
"Your brother is making the correct decision."
"Decision, what?" I looked at her with confusion before my eyes caught a glimpse of the mark that covered her arm and I felt a chill down my back at what was happening.
"No. No way. He's sixteen you can't brand him like that!" I ripped my arm away from her and made a move towards the door. Before I could open it though I felt a sharp cutting pain shoot up my leg.
I fell to the floor with a yelp and looked up to see my mother holding her wand sternly towards me.
The sharp burning pain was agonising but I clenched my teeth as hard as I could, refusing to give in.
"You are an adult Y/n. This is your birth right. Take it." She lent down and grabbed my arm, yanking me up to her height again. The weight on my burning leg causing me to let out a short scream.
"This isn't right. I'm not allowing you to do this to me, to him. I won't do it. I'm not marrying Evan, and I'm sure as hell not pledging my allegiance to the Dark Lord!" I shouted through gritted teeth, tears quickly streaming down my cheeks despite my best efforts.
She let go of the spell she had cast against my left leg, causing me to let out a breath of relief despite feeling the blood dripping into my shoes.
"I am your mother." Her wand now pressed against my arm, hard. "This is my blood that runs in you, the blood of hundreds of years of purity and strength. The blood of the noble house of black! This blood runs thicker than anything. You are my daughter! My skin! My flesh! My soul! You have no say in the matter, you do as I say or you pay for it!"
I could feel blood dripping from my wrist as well now, I glanced down to see the shape of a T and an R being carved against my skin in her neat handwriting.
I took a couple shaky breathes, and thanked Merlin that my adrenaline seemed to numb the pain slightly.
"I am not my family. And maybe if you weren't you would still have a son and daughter. You are a sick, sad, bitter woman who'll live the rest of her life in misery until she dies a forgetful and deserved death. You'll rot."
She stared at me, her wand pushing harder against my arm as the pain quickened. Neither of us spoke for a second before I ungritted my teeth so I could spit on her face.
She didn't respond for a second, her face full of fury before I felt a swift sting to my face as she slapped me, hard.
She'd used magic to punish me and Sirius before, but never her own hand.
She screamed before withdrawing her wand from my arm and casting a spell that dropped me back to the floor, screaming in pain as my whole body felt like it was on fire.
I laid there for a second, trying to muster the strength to move as she held the spell over me. I thought of Sirius and Regulus, and us playing outside by the lake as kids. And I thought of James and how he held me, how he made me feel save and happy. How he taught me what a home actually was.
My hand shifted to the pocket of my robes slowly, gripping my wand as tightly into my hand as I could.
I used any and all the strength I had left to pull it out, casting a spell I never thought I would against my own mother.
She dropped to her own knees with a scream, calling me every name under the sun as she writhed on the floor.
I watched horrified for a second before I saw the door open, my father's furious face prompting me to apparate out of there as quickly as I could before he could reach me.
Before I knew what was happening I was laying on the porch of the Potters house, every bone in my body burning and aching as I used the only strength I had left to weakly knock on the door.
It took a second but before I knew it the door opened to the smell of firewood, mint and vanilla and I knew he was there.
"Y/n? Merlin!"
I felt his arms wrap around my and lift me off the floor and the second I entered his embrace I allowed myself to let go, to cry.
"Mum! Dad! Sirius! Help! Please!"
The panic in his voice caused me to grip onto his shirt as hard as I could and that's the last I heard before everything went silent.
I woke up in the most comforting bed I could image. The reassuring smell of James engulfed me and soothed my aching body as my eyes adjusted to the warm light of the room.
James was asleep on the arm chair next to the bed, a worry line creasing his forehead and I felt a pang of guilt in my gut for what I probably put him through.
I sat up slightly, feeling a pain shoot up from my leg. I looked under the covers to see that my leg had been carefully wrapped in a bandage up to my knee and I spotted from the corner of my eye that my arm had a matching one.
I slowly unwrapped my arm to assess the damage and let out a quiet gasp when I saw the word 'traitor' neatly carved against my skin.
I felt a few tears roll down my cheek as I quickly tried to wrap it back up, not wanting to look at the word.
"My mum said it shouldn't scar, Pomfrey is coming by tomorrow with some ointment for it. If it does leave any mark it should be faint. Your leg was the problem." James's sleepy voice said from next to me, he carefully took my arm to re-wrap the bandage himself since my hands were shaking to much.
"Jamie I'm so sorry." I said with a sniff, causing the boy to frown at me.
He walked around to climb into bed next to me, pulling me into his arms gently.
"None of this is your fault, at all. You don't deserve any of it." He kissed my hair, letting his face rest there for a moment.
"I should've just came back with you. I tried to get to Reggie, I really did. But it was already too late and she wouldn't let me go to him. She wanted me to get the mark and marry Rosier, Regulus already has it. I couldn't help him." I cried softly into his shoulder as he smoothed my hair comfortingly.
"You're never going back there, they can't hurt you anymore. Regulus will be okay, he's welcome here if he decides to leave. But I'm here now, nothings going to hurt you when I'm around. I promise."
I nodded, allowing him to wipe the tears from my cheeks before leaning in to kiss him.
I was safe in his arms, in his bed, in his home. The looming knowledge of the war was pushed away by his room. The sense of home breaking my thoughts away from anything other than him.
Him and his soft hair, his infectious smile, his gentle laugh and his addictive touch.
"I love you so much." I said as his lips pulled away, resting my head against his and rubbing our noses together softly.
"I love you too"
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anothermansjeans · 5 months
Hey i hope you get your mojo back! As my personal indulagance which hopefully also help you may i please requeat 6 and 8 from the first random dialoge list with spencer read and an NONbau reader, exstra love if its an neighrbour reader!
Love and kisses ❤️❤️❤️
thank youuuuuu!!!! i also want to apologize-- you didn't specify gn or fem! reader and i was just about done when i realized i did fem!reader, so lmk and i will happily rewrite if needed 🫶
i also don't know how i feel about this but i tried lmao
also only a little proofread...
"Please tell me this is the part where my life doesn’t have to completely fall apart."
"This is the one time I’m wishing they’re calling about my car’s extended warranty."
cw: mention of family member dying, the word vomit being used
wc: 920
Spencer was very concerned. His neighbor– his very attractive, down to Earth, and kind neighbor– was frantic, eyes sunken, and just wasn't as… present as she usually is. Spencer was concerned.
His concern also may have been a bit biased because of the small crush he harbored for her… but he didn't want to think about that too hard.
He hadn't been around much recently, getting called into the BAU more often than not, but when time did allow him to linger around his building, he would see the distress on her from a mile away. The other day, right before a case, he was locking up his apartment when she was just getting home. It was quiet this time of day, but that was cut short when her phone started to ring.
“This is the one time I’m wishing they're calling about my car’s extended warranty.”
Her disgruntled mumble was pretty soft, and if Spencer wasn't right across the hall from her he wouldn't have heard it. He wanted to see if she was okay, but she answered her phone and he was being asked for his ETA at the BAU.
When that case was finally over, and he was walking back to his place, he suddenly stopped and turned towards her door. There was a package in his apartment that was placed with his mail in the mailroom, and only really looked at it last week; right before he left for a case. He would've given it to her then if he wasn't already late at the time, and he didn't feel comfortable leaving it in front of her door so this was truly the next best thing.
His plan was the following: knock on your door, tell you he has your package in his apartment, grab said package, and then leave with dignity. There was no way he could screw this up.
His knock was soft, but the way she swung open the door was a sharp contrast to that. “Please tell me this is the part where my life doesn't have to completely fall apart oh– you're not the delivery guy.”
Your dejected look caused a small ache in his chest. “No, but the delivery people tend to not come to our doors, they're supposed to stay in the mail room– you already knew that.” He was getting flustered. This was not a part of the plan. “Are you okay?” He couldn't help himself. After seeing the way you were last week, and how that hasn't changed one bit since he was gone… he really wanted to make sure all was well.
She barely waited a moment before answering. “No,” the crack in her voice was evident. “My great aunt passed and she was a horrible person, but the funeral directors were asking me which address to send the urn to and my sister stepped in making sure I didn't put mine down because I’m ‘most likely to lose aunt Pearl’s ashes’ and the rest of my family overheard and started running with the joke. With me being me I wanted to prove them wrong so I did give them my address and I still don't have the urn but they're saying it was delivered and oh my, God, I’m dumping all of this on you.” Her eyes were welled up with tears, and with how wide her eyes became he was surprised the tears hadn't started to fall. “I’m just going to… let you go on with your day. I’m so sorry, Spencer, maybe we can talk to–” she started to close the door, blocking her face that held a worrisome look.
“I have it!” It’s as if he suddenly remembered why he went over there in the first place “I’m uh, I'm assuming I have it…?”
“You do?” Her door was now wide open again, and a spark of hope was shown in her eyes.
“Yeah, that's why I came over here. I just got back from work and wanted to let you know before I grabbed it. They put it with my stuff and I didn't check it until a couple of days ago and then I had a case and–”
“Spencer?” She cut off his worried rambling.
“Could you grab it please?”
“Oh! Yeah!” He was like a baby giraffe walking for the first time. His legs were not keeping up with his body as he quickly walked over to his place, unlocked his door, and made way for the box over in the corner by his bookcase. “Again, I’m sorry. I’ve been at work more than not recently and I should've brought it over as soon as I knew it was yours but–”
“Oh, I could kiss you right now!” She grabbed the box so fast it could be considered snatching, but Spencer didn't mind.
“Maybe after I take you on a date?” What the hell was that? She was excited, he was flustered, and for him, word vomit was real. “I’m sorry, I have no idea why I–”
“Spencer…” She stopped his worried ramble once again, and Spencer assumed he died and went to Heaven because there was no way the next words out of her mouth were real. “Ask me tomorrow, when I’m not all flustered. I’ll definitely say yes.”
Yeah, he definitely died and went to Heaven, because the next day, he saw her walking back from the grocery store, walked up to her, stuttered through asking her out for real, and she said yes. Just as promised.
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jackhues · 10 months
3 + 1 - sidney crosby
notes: i hope you guys like this, first fic for 'it's the most wonderful time of the year', had lots of fun making this!!
likes are good, reblogs are better <3
part of naqia's end of the year celly!
gif not mine
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i. (1994)
you'd known sidney your entire life. one of the first memories you had with him was fighting him for the last hockey stick in the store.
well, it wasn't the last hockey stick. but it was the last one of all the types you used to play. it just so happened to be the only one sidney used.
after a game of rock, paper, scissors (you won), sidney got mad and demanded a best of three. maybe it was the defiant look in his eyes at only seven years old, but you decided he could have the stick.
"are you sure?" he asked, now looking hesitant about taking the stick.
you nodded, "i'm sure. they'll get one of the sticks i use in a few days. you can have this one. i'll just steal my brother's stick until then."
sidney grinned, "thanks, y/n."
you smiled back at him, feeling the start of a friendship. you'd lived near him your entire life, but you'd only begun talking to him because of hockey.
"just don't forget to send me a card when you go to one of your tourneys," you told him.
you and sidney laughed over that, before heading back home with your parents. it was after this day that you began to say hi to each other in the halls of school, that you decided to pair up for projects, that you became friends.
over the two months it took until christmas morning, you forgot about what you'd told him. but sidney didn't forget his promise.
and it was on december twenty fifth, that you received a post card in the mail from some place in quebec. a seven year old sidney had tried his best to make the letters look pretty, writing on the side, 'merry christmas, and thanks for the hockey stick, y/n. it helped me win!'
you peered in the envelope, finding a picture of sidney hoisting his giant hockey trophy. you smiled at that.
even though he was so far away, it felt like you were celebrating christmas together.
ii. (2004)
'sidney patrick crosby, you have got to be kidding me! you have a huge hotel, you're in finland, and you've got some of the best people with you. and yet, you're saying you wished you were here playing pond with the rest of us? you're crazy. anyways, make sure you score a goal or something, and have lots of fun! honestly, not scoring is fine if you have fun. good luck at the world juniors! i'll be cheering you on from back home :))'
you signed off the letter, sealing it and placing it to the side to deliver later.
at seventeen years old, sidney had become the only under-18 player at this year's world junior tournament for team canada. it was a thing to celebrate, but sidney was upset he would be missing the town's annual christmas pond hockey game.
you and him had played together on the same team for the last nine years, winning every time. this was the first time he wouldn't be here to help your team defend the title.
but that was okay, you thought as you packed up your christmas gear and made your way to the pond.
because sidney was going to play on your t.v. tomorrow, at the national level. it was his first time playing for canada, and you knew he was excited for that.
he just wasn't a fan of missing the small things.
it was why he'd began sending you letters and post cards as he moved around for tournaments and hockey games. they were cute souvenirs, and you didn't mind sending him a letter back.
you just wished he could've been here to celebrate christmas with the rest of you.
iii. (2009 - pretend ft was invented a year earlier)
"merry christmas, love."
you smiled, "merry christmas sid."
sidney adjusted his phone, fixing the facetime so you could see him better. you laughed as he struggled for a minute, finally getting a proper angle.
"don't move!" you said. "there, perfect. now your entire face is on my screen."
he laughed as he shook his head to himself.
the two of you had been friends for thirteen years before he worked up the courage to ask you out. and for the last two years of your relationship had been amazing. there were ups, like seeing him win the stanley cup, and there were downs, like seeing him take some uncalled for hits.
but you were happy. and so was sid.
the two of you had planned to celebrate christmas together in pittsburgh, until a family emergency had you coming back to nova scotia last minute.
everything turned out fine, but it was just too late to get a ticket back to pittsburgh.
even so, you and sid had found a way to work around that.
the two of you spent most of the day on the phone with each other, talking and laughing together. it wasn't what either of you had planned, but you made it enjoyable.
it was a great christmas.
iv. (2012)
"sidney, will you get down here already?"
"i'm coming, i'm coming," he called from upstairs.
you sighed, waiting for your husband to get up and get downstairs. christmas morning was the one morning you were happy to get out of bed, but it was also the one morning sid wanted to sleep in.
sam, sidney's dog, came down the stairs, curling around by the christmas tree as he waited for sid with you.
a few minutes passed before sidney made his way downstairs, eyes half closed but a sleepy smile plastered on his face to greet you.
"good morning, love," he pressed a kiss to your forehead. "merry christmas."
"merry christmas," you smiled, pressed a kiss to his jaw. "we eating breakfast first or presents first?"
"mmm, breakfast," sid decided.
"i knew you were going to say that," you laughed, pulling him along to the kitchen.
you'd already prepared breakfast before he came down. some eggs, sausage and bread. it was a good way to pass the time as you waited for sid to get downstairs.
the two of you took your seats, laughing as you ate breakfast and discussed how far you'd gone in life together.
"you almost tripped on the ice," he reminded you.
"no one told me i had to go out on the ice after you guys won," you argued. "i was so excited over you guys winning the stanley cup, i didn't even notice i was being ushered to the ice until i took my first step."
sid laughed as the two of you slowly made your way to the living room.
"here, open my present first," he said, rummaging under the tree to pull out a long, rectangular box.
the two of you had started the tradition of opening all of your sentimental gifts before the other cute ones. and even though you wanted to go first this year, you supposed it was alright if sid got this one.
you unwrapped the box, pulling out a familiar hockey stick. one that you'd given sidney eighteen years ago.
"oh my god," you muttered, tears building up in your eyes.
"i found it in my parent's garage last summer," he shrugged a little. "i remembered how badly you wanted it. and even though it's too small now, i thought you'd like the memory."
"i love it," you grinned, wiping the corners of your eyes. "it's absolutely perfect. i'm putting this up next to that picture of you holding up the trophy."
sid laughed at your response, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
"you can do whatever you like with it."
you put the stick to the side, your hands slightly shaky as you grabbed another, much smaller, box. "here. now open my present."
sid took the box from your hands, unwrapping it and opening it. he stared at the contents of the box, unable to form a sentence as he looked between the box and you.
"you -- this -- seriously?" his eyes shined as he stared at you.
you nodded, feeling the tears build up yourself. "we're having a baby."
sid laughed, pulling you in for a hug. "oh my god, this is amazing. a baby, you and me."
the two of you held each other that day, celebrating christmas together.
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sardonic-the-writer · 2 years
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—Logan had been sent back to the seventies to save the world. And to introduce a few future lovers to each other
—Word count: 1.6k+
—Extra: n/a
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To say the proffessor wasn't like he expected would be an understatement.
The Proffessor X Logan knew was a wise man whom, yes had his flaws, but was nonetheless a very sensible man who only wished for the best out of everyone. He was a mentor. A teacher. A father figure to hundereds. And the very same man who was supposed to be the one in his own place, saving the world ahead of time.
But the professor next to him didn't even look like one. He just looked like—a Charles. A very scrappy man named Charles.
Being sent back to the past to scrape together the few mutants who would trust or believe him was a challenge enough. Yet somehow the universe managed to make it harder with the challenge of a few stubborn people with the habit to wallow in self pity.
Logan pinched the bridge of his nose for what felt like the tenth time in the last half hour, jaw set in annoyance as a silver haired boy in the back seat rattled off questions like it was nobody's business.
The steering wheel underneath his hand groaned with the effort he was clutching it with. From the backseat Hank tossed Logan the occasional look, somewhere between a mixture of concern and nerves.
"Where are we going anyways? I ran out of the car a couple miles back and were driving in the opposite direction of the pentagon. Don't tell me you're kidnapping me. I don't think you'd kidnap me. You're too old for that." Peter's voice was non stop. Question after question after question. Like a talk show host. Similar to a talk show host, most of his comments flew right over everyones heads as white noise. But those few particular ones seemed to catch the attention of the other occupants in the car.
"Yes. Thats—that's actually a good point Peter." Charles pointed out, grunting as he adjusted his seatbelt in the passengers seat. He looked rather uncomfortable, and Logam chose to assume he hadnt been out of the run down school for a while. Much less in a car. "Where exactly are we going now Logan?"
"To see a friend." He grummbled. Charles raised an eyebrow, wating for more context, but he offered none.
"Are you always this grouchy man?"
Hank shut Peter up with a kick to the leg.
"I just figured we might need to pick them up. Good for the break in. And my sanity. If were gonna break Erik out I'd rather have somebody to keep us all in check there. Their one of the people I actually like where I come from." Logan eventually relented, taking another turn with the car, leading them all on a gravel road now.
"Them?" Peter piped up, dissapearing with a woosh before appearing right where he had been before. Hank jumped, still not used to it. "You mean the person living in the uhh little brown house two miles from here? It has a nice apple tree."
"The house wasnt brown when I knew it, but yes."
"Do we get to know about this mystery person or are we just supposed to go along with you and walk into some strangers house? We dont even know them." Charles said skeptically whilst cleaning his sunglasses on his shirt.
Logan had to stop himself from smiling.
"You'll get to know them eventually alright."
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(Y/n) honestly was fine living off the map. Well it wasn't really off the map per say, just tucked away in a place where few people ever thought to pass by. Besides the occasional gas station or two, there was nothing bit plain empty highway for miles around. The only person who ever came to visit regularly was the young woman who delivered their mail every Saturday.
"Alright! I'm coming I'm coming! Hold on a minute!"
(Y/n) struggled with pulling a spare jacket they had laying around over their black shirt in an attempt to look put together. Nearly tripping down the stairs two at a time it was a miracle they ended up at their front door without any missing teeth.
Their eyes had bags under them, days of sleep seemingly have evaded them. Smile lines and small scars took up the rest of their face like a map detailing every inch of the world. Despite being in their mid twenties, they looked like they had seen more than most of the full grown adults out there.
"I didn't think the mail came untill Saturday Jane! What did you miss me or something?"
Their words faded out as soon as their front door had swung open, giving way to the sight of four very different looking men.
"You're not Jane." They squinted suspiciously.
Logan nearly chuckled at the tone—meant to be intimidating but friendly all the same. Same (Y/n) as always.
"Sorry to disappoint, but we need your help." He kept his distance, letting them test the situation. Litteraly.
Logan knew that if Charles has his powers, he would have been able to feel as (Y/n) entered not only his but all of their heads at once, reaching deeper and deeper untill they found the emotions resting deep inside of everyone. And based on the way that they opened the door for wide enough for them to walk through after a moment, he figured they must have found them too.
Peter wasted no time touring the house, gusts of wind sounding up and down the stairs, (Y/n) blinking once or twice before shaking their head as a result.
"Mutants?" They asked, sitting at the bottom step of their stairs with their head in their hands. (They sat just off to the side so that way they wouldn't get in the way of Peter's joyride around the place.)
"You tell me." Was all Logan said before showing them his hands. Judging on the way (Y/n) scrunched their face up he figured they could feel his pain as his claws broke through skin.
"And now you have boney thingies coming from your knuckles. I'd like to go back to bed now please." They mummbled.
"Listen, we didn't come here to chat." (Y/n)'s focus redirected itself from the guy with the claws in front of them to a new face, accompanied with a brisish accent. And some very odd tastes in style. They wondered if he had cut his hair himself. Or not at all.
Most of all, they could feel the exasperation and exhaustion rolling off of him in waves. Along with a lot of other emotions they couldn't directly decipher. A first in the usage of their powers to say the least. The empath could only get a read on his surface emotions; none of the important ones.
Maybe it was that or the way he seemed to demand apt attention as he spoke, but (Y/n) turned their body to face him with curious eyes. Silently challenging him to continue. It was a stark change in attitude from the disbelief they had been expressing moments ago, but this was not uncommon in an empath. Especially from one such as them.
Logan stepped back with the hints of a genuinely amused smile pulling at his lips, pushing back a very confused looking Hank with him (who at this point was just there to be the civil one).
It was always a sight to see when the two future lovers would get into an in depth conversations. Like watching a game of 3D chess from some other dimension. You knew the basics, but that was all. The real meaning of it all was left to the players.
"I don't know why Logan has brought us here but it must be for a reason. As all things are. But you must know that the world is in grave danger. I do not know what level of convincing I need to do to get you to come with us but—"
"I'll come."
Charles stopped to peer down at them through his sunglasses. (Y/n) didn't break eye contact. He felt like they were looking stright through him and into his heart.
"One thing you must know about me, I tend to act off of emotions." They smiled to themself, Charles getting the feeling that he was missing some sort of inside joke. "And I have a hint you all aren't here with bad intentions. At least not to me."
Peter appeared next to Hank once again, his hair wild from a few minutes of running around the same area and carrying what Charles assumed to be various things from (Y/n)'s household; all casset tapes.
"I like them. Good taste in music. I say we bring 'em." He zipped over to the stairs and sat next to them, wrapping an arm around their shoulders confidently while offering then some gum.
"Would it upset you if I called you Speedy?" (Y/n) said while taking it.
"Not at all, new friend."
That was how they ended up locking the door to their house and leaving a note for the mailman detailing how they would be gone for a bit, everyone waiting by or in the car.
"Now, tell me exactly why you seem to be so fond of this person." Charles asked, leaning against the outside of the cars red exterior next to Logans large figure. He kept an eye on (Y/n), not quite sure why he felt compelled to keep track of them. "Do you fancy them or something?" He ran a hand through his long hair, tossing a small and tentive wave at them upon catching their eye.
Logan nearly choked on his laugh.
"Not quite professor." He outright laughed aloud. Something Charles had yet to hear from him. "Just make sure to send me an invitation to the wedding when you finally work up the courage to propose in a few years."
He smirked at Charles' face, eyes now the size of dinner plates.
"Now off to go commit a federal crime. And get your fucking feet off my dash Maximoff."
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chronicbeans · 1 year
Wally and a Puppeteer Reader (part 11)
Looks like we are getting close to the end. Idk how many more parts there will be but I, for once, gotta plan in mind! Yippee!
TW: Obsessive Behavior, Idol Worshipping, Interrogation, Derealization, Scopophobia/Eye Imagery, Threats
🎥 You have waited a couple days for this. You wanted to make sure that Henry was alright after what happened. Currently, he and his uncle are out, picking Angela up from the hospital. No one is home, so it is the perfect time for this.
🎥 You place Wally down on your bed, before placing two heavy books on the extra blanket hanging off of the ends of the knot you tied to heep him down. He squirms, looking up at you with the most fearful eyes you have ever seen... on a puppet, at least. Nothing could ever beat the fear you saw in the eyes of Eddie's puppeteer when they handed you the box holding this cursed puppet.
🎥 Speaking of, the puppet opens its mouth, crying out "Let me go! I'm sorry! I didn't hurt her! I think I just spooked her... she tripped on her own!" You shake your head "I don't really care about whether or not you did or didn't do that... Because, even if you didn't, you still hurt people! What about the person YOU filled with staples? Or the one you dropped a bucket of paint on, cracking their head open?! Or these cursed notes and drawings you kept sending me?! You still did damage to people, including me! I have been going insane from fear because of you!"
🎥 His eyes widen more so than they already were. He grows silent, looking around. He begins to mutter "No... no no no... I never meant to... I never meant to hurt YOU!" He then looks you straight in the eyes, the most intense stare held within his own. His pupils seem to expand until they overtake the entirety of his large eyes. "I NEED YOU. I would never hurt you willingly! I thought the notes were lovely! The drawings, too! Isn't it nice to know that your most faithful puppet is watching over you? The paint guy was being mean to you! He deserved it! I even warned him before I did it. I always saw the other guy with Eddie, so I thought it would be fitting if he delivered mail to you! See? I put so much thought into it all so it would be perfect! I love you! I am so sorry you didn't see what I meant to get across..."
🎥 You take a step back, placing your hands on your hips "Oh, you got your message across, alright. I know you love me. You love me too much. You love me to a dangerous degree and you clearly are willing to harm people for the smallest of reasons. I know the boss will probably fire me for this, but I think it would be best if I just burned you-"
🎥"NO! NO, DON'T DO THAT! I mean-!" He looks over to the clock in your room, before saying "I mean... can we... can we have one last round on set? Whatever story you want, you can tell! You can make me do anything you like! I don't care... I can clearly see that I deserve it... I caused so much damage. If you want me burned, I can't stop you. I am your puppet. You are in control, right? Just one more little story. For me? For your good, friendly neighbor?"
🎥 You feel... uncomfortable. However, you think about it for a bit. The studio is far from most other people and since Wally can talk, he can probably scream. It would be... concerning, to say the least, if your neighbors saw you burning a screaming, flailing thing that looked vaguely like a person. So, it might be for the best that you go through with his wishes. "Alright. You want one more story? You will get one more story. You better not double-cross me, though."
🎥 Wally nods, a his permanent grin widening. "Don't worry. I won't. As I said, I would never hurt you intentionally. Let's go! Now! I wanna go now!" You untie him, before slinging him over your shoulder and placing him in your car. You drive to the studio, listening to Wally talking about how much he can't wait to see Barnaby, Julie, and all the others. You tune him out, focusing entirely on the road and your destination.
🎥 You arrive, parking your car and hopping out. You grab Wally, before reaching into the glove box and taking out your emergency key to the studio. You really don't understand why the boss gives everyone a key. Apparently it is so they can have someone open the door if they lose their own? You don't really care, though. All you care about is finishing whatever this puppet has started.
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the-nosy-neighbor · 21 days
4 Eddies
So, as a commenter pointed out, there ARE 4 Eddie videos in Commercials, does that translate to 4 separate Eddies running around on Homewarming?
1. Decorating Poppy's tree. Eddie is happy to be helping her with the tree. The focus of the video is Eddie pouring gravy on the red ornament, which is referenced later in The Bad Time. Poppy asks Eddie when he is going to rest and enjoy the holiday. This really reminds me of something (a horror movie? People around them telling them they need rest and something is actually happening? They live? Soultaker? None of them are quite fitting but I know this is a trope.)
A line of Poppy's that sticks out to me is "when are you going to give yourself some time (pause) to enjoy the holidays?" It is a weird way to say that. “Give yourself some time.” Eddie has the only timepiece in the place. Edit: that is what i thought but now there is a cuckoo clock.
But. "What’s a Homewarmin’s eve without a Homewarmin’ Ham in the tree, after all!" So it is Homewarming Eve.
2. Bored, but have Homewarming gifts to deal with. (He also notably has intrusive thoughts during this bit, which he talks himself down from.) He wraps an apple for Wally, which is slapping a bow on it. You know, he never gives people their gifts. We had him wrapping them, but they said later it was all done. He had his mail bag but he didn't say anything about distributing them, despite Sally saying they distributed all their presents. We have zero proof there are presents.
3. Super bored, has played tic-tac-toe against himself at least 18 times, but it could be more with the 2nd page. The score is 4 to 14. It should be the other way, if we are reading left to right, as the 1st player to move has a much higher chance of winning. Or ties, since that is probably how playing yourself goes.  
He gets mad and shoves things around in this bit, and I have always found it odd that he says "how is anyone supposed to get some recognition around here if they don't have anything to do?" Acting primarily for recognition is weird--especially for a puppet. He seems kind of desperate, too, like the consequences of not having recognition are dire.  
He also has a shopping list: envelopes, pencil, construction paper, paper (lined), egg, milk. (I would say eggs, but he has a weird swoop at the end of all of his words.)
4. Eddie goes for his walk, and immediately is spotted/called to by Sally, who says that everyone has already delivered their gifts without him so he could rest and enjoy the holiday and that he should walk her to the party.
[Cartoon/puppet mix]
Ok, what about this? Eddie is stashed away in the post office because the other Eddies are around and we can't have 2 at the same time? I really had this thought because we didn't get any info on the present delivery, and an alternate Eddie could have delivered it. Along the same lines, what if the Eddie that encounters Sally is not the same Eddie as was in the post office? He does decide to go for a walk in the end of 3. This could be one of those sitcom i have 3 dates and i can't let them know type deals.
But 1 happens on Homewarming Eve. 2 is on the holiday, "I ain’t never had so little to do on a holiday before." 3 says "all day," so we can assume the same day, but that isn't stated. Could we be seeing multiple years' Homewarmings? But Sally says he was there all day. 4 says Homewarming party, so maybe the same day.
Maybe we should consider the split between the Eve vs the Day?
What if Eddie knows there are 4 of him? Or at least 2 of him? Eddie 2 is wrapping presents. Then Eddie 2 and 3 are playing tic tac toe, with OG Eddie smoking Eddie 2, since copies tend to degrade in media. Then, finally, Eddie 4 is meeting up with Sally, because despite the fact that Eddie said he was going to go for a walk, we have no proof that he did so. Besides, this Eddie is a cartoon.
Eddie 1 could have delivered his presents? No, for this to make sense, Eddie 1, the highest functioning (and OG) Eddie does the Homewarming Eve, then we see Eddie 2 putting presents together. Then Eddie 2 goes and delivers his presents, while Eddie 1 and Eddie 3 play endless Tic-Tac-Toe. Maybe Eddie 1 goes shopping at that point, since we have a shopping list. Eddie 3, being a copy, is breaking down, getting mad about being useful, because that's all he is for, to be of use to Eddie 1, and by extension, the others. Eddie 4 gets scooped up by Sally, who may never realize that she is watching different iterations of Eddie throughout the day.
I wonder if through the other bits of Eddie there are any indications that he might be more than 1? We have that one concept drawing that sparked the idea--
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Another concept drawing that fits:
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There are multiple letters, multiple hearts, multiple versions of the word mail, and Eddie has a ? He has doki doki cheeks. Also, behind this drawing, we see a version of Eddie in some kind of distress. I can only really see the red face and pained look, as well as it looks like some movement of his arm. We can see the pocket of his shirt vaguely, but not sure what else is going on there.
In "commercials," we have layered sound and layered visuals. What if that layering represents multiple Eddies experiencing different things? Like the single pea and then saying 4, all the things he experienced as each version of himself played simultaneously. In this, I can see a wreath, Home's eye from this part, the Welcome home logo, all with Frank on top.
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In line with the toy Eddie looking at his price, this Eddie sees himself dwarfed by toys. The realism involved in this presentation during a cartoon version of Eddie segment is jarring. Could he be having a realization about the degrees of realities his different personas have?
And as we can see it the detailed screens at the bottom of that image, we go pea on a plate, nightmare home, real/puppet version of pea on a plate, surrounded by giant toys, the clock, ornament, and gravy, which puts me in mind of Poppy:
And this--
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this is definitely part of Eddie's realization, or derealization, I guess, depends on how you look at it. Under "Having a Get-Together?" it says "Consider inviting more peas to the party!" and "Add additional peas according to how many guests there are!" What if Eddie looks down and his thought is "that isn't enough peas for all of me." Especially possible considering that Eddie flashes back to this pea on a plate multiple times throughout his Bad Time.
I have considered before that the pea on a plate is important because it leads to Eddie considering being in two places, but what if it is important because he is think about how he's been in multiple places at the same time?
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Puppet Eddie is at Home, and Cartoon Eddie is at the Post Office? Obviously, it would be backwards, because we know Cartoon Eddie is at Home. Maybe it is time to reconsider this idea?
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We're hanging a lantern on this new monolith in the neighborhood? And/or, the letters mean something? F with the bug, that for sure references Frank. Also, kind of makes us think of Bug-A-Bye, and we've considered that is a representation of a kind of death for Eddie. In addition, that thumb is right on "J" and a present, so it could be Julie, or it could be presents, since they have figured in so strongly. The code we used this for does not include a J, so there isn't a present to be found on the website? (I have to go and check now.) I didn't see any.
I went off and got distracted, as usual, but nothing else to report. This is an interesting idea. Next, I will either be doing mythology or mentions of "time," especially in reference to Eddie.
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nightghoul381 · 6 months
Ellis Twilight~ Main Route Chapter 2
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Disclaimer for route warnings | Masterlist
Additional Content Warnings: None
This a fan translation so it is definitely not 100% accurate. I do not own anything related to Ikemen Villains. Support Cybird by buying their amazing stories!
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Part 1
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Ellis: “Thank you for waiting, Jude.”
Jude: “…Ah?”
When Jude saw that Ellis had brought me with him, he looked stunned for a moment--,
Surprisingly, he didn’t say anything.
(--Or rather)
Kate: “I will be accompanying you as fairytale keeper, I look forward to working with you.”
Jude: “……Tsk”
It seemed like Jude understood ‘there’s no point in saying anything’ and clicked his tongue at Ellis, completely ignoring me.
Ellis: “Last night I delivered the offer to the procurement department to sail today.”
Jude: “Obviously. If it doesn’t arrive first thing in the morning, your pay’s getting cut.”
(They both work for Crown, but they also work for the company…. They’re both very busy.)
I follow along with Ellis behind Jude, silently observing so as not to disturb him.
After observing I found out--,
Jude runs Raven, a diversified trading company,
It was said that the company had branches overseas and was doing extensive business.
Having business meetings in the VIP room of one of London’s best department stores or with the inspection staff at London port…,
The time spent following the two men flies by in the blink of an eye.
And the way the two of them work together…. For example.
Jude: “There will be no transaction until you give me an advance notice.”
Jude: “Of course, since you acted unethically. If you don’t want to pay off your debts, you should just cough up your blood and make up for it.”
Jude, with his sharp tongue and sharp mind,
He was admired by his business partners, envied by his business rivals, and revered by his employees.
On the other hand--.
Ellis: “Okay, I’ll take care of the rest.”
Ellis: “It’s easy to make mistakes in this document. I’ll explain what you don’t understand and we’ll fix it together.”
Ellis, a soft-spoken and attentive person, was loved by everyone, both inside and outside the company, wherever he went.
(They’re complete opposites.)
Meanwhile, Big Ben’s hour hand had passed its peak.
Jude: “The head office is up next. I don’t know what they’ll say if I show up with extras.’
Ellis: “Mmhmm, got it.”
Kate: “Thank you for letting me accompany you.”
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Jude: “…Ha. I can’t wait to see if you can say the same thing the next time we meet.”
(What does that mean…?)
I tilt my head, not understanding the meaning of his words.
Jude: “You brought her here, you wipe her ass. I ain’t doing it.”
Ellis: “Yeah… that’s the intention.”
(…It seems like Ellis understands what he means.)
When Jude leaves without even glancing at me, Ellis turns to me.
Ellis: “You must be tired. Sorry for dragging you around.”
Kate: “No not at all! I’m a physically fit person from my time as a postal worker.”
Ellis: “I see, that’s good…. Well then, by the way.”
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Ellis: “Can you hang out with me just a little longer?”
Part 2
After asking me to hang out with him a little longer—
(Why are we here…!?)
It was the post office where I worked.
As I hesitated at the entrance, Ellis turned around.
Ellis: “Is something wrong?”
(That’s what I want to know…)
Kate: “Since it’s my workplace, I know a lot of people… but is it okay if I meet with them before the month is up?”
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Ellis: “Victor said there were no restrictions other than going out alone, so I guess it’s okay.”
The answer came back a little more relaxed than I had expected, and I couldn’t help but blink.
(That’s not what the person being watched would say…is it okay??)
Ellis: “I have some mail I want to send. I’ll take care of it, so you do whatever you like.”
Kate: “Okay…”
Then, Ellis heads to the counter, leaving me there.
(What if I ask someone I know for help and confidential information is leaked…?)
I can’t hide my confusion at how relaxed my ‘surveillance’ is.
(At least with Ellis… I guess that means he trusts me not to do that.)
(If the information does get leaked, they can eliminate everyone who knows about it, including me…)
--“Shall I kill her?”
When I suddenly remembered that he had said something like that and shook my head in a panic…
Coworker with braids: “Kate!?”
Kate: “Ah.”
Coworker with braids: “I thought so, it is you! Hey everyone, Kate is here!”
At the sound of her voice, her coworkers noticed and suddenly gathered around.
Redhead Coworker: “Kaaate, why are you suddenly working at the palace?”
Black-eyed coworker: “Everyone was worried.”
(You were worried just because I suddenly stopped coming to work.)
(I can’t tell you guys, especially not the truth.)
(I don’t even know for certain if I’ll be able to come back safely in a month.)
I don’t want to worry, so I swallow my anxiety down.
Kate: “I’m fine. Though, it’s still my first day and I don’t know what’s left and right.”
Kate: “I’m sure it will work out somehow.”
Coworker with braids: “Well, since you turned Kramer into a good customer, I’m sure you’ll be fine no matter where you go.”
Redhead Coworker: “When you suddenly disappeared, I thought you were in trouble. I was lonely.”
Kate: “That… I’m really sorry. It was something beyond my control.”
Coworker with braids: “Well, it’s not like you can refuse an order from the palace.”
Black-eyed coworker: “But I’m rooting for you, Kate.”
Redhead Coworker: “Hey, take this!”
Redhead Coworker: “We all bought things so we could give it to you if you stopped by. I’m glad we were able to give it to you--”
Kate: “Ehh… this much?”
Presents are piling up in my arms.
A blanket, cookies from my favorite store, and a letter from a coworker.
Kate: “Thank you…”
I hold my hands, full of happiness, but I feel like I might drop something if I move, so I can’t move at all…
Ellis: “I’ll hold it. Give it to me.”
The gifts were taken by the person beside me.
All of my colleagues’ eyes turned to Ellis.
Coworker with braids: “Wait…who!? Are you Kate’s boyfriend!?”
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Redhead coworker: “Oh, I know this guy! He’s the one who protects that scary trader!”
The whole thing turned into a commotion that felt like someone had upset a beehive.
Coworker with braids: “Kate, please explain your relationship with this handsome man!”
Kate: “Oh, uhh… I know him through my work with the palace, we just met yesterday.”
Coworker with braids: “Hmmmm, you seem like you’re pretty close to me.”
Redhead Coworker: “Suspicious…!”
Kate: “Hey, everyone, calm down…”
While I was calming down my excited colleagues, Ellis took the remaining gifts from my arms.
Ellis: “Sorry… I didn’t mean to cause such a fuss. I’ll be waiting outside.”
Part 3
Ellis: “Sorry… I didn’t mean to cause such a fuss. I’ll be waiting outside.”
Kate: “Ah…. I’m so sorry! I’ll be out right away.”
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Ellis: “It’s okay, take your time.”
I gave a small not to everyone and saw Ellis heading outside.
(I made you worry…)
Coworker with braids: “So, you’ll be getting married before returning…?”
Redhead coworker: “Congratulations.”
Kate: “Ah, that’s not true…!”
--In the end, the commotion suddenly died down with the director’s voice coming from the back and telling us to leave it at that.
When I went outside after exchanging goodbyes with my coworkers, I found Ellis holding my packages, leaning against a street light and waiting for me.
(Even from a distance, it looks like picture.)
With his supple body and long limbs, his appearance stands out when you see him around town.
Kate: “Sorry for making you wait.”
Ellis: “Not at all… You could have talked more.”
Kate: “It’s okay! Um, my colleagues said something really rude…”
Even though I only work with him, they may have made him feel uncomfortable by calling him my boyfriend.
(I wonder if there’s anything I can do to apologize… Ah that’s right!)
Kate: “There’s a delicious baguette shop near here. As an apology let me treat you there.”
Ellis: “…”
His light filled eyes stare intently at me, as if he’s discovered something.
Ellis: “I think I understand a little bit better why you’ve received so many presents.”
Kate: “Eh….?”
Ellis, holding a large bag full of presents from my coworkers, stepped toward me…
And brought his face close enough that our foreheads touched.
Ellis: “No. You don’t have to buy me anything, but I’d be interested in the restaurants you recommend.”
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(… I  don’t really understand you, Ellis.)
However, his kindness definitely touched my heart.
As proof of that, the second time I shared a meal with Ellis, we talked much more lively than we had at breakfast--.
Kate: “Wow, it’s already this late…?”
Ellis: “…Let’s get back to the castle quickly.”
Ellis looked at the cityscape that was starting to get dark and muttered to himself.
This was the first time I’d heard a slightly urgent tone in his voice, and I was immediately aware of how worked up he was.
(We ended up hanging out for this long, but maybe he had something planned for tonight.)
Kate: “If we go down this alley, we can take a shortcut.”
Using the familiarity I had acquired during my postal delivery experience, I ventured into the narrow alley.
Ellis: “Ah…”
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Ellis: “…Well, I guess it will be okay if we’re together.”
I walk quickly through the alleyway, which has become dark due to the lack of sunlight.
There was only a little time left before I could reach the bright street.
Man with Hunting Hat: “…”
Suddenly, a man appeared blocking the path, and I immediately tried to avoid him by moving to the other side of the road, but…
The man’s foot blocked my path.
Feeling something strange in the air, I turned around and saw two men appear from behind me.
Man with Hunting Hat: “You Jude Jazza’s girl?”
Part 4
Man with Hunting Hat: “You Jude Jazza’s girl?”
Kate: “No, I’m not, but… who are you?”
Man with hunting hat: “I’ll check the facts later. Capture her.”
The three men suddenly took something out of their pockets and moved to attack me.
Ellis: “Kate, please hold this for just a little while.”
Kate: “Wha…!”
I was confused when I was given the bundle containing the presents from my co-workers,
The black-bladed knife that Ellis pulled out knocked the knife of the man in front away.
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Ellis: “It might be a little scary, but it’ll be over soon.”
While I was at a loss for words, he kept knocking out the men one by one, and just as he said, it was ‘over soon’
Ellis: “…Good.”
He lined up the unconscious men closely along the side of the road.
As if to finish off, Ellis’ hand touched the top of their heads—
The wrists of the unconscious men snapped together as if they were in prayer.
1. Are you a wizard?
2. Did you use tools?
** 3. Amazing! +4 +4 **
Kate: “Amazing…! What did you do just now?”
Ellis: “If I touch the top of their head, I can restrain their wrists like this.”
(I remember…)
--‘Cursed’ people have abilities that normal humans can’t possess.
Roger’s voice echoes in my ears.
Kate: “Is that… your ability, Ellis?”
Ellis: “Yeah. That’s right. I don’t need a rope, so it makes times like this easy.”
Ellis came over smiling as if he had completed his work,
He suddenly snatched the baggage from my arms again.
Ellis: “Jude attracts grudges everywhere, so he gets attacked like this often.”
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Ellis: “It was unusual for him to bring a woman around with him, so I think they misunderstood.”
(Grudge… I see.)
I understand that somehow, this is the result of observing their work during the day.
(It must be difficult for a trading company to be attacked like this on a daily basis.)
Ellis: “…I’m sorry.”
Kate: “Ellis, you don’t need to apologize! Thank you for protecting me.”
But Ellis slightly lowered his eyebrows and shook his head.
Ellis: “Actually, I could have predicted this. I knew this could have happened if I took you out.”
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Ellis: “But… When you found out I was going to work today, you looked sad.”
Ellis: “I brought you here because of my selfishness… That’s why I’m sorry.”
Part 5
Ellis: “Actually, I could have predicted this. I knew this could have happened if I took you out.”
Ellis: “But… When you found out I was going to work today, you looked sad.”
Ellis: “I brought you here because of my selfishness… That’s why I’m sorry.”
You say you’re selfish, but I know that everything you did today was for me.
I already knew more than enough.
(He gave me breakfast, talked to me about everyone in Crown, let me accompany him to work…)
(Perhaps, that’s why he even took me to the post office.)
Kate: “Today was a happy day…so you don’t have anything to apologize for.”
I smiled at Ellis, wanting to tell him that I appreciated his kindness.
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Ellis: “…Right. Good.”
A warm smile appeared on Ellis’ lips—like the last light of the sun…
Maybe it’s because the approaching dusk was making me nervous—strangely I felt a buzz in my chest.
When I returned to my room, I unwrapped the presents from my coworkers.
“We care about you, Kate.”
“Please contact us any time.”
The kind words written in the letters from my colleagues warmed my heart.
(I was able to receive this because of Ellis taking me to the post office.)
I feel so happy right now because Ellis tried to make me smile.
I stepped into a different world.
I can’t return to my normal daily life for a month—
Even though I was scared, I felt like he was telling me ‘it’s okay’.
(Since this morning, I feel more confident that I can make it through the month.)
(Even more so if Ellis is with me.)
--The next morning came with a renewed determination.
Victor: “I heard, Kate. You were attacked by one of Jude’s business rivals yesterday?”
Kate: “Ah, yes. But thanks to Ellis, nothing happened.”
Victor: “That’s great, but… I fear that your life will be in danger before the contract is over…”
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Victor: “—That means that Crown’s confidential information is also at risk! Isn’t that so?”
Ellis: “Yeah.”
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Jude: “…I’ve got a bad feeling.”
Hearing that grumpy voice, Victor smiled broadly…
Victor: “So, Jude, Ellis.”
Victor: “I want the two of you to take responsibility and act as Kate’s escorts!”
Jude: “Ah?”
Ellis: “…escort?”
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Next Chapter
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alexa-fika · 8 months
Rise of the Usurper (Doflamingo x gn!pigeon!reader)
A/N This is Doflamingo’s version of the messenger pigeon!reader that I wrote for Crocodile, I think crocodile’s makes me more fuzzy inside,maybe cause Doflamingo has 0 redemption and is a complete utter ass, but idk what do y’all think? We likey? We getting the fuzzy feels?
Dividers by @/saradika
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” Fufufu~ Just the person I was waiting for,” Doflamingo cackles in his usual lax pose, leaning back on the throne, legs crossed and head leaning on his hand.
His smile widens as they struggle against his subordinates as he gestures them to leave the Reader and him alone
“What the hell do you want” They growl rubbing their arms as his crew-mates finally release them
“Oh the little birdy has claws~” He tilts his head.
“All I want to know is, Where were you going, fufu? I send you to do some deliveries, and next, I know you’re trying to leave Dressrosa?”
“I don’t work for you; I work for the King of Dressrosa, and that definitely is not you.”
“Oh, is that right? And where is this king now?”
“I don’t know what you did to him, but I know you were behind it; there is no way the king would do those things. He loves this kingdom and its people, and there is no way someone like you would just ‘pass by’ and happen to save the day.”
The smile on Doflamingo’s face starts to turn a little twisted
“So, the pigeon has some brains to back them up. Too bad; you’re in my land now, my territory now. You should watch that little tongue. I won’t have it insulting me like that”.
“I’ll admit you’re an interesting little creature. But you should be careful, little pigeon. What you are saying about me is a real offense. I’ve killed for much less.”
“Like you killed King Riku?”
In the blink of an eye, they are quickly enveloped by Doflamingo’s strings, their struggles against them seemingly futile.
“Fuffuffuffu ~ You’re quite the little pest; I knew I liked you. But What you know could damage the image I’m projecting. Why don’t you be a nice bird and just do as you’re told, deliver what I tell you, and keep your mouth shut?”
“Like hell, I will!”
Doflamingo lets out a dry laugh
“Ah~ You are a feisty little one, aren’t you, Fufufu~”
The strings are slowly tightening up around them. Doflamingo smiles once more.
“If you’re the smart little birdy you’ve been trying to present yourself as you’ll see the merit in my suggestion.”
“I work for the Riku family. Not you.”
“The Riku family is nothing more than dirt on my shoe right now. Their King is dethroned and gone by my hand.”
“So, as I said, you can either keep your mouth shut and deliver what I want you to or…you wouldn’t want to become a flightless bird, would you? Fufufufufu~…” He laughs
Their eyes widen as they feel the unmistakable feeling of something wrapping around the base of their wings, and immediately move to shake it off
“Fufufufu…What do you choose? Keep your mouth shut and continue your service to me, the King, or lose them?“ he says as the strings slowly tighten
“Better decide quick; my strings are more than capable of slicing through those wings of yours.”
Doflamingo raises a brow as the strings retract.
“Hm? You decided to shut up and listen to your king?”He giggles mockingly
They glare at him
“You are not a kind, much less my king,” they growl
His smirk just grows at the comment as he motions the strings to return and slowly, once more, coil around the base of their wings
“I am a king because I took it by force; I am kind to those who swear their allegiance to me. So, one more time. Will you listen to your king and stop talking back?”
“I’ll continue working as the Royal Mail, but you can go to hell if you think I'll acknowledge you as a king; you are simply a usurper.”
There is a beat of silence before Doflamingo laughs
“Oh, you really are something,” he says.
“You think I care about your little petty words? I rule this country; people here acknowledge me as king, and I am the rightful ruler; you can tell yourself whatever lies you want in your little bird head of yours, but at the end of the day, you’re just going to be a mail pigeon, and I’m the one sitting on the throne. Fufufufu,” he laughs, releasing the strings enveloping all around their body
“Now come here,” he said, calling them closer to the throne
They stand their ground, glaring at the man sitting on the throne
He raises a brow, and his smirk returns.
“You know how this will end; how about you save yourself the trouble and come up
They grit their teeth, knowing that if they continue to stand their ground, he would
Simply puppeteer them towards him, so they decided to at the least make their advance with them controlling their own limbs, climbing up the stairs, and standing in front of him
He smiles.
“Ah~ There you go, fufu. I knew my birdy had some brains. Now kneel down.”
“Like hell, I will.”
“I’ll ask one more time nicely; if you don’t, then I’ll force you.”
“Do it then.”
His smile widens once more as he raises a hand, summoning his strings again. The strings once more wrap around their body.
They grunt as the strings pull them down, effectively putting them into a kneeling position in front of the man, a whine escaping them as they feel him clasp something at the base of both wings, furiously beating their wings to try to get rid of the intrusive pain
“ What are you doing?!”
Doflamingo laughs at the pain he is inflicting on Reader as they desperately try to break free
“I’m taking some precautions. You are a key factor for helping me take this country to supremacy, But that doesn’t mean you get to try and run away.”
“What did you do?”
“I put bomb collars at the base of your wings; this way, you’ll stay nice and obedient for me; keep that mouth shut about what you know, or lose the wings you so treasure,” he said, releasing the strings and allowing them to get up
“You miserable piec-
His smirk widens as he places his hand on their mouth
“Hm? Fufu…you’re getting noisy again,” he laughed.
“I hate to say it, but it looks like your life as you knew it is over; now you’ll work for me. For the rest of your time, you are my little delivery bird, both personal and royal.”
“You won’t get away with this.”
Doflamingo laughs
“It looks like I already did. You’re nothing more than a little messenger, a servant for me now.” he laughs
“A servant who knows too much and will keep their mouth. But don’t worry, little bird, your life isn’t over. I still have a lot of use for you. You’re pretty popular with the people, and I have a little plan that will put you in the limelight even more. So let’s see, I have some mail that I want to be delivered; why don’t you do that first, my servant.”
“Yes, they know me, so they will believe me when I tell them what you did,” they say, slapping away his hand.
“You underestimate the hold I have on my subjects; they just saw me save them from a tyrannical and raging king. You’ll be known as a messenger who is loyal to the crown, and in due time, they will love you for just that. Your words are as meaningless as a bird chirp. You’re a smart little birdy, but you forgot one crucial thing: I’m the king, and I run this country. No one will believe you.” He taunts them
“And after they ignore your pleas as you try to tell them what you saw, I'll just drag you back, and I'll blow those little wings off you, and you'll find out how kind I truly am being right now, so be smart and keep your mouth shut.”
They grit their teeth, knowing that as much as they hated him, as big as an usurper as he was, he wasn’t wrong; the citizens all believed him to be a hero, a bystander who had saved them for no reason other than to help the people.
He smiled; the pigeon was finally getting the picture that they had no chance; they were no match for the new king of Dressrosa.
“Good little birdy, now get out my sight; you have some mail to deliver.”
“You will one day regret this; pay for this; I will make sure of it.” They said, spreading their wings and turning around
Doflamingo bursts out laughing.
“I’m sure you will, little birdy, I’m sure you will. But for now, your role is to do what I say and nothing more, and like I said, I have lots of plans for you.”
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So? Thoughts? Opinions? How did out resident asshole made you feel? Should I make a part two for this one as well? Should I do this series with someone else too? Im also working or part three for Crocodile’s right now, right after I finish and post a wholesome piece I will get to editing that one 👀, gotta level the feels.
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an-aroaces-harem · 6 months
Ellis Twilight Chapter 2
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DISCLAIMER: I just deepl and google translated my way through this because I wanted to know what’s going on, so there are definitely mistakes but I believe I managed the general gist of the story. Anyway, it’s just a fan-made translation solely for entertainment purposes. Ikemen Villains belongs to Cybird.
Another note: I know Ikemen Villains is set in victorian London, but I will use the japanese suffixes because I prefer them.
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Ellis: Here you go, Jude.
Jude: ... Ah?
Jude-san looked stunned for a moment when he sa Ellis-kun who had brought me with him.
Surprinsingly, he said nothing.
(... Or rather)
Kate: I will accompany you as a fairytale writer, thank you very much.
Jude: ... Tch.
He clicked his tongue at Ellis-kun, who seemed to realize that there was no point in saying anything, and completely ignored my presence.
Ellis: I delivered the offer to the procurement department last night, which is leaving today.
Jude: Of course. If it doesn't arrive first thing in the morning, I'll have to take a pay cut.
(I can't believe you're working for Crown and you're even working for the company. ... You're both so busy.)
I followed alongside Ellis-kun behind Jude-san, silently observing him as not to disturb him.
I found out through observation that ...
Jude-san runs Raven, a diversified trading company ...
... they were doing a wide range of business with branches abrod.
He had a business meeting in the VIP room of one of the best department stores in London, had a meeting with the inspector at the Port pf London ...
The time that follows the two of them around flies by in a flash.
And speaking of the two working together ...
Jude: No deals until this is settled.
Jude: You were dishonest, so you deserved it. If you don't want to get out of debt, then spit up blood and make up for it.
Jude-san has a sharp tongue and a sharp mind ...
It seemed that business partners looked up to him, business rivals envied him, and employees were in awe of him.
On the other hand ...
Ellis: Fine, I'll take care of the rest.
Ellis: I'll teach you what you don't know and we'll fix it together.
Soft-spoken and attentive, Ellis-kun was well-liked both inside and outside the company wherever he went.
(They're kind of brilliant opposites, aren't they?)
In the meantime, the short hand of the Big Ben was about to pass the apex.
Jude: I don't want the writer to follow me. I don't know what they'll say if I show up with extras.
Ellis: Mm-hmm. Okay.
Kate: Thank you for allowing me to accompany you.
Jude: I can't wait to see if I can say the same thing the next time we see each other.
(What does that mean ...?)
I tilt my head, not understanding what he means.
Jude: You brought him here, so you should clean yourself up. I can't touch you.
Ellis: Yeah ... that's the plan.
(... I guess Ellis-kun gets the message.)
Jude-san walks away without so much as a glance at me, and Ellis-kun turns to me.
Ellis: You're tired. I'm sorry I brought you around.
Kate: No, not at all! I am physically strong. I was trained as a mail carrier.
Ellis: I see. I'm glad. ... Then, let's go to the next one.
Ellis: Can you hang out with me just a little bit longer?
I was asked to go out with him a little longer, and here I am ...
(Why are we here ...!?)
It was the post office where I worked.
When I was hesitant because of the crowd, Ellis-kun turned around.
Ellis: What's wrong?
(That's as much as I'd ask ...)
Kate: It's my workplace, so I know a lot of people, but ... is it okay if I meet them more than a month in advance?
Ellis: Victor said there are no restrictions except for going out alone, so why not?
I blinked at the answer, which was more laid back than I expected.
(That's not what a person being monitored says, but ... is that okay??)
Ellis: I have some mail I want to send. I'll go take care of it.
Kate: Yes ...
Moreover, leaving me there, Ellis-kun heads for the counter.
(What if I ask someone for help or something and confidental information is leaked ...)
I can't hide my bewilderment at how carefree the 'surveillance' is.
(At least, I guess that means Ellis-kun trusts that I would never do such a thing.)
(Or rather ...)
(If information is leaked, at that point, everyone who knows about it, including me, will be dealt with ...)
... "Shall we kill her?"
When I remembered that he had made such a remark, without hesitation, I shook my head in a panic ...
Coworker with braids: Kate!?
Kate: Ah.
Coworker with braids: Kate! Hey guys, Kate's here!
At the sound of her voice, our coworkers notice and gather around me.
Coworker with red hair: Kate, how can you suddenly be serving in the palace?
Coworker with black eyes: We were all worried.
(I just suddenly stopped coming to the office, and they are so worried about me.)
(Even more, I can't tell them.)
(And that I don't know if I'll be able to come back safely in a month, ever.)
(But ...)
Not wanting to cause worry, I gulp down my anxiety.
Kate: I'll be fine. But it's only my first day, and I don't know what's right or wrong.
Kate: I'm sure I'll figure it out.
Coworker with braids: I'm sure that a person who has turned Sleigh and Kramer into good costumers will be fine no matter where they go.
Coworker with red hair: I'd miss you if you were suddenly gone.
Kate: I'm ... really sorry about that. It's something beyond my control.
Coworker with braids: Well, it's not every day you get an order from the Palace that you turn it down.
Coworker with blick eyes: But I'm rooting for you, Kate.
Coworker with red hair: Hey, take this!
Coworker with red hair: I bought it for all of us to give to you if you stopped by. I'm glad I was able to give it to you.
Kate: Oh ... so much?
My arms are piled with gifts of this and that.
Blanket, cookies from my favourite store, and a letter from the colleagues.
Kate: Thank you ...
I'm holding my happiness in my arms, but I can't move an inch because I'm afraid I'll drop something if I move ...
Ellis: I'll take it. Give it to me.
The baggage is snatched from next to me.
The eyes of my colleagues turned in unison to Ellis-kun.
Coworker with braids: Who ... is he? Kate's boyfriend?
Coworker with red hair: Oh, I know him! He's the kid who escorts the scary traders.
It was a complete beehive of activity.
Coworker with braids: Kate, please explain your relationship with this handsome man!
Kate: Ummm ... we know each other from our work at the palace, we just met yesterday.
Coworker with braids: Hmm ... that seems a bit close for my taste, though.
Coworker with red hair: I doubt that ...!
Kate: Hey, everybody, just calm down ...
As I'm placating my excited coworkers, Ellis-kun takes the rest of the luggage, all of it, out of my arms.
Ellis: I'm sorry for all the fuss. I'll wait for you outside.
Kate: Oh ... I'm sorry too! I'll be right there.
Ellis: Take your time.
I give a small bow to everyone and see Ellis-kun off to the outside.
(I'm sorry I put you on the spot ...)
Coworker with braids: Marriage before return, huh?
Coworker with red hair: Congratulations!
Kate: I'm telling you, it's not ...!
... The commotion eventually died down when the director's voice came from the back of the room, saying "That's enough of that".
After exchanging a few words with my colleagues, I went outside to find Ellis-kun waiting for me, leaning against a lamppost with his luggage.
(Even from a distance, it's quite a view.)
With his supple body and long arms and legs, he stands out in the city.
Kate: Sorry to keep you waiting.
Ellis: No, not at all. ... You could have talked to them more.
Kate: It's okay! Um, my colleagues made a terribly rude remark ...
Even though I only work with him, they may have made him feel uncomfortable by calling him my boyfriend.
(Something I wish I could apologize for ... Oh, yes.)
Kate: There is a good baguette restaurant near here. Let me treat you there as an apology.
Ellis: ...
His eyes, filled with light, stare at me as if they have found something.
Ellis: I think I understand a little better why you get so many gifts.
Kate: Eh ...?
Holding a large bag full of gifts from my colleagues, Ellis-kun stepped out to me and ...
... he brought his face so close to mine that our foreheads touched.
Ellis: No, you don't have to treat me, but I'm curious about the restaurants you recommend.
(... Ellis-kun, I don't understand what's talking about.)
But surely, his kindness had penetrated my heart.
As evidence, my second meal with Ellis-kun was much more pleasant than the breakfast.
Kate: Wow, it's late ...
When we left the restaurant, dusk was approaching.
Ellis: ... Let's go back to the castle.
Ellis-kun looked out at the cityscape as it was beginning to darken, absentmindedly.
It was the first time I had heard a slightly urgent voice, and I immediately realized that he was excited.
(I'm sorry to keep you up at this hour, but maybe he had plans for the evening.)
Kate: If we go down the alley this way, we can take a little shortcut.
With the knowledge I had acquired as a postwoman, I entered a narrow alley.
Ellis: Ah ...
Ellis: Well, I guess it'll be okay if we're together.
The sun is being blocked out, and the alleyway's growing dim.
It was almost time to get out into the lighted street.
Men in hunting capes: ...
Suddenly, a man appeared to block the way, and I tried to pass him by avoiding him on the side of the road.
(What ...?)
A man stepped forward, but his path was blocked.
Feeling something strange in the air, I turn around and see two men appear from behind me as well.
Man in hunting cape: Jude Jazza's woman?
Kate: No, I'm sorry I'm not ... but who are you?
Man in hunting cape: We'll check the facts later. Catch her.
The three men suddenly took things out of their pockets and attacked.
(What ... eh!?)
Ellis: Kate-san, hold this for me for a moment.
Kate: Wah ...!
Confused, I accept the package containing the gifts from my colleagues.
Ellis-kun pulled out a black-bladed knife, which bounced off the blade of the man in front of the group.
Ellis: It might be a little scary, but it'll be over soon.
While I am speechless, he is knocking them down one by one, just as he said "It'll be over soon".
He pulled out his knife to counter the blade, and basically just his long arms and legs seemed to suffice.
Ellis: Good job.
The unconscious men were lined up tightly on the shoulder of the road ...
When Ellis-kun's hand touched the top of their heads like a finishing touch ...
... the wrists of the men, still unconscious, snapped together as if in prayer.
Kate: Oh my god ...! How did you do that?
Ellis: When I touch the head, I can detain the wrist like this.
(I just remembered ...)
... a 'cursed' person possesses abilities that ordinary people do not have.
In the back of my head, Roger-san's voice comes back to me.
Kate: Is that ... what Ellis-kun is capable of?
Ellis: Yes. That's right. It's so much easier not to need a rope at times like this.
Ellis-kun came over smiling as if he had finished his work.
He took the package from my arms again.
Ellis: Jude has a lot of enemies everywhere, so he often gets attacked like this.
Ellis: It was unusual for him to have a woman around, so I guess that gave them the wrong idea.
(Resentment ... I see.)
What I can understand is the result of observing the work during the day.
(It must be a tough job at a trading company to be attacked like this on a daily basis.)
Ellis: ... I'm sorry.
Kate: Ellis-kun has nothing to apologize for! Thank you for protecting me.
But Ellis-kun lowered his eyebrows and shook his head.
Ellis: Actually, I could have predicted this. This is what might happen if I took you out.
Ellis: But ... when you found out I was going to work today, you looked worried.
Ellis: I was selfish and got carried away. ... So, I'm sorry.
(Ellis-kun ...)
I know it sounds selfish, but I want you to know that everything you did today was for me ...
I already knew enough.
(The breakfast, the stories he told me about the members of Crown, the fact that he let me accompany him to work ...)
(Maybe, he even took me to the post office.)
Kate: I've been happy all day ... so there's nothing to apologize for.
I smile to tell Ellis-kun that I appreciate his kindness.
Ellis: ... Hm, good.
The smile on Ellis-kun's lips was as warm as the last light of the day ...
Perhaps it was because the approaching darkness made me feel impatient ... I felt a strange stirring in my chest.
When I return to my room, I open the package of gifts from my coworkers.
"Kate, I care about you."
"Please let me know when ..."
The kind words in the letter from my colleague touched my heart deeply.
(I'm glad Ellis-kun took me to the post office so that I could receive this.)
Ellis-kun tried to make me smile, so I feel very happy right now.
I stepped into a different world.
I can't go back to my daily life for a month ...
I was so frightened, and I felt like he was telling me "It's going to be okay."
(I'm feeling more confident than this morning that I can make it through the month.)
(Especially if Ellis-kun is with me.)
... And the next morning, with new determination.
Victor: I heard that Jude's business partner attacked you yesterday?
Kate: Oh, yes, but thanks to Ellis-kun, nothing happened.
Victor: It's a good thing, though ... before the contract expires ...
Victor: That means Crown's confidential information is at risk, too! Isn't that right?
Ellis: Yeah.
Jude: I have a bad feeling about this.
In response to his grumpy voice, Victor plastered a big smile on his face ...
Victor: Good, Jude, Ellis.
Victor: I want you two to be responsible to guard Kate!
Jude: Hah?
Ellis: ... Guard?
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otomefiend · 1 year
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Victor & William Rex
Story Event: Villains want to bother little 'Robin'
Chapter 1
Those two! Never a boring day with them around. And the eye candy. 🥰
They sure love teasing Kate and their dramatic delivery is top notch. Also writing their names in the header totally made them an item 🤭
~~Part 1~~
As the waning moon illuminated the night sky above the Crown Castle with its pale light, the sound of moving chess pieces could be heard in the common room.
Kate: "The bishop can move diagonally. So, like this...?"
William: "Hmm, yes. Your memory is excellent. You haven't forgotten anything after hearing it once."
Kate: "Heh, because your teaching style is fun and effective."
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William: "You think so? I'm honoured by your praise."
(... but it's going to be a long time before I can compete with William)
William: "... by the way, Kate."
William: "Would you like to become a queen?"
Kate: "Yes, that's right. Because this is the rook...eh?"
(... what now?)
William: "Were you so engrossed in the game that you didn't hear me? I asked you if you'd like to become a queen."
Apparently, it wasn't just my imagination.
There was always a purpose to what William said and I always tried to understand it.
Kate: "...I'm sorry, William. I have no idea what you mean."
Victor: "In the literal sense, Kate."
Hearing a voice behind me, I turned around to see Victor.
Kate: "Victor!"
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Victor: "Jeez, I thought I was going to tell you myself. William is so impatient!"
William: "Heh, my apologies."
William: "Then I shall leave the rest of the explanation to the Queen's Aide."
~~Part 2~~
With a charming expression Victor took over from William.
Victor: "Kate, did you know that tomorrow is the anniversary of Her Majesty's accession to the throne?"
Kate: "Yes, of course. When I worked delivering the mail, I used to see the city bustling with celebrations."
On the day commemorating Queen Victoria's accession to the throne, there were ceremonies and parades, and the city was bustling with excitement at the thought of seeing her.
For the people of this country, Her Majesty was a symbol of prosperity.
Victor: "There will be a parade tomorrow, and Her Majesty is supposed to appear before the public..."
Victor: "Yet the Queen, who is vital to the celebrations, is feeling unwell."
Kate: "What! Is Her Majesty all right..?"
William: "Don't fret. Her Majesty is strong-willed, she'll recover in no time."
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Victor: "Let's cut to the chase, why don't you take part in the parade in Her Majesty's stead?"
Kate: "Why..... in Her Majesty's stead?"
Victor: "Well, opportunity like this doesn't come by often and I'm sure you'll have a great time!"
Even though his proposal was completely outrageous, Victor's excitement was enough to make me consider it.
(Her Majesty covers her face with a veil, which makes replacing her somewhat plausible?)
Kate: "Although I'm honoured to have this opportunity."
Kate: "It would be disrespectful of me to speak on Her Majesty's behalf without permission..."
William: "Then don't worry. Her Majesty has agreed for you to take her place."
Kate: "Oh... has she?"
Victor: "Yes, but on one condition."
Kate: "What's the condition...?"
~~Part 3~~
Victor grabbed the queen and the king pieces from the chessboard with his fingertips.
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Victor: "That I'm there."
William: "And so am I."
Victor • William: "Serving by your side and protecting you with our lives."
The queen and the king's pieces rolled into my palm.
Kate: "Thank you... to hear such words from Her Majesty."
Kate: "Additionally, there's nothing more reassuring than having both of you by my side."
The self-righteous king and the Queen's strongest aide; there were no men more powerful than these two.
(I need to do my best to meet the expectations!)
Kate: "Please let me take on this role."
Victor: "Yay, then it's decided. I'm sure it will be an unforgettable day for you."
William: "Let's leave the chess study for tomorrow, shall we?"
William: "Good night. Sweet dreams, Kate."
On the day of the anniversary, I was escorted by both men,
And taken to a place I had never set foot in before --
~~Part 4~~
I was in the audience room in the palace.
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Victor: "I'm pretty sure this is your first visit here."
Kate: "...Yes. You always present my reports to Her Majesty yourself."
William mentioned to me before that the Queen preferred silence and didn't let anyone get too close.
That's why only a limited number of people could enter this place.
A red carpet led to a throne in the distance, and the whole space exuded serenity.
William: "Heh, you look like a child who discovers the world for the first time, Kate."
William: "As much as I'd love to look at your curious face... there's something I need you to do."
Kate: "What would you like me to do?"
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Victor: "Shall we take off your clothes first?"
Kate: "...eh?"
I was led to the back room, then stripped out of my own clothes and dressed in the new ones provided for me.
Kate: "...um, I'm done changing."
A lace veil covered my face, diamond earrings adorned my ears,
I wore a ceremonial dress.
William: "Yes, it suits you well. If I didn't know better, I would have sworn it was Her Majesty."
Kate: "...I was surprised that it fits so perfectly!"
Victor: "Hehe, this humble me adjusted it to your size."
Victor: "Also, these shoes are custom-made to disguise your height. I'm a genius!"
Victor: "Finally, the crown to complete the look; it's going to be perfect."
~~Part 5~~
The crown in Victor's hands had an overwhelming presence all by itself.
Victor: "This crown is a symbol of glory, triumph, power ...... it has different meanings."
Victor: "Her Majesty calls it collectively the Symbol of Liberty."
Kate: "Liberty..."
He gently placed the crown on my head.
Kate: "Somehow it makes me... feel tall."
William: "That's good. Thanks to this, you will be able to see better what reflects in the eyes of others."
Victor: "Come to think of it, William has taken Her Majesty's place before."
Kate: "Huh, William?"
William: "The Queen's life was in danger. So I took her place."
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William: "Her Majesty does not hum or sit with her legs spread. It was quite a challenge."
Kate: "Hehe, I'd love to see Her Majesty Queen William just once."
William: "I might do it again for you."
(... still, it is true)
(Being at the top of the country means there are more opportunities to be exposed to danger)
Victor: "It's fine, Kate."
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Victor: "You'll be accompanied by William and I, the most powerful duo within the Crown."
Victor: "Just enjoy your day as Her Majesty."
William: "......"
(Victor is right. With these two, I'll be safe no matter what)
(I'll do my part and observe things with my own eyes)
Kate: "I'll do it!"
Victor: "Shall we go then? It's going to be a fun day."
Chapter 2
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novacorpsrecruit · 9 months
I Saw Daddy Kissing Santa Claus
Steddie Dad(s) inspired by this
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Steve is a single dad of two preschoolers. His two kiddos are well loved by their Auntie Robbie, Auntie Nancy and Uncle Eddie, along with the gaggle of kids — who are no longer kids — that are more than delighted to be babysitters.
Steve does his best to protect his kids from the monsters in the world, hoping to keep them away from the Upside Down and people who were outright mean.
And he strived to keep the magic alive for them.
Every year, he read them The Night Before Christmas and they would watch A Charlie Brown Christmas and Santa Claus is Comin’ to Town. And every year, he took the kids to Melvard’s to meet Santa.
Except this year, the flu bug hit hard.
First Wyatt, his four-year-old, caught the flu from his preschool. Then he gave it to Sarah, his three-year-old sister. Then she gave it to Steve. A series of the flu bug made them miss all three of their chances to meet Santa.
Steve was bummed. The kids were bummed. It was too late to send a letter to Santa, it would never get there in time even if Steve promises the several stamps on the envelope would make it get there faster.
It was Christmas Eve and it seemed impossible to make the kids happy about Santa. Steve was complaining over the phone to Eddie, trying to brainstorm ideas.
“I’ll be by in 30,” Eddie said over the phone. “Don’t tell the kids, it will be a surprise.”
So Steve directed the kids to work on paper snowflakes at the kitchen table while he started on popcorn and hot cocoa, pulling out the Tasmanian devil mug reserved for Eddie for when he comes over. They’ve been dancing around their emotions for years now, only growing stronger since Steve moved back to Hawkins while Sarah was still a babe on his hip. Eddie took well to his uncle duties, Steve wishing he could gain the courage to make a move on Eddie to make him something more than just an uncle. He sees the way Eddie looks at the kids, looks at him. But what if he’s wrong?
Suddenly, the kids were making a ruckus. No longer quietly working on their snowflakes, calling for his attention.
“Daddy! Daddy! Daddy! Look!”
He moved the milk to the back burner, turning off the flame as he went to see what they were hollering about. He entered the dining room, wiping his hands on the little apron around his waist when he felt his heart skip a beat.
The scrawniest Santa was in his yard. A few dark locks of curls peeking out of his Santa hat, the coat jacket sleeve falling to his elbow as he waved at the kids, revealing the bat tattoos on his forearm. If Steve wasn’t already in love with his best friend, he was now.
“Daddy! Santa!” Sarah cheered.
“Can we go see him?” Wyatt asked, already climbing out of his chair.
“Yeah, invite Santa in,” Steve said, helping Sarah out of her chair and onto the ground. “Tell him we’re making hot cocoa. Wyatt! Don’t go outside without shoes!”
He could hear their small feet pitter patter as they ran on the hardwood floor to the front door. “Santa! Santa!”
“Ho ho ho!” Eddie — Santa — cheered. “Is that Wyatt and Sarah Harrington?”
Sarah gasped. “He knew our names,” she whispered. “Santa! Did you get our letter! Daddy mailed it out yesterday!”
“We couldn’t see you,” Wyatt said. “We were sick when you came to town.”
“That’s what I heard!” Santa said, greeting the kids in a hug. He looked up at Steve, standing in the kitchen doorway, and gave a wink. “I’m glad you’re feeling better.”
“Santa it’s awfully nice that you were able to visit,” Steve said. “Isn’t it kiddos?”
“Yeah!” Sarah agreed.
“Yeah, ‘specially if you gotta deliver presents tonight,” Wyatt added. There was a brief pause as a thought went though Wyatt’s head. “Did you bring our presents early?”
“Ho ho ho!” Eddie — Santa — laughed. “You have to wait until Christmas Day to get your presents.”
“Kids, why don’t you show Santa your snowflakes and I’ll get us hot cocoa,” Steve suggested. “Santa, do you want hot cocoa?”
“I would love some hot cocoa,” Eddie nearly beamed under the Santa beard. Steve wondered if the beard would get in the way of Eddie drinking or if it would get stained… where the hell did he find a Santa costume in 30 minutes?
The evening was full of excitement. Santa and the kids made several snowflakes, hanging them in the front window by the table. Steve handed out cups of hot cocoa, with a slight protest from Wyatt.
“Daddy, that’s Eddie’s mug,” Wyatt said, as Steve handed the Tasmanian devil mug to Eddie. “Santa can’t use it.”
“I bet Eddie would be okay sharing with Santa,” Steve said. “Especially since this is a special night.”
“Yeah,” Sarah nodded. “Special night.”
“Okay,” Wyatt said. “You’d like Eddie, Santa. Some people think he looks scary, but he’s nice. I bet you he’s on your nice list.”
“Oh, ho ho! I know Eddie well,” Santa said with a smirk. “Years ago before Eddie was friends with your daddy, Eddie was on my naughty list.”
That made Sarah gasp.
“But he’s on my nice list now!” Santa added. “I think your daddy helped straighten him out.”
Steve had to snort at that. Neither of them were what you considered straight. Eddie gave him a knowing look. Steve scooped extra marshmallows into Eddie’s cocoa, just like he likes it.
After Santa read the kids a bedtime story, the kids sat on Santa’s lap whispering what they wanted for Christmas. Steve watched from the other room, hoping that he had whatever they were wishing for underneath the Christmas tree. Wyatt whispered his gift, Eddie nodding with such confidence. Sarah sat on his lap next, a quick whisper and there was a quick flash of emotion across Eddie’s face that Steve couldn’t read. Eddie whispered back to Sarah and she gave a slight pout as she thought it over before nodding.
“Ho ho ho!” Eddie laughed. “We will see. Now off to bed! I have to go deliver presents.”
“Good night Santa!” The kids said, giving a good night hug before going upstairs to their bedroom.
Steve followed them, stopping by Santa to whisper in his ear. “Stay? I’ll be down in 5.”
Santa nodded, waiting in the living room.
Steve followed the kids upstairs, ensuring they brushed their teeth and promising Santa will stop by later tonight to drop off their gifts, but only if they fall asleep.
When Steve came back down, Eddie was waiting for him at the bottom of the stairs, still in his Santa get-up.
“Hi Santa,” Steve said softly. Eddie smiled.
“Hi Mr. Harrington,” Eddie said. “Some kids you got.”
“Thank you, for this,” Steve said, reaching out, running his hands down the edge of the red jacket, lined with white fabric. “I have to ask. Where did you get a Santa suit on Christmas Eve?”
Eddie’s cheeks blushed. “I — uh — I have to confess,” Eddie half laughed. “Wayne’s Santa.”
“What?” Steve laughed. “Why didn’t you ask Wayne to dress up?”
“Because then I wouldn’t have an excuse to see you,” Eddie said softly. “Sarah’s got a really good Christmas wish.”
Steve sighed, “Please let it be a Baby All Gone. I went to three different stores to find the right one.”
“No,” Eddie said, wrapping his arms around Steve’s waist, gently tugging him closer. “She wished Uncle Eddie would kiss her daddy.”
Steve gripped the edge of the Santa jacket a little tighter, as if he let go, Eddie would disappear. A smile broke out on his face. “Seriously?”
“Seriously,” Eddie nodded, a matching grin across his face. Steve let his hands slip under Eddie’s jacket, holding onto his waist. “You didn’t tell me what you want for Christmas, Mr. Harrington.”
“You,” Steve breathed. “I want you.”
Eddie leaned in, pressing a gentle kiss against Steve’s lips. “Merry Christmas, Steve.”
Steve closed the small gap between them with another kiss. “Merry Christmas, Santa.”
A little gasp came from above them, followed by the telltale sound of pitter patter of small feet running back to their beds.
Steve let out a soft laugh, pulling Eddie back into the living room, out of sight from the upstairs railing. He lightly tugged the Santa beard down, exposing Eddie’s slight scruff and the faded scar on his cheek. “Guess we’ll have to find a way to explain that in the morning.”
“We?” Eddie asked, eyebrows raised to his Santa hat. A soft smirk played across his face.
“Stay?” Steve asked. “Unless you have to deliver presents tonight.”
“No,” Eddie said. “I — uh — actually brought the kids’ presents.” He let out a soft laugh. “Wasn’t sure if Santa was supposed to bring them.”
“You’re really something, Eddie Munson,” Steve said, sneaking another gentle kiss. “C’mon, we need to get to bed. I heard Santa’s coming tonight.”
“Oh, is he?” Eddie asked, eyebrow raised. “Well, Merry Christmas to me.”
Steve laughed, pushing Eddie down the hall to his bedroom to find Eddie a change of clothes for the night and a way to hide the Santa suit and another way to thank Eddie for all he’s done tonight.
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