#secular governance
in-sightpublishing · 5 months
Embrace the Electric Monk Initiative
Publisher: In-Sight Publishing Publisher Founding: September 1, 2014 Publisher Location: Fort Langley, Township of Langley, British Columbia, Canada Publication: Freethought Newswire Original Link: https://www.bchumanist.ca/embrace_the_electric_monk_initiative Publication Date: April 1, 2024 Organization: British Columbia Humanist Association Organization Description: The British Columbia…
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i have a historiographical quibble with how the antisemitic campaigns in the soviet union in 1948–1953 are often framed as an extension of the holocaust in the scholarship rather than being fully considered within the context of the soviet nationalities policy. except when i'm applying for funding from institutions that do holocaust studies. then i'm fine with it
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fictionadventurer · 1 year
@scarvenartist has given me an excuse to share the latest bit of William Seward trivia that I'm overly amused by.
At Lincoln's last Cabinet meeting, the morning of the day he died, they discussed potential plans for Reconstruction. Seward wasn't able to be there, of course, what with all the recovering-from-a-broken-jaw, but he sent his son Fred in his place.
Fred read out his father's list of plans for Reconstruction, explaining that Seward had whispered this to him from his sickbed.
When he finished, Lincoln was like, "That's a long list for a man who can barely talk."
It just amuses me to think that this guy talked so much and was such a workaholic that even a broken jaw couldn't keep him quiet during Cabinet meetings.
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topjobs · 20 days
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anothermessagetoyou · 23 days
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churchofnix · 2 months
The Church Of Nix
Nix Despair and Build a Better Tomorrow
Draft 2024.07
We, the people, united in our commitment to a just and equitable society, rise to proclaim a new vision for our shared future. We envision a nonviolent, secular, and pluralistic democracy that fosters happiness, joy, and human flourishing through evidence-based policies and the unwavering protection of human rights.
Our Core Principles
1. Nonviolence:
We reject violence in all its forms, both as a means and as an end. We believe that peaceful dialogue, active listening, and mutual respect are the foundations upon which a truly democratic society is built.
2. Secularism:
We champion the absolute separation of church and state, advocating for policies based solely on reason, evidence, and the scientific method. We recognize the diversity of beliefs within our society and believe that a secular government is the only way to ensure that all citizens are treated equally, regardless of their faith or lack thereof.
3. Pluralism:
We celebrate the diversity of our society, recognizing that our strength lies in our differences. We embrace the richness of perspectives, experiences, and cultures that make up our communities, and we strive to create a society where everyone feels valued and respected.
4. Participatory Democracy:
We believe that democracy is not a spectator sport, but an active and ongoing process. We demand the full and meaningful participation of all citizens in the decisions that affect their lives. We reject the notion that money is speech and affirm that the only true form of political expression is the human voice.
5. Accountability:
We hold our elected representatives accountable for their actions and decisions. We demand transparency, integrity, and a commitment to the public good from those who hold positions of power. We refuse to be silenced or marginalized, and we will not tolerate corruption or abuse of authority.
6. Transparency:
We believe that open and honest communication is essential for a healthy democracy. We demand that our government operates in a transparent manner, with all decisions and deliberations subject to public scrutiny. We reject secret deals, backroom negotiations, and hidden agendas.
7. Personal Beliefs and Liberties:
We recognize the importance of personal beliefs and values in shaping individual lives, and we uphold the right to individual liberty as long as it does not infringe upon the rights and freedoms of others. We firmly oppose any attempts to weaponize personal liberties to discriminate, marginalize, or harm others.
8. Science and Evidence-Based Policy:
We believe that public policy should be informed by the best available scientific evidence and guided by the principles of reason and rationality. We reject policies based on superstition, prejudice, or unfounded beliefs. Such an approach not only leads to more effective and equitable solutions, but also fosters an environment where creativity and innovation can thrive, as individuals are free to explore and experiment without fear of persecution or censorship.
9. Happiness and Well-being:
We believe that the pursuit of happiness and well-being is a fundamental human right. We advocate for policies that promote social, economic, and environmental conditions that enable all individuals to flourish.
Safeguarding Against Exploitation
To ensure that our movement remains true to its principles and does not devolve into a cult or any form of exploitative organization, we establish the following safeguards:
No Financial Exploitation
No Coercion or Manipulation
No Hierarchical Leadership
Transparency and Openness
Emphasis on Individual Autonomy
The Evolution of Our Movement
We recognize that our movement is not static, but a living entity that must adapt and evolve to meet the challenges of our time. We embrace change and encourage the formation of sects or subgroups within our movement that may wish to explore new ideas or approaches, as long as they adhere to our core principles.
Our Demands
An end to all forms of violence and discrimination.
A truly secular government.
Full and meaningful participation for all citizens.
Accountability for our elected representatives.
A transparent and open government.
Our Commitment
We, the people, pledge to work tirelessly to achieve these goals. We will not be deterred by setbacks or opposition. We will continue to raise our voices, organize our communities, and demand a better future for ourselves and for generations to come.
Join Us!
This is not just a manifesto; it is a call to action. We invite all who share our vision to join us in this struggle for a more just, equitable, and democratic society. Together, we can build a world where everyone has the opportunity to thrive.
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menalez · 1 year
I don't think Saudi Arabia Supports pan-arabism they are more pan-islamist. An attemp of an Arab Union was made by Egypt and Syria. Also do you know about Arab Cold War? It is an interesting read
in a way, saudi arabia’s entire existence is a case of pan-arabism. there was no saudi arabia a bit over a century ago, they were separate nations that were forcefully put together by al-saud. some of the earliest pushers of pan-arabism were saudi leaders tho:
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saudi and the UAE are two of the three living examples of it too
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i agree that pan-islamism would be their greater goal but frankly i don’t think pan-arabism and pan-islamism are that divided from one another as ideologies. with pan-arabism, the dominant religion and official religion will likely be islam because nearly all so-called “arab states” are muslim-majority and under sharia law to some degree. ethnic minorities are already so heavily persecuted in MENA region and i can only imagine pan-arabism making it worse. and i don’t doubt that once that goal is achieved, they’d move onto pan-islamism anyways because that would result in an even greater and more powerful nation ultimately which would take over many parts of africa, almost all of west asia, parts of south asia, and perhaps singapore & indonesia.
i know that for a specific period of time, the most vocal supporters of pan-arabism were egypt & syria, perhaps also iraq.. but frankly i think if it were to happen today, the nation that’ll benefit from it most heavily will ultimately be saudi. and the origins of this ideology is perhaps also saudi (perhaps meccan would be more accurate as saudi didn’t exist when pan-arabism first was promoted).
also stuff like this just goes back to my concerns:
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ethnic & religious minorities are already treated like shit & persecuted. imagine if we all united over “arab” identity and then united over islam… i don’t think it’ll be good for other ethnic groups whatsoever.
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aceofspades-sml · 1 year
not the kind of post I usually make so sorry everyone but oh my god imagine living in a country ruled by people that make you fucking ashamed every day to even be associated with that country. Muslim people I stand with you I am genuinely so sorry this is happening
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pansexualdemic · 8 months
Something to consider.
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toytowns · 1 year
reading about state atheism and it feels like a lot of old timey com/munists really liked the opportunity to be antisemitic and islamophobic and really hated anyone who was indigenous and christian but doing it 'righteously'
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mirrorofliterature · 1 year
fundamentalist evangelical christians: *miss the entire point of the new testament*: jesus would want us to be mean to people :)
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kick-the-clouds · 2 months
Balancing Justice and Morality: The Case for the Death Penalty in Extreme Circumstances
The recent decision by Defense Secretary Lloyd J. Austin III to reinstate the death penalty for Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and his co-defendants has reignited intense debate over justice, morality, and the use of capital punishment. While I generally oppose the death penalty, I believe that in cases of extreme mass murder, such as the 9/11 attacks, the death penalty can be a justified and necessary measure.
The Argument Against Torture Claims
One of the criticisms emerging from this decision is the claim that detainees like Mohammed have been subjected to torture for an extended period—some even alleging 23 years. This claim is factually inaccurate. Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was captured in 2003 and subjected to severe torture during his detention by the CIA, but this period lasted until 2006 when he was transferred to Guantanamo Bay. While the torture he endured was undeniably brutal and inhumane, it did not span 23 years. Misrepresenting the timeline undermines the credibility of the argument and distracts from the core issues at hand.
The Atrocities of 9/11
Khalid Sheikh Mohammed is the self-proclaimed mastermind behind the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, which resulted in the deaths of nearly 3,000 innocent people. The scale and impact of this atrocity are unparalleled in modern history. The attacks not only caused immense loss of life but also instilled a sense of fear and vulnerability across the globe. The perpetrators of such heinous crimes must face the highest level of accountability.
The Role of the Death Penalty
While I generally oppose the death penalty due to its moral and ethical implications, I believe there are exceptional cases where it is warranted. The 9/11 attacks are one such case. Here’s why:
Justice for Victims and Families: The families of the victims deserve a sense of closure and justice. For many, the death penalty represents the ultimate form of retribution for the unimaginable pain and loss they have suffered.
Deterrence: Although the effectiveness of the death penalty as a deterrent is debated, in cases of mass murder and terrorism, it sends a clear message that such acts will be met with the severest consequences.
Moral Responsibility: The sheer scale of the crime—planned and executed with the intent to cause maximum loss of life—demands a response that matches the gravity of the offense. The death penalty, in this context, serves as a moral imperative to uphold justice.
Addressing Ethical Concerns
Critics argue that the use of torture should invalidate the death penalty. While the torture of detainees is a grave violation of human rights and must be condemned, it does not absolve the perpetrators of their responsibility for mass murder. The legal proceedings must ensure that evidence obtained through torture is not used, but this does not negate the overwhelming evidence of their guilt obtained through lawful means.
The decision to reinstate the death penalty for Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and his co-defendants is a complex and emotionally charged issue. While I am generally opposed to capital punishment, the unique and horrific nature of the 9/11 attacks justifies its use in this case. It is a necessary measure to achieve justice for the victims and their families and to uphold the moral fabric of our society. As we navigate these difficult decisions, it is crucial to balance our ethical principles with the need for accountability and justice in the face of unparalleled atrocities.
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in-sightpublishing · 2 months
FFRF applauds Reps. Huffman and DelBene’s reissued call for IRS review
Publisher: In-Sight Publishing Publisher Founding: September 1, 2014 Publisher Location: Fort Langley, Township of Langley, British Columbia, Canada Publication: Freethought Newswire Original Link: https://ffrf.org/news/releases/ffrf-applauds-reps-huffman-and-delbenes-reissued-call-for-irs-review/ Publication Date: July 10, 2024 Organization: Freedom From Religion Foundation Organization…
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so-true-overdue · 2 months
Breaking News: President Biden Resigns, Harris Takes Office Ahead of Election
In a stunning turn of events this October, President Joe Biden has announced his resignation from office, elevating Vice President Kamala Harris to the presidency just weeks before the November election. This unprecedented move has sent shockwaves through the political landscape and dramatically altered the dynamics of the 2024 presidential race.
The Timing and Impact
President Biden's resignation, effective immediately, comes at a critical juncture in the election cycle. With most states set to begin mailing out absentee ballots in the coming days, the timing of this transition is particularly significant. Political analysts suggest that October 15th may have been strategically chosen as the optimal date for this transition, allowing just enough time for Harris to establish herself as the incumbent president while maximizing media coverage in the crucial final weeks of the campaign.
Media Coverage Shift
The sudden change in leadership has led to a seismic shift in media coverage. News outlets across the spectrum have pivoted from their previous focus on Biden vs. Trump to an intense spotlight on President Harris. This abrupt transition has effectively reset the media narrative, potentially neutralizing some of the negative coverage that had been plaguing the Biden administration in recent months.
Advantages for Harris
Fresh Start: The resignation allows Harris to distance herself from some of Biden's less popular policies while still claiming credit for the administration's achievements.
Historic Presidency: As the first woman and person of color to assume the presidency, Harris is likely to receive extensive and often positive coverage, highlighting the historic nature of her ascension.
Renewed Energy: The change injects a new sense of excitement and urgency into the Democratic campaign, potentially energizing the base and attracting undecided voters.
Policy Focus: Media attention is likely to shift towards Harris's vision for the future, allowing her to reframe key issues and present a forward-looking agenda.
Challenges for Trump
The Biden resignation and Harris's elevation present several challenges for the Trump campaign:
Shifting Target: Trump's campaign strategy, long focused on Biden, must now rapidly pivot to address Harris as both an incumbent president and election opponent.
Media Oxygen: The intense focus on Harris may limit Trump's ability to dominate news cycles as he has in the past.
Demographic Appeal: Harris's historic position may resonate strongly with key demographic groups, potentially complicating Trump's outreach efforts.
Optimizing Harris's Media Coverage
To maximize positive media coverage and boost her reelection chances, the Harris campaign is likely to focus on several key strategies:
Presidential Image: Emphasizing Harris's role as Commander-in-Chief and her ability to lead from day one.
Policy Initiatives: Launching high-profile executive actions or policy proposals to demonstrate leadership and vision.
Unity Message: Stressing party unity and a smooth transition to counter any narratives of Democratic disarray.
Debate Performance: Preparing intensively for the upcoming presidential debate, now even more crucial given the changed dynamics.
Looking Ahead
As the nation grapples with this unprecedented situation, the coming weeks will be critical in shaping the narrative of the election. Harris's ability to effectively leverage her new position while countering Trump's attacks will be crucial in determining the outcome of this historic race.
With less than a month until Election Day, both campaigns are now operating in uncharted territory. The American electorate faces a dramatically altered choice, and the media's role in shaping public perception has never been more pivotal. As absentee voting begins and Election Day approaches, all eyes will be on President Harris as she navigates this extraordinary political moment.
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Russian and Chinese Disinformation Manipulation Through Conservative Media
Russian Disinformation
Russian disinformation campaigns have been particularly effective in influencing conservative media and their audiences. The strategies employed by Russia aim to undermine Western support for Ukraine and sow discord within democratic societies. Key tactics include:
Narrative Propagation: Russian disinformation often spreads false narratives about the Russia-Ukraine war. For example, claims that Russia is defending itself from "Ukrainian Nazis" or that Ukraine and NATO initiated the conflict are prevalent. These narratives have found significant traction among conservative supporters in Canada, with a higher percentage of Conservative Party supporters believing or being unsure about these falsehoods compared to Liberal and NDP supporters[1][4].
Media Mistrust: Conservatives generally exhibit lower trust in mainstream media, making them more susceptible to alternative narratives that align with their pre-existing biases. This mistrust allows Russian disinformation to spread more easily through right-leaning media outlets and social media channels, which often do not challenge these narratives robustly[1][4].
Social Media Influence: Platforms like YouTube and Facebook are significant conduits for Russian disinformation. Conservative audiences who primarily consume news through these platforms are more likely to encounter and believe in Kremlin-directed narratives. This is exacerbated by the echo chamber effect, where users are repeatedly exposed to similar content, reinforcing their beliefs[1].
Chinese Disinformation
China's disinformation efforts are extensive and sophisticated, targeting various aspects of American and global society. The Chinese government's tactics include:
Online Harassment and Intimidation: China's disinformation campaigns often involve organized harassment of individuals critical of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). This includes using fake social media accounts to spread malicious content and threats, aiming to silence dissent and create a climate of fear[2].
Influence Operations: Meta (Facebook's parent company) has identified multiple networks of fake accounts operated by China, targeting regions such as the United States, Europe, and Asia. These operations often pose as local residents or interest groups, engaging in discussions about domestic politics and U.S.-China relations to amplify partisan tensions and influence public opinion[5].
Discrediting Opponents: Chinese disinformation campaigns also focus on discrediting U.S. politicians and undermining American companies that conflict with Chinese interests. By spreading false information and engaging in smear campaigns, these efforts aim to weaken the credibility of China's critics and shift the narrative in favor of Beijing[2][5].
Impact on Conservative Media
Conservative media outlets and their audiences are particularly vulnerable to these disinformation campaigns due to several factors:
Echo Chambers: Conservative media often operate within echo chambers where disinformation can spread unchecked. This environment allows false narratives to gain traction and influence public opinion more effectively.
Financial Incentives: The rise of pseudonymous influencers on platforms like X (formerly Twitter) has shown that spreading sensational or false information can be financially lucrative. These influencers often share and amplify disinformation, further entrenching these narratives within conservative circles[3].
Partisan Polarization: The existing political polarization in conservative media makes it easier for disinformation to take root. Narratives that align with conservative viewpoints or criticize perceived opponents are more readily accepted and disseminated[3][5].
Russian and Chinese disinformation campaigns have successfully manipulated conservative media and their audiences by exploiting existing mistrust in mainstream media, leveraging social media platforms, and creating echo chambers that reinforce false narratives. These efforts aim to undermine democratic processes, weaken support for Ukraine, and shift public opinion in favor of authoritarian regimes. It is crucial for consumers of conservative media to critically evaluate the sources of their information and seek confirmation from credible news outlets to mitigate the impact of these disinformation campaigns.
Sources [1] Conservative supporters more susceptible to Russian false narratives https://globalnews.ca/news/10611001/conservative-supporters-russian-false-narratives-report/ [2] China is using the world's largest known online disinformation ... https://www.cnn.com/2023/11/13/us/china-online-disinformation-invs/index.html [3] Anonymous accounts use right-wing channels to spread ... - AP News https://apnews.com/article/misinformation-anonymous-accounts-social-media-2024-election-8a6b0f8d727734200902d96a59b84bf7 [4] Conservative supporters show higher susceptibility to Russian ... https://www.theglobeandmail.com/politics/article-conservatives-russian-disinformation-survey/ [5] China is stepping up online influence operations, Meta warns - NPR https://www.npr.org/2023/11/30/1215898523/meta-warns-china-online-social-media-influence-operations-facebook-elections
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While it's important to approach this topic carefully and avoid making unfounded assumptions, there are some factors to consider regarding the relationship between conservative media rhetoric and political violence:
Heightened political polarization: Research indicates that political polarization in the United States has increased significantly in recent years, with both conservatives and liberals expressing more intense dislike for the opposing party[1]. This polarization can create an environment where extreme views and actions become more likely.
Media's role in stoking anger: Conservative media outlets, particularly Fox News, have been identified as playing a significant role in fueling political anger and distrust. Studies have shown that exposure to Fox News can increase Republican vote share and intensify negative feelings towards Democrats[1].
Echo chambers and misinformation: Social media platforms have been found to create "bubbles" of like-minded partisans, potentially reinforcing extreme views and misinformation[1]. While the direct impact of social media on polarization is debated, it can amplify existing divisions.
Declining trust in institutions: The constant criticism of government institutions and opposing political figures in conservative media has contributed to a decline in trust among viewers[2]. This erosion of trust can lead to increased skepticism of democratic processes and institutions.
Normalization of extreme rhetoric: The use of inflammatory language and the portrayal of political opponents as existential threats in some conservative media outlets may contribute to a climate where violence is seen as more acceptable by some individuals[1].
Complex factors at play: It's crucial to note that political violence is a complex issue with multiple contributing factors. Media influence is just one aspect, and it's overly simplistic to draw a direct causal link between media rhetoric and specific violent acts[2].
While these factors provide context for understanding the political climate in which the attack on Trump occurred, it's important to emphasize that the vast majority of people, regardless of political affiliation, do not engage in or condone political violence. The actions of a single individual should not be used to make broad generalizations about any group or ideology.
It's also worth noting that political violence can occur across the ideological spectrum, and it's essential to condemn all forms of political violence, regardless of the target or perpetrator. Promoting respectful dialogue, fact-based discourse, and democratic values is crucial for reducing polarization and the potential for violence in politics.
Sources [1] The Real Source of America's Rising Rage - Mother Jones https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2021/07/american-anger-polarization-fox-news/ [2] How tech platforms fuel U.S. political polarization and what ... https://www.brookings.edu/articles/how-tech-platforms-fuel-u-s-political-polarization-and-what-government-can-do-about-it/ [3] Polarization, Democracy, and Political Violence in the United States: What the Research Says https://carnegieendowment.org/research/2023/09/polarization-democracy-and-political-violence-in-the-united-states-what-the-research-says?lang=en [4] Donald Trump assassination attempt suspect named by FBI https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cd1d31jeyzlo [5] July 13, 2024, coverage of the Trump assassination attempt https://www.cnn.com/politics/live-news/election-biden-trump-07-13-24/index.html [6] Trump survives assassination attempt at campaign rally, as it unfolded https://apnews.com/live/election-biden-trump-campaign-updates-07-13-2024
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