gltff · 16 hours
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freelancerpalash · 20 days
📘•°•📙A Day at the Beach📙•°•📘
📣👉Available On Amazon👈💥
🛒👉Here is the book link:
A Day at the Beach
Book purchase Link :-
📘✍Author by Melody Marshai (Author) 
📙🖋This is a captivating story of a little girl being enthused to spend a day at the beach. It is educational and fun for children of ages 5 through 8. The story also describes the beach day from a child's point of view. Both adults and children will take kindly to this book because of its descriptive nature and it also helps to paint a very imaginative picture.
🛒👉Here is the book link:-
⭐️⭐️⭐️(Author) by Melody Marshai (Author) 
🛒👉Available Instantly on Amazon – Kindle Edition
Order Now:-
A Day at the Beach:- https://books2read.com/u/mdEyqR
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tideworks30 · 3 months
Working on a new story, just fleshing out character designs
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realityfragments · 4 months
The Sperm Whale Throat Sea Story.
As a young non-commissioned officer, this was one of my favorites not because it pulled rank, but because it pointed out accepting reality is necessary. A Master Chief told me this and it stuck – I was trying to buck the system somehow, as if the system would suddenly change because of my wishes. I was, of course, wrong, but that’s part of being a young NCO. He looked at me, deadpan, after a…
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aslamat · 4 months
The Ghost Ship: A Voyage into the Heart of Madness
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The sea has always been an area of mystery and surprise, however now and again it can also be a supply of terror. One such story is that of the Ghost Ship, a reputedly deserted vessel that appears within the harbor, most effective to lure folks who board it in a nightmarish journey. In this weblog post, we are able to delve into the legend of the Ghost Ship, exploring its history, the eerie reports of these who've encountered it, and the possible reasons within the returned of its malevolent cause.
The Legend of the Ghost Ship: The first said sighting of the Ghost Ship dates decrease lower back to the 18th century, even as a British naval vessel encountered a mysterious supply adrift in the Atlantic. As they approached, they determined a few element unusual - the supply appeared to be shifting of its very personal accord, without a symptoms of life on board. Despite their initial hesitation, the team decided to analyze, and that is even as the nightmare commenced.
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Those who have boarded the Ghost Ship have stated brilliant occurrences - doorways slamming shut on their very own, disembodied voices whispering of their ears, and an unshakeable feeling of being watched. Some have even claimed to have visible ghostly apparitions roaming the decks, their eyes black as coal, their presence chilling to the bone.
Theories Behind the Ghost Ship: So, what is probably at the back of the Ghost Ship's malevolent motive? Some agree with it's the spirit of a former captain, doomed to sail the seas for eternity, in search of revenge on the residing. Others suppose it's a manifestation of the sea itself, a bodily embodiment of the ocean's fury and energy.
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One concept shows that the Ghost Ship is a vessel from every different size, a portal to a realm in which the prison recommendations of physics do no longer have a look at. According to this concept, people who board the ship are trapped in a in no way-finishing loop, reliving the identical horrors again and again.
The Psychological Explanation: Some professionals advise a more mental cause of the Ghost Ship's eerie popularity. They argue that the deliver's odd occurrences may be attributed to the electricity of notion, blended with the herbal worry of the unknown. When people board the deliver, they'll be already primed for a daunting enjoy, and their minds play tricks on them, developing the phantasm of ghostly apparitions and supernatural events.
Conclusion: The Ghost Ship remains a mystery, a enigma that keeps to fascinate and terrify individuals who dare to approach it. Whether you consider in the supernatural or the mental clarification, one element's for certain - the Ghost Ship is a reminder of the ocean's strength and our own vulnerability. So, the following time you're out at the water, be careful for the Ghost Ship, lest you find yourself trapped in its nightmarish voyage.
Note: This blog post is for informational capabilities most effective and should no longer be considered clinical or instructional writing. It is meant to be an interesting and academic piece for a popular target market.
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bennusimurgh · 1 year
Pearl from the Depths
Two divers, equipped with all the necessary gear for deep-sea diving, ventured into the hidden corners of the sea in search of pearls. These waters were unclaimed, yet held countless dangers. Sometimes divers returned with distorted memories, or didn't return at all. Yet, rumors of an incredible pearl, shining brighter than any star, compelled them to search.
One day, after morning preparations, they set out in pursuit of this pearl. The dive was long. The surrounding silence was only broken by the faint sounds of water and the bubbling of oxygen tanks. The water grew colder, the light dimmer, and the pressure increasingly intense. They swam side by side, communicating through hand gestures, their primary means of expression in this silent world.
Delving deeper, a crevice revealed itself, within which lay a majestic shell, reminiscent of a precious gem on a throne.
Drawing closer, they were met with a sight of sheer magic. The pearl inside the shell glowed in a manner indescribable by words. Its luminance seemed to tell tales of thousands of years spent at the ocean floor.
One of them gestured, "Are you sure it's safe?". The other responded with a silent yet confident sign, as if to say, "All will be well."
But, as the first reached out for the pearl, everything changed. The crevice began to close, and they realized they were facing a living creature, its trap now sprung.
The water's force pushed the second diver away. He tried to rescue his companion, but the latter, seemingly under a spell, resisted, preventing his extraction from the monster's jaws. The struggle depleted the second diver's oxygen supply.
He reached the surface but changed. His gaze was distant, his memory warped, becoming one of those unfortunate souls who fell prey to the sea's depths and returned no longer the same.
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🎧🎧 Whispersync Blitz 🎧🎧
Adventure Harem Lit Fans! I have an Audiobook Deal for you!!!
Magic Steampunk Pirate Booty 2 by @gradysparksauthor
Narrated by @melanie hastings audiobook narrator
Produced & Published by @northernlakeaudio
⚠️Get the E-Book for only $0.99 for a limited time! (or free in KU!!!) and Add Audio Whispersync for $7.47!
Amazon US 📘 https://amzn.to/49AHcP3
Audible US 🎧 https://adbl.co/487DgUR
Hellfire meets desire...
Captain Jordan Threat is determined to overthrow the oppressive and tyrannical Hallion Imperium. But to lead the revolution, he’ll have to level-up his steampunk pirate ship and master his new magical powers. Fortunately, his flirtatious first mates are willing to give him plenty of hands-on attention…
But the sinister Lord Governor Jakjobb won’t go down without a fight. In order to crush the budding rebellion, he seeks a demonic relic with enormous destructive power. When Jordan and his crew set out to find it first, they make an unlikely ally in the form of a slick-talking demon aviatrix.
The sensual succubus has an antique airplane, a shady history, and a very dangerous secret. But the relic is the only thing that can save her from an eternity of sexual servitude in the pits of the deepest hell. And Jordan Threat is not the kind of man to abandon a devilish damsel in distress.
Can Jordan and his crew of captivating companions uncover the artifact and turn the tide, or will the Imperium unleash all seven hells on them? Fast-paced, swashbuckling adventure awaits in this humorous tale of seduction, rebellion, and aviation!
#NewRelease #NowLive #WhispersyncBlitz #NorthernLakeAudio #TheFlockonTour #MagicSteampunkPirateBooty2AudioTour #GradySparks #MelanieHastings #Steampunk #SteampunkSciFi #SeaStories #HaremLit
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mc-cards · 2 years
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📚 #mondaynightwrites 📖 1984 US Navel Institute Press The Hunt For Red October (1st ed.) Tom Clancy . . . . . . . . . . #books #tomclancy #huntforredoctober #redoctober #october #navy #usnavy #navypress #annapolis #clancy #firstprint #firstrun #greatreads #antiquebooks #rarebooks #bestsellers #nytbestsellers #greatbooks #goat #naval #seastories (at Naval Academy Annapolis) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck9nEHxM7Mq/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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In Biblioteca puoi scoprire autori e opere che non conoscevi o di cui avevi sentito parlare ma che ancora non avevi avuto modo di leggere. Ed è per questo che abbiamo deciso di dedicare un angolo alla scoperta di questi "tesori nascosti".
Oggi l'autore prescelto è Herman Melville e l'opera "Billy Budd".
Billy Budd fu ritrovato e pubblicato postumo nel 1924 e può essere interpretato come una metafora della natura, poiché essendo egli "radicalmente buono" non può integrarsi nella società umana (considerata cattiva e corrotta) e di conseguenza di fronte all'ingiustizia Billy non può parlare, ma solo agire, proprio come la natura che è muta. Melville, come nelle altre sue "sea stories", ci porta su una nave della marina inglese in un luogo imprecisato del Mediterraneo, nell'estate del 1797 durante la guerra tra l’Inghilterra e la Francia napoleonica. La vicenda si svolge alcuni mesi dopo il Grande Ammutinamento del Nore, cui sono seguiti durissimi provvedimenti e il timore per atti di ribellione simili si aggira come uno spettro su ogni nave della flotta reale inglese, anche in seguito agli arruolamenti forzati cui la marina è costretta a ricorrere per cercare di resistere nella guerra in corso.
Billy Budd, il bel marinaio ventunenne protagonista della vicenda, è stato a sua volta obbligato a lasciare il mercantile sul quale prestava servizio per diventare gabbiere di parrocchetto sulla nave di Vere, serio e valoroso comandante attento alla disciplina, riservato e dall'indole sognatrice. Un uomo poco incline al cameratismo forse, ma onesto e giusto, che come il resto dell’equipaggio prende fin da subito in simpatia il buon Billy, trovatello analfabeta che nulla sa del suo passato se non di essere stato lasciato ancora in fasce in un cesto foderato di seta appeso alla porta di un brav'uomo di Bristol che lo ha allevato come un figlio. Le nobili origini traspaiono dal contegno e da quella finezza di lineamenti che ne fanno il “bel marinaio”, giovane e innocente, la cui perfezione è rotta solo da un lieve difetto di balbuzie che lo coglie nei momenti di tensione.
Billy, proprio per il buon carattere e la sua serietà, finisce per suscitare l’invidia di un membro della nave, il perfido sottufficiale John Claggart: maestro d’armi di aspetto gradevole ma di quella bellezza velata da un’indole malvagia, misterioso, ossequioso nei riguardi dei superiori, fa del bel marinaio oggetto di attenzione particolare nei suoi compiti di garante della disciplina. Billy, semplice e ingenuo, inizialmente non crede alle parole amichevoli di chi lo vuol mettere in guardia dall'invidia di Claggart ma presto il caso e la malizia del sottufficiale conducono il giovane marinaio verso la rovina. Quando, ingiustamente accusato di ammutinamento, Billy reagirà violentemente in un folle avventato gesto, questa sarà la causa ultima della tragica caduta. Mentre il capitano Vere è straziato dal dilemma sulla sorte di Billy, il marinaio va incontro al proprio destino forte della sua integrità morale, preservando fino all'ultimo l’innocenza e la bontà del suo cuore.
Nel tratteggiare il carattere del protagonista, Melville regala al lettore un personaggio molto interessante che dimostra una notevole complessità psicologica pur nello spazio del romanzo breve. Il punto focale della vicenda e della tragica caduta di Billy non è l’accusa di ammutinamento, presto liquidata, ma il folle gesto da lui compiuto: quando il giovane, incapace di rispondere a parole alle accuse, colpisce a morte il suo antagonista sarà proprio questa azione ad essergli fatale. In tempi come questi e secondo un integerrimo capitano quale Vere è, la mancanza di rispetto della disciplina e dei superiori deve essere punita duramente, anche se a farne le spese è un’anima pura come Billy.
E nell'universo biblico-simbolico di Melville, Vere diviene al tempo stesso Dio che sacrifica il Figlio prediletto per salvare l’umanità (quello stesso figlio che aveva mandato tra gli uomini affinché la sua anima innocente fosse luce in quegli anni oscuri, allo stesso modo di Billy) ma anche Abramo pronto ad immolare Isacco. Sicuro della necessità di punire con la morte l’infrazione della legge, Vere è moralmente dilaniato e terribilmente dispiaciuto della sorte toccata al bel marinaio: egli chiama a decidere la corte marziale (è strano che il capitano anziché aspettare di trovarsi di fronte all'ammiraglio, come la legge prevede in casi simili, affretti la decisione sulla sorte di Billy verso una celere conclusione) in un gesto che inizialmente pare dettato dal desiderio di non prendersi la responsabilità dell’atto e in generale rimettere ad altri la decisione sul destino del marinaio, ma poi di fronte all'indecisione degli ufficiali lascia il posto di testimone per suggerire quale sia l’unica decisione possibile, seppur a malincuore.Il buon carattere di Billy, ma soprattutto questo suo aspetto spirituale contribuiscono ad alimentare la leggenda intorno al bel marinaio la cui storia, accenna l’autore nei capitoli finali, si è tramandata sui giornali seppur un poco discosta dai fatti reali e che ha ispirato una ballata messa a chiusura del romanzo (ma che pare sia stata la prima cosa su cui Melville ha lavorato e da cui quindi è nata la storia). Ballata dolce e struggente sull'ultima notte di Billy, passata ai ceppi in attesa della morte tra delirio e rassegnazione che nel corso degli anni ha ispirato molti altri autori.
Herman Melville (1819 – 1891) è stato uno scrittore, poeta e critico letterario statunitense. Tra le maggiori personalità dell'Ottocento americano, esplorò problematiche basilari dell'esistenza quali il rapporto tra uomo e natura, i limiti della morale comune, l'essenza del male. Tali temi sono compiutamente espressi in "Moby Dick" (1851), che solo a distanza di molti decenni verrà indicata come una delle maggiori opere della narrativa di tutti i tempi. In essa, la dissennata caccia del capitano Ahab alla balena bianca acquista i contorni di un dramma faustiano in cui l'uomo, nel tentativo folle di trascendere i limiti propri della sua condizione, condanna sé stesso e i suoi seguaci al baratro morale, all'annichilimento della ragione, alla morte. Melville approdò alla letteratura dopo aver trascorso alcuni anni come marinaio nella marina mercantile prima, su una baleniera poi.
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hiroyukisuzuki · 5 years
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満員御礼❣️ 定員10名になりましたので次回開催をお楽しみにお待ち下さいます様,宜しくお願い申し上げます🤲🥺 #ヨガ #yoga #横浜 #yokohama #仲町台 #nakamachidai #呼吸#Linoty #yoko #seastory (カルチャースタジオ Linoty - リノティ) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3xXh2in4hvLaUfm0fsiRdLmqimEdCHU-2PcRo0/?igshid=180v2vxw2k66c
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freelancerpalash · 20 days
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📘•°•📙A Day at the Beach📙•°•📘
📣👉Available On Amazon👈💥
🛒👉Here is the book link:
A Day at the Beach
Book purchase Link :-
📘✍Author by Melody Marshai (Author) 
📙🖋This is a captivating story of a little girl being enthused to spend a day at the beach. It is educational and fun for children of ages 5 through 8. The story also describes the beach day from a child's point of view. Both adults and children will take kindly to this book because of its descriptive nature and it also helps to paint a very imaginative picture.
🛒👉Here is the book link:-
⭐️⭐️⭐️(Author) by Melody Marshai (Author) 
🛒👉Available Instantly on Amazon – Kindle Edition
Order Now:-
A Day at the Beach:- https://books2read.com/u/mdEyqR
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writehorse · 2 years
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She of the Sea: my online assemblage class project. Lots of fun and hard work learning new skills! #assemblage #seastory #sheofthesea (at Requa, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CfqJiDiOyM9/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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photoziomek · 3 years
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Back at sea Fujifilm X-T2 | 23mm f/2 . . . . . #backatsea #saltyframes #seastory #seamanlife #research #wageningenmarineresearch #newjob #mightysea #calmsea #oilrig #seagull #seabirds #bnw #minimalizm #minimalism #bnwminimalism #fujifilmxseries #fujifilmphotography #fujifilm #xf23mmf2 #xt2 #fujifilmlove #fujifilmtravel #fujitravel #seawanderer #wanderluster #wanderlust https://www.instagram.com/p/CUGBftbrhWe/?utm_medium=tumblr
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🎧🎧 Release Blitz 🎧🎧
Adventure Harem Lit Fans, This one's for you!
Magic Steampunk Pirate Booty 2 by @gradysparksauthor
Narrated by @melanie hastings audiobook narrator
Produced & Published by @northernlakeaudio
Audible US 🎧 https://adbl.co/487DgUR
Audible UK 🎧 https://adbl.co/4bnCbet Featured on @the_flock_on_tour
Hellfire meets desire...
Captain Jordan Threat is determined to overthrow the oppressive and tyrannical Hallion Imperium. But to lead the revolution, he’ll have to level-up his steampunk pirate ship and master his new magical powers. Fortunately, his flirtatious first mates are willing to give him plenty of hands-on attention…
But the sinister Lord Governor Jakjobb won’t go down without a fight. In order to crush the budding rebellion, he seeks a demonic relic with enormous destructive power. When Jordan and his crew set out to find it first, they make an unlikely ally in the form of a slick-talking demon aviatrix.
The sensual succubus has an antique airplane, a shady history, and a very dangerous secret. But the relic is the only thing that can save her from an eternity of sexual servitude in the pits of the deepest hell. And Jordan Threat is not the kind of man to abandon a devilish damsel in distress.
Can Jordan and his crew of captivating companions uncover the artifact and turn the tide, or will the Imperium unleash all seven hells on them? Fast-paced, swashbuckling adventure awaits in this humorous tale of seduction, rebellion, and aviation!
#NowLive #NewRelease #ReleaseBlitz #NorthernLakeAudio #TheFlockonTour #MagicSteampunkPirateBooty2AudioTour #GradySparks #MelanieHastings #Steampunk #SteampunkSciFi #SeaStories #HaremLit
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🧜‍♀️🌊Rolling in the Deep🌊🧜‍♀️ By: Stephanie Ayers UBL: https://books2read.com/u/brqqwM #Mermaids #Fantasy #Short #Seastory #CrazyInk #99cents A promise she didn’t make. A war under the sea she didn’t start. Nightmares that torment her sleep. There’s something rolling in the deep, and she holds the key to stopping it. It all begins with a dream Celia can’t shake. Running on no sleep and burning out fast, she leaves college and returns to the island her parents call home, hoping to leave the nightmares behind. Instead of finding peace, her whole world comes to a screeching halt as the truth about her heritage comes to light, and she must learn to accept a fate she can’t change. The control of the sea is in Celia’s hands. Will she do something about it or will she ignore the mermaid’s call? https://www.instagram.com/p/CJ6DlRHAlwh/?igshid=1gc85dfiuhduf
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oliviamarieauthor · 4 years
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🧜‍♀️🌊Rolling in the Deep🌊🧜‍♀️ By: Stephanie Ayers UBL: https://books2read.com/u/brqqwM #Mermaids #Fantasy #Short #Seastory #CrazyInk #99cents A promise she didn’t make. A war under the sea she didn’t start. Nightmares that torment her sleep. There’s something rolling in the deep, and she holds the key to stopping it. It all begins with a dream Celia can’t shake. Running on no sleep and burning out fast, she leaves college and returns to the island her parents call home, hoping to leave the nightmares behind. Instead of finding peace, her whole world comes to a screeching halt as the truth about her heritage comes to light, and she must learn to accept a fate she can’t change. The control of the sea is in Celia’s hands. Will she do something about it or will she ignore the mermaid’s call? https://www.instagram.com/p/CJ2OAPogpwO/?igshid=k43e4bomsfst
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