#season 3 sherlock
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thatswhyhestays · 6 days ago
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noodles-and-tea · 9 months ago
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If I had a nickel for every time I listened to a silly little podcast about a guy named jo(h)n solving silly mysteries…
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annmaximoff18 · 7 months ago
My type of boy is tall, intelligent and doesn't know how to socialize.
Spencer Reid
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Zoro Roronoa
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Newt Scamander
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Bruce Wayne
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Steven Grant
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Daryl Dixon
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one-awesome-beetle · 2 months ago
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thegildedbee · 29 days ago
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{S1/S2} & {S3/S4} Fics: [Questions] .......................................................................
[well, instead of a few thoughts about the "whys" for the Parentlock fic recs that were the point of starting this post, and then a list of and comments about the recs, this turned into a longer meta -- which, we don't really do meta any more, do we, except in passing? fwiw, then, a throwback post, I guess?]
........................................................................................................... I've been thinking some about differences in Sherlockian fic treatments, when comparing the S1/S2 period to the S3/S4 period - in general, this means 2014 as a dividing line, although that's not a hard-and-fast cut-off point: for example, there were fics that were conceptualized or well-along-the-wip-road prior to S3 that carried on from within the earlier canon-space even if they were completed a year or so later; and there were fic authors who were publishing circa 2015 who had shrugged off S3 when it was being aired, and couldn't have cared less about post-S3 [often disputatious] meta discussions/ speculations.* So, by my figuring, 2014-2015 is a transitional phase, with my guess being that it would be late in 2015 when fics written by authors engaging with S3 canon began merging into a critical mass, creating a second, S1/2/3-transformed foundational reference point for many fics going forward -- and, the later in time one ventures, the reference point for most fics.
It's not that I've been wondering/pondering about the differences because I think pre- or post-S3 fics are better or worse -- to say the least :-) I feel positively about fic from both time periods! It's partly curiosity about the writing of fic in the two different creative contexts: in the "before time" or the "after time" of BBCS' post-Reichenbach canon decisions. And it's also partly curiosity about the differences in length that now exist for the two periods: about 4 years for pre-S3 fic -- which will always remain so, along with the amount of fic it contains [minus deletions and disappearances of specific fic] -- and going on 11 years now (and always stretching further, with increasing content) for post-S3 fic.
I think that one impulse prompting my curiosity is the fact that, realistically, at this point in time [the start of 2025] new canon is unlikely to appear. When BBCS was still in motion as an evolving source for its own canon (in actuality and in potentia), fics were brought to life within a contingent canonical landscape (whether authors were adapting to it or subverting it or anticipating it or transforming it or appropriating it or moving at tangents to it). Of course, the canonical landscape was rendered static when BBCS pulled over to the side of the motorway and killed the engine.
What I'm not saying is that fic is in stasis -- it can't ever be, for lots of reasons! One reason is that, as time passes, the world changes, and we change, and what we see when we look at traditional canon changes . . . and so the fandom dynamic of fic evolution continues :-) A second reason is that new people come along to write fic and to comment on fic, and to meta about fic, and their contributions augment and reshape the cumulative corpus . . . and so the fandom dynamic of fic evolution continues :-) A third reason is that, through our encounters with other imaginative realms, old and new (novels and films and series and other enthusiasms) and then with each other, there's a continuous glamouring that shimmers the atmosphere . . . and so (say it again :-) the fandom dynamic of fic evolution continues :-) Even so, I've been a bit wistful these days about experiencing Sherlockian canon-in-the-making . . . which is maybe what's prompted me (?) to return to the ur-source, which, because it's been so long since I've visited there, can conjure up that kind of magic :-) And so I've been doing some weekly mini-wanderings through ACD canon, and reading between the lines in a kind of what's-old-is-new-again-familiar-unfamiliarity that's been rewarding :-) But more on point for this post (ha! if you've read this far you've been wondering, is there a point? . . . ) is a sense I have that re-visiting S1/S2 fic is another way of accessing a bit of a present-day sense of canon-in-the-making, because it is far enough in the past now, and because of the post-S3's-interpolated-foundation-for-fic has itself extended outward so far, that pre-S3 fic can be visited in a what's-old-is-new-again kind of way (S1/S2 has familiar beats to it, but when visiting I somehow feel whisperings of a mrs. hudson-like smile of "but we see things somewhat differently here, dear" :-)
Okay, enough with all the preliminaries! All that being said: So, what's an example? Here's one I've come back to many times: One major shift is in fics where Sherlock is a parent, or is interacting with a child of John's, because pre-S3 means pre-Mary [at least the "Mary the (former?) assassin" of BBC Sherlock] and pre-"Rosie." [It is the case that some pre-S3 authors have a "Mary," but it's a version that's drawn from ACD canon, and, as such, is usually a much more understated presence; re kids from ACD canon, that's a null consideration.]
There are an overwhelming number of post-S3 fics where Sherlock-with-a-child means Sherlock&John-and-Mary's-Rosie under various scenarios. And while there are lots of different Rosie personalities, Rosie plots, and Sherlockian encounters with Rosie, a majority (or very nearly all?) post-S3 Parentlock fics share in this background rationale (more or less, to be sure) even as they play out from there in a gazillion different inventive ways. Pre-S3 Parentlock fics don't have that raison d'etre, of course, and the child characters and plottings that feature in the S1/S2 period have a generally wilder set of imaginings, and their S1/S2 fic Sherlocks have a balance of characteristics that have some subtle differences that I've always found intriguing, and keep coming back to (this can hold for Johns as well, although the emphasis is more pronounced with Sherlocks). Being pulled back into pre-S3 fic and re-visiting it through categories like Parentlock has been another way that I've re-experienced a kind of anticipatory canon-in-the-making . . . ambience? aesthetic? aura? which I've found to be intriguing. I'm not sure that looking backwards has much appeal for others -- maybe (?) In any case, I guess I thought I'd try and puzzle it out for myself by writing it down and not just having it float about in wisps in my mind palace :-)
Well, hey now, as this is an epic amount of wandering about, I think it's time to come to a rather inelegant galumphing of an endpoint! Writing up the fic recs will have to maybe happen somewhere down the road...
(For anyone who has wandered along this far as well: if you have any thoughts you'd like to share about S1/S2 and S3/S4 fic partitioning, or [the futility of?] attempts to re-surface a canon-in-the-making-vibe -- feel free to add them in! If so, borrowing these would allow this post a much more inspiriting way to finish :-)
*(. . . and of course there were a significant number of authors who left the fandom after S3 -- but that's a fic trend reflection for another day :-)
@calaisreno  @totallysilvergirl  @friday411  @peanitbear  @original-welovethebeekeeper
@helloliriels  @a-victorian-girl  @keirgreeneyes  @starrla89  @naefelldaurk
@topsyturvy-turtely  @lisbeth-kk  @raina-at  @jobooksncoffee  @meetinginsamarra
@solarmama-plantsareneat  @bluebellofbakerstreet  @dragonnan  @safedistancefrombeingsmart  @jolieblack
@msladysmith  @ninasnakie  @riversong912  @dapetty .............................................................................................
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bettercallcohen · 8 months ago
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"I think I'll surprise John."
"The Empty Hearse" S3E1 - Sherlock (2010 - 2017)
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happygirl2oo2 · 5 months ago
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Sherlock and people who love each other [s3ep4, s5ep23, s6ep21]
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prophecyhaunted · 1 month ago
Sherlock 'All these people think love's for show
But I would die for you in secret
The devil's in the details, but you got a friend in me
Would it be enough if I could never give you peace?' Holmes
John 'I wish we could go back
And remember what we were fighting for
Wish you knew that
I miss you too much to be mad anymore' Watson
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wonderlandsakura · 6 months ago
Ok for some reason my brain is hyper focusing on Johnlock again like I won't regret it 2-3 business days from now when I come out of it with 5 new open AO3 tabs (out of my already 156 open AO3 tabs not counting other unfinished/unread fic/fic I've not caught up on, full disclosure) for fic that I probably won't finish reading and/or while being unable to find the. Very Specific. fic I want to read and just having like an open half-filtered tab... But Anyway.
Here's a Very Rare Johnlock Post from me lol
Imagine after all the seasons are over and Johnlock are old and have finally talked about their feelings and properly, actually, gotten officially together
(and subsequently gotten married in like 2 months cause Sherlock filled out the paperwork while John was not actually at home and then actually having a discussion about it when John finds out it happened cause Sherlock casually mentions it and actually agrees after Sherlock mentions (read: steamrolls over him, anxiously) them practically already being married by common law and just officialising it for the tax benefits... they only have a proper wedding, maybe on their/an anniversary when Mrs Hudson finds out probably 6 months later or sth and complains,, but I've gone on a tangent again)
Anyway Rosie is a teenager, with after-school activities and a phone.
I'm just imagining Sherlock dragging John out on a murder case (read: date) and deciding to feed him midway through (like always, tbh,, sth sth that post about feeding the depressed man that tends to forget to eat but I digress)
So Rosie gets a text and a voicemail from the two of them (cause Sherlock prefers to text and tell me John is not the sort to leave voicemails, like he would have put it on the voicemail machine if they had one he's so old man sometimes)
And it goes something like:
[Text from Papa]
RagĂą Bolognese, Angelo's, 7pm. Hugs. -SH
[Voicemail from Dad]
"Hi honey, it's Dad.
Sorry we won't be able to make it to dinner with you, your father's got a case and you know how he gets...
Anyway, Mrs Hudson is going out tonight remember, so your Papa is booking the usual table at Angelo's for you... You still like the Spaghetti Bolognese right?
Don't worry about us, we'll eat before we get home. And the reservation is at 7, so don't be late. This will probably take a while so don't wait up either and go straight to bed young lady, you hear me?
Anyway I've got to go, loveyoubye."
Anyway I think it would be very cute, like they love and care about her, even if they're old men who laugh at crime scenes and whose ideal date is trying to catch a murderer together, and they show it by taking a moment to make sure she's fed with her favorite food even when they're busy solving crime, so yeah.
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Update on my discovery of Sherlock:
He pouts. This brilliant, genius man pouts. He's so incredible and so spectacularly pathetic. I love him
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hikarry · 4 months ago
(ADHD fueled post ahead. Progress at your own caution)
I don't talk about it much here, but one of my favorite franchises is Sherlock Holmes
The books, the movies, the bbc series, the audio books, the animes, you name it
I eat it all up like a very starved dog
And, yes. Sherlock and Watson? A classic. Gorgeous, really
While the BBC series was airing, a lot of people used to ship Sherlock and Moriarty, but I never really saw it
I found one of the animes that would quickly become one of my favourites: Moriarty, The Patriot
Don't know it? Watch it. Trust uncle Spencer. It's gonna knock your socks off
For real, just look at the trailer. Also, the soundtrack in this anime? Absolutely delicious. The intro of both seasons are still my favorite anime intros of all time - as in, both of them still rank somewhere in my spotify wrapped every year after 4 years. If you are a soundtrack nerd like yours truly, this anime is a fucking masterpiece
Anyway, that's season 1 trailer. The anime isn't Sherlock-focused, clearly. So much so, if I'm not mistaken, Moriarty and Sherlock only interact in season 2. And, that season also brings the best character of the whole show: My gorgeous perfect unapologetic genderfluid Irene Adler aka James Bond. Right, yeah. Jack the Ripper is also there but, are you going to pay any mind to some serial killer when you got a gorgeous beauty like Irene/James in your visage? Absolutely not
Here, look at the trailer. Look at how fucking horny they made Sherlock. It's gorgeous. The guy is so turned on by Moriarty's brain that it should be illegal. They flirt by playing smart mind games with each other and comitting crimes so the other can solve them? Please
Quick side note: The "Catch me if you can, Mr. Holmes." line drove not only Sherlock absolutely insane, but the whole fandom back then and, honestly, can you blame us?
With that said, Sherlock and Moriarty? Yes
And, of course, all this talk of Sherlock just to end up on Good Omens again
I've got my little list of AUs I want to write, yes? One of them is Sherlock based, with Crowley as Sherlock and Aziraphale as Watson but...
Am I going to, technically, add a second Sherlock AU to my list just so I can explore how the dynamic between a Crowley Moriarty and a Aziraphale Holmes would work? ...Oh yeah, absolutely. I can smell the enemies to lovers from here
Picture this
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That, but make it hatred and madness turned into flirty mind games and lust
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sanctimoniousmoon · 8 months ago
A lot of people won't agree with me but I actually think season 3 was good. The timeline was definitely messy and I was left with a lot of confusion and unanswered questions, but overall? Drama. And I love drama so.
Especially episode 9 - Apologies, omg that episode broke my heart to million pieces. It was a great build up for the last episode regarding Syd and Carmy. I could dissect this ep piece by piece cause I loved every moment of it, but I just wanna mention a few things I noticed, and especially one moment of a conversation between Syd and Carmy.
Syd wants to tell Carmy about the offer, but she can't. I don't think that right then and there she already fully decided that she wants to quit, fully convinced that she wants to leave but maybe she was still hoping for something from Carmy. But she couldn't say it. Then Carmy invites her to the dinner saying it's her last chance to eat there, but we all know why he wants her there. She is his emotional support, and he wants her presence and strentght next to him, whether he realizes it or not. He just knows it would be good to have her there, as I seriously think Carmy is not aware of his emotions like at all. When she says yes he let's out a huge breath, it's very visible on screen, I love it. And then this scene, it will haunt me forever.
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He says I've been wanting to talk about... Long silence... I don't want it to be so hard to keep up with me. That is 100% not what he wanted to say. That was part misdirection and part cowardice. He was scared to say something aloud. He insinuated that he wanted to talk about something that has been on his mind for a while, and then he says something, reacts to what Syd literally just mentioned 3 minutes ago. That is not what he wanted to say.
Many of you probably know about the famous Tarmac scene in Sherlock where John and Sherlock are saying goodbye, and this scene with Carmy reminded me of that. Sherlock saying he wants to say something that he's been meaning to say for a while, takes a deep breath, and just cracks a joke about something that John just said to him a moment ago. Leaving them and the audience confused and dissatisfied. Same with Syd, she turned and left in disbelief, confused more than ever. And Carmy just does what he always does, focuses all his attention on his work (don't even mention that the sauce on the plate matched the pattern of Sydney's scarf yet again)...
And then later on in the ep that musical montage happened. God. That's another post. So much to dissect there.
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flumet · 5 months ago
I strongly dislike most of S4 E3 of bbc Sherlock for several reasons, but one thing I absolutely love in that episode though is the end. Specifically when Sherlock and John refurnish the apartment exactly the same, and with the same wallpapers, as before the explosion. Not only that, John also redraws the smiley on the wall and Sherlock shoots at it
I just think it's neat
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aziraphalianfangirl · 22 days ago
All the Mycroft Holmes scenes from Season 3 of BBC Sherlock (this one has to be a google drive link because dailymotion deleted the video for copyright) Season 1 Season 2 The Abominable Bride Season 4
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happistar · 11 months ago
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just a quick meal in the middle of an investigation :)
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rainisrui · 8 days ago
So!! I was watching TikTok and it was the scene from S3 Ep 1 when Sherlock calls Mycroft while he’s at the wedding, with Sherlock asking Mycroft if he’s still coming to the wedding and Mycroft says:
“I suppose I shall be seeing a lot more of you from now on.”
“What do you mean?”
“Just like old times.”
“No, I don’t understand.”
“Well, it’s the end of an Era, isn’t it? John and Mary, Domestic Bliss.”
It just occurred to me, what Mycroft might of meant. That because John is marrying Mary. Having his “Domestic Bliss” as Mycroft put it, that Sherlock might turn back to using drugs again (which he did) and therefore Mycroft would be seeing a lot more of him, because he’d be getting him out of trouble. Either that, or more positively that Mycroft would be supplying Sherlock with more cases, maybe that Sherlock would even turn to Mycroft and work together with him(?) although maybe that’s more unlikely given the whole “His arch enemy, In his mind certainly.” although maybe his opinion on Mycroft has changed since season 1, given the fact that Mycroft was his confidante.
But what do y’all think?
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