#sea gods
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boymanmaletheshequel · 3 months ago
All hail the ocean gods!
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May all kneel humble to the gods of the oceans, the queens of the seas. Purveyors of the maritime, patrons of the sailor, and the arbiters of maelstrom! Bow to them, revere them, revel in them, sing your praises to the oceans blue, and respect the waters, the gods, the oceans incarnate! In all of their ferocious, intimate, powerful glory! Hark! Know the names Poseidon, Triton, Amphitrite, Aphrodite! SING TO THE OCEANS YOU!
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dopechaossea · 6 months ago
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The Triumph of Amphitrite by Hugues Taraval, 1780.
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ruthlessness69 · 4 months ago
Poseidon can I have a big dad hug?
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Amphitrite: wait, isn't it more like a mother hug?..
Poseidon: ...
Amphitrite: you're holding them like a baby, in a mother way!
Poseidon: I'm never giving in to you ever again...
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tinyscaredwitch · 8 months ago
Picking up trash at the beach as a devotional act to the sea gods ♡
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countlesssorrows · 7 months ago
sometimes being devoted to aphrodite means noticing doves singing out of your house, them being always present wherever you go. sometimes it means bathing in the sea, thinking about how she was born. sometimes it means picking seashells to offer to her, thinking “she will love these”. sometimes it is just thinking about her and worshipping her silently. i love her soso much, because with her everything is so peaceful.
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the-astral-archives · 20 days ago
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I love my King, and I hope he knows how much he means to me. I am grateful when he is present with me at school, he comforts me and ensures I know I am safe with him. When I give him offerings I feel the weight of the outside world lifted from my shoulders. When I speak to him, even if it’s internally, I know I’m heard. He understands my situation, my mental health and struggles. Thank you, King Poseidon, for giving me the opportunity to be better.
divider credits : @/vibeswithrenai
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yourgodlyparent · 8 months ago
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Sea Gods 🌊
(AKA Likely Godly Parents of Aspiring Waterbenders)
Amphitrite: Queen of the Sea
Amphitrite kids 🪸Shy 🪸Accomplished 🪸Hate conflict 🪸Prefer old movies and classic lit over anything contemporary
Delphin: God of Dolphins
Delphin kids 🐬Quick-witted 🐬Loyal friends 🐬Allergic to rules 🐬Don���t like spending time alone
Glaucus: God of Sailors and Fishermen
Glaucus kids 🎣Patient 🎣Good instincts 🎣Unlucky in love 🎣Answer calls and texts right away
Keto: Goddess of Sea Monsters
Keto kids 🦑Love to learn 🦑Always telling you about the latest conspiracy theory 🦑Enthusiastic 🦑Easily offended
Kymopoleia: Goddess of Violent Sea Storms
Kymopoleia kids 🌊Strong personalities 🌊Often misjudged 🌊Messy relationship histories 🌊Obscure music taste
Palaemon: God of Sharks, Harbors and Sailors
Palaemon kids 🦈Great storytellers 🦈Restless 🦈Excellent at keeping secrets 🦈Innate sense of direction
Phorcys: God of the Hidden Dangers of the Deep
Phorcys kids 🐟Tricksters 🐟Know how to work a crowd 🐟Original thinkers 🐟Hot-headed
Poseidon: God of the Sea, Storms, Earthquakes, and Horses
Poseidon kids 🔱Problems with authority 🔱Chill af 🔱Do NOT have their shit together 🔱Somehow everything works out for them
Triton: Messenger God of the Sea and God of the Navy
Triton kids 🐚Know all your business (and judge you) 🐚Team captain vibes 🐚Early risers 🐚Have a temper
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mizz-sea-nymph · 1 month ago
I’ve got a Rhode that’s up and ready to post but idk who should I do next 😛
I think I’ve never really designed Benty, as for the other two they’re in need of a makeover ASAP 😛
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victusinveritas · 9 months ago
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honourablejester · 16 days ago
D&D Deity Spotlight: Umberlee
No community that lives by the sea can ignore the influence of Umberlee, the furious goddess whose tempestuous nature reflects and is reflected by the waters of the deep. Any such community makes sure to host festivals to propitiate the Wavemother and seek her favor. Although mercurial in temperament, she can be generous to those who do her honor, as is any great queen.
The Bitch Queen is worshiped out of fear instead of adoration, and ship crews offer her gems, tossed over the side, to calm storm-tossed waters. As her most common moniker suggests, she is viewed as capricious and cruel with no firm ethical outlook; the sea is a savage place, and those who travel it had best be willing to pay the price of challenging her domain.
There is little in the way of an organized clergy of Umberlee. Her priests roam coastal cities, warning of doom and demanding free passage on ships in return for ensuring the goddess's pleasure. Often they wear the colors of waves and storms, and they decorate themselves with items that remind others of the sea's dangerous nature - a necklace of shark teeth, seaweed wrapped about a human bone, and so on. The preserved hand of a drowned person is thought to be a particularly holy object, and some of her few clerics use such severed hands as holy symbols. Umberlee does have a large number of shrines in the coastal cities, and sailors often leave flowers or small candies at them in hopes that she will spare them on their next voyage. Both Waterdeep and Baldur's Gate have true temples dedicated to Umberlee, staffed largely by the widows of sailors lost at sea.
--- Sword Coast Adventurer’s Guide (2015)
You’ve got to love a deity who’s earned the epithet of ‘the Bitch Queen’, huh? But I actually quite like Umberlee in and of herself, even if I chafe at her being one of the only options for a tempest cleric, because it’s hard to be a cleric of Umberlee and not be an asshole.
Umberlee is very much the goddess of the sea at its most capricious and destructive. She is vicious, she is cruel, she is greedy, she is petty. Like Talona, she’s a goddess that people pray to for survival’s sake, bribing her so that she doesn’t kill them, and in Umberlee’s case, the bribery is extremely literal too. Prayers alone will not suffice, she wants gems, offerings, a nice good shiny reason why she shouldn’t drown you where you stand. And I have to admit that I kind of love that her priesthood are essentially there to run a protection racket on her behalf? They are there to go around and remind people that the sea is fucking deadly, and have you kept your payments up to date, and wouldn’t it be a real shame if this nice shiny new ship of yours was smashed to flinders on some rocks on its next voyage? That’d be a real shame. You know what would make the sea really happy? A nice shiny fistful of sapphires thrown overboard on leaving port. And, incidentally, if you grant me free passage, I’ll make sure to put in a good word for you upon delivering payment.
She’s so blunt. She’s so straightforward. She is essentially a divine oceanic mob boss running a vast protection racket and holding trade routes hostage. And honestly I kind of love that for her? And she has a killer aesthetic about it too. She has a priesthood that goes around carrying the severed hands of drowning victims as a pointed reminded of the consequences of not making her happy. If you’re playing a cleric of Umberlee, right, forget about priests, the mindset you need to get into is the dockside enforcer of a lovecraftian mob boss. Boost charisma. Put some swagger in. Your goddess holds whole kingdoms in her stranglehold, trade and naval power in the palm of her hand. Dress yourself like a fucking beachside tramp, have a necklace of drowning pearls and the severed hand of a drowned admiral on your belt, and walk into the highest-powered rooms in the city like you have every goddamn right to be there. You are the spectre at the ball, the prophet of destruction, the drowned and ragged harbinger of the storm. You’re there to tell them to pay up or else.
Knowing all the while, of course, that one wrong whim and she’ll smash you just as easily. You mouth off wrong to the boss, well, you’re sleeping with the fishes, ain’t ya. You’ll be rotting in the deep and it’ll be your hand on one of your colleague’s belts.
I also kinda like the little detail that her few official temples, in the big coastal cities, are staffed by widows of her victims. Hey sweetie. Your husband pissed me off, and that’s unfortunate, but you’re gonna make me happy, right? I swear she’s just a mob boss in my head. Lovecraftian aesthetic, full Innsmouth, and then the demeanour and the behaviour of your stereotypical mob boss. Give her a Jersey accent. She’s running a racket, but she’s got the power to back it up, and she’s raking it in. There’s even the detail that she’s generous if she’s happy with you. She’s all glitz and glamour and charm, if she likes you, but just underneath that paper-thin veneer, there’s a truth that’s vicious and petty and blunt as the face of a hammer, and everybody knows it.
I love her. If you want dockside spooks and mobsters, Umberlee’s great. Excellent goddess. She’s petty, vicious, whimsical, but she’s got excellent business sense, and enough of a strong arm that yeah. If you want your ship to survive the voyage, if you want your nation to have functional trade routes, if you want to be able to safely live within ten miles of the coast, then you’d better damn pay up. She’s a mob boss. She’s a lot of fun if you want to play on the darker side of the moral line, and have some cool drowned aesthetics while you’re at it. Heh.
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crimson-and-clover-1717 · 6 months ago
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I see your sea god, and I raise you…
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kleioscanvas · 2 years ago
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The Gods of the Sea, from the Sky-River Titan to the Well of Daliath. Commissioned by Martin Heldson.
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dopechaossea · 24 days ago
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"On the one side are overshadowing rocks against which dash the mighty billows of the Amphitrite, the goddess of blue-glancing seas (kyanôpis). The blessed gods call these rocks the Planktai (Planctae, Wanderers)." Homer, Odyssey 12. 60 ff
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ryebread-x · 8 months ago
Ran and Aegir
Just a scary sea goddess with her sweetheart of a husband
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tinyscaredwitch · 8 months ago
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worshiping the Gods at the beach again today ♡
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the-astral-archives · 26 days ago
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Ποσειδων - Poseidon
“I begin to sing about Poseidon, the great god, mover of the earth and fruitless sea, god of the deep who is also lord of Helicon and wide Aegae. A two-fold office the gods allotted you, O Shaker of the Earth, to be a tamer of horses and a saviour of ships! Hail, Poseidon, Holder of the Earth, dark-haired lord! O blessed one, be kindly in heart and help those who voyage in ships!”
Homeric hymns from theoi / Images from pinterest.
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