#lady Amphitrite
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boymanmaletheshequel · 3 months ago
All hail the ocean gods!
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May all kneel humble to the gods of the oceans, the queens of the seas. Purveyors of the maritime, patrons of the sailor, and the arbiters of maelstrom! Bow to them, revere them, revel in them, sing your praises to the oceans blue, and respect the waters, the gods, the oceans incarnate! In all of their ferocious, intimate, powerful glory! Hark! Know the names Poseidon, Triton, Amphitrite, Aphrodite! SING TO THE OCEANS YOU!
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athenepromachos · 11 months ago
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The Lord Poseidon 🦈🐙🦀🦞🦐🦑🐠🐟🐬🏛🏺
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mizz-sea-nymph · 6 months ago
Pedal to the metal💃
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foxes-worshipping · 2 months ago
Hi hi, so our system is still pretty new to worshipping the gods, and i have some questions, if anyone could help me with them that would be really really appreciated /g /nf
1. We want to make devotional jewelry and set up individual trays / bowls for offerings, but we can't set up altars for all of the deities we would like to make offers to, due to our room being too small. Would it be disrespectful to just set the bowls/trays up on a shelf together? We plan on getting individual bowls/trays for each of the deities once we have enough money saved up (we have no income aside from money we're gifted sometimes by family, due to us not being able to work bc of our disabilities)
2. We can't make daily offerings of food, due to the place we live in (lots of different reasons) and we can't often use incense due to having lung problems that mean we will usually start coughing if we're in a room that had incense burned in it recently, is that bad? A lot of us feel bad because our offerings are usually small objects we buy or find (like f.e. we bought a tiny pig figurine for Hestia a while ago), so they're not daily a lot of times
3. We can't light candles in our room, but we do have some electric candles, could we use those as an alternative?
4. Since we're a system, and there's people who practice different religions (and some who aren't religious at all), things like how often we pray/make offerings, depend on who is in front and handling our daily life. I want to believe that the gods understand, but if any other systems are reasing this, we would love an additional perspective on this
Lots of love to everyone reading this!
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takaraphoenix · 1 month ago
Hello, I saw your take about Sally and I am so glad I'm not the only one to think that. Now I have a question, what do you think would have happened had Amphitrite known about Percy and the abuse he suffered at the hands of Smelly Gabe early on and decided to take Percy away to raise him as her own son/champion? Because I think it would have been a beautiful parallel between how Juno/Hera treated Jason and how Amphitrite treats Percy.
I'm glad the post resonated with you!
I have no real interest in that though so I got nothing for you; even when I was active in the fandom I rarely ever cared for Amphitrite and 90% of those times it was a "Sally is short for 'Salacia' and she is actually Amphitrite's Roman form so Percy is a full god" kinda take.
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hats-off-to-hermes · 2 months ago
cool finds from the witchcraft shop ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆
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A sort of art piece that reminds me of Queen Hera 🦚 I thought it was a plate but on the back it looks like it's meant to be hung up.
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A ceramic plate/bowl that reminds me of Lady Aphrodite and Lady Amphitrite for ocean based reasons 🌊
I didn't purchase them but they would go beautifully on shrines dedicated to these goddesses!
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hyakinthou-naos · 1 year ago
Theoi Info Sheets Series Part 3: Hera, Amphitrite, & Persephone
Queen of Heavens, Queen of Sea, Queen of World Below I kneel before your splendor, I bow and dance and know You are the Queens of Cosmos, not merely brides of men The kingdoms you rule over create the world within Oh mother of the sky, the ocean, and the dead Your powers' not defined by this marriage bed You hold the world in balance, you hold reality And somehow, within this splendor, you hold a space for me.
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I have always felt more drawn to Goddesses and female deities, as opposed to their male counterparts. I think part of this is due to my Catholic upbringing and the trauma I experienced in the name of capital g God. I also think that part of this is due to being a feminine transman (possibly non-binary person?) and how I conceptualize my gender.
But outside of my own experiences, I think there is something inherently more appealing about female divinity for so many people. The Divine Feminine, how it is at odds with our cis-het culture, how it is inherently queer in the way it expands divinity outside of the binary; I think these are things that inherently draw in those who do not fit into societal norms (which I feel like I can safely say is a very common characteristic in modern day pagans).
All in all, while I haven't formed deep connections with these Goddesses specifically - I do honor the divine feminine in my practice; and I think these Queens of the Cosmos embody all that is holy in femininity.
Divider/Banner Credit
*You may have seen these info sheets before on thewitchfarhan.tumblr.com - that is my old Tumblr. These info sheets are my own creation - please do not repost without credit.
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apollophanes · 2 years ago
The lack of Amphitrite content on the Hellenic polytheist side of tumblr is a bit upsetting :(
Let's show some love for the mighty Goddess of the sea :D
Praise be to Amphitrite!! ♡
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from-a-spiders-web · 5 months ago
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I have hidden inside a sea shell but forgotten in which. Now daily I dive, filtering the sea through my fingers, to find myself… “The Sea Shell” by Marin Sorescu 
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sunlitpath · 2 months ago
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Hello! I’m Rhea and this is my 🏛️religious blog🏛️
I am an Apollo devotee (he’s my tutelar god), but I also worship Aphrodite, Hypnos, Tyche, Amphitrite, Hekate & Dionysus.
I love PJO and EPIC but separation between fictional content and my actual religion is a must.
I am relatively “new” to the religion, i joined in late 2022 but was very inconsistent till late 2024. My practice has grown a lot since then.
I created this blog to start giving e-offerings, apart from my regular libations and devotional acts. But- I’d love to meet other helpol’s and pagans in general. Community was once important in this religion I’d love to slowly build something like it.
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About me
I’m from Peru, an annoyingly catholic country in Latin America. I was raised culturally catholic but never really connected deeply. If anything, it pissed me off to see religion everywhere.
I’m 22, autistic and queer. Currently going through a communication (photography & writing) and business (marketing) double major.
@gay-and-obsessed is my fandom blog. I mostly post about my hyper-fixations, which is mostly show about toxic old men: SPN, Good Omens, Hannigram, Squid Game, Sherlock.
I love music, musical theatre, writing in general, although AO3 is my guilty pleasure. I love running and swimming, as well as learning about whatever in general. I love researching and taking random classes that have no relation to my majors.
Credit to @messywitch for the user boxes and @sweetmelodygraphics for the dividers
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likethexan · 8 months ago
Thinking about Apollonius Rhodius’ Hera telling Thetis “I’ve loved you more than any other Lady of the Sea" and its implications,,, Hera loves Thetis more than Metis, her ally during the Titanomachy, more than Amphitrite, her sister-in-law and fellow queen and even more than Tethys, her own foster mother. Hera loves Thetis most.
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ardentlyares · 4 months ago
So anyway the other post with the mosaics is mine but here are some other mosaics I picked out from the book to share. Still happy to go through more closely.
King Neptune
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King Neptune and his marriage to Queen Amphitrite
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King Jupiter (the first one for sure, the second is speculated to be him)
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Romulus, Remus, and the She-Wolf with a horse
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Lady Diana
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I’m going to do a separate post for Lord Dionysus because there are so many of them.
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athenepromachos · 1 year ago
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The Lord Poseidon 🔱 🏛♥️
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amusing-little-things · 4 months ago
"Amusing Little Things"
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It's called being a Queen! If I wanted to threaten you while I drink my morning tea and do mortal crosswords, I can! What could you ever do about it?
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Amphitrite Khrysêlakatos; Queen of the Seas; Wife of Poseidon Gaiêochos
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I invite you to know me.
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My Dearest Husband, Who I Adore Far More Than Life [Poseidon Gaiêochos] - @that-little-fucking-shit
My Dearest Subject, Who Is Simply Too Adorable To Not Love And Want To Be Around [Calliope Thelxinoe] - @totally-penelope-and-not-a-siren
My Children, Adored And Beloved By All; To Whom I Am So Sorry If I Fall Short To. May You Allow Me To Spend The Rest Of My Life Making It Up To You? [Triton Brimòs; Rhodos Helias; Kymopoleia Kymothalís; Benthesikyme Kharitóhpis] - @sea-siblings
My... Brother In Law [Zeus Keraunios] - @king-of-the-gods-zeus
Another Me!! Oh How I Adore This Progression! [Amphitrite Kyanôpis] - @4mph1r1t3
My Husband's... Admittedly Less Handsome Version. Sorry, Dearest :) [Poseidon Epoptês] - @king-of-the-fish
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↳ Amusing Little Things - Amphitrite Interactions
↳ That Thing Is Neither Amusing Or Little But Okay My Lady - Mood/OOC Interactions
!!Warning!! This Mod Posts In Bursts Will Go Days/Weeks On End Without Posting/Forgetting About Interactions And Then Will Post Everything. My (Sorta /hj) Apologies <3
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geraldofallon · 8 months ago
So I promised myself I would talk more about my OCs on here, so this is I guess a lil basic overview starter of each of them, I’ll get more into detail on them later.
Lady A—
Lady A (also known as the Voguish Romantic or by her real name to only her closest confidantes) is my main PC, she’s the one I started the game with and the main one I actually play with. She exists separately to any other OCs, and has her own distinct storyline. As I described her to my bestie cobaltsunflower:
“She’s a dreamer and a romantic, who started as an artistic bohemian but clawed her way up the social ladder until she could pass herself off as aristocracy. But now that she’s there she’s dealing with the weight of what the aristocracy does in order to stay on top and the methods they use to keep others below them, so she’s torn between a love of the lifestyle and basically selling out, making art just for money’s sake and hurting the people who she used to be a part of”
The Crew of the SS Amphitrite and the Moonstone Club
So while Lady A exists separately on her own, all my other OCs belong to the same shared Fallen London universe, though they can be split into two distinct groups/stories and rarely interact with the other.
The Crew of the SS Amphitrite were put together by Emil Enderby, the Rueful Truth-Seeker, in an attempt to find his dearest friend after she mysteriously went missing.
The Moonstone Club formed after various circumstances sent them in each others’ directions. Certain similarities in their lives have begun to feel less like coincidences, and so they meet regularly to discuss and seek advice in their various investigations.
The Crew of the SS Amphitrite
The crew is led by Captain Agnes Plowden, owner of the SS Amphitrite, who has an unusual spiritual connection to the sea, and includes the few who both answered Emil’s notice placed on a board at Wolfstack Docks asking for intrepid adventurers and stuck around to actually hear the mission rather than leaving the pub once he’d bought a round of drinks for everyone who’d shown. This includes:
A tomb colonist of indeterminate age and gender named Zimuandagal (called a variety of nicknames for short, though most commonly “Zimu”) who has spent years? decades? centuries? perfecting their duelling technique.
A devil named Teddy (short for Theodore not Edward, he gets very offended when people presume wrongly) with shady motives that seemingly have nothing to do with souls, along with Cathy Linton. Cathy’s a bohemian who has begun to regret selling her soul, and is trying desperately to track it down, believing Teddy to be involved in some way.
The Leopard Princess Zaya of the Khanate. She occupies the rather enviable position in the royal family of being a high enough rank to warrant all the benefits, while having enough older siblings that she’s not expected to take on any of the responsibilities. This leaves her time and freedom to pursue her passions - notably archaeology and history.
Dr Baudel is one of the more unlikely members of the crew. In fact, none of the rest of them can seem to figure out why he’s there at all. He’s a respectable member of middle class society, with a strong presence in the church and a weak stomach on the zee.
The Cephalopodic Orphan, so called because their real name is unpronounceable (something along the lines of Ssossoffoorooth), is a little bundle of rubber and tentacles. It’s difficult to know how Rubbery Men age, but this one seems to be the equivalent of a nine or ten year old human. They’ve emotionally latched on to various members of the crew, and there seems to be no way of leaving them behind.
Then there’s Emil himself, an investigative journalist who formed a very unlikely friendship with a Third City survivor. The Ajaw was mysteriously involved in the city’s sale, has a mysterious source of immortality, and she has now mysteriously vanished.
Oh and there’s also a pirate rat.
The Moonstone Club
The three founders of the club were the ones to reach out to the current members with an invitation to share their findings, though they mostly leave the work of running the club to Detective Rañjan, an immigrant from Varchas, with the other two preferring to focus their attentions elsewhere.
Professor St Aubert, known also as Miss Annabel to her friends, is the Foremost Correspondent in the Neath and one of the Moonstone Club’s founding members. She spends her time writing papers, giving lectures, putting out her hair when it catches on fire, and taking tea with Mr Pages.
The last founding member is somewhat of a mystery to all. The Shadow Rook was believed to be a legend, except by those that had either been victim to one of its robberies or had benefited from them. Surprisingly, the Shadow is the one who had suggested the formation of the club to the others, despite its reputation for solitude and secrecy.
The other members of the group (italics are to make this easier to read) include Fausta Gryphon, Annabel’s favourite student and the club’s resident madcap; the famed Fabian Silver, renowned for his legendary adventures and escapades; Jezebel of Mahogany Hall, the tattooed magician with silver eyes and an unwanted friends tagging along with her; a Clay Man named Peter, who runs an orphanage and a garden to attempt to heal from his traumatic past; Dotty, a deviless who runs a criminal empire in competition with the Gracious Widow, and is Detective Rañjan’s arch nemesis (she, on the other hand, barely knew he existed prior to the club’s formation); and the Rosy Dream-Walker, a Far-Arbori silverer named Tiye who has come to London on a mission.
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cquity · 1 year ago
amphitrite & amalthea || /@totouchthcstars
The waves gently lapped against the shores of Sydney, and the sea breeze carried the salty scent of the ocean. Amphitrite, the queen of the seas, found herself drawn to the coastline. The mortal city was a curious place, a fusion of modernity and the timeless allure of the sea.
As she strolled along the sandy beach, her eyes scanned the horizon. The sun cast a warm glow over the water, creating a mesmerizing dance of light and shadow. Amphitrite marveled at the humans, their laughter and joy intermingling with the rhythmic sounds of the waves.
Finding a secluded spot, she settled on the sand, letting her fingers graze the surface of the water. The connection between the sea and her was palpable, a timeless bond that transcended the mortal world. Amphitrite closed her eyes, reveling in the soothing melody of the ocean.
The gentle waves seemed to respond to her presence, caressing the shore with a delicate touch. Amphitrite's thoughts drifted, reflecting on the ever-changing nature of the seas and the eons she had spent guarding their depths.
As she opened her eyes, a glimmer of recognition sparked within them. A mortal approached, their footsteps leaving imprints in the sand. Intrigued by the meeting of two worlds, Amphitrite welcomed the newcomer with a gracious nod.
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