louceph · 10 months
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SCP-303 The Doorman
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punctuowl · 1 year
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celestinagoldentrail · 5 months
Art Dump 💙
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This was my art way back long ago and yes, I grew up with gacha years ago 💙✨
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These were my old old Art way way back then... I still am a Minecraft fan though 😩✨💙💙💙💐😭
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These were book covers for my books way back then and now. Looking back, I wanna cry it's beautiful 💐💙
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These are unreleased ones which I still love 💙
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These were a few fanarts I made years ago for people :3 💐
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Old PNG arts for edits :)
There is still more but Tumblr only allows only 30 pics 😔
Looking back, I'm fascinated of how far I've gone through 4 years of drawing digitally... Some are cringy but damn, they were once very beautiful in my eyes and until now, they still are! And all of these using my finger... without a damn stylus pen.
I love my art and you should to yours too! 💙💐
Go look back and tell me, how far have you come?
Pls don't come attack me if you find it weird, this was me like 2021-2022 ago 😔💙😭😭
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anon-scp-polls · 7 months
The person asking for a poll was not anon, so to keep them anonymous we will not reply. Here is the poll:
*Teaching you ALL subjects.
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veincorrosion · 1 year
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SCP-303 . .
🃏 do NOT copy, trace, use as pfp, use for AI "art", or repost 🃏
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jazelock · 10 months
Nothing Lingers Just Out of Sight
Idea for a Fear Spirit that has the Special Rule:
Flinch Away from Shadows
Generate 1 Fear whenever you use a Power Card on a target land with your Presence. Generate 1 additional Fear if your next Action in the same Power Phase removes all your Presence from that land.
and the Innate Power of:
Paranoia Seeps Through the Land
Speed: Slow, Range: 0, Target Land: Any - This power may be Fast. - You may push 1 of your Presence. - You may repeat this power for each Moon element you have.
#spirit island#I have no idea whether this would be fun to play or not let alone whether it would be balanced (even with tweaks to the numbers)#I just thought of a spirit theme that was based around causing fear by appearing in people's peripheral vision#and no longer being there when they actually look#making them jumpier each time it happens until they've gone mad from paranoia#inspirations include SCP-303 which is a little shit that positions itself so you can only see 10% of it at any given time#it also cheats by supernaturally inducing fear but just being a walking “it'll freak you out when you see it” image is enough for me#second source of inspiration is the Spiral from TMA and the third source of inspiration is real life because I've grown out my hair again#and my bangs constantly fall into my eyes so I'll catch a glimpse of something moving and it'll just be the ceiling fan or something#anyway I also thought about making this Spirit a Strife generator to represent people coming to blows as they grow more paranoid#ala And Then There Were None or The Monsters are Due on Maple Street#but I was already worried that this would make it too similar to Grinning Trickster and that was before I learned about Wandering Voice so#even without the strife generation it might still be too similar to Wandering Voice#thematically it's kinda the opposite where Wandering Voice chases invaders and Nothing Lingers moves away from them after going boo#but mechanically I think the playstyle of both would be moving presence/incarna into a land with invaders and then moving elsewhere#IDK I also don't know how incarna works because I've not played NI yet#also still very much a baby Spirit Island player overall#still haven't tried all the non-NI spirits and still haven't tried playing with an adversary#so nowhere near being able to number crunch for balancing my own spirit ideas#currently at the level of just mapping out the bare bones of thematic stuff#other thoughts are limited presence placement so you have to strategise more for maximum fear generation#maybe only one growth option that lets you place presence?#alternatively you can place presence on your special rule to generate more fear per power card#i.e. X additional fear where X is equal to presence placed here divided by 2 or something#similar to the time mechanic that Fractured Days has in terms of placing presence somewhere other than the board#I think if this is how the special rule works then the number of cards Nothing Lingers gets to play would have to be quite limited#otherwise if it's just +1 and +1 I was thinking the opposite where you get to spam a lot of cards eventually so you get +2 fear per card#thanks for reading if you've made it all the way down here! :)#spirit island oc#or os I suppose
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thescaryhyperfem · 1 month
scps I would kiss ((and will probably die)
(a simple toy maker)
2521 1233
these are not in order
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crypt1d-z · 2 months
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SCP-096 is to be contained in its cell, a 5 m x 5 m x 5 m airtight steel cube at all times. Weekly checks for any cracks or holes are mandatory. There are to be absolutely no video surveillance or optical tools of any kind inside SCP-096's cell. Security personnel will use pre-installed pressure sensors and laser detectors to ensure SCP-096's presence inside the cell.
Any and all photos, video, or recordings of SCP-096's likeness are strictly forbidden without approval from Dr. ███ and O5-█.
SCP-096 is a humanoid creature measuring approximately 2.38 meters in height. Subject shows very little muscle mass, with preliminary analysis of body mass suggesting mild malnutrition. Arms are grossly out of proportion with the rest of the subject's body, with an approximate length of 1.5 meters each. Skin is mostly devoid of pigmentation, with no sign of any body hair.
SCP-096's jaw can open to four times the norm of an average human. Other facial features remain similar to an average human, with the exception of the eyes, which are also devoid of pigmentation. It is not yet known whether SCP-096 is blind or not. It shows no signs of any higher brain functions, and is not considered to be sapient.
SCP-096 is normally extremely docile, with pressure sensors inside its cell indicating it spends most of the day pacing by the eastern wall. However, when someone views SCP-096's face, whether it be directly, via video recording, or even a photograph, it will enter a stage of considerable emotional distress. SCP-096 will cover its face with its hands and begin screaming, crying, and babbling incoherently. Approximately one (1) to two (2) minutes after the first viewing, SCP-096 will begin running to the person who viewed its face (who will from this point on be referred to as SCP-096-1).
Documented speeds have varied from thirty-five (35) km/h to ███ km/h, and seems to depend on distance from SCP-096-1. At this point, no known material or method can impede SCP-096's progress. The actual position of SCP-096-1 does not seem to affect SCP-096's response; it seems to have an innate sense of SCP-096-1's location. Note: This reaction does not occur when viewing artistic depictions (see Document 096-1).
Upon arriving at SCP-096-1's location, SCP-096 will proceed to kill and [DATA EXPUNGED] SCP-096-1. 100% of cases have left no traces of SCP-096-1. SCP-096 will then sit down for several minutes before regaining its composure and becoming docile once again. It will then attempt to make its way back to its natural habitat, [DATA REDACTED]
Due to the possibility of a mass chain reaction, including breach of Foundation secrecy and large civilian loss of life, retrieval of subject should be considered Alpha priority.
Dr. ███ has also petitioned for immediate termination of SCP-096 (see Interview 096-1). Order is awaiting approval. Termination order has been approved, and is to be carried out by Dr. ███ on [DATA REDACTED]. See Incident-096-1-A.
Experiment 096-1 is headed by Dr. Dan. Purpose is to test SCP-096’s abilities while obtaining complete physical description of SCP-096.
D-9031 is a 32-year-old convicted felon and former tattoo artist. D-9031 is placed inside Bathysphere 303-A, which is then lowered in the Tonga Trench off the coast of New Zealand. Position is approximately ███ km from SCP-096’s temporary containment cell at Site ██. The following was recorded via video surveillance inside Bathysphere 303-A, between it and Dr. Dan’s control site on the New Zealand mainland.
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Bathysphere 303-A reaches final depth of 10,800 meters.
D-9031: It’s stopped. What now?
Dr. Dan: Do you feel fine? No sickness, anything?
D-9031: My ears hurt.
Dr. Dan: That should be expected. Now, on your left should be a steel container. Open it, and there will be a manila folder holding several photographs. Open it and describe the first photograph, please.
D-9031 complies. The camera is located so the photograph cannot be seen.
D-9031: Nothing. It’s an empty cell.
Dr. Dan: Thank you. Please set this photograph face down in the receptacle to your right and look at the next photograph.
D-9031: It’s the same cell, but there’s a… foot in it, I think.
Dr. Dan: Describe it, please.
D-9031: Uh… it’s pale and bony. Sorta creepy, actually.
Dr. Dan: Place the photograph in the receptacle, face down, and look at the next one.
D-9031: Ok… [pause] Oh shit!
Dr. Dan: Describe the photograph.
D-9031: It’s a… I don’t know, some creepy-ass person.
Dr. Dan: Describe the photograph, please.
D-9031: Hell, man! He’s pale, has white eyes, and somethin’ fucked up is happenin’ with his mouth. What the hell is this thing?
At this point, approximately 13:32 standard time, Dr. Dan and Experiment Control is notified that SCP-096 has breached containment. The fastest path to SCP-096-1 has been cleared of civilians and other image-capturing devices, and SCP-096 is now being tracked by satellites via tracking collar.
Dr. Dan: On your right, there should be another steel container. Open it.
SCP-096-1: It’s a pad of paper and a pencil.
Dr. Dan: Yes. Please draw a sketch of the photograph you saw.
SCP-096-1 mumbles an expletive and spends the next twenty minutes drawing a sketch of the photograph. At the time of completion, SCP-096 is confirmed to be ███ km away from SCP-096-1.
SCP-096-1: I’m done.
Dr. Dan: Good. Place the drawing in the receptacle on your left and close the door.
SCP-096-1 complies and the sketch leaves Bathysphere 303-A in a watertight buoyancy container. The other photographs are then incinerated in the onboard incinerator.
SCP-096-1: What now?
Dr. Dan: Please stand by.
Forty minutes pass. SCP-096 is now confirmed to be at SCP-096-1’s position and is diving. Transponder signal ends at 9,339 meters as pressure goes beyond the device’s operational limits. The camera shows the bathysphere shaking slightly. From SCP-096-1’s reaction, it is assumed SCP-096 is on the hull and is visible through the viewport.
SCP-096-1: Oh fuck! Shitshitshit! What the fuck is that?!
Video and audio feed is cut as the hull of Bathysphere 303-A is breached. SCP-096 is recovered by surface recovery team Foxtrot-303-A without incident. Sketch of SCP-096 is also recovered, and a quick test confirms no hostile reaction from SCP-096.
Sketch is sent to Experiment Control on New Zealand while SCP-096 is moved to permanent containment.
INTERVIEWER: Dr. ███ INTERVIEWED: Captain (Ret) ██████████, former commander of retrieval team Zulu 9-A RETRIEVAL INCIDENT #096-1-A
████████ ████████ Time, Research Area ██
Capt. █████████: It always sucks ass to get Initial Retrieval duty. You have no idea what the damn thing is capable of besides what jacked up information the field techies can scrape up, and you're lucky if they even tell you the whole story. They told us to "bag and tag." Didn't tell us jackshit about not looking at the damn thing.
Dr. ███: Could you describe the mission, please?
Capt. █████████: Yeah, sorry. We had two choppers, one with my team and one on backup with Zulu 9-B and Dr. ██████. We spotted the target about two clicks north of our patrol path. I'm guessing he wasn't facing our direction, else he would have taken us out then and there.
Dr. ███: Your report says SCP-096 didn't react to the cold? It was -██o C.
Capt. █████████: Actually, it was -██. And yes, it was butt naked and didn't so much as shiver. Anyway, we landed, approached the target, and Corporal ██ got ready to bag it. That's when Dr. ██████ called. I turned to answer it, and that's what saved me. The target must have turned and my whole squad saw it.
Dr. ███: That's when SCP-096 entered an agitated emotional state?
Capt. █████████: Yep.
He pauses for a second before continuing.
Capt. █████████: Sorry. Got the willies for a second.
Dr. ███: That's all right.
Capt. █████████: Yeah. Well, I never saw its face. My squad did, and they paid for it up the ass.
Dr. ███: Could you describe it a little more, please?
Captain █████████ pauses
Capt. █████████: Yeah, yeah. It started screaming at us, and crying. Not animal roaring though, sounded exactly like a person. Really fucking creepy.
He pauses again.
We started firing when it picked up Corporal ██ and ripped off his leg. God, he was screaming for our help… fuckin 'A… anyway, we were blowing chunks out of the target, round after round. Didn't do jackshit. I almost lost it when it started [DATA EXPUNGED] him.
Dr. ███: That's when you ordered the use of an
Papers are heard moving.
AT-4 HEDT launcher?
Capt. █████████: An anti-tank gun. Started carrying it ever since SCP-███ got loose. I've seen those tear through tanks like tissue paper. Did the same thing to the target.
Dr. ███: There was significant damage to SCP-096?
Capt. █████████: It didn't even fucking flinch. It kept tearing apart my squad, but with half of its torso gone.
He draws a large half circle across his torso
Dr. ███: But it was taking damage?
Capt. █████████: If it was, it wasn't showing it. It must have lost all its organs, all its blood, but it didn't acknowledge any of it. Its bone structure wasn't hurt at all, though. It kept tearing my squad apart.
Dr. ███: So no actual structural damage. How many rounds would you say were fired at SCP-096?
Capt. █████████: At the least? A thousand. Our door gunner kept his GAU-19 on it for at least twenty seconds. Twenty fucking seconds. That's six hundred .50 caliber rounds pumped into the thing. Might as well been spitting at it.
Dr. ███: This is when Zulu 9-B arrived?
Capt. █████████: Yeah, and my squad was gone. Zulu 9-B managed to get the bag over its head, and it just sat down. We got it into the chopper and got it here. I don't know how I never saw its face. Maybe God or Buddha or whoever thought I should live. The jackass.
Dr. ███: We have obtained an artist's depiction of SCP-096's face. Would you like to view it?
Captain █████████ pauses
Capt. █████████: You know, after hearing that thing's screams, and the screams of my men, I don't think I want to put a face to what I heard. No. Just… no.
Dr. ███: All right, I believe we are done here. Thank you, Captain.
Chairs are heard moving, and footsteps leave the room. Captain (Ret.) █████████ is confirmed to have left Interview Room 22.
Dr. ███: Let this be on record that I am formally requesting SCP-096 be terminated as soon as possible.
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zoomiearia · 11 months
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SCP Themed inktober day 20: Frost with SCP-303 The Doorman
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ariesgamesandminis · 4 months
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Restocks are up from Iron Wind Metals for BattleTech!
20-216 Scorpion SCP-12C 20-248 Donar Assault Helicoptor 20-303 Hephaestus Scout Tank (Standard) (2) 20-305 Scorpion Light Tank (2) 20-340 Kraken "Bane" 4 20-485 Balius Prime / B / C 20-5011 Night Wolf 20-5049 Carnivore Assault Tank (Standard) (2) 20-5056 Chalchiuhtotolin Support Tank [2] 20-5117 Kodiak II (Standard) 20-5146 Gambit GBT-1G 20-5170 Ryoken III-XP (Skinwalker) Prime 20-5177 Emperor EMP-1A 20-5189 Catapult CPLT-C3 / C5 20-5199 Viking IIC 20-5212 UrbanMech UM-R60 / R60L / AIV 20-654 Hunchback IIC 20-655 Fire Scorpion 20-714 Batu Fighter Prime 20-715 Jagatai Prime 20-743 Mobile Headquarters 20-758 Cauldron-Born "Ebon Jaguar" Prime 20-800 Hex Bases (4) 20-938 Mars Assault Vehicle (Standard) 20-9122 Battleforce Hex Base BT-006 Phalanx Battle Armor BT-031 Infiltrator MK 2 BT-064 Trike BT-074 Corsair Micro Fighter BT-120 Sabutai Mech Scale Fighter BT-201 Nephilim Assault Battle Armor BT-202 Rogue Bear Heavy Battle Armor BT-209 Se'irim Medium Battle Armor BT-216 Archangel Dominus BT-283 Svartalfa Ultra ProtoMech (Standard) BT-285 Sprite Ultra Protomech BT-286 Procyon Quad Protomech BT-303 Vulture Mk III Prime BT-313 Regulator II Hovertank BT-346 Griffin GRF-1A BT-370 Kurita Infantry (3) BT-371 Davion Infantry (3) BT-376 Minotaur Protomech BT-382 Kanazuchi Battle Armor BT-387 Gnome Battle Armor (3) BT-391 Fenrir Battle Armor (1) BT-413 Marauder Battle Armor HTMLTD-09 Jumping Hatchetman HCT-6D 20-209C Rifleman Gun Sprue 20-209E Rifleman Gun Tips 20-348F Jenner IIC Base (Resculpt) 20-438C Schmit Weapon Sprue
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yikepike · 1 year
scp readthrough for real this time day 5
right okay I apologise for disappearing for a couple of days. I've been dealing with the Big Sad. It almost made me forget how much I enjoy reading the articles. regardless! y'all will have noticed a new thingy the cry count! That's for articles that make me cry! For whatever reason
I was thinking that I'd have bonus categories sometimes just for funsies :)
Started: SCP-301 Teleporter
Ended: SCP-326 A Chinese Peasant
Most unnerving: SCP-303 The Doorman
this shit was plain scary
I just. The feeling of terror and immobility is all too familiar to me (scared of bugs) (had anxiety attack once when crickets were blocking the way out of a room) (not fun)
also the description of the actual anomaly was rather vivid? I could picture it clearly and I Did Not Like What I Imagined
Personal favourite: SCP-321 Child of Man
made me cry. weep actual tears.
Cry Count: 1
SCP-321 or rather, it's attached tale made me weep actual tears
I think the more I find out about doctor bright the more tragic it is
ANYWAY. I'm a stickler for father's/father figures doing their best can you tell
stay frosty y'all!!
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kxllerblond · 1 year
not sunday related i just think clark would be fwiends with a lot of the scp's without even trying like i just think he would vibe with 303
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i think scp 303 is the closest ive seen to what i look like
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1720mAh/6.6WH Batterie pour Kyocera SCP-73LBPS compatibilité Kyocera DuraXV Extreme E4810
Cette batterie pour Kyocera SCP-73LBPS, Capacité 1720mAh/6.6WH, Tension 3.8V, 100% compatibilité HP 6560B 6565B 6470B 6475B 6570B. Toutes Kyocera SCP-73LBPS batteries a passé les attestations internationales ISO9001, RoHS et de certification CE. Cette batterie SCP-73LBPS a une capacité et une fiabilité plus élevée que la concurrence. Retour de 30 jours! Garantie de 12 mois!
1720mAh/6.6WH Batterie pour Kyocera SCP-73LBPS compatibilité Kyocera DuraXV Extreme E4810
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✔ La Batterie Smartphone et Téléphone Pour Kyocera SCP-73LBPS est neuve et composée de cellules de qualité. ✔ La Sécurité en Premier: Nos batteries possèdent les certificats de sécurité CE, FCC et RoHS ainsi que diverses précautions de sécurité, notamment une protection contre les courts-circuits, la surchauffe, et la surcharge. Chaque batterie pour Kyocera SCP-73LBPS a passé les tests en usine. ✔ Elle est 100 % compatible avec votre batterie d'origine. ✔ Les cellules de catégorie A garantissent la plus longue durée de vie et la plus grande stabilité du cycle. 100% Nouveau du fabricant. Jusqu'à 500 cycles de recharge pendant la durée de vie de la batterie. ✔ Clientèle Service: 1 année Garantie Service; 24 x 7 email Soutien; 30 journée Rembourser ou Remplacement.
Compatible Part Numéro: SCP-73LBPS
Convient À: Kyocera DuraXV Extreme E4810
Maintien De La Durée De Vie De La Batterie Pour réduire l'usure de Batterie, il y a quelques précautions simples à prendre ✔Chargez toujours votre Batterie à 100%. ✔Chargez entièrement une nouvelle Kyocera SCP-73LBPS Batterie avant sa première utilisation. Déchargez-la ensuite complètement, puis rechargez-la complètement. ✔Évitez la chaleur excessive. ✔Travaillez autant que possible avec l'adaptateur CA branché. ✔Les précautions ci-dessus amélioreront non seulement la durée de vie de la Batterie, mais elle aura également une plus longue autonomie par charge.
DÉCOUVREZ NOS OFFRES SIMILAIRES: 2900/3000mAh (Min/Typ.) Batterie pour OPPO Find 7 X9070 X9077 4230MAH Batterie pour Huawei Ascend P8 Max DAV-703L DAV-713L 3550mah Batterie pour Motorola XT1585 Droid Turbo 2 XT1581 +Tool 2480mAh Batterie pour Motorola Z XT1650-05 2500mAh Batterie pour LG X-Cam EAC63278801 LLL 3200/3300mAh (Min/Typ.) Batterie pour OnePlus Two One Plus Phone Backup +Tools 4.8WH Batterie pour Nokia BP3L LUMIA 710 T-MOBILE 900 ATT 303 ASHA 603 4750mAh Batterie pour Asus ZENPAD 10 Z300C Z300CL Z300CG 10.1
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scpconfessions · 3 years
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"want to just sit next to 303 and drink coffee milk with him."
— submitted by anonymous
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guzzlingeggnog · 5 years
Parents and sibling: *making cookies*
Me, on the other side of the kitchen:
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